The Sociology of Election and Lot in the Athenian Democracy

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The Sociology of Election and Lot in the Athenian Democracy HESPERIA 76 (2OO7) FROM THE WHOLE Pages 323-343 CITIZEN BODY? The Sociology of Election and Lot in the Athenian Democracy abstract In this article the author examines the sociology of selection procedures in the Athenian democracy. The role of election and lot within the po litical system, the extent (or lack) of corruption in the selection of officials, on are and the impact of the selection procedure political life considered. was a A comparison of selection procedures demonstrates that the lot relatively democratic device that distributed offices widely throughout Attica, whereas elections favored demes near the city. The reasons for these different patterns of are examined. participation ELECTION AND LOT IN DEMOCRATIC ATHENS were were to Most Athenian officials selected by lot, but elections also held allocate offices that required special expertise.1 In Aristotle's opinion, "the use as of the lot [for the appointment of officials] is regarded democratic, use as and the of the vote oligarchical" (Pol. 1294b7-9). While modern or scholars have sometimes considered the ideological religious factors associated with election and sortition,2 the sociology of selection proce dures has usually been neglected, despite its importance for understanding Athenian political sociology in general. Did the choice of procedure promote one group over another or af 1. Peter and Andy Merrills, Rhodes, fect the ways in which citizens could participate in public life?Was the the referees for anonymous Hesperia or lot democratic in practice, did those who put themselves forward for made a number of to im suggestions as selection represent relatively small sections of society, such the wealthy prove this paper at its various stages. or those who lived close to the Were citizens constrained in their PatrickWhite gave helpful advice on city? I am to choices the of I address these statistics. grateful them all. political by organization officeholding? Unless stated all translations otherwise, questions in this article by examining political participation in the context are my own. of election and lot. 2. See, e.g., Headlam 1933; Hansen There is, little direct evidence for selection 1990; Bers 2000; Daverio Rocchi unfortunately, procedures in ancient Athens. The of bronze tokens confirms that 2001; Demont 2001. For areas outside discovery (pinakia) officials were selected lot allotment machines similar Athens, see Cordano 2001; di Salvatore by using (kleroteria) to 2001. those described in the discussion of jury courts in the Athenaion Politeia ? The American School of Classical Studies at Athens 324 CLAIRE TAYLOR (Ath. Pol. 63-69; Aischin. 3.13). This process apparently took place in the Theseion (Ath. Pol. 62.1). By the 330s all selected officials except bouleutai seem to and phrouroi have been appointed "from the whole tribe," although was case this not always the previously, and there is controversy about the practicalities of the procedure.3 states Regarding elections, the Ath. Pol. that "the election of strategoi, hipparchs, and other military officers is held in the assembly, in whatever see case way the people fit" (Ath. Pol. 44.4, trans. Rhodes). In the of the ten were one now generalship, "the strategoi formerly from each tribe, but are appointed from the whole citizen body" (Ath. Pol. 61.1, trans. Rhodes). was were some But it not only military officials who elected; financial and as as were religious officials, well envoys and secretaries, also elected (e.g., was Ath. Pol. 54.3-5).4 In elections for the generalship, voting by cheirotonia was (Aischin. 3.13), aprobouleuma necessary (Ath. Pol. 44.4), and it is likely some that form of promotion of the candidate took place beforehand, either or personally by friends (Dem. 13.19; Thuc. 8.54.4).5 to reconstruct Previous scholarship has attempted electoral procedure inmore detail (at least for the strategid) from the limited information sup plied by the Ath. Pol., supplemented by Plato {Leg 755c-d, 763d-e). The was Ath. Pol. is frustratingly vague, however, while Plato not describing any on are existing system. Any conclusions based these texts therefore rather even speculative.6 Furthermore, though it is assumed that the procedure for was were same all elections similar, presumably not all of them held in the as were Assembly meeting, the months inwhich different offices handed over varied considerably.7 Apart from the information in the Ath. Pol., it is not known how votes were or as organized to what extent factors such the candidates' wealth, or a or family background, deme of origin played role in influencing decid we or ing elections. Similarly, do not know whether electioneering electoral were common. on fraud Previous studies have concentrated explaining the intricacies of the nomination of candidates, the changing nature of tribal on 3. Cf. Whitehead 1986, pp. 266 based Athens," but it is impossible 270, and Jones 1995, pp. 514-515. to be certain which features reflected 4. See dsoAth. Pol 42.2,43.1; contemporary Athenian practice and were to Dem. 21.171; Dein. 1.51; Hansen which due Plato's imagination. 1987, pp. 121-122,188, n. 751; Develin See also Hansen 1987, pp. 44-46. 1989, pp. 1-23; Rhodes 1993, pp. 513 7. Tamiai (treasurers) did not take 517,599-604, 677-688. For elections office until after the Panathenaia, five see or six elections for of envoys, Briant 1968; for priests, months after the see are There was a of some Aleshire 1994, although these strategoi. gap not as months between the election o? counted public officials following strategoi Arist. Pol. 1299al2-31. and the assumption of their office, 5. See Rhodes 1993, pp. 536-537; however. See Hansen 1987, p. 121. For Hansen 1999, p. 234. If tribes were tamiai, set Ath. Pol. 43.1. Furthermore, to an outside the started their allowed adopt candidate, ephebic sophronistai as stated atAth. Pol. 44.4, this must term of office in Boedromion, later in to the than but are have been known prior the election; year strategoi, they only seeMitchell 2000, pp. 347-352. attested after 334/3. See Rhodes 1993, 6. Hansen (1999, p. 235) argues p. 504; Hansen 1999, p. 234. account was that Plato's "probably FROM THE WHOLE CITIZEN BODY? 325 representation, and the political power wielded by the strategoi.8Many schol ars a must outcomes have recognized that range of factors have affected the on of these elections, but much less emphasis has been placed isolating these or a issues assessing the sociology of selection procedures in wider context.9 are a These neglected problems addressed below, beginning with consider a ation of whether corruption was factor inAthenian elections, followed by an analysis of the sociological dimensions of election and lot. PATRONAGE AND POLITICS IN ATHENS If there is little evidence for the procedural aspects of Athenian elections, even there is less for any type of malpractice associated with the elections, as or such electioneering bribery. This situation is surprising given the frequent accusations of bribery in other contexts (e.g., for speaking in on an or the Assembly, accepting gifts while embassy, in the law courts) were and may suggest that elections not considered important enough to manipulate.10 In comparison with Roman Republican elections, where was common was an canvassing for votes and money important factor, the case was a Athenian strikingly different.11 The holding of office fulfilled was different sociopolitical function in Athens, partly because power at tainable without political office?through speaking in the Assembly, for no cursus example. There was, moreover, Athenian equivalent of the Roman a a honorum, which required that candidate have held previous office before he could stand for high office. a The Roman Republican example is useful, however, for providing framework inwhich to think about the functioning of Athenian elections. to a To be successful in Roman elections, candidates needed cultivate public reputation with oratorical skills, make great shows of popularity, exploit friendship and patronage ties, and disparage opponents (Cicero, Comment, pet. 2-3, 7-13,16,34-38). Some of these features can certainly be seen in a Athens. For example, the creation and maintenance of public reputation was as as were vital inAthens in Rome, oratorical skills highly prized, and were courts. opponents attacked in the Assembly and Speaking regularly in a s the Assembly considerably enhanced citizen profile, and many strategoi are a known to have played leading role in Assembly policy and decision making, especially in the 5th and early 4th centuries b.c.12 Disparaging op were or ponents and prosecuting them in court also useful ways of obtaining as sustaining influence in the Assembly, the battles between Demosthenes and Aischines demonstrate (e.g., Aischin. 3.93; Dem. 19.120-122). we must 8. Staveley 1972, p. 102; Pi?rart part... remain ignorant of the Marx 2004, pp. 275-276. 1974, pp. 128-130,142-146; Rhodes political considerations which influ 12. For the separation of rhetores enced Athenian and of and after the see Davies 1981, pp. 129-132; Hansen 1999, appointments strategoi 370s, pp. 233-235; Mitchell 2000, pp. 347 the tribal, familial, and other loyalties 1981, p. 125. That it is not so marked 356. For voting in theAssembly in which probably determined how large asDavies suggests is exemplified by the see numbers of Athenians voted." careers in general, Stanton and Bicknell 1987, of Phormion the 5th century 10. Accusations of see answered by Hansen 1989b. bribery: Hyp. and Kallistratos in the 4th; Sinclair 9.Hamel (1998, p. 19) highlights Eux. 1-2; Dem. 19.277; Ath. Pol. 27.5. 1988, p. 46. the that the most 11. Yakobson Morstein difficulty, stating "for 1999, p. 22; 326 CLAIRE TAYLOR use so Displays of popularity and the of patronage ties characteristic of Roman elections, however, seem not to have been common inAthens.13 Eliciting sympathy and highlighting personal courage through the display war scars were of wounds and commonplace in Roman elections,14 but such ploys may perhaps have reminded the Athenians too much of Peisistra tos and tyranny to be successful in their case (Hdt.
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