Curriculum Vitae

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Curriculum Vitae REV. FR. DR .XYSTUS NICHOLAS FERNANDO KURUKULASURIYA FULL NAME: Reverend Father Xystus Nicholas Fernando Kurukulasuriya DATE OF BIRTH: 28th. March 1937 PLACE OF BIRTH: Negombo NATIONALITY: Sri Lankan CIVIL STATUS: Roman Catholic Priest ID Number: 370881537 V PRESENT ADDRESS: LUMEN CHRISTI Ma-Eliya Centre, Ma-Eliya, Ja-ela Mobile: 0094775478017 0094714967588 FAMILY BACKGROUND I was born in a fishing village at Munnakkara, Negombo, to a family of traditional fishermen. The family members were the owners of Katudel [Stake net fishing] in the Negombo Lagoon and Outrigger boats for off shore fishing. Grandmother ran a Jadi [Salt fish] industry shop. While studying in school I was involved in the family fishing industry at sea and in the Lagoon. ECCLESIASTICAL AND CIVIL COMMITMENTS I became a priest in 1962 and entered to serve in different parishes with a special commitment to the fishing communities. In 1963 -1966 as assistant priest of Kotahena, I organized the fishermen of Mutuwal [Colombo North] 1967 – 1971, Parish Priest of Wellapalliaya, Hendala, Wattala, Organized fishermen of Lansiawatte and started the first fisheries primary cooperative of Dikkovita village and continued as president until the establishment of Large primaries. 1971 – 1980 I was appointed as national chaplain of Young Christian Workers [YCW] and Christian Workers Movement [[CWM]. I have attended many international seminars in Europe and in the Asian Region on worker problems. Rev. Fr. Dr. X.N.F.KURUKULASURIYA 1971 – 1980 I was appointed as national chaplain of Young Christian Workers [YCW] and Christian Workers Movement [[CWM]. I have attended many international seminars in Europe and in the Asian Region on worker problems. 1974, I established the Fisheries Community Development Organization and published the first paper for the fishermen – Dheevara Handa [The voice of the fishermen]. The Organization brought together all major political party representatives to discuss Fisher community issues at Aquinas Hall, Borella. In 1974 I established the Cooperative Society of the All Island Beach Seine Owners and remained president until 2009 and at present I am appointed as patron and consultant to the Society. I visited Kokilai and Nayaru with the minister of fisheries, Hon. George Rajapakse and provided pipe borne fresh water and established preschools. I have visited almost all the fishing villages round the coastal belt except Kacchaitivu .My special concerns were with fishing communities of Potuvil, Vakarai, Mankerni, Mannar, Kalpitiya , the islands of the Puttalam Lagoon., Negombo Lagoon. I Visited the Mullativu District with Hon. Festus Perera, Minister of fisheries. In 1975 I organized a cooperative boat yard for youth in Munnakkara, Negombo I worked closely in collaboration with all the ministers in charge of fishing industry in getting financial support for the fishermen, especially Beach Seine Owners. 1994 January 27th. I was appointed consultant to Ministry of Fisheries by Hon. Minister Joseph Michael Perera I organized sea scouting with support of Mr. Sydney Jayawardene, principal of the fisheries training College, Negombo and was appointed as one of the National Commissioners of the Scouts Head Quarters by President Jayawardene. This movement ceased to exist on the transfer of Mr. Sydney Jayawardene and with my going abroad for studies in 1977. Participant at Sri Lanka/ FAO National workshop on Development of community based Fishery Management systems. Colombo, Sri Lanka 3 -5 October 1994 Presented a Research paper on “Community based Fishery Management Practices ‘Katudel’ in Chilaw” 1995 an Inter denominational organization was started under the name of Loving Friends International. A Buddhist monk – Mahanayake Thero – and I, was appointed as Co- chair persons. Our main target groups were street children, children who were marginalized and child labor. Organized programs for the prevention of child labor. Rev. Fr. Dr. X.N.F.KURUKULASURIYA 15th. November 1997 - I organized sea scouting with support of Mr. Sydney Jayawardene, principal of the fisheries training College, Negombo and was appointed as one of the National Commissioners of the Scouts Head Quarters by President Jayawardene 1979 December 31st. This movement ceased to exist on the transfer of Mr. Sydney Jayawardene and with my going abroad for studies in 1977. 1998 August 20th. Organized workshop on Child labour in the Fisheries sector at Negombo Fisheries Training School premises . Hon Milroy Fernando Participated. Organized with children coming from different parts of the island on May Day Ralley, in the morning of 1999 May 1st. Hon. Mahinda Rajapakse and Vasu Deva Nanayakara participated at this ralley.Theme “Liberation to all Sri Lankan Child Labour”. This program was supported by various International Aid Agencies. On “Urban Childhood Labour” Seminar at Trondheim, Norway, 8th.June 1997. Seminar on Domestic Labour, in Manila, Philippines, 15th. November 1997. 2000 April 27th. Appointed consultant to ministry of fisheries by Hon. Minister Mahinda Rajapakse I went on a study tour, round the Negombo lagoon in a fishing boat with Hon. Mahinda Rajapakse while he was the minister of fisheries. At international conventions organized by UNICEF, I had the privilege of being at the UN headquarters for two sessions: 26th Jan 2001 and 10th May 2002, 2003 November 1st. to 2004: Appointed as member of the director board of Sri Lanka National Federation Cooperatives Societies Ltd, by National Cooperatives Commissioner and Registrar 2006 March 10th. Appointed member of Board of Management of Sri Lanka Foundation for a period of three years and then extended for another period of three years by President Hon. Mahinda Rajapakse 2000 – 2010 I was appointed national director for Apostolatus Maris – Stella Maris International to look after the welfare of sailors By the Archbishop of Colombo. Attended International and regional seminars and training programs Participated at international meetings in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 29th. Sept 2002. Attended International committee on Seafarers’ Welfare 14th November 2005 Chennai Attended International Seafarers’ Welfare in Poland 22nd. June 2007 The sea scouting program was re-established as Sagara Daruwo [Ocean Children] at Wellapalliya Parish for a period of three years from 2006 -2009. Rev. Fr. Dr. X.N.F.KURUKULASURIYA Chief Coordinator of International Fisheries Coordination Services. This was organized to help fishermen in distress in the international waters. I was appointed as the patron and consultant to the Multiday Fishing Boats Cooperative in Gampaha district. Patron of National Beach Seine Owners Cooperative. A Support system for sustenance of women, widows and orphans was organized in Negombo. 2011 May 30th. Appointed Archivist by His Eminence Malcom Cardinal Ranjith, the Archbishop of Colombo as Archivist of the Archdiocesan Central Archives [10. December 2010] I was appointed as member of the governing council of the Ocean University by Hon.Dullas Alahapperuma., Minister of Youth and Skills Development. Conferred the title ‘Deshamanya Sri Lanka Janaranjana’ by the Amarapura Maha Nikaya Dadalla Parshawaya on the 4th September 2012. Appointed as the Patron of Ayruveda Sangamaya Negombo on 2015. Conferred the title Ayurveda Sri Amurthapani Vaidyakeerthi Panditha on 2016. Appointed as the Director of Sri Pulasthi Deshiya Vaidya Vidyayathanaya, Negombo on 2016. ACADAMIC QUALIFICATIONS 1976 – 1977: Masters in Theology Pontificio Studiorum Universitas a S, Thoma Aquinate in Urbe Roma . Published Thesina “Laun ch into the Deep” 1986 – 1987: Diploma course in Archivistics – Schola Vatican, de re Paleographia Diplomatica Archivistica – Apud Archivium Secretum Vaticanum Instituta. 1985 – 1987: Doctorate in Christian Archeology – Pontificio Instituto di Archeologia Christiana, Roma. Thesis “The Christian Community of the 5th and 6th. Centuries in Seiladiva and Topographia Christiana of Cosmos Indicopleustes”. [Greek Manuscript] Proficiency in Languages: Reading writing Speaking in Sinhala, Tamil, English, Italian, French, German, Proficient in translating Portuguese, Spanish into English Reading and writing in Latin and Greek. Proficient in Reading Sanskrit, Pali, Hindi and Malayalam. Rev. Fr. Dr. X.N.F.KURUKULASURIYA .
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