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zU- , __-=7<4{t-qa'0" nofTL- tf*r+qrq trtqo orlueo* $s";p6 Unofficial Translation

Rural Aiselukharka Rural Municipality Phone: 036-411103/411104 Municipality Office of Rural Municipality Email:[email protected] Web: www.aiselukharkamun.gov.np Logo Aiselukharka, Khotang

Aiselukharka Rural Municipality Stamp Province no. 1, Letter no: 075/076 Dispatch no: 510 Date: 28.02.2019

To, The Executive Director EcoHimal Nepal

Subject: Request for Project Extension

We cordially request you to support in local livelihood improvement through extension of tree crops and coffee production focused projects in this rural municipality; especially in the areas of Dudhkoshi Corridor because the local communities are motivated and much willing towards such projects. The tree cropping and coffee production activities implemented by your organization in Thulung Dudhkoshi Rural Municipality and Mapya Dudhkoshi Rural Municipality of Solukhumbu District along with in this municipality of Khotang District in financial support of The Glacier Trust, UK are very effective and highly essential in our areas. We like to assure you that we are fully committed to provide full support and cooperation during the proposed projects implementation.

(Original Signature) ……………………………… Bishow Nath Niraula Chairperson Aiselukharka Rural Municipality Khotang