TOMORROWVISION Inside: The shocking truth about the policy tweaks that could help promote online video! John Bergmayer April 2012 Public Knowledge Working Paper 00000001 TOMORROWVISION The Elevator Pitch What’s wrong with TV? The shows themselves are better than ever, but the way that viewers watch and pay for TV is stuck in the past. To fix this, policymakers should take steps to increase competition in program distribution. After a few policy changes online video services should be able to compete head-to-head with cable and satellite TV, and this increased competition will allow TV to catch up with the innovation that has marked mobile devices, consumer electronics, and broadband Internet services over the past several years. In particular: ★The FCC should issue a declaratory ruling that multichannel video programming distributors (cable and satellite TV providers, or MVPDs) may not engage in “unfair methods of competition or deceptive acts and practices” with regard to online video distributors (OVDs). ★The FCC should begin a proceeding to determine which regulations ought to apply to OVDs that choose to operate as MVPDs themselves. ★Congress and the FCC should reform the law to allow MVPDs more flexibility in carrying broadcast signals. ★The FCC should open up device competition. This paper will attempt both to diagnose why the TV marketplace is stuck with outdated distribution and business models and to explain why the above policies could be the fix it needs. † of a cable subscription that tethers them to the Introduction living room. Mobile devices and the broadband Internet have totally change the way they “TV is Broken.” The title of a recent blog consume media and communicate in every area post1 by Patrick Rhone says it all.
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