And ineludirur the eleventh generation in .,;omc lines. ud ,·cry _ncarb· eom12lete to the thfrd and fourth !:cncrntions irom lIOSES b"t.

Plymotltl, H;a.:&o,, Ship ..Fomsne," 1621



The LIY1.:.';G, a :\iO~T)IEXT to the DEAD

Copyrighted by L. A. Simmons, 19Sl Lincoln Herald Print Lincoln, Nebr. L. A. SIMMONS (.A.utl1or of tl1is book) At the ~e of t'hirty-:::ix years, taken in Oct.ob~r lb'93 on Odd Fellow,;


INTRODUCTORY ...... 1 THE SDflfOXS FAlfJLY IN .\MER.TCA ...... _... 5


FIRST ...... _.... 9 SECOND ...... _...... ll THIRD ...... 16 FOURTH ...... •--··· 23 FIFTH ...... •·······························-·· ·...... 40 SIXTH ...... 55 SEVENTH ...... -...... iO EIGHTH ...... 101 :ll."Th"'TH ...... ············ ··················································-·-- 150 TEJl,."'.J:'H ...... : ...... · ...... ••······-··········-······ 194 ELEVENTH ...... ·--· 204


.'\ SBDCONS. I-'onndor of SDDfONS Ci,lLLEGE. Boston 205 LORENZO .\. SDI MONS ...... -...... 208 HE?<,'RY .ARTllUH- Slll'.\fON8 ...... __ ... 212 FREDERICK .JOHN8Ol\" SDBlON:-5...... _... 216 ESTHER :.\HKERV.-\. SBDfOXS...... 220 ZURIEL SBDfONS ...... 221 .JULIA ANNIS SI)I)fONS...... :...... 226 GEORGE EDWARD SDl:.\lONS...... 227 ABEL Sll!l!ONS ···································································-·-······· 229 )L~"FRED E. Sl)l)lONS...... :...... ___ 261


SBBIONS F.UIILY in \'crmont...... 220 :.\HSSING LTh'KS ...... 221 ,YHO WAS CONST.AST Snl)!ONS1...... :?40 SThllIONf,; CEXSUS f~ COXXECT1Cl'"T J7Ho ...... ~...... 275 SBBIONS COLLEGE STl'DEXTS...... 26!l \' RECORDS. DC\'.BFRY. ll.\88...... 273 CLIPPINGS FROM BOSTON TR.-\NSCRll'T...... 2i6 ERRATA ·······························------·----- 28i


1 L. A. Sinunons...... Frontispi.,et• Paae 2 St. Peters Church...... ______SA 3 Old 1ire,lm·c :md bnkc o,·,•11 ...... ~ ...... 24 B 4 Relies of Elil•.abcr.h Simmon,-...... ____ 24 •.\. 5 Old home of .John Si111111011s. l-'t ••\1111.X. Y. (builtl790) 4-0 _.\. 6 Cemetery.• \dams\·ill<'. :'llieh ...... ____ 56 •.\.

7 .lfcrc,· Silu111on:--. (born 1704J) ...... u ...... - ...... 62 A 8 Geo11,!'c Simmons a111I wit'e...... 72A 9 Zabra '\Vest ...... 72 B 10 }!orris Sinunons ...... 72 C 11 .Alfred Simmons ...... 72 D 12 Henry Sinunons ...... •·-··· 76 .-\. 1:{ Catherine (Wnlke.r) Si111111011s ...... 76 B 13 Old Sinunon!I Ho1111• :t! S1tltillo, Xt•hr...... 76 C 15. A.mos and }fo.r,v (l-1111tl:1y) Simmons...... 76 D 16 Cyru.'I and Rosctk• (Corwin) Simmons...... 78 A 17 Nelson Ohnstcad Bmwn ...... 78 B 18 Solomon Paine Brown ...... 78 C 19 Adu Eli:1.:1 (Hubbell) Browu ...... _ ... . 78 D 20 Nathaniel Sinm1on.-s ...... S4 A. 21 Sa.rah Simmons ...... S4 B ~ Jobe Cl111111bcrluin Si111uions ...... 84 C 23 John Randall Simmons ...... :...... 84D 24 Pliilnndcr :mo .\nu<' (\\.ni,lt') Sinunou,-...... 88 A 25 John Simmons, Found,•r of SDDI.OXS Colle:_rc. Bostou 96 ..\. 26 SL'\OJONS Collci:-c at Boston. :'\fa.;.: ...... 96 B 27 ,J. 2\[. BniekPn :md llnr.,· .\1111 (Si111111011s) Brnekcn .....•.. l0(I· A 28 ,John D. aml Gnroline (Hon·,,) Si111111011s ...... ~00 B 29 Amos nnd Elnora .\. (.\ll1•n) :::::ii,1111011s ...... ]02 .\ 30 \Villimn B. :uul Cnroline ( i-i1111111111s) \\·ilt,•rdink ...... Ht? E 31 Annis R. :111.-I r..n11r:1 8. Sii,1111011,- :1ml Tlwhn:i J:oll<'rt.'-'on 10-l .\ 32 L. A. Simmon,;; an.-! fRmil~· ...... 104 B :-L":t Elnm F. Si111n1011s ...... 114 .\ :U Simmons Gnmp ( lAAl) ...... 116 .\ 35 l!y,ron J. and Lucia lfobitablc (Shnwi Brown...... 120 .\. VIII

::lfi Geor~r \". nncl l·[nrri<>tt E. (Brown) Rediker...... •.. _ 120 B :Ji Coninr. Krmpli11. Sin1111011s r,:-ronp ( Ft. Sr.ott, Kns. HITT) 130 .-\ :J8 N11.h11111 J,mlwi~ Simmons ...... , 136 .A :19 lfr.;. .-\nnir :\[. (Brown) Simmons...... 136 B -+0 Edwnr,I Simmon" ( :\Inrnl pnintl'r) ...... 1411 .-\ n William Hnmmntt Hirnmon,; ...... _ .. 140 B -+2 Frc•rll'rirk .lohn"'m Himmons ...... - .. 154 .-\ -1-3 Hcnr,· .-\rt.hm· nnd lhu1:hn Birdrnn (Baker) Simmons 158 A -14 ,lnmcs .-\. nnrl :\fond Anni,; (Sinunons) Murphy···-·-·· 158 B -1-.'> Evrrrtt CT. nm! Nelli<> A;.,'I1C"" (Simmons) Ca.rver & frunily 158 C -+6 Guy A. :n11l Bl'ntrir1• Idell (Anthony) Simmons...... 158 D -+• Clnmlr A. 11ml Ethyl Pearl (Zook) Simmon"'··················- 160 A -+8 L. A. Simmon" nnd ~rnnd rhilrirl'n ...... -·········-···· 160 B -+9 \Yl'nt!l'II Alhrrt Simmons...... :...... 160 C ,;o Llo.wl .-\lhert 111111 Cn'"Tnin<' :\Iadelinc (Compton) Simmoni< 160 n ;11 Hnrr~· P ..:11111 Lroln Ari<>I (Simmons) Pierri'...... 162 A ;j2 Rl'uhPn C. and lfnlwl .\.mnndn (Simmoni<) An«<'l'!IOn ..• 16"2 B 5:i R.olln.n


FIRST GENERATION Pu-c ){oses Sinunon,- ()foyS<>S S~-n1011so11) nnd Slln1h.-...... 9


Simmon.--. An.ron n11~· ...... •...... 11 Simmoni,;. .Tohn 1111,l :\fcrey Pcnbod~·...... ]2 ~(mmon,.. l-fary :ind .To,-c1,h .\lcfon ...... 12 Simmons. :\foi,;c,-; mul P~,ri<>nc:t• Bnrstow..... :...... 11 Simmoni,;. R<>bt.,,c,11 :111,I .fohn Soule...... 1~ Simmons. S:tn1h 111ul .fnnll',; ~nsh ...... 11


)njnmin nml Lnur:1 Snm}lson...... 1P Simmons. "Ebene7.cr ,mil Lydin Kent...... 21 Simmons, Eli7.nbct11 :md .Tneoh Vin:11...... '.?'.I. Simmons. T.s:wc :mil Eli7.ab<>t1i Allnno<>...... 17 Simmons. Mary ...... ·...... : ...... 2l Simmons. Moses ...... 21 Simmon;:. Moses ,mil Rnehel Sud"l\·ortl,...... 21 xn.. SDDrONS GE?>;'"EALOGY

Simmon:<. l!o,:cs nrul RnclH.'I Sa111pso11 ...... 20 Simmons. Pnticncc 11111] "'· Burrow...... lfl Simmons. H1•b('('c•11 11ml l"onstnnt Southworth ...... !?O Simmon.~. l!ebcccn mu! Timothy ,Vhiti-...... _ ...... 21J Sinunons. :Snrnh ...... •....•..•.••.• 16 Sinunons. Willimu 1111d Abll/-."llil Chnreh ...... li


Simmom,. Aaron nnh :tml Rcbeceit Wood...... :r; Simmons. .Toshna itucl Eliwbctb Dillinl:'ham...... - ...... 3a Simmons. Leah ...... 39 Simmons. Leah and ,John )fansel...... ,...... 34 Simmons. Lemuel ·······································----······················· 32. Simmoa,;;. 32 Simmons. t!t ················-'·•·······················································...... 3,';. Simmoll5. Lvdia nncl .To,;eplt Tillini:-hast...... 2(i7 Simmons. 3.5 SimmoIL". ~:;.. ::::::::::::::::·.-.·.·.·.~.·.·.-.·.·.·.·.·.-.·.·.-.-.-.. ·.-.·.·_-.-.-_-.·.-.:·.·.::·.-.-.-.-.::::::::::::::~:::: 30 Simmons. M:~· and Den. Nathaniel...... 3J Simmons. Moses ··············----······································--· 23 $DO.IONS GENEALOGY xm

Simmons. l1o~cs and Abit:nil lfcritt...... -...... 37 Himmons. Deacon Nnthanicl and Mercy...... 32 Simmon~. Nonh ...... •·•···········------· 32 Simmons, Olh·er and wife...... 2,'i1 Simmo1L<1, Patience ...... ______23 Simmons. Pele:: :md Mn.n· Brownell...... 3!) Simmons. Pclei: and Ruth Bowker...... ---~ 36 Simmons. Prisci)}n ...... ·------·· 31 Simmon:;. Rachel and John Cudworth.·-·········...... __... 36 Simmons. Rebecca and Samuel Bouelton...... ·-······ 23 8immon:s. Rebecca and Reuben Peterson...... _...... 34 Simmons. Rcub,m :rnd Sar.. h Lincoln ...... _.... 36 Simmons. Ruth ...... ·.... ______39 Simmons. Samuel ...... _____ 36 Simmons, Sarah ...... ----····.. ···· .. --...... -- 34 Simmons. Sarah and· Abraham IIo,vland ,Tr...... ___.. • 2:.f Simmon..,;, William and l\Ian· Pierce...... '.r1 Simmons. ,villiam ...... ············· .. ····················· ... •.···•··· ... -... :r.: Simmons. 7,nchariah ru1,J Debornl1 Bishop...... 31


.Tennini;:;;. L§din and J.::bener.er Pearce...... 54 .Tcnnini:s. ~athanfol and l\Iary Barnes...... 54 .Jennini:i;. Samuel and Keciah Pearce...... 54 Simmon,;. .\:uou and Aba~'11il Chur(•h ...... 4--:; Simmons. .\nron and liartlm Vinall...... 52 Simmon~. Abel :tnd Hanruih Recd ...... :?29 Simmons. \hral•,m ...... - ...... 48 Simmoni;, .Adnm and Deborah Church...... -···-··· 43 Simmons. All:u1 and Silence_...... ff Simmons. Bnrnabns :md Lvdin '"'nid ...... ·-···· 51 Simmon,-. Bcnjnmin and l{nry...... - .. ,k, -Simmons. Benjamin :md Susanna Bri~...... ·-··· 46 Simmons. Constant and Silence Soper...... ______241• Simmons. Consider :rnd ~npl1ctn Soule...... -...····-·· 49 Simmons. Dn,;d and :Marv Stimpson..-...... _. 47. Simmons. Dorothy nud· ,Tobn W'111Slow ...... 51 Simmons. Ebenezer :utd :Mary Gumse:V-••···········-··· .. ················· 42 Simmons. Ed1\'ard and Ann· Coi;:swell ...... 43 Simmons. Elc:iscr ···-•·-··--·.. ··············· .. ··············-···.. ·---- 48 Simmons, Elisbn nnd 2\Inrtba Hcrsey.. ·--·············-···················· 53 Simmons. Eli?.nbeth ...... -...... 48 Simmons. Eli7.nbctb ...... 52 Simmons. Ephriam :nul :\Iar:r Richmond...... _.... - .. . 44 Sunn1011.5, Geo~e and Lucy Davis...... ·--··················· 42 Simmons. Gideon and Patience Ellis...... _...... 47 Simmoru:. Ichabod :md :Ucrcy Sprague...... ·-············ 50 Simmons. Ichabod and Ruth Simmons...... 46 XIV SThThI.ONS GENEALOGY

Simn1ons. L'c nnd lfo~· W ntcrmnn...... 50

Tillin::hnst. L)·din 1111(1 William Grinnell...... _ 267


Grinnell. Mary Sanford and Pel"<'z Brownell...... · 268 :Tennini:s. L"llar nud Eleanor Burton Bishop.. ·-·····...... __ ··' 56 Simmons. Abel and Hannah Holmes...... -...... 230 Simmons. Anna and C'.omelios Deln.no ...... ------·62 Simmons. Benjamin B ...... ·····-··-········.. ···-·····-·...... 66 Simn1ons. Benoni and Nancy Bailey______65 Simmons, Kaleb and Merev...... - .... ,...... 64 Simmons. Charles anl L:nli:i W;eston...... -,.· 61 Simmons. Charles nnd L}-dia...... _...... 68 Simmons, Clarinda and ·Obtldinl1 Hu~... ,...... ••··········-······ ..·.. 68 SIM.MONS GE:l',."'EALOGY XY

~!mmons. Constant auP•······-······················ ...... 59 Simmons. Ebcnczr.r nnd Sophin Riehmon'hag !3rj,:;w;------­ 64 Simmons. Col ,Tames and Christ1ma Kecne... -·----- 62 Simmons, .Jeraminh and wife...... ------65 Simmons. .Toseph and wife_...... :...... ______65 Simmons. .Toshua Spra,.."lle nnd .Jnnc W-········----­ 62 Simmons. .Tonnnn nn

~!llllllOnS. \\.illinm mu! .\.111111 R,ichmo111l...... 64 Simmons. \\.illimn m11l Chlo(• Skin11c1· ...... -...... 231 Simmons. \Yilli11111 Powell Ullfl .Tune Cole...... 22'i Simmon,;. \Yilli11111 und Luciu Hnmmntt...... _... 6!i Sinunons. \\.illimu Pitt 111111 Su:,;11nm1 Dnrfct•...... 67 Simmon,... Znricl urn! S1111~· Hnnt...... 6'i


Boarrlmnn. Elk:u11111h :uul Clmil'C'n C. B,•nt'

Simmons. ,\h,•1 Dr ··································································-········ Simmons. .\hn:.:nil urn! )Ir. Smith ...... Sinnnon,... .\l,ll'n and .\im1-,--nil B. Si111111011s ...... Simmons. .\lfr!',1 ,m,l .T cnl'ttl' Butler...... Simmon,,;. Alrn and Tn7,hcnia Bnmhum...... Sim1uon:,;. Amo,- 1111d )fan· A. Snmlnv...... ii ~!nnuon,-;. Annis :111,I \Yi!--:on K<'mplin ...... 71- Smuuons. .\"' Simmon,-;. Elvira 1111' Wai

Siuuuons. Expcricuct• ...... 2:)i Sinunon~. Frcdn,; mid Zo«lorn .Johnuon ...... _ i3 Simmons. Gcorg-c :11111 Eli,mbcth Standish ...... 14i Simmons. Gcol",.:-c> am! Snr:ih E. Unrp,-.-tc>r ...... _ .. . 71 Simmons. Gcor;:-c mul Ab:1;:11il l ·01111nt ...... 2,5] Simmons. Re,·. Gt'Or;::c Fn•ch•rick :uul :\Im)· Eme1-,;on Ripley Si Simmons. Rl•,·. Gicll'On Dnvid nnd Peruwlin Thompson .. •-··· 70 SimJnons. Hnrictt :11111 Sylvn1111:; Prior...... 81 Simmons. Henry nm! Carolyn Rny..... •···································-··· i2 Simmon.,;. J:leru)· nml Cnthcrinc> W.ilkc>r...... •...... 74 Simmons. Henry nm! Fanny...... s:! Simmon,,;. Hiram unrl B:tlinrln Bn,hrer...... •...... ·g7 Simmon,s. .T:uncs :uul Betsey Hobbs...... 84 Simmons. .J edcdinh nnd Priseilla Pillshurv...... __ ...... 2-56 Sitnmon:--. .Jes.."'<' nnd llatilrln...... 81 Simmon;.. .Toh Chmuhl•rlnin :uul Clarissa Orff...... 84 Siuuuon.,;. .John Rundall nnr of Simmons C'ol.) :ind Anni<' Smull 91 Simmon,,. .Tohn :md L,mru Bell...... 23:i 8inuuuu~.· .John and H:munh Howt• ...... :!4i Sinun on:<. .Josiah mu! Rm·h<'l Bc•llll('r...... Sii Simmons. .Joshua \\". and Lm·y...... 8:! Sinunon:<. Lenuder und Elcetu A. )lnn,·hl.'Stcr...... Sli ~!llllllOUS. Lewis uncl I~o,·inn .Johusou ...... S:nunon:-. Ltwindn and .Jt:d:,h Chnndlc>r...... - ...... SI Si111molL"· Limlnll uncl )I:tn· 'l':iylor...... _ ...... !)(I Sinnuou:-. Luc)· and Th:t.-lC'Us )foor Palul<'r...... 2.'38 Simmons. Philnnclcr and llnry Anna \Vuid ...... 88 Simmon>'. ·Poll\· Ann an,l .John )for,-;<'..•.....••••..•.•.••.••...•••...•...... • i2 Simmon,-;. Ifoch<'l nnd .I. C. R-0hhin~ ...... S.5 Simmon:-. Rnc,hcl and .Tost'ph Bnnis...... -····················-~······· 78 Simmon.-.;. Rc>hN·en Lincoln :mcl Christopll<'r E. Drc"············· 81 Simmons. Ruh,· and llnrtin S. With<'r<•II ...... Si l;immon:-. Snhr:, :uul Hen!)· \Vc>st ...... 72 Simmon:<. ~nib· and \\"illiam Thnwr...... sn '-iimmons. S:nnnc-1 .\ Ri..cnhoo,·er if! Simmons. Sarnli ,rn

Simmons. Seth and Betsy :Miller-·············-·--················-··-······ SO Simmons, Tebedee and Clementine Pillsbury______257 Simmons, Thom.ton and Ruth Sturtevant...... -·-···· 80 Simmons, Wentworth Seton and Annetta W alt.se ...... _...... S7 Simmons. Zebedee and liargaret Honiston ...... ·-···-······ 85 Simmon11, Ziba and ...... \Vinn ...... ·-··-········· 89 Tyler, Abrnm and Angeline H. Conger.... ·-····-················:·· Tyler, Florela and ~.ier Harold Sprai:uc...... - .. . Tyler. :\Iinen-n and Harn· S. Phelps-.·-···············-··············· Tyler,. Sylvia Ann 1md Vedder Sprni:nc......

EIGH'rll GENERATION .Sarrett, liatilda und Charles A. Prei,ton ...... __...... 269 Bosworth, Henry and Sarah E. White...... -...... 141 Brainard. ~!ii:. and .. Baudus···Lansin~...... 114 Brainard. U,t Brainard. Sarah and Fred R~l'SS...... 115 Brown, Ernest J. und C. ,Jarmin... -·····························-·-··- 128 Brown. Harrictt V. and ,John S. Rcdcker.-·····················-- 129 Brown. llah·ina and T. Lyman Kewell ...... ·-···············-··· 128 Brown. llatrie Ruth and Rush Kimball...... 128 Brown. Myron James und Lucia l!ehitable Shaw...... U9 Brown. Olmstead B. and Curtha G. Marker___ _ 128 Brown. Warren Edward and Amanda Hubbel....!...... 119 Gooding. Lucretia and William Francis .Jackson__··-··········· 243 Kemplin. Clistu Luella und SamUA!l Cordor Richards--···- 130 Kemplin. Cyrus Lorenzo ancl :Minnie St. Clair...... _...... 131 Kemplin. Emma and Lorenzo W olg-.imott...... --·········· -········· 130 Kemplin. Flom Bell and Ferdinand Geori:c Hubcr_···-··-··· 131 Kemplin. Geol'l!:c W. and Anna P. Webb...... - ...... 130 Kemplin. Martha Rosette and .To,;cph Durnh:un... -··-·····-··· 130 Kemplin. l.I~· ········-·····················-······ .················-··········-·········- 131 Morse. Ella and Corwin Keith...... ··-·················· ...... 113 lforsc, Louise an! Charles ll. Sanders...... ·-·-····· 113 Morse. Myra and Luke Willi11ms ... ;...... 113 Randall, Sarah Ellen and !Mac N. Howland...... 145 Sehneer. Anne and Alex Blaekamorc.. -.. ·········-····:...... ll2 Schneer, ,Jane and Lemar Bat · 112 SE\fMONS GENEALOGY XIX

Schill-Cr. )larthn 1111d .J~ph Block ...... :.: .. , ...... - 112 i-ehnwr. )fnl)· L. mul Grori:e ,,·. Bnnker...... :·:··· .. ···-··; 112 Sinunon,;. .Abel Henry and Enuna l. Avery...... _... 236 Simmon,;. Adelbert Pllil:mdc>r nnd wife...... ·-····-·-'--··· · 134 Simmorn,. .\delimw. nnd husband ...... _.-____ 134 Simmon,;. .\delnidc> and William :.\[oody_"------·-·--··- · 260 Siuunon,-. .\lice .\.. and Adoni•rnm P. Cole...... -·····-····· 114 Simmon,;. Albin C. aml Eli7..3beth Morrow.. -··············--··; 117 Simmon.,.. Allan ,Tuckson .Jnmcs and Abbie Ray · 135 ~!uunons. ..\ltn V(•b1rin 111111 Ah·in .Tny Cummini:s · US Simmon,;. \mnndn ·······························-·-··· ...... __...:__ · ll5 Simmon:;. Amo;; nnd Elnora .-\. ..\lien.-········---··----- 102 Simmon,;. Anni." Rosette ...... , .... •-····;······-····· .. ·-·---- 104 Simmon,;. :\h;u nnd Anl?Clinc )forri.."C ..... - ...... ___ 252 Simmons, ..\mendn nnd George Crockett------252 Simmons, ..\rindn and Benin.min Whitcomb•----.. ········· 251 · Simmons. Arthur ..\born :ind Sa,rnh )[clidn • "rtl.'IOn._ ...... :.. . 143 Simmon"­ Arthur .J. and )fnr,.."liritn .J. Niel1olso,...______149 Simmons. Arthur Younir nnd Xcllie White._:.··-'--···-·: ..... - ...... · 147 Siuunons. .Att:.,"lt»tn Emma and F. ,J. Stdson.-...... :-._ ...... --.143 Simmoni.. Benjnmin Franklin · nml ..\bn,.."'Bil Robertson...... 253: Sinunou.;. Benjamin nud Lenorn Toln1an..-.:-...... •. 257 · Sirnruon~. Cnroline :i•td Thro,lorc Cnrboro11gl1--.. ,:...... :. ... _..... 238 · Simmon:,. C;i.rolinc :ind Willi:t111 Bennett Wilterdink·-··-·-·.. 102 Simmon... Caroline Elin und )ll'h;n C. :l\Iurcb...... ,...... 138 Simmons. C!111rles B. an,I L<-1111 R. Pnttcn ...... '"_...... 148 Simmoll.S, Chari~ · Edward .:J.Jul ,J:1111• Victorin \Yaldron...... 247 Simmons. Claris.o;:i. · nud 111,,,;bnud ...... _...... :. · . 132 Simmons. Edward and Hesta SchaUenbey...... _._ ...... · · 141 Simmons. E!nm F...... ·······-···-····-···· · ll4 Sinunons. Eli7~'1 Angeline nm! Frnnklin ·eo1t.-...... ;_ .... _ ...... · 131 Simmoru;, Eli.1.abetb Almn and Hr...... 228 Simmon.;, E!i.1..nh and Gcldine Do,\"ell-.. ···-··············· ... ·· .. ··...... 228 Simmons. Eli?.nbeth :ind ·Lm-ins Taylor...... _ .. ,. -260 .::iimmom,. Es,..;cn C. mHl Ad,lie L. SmitL.. · · ·148 Simmons. Estelle Winifn'(I 1111<1 • Willinm B. StimJ>SOn ...•.... : · 142 ~!fflmOllS, Esther :\Iincrva .nnd Thoma;; Bn.'i:endale ...... ,...... : 132 :Sunruon:,;. E,·a V. ... · ... · '· .· ..... ' .... ·...... _...... ;• ...... : 114 Simmon,;. Everett L. nnd. Ellen ·A. Howard...... ____ 137 Simmons, Fred ...... :.: ...... ___.... _.. ,:___ 115 ~!mmons. Flom )l and Geor,re P. Eastwood,_____ llf Simmons. Florcuec> Alfoc> and Alhert l\l Kclly__ ...... ·--····· 116 Simmon.-.. . Franrcs Ell<'n and Frank A. Dai.is...... __...... 146 Simmon,-:, Frank W. and Stclln C-:. Lownsberry...... 148 :,immon.-.. Fred )Tonlton· :ind )Inn· E. S:tml)SOn ...... _...... 14(; Simmon;;. Fred P. and .\cldic> L. Ul\mSbelT_\· ...... :. ... _._... 148 Simmons. Georz<' "·:,shinirton :mcl Frnncc;a; A. Lord.. ·-··-··-... 138 :5irumons. Georire Arthur and Cecelia Catherine Heary...... · 140 ~!1'1Ill01ll<, Georirc Lore117.o ancl Sophronia Conine-...... ·-··· 117 Sunmons, George S. and Alice L. Sutto · · 140. xx Sll\L'10NS HENEALOGY

Simmons, Harriett A.lice Wells nnd Da\"id C. ltobe1tso11...... llJ Simmons, Harriett and Charle;; Rus..--cll...... 140 Simmons, Harvey and wife.. ·-········· ... :...... •...... ·-········· 13'.! Simmons, H:i.rrictt and William Glcnson...... 137 Simmons. Henry nnd \\UC--·············-·······································-··· 137 Simmons, Hiram D. and Martha J. \Vil,,;on ...... •.•••. -··-··-··· :?5S Simmons, Hugh ,Tobn Anderson and ldn Grev Soule...... 141 :::iimmons. lda J. -·-··-······································································· 113 SiinD1ons, lr~i and wifc... ·-·····························-···············-····-······ 134 Simmons, James and Katherine llcCortcr...... _.... 234- SiinD1ons, ,Jamcs and Snrnh Perry...... 259 Simmoru;, James and wife ...... 13i SitnmOII.\;, Jedediah and· Emma S1>ra,..."1lc ...... _...... ::!58 Simmons. Jedediah and :Mi!aS Collins...... :!5S Simmons, Jethro and Wealthy .Jonc,;_·····-································· 25S Simmons, John Holme;; ························································--· 234 Simmons, John and l\Iartha Vinton...... 138 Simmons, ,Joel ------············································'...... - ... 258 Simmons, Joseph and Sarah StnhL...... -···········-·· 258 Simmons. John Da,id and Caroline Howe...... l0i Simmons, John F. and Fannie Florence Allcn•...... -···-·· 140 Simmons. John Moody and An:::clinc Boulter.. ·-··················-··· 134 Siinlllons, Julin ,\.nni,s, (teachl.'r) ...... --...... 149 Simmous, .Julia F. and A. Lewis ...... _. .232 Siinlllons, Lu.urn Susan...... - ...... _. 11l Siinlllons, Levi ···············································-·-·······----····· 110 Siinlllons. Lcwville ···-··················.. ··············································-··· 138 Siinlllous, Lc:uldl.'r and wif"-----·····-····-··-····· -·····-·· 132 SiinDlOD;;, Lillian }fay and \\'alter .James Upham...... • ·-·-···· 139 Simmor.s. Lorenzo A. and l\fargaret Ann Porter...... _ •...... 104 :Simmons. Louis Franklin and Claudia Minerva In,a-ersull.... 114 Simmons, Louisa and Benjamin Roberts...... ·--·-············· 228 Simmons, Mariah and Daniel Smith...... 133 Simmons. Martha and husba11d ...... ·-··········· 13<; Simmons, Martin and Hannah l\I~Fnrlin...... 14.5 Simmons. Martin Luther and La= :Mathews ...... --······· H7 Simmons. Mary and ·--·-Gear ..... ----· :?.59 Simmons, llargaret and Albion K. Jackson...... 134 Simmons, Ynrgaa-ct and Artrur Gilbert Williams....•...... _... 138 Simmons. Mary Ann and James M. Bracken-__ ...... 101 Simmons. l[ary Ann and Richard W. Woodbury_...... 135 Simmons, }Iary Jane and .Jacob Conin · ··-····-········· 116 Siinlllons. Moyses R. and Ida :\L Blntchford...... ·•··············-··· 140 Simmons, Myra and William Perkins...... ·-·-··················-··-··· 115 .Sunmons, Nahmn Lud~ and Ai::nie Marie Brown...... LS.'> Simmons, Nathaniel and Abbie Patte-rson...... -······-·········· 13.5 Simmons. Nellie ------·· . -········· 107 Simmons, Oliver Harbour a.nd Alice Charlotte Bun:-ctt__ .... 228 Simmons. Peter and Anna M. St!lrns...... - ...... -...... 139 Simmons. Priscilla and i\.lon7..o lieservev...... ~,~,. Simmons. Priscilla and A. L. Bartlctt.:.-·-·-···························· 260 Simmons, Rachel ------·-··········-························· 16.i Simmons, Sarah Augusta and HenJ":\· Ci:i.v French-...... Uii Simmons, Sarah E. and Frederick Stevens John.-.on...... 134 Slll:.\IONS GJ,~NEALOt:.Y XXI

Sinuuou-;. :;01,hia H: :md )lorrow .\. Phillips...... _.. . 140 Simmons. Samuel Trustiu 1111d H11ldu P:we~· ...... •...... :!!!& Simmons. ~ami1cl nnd T Nnnc)~ :\I~n·cy...... •...... 259 Simmons, ::srlvin nm! hu1rv Cnnumru:s...... •..... 258 Simmons, Theodore and llnrthn ,vcbstcr...... ·--················· 258 Simmons, Theodore, aml Harriett ,Jack.,,an ...... _... . 13:l Simmons. Warren Ul ~in1mon~, \\.illium Hnrli,;ou :incl )1bs Pcnsc...... 13i Simmon,,, William Henry mul Eli1.ubcth Bnldwin...... ·-······· ll'i Simmons, William nnd Annis Cnrolinc Bonrdmnn...... _.. 144 Simn101~. William Hmnnmtt (Doctor) ...... -·····----·--·· 219 Simmons, \V:illinm Henn· H1trrison and Eli.7.nhcth Nee... __ .13'2 Sinnnons. Zeh<'dl'<' 11111! Adclin<' Pm1l...... _.. . .138 Sp1~uc. Camilla nncl Vincent Caricll...... us Sprague. ~:clgnr A. ································-··································-··· ns Spt'llguc, Elmer :md Nettie Hnrrin;::-1;011 ...... i ...... -···· ill Sprn;tuc. Floreln Ulld Alfred Luscomb_ ...... -...... _... . ns Sprnguc, Frank L. and Cln:rn Evans...... ll9 · brraguc, 1''nt7.ier Hn:nis and Hm,rictt Aun Towuslcv...... ns Spr:ig11c, Syh;u Rutl1 ...... ' ...... 11!) Tyler. Charles Con:::-er und ll:u-::uret Huston...... 117 T)·lcr. Flor<•nce 11ml C. D. Crnmcr...... _.... 11'1 Georgl' lI. and Lnurn ll. Broruae...... 11:1


Bluckruuorc, ,I ohn :rnd J.,'1mnic Landreth...... ·-·············- 1S6 Blnck:unorc. Nelli<· :uul I•'nmk Landreth ...... •. -. 18:l Boswonh, Amin nud Henr:v Bri~s Hatch,...... ·--··············· 185 Bo.,;worth. Carrie .fonniui:s 11ml Fr.ink Ahbott.... Rce

Bw1kt•r, ,rennit• ~:bun nucl ,Tup Walters...... 18:{ Bunker, Pnro,lin F. nml Charlc.< Wnlte!'ll...... ]8:; Caricll, Etta 11nd William Leech ...... _..... 18ti CariPII, lfnl')· 11ml Bert CTl\rflrlil...... 186 Cole, l•~dnn Mnv nnd Clarence D. Woodworth, .. -·········-···· 18i Cole. Ethel P. nnd Arthur Wnync McPherson... -...... 178 Cole, Flow! Georgr nncl Lol!nn Belle lfoPhc1'!40n...... 182 . Cole, llnnlev L nud Ebic Newton...... 188 . Cole, Olstn :\forie nud Harry E. Rulrl':lcs ..... :...... 187 Colt, Carolinr Hurcelin nnd William Wheeler...... 150 ~onjuc. Chlorin Snr>hronia...... 180 t.,orun,•. Eunice Hazel lllld Frnnk Shoemake?-...... 180· qon1ne, linmie Florence an< Clif'ton anrl A,.."'llcs B. Rinehardt...... :.. 191 !Iowland. Ethel E11to11 and Chris J. Olson ...... 192 Howlnnd, Hiram Herbert and Amelia C. Church...... ;... _ ... , 191 Howland, M:ibcl Maye and Willard H. Merritt...... 191 Howland. :Xellie Newton and .Tohn C. LcFnrey"...... - .... . 19J lJowland. Ray Randall ...... ·-·-·---.. - ... · ...... 192 lfowhmd. Sarnh Sylvester nnd Perry W. StetROn ...... 192. .fncksou, . \nn:: Chri> Kemplin, eioytia May and ,John Meint!i-----...... 183 Kemplin, Pearl ,\.."Iles and. Fronk E. Staples...... 18:·: Luscomb, Fred nnd Jenny L. Maso, ...... ______81 ~CMONi;; (}ENEALOGY XXIll

~hll'l:h, Artbur R. nml Eli7.abuth Anderson ...... 1s.; ~cwcll, l!'rank L. :md )largaret...... li4 .Newell, :.\Ii,ry L nnd Erne!!t Tavlor...... li-l. ~cwell. T. Dutile-.· nnd Mnn

Simmon,;, s\lice .Abuguil 1111d llermun Miller...... 253 ::iimmons. -\my Louise ...... · ...... _ .... . 16i Simmo~. .\rclria L. and Arthur Payson...... - ...... 152 ::iimmom;, Arlene P. and Walter Cooper...... ---· 156 Simmons. .\rthur A.born. Jr. and Clam Hahn Olmstead...... 189 Simmons. Arthur Eugene ...... _..___ _ 18(i Simmon..,, Bernice and Doctor Bennett...... ~ ...... 193 ::iimmon:,;, Cnrl Tlmnc ...... - ...... 228 Simmons, Cecil liownrcl 1111d Ca1Tic Mable Saver...... 181 Simmons. Chnrles Franklin nnd Beatrice Roches ...... 2.54 ::iinunon.'>, Catherine Au.w.llSta ...... ______... .. 16i ::iimmons, Charles .\lbert 1111d Snmnntha Hilton...-...... 166 Simmons, Charles Hutchill.S and liiss Nash ...... 156 Simmons. Claude Alfred and Ethyl Pearl Zook...... 160 Simmons. Earle ·w<-:iver and liildred L. Rathburn..... _ ...... 186 Simmo11>1, Edmund Phinney nnd Alice Bertha Jorde..-.. _ .. . 154 :::iinimon.-., Elizabeth J. and Briggs D~t.....,_____ .. . 151 Simmom,. ~mily ,Rc.~ttt•. anti .J. 8ylvt'l'!t1er Boncb~ht...... 165 :::iiuunous, Earl Bru P. nnd &:telln Andrew,; ...... 19:, Simmon1,1, Fred Perry :md Icln Lownsberrv...... _ .. .. 190 Sintmons. Geor,,.:e Bradford and GcorJ:in Swindell...... 189 Simmons, Geo~ Edward :md Mnry .Jone (}Iollie Ree,.... _ .. :!2~ Sinimons, Geor!!:e Gilmour ancl Lina Hurt...... 254 Simmons, Gcor<.. dnnnn :ind Walter Seal...... _ .. . 156. :,immo~. Grace Burnett ...... , .... _ ... . 15:; Simmons_ Guy .um:>:< nnd Beatrice Idell Anthony...... 15!1 Sillllllons. Harry Guy :uul H"l"u lfollo:v...... - ...... 154 Simmon,;, Hattie Ra,·lwl :uul Phillip Etldy...... 167..., Simmon., Harlie :ind B....,.-,-ic• Strohnwycr...... l ,. Sinunons. Harh- Claire ...... :!'2f: :':-inunous. Harriet .Jo,•k,-on :uul F. r.. Y:111 l:loni ...... 18!1 Sinunons. Elmer and Eliznbeth K Xorri•'············· ...... 181 ::iirumons, Hurry \Y. ::nd wife ...... - ...... ]9;, XXIV Sl~IMONS GENEAr.. om.·

Sin1111•111:-;. l-lclc11 A. mul Bert. G. Shorcv...... 151 Simmons, Henn Arthur ,uul :\label Della NcsbiL...... 157 8immons, Hem~· Arthur nnd :llnrth11 Birdenn Baker...... 157 3itnn1011:-o. 1 11 Simmons, H~::~: ~~:~kN;:· 111:;t1Hn~~~i~ Hii?hrit~;:::::~::·:::::::::: rn~ ;..;it111uon~. Henry l,e,·i :uul .Jcsi-;ie Hu~he-...... lli7 ;,;i1nnut11:,.. Hcrh1-11. Raymond :nul Emmn C. NotTi!'...... lf,.1 Simmons, l-111~1, Lmlwig- ...... l:,i, ="i111u1oni-.. l,!n .\In~~ :mil f-ll•l'lwrt. Sukeforth...... :..•;~ :-;i111.1uous. .Jmnl-s Wurren nml .lnhn T. Scl'h•y ...... 1 ...;iuunons, .Jo111111n Pc:1r-,l' ...... 15.'5 ;..;j,,u,1on~. .John p..,rc~· ...... 151 Simruons. .fneob Rn,,.,l'li and Lorcnr Ricluml,-;on...... 181 Si1n111ons. .Janie~ nu,l I·Iclcn ll. Grc-cnlenf...... 23fi Siu1111011s, John Bdl :md Samh B. Sturgei-;...... '.?35 Sinnnons, Knte and Grnnt Bnhcoek...... rn:1 !';im11lOII'..;, I,<~.,·:mcl .I. aml l,illi:111 .\. Whitlock...... 15fi ~j1111nun:--. l..<.'olu ,\J;,,1 :1111! Tlnl'l;· Peter· Pierce...... 16:! Simmons. Lloy,1 .\lh<'rt uni Ll'lah .-\ndrev Pethoud...... 161 ;-;jm111uu:--. Llop! .\llwrt nml Cnnucn lindelim• Compton...... lfil Si111111un:.;. J..i:r.;,.-i .Tnm• and E,ll'li•·k Erl~"C'r..omh...... ~54 ~i111mou~. Loni-.,, B...... 1!12 ~i111111on~. J..nlu R·1,·...... '.?'.?S ~i111111011:-. :\luhd .\mmul:1 :uul Rcnhl'n C. A1ulc:r.-on...... 16!! :---im111on:-.. lluht•i Xort:011 mu! Don l ... Stcrekl'I...... 141: 1 Simmons, llnrciu. E. and Cluirlcs Stoekcr...... - Siu1n1ou:... llu1i:111 Louise 111111 Ifoh1•rt Xewl'II...... 14t; :5immons. :\hm·iu E. and Clmrles Stocker...... 15:? Simmons, :\l:u;· Cnthl•rint• mul D11\;,1 E. Ei-scll'...... Hi5 Simmous. :\Im;· Foh.."Cr :uul Gt'Ot')!r Alden Curti,-;...... 188 Simmons, :\Inry .J:im, nrnl Cmrlc,- \\'nllacc...... 157 Sin1mon~. :ll:in· :\!ok.,..t:1 :ind .John .\lex:nulcr Schall...... 167 ~inu11011:,.. :lf:uul1• .\unii-; 1111s Simmons, Roi-;e .:\I. :ml Frl'd ll. Bunker...... J:,] Simmmi,;, Snmh .Tnn<• (,T<'nni<'l...... :?'2S Simmoni-;, Sarah B~·Ics 11.nd .John A. Brown ...... Simmonh. Syh;n Freeman :ind Wnltl'r F. Dirin!!Cr...... 187 Simmoni-;, Vnlorou:. ..\.lhion nn

Wilterdink. Cornlit• Susnn ...... 171 \\"ilt«•rdink. Edith .\m;:-ust:1 un«I Llovd .\hhott...... lil Wilterdink. E«lnn Rnehcl :uul Chari"" Eliot Bunlt't.t...... 16!1 Wilter«link, Emrst Gun·«•tt mul \"ioln Belle Lidolph ...... _...... liO Wilterdink •.John Henry und Clum Eleunor Gray...... _...... lfl!J Wiltur,link. Lt•vi Albt•tt 11111I Knt<' T<'nl Colter...... 17! Wilterdink. i\Inry Cuthe1ine :1111I Edgar Alonzo Bell...... 16!! Wiltct·dink. Rutl1 Christini:1 m11I ~•rrtl Koehne...... 171 Wilterdink. Wultt·1· \\"nn·,•n :11111 )[r11l1• Eilith Pinne~·...... liO ,voodburv. Abbie E. and ...... )loml.,·...... •...... 152 Wo(){]bu:n·. )Inn· 152 \Voo,lhm~·. Snrnh 11111I 1 Steplwnson...... 152


Clu,stc-r Boict• ...... -········ 1!!4 Br.rthn 111111 H<'r111:rn Vnn Hrir.llfl...... 199 Ron<'hri:.::ht. Bct11l Blo~·,•t• allll 1-1<-ll<'n .Tt•li111•k...... 1!!8 Rollf•hri:.::ht. Euni,.,. Odell 1111cl .1o,..,1,hi11,· Ro,· Capi,!'...... 19S Botwhri:.::ht. K<-m~·l'<' Lufrl :1111I Gcrtm,le Snnlcr...... l!JS I1oiwln·i:;:-ht. Zola .\u::-<'tlu• ,uul On·illr• Xorlmul...... l!J8 Burm·tl. Chari,-,.. How11r,I 1111,I l•:llow<'n Pil111r ...... :!111 Kt•nneth Albert ,·nninc. Loni,- .Jacoh ·························································-········· l!lli ,:ouitu-. X el,-,,n H,•ri1Crt .Tr. 1111,I Oll<'n<• )fonu Stout...... l!J6 l•:,td~·. H«•lc•n Phvllis :uul 8. H. lfoh,wk...... •...... 201 Ei,;elt•. Blanch Edith ...... W~ F;isl!I«·. D:l\'iil Willimu ...... 197 r.i,;:de. Ethel Belle :1111I Enlt'>'t F.. T:\\'lor...... 19;; Eii;cl,·. Hun"· Edw:ml 1111<1 011111 )lartin...... 197 I~i:--clc. ,John· Frcd<-rick :uul Ednu Chene,·...... l!li Eisel<·. Lntn J,c,·i :1110 Tm,~.:em• Eberhardt...... 197 Ei,;cl<'. )I:u:-,· Cnrohm :,nd Alvn Lewis Pre\\;tt...... JHi- F.i:-<'le, 8mnul'l Ho\\·e :111<1 Goldie A. Sumner-···· ...... 197 Ford. Dnn..iel Everett :u1d Hehm Schultes...... 195 Forcl. Freil Bmekcn un

)foNnir. Robert Levi nnd Evu )Iuc )luster:-...... 201 :\[iller. }[nblc .Alice nn'1 L:vnwood Q. N\·c...... 25fi :\foeeh, Bt!ntricc• C:umilln 11111I Binn 1-lu~"t:Ctt...... 200 :\I lll'J)h~·. )Iarie Alice 1111'1 .T:unes E . .\1lmn,-...... 1!14 Pir.h1 Andn-w :\[rlvin un.rt and :\lntle Si1111l:-On ...... •.-... 200 Pirht. Hownrd Blninc nnr...... 2.5:, 8irnrnon.:-. Helen Laura and Vil"_.;] f'. Brink...... :?36 .:-:immon,-. .Tames Grecnl<'llf :111,I Hl'll'n .T. f'. Ashbv...... 2.~!l :,;;i,nn1011~. Kenneth Alb1·rt 111111 Helll'II )IeCo,·...... ··~········ l!l!l ~!111tnon.~. MnJ".'' Eli?.nhcth ...... 236 Smunon--. Rn,· Edwnrd :ind Ali•~· )foh-in:t Woo,lcn...... 194 Ednn I~ :uul ,vmh ..iu T--n:11, Fr1'flerirkMn...... 24-l

:,:h,t-;cm, G,\"endolin and .-\s,1 Howunl Conelnnd ...... -•······ 20:! st .. t!-(,n, Thnn-ton Lewelln1 :md Clnrn Phili,. utrn...... 202 ·vanHom. Theodom :111,l Edward StnrteY:mt...... 201 Wheeler. )lacy· Gertrude and .lmu"" ln!!'hmn...... 19!1 Wheeler. lforti ?if11mln am! Albert Shcrmnn...... 199 Wilterdink. Charles Irn·in und Clara ~•ker...... -··· 201 .W"iltc.rdink. Clifford·Grn\' nnd )lnrthn Bcekor...... 201


Biink. ,J IUU.es Albert ...... 236 Brink. Robert Grccnlcnf ···················································-······· 2.36 Ini:hnm. H. Wolcott and Edna Williams...... -...... 204 Ini:hnm. ,James Wortl1y and Aldn Schnel'k...... 204 Ingham. llaryon Jeraldine ···················--·······----- 204 8inunon.s Ruth -··································-········ .. ·······················-··-·-· 2ZI Of this history of :IIOSES SBI:MONS and his descendants only 300 copies haw, been print,,d nnd ench cop:v. is numbered

Copies numbered to 25-Fnll llorocoo...... $10.00 Copies numbered :?6 to 150-Imt 'u Lcnthcr...... S.00 Copi~ numbcrcrl 151 to :100-Cloth...... 7.50


·To "Honor thy Father and thy Mother" is the edict of Him to whom we all' owe our el.istcnee. Gcncnlo~enl record is not a fad: neither is it a compilation of dry c;tatisties. It is the science of personal identification. It is the nnturnl outcome of that inherent disposition in man which lends llim to seek for and preserve the rn~rnorinls of his ancestors in connt>ction with those relntinl? to llim• selfL This disposition spring-s from nn immtitnble necessity of mnn 's existence, since God, as the erowninl? act of His work of ~reation, established the Family Relntion-wl1ieh in itself is the very corner-stone of all humnn, social, political nnd religious organ­ ization. Who could take up n volume, and date by dntc nnd nnme by name trace their ancestry to that most honored body of men that the world has e,·er known and feel that they were not interested? Who can read of that little band of people fig-htinl? for an exist~ enee three ln:ndred yenrs ago nnd not feel a thrill to know tha1l their prog-enitor was one of them; recall the humiliation in Enirlnnd and Holland. the tortures of the ocean pasi:aire nnd the su1Ierinir iu New England of the Pilgrims, and J..-now that vour blood was a par!. of itT Our family was represented there by 1\WSES SDOIONS. who crone on the "Fortune," the Pilf:Iim shin followinir the ":llfay. :Bower." It landed on the Ninth day of November. 1621. after a perilous journey of ~evernl months. Tl1c suffcrini:- of the Pili:rims during the \\inter of 1621 is ~veil told in history. Weakened by sickness, harassed by the Indians, they watched their provisions de­ crease until tinnily only seven kernels of corn was the dnil:v rntion for each person. But they struggled on until today we arc reapinir the benefits of their great suffering and privation. It is worthy of permanent record, now at a time when 'l'l"e cnn obtain it, to record for the futll'Te generations the fnct tl1at our common father w:i.s one of n ::-roup of nbout one hundred souls who suffered thus to make possible this great nation that we so Jove nnd enjoy today. Can we, the· descendants of :'IIOSES SThBfOXS. hon­ or THAT father too much T Of his wife (supposed to be Sarai! Chandler, daughter of Roger Chandler) we honor her, no matter whnt her name; her faithfulness and her "irtue is marked today. .Is it not an honor far reaching to know that vour blood helped, was '\ital, in the cau.-.c of the New World? You cannot answer NO if Sli\Il\IO~S blood is in yonr veins. Then help us to build a mou ument to Ins honor. Not one of stone to he iOssible to make an absolutely accurate record of the earlier ircnerations, -w:e believe it to be our duty to preserve whnt we have and iniard _it with zealous care. 1Thc civililation of our present dny, the enlightenment of the ni:;c and the duty we owe td our ancestors, to ourselves and our oos­ tcrity, is that we mnkc a record of their lives and d~cds, as oor­ rectly ns our best endeavors can ascertain. In genealogy and biog-raphicnl history is found a J>Owcr to in­ struct .man by precedent, to enliven the mental faculties. and to waft down the river of time, n. safe vessel in which the names and actions of our n.ncestors, who contmbutcd to raise this country . from its primitive state, and defend it, may be preserved. Surely n.nd rapidly have they lived and pn.ssed away since in their prime they entered the wilderness and claimed the vircin soil as their heritage. The number who can relate the incidents of the first days of settlement, even in the western states. is becomine: small indeed, so that an actual necessity exists for the collection and preservation of the events of their lives before all sources of information are cut oft · Our ancestors have alwa,"S been to the fore in the development of this country, always pushing to the front and heh>ini: to develo1> the new sections of this country, from the old Colonial days to the present time. To be forgotten has been the w-eat dread of mn.nkind from 1rcmotc ~ All will be forgptten soon enouJ;?h, in spite of their best works and most crurnel:'t efforts of their friends to pre­ serve the memory of their lives. The means employed by men to prevent oblivion nnd peri>etu ate their memory has been in proportion to the amount of intelli­ irenee they possessed.- The pyramids of Elzypt were bnilt to per­ petuate the. names and deeds of their ·great rnlers. The exhmna.­ tions made by the archaeol~ts of Egy,pt from buried :Memnhis in­ dicates a desire of those people to perpetuate the memorv of their achievements. The erection of the great obelisks were for the same purpose. Coming down to a later period. we find the Greeks and RomllllS erecting mausolenms and monuments. and earvin2' out statues to chronicle their ~ent achievements and carrv them down the ages. It is also evident that the mound bnilders, in piJi.iw: Ul) their in-eat mounds of earth. had bm; this idea. to Jleave somethinse to show that they had lived. . 'All these works. though mauv of them costly in the extreme.. ~ve but a faint idea of the lives aiid character of those whose mem­ ory they were intended to perpetuate. and scarcely anything of the masses of the people that then lived. The l!!reat pvramids aii to establish an lntell~~t~ U,;\~~yine. immut- SODIONS GENEALOGY 3

able method of. perpetuating- a fnll histor)·-immutable in that it is almost unlimited in extent and perpetual in its action: and this is through the art of printing. 'l'o the p,resent generation, /1owcvcr, •We arc indcbt-::J f.:;r the introduction of the admirable system of local bln~phv. Bv t'!iis S)'Stem, every man, though he has not achieved what the wor:d calls :z:rcatncss, hn.'I thc mcans to perpetuate his life, his historv, through the coming. ages. The !'Cythc of time cut.,; down all: nothing- of the physical man is left. The monument which his children or friends mav erect to his memor:v in the cemetery will ernmble into dust and pass awav: but his life, his achie,;ements, the work he has· accomplishel. which otherwise would be for,:t<>ttcn. is perpetuated by rccC?rd of this kind. ;To prCSCl'\"c the lineaments of our ancestors we ene:rn.ve their oortraits, for the same reasons we collect the attainable of their hir tory. Neither do we think it nccessan\ ·as we speak onlv the truth of them, to wait until they arc dead, or until those who knew them arc ,::one. To do this we arc nshnmcd onlv to publish to the world the history of those whose lives arc unworthy of public rec­ ord. In the compilation of this work we have put forward cvcrv ef­ fort to obtain the most complete and authentic information to bCI obtained. and ha,;c traced cverr branch of the Simmons familv that was possible to get any trace •of. In most instances we have had the hearty cooperation of nil we came into communication with. ,'Ilhe descendants arc ,scattered from Maine to California. and to ~t into communication with them all has been a long- and tedious task, but we feel well recompensed for our twenty :vears1 work. If what I have accomplished will, in the years to come, be a1r nrcciatcd by my children. their children. and· the· future e:enera­ tions. I feel that no effort on my part has been thrown away. The records herein contained. arc taken from fnmilv Bibles. personal family records, and local hi~torics, and arc nil ·most reliable. The writer could not close these remarks without statinl? thst he would have been unable to have collected these records, had it not been for the untiri11$? efforts of Miss Elma Simmons. who in the early years of the 1890 ',s ~thcred a large amount of the rec­ ords given herein. which she utilized in the construction of a fam­ ilv tree. During the holidays of 1907 and 1908 I had the pleasure of payine: her a visit at her home in Norwalk. Ohio. and isecured quite a lot of information, and after her death, the followine- ST>rinl!', her parents were lind enoug-h to furnish me with her records for this rwork. Throul?h these records we ha.ve been enabled to trace a. gr/!ltt many more branches of the family than we would otherwise ha,;c been able to locate. W c· are deeply indebted to :Mrs. Sal"ah E. Bosworth of Pem­ broke. l'tfass~ 'for records and information as to several lines of the family, we had workcarris at Pembroke in 1742 with the Job and Abagttll at Cornwall, Conn., the Dallles ana '4 SIMMONS GENEALOGY

n,::cs corresponded, but we wruJted nbsolutc proofs. .At Boston. :Mnss., library we fouud n pnrn~ph marked "sec private rec­ ords of Mrs. Snrah E. Bosworth, Pembroke, Mass." I immcdiatcb· drove out there and found a.n csteenU1blc old Indy, who had mar­ ried a descendant of tl1c Simmons family, and had II complete ,rec­ ord of tlrat branch of the family, and a record of where Job and Abai:ail hnd mo,·ed from :.\Inssnchui,ctts to New Hampshire and there to Cornwall, Conn. She also had a fla.'\'. sPinninl!' wl1ccl and loom reed, a balance that Imel a polished stone for a wcic:ht that hud been owned by Eliz11bcth Sinunons, the si!.ier of ,Job Simmons. who married Aba,."nil Purris. Eli7.nbcth wns the irrcnt~.:nmdmother of her husband. \Ye had a very plensuut visit \\ith her: she never ti red of talkini: o\·er the :.,'OOd qualities of her Sin1111ons ancestors. This was in 1914, she l1ns since pa..-.scd away, and we underst:ind that one of her dnui:hters hns her records and heirlooms. · We nre also deeply indebted to lfr. Frederick J. Simmons of Morrill, :Maine, for his interest in gntherini: datn of tl1e ::IInssnchu­ setts and :Maine lines. :\Iy son. Henry Arthur Simmons, spent much time lookiul!' up records nt Plymouth, Boston and other linssa.chusetts towns. also in Connecticut. To him much credit is due for authentic records. LORENZO ALBERT SThDIONS. Lincoln, Nebr.,' 1930. The Sim·mons Family in America

MOSES SIMl\LONS (Moyscs Symonson) the father of the fnmih· in America, came to Plymouth in the ship "Fortune" fro1): Lyden, Holland, in 1621. landing on the ninth dn)· of November c,f that year. Several years pre,-ious to the snilin:::- of the 1\fayflower for America, Brewster went to Lyden, Holland. where the Reform • Churcr wns org-anized by the English refn:::-ees. From what we read in the story of the Pil~im Fathers by E. Arber, pn:;:-es 155, 156 and 159, we believe thnt Moyses Symonson wns a son of William Simonzoon (Symonson) who lived nenr tht Chu:reh at Leyden. He says: THE PURCHASE OF THE REV.• JOHN ROBINSOK"S HOUSE IN BELL .ALLEY LYDEN, OX THURSDAY. 26 .APRIL 16 l\!AY 1611 We. PIETER .ARENTSZOON DEYllIAN nn' sell, to ,Jan R-Obinszoon, :Minister of God's ·wor

pence (say 20 English pence then) po.yable to the Heer Van Poel• geest. ,A.nd he the Compnrent, promises the aforesaid, house and ground, upon the conditions aforesaid, to warrant and defend from all .other incumbcranccs with which the same may be chllJ"2Cd, for a year and a day, and for ever, as is just; hereby bindi!12' thereto all Iris property, moveable and immoveable, now owned. or hereafter to be owned by him, without any exceptions. Further making known that he, the Comparant, 1s paid for the aforesaid purchase, and fully satisfied therewith, the sum of ei11:ht· thousand guildors (equals £1,400 English then), the last l)CUilV with the first; and that with a purchase money lien-two thonlllUld ,ntlld­ crs (equals £350 English then), being paid down; and fi_ve hundred guilders (£87, 10s E~sh then) to be paid in May 1612. and an­ nually thereafter, until all be paid. ,And all this in good faith, and without fraud. In witness of these presents, we have set our seals, the 5th day of May 1611. (Sign~d) J. Swanenburch. (l11rom the story of the Pili:rim, Fathers, by E . .A.rber, 'PP 156-7) "But, on the 5th of May 16ll, a Transport Brief or deed. was made to him, in conjunction with three others of his Coll2ll"C2ation. of the house and piece of ground in question, nearly opposite the Bel!ry' which stood in the rea:r of St. Peter's Church, and frontinl? on Pieter's KerchhofI, or Clock Stecch (literally translated Bell Al­ ley) a stt'eet between twenty and thirty feet wide." (From the story of the Pilgrim Fathers, by E. Arber, 'P. 155) "The other record to which we rcfcred as showi!12' that Robin­ son alone resided in the house, c.xcc_Pting, of course, the ivom over the door, reserved by Johan de Lalaing, is a list of those rated for a poll Ta.,:, on the 15th. of October 1622, in the Bon or Wyk (that is a small district set off for municipal purposes), called The Seven Houses. Mention made of Robinson's family.'' (From the story of the Pil~m Fathers, by E. Arber, p. 159) Sec pa,i:c 358, Vol 3, Historical Magazine 1859. Article by Henry C. Murph~•. "We have already given the different trades persued by those of Robinson's congreglltion, who were married at Leyden, and e=­ grated in the first four ships.'' Sec Novembcn and December 1859, pages 261, 263. 330, 335. 357. 359, Census of Leyden in 1622, record of which is still in the Stadt House (State Bouse) pa,..<>e 333 says: · "This land (Robinson ':s) was bounded on one side bv. land owned by William Symonds, a good old colonv name." The William Symonson mentioned in the · above deed is prob­ ably the father of Moyses Symonson who came in the Fortune, and SIMMONS GENEALOGY 7

likely he was one of the English refugees, which would aceount for the name being changed to Simmons in .America. C11Sbman, com­ mander of the ''Fortune'' makes mention of Moses Simmons, one of the Pilgrims on his ship. Winslow also says, "He was a child of one that was in coll1lllunion with the dutch church at Lyden. and being admitted into church fellowship at Plymouth, New Ene:land, and his children also admitted to baptism, as well as our own." The "Fortune" sailed for America early in July, 1621, and 111.llded at Plymouth November 9th! 1621. Cushman returned to , EnAland soon after landing the Pi grims who came with him, to make a ·report to his principals, who financed the eXJ>Cdition. and died l!OOn after without retll!l'lling to America, therefore we have 110 fu,rthcr record of his passengers. We find the history of Moses SimmollS since his arrival in Am­ erica to be well· connected by the different local histories, court rec­ ords, and vital statistics, kept by the difi'l.'!"ent towns and churches in New England. Blll'ry's history says "Moses Simmons (formerly written Moyses Symonson) came to Plymouth in the ship "For­ tune'' iii' 1621, and is usually recorded as one of the Pili:rims, be­ ing among the earliest settlers of Plymouth.'' We find in the history ~f New England (1633 to 1672) freauent mention of Moses Simmons, showing that he was very prominent 1111d active in civic nffain, in Plymouth and Du.,:bury, In the division of land made in 1623, lie, with Phillip . De Lia Noyes, {now Del:mo), received each an :i.cre "beyond the first brooke, to the woods westward" nnd in 16'>..S, March 26, he and Ed­ ward Bompass sold each one acre of ground to Robert Ricks "Lay­ ing on the north side of town'' probably being tho acre 2'fflllted him in 1623. In the division of cattle made May the 22nd 1627, the first lot consisting of "four black heifers" that came in the ship "Jacob," and two she goats, fell to Francis Cooke and his company, amonl!.' whom was MOSES SL'l\[l\IONS. . He was unmar.ried in 1627, as he then only received a sinl!.'le man's share. He was in Duxba;ry biefore 163i, and in that year was one of the jury of twelve to set forth highways about Plymouth, "Ducksbw-row," and the Eele River. In 1638-9 he received a e:rant of forty acres. ' • We find this family name sometimes spelled "Symons," some­ _tiines "Symonds," and sometimes "Siinonds" but mostly the or­ iginal way of "SIMM.ONS," and the family itself is llUJllerous, re­ spectable and of quite ancient date. Proof of the relationship of Moses (2) and .Aaron (2) to Mose.; of the Fortune will be found in the foll<>wi~ deeds of Moses. Sr., of DuckbQl'Y: "Old·colony deeds, vol IV page 64 "Moses Siinons of Duxbll!l'­ row, Yoeman, for a marriage heretofore con,,-umated between John 8 SIMM'ONS f:ENEALOGY

Soule, of Duxburrow 11nd my eldest daughter Rcbcckoh, have civen. lund at Nunmsmctt nnd µluccs udjaccnt, i:rnntcd b.Y' the Court of New Plymouth, unto the first comers, whereof I, the suid Moses Simmons nn1c one, as by the records appcer.'' Deed dated, Dec. 30th, 16i4. Old colony deeds, Vol. IV, pngc 2i4. "lfo!ls Simmons .ir., to administer on his estate. The will of l'doses Sim­ , mons jr., was probated March ith. 16i6-i, and widow Patience de- posed. We also find that Moses, who married Snrah, wus the Moses who eumc on the "Fortune" as he would certainly be the only one to have first property rie:hts ut Bridgewater, and it is 'known that the first Moses early sold his rights there: the followine: 1s an ex­ cerpt of deed record kept at Plymouth1 and copv at the State house, Boston: :' "I Moses Simmons of Du.-..:bu:rrow, in New Plymouth Colonic, with the consent of my wife Sarah, for valuable consideration have ST. PIETERS :KEECH (ST. PETER'S CHURCH) LEYDEN ROLLAND Where 1\lo.;cs Simmons and other Pili:-rims worshiJ>poo before coming to .America. In the right forci..'TOnnd is the house of Rev. Robinson in 1611, next to it is the house of William Symonson (undoubtedly father of Mose.."-) (Photo by eourtcsy of Frederick .T. Simmons) P~ 8 .A. Sec page 5.


ba~ined sold to Nicholas Byram of Weymouth, my whole ril?ht of land in Bridgewater town." l\Ioses Simmons, who married Sarah, also siims himself as l\Ioscs Simmons sr., in acknowledging his Aift of deed to his son, John Simmons, who married Mercy Pabody Feb. 27th, 1669. N. E. H., Vol 5, ll6. . l\Ioscs Simmons sr., on June 3rd, 1673, paid Rice Sutter £3 dam-' age in breach of promise for daughter Elizabeth. N. E. H., Vol I, page 28. Nine bushels of com collected from l\Ioscs Simmons for ta.xes.

MOSES SIMMONS l\IOSES Sil\WONS: Formerly spelled and written "Moyscs Sym­ onson" came tc. Plymouth in the "Fortune." landini? on November ninth, 1621, and is usual­ ly reckoned as one of the Pi!~. beinir among the earliest settlers of Plymouth. and was. a child of· one who was in communion with the Dutch of Lyden, :md bcill!!' admitted into Church fellowship at Plymouth. New England, and his children also admitted · to baptism as well as our own. (W-mslow's History 1646.) l\Ioscs Sintmons was married, (probably in Duxbury) about 1632 to Sarah (most of the carlv writers think she was Sarah Chandler, daughter of Roger Chandler, but no definite record ob- tainable.) · • The Children of Moses and Sarah were: I. Moses, who married Patience Barstow about 1662. II. Rebecca, who married -John Soul 2 (Son of Gcoriro ll ill. l\Iary, who married Joseph Alden, 1654. IV. Eli7.abeth, ~ccond v.-ife of Richard Dwelley. V. ·Aaron, who married Mary Woodworth, 1677'. v""L Sarah, who married Jnmes Nash of Du.xbury. • VIL John. who married l\Iercy Paebody, 1669. l\Ioses S~mons died in Du.xbury in 1691 and his will was filed for probate by his son John, Sept. 15th, 169L The inventory of his estntc was tnken Sept. 10th, 1691, by Thomas Delano and Edward Southward, and presented to the court by John Simmons. T_he following is a copy of the will of l\Io:::es Simmons of tl1c "Fortune" as it appears on tl1e records at Plymouth and is ·certi­ fied to be correct copy: '' THE LAST _WILL A:ND TESTElIENT OF l\IOSES SDOIONS'' L being aged and full of decaye but in my right and· perfeet Sil\OIONS GENEALOGY

understanding and not knowing the day of mv death. do will that my e~tate shall thus be disposed of after my decease: In the name of God Amen. , Item 1-I do will and bequeath my body to the f?}ra.ve, and that it be decently hurried and funeral charges defrayed out of my estate before any legacic. .And mY Soul to God that imve it me whome I trust bath redeemed it. 1 Item 2-I do will that all my, personal! debts be 1'.lllid 011.t of mv per­ sonal! estate. Item 3-I will and bequentl1 to my clanghter Mary, the wife of ,Jo­ ~ph Alclen, Four pounds. · Item 4-I will and bequeath to my Son Aaron, .Four pounds. Item 5-I do will and bequeath- to my daughter Eli?.abeth. now the · wife of Richard Dwelley, Five shillings. Item 6-I do will and bequeath to my daughtei1 Sarah. now the wife of James Nash, Two pounds, Ten shillings, of which the said James Nash hath Two pounds, Five shillings in his hands already. Item i-I do will and bequeath to my Son John. Four pounds. Item 8-I do will, constitute,. ordaine and appoint my Son· John to be executor of this my last will and testament. So dcsireing that all my children· may be at peace after mv de-· cease I do to these presents set my hand and seal this seventeenth dav of .June in the vear of our Lord God, One Thousand SL--c Hun· dred Eighty and Nine. . In presence of Benjamin Chandler The mark 1\1 o( David Alden Thomas Delano Moses Simons:' David Alden and Thomas Delano, two of the witnE!l'lses here named made oath before the county Court at Pl:vmouth Sept. 15th. 1691 that they were present and saw the above named Moses Sim­ ons signe, seal and beard him declare the above written to be his last will. and. that to the best of their judl!llnent, be was of dispos- ing mind and memory when be so did. · Attest Sam Sprague cler. Inventory of the estate of l\lOSES SIMMONS late of Du.,:bury taken Sept. 10th, 1691, by Thomas Delano and Edward Southward. Amount £53, 11 Shillings, presented at Court bv John Simmons, Son of deceased, Sept. 15th, 169L Moses Simmons (II) Son of Moses (I) was not mentioned in . his Father's will, probablv because he died in March, 1676, about 15 years before his Father. . A true copy from the Pljmouth Countv Probate Records. VoL I, Pai:e 106. Attest: Sumner A. Chapman, Register. Second Generation

ELIZABETH SL'l\!MONS {Moses 1}, b ___ marrieu...------to Richard Dwellev, (His second mur­ riage. SARAH SIMMONS (Moses 1), b ____ ; marrie,...______..t. Duxbury to Jumes Nash. Children Sarah Nash born .April 21, 1669; mar. WnL Drake of Weymouth; had eight children. · REBECCA SIMMONS (2) (Moses 1), b___ ..____ ; · marri.oeu.------to John Soul 2 (Son of 'Geome 1) at Duxbury. MOSES SIMMONS (Moses 2), h----: died before March 18, 1676, at which time his wife wns 11 widow. He resided in Han-• over. Was married nbout 1662 to Patience Barstow. dmurhtcr of WiUi:un Bnrstow, and Anne. his wife. Children Moses, hap. June 10, 1666; d. 1690 in the Canadian E:\.-pedition. John, b. March 15, 1667; hap. March 16. 1667-8. Snrah, hap. July 31, 1670. Aaron, bap. .A.ug. 4, 1672; d. Aug. 8, 1757, at Middleboro. •Job, hap. Oct. 4, 1674; d. Sept. 26, 1761, in Hal~'\:. · Patience, hap. March 18, 1676 (mother a widow; ...._ ____

WILL OF MOSES SIMMONS (2) The last will and testament of Moses Symons e.-chibitcd to the court held att Plymouth the 7th of March 1676-77, as followeth. I lioscs· Symons, in the Collonic of New Plymouth bcinl:r very ill of a long and tedious sickness: whcrby although I ame in m:v pcrfeel; sence and memory att the present yett I ame every hourc .,~pecti.n:: a change: and therfore look. upon my self loudlv called upon to sett my ho1..se in order; according to the will of God; I doc therfore next unto the eomitting my soule into the hands of God that i:avc it; and my body to the gra\·e to be decently buried: doc dlspose of that smale estate which God hath given mee in manner and forme following: Impr. I doe leave ru1d bec1ueath my whole estate :is now it is unto my beloved wife to manai..'"C for l1cn:elf; and mv dearc children: untill my eldest son comes of ut:c nnd then shee to have her thirds. Item. 1 doe give to my son Mose,; my house and home lands: he SIMMONS GENEALOGY

P!.lYing those !~eyes that will belong to l1im, when devision shnl be made. Item. I Ons save my eldest to have a double portion: and if God tnke him nway by death before hcc comes of age: that then his part be equally de\-ided amongst the rest and soc for the rest of them; if God shall take them awny by dcnth. Si,t."Ded and delivered in the presence of And hccrunto Nathnuicll Bosworth I put my J1nnd Samuell Prince: the lith The mnrk A of of deecmbcr 16i6 l\Ioscs Symons The forcgoiniz- is true copy from Plymouth Colony Itccords Wills Vol. 3, pt. 2, Pg. 62. Attest: John B. Washburn, Register. AARON Sll\£1\IONS (l\Ioses I). b,..... ___ ; ,,._____ ; married Dee. 24, 16ii to i\fary Woodworth, who was probabtv born March 10, 1650.1. Children Rebcccs, b. Dec. 12, 16i9. 1\IoS<'s, b. Feb. 24, 1681-2. Mary, b. 1\Iar. ll, 1683-4. . Elizabeth, b. Aug. 2i, 1686. Ebenezer, b. June 10, 1689. Lydia, b. Mar. 2i, 1693. MARY SThDIONS (2) Moses 1, died Feb. 8, 1696-7: married 1654 to Joseph Alden (2nd son of ,To!m Alden and Priscilla (Mul­ lins) (Mrs. Alden).

Children Isaac John Elizabeth, probably Mary, probably JOHN SIMMONS (2) Moses 1, b•--=-,:--••: died li15. He was married Nov. 16, 1669, at Du....:bury to Mercy Pabodie who was born Jan. 2, 1649, at Duxbury and died in li28. She was·a:da~h­ ter of Williani and Elizabeth (Alden) Paboclie. Her mother was Elizabeth Alden, the first female child born to the Pilimms;. SIMMONS GENEALOGY 13

Children John, b. Feb. 22, 1670; ,1. before 173!l. Willinm, b. Feb. 24, 16i2; ...... ___ 1765. Isoae, b1 Jan. 28, 16i4; u.-.---- -1\fartha, b. Nov. 17, 1677; ~---- Benjamin, b. about 1678: d.,______._1749. l\fosc.s, b. Feb., 1680: d•• Tune 21, 1761. ,Tosepl1, b---~683; d. l\Iny 30. 1761. · :Rebeeea, b ____ ,Joshua, b----~688; d. ,Tan. 15. 1774.

SETTLEMENT OF ,THE ESTATE OF JOHN SIMMONS (2) - Plym -8S. on the 11th day of February Annoq Dom. 1715-16. , Tl1e Settlement of the estate both real & 1>Crsonal of John Sim mons late of Daxborough in the Connty of Plymouth deed to and amongst his widdow and Childrean by mutual Dll'feement. amongst themselves in manner & form following that is to SR:'\"' · • 1st. That l\Icrev his relict widow shall have one third part of all the deceased his goods & Chattells & debts to her own pro1>Cr use & dispose forever, & one third part of the sd. dceeascd 's .Lands during! her life in full of her part of the sd. dcecascds Estate. 2d.· That moses the youngest son of the sd. deceased shall have all the Lands both houses homel111Jds meadows and nil Other' parcclls of what ·kind, nature or name whatsoever to him & his heirs · & as­ siimes for ever and also his motl1ors thirds of the afforesd. Lands after lier dccca."C to him & his hl'irs for e\·cr. And also all the Other two thkds of Goods Chatte!Is & Debts of his sd. fathers Es­ tate he n:1)-ini::- and Satisfyinir all .Just debts due the scf. Estate. And also he 'the said :Moses hi;; E."ccutors or administrators ther<'­ fore paying to hi<. Six brothers namely John, William. Isaac, Ben­ jamin, Joseph & .Joshua and his two Siste~ Nameh· l\Iartha the wife of Samuel West & Rebeckah the wife of Constant Southwortl: the sum of twl' hundred pounds, what any of them mav have had already of their·fathers Estate in his life time to be rceon 'd a -part of the sd. two hundred oounds, & so the same to be cqcallv divided to all the !'aid sons and dall,g'hters the eldest son John to have a double Portion thereof. In Witness whereof the persons · above nB.?1cd have he:rynnto set their hands & Seals the day & year above wntten. · Witness Eli7.abeth Thomas) Elisa Wade ) l\fcrcy Simons (Seal) Moses Simmons (Seal) X her mark ,Joseph Simons (Seal) .Tolin Simmons (Seal) Joshua Simons . (Seal) Willian!. Simons (Seal} 14 SIMMONS GENEALOGY

Samuel West l\fartha X West (Seal) Isnnc Simon;. (Seal) her mark Constant X Sonthworth (Seal) Benja Simons (Seal) his mark Rcbeckah Southworth Memorandum that On the 11th & 13th days of February AnnOQ Domini 1715-16 the within nnmcd Mere~• Simon.rol>a.tc<,,. And on March the fl.ft 1715-16. ·constant Southworth & Rcbcckah his wife acknowledged the Same before me Nathaniel Thomas Judge of probates. A tnie copy from the Plymonth County Probate Records-Vol. 3, J), 400. Attest: Sumner A. Chapman, Re0i;ter.

WILL OF MERCY SIMONS The ln...t will and testament of the widdo mere\' Simons of Dux• horouirh- I being sick and weak and not knowinst the day of mv death vct·beimr of sound mind and memory; do thus will m:v e!'tate t.o be Dil,'l)()Sed of my Soul i ,:ive to God m:v body i commjtt to the Earth and v.;n that my Debts and funeral cha.nl'es be payed before any legacy. I do i:i~·e to ruf son .John Simons five i 1hilin1?S in silver monv rand nil my sheep-- to my son willia.m I give one shiling in silver monev­ to my son Isaac I give five shilings .in silver mony to beniamcn Simons I give five 'f'hllin1$ in silver mone:v to Joseph Simons I give five shilings in silver money to Joshua Simon,i I give five shiling in silver money to my Dani:hter martha I i:ive five sbiling in silver monev and my RidiDJ? ~wn and best pettecoat and whood and Scarf and red Silk neck eloath. to my DanA'hter Rcbecah I ,zive five shilinitS in silver .money and my best Rii!ing: whood. to my son moses I give my bed and beding belorucine: to itt and mv cow and all the money not disposed of the I'e!,'t of my Estate if any there be I give to my children eonaly betwext them I do constitute and appint my Sons John and moses to be Ex- SIMMONS GENEALOGY 15 cutors of thi~ my lrst will and testament and So Desiriru? to live and Dy in peace I Doe hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 26tl1 Dilano made oath that they saw the above. named Mercy Sinoms sil!'lle seal and heard her declar the above wntten Instnirnent to be her last Will and Testament and that the.v at the same time in the presence of the Testator set to their hands as Witnesses: and that at the same time according to the best of their observation E"he then was of a sound and disposing mind and memory accordinc- to the best of their observation. Before l8aac Winslow ,Tude:e of Probate A true copy of the Will of Mercy Simons, recorded in Pl:vmoutl1 County Probate Records, Vol 5, Page 487• .Attest: Sumnel'\ A. Cl1apman, RC!j?ister Third Generation

,JOB SIMMONS (3) Moses 2, Moses 1. bap. Oct. 4. 1674: probably born at Scituate; d. Sept. 26, 1671, and is buried at Hali­ fa."<, Mass. Married June 15. li00, to Hannah Bishop (BushoJ>). daughter of James and Mary Bishop. He owned land south of "Old Pond" which was sold in pllll"t tot Jonah Pratt in 1696. Vol 5 of the "l\fayflowcr Descendants" shows the followinl: fnmily as being born at: Plympton:

Children Patience, b. Mar. 1, 1701; .Abigail, b. Oct. 21, 1703; Rebeca. b. May 3, 1706: lfoses, b. Feb. 25, li0S; Ebenw.er, b. Nov. 18, 1709; Sarah, b. l\Inr. 17, 171!!: John, b. May 7, 1714; Elizabeth. b. Dee. 13, 1716; Elijah, b. Man. 14, 1717: ,Job (.J,r.). b. May 20, 1720: Hannah. b. Oct. 13, 1721; (worn), b. Jan. 21, 1723. 'MOSES SIMMONS (3) Moses 2. l\[oses 1. bap, ,Tnne 10. 1666, and died sometime du:rin~ 1690 in the Canadian E~-pedition. ,JOHN SThIMONS (3) Moses 2, l\foses 1. bap. Mar. 16. 1667-8. SARAH SIMMONS (3) Moses 2, lfo·ies 1. bap. Ju~y 31. 1670.

PATIENCE SThil\I:ONS (3) Mo·.es 2. Moses 1. ba1>. March 18. 1676. Her mother was a widow at the time that she was baptized. accordinv to the church recorcl, of Plympton. Married at ~:vmouth Feb. 14, 1694-5 to W. Barrow. AARON SDil\IONS (3) Moses 2 MOSES 1. Bap. Aug. 4th, 1672, died Feb. 6th, 1750: married Martha Cobb in 1716 dau of John Cobb 2. Martha died Aug. 8th, 1 ii5, age 84. Sll\ll\lONS GENEALOGY li

They bad Da,;d, born Feb. ]2th, lil6, who married Priscella, and had De ire, born June 29th, li44, who married Consider Bran­ nock, Mar. 8th, li64. and had Lc,i Brannock. born l\fay 20th, 1766, and m8.l'lied Isabel Pratt in li90: he died at same place, Nov. 25th, 1833. They bad Mary Brannock, born Sept. 29th. li93, at Warrens­ burg, N. Y~ married Apr. 10th, 1810 at Sandy Hill (now Hudson Falls), N. Y~ to Seivall Blord. Sl1e died at West Fort Ann. N. Y•• Nov. 17th. 1Si9. Thev had Bolc,fa Blord, born Julv 13th. 1827. married Sarah Griswold Dee. 2ith, 1858. He went nwav in 1882 and was never heard £rom. She died Dee. 18th, 1902. Tliev had M. Isabel Blord, born Mav lith, 1860. She i'-• an artist, and lives at 3i5 N. Cherry St., Galesbni,:, III. WILLIAM SIMMONS (3) .Tohn 2. Moses 1. born Sept. 24th. 16i2. at Dmcbnry; died li65 at Little Compton. R. L Married 1696 to Abagail Church, (daughter of Joseph and l\fary (Tucker) Church) Children Mercy, born ,July 1st, 169i; died Nov., li68. William, born Sept. 30th, 1699; died Jan. 8, 1774. Lydia. born Dec. 15, 1700. Joseph, born March 4, li02; died Jul:v. li78. - John, born Aug. 14. 1704: died March 8, li74. Abag_ail, born July 14, 1706. Rebecca, born May 8, liOS. Mai:v, born Oct. ,.5th, li09. Benjamin. born Feb. 2ncl. 1713; died llfar. 16. 1788. Ichabod. born June 6. 1715. ,, Peleg, born Dee. 21, 1717. Sarah, born Aug. 26, lilS: died Ani:-. 26, lilS. All at Little Compton, R. I. JOHN SIMMONS (3) .Tohn 2. 1\fo .es 1. born Feb. 22. 1670: clied before 1739, at Dnxbnrv. llfarriccl No,·. 4, 1715. to Snsannal1 Tracy (Trasic). ·

Children John. b. Aug. 22. lil6: d. Dee. IO. li70. Ruth. b. Apr. 26, lil9: d. Joel, b. Feb. 5, 1722-3: d. Leah. b. Sept. i, 1728: d. MARTHA SIMMONS (3) .Tolm 2. l\fo;;c;< 1. b. No,·. Ii. 1677. at D1u:bnrv: d ...... _ Fin.t 111ar1ie


The Last Will and Testament of Moses Simons of Duxboroud1 in the County of Plymouth in the province of the Mar &cbusetts bay in Newen1?land yeoman. I the ~aid Moses Simons Beinl? undrr Mnny Bodily Infirmityes yet of perfeit Mind and & Memory thanks be Given to Almight'\" God therefor Calling to Mind the Mortality of My Body & Knowinir that yt Is Appointed for all men once to Die Do uppon serious Consideration l\[ake & ordain these Presents to be my Last will & Testament to Remain firm & Inviolable forever That is to say First of all I Give & Recoment my Soul into the. hands or God that Gave It & my Body I Recomend to the] Earth to be buried in decent Christian manor at the Discretion of my Exeentri.-..: herein After Named. Nothing Doubting bd att the General Resurection I shall Receve the same ~ by the Almighty Power of God and as Touch­ ing Such Worldly Estate Wherewith It hath pleased God to Bless me in tbi:'-. Life I Give Demise and Dispose of the Same'In the fol­ lowing manor & forme Impr- I Give & Bequeath unto my Dear & Lovin!? Wife Rachel Simons the one half of the Imµrovement of all my Reai Estate Ex­ ceptinl? What Is herein Given to my son Iebaborl Simons D-rim? hiis Natural Life & the one half of mv Mo~·able Estate after the Debts & Le:::'aces have ben paid out of 'tl1c Same the one ?alf tha~ :Remains Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Eide t son Ichabod Simons a peace of my Land att the Northwest End of my fa:rme on Which I Now Dwell Near ten· acres Already sett of- · Item- I Give and Bequeath unto my son William Simolll! the one l1alf of my home fanne & Real E!::tate E~ccpting what .Ls Given to my Son Ichabod Simons above & the one half of all ~ .Movable Estate After ye Debt , funeral Charges & l~eies are paid out of the same the one half that Remains-- Item- I Give & bequeath unto my Daughter Marcy Simons wife to Nathll Simons two Shilling:s by Reason she bath had her portion Al- read- •

Item- I Give & Bequeath unto my Daughter L:vdia Delano Wife to Judah Delano two a:·hi~ & four pence together with what she hath Already had- · · Item- I Give & bequeath unto my Dan1?hter Deborah Weston Wiie to Jacob Weston two shill~ by Rea.."On she hath had her POrtion A.lrady- Sil\DCONS GENEALOGY 19

Item- I Give & lmiuc11th unto ruy Dnughter Anna Simons four r,ounds--- Itcm I Give & bcquc11tl1 unto my tion William Simon.•. Above Named the Rcmaind of m.v R.cal Estate & home forme at his Moth- ers Decease- · wtly my Will Is Th11t J\fy Wife Ra!'hcl Simons and mv ;on William Simons be the Sole Executrix & Executor to this mv last Will thv.s Horini,:- that this 111.v Lns~ Will he Kcc1,t & r,crl'ormcd nc• cordini:. to the trcw Intent & nienrnng thereof _ In Witness \Vhercof I the sni,1 Mose:,; Simont1 have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal thi , tenth Day of Apriel one thousand Seven hun­ drl'lson. Jan. 2, 1705-6, at Du."

Betty, b. Fcb. 2/i, 1720-21; d. Anron, b. M11r. 25, 1724; d. Prh-milln, b. Dec. 30, 1727; d. Abinh, b. Oct. 23, 1730; cl.

MOSES Sll\ll\lONS (3) ,Tolin 2, l\lo CN 1. b. Feb. 1680: d. ( T .lune 21, 1761). Mn.rried to R11chel S11mpson, Mnr. 26. lil8. nt Dux• bury. Children Merry, b, l\Iuy 18, 1720; d. Icl111bod, b. Oet. 18, 1722: d. Lydin, b. Apr. 18, 1724; d. Nonh, b. AuJ.:". 31, 1728; d. Feb. 28, 1737. Deborah, b. Jan. 12, 1732; d. William, b. Aug. 28, 1736; d. Ann, b. Sept. 4, 1739; d. Dorithy, b. l\Iar. 2, 1741: d. Lemuel, b. Feb. 14, 1743: d. Abiirail. b. May 10, 1745: d. ,JOSEPH SUE\IONSON (3) ,John 2. Moses l. b. 168.'1 nt Dux­ bury: d. l[ny 30, 1761. Marriccl Feb. 8. 1709·10 to Man· Weston. who probably di!'d Jan. 30, 17!;9, at the ai:c of' seventv vcal'l! and three months. Children Nnth1111id. h. 1\Inr. 24, lil0•ll; d ..Jan 4. 1789. Ifobcknh. h. Apr, 7. 1713; d. Sarah. h. l\for. 26. 1718; d. Mar. 1740. ,,fodedinh, b.. Tune 11. 172!;; <1. REBECCA ST:\£1\IONS (3) John 2, l\lo,-es 1. b...... : cl ...... ; married Feb. 10, 1714-15 to Con. :tant Southworth. who wns a cousin. JOSHUA SU[l\lONS (3) .John 2, l\Iosesl. b ___688; d. · ,Tan. 15, 1744. l\Iarried Apr. 4. 1728, to Sarah Dclanoc. , REBECCA Snil\IONS (3) Aaron 2. Moses 1. b. Dee. 12. 1679: ,1...... Married Jan. 1, 1707-8. to Timotlw White. who was horn No,·. 17, 1679. · Thc f'ollowi~ ehilclr<>n were born at Scituate: Elizabeth White, b. ,July IS. 1710, Abigail White, b. June 29. 1712. Mary White, b. Sent. 9, 1714. Rebecca White. b. Oct. 29, lil7. Desire White. b. Jaq. 13, lil9. MOSES SWMONS (3) Aaron _2, Mose..i !, 'Ii, fcli. 24. ~6$1•2: SIMMONS OF.NP.ALOflY :!I

28, 1724. Samuel, hap. July 18, 1725. •Reuben, b. Aug. 28, 1726. Pelee. b. Sept. 1, 1728. Ref: Dwellings Hanover. .LYDIA SIMMONS (3) Aaron 2, Moses 1. b. Mnr. 2i. 1693, nt Scituate; d...... ; married Nov. 14, 172.'3. to E:r.ekiel \Vood- worth, who was born...... at Lebanon, ...... · IS.A.AC SIMMONS (3) ,Tohn 2. l\Ioscs 1. b •.Jan. 28. 1674. nt Duxbury. (Mrs. Alden say~• mar.-ied dnu. of ,Jonathan Alden who wns 2:! SIMl\LONS GENEALOGY

Eli;•.nbcth Alclcn, ancl Inter nmrricJ Edmund Chnndlcr. hnvin·: three children: I~nnc, ,Tr•• Dcbornh, nncl Sarnh.) (Sec also Isaac mn.rricd to 1\Inrtha in 1\[nrshfielcl V. R. ancl l·ad Priscilla, Sept. 10, liO!J. Dchornh Apr. 30. Hi!J6. San1h Nov. 15. li99, and I .41llc Morch S, li00-1.) Noto these children arc the same with the exception of J~roc and Marth11; •records show Prisc.illa in addition. Fourth Generation

PATIENCE SThIMONS (4) .Toh 3, l\fo :cs 2. l\Io.ses 1. b. linr. 1, li0l; u...----: m... ____ ABIGAIL SIMMONS (4) .Job 3. Moses 2. Moses 1. b. Oct. 21. li03; ....._ ...... _; m,.___ _ REBECA Sil\r:l\fONS (4) .Toh 3, Moses 2. Moses 1. b. Mnv :1. 1i06; .,_____ ; m. ---- (Probably married Samuel Boneltrn of Britl~ewatcr: no datci< on record, but probably li43 to•li-15.) , MOSES SIMlIONS (4) ,Toh 3, l\foscs 2. Moses 1. 1Y. Feb. 25. 1i08; ..___ _

EBENEZER SIMMONS (4) Job 3. l\Ioscs 2. Mose. 1. b. No\. 18, li09: d. ; m,.___ _ SARAH SIMMONS (4) Job 3, l\Ioscs 2. Moses 1. b. Mar. li. li12 at Plympton: d_ .. _...... ; m. Mar. 11. li31. at Pembroke. to Abraham Howland, Jr. •JOHN SU.Il\IONS (4) .Job 3, l\losc,; 2, Mo,;l.'S 1. b. Mn\" 7. li14: ,J...... _... ; 111. Oct. :!l, li:l(; :it Kingston by Jo>'h Cushing- tu Hopestil Stutson. Children Noah. b. 1740. ELIZABETH SIMMONS (4) ,Job 3, Moses 2. Moses 1. b. Dec. 13, li16, at Plympton. Mass.; d. Jan 16, 1812, and is buried. at Centre Pembroke; m. Mar.. li, li3i, to Isaac Jennin~. Jr.• at Hal· ifax.. Isaac Jennings, Jr.• was a: sou of Isaac and Hannah (Nyei Jen~ He was born in Au,::kl ;t, 1713. at Sandwich. Mas.s.. and died Oct. 2. 1796, and is buried in the ,same lot with his .wife.

"Mrs. Elizabeth (Simmons) Jenniniz- 1 was truly a worthy womanly woman of a social kindly nature. The storv of her kindness to her trreat-imindchildren, left fatherles.~ has been · handed down and her descendants iz-Jadly tell. the story. risiru? up and calling her Ble sed." By Mrs. Sarah E. Bosworth. Isaac Jennings was a respected and useful citizen of Pembroke. He served in the French War and was rai. ,ed to the rank of Major.. Children Nathaniel Jennine;, b: Dec. 25, 1738; d. Mn:v 10, 1807. Samuel Jcnninits~ b. Nov. 16, 1742; ,.______Maine. Lydia .Jennings, b. Feb. 21, 1748; .....___ _, Maine. SI.l\Il\IONS GENEALOGY

ELI.JAJI SI.l\I.l\lONS (-l) ;Job 3, .l\Ioscs 2. l\Iose, 1. b. Mar. 14, 1717; d, _____

JOB Sll\IMONS, Jr., (4) Job 3, .l\Ioses 2, Moses 1. Job Sim­ mo111:1, Jr., was the ,on of Job Sinunons 1, i,rnndi.,on of ?doses Sim- 111om1 2, and grcat-g:nmdson of l\108es 1; was born Mav 20, li,20. (From pages 206-207 of Cornwall Hi tory, by T. S. Gold. we copy the following: "List of number of names of such as are of the nlann li11t who have their abode within the limits of tho Fonrtb Company or Trained Band of the Fourteenth Reiriment of Connecti- 1·ut.'' ln this list Wl' find .Job Simmons.) .Job was living in the town of Pl)"mpton at the time of bis mar­ •ri111,,rc. We have found 110 records as to just how lonir it was after he wus mn,rricd before he left Pembroke, but we do know that he lived in Pembroke for a 1hort time after his marri~. He and bis uncle, Jethro Bonney, left Pembroke and for a short time lived in New Hruupshi,rc. They left New Hampshire toe:cthcr and.moved to Cornwall, Conn. These facts we learn from Mra. Sarah E. Bosworth of Pembroke, Ma: ,s., who hns many records and mementoes that re­ call to her vivid memory thG days 140ne by. The home that she now lives in bus known the voice of muny of our early ancestors. He was married to Abii:ail Parris (dauirhter of Samuel B. and Ruth Boney Parris), ~le beinir born Nov. 30, 1725. Thev were mar­ ried October 20, 1742. (Authority, page 346 Vital Records, Pem­ broke, l\Iassachusetts which says: "Job Simmons, of Plympton, married Abiirail Parri., October 20, 1742.") Their chil

RELICS OF ELIZABET]! SIMMONS Relic,-; of Eli7.abeth Simmons. born Dec. 13, lil.6. Died Jan. 16, 1812 l\Inrried to Isnac Jennings, ,Jr. on l\farch 17. 1737. These a.rticle,s, were used by her in her l1ome during her married life. :F!nx spinning wheel. weavers recd. balance scales that u.sed J10lished stones for weights. '.Pl1e stand shown in pictal'.e was also Elizabeth 's. The liouse in bnck,,.'"'Tound is wl1erc Mrs. Boswoo-1:h lived, and which she calls the old Simmons Home. Pa,.,"'!? 24 .A.. Sec page 23.


In the Headquarter!.1 Burying Grounds (Litchfield Countvl are three stones with the following inscriptions: "In memory of Fanny B. daughter of Job and Arcena Simmons died June 25, 1818, ~ 4 yr., 4: mo." "In memory of ,Job Siumioni. wl10 died June 20. 1855. aire 76 yrs." "In memory of Ar...eneth wifo of ,Job Simmon11 who died Feb. ,23, 1869, age 86 yrs." These rocords deduced fu:rnish the dates us follow11: Job Simmons, b. 1779; d. June 20, 1855• .Arsencth, wife of Job, b. 1783; d. Feb. 23, 1869. Fanny B., dau. Job and ArsPneth, b. Feb. 25, 1814; d. June 25, 1818. ' We do not pretend to place the above-mentioned Job in any pa:rtieular line; but we do not sec any reason why we could not place him as a son of Ebenezer and .l\lary ( t) and. he 1'.;1 undoubted­ ly the person referred to in the followinir extract from the '' History of Cornwall" by T. S. Gold: , " ..•. chur.('}1 built in 1787... It was for a number of years bat little more than the shell of a building, with i:.ome kind of a rough floor and rough uneomfor.tuble seats. Tl1ere was no lnth or plaster and it was often said the e81 .e, that while the worship Wl1$ going on below the birds held high carnival and built their nests amoni.- the rafters over head. The only railing around the .imilery wa;, some strips of timber standing upright, nailed on to the front. across the top of which was nailed strips of boaTds. .On one occa­ sion while the services were it0ing on a boy by the name of Job Simmonr ., leaned his head down against the raililll? and soon fell asleep. When he had 11:0t fairly under way in a 11:0od sound nap. his head sliptted f.rom its support and pitching forward he landed 011 the floor below. It was not fatal a; 1 in the ease of the youua: man who fell out of the window on one occasion when Paul was SJ>eak· ing. Job 80011 gathered himself np, order wa.s restored and the Ber­ vices went on as usual" We have 110 doubt bat that this .Toi> is a grandson of, .Job and Abigail. Du.ring the Revolutionary War period we find the following record: "List of number and names of such as are of the .Alarm list who have their abode within the limits of the 4th Company or trainband in the 14th ~ent of Co1111eetieut.'' Job Simmons~, name is on this list, which 'is dated Cornwall. Conn., March 7, 17ii.

The home of Job Simmons at Cornwall was located at A place called the "Great Hill,"· which in a deed he calls his homestead. being part of the land that he purchased in 1766. together with the one acre that wa? surveyed and laid oat to him as one of the pro­ prietors of Cornwall 2G Sll\IMONS GENEALOGY

For the pursuance of those who wish to do so we lcive .flerewith the transaction., which he bad with bis lands at Cornwall. .tn prin­ cipal it will be noted that he purchased a tract of land con~ 36 acres, besides allowance for a highway to be laid acros.:; tho same: together with o. 20-acrc tract from Nathaniel l\Ioss of Wallindord, Connecticut, and Thoma, Porter of Cornwall. On Nov. 29, 1766, Dec. 1, 1766, be sold to Jethro Honncy the 20 acres mentioned above, and Feb. 9, 1769, 110ld 18 acres to John Peirce, beini:- the west half of the land purchased from Nathaniel Moss and Thomas Porter. Feb. 22, 1773, ho sold the balance of the 36 acres or in all 19 acres to Titus Bonney; this being the cat 18 acres purchased from Na­ thaniel .l\Ioss and Thomas Porter, together with the one acre snT· veycd and laid out to him. ·. The following arc exact copies of the dccds ns recorclccl at Com• wall: Cornwall Town Records, Vol. 2,. page 40L To o.11 people to whom these presents shall come ~etini? know ye ·that we Nathaniel Mos.1 of Wallingford in the county of Nnc Haven & Colony of Connecticut in New England, and Thomas Por­ ter of Comwo.11 in the County of Litchfield & Colony aforesaid ad­ ministrators upon the estate of A ..ahell Moss late of sd Cornwall deceased which estate bath been legally adjudged to be msolvent and order., given us by the judge of Probate for the District of Litchfield to make sale of the whole of the sd estate. Now therefor know ye that we the said Nathaniel & Thomas, in pursuance of the· order.I afores'd for tbe consideration twenty six pounds eieht shill­ ings lawful money received to our full satisfaction of Job Simmons of Cornwall, his heirs- and assign , forever two certain ·tracts of land lying in sd Cornwall, one of which is bounded as follows VIZ-Be­ ginning at the "'North ca d; comer of the 42nd lot of the first division and runs thence west 20" North 80 links to the north east comer of a pei.cc of land belonging to Abner Chandler of sd Cornwall. thensc south 9° west 38 chain , to the south-cast comer of the 42nd lot of the first division and runs thence west 20° so1.1th 5 -:hains 60 links to tbc south west corner of .d land thence by Highway Westerly to the bounds begun at, containing 20 acres, the other sd tract of land i., bounded as follows VIZ-Beginning at the ·North east corner·of a piece of land which we ha\·e sold: to the Rev. .M. H. Gold which is a heap of stone by highway and runs thence south & we ..t 38 chains ~ links to the South East comer of the sd land, thence Eust 20" South 10 chains to a heap of stones, thence north 12'l we t 15 chains 70 links to a large white oak tree a corner of land belonciru? to Josh­ ua Harris thence north cast 18 chains to another comer of sd land thence north one de!!:ree we~t 11 chains to the Hiehway afores'd thence westerly by the sd Highway to the bounds begun at. con­ taining 36 acres, besides the land sd Cornwall Proprietors commit­ tee have allowed and reserved for " Highway to be laid out across the Ia.st of the above granted and bargained premises with the at>­ purtenances thereof unto him the sd Job Simmons his heirs and .as­ sii:ns forever to his and their own prooor use and bchoof And also we the sd Nathaniel Moss & Thomas Porter do hereby covenant for ourselves our heirs and as iltDS with the sd Job Simmons his heirll SIMMONS GENEALOGY 27 nnd 11S.Signs thnt lie the sd Asahel l\[o$ died wa...,; seized of the prem• ises as a i:ood indefcm;ible e ,tate in fee simnlc and that we have 1,,'00d rii:bt to sell and con1;ey the same in mnnner & form above specified and tha.t the same is free from all incnmbranee~ cxceptine: only a right of dower bclonginir to the Widow Sydiah :M:osa of Wall­ in~ord and. furthermore we the :;d Nathaniel & Thom.as do bv these 11resentl! bind ourselves our heirs and a~i~ forever to war=t & defend the above ~ted and bargained -premises to hlin the sd .lob Simmons his heirs & aS8ii:ns ni::-~iru!t all claims & demands whatsoever cxccµting ~nst the chums of sd Dower~ and tl1e ~aiJ reserve for the H,ighway in witness whereof we have horeanto set our hand and Seals the 29th day of November in the 7th year of the rcii:n of our sovcreii:n Lord Georire the third of Great Brita.in & King, .Anno Domini 1766. Signcc1 Scnled & delivered in 1>resenee of Reynold Marvin, John Peil:oe, Nathaniel Moss (S) Thomas Porter (S) Litchfield county in Cornwall November 29th .AD 1766. Personally :ir>pcared Nathaniel Moss & Thomas Porter siirncrs & Scaled to tbc for~ instrnment, and acknowledged the same to be their owu free act & deed before me. · . Thomas Russell, Justice of Peace. Received for Record December 1st, A D 1766 and recorded by John Peirce, Regi~.ter. Town Records, Vol 2, ~c 397. To all people to whom these µresents shall come erectini:. know y,, that I, Job Simmons of Cornwall in the countv of Litchfield Col­ ony of Connecticut in N cw England for the· consideration of fifwen 1>0un

and nir heirs forever to warrant & r1efond the nbovc e:rnntcd uud hoi.~ined premises to him the sd ,fothro Bonnc~·. his h<'it'M mul ns­ siirns n,:minst nil eluimK und dcmnncl-i whatsoever I hnve hereunto set my hand nncl. seal the linit clny of De<,cmbcr in the 7th ,·enr 0£ the rci1,.'ll of our Sovcrei1,.'TI Lori! Geo~e ye Third of Grcnt Britain & Kini:. Anno Domini li66. Sii:necl SM.led nncl Deliverl'- h<'irs ,,nd n.-isii:n.-i rore\·er tlll' ,1·lstl'd~· 1:nlf pnrt of 11 certain fl·ll<·t or Plll:'l·el or lund lvinl? in sd C.>rnwall. bl'ini: n1,· Ho111e,-1ead the whole of s,J lanil contains 3U IICl'<"S beside allownnees for a Hi;d1wa)' to be laid across the same l>cin!! the sume 36 acres ot' land whieh I purchased of Nathaniel :\Ioss and Thomas Porter and is bounded a..~ ma.v ,iT)J)Car bv their deed to me thereof' elated the 29th day of November A D 1766 and r.iLordcd on sd Cornwall 2nd book or Records Folio ~Ol. Reference tl11m,to being had. To,. have & to hol-S whereof I have hereunto set my hand & scar the ei2:htl, · da~· of February in the ninth year of' the reign of our Sovercil?ll Lord Gcome tlie third ot' Great Britain & Kin~ Anno Dom:n· 1i6!l S'i:\1cd Sealccl & Dcliverccl in "lrcsenee of Heman Swift .Tob Simmons (S) · Josiah Patterson SIMMONS GENEALOGY 20

Litehflclrl County SS in Comw11l1 Fc•brnnrv 8th AD li60 Pcl'!IDn· nlly n1,1wnml ,Toh Simmons thl' i;i,:ncr & l«'alcr of the for~iroin~ in­ stn1111cnt aml 11cknowlcd,:<'d th!' surn<> to h<> his free net & ,Iced be­ fore mo. Hcmun Swift, ,Justice of Pence. Re 'd to record. 13th Febl'Unry liG0 n.nd recorded. ,John Poire<', Rciristcr. Pror,rieters Rccorrls, pnt:<' :!J!l. A part of th!' :lith Lot of tlll' 7th division or hm,l in Comwnll is laid out to ,fob SiNnons on n Rii:-ht thnt. wuH ori1.."innll,• Sarnu<•I Br·.vnutll 11.'I follows VJZ. Bein,: n Janrl-locke,1 1,ci<'<' boundinl!: i.outh east on lnn

Fcbnmrv in tho 13th vcar of the reign of our Sovrr·rill'n Lord Ocofl!'o the thiril of Orent Britain & king, Anno Domini 1ii:I, ,Job Si111111011Jo1 IS) Signed Scaled & Dclivrrcd in prc1mnr,r of ,Tohn Peirce Ebene1.er Simmons Litelrflclins: Im1trument & Ack11owlcd1,:"('d the 1ow11• to he his f'rre n."t & deed before me. ' ' Mr. Thoma!!' Ru111

ZACHi\.RIAH SIMMONS (4) Brnjnmin 3, ,Tohn 2, }foscH 1. b. ilfnr. 10, 1708·0, nt Duxbury; d...... ; m. May 27, 1731, nL Pembroke, to D.ibornh Bh1hop, wl10 wn11 born ...... :..... ; d...... Children F:lcnHl'II', b. l\far. 14, 1748-0 . •. .ithan, b, Apr. 3, ]732. Znehariah. (.J.r.), h. May 4, 1741. BEN,TAMIN SIMMONS, ,TR. (4) Bcn.inmin 3, ,Tolm 2. 1\foMcH 1. b. Mar. 13, 1710-11; d, ...... : m. Oet. 211, 1731, nt Duxbury, to Fear Snmp110n, who WM born ...... ; d ...... :...... Children Elizabeth, hap. Oct, 19, 1740; born about 1733. · Katruah, hap. Oct. 19, 1740; born about 1735. Micah, hap. Oct. 19, 1740; born about 1737. Perez, hap. ,Oct. 19, 1740; born nbout 1739. Luce, hap. May 10, 1741; born about 1741. ABRAHAM SIMMONS (4) Benjamin 3. John 2, Moses 1. b. ?fov. 9th, 1713; .,____ ; m••.....•...... •• CONTENT SIMMONS (4) Benjamin 3, John 2. Moses 1. b. Dee. 16, 1715; d.... ___ ; m, ____ HANNAH SIMMONS (4) Benjamin 3, .John 2. Mo~es 1. b . .July 16, 1718; d ...... ; m ...... • BETTY SIMMONS (4) Benjamin 3, ,John 2, Moses 1. b. Feb. 25, 1720-1; d .... ___ ; m...... •...• AARON 8IM1\IONS (4) Benjamin ,J, ,John 2, Moses 1. b. 1\far. :!5, 1724: d. TMay 10, 1790; m. ,Tan. 14, 1749 to Sarah Holmes. at illarshfield. She was bom...... ____ ; d......

Children Mary, b. SC"Pt. 22. 1755; d ...... Child, b. Mal!. 175S (dead) Abraham, bap. July 4, 1759. Jel!Se, b. Sept. 19, 1760; (P~ R. L761) Son. b. May 6, 171l3; d. May 8, 1763. PRISCILLA SIMMONS (4) Benjamin 3, John 2, Moses l. b. Dee. 30, 1727; u...---- ABIAH SIMMONS (4) Benjamin 3, John 2, Moses l. b. Oct. 23, 1730; ,.._ ____ ; mw.___ _

MERCY SIMl\IONS.(4) Moses 3, ,John Z. Moses 1. b. Mav 1&. 1720, at Duxbury: d. Sept. 21, 1788, a tWaldoboro. Me.: m. ,June 12. l739, to Deacon Nathaniel SiJnmon.s, the oldest child Joseph Sim- 32 SThOIONS GENEALOGY mons, and who was her com;in, For hc.r descendants look under the titlo of Deacon Nathaniet ICHABOD Sll\Th[ONS (4) Moses 3, .John 2. Moses 1. b. Oct. 18, 1722, at Durbury; a...... ·-······; m. Dec. 8. 1743. at Du.xbury, to Lydia Soule, who was b. lil.9; d. Mar. 3, 1779, at 60 yc11.rs.

Children Consider, b. Sept. 27, 1744. Noah, b. Sept. 2, 1745. Lemuel, b. Feb. 29, 1749. Abii,iil. b. May 24, 1753. Nathaniel, b. A11r. 3, 1757. Ichabod, b. May 25, 1761. LYDIA SIMMONS (4) Moses 3, John 2. Moses 1. b. Apr. 18, 1724; u....---: ,.,, ____ NOAH SIMl\lONS (4) l\toses 3, Jolm 2. Moses 1. b. Aul?. 31. 1728; d. Fe~ 28, 1737. DEBORAH SU.ThIONS (4) 1',[ose11 3, John 2. Moses 1. b. Jan. 12, 1732; a____ ; m. Dec. 25, 1755, to Jacob Weston. at Dux- bury. WILLIAM Sil\IMONS (4) Moses 3, ,Tohn 2, MOSc!!l 1. b. AUi?. 28, 1736; d ...... ; m___ _ ANN SIMMONS (4) Moses 3 ••Tohn 2. Moses 1. b. Sept. 4, 173!J; ,!...... ; m. Nov. 29. 1764, to Pelei? Oldham. at Duxbury. DORITHY Sll\IMONS (4) Moses 3, ,Tohn 2. Mose!\ L b. Mar. '> 1741; d ...... ; ...... ICHABOD SIMMONS (4) William 3, John 2, Moses 1. born .Tune 6, 1715, at Little Compton, R. I.; married first Lydia. second l\lcrcy Sprague. Childiren (born at Duxbury) Consider Simmons., b. Sept. 27, 1744. Noah Simmons, bl. Apr. 2, 1745; married Lydia. Lemuel Simmons, b. Feb. 22, 1749; married Mercy Sp?8£me. Abigail Simmons, b. May 24, 1753. Nathaniel Simmons, b. Apr. 3, 1757. Ichabod Simmons, b. Mar. 26, 1761; ma.med Urania Holmes. LEMUEL Sil\rnONS (4) Moses 3, John 2. Moses 1. b. Feb. 14. 1743; d .. , .w..---- ABIGAIL SIMMONS (4) Moses 3, John 2. Moses L b. Ma:v 10, 1745; "------DEA. NATHANIEL SIMMONS (4) Joseph 3, John 2. Moses 1. SIMMONS GENEALOGY 33

b. Mur. 24. lil0-11, ut Duxbury; d. ,Tun. 4, 1789; bur. Slaiiro Ccm• et1•ry: 111 •• June 12, li:J9, to Mercy Simmons (a oousin), who wa."­ bo·rn May 18, li20, ut Duxbury, und who w111:1 a daui:hter of Mo1:1c1t and Rachel (Sump1:1on) Simmons; d. Sept. 21, 1788. at Waldoboro. Mc. Children l\Iary, b. ,Tune 10, li42. ,Joseph, b. Sept. 1744: d. May 24, 1816. Zcbcdy. bap. Aug. 10, 1746; d. (about) 1794. Stephen, b. 1748; d. 1795. Sarah, hap. Aug. 26, 1750. Dorothy, bap. May, 1753. Rachel, bap. Nov. 6, 1763; d. Dec. 2, 1788, ai:c 25 yrs, 2 mo .• 4 days. D1•ucon Nathaniel Simmons after movini: from Duxbur:v. Mass., to \Valdoboro, Maine, scrv<'d the town as selectman for four vears. viz., li55, 1776, 1777 and 1782., He was a deacon and a member of the First Church and parish o:£ Duxbury until he moved to Waldoboro sometime between 1760 and 1770.

The following is II copy of the "ill of Deacon Nathaniel· Sim­ mons as found on the rirobate records, Lincoln County, Maine. The errors in spelling, etc.• arc ju;;t &.'- the record shows. In the name of God Amen: I. Nathaniel Simmons. of Wi.Ido­ boroui:h. in the County of Lincoln, in the State of Massachusetts Bay, in America: Husbandman Calling to mind the Shortness of my Lire and Being in Perfect mind and Memory think fit to Ordain and appoint these Presents to be l\Iy Inst Will and TC'ltament I therefore in tho first Pince, give my soul to God in Jesus Christ and my Bod:v to be Buried Dc-cently accordini: to the Dcscression of My Executors. herein after named Belic~inir that at the gratq and General Resurec• tion to Receive the Same again-and I Do hereby Dispose of the Estate Which Almighty God has Blcs'cd me with iu manner ns fol­ loweth. Itindirst I give to my True and Lovine: W,fe the one hnlf of nil my Real &->tatc togethe-r with the Improvements of ull my House-movables and I here further e:ive to my wife Hi-s. Marc~· Simmons the Improvements of three Cows and five ShCCP--What is here ment is tl1e Improvement of all the Real and Personal Estate here e:iven to my wi:t:e so Long as She the sd Marcy Simmons shall Remain my Widow-Itint I hereby ~ve too my two oldest Sons. viz. • .Joseph Simmons and Zebedee Simmons the whole of that my Farme it Being the Homestead Farme on which I Dwell nfter their motla­ ers Improvement 111:1 above to them and their Heirs forever eauall:v: further I give to sd Joseph and Zebedee the two Gunes that they now Improve and my two Swoards-Item I hereby lrive to mv son Steven Sinunons the Lone: Island fannsi which I boudit of Benjamin Bradford Lying on Long Island nea'r a place Called the Midle nar­ riws further I give to my son Steven my Half of the farme on which 34 SThIMONS GENEALOGY

he the 11'd Stcv!'n now Docs Now Dwells on-further I l?ivc Steven the r.,"lln that he Improves Item. I hereby Jri\·e to mv fonr Dnn1rl1tcn., · viz., l\lary, the Wife of ,John Hunt, Dorothy, wife of John Wimdow, . Sarah Simmons, Rachel Simmons, all that·my Farme which I bouirht of Mr!!. James Cleveland and contains one Hundred Acres nnd L:veth on the Southerly Side of ,Jacob Wndes farme all which farmes or Tracts of Land Lyini: within Township of Waldoboroudi above s'd except the Lonir lslancl Lot further I herebv J:ivc to Mary and Dor­ othy four pounds n Piece to be Pnid to them in one year ofter m:v Dcccas further I civc Mary and Dorothy Each of them one Cow n pcecc. itim I hereby J:ive to my thrrcc Childrc~ now Livi?U? at borne, Viz., Zebedee Sarah and Rachel after my wifes Improvement as ,above the three Cows and five Sheep toircther with all the House movables to be Eqnallv divided among them further I give to Zebo- 1lcc Six Sheep ond What Remains after m:1,· Debts and funeral Charge a.re paid equallv to be Divided amonl(' mv Seven Children. I hereby appoint my two Sones Joseph and Zebedee to be my FO)c and only Executors to this my Last will and Testament in consideration of the Love that I bare to my Loving wife and Dutiful Children I: civc as above s'd to them 11nd theirs heirs forever.in Witness and Confirmation whereof I hereunto set my hand and Seal this Twenty­ Second Day of January in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Seven. Signed Scaled and Declared to be my Last will and Testament in Presence of these Witnesses. • Pelel(' Oldham Nathanael Simmons (Seal) ,John Haupt Probated 23 Jan. 1789 (IV, 31) Andrew Stores Inveiltor:v by Nathaniel Pitcher Jabesh. Cole and Pelel(' Oldham. nil of Waldoborough, 3 Feb. 1789 (IV, 85 to 87) Cornelius Turner and Pel(!I(' Oldl1om both Waldoborough, Sureties. Accounts filed 18 Sept. 1792. VI. 81-92. . •REBEKAH SI:Ml\IONS (4) ,Toseph 3, John 2. Moses 1. b. Apr. 7, 1713; ...____ ; prob. m. July 6, 1732, to Ruben Peterson. SARAH STh!MONS (4) Joseph 3, John 2, Moses :t. b. Mar. 26, 1718; d. Mar... ·-·······• 1740; not manied. . '.JEDEDIAH SIMMONS (4) Joseph 3, John 2. Moses 1. b. Jwie ll, 1725; ~---: prob. m. .Aug. 23, 1750, to Lydia Soule. LEAH SIMl\IONS (4) Moses 3, .Aaron 2, Moses L b. Feb. 12. 172$, at Scituate; d ____ ; m. Nov. 29, 1744. at Scitnate. to ,John Mansel, b-.... --...... ; ...____ ; children born at Scituate. Children John Mansel, Jr., b. .Au~ 9, 1745• .Ann Mansel, b. June 29, 1749. Joseph Mansel, b. Dec. 9, 1750• .Abignil Mansel. b. June 1, 1752. William Mansel, b. Jan. 23, 1754. SJJ\IMONS GENEALOGY 35

Lcul1 l\Inn.sl'l, b. Sl'pt. 8, 1755. PclcJ,: l\fomwl. b. Sept. 23, 1757. ,lcun (Jn11c) M1111.scl, b. Sept. 25, 1759. l\Inry l\!1111.scl, b. Dee. '!.7, 1761. Lillill (Lylis) Man1:1el, b. Oct. 22, 1763. Lucy Munscl, b. June 11, 1766. Ruth l\fansel, b. Oct. 22, 1768. ABIGAIL SIMMONS (4) Ebenezer 3, Aaron 2, Moses l. b. Frb. 8, Ji15; d ...... ; m. Apr. 18, 1738, to Samuel Gardner, .Jr., nt Scituate. He WutJ born Nov. 17, 1713, at Hinl!:ham, and died Nov. 5,.1754. Children Jessie Gardner, b. ,Jnn. 24, 1738-9; d. Mav 30, 1745 Peleg Gardner, b. Ang. 12, 1740; d~--­ Snmoel Gardner, b. Sept. 18, 1744; d. May 'Zl, 1745. Samuel Gardner, b. Auir 5,.1746., Abigail Gardner, b. Aug. 5, 1758; d. Jan. 13, 1830 (ae 81: not married) . •Tessie Gardner, b. Oct. 18, 1754; d. Nov. 20, 1806. ,lOSHUA SIMMONS (4) Ebenezer 3, Aaron 2, Moses L b. Oct. 2.S, 1717: cl. Mar. 4, 1807; m. Nov. 11, 1742, prob. at Hanover. to Elizabetr Dillingham, who was born...... 1721; d. July 18, 1797, UC 76 yrs. ,Toshua Simmons was a selectman and resided in Hanover. om Washington Street, first in a house in a pnsture, back of where Da­ vid Chapman so long resided, and/ then in a house where now stands thnt of Albert Harnded. His crildrcn were born in Hanover. Children Joshua, b. }for. 5, 1743; d. Mar. 6, 1819. Elizabeth, b . .Apr, 14, 1746; d. Sept. 11. 1824. Lydia, b. A~ 23, 1749; d. Ebenezer, b. Dec. 'Zl, 1751; d. Jone 11, 1754. Ebenezer II, b. Apr. 11, 1754; d. Oct. 7, 1754. Mal')·, b. Sept. 26, 1755; d. Ap:n 28, 1814. Samuel, b. Nov. 1, 1757; d. Sept. 17, 1762. Elisha, b. June 16. 1759; d. Mar. 14, 1825. Lydia, b. July 14. 1763; d. Jan 16, 1805. William, b. Feb. 25, 1766; d. May 4, 1766. LYDIA SIMMONS (4) Ebenezer 3, .Aaron 2, Moses l. b. Sei,t. 10,1719; u..----~ MARY SIMMONS (4) Ebenezer 3, .Aaron 2. Moses L bal). Nov. 19, 1721; d.-- 36 81:\[1\fONS GENEALOGY

ELIZABETH SUDIONS (4) Ebe1w1.cr 3, Aaron 2, lfoses 1. b...... _...... ; d...... E~ENEZER Sil\Il\IONS (4} Ebenezer 3, Aaron 2. '2\foses 1. bnp. ,June 28, li24; d ...... SAMUEL SIMMONS (4) Ebenezer 3, Anron 2, lfoscs 1. bn11. ,T uly 18, li25; d ...... PELEG SI:\U\IONS (4) Ebenezer 3, Anron 2, Moses 1. b. SepL. 1, 1i28; d. Oct, 5, 1817, 11c 89 p·s., nt Seitunte: m. Julv 6, li58, nt Scituate, to Ruth Boyker. Children born nt Scituate.

Children Ruth, b. Feb. 8, 1760; ...,d ____ REUBEN S11\IMONS /4) Ebenezer 3, Anron 2. Moses 1. b. An::. 28th, 1726, Scituate, l\[nss.; d. l\foy 22nd. 1798, at Hinirhnm, Mass., ae i2 yrs.; m. June 13th, 1751, nt Hini:ham, Mnss., to Sarnh Lincolu, born O,·t. !Jth. li33. at Hingham, l\ln!'S., dnu. of Ebenezer nnd Hnunnh (Ellis) Lincoln; d. Sept. 19th, 1814.

Children Sarnh Simmons, h. ,Tan. 8th, 1752; m. 1780 to Dan. D. Wood- worth. Winifred Simmons, b. Mn:v 14, 1754; m. 17i8 Mattl1ew Hunt. Allen Simmons, b. Jan. 11, 1757. Kent Simmons, b. Oct. 16. 1759. Dn\id Simmons. b. ,Tan. 4th, 1762; d. Oct. 1st, 1845. Thomas Simmons, b. ,Tune 30, li63. Christu,nia Simmons, b. Sept. 20, li67; m. Jnm<'s ,Tanes. Reuben Simmons, b. Ma:v 1, 17i0. Otis Simmons, b. Oct. 26, 1773. AARON SIMMONS (4) Moses 3, Aaron 2. Mosetll. b. Oct. 2. 17:!0. at Scituate; d ...... ; m. Feb. i. li49. nt .Scituate, to Eliz- nbcth Hyland, who wns hap. Aug. 31, 1712, at Scituate. Children born at Seitunte. Children Anron, bnp. Oct. 28, 1750. l\[nry, hap. Oct. 17, 1756. Lydia. bnp. Sept. 23, 1759. Rhoda, hap. Sept. 23, 1759. Rachel. hap. June 30, 1765. RACHEL SBBIONS (4) Moses 3. Aaron 2. Moses 1. b. Apr. 20. li23. at Scituate; L... ___ ; m. Dec.5.1745, to James Cud- worth. Jr., at Scituate. He wns n son of John Cudworth. h. Sept. 21, 1715; bap. Aug. 10, 1718, at Scituate. Children born at Scituat~. STlfl\WNS GENEALOGY 37

Children Rn<'hel Cudworth, b. Oct. i, 1746. ,Jnnll's Cudworth, b. l\fnr. 28, li48. Betty Cudworth, h. Nov. 18, 1749. Snmucl Cudworth, b. Sept. 14, 1751. R1whcl Cudworth, b. Oct. 17, 1754. Lucy Cudworth, b. Sept. 30. 1756. :lfOSES SIMMONS (4) l\Iosl's 3. Anron 2, Moses l. b. Scot. 7, 1718; d ...... ; m. Dec. )6, li46, nt Scituntc. to Ahil!'llil Merritt, tlnu. of' Thomas nncl Ahii:mil Woo,lworth, bnJ)~ Sept. 11. 1720, at Sci­ tnntl'. Children bom nt Seituntr. Children Snrah. bnp.• Tune 5, 1748. Smnuel. hap. ~\pr. 22, 1750. Lcttice, bnp. ,July 1, 1753. Bnmnbns. hap. ,July 20, 1756. WILLIAM Sii\DfONS (4) William 3, ,John 2, Moses 1. born S('pt. 30, 1G99, Little Compton, R. I.; died ,Tnn. 8, li74, nt Little, Compton: 111nrri('i! Der. 3, li21, to :\lnry Peirrc. Children , .. II born nt Little Compton. Alir<' Sim111ons, bom Mar. 13, 172.'3. lsnnc s;mmons, born Frb. 24, li:?;3; mnrricd l\fary Church: died SrJ>t. 4, li58. William Simrnons. horn l\for. 23, 1727: ,lird Dec. 25, ri-1~. Lydia Sm1111ons, born Nov.• 5, 1729. Grol'l!'e Sinunon.:, born Oct. 7, 1731; mnrricd Deborah Taylor, Lucy Davis, Snrnh Wilh<'r. He died l\forch 26, 1809. 111,?e · 78 years. Aclnm Sinunons, born Ort. 11, 1733; married Deborah Church. He died Ang. 21, 1807, ng<' i4 ycnrs. Aaron Simmons, born l\Inr. 24, 1736; mnrried Ahil?llil Church. He died .Tnn., 1802, llA'C 66 years. l\fory Simmons, born Sept 13, li38; married Nnthan Ewin,::- Jan. JO, li57, Dnvid Stoddard Apr. 12, 1760• •JOSEPH SIMMONS (4) Wminm 3, .John ·2. Moses 1. born llnr. 4, 1702; mwrried l\Inr. 28, 1726. to R!'h<'cen Wood: he died .Tuly Ii, 1778, nt Little Compton, R.. I. ' Children All bom nt Little Compton. .John Simmon,;, bom_ ,Tnn. 29, 1727: umrriPd Lvdin Grinnell. Abiirail Simmons, born Dec. 7, 1728. SIMMONS GENEALOGY

Edward Simmons. born Mar. 16, 1730; married Amy C0Jr11well. Betsey Simmons, born Mnr. 8, 1733; married Samuel Peirce Nov. 12, 1755. ' r. Jonothnn Simmons, born Aug. 20, 1736; married Abiirnil Da.ih,:v May 5, 1759. · Ephriam Simmons, born June 29, 1739; married Mnry · Rich• mond Sept. 11, 1777. Sll8Dnna Simmons, born July 8, 1742. Rebecca Simmons, bom Feb. 7, 1746; married ...... Millt>r. Joseph Sln1mons, born ...... _, 1748; married Mary Simmons. JOHN SIMMONS (4) William 3, ,John 2, Most>s 1. bom Auir. 14, 1704; died MM. 8, 1774, at Little Compton, R. I.: mnrried Apr. 6, 1728, to Comfort Shaw. 1 Children (all born a.t Little Compton) Phebe Simmons, born Dec. 28, 1728; d. Apr. 24, 1730. Sarah Simmone. b. Jan. 26; 1730; married James Peirce, Sept. 14, 1749. · Zarah Simmons, b. Oct. 13, 1731; married Nov. 1, 1779, to Phebe 'Brownell. I'flhabod Sinm1ons, b. Nov. 28, 1732; d. Feb. 8, 1756. Deborah Simmons, b. Oct. 13, 1736; d. ,Ta.n. 8, 1809: married Dec. 31, 1761, to Thomllll Davenport. Ezekial Simmons, b. July 25, 1740. John Simmons; b. ·Auir. 26, 1741; married Hannah Drurrt. Comfort Simmons, b. Oet. 28, 1745. Elizabeth Simmons, b. Oct. 14, 1747. Raebel Simmons. b. Nov. 30, 1751. ,Lydia Simmons, b. Mar. 1, 1753. BENJAMIN SIMMONS (4) Willinm 3, John 2, Moses L born Feb. 2, 1713; died Mar. 16, 1788, nt Little ComT1ton, R. I.; marrii'd Nov. Zi, 1734, to Morey Taylor. Children (nil born at Little Compton) Peter Simmons, b. May 19, 1736; mamed Oct. 6, 1760 to Rebecca Rouse. : Comclitll!I Simmons, b. Mar. 15, 1737; ·d. Dee. 28, 1775. Benjamin Simmons, b. Dec. 2, 1739. Samuel Simmons, b. July 24. 1742; d. Feb., 1821: married Phebe Simmons and Mary Coe. Hannah Simmons, b. Feb. 21, 174.5; d. Jan. 24, 1824: nmrried Icha- bod Bmgess. Abigail Simmons, b. Feb. 21, 1745. Ivory Simmon!!, b. Oct. 17, 1750; married Sarah Borden. )!ercy Simmons, b. July 31, 1753; married Apr,' 20, 1777 to Caleb Sunmons. SIMMONR GENEALOGY 30

fohnhod Simmons, h. Jul:v 10, 1750; manicd Anr. 7, 1782, to Ruth Simmollll, · PELlm SIMMONS 14) Willinm 3, John 2, Moses 1. b. Doc. ~'1, 1i17; mnrri<'rl Dc•r. 11, 17:l!J to Mnry Brown<'ll. Chiklrcn (Boni in Little Compton) Thomn11 Simmon!I, b. Sert. 9, 1740; Mo11cs Simmon11, h. ,Tnn. 16, 1743; Gideon Simmon", b. Dec. 14, 1744; mlll'l'icd Patience l!!llis, (Dur• fcv Gcnn. Pllll'C 416) Bcn,iamin Simmons, h ...... ; married Sus11J1na Brins Ma)' l, 1783; C11ilclren Bor1J nt Tiverton, R. I. Mary Simmons, b. Jan. 14, 1747: Phcbl? Simmons, b. Apr. 21, 1749: Rhoda Simmons, b. May 2, 1751; Eunice Simmons, b. May Z'!, 1753; Polej.l' Simmons, b. May 7, 1755: Joseph Simmons, b. Nov. 7, 1757; '.\hiimil Simmons, b. Oct. 31, 1760. . ISAAC SIMMONS (4) William 3, John 2. Mosl!!I l. born ...... tiOI nt Duxbury; died Auir. 30, 1767, 1118l'ricd Lydia Cushin2' Oct. :!4-, li22. Children Consider Simmons, b. Apr. 30, 1734 at Dmcb11rY; married Feb. 25, 1763 to M. Soule. d.OHN SIMlIONS 14) ,Tohn 3, John 2, Moses 1. b. A111?. 22, 1TI6, nt Duxbury; d...... RUTH SIMl!ONS (4) John 3, John 2, Moses l. b. A»r 26, 1719; d---- .JOEL SIMMONS (4) John 3, John 2, Moses l. b. Feb. 5, 1722-3; u...---- • LEAH SIMl\toNS (4) ,John 3, ,Tohn 2, Moses 1. b- Se»t. 7, 1728; Fifth Generation

JOHN SIMMONS (5) ,Job, ,Tr. 4, ,Job 3, Mrsl'S 2. Mcsl's 1. b. Jan. 17, 1761 at Cornwall, Conn.; d. Mar. 5, 1849: bnr. in till'" m••• tery nt W c11t Fort Ann; m. Felr•...... li86, nt Litchfil'll, Conn • to Rachel Bis.o;ell, who wns born Sept. 8, 1767: d. Feb. 5, 1850, nnd is buried nt West Fort Ann.

John Simmons wns one of the har<1y p1oneer11 IVhO 1·e11istcd Kim: George, enlisting in the Continental Anny Sept. 1, liii, as n primt•• under Capt. Edward Rogers :m<1 Lieut. Col. Smith 11ml served 1 ntil Jan. 1, 17i8. He again enlisted in l\Iny in 17i8 un,1<-r Capt. ,Ire Gil­ let, and Col. Ro11:er Enos, serving until their resi­ dence near Fort Ann, New York, where h<' was Cll.."'11.."Cd in the manu· facture of iron. He scell'red a piece of land in a tllcn 11cr. co1,ntrry between Lake Cliamplnin and Lnke George, :ind in the foothJls of; tlie Adirondack Mountains, where i~on ore existed, nnd there built up the home where he and his wife SJ)(•nt the elos:nl? vcars cf their lives,_ surrowided by the most romantic battlefield of the Revolu- tionary War. 1 OLD :S:OME OF JORN SIMMONS, FT. ANN, N. Y. BUILT 1790 Thi8 house was built· by .lo)m Simmons in 1790 about :four miles west of Fort .Ann. K. Y. in the foot of tl1c .Adirondack mountaiIJ:,1,, !\fr. Simmons was a re,·olutionary soldier and discov• cred iron ore here, and after the war, built an iron forire. and resided here until his death in lSJ.5. ...• . ,The writer visited this place in 1911, and· it wns still in l?OOd condition. :is sl1own by photo. The tenant at that time had re­ ~ided in it for the last 60 :vcars. (Ph/oto by L . .A. Simmons in 19ll} Page 40 A. Sec page 40.


John Simmons wo.s a. very large, mm111ular mnn, Mbrndinl? 8iX foot tall. His wife, Racl1cl bci11iz: low, heavy 11et nnd fle11J1y. ,John nnd Rachel Simmons rniscd n family of cloven children, r,nrt of thl'm born in Litchfield, Connecticut, nnd tl1c remainder 11t Fort Ann, New York. John Simmons was n pioneer in every Honse ot' tho word, wnH always rendy to help clenr th!! wilrl!!rn!!11M,' nnrl 11tnrt the new ,mtth•• mcnt on the road to development. Settling in the county of Wnshina:· ton just after the Revolutionary Wll'r, he built him!lelr n homl', nnd ut once helped his nei1?hbors o~nfae anrl Htnrt the educntionn.J in­ rititutions of the County. The first schoolhouse built in this vicinitv wns built upon the old 8immons J1omcstead, and in the 11enHOn ot' 1D14 th<' writl!l'· vi11itcd thl' ,,lace and the olcl schoolhouse 11till 11ta111J11, nnd is known nl' tlll' "Simmons Schoolhouse." Al110 the ho1111e built b~· ,Tolin Simmon!! in li91 is still standing and is in good r!!pair, nnd i11 11till in use a!-l n residencl!, being occupied hv nn old lncly whoHI! numc I Jmve fol'IO()tten, who tol

Stop traveler ns yon f)hSS b~• A."' ;von nrl! now, 1'0 onre wns I As I nm now, soon yuu must be Prepare you·rS<'lf to follow me.

It is the tradition of tl1e community that this woman died in au 42 AIMMONA OF.NF.AWOY

1•miA"r1111t w111tOt1 111111 w1111 hnrio,1 11nrl thr 11tont' nrot!tod and thnt thl' l'nmil,v movr,I to unknown rlmitinntion, I1111nrlption ror,il'rl by L. A. HimrnonM ,Tnnl" 1011,

EBENEZER HIMMONS (u) ,Job ,Tr. 4, ,Toh :J, Mo11011 2, l\Io11r.11 l, Dom ebont 174a in M1ui11, or N, H.; J\forrir,t nhout 1707 to Mm•~· Gurn11ey in Litchfiold County, Conn,

Children IDnvid SimmonM, Born Feb. 26th, 1761), mnrrlrrl i\Inr\' Kn11r1r>, · dau, of l!lanc Knapp, in 170:J. (A 10n, wom)

Zttriel Simmons. Born ,June 0th, 1773 (110mo e'1PY it 177u. but it is unmistakably 1773, a11 he 1111mir1I Sully Hunt in 1791, nn early ago for mnrrill,ltll. Clarinda Simmon!!, bapt. Apr. 2ni1, 1775; manil'r] Oha1llah Hunt. ,Job Simmons, horn about 1777. Chloe Simmons, horn nbout 1779. Ephriam Simmons, horn ahont 1780. Philcna Simmons, born nbont 1781,2; mnrrfoil Amos Goul1l Polly Simmons, born 1786; manie,l Ebr.nc?.C'r Gould. (Probably others) Ebenezer Sitnmons, his son, Dnvid, and his dan,rhter, Clarinda, all movlod from Connccticat to W!114h.ington oounty, New York, about 1790, and settled at Granville, his brother, ,John. l!ettlin.tl at Fort Ann, in the same ll01m!y.

Ebenezer's descendants livl'

ISAAC Sil\G\IONS (5) William 4, William 3. ,John 2. Mosrs 1. born Feb. 24, 1725; died Sept. 4, 1758; maniod Mar. 25, 1748, to Mary Church.

Children (All born nt Little Comr,ton)

William Simmons, b. Feb. 24, 1749; 1IU11Tied Anna Richmond. Nathaniel Simmons, b. ,June 1(\, 1751; married Mary Wo01l ,Caleb Simmons, b. ,Tan. 2.'3, 17r>4; rnnrriL'

GEORGE SIMMONS IT>) William 4, \V'illiaw. 3..John 2. ~osei; 1. SI)CMONS GENEALOGY 43 bom Oot. 7, 1181; dlo!l Mar, 26, 1800; mart-il'd Deborah Tnvlor D<'r. 11!1, 1753; married Lucy Davia 1766 and S11rnh Wilboll ,Jun<' 21, 1807. Chlldron (All born at LHtlo Conmten) Doborah Simtno1111, b, Nov. 19, 1767, Davi11 Simmon11, b, Oct. 20, 17119,: marri<'ll Eli:mb11th C'ook No\", 28, 1792. Mary Simmons, b. Doc. lG, 1772, Sarah Simmons, b. Dee, 21, 1775. ADAM SIMMONS (G) Willinm 4, Willinm 3, ,John 2, Mo11011 1, horn Oct. 11, 17331. died Auir. 21, 1807, nitr 74 ~.: mnrriccl Nov, 27, I iGG, to Pcborah ~nurch. Children Rom at Little Compton: Eli1.abeth Simmon11, b. June 9, 1758; mnrril'll ,Jan, 22. l7R9, to Philip Taylor; d. NoVI, 1821. 8arah1 Simmons, b, Sept. 25, l7n9; mnrriccl Benjamin Co11. Lucy Simmons, b. Apr. 16, .1761; marri!'d Torn Ril'lunond. Isnac Simmonll.l b. Alli:- 26, 1764:

Children Sarnh Simmons, b. M11y 18, 1701 ; married Chnse. Rebecca Simmon11, !J. Apr. 6, 1763; mnrriecl Rnymont. Edward SimmonM, b. ,July 26, 1766. (removed to Macli!mn, N. Y.) Ep,hriam Simmons, b, ,Tan. 18, 1760, Bptsey Simmons, b. May 23, 1772; mn.rrie!l ,John Pr.irce. William• Simmons, b. ,Tan. 22, 1775; he movecl to MncliMOn, N. Y. Joseph Simmn1121, b. Mnr. 4, 17i0; married OC"t. 23, 1809, to Com· fort Grlnald. ,JOHN SIMMONS (5) ,To11Cph 4, Willlnm 3, ,John 2, lfose11 1. born ,Jan. 29, 1727, at Little Compton, R. I.; ma1Ticcl Lydia Grinnell, dau,chtllr of George and Mercy (Sanford) Grinnl'll, nbout 1746, Children Jeremiah, born April 8, li4i. Joseph, born Mar. 23, li40. Bcnoni, born ...... ; died .Tune 15, 18.15. Isiah, born___ _ .John, bom___ _ Ruth, bnrn..... __ _ Elizabeth, bom...... EPHRIAM SIMMONS (5) ,Jo11eph 4, William 3, ,John 2, Mose~ 1. born June 29, 1739, at Little Compton, R. I.; mnrried Sept. 11, 1m, to Mary Richmond. Children Hannah Simmon.<1, b...... , li80. Amy Simmons, b. May 19, 1782; married Sam 'tnm>. JOSEPH SIMMON:S (5) Jose~.J• William 3, ,John 2. M08e:1 1. born...... , 1748; marned Oct. 10,,1114, to Marv Simmons. Children Elizabeth Simmons, b. ,Jan. 9, lii5. Deborah Simmons, b. Oct. 9, 1ii6. Susanna Simmons, b. May 20, lii8. Ezra Simmons, b. Feb. 22, li80. Abigail Simmons, b ••Tan. 11, 1882. Andrew Simmons, b. Mar. 10, 1784. ZARAH SIMMONS (5) ,John 4, William .3, ,Jotm :?, ~loses 1 born .Oct. 13, 1731, at Little Compton; married Nov. 1, liiO, to Phebe Brownell; married Susanna Stoddard Aug. 28, 1789. Children George Simmons, b. Oct. 27, liil; n1arried Mar. 23, li94, to Ruth Head. SIMMONS m:NNALOOY 4,')

1Wznboth SimmonM, b. Apr. 22, 1774. Abii,."1151 Simmons, b, Fob, 16, 1776, Abigail Simmon!I, b. Jnn. 18, 1778. Edith Simmon!I, b. Oct. 11, 1782. Ezokinl Simmomi, b. Nov. 18, 1783. Stephen Simmons, b. Nov. 25, 1785. · Edith Simmons, b. Aui:. 11, 1788. Thomns Simmons, b. ,Tnn. 21, 1701.

JOI-IN SIMMONS (5) .Tohn 4, Willinm 3, ,John 2, J\loMl'M 1. born Ault', 26, 1741, nt Little Compton; mnrricd ,Tnn. :!'.?, 1767, to Hannnh Brilt'htman.

Childrcn (Born at Little Compton) lmtoda Simmons, b. Ault', 16, 1767. P,mlon SimmonR, b. Sept. 24, 1760; ilicll Murch 11, 1841. K11snnna Simmons, b. l\Iar. 20, 1771; 111111Til'd Irhubod Pcirrc. Stephen Simmons, b. Mnr. 25, 1773; 111arri1•d Nov. 20, li98, to Priscilla Bend. ,John Simmons. b. Fem 29, li77; 1liod ,Tune 28. 1851. Phebe Simmons, b. May 10, 1785. PETER SIMMONS (5) Benjamin 4, Willi11111 3. ,Tohn 2. 'J\Joscii 1. ~rn 'May 19, 1735, at Llttlc Compton; married Oct. 6, lillO. to Rr­ becca Rouse. Children Hannah Simmons, b. Sept. 12, 1761. Eliµhal Simmons, b. Apr. 26, 1763. Deborah Simmons, b. Oct. 5, 1765. Geol'lt'c Simmons, b. Dec. 13, 1766. Mny Simmons, b. Mar. 16, 1769. Benjamin ~iJnmons, b. Jan. 3, 1771. Lemuel Simmons, b. Sept. 22, 1773. Rouse Simmons, b. Aug. 11, 1775. Isaac SiJnmons, b. Mar. 15, 1778. Deborah Simmons, b. May 8, 1781. Peter Simmons, b. Oct. 16, 1783.-

BENJAMIN SIMMONS (5) Benjamin 4. William 3, ,John 2. lioscs L born· Dec. 2, 1739, at Llttlc Compton, R, I.; married Mnry

.Children Loring Simmons, b. Jan. 27, 1765. 46 Sil\!lfONS GENEALOGY

SAl\tU.EL Hll\11\toNH (Ii) Bc11.i11111in 4, Willi11111 :1, ,fohn 2 l\fo,,m11 1, born ,lulv 24, li42, 11t IJiltlc• Complon, It. I.: rlh•d 1''1•h., 1821: married Phebe Sln1111oru1 first a111l l\lnry• Coe 11f'cot11l. Children Willi11m Si111mo1111, b. Dec, 7, 1767: 111111°rif'rl R, Sonic. IVORY SIMMONS (r,) Brninmin 4, Willi11111 3, ,John 2,·l\lOMl'M 1. born Oct. 17, liG0, at uttlc Compton, Ii. I.: mnrrie

Chililr<'n Silenco Wnlker Sl111mo1111, b. Apl', :.!I>, .liH:?. Allen Lincoln Simmom1, h. 1-1,•pt.• :!II, l i81>. Reuben Simmom1, b. ]\fny :!4, 1i8H: livrnl N1!W Rr,11',ml. Kent Simmon11, b. Apr. 21, li00. °Chri11tiana Simmon11, b. Dre. :?1, liD:?. Snmh Slmmon11, b. Dec. l:?, 171J4, Oti11 Simmons, b. Apr. 7, li07. Mary Simmons, b. Feb. r,, :J.800. Nnncy Simmons, b. Frb. 18, 1802. DAVID SIMMONS (5) :Reuben 4, Ebl'lll!l'.1'1' :1, Anro11 :?. ]\foiwK 1 born ,Jan., 1762, Hinirham, Mass.; died 0<,t. l. 1841>, ffoxhnrv, Ma11M.: married Feb. 10, 1785, at Boston, Mn1111., to Mnry Sti11111P1011, ,!au. of ,Tolrn nnd Snsnnna (Fordick) Stimy,son. Sire died Dec. :Jl. 1845. Children' (Bom at Keen!!, N. ll.) JotleJ)h Newell Simmons, b. Nov. 26, li85. David .Allen Simmons, b. Nov. 7, 1787. Mira Williams Slmmons, b. Sept. 7, li89: 111. Er,lrrinm Harrini:- ton. /c . Thomas Simmons, b. Oct. 8, li91. Lydia Fordick Simmons, b. June, 2, li93; m. l\f. Bnrkrr. Rebecca Capen Simmons, b. Feb. 23, li96; 111. Samuel l\I. Ph'flip!,, Eliza Dich Simmons, b . .Apr. 7, li98; rn. Jru;. M. Sumner. Clarissa Stimpson Simmons, b. Jan. 17, 1800; m. Dnvi,l Bnrk('r, Nancy Stimpson Simmons, b. :May 5, 1802. Susan F. Simmons. b. Dec. 23, 1804. George A. Simmons, b. May 17, 1808. Da':id ~immons and young wife, Mary (Stimpson) Simmons. settled 1n Keene, N. H., about 1785. He wa11 a lawyer,. a 1\fo.,,;on. 1792. He spent his last days in Roxbury, 1\foss. His dau:!htrr. Nancy, married Warren Fisher and Susan rnanied .John H. East­ liurn. GIDEON SIMMONS (5) Peleg_ 4, William 3, John 2. Mo,ie11 1. born Dec. 14, 1744; manied June 27, 1m, to Patience Ellis. Children Moses.Simmons, b. Aug. 16, lii2. Jonathan Simmons, b. Mar. 1, 1775. Charles Simmons, b. J uue 2, l 7ii. William Pitt Simmons, b. Scpt. 27, 1780. Eunice Simm•ons, b. Nov. 10, li82. Mary Simmons, b. Oct. i, 1784. Benjamin Simmons, b. Oct. 11. 178a. 48 SIMMONS OI~NJ~ALOGY

Gi!lron Simmon!! wn11 n cnptnin! ol' one ol' the ro111t11111il•11 ol' mili· tin for tho town or Littlo Compton, H. I., durlnir the wnr ol' tlu• Revolution, Ho wa11 a Rovolutionnry war pc111doner, nnd lived nt one time in Easton, MadiMon county, Now York. (Rot Gcnoalolllv Thom~· u Durfee, VoL I, pap;o 416.) Gideon Simmons and Wm. Church wont from Little Compton, R. I. to Now York 11tato drivinir an ox tenm containiuir their r,orsonal bolongin~ · Gideon Simmons lived for a time in tlw l'nmilv of Caleb Church, tho rathol' of William. ELEASER SIMMONS (5) Zachariah 4, Bcn,iamin 3, John 2. Mose11 1. b, Mar. 14, 1748-0; d ...... NATHAN SIMMONS (5) Zachariah 4, Ben.inmiu 3, John 2, Moses 1. b. Apn 3, 1732; d---- ZACHARIAH SIMMONS. JR. (5) Zachariah 4, Ben.iamin .,. John 2, Mosos 1. b. May4, 1741; d_. ___ ELIZABETH SIMMONS (5) Zuchariah 4, Bl'niamin 3. ,John 2. Moses 1. b. Oct. 19, 1740; d •...... • KATOOAH SIMMONS (5) Benjamin 4, Bm.iami11 3, John :.!. Moses 1. Bap. Oct. 19, 1740; d ...... MICAH SIMMONS (5) Benjamin 4, Benjamin 3, ,John 2. Mosl'!< 1. bap. Oct.10, 1740: ,..d ____ PEREZ SIMMONS (5) Benjamin 4, Benjamin 3. ,John 2. l'IIose!' 1. bnp. Oct. 19, 1740; ...____ _ LUCE SIMMONS ('5) Benjamin 4, Bnnjnmin 3. John 2. MOl!es 1. bap. Mny 10, 1741; d...... MARY SIMMONS (5) Aaron 4, Benjamin 3, John 2, !\loscM 1. b. Sept. 22, 1755; d...... ; m. probably Ebenezer Sherman. Jr.•. of l'llnl'l:lhfield, July 15, 1773. ABRAHAM SIMMONS (5) Aaron 4, Benjamin 3. John 2. MoMc~ 1. hap. July 4, 1759; ...._ ____ ,JESSE SIMMONS (5) Aaron 4, Benjamin 3, John 2. MOl!C8 .I. b. Sept. 19, 1760; d. (prob.) Apr. 10, 1835. Born in Duxburv and probably died at the same place. Married Oct.17.1781. to Lucv Wes• ton, of l'llarshfield, dau. or William Weston. She was baptized Julv 18, 1762. They were married at Marshleld. . Children Weston, b. l'IIar. 13, (9th) 1783; -d ____ Ruby, b. Oct. 23, (P.R. May 23) 1786; d. ___ Martin, b. Jan. 29, (P.R. Dee. 26, 1787: ,..____ _ Sally.,b. Apr. 8, 1791; .._,___ . Aaron, (h. Sally) b. June 29, 1797 (P.R. 1796; ,.._ ____ Lyman, b. O!)t. 8, 1807; d.., ____ HIMMONS OF:NEAT,OCIY

CONHIJ)l-:lt SIMMONS (Ii) lrlu1hml 4, Mo""" :1, ,John 2, .MoHCB I. h. Sl'pt, :;;, .i744: ti ...... ; 111, F<'h, o, l71l3, to .Ncmhctu Suulc, at Dnxbury. Children Lydclin, hap. ,Jmw 28, 1700; ii. (r,roh) ,July l, 1776 Lucy, bnp, July 26, 1767. 'Lydia Sonic, ba11, July 24, 1768. .Jonathon Soule, bup. ,Juno 6, 1773, NOAH Sil\fl\fONS (o) Tclinhml 4, l\fosN1 :J, ,Johu 2, l\fo11,~"I 1. b, Ho11t. 2, 174/i, nt Duxbury: 11. ,Ju,ne 20, 1832: 111. ,Tulv 2. 1769, to S.vlviu fouthworth, b...... : cl. Sept. 27, 1785, ot Duxburv. Children Woalthcn, bup. Apii. 28, 1771; d. Moy 3, 1771. Poll!I:' Southworth, hap. l\Iur. 1, 1772: cl ...... Chnrle11, bar,. ,Tun. 27, 1777: cl ...... Daniel, bar,. Sept. 10, 1778; cl. Sept. 23, 1778. Nathan, bnp. Apr. 25, 1770: cl. Oct. 26, 1779. no (6 1110 CR) Dnnfol, bop. Aug...... ,1781: cl ...... Welthea, bap. May 3, 1783: d ...... infant, b ...... ; d. Sept. 27, 1785. Silvia, hap. Sept. 29, 1785: cl l\for. 4, 1796. LEMUEL SIMMONS (5) Ichah0

MollOll 1, b, Apr, 3, 1757, at Duxbury; d. ,lan. :?2, 1s:JG, ut the n,:u or 70 yolU'II; bur. in Lal'Jttl Comotcry at Duxbury; 111, Dtie, 7, 1780, nt Duxbu.ry, to Lydia Spl'lljCUc, who wu11 born Mui•, 21, 1761: d, Nuv. 28, 182~, In hor 68th your, C11ildron Barthona (Parthenia), b. Au,:. 5, 1781: prob, d, June lG, 18-l0. Sarah, b. Mar, 9, 1784. Anna, bL Mar, 27, 1786, Nathaniel, Jr. b. Juno 24, 1788; Rebecca, b, Oct. 4, 1791. Alathca, b. Sept. 24, 1793, Lydia, b. May l, 1795. Lyoy, (twin) b. Dec. 1S, 1708 NanJ&y (twin) b. Dec, 18, 1798; d. Mu..v :m. 1801, ue 2 vr. 5 mo. 8 da. (GR 3). Ichabod, b. Feb. 17, 1801. Mary, b, ___ 1804. Joshua Sprague, b. Al>J'. 28, 1807. Had II son died Feb. 1, 1828. ICHABOD SIMMONS (5) Ichabod 4, Mo1.1m1 3, John 2. Mo1.1es 1. b • .A.pr~.3, 1757; d, ____ ; prob. m. Au~. 1781. to Mrs. Mercy Spragac. .MARY SIMM.ONS (5) Dea. Nathaniel 4. Joseph 3, John 2. MosC!I 1. b. June 19, 1742. at Duxbmy,;d...... : m• .Apr . 24. 1764. to John Hunt, Jr•• JOSEPH SIMMONS (5) Den. Nathaniel 4, Joseph 3. ,Join. 2. :Mo,ies 1. b. Sept. 19, 1744, at DuxbU'l')"i d. l\[av 24. 1816; Buried at Waldoboro, M,.s. l\Iarried Dc.-c. 4. 1770, at Bri(W!Water. Massacbtl$ltts. to Elizabeth \Jnamberlain. She was born ____ 1751: buried at Waldoboro, Me. Children !Nathaniel, b. Oct. 19, 1777; d. Oct. 22. 1788. Col Thomas, b. about June, 1782; d. Oct.4.1868. Col James, b. Jan. 10, 1781; d. Oct.2.1872. Jobb. Joseph, b. Sohp.ia, (married a Mr. Oldham). Mercy, b. Dec; 14, 1790; d. May 7, 1884. ZF".&ED:l:E (ZEBEDY SIMMONS (5) Dea. Natbaniel 4. J'oseph 3, JohL' 2. Moses 1. bap. A~ 10, 1746,· at First Parish Cb111'Ch. Du."t bury; d. about 1794; drowned in Medamak River at Waldoboro. Me­ m. Mary Waterman (prob. a second wife), who died Mar. 18. 1809. ~ 60 years. Buried Slaigo Cemetery, Waldoboro, Me. SD!l\lONS m;NEALOOY lil

Chilclrcn S~vcrul Chilrdl'n. One 11111111'<1 Zchedh a, John 2, :\loMcM 1. bop, May 11, 1753: d ...... m. ,Toh11 Win.11ow. STEPHEN SIMMONS (5) Den, N11th1111iel 4, Jo1101>h 3, John 2, :\lrn,1011 l. b. 1748; d. 17Du: Ill, BctS<'Y ...... Stc11lw11 Simmons 11crvc1l the town or Waldoboro, :Mo., ns soloct- 1111111 in 1703 nnd 1704, Chililrcm Abiirail Pcubody Stephen Urnma Sprnguo Nancy Setscy Rachel SAl\fUEL SIMl\lONS (5) i\fos<'s 4, llfoscs 3, Aaron :?. l\foscs 1. hap. Apr. 22, 1750, 11t Scituntc: d ...... : m. Nov. 28.1786. to llrti. Thanki;ul Curtis. Children Pek,g, b . .A.1,r. 17, 1788; d ...... Samuel, b. Arn·. 26, 1790; d ...... ,Joseph, b. Au::r. 8, 1792; d ...... Thomas, b. Auir. 18, 1794:

The followiuir children arc 011 r<>eor,1 at Ssieuate under the ca'P- t11tion of "children of Samuel and W." Pck'l:, bap, Dec. 1792. Samuel, bar>, Dec. 1792. Tbo.inas. bap. May 29, 1796. Mary, bap. June 3, 1804. It is a question wl1ether or not these arc the children of Sam­ uel and Thankful, but they probably are. There was al.so a Samuel married ·to Sarah Morten at Scituate 011 l\Iareh' 2, 1780, and this may be the same Samuel who afterwards married Mrs. Thankful Curtis, although this record of a »rior mar- riage cannot be verified. · 'BARNABAS SIMMONS (5) Moses 4, Moses 3, Aaron 2. Moses L bar>. July 20, 1756, at Scituat~ m. Mar. 16, 1778. to Lvdia Wade, Moved to Roekport, Maine, and union, Ma.ine. 62 SIMMONS OENEAWGY

Children Nnbbe, bnp. June 6, 1770. AA.RON SIMMONS (5) Anron 4, Mo11c11 :J, A11ro11 2, Mo11ci11 l .. bnJI. Oct. 28, 1750, at Scituate: d ...... : m, Deo. 19, 1776, to Mn!. Martha Vinall nt Seituntc. Children Joseph, bnp. Sept. 211 1777. Deborah, bap. June 6, li79. J.OSHUA SIMMONS (5) ,J011hu11 4, Ebenezer a, Anron 2. Mo11cs 1. b. Ma1'. 5, 1743; d. Mar. 6, 1819. ELIZABETH SIMMONS (5) Jo!llma 4, Ebenezer :1. Anron 2, Moses 1. b. Apr. 14, 1746: d. Sept. 11, 1824. Died unmarried. (Authority, ,Jolm F. Sin1111om1 of Hanover.) MARY SIMMONS (5) ,To11hua 4, Ebenew1 a. Anron 2. MosCII 1. b. Sept. 26, 1755: d. Apr. 28, 1814; m. Sept. 29, 1i05, to ,John Thut­ el1er, of Barnstable. They had no children. (Authoritv, John F. Simmons of Hanover.) THOMAS SIMMONS (5) Peleg 4, W.illiam 3, .John 2, Moses 1. born Sept. 9, 1740; mar.tied Martha first nn

Chilclr1m (bol'll nt Th•llrton, R. I.) Blln,inmin Simmons, b. Mnr. 6, 1778. ,Joseph Simmow, h. Apr. 14, 1780. Perry Sinu11om1, b. ,Tune O, 1782. Phillp SinunonH, b. Sept, 22, 1784. Eliphal Simmons, b. Ort. 2», 1786. Su11nnnah Simmons, b. Nov. 2, 1788. NOAH SIMMONS (5) lchnbod 4, William 3, ,Tohn 2. Mo11cs l. ho1•1, Apr. 2, 1746; mnrried Sylvin Southworth .Julr 2, 1769; mnrrfod Diuun Kern Sept. 19,-1771; mn.rricd .l\Inry (l\forthn) Shermnn and li1·f'd in KillJ.."!lton, Mnss. Children (born in Duxbury) PeleR' Simmons, b----- Wenlthea Simmons, b ...... _ .. . Charles Simmons, b...... ; marricrl Lydia. Nnthan Simmons, b .... ____ Dnniel Sinunons, b ...... LEllUEL SIMMONS (5) Icnbod 4, Willimn 3. ,Tohn 2, Mo11cs 1. Lo111 I<'l'b. 2'2, 1749, at Duxbury; mnrril'd Abi211il Prirrc l'tfor. 15. 1773. Chilclren (born in Duxbury) Andl'rson Simmons, b...... , 1776: d. 1779. l'tinry Simmons, b ...... Beula){ Simmons, b ...... Lydia Simmons, ..,._ ____ Geol'Jr(' Simmons, b...... 'ELISHA SIM.l\IONS (5) .Joshua 4, Ebenezer 3, Aaron 2. Moses l. b. June 16, 1759; d. Mar. 14, 1825; m. Dee. 13. 1781. nt Hirurhnm, to l\Inrtha Hersey, of Hingham, who wns born June 1, 1761, and die

LYDIA SIMMONS (5) Joshua 4, Ebenezer 3, Aaron 2. 1\IoseR 1. b. July 14, li63; d. Jan. 16, 1805: m•• June 13. li93. to Bcn.iamin Bailey. NATHANIEL JE?l.'NINGS (5) Elizabeth 4. ,Toh 3. Moses 2. Moses L b. Dec. 2.5, li38, at Pembroke, lI118s.: a. May 10, 180i. and is buried at Centre Pembroke, Mas~; llL No,·. 14, lii4, nt Pembroke, to Man· Barnes, dnu. of .John and llnl")· (Gulliver) Barnes. who was bom.... ~.·--····-··· at Dm.:bury. She died in 1825 at Hanson. llnss.• aml is buried at Centre Pembroke. Children Mary ,Jennings, b. Sept.. 21, lii5; ,L____ _ Charity Jennings, bap. Oct ...... , liii: d•....•• ·-··· li77. Isaac ,Jennings, b.- Mar. 16, lii9; d. No,·. 5, 1810. ,John Jennings, bop. May 20, li81; d ...... _ Sally ,Jennings, b. OC1t. ••••••••• li82; d. ,Tuh- 15, 1Si4; H11.11nah Jennings, bnp. ,June 6, liS4; d ...... • li84-:,. Lydia .Jennings, b. Aug. 4, liSi; '~---- Ncbly ,Jennings, bap. Aug. 12, li8i; d ...... li88 Nathaniel ,Jennin~• .Tr., b. lfar. 3, li96; d. Oct. 5, ]Sil. SAMUEL .JENNINGS (5) Eli:r.nbcth 4, .Job 3, Moses 2. 1\io;.:es l. b. No,·. 16, li42: d ...... in Maine; m. Dee. 24, li6i, at P,m• broke, Mass., to Kegiah PPnrcc, b. Oct. 10, li45, ------,,-- in Maine; dau. of Joseph and Hnnnnh (Holmes) Pearce. This f'amih moved from Pembroke t.o l[njnc mu] fnrthPr records are not avail­ able. Children Rose ,Jennings, b. Dec. 15, li69; d ...... ,Tosh ,Jennings, b. 1\foy 4, liil; d-····-···········- Lydia Jennings, b. Mar 1S, lii3; d ...... ······-··- Abncr ,Jennings, b, Apr. 2, lii5; d...... ·--········ Hannah Pearce ,Jennings, b. ,July 21, l iii. !LYDIA JENNINGS (5) Eli:r.:ibcth 4, ,Job 3, Moses 2, lfoses 1. b. Feb. 21, li48, at Pembroke, 1\[ass.: d. and bur. in Maine: m. No,·. l!i, li69, to Ebenezer Peare<', at Pembroke. He was a son of .Tosenh and 1-Jannnh (Holmes) Pearce, and was born in Pembroke~ ...... and bap. Dec. 25, li43. This fnmilv moved to Maine with the fnmilv of Samuel .Jennings nnd no further records nrc available. Children William Pear,c,c, b. Aug. 12, liiO. Kashti Pearce, b. .Tune 23, lii2. Holmes Pearce, b. .Tune 9, lii4. Lydia. .J. Pearce, b. ,Tul)· 10, 1ii6. / Lcbulon Penrec, h. Kov. 1, 1ii8. John Pearce, bap. Mar 5, 1-:-s1. Sixth Generation

ISAAC .JE1','NING$ (6) Nathaniel .Jennini:-s 5, Eli?.nbetl1 Sim mons 4, Job 3, l\Ioses 2, l\Ioses 1. b. Mal'. 16. li79; d. Nov.5.1810: h11r. Centre Pembroke; m.-Mny .... ---··· 1800, at Pembroke, Mass .• to Elennor Burton Bishop, who was born Apr. 3, 1781, at PembroJ..--c, llnss.; d. Oct. 29, 1875. She was a daughter of Nathaniel nnd Abi-, ;.."Iii! (Bearce) Bishop. Sl1e is buried at Centre Pembroke. l\Irs. Sarah E. Boswortl1 of Pembroke, l\!ass. writes the followin::r eulogy: Isaac Jennini:s's death was n terrible calamity. not onlv to his \\;fc nnd children, but to the entire communit'.\·. The world wa.s never ,-a well off for his hnvini:- been taken out of it. He inherited. in a ;..'!"eat measure, the strong, unselfish, sterline- qnalities of his e-rand­ mothcl', Elfr.nbeth (Simmons) .Jennings. He had this virtue. so sell ,]om seen, of gathering within his home, all of his own nnd his wife's rrlntion, who were neC(]y or old. and care for, them about J1is hearth stone, comfortably and verx kindly by his work of former :md calker. He wns strong physically, with great eneri::-,,· nnil ambition. bein::r 1111wh ahead of tl1e times in which he lived. He never us(!(] rum or tobacco. and took ::rrcat pains with his c-hildrcn, civin::r them all the publi<' and private education vossible. but :1las, lie left them helpless to the mercy of a cold, hard world. I onh· wish I couhl write a fit memorial of his ::rrnnd. but too short life.'' Note by L.A. S. Tl1is trait of l,;'('nerositr that is noticeable in the erandson of Eli?.abeth Simmons can be trnccnnin::r;;, J11., b. Oet. 11, 1808; ii. Nov. 25, 1873. Charity .fonnin::rs, b. Apr. 30, 1811: ,1. .Tnn 12, 1892. -LORENZO SIMMONS (fj) .John 5, .Job .Jr. 4. Job 3, Moses 2. 56 SDDIONS GENEALOGY l\foses 1. born April 5, li91, ·at Fort Ann, New York. clird •.Oct. 18:>4; m. 181i in Ohio, to Ann Gale (110 .record of birth) died 1845. Childrl>n !Henrv Simmons, born :!IIny 3r'1, 1S1S, '1iec1 Apr, 21111, 1S89. Amos Simmons, born ,Tun. 24th, 1820, dic,l liuy 9th. lSi-1-. Cyrus Simmons, bun Dc1•. 8th, 182'2, ,lied .Ju-ne 22ni1. 1Si8. Warrren Simmons, born ...... , 1824, died ubont 1846. •John Simmons, born ubout ]82i, ,lied about 1851. Rachel Simmons, bon1 Feb-., 1829: died :.\for. 5th, 1852. Annis Simmons, born Sept. 24th, 1832, died ,Jun<• 5th, 18i2. .Lorcw:o Simmons wl1ile :vet a yonn:: mun cnme west into Ohio: he was an iron worker and settled in Liekin:: 1•01111tv near th<> iron territory, and enguged in the smrlting- of' iron, He mar.ried Ann Gale about the year lSli, in Ohio. To this union was born seven children; Henry, Amos, C}·rns, \Vnrren. ,John, Raebel and Annis, in order named. Sometime durin:: the earl~· Forties, lie entiimited to Aclnmsvill,•, l!ichi::nn- He was a pioneer in e\·ery sen,,;e, ns he was never hnrJJ)v as when able to get out in the forest huntinl,!' or trailin!!' wild bees. He was a l~e. powerfu-1 man, standing- over six feet tnll. and wei!!'l1inir over two Jmndrcd poum1s. His \1-;f'c died in 18¥>. and wns buried in the cemetery at Adams\·ille, :.\Iicl1igun. In 1845 he came to Iowa with three of h.is sons, Hen!".\·, Cvrus and Amos, with a view to locnte in thr then new west. He sta)·ed a few weeks with his son, and then made arrani::-ements to return to l\fichi~n and settle up his affairs there. He was taken sick on the road homll. but m:mn::ed to i::-et to ~iles, :.\Iiheii::-an. where one of his sons met him. He was taken to his sons home and diecl tlie same nfa•ht. This was in October, 18:>4. He wa,; buried at Adnms,ille. be­ side his wife, two sons, and one daughter and one !!'rnnd•dam?htcr; all being buried on the one lot. This cemeterv is one of the best ker•t \;lla::c cemeteries in thc stnte, being- krpt wcll mown and clean. The posterity .. -f Lorenzo Simmons is large. All of his children who were married raised larrge families ,,;th the exception of his daughter, Rachel, who died a few months after her marri:l!:'c. His two sons, ,John ancl W arrcn lived \\ith him in l\!ichi!:'lln until their death, both dyin:: nnnmrried. ' We :::-ive the following record of the m.arria:::-e of the children or k_ORJENZO SIMMONS: Henry married Catherine Walker in Ohio in 1838. •.\.mos married ::Ifni;• A. Sunday in Ohio :ibout JS.15. Cyrus married Rosette Col'\\;n in l\Iichi~m. Nov. 3, 1S.53. !Raeliel mar:ried ,Joseph Burns in :.\Iid1ii,::u1. Kov. 22. 185L CEMETERY AT ADAMSVlLLE, MICmGAN The large monument in ecnter is Lorenzo Simmons and wife, and br them fay two sons, .Tolin :ind \\·arrcn who died sinde. The small white stone at the right is Emilv Simmons. daui:rhter of Henry :ind Catherine Sin1ruons, :ind :::rand daughter of Lorenzo Simmons. Page 56 .A. Sec page 56.


John wd Warren lived with their fnther in Mie1u,::an until their 4-. All thoS<' who mnrried rah-l't .. 6. 1892. Solomon Pnin<' Brown, b .•foly 4, 18lli; ,l. Sl'r,t. 20. 1889. SYLVIA SDrMONS (6) .John r,, .Toh • .Tr. 4 ••lob 3, Moses :!• .\lo~1•s J. b. O,,t. 2.3, 1787, nt Litrh/ic•ld. Conn.: d. 8<'1,t. 24• .1817: m ...... 1S06, to Abrn111 Tyler. Chil,lrm .John Tyler, (twin). R.:1chcl Tyler, (twin). liinerva Tyler. Abrnm (.,:-.) Tyl<'r, b .•Tnne ...... 1812: d. O11t ...... 1896. tFlorela T)· ler. Syl,in Ann Tyler. CYRUS SDDIONS (6) ,Tohn 5 ••Job • .Jr. 4 ••Job 3. )loses 2. :!lfos<',- 1. h. )lay S. li89, nt Litchfiel

:\loses 1. b. Mny 6, 1805; cl...... ; m...... ·-··-·· to .Tnson Chnd• wick. RACHEL SI:\£1\IONS (6) John 5, Job, .lr. 4, ,Tob 3. Moses 2. :'.loses 1. b. Aug. 21, 1807; cl •...... • - .. -; m...... _. to Elijah Rir.h. Children Rhodn Rich 'SA..'\CUEL Sil\11\IONS (6) ,Tohn 5, ,Tob, ,Tr. ,\ .Job 3. Moses ., :Moses 1. b. Aug. 14. .1798, nt. ____ ; <----- m,-.---·. to Clara Bullnrd. Samuel Simmons wns nn iron mnkcr ns long ns he wns nble to ,·nm· on this tracle. He is re!i.rtNl to have hl.'en n,mnn of \"Pl"\· pl<'a• sant disposition. ,JOHN SDP..LONS (6) .Tohn 5, ,Job .Tr. 4 ••Job 3, 1\[oscs, 2. l\Io,,"s ],. b. ,fan. 28, 1801, nt ··········-········; d. Oct.27.1870; m...... ••-··········· to Anuu11la ,veils, who was born .Jan. 5, 1810; cl. Feb. 28, 18.~6. Tlwv Wl.'re married nt Fort Aun. Nl.'w York. Chili!ren ::lfon-is, b. Dl'C. 7. 1S.32; cl. 1\fnv 15, 1901. lfachcl, b. Dt'<,. Hi. 1S.1-3; d. young:. Alfrl'rl, b. Dl.'I.'. 14. 1S.3.5; ,L...... Gcoi;:-e, b. Dec. 12, 1837: ; cl. rouug. Orvillp J:ll'nry. b. Apr. 2, 1843; cl. vonn!!'. Caroline, b. Feb. 25, 1845; cl. ,,ouni:-. Augusta, b. Sept. 2-l,, 1851; <1 ••Tune l. ]874.

LAURA SI:\BIONS (6) .Tohn 5 ••Toh .Tr. .J, ••Job 3, :\loses 2. 1\10~1•, l. b. Feb. 23, 1803; cl.._ ...... , 1821. Not mnrril.'cl -:JOSEPH }."EWELL SI:\BIONS (6) Dm;cl 5, Rcmbcn 4. Ebenl'r.• l'r :l, Aaron 2, 1\foses 1. b. Nov. 26, 1785, 11 ...... He ma\" ha,·,, tliNI nt Barbados; m. Dee. 1:l, 1808 at Boston to ::\far:v Lorin::. Dnn. ,,r ,l9l'cph :mil Nnnc~· (Trne) Loring. Children :\fn~ret Gm,· Simmons, b. Fl.'h. 28, 1S10: cl . .lnn. 23, l!J03 1rn- mnrricd. · · . .To:,:cph Simmons, b ...... 1814, <1. Sept. 13, 1818. DAVID ALLEN Sll\B[OXS (6) Dnvicl 5, Reuben 4. Ehenezn ::. Aaron 2, l\Ioscs 1. l:i. Nov. 7, 1787 nt Kecnr, N. II.: cl Nov. 20. Js:i!I. nt Roxbury, :\[ass.; m. ,June 27, 1820 nt Roxbury to ::\[nrthn Fnirfi1•l

:\fl'lnher of Governors Council. A. l\f. dci:rec from Dartmouth Colll'lre 1824 (Honorary). No Children THOMAS S:ODIONS (6) D1nid 5, Reuben 4. Ebenezer 3. Anrou 2. ::\loses 1. b. Oct. 8, 1791, 11t Keene. N. H.; died llllrch 21. 1866; m. 0.·t. 24, 1825, 11t Roxbury. linss., to Snrnh Homans. dau. of Snrnucl :11111 S11rnh (Thurin~) Homans, born .July 24, 1800; diccl Se11t. ::?O, 18.50. Children born in Roxbury, Mass. Sarah l\Iehitnble Simmons, b. May 29, 182i. Thomas Simmons, b. l\far. 25, 1829; d. Feb. 18, 1831. Elsie Thnrin~ Simmons, b~ l\Iny 9, 1831; m. Albert Adams. lfary Simmons, b. l\for. 31, 1 S.'13; m. Frank Honnewcll. ;\lllrtlm Simmons, b. Alll!'.12, 1836; m. Isaac Smith Homnnt>h. ,Thomns Homans Simmons, b. DCt>. 3, 1841; d. Apr, 8. 1850. Thomas Simm'lns was n merchant at No. 7 Inclin St. Boston, 111r111ber of the fin,1 of Simmons nnd Orrok. :DAVID SIJ\fl\IONS (6) Ebt>nCZt'r 5, .Too ~. .Job :1. l\Ioses ::!. llOSES l. h. Ft>b. :?6, lifi9. Litchli,•ld Co., Conn .• ,1irP, d:m. Isnnc nnd ::\lnrr (Gould) Knupp, Gr<>cnwich. Coun. She died 18-li Clarkson. lfonro., Co .• N. Y. Children Isnnc Simmons, b. in Conn. in 1i95. John Anclru!:< 8immons. b. 1799 at: ~·le. N. Y. Evnder Simmons, b. 1797, Washington Co .• N. Y. Cnroline Simmons, b .... _...... , GranvJ!le, N. Y. Philcnn Simmons, b-----·; Grnm.ille. N. Y. William Simmons, b...... , Gran\ill<>, N. Y. Alexandnr Simmons, b----·····• Gran\illc, N. Y. ::\fai,· Simmons, b. 1809, Gronville, N. Y.: m. Hirnm All<>11. !lfaria Simmons, b. 1811, Grnnville, N. Y. '.Tane Simmons, b ...... , Grnm·il!e, N. Y. m. Ernstus Bnn1cs. GEORG.E ARTHUR SBDWN8 (6) Dmid 5, Rcub<>n 4. Ebenl'7. er 3, Anrorn 2, l\Ios~ 1. b. Mny 17, 1808 :it Keene, N. H.: cl. Feb. 2ti. 188-l 11t Boston.Mass.: m. Sept. 4. 1832 Cornish, N. IL to Belinda Wells. b. Sept. 13, 1818, dnu. of Thoma.<: :ind Belinda "'ell!:<. She diet! nee. 9, 1891. Children (born in Roxbury, )f:tss.) Gco~c Arthur Simmons. b. :.\fn)'.. 2S, 183.'3: d. Oct. 24. 181:f. Belinda Lull Simmons, b.• July 26, 1S.'35; m. 811ml. Phi!lips. 1.oui!:'- 5, 18.37; m. L. S. Cr11.i:rln. Wentworth Seton Simmon!:<, b. Seut. l4 11:1..rn (iO SDDfONS GENEALO(a"'

Smnuel Adams Simmons. h. Ort. li, 18-1-3. IElil•.abeth Putman Simmons. b. Nov. 8, 18-1-5. Dm;,] Allen Simmon,;, twin, b. Ang. 2-l-, 18-1-8. Lives 11t :\Todrsto, Illinois• .Tosrph Thomas Simmons. b. Ang. 2-l-, 1/H8. ,1. :\for. 25. 1851. Gcor::-c A. Simmons wns n ml'r1•hnnt nt Boston. en:?11!:'r,l in thP \Vr,;t Tmli11 tn1dr 111111 oil bn,-;im•si,. T-fo lin•d 11t Ifoxbun·. :\fnss .• und w11,-; t•lected 111emb1•r or t.he New En::lnml Historicnl Gencnlo!:'icnl ,01•• i,•ty, Dl'e. 13. 18.59.

EUNICE SBl:\fOXS (fi) Gidron 5, Peil'!:'. -l-, Willimn 3•• Tohn 2. :',[ol<('l; 1. b. No\·. 10, ]i82; 11 •...... • bnril'd 1w11r Rnthbonc\·ilh•, 8t1•nbrn Co., N. Y.: 111 ...... l;;t, 11 lf r. Boynton: :!1111 ,Lnther South• worth, Oct. 12, 1804. Children (no record) 8,DIUEL SDDfONS (ul 8:111mcl 5. lf<>1-1•s -l-. :\foscs' 3. Aaron~. )fosrs 1. b. Apr. z,;, li!JO at 81'ituntl', :\In::

:cJ1ililren William \Yc;;ton, b. Dec. 29, JS0G: t1i<'oun is still in use in Pembroke. This is another of tl1c :..,'!lmbrcl roof houses so common in and around Pembroke. Little i;; known of its history. but Seth 1\fagoun, a descendant. of John l\!ae-oun who settled in Schoo,;ct in 1660, occupied tl1e !10U!'C in 1787 or 17881 His clnughter Abigail was born there, :md it was her home after her 111111-ring-e with :l\Inrtin Simmons of Duxburv. There too her daue-htcr Corrlclia was born in 1816. Cordelia married Hham Rnn

.Tnn •...... 17!18, ut Duxbury, to Lydia Weston, b...... _. • died l[ureh 8, 1829, ue 56. Children of Chnrles Simmons and Lydin Weston Joshua W., b. Sept. 14, 179&. Alden, b. Mn}· 4, 1801. James, b . .Aug. 4, 1803. Peleg, b. Aug. 21, 1806. Caroline, b. Mar. 10, 1809. Henry, b. Aug1. 13, lf-11. Silvi:i. l:i. July 19, 1814. ANNA SIM}1IONS (6) Nathaniel 5, Icrnbod 4, Moses 3, John 2. Mo!>es l. b. Mur. 27, 1786; d •...... -...... ; m. ,June 16. 1801, to Cor• nelius Delano. NATHANIEL SIMMONS, .m .. (6) Nathaniel 5. Ichabod 4. :\loses 3, John 2, Moses 1. b. June 24, 1781: d ...... Nothin:: further is known of Nathaniel, .Tr.• with the e.,ception that he had a child died at Duxbu.ry ,Tune 15, 1830. REBECCA SIMl\IONS (6) Nathaniel Z. Ichnbod 4, Moses :i. ,John 2, 1\Ioscs 1. b. Oct. 4, 1791: d ...... ·-·····: probablv m. Jol,11 Sprn1-,'"lle Oct. 4, 1815, ~t Du.,bury. ICHABOD SIMl\WNS (6) Nnth:miel 5, Ichnbod 4. Moses :: . .Tohn 2, Moses 1. b. Feb. 17, 1801: d ...... : m•...... tri liarcia Butt-,;. Children l\furcin A., b. Apr. 11, 1830; d ...... Ichnbot!, b. Dec. 24, 1831; d ...... • 'Child, b. Nov. 24, 183-1; d-···················· .J08HliA SPRAGUE SUBIONS (6) Nathaniel 5. Ichabod 4. llosr,; 3, .Tohn 2, l\foses 1. b. Apr. 28, 1807; d. Sept. 4. 1838. a~e 30; )·cars, 4 mo., 7 days; buried at Du.,bury; m ...____ to Jane W. ( T). I Children Oscar, b. Feb. 20, 1837; d...... --·· (COL.) JAMES SIMMONS (6) ,Joseph 5. Nathaniel 4•• Tosci,h :1 • •John 2, Moses 1. b. Jun. 10, 1781. :it Waldoboro. Maine: d. Oct. :!. 1872, and is buried at Nobleboro, l\Ininc-; m..... ···········-··· to Christimm Keen, who was born ...... • nnd died llir 1. 1861. a~e 76 vcar,. and is buriccl at No)>leboro. Maine. Children Nathaniel, b. Oct.14.1802; d .•.\.pr. 26. 1889. Mary, b. Feb. 2, 1805; .."----- Lucy, b. Sept. 15, 1807; a-___ MERCY SIMMONS (6) She was bom Dee. 14, li90. Died :.\lay i, 1864. :.\farried to Ephriam Keen, Dec. 23, 1813. Rci,;ided at Belfast, :l!c. Buried at :.\Iontville, l\Ie. (Photo by courtesy :.'lh't<. L. S. Hall) Page 62 A. See page 63.


.T11111cs, b. Sept. 5, 1810; d ... ·---·· Sarah, b. ,July 30, 1813: d ...... ,Toh Chamberlnin, b. May 13, 1816: d ...... -.. . Rachel, b. Auir. 11, 1819; d ...... • ,To;;iah, b. Jan. 21. 182-1: d •...... Zebedee, b. Auir. 27, 1825; d... ·--············- John Randall. b. l\!nr. 11. 1831: d ... ·--······-- (COL.) THOMAS SI:\DIO~S (6) ,Tosepl1 5. Nntlumiel 4 ••Tos<'r,h :; ..Tolin 2. Moses 1. b. about ,Tune. 1782: d. Oct. 4. 1868. ai:e 86 vn,; .• -I months: bu•ricd at Slaiiro Cemetery. \Valdoboro. Maine: ni•.•...... •..•..•. In Catherine Tyler, hl··········-········; d, June 7, 1872. ni:c 84 n-s.• !J 1110.: huri<·h 5. Nath,micl 4 ..Joseph 3• .Tohn :!. :'lfoscs 1. h. Dec. 13. 1790: ,1. l\!ny 7, 1884, nt:"c 93 vr>'. 4 1110 •• :!-l­ ,1:iys; buried at Monb"illc, Maine; m. Dec. 23, 1813. to Ephraim K<'<'u, who w:i.s born about Feb. 12, 1794. at Bemcn. l\!e.: d. l\!nv 31. JS.19. n!.:c 45 ~·rs., 3 mo .• 19 da.: bur. at 1\fonh"ill<'. l\k. Children :-.nthanicl Emery Keen, b.1\fay 11, 1830; d. Mar.22.1913. Loaisn S. Keen, b. Aug-. 10. 1832. .JOSEPH S:DI:MONS (6) Aaron 5, Aaron 4, lloses 3. Aaron 2. )Tost•s l. bnp. Sept. 21. 1777; d ...... : prob. m. Nov. 22. 1808. at Duxba11·, to Asenith Freeman.

Children !C:amalicn, b. Sept. 21, 1811. Edmund F .. b. Dec. 17. 1812. Jolreph, b. Oct. 21, 1816. Asenith F., b. Apr. 22, 1818. Rebecca A., b. Mar. 14, 1822. SDL\IONS G~?-.'EALOGY

WILLL\:\I SL\L\LOXS (fi) Isn:1r 5, Willinrn 4, ,villi:un :1, .Toh11 2, )loses 1. born Feb. 24, li49, ut Little Compton. R I.: marri,·d .July 1, liiO, to Anna Richmond.

Children William Simmons, b. Jnn. 21, liil. Is1111c Simmons, b. Oct. 22, lii2. Richmond Simmons, b. Oct. 2, lii4 H11nn11h Simmons, b. No,·. 21. lii6. Annn Simmons, b. Oct. 15, lii8. l\fnry Simmons, b. Sept. 1 i, li80, NATHAKIEL SIMMONS (6) T;;nnc 5, W11li11rn 4, Willimn :1. ,Tohn 2, :\Ioscs 1. born June 10, li51, nt Little Compton, R. I.: nrnr­ ri1•,l De,~. 21. liii, to' Mary Wood. Children S11ral1 Simmons, b ...... Priscilla Simmons, b. l\Iar. 6, li81. Lindell Simmons, b. Oct. 26, 1783; mnrried .Tan. 23. 1806, to l\Iary Taylor. Ruth Simmons, b. Aue. 18. li89. CALEB SDDIONS /6) h:rnc 5. \\.illinm 4, William :1 .•John :!. ;\loses 1. born .Tan. 23, li54, at Little Compton, R,. T.: mnrricn A1>r. 20, 1iii, to l\fcrcy Simmons. Children Nancy Simmons, b. ,July 30, 17ii. l\Iury Simmons, b. :\far. 10, lii9. :!\In~ct Simmons, b. Mny Ii, li84. :\fnri:arct Simmons, b. Mnr. Ii. li8i. Eli.7.abcth Simmons, b. Apr. 24, li!Jl. Isnnc Simmons, b. Mnr. ·········-· li92. DA YI8 SDDfONS (6) Gcori:rc 5, William 4, William 3•• Tnhn :!. :.Toscs l. born Oct. 20, li69 at Little Compton. R. I.; married No,·. 28, li!J2 to Eli7~'lbcth Cook. Children "·alter C. Simmom<, b. Jan. 11, li94: 11 yonne. .James Simmons, b. Sept. 10' 1795. Eliza Simmons, b. Sept.], li96; married Brownell.

ISAAC SL'\L\IONS (6) Adam 5, William 4, William 3, John 2. l\Ioscs 1. b. Aue. 28, li64 at Little Comr>ton, R. I.; died March 25. 1815; married May 25, liSS to Abishag Bri~. SJl\Il\IONS GENEALOGY 65

Children (born at Little Comptonl Betsey Simmons, b. Apr. 14, 1789. Savan-ey Simmons, b. Aug. 13, 1791. Deborah Simmons, b. Aug. 14, 1793. Mary Simmons, b. A'llg. 3, 1800. Liddy Simmons, b~--­ Henrietta Simmons, b...... • 1806. JEREMIAH SIIDWNS (6) .John 5, Joseph 4. William 3, John 2, Moses l. b. Apr. 8, 1747 at Little Compton, R. I.; moYCd to Phila­ delphia. Penn. Children Eliza Ann Simmons, b. in Boston and moved to PhiL .JOSEPH SThIMONS (6) ,John 5, Joseµh 4. William 3. John 2, Moses 1. b. March 23, 1749 at ittle Compton, R. 1. Children Joseph Simmons, b·--····· .. ····- ,BENO?-,"I. SIMMONS (6) John 5, ,Joseph 4. William 3. John 2, ;\loses L b----: died June 15, 1835. Married Dcc.19. 1784 to Nnncy Bailey. daughter of Cornelius and l\fnry Bailey. at Little Compton, R. L She died Oct. 21, 1855 at Little Compton, R. L Children Cornelius, born Sept. 18, 1785; died Oct. 5, 1832. Lydia, born Aug. 19. 1787. Jeremiah, born Nov. 30, 1789; died Mar.12.1790. Mary, born Feb. 5, 1791; died Sept. 9, 18H. George, born Sept. 9, 1793. John, born Oct. 30, 1796; died Aug. 29_ 1870. (Founder of Simmons College) Comfort, born July 17, 1803. Valentine, born April 16, 1805. ,v1LLIAM SIMMONS (6) Elisha 5, Joshua 4, Ebenezer 3. .Aaron 2, :\loses l. b. July 9, 1782, at Hanover in the house which stood on the site now occupied by the late residence of Daniel Chanmnn. on the rast side of Washington St.• about a mile south of the Assinit>ui Church. :Re died Jan. 17, 1834; m. Sept. 11, 1810, to Lu,cia Hammatt. ilau. of Priscilla Lebarron, who was a grandda~hter of Dr. Francis Lebarron, who came to Plymouth about 1690. Mr. Simmons graduated from Harvard College in the class or 11:s,'4 and ,-;tudicd law, practicing: in Boston. He became in~ of the P1Jhoc Court in Boston and held the position many years.. ' SDL\10NS GENEALOGY

Children Willinm Hamnrntt, b. ?>1ny 11, 1812; d. Aui:. 10. 1841. (Rev.) Geo~ Frederick, b. l\Inrch 24, 1814': d. Sept. 5, 1855. Henry R.-Owlnnd, born ;\fay 29, 1818; <1. Dec. 13, 1849. Chnrlcs Fran.cis, born ,Tan. 27, 1820; d. Feb. or 1\l!LI'ch 1862; lost 11.t sen. Martha Ann, born .Tan. 16, 1835; d. llny 11, 1835. . EBENEZER SU.n.IONS (6) Elisha 5, 'Joshua 4, Ebenezer :;. Aaron 2, Moses 1. born Oct. 18. li85, at Hanover: d. No,·. 15. 18-l

Children Pere?,. b. Ji;.ne 2, 18ll; d. )lay 14. 1885. Second mu.rriai:e Aui:. 23, 183.'5 to Mrs. Mary S. Corti~. widow oi Stephen Curtis of Scituate. She was bom___ ; d. April 30. 1837'. Children -Ebenezer II, b. Feb. 12, 1836; du-.---

.l!;benezer was a selectman of Hanover nnrl also 11, reprcscnt.ath·~. He was a lieutenant in the War of 1812. He resided on Washiu~on Street in the "Perez Simmons" house. BENJ.Al!IN H. SDIMONS (6) Elisha 5, ,Joshua 4. Ebenezer :l, Aaron 2, }loses 1. b. Dec. 20, li96. Benjamin H. married and died in New Orleans. lea,-illl: two !,On~. JO,U,."NA SU.IMONS (6) Elisha 5, JoshWl 4, Ebenezer 3. Aaron 2, lloscs 1. b. Oct. 5, 1802; (twin of Elizabeth) ....._ ____ ; nL ,June 22. 1824, to Thomas Ste\·enson of Boston. PELEG SnIMONS (6) Samuel 5, Moses 4, Moses 3, Anron ::?, 1Ioscs 1. b. April Ii, liSS: d ...... ,..... -·-···· The followi~ rocord cannot be verified at the time of writim:, but wjth, all probability is correct. Intentions of marriaire 9f Pel<'!! Simioons to Ruth CttShin:r of Hingliam was published at Scitunlt-, Sept. ·1, 1821, but no subsequent rceord has been found of the actual 11lii.rri"~. bnt _thii; was undoubtedly the same l'clci: Sunmons marri~d A-pr. :11-.- 18'>..5 to Lucy S. Damon ·at Scituate. There arc no childmi xi.corded-as having been born to Peleg and Ruth, but the followini! fumily was born at Scituate to Peleg and Lucy. · Children l\,fan:=n-et Damon, born .A pr. 13. 1823. Emely, born Dec. 2, 1S25; d ...... - ...... Sil\Il\IO~S GENEALOGY 67

Mary, born Jan. 29, 182i; ....._ ____ Joseph, born Apr. 11, 1829; _d ____ THOJ\!AS SIMMONS (6) Samuel 5. Moses 4, Moses 3. Aaron 2 :\loses l. b. Aug. 18, li94. probablv' at Scituate; d. l\foy 3. 1853: m. Dec. 1, 1816 (int. Oct. 3, 1816) to Bethin Gra:v. dau. of James Gray. She was born ; died Nov. 5, 1890, at Hanover. Thomas Simmons resided at Assinippi on Washini:ton St. in the house that.is now owned by Lydia Litchfield. His children were born in HnnoVCJI. :Children Bcthia, born Nov. 14, 18li; diCfl :Ma::,· 29, 1854: unmarried. Beth­ /in was a schoolteacher. Thomas, born July 18, 1819; died Nov. 21, 1819. Warren, born July 13, 1821; died Feb. 26, 1895: unmamed. War• :rcn resided in his father's house. • Rebecca, born Jan. 9, 1824; died Jan. 19, 1883; -unmarried. (Authority for this family. History of Hanover. by John F. Sim­ mons.) LYDIA Sil\IlJ:ONS (6) Samuel 5, Moses 4. Moses 3. Aaron 2 :\foscs l, b. Sept. 13, 1796; d----: probably married Feb. 21. 1819, to Da-id Turner, at Scituate. . ZURIEL SIMMONS (6) Ebenezer 5, Job Jr. 4. Job 3, Moses 2 ::noises 1. born June 9. lii3. in Conn.; died Jnn.19. 1846. at Simmons Hill, Chatauqua Co., N. Y. buried on farm. m. Sally Hunt who·was born Oct. 25, lii5 in -Conn. and died Sept; 4. 1850 at Simmons Hill where she was buried. In politics he was a Whi,r and in relicion a baptist. He built ehur-ch and school on farm. Children Calista. born Aui;:-. 20, 1792: died ,June 22. li96. Hiram, born Sept. 2, li95; m. Balinda Badg-er of N. J. Philander, born Mar. 20, 1798; m. Mary Anne Waid, Jan. 18 1821. Mary. born Oct...... : died Dee. 12, 1800. Trypl1enia, born Ang. 20. 1802; died .A.pr. 14, 1804. Ebenezer, born Feb. 24, 1804; m. Eliza!>eth Thayer, Sept. 15. 18"..5.­ Elvina. born Feb. 13; 1806;1 m. Erastus Ward: 2nd. Clark Wash- burn. Sally, born Mar.. 20, 1808; m. William Thayer, Sept. 231822. Zibn. born l\Iay 10. 1811. Tryphcne, born May 12. 1815; m. Elliot Scott. Calista, born April 12,.lSli; m. M. W. French. Mercnus, born July 9, 1818: m. Louis..___ _ 1YILLIAM PITT SL"'\WONS (6)' Gideon 5, Pel82' 4. William 3, 68 SIMMONS GENEALOGY

.Tohn 2, Moses l. b. Sept. 27, 1780, Little Compton in Rhode Islan,l. died Oct ...... , 1853 at Richmond, Mich. m. about 1804 to Susannnh Durfee, born Feb. 18 li84 at Th·erton, R. L and died June 5. 1844 nt York, Mich. Children Durfee Simmons, born Oct. 12, 1805. Leander Simmons, born May 7th, 1807. Ashabel Simmons, born Sept. 29, 1808. Gideon David Simmons, born Ang. 5, 1810. Soponis Simmons, born May 13, 1813; died Feb.24.1814. Patience Simmons, born Feb. 20, 1814; died Oct.10.1815. Harriet P. Simmons, born April 29, 1816. Debora Simmons, born June 9, 1818. ICHABOD SIMMONS (6) Thomns 5, Peleg 4, William 3. John 2, Moses L b. Sept. 20, 1751 ; at Ti'l;erton, R. I.; married Anne...... Children Mahalah Simmons, born June 23. 1787. Burgess Simmons, born Aug.30.1788. Pardon Simmons, born Sept. 1, 1791. Abel Simmons, born Feb. 27, 1794. Martha Simmons, born.__ ___ Phebe Simmons, born...... _ Anna Simmons, bnrn.____ _ Permilla Simmons, born. ____ 'William Simmons, born.__ ___ Ieabod Simmons, born.__ ___ CHARLES SIMMONS (6) Noah 5, Peleg 4. William 3. John 2. Moses 1. b. at Du.'l:bury ...... ; married Lydia ____ Cbildren (born at Duxbury) Joshua W. Simmons, born ____ Allen Simmons, born---- Jamcs Simmons. born ____ Peleg Simmons, born..... __ _ Nathan & Henry Simmons, born11-____ Daniel & 2 daughters, born ____ CLARINDA SIMMONS (6) Ebenezer 5. Job 4. Job 3. Moses 2. :1\Ioscs 1. b. April 2, 17i5 in Conn.;, married Obadiah Hunt. prob ably about li96 to 1800. This family came from Cayuga Co., N. Y. to Portland. New York in 1827. Obadiah's parents came from Verruont. 8DDCONS GE:!',"EALOGY 69

Children Zurial Hunt, born _____ ; married Sally Hopson. Svlvin Hunt, died Oct. 1. 18i2; married Bein Burroui:rhs. He died · November, 18i2. · Pollv Hunt, married ,Tohn H<>nderson and lived in Svrneusc. N. Y. Orrin Hunt, married Mal"l?llret Thayer, died Feb. 1864 at Sim• mons Hill, Portland, N. Y. Ebenezer Hunt, married Snlll• Cole. Lived in l\feadville, Pa. · Berrinh Grunsey Hunt, married Jane Shaver, died at Jamestown, New York in 1854. .John Hunt, married Nancy Rider; died 1868. Hiram Hunt, married Eliza Hamlin; died 1854. Chatauaua. N. Y. Violette Hunt, married Freeman Allen; died 1844, Portland, N. Y. Philena H11nt, married David Burdick. Chloe Hunt, married Charles Cole. Amos Hunt, married l\Iaria Burroughs or Burrows. Lived at Charlotta, Chntauqua County, N. Y.· SETH SBB!ONS (6) Benjnrnin 5, Benjamin 4. William 3, John 2, ::\fos<>s 1. b. nt Du.'tb-ur}· Nov. 15, li69; married Abneail ...... • who \\"ns born Au,::. 1, lii3. Children Seth Simmons . .Abagail Simmons Hiram Simmons. GEORGE Sil!l\IONS (6) Ichab!)d 5, Benjamin 4. William 3 ••Tohn 2. )Ioscs L b. ,Jan. 2, 1785; marrne,~---- Phebe or Abbe}· Thurber. died at Providence, R. I. Gco~e, bornu---- Phebe, born______; m. James Thompson. Thomas Hnstini:s Simmons, born...... 1831; m. l\Iary Bur­ rows Aborn. Seventh Generation

.ASHABEL SBOIONS (i) Wm. P. 6, Gidion 5, Pelee: 4. William 3;John 2. Moses L b. Sept. 29, 1808 at Madison. N. Y.: died 1890 at Detroit. Mich.; ,..._ ____ to Julia Ann Church (Dewitt): b. Auir. 16, 1807. Frederick Julian Simmons, b·············-·-···, nt Detroit, Mich. He had two children, Harry and Julia. •Julia .Ann mnrriod a Mr. Hubbard. No further record. SAMUEL .ADAMS SnIMONS (i) Geo. A. 6, David 5, Reuben 4. Ebenezer 3, .Aaron 2. Moses 1. b. Oct. i; 1843 at Roxbury, Mass.: m. •Jan. 30, 18i5, Lonoke, .Ark., to 1\Ia~ret Emeline Risenhover: bon1 · Nov. 11, 1856 at Big Bend, Polle Co... .Ark. Last known add,ess. Modesto, Ill Lucy Wells Simmons, bon1 Sept., 'i, 18i5, at Carlinville: m. An!!'. 26, 1900 at Modesto, !IL to Andrew Frederick Wm. Blaener. who was born in Switzerland, May 9, 1856. The~· had two children: Hylo Blaencr, b. Mali l'i, 1902. Chance Blacner, b. June 17, 1905. Elizabeth Horton Simmons, b. _.\ug. 30, 18i7 at Carlinville. Ill. Margarite Louise Simmons, b. Nov. 12, 1889; d. April 29. 1899. First two children were born at Carlin,.·ille. IIL. and one at St. Louis, Missouri. REV. GIDEON DIVID snIMONS {i) Wm. P. 6, Gideon 5. Pele!!' 4, William 3, John 2. Moses L b~ Aug. 5, 1810 at Madis­ on. New Yorkt_d. 1"Iarch 28, 1888 at Cedar Rapids, fa.; m. 1st Alli?, 7. 1831 to Pennelia Thompson at Hamilton, N. Y:; born Jan.10.1812 at Madison, N. Y.; died April 21. 1835 at B1'81Wl Villai:e. Ontario. N. Y. She was the daughter of John Thompson. · 2nd marriage to Mrs. Hester W. (Rowland) Withers. dau. of Wm. & Mary Rowland. She was born July 18, 1809 at Boston. l\Iass.. diod at Te=nseh, Mwh.: buried at ·York, Mich. They were marrie

ll!cCormach. Lived at 522 north 19th St., .Omaha; Nebr.• Inst known address. Had two children. Millie ;E. and: Irene L. Simmons. No further record. .. Children of Rev. G.D. and Hester W.R. (Withers)· Simmons · : Leander A. Simmons, born l\Iny 4, 1837: died 1\Iareh 24. isss. .. Charles Roland Simmons, born April 1, 1840: died Sept.. 6, 1888. Permelia Melissa Simmons, born Aptil 7. 1843. · l\Iary R. Simmons, born ...... • 1845; died Jan.1847. Mary Susanna Simmons. born ...... -... , 1847: died 1849. ·.Leander A. was born at Cedar Rapids, In. Married at Erie•. Ill., .J:u1. l. 1861 to Lettie Underwood. Had one child. Eunice. · Charles Rowland. born at York, :Mich. died at Plattsmouth: Neb; Buried at Cedar Rapids, Ia. · .. P~nn~lia l!., born :it York, Mieh.,. mnrricd at Jefferson. Ind. on Jul~· 15. 1866 to David A. Philips, l\I. D. Lh·cd :it Llncsvillc• .P:i:·•irt 1901. l\fory R. and Man· S. buried at.Ri.:hmond. Mich. Children of Rev. G. D. and Hannah Corbett (lfoCormick) Simmons. Robert Orlando, born Dec; 30. 1853. Frank Archer, born April 13, 1S.57. Belle Carrie Simmons, born Aug.I 18, 1859. Robert 0. Simmons, born in Berwich. Ill.• married at Cedar Rap. ids, Ia., Nov. 19, 1890 to Alice. J. Denny: Had one· child, Blllllch Simmons, born at Cedar Rapids. In.. July 19. 1Sl;l3. Last kno~"ll address. 1317, 4th St., S. E. :Minneapolis. Minn'. Frank Archer Simmons. born at Fulton, Ill. April 13, 1857. Now of F. A. Simmons Co., Real Estate & Banker, Minneapolis. '..\!inn. Married Dec. 21, 1880 at Rockford, Ill.• ·to Emma C. Weller. Has four cbi!dt"en. · '\\illiam Reed Simmons, born May 24, 1886. Frank Hubert Simmons, born Feb. 20. 1889. Archer Clifford Simmons, born Nov. 19. 1891. Llll!ille Simmons, born March 20, 1894. . Bell _Carrie Simmons, born Aug. 18, 1859 at (::ambridee. DI. Last ·: )mown address, Atoka Baptist Collcirc. Atok:i. Okla. · GEORGE SL"\IlIONS (7) Cyrus 6, John 5. Job Jr. 4. Job 3, :'lfoses 2, l\!oses , 1. b. Dee. 25, 1830, at Pero.. Huron County Ohio; died Auir. 22, 1914: m. Sept. 14; 1853 to Sarah E. Hm,istcr. She wns born May 19, 1834; died June· 11, 1911. George Simmons was born on a farm in Peru. Township, Huron Count)·, Ohio, on Christmas Day, 1830. His father wns one of the 1,iouccrs of that section of the country. 72 SIMMONS GEN'EALOGY

Upon his homestead place, George Simmons cleared the space for and erected a log house which was to be his home for manv :vears. He lived upon this homestead, following the occupation or a rannci. until the spring of 1882 when he moved to Norwnlk, Ohio, and established a home at 213 West Main St. where he livod until his death, ancl which plnee is now the home of his two daughtj!rs, Ida and· Eva. Mr. Simmons was held in high esteem both in the countr:v where he lived for over half a century and'in the city where he spent the ,JTcmaindcr of his life. He was a man of sterling character and worth: holding variou, offices of trust. For twenty-one years he wns a member of the town­ ship school board, and for a number of years he was a trustee. He was also Justice o:l; the Pence for a number of years. The year fol­ lowing his ,removal from the farm to the city he wns elected commis­ sioner of the County, serving two termi< from 188.1 to 1889. He was a life Joni: Univcrsalist and served ns Church trustee fo1· many years. Both he anc? his wife died at theiir home in Norwalk. Children Ida J., born Feb. 6, 1855. E~-a V., born Aug. 11. 1856. Louis Franklin, born June 14, 1sr,s, Alice A., born Nov. 4, 1859. Elma F., born Ang. 1, 18i4; died Mar. 31, 1908. SABRA SIMMONS (i} Cyrus 6, ,Tohn 5, Job J;r. ~. Job 3. Moses 2, Moses 1. born Dec. 9, 1835; died ?i!nr. 9, 1930; m. Dec. 1. 1859 to Henry West who was born Jan. 10, 1834; died July 6, 1890. Children George M. West, born Dec. 19, 1864. '.HENRY SIMMONS (i) Cyrus 6, John 5, Job Jr. 4. Job 3, Mose5 2, Moses 1. born Ja.nc 21, 1818; died March 6, 1898; m... ·-···············• to Caroline Ray. Children Jczrncl, born Nov. 15, 1862, in Ohio.· Jesurun,· born Feb. 23, 18i0, in Ohio. POLLY ANN SIMMONS (i) C)TUSI 6, John 5, Job Jr. 4, Job 3, Moses 2, Moses 1. born April 18, 1821, at Gayland. New York: died at Peru, .Ohio, March 22, 1882; =----~ to John Morse (1811- 1894.) • Children Myra Morse Louise Morse,- born Aug. 8, 18!4. Ella Morse. GEORGE SIMMONS (7) SARAH E. (HARPSTER) Boni Dec. 25, 1830. Died SIMMONS Aug. 22, 1914. Married Sept. Born Mny 19, 1834. Died 1-1, 18.53 to Sarah E. IInrl)ster. June 11, 1911, (Photo from Evn V. Simn,,..11s, Norwalk, Ohio.) Page 72 A. Sec page 71.

ZABRA (SIMMONS) WEST (7) Wns born n~"· !l, p;:;.;, )f:1rri<·d Dr<'. l. 1859 to Hcnrv West, boni .Tan. 10, 183-l, di<>d .Tuly Ii, lS!lO. Pa;.:-c i2 B. Src page 72.

MORR.IS SIMMONS (7) Born Dee. 7, 183'2. Died )[ny 15, 1901. )Inn-ied l\farch 1856, to Anna Chusr. She wus horn .Au~. 6, 1839. ,lied Xo,·. 28, lSf:7, (Phot,, rr<·eivcd from his daughter, l\I:rs. Altn \". Cnnnuinz,;, Hudson Falls, N. Y. Pa~c 72 C. Sec PIIA'C 73.

(7) Born Dec.

P~c 72 D. Sec Plll!:C ~4I•


FREDUS SIMMONS (i) C)irus 6, John 5, Job Jr. 4, Job 3, Moses 2, Moses 1. born May 25, 1823; diod Feb. 13, 1890; married ...... to Zorndu. Johnson. · ::\IINE&VA TYLER (i) Slyvia 6, ,John 5, Job ,Jr. 4, Joh 3, Moses :!. ::\loses 1. born... ___ ; died ...... ; married...... to Hnrry S. Phelps. Syh·cster Phelps...... ABRAl\! TYLER, JR. (i) Syh-in 6, .John 5, ,Job J11. 4 .•Tnb 3, ::\loses 2, Moses 1. born ,Tune 3, 1812; died Oct...... 1806: m...... to An1?cline H. Con1?cr. Celin Tylor1 born No,·...... 1840; died Oct...... • 18il. Charles C. Tyler, born June 4, 1843; clied .... ___ Florenee Tyler, born Jan...... , 1850: died Aul?...... 1911. FLOR.ELA TYLER (i) Sylvin 6, John 5, ,Job ,Jr. 4, Job 3. Mose~ 2, :Moses 1. born Oct. 2i, 1814; diccl ...... : m...... 183i, tol Frazier Har.ris Sprni;:ue. SYLVIA ANN TYLER (i) Sylvin 6, ,John 5, Job .T1l 4. Job 3, ::\loses 2, Moses 1. born...... , 1816; died ...... : m ...... 1836, to V cclder Spl"lll?Ue . ... .Florela Sprague. Camilla Sprague. Ed,..,"'!ll" A. Sprague, born Jan. 1, 1839; died...... 1865. Marietta Sprn~e Frazier Harris Sprague, b. Sept. 28, 1846; d.. .. --•······ .Josephine Spra,.,""lle Ruth Sprague Frank L. Spra~e Elmer Sprague LEWIS S.Il\lMONS (i) Cyrus 6, .John 5. Job, Jr. 4. Job 3. Moses 2, Moses 1. b. ,July 8, 1812, at Queenbury, New York: d. :liar. 24, 1854; m. nt Peru, .Ohio, by S. Sutton, Feb. 28, 1841, to Lo,-inn John­ son. BETSEY SIMMONS (i) Cyrus 6, John 5, Job. Jr. 4, Job 3. Mo­ ses 2, .l\Ioscs 1. b. July 10, 1814, at Fort Ann, New York: d. Oct. 28, 1903; m...... , 1831, to John Schnecr. Children Jane Schneer Anne Sehnecr Martha Schneer .John Schnecr Mary Schnccr MORP.JS SI.l\I.l\[ONS (7) ,John 6, John 5, Job, Jr. 4. Job 3. Moses i-1 SIMMONS GENEALOGY

2, Moses 1. b. Del'. i, 1832; d. Mny 15. 1900; m. }far...... ;... 1856, to Anna Chlll!e, who was born Ang. 6, 1839; d. Nov. 28, 1g1>i. Children Delindn, b. Nov. 28, 18.59; cl. ,Tulr 19, 1876. · Elmn, b. ,Tan. 10, 1862. Alta V elaria, b. Mar 18, 1864. ALFRED SBilIONS (i) John 6, John 5, Job, Jr. 4, .Job 3, l\fos"~ 2, l[oscs 1. b. Dec. 14, 1835; d ...... ·-···········; m. fir:r, and second ...... _ .. to Emma Ru,;sell. Children By first wife: l\lyrn S. B,· liC>cond wife: . Fred s. .Amanda S. Nellie AUGUST.A SBDIONS (i) John 6, ,John 5, Job, Jr. 4. Job ·3; :\loses 2, Mose,; li b. S("J)t. 24, 1851; d. June 1, 1Si4: m. Aui:. ::?:l. 1866, to .Toho Brnimml Aui:ust.-i was married about fiftl'en yC>ars of ~c. Her Jn~bnn,l wn.« c1nit<> a number of years older than she. He was a man of verY ;rooeond marriR!!I' Ill' apparently n~lcctccl his children by his former wife as hi' l<>ft tlw111 for othC>rs to care for. Children Sarah Brainard Louise Brainard Lillian Brainard. b . .Tulv •23. 1Si2. RHODA RICH (i) Rn.!hel 6, ,John 5, .Job. Jr. 4. ,Job 3, llos<>S 2, l[oses 1. b ...... •...... ; d ...... •····-·······; m ...... to"'Simeon lludson. EDlIUND F. SBC\[ONS (i) .Joseph 6, Anron 5, Aaron 4. l!os1•, 3, Aaron 2, :\loses 1. b. Dee. li. 1812; d ...... ; m. ,Jnh· · 1::. 1835, to Harriet C. Dnuse. Children Deborah, b. liar. 22. 18.,i• .Joseph E .• b . .Tuly 14. 1839. Abraham P., b. Xo,·. 19, 18.U. Rebeeca A .• b. Sept. 16. 1846: cl. .July 18. 1848. HENRY SU.DIONS (,) Lorcnl'.O· 6, .John 5, ,Job, :Jr. :J; ·Job ., SIMMONS GENEALOGY i5

)los<'S 2, Moses 1. b. May 3, 1818; d. April 2, 1889: marriecl in Ohio, 8,•pt. 16, 1838, at 11:00 A • .M., by the Rev. SmokC'r, to CATHERINE WALKER, b. ,Jww 13, 1821; died Sept. 15, 188i. Thcv ute their w,•ddin,::- supper on the canal bout on the Ohio Canul, at Blnck Hand Lundin,::-, Ohio. Children )Inry Ann Simmons, h. Nov. 22, 1839. John David Simmons, b. ::\lny 26, 18+1: ,l. O<'t. 8, 1874. Unchel Simmon.;;, b. Apr. 2, 1843; d. No,·. 20. 1845. Amos Simmons, b. Apr. 2:J, 1846: d .•fan. 26. l!J28. Emily Simmens, b.• Tan. 2-l-, 18+8; ,1. Fl'h. 4, 1851 . .Tames C)·rus- Simmons. b. Mar. 18, 1850; cl. Sept. 17, 18li0. Caroline Simmons, b. Aug-. 13, 18:32; d. Fl'h. 2-l-. 19:30. Anni.s Rosette Simmons, h. Oct. 5, 1854; d .•Tan. 12, l!J~. Lorenzo Albert Simmons, h. ::llny 22, 1857. Levl Simmons, b. Dee. 6, 1859. :\\'urren Simmons, b .•Jan. 23, ]862; d. Apr. 7, l!J23. Laura Susan Simmons, b. Sept. 9, 186-1; cl. Aui:-. 7, 1910. Harriett Alice Wells (Ado1lted) b. 0<'<-. 17, 1878: d. Anr. :i. J!i.'IO. at Omaha; bur. at Saltillo. REYER.END HENRY SBDIONS, one of the honored pioneers of Lun<'nster County, N cbraska, is the subjl'Ct of an interesting- his tory, the main p,oints of which arc as follows: (taken from the Lan· ,•:istC'r Co., Nebr., History.) His father, Lorenzo Simmons, an iron worker and manufacturl'r by trnde', wns born at Fort Ann, N cw York. on April 5. 1791, an

When twenty years o'f u~r. he started out in life for himself. £'II· :::i:..-ini:: first as :i teacher, and Inter took up the <'oopcr trail,•, which he followro for a period of fi,·c ymrs. After then, l,c cnw.i.:::l·

l'nrmin,:, which, with carpentering, wns his chief OC'cupntion up to the time of his death. lfr. Simmons left the Bucke}'C Stutc in 1854, nnd cro11sinc- th,• Mississippi took up hi11 residence m Story Connty, Iown, where lw rt'• side,l nntil 1662, cngn,:in,: in funning. In thC' sprini: of 1863 he mov,,,I to Ln"<•R!lter Connty, Nebrn.~kn. when there were onlv twelve votiru:: 1•iti1.£'11s within its limit11. Its nnturnl reso11rce11, however, nnd possi• bilities, which even nt that time pre11ented themselves to his prncti,·al 1•ye, commended it to him ns n pince wlrere it would be wise to loeut,•, 11ml here he nccordini:ly pitched his tent nnd remained. He work,•d his wn}· up from n. rnodC!lt be,rinning, purchnsini:: first 160 acres of Jnnd, nml nfl the time of his denth wns the owner of 530 acres in Grant nn

CATHERINE (WALKER) SIMMONS Born in l\Tuskini:-hnm Count~-. Ohio ,June 13. 1821. Di<>d :1t Snltil)o, X<>hrL Sept. 15, JSSi. S11<> is hurfod in tJic Simmions cemetery nt Snltillo. She wn.~ tll<' dnn~ht<>r of ,James nnc pai:-c 74.

THE OLD SIMMONS HOMESTEAD AT SALTn.LO. NEBR. Built by Henry Simmons (pioneeir) in 1865, while Nebrnskn wns still a territory. The picture docs not do the house justice. as it was takrn from u low clerntion an! the people arc standin!? about 40 feet from building, making the buildin~ appear too sm:ill. Size of building-, 3-!,.,.:+l, feet. three stories hii:-h. thirteen l:ir:.,-c rooms and three lar<.:::c halls. The fi:rst log cabin ii; shown at rieht. Left to rig-ht, :Mrs. Catherine Simmons, l\f:r. Henry Simmons. Alice Wells. adopted daui:-hter of Annis Rosette and Launi Susan. daughters. Page 76 C. Sec page 76.

MARY A. (SUNDAY) AMOS SIMMONS (7) SIMMONS Born .Tan. 24, 1820. Died Born Au::. 2, 1819. Died )Jay !J, 1874. Mamed to :\larch !I, 1880. SJ,e was a )for:, A. Sunday 1838 in Ohio. ;ister of the father of ·wm. A. S!'rvccl in Union armv from Sunday, the evangelist. Story county, Iowa from 1862 until close of war.

Page 76 D. Sec pllg'c 77.


Ill(' pulnit of' which Ju• labored 11s II minister before lenvini: Ohio nncl , .. ttlini: in Town. I-Ti- nlso filled \0 1wnncies in the pulpit while rcsidinc:­ i11 l,1111c11-~teil Countr, bnt on account of ill health wns nblc to urench hut \·err little. Arter n most congeninl union of forty-nine vcnrs. Reverend Hen­ ry Simmons nncl his estimable wife were ported bv the fell destroy 1•r; this most nmi11ble Jody passing 11w11y nt her l1ome nt S11ltillo. Ne­ bmskn, on the 15th dny of' Sept. 188i. She wns n la. John Simmons did not Ion!.!'. sleep alone on that lonesome prairie, for soon others came to know the pince 11 ~ u burying 1rround for their loved ones. and !\fr. %nmons finally set aside a certain portion of the prairie to be used a , 11 ccnict,.ry, and it has since been laid 0116 in lots. and is todn~· a wr•II kept cemetery; known as ~he "SIMMONS CE!\!ETERY." There is now in the museum of the Nebraska State ffistoricnl So,·i,•ty. nt Lincoln, the following relics brought to Nebraskn in 186~ h.,· :\fr. Simmons and his '1'1-ifc Catherine. A shocmnkers bench, used by Mr. Simmons in Ohio 1846 to 18.54. in Town 18:34 to 1862 and afterwards for several ~-enrs rn Ncbra.skn . .\ ,rt of bench carpenter planes, made of wood except the cuttc?'ll. :md a pair of lnn!:e steelyards. complete with pea weiirht. and will Wl'i~h from one to three hundred pounds correctly. 'A lur::-e rimmed spinning wheel nnd flax heekcl, used bv Mrs Sinunons, before and after coming to Nebraska. ,U!OS SI!\L\!ONS (il Lorenzo 6, John 5. Job Jr. 4, .1ob 3. Mose11 2, :.\foses 1. b. Jan. 24, 1820: d. l\!ay. 9, 18i4; m...... to Mary A. Sunday, who was born Aug. 2, 1819; d. Mar.9.1880. Children Sarah Aui:-asta, b. Oct. 14, 1839. :Mary Jane, b. June 26, 1846. George Lorenzo, b. Feb. 2, 1848: d. Feb.20.1909. Annis Melinda. b. July 12, 1854. William Henry, b. Sept. 10, 1856. Albia C., b. O('t. 23, 1859. i8 SDU,IONS GENEALOGY

Amos Simmons was born in Licking Count.y. Ohio. ,Jnn. 24. 18:!0, nnd 1110,·ed to Story C-0unt)·. Iowa, in 18.54. He ct.listed on Ani.."llst 14th, 1862, nt Fort Dcslfoinl's. Iowa. iu Gompanv "B'' (Captain ,John H. Dykman) 39th Rc::inwnt Iown Yol­ '!nteers lnt'antry ms u private, for u period of' three wars. on the 1:!tli 8. Florence Alice. b. Dec. 11, 1874. I?ACHEL snnro~S (i) Lor<>nzo 6. ,John 5 ••Toh .Tr. 4. ,Toh :;. lfosl's 2. Mos~ 1. born ...... , .... 1829: ,lied Mnr. 5. 1852: m, No,·. 22. 18.51. to ,Toscpl1 Burns, who was born Dec. 23, 1819: tlied June 1-1. 1897. ANNIS SDD-IONS (i) Lorenzo · 6. ,John 5 ••Job Jr. 4 ••Toh :l, ::'IToscs 2. ;\foscs t b. Sept. 24. 1S.1!'?; d.• June .5. 1872: JD. Feb. 2. 18.">4. to Wilson Kemplin, who wns born ,Tune 20. 1832. Children ::\fnrthn Kemplin, b. Dec. 13, 1854; d. Sept. 12. 1882. .Georg-c W. Kemplin. b. No\·. 22. 1856. C_lista. Kemplin. b. Moy 4, 18.59. Emma Kemplin, b. No\·. 21, 1861. :\fary Kemplin. b. Sept. 15, 1864. C\Tos Lorenzo Kemplin. born Dec. 17. 1866. Flora Kemplin. born .Aug. 10; 1869; d. :Mar. 19. 1907. ~ELSON OL:\ISTEAD BROWN (7) Nancy Simmons 6.• Tolin !i • .Tob .Tr. 4 .•Job 3. lfoses 2. ::\Ioscs 1. '1. Feb. 21. 1814: d. Oct. 6. ]892: m. 1st.• Feb. 20, 1840, to Pollv A. Riplev, who was born Feb. 11. 18:22: d. _.\pr. 7. 1849. • Married sccon.._____ to Eli1.abeth Ann Fopcr. who was born Aug. 6, 1834; cl Jlllle 7, 1889. CYR.US SIMMONS (7) ROSETTE (CORWIN) Bom D<•c. 8, 182'2. Died SIMMONS .lune 22, 1878. :\Iarricd to Bol'n Fch. 13, 1836. H-0settc Con,-in. Nov. 3, 1853. (Photo from :\In;. Alice KclJcy, ,laug-htt•r, Ames, Iowa.) ;Png-c 78 A. Sec pag-c 78.

·' .. ' - .. . "1 I I

NELSON OLMSTEAD BROWN (7) H<' wrus hon: Feb. !!J. 1814. Died O,,t. 6. 1892. Married Feb. 20. 1840 to Pollv A. Riplc•,·. SI"' wm, horn F<'h. 11, 1822 and died April i, 18-19. . . He married second tim,•. Eliz:th<'th Ann Fuller (no date eiven) wl,o wus boni Aug. (;, 18:l-l :u11l dird .Tune 7. 1889. (Photo fnr11ishcd by :\Tyron .T. Brown, .Osceola., Nebr,) Pa~ 78 B. Sec p~c 78.

SOLOMON PAYNE BROWN (7) &i101non P. Brown wa:,; born July ,I., 1816. Died Sept. :!ii, 1SS9. Mnrrieil Acln Eli:,.n Hubbell ,June 7. 1843. Pn::c 78 C. Sec pa::c 79.

ADA ELIZA (HUBBELL) BR.OWN She was bom Dee. 18, ISH nnd died Dee. 28. 1891 (Photo,.; furnished by :.\Iyron .T. Brown, Oseeola. Nebr.) Page 78 D. Sec page 79.


Children Bl' First Wife: Wn1Tcn Edward Bro~u. b. ,Tnn:20, 1841. Theron Brown, b. Aui:-. 1. 1842: d. Sept. G, 1842. -·· :'ITyi·on ,lames Brown, b. ,July !J, 18•t3; tlird Dec. 10. 102S, Xuncy Ann Brown, b. Feb. 17, 1845; d. Jun.21.1848. Bishop Nelson Brown, b. Dec. 20, 1846: d. Julr 3. 1853. B1· Second Wife: · Olmstead B. Brown, b'. ll!nr. 30, 1855. Fronk L. Brown, b. Mnr. 19, 1858; cl •.•...... •.• 1878. Floro Aun Brown, b. Apr. 0, 1860; d. l\Inr. 12. 1880. Ernest.John Brown, b. Mar. 15, 1863. Denni!:! Solomon Brown, b. ,June 8, 1866: d. Jan. l!!. 1888. l\fattfo Ruth Brown, b. Oct. 18, 1869.

SOLOMON PAINE BROWN (i) Nuucy 6, John 5, .Job Jr. 4. ,Joh :i. :lfosc.s 2, Moses l. b.• July 4. 1816; d. S<>pt. 20. 1889: m.• June 7. 18-1:l, to Adu Eliza Hubbell, who wns boni Dec. 18. 1814: ,1. Dee. 28. 1891. Chil,lren ll!nlvinn Brown, b. April 5, 1847: cl. April 23. 1891. Dennis Brown, b. :Mar. 1, 1844; cl. l\In~· 27. 18-:16. Hattie Brown. b. l\Iny 8, 1853; Dennis II. Brown, b. lfay 1, 1848: d. l!ar. 17. 1865. ELIZABETH BURTON JENNINGS (7) Isaac .Jennincs 6. Nn­ tlmni!'l .Tcnninl!S 5. Elizabeth 4 • .Toh 3. l\!Ol<;('S 2. lfoscs 1. b. Sent. 23. ]RIii: at Pembroke, l!ass: cl~ Moy 16, 1807. and buried nt Centre P1•mbroke; m. June 17, 1827. at -Pembroke. 1\Iass.• to Nathaniel B°"'• worth. who was born at Halifax, l!llSSl, .Tan. 4, 1801: cl. Jan.13.1887: buri~d at Centre Pembroke, Mass. He wns a '!;OD of Asnph and Elizn­ b1•th (Tl1ompson) BOISIWorth., Children Henry Bosworth, h. June 3, 1828: .cl. Julv 5, 1911. Edwin Bosworth, b. ll:ay 17, 1838: cl. Aue:!, ...... 1865. ASE1''1TH F. SIMMONS (7) Joseph 6, Aaron 5, Aaron 4. Moses ,1. Aaron 2, Moses 1. b. April 22, 1818; d ...... ; m. Jun. 10. 184,i, at Du,xbun; to :\Iurlin T. Gardner, .Tr•• al!e 20. !,;Oil of l\Iurliu and P~· Gardner.· PEREZ SIMMONS (7) Ebenezer 6, Elisha 5, Joslaun 4, Ebeneze1 3. -Aaron 2.' Moses 1: born .Jan. 2, 1811. at Hanover: died :\fov 14. 1885: m. Mav 31, 1846, to Adealine ,Jones, dau. of John and Sarnh .Ton~s of South Scituate. She was born Oct. 6, 18"..5. and died June G. 1905." .· . 80 Sil\UIONS GE:11."EALOGY

Sophia R., b. Mar. 5, 1853; l\foyses R., b. Nov. 15, 1857; John F., b. June 26, 1861; t1----- WESTON SIMMONS (7) Hesekiah 6, Noah 5, Ichabod 4. Moses 3, John 2. Moses 1. m. .Oct. 13, 1842 to Esther Hayward. Chi]drP'll Weston Hayward Simmons. b. Aug. 21, 18'13: d. Sept. 3.1543. Geome Weston Simmorui, b. July 28, 1844. Esther l\1inerva Simmons, b. Nov. 4, 1846: m. Thomas Boxenrlale in 18il. ,John Simmons, b. April 29, 1850. JOtSCph Lyman Simmons. b.' Mar. 29, 1859: d. Sept. 16. 1859. SETH Sll\DIONS (7) Seth 6. Benjamin 5, Benjamin 4. William 3, ,John 2. Moses l. W lllS born in'. Duxbury, and was a contractor and Jived in Boston. He married Betsey Miller who was born in Perna• quid, Maine, daughter of Capt. Joseph Miller, who was of a familv of seafarers, many of whom were captains of vessels. Edward l\!iller Simmons, b. in 1840 in Boston, Mass.. 18il. 0EBE:!>."EZER SI:MMONS, JR. (7) Ebenezer 6, Elisha 5, Joshua 4. Ebenezer 3, .Aaron 2. Moses l. b. Feb. 12. 1836: d : m.• Tune 9, 1858, to Debornh F. Stetson, dau. of Joshua Stetson. She died )[a~· 25, 1895. Ebenezer Jr., resided durini? the Jif'ctime of his wife on Washini:­ ton Street in tho honse now owned and occupied bv Alonzo P. Hen­ derson. His children were born in Hanover. Geo~ S .. b. No,·. 25, 1860 Harriet E .• b. Nov. 30, 1863.

WILLIAl\I WESTON SIM?,ONS (7) Weston 6, Jesse j, Aaron 4, Benjamin 3, John 2. Moses l. b. Dec. 29. 1806: d. Oct. 22. 1842. prob. born and died at Da.'\'.bury; m. Nov. 1, 1829, at Pembroke to Ruth Sturtevant. William W .• b. Oct. 30, 1830. Jane Lewis, b. April 7, 1833. Child, b. Nov. 2, 1835. Isabella, b. July 28, 183i. Sarah A., b. Doc. 22, 1839. George A., b. July 15, 1842. :\nLLIAl\1 Sil\UdONS (7) Weston 6, Jesse 5. Aaron 4. Bcn.iamin 3, John 2. Moses l. b. Jan. 1809. The following record is placed under this readinir without definite Sil\Il!ONS GENEALOGY 81 antboritv that this is the William to whom the. followini:- record,, ap ply. However, it is believed that this is the proper place for the line. William Simmons (Duxbury Vital Rcord, reads William h. Sally. h. Polly. b. Jan.19, 1805); m. at Duxbury Nov.18, 1830, to Salb· Gul­ Jh·cr. She died Feb. 8, 18a8. ne 34 yrs. 7 mo. nnd 12 das. which would make the date ofhcrbirthJune27, 1803. The followinc: children were bom to William and Sallv at Duxbury. Sarah .Ann. b. Nov. 1, 1831. Caroline, bl. .Aug. 2,. 1832. Edwin G. (Edwin I.) b. .Aug. 18. 1834. William S., Ju. second Polly B. Delnno, Jan. 10, 18-12. at Duxbury. She was probably born Jan. 19, 1807. Children Gustavus D., b. July 23, 1845 in East Duxbury: rlu. ____ William Henry, b. Dee. 11, 1842; ...._ ____

REBECCA LINCOLN SllDIONS (7) Weston 6, Jesse 5. Aaron 4, Ben.iamin 3, John 2, Moses l. b. Oct. 8. 1811: u.-.----: m. June 6, 1841, to Christopher E. Drew, of Kini:;ston, at Duxbury. LUCINDA SllOIONS (7) Weston 6, Jesse 5. Aaron 4. Ben.iamin 3, John 2, Moses 1. b. Oct. 13, 1813; .._.___ at Duxbur.v, m. Dec. 21, 1834, to Judah Chandler, at Du.'\:bury. JESSE SllIMONS (7) Weston 6, Jesse 5, Aaron 4. Benjamin 3, John 2, MOISCS 1. b. Apr. 26, 1817; ----- ~,_____ to lintild---- Children Susan James, b. .Oct. 27,• 1838; ----- Georgianna, b. Sept. 17, 1840; ,.._ ____ Mary A. F., b. Jan. 5, 1843; ~---- HARRIET SIMMONS (7) Weston 6, Jesse 5, Aaron 4, Ben.iamin 3, John 2, l\foscs l b. Mar.18, 1819;·at Da..'\:bllI"Y: d---- nrob. m. Jan. 2, 1842 at Du..'\:bary to Sylvanll6 Prior. -..RUBY SllIMONS (7) Weston 6, Jesse 5, Aaron 4. Ben.iamin 3, ,John 2, l\Ioscs 1. b. at Du.'\:bury May 28, 1826; u.-.----: m. at Pembroke Dee. 5, 1847, to Martin S. Witherell. ae 26, son oi Joshua K. nnd Sarah of Pembrokq. COR.DELIA SL"\IMONS (7) Martin 6, Jesse 5. Aaron 4. B0r.t.ia­ min 3, John 2, Moses 1. b. July 16, 1816; ~---• m. at Pem­ broke, Nov. 25, 1838, to Hiram Randall. Sarah Randall, b·---- 82 SIMMONS GENEALOGY

MARTIN Sil\IlfONS, JR. (7) Martin 6, Jcffsc 5. Aaron 4. B1•11• iamin 3. John 2, l\foscs 1. b. Au.i:i. 19, 1823; d ...... ; m. at Dux bury, ,Jan. 3, 1847, to Hannah McFarlinc of Pembroke. CAROLINE SIMMONS (7) Martin 6, Jesse 5, Aaron 4. Ben.in· min 3, John 2, Moses 1. b. Oct. 7, 1827: d ... -...... : prob. 111. 11t Du.,:bary Nov. 29, 1849, to Daniel Wiight, u widower, ch. of Chus. 1111,I Ruth. JOSHUA W. SIMMONS (7) Charles 6, Noah 5, Ichabod 4. Mose., 3,___ John 2,..., Moses to Lucy 1. ___ b. Sept. _ 14, 1798 at Duxbury; d ...... : rn.

Children Lucy B., b, April 4, 1823. Charles Henry, b. M&l'Ch 5, 1824; d. March 26, 1824. Susan Jane, b. July 9, 1826. Wilbur F., b. Jan. 10, 1835, in Marshfield.

ALDEN SIMl\lONS (7) Charles 6, Noah 5, Ichabod 4. Moses 3• .lohn 2, Moses l. b. May 4. 1801, at Duxbury: m. Se-pt. 29. 18:!5. to Abigail D. Simmons, wro was bom Aug. 10, 1803. Abby M., b. June 30, 1843; d.. Sept. 9, 1843. William C., b. Aug. 29, 1846; ...____ _

PELEG. SIMMONS (7) Charles 6. Noah 5, Ichabod -t • .Mosrs 3, John 2, Moses l. b. Aug. 21. 180~ at Duxbury; d ...... : m. at Duxbw.:.v Dec. 23, 1832, to Mary Sunmons, b, ____ ; d ......

Children .Charles W., b. June 14, 1838. Daniel F •• b. Jan. 31, 1841.

CAROLINE SIMMONS (7) Charles 6, Noah 5, Ichabod 4. Moses 3, John 2, Moses L b. March 10, 1809; ...____ ; prob. m. Feb. ~o. ~. to W'tlliam Baker of Marshfield. HENRY SIMMONS (7) Charles 6, Noah 5. Ichabod 4. Mos<>s 3. ,John 2, Moses L b. Aug. 13, 18ll; d ; ....._____ to Fanny___ _

Children !William, b. Nov. 24, 1834; cl. Nov.25.1834. Alden, b. Nov. 11, 1836; d. Oct. 16, 1837. . IDaniel, b. Aug. 18, 1838; cl. A~ 22, 1838. Henry, Jr., b. July 26, 1840. Lydia, b. Aug. 14, 1842; d . .Oct. 27, 1843. SIMMONS GENEALOGY 83

NATHANIEL SIMMONS (7) James 6, Joseph 5, Nathaniel 4, .T(IS{'flb 3, ,John 2. Moses 1. b. Oct. 12, 1802. at Waldoboro, Mc.: d. April 26, 1889: b1111. in private cemetery, Simmons's estate, Belfast, .Afo.: m. Nov. 28, 1830, to Rosanna, dau. of John and Pewy (Ludwi&') Moody, who was born Dee. 29, 1806; d. Jnn. 16, 1875: bll,I', with her husband. The foJJowing is taken from the obituary of Nathaniel Simmons ml 11rinted in the Belfast, Maine, papers: ·••Natltanicl Simmons wns born in Waldoboro, Maine. (then lfn.,sachosetts) Oct. 12, 1802, and died in Belfast. Me., Apr. 21, 1889 in tht• 87th yelll' of hii; a~. He wus the cldC!!t otf ten c!J.ildren. four ol' whom arc now Jiving: three Jiaving died the r,ast three months. Bis 1,nm1t8, Col. James and Christina (Keen) Simmons moved to the town of Nobleboro when ho w11S eight years old and he rode behind l1is 111:cd i:mndfathcr, Joseph Simmons, on horseback. Ille witnessed some of the scenes of tho War of 1812. Amon,r them arc the following: One Peter Light. a fisherman. was ca»tured by a British private~ and carried to Halifax. The crew havini, l?()ne ashore to have a holida)', Light and the ncgro cook were left on board the vessel. Daring the absence of the crew, Lieht and the Nestro cut the cable and steered for the New England' coast. As they sailed up Waldoboro River (the Medamalk (7 ) ) they fired several irons which alarmed the people in the vicinity. Nathaniel's father, on hearil1£' th~ reports of the l?tllllS, AAddlcd his horse and takintr Nathaniel on behind, sta,'ted for Waldoboro. There was great re.ioicinll' among the people on account of this succcli!lful and bold adventure. They took the barrels of liauor out of the vessel, knocked in the heads and p8.$ed it around. Another time he (Nathauicl Simmons) eni::-u1.-cd ab~ wwron to Wiscal9Set. The troops on arriving there marched to the tol'.> of a high hill to show their numbers to the British, whose shil>S lav in the harbor. The English, as 800n as they saw the Americans. climbed in­ to the riJW.ng, which Will:! red with the British troons in scarlet uni­ forms. • .J',fr. Simmons learned thtt blaeksmitl1 trade while voanl!' and fol­ lowed it until a few vears ago, He was twice married: first in 1822 to l',Iiss Mazy Keen of Nobleboro. Two children. Philil'.> and Susan. were born to them. His wife and children died. In 1830 he married Rosanna Moody, dau. of Jobn and Pei.:;l:'Y (Ludwie) Moody of the same town. Seven children were born to them, all of whom arc lhinl?'. He was converted in 1836 and baptized by Rev. Mii Pillsbury. settled pastor of Nobleboro. He united with the Second Bal'.>tist cha.rch of that place. . In 1847, he moved to Belfast, l\Iaine, where he CD2'1111'ed in fann- Jllf<' and blacksmithing. . Januacy 16, 1875, his second wife died. From that time he has lived with his eldest son, John Moody Simmons, on the hom~tead. 84 SIMMONS GENEALOGY

Ho WIIH II kind hu!!bnnd 1111J 1111 irul11l,:1•11t f'ntlll'r. Jft. wns II v.. r1· industrious, hnrdworkinir mnn, 1,...jvin1: 1111 work onl\' 11 l'cw w1•l•ki,; h11- fore hit1 dc11th. He wns 11 1111111 of robust t'rnmr. hnvi11,: bt•cn sick 011lr a few timcH durnir his lonir lifr. He wns n rlcvotl'1l nnd co11si,.t1•11I Cbristi11n and died hnppy i11 the triumph or J'utc. The fnnornl Sl'rviers w1•rl' ln1irrly nttc1ulcd. Ifov.

JAl!ES SIMMONS (i) James 6, Joseph 5, Nathaniel 4. Jos1•11l1 3, John 2, Moses 1. b. St•pt. 5. 1810. at Waldoboro, Me.: ,! ...... : 10••••••••••••••••••••• , first, Betsey Hobbs and second, ...... Man· Hohb-. This family lived at Baniror, i\fainc, and Inter moved to Wiscon­ sin. J nmas Simmons was n line surveyor. SARAH SIMMONS (7) James 6, .Tose1,h 5, Nathaniel 4. Josi•pl, 3, .John 2. Moses 1. b. Jul~· 30. 1813: d ...... : rn ...... lo Austiu Mero. Th.is family moved to Diamond Bluffs. Wisronsin. Children Fred Mero Elden .J()R CHAMBERLAIN Sll\IMONS (7) J1uucs 6 ••Joseph fi. Sa thaniel -J:, Joseph 3, John 2. Moses 1. b. l\Iay 13. 1816: d ...... : 111 ••••••••••••••••••••• tQ Clnrissa Orff. Children George Harriet Henry NATRANIEL SIMMONS (7) He was bom Oct. 12, 1802 at Waldoboro. :Mc., and died A1>ril 26, 1889. Buried in private cemetery on Simmons estate. Belfast, )fo. )Iar:ricd Nov. 28. 18.10 to Rosanna :\Ioody. (Photo by courtesy F. J. Simmons. Foxboro, Mass.) P~e 84 A. Sec page 83.

SARAH SIMMONS (7) ,Tnmes 6, ,To,;.eph 5, Nathaniel 4 ••Joseph 3, Johh 2, !\IosC'; 1. Born ,July 30, 1813. Pa~c 84 B. SC'c PllJ:C 84.

JOBE CHAMBERLAIN SIMMONS (7) .Tnmcs 6 ••To.."<'ph !'i, N11tl1111ti1•l 4, ,Tost•ph :1 ••Tohh !.!. Mose~ 1. Born Mny 13. 1816. Pai.:c s.i C. See pag-c 84.

JOHN RANDALL SIMMONS (7) ,Tnme.-< 6, ,lOS<'ph ii, X11tl11wi<·l 4, ,Tos<>ph 3, ,Thhn 2. Moses 1. Born :\lurch 11, 18:11. Die,l Fc>h. 19, 1889. Pn..<>e 84 D. 8c>c> Pll/:C' 85.


.Tnml.'s Austin Snmh Adn Ev<>rett RACHEL SUE\fONS (i) ,Tnrnes 6, ,Joseph 5, Nnthnniel 4 • .Tosenh :i, .Tohn 2. l\fo:-l'S 1. h. Au!:'. Jl, J 819; d ...... ; m ...... to ,T. C. Robbins. Children ,John C. Robbins .JOSIAH Sll\f:l\IONS (i) .Tnmes 6, .Joseph 5, Nnthnniel 4 •.Joseph :1 • •John 2, Moses 1. b.• Tnn. 21, 1823; d ...... ; m ...... to Rarh<>I Benner. Children Willinm Harrison, b: Lc=·ille, b. Ira, b. Hnnnnh Delora, b. Rnchl'l l\fcclom, b. Abbie Snmh, h. ZEBEDEE SDil\fONS (i) ,Tnmes 6, ,Joseph 5. Nnthnniel 4 •.Jo. srph 3, ,John 2, Moses 1. b. Aug. 2i, 1825; d ...... ; m...... to lfnn:nrett Houiston of Dnmnriscotta, Me. :b...... ; d ...... Children Fred, b. De;,.1:er, b. Zebedee, b. Elmer, b. Eilsra:", b. Girl, b. Boy, b.

,JOHN RANDALL SIMMONS (i} James 6, Joscnh 5. Nathaniel 4, ,Joseph 3, John 2, Moses 1. b. Aug. 27, 1831, at Nobleboro. l\Ie.; cl. Fcb.19, 1889, at Walthnm, Mass.; bur. in Grove Cemetery, Belfast, lfo.; m. Sept. 28, 1856, at Fort Kent, l\fo., to l\fan· Dubey, who was born AD!:', 12, 1839, at Old Town, Me. She died Nov. 29. 1913. nnd is buried at Grove Cemetery, Belfast. l\!e. ,John Randall Simmons was a black.smith bv trade. He was a member ·of the :Methodist Church and wns honored by all who knew him as an honest, upright Christian man. 811 SIMMOl-TS GENEALOGY

Children Mary, b .•Juno 27, 1857; d. June 11, 1873. Zebedee, b. July 2, 1859; d. Febj 2, 1886. John Randall (Jr), b. Sept. 4, 1860; drowned ,Tnn. 14, 18fl4. Josinh, b. Aull'. 6, 1862; ell Apr. 18, 1866. Margaret, b. Mar. 15, 1864; cl ••••••.••••.•••••••••• Rachel Madcmin, b. Mnr. 24, 1867; cl. Mnr. 16, 1889. Caroline Ella, b. Aui:-, 17, 1869; d ...... Ellen Jackson, b. Feb. 2, 1872; d...... Lillian May, b. Au~. ll, 1874; d ...... Elizabeth Alma, b. May 15, 1877; cl ......

THOMAS ,JEFFERSON SIMMONS (7) Thomas 6, Joseph 5. Nathaniel 4, Joseph 3, John 2, Moses I. ~ Apr. 24, 1808: d. Dec. 26, 1883: bill'. nt Slaigo Cemetery, Waldoboro, Me.: m...... to Clnr• issa W ...... , who was b...... ; d. Aui:. 27, 1897: bur. at s11n1e cemetery. Children Gcol'i:\'iana,. b. l\fo~• 11, 1837; d . .Apr. 11, 1850. Hui:l'h ,John Anderson, b.• July 24, 1843; d. Sept. 1. 1912. Bernice Dunker, b. Sept. 29, 1847; cl...... '......

NATHANIEL EMERY KEEN (7) Mercy 6, ,Joseph 5, Nathaniel 4, Joseph 3, John 2, Moses 1. b. Mnr 11, 1830; cl. Mar.22.1913. LOUISA S. KEEN (7) Mercy 6, .Joseph 5. Nathaniel 4. Joosc•1,ia 3, John 2, Moses I.. b. Aull', 10, 1832; m'----- LEANDER SIMMONS (7) Wm. P. 6, Gideon 5. Pelee 4. William 3, John 2, Moses I. b. May 7. 1807, Madison. N. Y.: d. Mav l. 18:17. Hamilton • .N. Y.; m. Sept. (1') ...... to. Electra A. Manchester. b; Aui:-. 28, 1809, died Mar. 25, 1899, at Davenport, Ia. She was daul!'h• ter of Capt. ,Joseph Manchcstcrt She mnl'ried second Dr. V. H. Van Vleeh. Death -record DesMoines Leader of Mar. 28. 1899. Children Amanda P. Simmons, b. ,Tnlv 8, 18.36; m. Srpt. 20, 18/'>5, to Comeliu, Durfee. · DURFEE SIMMONS (7) Wm. P. 6, Gideon 5, Pelee 4. William 3, ,John 2, Moses 1. b. Oct. 12. 1805, nt Madison. N. Y.: d. Nov. /i, 1881, at Milan, }!ich.; m. ,Oct. 18, 1837,. at York, Mich .• to Loremlin Davis, dau. of William and Betsey Davis. (no date of birth or d<'11thl Children William D. Simmons. b ...... ; m. 1862. Mary Durfee Simmons, b ...... : m. 1863 to II Mr. Haner and lived in Oakville, Mich. im,rMONS OENEALOGY

George H. Simmons, b ...... ; lives at Madrid. Iowa. Lnnra Simmons. b ...... ; no farther rceord.

DEBORAH SIMMONS (7) Wm. P. 6, Gideon 5, Pelee 4. William 3, ,Tohn 2, Moses 1. b. ,July 9, 1810, Madison, N. Y;.•; d. Jul:v (T) •••••••• , 1885, Otse,:o, Micl1.; m. (no date) nt Kalamazoo. Mich .• to William P. Blakeman. Children .Alfred Blakeman, no date of birth or death. WENTWORTH SETON SIMMONS (7) Geo. Arthur 6. David 5, Reuben 4, Ebcnc1.er 3, Aaron 2, M«ocs 1. b. Sept. 14. 1840. at Rox­ hurr. Mass.: m. Dec. 27, 1865,Chester, Pa., to .Annetta Waltse, b. Apr. 14, 1849 at Chester, Pa.; d. Dec. 4, 1891 at Moore, Pa. She! was dan. of' Youn!? Sin,:leton and Letetia (Warne) Waltse. Children (Some bm in Roxbury, some in Chester,-Penn. Virginia Wentworth Simmons, b. March 7, 1867. Lnura Waltise Simmons, b. Sept. 24, 1868; m. Fredere'k Briiw;. Gro!'J:C Arthur Simmons. b. Aug. 20, 1870. Henry Erward Simmons, b. Feb. 19, 1872.

Samuel Adams Simmons, b. Mar...... , 1875; d. Aul? ...... ¥ 1875. Wentworth Seton Simmons married second time at Newbern, N. C., .June 3, 1896, Lavina: Cole. She was born at Forest Hill farm, "'nrren County, N. C.., on Mar. 13, 1865. . IIlRAM SIMMONS (i) Zaricl 6, Ebenezer 5, Job 4. Job 3. Moses :!. l[oses 1. b. Sept. 2, 1795: d ...... at Portland (Simmon~ Hill Farm); m-----···· to Balinda Badger, b____ N. J. Hiram Simmons was a brilek layer and lived in Portland. N. Y. !Maria, b. Feb. 18, 1824: m. Daniel Smith Marl. 8, 1849. (They had 6 children. 6 othor children, names not known. REV. GEORGE FREDERICK SIMMONS (7) Wm. 6. Elisha 5, .Tosl1ua 4, Ebenezer 3, Aaron 2, MOSES 1. b. March 24, 1814: died Sept. 5, lS.55. (Unitarian Minister). Married 1845 to Marv Emera>n Ripley, born 1820, died 1906. Elizabeth Ripley Simmons, b. April 1846: d. 1922, at Carmbridee. Mass. William Hammatt Simmons. b. Dee. 27, 1850: d. in 1921. He. ' . 1?raduated from Harvard in 1869 and prncticed surgery in Bangor, Maine, for many years. Edward Simmons, b. Oct. 27, 18.52. Graduated from Harvard Col •!~ in 1874. . Lueia Simmons, born 1856, '1ied in childhood. 88 SIMMONS GENEALOGY

PHILANDER SIMMONS (i) Zuriel 6, Ebenezer 5. Job 4. Job 3, Moses 2. Moses 1. b. March 20. li98 at Washinl?ton Co .• N. Y.; ,L Dec. 13, 1882 at Jamestown, N. Y. and buried Lake View cemetcrv; m. Jan. 18, 1821 near Meadville, Pa., to l\lazy Anne Waid. bom Fch. ~6. 1803, in Conn., d. April 4, 1890, at .Jamestown, N. Y. She was th,· daughter of Pember Waid and Anne Lord.

Philander Simmons was a Baptist and lived on Clmrch St., .Tnm11s­ town, N. Y.

Children Eliza An~line, b. Oct. 2i, 1822; m. Franklin Colt. Feb. 1. 1~ and they had 2 children.. !Leander, b. Aug. 19, 1823; m. .Jane Quinn. :Franklin, b. Aug. 29, 18"..5; m. Vivinin Williams. No children. Harvey. b. Julv 11, 182i; m. l\!ary Ann SoutJrn;ek. Mu.r. 15. 18.'il and they had five children. Clarissa, b. Oct.. 9, 1830; m. 1st to Hug!( l\!osher (2 children); 111. 2nd to D. B. Dcvinl:>rick. Martha. b. May 2, 1833; m. 1st to .T. W. Clements (1 chil

EBENEZER SIMMONS (i) Zuriel 6, Ebenezer 5, Job 4•• Toh J. Moses 2, Moses L b. Feb.24.1804 at Gram.;lle, Washiru:ton Co .. X. Y.; d.. at Jackson, l\Iieh..; m. Sept. 15. 1825 at Portland. N. Y. (Sim• mons Hill) to Elizabeth Thayer, b. Sept. 3, 1810. She was the dnu. of Lemuel Thayer and Clarinda D:n;s (his second wife). Ebenezer Simmon& went to Jackson, Mich. 1845. Children Eliza, b. Oct. 26, 1826. ; Emily, b. No"lf. 19, 182i. 1Walter Lee, b. Aug. 15, 1829. Sarah A.., b. Oct. 2i, 1832. Tryphena, b. Mar. 5, 1834. Louisa, b. Mar. 25, 183i. George, b. Aug. 20, 1840. Hiram, b. Oct. 6, 1841; cl. l\Inr. 4. 1852. Lydia, b. Oct. 2, 1842. Mary,b.AprilS,1844. Henry, b. Dec. 10, 1S.50. Sally C., b. Apiil 10, 1S.52. PBILANDER SIMMONS (7) MARY ANNE WAID Born )Iareh 20. 1798. Born Feb. 26. 1803, They were married Jnn. 18, 1821 near )fcad\'ille. Penn. :)?ngc 88 .A. Sec page 88.


ELVIRA Sil\I:l\fONS (i) 7.uril'I fi, Eh<'ll<'?.<'r !i, ,Toh 4, .Toh :I, l!osPs 2, Mo;ic11 1. b. Feb. .13, 1806; d ...... nt ,Tnmest.own, N. Y.; 111. 1st, to Ernstns Wni•I, b, Mny 24, 1800, in Conn.; 111. 21111, Clnrk \\'usl1hur11. Er11.~t1111 Wnid wns thl' ·Hon of r ... nhl'r 1Vni•I nrul Arm•• Loni. 'fill',\' liv<'d nt ,Tunwstown, N. Y.

Chililren Leander Waid. Walter Wnid, Hiram Wnid. Byron Wnid. Snrnl1 1Vnshhurn. l\fnry' Wnshh1m,. One othrr son.

SALLY S11\IMONS (7) Zuriel 6, Ebenc1.cr 5, ,Toh 4. ,Job :1.1\fos••s :!, ).lnsl'S. 1. h. Mnrch :W, ]808 nt Snlishnry, Conn.; •I. ,Tulv 29, 1871i 11t Portlnncl, N. Y. ( E\'<'l"!!l'<'Cll Cl'nwtl'rf); 111. :-:1•1,t. 22, 1822 nt Sim• 11101,s Hill f':trm to Wm. Thnn.,r, b. ,Junr 10, 1801; d. Drr. 17, 1883 nt Porilnnd, N. Y. (Enrgre••n ·crnwtery). Ill' wns thr son of L .. rnuPI Thny«'r nnd 8th child of Chnrity Mnnly (l!

Children ,Jnmes, b. Hny 6, 1823. :\Innlcy, b. llny 26, 1821l. lfntildn, b. ,Tan. 31. 1828. Luman, b. lfny 16, 1829. Alnnson, b. Dec. 1, 1832. Mnriett, b. Oct. 16. 1834. Nelson, b. ,July 4, 1836. Snmnnthn, b. Murch 16, 18.39. Lorrisa. b. Sept. 30, 18-!2. Alonzo, b. Sept. 30, 1844.

.ZIBA SIM1\IONS(7) Zuriel 6, Ebenrzer 5, ,Job ·1. ,fob 3, l\los1•s :!, lloscs 1. b. Mny 10, 1811; d. Nov...... , 1899 nt Fnn,-bur:..::. N. Y.; buri••d Sindnrnille, N. Y.; m. 1st...... ; 2nd. 1Vinn.

Children Obed, by first wife. Phebe.

TRYPHENUS Sil\Il'iIONS (7) Zuricl 6, Ebcnczcr 5 ••Toh 4 ..Toh 3, llosl's 2, l[OS<'s 1. b. l\In~· 12. 181:3; d . .:\lay 9, 188-l nt Carrollton (slu• was blind for ovcr 20 r"m-,;.) 111 ...... to Elliot s.. ott who wn:, born Aflril 4, 1809; d. Nov. .29, 188:! nt C:1rro!lto11. Ch1111t:111qnn l 'o., X. Y. 90 SIMMONS. OF.NF:Af,OOY

Children Dclvina, b. Sept. 16, 1833, :Almira, b, May !), 1835: m. Ocor1rc Littlcfl1:l.J. Matilda, b. April 5, 183i: m, Rtrr,hrn Wh11man, Ransom, b. Ana-. 8, 1839, Nelson, b, June 28, 1842. l"!aliste Drlina, b. Dee. 14, 1846. betsey Ann, b. Ana-. 2, 1848, Florence Belvcra, b, April 5, 1855,

CALISTA SIMMONS (i) Zuril'l fl, Ebl'nr.1.rr 5, Job 4, ,Joh :1, llosrs 2, M08(lll 1. b, April 12, 181i; d, ...... at ,Tnmrstowu. N, Y.; m. to M. W. French, · Children Oscar, b...... , 1835, at Portland, N. Y.: m. Lueinda...... Laura Ann, b. 1840; d ...... , 1860. Milton, b. 183i: m. Martha Heminwa)', MERENUS SIMMONS (i) Zuricl 6, Ebcnczl'r 5, ,Toh 4, .Job :1, Mo11e11 2, Moses 1. b. July 9, 1818: on Simmons Hill: 111. Louhm ...... : lh·ed in 1893 at Ra)'mond, Clark Co., Routh Dnkota, IU' wu~ then i5 yeal'!I of age, Had 3 sons and one dauirhtcr. Children ...... one 8011 ~n Ca!ifom~n ...... one son m W 1sconsm ...... one son in Raymond, S. D...... one daughter in Raymond, S. D. LINDALL SIMMONS (i) Nathaniel 6, bane 5, William 4. Wil­ liam 3, ,John 2, Moses 1. b. Oct. 26, liS.'3; m.• Jnn. 2.1. ll!06 to :\l11rv Ta)·lor. Children, (born at Little Compton) Alden Simmons, b. Dee. 20, 1809, }fary Simmons, b. No,. 1, 1811. Philip Simmons, b. ,Tan. 3, 1814. ,Nathaniel Simmons, b. ,Ja?L 1, 1816. Eli:r.a Simmons, b.• Tan. 2.'3, 1816. CORNELIUS SIMMONS (i) Benoni 6, ,John 5, ,Toscnh 4. \\'ii• linm ;~. ,John 2, Mosr~ ' b. AJ)!ril 18, 1805, nt Little Comnton. H. I.: d. Oet. 5, 1842. at Boston, RJ:l' 37 yl'ars: m. first }lnrmirl't Lord. :!11,I Eliza Bradford. Children Warren Simmons, b. Oet. 12, 1812; m. E. Furbu;;;h. Geon,i Washington Simmons, b. Dec. 28, 1816 at Boston: 111ar. Frances Gay. SIMMONR GENEALOGY !II.

Harriot Simmons, b ...... nt B011ton: rl. at Boston. Jo:li1.aboth Simmons, b•...... , 1822 at B011ton; m. M. Libbc,·. ComeliuR Simmons, b. nt B'oston ...... •

VALENTINE SIMMONS (i) Benoni 6. ,John 5. ,JOBeph 4. Wil­ li11111 :i, ,John 2, Mo!lc!I 1. b. April 18, 1805 at Little Conmton, lt. I.: u~ M. Lombard and L.Baile_y, Children Benoni Simmons, b. Dec. 4, 1828 nt Boston: d ...... •.... ,1850. Lost at sen, age 22 years. Peter Simmon,s, b. May 9, 1831 at Boston: m. Anna N. Stram!!. , iEJenor Simmons, b. June 16, 18.'15 at Boston. Mary Anu Simmons, b•...... at Boston. Yalentine Simmons, b ...... at Bo!lton: rl. nt Little Conn.1- ton. Frank Simmons, b. at Little Compton. Alvina Simmon,s, b. at Little Compton. Anna Simmons, b. at Little Compton. Valentine Simmons, b. at Little Compton.

THOMAS HASTINGS SIMl\WNS ('i) Georire 6, Ichabod 5. Benjamin 4, William 3, John 2, MosC!I 1. b. 1831 nt Pro,·idcnec. R. I. d.. Jun. 1861 at Pautuket, R. I.; m. 18.50 nt Provirlenec, R. I. to Mary Burrows A born, b. April 11, 1828; d. April 1, 1870. dnu. of Lowre) Washington, nnd .Julia A.

Children ,Arthur Abom Simmoll6, b.• Jnn. 28, 1852; m. Sarah Melinda Wil­ son. PETER SIMMONS (i) Henry 6, Peter 5,·Ben.iamin 4. William 3, John 2, Moses 1. b...... 1806; d. Feb. 1892 at White,;llc. N. Y. m. Deliverance Perry. Thel· resided in Yates and Allci:-a1w Co.

William Simmons, b: Dec. 12, 182i, m. Annis Boarrlm ..h. Chnrles Heary Simmons, b•...... • m. Wealthy Wells. •Joseph Perry Simmons, b ...... ; m. Lucv Mosher. Deliverance Simmons, b~·······--··········: m. Alva Hurlburt. ,JOHN SIMMONS (i) founder of SIJ\ll\IONS COLLEGE at Bos ton, Mass. (John,) Benoni 6, .John 5, Jo,;.cph 4, William 3.. John ::!. lfoscs 1. b. Oct. 30, li96; d. Aug. 29, l8i0. at Littlr Compton. n. I. m. Anna Small at Boston Oct. 29. 1818. Children l!.iry Ann or Marion, b. Oet. 4, 181!); 111. fleor.:-1• Ditson; d. Ar,ril li, 1887. 92 RT:MMONR GF.Nr.:ALOOY

,John, b. Nov. 14, 1820; d. April 6, 1846 . .Lorenzo, b. April 13, 1822; d. Feb. 9, 1841. ~\.lvina, b, Feb. 11, 1824; married Edward Whitr. Theodore, b. April 10, 1828; d. Feb. 8, 1829. Theodore, b. March 22. 1829; d. Moy 13, 18.59. BIOGRAPHY OF JORN SIMMONS By Henry Lefnvour, Pres. Simmons Collct?e. John Simmons, the founder of Simmons Colleii:e, wns born in Lit­ tle Compton, R. I., October 30, li96, the sixth child of Benoni and Nancy (Bailey) Simmons. In 1812 at the age of sixteen ,Tolm be1?1111 his b~ness career in Boston in the clothinii: store of his brother Cor­ nelius on Ann street, now North street. In 1818 his name first nn.· pears as, an independent business man conduetinir a "Slop shop" ut 18 Ann Street. In the same year he married Ann Small of. Provine,, town, Mass. In 1819 he mncle his first real estate inve;;lment, llUI'• chasini: a building on Ann Street which he probably used both as n residence and a shop. In 1829 he bei:nn the 111u11ufacture of men•~ ready made clothing, bcinii: the first in New !!:mrl:ind and one of th,· fast in the country to enter that field. For n time Ills brother V!}I· u•ti,1e nnd afterward:, his son ,John W•irc s,l:1itt1:d to 1>nrtnersl11p. This business was continued by him witlo increasinl!' success until lw retired in 1854. After that time until his death in Little Comnton on Aui;::ll'St 29, 18i0I he continued to give his attention to real estate in-. vestments which were probably the source of the lal"l?Cr part of hi~ fortune. His wife died in 1861 and at the time of his death. onlv two of his six children and two granddaughters 'survived him. The following arc cll.'iracts from a contemporary estimate of hi~ diameter and life. •'Mr. Simmons was a man of cloi,c bu.rincss habits. and appli<'tl himself to the management of his affairs with i..rreat nersistencv. He was genial in nature and fond social intercourse. but he ·seldom con­ fided his plans to others. He was natnrally a ven· kind-heated mnn. and performed many acts of charity which were known to few. Un• ostentatious in all thin~. he never sought or held public office, thouc:h he was once captain of a militia company, and for a time was known as Captain Simmons. He was always sitraightforward and scru'J)()us­ ly just in his transactions, and when he made a friend, the friend-ship . was a lasting one. Always frugal in his habits and} styles of Jj\;m:. he cQntinued to practice self-denial and sclf-sac1Hice in the later ve:,r, of his life, when his rapid!~· aooumalnting- fortune and the fashions of the day would have warranted a freer personal ex'J)Cnditurc. Y,•t he never was penurious, and never l'eascd to enjoy the pleasures ~f rural life at his coantn· home in Little Compton. which he spent mm·h of hi-s time in beautifyin,r. and where his death occurred. He used to visit the home of his boyhood frequently in his later years. and oft,•11 souii:ht ne\\l health and streni:th in the ~T>orts of huntinir ancl fishin~. to which he was attached." By his will which was drawn in 1867, l\Ir. Simmons provide.cl for the cst11blishmcnt of I\ 1•01legc whil'h wus to be known ns Simmons F,•. SIJ\I~ONS GENEALOGY 93

mule College nnd which wns to give instruction in such brunchcs of urt, scicnece and industry and would enable its students to enrn nu independent livlihood. For this purpose he set nllidc seven 1mrccls of renl estate in the hcnrt of the city which were ,·nlued nt about out :ind 11 hnlf million dollnrs uncl wh~<-h were to hr 111111111!:'rd bv t1wstrr · until the necumulnted income s·hould amount to five hundred thousand tlollars. The college was then to be incorporated, the accumulated in­ come to be used for laud and bnilclin~, while the orilrinal bcaue~t should serve as the permanent endowment. Two vears nfter his dent!, four of these buildini:s were destroyed by the grtat Boston fire. In order to erect new buildin~-s. it wn,i necessal'\· to mortl!'lli:rcrmanent buildings. THE WILL OF JORN SIMMONS President Henry Lefavour l\lr. John Simmons died in Little Compton, R. I., on .Aut:"ust 29, 1870. It wns the town in which he was born, October 30. 1796. nnd to which he had returned to spend a portion of what nroved to be the Inst summer of his life. The funeral service was held in Boston, at liis residence on Tremont Street. on the followinll:' ,'\.cdnesdav ufter­ uoou, nnd the burial was at Mt. Auburn. The following account of his life nppcared in the Boston Dnih· Evening Transcrir>t of Tucsda~·. August 30, 1870. Mr. John Simmons, .who died at Little Compton, R. I.. :ve~tel'duv. after a linll:'erinir illness, at the age of seventy-five vears. wus one ot' the most enterprising and successful merchants of Boston of a form­ er ll:'(.lnerntion. His histol')· is much the same as that of scores of men who have become prominent in business circles here. He came to the cit.v early. in life, learned the tailor's trade, was industrious and sa• :.,'llcious, and succeeded; .;,o that when the railway svstem opened new markets for manufactured goods. ·l\lr. Simmons hnd the ex"Perienrc. capital, and foresight to extend his business to meet the new order of things. .As a wholesale clothing dealer, his place of business in Quincy Hall soon was known over the South and West. nnd his or>­ crations were upon a lar:rcr scale than had ever before been known iu that trade. The fortune which lie soon acquired was ven· .iudicinl­ ly invested in renl estnte near the busine!Sl; centre of the citv. and some ·twelve ysars ago, aftc1I the death of an onh· son. Mr. Simmons retired from active trade. Although past the age of si.idy, the deceased had too active a brain to rcmnin quiet, and dc,·otcd his energies to the care of his r<'nl estate. As it increased in value he made new purchases. nnd at the time of his dentli was the lnrgest individual owner of valuable es­ tates in the vicinity of the new Post-office. Mr. Simmons wns a very 94 SIMMONS GENEALOGY

c1uict nucl UIID!j!!Uminir 1,."Cntlcmon ol' the "old 11r.hool." He w1111 nl­ ways very much re1,1pcetcd by tho1,1c havinir businesl! relations wit It hiii1, He Wall nn active member 0£ the Brnttle Square Church, 1111,I took muoh intere!lt in its affair!!, · The foregoing account miirht have added that he Wllll the fin,t tn introduce into New En~lnnd1 the mnnuf'acture of reodv made clothim: -an industry that hos now irrown to imch lance prop0rtiom1 with n J>l'OC<'ifil'· ally devised shall be sold unless it shall be manifestiv for the advnn­ taire of my estate. 3 nd to save from loss of income which miirht otlwr­ wisc be made, I hav-ingo pm-chased the estates with 1?1"C8t care anti consideration, with a '-iew to mako them permanent investment..'<." The real estate consisted of two buildin25 on Franklin StrePI. now occupied rcspeet:ivclv by the American ExPress Companv and th<' National Express Company; the building on the comer of Water and Con~css Streets, and an adjacent building on Water Street, both in­ cluded in the present National Shawmut Bank buildinir: a butldinir on the corner of Milk and Devonshire Streets. known as the Rialto Buildingo, with an adjacent -piece of vacant land on Devonshire Strrct. sites now occupied .PY the baukinlt'-honses of the New Elll!.'land Tnist Company and Kidder, Peabody & Companv; a buildiD.1? farther down on Devonshire Street. known as the Compton Building-, named in hon­ or of his birthplace; a buildine: Olli the corner of Hanover and Union Streets; and two stores on Union Street; a buildinir on Commercial Street; his ''mansion-house" at 133 Tremont Street, next to St. SUIJ\IONS OJ~NEALOOY or,

1'11111 '11 Church, 1111<1 only rl•1•11hu11 D. Bell, l\fr. Brooks 's 11uce.c1,111or, w1111 no lonl?<'r. livirur. Mr•. Hi•nr.v S. Rowe, 11 lawyer and the ll1l'llnd110n-in -law of Mr. Si111111011;1. wu,i uppointed. Mr. Sawyer, J\Ir. Niehols, und Mr. Row<' were t1·11i-­ t1•1•11 at tho time of the incorporation of the Coll~. and of these. l\fr. Sawyer and Mr. Nicrols were among the charter members of the Col­ lr::-c Corporation. Mr. Simmons married Ann Small, oi' Boston, October 29. 1818. They had four children. ,John, Theodore, Marv Ann. nnd Alvina. Tlw son John had married Mary Jane Holt, l\fu:v 22. 1843, and had 11 lj0n ,John, born October 11,' 1844, whose quaint portrait now hanl?S in tht• parlor of our North Hall, and both father und son had died. Th<'O­ lorc had married Harriet W. ,Jackson, thc dauirhtcr of Edmund .Jnek­ "°"• and had died, Ma:v 13, 1858, Jeal'ing an onh• child. Ilarriet .J. Simmons. now Mr!!. Francis C. Van Horn, of New-port, R. 1. The ol.Jcr daugl1tcr, Mary Ann, had been divorced from her husband. G«•ol'J:'e L. Dit!!On, and hud no children. She afterwards married l\fr. William Arnold Buffum, and died April Ji. 188i. The vounQ"cr dnm:h­ ter was the wife of Edward A. Whitc, and had a daue-htcr named An, nn, who is now the wife of Mr. Henry S. Rowe. of Boston. At the timl' of his death, therefore. tliesc two daughters nnd two t?rnnd­ dnut?htcrs were thc onlv livinl!' descendants. There werc also li\·in~. n brothcr, Valcntinc Simmons, and two sisters. Mrs. Comfort Sisscn, wife of Lemuel Sissen, and Mrs. Mnry Almy. wife of Frederic Alm:v. The will bequeaths his household furniture, carriace, and l1ors<'S to his daughter, Mary Ann; a thousand doll:ir.~ to hi, brother and to c:ich of bis sisters; and the remainder of his cstntc he put in trust. As finalb· modified b:v the codicil, the wrll bequ.caths to his dautrht<'r. :\Iary Ann a life interest in the building ut the oorner of Franklin and Arch Streets, in the building on Water Street. and in the mnn• sion-house on Tremont Street, all of which upon her death were to be heir! for the Coll~e. His daughtcr Alvinu received a life interest iu the building on the corner of Franklin and Hawle:v Streets and in the buildi1111: on the corner of Congress and ,v ater Streets. and after hcr death both of these were to be held for 1he collei?e. She also was to have the use of the other ho- on Trcmont Street and the house in Dorcbcster, and 'these wcre to bP afterward in!1erited b)' her d:ml!'l:­ tcr. Anna. White. The buildi~ on Hanover and Union Streets were kl bc kept in- trust for Anna Whitc and her heirs, and the bnildin!?'S on Commereial Street and Devonshire Street for Harriet Simmons and her heirs. In addition, each granddaughter was to have an an- 06

rmiL~· of $,'i,000 for the remnimler of her life, chnri:1!nbll! to Llw 11ro1, l'l'Lies or Devonshire 11111I :Milk Str1!rt11 nnd on Wutcr ruul Conirrc•" ~tre<'ts. An nunnitv ot' $400 wus to be .pnid to l\tarv Bailrv. tl11• daui:-htcr of Lcn111ei' nnd R,1th Bailey, a niece of Mr. ,John Simmon~. who lived with the fumily; this nnunity wns nlso <'harircnhl(' Lo th,· Wntcr anll Coni:-rl'!IM Street property, hut it lnrl11ed before the inror­ Porntion of' the College. Finally, inuneclintclv in tnrst for till' Col­ lc,:c were irivcn the vnlunhlc properties known nK the Rinho B11ildi111.:. with tlw mlincc>nt lmul, nnd the i.11111 of $100,000 to rrcct nn cxtcm1ion of the Rialto Buildin,: on the nd.inoont lanll. nml $50,000 to improve, the Wat('r 8trcct property. The portraits of himself'. _his wif~ •.nml hi11 son ,Je,hn were also lci't to the Collci:-c. The Klll!c111l prons1011s pertaining- to the fonuntion nnd purposes of the Collci:ro arc uuotc•d at length: ARTICLE SIXTEENTH: It is my will to found nn11 endow nn institution to he culled the Simmons1 F!'male Colle,:c, for the Dumos1• of tcachinir nl!'clicinc, music, clrnwing-, dcsi,:ninir. tclcirnml1\', nml oth­ er brnnchcs of' nrt, science, and industry best cnlculatcd to enable the scholars to acc1uire an imlcpcmlcnt livlihood; and I ·will and dirr,•t mv said Tni:,;tccs to hold said estates devised in Article Third, nnd the accun111latiom1 thereto from and nftcr the time of the clccease oi' my dnuirhter l\tnry Ann, and the estates devised in Article Fourth from and nt'ter the time of the decease of mv dau,:htcr Alvina. b111 without the nccumulntions thereto made prior to her decco!c, tn tn1,t to mnnn,:c, take cure of the same, and to collect and receive the rents nnd incoml' thl'rrof. and to invest the same in the manner hcreinnftrr ,lirc>etcreof nr cording to by laws, rules, re1?11lntions and directions to be framed an,! ndoptcd by the snid trustees. Pro\ided, however, and it is my will, that said principal trn,t­ cstates described in Articles Third and Fourth, and anv estates in which the proceeds of any sales thereof shall be invested, shall be JOHN SIMMONS .r'ound,·r or tl11• SL\l:\IO~S Col11•1,:"1•, Bo:,;tou. Born Oct. :!O, li!lti. Dil·d Aug. :!!l. 18i0. Pu~c 96 A. Sec p~e 91.

SIMMONS COLLEGE BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS ·Fouucfoil 1111<1 l'Udowcd br ,John Simmons. Pngc 90 B. Sec pngc 99.


hda1rcd. but the net rents nncl income onh• thereof to be appJiecl from timo to time to the support of suicl College nm! payment of its culTcnt ex- 1,cnscs. · ARTICLE TWENTY-FIRST: If' either of mv said Trustees shull die. or refuse to uccept, or slmll relinquish said trust, or be re· moved therefrom, the stmrivin:.:- or other Tn1stecs or Trustee mav. by 1111y writin:.:- subscribed by them or liim, nominate some otltcr suitable 1,crson·to be approved uncl am>0intrd by the Jndirc of Probate havin::r jurisdiction of this my Will. to be Trustee in place of the Trustee so ilrin~. refusing. r~ignin:.:-. or froJl\'nny other cnuse to be a Trustee:

Provided, l1owevcr, 11ml it is 'luy will in resooct to the J)roJ>ertY held in trust for the benefit of tl1c Simmons Fems.le CollCl!'e. that wl1enever either of·tl1e Tnistees lwreinhefore named ha.vim? said J>rOP­ crtv in trust sl1ull die, resign or be removed, or for an:v cause cease to be a Trustee, the President. for the time beinii of Harvard Collei?C, located at Cambridi::-e. in 1\[ussachu.o;etts, shall be Trustee in tlie 1>lace of the Trrustee so d:,,ini:-, resil!llinct, bein,: removed. or ceasine- to be Trustee, and shall act in his stead conjointly with the survivine- or remainin:.:- Trustees' or Trustee; and upon the decea,se of the survivor of the other two Trnstees, or u))On tl1e resignation or removal of said two Trustees, or their ceasint!I for nny cause to be Trustees. then the President for the time bein!? of Tufts Collee-c. located in Somerville. in l!assachnsetts. shall be Trustee in tl1eir stead. and slmll net con­ ,iointlv with the President for the time beine- of Harvard Collee-e. and they together shall have, exercise. and pCJtfonn nil the trusts. powers, and duties, nnd be' subject to all the duties hcreinbcfore clven or imwsed to the Tru.;tees hereinbcfore named in resJ>Cet to said propertv held in trost for snid Simmons Female Collee-e. ARTICLE FIFTH-CODICIL: I lcive. devise. and beaueath unto the said Benjamin :F. Brooks, Edward A. White. and Jose»b Sawyer, said two stores situated at the corner of Milk Street and Devonshire Street in said Boston, and the land under an«T aDDurten- ant thereto____ : To Have and to Hold tl1e ,-amc unto tl1e said Brooks. White. and Snwver. and tl1~ survivo!"1' and ,-."111-i.ivor of tl1cm. their and J1is heirs and ·ass~; bnt in trust. uevcrtl1e)C!'s. to hold and mnn~ the same and collect and receive thci rents and income thereof. and out of the rents and income of said cstntc at the corner of said l!ilk Street and De\·onshirc Street to pav said annuity to my· said tmU1ddau,rhter_ Anna ,vhitc. as aforesnicl; nnd out of the net rents and income of saiil other ·estate on Devonshire Street to pay said annuity to mv ,;:ii0scs. 11?1<1 witl1 the same J)Owers. for the benefit of Simmon.« Fe­ male Collc:?c dcscribecl in nn- said , 1till. and for the endowment there­ of; and for 1>romotill!!: and cffectuatin::' its best interests nnd objects. nrid to ·be disposecl of in the sume manner us in mv said' Will is ex­ pressed. provided, and declared of and concerniu!? the J>rooort:v d~ 08 SIMMONS GENEALOGY vised and bequeathed by 111~ in 111v 11aid Will to ,mid Stetson, Brook~. and W11ite, in tr1111t fo1: the benefit of 1111id Simmon11 Female Collri:,•, as 11ot forth.in Articlc11 Sixteen nnd Twcntv-Fir11t of m:v 1111id Will. Provided, however, and it i11 mv will, th11t 11ai'1 Tr111itee11 11hall inv,•MI said rentH antl income remaiufo,: after deducini: therefrom t1aid 1111- nuiti011 and the eXT1en11c11 of cxccutin~ thi11 tru11t, and shall 11uJ?cr tlw t111mo to accumulate until Hach nceumulation11 11hall, with tho l't!lltP and income me,ntioned in the 11nid Sixte1mt1~• Article of mv said Will, toa:ethcr with such other donations, if anv, as mav be made bv anv other 1>crsons, or by any corporntion or State to said Trustee11 nrmn the same trusts, reach the value of five hundred thousaml dollnrs: but said Trustees, or in case they do not 11II 11111r~"'- a mnior~tv 01' them, mav if they ~all !!cc flt, at 11ny time aft1•r sni,1 accwnul11tio11M and donations amount to three· hun1lred thousand dollars. devote nnd apply so much thereof aH thrv 11hall dee111 eXPedient, to the tmrehn.~" of a site' for and to the building of t.uitable buil1lini;r11 and structure~ thereon f'or said College, nnil to the pureluise of 11uitable furniture nn,I apparatus therefor; ·and mav 1levote and applv i.o mucl1 of said rent, and income accruing after sai,1 three hundred thousand 1lollars shall be obtained as aforcH11id. asl they shall sec fit, to tho pa,"Jll.mt of tlw expenses of instruction nnd other current expcll'::!cs of said eollCl!:'e: nnd thc:remainder of said rents nnd income thev shall permit to aecunm­ latc as aforesaid until the same with snid · three hundred thousand dollars·and said other donations, if any, shall amount to ~aid sum of five hundred thousand dollars. Ant? it is also my will that said fiw hundred thou..'ffllltl dollars shall, in the dh1erction of said Trustees. 01·, if they do nat all ai?ree, of a majority of them, be e."tl)cnded in the purchase o'f. land and in suitable buillinl:'S and structures thereon for said Coll~. and in the purchase of suitnble furniture and a1,paratns for the same; and tlmt said lancls and buildin,:s in tl1is Artiele devbetl i.baU, as also theland.-i and buildings described in Article Third and Fourth of my· said ·wm, and the c1,1tntOI! and pronertv In which the proceeds of any sales thereof shall be invested, be held as to nernmn· cnt. trust.. fund, not to be reduced or unpaired, and only the net rents arid income thereof to be applied from time to time to the supt>Ort or t1aid Coll~ and the payment of current e."

And it is also my will that my said Trustees, or, in CBIOC thev do not,all affee, a majority of them shall, B.'I soon ns they shall deem it practicable and advisable under. the eircumstances. found and estab­ lish said Simmons Female College; and shall, if' thev deem it• cxpcdi.ent, and at such times· as they shall see 1it. nro­ cure to be formed and estnblisli a corporation under the la-ws of the State of Massachusetts for the pu~se of holdiJut, and manacinl? the property of said College, and conducting its affairs; and said Tras­ tees shall, when if ever said corporation shaH be formed and ON11ni1.ed ns aforesaid under the direction of said Trustees, or" in case the,· CB!Jnot ~ee. of a majority of them, a.ssilZ'!l and convey the whole of said trust trust-property, and of the income and increase thereof rt~ waining undis"POSel ofas aforesaid. to said eol"J)Oration to be held. used. and appl'ied by said COll"J)'Oration. for the benefit of said Colle~. and ~ promote and effectuate its said perpose: but, nevertheless. ae­ eo~ to such by,laws, rules, regulations, and directions as may be ~~ed ancl adopted by Sllid Trustees, 9r, in C8ljC the.v do not all SIMMONS GENEALOGY 99

ui.rr<•, br 11 11111,iorit), of tl1<'III. Awl it i11 mv will that 11nid Tn111tcci;, or in cllll<' t[1ey do not 1111 11irre<•, 11 11111jo1it,v of them. 11)11111, witl1in u 1·c1~11ubl11 tune 11J'tcr my decc11111•, make and c11t11blish bv-l11w11, rule,;. 1'<'1:'lllatlons, nnrl directions for tlw 111nn11l(C111011t of 1111id Collette and th<' conduct ot' lt11 nllnirs; 1111b.iect, however, to revision, amendment. 11111I nlterntion tlwrt'<>f' 11111I udrlition thereto by the Trustees for the I imc bcini: under my Will; 01·. in r1111d thrrB i'OOd bv insurance nnd the Tn111tees were obli~d to aiCrnlis• sion to 111orti::n1?c the land so ns to secure the necessar,· tunds £or ,•om,;tt11ction. This wn..-. 111Jowed, nnd tl1c present buildin1r11 on Frank­ lin Street were erected, us well 1111 a fine i:-ranite front office buildini: on Water and Con:rrcss Streets, known as the Simmons Building, Other mort.."lli:cs were allowed from time to time on the various 'Prol>- 1,rties, 1111d held in t111t,;t for the College, the maximum amount ~ not far from $8i3,000. Thi.of amount was materialI:v reduced bv na:v­ mcuts from the income, thou1?l1 not eutirely paid at the time of the ex- 1lirntio11 of tlrn trust. In 1889·it secmel to tlsc ma.ioritv of the Trus­ tees that the time had come for the on.,"llnization of tl1e Coll~ which flu• testator hn,I nlanncd, and nr,plication for ineorporation was made lo the General Court. A sim11lc but broad and liberal ebarter wa:. drawn by l!r. ,Joseph B. Warner, the lel?Bl adviser of the Trustees. and it was 1msse­ J:1Toved bv Governor· W oleott on May 24. When the nroperty was tra11sfcrrcd to the new corporation, October 1, 1899,' it consisted of real estate valued ·at $1,035,000, with outstandini: mortaai:res amount• int:" to $3i5,000 and au accumulated income of $541.ll0.24. No im­ llOrtant action in rc::ard to the property was taken bv the new cor• poration until 1902. It then became obvious that in the eom'PCtitiou with the manv ne,v office buildin;:s that were beirut' erected. the in• ro111e of the Collci:c would seriously suffer unless the old boildinl?& were reJ>laced by new construction: and as this involved eav1tal not · 1~se<1 "by the Collc:re. it was decided to accept verv favorable 01:>- 11ortunitics for disposinl? of all the real estate e.,ceept the bui.tdill2B on Franklin Street. Thi-,; wa..." done. witll sll'Ch advantaire that the en· ,Jo11·111c11t of the Collci:c, representing the ori~nal trust but free of mortai:ai:-ci;, no"· standi; at $2,047,586. ' · · · • 100 ~IMMON:-4 m:NF.ALOOY

It hi prohuhli• tli11t tlll' clc•11Lh ol' hiM MOIIM without 111'l1'~ t.n lll'nr hi11 nnmu mny l11w1• h1•1•11 n rontl'nllinJC i111'h11•1w1• i11«111ri1u: him to 1.ri\'1• hiM own narn11 to th«• lr11Mtit11t.ion; hut in vi1•w ol' 1111 honornblll lil'I' thnt WRM 1•1•11111rknhlu l'nr itM thr·il't., l'IIC'l'JC~'· 11111111ehirvl'l11l'11t, it IM 11 worth1· 11111111', to whi«•h tlw ~·1n111i.r wor111•11 nf to«ln~· 1111,I ol' t.lw f'11t1m• who 11r1• 11,•ckini: to mnko thl'IIIM«•l\·1-.. nl' Ml'l'Vi1•1• Ln tho world 11111v w1•1l bcnr Inv nlty. JAMES l'rt BRACXEN • MARY ANN (SIMMONS> Born Jan. 21, 1841. Died BRACKEN (8) .Tan. 24, 1914 at Lincoln. Was born Nov. 22. 18.39, in Nebr.. and buried in Siw­ Ohio. She was married to monM eeruetery nt S11ltillo. ,Tames l\I. Bracken 1n Ston· Count.v. Iowa Nov. li. 1861 and came to Lancaster county. Nebr., in March 1863 and at pre.sent time is still a resident of' the oountv (liareh 1930.)

Pai;:-c 100 A. See J>BJ."C l0L

JOHN DAVID SIMMONS AND ms WIFE CAROLINE (ROWE) SIMMONS Tl1ey were married Dec. 2.5, 1863 at the bridc'.s home. about twelve miles WC8t of Ncbnulka City, Otoe Cotmt~·. Ncbra.~ka. He was born May 26, 1841 at El'\-ille, Ohio. Died Oct. 8. 18i4, at Saltillo, Nebr. She was born Aug. 25, 18..... Died Sept. 1889. Pl!fre 100 B. See page 101.

Eighth Generation

MARY ANN' SIMMONS (8) HN1ry 7, Lorum:o 6, ,Joiin r,, ,Job 4, ,lob 3, MoHe!I 2, :r.lo!lc11 1. b. in Mul'lkin~lom Co. Ohio Nov. 22, 1830; d • ...... ; m. in Story Connty, Iown, Nov.17.1861, bv the Rev. P. l-1. Shamp, to JnmeH M. Bracken, who wn11 born ,Jnn. 21, ]841; die. Carrie Ro11ette, b. Oct. 2, 1875; d .•Tnn. 23, 18i8. Mildred Olyvc, b. June 7, 187!J. Mary Ann Simmons was bom in .Ohio, and came with her t)Bl'ents to Story County, Iowa, in 1854. In 1861 she murricl .J. M. Bracken. nnd they came to Nebraska at the tirrte thnt her r,nrentt! cnmc in 1862 They homesteaded at Saltillo, and lived there several vea~. About the· yeur 1882 they moved to Lincoln, und this was her !tome until 19'.?4, when she movecl to Denver. Colorado to make her home with n l('l'llnd110n, Harold F. Johnston. She WMI well known in Lincoln !'or her kind dispoHition and motherly 11f,t'l'ction !'or everv one. Her lms­ b11nd was totally blind for '!ICV~rnl years before his death, and she took the mO!

•John Da,id Simmons was born in Ohio, and came to .Low11. with his parents in 1854, then to Nebraska with them in 1862. On Christ• mas Dav. 1863, he was marriel to Miss Ca·roline Howe. daW!.lhter of Samuel ·Howe. He homesteaded near Saltillo, and fanned there until his death, October 8, 1874. He is buried in the Simmons Cemeterv at Saltillo. He picked the location for thii- cemetery, before he died. and was the first one belied there. 10:.? Hll\lMONH m:NF.AT,OflY

A~t~•!-i l'liMMONH (H) llc•ury i, Lot•c•nv.o Ii, ,Tohu r,, ,Toh 4, ,loh ::, :\l0Mr11 :!, M:JMt•K 1. h, 111•111· Culi1111 1 Mrrc•c1• Conntv, Ohio, ArH'il :.!:I, 18411: cl, ,Ism. 211, 111:.!11, ut 1,inc•oln, Nrhr.: 111, ut Hnltillo, Kc•hr .. O,•t. i, ltitlli, to l<~lnot·n A. Allc•n, who WIIK hon, l>c•c, :.!i, IHr,2: cl. Mnv :1, J11!1r,. Chihlren lI11Ui1• H.tlf'lll'I, h. Nov. 2i, 18i0, .A111r1111t11 Cnt.lll'riru•, h. ,Tuly II, !Hi:.!. Henry Lc\·I, h, 1•',,h. 10, 1Hi4; cl. :.lnv:.!r,, l!l:.!i. l\Cnry Molr11t11, h. :.ru~· :I, lRiH. Amy L., h. ,1111~· :i, 18i8. ,Tamm, Wnrrc•n, h. Ang. 26, ]880, Harrv Clay, Ir. :\lay l, 188:J . .c\11108 SimmonK w1111 horu in Ohio, mul cnnw with his vnrr11t11 to Story County, !own, in 1Hr>4, nncl with thl'm to N1•hrn11k11 in 18fi2. .\~ 110011 1111 he bc<"11111c of Ill:'<', Ill' horrw11tr11clccl ll<'tll' Snltillo. nncl in IHti!l mnrrieJ l\CiMtl Elnorn Allen, clnughtcr oJ' Levi Allc•n. He lh·cct at Snit - illo until about 18!J0, whrn hr 1110\·rd to 1.Jin1•oln. lfr servf'll for 801111' . time 811 pntro)mnn on th<' eit_v J>Olice depnrtmcnt, then for the r1•mni11- der of his life he followed the trade of carpenter. His wife died in May 1895. He IJC\'et' rl'marrircl. but lived with hiK dnui:htcrs, Cnth- 1,rine an! Amy until his death. He died Jan. 26, l!J28. ni:cd 82 V<"nr~. and was b11ricd in thl' Simmons Cemetery at Saltillo.

CAROLINE SBIMONS (8) lfo111~· i, Lorenzo G, ,Tohn 5 ••Toh -1. ,Toh 3, l\IoMCS 2, llo11l'S l. h. nrar Celina, :\forcer Countv. Ohio, Am:. 13, 18.52; d. Feb. 24, 1930, at Lincoln, Nl"brn.~ka: m. at Snltillo, N,· braBka, July 4, 1875, by Rev. Alexander, to William Bennet Wiltc•r· clink, who was born on llnrc•h 15, 18-18, at F.lbricl~"<'. Onontlmm Co .. New York. Children · Girl, b. April 18, 18i6; cl. April 18. 18i6. ,John Henry. h. April 18, 1876. llary Catherine, b. Jnn. 13, 18i8. Edna Rnchl'I, b. April 2, 18i9. Ernest Garrett. b. Nov. 16, 1880. Annis Viola, b. Nov. 2i, 1882. Walter Warren, b. July 12, 188-1. Levi Albert, b. April 28, 1886. Ruth Christina, b. Feb. 19, 1889. Coralie Susan, b. l\Ia-rch 3, 1891. I.Edith Aug-usta. b. Oct. 2, 1893. Sena, b. ,June 17. 1896; d. Alli:'. 5, 1806. MR.. AND MRS. WILLIAM BENNET WILDERDINK William Bennet Wilterdink was the oldest ~n of .Tohn Henn· Wilterdink and Christina Bloomers \\"'iltcrdink. Christina lilooml'1;, .AKOS SDIDIONS AND ms Wll'E ELNORA A. (ALLEN) SIMMONS They were married Oct. 7, 1869 at Saltillo, Nebr. He was born April 23, 1846 at Celina, .Ohio. Di<'

WILLIAM BENNET'!' CAB.OLINE (SIMMONS) WILTERDINK WILTERDINK Bom l\Iareh 15. 1848. Died Born Au~. 13. 1852. Died :\fay 14. 1929. z.· •b. 24. 1930.

Pai:c 102 B. See pai:c 102.

SIMMONS OJo:NEALOGY w1111 boTn In lJolland, Europl!, on Mny 21. 1820. nncl died on April 23, 1HIJ3, at OlbbMvilll!, Wi11ron11i11, ,John Jfo111•v Wilterdink wn11 born ou .lune 4, 1818 in Holland, EuroJ)(', nnd diccl on Junt• 4, 1889, at Glbb11- ville, Wi11co1111in. Chri11tim1 Blooml'l'!I nnd ,fohn Hant'V Wilterdink w1•re married on Mny lD, 1847, in Holland, and 11ailed for Amer1oa im­ mcdiatclv followinll'' their mnrrin~. Thrlr oldr11t 11011. WIiiiam Ben• net Wilterdln~: wa11 born on Mnrl'h 15, 1848, nt Elbrido:e, Ononclao:n County. New xork, nenr the citv ol' Strneu11e, N. Y. Thi! familv of .rohn Helley' Wilterdink moved f'rom J!Jlbrirl£C'<•, N. Y.. to Gihb11ville, Wi8conain1 in about the venr 1850. At the Rile of ciarhtcen, William Bennet Wilterdink left hit1 home nt OibbNville, Wi11eons1n. ,tnd came to Nebl'Mkn: workinll' for a time in the Htonc 011arrie14 at Bennet, Nc­ bra11ka, and later on tho railroa,1 nt Saltillo, Ncbllllka, where, while boardin11: in the homo of Henry SimmonM and Catherin!! Walker Sim• 1110014, he met their dnull'hter, Cnrolinl' SimmonM, Caroline SimmonH wa~ born Aua'Ul4t 13, 181>2, at Celin11, Mercer County, Ohio. At thl! 111(1! of two vears 111he moved with her narent11 to Stor~· Countv, Iowa, near tho citv of AmeH, wherl! "'"' resided until l862, when the famih• journeyed bv way of covered wagon to Snltillo, Lnncaste1· Countv, Nebraska. Caroline SimmonH and Willhun Bennet Wilterdink were married on Sunday, July 4, 18i5, at the home of lier parents, Saltillo, Nebraska. They lived one vcar at Princeton, Nebraska. and then mir­ chased a fam1 one mile north of Saltillo, whl're th<'\' lh·1>d nntil No­ wmber 17. 1909, when the~· mo,·<'d to 2/JOi 8011th Sixtl'entn Rt.. Lin- 1•0111. Nebraska, nnd rf'!li,ll're their four !IODS and six 1l1111ghters, aml the ceremon~~ wa.~ all!;,o witnessed hv her sister. l\lnrv Ann Bracken, her brothers Albert, Amos and Levi, and a niece. Hnt tic Simmons Eddy, who were present at the weddin,.r fifty vears ruro. There were al!IO present twentv arundehilclren, nnd ovPr two hundred relatives and friends called during the afternoon to conim1t11Jate them on thcrr anniversary. Mrs. Wilterdink was aowned in the dress which she wore as a bride. a lilac brocaded taffeta silk, made with a basQue and a raffled skirt. The weddirur ceremonv was perlorml'

ANNJS ltOSWr'l'I•! Hl~IM.ONS (8) Jltonrv 7, I.orDnv.o II, ,lohn II, ,Job •!, ,Joh :J, AloH-011 2, Mo111'1'1 l. h, in Story C:011111..v, Jow11, Ot1t11hl'J' r,, JIIIW,; d. ,Inn. 12, 102/i, ut l,i1ll'ol11, Nc•b1•1114k11, Sito lll!\'Clt' 111111·1•ie1I, She cmmo to Neob1°11Mkn from Story Co11ntv, Iown, with hor l•nr• c•nt11 in 18(12, nncl Ii vod with her fnthC!r nnd moth on on thP olll honw· 11tead at Snltlllo, until thC!il' clc•ath, Her mother cliecl in 188i nucl 111'1' father in 1880. Anni11 lto..l'ttc•, tog1•tlmr with lwr Milltl'r, Lnnm 8111<011, anl her h1•othen1, Levi 111ul \\'111°rl'l1 livl'cl on tho olcl homo pince nt Snl tillo nntit 1906, when th<'\' enmo to Lincoln, h11ilcli111r R now honw nl 2510 Y Street. LRur:t 811~1111 ,lic,cl A111rm1t 7, l!HO •. In 1911J. tho 1wo hrothoni nncl lto11l'tt1• Mole! their homo nt 21il0 Y Struet, 111111 p11rohu11ud n new home nt 2,U3 Sonth 17th Street, Lincoln. Anni11 Ros1•tte diccl 111 2413 South 17th Street on Jnnnnry 12, 1925, nn,l wn.-. hnriccl in t.hc Simmons Ceml'tory, nt Snltillo, Nc•brm1k11. LORENZO ALBERT HJ:\ll\lONS (8) Hemry 7, Lorl'nv.o 6, John !i, .Joh 4, ,Job 3, l\10111'11 2, )[011<"11 1. h, in Storr Vonntv, Iown. }fav :!:!, 1857; d ..... ----: m. in Smith County, Knnsos. Jnn. 30, 18711. to l\la!ll'Rrct Ann Porter, tlnu. of Arthur B. nnd l\lnrirnret (Hill). Port er, who wos born in WMhina-ton Connty, Ohio, Mnv 8, 1860; d ...... Children Henry Arthur Si1111110118, b; April 13, 1880. 1\lnndc Anni:- Simmons, b. April 5, 1882. Nollie Agnes Simmons, h. Mny 10, 1884. Gny Amos Simmom1, b. Aug. 21, 1886, Clnude Alfl'(.'(l Simmon:-, h. Doe. 22. 1888. Lloyd Albert Simmons, b. Ang. 30, 1891. Leola Ariel Simmonl:v, b. Mny 4. 1894. llnhcl Amanda Simmons, b. Mny 11, 1901. Rolland Allen Simmons, b. Sept. 20, 1903. The followinir is the autobio,rrnpby of Lorenzo Albert Simmon~: I oome to Ncbrnska with my pnrcnts in September 1862, when I wns five vears old. The first few wel'kts the fnmilv lived a short distance west of Nebraskn City on the old Pikes Peak Trail. and it wns whilt.4 we were lhinir here that the "steam Wlli?On," as it wn~ called. was started out of the City to be utilized ns moth·c p0wer to pull the prairie schooners across the plains. The steam Wnt?On wu, built simi.l..r to the traction en,rines of later days, but it wns not " success for the pnrpose built; B'S I well remember that thev uni\· sur­ eeeded in iretting out of Nebraska City ns far as the house where wr liYed. After ~ing this short distance it was fonnd neccs"'11·v to dL,­ continue the trip and the steam wagon wns left for ma'lv venrs where they abandoned it. I have very good renson to remember tht!I t1;1:1 trip of the "stcnm WB®n." They h11d run out of wntcr and were com~ to our place to replenish their supply. I wns .inst c:oinir O\'('I' the hill to sec tbem n..-; thov stnrtod bnek, and when I saw them eom· inir toward me I wa11 so friirhtened that I ran for the house nn

W:Nm' JllffHl.H CilJY J!MC:(i CLAUD8Jlli'i?tD LLOYD ALBERT l(OL,ll AAffL 1 & 6.'.) 1 ~ t- r, · I & e,i, Jie,,.ctl ;IA'P.t

MAUD JU1Nl3 MAllfL AIWIDJI. 188:t lNl

·, \~._J/I,~:.'tiM?R~tiJ~}i3,i111,v.· :,-,. ·· · •··· ·


W c moved from this place to Wilson t:reck. twelve miles west of ~,•lmiskn City, nnd wintered there. 'fhc foJ!owing- spring- we ~oved to Sultillo, Lanea.stct County. about fifty miles wost or tlle city on the Ovcrlllnd Trail, where fnthcr had purchased 160 acres of timbered Jund near l1is homestead. At this time there were only clc\·en voters iu thnt county. \\·c werd compelled n number of times to move cnstward tomu·d th,• river on nccount of tlie Ind.inn raids throu:;:h the South Platte cuuutrr. lllld it WllS on one of these trips that ID\' voung-cst sister was bu:n, at \Vyomin:;:. a bont Jnndin,::- six or seven miles north of Nebrns­ ku. City, nnd my mother WllS brought back to Salt Creek. fit'tv miles iu n lUIDber wagon, when the chilil wus only four davs 01<1. During- the earlier days the on]y trading- point was N ebrnsku Citr. fifty miles cast of us. In 1S67, g1e city of Lincoln wns located. nnd the capitol of the new stnte of Nebraska WllS located l1ere. and Lincoln soon became :t town of importnnce. In 1869. the Burlincton and Missouri Rh·eI' Railroad WllS built into Lincoln; ·and in ll:!i'O the llidlnnd was built from Nebraska City to Lincoln. It was on this line that I had my first car ride, tl1e Company ghin:;: a free c.,:cur.;ion from Lincoln to Nebraska City. The cars used for this excursion were ftnt ears, with cross ties placed erosswn~· on them for tl1c seats; except the rear car, which was a conch occupied by the Gov• crnor and rnilrond officials. Several amusing- incidents occurred 011 this no'l'cl trip. one of which Jmpwned to be a well drcssea: mnn on our car. He wore n pluir hat. und ns the wind was blowin!?' auite hard. bis tile blew off and hnppcned to aligl1t near a fnnner who was work• in:: in a field close b~· the track. )Ir. Farmer picked up the hat. put it on his head, made n bow to the trnin nnd resumed l1is work. On renehin,: the City of the Bi:: :Uuddy, a free dinner was served the ex• cursionistis by the citizens, and an excursion on the lth·er b:;, steamboat after which the train went back to Lincoln. In the earl;1-· days of settlement in this coantry the cduentionnl fa. cilitics were very limited. and only two or three months of winter :ochool were tnu,:ht at some private house. r.nd· what education we rc­ cci,·ed was by the closest attention to books when the opportunity presented itself. The summer months were occupied by hcrdin!?' cat­ tle on the prairies until I was sc,,cnteen years old. I wns tllcn put to work on the farm. I saw a railroad train for the first time when l WIL~ eleven years of a:;:c. That was at the ,illai:::c of Lincoln. whrn the Burli~on built from Plattsmouth to Lincoln. At the ng-e of twenty, I left !tome and started -in life for my!di'. I did consicler:1h]c runnin!?' 11round, :1s most young- men will when they ,;tnrt out. without stiing-s tied to t),.,m. 011 the litl1 dny of Dccem­ hcr, 1878. I left Saltillo on horsebaek for Smith County. Kunsa8. whcrc u <'l'rtnin yo1m!?' l::1Cly liv<'d in whom I wns intcrcstcc1. .A. N c­ hru..;ka bli7.znrcl eommem,cd, nncl the l'<'<•ond d:tY t!iat I was on the rond thr snow blew about :,;o mu<"h tlwt you could not sec n Jmndrcd feet alwud, hut I pushed on and reueh1•d my dcstm:1tion w1tiioui: s·erious eonsccrncnees. Herc. 011 the. thirtc,•nth cluy of .Junu:iry. ]Si!J. lit tlic residence of Arthur B. Porter. in Smith County. Kansas. 1 was mar• 106 SIMMONS GENE.ALOGY ried to Miss Mari:nret Ann Porter, a great-~ddaugl1ter of Amos Porter, one of the ori,::mal forty-nine settlers of the Northwest. nt liarietta. Ohio, in li88, and the daughter of .Arthur B. and l\Iarenrct (Hill) Porter. -' During this winter, Mr. Porter and myself went into the west­ ern part of Nehru.ska and took homesteads. he locatinc in Red Wil­ low County, and I in Furnas County, six miles east· of Beaver Cit\'. Here we moved in April, 18i9, and built a sod house on our home­ stead. I broke acres of sod, put in n little sod corn. nnd at harvest time we drove in n eo,·ered wai:on back to Lancastl'!" Count:v. where l worked in the harvest field during that s

M~· wife was appointed postmistress,; at this place and I l'Ontr:11•• ted the star muil route nmni~ from Saltillo to DeWitt. Nebraska. Our oldest daughter, Maude Annis, wa.o;; born April 5, 1882. while we were living at Saltillo.

,ve-rcmainetl at Saltillo until the autumn of 1883, when I sol

Late in the fall of 1885. after the Clc,·eland adminisn-nbon h:ul hcen organi?.ed. I was appointed postmaster at Cortland. which po~i­ tion I held for four years. During thio;; official period I was elected 11~ delegate to the National Postmasters Convention at Chica..."'O. I wn, also elected president of the Nebraska Postmasters Association

In lSSi, while postmaster at Cortland, I arrani?e

11111,l. The l'row.1 uttrtlnnd. :md wns io this fj()Sition tor a venr. when I wns sent to Princeton. Nebraska. ns station ~ent. ' I held this position until Mr. Clevelnnd wns iumin elected. wl1en. nt the request of the patrons of the Cortlnnd post office. l ,ms neain :t)lflointed postnuL~ter tl1ere. I served through this administrntlon nnd in 1896. when )Ir• .Melunlc}· wns .-Ieeted pre:;ident. I ~!11 resumed. Du.ring· our residence at Cortlnnd the followin:? children were born: Nellie A,.."IlCS, Guy Amos. Claude Alfred. Lloyd Albert nnd Le­ ola Ariel. On .July -!, 1898, I wns at:nin appointed station lll?'Cnt for the Un­ ion Ruilro:id at Princeton. Nebraska, which position I held until .June lii.1900. when I wns transferred to Raymond. Ncbr.iska. ln the snme e:rJJa<,ity where I stnyed until September. 1915. While Ii"ing at Raymond. I owned and operated a cement blO<'k business for a fev.-years, and later sold this business. I purchased a small farm adjoining the \illn,..<>-e of Rurmond in 1906, and erected a residence on this propert~-. ' It wns built of m cy ~tone and is one of the best houses in or around Rayn,onr.. During my residence nt Cortlnnd. Gll:?e Countv. I wns nominat('(] hi- the Democratic Partv ns candidate for IC2'islaturc. lfv ticket wa;; clcfcate

orats as a legislative eandidate in 1908, and in this Republican stroni:hold where their majority is usually 2500 to 3000 I wns onh beaten a few hundred votes. . In 1911, while I was attending tl1e Head Camp of tlle :\fodcrn Woodmen or America as dclci:ute, nt Buffalo, New York. I was placed UJlOn my party's ticket for <'onnty sheriff nncl w11..-; ui:nin defentecl. hut on!~· by a smn.ll majority. After severing my services with the Union Pncifie Rnilroud Com- 1mny at Raymond, I moved my frunily to Lincoln in 1915. In 1916 I wns elected Sheriff of Lnncnster Countv (tl1e onlv Dem­ ocrat ever to be elected Sheriff in the county.) I served as Sheriff during 191i ancl 1918, during the worlcl war and the first part of the 18th ~\mcndmcnt. I w:is credited \\ith an excellent record, retired at the end of the tcnn and have since resided in Lincoln. Lincoln Daily State .Tournnl, Jan. 31, 1904. AN ELITE SILVER. WEDDING Saturday evening-, January 30. 1904, at the Woodman hall nt Raymond. Nebr., in honor of :Mr. L. A. Simmons and wife. This unique affair w:is planned by the children, nnd to sav it was a per­ fect success is putting it mildly. The hull was beautifulh· deeorn­ tccl and at 7:30 tl1e g-uests bei:nn to arri,·c, and bv 9 o'clock ncnrh 200 i:ucst..'< were pre;;ent. Foir an hour the eomp.m,· cnl:ll!!cd in sorinl i:ames and friendly chat. This was followC'd \\ith a beautiful 11ml :ip­ ni-oprinte musical program. interspersed with i-eadin!!S suitccl to thr ocen.....,ion, and a credit to all This wus followed bv a bi-Icr account of the life of Mr. nud :Mrs. Simmons, after which the wed

n. W. Cnrver, )Ir. mu! )!rs. .T. W. Billows, )Ir. nncl )Tr.;. C. S. Cnd­ wn]lnder. )Ir. nnd )[r:,;. ,v. F. 1\-eller. Mr. :md )!rs.. T. 0. Saunder;;. )Ir. nnd )!rs. William Ln Rue. :Ur. and )Irs. L. N. Wilcox. :\Ir. aml )[rs. H. S. Weaver. )fr. nnd lin,;,. Robert Reed, )fr. and ::\Irs. L. L. Larimer, )Ir. nnd :'IIrs. E. N. Wilson, lfr. and ::\frs .•T. C. Emi::rh. )[r. ancl )[rs. R. N. O\·erlmlser. lir. nnd :\!rs .•T. L. Hathorn. ~Irs . •1. L. Bartlett. 1\Ir,;. .T. A. Nord.

A lmmlsome bake cli,;h nncl 1,ickle jar b\· F. C. Kinyon. :\Tr. :u111 )frs. C. A. Le<'klitcr, )Tr. nncl :Mrs . .T. C. Hotchkiss. :\Ir. nnc1 )Trs. H. H. Forke. )fr. nnc] 1\Irs. C. S. Lin,1<111i~t. )Ir.• T. A. N'ord. :\fr. 11ml :\Irs•• T. W. Housel, )Ir. nm] :\frs. F .•T. Polle\·. 1\Ir. Dnnd Hous- el. :\Iiss Ella Hetrick. · A 0011 by 1\Ir. am1 lfrs. ,v. Wl1itaker :Jnc1 1\rrs . .T. W. lfont:romery. .A benutiful fruit dish ~- :\Ir.• J. F. Cross. of Wahoo. Nebraska.

An ele::ant ten<>ri!.:e 11111 mntt b\· ::\frsJ .T. S. N°<>slnt. of ·waterloo. • Nebraska. · A snlncl set by ::m,,.s Grace Iw~·. A berry spoon by :\Ir. and )[rs. :"lfa.rtin Nissen. A cream ladle b~· )Ir. and :"lfrs. ,T. S. Bonebrii:-ht. Cortland. Nebr. A set of teaspoons by :\Ir. and :\Irs. Henr~· Hansen• . \ hen;· spoon b)· )fr. and lfrs. C. ,T. Gntch·. A set of t<'aspoom,: b~· )!rs. Ann Br11ckm. of Lin<'olu. °!'~<'hr. A berry slJOOu by )fr. and )Irs. E . .T. Han,;<>11.

A butter knife and u;::-:w ,;hell by )Ii,;scs Rosette nm! Su,;ie Sim­ mons. of Saltillo, Nebraska. · Forty-two years al!,'O. :\Ir. Simmons mowd with his parents to Lllneaster County. where he has since resided. except as noted below. They first located at Saltillo, livin::r in a lo::r house. At thi;; time there were but eleven famili<'S in the count\•. l\fr. Simmons worked on the farm until scventeon years of ai::-e. when lie t>c<-rnn work for the B. & ::\L Railroad compnn~· and continued in their emp]o\· ur.• ti] his twenty-second vear. when lie was united in marriai::.?. to Mis:,; )IIIJ:lric Porter. tl1c :..-rent :;:-rand

Railroad company, the Inst four yenrs bcilll,\' located nt this plnrc. His many friends cx1>rcss the hi!:'h esteem in which he and his fam.ilv are held. Sc\'ernl out of town :..,"Ucsts were present• .The Lincoln Daily Star, Jan. 31, 1929.

GOLDEN WEDDING OF MR. AND :MRS. SIMMONS Two hundred i:ucsts 11ttcndcd the receptions inven this nfternoou from 3 to 5 o'clock and this evening from 7 to 9 o'clock at the h0tm· of :!\Ir. and 1\Irs.L.A.Si.mmons.139 North Twelfth street. in ob,-crn,ncc of their fiftieth wedding nnnh•crsary. l\Ian~· of -the :..,'t,CS?l! are t'ro111 out of town. Those in the rccching line this afternoon l>t,sidcs :\fr. aml :\!rs. ·Sinunons were l\Ics. J. ,A. Murphy an! Mrs. H. P Pierce, arrived III Liu• coln todav. 1\Ir. and }!rs. Simmons, ,Tr.• of Omaha :1rriw.J m Lincol11 Tuesday and tl1c son from Denver is cxpede

. LEVI S:DDIONS (8) Hen~· 7. Lorewm 6.• Tohn 5 ••Job 4 ••lob ::. l\Ioscs 2. 1\Ioscs 1. b. Dec. 6. 18!i!J, in Story County, Iowa. (;am,• wili, his parents to Nebniska in JS62. mu] r,:,:.;i

,•olu 11nd built a new home nt2.510 Y Street. He :md his brother 1Yur­ n•u were contractors nud builders nml erected nmuy buildill!..-S in Liu- 1·0!11. In 1919. the home nt 2510 Y Street wu• .; ~1'1. nml the\' purclm ed 11 ucw home nt :?413 South 1 ith Street. whl're he still resirlc::<. At tlu, 1ime of the 1m171ishini:- of thbbook (1930) he still omwrl the olrl home­ ,tc•nd nt Sultillo, where he wus rnised. WARREN SU.DION'S (8) Henry i, Lorenzo 6. ,John 5. ,Toh 4 • . Joh 3, :.\foses :?. :.\foses J. Born .Tnu. 2.'1.1862, in Story Count\'. Town: ,lic•,l ,\pril i, 1!>2::1, nt Liu~oln, N<'lm1sku. He 1wwr mnrri<'lnce \\;th his brother. Lc•,·i. :uul sisters, Annis Rosette and Lnurn Snsnn, until tl,e ~·ear 1906. when thcr moved to Lincoln nnd built a ue,,• home at 2510 "i Street. He nnd hi,; brother Le\'i were ~ontrncton; und builders nncl erected 111any buildiu~ in Lincoln. In 1919, the 110111c at 2510 Y ::5trect w,i..; sold, and tl1e_\· boui:-ht n new home at 2-U3 South 1ith Street. whc•J"t' \\",u•reu ,lier! Aini! i, 192.'I. He is buri('(l iii the Sinimom; Cemetl•r\', ,1t Snltillo. LAURA SUSAN SBDIONS (8) Henry i. Lorenzo 6. Jo:m 5. ,Job 4. ,Job 3. :.\Ios~ 2. Mose:; I. · · Laur.i Su..;:m Simmons wm, boi,1 on Se11tember 9. 1864. nt 1\"~·­ omin~. Xebraska: die-cl A11;..'11st i. 19]0. at Lincoln. Sebr:!O'ka. Rhc ne\'el' married. She lived with her parents Oil the old homestead ut Saltillo. :S-c­ brnska until their death. Her mother died in 1S8i and lier fa~1er ii~ 1889. Laura Susan. to:retll<'r with lier sister. Rooctte. and lier brotl1· c•r,;. Lc,i and 1Varreu. lived Oil the old J1ome pince ,.t Sa:tillo nntil 1906. when the~· raml' to Lincoln, bnildin~ a nC'W home M'. ~510 Y Street. where ,-;he resid1'fl until 'the time of her denth. Sh.- clied on .\11;.."l1>'t i. 1910: three dars after beill;: thrown from nu open ,street "ar to the puvement. She was buried in the Simmoni-; Cemcter),· ai Salt.illo. b~ide her fut.her and 111otl1<'r.

HARRIETT ALICE WELLS (8) uclor,tcd child of I:tenrv and Catherine (Walker) Simmons. b. Dec. Ii, 18i8. at Saltillo: m...... to D:nid C. Robertson. who wns hom...... -

Harriett Alice ,veils w~ a ,lu11;:Jitcr of R. Wells 1111:l \\-:1..; adont• NI b_v Henr:r and Catherine Sinunons Dec.• 1Si8. SJ:e died AT>1il !'i. 1930. at .OmaJ1a. Buried at Saltillo.

ELMER SPRAGUE (8) Vedder Spra;.."lle i. Syh;a 6. ,John r,, ,Tob 4.. Job3. Moses 2, Moses 1. b...... ; d · m..·----····· to Nettie Harrini:-ton. · Children Chnrles Spnt,.,"'lle Myrtle Sprn,..,"lle Flora Sprague 112 SIMl\IONS GENEALOGY

.T.\NE 8Cll.:-;EEii (81 .Tohu 81•hnrcr n111l B1•ts1•\' :-;i,111uo11s ,. C,·. rns U, ,Joh11 5, .lob •l. ,Toh :1, ::l(os1,s 2. llmws]. b...... ,1 ...... ••.••••• ; 111 ...... first to Lrllur Bates: 111 ...... '1l'•"''"d In J:. F. Bntes.

Children · By second husband. ,Jennie Bntcs.

ANNE SCHNEER (8) .Tohn Sclmeer nnd Betse,· Simmon-. T. C~·111s 6, ,John 5, .Job 4, Job 3, Moses 2, :Moi;es 1. b ...... : d ...... ; 111 ...... to .Alex Blnckamorc.

Children ,John Blncknmore. Eunice Blacknmorc. Otto Blncknmore. Xcllie Blnckamorc.

l\IARTHA SCHNEER (8) .Tolm Sehncer and Betse~· Smunonl" i. Cyrus 6, ,John 5, .Joh 4, .Job 3. Moses 2, l\Ioses 1. b ...... _ ...... : d ...... ; m ...... : to .To,;eph Block.

Children ,Tohn Block. •T rnnie Block. Charles Block. Han·ey Block. Eva Block. William Block.

l\IARY L. SC~'"EER (8) .Jolin Sehneer ancl Bet.se,· Simmons 7. Cvrus 6•• John 5•• Job 4 ••Job 3. )Ioscs 2. l\Ioses 1. b. Mar. :t. 1852: d. .. ."...... : m. Aug-. 14. 1871 to Geo~e '\Y. Bunker. who was born ...... : d. No,·. 6. 1!'0,.

Chi11lr<'n Parodia f. Bunker. b ...... 15, 1872. Jennie E. Bunker. h. Dec. 3. 18,-le. EYert .A. Bunker. b. Feb. 11, 18i6. Americus Bunkr.r. b. l\farch 30. 187i: d . .Tnh· )8. ISii. Avalrc P. Bnnker. h. Ap1;1 17, 1885. Ettye G. Bunker, b. F<'h. 25. lSSi. Carrie 0. Bunker,. b. May 9, 1890. SDD!ONS GEZ.."EALOGY ns

.TESRAEL SDDIONS (8, J-fcnrr 'i, Cyrus i;, ,Tol111 ii ••Tob 4 ..Tob :1. )i<"'<'s 2, )Io,ws 1. h. No,·. lii, J8H2, in Ohio, 111. Oct. 28. 1886 to Lucy !toss: d . .Tun. 17. 1921.

Children Hnrlie Simmons, b. D1!c. 2'2. 1887.

.TESURUN SDD!ONS (8) lfrnrr 7, Cyrus 6. ,John ,; • .roh 4. ,Job ::, )Ioscs 2, l\losl.'s 1. b. Feb. 23, 1870 iu Ohio: m. )foy l. 18S7 to Loni,-;c Dorr. ·m. 2nd,.Dce. 14. 1897 to Irene Reid. Childen of .Jcsurnu und Louise. Dorr Simmons, b. July 6, 1889. Bcthn Simmons, b. Sept. 10, 1895. Both married. but 110 ecord.

JIYRA )fORSE (8) .Jo! :ml )fa1')~ Ann (Sim,~oni::) ::lfon;r 7. Cyrus 6, .John 5, Job 4. ,Toh :1. )fos<"S 2, )foses 1. b ...... : d. ···-·-···········; m, _____ to Luke Williams.

LOUISE lfORSE (8) .Tohn m11l )far)· Aun (Simmonsl lforse 'i. Cyrus 6 ••Tofm 5, ,Job -1-, ,Tob 3. 2\foscs 2. )fost-s I. ·1,, An::. :s. 1844: d • ...... : m. Dec. 30. J86!); to Ch:irk-:; )I. Suunilcrs. who was born Feb. 9. JS:37; d ••June 22. 1910.

Children Aro D. Saunders. b. Sept. 19. 187'2. H:tl'r;\'· E. SmmJers, b. )forch 16. 1876.

ELLA )f0R-8F, (S) .Tolin and )fa!'y Ann (Si111111011s) )forse 7. Cvrus Ii, ,John fi.- ,Job 4. ,Job 3. )loses 2. )Ios~ 1. b ...... : d ...... •...... • : 111 ...... to Corwin K1•tl1. Children Alice Ketl1.

GEORGE )L WEST (8) Hen!')· 111111 Sabra (Simmon1<) West 7. Crnis 6 ••Tolm ri, ,Job •t ,Joh 3. )los~ 2. )loses l. b. Dec. ]!). 1864: d • ...... ; m. first.Oct. 22. 1S!J6, to )fomic A. Fyke: 111. second. to La1m1 Howe Brouse, .Jan. IO. 1906. Children ·By lin;t wife. Frederick lf,·.-:·1•1i. West. b. Oct. 31, l.S!J7: 111 ••July !i, 1924 to Helen Landis. Two children.

IDA .J. SBfl\IONS (8) Gl'Ol";:e 7, Cyru:c G• •John 5 •.Job 4 ••Job :;, )foscs 2. )Ioscs 1. b. }'ch. (i, 185ri; ti...... · 114 SIMMONS GENEALOGY

Ida J. Simmons now Ii,·es in her father's borne at Norwalk. Ohio. Not married. EVA V. SIMMONS (8) George i. Cyrus 6, John 5, Job 4. Job 3. Moses 2, Moses 1. b. Aug. 11. 1856; ,..____ _ Eva V, Simmons now lives at 16 Park Ave~ Norwalk. Olno. Not married. ·

LOUIS FRANKLIN SDWONS (8) George i, C)TUS 6. John 5. Job 4, Job 3, Moses 2, Moses 1. b. June 14, 1858: d. Julv 23. 1!127: m. Nov. 30, 1881, to Claudia Minerva Ingersoll. who was born Sent. 10, 1863.· • Children Arthur Eugene, b. May 6, 1883. Earl Weaver. b. Nov. 4, 188i. Sylvia Freeman, b. Jan. 14. 1890. Florence Mildred, b. April 14, 1892.

:ALICE A. SIMMONS (8) George i, C~TUS 6. John 5. Job 4. Job 3, Moses 2, Moses 1. b. Nov. 4, 1859; ...._ ___ ; m. Nov. 5. 18i9. to Adoniram P. Cole. , Children Roy R. Cole, bl Jan. li, 1883; d. Jan. 11, 19-00. ~dna May Cole. b • .A:ag. 24. 1885. Olga Manie Cole. b. !\!:arch i, lSSi. Manley L. Cole, b. Dec .. 29, 1888. Floyd G. Cole, b. May 16, 1890. Eth.el P. Cole, b. No,. 25, 1900.

ELMA F. SIMMONS (8) George i, Cyras 6. John 5. Job 4. Job 3, Moses 2, Moses 1. b . .Au_g. 1, 18i4: d. March 31, 1908. at Norwalk. Ohio. . .

LOUISE BRAINARD (8) John. and "Augusta (Simmons) Brain• ard 7, J..ihn 6, John 5. Job 4. Job 3, Moses 2. Moses 1. b, ___.... :

LIIJJAN BRAINARD (8) John and Augusta (Simmons) Brain­ ard i. John 6, John 5, .fob 4. Job 3, Moses 2, Moses 1. b. Julv 2:l 18i2; ...____ ; m. June 3, 189i, to Bnndus :Lansin2-. Children Phoebe Lansing. b. March 28, 1898. iBessie Lansing, b. Oct. 23, 1900; L July 1. 1902. Eva Lansing, b. Feb, 14, 1903, ELMA F. SIMMONS (8) Bom August 1, 1Si4. Dfo,l l\foreh 31, 1908.• She was the daul,!'hter of George and Sarah E. (Harpster)· Simmons. The writer had the plerusure of meeting :!\.Iiss Simmons a few months before her death. She had quite a record of the "Sim­ mons" family, antl to her we owe n. big credit in tl1c compilini? of these records. Pa,.,"'C 114 A. See pllP'c 114.


ELMA SI:l\L\IONS (8) lforris 'i, ,Tohn 6, ,John 5. ,Toh 4. ,Toh 3, )lost-s 2, :\los~ 1. b. ,Tnn. 10, 1862; d ...... ; m. first, Jan. 14, IS.SO, to Thomas Richard Yole. who w'n.-i b. AJiril !?2, 1867: ct. Jul:v 18, ]8S]: m., second, ,Jan. 31. 1884, to William R'iel1ard Yole. son of Wil­ li:uu Stevens and Mary Jane Yole. Children By first husband. Martha Yole, b. Feb.5.1881: d. Sept. 25. 1883.

ALTA VELARIA SDilJONS (8) :Morris 7. ·John 6. Jo!m 5. ,Job -1 ••Job 3. :Moses 2, Moses L b. l\rav 18, 1864, near Fort .Ami. New York: l. William Milton Cummin~. b. June 30. 1899. Forrest Milton Cammini:s, b. June 30, 1899.

'MYRA SDDIONS (8) Alfred i, .John 6, Jolin 5, Job 4. Job 3, )loses 2. lioses l. b.. _.. :.... ·--·····-; d..,_ ___ ; m'----- to Wil- limu Perkins. FRED SH,U\IONS (S) Alfrc<1 i, ,Tolm 6. ,John 5. Job 4. Job 3. :lfoses 2, l\Ioscs L

:A:\IAi.'.OA SIMMONS (S) Alfred 7. John 6. .John 5. Job 4. ,Tob :i. ~lO!'CS 2, Moses L ~ELLIE SU.UIONS (S) .All'red i, John 6. John 5. Job 4. Job 3. Moses 2. lioscs I.

SARAH BRAINARD (8) ,John an! AUt:'Usta (Simmon!) Brain­ ard i, .John 6, ,John 5, .Job 4, ,Toh 3, Moses 2. Moses 1. b. March 10. 1869: cl...... -•··········: m. May 10, 1885, to Fred Roirers. This family DOI\' Jives at Whitcnall. N. Y. Children Nellie Ro

·FLORA 1\I. SU.DIONS 18) C~'l-us 7, Lorenzo G. John :5 ••Toh 4. ,Tob 3. Moses 2, Mose,; 1. b. )[arch 27, 1858; d ...... ; m. March 3;1875, to George P. Eastwood, who wns b. Auir. 28, 1853: d...... - ...... Gerthn R. Eastwood, b. March 18, 1875. Herbert R. Eastwood, b. A)1ril 12, 1880; d. Dec. 15, 1880. :J3erthn R. Eastwood, b. Au;::. G, 1882; d. April 22. 1886. Gco~e L. Eastwood, b. ,July 30, 1885. Arthur F. Eastwood, b. ,Tan. 10, 1888. l\Ierle Eastwood, b. April 10, 1890; d. April 11. 1890. 'Perle Eastwood, b • .A:pril 10, 1890; d. May 6, 1890 • . '. Mabel M. Eastwood, ·b. 1\Iny 9, 1894; d ... ____

FLORENCE ALICE Sil\IlIONS (8) C)TUS 7, Lorenzo 6. John 5. Job 4, Job 3, Moses 2, l\Ioscs 1. b. Dec. 11, 1874; cL ____ ; m. Jnn. 30, 1896, to Albert l\I. Kelly, who was born Oct. 29. 181:19: d ...... Ruth R. Kelly, b. April 7, 1897•.• Ralph S. Kelly, b. An;::. li. 1901. Floyd B. Kelly, b .•Jan. 2.'3, 1908.

SARAH AUGUSTA SD.DIONS (8) Amos 7. Lorenzo 6•• John 5. ,Job 4, Job 3, Moses 2. l\Ioses 1. · b. Oct. 14. 1839: d·-·-·····-·····: m. Ma):ch 17, 1859, to Henry Cla~· French, b ...... ; d. liar.'/. 1899. Children Emmu Jane French. b. Jan. 24, 1860. Clam :\Iarilln French, b. De.,. 2!5. 1861. Riley Amos French. b. Sept. i, 1863. ·Gl'or;::e l\I. French. b. :Murch 23, 186i. Ernest Gileon French, b. ,Tnh- 23. 1869. ::\Lary Ann French. b ..Jan. 3i. 18il. · ·Nelson Perry French, b. l\larch i. 18i4. •Jessie Mabel French, b. Oct. 28, 1876.

:lt.AR,Y J~-U."E SRIMONS (8) Amos 7, Lorenzo 6, Jotm 5. Job 4. Job 3,.Moscs 2, l\Ioses 1. b .•Tune 26, 1846, at Dayton, .Ohio: d ...... • ; m~ nt Montavalo, l\Io., Mav 9, 1868. to ,Tacob Conine. who w~, born at Pataskla, Ohio, March 13, 1845; d ....•.....•..•..•..... Children Nelson Herbert Corune,b. Feb. 25, 1869. Cora l\Iay Conine, b. May 4, 18il; d. July...... • 1873. Frankie Hicks Coni11e, b. Feb. 5, 1874; d. Feb. 26, 1874. -:William Clover Conine, b. May 12, 1878; cl. Nov. 8, 1881. Jessie Lee Conine, b. Dec.10.1880; d. Oct. 10, 1881. Mamie Florence Conine, b. Sept. 15, 1882; d...... ···-·-···· TRIS PHOTOGR.APH TAKEN IN 1881 Top row left to right, William H. Simmons•. Alby C. Sim­ mons•, Levi Simmons,•• ,va!Teu Simruous,•• Sittin;.:-: Loreru:o ~\. Simmons,•• Amos Simmons.•• •Brothers. • .. Brothers. Page 116 A;. Sec pages 104, 110, 111 and ll7.


Eunice Hn:r.el Conine, b. Feb. ]5, 188i. Chlora Saphroniu Conine, b. Oc•t. 14, 1889; d. Dec...... • 1918.

•Jacob Conine was II Ch;! ,var Veteran. havin,::- enlisted .Feb. 18. ]86-l us Private in Co. C 2i Ohio Infantry Volunteers. Honomblv dis· drnr<,.:ed at ,vnshin,::-ton D. C.•• Tnly n. 1865. He ran nwuv and enlist­ ('() previous!)·. but his parents' i:-ot l1im out on uccount of his vouth uncI the fact that they had already lost 2 .;ans in the war and lmd 2 more in besides him. He wns with Sherman when he murc)lcd to the s<'n. He was born at P11t11.~kulu, Ohio :mcl enlist!!il from tJ1cfe.

GEORGE LORENZO SBBIONS (8) Amos ,. Loren1.0 er. ,John 5, ,Job -l, ,Job 3, :\loses 2. )Ioscs 1. b.·Feb. 2, ]848: d. Feb.20.1909: m. first...... ]8i4 to Sophroni.n C01_1ine. ·Was Inter marriecl tn _Eliimhcth Mercer. By first wife: :\Iollie, b. Jan. J, 1875: ,1. Sept. 14, .1906 . .

WILLIAl\I HENRY SBIMONS (8) Amos i, Lorenzo 6. Jolm !i. ,Job 4, Job 3, :Moses 2, )Ioses 1. b. Sept. 10. 1856: d...... : m . •Juh· 2, 1892. to Eliir~iheth Baldwin, who was horn Dee. 8. ]866: d. Dee. 28, l!J02. Children Herbert Ruy, h. ,July 22. J89:l. Hnrr:,- Elmer, h. Sept. 2i, 1894. Rus,::ell, b. ,Jun. 24, 1897. Ho\\·nrd Cecil. b. Feb. 28, 1900.

ALBIA C. SBDIONS (8) Amos 7, Lorenzo 6, ,John 5 ••)ob 4•• Job 3, )loses 2, )loses 1. b. Oct. 23. 18.59; d •... ·-··----: m. Oct. 2'2. 188:3 to :\Inrgaret Elizabeth :.\Iorrow. who was born Dec. 22. 1860. Cltlldren Roy, b .•Jnly 15. 1888; cl. Jul)· 10. 1889. A,·a, h. No,·. 11, 1890; d. Dec.31.1892. Clyde, b. May 2, 1895: d ......

CHARLES CONGER TYLER (8) Abram Tyler, Jr.. ,. Sylvia ·a • .John 5, .Toh 4 ••Toh a. :.\Io~es 2, )foses 1. b, .Tune 4. J 84a: a.:...... : 111. No,·. 2.3, 1865 to ;.\Inrgaret Hu.;ton. who w-ns born ;.\fov 4. 1846; cl.

Children 0: H. Tyler, b. Aug•...... ; 1866; d. Jan...... • 1896. Jo Tyler, b. Dec. 3, 1880; d-----·-··-- 11.8 SUDWNS GENEALOGY

FLORF...~CE TYLER (8) Ab'rnm- Tyler i, 8:vlvin ll, .Tohn 5, .fnh 4. .Joh 3, Moses 2. Mo..es 1. h.• Tnn- ...... , 1850: d. Aul('...... • 19ll: 111. ___ .. to C. D. Crnmer.

Children C. D. Cramer, Jr.

FLORELA SPR.AGUE (8) Vedcl<'r 8p-,.agi1c> i, Svh-ia d • •rohn ii, .Job 4. ,Job 3, Mo!leS 2, lfoses 1. b, ____ ; d •. _ ...... : rn...... ·--·· to Alfrel Luseond. Children Fred Luscond.

CAMILLA SPRAGUE (8) VNMer Sprru.,'1le i, Sylvia 6, John :i • •Toh 4, .Job :1, lloses :!, .MOSl'S J. b...... ; d...... : m...... ·---- to Vineenti Cariell Children Etta Cnriell, h. Fc>h. i, 1864; d. Au,:. 27. 189:S • .Mary Cnriell Shcnnnn Cariell. '\Yillinm Cnriell.

EDGAR A. SPRAGUE (8) Vedder Sprairuo i. S:vlVUt tf• .Tohn ,i. Job 4. .Job 3, Moses 2, Moses L b• .Jan. 1. 18.39: .._____ 186.5. Edira,r A. Spra,.."Ue served in the 8th l\Iichiiran Cavalry in the War of Rebellion. 1861 to 1865. He was a prisoner for the ten months prior to the closing of the war. at which time he startel for his honU' but on account of his weakened condition from starvntion in tlU' prison. died before he reached home.

F&.AZIER HARRIS SPRAGUE (8) Vedder Spl'82'De 7. Svh-ia Ii, ,John 5. Job 4, Job 3. lfoscs 2, Moses 1. b. Sept. 28. 1846. at Lero~· Calhoun County, Michiiran: d -...,.---: m. No,·. 15. 18il. to Hur rict Ann Towsley. who was bom March 16, 1848. at Verone. Onl'i,la County, New York.

'.Fr87.ier Harris Sprn,.."'lle sen·ed in the'War of Rebellion for OIH' :nia.r He was in ComJ)lln:V F, Tenth l\fichi;:nn C:walr..-. His pr<'Se11i. home is at V ennontville, Eaton Co .• Michiiran. Children Jessie Bell Spra,.."Ue, b. Ang-. 20, 1Si2: d . .Jnne.i, i883 . . llar,y Harris Spra..,"Ue. b. Feb. 19, 18i4. Hnrry Tyler Sprairue. b. April 5, 18i6. Leon ~r Sr>rairuc, h. July 16. 1888. SDIMONS GENEALOGY 119

SILVIA RUTH SPRAGUE (8) Vedler S1>1'1U?Ue 7. Sylvia 6. John 5, .Job 4, .lob 3, 1\fosei; 2, Moses L b ... ·-······• 1850: d-·---··· Silvia Ruth Sprague wus born blind. She is a ,rraduate of th<.­ School for the Blind, located at Flint. :Miehii:nn. She l1as made her 1,ome with · her brother, Frnzier H. Sprague, at Vermontville. Eaton County, l\fichi~n.

,FR.il.TK, L. SPRAGUE (8) Veddet! Spffll?Ue 7. Svhia 11. John 5 • . Job 4, ,lob 3, Moses 2. l\Ioses 1. b ____ ; ''-----·-··: m--······ ··-···--· to Clara E,-ans. Children Wm:fred Sprn,."Ue.

W •.\.RREN EDWARD BR;OIDI (8) Nelson Olmstead Brown 7. Solomon and Nancy (Simmons) Brown 6, .John 5. Job 4. Job 3. Moses 2, l\foses 1. b•• Tan. 20, 1841: u.-----: 1st m. Nov.22.1864. to· Amanda Hubbell, who was born Feb. 12, 1841; d. Nov. 5, 1892. .Allen Brown, b. Dec. 29, 1865; d. April 2.1891.

MYRON .JA..\IES BROWN (8) Nelson Olmstead Browu 'f. Solo­ mon and Nanc_\• (Simmons) Brown 6, .Tohn 5, .lob -l:, .Job 3 •.Mo!. 20. 1866. Warren Herbert Brown, b: Dee. 7. 1866. :Laura Sophronia Brown. b. Oct. 11. 1873. EL'!ie Amoret Brown, b. Oct. 21. 1876. Lucia }Iabel Brown. b. May 8, 1879. Nelson Oren ·Brown. b. May 22. :1880. Ruben Ernest Brown, b. Dee. 3. 1882. Helen Edith Brown. b. July 28, 1886.

MR. AND .MRS. MYRON J. BROWN CELEBR.A.TE THEIR GOLDEN WEDDING In the presence of a company of nearlJ· a hundred relatives. friends and neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Myron .r. Brown celebrated their fiftieth wedding- anniversary at their home in Osceola. Nebr.• Mon• day, .January 24, 1916. The day was fa,·orable for tbe occasion and everything contributd to the succeess_ of the event. The home was prettily decorated in yellow and g-o)d. and the ::nests began arriTIJII? according- to invitations at 2 o'clock and" b:v.· 120 HLM;\lONS GENE.A.LOGY

three o'clock the hom' for the prog,rnm, the home wni. well filh•d. lhoui,:-h 1111111y nrrind Inter.

lliss linttie llcrrit'k ,,resided nt the 11iu110 unnted in l'xte1111i11g- eoug-111:.:,ulntions nnd best wii.hei. to 1\11:. n1!d llt-s. Brown. Myron ,J. Brown nnd lliss Lucia M. Shnw were united in mnr­ riu:,."C nt North Prniiic, Luke County, Ill., on ,Tunuury 24, ISG6 nrnl came to Polk County, Nehru.ska.. in the year 18il. tv.killl?,. homestead in Valley precinct where thev resided for a number or years. lutCJ.' disposing- of the homestc-.id and purchnS'i!'g- the Brown farm further south, where they r<'sided until one yenr ng-o (1915) when thcv mo\'e,l to their present home in Osceoln. len\ing- the m:mni::ement of the fnrm with their son, N. 0. Brown. The Brown families pnrtieipatecl in all the earlv trials nn

GEOII.GE V. REDIKER lIARRIET E. (BROWN) Born Jun •~<: 1846, Died f REDIKER (8) Born )fnv 8, 18.33. mnrrie

Page 120 B. See ~'C 129.


A. Simmons of Lincoln, a cousin of Mr. Brown; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fclduy, of Rising City; Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Roseberry. and Mr. and )lrs. Henry Johnson of Shelby; Mr. and :Mrs. J. V. l3ensou and l\fr. nut! lfr:;. D. A. Benson of Silver Creek, IL F. Benson and l\Irs. Wm. \"an Hooseu of Bnrkett A list of very beautiful gifts were received by the harlPY nair for which they extend their sincerst thanks. Half n hundred years of happy wedded life have brow:!'11t to l\fr. :uul l\frs. Brown such nbundnnt cause for tl111nkful re.1oicmir nnd so little for regretful reflection, that their fiftieth weddini: dn,, was in•

BIOGRAPHY OF :MY.IWN J. BROWN ;Myron .J. Brown was born in the township of Fort Ann in ,vnsJ,. in:cton (.;ount}·, New York. about four miles west of the Villn!!:e of :Fort Ann, Jnly 9. 1843. and lived there until the sprinir of 1851. when hi-s father moved. with his family to N C'l\1)0rt Township. Lake Coun ty, IIL They were settled on a farm op 170 acres in Soc. 14 and 15. Herc was the, home of l\Iyron until 1871. He attended the district school until lie wns fifteen vcars old. when he went one t,mn at the hi:d1 ,school at Kenosha. Wis., when T. J. Conatty wns principal. 1n Sc11tcmber. 1s.:;9, he commenced attendance nt Northwestern Univcr­ "itv nt Ev1111ston. 111.. where he was in attcndruiec until bee. 1861. wJicn he taught u term of school at Northfield. nbout cig-ht miles north of Evanston. IJL On August 7, 1862, he enlisted in a comi,nnv beim:: rcm1itcd by Isaac L. Clark and B. G. Blowncy of Wankcirnn. lllinois. Br i-omc d(•ri(•nl mistake the dnte of this enlistment is !!"ivcn in his cli1'ehm-g-c pnper ns .Jn!v 24th. This compnnv. with three others from L:1ke Countv nnd 1'ix co11111:u1i('S from ,Jo Daviess Count)· '!Yt!rc made into the 91ith R~m<'nt lllinoi,; Infant~·. and the letter G wns ullotcc1 to this company.

The rci:iment w:is 01-:::1111i1.ed nt Cmnp Fuller ne:ir Rockford. Ill.. S(•ptcmber 5, 1862. 2'\Iyron .J. Brmm S<'n·ed <'ontiuuouslv ,nth his eorupnny until he was cnptnr<'d :it R<'sa,-n. Gror:ria. ::\Iav 14. 18M. On Or·t. S. 1862., the Rccimcnt was sent by railroads to Cincinnati. Ohio. nnd nmrehcd across the Ohio River into Kentucky. bccinnin!!' its wnr sc1,·iee by i:unrilint? n wai..'"On-train from Covini::ton. Kentuckv. bv w:w of Fnlmoµth, Cyuthinna :mil Pnris to L<'xinirton. Th<'n marched by 122 SIIDIONS GENEALOGY wav of Nicl1olasville acro9S the Kentucky river, tbroue:h Shakel'!ltown to Hurrodsburi:, where it i:uarded prisoners wounded and eapturt-d nt the Battle of Perryville, fou1rht about a month before Myron .1. Brown was detailed to guard convalescent rebel officers back to Nicboln,;­ i.ille, over in carriages. Nov. 28th, the el?iment moved to Danville where winter aunrters were established, remn.inini: there until Jan. 26, 1863. 'When it marched to Louisville and was loade arrest some rebel bush whacker,, und men who intended to join the rebel army. The party was furnish­ ed mounts; Brown, a mule, :md he went out two days, ridim? all n;!?ht both nights and brought in sei.-en suspects and one rebel lientenant. On thi~ trip. the first nii:-ht just after dark the !?Uard indicated the house at which he said onf\ of the men, Bdckhannon bv name. which the party was to capture, and the lieutenant in command immediately put l('WU'ds around the house when the ·oecupants of the house tolrl the lieutenant that Buckhannon had gone up the creek to the next house where the people said Buckhannon had not been since noon, and insisted that be was at the first honse called on. The lieutenant returned there and found onl,.- tl1e women and children there. Aft<'r the search one of the women with a baby in her arms said she w:i,­ a neighbor and. wanted to go home. The lieutenant ~llantry assist<'unt her horse and she rodeawny. Three davs later Buckhnn­ non came into the Union cnmp. took the oath of nllcciance and tol.!?ll ,·alley nbout three miles wide. It staved on the summit of Lookout until December 2, ,vl1en it returned to Nickjack co,·c. On the top of Lookout the Rebels left tents, beddill!!', cornmeal and eookin!? utensils from whit'h the men of the 96th helped them­ selves to whatc\·cr they wanted to carry haek to Ni<'kajnck eo\·e. The I'.rziment rcmaincrl in the cove until .January 26th. when it marcl1ed · to Bh1e Sprin~. some twenty miles cast and a little north of Chatta- 12-1 SIMMONS GENEALOGY noogn, where it stayed until May3, 1864, the date of the bei::innini: of the Atlanta campai°i:n. The army about Chattanooi:a was rcor,:ranfaed under Gen. Shcr­ llllln in the svrin,::- of 1864, when 'Whittaker's bri1ri11le became the first hri,::ade of Stanley's division of the Fourth Corps. · ThcRc,::imcnt marched by way of Catoosa Sprinl?S aml Tunnel Hill, which the Rebels had fortified but nbnmloned without n f11?ht. to near BU7.znrd's Roost Gap, a Gap throui:-h the railroad pa...~ed Rockv Fncc Ridi:-c t!J Dalton. ·

The Rebel!! occupied the ridi.,"C nnd L."llp which w11s dctcndrd in heavy fortifientions. Here wus luml skirmi,.;hini: for three or four days, durini: which the Reciment lost three killed. and thirt\·-thr,•e wounded. Then the enemy retreated to Resnca where wns foui:ht n Se\·crc battle on the fourteenth and fifteenth of l\Iav. and l[yron ,T. Brown was captured the 14th, on the skirmish line in the woods n111l underbrush, where the chargini:- lines of Rebels could not be seen in time for nil the skirmishes to i:ctback to the RC:?imcnt. Later the Rebels were beaten bnek with l1cavy losses. The loss to the 96th w:is sbc killed, thirteen wounded 11nd five captured. Mr. Brown, with the other prisoners cn,,turcd at Resaca. nbottt! sixty from the whole army, were taken directly to Andersonv1llc. He was kept here cnduri~ the horrors of that pince until the 3rd of ScJl­ tember, when with several thonsnnd otl1rrs he was .a:ent to Floren<·<·. South Cnrolinn wherr hr w:1...; krpt until sometime late in the fi1-,;t n:irt of Fehnmry, 1865. The '(lrisoncrs nt An,lersonvillr. Gror:::-in, and Florene<', South Caroline. were open fields fenced v;ith stoekn,les. These stoekndes were nmdc of logs hewn on two sides and set close together. four feet in the irround and twelve feet above. There wn,; no shelter. nnd no clothing- was furnished. A man had to -endure his prison term with just what he was wearing- whencaptured. In some instance3 the pris­ oners were forced to exchange for poorer clothes of their c11ptors nnd i:-uards. One of Mr. Brown's i:-uards -snatched off his hat and drop pcd an old brim without a crown to it onto his l1cad. This l:'Uard was one of the Rebel General Stevenson's mounted orderlies on the battlefield at Resaca. Mr. Brown v.ith n few· hundred others wns taken out of the stockade at Florence and after four or five davs o-t hard ridini: and marchin,::-, they were put on an open field with guarc5 nround them nsl1ort distance northeast of ,vilmini:ton. North Carolina... Herc the~· were kept about a week. Then tllev were ordered to the railroad to take cars for the interior. ~11ilc wnitin~ for the cars to come it g-rcw dark us niA"ht and Brown and' one com rade, l\Iicliael DcY!in of Company D, crept on hands and kncL'S in the ditch beside the track beyond the i:-uards. Thev went cast to the coast near Wrii:hts,illc. where the~· remained hidden until the Rch

ilny nftcr ('Jitwlini:- 1111st the i.:uurds 111ul were oncl' 111orl' the bovs in blt1c. ' 'From tltcrc tl1e:v were sent b,\· occnn stenmcr to Ann::.volis. lid., nnd b~ rnilrond from Annnoolis to St. Louis, l\fo., wh<>rc incv were l.'ivcn furlougl1s nnd went home. Brown: nrriverlnce«l anrl reco,·­ ('IT w:1.-; \'el'y slow: in f'nct. he ne\'er fully recover(•(].

1In the foll ol' 1865, he wrnt to \'isit !tis brother. ,varren. 111 New York City and his uncle, Rcubrn Ripley, wlto lived on the old ,Tmncs Ripley farm on tlte shores of Lake Geori::-e about twch·e miles from the l1cad of tlic lake. On .Tnnuarv 24, 1\frron .J. Brown 11ml Lncin )Ichctabcl Shaw were united in' mnrrinie at her fnther•s 11ome in Benton Towm,hip, Lake County, Illinois. Thev lived on liis fntl1er's fann for three \'en!'!'. where William )f. and Warren H .. their two oldest sons were born. Tl1en tne,· 1110\'c, north of ran(!'e 2 west. in Osceola precinct. Polk Counfr. ~ebr.. tl1rer. mile;. north of' Osceola where )fr. mul )fr!'. BrO\m \\;th thrir thrr«l son. X1•lso11 0. Brown are Jivin;::- nf. this tirnl•, )far1·h 25. ]!)12. )I~Ton ,T. Brown has held tlw of/i(•cs of rcw~-istmr of w1tcrs. nssc.-;sor~ spe<'ial ro:1<] commissioucr. ju,,:til'c of the 1,eace. !'rhool rlir· ector and -scl1ool treasurer; has taught school six ";nters in ~cbraska. Hr had to quit i::-cneral farm work about 1882. Since then he had tr-.iinecl several trottini:: horses. namely. Sancho. Sand;-. record 2-54; Little B. 2-23 1-2. The Corporal. rooord 212 12 was brccl bv Warrrn E. Brown and "·as trained four months and driven a m1Ic m 2-24 by liyron .T. Brown. Also Wilmore whose time. was 2-26 1-4 and Reel Red Pinc, record 2-23 1-2.

M. J. BROWN DIES AF.TE& BEING ILL ONLY SHORT TIME Pioneer Nebraskan Passes Awa.y at Home of liis Daughter. Mrs. Helen Roseberrv ?.I. J. Brown passed away• at the home of his dan!!'htcr. irrs. Helen Roseberry, who lives north of this eitv. late Wcdnesdav eve­ ning, after a short illness with infiuen7.a. The deceased hnd been .i resident of this community for about eight months. cominl? here from 126 SIMMONS GENE.A.LOGY the c118tern pnrt of the state. where he hnd been one of the enrli,·sl J1ioneen1. He was one of the few remninin~ civil wur vetcrnns. whos,• rnnks arc fnm diminishinir. IDs mnny friends will be i:Ticvc

Myron James Brown WIUI born nt Fort Ann. N. Y.• 011 Julv !J. 1843, nnd passed nway Dec. 19, 19"..8, at the rure of 85 years. fiv,, months· and ten days. He wns united in marri~ on ,Tnn. 24. lSliG. to Lucia 1\L Shaw, wl10 sunives him in death. To this umon W<'f<' born ei,:rl1t cl1ildren: William M. of Wyola, Mont.: Warren H. ol' Balboa Heights, Canal Zone: Mrs. Adn Piper of Espanola. Wash.: Mrs. Elsie .<\.rmentrout of Omaha; Mrs. Mable Mncken of Hnntlrv. ~ebr.: Nelson 0. of Osceola: Reuben E. of Bend. Ore.; and lirs. Helen Roseberry -0f Scottsbluff. In addition he is sunived b,· ninr­ tecn grnndchildren and one ~cnt-grandchild. lllr. Brown's cknti, marks the first break in the family circle. At tl1e age of 19 vcars. while attcndi~ collC!!'.e at· Evanston. Tll .• when the country was paUUA"ed into a civil war. he enlistco ns a. r,ri• ,·ate in the 96th Illinois Infantry. For three vcars he served faith­ fully in the ranks of the army. Durine- this time lie served scvcrn I months in the Confederate prison at Florence.. S. C:.. and nlso tl'n month~ in the famous Anderson,illc 'Prison. V crv much broken in l1ealth_. he finally made his escape_ near the end· of the conflict. He cnmc to Nebraska in April, lSTI. his wife followtru, in Feb­ roary. 18i2. Tl1cy homesteaded eight miles north of the citv of .Os· ccola. wl1ere they lived until 1891. when they sold thci1· homestead and moved to the farm home. three miles north of Osceola. Abont. 15 years a,..,"O they purchased a home in Osceola and retired from the fnrm. . On account of failintr health they decided to spend their winter two years ~ at the SoldiPrs' Home in lllilford. Lnst April they moved to Scottsbluff to make a permanent home with their dall!!hter. lino. H. M. Roseberry, with whom the wife and" mother will continue to Ih:e.

:Jl[r. Brown w:is one of tl1c l'arly Jiionl'crs of Ncbrm' witnessed great develoimicnt since that time. He was the first :re<_-is­ trnr of'votcrs in Polk county. served many vears as a member of the school board in his home district as well ns holdi= other oositions of respect and esteem. Besides the immcdintc famih·, he is sun·h·ed bv three brotl1c1'>': 0. B. of Morrill; E. J. of Osceola: \Y. E. of Oklahoma: and one si~­ ter, Mrs. Mattie Kimball of Los Angeles. SIMMONS GENEALOGY 12i

DEATH: OF MRS. M. J',. BROWN The sudden death of :Mrs. :Myron ,1. Brown, oceurccl ,.t the resi­ dence of her dnughtcr. Mrs. Holly l\I. Roscbcrr:v. in Scottsblull's. Ne­ braska. on Oct. li, 1929; aged 86 years. The remains were taken to Osceola, Ncbrnskn, her old home, for interment and laid beside lier husband in the .Osceola cemetery. The funeral services were held in the first l\I. E. el111rcl1 with Re\·. Handel Collier delivcrinct the fnncr­ nl discourse. Lucia l\L Slmw was born in Oneida countv. N. Y.. ucur Utiua. on }'cbruary Ii, 1843, and dcpurtcd this life Ostobcr Ii, 1929. She resided in N cw York until 1852 when the familv movctl to L:1kccounty, Illinois, where she g-rcw to womanhood. and wns united in mnrrilll?c on January 24. 1866, to 1\Iyron James Brown, w110 nnsscd away on December 19, 1928. In lSil, :J\!r. Brown came to Nebraska where he J1ome,;tcn0Cfl. and in the following- sprim: l!n;. Brown m!d tl1cir two sons followed. l\Irs. Brown was the motlier of ci:!'11t children. nil lh'in:r. The~· nre: William lI. Brown, Wyoln. l!ont.: Warren H. Brown; Balboa. Cann) Zone: Mrs. Fred Piper. Espanola, Wash.; l\!rs . .A. E. Armen­ trout. Omaha. Nebr.: l\Irs. ,J. H. l\Inekcn• .Alma. Nebraska: Nelson 0. Bro'1<-n. Osceola. Nebraska: Reuben E. Brown. Bend, Orc:run: and '.\Irs. Holl:v 1\L Roseberry, Scottsbluff, Nebraska. . .After cominir to Nebraska, the couple endured all the hnrdship:, :ind privations of pioneer life. Mrs. Brown was the la.st of a family of se,:en children. She was n faitl1ful member of the W. R. C. for mum· years ancl scn-r.cl as 1orcsidcnt of tl1c local chapter for sc,·crnl veal'!'. She 'Wll-" ,i faithful member of the )I. E. Church nt Os<'coln 1md lived a consistent Christ­ ian life, cha.rnctcrized bv devotion to lier famih· and kimtrv minis­ trations to her neighbors. The following lines are by her daughter. Helen: Foi: such a.s you, dear mother mine. I want to keep the road \Vhcre worthy folk, clcar-c,·c

OL:lISTEAD B. BROWN (8) Ndson Ohm to Libbie C•• Jarmin. who was brrn April fi. 1861: died Amr. 16. 1886: married sr<'ond }Iurch 18. 1894 to lfav Hel<'n :lfackcn. wl,o was born Dec.15.1868: ..____ _ Bv second wife: Berneice Helen Brown. born 1\far20. ]89!i. Lillian Aileen Brown. horn lfarch 2-'>. ]89i. Leroy Ernest Brown, b. Mar. 28, 1!103. E\'elyn Eli7.abctl1 Brown, b. liuy 4, 1906. Ruth Genevieve BrO\m. h . .Tun. 6. 1908. Elvera .Je:111 Brown, b. Ang-. 18, 1913. :lIATTJE RUTH BRO\\"'N {8) Nelson Olmstead Brown i. Sol omon and Nanry (Simmo™1) Brown 6 ••John a, .Toh 4, .Toh 3, :'.\foi:rs 2. lfose5 1. b. Ort. 18. 1869: d ...... : m...... to Rni

  • HARRIETT E. BRO"·:,; (S) 8010111011 Pninr• P.rown i, Solomon :in,1 Xnncy (Simmons) Brol\"11 6•. Tolin 5. ,Tob 4. ,Toh 3, )fosc>s 2. ::lfoscs 1. h. ::IIny 8, 1853: d ...... ; 111. Fc>b. 11. l8i4. nt Xc"·11ort. IJ. linois, to Gco1-zc V. Redeker. son of .Tolin S. Rcdl'kc·r. who wns horn .Tnu. 26. 1646, nt ,\~nl,lon. Ornni:c Count~·•. New York. :uul dir

    The fol!owin:r is tuken from tlw obitunr.v of Gcore-c V. Rcr:

    ''Gcori:c V. Redeker wus for nmnr yenrs 1Jro111:uc11t in the h11.~i- 11c~,; life of Kcnoshn. ,visconsin, nnd ucth·c a-,; n member of thL· Grand Army of tl1e Republic. He died at his home on Eni::-lislt Court in Kenosha after n lone- illness 01, n complication of

    The death of :\Ir. &deker marked the pa.ssine- of a man who had been :Jcth-ely connected with tl1e business life of KC'noslm for nearh· forty years.

    Geori:e Yun Arsdale Redeker was a son of .Tolin S. R{,n lte wn,; just past sb.1:een years of :ure, lie enlisted in tl11• r nfon Arm,. as ;i member of Compnnr lI of tlte 15th New York .trtil!o:·,·. ffo sen·ed to tlic close of tltc> war and was honornblv diselt:1r!!"Nl. Durini::- lti,­ militarv service. }fr. Redeker wn.

    After the close of the war, Mr. &deker canl<' to KP110,-lw wltcrc he i::-nincil his first businC'SS experience in the Dcwc•,· 111111 Rush ltarcl• ware storc. His work in the store attracted the nttention or Hibbard. S11eneer & Bartlett Co. of· Cltien.."O, nncl lie left Kenosha to travel ns n ,-alcsmnn for that eompiun-. He remained in thi,- capncit\· for tl1ir• trrn ,·cur;:, :mil clurin:;r tltnt time became widelv known .,,: :1 snlcs­ m:in. Durini::- tl,e timc that ltc wns employed by thr CJ11t•ni::-o l"lllll· nnm·. )fr. Redeker made !tis home at Fond du Lac. W'i,-consin. WJ1c11 hr severed relations with this ,-ompnny. he returned to Kcno1-lta :m<1 rstnblishec1 n partnen;ltip rctnil business with .J'ohn .T. Eni::-lish. IT1• continued in this business until ten :,·cars before his

    Politiealh·. )fr. Redeker wa:- a &publican, nml in rc•cent ,·cnr.-: hr had been one of the mo,;t active sup)'.)Qrters of Proe-rcs0 ivc Rcpuh• lir1m principles in his section of tit<· state. He never soue-!JC a rmhlic offi~c but alway,; took the deepest interest in the ncti\;t1es of the ~tntc and nation.

    }fr w:1:- one of tl1r moi-t :ieth·e members of tl1e Fre,l S. Lowll l'o~t of thr Grand Arn1\· of th1· Rcpnblic, and l1c> cxpn•s,-rrl his intcr· r~t in the ol,l soldiers b~· mnnv net:- of kindness and i::-rnrro-ih·. \\0 ith 130 SIMMONS GENEALOGY

    his wife, he· was a member of the Octagon ·club, one of the tnoneers -0f the social orimnizntions of Kenosha.

    '.He was buried in the fnmilv 1>lot nt the Kenosha Cemeterv, the funeral bein1t held from the family residence under the aw11>1ces of Rev, Fred In1tlcy, rector of St, Matthews Church.

    Children of Geo~e V. and Harriet E. (Brown) Redeker. '.Heney Clark Redeker, b. Nov. 14, 1874; d. Juhl 23, 1913. Ada May Redeker, b. Aug. 15, 1877; d. Jan. 25, 1879. Ida Belle Redeker, b. Aug. 15, 1877,

    MARTHA ROSETTE SIMMONS (8) Wilson and Annis (Sim· mous) Kemplin i, Lorenzo 6, John 5, .Toh 4, ,Job 3, Moses 2. Moses l. b. Dec. 13, 1854; d. Sept. 12, 1882; m. October 23, 1880, to ,Joseph Durh111J1. No children.

    GEORGE W. ·KE)IPLIN (8) Wilson and Annis CSimroonsl Kemplin 7, Lorenzo 6, John 5, Job 4, Job 3, Moses 2. Moses 1. born Nov. 22, 1856; d ...... ; m. Oct. 13, 1890, to Anna P. Webb, who was born July 10, 1872; .,.____ _

    Children Clytie Ma:i,• Kemplin, b. May 20, 1892. Rarmond Valentine Kemplin, b. Feb.14.1894. Florence Luella Kemplin, b. Dec. 4, 1895. Pearl AJZUcs Keml)'lin. b. Feb. 5, 1898. Vernald Earle Kemplin, b. June 9, 1901. · . Stella Annie Kemplin, b. April 18, 1903. C~TUS Ernest Kem1>lin, b. May 24, 1905.

    CLISTA LUELLA KEMPLIN (8) Wilson and Annis (Simmons) KemJ1lin: 7, Lorenzo 6, ,John 5, Job 4, Job 3, Moses 2, MoseR 1. b. Ma)· 4, 1859; d .... ___.; m. ,Jan. 5, 1879 to Samuel Cordor Rich- ards, who was born Marer 30, 1851.

    -children Charlie Lorenzo Richards, b. N1>v. 3, 1879; d. Jan. 2. 1905. Jene Verr Richards, b. Nov. 3, 188I.. Gilla Annis Ricrards, b. Nov. 9, 1883. Gertha Viauna Ricrards. b. April 16, 1886; d. Feb, 15, 1888. Geol'ltc Pearl Richards, b. April 17, 1889.

    EMMA KElIPLIN (8) Wilson and Annis (Simmons) Kemplin 7, LorellZQ ~1 Jo)1~· 5~ Job 4. J9b 3, Moses 2, Moses l, b. Nov. 21, OONINE, SIMMONS, KEMPLIN GROUP 1877 .FT. SCOTT, KAS. Fmm 1111 old tintype tnkm in :l[nrch, 1877 nt Fort Scott, Kns. Top rnw left to 1·ight, 01'0. "'- Kem)llin, O!'o. L. Simmons, L. A. Simmons, Jurob Coninr. Sitting, Shem11111, :lh-s. Geo. I,. n111l :llolly, :lfrs. ,Tncoh Con­ ine>, Nelson Hel'hl.'1-t Conine. Pugc 130 A. Seo J>nges 104, 110, 117, 130 nnd 179.


    18til; d ...... : m. Dr,·. ·I, 188.1 lo l,nrl'n1.o Wolimmolt. who was horn Of't. 3, 1638.


    Winnie Wol~nmott, b. Nov. 4, 1884...... ~ ·- Gu~· Wolg'nmolt, b. Aui;:-. 20, 1890. Dollie Em Woli:,imott, h. .April i. 1903.

    MARY KElrPLIN (8) Wilson and Aunis (Simmons) Kemplin i. Lorenzo 6, .John 5 ••Toh 4, .Tob 3, l'lfoses 2, l\!oses 1. b. Se-pt. 15. 1864; d ...... ; m•.. ____

    CYRUS LORENZO KElfPLIN (8) Wilson and Annis (Simmons) Kemplin i, Lorenzo 6, John. 5, Job 4, Job 3. Moses 2. Moses 1. b. Dre. li. 1866: d ...... : m. April 30, 188i, to :Minnie St. Clair, who was horn Dec. 20. 1866.

    Children Clista. May Kemplin, b. June 9, 1888. . Ma.be! Annis Kemplin, b. Nov. 3. 1893. Br vin Irene Kemplin. b. Oct, 4, 1895. Goldie Bell Kemplin, b. Dec. 31, 1898. Charley Oscar Kemplin, b. Sept. 2, 1901. :Mary Frnnecs Kemplin, b. Nov. 12. 1904. Frank Kemplin, b. Nov. 12. 190-I:; d. No,·. 12.1904.

    FLORA BELL KEMPLIN (S) Wilson nrnl Annis (Simmons) Kemplin i, Lorenzo 6. JoJm, 5. Job 4, gob 3. 2\Ioscs 2. Moses 1. b. Ani:-. 10. 1869; d. }!arch 19, 1907: m. ,Tub· 5. 1888, to Ferdinand Hrol"~e· Huber, who wns horn ...... ; ii ......

    Children \'ioln Ethel Huber, b. No\'. 4, 1889; d ...... Henry Edward Hqbcr, b. April 5, 1892: d ...... _ .. .. Clorencr Elmer Huber. b. Oct. 20, 1896: d ...... _...... Ralph' Everett Huber. b. Feb. 5, 1900: d ...... _.

    ELIZA ANGELINE SHilfONS (8) Philanler 7. Zuriel 6. Ebcn­ i.1.rr 5•• Toh 4, ,Toh 3, 2\foscs 2. Moses 1. b. Oct. 27. 1821 at Simmons Hill. Portland. N. Y.: married Feh. 1. 11'+!- to Fr:mklin Colt wl10 was born Sept. 16, 189-5, at Portland, N. Y. She died ,Tune 18, 1898 and lie died Jan. 20, 1905. He .was the son of Wolcott a.lld Betty Munson. Tll<'ir rcsitlcnec wns nt Jamestown, N". Y., Foote Ave. 132 SDBlONS GENEALOGY

    Children Cnroline H. Colt, b. ,TnlY 13, 1845: m. Prof. Wm. Wheeler. July 13, 1865.

    Corydon Colt, b...... ·-······-···• 184-i.

    WILLL.\:1£ HENRY HARRISON" SDillOXS (Sl Philancl<'r ·; Zuricl 6, Ebenezer 5. Job 4, ,Job 3, 1\Ioscs 2, l\Ioscs 1. b. ,June 10. 1840: m. to Eliimbeth Nee, about 1864-5. She died Oct. 11. 1886 :it Portland, New York.

    Children Locise B. Simmons, b .•Tune 6, 1866. Kate S. Simmons, b. Sept. 20. 186i. Ray G. Simmons, b. linrch 30, 1869. Fred P. Simmo ns, b. Sept. 18, 18il. Harry '\V. Simmons, b. Auir. 6, 18i3. Bernice S. Simmons, b. Dec. 18. 18i9.

    Leander Siuu!1ons (8) mar1ic.•d, 1111d had four children. ~laYe no record of wif<' or dnte of childr1:n 's births.

    Florcnee Simmon:< Cl:u·enc<' Simmons Cashine Simmon:; .fonnic- Simmon:;

    Franklin Simmons (8) manied and no date- or record of wifr. l\Iinnie Simmons (adopted).

    Harvey Simmons (8) married and had five <.-hildren. no dates re conlc-d. two children died in infancy.

    7\Iary Simmons Carrie Sinunons Adelbert Simmons

    Clairisa Sinuuons. married, no dates or record of husband. Chil

    ESTHER l!Th'ERVA SBDI.ONS (8) Weston 7. Hezekiah 6. Noah 5, Ichabod 4. Mos1:s 3. John 2, Moses 1. She was born Nov. 4, .1846 arul m»,l'!icd Thomas B9,:endale 18il. SDDIONS GEXEALOGY 133

    )frs. Esther Simmons Boxendnll'. She died in l!J2S or 29 and left to Harrnrd Colleg-e land and money to the umount of $'.:?50.000 to $300,000 for the cstnhlishmcnt of thr Boxcndnlc foundation at Hnr­ \·nrcl College for the education of youths, c•spccin!ly tl1ose on Cape Cod, liass.

    EDWARD )fILLER SDDIOXS (8) Seth i, Benjiman 5. Ben.ii- 11111n 4, \Villium 3, John 2. )loses 1. Was born in Boston tn 1840. Died in 1871, age :n yc:-nrs. He:- rnur1ic:-d Louise limin Willard of Brighton.

    Children Wnltc:-r Willnrd Simmons. Irene Louise Simmons. who married Prof. Arthur L. Williston.

    of Brooklyn. X. Y.• ,Jirc<•tor of s~ience nnd tcclmolo~· in Prutt Institute.


    l!AllL\ SBDWXS (S) Hirmn ,. Z111iel G. Eb<'nezer 5•• Job 4 • .!oh 3, )loses 2, liose,; l. Born .July 18. 1824; mnrrit•d lforch 8. 1849 to Dnnil'l Smith, ·who wa.~ bo111 .T:111. 26, 1825. Caroline Smith. lforri<'d Drnkl'. Gaylord Smith. Alfred Smith. Sidne}· Smith. Daniel Smith. Addie Smith. lfnrri<>d .Tim Shortc.

    liartha Simmons (8) married twiee. no rN•or,J of eith<>r l111,:b:iml. or birth dates for the children.


    By first lmsb11nd: Ida. By second h11Sba.nd: Emma. George 13.J: SDDlONR GENE.\LOGY

    Ira Simmons (8) marric•1l, no ehil

    Adelbert Philander Simmons (8) manied; l chilil. no ·reeor,l o: wife or date of birth of child.


    Frnnk Simmons.

    Adoline Simmons (8) married, had three children, no n•eord of husband's name, or dntes for birth of chil

    Archie. Bert. Bessie

    :MARGARET SIMMONS (8) Nathaniel i, James 6, Joseph 5, Nathaniel 4, Joseph 3, John 2. :\loses 1. b. Jnn. 2. 1832, nt.-...... : cl. March i, 1897~ buried at Morrill, Maine; m., first .. _____, to Albion K. Jackson, son of Samuel ,Jackson. He \\"as bom~---···. ,L Oct. 1. 1882; buried at .liorrill, :.\Iainc. Her second marriage w,i,, ____ to ____ Neal.

    Children By first husband: .Tnmes Ervin ,Jnckson. Rosanna E .•Jackson . .Anna Christina .Jackson .

    •JOlL."\;" :MOODY SIMMONS (S) X:Lth:micl i, .James 6. Joseph :;, Nathaniel 4, Joseph 3, ,John 2, lfoses 1. b ...... ; ~my ehildren or not exee111 the followini:- by his thi1·d wife. ·

    ·John Percy, b. Nov. 2S, 18S1. Charles Hutchins, h ...... , .1883.

    SARAH E. SL\IMONS (SJ Nuthunie~ i, .Jmncs 6, .Joseph 5. '.\.1• thaniel 4, Joseph 3, John 2, lfoscs l. h. 8ept. 1, 1835, at Nobleboro, Maine; m. .Aug. 13, 18!':>5 nt Belfast, l[uiuc, to F1-cderick Stcv,•11, Johnson. son of Daniel .Johnson. He was born :\larch 27. 18:.11. :.it Belfast, lI:nine, and died .Aug. 31, 1911, and buri.,J at liorrill . .liai11,·. SIMMONS GENEALOGY 135

    NATHANIEL SIMMONS, .TR. (8) Nathaniel i, ,James 6. Joseph 5, Nathaniel 4, Joseph 3, .John 2, Moses 1. b. ,Jan. 15. 1838: died 01·t. 14, 1899; buried at llorriJI. lfainc; m...... to Abbie Pat- terson, daughter of Robert Patterson, who was born,__ ___ and dice,___ _

    ~atheniel Simmoss was a blacksmith by trade. He was a mem­ ber of the Baptist Church, Poors' llills, Belfast, Mc.

    Children Arline P.

    ALLAN (JACKSON) .TAMES SThIMONS (8) Natheniel 7• .Tnmcs 6, Jose~h 5, Natl1cnicl 4, Joseph 3, J<;>hn 2, :Mos~ 1. b. at Nobleboro. Ma.me; m •• ,. ____at Belfast, :Mame, to Abbie Ra:v. dau. of Oliver P. and Sarah Hutchins Ray. She was born Sept. 25. 1845.

    Allen .Tames is living at Waldo, 1\faine.

    Children Georgianna, b. Oct. 26, 1864. Mary Jane, b. June 25, 1866. Helen A., b. Oct. 16, 186i. Elizabeth J., b. .Jnne 3, 1869. Cora, b. Aug. 29, 18il; d. ,Tune 26, 1880. Rose M., b. July 19, 18i9. lNathelia A.. b. NoY. 26,18i4; d. Aug. 15, 18i5. Natheniel Lawrescc, b. July 2, 18i6. Marcia E., b, July 2, 1876. :A.da, b. May 14, 1882; d. Hay l, 1888. Adria L., b. Feb. 4, 1884; ii . .Oct. 28, 1905.

    MARY ANN SllIMONS (8) Nstheniel 7. James 6, Joseph 5, Natheniel 4, Joseph 3, John 2, Moses l:. lb. June 15. 1845: d. Sept. 10, 1903; bur. at Morrill, Me.; m...... _ ..• to Richard W. Woodbury, who was born March 2i, 1842.

    Children Abbie E. Woodbury. Mary Woolbury. Sarah Woodbury.

    NAHUM LUDWIG ,SIMMONS (8) Natheniel 7. James 6. Jo­ seph 3, John 2, Moses 1. b. at Belfast, Maine, Jan. 2, 1848: cJ.; Jan. 21, 1909; bur. at Morrill, Maine; Dl.••··----·at Searsmont, 136 SI.\BIOX-S GEXEALO(ff lluiue, to Annie :\luriu Brown, Jun. of Ed111111ul Phiune,• und Jo111111:. (Pierce) Brown. She wus bom Sey,t. 21, 1851;

    Children Winifred Bernice, b. Sept 22, lSi-1. Grace Burnette, b.. Mar. 1, 1Si7. Roscoe Nahum, b. July Hi, 18i9. !Hnrry Guy, b. No,·. 15, 1881. Frederick Johnson, b. :\lay 23, 188.J,. Sarah, b. :.\fay 23, 1S8-l; d. :\Iny 23. lSS-l. Edmun! Phinney, b. Oct. 26, 1S86. Allen, b. June li, lSSS; d. June 17, lSSS. Joanna Pierce, b. Oct. -1, 1890. Hugh Ludwig. b. Oct. 31, 1S93.

    Biot:rnphy of Nahum Ludwig Simmons.

    Nahum Ludwig Simmons was the son of Nathcn!el Simomns ll.lld Rosauna (:\loodv) Simruons, was born at Belfast. :\Iainc. Jan. 2nd, IMS (Hayford· Hill) and died at :.\Iorrill, Maine. Jan. 21st. 1909.

    He was educated in the Belfast, :.\le., public i;cl1ools and al the tuition High School at l[onh-illc

    In Iris early youth :\lr. Simmons was employed at Roeklmul. :.\Ie., in mcchnni.cal lines of work and a few years later he lin~I at Boise City, Idaho. In 1Si3 he married at Searsmont. llc. (h.v George 0. Stoddard). Annie :Marie Brown S (Edward ,. Johu u. Benjamin 5, ,Joseph -1, .James 3, George 2, William 1. The

    Mr. Simmons was n republican in politics. a liberal in relidon. lie was well read in history, and current affairs and witt,· Jn <•on• versotion. College men of his town used to cross swords ,,-ith him in repartee and debate.

    His faith and trust in his fh·e bovs and three cirls is <'on­ sidered by them indeed a ::reat hcrita/ic.

    The Simmons fonn at )Iorrill, )fainc. is still a Simmons ho111,· of his \\-ifo, )Irs. Anna l[. Simmons and children, a hallowed spot ,,-ith plcannt memories of an ambitious and honored father. who NAHUM LUDWIG SIMMONS He was born Jan. 2, 1848 at Belfast. l\Ic. Died ,Tan. 21. 190!J at l\Ionill, ::\fo. l\Iarried (about 18i3) at Searsmont, ::\Ic. to Annie :\£aria Brown, daughter of Edmund Phinne)· and .Toanna (Pierce) Brown. Photo b~· ~ourtesy of his son. Frederick .J. Simmons)

    Page 1:l6 B. S<>e page 135.

    ANNIE MARIA (BROWN) SIMMONS )farried to Nahum Ludwig Simmon,.; in 1873 at Searsmont. :Un.inc. She was the daughter of Edmund Phinne.,· :uul .To:mnn (Pierec) Brown.


    11•m.; :u1 cxccllcut host nl\\·nys and n well known, hil:'hly rcs:occtcd :111

    HARRIETT SD!l\IONS (8) Job i, .fames 6, Joseph 5. Na- thcnicl 4, Joseph 3, John 2. ll!oscs 1. b...... : d ...... ; m. ··----·to William Gleason.


    Fred Gleason. 1Gcorge Gleason.

    HENRY SDDLONS (8) .Job i, James 6, Joseph 5, Natheniel 4,to, ____.Josepl1 3,, John 2, :\roses 1. b...... ; d ...... -: m--..·-

    Children Charles. John. Lena.

    .J..UIES SL'\IMONS (8) .Toh i, .James 6, .Joseph 5. Natheniel 4.to ___Joseph _ 3, John 2, Moses 1. b...... ; d ...... ; m·-··-

    One child (daughter).

    EVERETT L SDI::IIONS (8) Job i, .James 6, .Joseph 5. Na- thcnicl 4. .Joseph 3, .John 2. )loses 1. b .... ___ m.... ___to Ellen A. Howard.

    Children Fred S. L£'w;tnd J., b. Sept. 15, 1885.

    \\.ILLI.Df HARRISON SDDIONS 18) .Toshiah 7, .Tames G, .10.cph f>. X11thcnicl 4, .Jos£'nh 3 ••John 2, l\loscs l. b ____

    Children (Dr.} F:rcd. 138 SIMMONS GENEALOGY LEWVILLE SIMMONS (8) Joshiah 7, James 6, Jose-ph n, .wm,__Natheniel ___ 4,to, ___Joseph 3,_ John 2, Moseti 1. b ...... ; d ...... ·-···-···;

    Children EdnlL W., Gmd of Bo11ton Uni. !ElC1LJ1or, Grml. of Boston Uni. Murmy J., Grad of Northe1111tem Uni.

    ZEBEDEE Sll\lMONS (8) John 7, James 6, ,Joseph :;. Nathe.mi.cl 4, Jc;11cph :J, John 2, Mo!lt'li! 1. b. at Fort Kent, :Maine. July 2, 185,!); d. Feb. 2, 1886 nt Belfatit, Maine; m. Dee. 25. 1882, at Bcfast, .Maine, to Adaline Paul, who wu h--c-_,..-...... t Scar><­ mont, Maine. She was a daughtcT of Capt Kimb.all Paul. No children. .

    · 1\1.ARGR.ETE SIMl\lONS (8) John 7, James 6, Josc-ph ii, Nathcnicl 4, Joseph 3, ,Johu 2, :Moses • b. at Fort Kent. Me., Mar. 15, 1864; m. Nov. 21, 1905 at Waltham. Mass., to Arthur 1..tlll>Crt \V illiawti.

    Now living at Waltluun, Mass. No children

    · .CAROLINE ELLA SL\fMONS (!:I) John 7, James 6, Joseph 5, Nathcnicl 4, ,Toscph 3, John 2, Moses . b at North Union, Ml•., Allft. 17, 1869; d-·-···-·-···; 111. at Belfast, Me., Au~. 30, 1887. to Melvin C. Murcli. Now hing at Belfast. Me.

    Children .A.rtrur R.. Murch. Frances Murch.

    JOHN SIMMONS (8) John 7, Benoni 6, John 5, Jose-Ph 4, William 3, John 2, Moses 1. b. Nov. 14, 1820 at Boston: d. .A.1>1il 4, 1846 in Cuba, age 24 years; m. l!artha Vinton.

    Children John Simmons, · b. in BOl!ton.

    GEORGE WASHINGTON SIMMONS (8) Cornelius 7. Benoni 6. John 5, Joseph 4. William 3, John 2, Moses 1. b. !Jee. 28. 1816 at Boston; m. Frances A. Lord. SIMMONS GENEALOGY 139

    'J'hol'lltou B. Simmons, b. .April...-..1855: still livin2 in ,Jun. 1, 19:!5; Grad. of Harvard College.

    THEOD.ORE SIMMONS (8) John 7, Benoni 6, John 5, Joseph 4, William 3, Jolin .2, Moses 1. b. Mar.oh 22, 1829 at Boston; d. •1111)' l::I, 11:1511 at Bo11tou; m. Harriet Jackt10n. Jan. 6, 1850.

    Children (born at Boston) Ella Sinuuons, b. ,June 5, 1851; d. Feb. 15, 1853. Harriet Juckson !Simmons, hL Sept. 26, 1852; m. F. C. Van Hom. Lily Simmons, b. Aug, 20. 1854; d. .Aug. 20, 1854. Daisy Shwuons, b. July 31, 1855 (at Hingham): d. Au. l, 1855 at .Hingham. Genevieve Simmons, b . .Aug, 26, 1856; d. Jan, 25, 1857.

    PETER SIMMONS (8) Valentine 7, Benoni 6, John 5, Joseph 4, William 3, Jorn 2, Moses L bL May 9, 1851 at Boston; m. Anna M. Stearns.

    Children Col. William S. Shwuollll, Milton, Mass. b. Boston; d. at Milton, Mass., .Apr-.... -1924; m. Ada L Wellinfi?t011. Daughter, m. Edward Aspinwall.

    LILLI.AN MAY SIMMONS (8) John 7, James 6, Joseph 5, Xathcnicl 4, Joseph 3, John 2, Moses 1. b. at Searsmont, Me., Aug 11, 1874; ...._ ___ ; m. at Walth·am, Mass., Feb. 9. 1905, to Walter James Upham, who was, born a+ Weston, '.\lass.; d. Apri. 25, 1915, at Belfast, Me. llrs. Walter James Upham now lives at Weston. Mass.

    Children James Raudall Upham. Walter Eugene Upham. Rachel l\Iargrete Upham. Rodney Shnmons Upham. .Morris Robert Upham.

    ELJZABETII AUL\ 8BD10XS (8) John 7, Jame:s 6, Joseph 5, Natheuiel -!, ,Joseph, 3, John 2, lloses 1. b. at Searsmont, Me., .\lay 15. 1877;

    Children WC1:1ley Hod,:e. Priscilla Hodge.

    • JOHN F. 8IMl\IONS (8) Perez i, Ebenezer 6. Elisha 5. Joshua 4, Ebenezer 3, Anr1111 2, 1\loSN4 1. b. ,June 26, 1851: cl. Nov. 28, 1908, ut Hanover: 111. ,Tan. 10, 18ii, to Funnic Florenee Alfon, Juu. or C)-rus \V. mul 1\Inrr (Folger) Allen, who was b...... : J ...... -...... ; Gruel. Har.·url College.

    Children Henry Franklin, b. June 21, 18i8. l\Iary Folger, b. Oct. 29, 1880. Perez, b. June 4. 1892. Elizabeth Allen, b. Aug. 20, 1895.

    SOPHIA R. SIMMONS (8) Perez i. Ebenezer c;, Elisha "· Joshua 4, Ebe1wzc:>r :~. Aaron 2, 1\Iosc,s L b. 1\['ur. 5, l8ii3;

    MOYSES R SIMMONS (8) P1•re1. i, Elx-ne1.er c;, Elisha !i • •Joshua 4, Jo:h<>rll'zer :i, Anrou 2, Mo;;es ]. h. Nov. 15. 185i; ,I. ···········-·-···; 111 ...... to 1<111 ::\[. Blut1eh for,!, of GloucestN. :Mn~~.

    GEORGE S. SIMMONS (8) Ebenezer i, Ebenezer 6. Elislm 5, Joshua 4, Ebenezer 3, Aaron 2. :Moses 1. b. No~·. 25. 1860; d .... _ ...... : m. Oct. 18, 1886, to Alice L. Sutton. of South WI')·· mouth, Muss. No crildrcn.

    HARRIET E. SIMMONS (8) Ebenezer i, Ebenezer 6. Elisha 5, Joshua 4, Ebenezer 3, Aaron 2, Moses 1. b. Nov. 30. 186:-!; ,.._ ____ ; m...... -...... to Chas F. Russell.

    GEORGE ARTHUR SUI:.\IONS (8) Wentworth S. i. Geo. fi. David 5, Reuben .1. Eb<>n<>z<>r :~. Aaron 2. ::\loses 1. b. Aui::-. 20. 18i0; m. at Phiadelphia, Pa., ,July 1, 1895 to CC'eelia Catherine Henry; b. ,June 9, 18i0; dau. of ,James and Cl'eelia (Shea) H<>nn·.

    Children Geori::e Arthur Simmons, b. Dec. 30, 1896 at Philallclphi:1 . . ·.Pa. EDWAltD SIMMONS (8) Son of Re,·. Geol)!'c Frederick Simmons. He was born Oct. 2i, 1852. Graduated from H:in·ard college in 18i4.. Pa,..,"'C 140 A. See page 141.

    WILLIAM RAMMATT SIMMONS (8) Son of Re\·. George Frederick Simmons. He was born Dec. 2i. 1850. Died in 1921. He i.:-raduatc

    SDfl\lO~S (ll':NEAWGY H-l

    J fonr;v Edwnril Hi111111ons, h. n,,, .. ,;, 18!'18 ·at Phihtd!!hili'in, Pn. 0 \\ l!ntworth H1•to11 Si111111oss, h. Ort. 30, 1000 nt Prnn ? Pn. 8n11111cl A

    IWWARO SJlmroxs (8) Rev. Gcorirc Frederick 7, Wm. 6, Elisha 5, ,Tosl111n 4, Eh<'nl•,wr 3, Anron 2, l\loscll 1., b. Oct. 27, 1852; 111. ]883 to Vl'stn Sl111llcnbcrgcr, whosc l.."l'Cnt•'l'l'nndfntlrcr wns n Swi11s wntch mnkrr, nn,J whosr motlier wus MnIY B1111. dircrt d<>scen

    Children \Villiru11 FrnnC'is Simmons, h,. ,Tune 4, 1884. iu Elclre, Spain. Gcorl-('c Brudfor

    Mr. Simmons wns divorced ot' Ids first wife in 1902. 1111d in l!J03 lw mnrric,J Alice R11lsto11 :.\Iorton, who died nhout 1913.

    Children Peter Simmon!:', h. Nov. 11, 1!'105 nt P111·is, Frnnee. Who is nt Se11, mcrcanti!t~.

    Edward Simmons. :.:-r111luntt•

    . HUGH ,TOHN ANDERSON SIMl\fONS (8) Thomas 7, Thom­ as 6, Joseph 5, Nathcnicl 4, .Toscph 3, ,John 2. Moses 1. b. at ...... Sept. 29, 1847: d ...... J9]2: m. ,Tan. 19, 1892. to Ida Grey Soule.

    HENRY BOSWORTH (8) .N11thcnil'I and FJliznbeth (.Jen­ mg5) Bosworth 7, Isaac. Jennings 6, Nathaniel JenninJ?S 5. Eliza· beth 4, Job 3, Moses 2. Moses 1. b. at Halifax, l\Iass .. Jan. S, 142 SlltMONS GE?l.'"EALOGY

    1828; d. July 5, 1911; b. at Centre Pembroke, :Mass .• m. at Pea1• hrnkl' .Tan: 1. 18.'iG. to Sarah E. Whitl'. Shr mi.c: horn nt Mnn.11 field. Mass., April 26, 1837. Now lives at Pembroke, Mass.

    Children Carrie Jennin~ Bosworth, b. Oct. 10. 1856. Anna Bosworth, b. liar. 16, 1858. ~enry Bosworth, Jr., b. Nov. 2l. 1S.t;9. Edward Clark Bosworth, b. llay 19, 1861; d. May 21, 1861.

    PEABODY SIMMONS (6) Stephen 5, Natheniel 4.. Toser,h .... John 2, Moses L ~

    Children Peabody, b ______._817; d. lfarch___ __._1894: m 'Salome Sp~e.

    ·PEABODY SIMMONS (7) Peabody 6, Stephen 5, Natheni<'l 4. .Toseph 3, John 2. Moses 1. b · 817. Union. Main<': d. M'arc-h 1R94 at Somerville. Middfose."t ConntY, Ma.c:s.: m. at Waldboro. Maine. to SaomP. Sprague. who wns born..._...... 1817 at Waldoboro. Maine: d. March 1903 at New York Cit,·. She was the daul?hter of William and Catherine (Kramer, SPra!?llC.

    Children Au211sta Emma Simmons. b. nbont 1860: d. 1929. Lucy Simmons. b, ____ ; died '\"Ounir. Isabel Simmons. b ; died youni;:-. Florabclle Simmons. b ...... - .. : dil.'d yonn::-. Estelle W'mifred Simmons, b ..Oet. 8, 18.58, at Demari• scotta. Maine; m. Wm. H. StimJ)Son ..

    Peabody Simmons was nn arehiteet and hnider and 1·rsii!,•n in Demariseotta. Maine, and the last fo~· years of his life in Somerville. :Mass. He mis n Repubiean in politics. and n rncnt· '>er of the lfethodist Chnrcb.

    ESTELLE WThTJFRED SD0£0NS (8) Pl.'aboi!v i. Penhot. 19. J8i6 nt Som4'n-i~a,•. lfn.-=s to William Henn· Stimpson. , .. J•n w:,s hrn,· lfnr, I, '.'!I 1!"-­ at Charlestown, Mass. · Son of Robert Worth~n and Juli~ A. SL\IMONS GENEALOGY 143

    (Hobart) Stimpson, Mr. Stimpson was a Democrat in 'POiitics. and a EpiscpJ>alian in religion, he resided in Somenille, Mass.


    Harold Willinm Stimpson, b. April 10, 1880: m. Char­ lotte T. Bertisch.

    AUGUSTA EMMA Sll\.D!ONS (8) Peaboly 7. Peabodv 6, Stephen 5. Natheniel 4.. Tosepl1 3, ,John 2. Moses 1. h. probablv about 1860 and died 1929. She studied music in Europe for about nine :rears, and then returned td America, and married F. ,T. Stetson.

    The~· resided for a time '\\itl1 Peabodv Simmons, her fat.her. lir. Stetson beini:- in J)OOr health.

    •·About 1884, Mrs. Stet;;on. at tl1e request of Mrs. Marv B. G. Edly. founder of the Christian Science Church, took up the study of Christian Science. Tn J 886 l\frs. Stetson went to New York .at the request of l\frs. Eddy. and took up the dr,tv of P!'­ tablishine- the "First Church of Christ Scientist." Mrs. Stet­ ,:on ir 11<.'r book. Frn•inisrrn<'N". S<'Tll'OT'S, ,.,.,d C'O'JTP!'lll,ndenre. 1884-1913, sa...-s of this work. "T.hc first call I made for thP. buildin2' fund of Tl1e Mother Church. was at Scottilih .ltite Hall. where W<.' collected. after the Sundn~· momin2' sen-ire. tw!'nt~·­ thrcc thousand dollars.

    'The hnskrt passed at the lll<'etiul? were freQuenth· empt;ea by the 11sl1crs to make room for the ow•rflow of money and cheeks.

    This Church was dedieatcd on No,·. 29. 1903. and the dedica­ tory address was delivered hv Mrs. Stetson. She WJ'IS ordained l>nstor of Fir<-t Ch-rrPl> of r,1,.,.;.,t s,.;,,n+i..+. :i,-,,,... York C:itv. nt tl1e request of l\frs. Eddy, in 1890 with the title of Reverend This ordination took nlat'e at Hardman Hall on corner of Nin<'­ f('('llth Street and :Fifth Ave.

    l!rs. Eddy sent ·Re,·. L P. Norcross C. S. D.• who was· the Pastor of the Mother Chnreh in Boston, to officiate at the rere­ mony. He was assisted bv Mr. F. E. Mason C. S. D. of the :First Church <>f Christ. Scientist. in Brooklyn.

    lfl'!'. Eddy gll'\'C the title of Reverend · to but three women lI:r:s. Ruth E\\inir of Chieat:0, Illinois: lf:rs. Annie l\L J-n,.+• Detroit. liichizar,_ and to Ani:-nstn E. Stetson of ~ew York CitY.

    ARTHUR ABORN SL\IJ.!ONS (8) Thomns H. i, Geo~· fl. Ichabod 5, Benjamin 4, William 3, John 2, Moses 1. b.' Jan. 28, 144 S!Ml\IONS GENEALOGY

    1852, Prnvirlcner, R. I.: cl. l'lfnrrh Ii, l!ll 1. Grnftnn, Ma..... ni. 011. 18, 1876. 1Yorcrstrr. :\Ini,s to Snrnh )l,•lin

    Children Florence Mnry Simmons, b. ,Jnnr i. 1878. Arthur Aborn Simmons, ,Tr., b, S1•11t. 5, 1880: 111. Cli11 a Halm Olmstead. Herbert Wilson Simmons, b. ,Tnn. 15, 1883. Harold Aborn Simmons, b. Aui:-. 22, 188.5: m. :Milrlrrd Leonard. Gladys Collins Simmons, b. Feb. 23, 1888: m. ,John Stan• lev Olmstead .

    .Arthur A. Simmons was town treasurer of Grofton. lfoss.. for twcnty-fh:«:> years. and wa,1 one of thr town's most promin<'nt citizens, he ived in Grofton for thirtv-one venrs. and !ind nlw111rs taken n keen interest in public uffnirs, and nt . the time oif l1is ,leath. he wns town treasurer. treasurer of the west Evan1rclicnl Church, and auditor for the Whitin lfochinc Works of Wl1itins- ville. I ! He was representative from this· district in 1899 and wns cashier of the Grofton National Bnnk until it wns disolvcd. He wns appointrd national bank examiner in 1906. but owinl! to ill health, was obligC'rl to rrsil:'ll the position, Mr. Simmons was onr of the most expert accountants in l\fassachusc:>tts. mnn'.I,· ~-ouni: men owr thc:>ir start and success in lifo, to his c.-q,ert advice.

    He W'l1S an active memb

    WILLIA.'!\[ Sil\[MONS (8) Peter 7. Hcnr)· 6. :Peter !j, Brn.in­ min 4. William 3, .John 2. Mosrs 1. h. Dec. 12. 1827. at Benton. Yates County. N. Y.: cl. March 22. 1902. at Westleld. Tiol?O Conn­ tv, Pa.; m. Nov. 3. 1850 at Westfield, Pa.. to Anne Caroline Boardfan: b. Srpt. 2~. lS.~3 nt Mal".\·lnnd. Ot!'<'l?O Countv. N. Y.: d. De<". 21. 1912 at Westfield, Pa.; dnu. of Elknnali nml Clnri!'a (Benedict) Boardman. Mr. Simmons was a farm!'r and merchant and resided at Wrsi­ field. Pa.• and Well8'-ille. N. Y.

    Children Esson E. Simmons. b . .Tan. 26. 1852: m. Adelaide Smith. Charles B. Simmons, b. Jan. 19, 1862; m. Lena Patton. H5

    Frn11k "r· Si111111011s, h. '!lfnrrl1 6, 18R4; first marriiuro wa11 lo l•'n1111i1• Si,•,ll••s; s1•1•011tl nmrrin,::"I.' to Stelln. Lowns­ hery.

    F'rt•tl P. 8ir11111u11s, h. ,\pril 2H. 1S(ii; 111, ldn l.ow11sl11•r.\·· Arthur .J, Siru111011s, h. 1lf11y 2i. ISH!l; 111. :'11:ir:?:ll·it:i Nieh­ olson.

    SAHAI-I ETLE:K" RAXDALL (S) Cnrrlrlin i, ).fn1'ti11 fi, .Trsse ii • •\nron 4, Brn.inmin 3 ..Tohn 2. llfnsrs 1. Born )fnr,·l1 Sth, ]841, nt Pl.'mhroke, :\fnss. Dic•,I F,•b. 23, 18S/i; runrriecl nt D11xht11'\' May 1st, 1866 to Tsnnr N. Howlnml, who wns born nt Abim:ton, )fnss.. Xo,·, :?l. 1838; d. nt Pc•111hrok<', '!lfnss., Xo,·. 2, J!J00.


    Infant son, b. ,T:m. 2:3, 1867 at Pcmhroh. ii. Ft•b. 10. 1867 Nelli<' Newton Howland, b. '!\In.\· 31. 181i8, nt Pembroke•, Mass. Annie A.:.."lles Howland, b. Dc•e. i, 1869. :1t Prmbroke. l\foss. lfablc l\fo;r Howland, b. l\fny 4, 18i2. nt Duxbnn·. Mass. Hirom HerbC'rt Rowland, h. Dl'c. 16. 18iii. nt Pembroke, Mass. Charles Clifton Howland, h. ,Jnu. 'i. 18ii at Pembroke, Mass. :the! Enton Howlnnd, b. April 24. 18S2, nt Prmbroke, Mass. •~nrnh Sln-<'st<'r Howland, b. F<'h. 15, 188,i, :it Pe111brok", l\fass. · Hn,v Hn111l11ll Howland, b. A1>ril 2:3, ]89i, at Pembroke', llfnss.

    )fARTTN' SDDfONS (i) l\farlin 6, Jesse• r,, Aaron 4. Ben.ia­ miu 3, ,Tolin 2. l\fos<'!> ]. b. Aug. 19, .1823: ii. ,Tan. n. 1912: 111 ••Tn. 3. 18-1-i at Pembrok,•. :Mass.. to Hannnl1 MeFnrlin. She was liorn ,Jun<' 22. 1822: <1. DC'c, 26, 1895.

    Children (All born at Pembroke, :Mass.)

    Fran<•rs Ell<'n Simmons. b. o.. t. 2i. 18-!i; <1 in California :Or.t. 192S. Fr<'fl :lfoulton Simmon~, h. Fc•h. l:,. 18'i8. Artlrnr Yonn'?, Simmons. h. :lfa~- r,, 1860: cl . .\p1il 13. l!l00. )!:11-ti11 L11tli1•1· 8i111111ons. b. :lfardr 19. 1865. 146 SIMlIONS GENEALOGY

    CAROLINE SIJ\DIONS (7) :.\fartin 6, Jesse 5, Aaron 4. Bcn­ .iamin 3, John 2, Moses 1. b. Oct. 7, 1827; d: Dec. 1907: m. 1),ov. 29, 1849, to Daniel Wrii:-lit of Marshfield. Had two sons, Daniel nnd Henry. Henry still lhiJll?. Mar­ ried Kate Brewster, who died June, 1926. jamin 3, John 2, l\foses 1. b. Oct. 7, 182i; d. Dee. 1907: m.

    GEORGE STI\D!ONS (7) ::\fnrtin 6, .Jesse 5. Aaron 4. Bcn:in­ min 3. ,Tolm 2, Moses l. b. Sept. 30. 1830; d. Jnn. 12. 1893. Mar­ ried Elfaa Standish of Du.'\:bury, wl10 died at East Brids.?cwat<-r. May 17, 1922.

    FRANCIS ELLEN SIMMONS (8) Martin 7. Martin 6. Aaron 4, Bcn:inmin 3. ,Tohn 2. Moses 1. b. Oct. 27, 1847: d. in California in 1928. married Nov. 24. 1868 to Frank A. Da,;s, who wos born in Weymouth and died in California about 1897.

    C11ildrcn (All born in Hanover)

    Frank Norton Davis. born April 16, 1871. Fnnic Bradford Davis, b. June 6, 1872. Lottie l\fae Davis, b. Jan. 2i. 1874. Ermiva Ardell Dovis. b. Feb. 24. 18i7. Son, b. :S-ov. 24. 1879, lh-ed 4 days.

    The famib· moved to California in 1887, children nil Jiviru:-. also married 1mil Jmvc children but l1ave no dates of marn!IZ<' or birtlalates of children and have no postoffice addresses.

    FRED lIOULTON SL\IMONS (8) Martin 7, Martin 6. Jesse :i. Aaron 4. Benjamin 3 • .Tolin 2. :\foses 1. b. Feb. 1. 18.58: m. Dee. 11. 1880 to Mn~· E. Sampson of Kini:-ston. :.\fn:,s.

    Children Maurice Carleton Simmons, b. July 6. 1881: d. March 22, 1884. Mabel Norton Simmons, b ..July 2, 1883; m. June 1912 to Dan C. Steckel. of Easton, Pa.; he died in 1923. Mabel still lives nt Easton, and has a son about 10 years of ai?:e: his name is Henry. Fred Howard Simmons, h. Sept. 8, 1885; unmarried; lives in New York. Ralph Irvi~ Simmons, b. Feb. 21, 1888. .Marion LouisQ .$immons, b. ;J.<"!)l,), 26, 1890; m. Robert New• SDDfONS GE'.',EALOGY 147

    ell; lives at Newton, :M:nss; have o•e child, John, bom 192.5. R,usi,ell Lorin:: Si111111ons, b. ).furch 27, 18!J2: d. Aw:. l>, 1894. Earle Bradford Simmons, b. Feb. ]8, 1898; m. in 1929, frves at Easton, Penn.

    ARTHUR YOUNG SDDIONS (8) :'IIartin T, :'lfortln 6. Jesse 5, Aaron 4, Benjnmin 3. ,Tohn 2. Moses l. b. l\fay 5. 1860: d. Ap1il 13, 1900; m. l\!arclt 14, lsBl nt Ph-inpton. Mass .• to Nellie White; she was horn Feb. ]6, 1860. · Children Etta Sinunom;, b. April 12, 1882. Harry Simmons, b. ,June l, ]880: expressmnn. lives at Rockland. .Annie Simmons, b. Sept. 23, 1885.

    MARTIN LUTHER SDil\IONS (8) :'lfartin T, l\fartiu 6. Jesse 5, Anron 4. Benjamin 3, John 2, l\!oses 1. b. March 19. 1865: m. ,July 3, 1899 to Laura Mathews of Ervin~. N. J.. now livim? at East Orange. N. J.

    Children Willin.m Simmons, b ......

    GEORGE SThO\IONS (7) Martin 6, Jesse 5, Aaron 4. Benja­ min 3, John 2. Moses 1. b. Sept. 20, 1830: d .•Jan. 12, 1893: m. Eliza Standish of Du.'l:burv, who died at East Brifu?ewater, May ]7, 1922. . Children Gcol'i,:'~ Albion Simmons, b. Nov. 13, 1850: d. July. 1930. Edgard Simmons. b. Dec. 2.5. 18.52: d. Jan., 1930. Helen Simmons, b. March 11, 1855. Annie Simmons, b. )fay 2, 18.59; d. Feb. 28, 1863. Henry Ottis Simmons. b. ,Tune 27, 1857. M.ARY SD!lfONS (7) '..\fartin 6, .Jesse 5. Aaron 4. Benjamin :i. ,Tohn 2. :!lfosc" 1. b. Feb. 10, 1833: d. 1911: m. Emmons C'-nncl-,r of Du.xjury. Children ::lfnrtin Chandler. )fury Emmons Chandler, h.. Tulr 18. 18.58. Addie Bartlett Chandler, b. l\Iay 3. 1865; J. 1911. .148 SIMMONS GENEALOGY

    CORDELIA SUI}.lONS (i) :\Iurtin 6, ,Tcl!ll!le 5. Aaron 4. Ben­ jamin 3, .John 2, l\Iosei,; 1. b. ,lulv 16, 1816; d. Jan. 0, 1913: rn. at Duxbury, l\foMM., Nov. 25, J8:1k to Hirn111 H11nd11II. who wn, born at Duxbury, Murc,h 8, 18li. Some records 1,1how thut thiM couple wct·o 11111rri1•d Oct. -1, 18:18.


    Sarah Ellen Rnnclnll, b. }lnr<'11 8, 1841 nt Pembroke. Muss. nnd died Feb, 23, 188.5. Caroline A. Rundnll, b. Sci1t. 10, ]848 ut Pembroke, Muss. and

    . Hiram and Cordelia after their 111urriairc. went to housekel')I• inir in Pembroke nnd in the snml' house where Cordelia was bom, and whl're th1•i1· dnuA'htrr. ~11r11h Ellrn wn, nlso born, nlthoui,:h they nevrr owned the l1ouse.

    Elkanah Boartlman, b. ,fan. JG, 180-1 at Anst«-rlib:. C'olmnhin County, New York: <1. ,Tun. 2. 1886 at Westfic•lrl. Pa.: 111. ,Jun. lli. 1832 to Clarinda Caroline Benedict. who wus born .Tun. ]6. 181-1. nt Maryland, Atsei:9 Countv. New York: sh<• ,Ji1•,l :\furC'h li. Ji,:1-1. He married second, .June ith. 1835 to Sib,·! Fli~n Gunn rho wn~ born Dec. 6, 1810 ut l\fontairue, New York: d. ,\, i::. 10. 18!!0 at W cstfield, P(l.

    William Simmons, b. Dec. 12, 182i nt B<•nton. Yates Count\', New York: cl. March 22, 1902 at Westfi<•l Connty, New York; d. Dec. 21, 1912 nt Westfield, Pu.

    Essen C. Simmons, b. Jun. 26, 18.52 at Westfield. Tioi:m Coun­ ty. Pu.: cl. Xov. 26. 1882 at Wl'stneld, Pn.: m. May l. 1872 to Addie L. Smith, who was born July 25, 1853: at Scio, Allei::han)' County, New York; d. Feb. 20, 1902 at Buffalo, New York.

    Charles B. Simmons, b. Jan. 19, 1862 ut Westficlr'I. Pa.: il. Auir. 7, 192i at Westfield. Pa.:·m. Oct. 1-1.1883 to Lena R. Pat­ ton, who was born April 17, 1864: d. OC't. i. 1912 nt WiliiamsPort, Pa.

    Frnnk W. Simmons, b. l',forch 6, 1864, ot Oswai:o, Potter conn• tr. Pa.; m. first Jan. 9, 1892, to Fanni

    :Fred P. Simmons~ b. Apri) 29, 1867 ot Westfield, Pa.; m. June SJMJ\1ON8 GI~NJ,:.,\LOGY 149 zr,, 189/i, to T,ln T,. Lownsbl'l'Y, who 11·11s born March J4, 1868 nt t'nnOI' Cump, Pa.

    Arthur ,J. Simmons, b. lllny 2i, 1869, ut W<•stfil'ld, P11.: 111.: April 16, .1902, to llforirnritu ,J. Nieholson, who w11s horn Mnv Ci, .18ili, ot Buenos Airl•s, Ar,::-entina.

    ,rulin Aruiis Sin1111011s, I,. :\ln1·,·•• ii, J8i8 nt • · ..• •·, · 1 ! , J•}!ll!cn Earl Simmons, h. O,•t. 14, 18i9 at We11Uield, Pa.: m•• Jen­ nie Metcalf.

    WiUinm C. Simmom:1, b. Oet. 10, 1884 nt Westfield. Pn.: m. Eneil' Smith.

    Bert E. Simmons, b. ,Tan. 15, 1888, nt Westfield, Pn.: m. Oct. l!ll:!, to Huttie Bnllnrd who w1111 bor~----·: ,lied 1928 ,,t Wl'stlil'l,I, Pn. He mnrril'll "ccoml on Nov. 9, 192!) to :\Inc Wl'iss.

    Eliimbl•th Simmons, b. Aug. 15, JS9i, Buenos Airl'i<, Anr1,ntin11. d. 8l'pt. l 1, 1899 nt W cstficld, Pa.

    Dorotr;i· Simmons, b. Frb. 10, ]!)02 nt Sh<•fficl

    Fr1111k W. Simmons .Jr., b . .T1111. 20, ]!)12, ut 'Willinml'port. P;1.

    Fmlc•rick L. Simmom,, h. Oct. 19, 1901, nt Corninl(', N'. Y.

    Arthur C. Simmons, h. .Tuly :!, ]!)04, ut Bnrni:JJ, N. Y.

    E,lith G. Simmons. b. :\furch i, 1!)08 11t Galeton, Potter Coun­ ty, Pu.

    Horton :\L Simmons, b...... , at Erie, Pa.

    Ruth Alice Simmons,

    WILLIAM HAMllfATT S1!1-IMONS (8) R.cv. Geo. F. i. Wm. 6, Elisha 5, Joshua 4, Ehl'nC?.l'r 3, Aaron 2, :\Ioscs l. b. Dec. Zl, 1850; d. in 1921.

    William Hammatt Simmons graduated from Harvard in ]869. nnd practiced surl('CIT in Bangor, Maine, for nmnv years. Ninth Generation

    C.A.RRIE ,JENNINGS BOSWORTH (0) Henry Bosworth S, Nnthaniel nm] 1'Jliznbeth (Je1111in1,"!!) Bosworth i, lllnne Jcnniui:" t. Nathaniel Jenmngs 5, Eiizabeth 4, ,fob 3, .Mo11es 2, Mo11es 1. h. Oct. 10, l~!'.i m. to Frnnk Abbott Recd, at Hanover, Mass.. on April 22, 16!:lij. Mrs. Reed is now living in Hanover, Mass.; her husband ha,·· ing died June 2i, 1880. He wns the son of Appleton and l\Iehulc (Cushing) Reed. Mrs. Bosworth adds the following llines to hi~ memory, "Life's race well run, Life's work well done, Life'• crown well won, Now comes rest."


    Dora Elizabeth Cushing Reed, b. Nov. 24, 1884. Grnce Appleton R<'e

    CAROLINE HURCELIA COLT (9) Franklin an

    Children .Merti l\!an

    JAMES ERVIN .JACKSON (9) Albion K. and Mari:-nn•t (Simmons) ,Jackson 8, Nathaniel i, .James 6, .Jo~eph 5, :Sutlmnirl 4, ,Joseph 3, John 2, Moses 1. b......

    ROSANNA E .•J ~ ,...~SON (9) Albion K. :ind lfori?:ar(•t (Si111· mons) ,Tackson 8, Nathaniel i, .Tamt's (i, .Joseph 5, Nntrnnirl -l, ,Joseph 3, ,John 2, Moses 1. b......

    A}."'NA CHRISTINA .JACKSON" (9) Albion K. and lfnru:ur<'I (Simmons) Jackson 8, Nathaniel i, ,James 6 . .Joseph 5. Nnthanit'I 4, .Joseph 3, ,John 2, )loses 1. b...... liil

    JOHN PERCY SIMJ\IONS (HJ ,loh11 S, :,,'"11th11niel ,. J111n!'s 6, ,l011eph r,, N11thunicl 4, ,J01'1'J>h :i, ,loh11 :!. lfo""" l. b, N"ov. 2S, 1881, nt Brll'u11t, l\fnine; rl......

    ,fohn Percy Simmon,; ii; 11 i,:1·11,luut,, ol' the Bl•lf1t>1t, Mc .. hil!'h school 1111d of the• UnivPrsit\' of' :\l11i111•, ••lnss of' 190G; B1whelor of Seiencc cle~oc.

    Afr. Simmons is 11 1•ivil 1•11i,:i1w1•r 1111,l ii< 1•111nlol'l'd i11 N""' York Htate.

    HELEN A. SIMMONS (9) .\llnu 1,, X11thu11fol i ..Tum1•« 6, .los"r,h 5, Nuthnniel 4, ,Joseph :l, ,Jol111 :!, :\101<<•11 1. h. Oct. Iii, 186i; r ...... ; m. at Billinh"", llont., to Bt:l't 0. 8hor1•v. son or Wl'llington 11nd Louisa Shor,.,\·.

    · Childr,011

    Adclnirle Shorey( 11dopt1•d rliild) h ......

    ELIZABETH ,T. SL\L\IONS (!)) Alluu S, Xathanil'I i, ,Tu111c>s Ii, ,losl'ph 5, Nathaniel 4, .Tmi,•ph :l, ,John :!, :\loi. ;111111• :1, 1Sfi9; d ...... ; m...... , to Bri~i..-s D111,.,:-ctts.

    ROSE }I. SIMMONS (!)) .\111111 S, X11tlm11ic•I i, .T11111<'s ii • •To­ scpJ1 5, Nathaniel 4, .Joseph:;, .John :!, :\loses 1. h.• Jul\' 19, 1879:

    Children Charles W. Bunker, b......

    NATH.AJ.',IEL LAWRENCE SDC\fONS (9) Allan 8. Nathan­ iel i, James 6, Joseph 5, Xuthunic•J .i. ,Tois 1. h. ,July 2 , 1876; d ...... ; m...... to Drlin Holmes. Nathaniel Lawrence' Simmons is n grncluutc of tl,c liaine Cen­ tral Institute, Pittsficlcl. :'llainf'. Ht• wus II public school teacher for several years. In 1914 he was u fish nml game warden for the state of Maine. He is now <'ll~"llg-<'rl in fnrruin:.:- ut \Yaldo, liainc. Children

    Ralph l\f., h. SC'pt. 1, 1901; 1-,"rn1l from Univel'!

    MAHCL\ Jo:. Al>A~IH (!J) .\111111 8, Nnth1111i1•I i, ,l1111u•s Ii, .lo• 1:wph r,, N11th11niel 4, ,Jo,wph :J, ,1111111 2, :\lo~1•M I. h. ,Jul\' :!, lRiS; ,!...... ; Ill...... to CJ111rl1•s Stm•ker.

    ARDRIA L. SJ:.\DlONH (!l) Alluu 8, Nntl11111icl i, ,Tnmt•;i Ii, ,Jo­ ;icµh 5, N11thuniel 4, ,Joi,icph :i • •luhn 2. ~IOSl'l' I. h. Feb. 4. 18M: ti. Oct. :?8, 190(,; l11u·. ut Wnlilo, ~lnim•; 111. No\' ...... , 190:J. nt. \Y11ldo, l\[ui1w, to Arthur P11yson.

    Children (3)

    :Harold Pnyson, Uni\·cr!lit)· or l\l11inc, 1929.

    ABBIE E. WOODBURY (!)) l{id111rd uncl l\Im0• (S1mmo11!1) Woodbury ;3, N11tl111uiel i, .l1111ws Ii, ,Jost>p,1 r,, Nuthuniel ..1, ,To- 1:1e11h 3, .John 2, Moses .l. b...... : d ...... : m...... to ...... Moody.


    )Ierle Moody, b ......

    MARY WOODBURY (9) Rie!uml null :\fury (Simmoss) ,voodsburv 8, N11th11ni<'l i, .Tnmcs u.. los<'J•h fi, Nathaniel 4. Josc•ph 3, John 2, Moses 1. b ...... ; d ...... ; m...... - ......

    In 1915 Mary \Voodsbury wns II t<'achcr in the publie schools of Belfast, Maine..

    SARAH V,OODBURY (9) Ri1•hnrd nn,I :\fnry (Simmons) \\"ooclburv S. Nuthunic•l i, .Tam<'s 6 ••Tos..,ph fi. Xnthuni<'I ~ •.Tost'ph 3•. John 2. Moses 1. b ...... ; d ...... - .... ; m...... ·-··-·-·.. to Stephenson. 2 children.

    Wil'-7:FRED BERNEICE SDI:.'lfOXS (!l) Nuhum 8. Nathnnici i, ,James 6, ,Joseph fi, Xutlo:iniel .J., .Tos..,1,h 3. ,Tohn 2. Moses l. h. Sept. 22, 18i4 ut Belf1L-:t, :\[nine: ,!...... ; 111. nt lforrill. :\luine•• folv 12, 189!1, to Cl,t•stl'r Buv,·1• Alh•n. son of Chas. H. :11111 Hattie (Bo\"t'(') Allen, of 81wn,•,•r, ·~ln!'s. II,; was horn .lulv I:!. 187.... - .


    Chost<'r Boy1•1• .. \lll'n ..lt .• h . .lnly :.?1. l!llli. Winifred Bernice Simmons w:is born at Belfast, :\fai111,. ut- Sa!MONS GENEALOGY 153 t, 011,t,,d ~!<'hoot ut h'.uox, .\lor'l'ill, urul l(l'u

    Thev luwe one · i,iou boni at Holbrook, Mass., Ju!v :!l, 1907, Clwstt•r ·Boice Allen, Jr., Harvard College 1930.

    GRACJ.; BUR.NETTE SU!l\IONS (9) Nuhum 8. Nathaniel 7, ,Jumes Ii, Josepli 5, Nutbauicl 4, Joseph 3, John 2, Moses l. b. llurch 1, 1877, at Knox, Wuldo County, Maine; ....._ ____

    Gruce Burnette Simmons attended the public .schools at Knox, liorrill un

    :Miss Simmons hus been a 8 uccessful tcucher for manv vears, lm\'ing taught in l\Iorrill, Searsmont, Belmont and Belfast, Maine. Sire was an instructor in the Milford, Conn., high school and in the Scituutc, l\Iass., high school. She was ulso principal for sev­ eral vears ot' the Hnthelv Grammar School of ~cituate. Mass. Since· 1912 she hus been principal ot' the l\IcElwain school of Bridi::ewutcr, Mass. Since 1920 she has been the principal of Nev• in School, South 'Weymouth, Mass.

    )Iiss Simmons is a member of the Advisory Boards of "The School Arts 'l\!aguzinc," and "Something to Do" m~nes. She is ulso a member of the Twentieth Century Club, Boston.

    IWSCOE X.\lll":'11 Sl:IDIOXS (9) :,;ahum 8. Xnthaniel i, .l:1111<'s Ii, .los«•ph r,, :,;:,tlulllit•I -+, .Joseph :{, .John 2. )loses l. b. ,lul~· Hi, 1S7!l, at Knox. W1d,lo Countv. :\lni1w; d ...... : m. ... .

    Rost-oc :,;uhum Simmons wall c,lucntcd in the public schools of 1lorrill :tllll B,•lt':tst, :\lui111•. Ht• is a g-r11<11111tc of the Bntlcr Hos- 1,ital 8<-hool l'or Xurscs of Pro,idenee. R. I. (1902). He is now emvloyctl a,; a 1'<'/• ."istcred nurse in Pro,-idence, R. I.· 164 SIMMON!-! Ul<:Nl!:ALOUY

    J:L\.H,I{.Y UUY SJJ\lMONS (IJ) N11hum 8, Nutho.niol i, JanteH IJ, Jo11oph 5, Nuthunwl 4, Jol!lcph 3,. John 2, Mo11c11 l. b. Nov, lli, l~l, ut l\.uox, Wuldo I.Jouuty., M111nc; d ...... : m. Sopt, :!, 11107, to J:folcu Mulloy of Hlucki;tonl', J\I118K,

    Hul'ry Uuy SimmonH 11ttu111lml 11drool nt l\Iorrill, l\lo,, arul B11rrk11 liuHilll'IIK School. ll1LH IJ1•1•n bookk1>cpo1· for Mo1C11nt1cook Woohm l!o,. Cnrud,m, .l\111in1•, ,.tfl4 il4 now tl'uvolini: mechanic for thu Wlutt•n'H Machine

    J,'H.IWI~Itl<.:K JOHNSON Sll\L\IONS (IJ) Nahwu 8, Nathaniel i, J1111w1,1 u, ,loH1•ph r,, Nut111uti1•l ~. ,Jo111•ph :J, ,John 2, ;\loHCl!I 1. b. J11uy :::1, 1!i84, nt Knox, \Vnldo County, Mniuc; d ......

    1''1·cdcrick Johnson Simrnon:i attended Alon-ill, Mo.. 11chool1,1, Cunuton .till:'h ::ichool (l!JOa) Univcr11ity of Muine (A. 8, deicrcc J.IJOti/ J!iu • .l)l, ucgrec .tlarmrrl l!I:!-¼-~. Has taught at }li1,.'Yin11 J.rumtutll, Charfo1,1town, M.c. J:'riucipul, Gl'O, l''. Hatch H. S. J:>ar­ tndi:c Academy, Sub. pmwipal W cHt tlaven, Conn, H. S., Hale H. :,., ::itow, M111u;,, .Mernmnc, .\fa,H8,, H. S., Foxboro, MWIS., Hii.:h :School mstructor of 8ociotogy 8tate Normal School, Keene, N. H . .l\'Lr, :Sunruons is a member of the high school Master Club of Mass. uchu11Ctts, the '.L'wentieth Century CJub of BoMton, of the New Eni:-· lund .t:il!!tonce Ucmealoi.,"ical 8oc1ety, Society of Mayflower Dees.; Aldun Aindrecl of America and St. Alban '11 Lodl,!'e A. F. & A. ll., Head of tlw Ucr,t. Sociul Sc,icnce State Normal School, Keene, N. H. (Prof. of 80,,ial Science, AC'C'lle 1930) Pj Gamma llu (Honor J.o'rutcrnit,v) nrul Kuppn D1•lt11 Phi, Uui. of (;urnhridl('{', Eni:larul, 192". (Author's note)

    Mr. Frederick ,Jolm!!on Simmon!! clcserres much credit for th<' untiring efforts that he has put forward i1,1 behalf of t11e compilers oi this genealogy.

    He has furnished mnn.v records nnd much information thut would have otherwise been lost to this publication. :We ii-ive him full credit for all records nnd historical matter pertainini.: to tlu• liaine i'amilies. ·

    He luts al!ISistcd us in many ways that cannot be detailed lwrP.

    EDMUND PHINNEY SIMMONS (9) Nahum 8, Natnaniel i, James 6, Joseph 5, Nathaniel 4; Joseph 3, John 2, Moses 1, b. 0l't. 26, 1886, at Knox, Waldo County, Maine; d ...... ; m ...... , 1908, to Alice Bertha Jorde, dau~hter of Theodore and ...... Olson, who was born...... nt Dover, New Hampshire.

    EdmWld Phinney Simmons attC'll()C'


    J,i11wood Cotton .Mills. He 111U1·1-icd l\liss Alice Jorde. Thcv hnvo 1wo c,hildl'lm, '.l.'hcl11111 Alice uml Dorothy Puuliue. Thclum Alice, b. Juu. U, l!IO!l. Dorothy Puuliuc, b......

    ,JOANNA PlEltCE SDDLONS (9) Nuhum 8, Nnthanicl 7, ,fuuu•s Ii, Joseph 5, 11:utlmuiel -l, Joseph ::J, Johu :!, Moses l. b. IJ••t. -l, 18!/0, ut .\lol'l'ill, .\luiue; cl ...... ; m ...... Jo11111111 Pierce Simmons uttcndcd Morrill, Mc,. schools. l?l'Bdu­ utcd from llil,!'l.,-ins Clussicul lnstitute. l'au~ht in So. Montville, .\le., North lfampton, N. H., Andover, .MusM., 1111d Rockland, Mass. Shl• mu1·r1ed ut .\lclroMc Hiirhhmds, :.\Luss., Ucoi,:e Oliver Richard• son, Nov. :.!9, l!lli. Mr. ltichurclson is u 1.::r11duate of Andover. :ituss., high school uml the Layell •rextilc School (clci:rec course). He served us u Lieutcnunt in the Chemical Co.rps, U. S . .Armv dur­ iui:- the BuroJJeuu Wur. He is now connected with the National AuiJine und Chemicul <..:o., and is stutioned at Shnn2"hai, China.

    Children .George 0. · Richardson, Jr., b. nt Shani:-hai, China, Sept 3., 1920. Hobert Simmons Richlll'dson, b. at Shun2"hai, China, 1924.

    HUC'l LUDWIG SDilllONS (9) Nahum 8. Nathaniel 7, James 6, Joseph 5, Nath1111icl -l, ,Joseph 3, John 2, Moses 1. b. Oct. 31, 1893 at Morrill, l\lainc;

    Hugh Ludical and SUl'2'ical Course, Worchester City Hospital.

    / ·Dr. Sinunous ser\·ecl his country ns 1st Lieutenant Medical Corps, u. S. Arm.v clurini:- the Europeau War; was stationed at t.:111111, Greenleaf. Chichumau:.:-11 Park, lia. Dr. Simr,:ous was active iu athletics while in school. II<' is now a 111cmber of the stall at Worchester Cit_v Hospital nnd pructicini,:- medicine in ,vorchestcr. Dr. Simmons hu..~ rec<•ntl,v h<•en i,0111111issio11cd us Ca11tai11 in the :iJ,,,!iteul Res<>n·<• Coq,s, U. S. A. Dr. Si111mons is marrietl 1l1ld has two d1ildr<'n.


    Hu:::-h L. Simmon;. ••Tr •• b. Oct. 15. 1927. nub<'!l All,111 Si111111011s, b. Feb. 26, 1930. 166 811\IMON8 m.;NEALOGY

    I•'ltED 8. 811\fl\lONS (fl) I•:vt•r1•tt 8, ,Job 7, ,l11111e11 0, ,Jo/,,•flli a, N11tl11111i1•l 4, ,l11M1•J1h !I, ,lohn :!, l\loMl'M l. h ...... ; ,1, ...... ; 111 ...... lo .J.'nm,tinn 1\1, 81•d1•1i11i,r1•r,

    Fr1•1l 8, Ri111111011>1 with hiM l'nther, l•:v1•r1•tt. Si1111110111,, wu~ u blnrkM111it.l, nt W11l1loboro, l\111i11r,

    LlWRAND ,T. Sfl\DION8 (!J) 1':\·1•r1•tt 8, ,Toh i, ,Tnmri, u. ,lo• McJlli r,, N11tli1111i1•I 4, ,lo111•11h :1, ,lohn 2, lloMl'M 1. h. Sept. JI>, IRA:!; d ...... ; 111. ,11111. l:!. 1!10!1, to 1..illinn A. Whitlork. Children

    Dorothy l\f,uir, h. Dc•i, ...... , 190fl, Arl11111I 1.;\'l'l'l'tt, b. Sl'rt, a, 1911.

    FRED P. SIMJ\IONS (fl) Willinm 8. ,Joshiah i, ,Jame" 6, ,Jo. Heph 5, Nathuniel 4, ,ToMer,h :1, ,Tohn :!, Moses 1. b ...... _...... : d ...... ; m......

    CllAltJ,1':8 Ht:TCTIINH 811\1:\fONR (fl) .Tohu R. Nuth1111i1•I i . •Tnmei, ti, ,lo,

    Children Girl.

    ARLINE P. SllnIONS (9) Nuthuniel 8, Nathaniul i, Janu•s 6, Jos<'J)h 5, Nnthuniel 4, ,Joseph 3, .Tohn 2, :\loses 1. b...... at Belfast, l\Ie.; d ...... : m ...... to Walter Coorl<'r.

    Children Girl.

    GEORGIA.XNA SC\BIONS (9) AII:111 S. Nathaniel 7 • .T111111•, 6. Joseph 5. Nathaniel -:1, Joseph :J, .Jolin 2. Moses 1. b. Oet. :!Ii. 1864:; d ...... ; m•••. - ...... to Walter Neal.


    Madeline A. Neal. b. April...... , 1894. Rav F. Neal, b. April...... , 1894. Allen Neal, b.... ·-···-···-·-- STMMONR GENEALOOY l5i

    :\IAHY ,TA.NE SDIMONf-l (D) All1111 8, N11U11miel i, ,Tnmt.•!! ti, .ro~••r,h 5, N11th1111i1•l 4, ,IOHCTJh :I, ,ToJ111 2, l\foSC!S .I. h .•Jun" 25, 18(il>; d ...... : 111 •••••••••••.••••••••• nt B,?ll'llHt, JI£<•., to Chns. Wnl• hwc, who w1111 horn ...... nt ,TnckHoll ......


    Jt'r1111k C. \\'nlln,•t•, h. ,J111u• 5, ]8!J1.

    llENltY ARTHUR. 8Dll\lONS (!I) Lorenza "· 8, Henrv i, J,or1•n1.o 6, ,John 5, .Toh ,Jr. -1. ,Toh 3, llfost•1-1 2, l\10>1es 1. b. April 13, 1880 in Furna.cc Count~-. Nebr.; m. Nov. 5, 1902 to Mnbcl Delln N~bit, dnui:-hter of ,John S. nnd Eliznbeth (MncWillimns) Nesbit, born nt Vnil. lown, Oct. 22, 1882. He was mnrried ,Julv :.?9, 1920 nt Albnnv, N. Y., to Mnrthn Birclena Bnker, dnui:-hter of llfor!'nu 8oun•ril!"l1 nnd Snmui

    Child of l-I<'III°;\" A1tl111r nnd llfnh<'I D. Gl'rnM N°<"sbitt Simmons, h. Dre. 13. 190-1 nt Li1lt'oln, Ne­ brnska; rn. Nov. 2i, 1926 to Lucilln Currell S!'humnn, ,lnughter of Wnltcr H. n11d ;\fol':\· (Sc•ott) Selmman.

    Hmrv Arthnr Simmons wa:- bon1 April 13, 1880 in Furnas Conntv, N°<"br .• in 11 sod house on thl' homcstcnd of his father. Lor- 1'117.o A. Simmons. His nnrrnts movr,l to Cortl:mrl. Nebrnskn in l8R4. whl'r1• It!' r<'<«'h·rcl his ('(J,,.•ution in th<" pnhlii, mul hii.d, ~rhools. :..'Tn,Jnnting in 18!li. IT<• h·nmt••l tt•lei.:-ra1>l1v in tl1r r:iil­ ro11<1 st11tio11 with hii: father. Hr worked m• trlegn1ph operntor 1111d station 111rcnt for somr tiuw, l'or th1• Fnion Pnl'ifi.,, at various uoints nncl was joint onerntor 11t Xort'olk. Xebrm•kn, for the Union Pacific, C. & N. W. anrl C St Pnnl JI(. & O. ,,·ns in ehnrl?c of l<'lri:-rnnl1 >1!'rvie<' nnrl trains for thr f'. & ~qy rnilwnv nt Bonr~t<"rl. R D., dnrini;:- tht• oricning- of tll<' Rost•hnd Trnlinn Rrsen·ution for ~l'ttll'm<"nt by wl,it!' people.

    After 1<'11\'ing- th<' rnilrond hr wns t•ni:-iu?ed as cashier and bookkeeper for the Robinson Seed Co .• at Waterloo. Nebr. (The lal"l!est wholesale i:-rowcrs in the world.)

    In 1908 he went to Omnlu1 to engnire in the nntomobilc busi­ nrss. He has hcrn intert'Sterl in nmnt<"11r nhotoi:-rnnhv sim•c 10 years old. It was about this time that dry platt'S were inventrd nnd obtainable. He ori:-anizecl th<" Omaha Camera Ch1b anrl was president of the on::-anization for three vears. At thi:s time he was en!!"ll!?ed in research work ou motion pictnr<'S in a<'tual 1.'olor.- anrl rstabli.~hed a Jaboraton· in the Esscnav film i:tmlios in Chil'a.,.-.O. During this work it became necessary to· go to Northampton. Mass., 158 SThDfONS GENEALOGY

    in srnrl'h of 11pel'inl 11mtrri11Js nnd work luul to hr s,•sprnrie

    While in Northampton, l\fr. Simmons hncl the opportunitv of i:-rentlv extendini: the senreh for records for this book nnil fe .. ls rl<'<'Plv 1.,'TILteful to the Forbl'S Publil' Libmry, where there exists, 11robably. the most e:-..1:ensive i:enelo1.,-icnl n111l \'itnl rc1•ore1 filrs to be found anywhere and the entire library wns at his commnnil.

    Mr. Simmons was in New York Citv for a number of vcnrs nnd was pronrietor of a Specinlty Printimr business for the T<'x­ tile trade. After disposing- of tl1is businesl! he wns emploved for n time doing- snrvev work for a Belgian Photog-rnphic l[uterinls Company. In 1927' l!r. Simmons came to Chicn,:o ancl wns em­ nloyed as Field engineer. in the radio manufacturing- trade and later as sales manager for one of the llll'l?c radio mnterial com­ panies. Thii: company is manufacturin,: an invention of his nt tl1e present time.

    Mr. Simmons' earlv education has qualified him in mnnv tech­ nical and mechanical lines.

    MAUD ANNIS SI1\Il\!ONS (9) Lorenzo A .. 8, Henry 7. Lor­ enzo 6, ,Tohn 5, ,Toh 4. ,Toh 3. Moses 2. Mos<'s 1. b. nt Snltillo, Nebr.• Anril ·5. 1882; m. June 30. 1902 at R.nYmoncl. Nebr.• to Jrunes Allen Murphv. who wa11 born Sept. 2.3. 1879 nt Ravmond • •iebraskn. ·


    Murie Alice Murph~·. b. Sept. 20. 1904 at Fort l\forenn, Colorado.

    liaud Annis Simmons was born at Saltillo. Nebraska. and when two vears old. her narents moved to Cortland. Nebr.. where :;,he :;rrew to ;\"onn!l' womanhood. She was educated in the vublir s<"l1ool of Cortland.

    In 1902 i

    P~c 158 A. 8l'<' pa,:c 157.

    JAMES ALLEN MURPlJY MAUD ANNIS SIMMONS (8) Born Sey,t. 23. 18i9 at Ray­ Born AJ>1·il 5. 18S2. ut 1-al­ mond. N ebrnskn. tillo, Xebrnskn. They were married ut Ruymond, Xebrasku on ,Tutll' :JO. 1!)02, by the Rev.• r. G. Stunnnr

    EVERETT O. AND NELLIE AGNES CARVER.AND CHILDREN From left to rhtl1t, Kathr;n1 Alma ,Carver, En•rett Gilbert Can·rr, Nellie Ag11l'S Carnr, Kl'nnl'lh Albl'rt Canl'r.

    GUY AMOS SIMMONS BEATRICE IDELL Boni Au,:. :?l, 1886 at Cort- ANTHONY land, Nehr1Lh. 2:1, 189:? 11t ".ilh1•r. N1•hmsk11. They were marri<••l at \Yiltx•r, ~l'hruskn Dl'1•1•111lll'r :?5. 1911. They now reside nt 35.15 "'est 6th ,\\·c•., Dc•un•r, Coloru.do.

    Puge 158 V. S<'C pnge 159.


    Tn l!llFI thrv 'Nolrl thrir hornr• in Liru•nln. nrul movc•rl to Loni.I' Brnrh, Cnlit'., whrrr Mr, 1\f111TJhr 1111H rnnti11tll'rl nt hiH trn,J.•.

    Thl'V own th1•ir ho1111• nt 342/i l•~nHt 10th Str1•f't., Loni: B1mrh, 111111 thev hnvr 1111 or11.11i:r i:rov1• nt Jo'ont111111, 11ho11t 11 t't~• mill'H eRHt ol' Loni;: Baach.

    'NF.LUE AONES SDll\fONS (0) T..orm11.o A., R, Hrnrv 7, Lor- 1•111.0 fl, ,John I>, ,Toh 4, ,Job 3, MoHrl4 :?, MoHrH 1. h. l\f11\· 10, lRR-1-, nt. Co11:11111d, N<'hr; 111, ,Turll' 14. 100;;, 11t R.11.v11101ul. Nrbr., to Evrl'• I'll Oillwrt C:11rvrr, horn Nov. 7, 1883 11t Rnnnond, Nehr.. HOii of llufu11 1uul Cnnil' Carver, ·


    :Krnnl'th Alh1'11: Cnr,·1•r, h. Frb. 13. 1008 nt Rn~·monrl. N'1•b. Knth~·n Alma Ca1'\'l'I', b. Ort. 2. 1914 in Linroln, ~rhr.

    N°l'llir Al!'nl'H Si11u1101111 wa!< horn in Co11:111n1l. NrbraHko on lfnv 10. 18R4. anrl wa11 l'rluratl'll in thr nnhlir Hrlrools of Cortlan,1. lrrr narrntM 1110,ini:- to Ravmonrl Nrhraska, in the Vl'Rr of 1900. On .Tune 14. 1905, 11hl' 11111rrirrl En•rett G. Curvrr. wl10 wn• horn nnrl raiHerl at Ravrnoml. :\Ir. 1:n!"\·rr nt thr timl' of thl'ir mnrriar:


    Marimrrt Antl1ony Simmons. b. De<'. 2. 1912 nt Linl'oln. Nebr. Norve Alfred Simmons, b. May 4, 1916 at Ravmond. Nebr.

    Guv A. Simmons wns edu<'atrd in thr public sehools ot' Cort• lasd, Princeton and Raymond.

    On the 13th dav of Sept. 190Fi "" cnlistrd in the tT. S. NaTT at Denver, Colo., for four yl'nrs, and was assi~ed to the U. S. S. 160 SIMMONH (lF.NF.,\ r.oov

    Ol.,·rn11hln t.hrn ln)·ini: ut :\!01111• C:ri11, IJ,, ,wr,·r,I nn Util4 Mhip f'nr uhont :?0 111011tJ1,., 111111 wn,1 I 1'11P1M1'1•rr1•d I·• the U. S, S, Denver for II P

    While servinl!' in the Navy, he vi11itrd n 1.,'Tent rnnn\' f'or1°i!!n llOrtH, inclmlinlt' En,rlnnd, FrnncC', Spnin, AimrrH, Ilnt.ii, .ln111111•in, Nova Scotia, S. Amrricn and mnnv nther11: he croMHC'll the Atlnn· tic OCC'nn six times durinir his rnli11tment. He wns 1lhmhnl".r<'rl on the 12th dnv of SeJJt. 1909 os on oiler nt Norfolk, Vn .. nn,1 rC'l111'11• C"d home to Nebroskn.

    After n Mhort rl'st ot homc, hC' went. to work for the Union Pneific R. R. ns locomotive flrrmnn, whirh hr fnllowccl for 10 months, then went to the C. B. & 0. R. R. 1111 fircmnn on thr Lincoln district, which pO!lition hC' held for MC'Vernl VC'Ol'l-1.

    HC" movC'd to Dem·C"r. Colorndo in 1922. nnd 11ince thC'n. hns been employed by the Colorado SouthC"m rnilrond.

    He owns his homr at 3515 WC"!lt 6th Ave., where he Jivr11 with his wife and two children.

    CLAUDE ALFRED Sll\I:\IONS(9l Lorenzo A. 8, Hrur" i. Loren?.o 6, John 5, ,Toh ,Tr. 4. ,Toh 3. l\fo11rs 2, ;\[osr11 1. h. Dre. 22, 1888 nt Cortland, Nrhr.; m. nt T,ineoln. Nl'hr.• on Ort. 24. l!Jl~ to Ethyl Penrl Zook, who was born Aui:. 8. 1893 nt Diller. Nd,r: she wns the dau,:hter of ,Jacob and Elin Zook.


    Maxine Alberta Simmon..... , b. Nov. 23. l!)J:; at Li1woln, Nebr. Loren7.o Albl'rt Sinunons. h. .lnn. 24. 1915 ar Linr•oln. Nebr. Rrnna Arline Si11111101111, b. Feb. Z.?. l!)li ut (7,ir11:,:o. Ill. Bctt~· AmL Simmous, h. ~Iuy 6, l!JZ2 in Chc~·••tin,• <..:0111111·, Colorado. •Ph;vllis A111ln· ~immons, b. Anir. 2. 1924 at Or•tiwr. Colo. Warren Alfrrd Si111111011s, b. .Tau. 20, 1926, Dcn\'l•r: d. Jan. 20, 1926. CLAUDE ALFRED SIMMONS ETHYL PEARL ZOOK Born Dec. 22. 1888 at Cort- Born At1!!'. 8. 1893 at Dilln. laud, Nebraska. Nehr38kn. l\Inrried at Lincoln. Nebr., ou Oct. 24, 1912. Now reside at 6li West i3rd St., Chicago, Illinois.

    Page 160 A. See page 160.

    L. A. SIMMONS AND GRAND CHILDREN L. A. Simmons and six ,:miml children. son,- and ,Jnu=:hters or Clnude A. und Ethyl (Zook) Simmons. Left to ·right, l\Iaxine, Albertn. Renna Arlenc, Claude Alfrc••l Jr., Lorenzo Albert Jr. Bottom row, Phyli!IS Audrv. Beth- Ann. Pu,.,"C 160 B. Sec page 160.

    WENDELL ALBERT SIMMONS Son of Lloyd Albert and Lelah Aubrey (Pethond) Simmon,. Born ~- 2, 1913 at Lincoln, Nebraska.

    Pn::c 160 C. &>e page 161.

    LLOYD ALBERT SIMMONS CARMEN MADELLINE Born Ant:". 30, 1891 at Cort­ COMPTON land, Nebraska. Boni ,Tnn. 18. 1901 at Viola, WL-;consin. They were married Jul.v 8, 1920 at Sioux Cit_v, and now reside at 3325 Turner Blvd., Omaha, Nebraska. P11A"e 160 D. Sec pa,rc 161.


    Claudo Alfrod Simmon11, Jr.. b. Jan. 20, 1928 at Cl1ioago, Ill. Babctto Aileen Simmon11, h. Aug. 2, 1929 at Chioaao, DL Clmtdo Alfrod SimmonM wns born nt Cortland, Nobr., on Doc, 22, 1888. Ho was educated in tho public 11chool11 of Cortland, Prinooton and Raymond,

    Ho loamed telell'!'l1ph:v in tho depot of tho Union Pacific rail• rond with his father, h'e could do o. good ioh of operntlnll' at tho llll'C of 12 velll'!!, nnd wns o.n extra operator for tho U. P, At the asrc of sixteen he wns operator for this comr,nnv nt several of their stationA and towers until about 1908 when he wen,: to work in Lincoln for the Nebraska telephone eomr1any, and ho.s been in tho tolephono servico since except d11rinll' the world war whon be enlisted in the air service ns signal operator.

    After his dischRl'ltC in 1919, he returned to ChiCD.ll'O to re­ S11me his duties there ns test board operator for the Amerie11n Tel~ph o.nd Telephone Company, and still in this position, o.s assisto.nt wire chief.

    LLOYD ALBERT SIMMONS (9) Lorenzo A. 8, Erenrv 7. Lor­ enzo 6, John 5, Job, Jr. 4, Job 3. Moses 2. Moses L b. Anl!' 30, 1891, at Cortland. Nebr.; m. at Lincoln, Nebr., Sept. ll, 1912 to Lelah Aubrey Pethoud, b. Sep. 25, 1893.

    Children Wentl,.ll Albert Simmons, b. Dec. 2, 1913 at Lincoln, Nebr. ,Married second July 8, 1920 at Sioux City, rowa. to Carmen Madeline Compton. b. · Jan. lf:I, 1901 at Viola, Wis., daUR'hter of L. G. and Nancy Maria Compton. Children of Lloyd and Carmen Lloyd Albert Simmons, Jr., b. Mav 26, 1928 at Omaha. Nebraska. Lloyd A. Simmons wns born at Cortland, Nebr., Aull', 30, 1891 and wns educated in the public schools of Cortlo.nd, Princeton and Raymond. · He learned tele~phv in the depot telegraph offices with bis fatl1er, who wac; nn ai:ent and operator for the Union Pacific at different places on that line for several years. Llovd could send and receive messnces nt the 111:c of 12 vears. He was relief OP­ erator for the Union Pacific at different i;tations on that line. and in 1911 he went to the Western Union Telegraph Company as op­ erator. :i.6-i SIMMONS GENEALOGY

    He wns employed ns manager of the W cstern Union at Beat• rice, and Gi:_and Island. Nebr.; and .Alamosa. Colo .• beini:- trans­ ferred to ·the district offices at Omaha, Nebr.. in March 1925. where he wns .em;,loyed as District Commercial Manai:er :mil Dis­ trict_ Commercial Agent for the states of Iowa nnd Nebraska until ..May 1929. when he was transferred to the general ~er~s staff as Division Commercinl Manager in charge of development and service at railroad offices in the W cstcrn Union Central Dhisios. which. comprises the followi~ states. Minnesota. North and South Dakota. Nehraskn, Iowa. Knnsn.~ and lfissouri with headquarkr!< nt Omaha. He resides at 3325 Turner Blvd .• Omaha. Nebr.

    LEOLA ARIBL Sn.DIONS (9) Lorenzo .A. 8, Henry 7. Lor· eszo 6, John 5, Job 4. Job 3. Moses 2, Moses 1. b. at Cortland.

    Nebraska. Mnv0 4, 1894; daughter of L. A. and Mari:-aret (Porter) Simmons: m. 1914 at Lincoln Nebr., to Harry P. Pierce. who wn~ born ,Tnly 28. 1893 at New Ca.-.tle, Wyomi~.

    Children Vll'Jcinm Annetta. b. Jan. 13. 1915 at Lincoln. Nebr. , Lawrie Arnold, b. Nov. 24, 1916 at Lincoln. Nebr. Leola Ariel Simmons was bom at Cortland. Nebr-..ska and moved with her parents to Princeton in 1898. where she bCj?!Lll her schooline On June 15. 1900. she moved with her parents to Rn.y­ mond, Nebr.• where she completed her ;:rade· and hi,:h school edu­ cation. She was very prominent in hi~h school sports and activi­ ties. in 1913 she came to Lincoln to accent a position as office secretarv to the Spirrella Corset Co. In -1914 she was married to Harry P. Pierce. son of lir. and )!rs. Fred Pierce. of Linrolri. Nebraska. In :i.923: thcv. moved to Omaha, Nebr.. where thev -re­ sided. until-l92t:. In Nobember 1926. thev moved to Lorn?" Beach . . California. where thev bought their h·ome ·at 1421 West ~th.

    '.M:r. Pierce is a mfa:cr and bottler of soda water. and was em• oloyed for several years in Lincoln, then in David City. Nebr.. and then· was em-ploved -for -four years in Omaha. when the family moved to Long Beach. Calif., where he hns since been emplovcd nt Long ~l!llCh and Los ~Jes, .

    MABEL .A..."\IANDA. . SIMMONS (9) Lorenzo .A.. 8. Henrv i. Lorenzo 6... John 5, Job Jr. 4. Job 3, Moses-2. Moses L b. Mav 11. 1901 at Raymond. Nebr.; m. :\fay 8, 1923, in the Colll?I'ei:-ationnl Emannel Church, 2011 G. St. Lincoln. Nebraskn bv the Rev.. J, G. Stanard, to Reuben C. Anderson; b. Jan. 18. 1900 at _A.~ell. Nebr.. son .of Alvah. and Augnsta Anderson. Mabel Amanda Simmons wns born at Raymond. ·Nebraska and attended the Raymond public schools. She moveq with her -par• :e:.A.RB.Y PETER PIER.CE LEOLA ARIEL SIMMONS Born July 28. 1893 at New Bom :\Ia~- 4. 1894: at Curt­ Castle. '\Yyomin,:. land. Nebraska. They were mamed in 191-! at Lincoln. Xcbrasku.

    Pa,:e 162 A. Sec pave 162.

    ltEUBEN CAE.L ANDERSON MABEL A.Mil.'l>A SIMMONS Born Jan. 18. 1900 1tt Ax• Born lfa~· 11. 1901 at Ra~·- tcll, Xcbn15k11. mond. Xcbraska. '.I.'hc_v were manied lfo:r S, 1923 at the Emanuel Con!..'TCl,!a· tioual Church. 2011 G. Street, Lincoln, Xcbra;;ka. by the Rev. J. G. Stannard. Pa~ 162 B. Sec p~c 162.


    ents in 1915 to Lincoln. Nebraska, where she finished her educa­ tion in the Lincoln high school :md the Nebraska Business Collel,?e. In :Fcbrunry 1919 she was employed as secrctnry to the County .Ai,icultural .Agcut until Janunry 1920· when she went to Black Hawk. Colorado, ·wl1erc s11e taught summer school In December 1920 she returned to Lineoln where sl1e ngajn restllDed her duties us assistant to the County .A2rleu1tural .Agent. She took an eight month's vacation dnrin,z- which time she was married to Reuben C. Anderson on May 8, 1923. She continued in this l)osition until Jnnuarv 1. J92i, when she was appointed truant officer ann depu­ to to the Cotuitv Superintendent of Lancaster Countv. She alld her husband resi

    Reuben Carl And~n was born at Axtell. ·Nebraska.. a11d Cllllle to Lincoln with his rnrents st tJ,e PS?e of one ,oar. He erew to manhood and was ed.,enten in Lincoln. Nebnsi'nblic and :hl1!'h schools after _.which lie com­ pleted a course in the Linroln Brsinrss fc,lJer;e. In 1921 he was emDlovPd as salesman for the J. & J? Motor Smmlv. an-1 in Jnnuarv ]924 he was aDoointed manll"'Cr·of the Linl'nln branrh of this comDanY and has &nr.e retained this nosition. . He is a mem• bcr of the .A. F. & .A. K Liberty Lodge No. 300 at Lincoln.

    '.l'he Lincoln Daily Star, May 9, 1923. ATTRACTIVE WEDDING FOR mss SIMMONS '.l'he Emmanuel Colll?l'el!'lltional clmrch was the scene last eveniIII? of an attrnctive snring wedding when M;s~ Mabel Sim­ mons, da"l?hter of Mr. nnd l\frs. L. A. Simmons. 2265 Vine Street. became the bride of R. C. Anderson. Over 200 1?11ests were pres­ ent for the ccremonv whi<'h wiis perfonned at 8 o'clock bv Rev. J G. Stanru-d. of Universitv PL-lee. The chancel of the church was ban1'ed ~th -,,.,lms and pink roses in silver vases and en- closed with white ribbons. ·

    Precedinl?' the entmnce of the bridal 'Part:v. :Miss Ruth Play­ ton saw? "I Love Yon Trul:v." The· Lohengrin wedding march was played bv :Mrs. Esther Bert? of· Havelock. '.l'he P.TOOm. the best · man. Rolland Simmons, brother of the bride. and the minister annroached the altar from the &idc while the llshers. Miss Dorothy Simmons and Kenneth Carver. came down the msle and. unfastened the ribbons which separated the chancel from the m

    The bti.de wore a. ,:own of white satin and Spanish lace trim.­ med in silver ribbons. Her '\"Cil of tulle was held in 1>laee with a 164 SIMMONS GENEALOGY wreath of ornn~ olossoms and she carried a shower boauct of bride's roses centered with pink roses. Frocks of white Ori:?llndic were worn by Miss Robertson and l\Iiss Torrcn. and carried bo­ quets of pink roses. l\Iiss Simmons lind a frock of Pink Ol'l?llndie nnd wore 11. co~ of pink sweetpen.s.

    A. reception followed in the church parlors which also were decorated in -pink and white. Refreshments were served bv !£:ts. E. G. Carver. l\h-s, Leola Pierce. :Mrs., Ernest - Pierce. l\ri~~ Esther Plavton and ?,frs. l\fari:nret Prcditt. :Mrs. Marv Strom presided over the wedding en.kc which was distributed by little _Kathryn Carver of Osmond. Mrs. Pnul Torrcn was in chanrc of tho -~est book.

    Mr. and 1\lrs. A.nderson left todn.y for a motor trip to Colora• do. They will be at home after .June 1 in Lincoln. 1\Ir. A.nderson is conn"Ci:ed with the :r.- & R. l\fottor Suppl; companv of Lincoln.

    ROLLAND ALLEN SIMMONS (9) Lorenzu .A_ 8. Henrv 7. Lorenzo 6, John 5, Job 4. Job 3. Moses 2. Moses L b. 11t Ra.v­ mosd. Nebr~ Sept. 20. 1903: m. March 14, 1924. at Council Bluffs. Iowa, to Clara. Thelma Hendrix who was born "March L 1907 at Swanton. Nebraska.


    Rolland A.lien Jr~ b. Dee. 26, 1924 at Lincoln. Nebr. Robert A.lvin. b. A.ug. 27, 1926 at Lincoln. Nebr. Richard Ashworth. b. A.ug. 13, 1927 at Garden Cltv. Kns. Rolfe A.rden, b. Nov. 10. 1928 at Lincols, Nebr.

    Rolland A.lien Simmons was born at Raymond. Nebraska. on Sept. 20. 1903, and there attended the public schools. He moved to Lincoln with his parents in 1915, where he continued his edu­ cation at the Lincoln Hi!:h School

    In 1924 he was cmploved as department llllllll1A'cr for the Gxand Leader Department store. On March 14 of that year he was married at Council Bluffs. Iowa., to Clara Thelma Hendrix. dallll:hter of Mr. 11.nd ?.us. Bertimer R. Hendri."t. He served as de­ partment mnna,..,ner with this store until November 25, 1927, when he was employed as assistant to the mana...­ ply Co. He has held this position up to the present time and has received notice that he will become m~r of one of the stores CLARE THELMA HENDRIX ROLLAND ALLEN SIMMONS Born l\fnrch 1, l9l1i at Born Sept. 20. 1903 at Rav• Swanton, Nebraska. mond, Nebraska. They were married March 1-1, 1924 at Council Bluffs. Iowa. Page 164 .A. Sec page 164.

    CRILDREN OF ROLLAND .ALLEN AND CLARA THELMA (HENDR.IX) SIMMONS Left to rii::'ht. Rolfe .Arden, born No~·. 10. 192S: Richard .A.,;h­ wortli. born Au;:. 13. 192i; Robert Alvin. born Au::-. 2i. 1926: Hol­ lnntl Allen .Jr. born Dec. 26, 1924.

    Page 164 B. 8ee p~e 164.

    SIMMONS GENEALOGY 166 in th.is organization in the near future. He, his wife, and their four sons llrC now residing nt 204 Lafayette Apartments. in Lin• coin. Nebraska.

    WILLLU\f HE:t-.'RY SU.L\IONS (9) John David 8, Henr:v 7, Lorenzo 6, John 5. Job 4, Job 3, lioses 2, lfoses 1. b. l:!ept, 21, 1868, nt Saltillo, Nebr. Never mnrried.

    In 1898 William enlisted in the first Nebrnska reitiment. Com· puny M, and went to the Philipines, and served two years there, being in some of the hardest skirmishes in the islands. At the end of his enlistment, he returned to his home here in Nebraska, and is spending his declining year.-- nt his home in Roca. Nebr.

    l!ILDRED OLYVE BRACK&, (9) Jrunes Matt a.nd Mary Anu (Simmons) Bracken S, Henry 7, Loreru:o 6, John 5, Job 4, Job 3, Moses 2, Moses 1. b. Jane 7, 1879; .,_____ ; m. in Lincoln. Nebr., July 24. 1898 to William Ray Johnston.


    Harold Francis .Johnston, b. Dec. 16. 1899.

    l!ARY CATHERL'l"E SL\D!ONS (9) John 8, Henry 7, Loren• .zo 6, John 5, Job 4, Job 3, Moses 2, Moses L b. Feb. 16, 1866, at Saltillo, Nebr.; ..______; m. June 5, 1888 at Nelisth. Nebr., to David E. Eisele, son of Williain · Frederick Eisele, who was bom May 10, 1861, at Pittsburgh, Pa. Children

    Da,-id William, b. May 5, 1889; killed is France (World War) Oct. 16, 1918. Ethel Belle Eisele, I>. Dec. 19. 189L Samuel Howe Eisele, b. Odt. 10, 1892. John Frederick Eisele, b. Jan. 27, 1894. Harrison Edward Eisele, b. Dee. 2. 1896. Lynn Levi Eisele, b. July 24, 1899. Mary Caroline Eisele, b. Jan. 17, 1903. Blanche Adelia Edith Eisele, b. ,June 19. 1905.

    EMILY ROSETTE SL\IMONS (9) John 8. Henry 7. Loren­ zo 6, John 5, Job 4. Job 3. )Ioses 2, Moses L b. Jan. 22. 1870, at Saltillo, Nebr•• ...._ __,--; m. at Cortland, Nebr., Feb- 1895, to J. Slyvestcr Bonebright, of Cortland, ~ebr.• who was bom Dec. ll, 1874. 166 .. SIMMONS GENEALOGY

    This family now lives ut 3527 Garfield St., Lincoln. Nebr. }lr. Bonebrl!tht is en~d in the contracting and buildinrr businCSil.


    Kemyss Lafal Bonebright, b. June 14. 1895. Berneice Nevada Bonebright, b . .Aug. 29, 1896. \Eunice Odell Bonebright, b. Oct. 3. 1897. · Zola .A.ngethe Bonebright, b. Nov. 6, 1898. Beral B!oyce Bonebriidit, b. Aug. 7, 1900. Zanoah .A.dnn Bonebright, b. Mar. 28, 1903: d. Mav 29, 1917. Lloyd Julian Bonebrigjit, b. Jan. 22, 1905: d. April 16 1922

    J. S. Bonebright came to N ebrnska with his parents when a.bout ten yea.rs old; they settled in Cortland in 1884. and he irrcw to manhood there. lie was educated in the public schools of Cortland and worked on his father's dray until he became of lll?C. l:ie married Emily Rosette Simmons at. (.;ortland, Feb. 1895. After his marriage, he learned the carpenter trade, and has followed contracting and . carpentering . since that time, buildinrr several good buildings in Cortland and Hallmn..

    He moved to Lincoln several years ago, and has continued his contracting and bmlding here. he owns his own home at 352i Garfield Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.

    CHARLES ALBERT SnDIONS (9) John 8. Henry 7. Loren• zo 6, John 5, Job 4, Job 3, Mosrs 2, lfoscs L b. Oct. 30. 1872 a: Saltiollo. Nebr.; .._____ ; m. in. Missouri June 29. 1898 to Samantha Hilton, who was born Oct. 30, 1877.

    Children Ray Edward, b. June 3, 1899. Dorothy Ruth, b. Aug. 18, 1908.

    Charles A. Simmons was left an orphan at an early age. and made his home with his grandparents until he was almost four· teen years of age, when he went into the Post Office at Cortbnrinting business for himself. foundisg the printini:- company now known as the Woodrnff Printing Co. This he ran for sev­ eral yeaxs · when he sold to the present owners and founded the SThOIONS GENEALOGY. lCS7_ firm of Simmons &; Son, printers nt 11th nnd Q Sts.. Lincoln. which he rnn for n few wnrs, then sol

    CATHERINE .AUGUST.A SilDIONS (9) .Amos 8, Henry 7, Lorenzo G, John i>, .Tob 4, .lob ::J, )fosl'S 2, Moses L b. July 9, 1Si2 nt. Saltillo. N"ehr.: nr,·er married; Jiving- at 1137 Huff St., Lincoln, Nebr•

    .:U\IY LOUISE SDlliONS (9) .Amos S, Henry i, Lorenzo 6, John 5, Job 4. Job 3, Mo,;es 2, Moses L b. July 3, 1878 at Salt­ illo, Nebr.; never married: !iYing nt 1137 Huff St., Lincoln, N~br.

    HATTIE RACHEL SL'L\IONS (0) ~os S, Henry 7, Loren­ zo 6, John 5, Job 4. Job 3, )foses-2, Moses L b. Nov. Zl, -1870,: at Saltillo, Nebr.; m. in Lincoln, Nebr., Nov. 1.5. 1893, to· Philit>­ Eddy, who was born Nov. 20, 1868.

    He died July 5, 1920 and she died Oct. 18, 1930, botli at Lin­ roln, Nebr.• nnd bnried in W"yuka.

    Children Gladys Eh:ioru Eddy, b. Sept. 13, 189i, Helen Phyllis Eddy, b. July 29, 1902. Paul Amos Eddy. b. Nov. 3, 1904. · Phillip John Eddy. b. Oct. 19. 1912.

    HE1'i"RY LEVI SIM:l!ONS (9) Amos S, Henry- 7, Lorenzo. 6, .John 5, Job 4, ,Tob 3, Moses 2. :lfoses L b. Feb. 19, 1874; at Salt­ Illo, Nebr.; d. May 25. 192i: m. in Lincoln. Nebr.. June 9 1898 ,Tessie Hu1?hes. No chilm-en. • •

    liARY 2\lOLESTA SBDIONS (!J) Amos S, Henn· i Lorenzo 6, John 5•. Job 4. .Tob 3, :Moses 2, l!ohes 1. b. Ma:v 3: 1876 at Saltillo, Nebr.; d ..... ; m. in Lincoln, Nebr., Ana-. G, 1901. to John Alexander Schnll, who wns born Jnn. 12, 1575. This family is now Ifrin!!' nt )foson City, Nebr.


    James Orville Schall, b. June 9, 1902. :Ruth Lucille Schall. b. Sept. 15, 1904. lvnn Elmo Schall. b. Sept. 20. 1906. : !.Qrene Esther Schall, b. June 17, 1910. 168 SIMMONS GENEALOGY

    JAMES WARREN SIMMONS (9) Amos 8, Henry 7. Lorcn.ao 6, John 5, Job 4, Job 3, l\Ioses 2, lfoses 1. b. Aue:. 2ts. 1880 at Saltillo, Nebr.; .._____ ; m. Nov. 1, 1905 at Lincoln. Nebr.• to Julia T. Seeley, who was born May 9, 1883.


    (Kenneth Albert. b. Oct. 15, 1906. Clayton Waxren, b. Aug. 5, 1909. !Max Amos, b. Dec. 18, 1913. Robert Owen. b. March 25, 1923. James Warren ~:..nmons was born at Saltillo, Nebraska. on August 26, 1880. His parents moved to Lincoln in 1888. when he was eight years of age, and Lincoln has been his home ever !lincc.

    ale attended grade and high school until 1896. Worked at blacksmithing and hol'Seshoeing in 189i-1898, for the Pacific Ex· TJress company in 1899 to 1904 and for the U. S. Postal depart­ ment from 1904 to the present time (1930). He is a member of the East Lincoln Christian Church, ha.vine: affiliated with that church in.1898. He has been a member of the Modern Woodman of America since 1898. He has been a member of the drill team for thirty-two j'ears, has been captain of the team since 1906, and has attended Head Camps at St. Paul, Minn., St. Louis. Mo.. Pe­ oria, Ill. Milwa.ulkee, Wis., Indianapolis, Ind., Buffalo, N. Y.• To­ le

    'Mr. Simmons was a delegate to the Head Camp at ChiClll?O in 1929 from Nebraska.

    . He is at present the banker of the National Association of letter carriel'S of which he has been a member 'lincc 1904. He is a member of the Royal Hii:hlanders, and a member of ~ast Lincoln ~ No. 210, A. F. & A. :M.. and was master of that lodee in 1922. at which time the lode;e built the present temple. at a cost of $78,000. He is n member of Eastern Star. and member of the Royal Arch JChapter of Masons, and at present, is one of the principal officers. ·

    He affiliates with the republican party. and supports the 18th amendment. Served in the Nebraska National Guards from 1898 to l90L

    Enlisted for the Phillipine war and was rejected as beine: too yoimg, and was captain in the Home Guards dlll"in2: the World War.

    HARRY CLAY SIMMONS (9) Amos 8, Hl!nrv 7. Lorenzo 6, John 5, Job Jr. 4. Job 3, Moses 2, Moses 1. b. ltav l. lti83. at Saltillo, Nebr.; m. Oct. 31, 1906, at Lincoln. Nebr. to Low-. l\Iatil- SllWONS GENEALOGY 169

    da Thomas, who was born Sept. 7, 1886 at Lincoln. Nebr., dalll!:h­ tcr of John P. and Mary (Kapke) Thomas.

    Children Glen linrry Simmons. b. Sept. 2, 1908 at Lincoln. Nebr. Thomas Amos Simmons, b. July 2 1910. at Fairbury, Nebr. Marjorie Alice Simmons.. b. July 14. 1914 at Lincoln. Neb•

    .Harry Clay Simmons was born May 1, 1883 at Saltillo. Nebr•• his parents moving to Lincoln when he was about five years of age. He ,::rew to Manhood and was educated in the Lincoln 1>11b­ lic schools.

    In 1898 he went to work for the Nebraska Planini? Mill Co., and learned the wood workers trade, he remained with the firm for five years, then went with the· O. G. Collier pJanini? mills at Fairbury, Nebr., where he remained for three vears, then re­ turned to Lincoln and went into the employ of the Folsom Bakinl? Company, where he remained for eight years. He then went to work for the Enterprise Planing Mills, and remained with them for two vcnrs, when he went to Curtis Towle & Paine Coml)anY until 1928, the last eight years he was foreman of the door de• partment. He now resides in his own home at 6420 Walker Ave.. Lincoln. Nebraska.

    JOHN HENRY ;wJLTERDINK (9) William and Caroline (Simmons) Wilterdink 8, Henry 7, Lorenzo 6, John 5. Job 4. Job 3, Moses 2, Moses 1. b. April IS, 1876, at Saltillo, Nebr.: m. at Saltillo, Nebr., Aug. 29, 1900 to Clara Eleanor Gray, who was born Sept. 15, 1378.

    Children Charles Irwin Wilterdink, b. Aug. 10, 1904. :Cli.tiord Gray Wilterdink, b. Aug. 12, 1909.

    MARY CATHERL'TE Wll,TERDINK (9) William and Caro­ line (Simmons) Wilterdink 8, Henry 7, Lorenzo 6. John !), Job 4, Job 3, Moses 2, Moses 1. b. Jan. 13, 1878, at Princeton. Nebr.; m. Jan. 3, 1906, by Rev. Carroll, to Edgar Alonzo Bell. who was born October 10, 1869. Children Bertha May Bell, b. Nov. IO, 1907. Clarence Edgar Bell. b. May 20, 1912.

    EDNA RACHEL WILTERDTh'X (9) William and Caroline (Simmons) Wilterdink 8, Henry 7, Lorenzo 6, John 5. Job 4. Job 170· SB-11\IONS GENEALOGY

    3, Moses 2, Moses 1. b. April 2, 18i9 at Saltillo. Nebr.: m. Jan. 3, 1906 by Rev. Carroll, to Chari('!! Eliott Burnett, who was bori, Mny 15, 1877. Children

    Charles Howard Burnett, b. July 31, 1909. Glenn William Burnett, b. Feb. 22, 1911.

    /WALTER WARREN WILTERDrnK (9) William nnd Caro­ line (Simmous) Wilterdink 8, Henry 7, Lorenzo 6, John 5. Job 4. ,Toh 3, Moses 2, Moses L b. ,July 12, 1884; m. Jun 7. 1911. at Omnbn. Nebr., to ::\Iyrtle Edith Pinney, b. at Brainard. Nebr.•. J:u1. 17, 1889, daughter of Albert and Rachel Pinne)·.


    Dale Emery Wilterdink, h. Aug. 9. 1914 at Saltillo. Nebr.

    ER~"EST GARRETT· "\YILTERDINK (9) William ..nd Caro­ line (Simmons) Wilterdink 8, Henry 7,- Lorenzo 6, John 5. Job ·!. Job 3, Moses 2, .Moses L b. Nov. 16, 1880 at Saltillo, Nebr; m. Dec. 12. 1909 to Viola· Bell Lidolph, ·b. Sept. 12. 1888 at Knnsns City, Kan., daughter of Harry nnd Camilla (Arnold) Lidolvh.


    Clayton Ernest Wilterdink. h. Sept. 13, 1914. at Saltillo . . Nebr.... Minn.• Caroline Wilterdink, h •. Dec. 15. 1917. at Saltillo. Nebr.

    A~""}.'IS VIOLA "\VILTERDIXK (9) William nnd Carolin,• (Simmons) Wilterdink 8, Henry 7, Lorenzo 6, John5,Job4.Job3, Moses 2, Moses L b. Nov. 27, 1882, at Saltillo. Nebr; m. Sc1>t. 14. 1905. bv Rev. Carroll to .Tames Cyrus Cherrv. b. Avril 17. 1S71.


    01$ C. Cf1erry, b." April ·20. ·1!iot . J.ames Richard Cherry,_ b.-_JnnJ 20. l!J0H: d. ~for. 19. 1!)11!1. -.Jnli~t lr¢ii·e·Chcm·.:b.-.\pril 3, i913. · ·· Neil Emerson Cherry. b. April 3. 191a . .James Robert Cherry, b.. Tune 12, 1916 at Dilli;r, Nebr. Donald Wilterdink Cherry. b. April 30, 1925 at Ad:1111,. Nebr. SIMMONS GENE.. V~OGY 171

    LEVI ALBERT WILTERDINK (9) Wm. and Caroline (Sim• 111ons) Wilterdink 8, Henry 7, Lorenzo 6, John 5, Job 4. Job 3, )loses 2, Moses 1. b. April 28, 1886 at Saltillo. Nebr.; m. Aut?. 25, l!ll5 to Kate Teal Colter, b. Nov. 28, 1890 at Bryant, Colo., daut?h• tcr of Christian G. and Nancy Beel (Bryant) Colter.

    Children Paul Ivan Wilterdink, h . .Aug. 9, 1919, at Grafton. N. D. Fem Delores Wilterdink, b. ,July 25, 1920, Hamliton, N. D. Lester Goiter Wilterdink, b. .Aug. 4, 1923, Lincoin, Nebr. Luura. .A.nu Wiltcr

    RUTH CHRISTEN.A. N. WILTERDI:t."K (9) William and Cnrolinc (Simmons) Wilterdink 8, Henry 7, Lorenzo 6, John 5, ,Job 4, Job 3, Moses 2. :Moses 1. b. Feb. 19, 1889 nt Saltillo, Xcbr.; m. April 29, 1915 at Lincoln, Nebr., to Frederick HCl'IJlann Koehne, b. March 26, 1891 at Grcssc, Germany, son of Frederick H. and lfnrie (Eilers) Koehne.

    Children Frederick William Ifoehnc, b. Dec. 21, 1916, Fairbury, Nebrask<\. Roger Hermann Koehne, b. Aug. 2, 1923 at Lincoln, Nebr. Caroline Marie Koehne, b. Dec. 17, 1926 at Lincoln, Nebr.

    EDITH AUGUST.A. WILTERDINK (9) Caroline (Simmons) and William Bennett Wilterdink 8, Henry 7, Lorenzo 6, John 5, ,loiJ 4. Job .:,, Moses 2, }Ioscs l.


    Children John Lyle, b. Dee. 30, 1918 at Lincoln, Nebr.

    CORALIE SUSAN WILTERDINK f9) Wilham and Caroline (Simmons) Wilterdink S. Henry 7. Lorenzo 6. John 5, Job 4, Job 3 )loses 2, l\Ioscs 1. b. )!arch 3, 1S91 at Saltillo, Neb.: m · ..

    WILLI.Al"\! MYRON BRO"\l.~ (9) ::l!vron .Tames Brown S, Nelson Olmstead Brown 7, Solomon and Nanc_v (SimmousJ Brown 172 SOWONS GENEALOGY

    6, John 5, Job 4. Job 3, Moses 2. Moses L b. at Wauke~ Ill.• Dec. 20, 1866; m____ 1900, to Ada Belle Smith. who wns bom Aug. 22,... __ This fmnily now lives at Shepherd, Montana.

    Children · Robert Edward Bro""ll• b. Oct. 16, l!iOL Lucia. M. Brown, b. Aug. 26, 1903. Dorothy Brown. b. Dec. 1, 1910. Mildred Brovm. b. Dec. 1, 1910. Bertha. Louise Brown, b. Dec.--···· 1912.

    WARREN HER.BERT BROWN (9) Myron Jo.mes Brown 8. Nelson Olmstead Bro\\"11 7, Solomon and Nancy (Simmons) Brown ti, John 5, Joh 4. Job 3. Moses 2. l\Ioses L ~ Lake Coi::ntv. Ill, Dec. 7. 1868; m. first to (Mrs) Daisy B. (Springer) Hosford. at Falls City. Oregon. Aug. 19. 1900. She wns born Jan. 17. 1874 in Or~n. l\Inrried second nt Stuttgart, Ark.. on Nov. 16, 1911 to Bessie G. l!oseley, who wns born in Georgia.


    Marguerita Helma Brown, b. July 8. 1907.

    LAUR.A .A.DA SOPHRO!\U BROWN (9) Myron Jnrues Brown S, Nelson Olmstead Brown i, Solomon and Nancy (Sim• mons) Brown 6. Johu 5. Job 4. Job 3, Moses 2, Moses l b. nt Osceola, Nebr., Oct. 11, 1873.

    ELSIE AifORET BROWN (9) Myron James Brown, 8. Nel­ son Olmstead Brown i, Solomon and Nancy (Simmons) Brown 6. John 5, Joh 4, Job 3, Moses 2, Moses 1. b: Oct. 21. 1876 nt o~~c­ ola. Nebr.; m. March 26, 1902 at Omaha, :S-ebr., to Alonzo Everett Armentrout. who was a son of Philip Armentrout. He wns bom Feb. 27, lSii. This family now !ii;es in Omaha, Nebr.

    Childrell Everett Brovm .Armentrout, b. Dec. 12. 1906. Lawrence Jacob .Armentrout, b. July 28, 1908. Llovd Myron .Armentrout, b. .A.ug. 13. 1909. Amoret Armentrout. b. Oct. 18, 1910. Lucia Armentrout, b. Sept. 29, 1915. SIMMONS GENEALOGY 173

    LUCIA l\L\.BEL BROWN (0) :Myron ,Jame:! BMnm S, Nelson Olmstead Brown i, Solomon and Nancv (Simmons) Brown 6. John 5.• Toh 4. Job 3. Moses 2, :Moses 1. b. at Osceola Nebr. on Mav S, lSiO; m. at Osceola. Nebr.• Tune 20 1004 to .Tohn Henry lfack­ Pll. This fnmily now lives nt Alma, Nebr.

    Children l\liriam Lucille l\Io,eken, b. April i, 190i. Donald lltncken, b. ,Jan. 0, 1912. l\[argnret Helen l\Inekcn, b.. Jan. 23. l9li.

    NELSON OREN BROWN (9) M:vron James Brown 8, Nelson Olmstead Brown i. Solomon and Nancy (Simmons) Brown 6. ,John 5. Job 4•• Toh 3, Moses 2. :.\Ioscs 1. b. at Osceola. Nebr.. }Inv 22. 1880; m. at Osceola. Nebr.• Oet. 28, 1914. to Hazel Estelle White­ head, davghter of Alc.'1:andcr and Snsanna Wl1itebead. She WM born nt Osceola, Nebr.• March 11, 1888.

    1\fr. Brown was n farmer until 1919 · when he was am:>ointed to rural mail c:i.rrier on route No. 1 at .Osceola, Nebr.• on June 16. He is still on this route and makes l1is home nt Osceola.

    .IUJBEN ERNEST BROWN (9) Myron J. l:! • .Nelson O. 7. Nan­ cy (Simmons) 6. John 5. Job .Tr. 4. Job 3, Moses 2. llfoscs 1. b. Dec. 2, 1882 in Polk County, Nebrl.; m. June 9. 1009 at Corvallis . .Oregon, to Josie Deane Howaro. b. May 29, 1884 at Salem, Ore.. daughter of ,Joseph E. Howard;· now living nt Bend. Or~n. Children Harriett Lucia Brown, b. l\!ay 9, 1910. Laura May Brown, b. Feb. 28, 1914. Phyllis Jenne Bro'l\'11, b. Nob. 5_. 1923.

    Mr. Brown becrune an Odd Fellow nt Osceola. Nebr.• in 1905. He has been in the service of the Great Northern Railroad as. fire­ man, and the SpokaJ?e Portlnnd & Seattle Railroad as firemar and enirineer since August 1906, and has served as enir.ineer sincl' llarch 1910. He is also proprietor of a cnn shop at 124 Franklin Avenue, Bend, Oregon and is considered bv his friends and cus­ tomers an C.'l:lJert gun repairer, and it is hard to mnke peor•le be­ lieve he is not an cXJ)ert pistol and revolver shot. He verv mod­ estly says "this reputation has been built ,up by a few chance hits at birds and runnin,::- :rabbit.", being witnessed by several friends."

    HELEN EDITH BROWN (9) MlTOn James Brown S, Nelson Ohnstead Brown i, Solomon nnd Nancy (Simmons) Brown 6, Job 174 SIMMONS GENEALOGY

    5. Job 4. Job 3, Moses 2. :Moses L b. at Osceola. .Nebr.. Jnl, 28, 1886; m. at Osceola. Nebr., June 22. 1910. to Hollv l\L Rosebcrrv, who was the son of J. H. Roseberry. He was born at Osccoln, Nebr., Aug. 22, 1883. This -familv now lives at Chadron, Ncbrnskn.

    Children E~i:cne Brown Roseberry, b. Mav 2. 1914. Royal Roseberry. b. April 24. 1915: d. Anril 25, 1915. Ray Howard Roseberry, b. Jan. 19, 1918.

    FRANK L NEWELT, (9) T. Lvman anil )1.(-ilv:rut (Brown) Newell 8. Solomon Paine Brown 7. Solomon n11d Nnncv (Slm'l!orsl Brown 6. John 5, Job 4. Job 3. :Moses 2. Moses 1. b. Nov. !!6. 1878; ..._____ to Margare. .._ __ _

    Children Frances Irene Newell. b. Dec. 31. 1905. Gertrude Eleanor Newell. b. A:pnl 4. 1907. Doris Malvina Newell, b. Dec. 5, 19C8.

    :MARY I NEWELL (9) T. J.vinan and Malvina (Bro""lll N,nvell 8. Solomnn p,.;ne Brown 7. Snlomnn ,..,d Nn.nev (Simmor~) Brown 6, .John 5, Job 4 .•Job 3. Moses 7-. Mos~s 1. b. Arv 31. JSSO: ,.,_ ____ at NcWl)()rt. Jll: m Nov.. 25. 190:l to E:nc~t Taylor, who wns born at Gleasondale, Mass~ Jan. 17, 1873. . Children Charles Dndlev Ta:vlor. b. Oct. 2, 1904. Ernest Lvman Taylor. b. A!lril 4, 1907. Gordon Newell Taylor, b. Nov. 15, 1908.

    T DUDLEY NEWELL (9) T. Lvman and Malvina -(Brown) Newell 8. Solomon Paine Brown 7. Solomon and Nancv (Sim.,,onsl Brown 6, John 5. Job 4. Job 3. Moses 2, Moses L b. llarch Ii. 1883; =----- to lfande .:\.______

    Children Laverne Estelle Newell, b. July 12. 1906.

    HENRY CLARK REDEKER (9l GeoMe V. and ffiu-r;P.t E. (Brown) Redeker 8, Solomon Paine Brown 7. Solomon and Nancv SDmONS · GENEALOGY 175

    (Simmons) Brown 6, John 5, Job 4, Job 3. Moses 2. Moses L b. ~o\". ]4, ]Si4; <1 • •Tub· 2.'3, 1913: rn •. Dee. 24. J912 to Lillian Bnch­ n<'r.

    IDA BELLE REDEKER (9) Geor-.:~ V. and Harriet E. (Brown) Redeker 8. Solomon Pnin<' Brown i. Solomon and N"anc;t" (Simmons) Brown 6. John 5. ,Job 4, .Job 3. Moses 2. l!oscs L · b . •\ug. 15, 18ii: rn. S<'pt. 6, 1900. to Geol")?c Ralph Sutl1erland. b ...... _ ___ _ Children

    Donald Redeker Sutherland, b. Feb. 26, 1903. Ricl1ard Van ,\.rl'

    .ARTHUR F. EASTWOOD (9l''Geori:e P:. and Flora 1'.f. (Sim­ mons) Eastwood 8, aclopt-Od bv Cvrus 7, J...or,.nzo 6, John 5 ••Tob 4, Job 3, MosPS 2. Mo~ 1. b. :rnu. 10. 1888: m.· Jan. 14. 1909. to Bessie E. Hadden. ·

    Children'.: .

    Lester W. Eastwood. b.• July 30. 1909.

    RUTH R. KELLY (9) Flor,mee Alice S. C'-'T"S i. Lorenm 6• .Tohn 5, Job 4, ,Job 3. Moses 2. Yosi-s 1. b April 7, 1897 at Ames. Iowa: m. Jan. ll. 19]5 to Orra LiRov EMint?. b.. Tnlv 5. 1894. nt Cals!mus. I::.; son of Samuel aml E

    Chil~ Albert LaVe.me Elding. ·b. :ru1:v 16. -1916.

    RALPH S. KELLY (9) Florence Alice S. Cyras 7. Lorenzo 6• .Tohn 5, Job 4. Job 3, 1\foses 2. )foses L b. Ani:-. li, J901:. at. ~\mes Iowa: m. Nov. 8. 1927 at St: Louis. Mo .• to Bertha Brandon. b. March 30, 1901 nt Reger, Mo.. daughter of John Albert and .T<'anette Brandon.

    No children.

    Ralnh S Kellev was e

    phone company at St. Louis, Mo., and resides at 8037 Jov Ave.. St. Louis, Mo.

    FLOYD CYRUS BYRON KELLY (9) Florence Alice 8. Cvn15 7, Lorenzo 6, John 5, Job 4, Job 3, Moses 2. Moses 1. b. J1111. 23, 1908, at Ames, Iowa.

    He was educated in the raral schools south of 11.mcs. Iowa. through the 8th grade; 9th and 10th grade at .Ames Hil?h school He is a member of Coill?l'et:ationnl church, and is a farmer on R. F. D. No. 2, out of Ames.

    , CLISTA MAY KEMPLIN (9) Cyrus L. Kemplin 8. Wilson and Annis (Simmons) Kemplin 7. Lorenzo 6, John 5. Job 4. ,Toh 3. Moses 2. Moses 1. b. June 9, 1888; m. April 20. 191:) at Hntch­ ison. Kansas to Eugene B. Picka.i:_d, who was born at South Oma­ ha, Nebr.-

    Childre!J. Charles Howard Pickard, b. March 14. 1912.

    MOLLIE SIMMONS (9) George 8, Amos 7. Lorenzo 6. Jolin 5, Job 4, Job 3, Moses 2. Moses 1. b. Jan. 4. 1875 at Montevallo, Mo.; d. at Columbus, Ohio. Sept. 14, 1906; m. at Fort Scott. Kas.• Sept. 18, 1895, to Otto Klingbeil

    Children Louis Klingbeil, b. March 16, 1900.

    GERTHA ROSETTA EASTWOOD (9) Gcol."lre P. and Flora M. (Simmons) Eastwood 8 adopted by Cyrus 7. Lorenzo 6. John 5, Job 4, Job 3, Moses 2, Moses 1. b. March 18. 1878: m. Sept. 10, 1895 to Frank "Gilbert Hull, b. May 15, 1872.


    Arthur Foster Hull. b. March 22. 1897. Harold Wilton Hull, b. May 10. 1899. Gilbert Leroy Hull, b. July 20, 190L Georgie Irene Hull, b. Dee. 19, 1904. Eldon Eastwood Hull. b. March 30. 1.908. Ben Arlo Rull, b. Aug. 1~ 1910. SIMMONS GENEALOGY 177

    EMMA JANE FRENCH (9) Henry Clav and Sarah (Sim- 111ons) French 8, .A.mos 7, Lorenzo 6, John 5. Job 4, Job 3, Moses 2, Moses 1. b. Jan. 24, 1860; m. Dec. 29, 1885. to Philh'P Picht.


    Clarence Albert Picht, b. Oct. 14, 1886. Daniel L Picht, b. Sept. 30, 1888. Hemy C. Picht, b. Aug. 26, 1890. Ernest G. Picht, b. June 22, 1892; d. June 13, 1893. /Ray .A. Picht, b. .Oct. 2, 1894. Hazel June Picht, b. Dec. 15, 1898: d. June 3, 1899. Phillip Glen Picht, b. Sept. 23, 1901.

    CLARA MARILLA FRENCH (9) Henrv Clay and Sarah (Simmons) French 8, .A.mos 7, Lorenzo 6, John 5, Job 4. Job 3. Moses 2. Moses ·L · b. Dec. 25, 1861; m. March 2, 1882 to John Picht, who was born._____ ; d. Sept. 2, 1902 .


    Howard Blaine Picht, b. July 30, 1884. 'Andrew Melvin Picht, b. March 29. 1887. Roy Harrison Picht, b. Dec. 10, 1888. Ethel Pearle Picht, b. Dec. 19, 1890. Hattie Blanch Picht, b. July 7, 1892. John French Picht. b. Dec. 18, 1894. Ernest Guy Picht, b. Aug. 18, 1896. Jessie Chalmer Picht, b. Jan. 31, 1898.

    NELSON PERRY FRENCH (9) Henry Clav and Sarah (Sim- 111ons) French 8, .A.mos 7, Lorenzo 6, John 5. Job 4. Job 3, Moses 2, Moses 1. b. March 7, 1874; m. Feb. 12, 1896 to Annie Round­ tree.


    Edna Blanche French, b. Nov. 15, 1896. Myrtle Augnsta French, b. Jan. 16. 1898. Earle Roundtree French, b. April 11, 1900. Floy Emily French, b. Aug. 29, 1905.

    JESSIE MABEL FRENCH (9) Henry Clay and Sarah (Sim­ mons) French 8, .A.mos 7, Lorenzo 6. John 5. Job 4., Job 3, Moses 2, Moses 1. b. Oct. 28, 1876; m. Feb. 12, 1902, to Geo1'2e Coon, 178 SmMONS GENEALOGY


    Lloyd William Coon, b. Dec. 1, 1903. Ivy Blanche Coon, b. Dec. 18, 1904.

    RILEY .A.MOS FRENCH (9) Henry Clay and Sarah (Sim­ mons) French 8, .Amos 7, Lorenzo 6, John 5. Job 4. Job 3, Mose.~ 2, Hoses L · b. Sept. 7, 1863: m. April 26, 1893. to Addie Chn-P: man.


    Merle Leroy French, b. Jan. 15, 1895. Floyd Alva French, b. Dec. 18, 1896.

    . ERNEST GIDEON FRENCH (9) Henry Clay and Sarah (Simmons) French 8. Amos 7, Lorenzo 6, John 5, Job 4, Job 3, Hoses 2, Moses 1. b. July 23, 1869: m. March 16, 1898 to Ednn Harriet Wilson.

    FREDERICK HERBERT WEST (9) Geo. M. 8, Sabra Si111- mons 7, C:vrus 6, John 5, Job 4•• Tob 3, Moses 2, l\foses 1. b. Oct 31, 1897; in. July 5, 1924 to Helen Landis.


    Gloria Arlene West, b. March 27, 1925. Evalyn Louise West. b. March 19. 1927.

    !ETHEL P. COLE (9) Alice Simmons 8, Georire 7, Cvrus 6. John 5. Job 4, Job 3. Moses 2, Moses L b. Nov. 25. 1900: m. June 18,' 1924 to Arthur Wayne McPherson.


    Doris Eva McPherson, b. March 19, 1925. Kathryn Mardell McPherson, b. Nov. 25, 1927.

    ALVIN MORRIS CUHMINGS (9) Alvin Jay and Alta Velar· ia (Simmons) C~· 8, :Morris 7, John 6. John 5, ,:i:ob '!_. Job 3, Moses 2, Moses L b. Sept. 13. 1886 at Lyon Mountam. :N. Y,: m. June 20, 1913 at B'ouid)ton, Mich., to Evaneeline Haas. b. Oct. ll. 1886 at Houghton. Mich~ the daughter of JosePh and Jos.,_ Phine Haas. Mr. and Mrs. Cn~ reside in Mmeville, N. Y'., where he is engaged in mining: · ' · · · SIMMONS GENEALOGY 179


    Lester Haas Commings, b. March 18. 1910. William Jay Cummings, b. Sept. 2, 1920.

    WILLIAl\1 STANTON CUMMINGS (9) Alta V. 8. Morris ·1. John 6, John 5. Job 4, Job 3, Moses 2, Moses 1. b. March 6, 1895, at Lyon Monntnin, N. Y.; m. April 18, 1922, at Hudson Falls, N. Y., to Edna J. Pease, who was born Oct. 7. 1899 at Al­ bany, N. Y.; daughter of Elise St. Hilaire and Andrew Pease. No children.

    William S. Cwnmines is an electrician bv trade. Methodist in rclil?ion. Republican in politics, and resides at No. 23 Williams St.. Port Henry, N. Y. .

    ·FOREST MILTON CUMMINGS (9) Alta V. 8. Morrts 7. John 6, John 5, Job 4, Job 3, Moscs·2. Moses l. b. June 30. 1899 at Lion Mo,,ntain, N. Y.: m. June 12. 1921 at So,..th <;Jen" Fi>IJs. N. Y., to Mable L. VredcnbUJ'J:'. who was born March 28. 19('2, dauirh­ ter of George W. and Louisa A. (Moms) Vredenburg. Present residence, Paul Smith, N. Y.


    Milton Jay Cmnmines. b. Ang. 14, 1925. Moms Vredenb~ Cummings, b. May 22, 1927. Virltinia Cnmminl?s, b. Oct.. 12, 1928.

    HARLIE SIMMONS (9) Jesrael 8, Henrv 7. Cvrns 6, John 5. Job 4. Job 3. Moses 2, Moses 1. b. Dee. 22, 1887; JrJ. Jnne 8, · 1910 to Besse Strohmeier.


    Arlene Simmons, b. April 23, l,9ll.

    NELSON HERBERT CONINE (9) Marv Jane 8, Amos 7, I..nrenzo 6 John 5, Job 4.. Tob 3. Mose.<: 2 Moses 1. l'I • .Feb ?5, 1869 at Vernon County, MiEsouri; m. first Feb. 9, 1897 at Fort Scott, Kansas to Emma Daisy Albright. She was hon,. Alli?. 3. 16il at Godfrey, Kansas, dar,dlter of Louis G. allC · Caroline (Richman) Albm?"ht. She a;"

    Children of Herbert and Dais,·

    Louis Jacob Conine, b. Nov. 2, 1897 at Fort Scott, Kas. Herbert Nelson, Jr.• b. Jnly 23, 1902 at Fort Scott. Ka., .

    Emma Daisy's l-:'randfather (Richman) came out here from Indiana with a large S1lDI of money to buy his da111thter, Caroline a farm. He was well to do and was goine to buv all his children farms. Like most old timers he carried his money, instead of bankini: it. He went out north of town ta.kin~ his monev "ith him bnt did not return. A search was started and he was found in a hay stack where he had been mnrdered and robbed. Ile wns a German. Emma's mother was 13 when she came from Germany. Her father was born on the ship coming over.

    MAMIE FLORENCE CONINE (9J Mary J. S. Amos 7. Loren• zo 6, John 5, Job 4, Job 3. Moses 2. Moses L b. Sep. 15. 1884 at Fort Scott. Kas.; m. Sept. 25. 1920 at Fort Scott to Joha Ed­ ward Perry, (a direct descendant of John Gcriard. Pn.. .A.mer. Rev.). John E. Perry was born Febr. 23, 1884 at Fort Scott. Kns. son of John L. and ·uary E. (Bennett) Perry. Tbev now reside nt 845 ·South Crawford St.. Fort Scott. Kas.

    EUN):CE HAZEL CONINE (9) .Mary Jane 8. Amos 7. Loren- 7,0 6, John 5. Job .f. Job 3. Moses 2. Moses 1. b. Feb. 15. 1887 n! Fort Scott. Kns.; m. 1\farcli 23, 1915 to Frank Shoemaker at Fort Scott, Kas. Frnnk Shoemaker was born Januarv 7. 1885 and wns the son of Wrn. Potts and Anne Elizabeth (Allen) Shoemaker. Wm. P. was not in '"ar but was a vczy active harness maker for the l?()Vernment dnring the Cini War.


    Hazel Shoemaker, b. July 29, 1916 at Fort Scott. :Kn!!. Mary ,Jane Shoemaker. b. June 19, 1918 at Fort Scott.

    Jacob Shoemaker born 1682 Chescheir Germanv settled when a youn~ man in Germantown. Pa. His. son was Jacob. Jacob's sons were Henn- and Carl Henry's sons were Henrv and Sam­ uel G. Samuel G. was born Dee. 1, 1791 and died April 27. 1873. Married Mary, dan~hter of Benedict and Catherine Pott. b. An~. 27, 1797, died .d.Ug'. 14. 1860. Married May 22. 1817. Their son Wm. Pott, b. April 5, 1829, d. :Uareh 18. 1897. Married to Anne Elizabet!). (Allen) Jan. 10, 1864. who died Nov. 16. 1928.

    CHLORA SAPHRONIA CONTh"E (9) Marv Jane Simmons 8. Amos 7, Lorenzo 6, John 5. ,Toi> Jr. 4, Job 3,' Moses 2. 1\Iost-~ l. b. Oct. 14, 1889;

    with her father and mother until her death. She was a first class stenoirrapher and bookkeeper, and worked for a 1112'2'.e su1mr fac­ tory in Fort Seott. for several years.

    HERBERT RAYMOND SIMMONS (9) Wm. H. 8. Amos 1. Lorenzo 6, John 5, Job •:I:, Job 3, l!oses 2, Moses 1. b. Julv 22. 1893 at Nevada, Mo.; m. Feb. 18. 1925 at Fort Scott to Emma Cornelia Norris. She was born Oct. 3. 1904 at Fort Scott. Kas­ daui:l1ter of .T. R.. and .Teanna (Ward) Norris. No ehildren.

    liARRY ELMER SIMM.ON$ (9) Wm. H. s. -Amo,i i. Loren­ w 6, John 5, Job 4. Job 3. Moses 2. lfoses 1. b. SeJ>t. 24. 1894 at Fort Scott, Kas.; m. to Elizabeth .Amelia Norris. She was born June 21, 1902 at Fort Scott, Kas.. dant!'hter of .T. R. and ,Teanna (Ward) Norris. No children.

    JACOB RUSSELL SDL'1ONS (9) Wm. H. 8. Amos 7. Loren• zo 6, John 5. Job 4. Job 3, Moses 2, Moses L b. Jan. 24. 1897 at Fort Scott. Kas., and married Ang-. 22, 1916 at Nevada. Mo .• to Marguerite Lorene Richardson. She ,vas born March 29. 1900 at Marion, Ind., daughter of George W a.~hingf:011 and La.nm (Fritchey} Richardson.


    Vernon Leslie Simmons. b. Oct. 7, 1917 at Fort Scott.. Ma.~e Laven Simmons. b. M=h ll. 1921 at Fort Scott.

    CECIL HOWARD SDB!ONS (9) Wm. H. 8• .Amos 7. Lorenzo ti, John 5, Job 4, .Tob 3. Moses 2, Moses L bi Feb. 23. 1900 at Fort Scott.· Kas.; m. Au£!'. 20. 1924 at Fort Scott. Kas.. to Carrie Mabel Seaver, b. June 17, 1901, at Fort Scott. Kas.. daughter ef 0. H. and lfamie (Hayes) Seaver. Children

    Cecil Eugene Sllillllons, b. June 16. 1925 at Fort Scott. Erma May Simmons. b. March 20. 1927 at Fort Scott.

    MAP.Y A~ FRENCH (9} Henry Clav and Sarah (Simmons} French 8, Amos 7. Lorenzo 6, John 5. Job 4. Job 3. Moses 2, Moses I. b. ,Tan. 31, 1871: m. Jan. 31, 1894 to R.obert SteJ>heus


    Jessie Mabelle Stephens, b. Nov. 4, 1894. · 182 SDWONS GENEALOGY

    John L. Stephens, b. Feb. 12, 1896. Marion Z. Stephens, b. Sept. 5, 1897; cl. Jan. 16, 1899 Millie Fern Stephens, b. Oct. 30, 1899: ...___ _ !Esta Pearle Stephens, b. Jan. 7, 1903. Willard Andrew Stephens, b. April 11, 1906. Frances Irene Stephens, b. .April 11, 1906: d. April ll, 1906. Oscar Frederick Stephens, b. Aug. 26, 1910.

    FLOYD GEORGE COLE (9) Adoniram and Alice (Simmonsi Cole 8, George 7, <.,-yras 6, John-I!, Job 4, Job 3, Moses 2, Moses J;. b. May 16, 1890; m. Jone .:o, 1913 at 6reenlield Townsuip, Huron county, .OJno, by Rev. Wm. (;ouden, of Norwalk. Ohio, to Leona Belle .McPherson.


    Leona Belle Cole, b. Oct. 11, 1914: d. Oct. 30. 1914. !Everett Floyd Cole, b. Oct. 10, 1915. Eunice .Marie Cole, b. Nov.. 13, 1918. Virginia Belle Cole, b. Jan. 8, 1926. \Phyllis Corinne Cole, b. Dee. 16, 1926. Florence Isabelle Cole, b. July 12, 1928.

    CLARA. FLORENCE BRACKEN (9) James .Matt and .Mar.v Ann (Simmons) Bracken 8, Henry 7, Lorenzo 6, John 5. Job 4, Job 3, .Moses 2, :Moses L b. Sept. 23, 1862; d. Julv 6, 1884: m. in Lincoln, Nebr. Oct. 6, 1881, to William S. McNair, who was born Oct. 6, 1860.


    Robert Levi McNair, b .•Tune 24, 1882. . ROBERT HENRY BRACKEN (9) James .Matt and Marv Ann (Simmons) Bracken 8, Henr:v 7, Lorenzo 6. John 5, Job 4 ••Tob 3. Moses 2, Moses L b. Aug. 16. 1866; d. March 21. 1922.

    EFFIE CATHERINE BRACKEN (9) James .Matt and .Marv Ann (Simmons) Bracken 8, Henry 7, Lorenzo 6, John 5. Job 4. Job 3. Moses 2, Moses l. b. Dec. 27, 18il; d. in Lincoln. Nebr.. Sept. 20, 1895, and is buried ilr the Simmons cemetery at Saltillo. Nebr.: m. in Lincoln, Nebr., Sept. 16, 1890, to Daniel .T. Ford. who wu...~ born June 29, 1866. SIMMONS GENEALOGY

    Children Daniel Everett Ford, b. Jnly l, 1891. Fred Bracken Ford, b. Feb. 14, 1893.

    CLYTIE MAY KEMPLIN (9) Geo. W. Kemplin 8. W'ilson und Annis (Simmons) Kemplin 7, Lorenzo 6, John 5, Job 4. Job 3, Moses 2, Moses l. h. May 20. 1892: d-----··---·-: m. Nov. 20 1912 to John Mllin1s. ·

    Children Vella Ruth :Meints, b. Nov. 20, 1918.

    PEARL AGNES KEMPLIN (9) Geo. W. Kemplin. 8. Wilson nnd Annis (Simmons) Kemplin 7, Lorenzo 6, John 5. Job 4. Job 3, .Moses 2. Moses l. b. Feb. 5, 1898: d-··-···--···: m. Feb. 5, 1916 to Frank E. Staples.


    Re.,c Erey Staples. b. March 9, 1917.

    NELLIE BLACKAMORE (9) .Alex and Anne (Schneer) Black­ runore 8. John Schneer 7, Cvrus 6, John 5, Job 4. Job 3, Moses 2. Moses l. b, ____ ; d ; m · to Frank Landreth.

    PARODIA F. BUNKER (9) Geor,:e and Marv (Scbneer) Banker 8, John Schneer 7, Cyrus 6, John 5. Job 4. Job 3. MoStl'l 2.. Moses 1. b. Jnl;v 15. 1872: d...... -.. : m to Chas. Walters.

    JENNIE ELMA BUNKER (Geozge and Marv (Scbneer) Banker 8, John Schneer 7. Cyms 6. John 5. Job 4. Job 3. Moses 2, Moses 1. b. Dee. 3, 1873; ..____ ; m. Nov. 29, 18M to .Tu1> Walters.

    Childrer. Cora W alt«rs. b. Sept. 3, 1895. Louis Lucella Walters. b. Dec. 19, 1900. Chpstina A. Walters, b. Sept. 13, 1902. Lelland Oren Wruters, b. Dec. ll. 1906.

    EVERT A. BUNKER (9) George and Marv (Sehneer) Bunk­ er 8, John Sehneer 7, Cyrus 6, John 5. -Jo~ 4. Job 3, Moses 2, SIMMONS GENEALOGY

    Moses L b. Feb. 11, 1875; d ...... ; m. Sept. 14. 1890 to Verna Nobles.

    Children Clara Bunker, b. Feb-··-·• 1891. Russell G. Bunker. b. May 4, 1892. Christy Bunker, b. April 25, 1894. Vellia. Bunker. b. May.....• -, 1896. Bessie Bunker, b. Mareh 17, 1899. Leola Bunker, b. A~. 15, 1911.

    AVALEE P. BUNKER (9) Georire and Marv (Sehneer) . Bunker 8, John Schneer 7, Cyrus 6. John 5. Job 4. Job .s. Moses 2, Moses • b. April 17, 1885: d •...... •..... ; m. Feb. 25. 1910. to Esther Kroeker. )

    ETTYE GLENDORIAS BUNKER (9) GeoI"J:C and Mar:v (Schneer) Bunker 8, John Schneer 7, Cvrqs 6. John 5. Job 4. Job 3, Moses 2, Moses L b. Feb. 25. 1887: d : m. Auir. 14, 1909 to Wilbur Cochrane.

    CARR.IE 0. BUNKER (9) George and Marv (Schneer) Bunk­ er 8, John Schneer 7, Cyrus 6, John 5, Job 4. Job 3. Moses 2. Moses L b. Dee. 7. 1890; ..,__ ___ ; m. Feb. 14, 1911 to Charles Rush.

    ARO D. SANDERS (9) Charles M. and Louise (Morse) Sand· ers 8, John Morse 7, Cyrus 6, John 5, Job 4, Job 3. Moses 2, Moses L b, Sept. 19, 1872; d...... ·-··--···= m. Oet .. 14. 1903. to Hattie Lo~ell, who was born Dee. 3, 1873..


    ,Ralph L. Sanders. b. Oct. 10, 1904; m. May 18. 1929. Martha Louise Sanders, b. May 13, 1906: m. Julv 7. 1929. Margaret Sanders. Charles Sanders.

    HARRY E. SANDERS (9) Charles M. and Loui,;e (Morse) Sanders 8, John Morse 7. Cvrns 6. John 5, Job 4. Job 3. Moses 2, Moses L. b. March 16, 1876; ,.____ : m. Jun. 12. 1898, to Sarah E- Hawes. . SIMMONS GENEALOGY 185


    Chester a Sanders, b. Sept. 20, 190S. Merwin N. Sanders. b. June 22, 1909.

    .ARTHUR R. MURCH (9) Melvin and Caroline Ella (Sim­ mons) Murch 8, John 7, James 6, Joseph 5. Nathaniel 4. JoseJ>h 3, John 2, Moses 1. b-···---;d -: m. May...... • 1910 nt Brlfast, Me., to Elizabeth Anderson, b, ____

    CARRIE JENNINGS BOSWORTH (9) Henry · and Sarah (White) Bosworth 8. Nathaniel Bosworth 7, Isaac JenniIU?S 6. Na­ thaniel Jennini:is 5, Elizabeth 4, Job 3, Moses 2. Moses 1. b. Oct. 11. 1856 at Pembroke, Mass.; . ; m. April 22, 1883. at Hanover, Mass., to Frank Abbott Reed, son of Appleton and Mc­ hale (Cashing) Reed. who was born June 6, 1854 at Pembroke: 11- June 27, 1889 at Hanover, Mass.


    Dora Elizabeth Cushing Reid, b. Nov. 24, 1884. Grace Appleton Reid, b. May 5, 1889.

    ANNA BOSWORTH (9) Henry and Sarah (White) Bos­ worth 8, Nathaniel Bosworth i, Isaac Jennin2S 6, Nathaniel Jen­ nini::s 5. Elizabeth 4, Job 3, Moses 2, Moses 1. b. March 17, 1858 at Pembroke, Mass.; d ; m._Nov.8,1879atPembroke,Mass. to Henry Bri~ Hatch, son of Henry W. and Hnlda B. (Bailey) Hatch, who was born March 28, 1849 at Marshfield, Mass.


    Harold Bri~ Hatch, b. Jnly 30, 1889. Elizabeth Burton Jennings Hatch, b. Jnl:v: ?:l. 1893.

    JO TYLER (9) Charles Conger Tyler 8, Abram Tyler Jr. 7. Sylvia 6. John 5. Job 4, Job 3, Moses 2. Moses 1. b. Dec. 3. 1880 at Waukee, Iowa; ...._ ____ ; m. Dec. 15, 1909 at Rosedale. Kas., to Margaret Ellen Bverley, who was born Nov. i. 1878 at Pleasant Corners. Iowa.

    FRED LUSCOMB (9) Alfred and F!orela (S1>ra£!'Ue) Lus• comb 8, Vedder Spl"ll2'Ue 7. Svlvia 6, John 5, Job 4 ••Job 3. Mo~c.-s 2, Moses 1. b, ____ ; .,______; m ••..••.••.•••••.•.••• to .Jenni, L. Mason l86L SIMMONS GENEALOGY


    Cornelia Luscomb.

    ETTA C.ARIELL (9) Vincent and Camilla (Spl'lllruc) Caridl 8, Vedder SPI'AA'OC 7, Svlvia 6, ,John 5, Job 4, Jo't> 3, l\foses 2, Moses L b. Feb. 7, 1864; cl. Aug. 2:l, 1895; m. Dec. 21. 1881 to W'illiamMeech, b___ _

    · Children

    Beatrice Camilla l\Iccc:h, b. April 26, 1883. Bessie Ellen Meech. b. Nov. 8, 1887. Amber Etheleen Meche, b. April 5, 1891. Henry Vaughn Meech, b. Oct. 8, 1901.

    MARY CARTEI,L (9) Vincent and Camilla (Spra..,"Uel Curiell 8, Vedder Sprague 7, Sylvia 6, John 5, Job 4, Job 3, Moses '.!. :Moses 1. .,____ ; d ; DL-··-···-··- to Bert Gar- field.


    Albert Garfield.

    JOHN BLA.CKA:MORE (9) .A.lex and Anne (Sehneer) Blacku• more. 8. John Schneer 7, -Cyrus 6, John 5, Job 4. Job 3. Moses ?, :Moses 1. b · ; · ; m,_____ ···-···· to Fanmc Landreth. Children Halbert Blackamore. Oren Blackamore. Gertrade Blackamore.

    .ARTlIUR EUGENE SIIDlONS (9) Louis 8, Geon:-c 'i, Cyr11s 6, John 5, Job 4, Job 3, :Mose." 2, Moses 1. b. ~Iav 6, 1883; d......

    EARL WE.A. VER Sll!MONS (9) Louis 8, Gcor::e 7; Cyrus (,, John 5, .Job 4, ,Job 3, Moses 2. :!\foscs L h. N'ov. 4, 1887: d ...... __ ; m. Oct. 17, 1911 to Mildred L. P.atliburn.

    Children Harriet Rathbum Simmons, b. Nov. 30. 1912. SimIONS GENEALOGY lB1

    SYLVIA FREEMAN SIMMONS (9) Louis 8, Geo1'28 7. Cyrus 6, John 5, Job 4, Job 3, Moses 2, :Moses 1.. J:>. Jan. 14. 1890: d­ ···--; m. Jene 5, 1908 to Walter F. Diringer. Children.

    .Mildred Elma Diringcr, b. Sept. 24. 1914 Donald Louis Diringer, b. Jnne 9, 1915.

    FLORENCE MILDRED SIMMONS (9) Louis 8, Georire 7, Cyrus 6, John 5, Job 4. Job 3, Moses 2, Moses 1. b. Atml 14. 1892; ...____ ; m. Sept. 12, 1912 to Ray Kenover Beck.


    Ray Kenover Beck. b. Jnne ·20, 1913. Evalyn Fay Beck, b. Sept. 30, 1914. Clifford Earl Beck, b. July__, 1918. Marian Elizabeth Beek, b. Jan. 16, 1923. Kenneth Beck. b. :Mareh ..... 1925. Thomas :Martin Beek. b. Feb. 11. 1930.

    EDNA MAY COLE (9) Adoniram and Alice (Simmoas) Cole 8, George 7. l,'yrns 6, John 5, Job 4, Job 3, Moses 2. Moses 1. b. Aug. 24, 1885; · u-.---; m. March 20, 1907 to Clarence B. Woodworth. Children.

    Verna Alice Woodworth, b. :March 4, 1908. Robert N eredith Woodworth, b. .Ang. 13, 1909. Ernest Richard Woodworth, b. Feb. 17. 1911. Charles Clarence Woodworth, b. Sept. 18. 1922.

    OLGA MARIE COLE (9) Adoniram and Alice (Simmons) Cole 8, George 7, Cyrus 6, John 5, Job 4. Job 3, Moses 2. Mose,; l b. Mareh 7, 1887; u.----; m. March 1. 1910 to Harry &. Ruggles.


    Glenn Williams R~les, b. Feb. 13. 1914. vera. Alice &~lcs. b. Jan. 8, 1916. .Harold Cole Ruggles, b. Feb. 6, 1917. Arline Marie Ru,::g.lcs, b. May 7, 1924. 188' S:OOIONS GENEALOGY

    MANLEY L. COLE (9) Adonirnm nnd Alice (Simmons) Col• 8, GeoQ?e 7. Cyrus 6, John 5, Job 4, Job 3, Moses 2, Moses 1. b. Dec. 29, 1888; ____ ; m. Feb. 28, 1914 bv Rev. L. E. Cnrr to Elsie Newton. ·


    Erma Lucille Cole, b. Feb. 17, 1915. Wilma Dolores Cole, adopted 1'.Iareh 19, 192.'i. Lelnnd Roy Cole. b. March 31, 1929.

    HENRY FRANKLIN SIM..\lONS (9) John 8, Perez 7. Eben ezer 6, Elisha 5, .Joshua 4, Ebenezer 3, Aaron 2. Moses 1. b. :it Hanover, Mass., June 21, 1878; m. at Brookline, Mass.• Aug-. 6. 1902, to Eui:enia Hig-briter who was an adopted child of Edwurd F ..Jacobs. She was born at Fulton, New York. Dee. 17, 1878.



    MARY FOLGER SIMMONS (9) Jolm 8, Perez 7. Ebenezc: 6, Elisha 5, Joshua 4, Ebenezer 3, Aaron 2. Moses 1. b. Oct. 29. 1880; ---- to George Allan Curtis.


    John Franklin Curtis.

    WILL SIMMONS (9) Edward 8, Rev. George Frederick 7. William 6. Elisha S, Joshua 4. Ebenezer 3. Aaron 2. Moses 1. b. Jnne 4, 1884: in Eiche. Spain. \Vas married i!1 Paris. Fr:mcc to Teresa Ludovica Cerutti of Turin. Italy, who gpecialize;. in drn11111 tie danclll2". They have no children.

    Will Simmons attended H:11"\·ard coll~ in 1902-03. but did not i::raduate. He is an artist, speciali7.ing in animals and b:Xds. He was secretary of the Brookh-n Society of Etche1s last yeur 119:;!!). Received the award for the best etching of the vear He liws in Roxbury, Conn.

    MAJOR HAROLD WILLIA}! STIMPSON (9) Estelle \\". Simmons 8. Peabody 7. Peabody 6, Stephen 5, Nathaniel 4. ,Tost>ph 3, John 2. Moses L b . .April 10. 1880 at Denison. Texa,;-: m. Oct 3, 1905 at New York City to Charlotte Thom'l)SOn B.ertisch. whn TERESA LUDOVICA WILLIAM FRANCIS CERUTTI SIMMONS Of Turin. Italy. Bom ,June 4. 1884 at Eiche. Spain. They were married in Paris. France in 1910.

    Page 188 .A. Sec page 1S8.


    wns born in New York City, Sept. 12, 1882; she wns the dnu,:htcr of Jncob nnd l\Intildn (Brown) Bertisch.

    l\In,ior Stimpson is a stock broker, n Protcstnnt and A repub­ lican. He rcsidC'd in Somcn•ille, l\Iass., prior to 1898, sincc thnt t.ime nt 1120 Fifth Ave., New York City, N. Y.

    HARRIET JACKSON SL\r:t\!ONS (9) Theodore 8, John 7, Bcnoni 6, ,John 5, Joseph 4, William 3, John 2, Moses 1. b. Sept. 26, 1852 in Boston; m. June 5, 1872 to F. C. Vnn Horn; died in Newport, R. I., April 3, 1911.


    Elizabeth Van Horn, b. April 11, 1875 at Boston: m. in New York Oct. 1899 to ·,John Charles Barnard. Theodora Van Horn, b. Sept. 23, 1876 at Boston; m. June 18, J902 to Edward Sturtevant of NewPOrt, R. I. Francis C. 'lnn Horn, b. ,Tnn. 16, 1886 nt Bedham, l\Iass.: - m. Jan. 5, 1915 to Catherine Crocker Freeman of Medfield, Mass.

    GEORGE BRADFORD SIMMONS (9) Edward 8. Rev. Gcol'l!'ll Frederick 7, William 6, Elisha 5, Joshua 4, Ebenezer 3, Aaron 2. }Ioses 1. -b. Dec. 6, lSSG in St. Ives. Cornwall, England. Married Feb. 23, 1911 to Georgie Swindell who was born in 1886 in Balti­ more. Md.


    Bradford Simmons, b. ·Dec. 9, 1911 in Bnltimorc, Md. Edward Hall Simmons, b. Feb. 14, 1914 in Baltimore, Md. Wm. Emmet Simmons, b. June 16, 1915, Baltimore, Md. Julian Simmons, b. Dec. 13, 1919 at Boston, Mass. 8arah Alden Simmons, b. Jan. 1. 1921 at Richmond. Va.

    Georg-c Bradford Simmons ~aduated from Hnn-nrd Col'e,:e in 1908 (a.c,, of 1907) and is now vice-president and ,:encral man­ ager of Rolland Park Co., Ba:ltimore, 11.Id.

    ARTHUR .A.BORN SThil\IONS ,JR. (9) Arthur A. S. Tbom:is H. 7, Gcorg-e 6, Ichabod 5, Benjamin 4, William 3. John 2. Moses. 1. b. Sept. 5, 1880 at Grofton, l\Im's.: m. April 18. 190::i in Lon­ don, Englnnd, St. John's Church Nottin,: Hill, to Clam Hahn Olmstead, who was born Feb. 4, 1882 at Clifton Springs, N. Y. 190 snmoNS GENEALOGY

    Arthur Abom Simmons. Jr.• "'811 born at Grafton. Mass.. Sent. 5, 1880. He ~uated from Grafton hilt"h school in 1898, Wor­ chester AcadPmy 1901. Harvard 1905. At Harvard, with W. B. Russell. founded the fraternity Alpha Phi Sigma, now called thr Trident Club. .

    Visited Erurland. France and Ireland bv cattle boat in 1904 on thirtv dollars. From 1905 to 1910 was with the Undcnvood & Underwood in llOR'land, as salesman. as assistant to the E••ronenn manaiter, and ·as sales man~ for Great Britton, from 1906-1910.

    Visited Scotland. Holland and France from 1910 to 1912. mnn- 81t'81' for above firm for Canada, in Toronto, from 1912 to 1915.

    At Harvard Andover Tlieologieal '"chool. takine: his B. D. in 1915. In 1912 called to the Montvale Colll?l'Cl,?ational church in• Wobum, Mass.

    Ordained to the Christian Ministry at Montv11le. Sept. J7. 1912. Dorine: the ereat war. from Jnlv ·4_ 1917 to NovPII1bPr ]!119 was with the Y. M. C. A. in Rnssia and i:i;beria. served with the Russian troo'PS. and also with the C,:PCho-Slova"'"· after the R,,s­ sian . front brokP. At th,- m..,..et of p ..,..,;n"Tlt Wil'"' 1 tlie V '!.[. C. A. men remained in Russia and Siberia orl?81Llzine civilian work amoll2' the Russians, hel'Pilll" in anv wav thev could. nro­ motine: :friendly relatoins between Rui,sians nnd Americans. Frnm ,;~o f-0 1922.. worked with the American Y. M. C. A. in Eirvrit •-1'.d Germanv fnr R"ssiPn ref,.r;res 1mn wnr 'P~'""n""S in t'hose <':('antries. CS1JCcially for boys and youn~ men. ore:anu.ine: '"ports. ;.oC'inl and ed,neational and reli,,.io.m work. i-,,ilndiID? tradP. conTSC!< jn E<,,v-,,t itnd a SUlllJDer camp for boys in Germany on the coa..~t of the North sea.

    He also assisted Qnakers in Germ11nv in distn"butuu? food to the undernourished Russian refugee children.

    'Retllrninlr to the states in 1922. ne beeaTY'IP. as!'o--iqte 'DIL~tor of Eliot Co11"'1'1!2ational Ch11rch in Roxbl'J'V. ~m 19"4 to .,.,...!!· ent time fJ930) Minister of the CoDgl'C21ltional church in Wil­ ~n, Mass.

    :Fl'P. is a member if FriPndshi'P Jod,:?e of Masons. of the Grnll!:l' and Honorary member of the Alnerican Letcion.

    'FnED PERRY SJMJl,fONS (9) WiJJiaJTI 8, Peter 7. Hm,.,.... fl, P..ter 5. Peni1t:rrin 4. Wiman, 3. ,Trl-11 ?. ?;fc-ir'!' 1- 1'. }Tl/-il 29. JS'l'T at Westfield. Penn.: m. ,T""" ?.5, 1~!15 at Mansfie.1d, Pron.. to Ida Lownsberrv. b. March J4. J868 at M8llsfiPld, Penn., da~ter of Isaac Prentice and Loretta (Cass) Lownsbeny. • SIMMONS GENEALOGY 191

    :Mr. Simmons now resides at Mansfield, Penn., and formerly lived at Westfield, Pn.: he i11 n clergyman of the Methodist Es­ piseopal Church.


    Frederic Lownsbcrry Simmons. b. Ort. 19, 1901. Arthur Carlvle Simmons, b. Julv 2. 1904. Edith Gwendolyn Simmons. b. March 7, 1908.

    NELLIE NEWTON HOWLAAND (9) Sarnh RIJt>n 8. Martin 7. Martin 6• .Jesse 5 • .A11ron 4. Beriinmin 3, ,Tohn 2. Moses 1. b. Mav 31. ]868: m. Mav 29. 1887 ut H11nover. Mass, tn .John C. Le­ Furgey. He was born at Pembroke; Mass.• Feb. 3, 1866•


    - Dorothy Howland LeForge;,z, b. April 23.- 1~

    · ANNIS .AGNES HOWLAND {9l Sarah Fllrn 8. Martin 7; ?.£artin 6.. Tesse 5. ,.A:1ron 4. Benj1>7'"fo 3. Jor11 2, Y'Mrs l. 'h. Dec. i, 1869: m. at H1inson. M11"s.; Se"t. J3. JR!ll to Howland lL White. Re was born Oct. 18, 1871 at Hanson, Mass.


    Rus!""Jl H. WhHe. ·b. Or.t. 19. 1891 at Hanson, Mass.• d. '.Feb. 15. 1920 at -Bo!

    MABLE MAY HOWT,A:ND f9l Snrnh F:IIP11 8. Mnrtin 1. Mar­ tin 6, Jesse 5. Aaron 4, Benj11min '3. Jt>1,n 2. }foses 1. b. l\{ny 4. lR72 at ~barv. l\!a5s.: m. .Tu)v 15, lR!ll at Pembrolre, l'bss. tn · Willard H Merritt ni' Norwell, Ma.-.s. He was born Nov. 13. 1867 and died .June 6; 1918. · · ·

    rmRAM HERBERT HOWLAND f9) S,u-ah F.lTPn 8. M11rti11 7, ,1\fart;n 6. Jpgse 5. Aaron 4. Benj11rnin: 3. Jnh., 2. YosAA L b Dee. 16. 1875 at Per,,hrolrc. lf,.ss.: m. Dee. 17. JR96 nt )farsllficlif. Ma.0 s .. to Amelia C. Churr.h. She w,.,s hnni ,.t, Hanover. Mass.. Oct. 13. 1876 and died at Hanover ,July 13, ]925.

    CHARLES CLIFTON HOWT,AND (9) SRl"l\h Ell,.n 8. :Martin i, Martin 6, Jesse 5, Aaron 4, Benjamin 3; John 2, Moses L b. 192 SDmONS GENEALOGY

    Jan 7. 1877 at Pembroke, Mass.; m. June 6, 1900 at Worchester, Mass., to Agnes B. Rinehart, b. at Leeds, Quebec, March 18. 1870. Children

    Phillip Rinehardt Howland, b. Sept. 15. 1902 at Gardner. Mass.

    RAY RANDALL HOWLAND (9) Sarah Ellen 8. Martin 7, Martin 6, Jesse 5. Aaron '4. Benjamin 3, John 2. Moses L b. April 23, 1819; unmarried.

    ETHEL EATON HOWLAND (9) Sarah Ellen 8. Martin 7, Martin 6, Jesse 5, Aaron 4, Benjamin 3. John 2. Moses L b. April 24. 1882 at Pembroke. Mass.; m. April 6, 1909 at Pembroke. y.,.~.. to Rev. Chris J. Oleson of Iowa. He was born May 15, 1876. Resides now at Los Angeles, Cal Ethel E. ,Oleson died at Los Angeles, May 9, 1926.


    :.Preudenee M. Oleson. b. Joly 10, 1910, at Deansboro~h, New York. Malcolm K. Oleson, b. Oct. ll, 1912 at Deansboro-rgh, N .Y. Barbara C. Oleson. b. May !!1, 1915 at Tuloun, Calif.

    SARAH SYLVESTER HOWLAND (9) Sarah Ellen 8, Mnr• tin 7, Martin 6, Jesse 5, Aaron 4, Beniamin 3, John 2. Moses L b. Feb. 15 1885; m. Sept. ll. 1904 at Hanover, Mass.. to Percy W. Stetson, he was bom June 5, 1884 at Hanover, Mass.


    Thurston Llewellvn Stetson. b. Oct. 24. 1904 at Pembroke, Mass. Gwendolyn Dorothea Stetson, b. Sept. 28, 1909 at Brek• ton, Mass. Earle William Stetson, b. Aug. 5. 1925 at East Bridge• water, Mass.

    LOUISE B. SIMM.ONS (9) Wm. Henrv Harrison 8. Philander 7, Zariel 6. Ebenezer 5, Job, Jr. 4, Job 3. Moses 2, Moses L b. June 6, 1866. Never married, was a teacher. · SThIMONS GENEALOGY 193

    KATE SilU[O.KS (!JJ Wm. Henry Harrison 8, Philander 7. Zuriel 6, Ebenezer i5 ••Toh .Jr. -1, Job 3. Moses 2. :Moses 1. b. Sept. :l0. J 867: m. Sept. 2.5. 1890 to Grant Babcock: have three sons.

    RAY G. SBUlONS (9) Wm. Henry Harrison 8, Philander 7, Zurie! 6, Ebenezer 5, ,Joh .Jr. 4. Job 3. ?.Ioses 2. Moses 1. b. :.\Inrch 30, 1869; m. first, to Florence Lyons. Tl1ev had babv son. died youn,::-; m. second •...... Boswell; they have three erown dnu,::-hters. married.

    FRED P. SBI:MONS (9) Wm. Henry Harrison 8. Philander i, Zuriel 6, Ebenezer 5, Job Jr. 4, Job 3, }loses 2. Moses 1. b. Sept, 18. 18TI : m. Este!ln Andrews: thev have two dan~hters. mar- ried. .

    HARRY W. SIMMONS (9) Wm. Henry Harrison 8, Philan­ der 7, Znriel 6, Ebenezer 5. Job Jr. 4 •.Job 3. Moses 2. Moses 1. b. Aug. 6, 1873: m. but no name or date.

    BERNICE SThDIONS (9) Wm. Henry Harrison 8. Philonder 7. Zuriel 6, Ebenezer 5, Job Jr. 4, Job 3; l\Ioses 2, Moses l. b. Dee. 18. 1879, teacher: m. Dr. Bennett as third wife: no childxeu. Tenth Generation

    RAY EDWARD SUl:,toNS (10) Cl111rles .A. 9, .John D. S Henry 7. Lorenzo 6, ,John 5, Job 4, Job 3. Moses 2, Moses 1. h. June 3, 1899 nt Lincoln. Nebr: 111. Oct. !J. 1020 at Hustin211. Nchr.• to Alice Melvina Wooclen, b. Aug. 8, 1901 nt Fairfield. Nebr.

    Children Sally Ann Simmons, h. ,Tuly 27, 1929, Los .Angeles. Cnlif.

    )I.ARIE .ALICE lfURPHY (10) .James a\. and liuud Annis /Simmons) :.'l[ni7>Jn· 9. Lorcmzo A. Simmons S. Ur11ry i. Lorr•rm• 6, ,John 5, ,Job 4. ,Job :i, Moses 2. :.Uos<'s 1. b. Sept. 20, 1904. Fort MO:l'J::IUl, Colo.; m. Aug. 23, 1924 nt Long Beacl1, Calif.. to ,Jonw~ Ewing A.dams, who was born June 22, 1904 at Pneblo, Colo.. ~011 of Gcorire Charlton 11ml Luclln (Pitman) Adams.

    CHESTER BOICE ,ti.LEN ,JR. (10) Winifred Bernice (Si111• mons) Allen 9, Nahum 8, Natl1anfol 7. Jnmcs 6, JosPJ)!1 5, N11tlrn11• iel 4, Joseph 3. ,John 2. l\Ioses 1. CJ1c,;tcr Boice Allen. Jr.:. bom at Holbrook, lfoss... Tuh· ::!I. 1907. In tl1c veins of Cl1cstcr .Tr., runs tl1c blood of Jolm Alden. Dr. Slllllnel Fuller, Stcpl1cn Hopkins, l\Iilcs Standish. Perec.in White and sb.ieen more of the )Iay,flower Pik:rints. of John Phiu­ ney and Isaac Pierce of Kin~ Phillip's War; of Constant Sout.lz• worth of Pequin Indian attacks ancl assistant to the governor of Plymouth, of Capt. ;\bin! Pierce of the French and Indian un 1, Re'I". Wars, who suw (ns aide de crunpc) on the Plains of Abr:1- ham · (Quebec) tl1e death of Gen. Wolfe, of Capt. John Phinne~·­ foundcr of Gorl1am. )Iaine, of Col. Edmund Phinncv who was ar the siege of Boston und "'crvcd under 'Washington.· Rep. to Gl'11. Court of :i\!nss., of Joseph Simmons of the Re,., Israel .Allen ,\"ho fo111rl1t nt Bunker Hill. of ,Josepl1 :.Uillcr of the Re'\·. and Col . •Tames Simmons of the War of 1812. uncl of Clinrlcs H .•\Hen of t.hc Chi! War :u1cl Rep. to Gen. Court.

    ·Chester B. Allen Jr.. is n graduate of the Melrose. )!ass.. J1igh school. graduate of Phillip Acudcmy, Andon>r. )fas!'.. 192fi. nil() n member of Hn:n·nrcl Colleg-e elns!' of 1930.

    -MIRI.A:i\I LUCILLE (l\!A.CKEK) LYNN (10) liubel Mackl'r: (Brown) 9, Myron J. 8. Nelson O. 7, Nancy (Simmons) Brown 6, .Tohn Simmons 5, Job 4. Job 3. :l!oscs 2, :Moses 1. b.. A:pril 7. 190i _in H.'ll'lnn 9~1mi_y_. N'ebr.: m, ~o,•, 2.5. 1926 nt Chadron. Nobr. to SDDLONS GENEALOGY 195

    h'.cnncth L. Lynu, h. ,fun. 15, l!JO:-l ut Cunovo, S. D .• 110n of John 11"'1 l\fobcl Lynn.


    .Ardcllt• llnbt•l L.n111, h. No,·. 5, 1929 nt Rapid City, S. D.

    Mr. 1111d l\frs. Lynu were both r-.iised on the fnnn. bnt thoUltht there was too much hnrd work on the fnr111. so settled in town where Mr. Lynn is u successful dry cleaner, and Mrs. Lvnn is onite an artist. · They becaml' ncc11miuted wl1ilc uttendi~ coll~.

    DANIEL EVERETT FORD (10) Effie 9, Marv .Ann 8, Hem:y i, Lorenzo 6, John 5. ,Job 4. Job 3, Mosei; 2. Moses l. b. July 1. 1891 at Lincoln, Nebr.: m. ,Tan. i. 1915, to Helena Schultes at St. Joseph, Mo., she was born May 16. 1891 nt Topeka, Kas., daui:\'h• tel'. of Adolph and Helena (Wbe) Schultes.


    Helen Murie Ford. b. No-,;. 11. 1916. Mary Rita Ford, b. ~4..pril 29, 1919. Daniel Everett Ford .Jr., b. Sept. 4. 1920. Patricia Anne Ford, b. No\". 30, 1924.

    P. 0. address Pittsburg-, Pa.• 120 Atlanta Dri\"e, Mt. Lebanon, South Hills.

    lfr. Ford was born mul reared in Lincoln, and has been for several years connected with the Cndahy Paekini:- Co., and at pres­ ent located with them at Pittsbnrit. Penn.

    Mr. Ford was the first one to subscribe and pay for this book. his order and remittance beinit received on the 8th day or Amrost. 1930. Mav he derive much pleasure from its persual mid pass it on down to posterity, with our best wishes. L. A. S.

    FRED BR.ACKEN FOH,D (10) EJiic Cuthcriuc 9. :Ma.n· Ann 8, Henry 7. Lorenzo 6. John 5 . .lob 4, .fob 3. Moses 2 Moses l. b. Feb. 14, 1893 at Lincoln. Nebr.; m. at Waterloo. Iowa, June 14. 1920 to Marjorie Tharp, b. Sept. 1. 1900, d:mgrter of William ancl .-1.l~estr ~Latta) Tharp. Children

    ll:111·?° Jean Ford, b . .A.ug. 11, 1924 at Oakland. C11.H-F 196 SDDIONS GEXEALOGY

    LOUIS ,JACOB CONINE (10) Nebou Herbert 9, :\lnr,· ,Jane• 8, Amos i, Lorenzo r;, .Tohn 5 . .Toh -1. .Toh :{, )foses 2 :\Ioscs 1. h. "\1:oy, 2, ]S!li: unmnrricd ancl li,·ing nt Fort SPott, Knn,;ns.

    NELSON HERBEP.T COXIXE .JR. (10) Xclson Herbc>rt !l. :\Inn· .Jane 8, Amos ,. Lorenzo 6, ,John 5, ,Job -1,, .Toh :1. )foses 2. :\foses 1. · h ..Tuly 2.'I, 1902 at Fort Scott. Kn!<.; 111. Se11t. l•t l!J2S nt Cnrtl111.. "C, :\Io.. to Ollene :\Ionu Stont, who was born .fnne :?ii. 190i nt Cherokee. Kns., duu;:hter of Dm·i

    KENNETH ALB1';ItT CAR\"ER (10.l Everett G., nm! Nellie A;,."llcs {Simmons) CnrYer 9, Lorcnzo A. Simmons 8. Henry i. Lor­ . enzo 6, ,John 5, ,lob ,Jr. 4• •Toh 3. :lfos1$ 2. )lo!<<'!< 1. b. F<'h. rn, 1908. 11t 'Rnymon,l, Xc>hrnskn.

    Kenneth Albert Carver. ntteu'kn >'tnh• tonrnamc>nt in 1923.

    He entered the C'nh·ersit\" of Xcbmska in Septeml1er 192-5. 111 l1is sophomore ~·car he wns elect('(( to the Pershin~ Rifll.'s, 1111 Ho11- ornrv Militnr:,· !.'ociet\·, 11 member of the nniveJ'!;itv !!lee duh null was initiated into the> Si!!'DtU Detron Chapter of Phi Si!.!'llla Ka1,p:1. After conmletin::- n te:tchers ,•oun;c in .lune. ]!l:!S, he aeccr,te,J :i 110sition ns instructor of nthlctics nn,l !'cic>nt•e iu Centrnl Hii::-11 .;:~hool. whi1•h he he!,1 for t\\"o ~-en.rs.

    He •~'llin ent,•r,•d tit" Vni-:ersity of Xehru::;ka in SeJ1tembcr 1930. and :rraduates in th<' •·la;;." of l!l31 \\;th a Barhclor of ~ci~nr<'

    GERALD XESBIT SDDIOKS (10) Henry Artlaur 9. Lorcuzo A. 8. Henry i, Lorenzo 6 . .Tohu .5 • .lob .Tr. 4. .Toh 3, )!oses '.!. )foscs 1. b. De<,. 13. 1904 lit Lincoln. Nebr.: m. Xo,·. 2i. 1926 nt the Presbyterian church in Chicago, Ill.. hY the Rev. Dr. Seldon. to Lucille Carrel Schumnn. who wa:,; boni on Au~. i. 1904: dnu!!ll• ter of Walter Hrnr.v Selnunan mtll )fnry Aunil.' (Srott) Schum1m.

    )Ir. and )Irs. Si..tu111011s nuw rc:sidc iu Chien:::o and !te .is cru· P!o.vei! h, the ~- & R. )fotor Supply Co., wholl.'~nlcrs in ewl">· kmd of nutomoh1ll.' snppJil.'S.

    ETHEL BELLE EISELE (10) Dnvid nu

    .Joh .'!. )fos.,s 2. )loses l. h. l>rl'. 19. lS!Jl nt Chuml>crs. HoH .. ount\', ~c-hr.; 111. to En1c-,:t E. Tnylor on Au.z. 1, 1914. in Lin­ ••oln, Xe-hr. H1• wns hont .Jun,. lli, 18!/l nt. Xrhrnskn Cit\'. ~ebr.


    Dn11:1l,I Ew.::1•111• T:1_,·lor. h. I•'<•h. 12. Hll9, Linciln. ~ebr.

    DA \'ID \\'lLLLL\l ElSELl-: (10) Dm·i,I nncl :\-!an· (Slllllllons) Eisele 9.. John D. S. Henry 'i. Lorenzo 6 • .Tolin 5, ,Job 4. ,Toh 3, :\loses 2. )loses l. h. April i>. 1889 a1 Chmnhc-rs. Ne-hr•• and Jost lib life- in worl

    ::iA.llUEL HOWE EISELE (10) Dnvi


    .l:1ek Sumuer Eisele. 1,, )1:m·h 1. 192.J. :it Lincoln. X,•br.

    .TOUX Fl{EIJEI-UCK EISELE (10) Da,·i

    HAHRY ED\L\.RD EISELE (10) D:i,·itl :md .lfan· (Sim­ moasj Eisel,, 9•. John D. Simmon:< S, Henry 'i, Lorenzo 6. ,John 5, .Joh 4 •.Job :1. )Coses 2 • .llo,-C's 1. h. DN·. 2. 1896 nt Snltillo. Nebr.: 111. ,T:111. 27. 192fi to Opnl )fnrtin.

    LY~X LE\"1 EISELE (10) Dn\'itl mul :.\fan· {Simmons) Eisele !J ••lohu D. Simmons S. ffrnrv 'i. Lort>nzo fi ••John 5, Job 4. ,Job :;, )Iosc.'- 2. )f<'Sl'S 1. h.. Tuh: 24. J900 nt S:1ltillo. ~ebr.: 111. l!ny ...... ]923 to Imoze11<' Eherhnr


    Hazel )fay Eisele. h. )fay 11. 192-l, at Franklin. Nebr. .Tenn Lynette Eisele. h. )f:m•h 23, 1926 ut Franklin. Nebr. Lois Ethel Eisele, b. Feb. IS•. 1929 at Franklin. Nebr. 198 SIMMONS GENEALOGY

    MARY CAROLYN EISELE (10) David ancl Mary Simmons) E.i.-.ele 9, .John D. Simmons S, Henry i, Lorenzo 6, John 5, Job 4, ,Toh 3. l\foses 2. l\Ioses 1. b. ,Jnn. li, 1903 nt Snltillo, Nebr.: m. ,Jnly 13, 1923 to ~urn Lewis Pl·e\\itt.

    Pntsey .Toy Prewitt. h . .Tune 15, 1925 at Lincoln. Nebr.

    . BLAN.CHE EDITH EISELE (10) Dnvid nud lfnry (Simmon,J Eisele 9, ,John D.. Simmons S, Hcni-y i. Lorenzo 6. John :S, Job 4, ,Toh 3, lioscs 2, Moses 1. b. ,Time 9, 1905 at Saltillo. Nebr.: sin­ gle nnd lhing with parents at 2i39 Smmmer St.• Lincoln. Nebr.

    KEMYSS LAFEL BONEBRIGHT (10) Emmn (Simmons) and J. S. Bonebright 9, John D. Simmons S, Henry i. Lorenzo 6, John 5, Job 4, Job 3. Moses 2, lfose;; 1. b. June 14. 1895; m. A~. 2i. 1920 to Gertrude Snyder. ·


    Betty .Ann Bonebright, b. Nov. 20, 1921. lfnry Ellen Bonebright b. June 3, 1:J23.

    EUNICE ODELL BONEBRIGHT (10) Emma (Simmons) and J. S. Bonebright 9, John D. ·Simmons 8, Henry i, Lorenzo 6. John 5. Job 4; Job 3, :\loses 2. llo~ 1. b. Ang. 29, 1896; m. Ane-. 2G, 1918. to Joseph Roy Capps.


    Mn..xine Capps, b. Feb. 14, 1920. · William Dale Capps. b. linrch 22. 1922. Bonnie Jene Cupps, b. Ang. 19. 1924.

    BERAL BLOYCE BONEBRIGHT (10) E= (Simmons) :ind .J. S. Bonebright 9, John D. Simmons 8, Henry 7. Lorenzo b. John 5. Job 4. Job 3, Moses 2. l\foses l. b. Ang. i, 1900; m. April 14, _1923 to Hellen Jelinek who. was born Aug. 1. 1902 in Iowa.


    .Wayne Sylvester Bonebright, b. Aug. 29. 1924. Doris Bonebright, b. ,Jane 12, 1929.


    .r. 8. Bonebright 9, John D. Simmons 8. Henn· T. Lorenzo 6•. rolu. 5. ,Job 4. ,Job 3, Moses 2. )fol't-s 1. b. Sov. 6. 1898; m. Aue:. 14, 1928 to Omllc Sorlnm1.

    KElli'l\.'ETH .ALBERT SDDIOXS (10) ,TUJm.-s W. 9, ..:UUos 8. Henrv i. Lorenzo 6, ,John 5, Job 4-, ,Toh 3. :\loses 2. lfoses L b. Oct. 15, 1906 nt Lincoln, Sehr.: m. Oct. 19. 192i at Lincoln. Nebr. ro Hl'l<'n Tiln lfrCo~· who wns horn So,·. 3. 1905 nt York. Nebr.


    Robert .ilvin Simmons. h. Attg-. 9. 1928. Owensboro, K)·. ~P.tty Rnth Simmons. h. ,Tnn<' 21. ]930. Linroln. Nehr.

    Kenneth ~\. Simmons w:is raised und educated in Lincolu. Xcbr., nnd for a while after Icu,ing- sebool.uctcd n.,; special delivery ..Jerk for the Lincoln postoflicc. For th<' pnst two venrs he hus hc<•n cmr,Jo.v<'d as :;:-rolocist by th<' Sht>ll Oil Compan)· at Snn An- 1onio, Texas.

    CLAYTOX WARREX SDDIOXS (10) ,Tmues W. 9 • ..:UUos 8 E:en- 1·y ,. Lor<'nl".0 6•. Tobu ,3~ ,Joh 4-••Job 3, :\Coses 2. )fosl.'S l. b. Au.:. :i. l!lO!l; 111. ).[:ll'(•h 16, J!l::o to Dorothc~· Ren.,;on. h. :\Inv j, 1909.

    HERTH.\ BELL (10) E

    :.'IIERTI lI.-\XD.\ WHEELER (10) Willirun anti Caroline H. (Colt) Wheeler 9, F.rnnklin nnd Ani,?rline (Simmons) Colt S. Phil­ :111

    lIARY· GERTRUDE Wll.EELER. (10) Willirun and Carolinhilnn


    ,Tames Worth;: Inglmm. b. Feb. 20, 1898. H. W ol<'ott In:;:ham. b. DCC'. 31. 1899. ;\fnryon J crnldil.tc Inghnm, b. Sept. 26. 1905. 200 SD-UIONS GENEALOGY

    llrs. lnghum · hus bocn very enthusiustic in ~"llthcrinir Sinuuou"

    CLARENCE ALBERT PICHT (10) Phillip und Erum:1 (French) Picht 9, Henry Clay and Sarnh Angustn (Simmon~) French 8. AmQs 7, Lorenzo 6.. John 5, ,lob 4 ..Job 3, :lfosc-s •> lf08C!< 1. h. Oct. 14. 1886: m. Feb. 17. 1912 to :\l:vrtn Simpson.

    HOWARD BLAINE PICHT (10) John and Clum (French) Picht 9, Henn· Clnv and Saruh Augusta (Simmons) l:"'rcnch s. Amos 7, Lorenzo 6. John 5. ,Toh 4, ,Toh 3. :\Coses 2. :\loses J. b. •July 30. 1884: m. Dec. 30. 1908 to l!yrtlc Ornb<.>l Kellcv.


    Gernld Emerson Picht. b.• July l, 1910. · Raymond Arthur Picht, b. Aug-. 11. 1911.

    ANDREW lIELVIK PICHT (10) ,John nu


    Clifford Henry Piclit, b. l!arch 23, 1909. Helen Irena Picht. b. Au:;:-..~:!. 1911.

    BE.A.TRICE CA.lIILLA :.\IEECH (l0J Willin111 and Ettii ( Car iell} Meech 9, Vincent and C:unillu (Sp111;..ru1•) Curicll 8. \'cr!

    Children Margaret Etta Huggett, h. Sept. 27. 1907. SL\DlONS HBNEALOGY 201

    ROBERT LE\'I lleNAIR (lO) William and Clara (Bracken) :llcNnir !J • .Tamei- und )lury Ann (Simmons) Bracken S. Henry 7, Lorenzo 6, ,Tohn ,;, ,Toh 4. ,lob :J. )Iose:s 2. :lfoses 1. h. at Saltillo, S"cbr., ,Tu1,1e 2-lc, 1882; ru. Denver, Colo., .11111. :1, 1909 to EYn Mne :lf:tstt'l-s, who wus boni .Jun. Ii, 1SS!J.


    Clurn Cet•il )lcNair, b. Oct. :1, 1910.

    HELLES PHYLLI/:i EDDY (lOJ liuttic r:achel !J, Amos 8, Henry 7, Lorenzo ti, .John 5, ,Job -le, ,Job :;, )Ioscs 2. l!oses L b. .lulr 2.'l, 1902; 111. Oct. :J. ].')2➔ to B. H. Hohuck, 1, •...... ,


    Wallace Hobuck. Ii. Aug. 8, 1925. Donald Hobuek. b. Oct. 15. 192(l. Shirley Hobuck, h. Dec. 18. 192,. Delores Hoh:1t•k. h. An;r...... , 1929.

    CH..\.HLES mWIS WILTERDJXK (l0J .J. H. und- Clam (Grav) Wilterdink 9. Wm. and Corolinc (Simmons) Wilterdink 8. Henn· Simmons 7. Lorenzo G, John 5, ,Job 4, Job 3, Moses 2, :IIoses l. b. Aue-. 10, 190-+: m. No\·. 14, 1929 :1t Sterline:. Colo., to Clarn Beeker. ·


    CHARLBS HOWARD BURXETT (lOJ Charles E. :ind Edna lt:ichel (\\"iltc-nlink) Bunictt 9. Wm. :1111! Caroline (Simmons) Wil­ terdink 8, Henry Simmous 7. Loreni,.o 6, ,lohn ,;, .Job 4 ••Job :s. :.\foses 2, )lose~ 1. h. ,Juh- :n. 1909 :1t Sultillo, Xebr.; m .•Tum, JS. ]!);Jo at ,J:1111:iie:1. X<'hr. to .Ellowc•n Pill:ir. ,J:1n:;:-l1ter of Hnrr~· :11ul Id:i (H:111•) Pill:,r. h. :1t I,im·ohi". Xrhr.• .l:111. :?4, 1909.

    THEODORA V.\1\ 1101{1\ ( 10) llarri,•t ,Jnck,-;on f Simmons) \'an Horn 9. Thc>o.Jorr S• .John 7. Beuoni Ii, .lolu, :;, .Juse1>h ~. \\"illium 3, )Ioses 2. )Ios!.'S ]. h. Sept. :?:;, JSifi at Boston; 111 .Tune 16, ]902 to Edwnl'd Sturtevant of ~c>wpol't, H. I. 202 8L\L\CONS GENEALOGY

    GhildrP.n (horn nt Newport) Theo,lorl' C. Sturtcv1mt, h . .\Inrch 20, 190,3. Coni-t11n1•e Sturtemnt, h. Sept. 23, 1906. J.:i1"·111·,I Stnrte,·nnt. ,Tr., h. liny 13, ]909.

    HA.HOLD FR,\..~CIS JOHNSTON (10) )I, Olyve (Brncken) nnd Wm. R. ,Johnston 9, :Mary Ann (Simmons) nnd .J. M. Brnck­ en 8, Henr:r Simmons 'i, Lorenzo 6, Jolm 5,.Job 4, ,Job 3, Moses :!. :\loses l, h. Dt>e. lli, 1899 11t Li11Poln, Xebr.; in. 11t Coun~il BlulTs, lown :Xo,·. ::1. 192::1 to I-folcn ,Tuli11 Lurgc. h. ,Tnn ..r2, ]!Ill::, H1-sid1• 11t tiO!l!i "'est Colfmc Ave., Dcm·er, Colo.


    .Beverly Ann .Johnston, h. ,Tun. 12, 1927, Ed,:cwntcr, Colo. Roi:er Hnmlrl Johnston, h. lfny 20, 1928. El2"PW11ter, Col,, .

    •JA.\IE8 Oll.YILLE SCH.ALL (10) linr:v :Molesta 9, Amos S, Henr,· 7, Lor<'nzo 6, .John :3, ,Job 4, ,lob :{, Jloscs 2. :Hoses 1. h. •rmw· !J. 1!J02 nt 8yr1wuse, N'l'hr.; m ••Jul)· :?:!, 1926 nt Kenruc,·. Sebr., to Oliw Crosle,·, born -.June 27, 1907 11t ::llnson Cit,·, X1•hr., d:iu,:hter of Thornton nnd Ida Crosley.


    K1•11m•tl1 ,Ja111ci- 8i,hul1. h.• luu. 7, 19"!i, Doroth,· Ludllr Sd1111l, h. ::l!nrl'h 2"2. 1928. l>nll' R·, S,·h:ill, h. O,,t. 2. 1929.

    !\'AX EJ,.\10 SCHALL (10) ::lfory .\Iolestn !J. Amos S. Heun· 7. Lorenzo 6, .John 5, .Job 4.. .Toh· :i. lfoses 2, )fosl'S 1. b. St•pl. 20, 1906: 111 • .Tun<' :?!!. 19:10 :it )fnson City, N'<'hr., to Virciuiu noh• ertson. tl:mght<•r of Frt'

    RALPH L. g.ANDERS (10) .Aro D .. 9, C. ,,.... :uul Loui:--,, ~ . .Tolin )101~ 7, Cyrus Simon~ ti, ,Tobn 5 ..Job •l. Job 3. }loses :!. )fosse 1. 11. Oct. 10, ]!JO-I-: Iii. )foy 18, 1929 to R<'rnie<' .T:ieohs.

    ::l[ARTIIA LOUISE SA.. XDERS (10) Aro D. !J, Louise IS .•Tol111 ::lfonie 7, C)TUS Simmons 6 ••Tohn 5, .Tob 4, .Job- 3. l\foses 2. }fn,,., 1. b. )fa~· 13, 1906: m. 8t'pt. 7. 1929 to Philip Amato.


    Ellc:>n i;, .:Uurtin i, .Martin 6. ,Je1-111e 5, Aaron 4. Benjamin 3, John :!, :\lo!-lcs l. b. O<•t. 24, 1904 nt Pembroke, :Mnss.: m. l\{av 15, J!J30 nt MiddJeboro. l!ns1-1., to Clnrn Philfo; Utra, born llav 13, l!IO!J nt l!iddl<>boro, l\Cass.

    u\\'ENDOLYX DOIW'l'HEA STETSON (10) Saral1 :s. 9, Sw:uJ1 Ellen 8, Martin i, Martin 6, JC8l:le 5, Aaron 4. Benjamin a. John :!, Moses 1. b. Sept. 28, 1909 at Brockton, Mass.: m. Oct. 1, 1927 to .Asa Howard Copeland at Elmwood, Mas.-..; he was born Sept. :.W, 1906 nt East Bridi:eport, l\Iass.



    DOROTHY HOWLA.1.\'D LeFURGEY (10) Nellie 9, Sarah Ellen 8, l\fortin i, llartin 6, .Jesse 5, Aaron 4, BenjamJn 3. John 2, Moses 1. h. Ap1il 23. 1894 at Pembroke, Mas!f.; m. a-,; Pem• broke, l\fa.qs, No,·. 8, 1914 to GrnnYillc• lI. Thayer who was born at Pembroke, Mass., Sept. 14, 1892.


    Virginia Chilton Tlu1~·cr. b. :1.Iureh .,.,. 1920 at Pembrok.,, l.Iass. Carolin/' Hanclllll Tlm.,·,•1·, b. April 24. 1923 at Pembrok",

    PHILLIP RIXEJ-L\HDT HOWLAND (10) Charles C. 9. Sarah J::. 8, Murtiu i, llm-tiu Ii, .Tes..-ie 5, Aaron 4. Benjamin 3, John :!, llosei,; ]. h. Sept. 15. 1902 at Gardner, :\Inss.; m. Aul?. 9. 1928 at Cambridl?e, l!ass. to Oli\'I' lf. Pl'!Ty, born at Holliston, Mass.. D<>e. 13. 1910.


    1"11itli A1111 H,m·la11d, h.• Tul_,. 21, 1929 at Gardner. Mass. Eleventh Generation

    ,JA.\IEH \\"Olt'l'HY DWIIA?II ( I l) ,lnuws 111111 1lut•\' Grl'tr11,J,. (Wlwrlcr) f111'lm111 JO. Willinm 111111 Carolinr H. (Colt) '"'heeler !I, J.'rnnklin 111111 Ant:-l'linP ( Si111111011s) Colt R, Philnnder i, 7.uril'l Ii, l~hc111•1.er :\ ,loh -t .foh :J, ::'lfos<'S 2, ::'lfosl'l-1 1. h, F'l'h, 20, JS!IR; 111. :\l


    .Jnuws B1mj11mi11.

    H. \\'OLCO'f'l' IXGHA::'11 ( 11) .Tu111cs 1111,l ::'lfnl',. fl1•1•t.1wlt· /\\'lll'i!l<'r) lu~l111111 10, \\'illi:1111 11ml Cnroline H. (Colt) Whc<>ler n. J•'r:mklin and Am.:«•liur (Si111111011s) Colt 8, Philnml<>r i, ZnriPI Ii, l~lwn1•zl'r 5, .Toh 4 • .Toh 3, ::'lfos<>s 2. :\fosl'!< l. h. Dr,•. :Jl. lS!J!J: 111. J~,Jnn Williams.

    }L \Yol<"ott ln1'hurn is u )[. D. 1111tl II Surg-co:1


    .John. Wni

    ::'IL\HYOX .lERALDINE l?-:Gl-L\::'11 lll) .fumes 1111'] )fit1,· (; .. ,•. trndc (Wh('('l<'r) ln:;:-hnm 10. \Yillin111 nnd CnrolinP H. (Colr.) Whr<>ler !l. Franklin n11') Colt "· Philander i. Zmi«>I (i, Ehc•nrz,•r 5 • •Toh 4. .Toh :1. ::'lfos1•s 2. ::'lfosp,- l. b. Sept. 28. 1905.

    )Iur_von ,Jeral«linc ln,::-1111111 is 1111 nrtist. Lineal Descendants


    .\lOHES Kl.\l.\1O:-.S. 8hi11 l•'nl't11111•, :-.o,·. !l, ltl21 nt Plvmouth . •\l111Ticil nhout Hi32. l-111·11'1 ~ ( prnhnhly Hnrnh rhnn

    Tlwir ChiMrc11

    llosc::;, who umrricil l'ntic•n,·c· Bn ,.,_tow n hout 1Uti4. Rd~c•.c11, who mn1Tie\! ,John 8011I. .\fnry. who married .To8cph Al

    •JOHK. who 11111rri1•,I )J.,rr.v Pac•ho,li,• lHli!l.

    ,JOH~ SUD1O1'S (2) ,-011 or .\Jn:;,,s (1) horn :ihoul lti-!i".

    Tht>ir Chil

    .Jolw. born 1"eh. 2:;, 1670. \VILLLBI, born Sept. 24-. 167:!. IHMC, born ,Jan. 2S, 1674 . .\fart.Im, bom Nov. 17, 1877. Benjamin, born 167S. .Joseph, born 16S:$, dic•d .\lay 20. 1761. Rebecca, born 1685 or 1686. ,Joshua. born 1688. .\,[oe~s. bom De<·. 5, lH!l0-1. di,,,! .Tun. :!J. 1761.

    WlLLlA).I SBB!Ol\:; (HJ ,Jolrn :?. }loses 1, horn ~ept. 24, 206 SIMMONS GENEALOGY

    ]672; married Aoogo.i) Cl111r.eh 1696. She was the dnni:htcr of .Jescph nnd Mary (Tucker) Church at Little Compton.

    Their Children

    Mercy, bona ,Jul:v 1. 169i;

    ~OSEPH SIM:MONS (4) William 3; .John 2, Moses 1. h. :Uarch 4, 1702; m. March 28. 1726 to Rebec

    .JOHN, born .Jan. 29., 1727. Abagail, born Dec. 7, 1728. Edward. born March 16, 1730. Betsey. born. March 8. 1733. :Johnathan, born Aug. 20. 1736. Ephriam, born ·June 29. 1739. Susanna.. born July 8, 1742. Rebceca.. born Feb. 7, 1746. ,Joseph. born...... 1748.

    JOHN SIMMONS (5) Joseph 4, William 3, John 2, Moses l. born Jan. 29, 1727 11t ittle Compton. R. I.: married Lydia Grinnell about 1746.

    Their Children Jeremiah, born April 8, 1747. Joseph. born March 23, 1748. !BEN.ON!, born ...... : died .June 15. 183.'i. Isiah born ___ John. born___ _ Ruth, born....-...... Elizabeth, born ...... _ ...... , SL\DIONS GENEALOGY 207

    BENOXT SDDIONS (6) ,John 5. ,Joscpl1 4, William :;, ,Tol111 :.!. Moses 1. born...... : n, ll.ho

    Their Children

    Comelius, horn Sc11t. rn. 1i8.<,; ,lit•,! Oct. r,, 183:!. Ly<1in, born Au::. l!J, liSi. Jeremiah. born Nov. 30. li89; ,I. ::lforeh 12, li90. ::IInry. hom Feb. 5. li91; ,lied Sept. 9, 1814. G<.'01"'$, bom Se1,t.. 9, li93. ,lOllN. bom Oct. ::Ill, li9ti; ,lil'rl An;:. 29, lSiO.. Comfort, bon1 .Tnly Ii, 1803. Valentine. boru AJ>ril JS. ]Sllli.

    •JOHN Sii\DlONS (il fouu

    / ::llarr Aun, b. Oct. 4. 181!); 111. Geor:.-c I>itsou: ,I. April 4. 188i. ,John. b. Nov. 14. 1820: d. April 6, 1846. Lorenzo. b. Ar,ril rn. 1822; ,l. Feb. !J. 1841. Alvinn. b. Feb. 11, lS-24; 111. Edwnrd \\'hit<-. Thco


    MOSES SlMl\lON8. t11ul1111hl.<:1ll)· horn in llollnnrl, 11houl. th" vcnr 1600, 1mmc HHY I60i, but WI! hnvr not.him: 1111thr.11i i" 011 t.hi1-1, ;,11111,r to America in th!! !4hir, "Fo1t.t1111•" 111ri\'III::' Nov,•mtJl'r H, ltl2l. lfo wns in Duxbury. hl'for11 1ti:Ji, r,l'ohal,lv 111::?8 to rn:m. nnd w111-1 111111Tic1I to Snrnh (s11p1>01-11•tl to b(' Cl11111dh•1·. ,l11111.:hl1•r 111' H,ogcr CJ111ndlcr) nud .intli:ing 1y thl' 11111n;·in;.t .,r hi" 1•hil1h·P11, lhnt he wnH 11111rric1I nhout rnao to .111:l:!. JJJ;, nndouhtr


    Rebecca. who murried ,I ohn Soul (George.) :MOSES ,TR.. who 111nrried Pntic•111:i, Bnr,-;tow . •John. who mnnfod l\Iercy P11bodic. Aaron, who mnrricd ...... 111111 hnd ehildren. Mary, who mnrried ,lm;e11h A Iden ( "011 of ,lohn Alden. l Eliwbcth, who wu1-1 S<'cond wifo of Ri1·h1ml Dwrll<'r. Snmh. who m11nicl ,Tnm"" !\n,-;h of D11xh111;·.

    lIOSES SIJ\IMONS JR., wns hol'II in Duxburv uucl iudi:dn:: from the clntc of his dl'ttth 11111I his t>hilolrr.n. the rlntl' mis nbont. 1632 or 1633.

    In 1664 he murried Pat.icncr Barstow, d11ughtcr of ,villiu111 1111d ~\nn Barstow. HI' mnde his will on the ith dnv of l\fard1 16i6-i and must J111ve diNl hrt'orr th~ 18, of thl' snnir. month a., the birth of their Ja-.t child is rel'Ordctl ns )forcr 18, 16ifi nnrl 1,tatcs thut the mothrr ,~as then n. \\itlo,,,·.

    Ch;itlrcn of l\foscs Simmons ,Jr. nnd Patience ( 8:ir~tow) Rimmou,. :.\loses; born June 10. 1666: ,!. in Canndinu 1•1tpe1l[tlon J690. John. b. March 15. 1668. .3:u-nh. b. July 31, 16i0. Aaron. b. Aug. 4. l6i2; m. :.\Inrthn Cobb ( !) ,Tohn Caleb. Jr. •TOB. b. Oct. 4, l6i4. 1Pntience, b. ?ifnrch 18. 16i6. hl'r motlll'r tht>n being- a witlow.

    JOB SIMMONS (3) )loses 2, Moses 1, bup. Oct. 4. 16i4. probably born at Seituate; cl. Sept. 26, 1761 and is buried at Hali- 209 fox. }Innie, liOO to Hn1111uh lfo1hop (Bushop) rlnut!'ht<'r of .J11111m1 111111 :,\lnr,v Bii

    Vol. 5 of tl11• ".\fnyllo11·1•1· D1•,w<'111l1111ti<" ,

    Tl1eir Children

    Patience, I,, Murch 1, 1701. Abigail, h. Oct. 21. 1703. Ricbcca. b. l\!ay 3, 1706. i\fo~es, b. Feb. 25, 1708. Ebenezer, b. Nov. 18. 1709. Sarah, b. l\!areh 17, 1712. ,Tohn, b. May 7, 1714. Eli1.abeth, h. Dei,, 13, 171ti. •Elijah, b. March 14, 1718. ·.,JOB JR.. b. Mav 20. 1720. IInnnah, b. Oet. 13, 1721. (Worn) b. Jun. 21, 1823.

    ,JOB Sl11DI.ONS .JR. (4) ,Job 3, Moses 2, }loses L b. May 20. 1720; d ...... ; m. Oct. 20, 1742. to Abi,:ail Parris. She was the dnn~ht1>r of' 8111111wl B. nn

    Their Children

    Ebenezer, b...... probubly in Mass. or N. H. Hannah, b ...... - ... : probably in Mass. or N. H. Sarah, b...... : probably in Mass. or N. H. ,JOHN, b. Jan. 17, 1761 at Cornwall; ,l. lforeh 5, 1849. Silve, b. Dec. 12, 1762 at Cornwall. Mary, b. May 6, 1765 nt Cornwall. Solomon. b. Aui:. 24, 1766 at Cornwall. Rufus, b. Oct. 1. 1768 nt Cornwall.

    ;JOHN SBU.IONS (5) Job Jr. 4, Job 3, Moses 2, Moses L b. ,Jan. 17, 1761 · at Cornwall, CC"nn. : ii. l\-Iarch 5, 1849: bar. in the ceme1Jery at West Fort Ann; m. Feb...... 1786 at Litehleld. CoilJl. to Rachel Bissell, who was born Sept. 8, 1767; d. Feb. 5. 1850 and is buried at West Fort .Ann. · 210 SIMMONS Gfil-'"EALOGY

    Their Children

    Sylvia. b. Oct. 23, 1787 at Litcl1ficl

    LORENZO SL'1MONS (6) ,Tobn 5, ,Job .Jr. -l:, ,Job J. Moses :!. Moses l. b. April 5, 1791 at Fort Ann, N. Y .• and while "~t :1 yonng mnn crune west into Ohio.

    ,The Posterity of Lorenzo Simmons is .Jar,~ All of his ehildren who were married raised large families with the excep­ tion of his dat12'hter. Rachel. wl10 diec] n few months after lu•r ma.rrin,..,"'I!.

    His two sons•• John and Warren lh-ed with him in lliehi!!'lln until their death, both d:vin2' unmarried. He was married in 1817 in Ohio, to .Ann Gale. ,vc have 110 reoord of her birth. She died l,Ome· time clnring- 1845. He die

    Their Children

    HENRiY, b. May 3. 1818; d. April 2, 1889.• Amos. b. Jan. 24. 1820; d. May 9, 1874. Cyrus, b. Dec. 8, 1822; d. ,T nnc 22, 1878. RacheL b.... ____ , 1829; d. March 5, 1852. · John. Warren. A~. b. Sept. 2-l:, 183"2, tl. June 5. 1872.

    HENRY SIMMONS (7) Lorenzo 6, .John 5. Job Jr. 4. Job 3. :Moses 2, Moses 1. b. May 3, 1818, in Lickill2' County, Obio: d. April 2. 1889 at Saltillo, Nebr.; m. Sept. 16, 1838 in Lickinir Coun• ty.· Ohio, to Catherine Walkier, daughter of James and Raeliel Wnlkcr. b. June 13, 1821. She died Sept. 15. 1887 at Saltillo. N4>br. 1-DUION'S GE:ll.'EALOGY 211

    Their Children

    Mary .Ann, b. Nov. 22, 1839. •John Do.vid, b. )foy 26, 1841; <1. Oct. 8, 1874. Rachel, b. April ·2. 1843; cl. No"·· 20., 1845. Amos. b. April 2:1, 1846; d. ,Tnn. 26, 1928. Emily, b. ,Tau. 24, 1848: d. Feb. 4, 1851 . •To.mes Cyrus, b. :'\!arch lS, 1850; d. Sept. 11; 1850. Co.roline. h. Aug-. 13, 18.52; d. Feb. 24, 1930. Annis Rosette, b. Oct. 5, 1854; d; Jllll. 12, 1925. LORENZO ALBERT~ b. l!n)· 22, 1857. Le~i. b. Dee. 6, 1859. Wurrcu. b. Jan 23. 1862: d. April 7. 1923. Laura Susan, b. Sept. 9, 1864; d. Aug. 7, 1910. Harriett Alice Wells (adopted) b. Dec. 17, 1878.

    LORENZO ALBERT SDCIIONS (8) Henry 7, Lorenzo 6. John 5. Job .Jr. 4 ••Toh 3. :Moses 2. Moses l. b. in Storv County, Iowa. lfay 22, 1$57; m. in Smitlt County, Kansas•• Tan. 30, 1879. to MD.r­ t..'llret Ann Porter. don. of Artlmr B. and ::Margaret (Hill) oorter, who wn." bont in Washin~ou County. Ohio, May 8, 1860.

    Their Children

    Hen~· Arthur. b . .April 13, 1880. lfaude Anni.8, b. April 5, 1882. Nellie Agnes, b. :'\fay 10, 1884. Gn:v .Amos, b. Ang-. 21. 1886. Clanac Alfred. b. Dee. 22, 1888. I.Joy


    lfOSES 811\L\IONS. 1111,loubtl'dly born iu Hollu11d, ubout tl11• year 1600, some sny ]60i, hut we hm'.c 11othin,: uutlwntic 011 this, 1:umc to .Amcril'll jn thl' sl1in "Fortune" nrrivini:r November !l, 1621. He wu11 in Duxlnu~·. hefol'l' 163i. r,robablv 1628 to 1630, nnd wu.-i married to Rnrnh (supposcil to be Chan,ller, cl11ui:rl1tcr of Ro:..-cr Chaud'.let·) 111111 iucli..oini: h.,· the mnn'.Vin:: of his l'hildrcu, that hil wus mnrriril nbont 1630 to ]6:32. lit, 11111lou1Jtc1l1Y li<•l i11 1691 us l1i11 will 1111ulc in 1689 wus 1,robutcil before the Count.I' Court ut Plymouth, Scptcmbl.'1" Jr,_. 1691 oud the inventory of l1is estate was presented to tl1c Co1,rt on the sumc date bv l1is son .Tohn. · The inventon· l1n,;nz l1l'c11 tnkl'n hv Thomas Dclnno 01111 Edwnrd Southworth. ·

    Childr<'n of :l'lfost•s 1111il H11r11h Si11m11111s. 11111loubte'1Jv l>0r11 nt Duxbun·

    Rebecca, who mruTicd ,Jol111 Soul ( G<'Ol'I.!:<') :MOSES JR. who mnrri<'cl Pntienel' Barstow. John who married Mercy Pabodie. Aaron. who marri<'cl ( \') and had childrcu. '\1:u.ry, \ITO mnrriccl .Tosepl1 Allen (son of .Tohn ;\Jelen. Elfaab<'tl1. who wn.<; sec•oncl wife of Riehur,I Dwf'lle~·. Samii, who n111rri<•d Jnmc,i< Nni;h of DtL'(hury.

    MOSES Sli\tl\IONS .JH. w111< born in Dnxhur,· 11nc1 .iucl!:iu:: from the dntl' of his il1•11tl1 111111 hi>' •·l1ildre11, H1<' dntr mt>' nho11t. 1632 or 163.3. In 1664 he murried Patience Barstow, ilau,:hter of William . and Ann Barstow. He made his '\\'ill on the ith dav of }larcl1 1676-7 nn

    Their Children

    Moses. b. June 10, 1666:

    JOB SIMMONS (3) Moses 2, Moses 1. bap. Oct. 4. 16i-!. probably born at Scituate: <1. Sept. 26, li61 nn

    t'ux. )Iurrit-

    Vol. 5 of the ";\favflowel' D!'sr•cndnnts" shows the followin~ fumil.v as being born nt 'Plymptou.

    Their Children

    Patience, b. 11I1u·ch l, 1701. Abi~il. b. Oct. 21, 1703. R.ebccca, b. May 3. 1706. :Moses, b. Fl!b. 25., 1706. Ebenezer, b. No,·. 18, 1709. Sarah, b. :i\Iurch 17, 1712. .Tohn, b. May 7, 1714. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 13, 1716. Elijah, b. :i\Inrch 14, 1717• .JOB Jl{. b. May 20, 1720. Hannah, b. Oct. 13, 1721. (worn) h. ,Tan. 21, 1723.

    .JOB SDIMONS .m. tI B. 111111 Ruth (Bonncv) Panis. born• Xo,·. 30, 1725. .

    '.l'heil· C11ililrl!n

    Ebenezer, b...... , ...... ; probabl~· in :i\Iass. or N. H. Hannah, b ...... : 1>rohnblr in ::\fnss. or N. H. Sarah, h ...... : probably in :ilfoss. or N. H • •JOHN. b ..Jan. li, li61 nt Cornwall; <1. :\forch 5, 1849. Silve, b. D<>e; 12, 1762 at Cornwall. :Mary. b. May 6, 1766 nt Cornwnll. Solomon, b. Ang. 24, 1766. Rufus, h. Oet. l., 1768.

    .JOHN' SBBIONS (5) .Job ..Jr. 4, .Job 3. Moses 2, Moses 1.. b. ,Jan. 17, 1761 at Cornwall. Conn.; d. l\far<'h =>, 1849: buried in th-c C'Cmetery at \\-"est Fort Ann; m. Feb...... 1786 at Litchfield. Conn., to I{;ichcl Bissell, wbo was born Sept. 8, 1767; d. Feb. 5, 18-50, nn,l is buried at West Fort Ann. 214 SIMMONS GENEALOGY

    Their Childrcu

    Sylvia, b. Oct. 23, li87 ut Litchfield, Conu.;

    LORENZO SllDIONS (6) ,Tohn 5, .Toh ,Tr. 4. Job 3, 1'fos1·., 2, l!oS

    The postority of Lorenzo Simmons is lnr:;:-e. All of his child­ ren wl10 were married raised lnrg-c fnmilics with fre exception nf his

    His two sons. ,John and Wnncn Jiwd with him in lfichig-1111 until their death, both dying unmarried.

    He was married in ...... _... , 1817 in Ohio, to Ann Gale. W<' have no record of her birth. She died some time during- 1545.- H~ died in October 1854.


    l:l:ENRY. b. Mu~- 3, 1818: d. April 2, 18.'!!l. Amos, b. Jan. 24. 1820; d. :May 9, 1874. Cyr.us. b. Dec. 8. 1822; d. Jnne 22, 1878. Rachel. h-...... ~ 1829: <1. ~fnreh 5, 18'>2. John Warren Annis, b. Sept. 24, 1832; 11 ••fon<' 5, 18i2.

    HENRY SL"\!MONS (7) Lorenzo ti, .Tohn 5, Job Jr. 4. ,Toh :i. Moses 2, Moses 1. b. May 3. 1818, in Lickin~ Count~·. vhio; d. April 2, 1889, at Saltillo. Nebr.; u1. Sept. lli. 1838, in Licki11!!" County•. Ohio, to Catherine Walker, daughter of .James and lfacl11·i Walker, June 13. 1821. She died Sept. 15. lSSi at Saltillo. S1•hr. SIMMONS GENEALOGY 216

    Their Children

    .Mu.ry .A.1111 b, No,·. 2'2, 1839. ,John David, IJ. )foy 26, 1841: d. Oi,t. 8, 1874. Rachel, b. April 2. 1843; d. Nov. 20, 1845. Amos, b. Ap1il 23, 1846. Emil:v., b, Jan. 24, 1848; d. Feb. 4, 1851. .Tames Cyrus, It March 18. l8l>O; d. Sept. 17, 1850. Caroline, b. Aug. 14, 1852. Annis Rosette, b. Oct. 5, 1854. 'LORENZO ALBERT, b. :May 22. 18.'>7. Lc,i. b. Dec. 6, 1859. W unen. b. Jan. 23, 1862. Lnnra S11S1111, b. Sept. 9, 1864; d. Aug, 7. 1910. liurriP.t AlicP Wells. (adopted) h. Dee. 11. 1878.

    LORENZO .ALBERT SL\1.1\!0NS (8) Henry 7. Lorenzo 6, John ,;, Job Jr. 4, Job 3, :Moses 2. l\foi:;,cs 1. b. in Story County, Iowa, :\fay 22. 18&,7; ru. in Smith Count.,·, Kansas Jan. 30, 1879 'to Mar­ :..'BJ'Ct Ann Porter, clau~hter of Arthur B. and ~et (Hill) Porter, who WR!< born iu l\'nshington County, Ohio, Mav 8. 1860.

    Tbeir Cllildreu HENRY ARTHUH, b. April 13, 1880. ,Maude Annis, b. .Ap1il 5, 1882. Nellie .Agues, b. )fay 10, 1884. Gey .Amos, b. .Aug. 21. 1868. Claude Alfred, b. Dec. 22, 1888. Lloyd Albert, b. Aug. 30. 1891. Leola Ariel, b. May 4, 189-1. :\fabel Amanda, b. l[ay 11, 1901. R:Olland Allen, b. Sept. 20. 1903.

    HENRY .A.Rl.l'HUR SIMMONS (9) Lorenzo A. 8, Henry 7, Lorenzo 6. John 5, Job Jr. 4, Job 3, Moses 2, Moses l. .b. in Furnas County. Neb1·.• ~\pril 13, 1880; m. in Waterloo, Nebr., Nov. 5, 1902 to llfabel Della Nesbit.

    Their Children Gerald Nesbit Simmo~s. b. De<". 1:i, 1904 at Lincoln. Nebr.

    Henry .Arthur Simmons married July 29. 1920 at Alba.ny N. Y. to Martha Birdena Baker, daughter of Moreau Souverur:n and Samuell.a (Warfield) Baker, b. April 15, 1898 at Cedar Ral>lds, Neb. 210 HIM!IIONH (lJ~NgALOGY


    .i\IOSBS SUI.MONS. Ship l<'ortuuc, Nov. !J, ltJ21 ut PJ.vmoutl,. !lforrled ubout 1032, H11r11l1 1 t proh11l111ly Huruh Clumdler, d11111d1t..r of Roger Chandler.)

    Th('ir Children

    Mo11et1, who 111111·1ied Putieuc

    JOHN SIMMONS (:.!) ~!oHcs 1. b...... ; ,l. 1715. Hr was marri('d Nov. 16. 166!) nt Pnxhury to ::\fcrey Pubodie. who wo.s born Jun. 2, 1649 nt D!L",b1111> nnd died in 1728. Sile wns th .. '111u,:\'htcr of Vv"illinm nnd Eliwh<'th ( AMl'n) Pnbodil'. Her motht'l' wn. cliil

    Their Children ,John, b. _Feb. 22, 1670; 11. hcfore 1739. Willinm, b, Feb. 24, 1672;

    JOSEPH SDBfONS (3) .Tohn 2. lfoses l. b. 1683 11t Dux­ bury; cL l\fuy 30, 1761; m. Feb. 8, li09.]0 to lfo~· Weston, wlw probably died .Tnu. 30, 17l'i9 11t the ng-e of S<'\·<>nt.v-tl1r<'<> Y'<'nrs :11111 three months.

    Their Children

    NATHANIEL. h. )larch 24, li]0.11: d.. r:111. -!. li8!J. Rebekah, Ii. April i, 1713. Surah, b. l!a.rch 26. 1718: d. lI:m·h ...... li40. ,TEDEDIAH, b•• Tune 11, 172.5; ,1...... SIMi\WNS GENEALOGY 217

    IH!A, NATIJANrnL SDIMONS (4) ,Jo,;eph 3, ,John 2, l\!oses I. b, .Mnri,h 24, ]il0-11 nt Dui.hnr~·; .d. Jnn. 4, !789; buried Sl11i,:11 1•1•111rtery, Wnldol.101·0, Mr.; 111. Juuc 12, li39 to )Icrc.v l-ii111111011s (u 1•011si11) who wu11 boru Muy 18, 1720 ut Duxburv ond who ,1•11;1 u duui,:-htcr of l\loscs uud Raeht>I (Snmpson) Simmons; dird S1•pt. 21. 1788 nt Wnldoboro, Mc.

    Their Children

    llnry. b. ,Junll 19, li42. ,JOSEPH, I.I, Sept. 19, li44; d. !lfoy 24, 1816. Zebedee, bup. Aug. 10, li4Ci; d. about li94. 811ruh, h11p. Aug, 2ti, 1750. Dol'othy, bup. :Mny ...... , Ii53. Raiche!, hnp. Nov. 6, li68; a. De,•, 2, .li88 {nire 25 yrs. 2 months, 4 duys. Sttiphrn, h...... ; d ......

    •JOSEPH 81;\DIONS (5) Deacon Nuthnnicl 4. Joseph 3. John 2, }los<'s .1. b. Sept. 1!), )744 ut DtL"bmy; d. llu.v 24, 1816: bur. ut Nobleboro, }le.; 1111u·1fod D,•c. 4, liiO ut Bridgewater. Mass .• to Eli:,.uhetlt Cltumherluiu, duug-htcr of Job nnd Rachel (Bonney) Cluunhel'luin. 81w wn!< horn .17:il 1111<1 buried nt Nobleboro. Me.

    Their Children

    ~ntlmnicl. h. O,·t. l!J, 1iii; cl. Oct. :!2. lit!S. Col. Thomus, b. ubout .l1111c 1782; d. Oct. 4. 1868, COL .•JAl\IES, b. ,Inn. JO. 1781: tl. O,,t. 2. 1872 . •Jo!>, b ... _...... Sophi11, (mnrricd n l!r. Oldlmm. :\for,•.\·, h. Drn•. ]:l, ]7!)0; ,I. )Ia~· 7, 1884.

    COL.. TA)IES 8DDlONS (G) ,Toijeph 5, X11tl111nicl 4. ,Joseph ::, .John 2, :Moses J. h. ,Tnn. 10, Ji8] nt \\·nlrloboro. )fo.: d. Oct. :!. 1872 1111<1 is hurit•horo, )[e.; 111 ...... to Chris- tiana Ket•n who wus born ...... and died :.\[ay 1. 1861. m:<'<1 ifi .,·1•111'!< and is huri<'

    Their Children

    X.ATIL\XIEL. h. Oct. 14. 1802.: ,!. April 26, 188!l. )[ary, b. Feb. 2. 1S05; ,1...... Lucy, b. Sept. 5. 1807. .Tam<'!<, b. Sept. 5, 1810; d ...... 218 SIMMONS GENEALOGY

    Sol'llh, h. ,July 30, 1813; d ..... , ...... Job, b. lfoy 13, 1816; d ...... Rachel, h. Aug. 11, 181!); d ...... ,Josiah, I,, Jan. 21, 1823; d ...... 7..cbed111\ b. Aug. 27, 1825; d ...... ,John Randall, h. :March 11, 1831: d ......

    .NATHANIEL SI:.\U.fONS (7) Co. ,Tammi 6, ,Joseph 5, S111.hu11 ii!! 4 ••To11<>Ph 3, ,John 2, i\IoK<'!I l. b. Oct. 12. 1802 at Waldoboro. l\[e.; ,1. Ar,ril 26, 1889 und buried in ririvnte cemetery Simmons' c11tutr, Belfltst, l\fi,.: m. Nov. 28, 18311 to Rosanna. daul!'bter of ,John and Pea,_"\. (Lutlwi~) l\looch·, who wns born D<>e. 29, lR0ti: d. ,Tan. 16. 1875 nncl i~ buried with her hu!lhand.

    Th<>lr Chil

    llfurwi,r<'t, b.• run. 2, 1832; cl. llforeh 2, 1897. ,John l\food:v, b...... ; d ...... Sarah E. b. Sept. 1. 183.5: d...... _...... ~athani<>l ,Tr. b. ,Jan. 15, 18.38; ,1. .Ort. 14, 1899. Allan ,Tames, b ...... l[nrv ·Ann, b. June 15, 1845; d. Sept. lU, .190:-J. XAHUlll LUDWIG, h.. Tnn. :!, 1848: d. ,Tnn. 21, l!IO!l.

    NA.Hl:lr LUDWIG HIMMONS (8) Nnthaniel 7. Col. Jami's 6.• J~,mh !\. Nnthaniel 4, .Joseph 3, ,John 2, l\[oses 1. b. at Bl'I• fast, Me., Jun. 2, 1848; d .•Jan. 21, 1909; buriecl at l\Iorrill. l\fu.: m. at Sccanuuonth. l\Ic., to Anna Maria Brown, daui:-htcr of Ed· ruund Phinnl'y :md Joanna (Piercie) Brown. Shi' wns honi S<'rit 21. 18.53.

    Their Children

    Wiuifi,ed Bernice, b. Sept. 22, 1874. :Grace Burnette, b. l\farch 1, 18T7. Roscoe Nahum, b. ,July 16, 1879. Harry Gny h. .Nov. 15, 1881. I•'REDERICK .TOH~SON. h. :\Iu~· 23, 1884. 'Sarah, b. lla)· 2.3, 1884: rl. :\Iay 2.3, 1884. Edmund Finney, h. Oct. 26, 1886. A.lien and Add.is (twins) b. June 17, 1888: d .•June li. 1888. ,Johanna Pierce, b. Oet. 4, 1890. Hui:h Lud~, b. Oct. 31. 1893. SIMMONS GENEALOGY 219

    J•'H-rWBlUCK JOHNl:iON SIMMONS (9) No.Imm L. 8, Nathan­ iel i, .1111111'11 II, ,losc1Jl1 5, Nnthanicl 4, ,TOH(•pl1 3, ,John 2, l\loscs 1. h. l!nv 2:J, 181:14 11t Kuox, }!nine. I•'r<'clPrick .Toh11!<011 Simmon!! 11ttended Morrill, Maine, 11choola C111111lc11 hil:'h school (1903) Uniwrsit;\· of Maine (A. B. deirrec l!JOG) E,l. ll. d(•l:'l'CC I-1111'\'lll'd 192-l-2/i.

    H1111 taught ut .Hi1,,-i:i1111 Institute, Charlestown, lluine, princi­ pnl, Geo. F. Hntch high 11chool Pnrtridgc Academy, ,i;nb. principnl \\•e:-1t .H11vc11, Coun., hi1.:l1 school, Hnlc hie-h school, Stow. Mnss,; Yerrimnc, Mass. higb school; Foxboro, Mass., hi1i:!1 school, in­ str1wtor of Sociolo,r:\· Stnte ~formal School, Keene. N. H . •\lr. 8immons i11 a member of' the High School llistel'8 Club of :\la11suchusC'tts, the T-ntieth Century Club of Boston, of the· New E11i:-l11nd Historie Genenlocichl Socieh·, Society of Mayflower Dl'­ scend1111tll, Alden Kindred of Am<'rica and Si. Alban 's Lodire A. F. & A. lI.. Head of the Dept, Social Science State Normal School. KC'cll<', :K. H. {111·ot'. of Social S<'ienec Keene 1930) Pi Gamma Mu Honor F1,1ter11ity) and Kappa Delta Pl1i, Univ. of Cambri~. England, (summ<'r >'PR,.ion of 1929); American Roeialodca[ Sn­ <'i<'ty.

    WILLIA..\! H,L\DIATT SDDIONS (8) Hev. Geo. F. i, Wm. 6, Elisha. 5, ,To11h11n -t, Ebenezer 3, Aaron 2, Moses 1. b. Dec. ?:l, 18.50;

    William Huuunatt Simmons graduated from Han·arl in 1869, :ind prnctil•e

    CHARLES HCTCHL\"S SDD!ONS (9) John 8. Nnthnnicl ,. ,Tames ti, ,Joseph 5, ~athanrcl 4. Joseph 3, .John 2, Moses 1. b. )fu_\' 2, 1883 :it Belfast. j\fe.; m. Dec. 20, 1913 to l\fiss l\hrllc Xnsh. Thcv nm\" lh·<' nt Belfast, Maine.


    ,John )!oody Simmons. b......

    Ruth Simmons, b...... ¥ ...... Allan Simmons, b ......

    llAltY SDDlOXS 19) Allnn S, Nntlumicl i . .Tanl('s 6•. Jos1mh ;;, Xath:inil'l 4, ,Jose1,h :~. ,Jolin 2. )fo,.,,:•s ]. b. ,fone :!;3, 1866; Ill, Charles "'ullace, h:1v1• onc ,;on F11111k, ~rn


    )IOSES 81:\f:\[ONS, 11111ricd 811ruh ...... Camc> in 1621.

    ,JOHN SI~DlONS, mnrril'd :.\[1we.1· Pnbodie.

    MOSES srnJMONS, llllll'l'ic1l Huclwl Snmpson, b. Feb. 1680.

    ICHABOD SBLMONS, h. Oct. 18, 172'l; ,I. l

    NOAH SJ:.\D!ONS, h. April 2, 1745: m. Sept. 19. 1771. Dian:i Kel'ne 2nd 1vifl', Dnxbury :md Kiu;...,.ion, l\fns!I.

    HEZEKL\.11 HDDlONS, b. ,Tmw ]7, 1772: 111. Int. Dee. r,, 1801, Lnlin Weston of Ph·m11ton, }fnss.

    WESTON SUDIO?\S, 111. Oct. rn, 1842, E:,1ther H11vw11rd 1l1111glttl'I' ol' .log1•11h Hn.,·wnrd of Euston, :.\fni-s.

    J~ST.HEH :\IISER\'A SDDIONS, b. Xo,·. 4, 1846; m. Tliouw~ Ba.xendule in 1871. She died iu 1928 OI' 29, Jeavina- 11 fund of $300,000 to estnblish tlU' B11-.xcndnlc foundution nt Hnrvurd Col• lcgc for the rd11c11tion of n111tlis, l'Spcciallv those on Cape Cod. llnss. This fund consists of land nnd money.


    MOSES 8Bl:\1ONS, mn1Ticil S:u-:1h ...... (Chnndll•r). Canw in Fortune.

    ,TOHN SDDIONS. 111u1-i-it>d lfor,•.v Pnbodil' (William 2, ,John l)

    '\'\~LLLDI S!lDfONS, 111llm1• Richnrl 1) Littlt• Compton, It l .

    •JOSEPH SBL:IION8, 111:1r1;,.,I lll'h1•1•1•11 \\'0011. 1.Tu11ntl1:111 11 Littlr Compton, R. I.

    ,JOHN SDBf0~8. 111nrJ'iptf Ly1li11 (,rinn..11 ,((il'Ol'!!'c l) Lirtl<· Compton, R. I . .JOHN SE\lllONS. runrried Hnth '.\Iitchl'll, E11ston, lfos;;. ,., .. 1110\'ed to Pittsford, V cnnont. PHILANDER SIMMONS (7) MAltY ANNE WAID BorncFcb. 26. 1S0:J. Boni lfall(•h ~o. li9S. Thcr were municrl .Jun. )8, JS-21 nt•nr :\foaih:i!Jc. Penn.

    Pa~c 2'20 ,\. Sec pu~c 221.

    81:.\t:MONS GENEALOGY 221


    /111' Chuutum,i111 Co .• X. Y.)

    .lulv J89l b~· Hon. Ahi

    Tlw 8i1111111111s for :; ::-1e1wmtio11s buck 111·c to he tr11cc,l us resi­ •lcnts of ,v11shi111.-ton Co., N. Y. of whi,•h Zuriel Sinuuous. thl' pn• 1<•1'11ul 1."1·umlfnthrr of Elize Au::-1•linc Simmom; (wlto married Frank­ lin Colt) wus u nutin• & 11ml Jifo Jon~ resideut. Hr owuc,J II Inr.:l' l'unn & hein~ ol' t.."Oo

    IT<• nuu'l'ir.rl tSulh- Hunt. h. in Conn. O,!t, 26, li7:i. /Zurirl Rimmons. h. in C'o1111 . .Tunr fl. lii3.


    Cufo•tn Simmons, h. Au~. 20, 1i!J2; tl .•Tune 22-4. Ii96. iHirmu Simmons. h. Sent 2, l'i!J5: 111. 8l"Iirr


    ,ve find that there arc more missi111? link;; in the families from li50 to 1800 than anv oth~r period. We nlso find that the Sim­ mons lines from William 13) of Little Comr•ton. R. I. and .Job rn) of Plymvton. Mass. moved west into Conn.. N. Y., Penn•• and Ohio nnd we can only record that which nnpears from our observat;ons to be the correct ancestrial lines. Therefore me eannot 2'1l8l'lllltet> 222 SIMMONS GENEALOGY

    those undor this headin,r. bnt l1opr. it nm,· he of use in m11kim: yonr cha.in of links complete. Henry Simmon~ is supposed to be (6) Peter 5. B,.11.iumin 4. William 3. John 2. Moses 1. lT1• was tl1e ih• (8) · merchant nt Westfield, Pa.. married Lucy...... Their children were George and Artlmr. Charles (8) was n ml'r­ chant· in W<'llsville. N. Y. Esson Elkanah (9) William 8, Peter i. Hicn:ry 6, Peter 5, Bi•n• .iamin 4, Willirun 3. John 2. Moses l. was born 1852 and mnnirrl Adelaide Loni.«P Smith of Wellsville, N. Y .. a music teael1cr in widowhooil. Chil~ born in Westfield. Pa.: WJ.llin.m BrnT.mln '10) born J8i3: clied 1878: .Tulia •.\nnis born )[arch 25. lSiS: F..sson Earl born Oct. 14, 1879, a salesman for Hercules Pow1for Co~ Salem, V n.. a 32 de,rree mason. ,Julia. Annis Simmons hllS ta.ui:-ht school for thirtv vear~. l!l VP.8.I'S in l\Iass. cities. In 1888 she heard Dwiirht L. Moodv pren<'l1. Wns ba-ptized Nov. ll. 1917 in Boston. )fnss. (Genealocist.) Charles Benedict. (9) married Lena Patton of Sa.btnsvill<'. Pa. Children born in Westfield. Pa.: William C.• married Eneic...... : Bert E .• marril'd (I) Hatti<' Ballard. die'1 1928, (2) mlUTN'rl lfn)· 1929. Frank William Sr. (9) married Fannie Seidler. Their rhiM­ rcn were Elizabeth, who died at W estneld in her second year. nnd Dorothv born in 1902 at Shef.fielld. Pa.. His second wife wns Stella LownsbPrrv and tl1cir Phild Frank· William .Tr. is non· in n Florida college. · Fred Perry (9) married Ida Lownsbem·. teacher. Their -,hil

    ti, Peter 5, Benjamin 4. William 3, ,John 2, )Io1ms 1 was born Oct. 14:, 1879 and married Jennie Metcalf. Children: Horton 11. diecl :ll!'C 11. Ruth 11, eleventh generation. (Sec note l to 5 on Ruth.) ~OTES:

    l. Through Adelaide Louiric Smith Simmons clcvcu genern- 1.ions may be counted from Ruth SinuuonH to Cnntain l!ichacl Pierce. Indian Jigl1ter. slain 1\for,•h 26, 1676. He left Eng]an,1 in 1645 and lived in Rehoboth. R. I. (Colonial Wari;). A tablet for him iii on the walls of the New England Historienl Soeietv. 2. through the snrnc line twelve gcnemtions may be connted to Thomas Holbrook of' Somersetshire. Eni:-land 1634-5. His j('rand­ dnui:-hter. Hnnnnh, married Epl1riam Piel'dc near 1671. John We~•• man Holbrook of Wavmouth waii in Philips war (Colonial Wars) . .Tames Kidder Boardman also killl'd in King PhillipR War. 3. On the Bonrdnian line /Annis Simmons) it is the elewn :renerations from Ruth to .John AndrewH, settler before 1682. Gid­ eon Andrews of Fannini:-ton. Conn.. was a soldier in the wnr of the Rm·olution. Thl'rla Andrews mnrriecl Ephriam · Bonr1 (Annis C. Boanl­ rnan Simmons) was William Benedict of Nottinghamshire, Endand. iamcs Benedict, Sr., wns in Scotland L. T.. 1652. Hezekiah l3en"­ •liet was a Rovalist in tho Ro\·olution. Cliuissn Bl'nCfliet mnrril'il Elknnah Boardman, .Tan. 16, 1832. 5. · ,Josiah Chai-e on the Anni!' C. Boarclmnn line> wn!I in the R.cvolntion. Arrniln Chni-c- rnml' to H111npton. )fas.~. 1640. /Cont of Arma.)

    References used in these notes 11-l'(' taken from Genen.Io­ :.•ics of the followinir families to be fonncl in Boi;ton, ::.\foss librar­ ies: Pierce. Boardman, Benedic.t, Chase fo. 294-329) Anflrews (i,97) and the Conn. Historical Society (r> 347) History of lfiildlesex Co., Genealogical and :Familv Historyr of New Hampsl1irl'.

    Names of other families into which this line of Simmons' married as establi.shed with dates in Boston libraries bv .Tulia Anni'l Simmon!<, Naml's of immigmnti: are given in foll.

    1. Al~. 2. Annie, Curmae or Charles. Newbury from Ireland. 1666. 3. .Andrews, Beniamin ..Tr.: Anon was it soldier in the Revolutionary War. 4. Ballard. 5. Bartlett. Richard, Newbury, 1637. 6. Benedict, Thomas Fr. Southold. L. I. 1638 (Royalists in. Hezekiah Benedict-1776.) 224 SfMMONS

    7. Bishop. 8. Boardman. 0. Bonld. 10. 'Chase, Ac111iln, Hnmpton, )fmis. Hl40 (Cont of Arn111.) Chase, ,JoHinh, wn~ in thr wnr of the• i\mcric•nn Rc>volution 11. 'Dibble 12. Desabav.n. 13. 'Esten. 14. Follansbee. 16. Goddard. 16. Gridley. 17. Grcgnry, Henry, S11ringfirld Hl80, Boston curlier. ]8. Halbrook. Thomas, Wnymontl1, J634-5: Halbrook, Capt. ,Tohn, in Kin,::- Phillips Wnr 1676. 19. James. 20. Judd. 21. Kidder, James before J6!>0 Billrricn, Killed in Kini? Phil• lips Wnr nt Wameset now Lowrll. 22. Lownsberry. 2.'l. Martin, Richnrd, R

    Hi-HJ. C11111hri1lf.('c\ ;\Ju,,,;. 811111111•! Kitlclc•o. ){;:{.'.;, Nc•whury, E1lw11r,I Wood11u111. rn:iii. :,.;,,wlw·y. ).Jn;.s., l?i1•l1111'tl Burtlctt. lti:lii r,,s,,·i,•h, Mns:<, '.rho11111s \'h•lls. Jfl:J:l. ~nli:'. St:rcsnes. lb'3ii. I,,swic,h, :i-rn.~s. William Warren. 163!1. ,vindsor, Conn. Pnrteo. Hi41l. J•'urming-ton. Conn. .loh11 .\ndrew~. 1669. .W11Jlingforton. A<111ilu Chit:<<'. Huth Sinunon:< (11) !.."<>cs huek to these emii:ra.nt;;. Hl38. Boston, }[Rs~. H<•iwkiah L'slwr, first publisher and Tmok ~cl11•r in A11wrin1. 16,l;i. llin~hmn, )fo,;~. :.\I j,.huc,I Pier.cc, Indian IJirhter. 1634-;3 Weymouth, ·)111.~s. Thomas Holbrook. rn:;:;. Rehobeth, H.. J. l~icm:rcl Martin. 1698-!l!J. lco\'. of !licw Hamp: nt Little Corurton, li. I.: m. Oct. 6, 1760 to Rebecca Rouse. 6. HENRY SIMMONS b. 1778, nt Tnghkanick. neu Connke. ColUJ11bia county. N. Y.; m. in 1800 to Elizabeth Eloi;rert. had three children by his first wife. Peter, who wn.~ born in 1805. beinir the oldest: he lmrl four children bv 1,1econd wife, whose names we lmY<' been unable to learn. See Yates county histo:r:v, JI~ 33. 7. PETER SJMJ\IONS. b. 1805. fo Columbia cotiatv K Y.. was still living in 1884. 11 t Whites Corner. Potter countv. Pem1. He marrlec] first. Sarah Perry and had four children. Wiili11m h•·· in;:- the olde~t. He married second Cynthia Hilh·. 8. WILLI,UI SIMMONS b. Dec. 12. 1827 at Benton, Yat~~ eount:v. N. Y.: m. Nov. 3. 1850 to Annis Caroline Boardman. who was bom .Sei:>t. 23. 1833: d. Dee. 21, 1912. WiJJjnm Simmons dierl March 22. 1902. Ref. Yiotra cou.nty histor:v. T>8'l'l' 440. Their oJrJ. est son, Esson Elkanllh was born in 1852. 9. ESSON ELKANAH SIMlIONS, b. Jan. 26, 1852: d. No,. 26, 1922; m. May 1. 1872 to Addis Loni~ Smith, who WM born July 23, 1853; d. F.eb. 20, 1902.

    Their Children William Brazanda Sinamons, b. 18i3: cl. 1878. ,JULIA ANNIS SDIMONS b. March 25. 1878. E.~sen Enrl Simmons. b. Oct. 14, ]879: m. ,Tennie :Metl'alf.

    Their Children

    Horton Simmons, b.... _...... ; d. at the Ill!(! of 11, nnt,l, Simmons: "·,···:··········•····: see notes 1 to 5, ANCESTORS o:r GEORGE EDWARD SIMMONS

    WILl,1,\:11 J>o\n:1,1, HDDIO~H (II) Eli,.J111 r,, ,To11hun 4, Eh- 1•111'1.1•1· 3, Anron. :!, l[oM(•i, I. .h . .Tnl~· !l, li82 in Hanovc,r, Mass.

    l•:li1d111 Hi111111n11s wu,- 11 hltwk,.111itl1 in Hnnover. 111111 his fum­ il\' s1!11ttrr1•,J ovrr n wi1l1• t1•rritory, !'onw :;:-oin!!' to New York, some II> Viri:inin. 111111 othrr wrst1•1·11 points, i

    We ·i..-ive below the• history of this farnil:v. as· written bv the ::.rent :rrnnd 1<011 ol' Willinm Powr.ll Simmons, Gcol1l'f! Edward Sim• mons, of the Uniwl'!litv or lfninr. hrml of the ~nom:v de-part. rnrnt, ·CoJl(1o_-c of A1,>'ri1•ultnrr, Win,-Jow Rnll, Orono, :M:nine.

    Oliver Harbour Simmons, Father. ,Villinm Sinnnon!<. Grnnilfntl1er. Willinm Powrll Simmons.

    WiJJiam Powell Simmons, married to ,Jane Cole. 'X'heir home was near· :Mnrtinshnrt:", Vircinin, (now West Viwnia)

    The ehil

    I. Samuel Sim mom,. :Vlarried to ...... Reese. II. William Simmon~ (Born 1805. Died 1894.) :Married to Sarah Harbonr (Born 1810. ,lie,-1 1896} in 1826. at East Monroe. Ohio. Ill. Sarah Simmon,-. Married to Rees Job. rv. Elia" Simmons. l[nrrircl to Sarah lforchant. \'. ,lane Sinuuom;. )larriecl to .Jacob Knedler. VJ. L1wintl:i Si111111011,-. llarril'd to Moses Anderson. \'ll. Hophin Simmon~. }forriecl to Willia~ Stokes. _VllL T,rn _otl1rr dnn:rhtcr,-. One married to Trnstin Adams.

    IX. Tlw otlwr d:m~hter to 11 Mr. Zimmern111n. 228 Flll\lMONR fH~N1':AT..OGY

    Thu c,hildtl•II of "'illinm 111111 S11ml1 (H11rho111•) 8i111111011Jo4, hor11 111,m• F.n11t lfonroc, Orio,

    I, 1•,11,11111 ;o,11111111111Jo4, M11rri1•1I to 4.) lTnrri,,rl to Dorn B11intl'1· (born 1860) in 18i6.

    Gcori:-c Edward Simmon11 (boni 18i0 at Greenfield, Hi1thla11l'H) in 1892. No ehiMren.

    The children of Oliver J-Iurhour Simmons nncl Emma R. Sim­ mons, horn nE'nr F,n.cit Monroe. Ohio.

    T. Luln Ray Simmons (horn 1879. Residence, Portlan,l. 0~'011. IL Harley Claire Sinunons (born 1881. Residenl'e, Frezno. Californin.) III. Rolin Leland Sin1111011s (born 1883. Residence Portland, Oregon. I\". Sarah ,Jane (,fo1111i1•i 1-linunom; (born 1884. Residrnt'" Portland, Oregon. V. Carl Thnne Simmons (bon, 1886, Rft

    .\.HJ,;J, SDI.\IOSS (iii li;unc -+, 1J111111i :1, ,lohn :?, Moac11 l. b. nhout 17:.?o+; ,I. nl: A11ht'ord, Co1111. W,, i,1111•1• .\hcl Si11111101111 11>1 nbovi, IIM thu mo1:1t likoly .line for him, 1111 111u1wH 111111 111,(<'M full)· 111,,"l·cr 11ml we cannot find an,v :rec• or1I 011 111y Hnml & .\f1•N11ll.r Atl1111. Tu li57 Car,t. John Stevens of Bo!ltt111 lnid out the Stoddnrt! trnrt. in Windham Counw mto 31 lot.!I 01· fur1111<, 11ml om• w111< 110(1( to Aht>l Simmons. (Histor,· of Windh11111 County.) ·

    Sarah, 11 1I I, 11111ri·ird n 1il11rtin 1111<1 Jived 11t I\' 1t1dlln111, Conn. '.l'wo other i,1i.'nculoJ.,oies of tlw Situmons Fumilics: Vaugh Pcerae:e claim• 11nuts. KPut G1•1w11lo:.,:-,\·. Pt•mbrokt~hirl' Pedi~E'S. .\l11rtin Fnmily: Ll.•mls Cn.."ltl ... Abt>! Simmons I. I-'il'llt wife, l74i, llnmwh Hr•,•11. Dr<'ember 1. 1765. Sei,ond wife...... 'f

    Childt'P.11 of fil'l

    1. Abel II bom 1752, Ashford. :!. Rcubcu, born Sciota, N. Y. a. Elfaabeth, b. Sc-pt. 3, li59. ~- Hanna, Sept. 6, 1761 (Perez Steele) Green County, N. Y. 5. Polly (Plrcbn) Sept. 29, li63) Ashford. 6. Stcpht>u, h. Nov. 7. 1766. We~t or Sonth.

    Children of scP-ond wife

    7. William, b. 1778, Sept. 13, Aid,ford. 8. Polly, born 1780, •.\.pril 2. 230 81~11\WNfi m:NJ-:.\1,0UY

    II. I..c1u11ni·cl, h. 1787, H1•pt. Iii, ~l111lrid, N. Y. 10, Hoxil!, b. ,Juu, 1, 1782. 11. Ly1111111, h, l7H3, Aui,t. :!II, ~ln,lri,I, N, Y. 12. Olh·c•, h. l•'rb, IJ, 17Hr, (ll. Bnlwrwk, ~lill'or,l,l

    l. L. Ahc•I Hi111111011,; I I, 11011 ot' Alwl l, born 175:?, dirtl Drn:. :?i, 'l!!Jr,, 11,ct!II ll:l, T,ivrcl nt ,\xhl'u1•1l, Conu. Ww. n fo"lnor, tnu ucr antl 11lme11111kll1', lfo w1111 <11·111111 ,Juror nt A11hfol'd in J.78:J, W1111 rcpl'l!lle11tutiv1• iu thu flPlll!l'ul A11111•111hly lu lillll, 17117, 17118, 1800, 1806, 1808; 1811. (Hi.Ntory ul' \\'i111lh11111 County.) He wn." ruur1·ied Nov, ;,, Iii,!., 1111111111h lfolmeN, 1li1111:htl!1' of ,Tolin Holmes oL' A1d1t'orrl.

    Childrcm or Abel lI

    !l. ,John, bo1·u Sept. 16,' li7r,, 2. Alvo, born June 23, 1778. :l, Pc1'lly, horn Dee. 17, .li80. 4. Tabitha, born April :?:J. liil:l. 5. .Abel, bon1 An~"t 13, 178i. II. B,mjnrniu Clurk, hol'II Ani,t1111t lli, 1790,

    IHannnh Uolmei<, wi1'1• oJ' Ahrl 11. nrul ,luuirhtrr or Joh1, J-Iolmes: "Ml'!I, Hannah 8irmuom•. 1-tt•lirt of Abel Simmons, R!IQ.. die•I Dee. 16, 184:l, lll:l'd ifi .vrnrs.' • (.l<'rom Tombstone.)

    :,John Holml'll cl' Ashford, Conn., Wal! 11 p1ivatc in Capt. Thom­ as Kuowltou 's eo1111,any (5), in :Jrd R<'ciment Connecticut troops ,~ommanded by Colonel Israel Putunm in lii5. Thi!! rci:iment wus e~.,,J at the b11ttl1• of Bunk1•r Hill. (ll~•f. Co1111. M<'n in the 'Wur of the Re\"Olntiou.. ) H,• l'11li11t1>d .lfn,\· 13, liia unJ was discl111l'l:!'•••l Dl'e. 16, 1ii5. (Rtf. Pni:r lm, Li1't of Co1111, Sol

    •\.!;hford l111J i:J meu at Bunker Hill. Thcv marched to Lcx­ iuitton in :\Iuy lii5, Thi' town of Ashfor,l sent 80 men !or reli,•f ot' Boston on th<' Lt•xin!:'lon 11lan11. ,Tohn Hohncs of Ashford wu., hot Lit•ut. iu Co. -l in 6th Battnlion. \Va

    I 2.. Reulwn Simmol!s,. SupJMl"I'« to han• settled at ::,,:iot11. N. Y._ L 3. Elizabct,h Simmons. 231

    r. -1-. Stuplwu Siu111101111. Sui,1io11l•d to have 1111ttled in th11 l\'l•Ht 01' 11011th. I. i,, l'oll;v lfo111111111~. Livocl nncl rlit!d nt A111hford, Coun. ,. fl. 1111111111h Siu11110111,. D1111ght11r ot' Abel I by hla 1eoond ll'ifo ( t) 11111rri1•1I 1'1•r1•1. St«•uh• .lunu i, Ji8J, llJl(l liver! nt Greem• Count.\·, N, Y. If,, cli«•d l\forch 4, 1832, Had cloven children. Or• iudu, ·hiH 1h1114eht«•1•, 111n11'ir>1I Nrhr>minh Bnrlow. She hal tour ehild· 1·N1. viz:

    Stc11hou 8. luwyl'I' ut Bnrnhoo, Wi:11. William A. 1Jolm W., Col. ot' l!l11gi11oe1•11, U. S, A. llunnnli S, Nm·. 2:l, 1811, mnrric

    I, ;, Willinm Himmons. l\£nrricd Chloe Skinner, Nov. 26, 1801

    Their Children wen,

    I lili

    When 11uitt" u young man he and Iris brother Lyman temoved 10 J[a,lrid. N. Y. His first wife rlirrl therc. and he married for his ,,,ron,l wife Sully Ynle of :\lndrid. nnd died there about 1885.

    Geor,:e H., son of Leonnrrl hy his serond wife, died at Madrid N. Y. in 1873. Lauru M., daui;thter of Leoaard by his second wife. married .Tohn Linroln oJ' Hini:linm. )fass. She died about 1877. E.ithcr, dau~htcr ot' Lc.-onartl by his ·seeond wife. died when 11bout JO years of age. l. 9. Roxie Simmons.

    I. 10. Lyman Simmon.-., son of Abel I by his second wife, was born at Asl1forn, Conn. in li83. Died Jul:v 1861. When QUite young ht• nnd hii< brother Leonard removed to Madrid. N. Y. Re married )larcia Fnller of Pot.sdam. N. Y. She died Maroh 14. If!4:J. Th<'r h11cl in nil 13 children, ,;,: :

    Abel A.. of Canton. N. Y. :!32

    J,11ni11 1111,I l,1111r11 111111 two nt.h, l'N, :,JI ,,i' wl1,1111 ,Jim! in i11t'u1wv. L,vmnu 0., ho1•11 iu P,:!:.1, J,:Jk Hnpi,ls, )Ji,•h, ,fuli1111 I•'., ho1·11 111 18:!li, Hp1•i11i:-flrld, Vt. J-forri<'t C., 1li1•d iu l.8411. 'F:lmirn llf., 111111-i·icd Cnpt. ::IJ. ,I. Ch11111lw1·l11i11 of' 1061.h Co. I•',, N. Y. Vohmt,t•t•t'l<, who l't•ll nt hnt.t.h• of...... ,...... Cordelill, 111111•1·ic,J Ht•111·~· Clnrk ol' :\fon11t•n11, St. L11w1'<'n<-.1• County, N, Y. l~llllllll P., 11('\'('I' JIIIU·rit•d, l,,1'1111', .,ru"-~. Hirnm F:., .Jif,,l wh<'u ••iirhl r1•m·s ol,I. ll!nrci11, 1lil'1l wlll'u thrt•t• ,1·1•11rs old. Ahl'l A. Hi11u11,.·1;1, sou ol' L,v1111111. Hn,I l'our f'hlldrl'n, two 01' whom w1•1 livinir iu 1R8i. Snrnh, wil'f' ol' Thl'l11!11r1• l:111,lw<'ll. Cnuton, N. Y. ,John W .. Yonker, N. Y.

    L~·mun 0., who,;,, liri

    •Tuliu.~ ·F., Non of' T,~·mnn, mnrricrl Aml'lin A. Lewi!!, Four <'hililr<'n, vi1.: l\fo,rrin, who 111111Ti1•rl fot· lu•r first lt11slmnd Rev. Im H . •\,lums of Fcnt11111·illr. Cl111tu11q1111 Co., N. Y.. and hnd two ehildrrn, Uertrmfo 11ml J,'Jorn. For her sci'• ontl hui;bnncl i

    ;\ln1•ri1•1l ll1•111•r,r1• Hnb<'o<•k ol' Aiilt'ord, N. Y. SIil' 111111 <'it:M 1,hihl• 1'1'11, viv.:

    .\111'1, wh11H1• il1111jl'ht1•r Mar:v livl'd in Milford, lfon1111.11. llir11111. lfor1w<', ,lohn, I l11l'l'i1•l, ll'ho 11111l'l'il•d UiH!!ell of Milfo1•rl. Olil'iu, who 111111·1'il'd Ri11>1cll ot' i\filforcl, :\1111',\", I. l:?, Polly Si1111no11H, 11. ~- ,Jol111 8i11111101111, 11011 of Abel 11. llol'u 11t Ash£orcl, Conu. S1•pt. W,. lii!i. Dh•1l 11t MiddJi,lrnrr, Vt., ,T'Ulw 9, 1829. Grndu• 11tl'II nt l/hml1• INlnrul Coll<'l!'c (now Brown Univcrsitr) nt Provi­ ,1,,111•1•, n. I.. i11 li!)i. Stuilil'd lnw nud wnH admitted to tile bar at \\'i1111l111111, Co1111. i11 1 i09. ltl'IUO\'l'II 1·1•1111 h1wy1•1·, hut wn." too dit'lldcnt to excel in court. Be wa.-1 l'or 111nnv wnrs 11 .rm,tiee of the Penl'c for Addison C' 11l>10 an ci,:ccllcnt fnnncr. He 1111hlii.lw1I s1•\·~r11l hookt-. ::'lfol'r:h i. 180i he w1111 mnn-il'tl to Laura Bell, eldest dau£?htcr ot' Hnrv1•v B1•ll ol' lriddll'lmr1·. ,Tune 9, 1829 he died ut Middlc­ hnry ot' ,i 1liscns1• ot' the livc1:. Lnm·u Bell !,immon!'. Borll at Richmond. Berkshire Co~t:v, :iluss. 81•pt. W. 1i87. Dit•rl nt :\Iid«llcbur:v. Vt.• April 22. 1872. Hrr !.:'l'lln

    CliildrN, of ,John an

    :\lar:; Rcc•\'l', horn Of'c. 22, 1807; d. Jnn. 9, 1808. Lm,rn llflrin. h. .Jnb· 22. 1809; d. Aui:-. 21, 1876; I h,or,,.::1•. b. ~fnreh 6. 1814; d. Aug-. 22, 1815. ,lohu Holmes, b. Dec. 2i, 1818; d. Dec. 19. 1Ril. ,James, h. ,Ju,w 11, 1821;

    11111l11 l'll•111i111u•y. Wn" ver,v J'oud ot' l'o11di111e. Whcu hui• fnthN ,1i11d Hh1• iruw IIJI 111'1' own pro11pet"t11 in lifo nnd ,levotod hol'llolf tn thf! nid ol' 111'1' 111otlw1• 1111d the ,vouni:-er rhil.t1•l'11, to whom 11hr wn~ v,•1·v ,11•111•. SIU' 1·1•11u1i11otl 111111111rri1•,l, 1111d li\'!id with hrr 111olh1•r 111 Mlildlc!Jur,\', Vt., until tlw denth of' h11r motlu•r, April :?:?, 187!?, 11r1•ced1•d hy tlmt of h1•1• lu·othcr, John in 1871, left lier olonr '!'hell for II tim1• 11lic livl'd with lll'r hroth1•1• ,Tnmt11 nt 6cnev1,. Wi11. nl•turnini:- to i\liddf41h111·y 1dw lived tlfl u fricmd 1111d ,•om• 111111io11 with :\fl1111 Emill' Starr for H111110 time. lier health l1oco111- i11ir inm11ir1•d hv n 11i111•n11" ot' tl111 lwnrt 111111' roturued to Genov11 1111d ul'tl'I' 111ueh' H11lfl'tin1t 11il'1I tlt111'1' A111r111tt 21. .1R71l 111111 wnH hu1•. it•1I iu tl111t plm•t•, ,Johll Jiohtll'H Si111111omj. Born ut :.\Uddfobun·, Vt., Dec. :!i, 1818, died nt l!frldl!'hnry, Vt.. Dm,, 19, 1871. He attended th•• ne11dl•mv ut CRHtl,•ton, Vt., l'ol' 1<1!Ver11I t.er11111 nnd nl!IO thr ne1"l1•111v nt H.o,:11lton, Vt .. for n 11hort time. Bein~ of a merlumienl t111·11 ot milul he took up tho trade of «'llrpt'nter and ioiner. rceei vin~ wngo11 from tlw first. He became a ver.v expert mechanie and l're,•ted HOmn flnr hnildinl('M in hill native plnce. He was. however. of a mthcr f'l'1•bl1• l'onHtitntion, and prefl'rroo indoor work. nnd for thnt ·r1•u11011 at one tit1u, 1·1mted II Hhoo witlt watl'r Jl()Wl'r 111111 mu­ l'hiuerv .011 the w1111t 11ide of the river at Middlebury. SubseQuent• Iv he· 1!onflned hiH labors to cabinet work nn!l undcrtak1n,:. Iu 18i0 he w11,11 for !1<11111' time employl'd as a civil encineer in surve~· in,: the l\Iontpl'lier nnd Wells Rivf!r railroad and also 11, brancl, ruilrond to eonnrt't 11ome of the Vermont marble qna.rries with th•· rnain Jines. With that excepti0n be always made his home at liiddlebur:v, und eared for hi." mother and sister. He was A 2Teat and constant reader. and that perhaps led him to add to his otbe1 business n book and news department. At the 1,mme time he wru; . express a.,"'l'nt. and one of the ,Jntiees of the Peace at Middlebun•. As a· Frl'e l\Cason he attained verv high honors. and a11 an Oild Fellow the Jiii::-hest in the state. Representing tht! latter order M a i,-cnt convention at Chiellil'O, the fall before that city -was so nearlv dci1trovt•1l by fire, he had his first view of the l?l'Cat WeRt and was . much pleased with it. Soon after h.i8 return how<' lw was tukcn down with typhoicl fl'\"rr, 111111 hr

    James Si111111.011s. Born at liiddlebun·. Vt~ June ll, 1821. Lived at home until 1843. atttJnding the Middlchn.rv Aeademv in the fall and winter. and working on hi.'! mother's farm in tl11 summer. For one summer he worked for :Noah Jones oi Sho1~­ l1nm, Vt. In 1837 he entered Middlelm,r;· Collel!'e and 1?raduate1l from it .\.11::ust 1831. Soon ufter graduation he commenced tlw study of Jaw with O7.ias Seymou.r, Esq., and hi!! fnthcr. Hon. Hor• atio. Se:vmour. Aft,,r pursuiu;r that stud~· foi· abont eid1tl'1•11 months. having 1111 fellow students· in the same o£1foc ,Julius .\. Beckwith. afterwards a Iawver in Middlebun- and Edward .T. Phelps, afterwards ambassador to England. he concluded to e111i 1.'Tllte to Wisconsin. wl1ith«>r :Moses Seymour and familv Wet'C abou, to remove. On the lith of Au,.."l!St, 1843, lu• landed at Southport.. (now l'.allcd Kenosha) Wisconsin, and on thf' 20th of AUl?tlst reach• HJl\CMONS Gl~NEALOGY 236

    1•11 Uu1h!\'11, Wii;., wl1111•1• ht• oonclu,lcd lo 11oitlu. luunodiatelv oil• ll'rl111{ tlw lnw ot'lleu or Hou. Chnrl1•11 l\l, Baker. In OctoDor. 1843, lw w11r< 111hll'itt1•1I to tlw b111· iu till' Tcrrito1-i11l Dii1trlot Court. Fo1· uhuut two \'l'lll'li ht• µr1wtit•cd lnw 1d Ocncvu, but hhi honlth f11il­ iu11', h1• wur< 11blii:1•,I lo .111wk IIOllll.l other form of omµIo.vmout, 11nd lm IJ1'1•111111• 11 ell•rk 111 tlw Hto1'0 of Gritrin 11nd .Merrill ana 1ubllo• 1111••11th· iu thut of .\mln•w l•'t•J'ICU1to11, Iu .MIi\', l!Wi he 1·utt11·11ud to \",,i•111011t. 111111 while tlwrc Hl'eUJ·t•d n IJ011ition in the of.bee of R. C. Ar11111, u c•ivil r111(hw1•1· t•mploycd in the i,mrvc.r and «!01111•r11et2011 ol' tl1t• Uutluu,l 111111 Bul'lington rnllroad, n11d remained in that em• plovuuml 11lio11t l'o11l'tee11 111ontl111, acquh-111,c co1111idorablo knowlodQ;'O 11ml nheu Ro<•kwcll in Ii:udson (uow Lyons) Wis., to l1i1111 K11thcJ•i11t• MoCottc1·, u nath·e ot' Orwell, Vt., who wiis en• 1.,"llg1,J in tl'11ehin1t Mchool, uml rctm•nt.'.: 111011th11 th,• 1•01111l1• r1•m11incd nt :\fodi:nev11, who.re he opened a law office. In :tlllv thl'\' r1•111oved to Grec•nwood, McHenry County, Ill. The firm of' Good!<(Jll & Si11111101111 there 1•11rri1'

    Children of ,Jnn1t"!I nnd Katherin<' Sim.mo!UI

    Clt11rl('11 Snmuel, b. ~fopt. 8, 1849; cl. Sept. 10, 18.54. .John Bell, b. Oct. :W, 1851. Edi:nr Fnmklin, h. No\·. 10, 1853; d. Mav 10. 1858. Knte Elhm, h. ,J unc 11. 1856; cl. Nov. 13, 1860. ,Tnult.'s, b. Oct. 16, 1858; d. Nov. 19, 1900. Caroline a.. 11, b. Oi,t. 5, 1861; d. Sept. 13, 1864. :tfnn- Eli:r.nb1•th. b.• JnJy 2. 1866.

    ;John Bell Si11111101~. Born 11.t Greenwood, Ill.. Oct. 26, 18iil. ~iunc-d for hi~ !!l"llllositions in town, vi~ and eitv. (J,,. :.!!Ill

    lltill p1'1ll'ti!!l111t lnw in Jt1witw, Wi11co1111i11, Honio1• mcmbw· oi' tlw llr111 of' :-i1n1111111H, Wnlkrr 111111 Wr11tt1•n. Oct, 2n, 18711, he w1111 11111rrirtl to S11r11h B. Stt11'1C('N, who died iu...... Cl1ilrh·c•11 ol' ,Tolan B. 111111 Snrnh B. Simmon1t

    ,John .~1lw11rcl, o. Nov. », 18ii. Knt.lwrinl!, born Mn,\' ::?», 1882. ,John Jt:clw1~r«l 11111r1il!d F,dlth 1-fond of Ractno, Wix Ono child, Eliznbcth. K11tlwri11e wm•rfo

    Gl'nch111t<•cl 1'1'0111 tho High Hc•hool nt Lukt• U1•11cv11. AL­ t1!11dcd tho Bt•loit ,\c11tl1•my for oue eyenr. G1·uduutcd from Ht•loit Collt•g-c• ,Jum• ]88:1. 'J'nnµ-ht for om• yc•ur in Beloit Acn­ dcm,.v. Studil'd nhont two nnd one Jiolf .vc1Ll'l,I at Princeton 'fhcolo~-til'nl 8cminnrv, N. ,J., nml then about two and one half ~·curl! nt the Universit~· of Berlin, Gennanr. and on bis .retuni to Amcrieu in 1889 ae;,CJ)tetl n J>Osition in tht:> Prcplll'Dtol'V Dt•• pru1:ment of Iowa Collei:-u 11t Grinnell, Iowu. Became profes­ lj()l' of Philosophy nm! J~thi~!I in Iowa Colle,:e 1891.

    Childnm of .J11mrn, and Helen

    .Jnmes Gnicnlen1, b. Grinnell, Iown, Oct. 16, 1894. Mar­ ried Helen .J. C. Ashby of Des l\Ioines, Ia.. June 24, 1920. Helen Luurn, born nt Lake Geneva, Wii1.. .Aw:. 22. 1896. llunicd Vi~! C. Brink, of Watertown, lwM.. Ault, 28, 1920.

    Their Children

    James Albert, IJ. ,Jun. 16, 1922. Robert Greenleaf, h. ~!arch 30, 1924.

    l\fary Elizabeth Simmons. Born at Elkhorn, WL'l., ,Tul.r 2. 1866. Educated at tlw P11blic School of Genevn. 11t the Luk<> Geneva Scminan·. ut ".hitcwatcr Sonui:! Sehooi for ,;ix months; at :\It. 'Holyoke Seminary for one year. and at Iow:1 Colleire for two years nnd gnuluatcd there in .Tune. 1891. Rc­ •:eived the degree of A. M. in ,Tune 1895. Taught for tw:.. ;wars in the High School at Spencer, Ia., and about two mad l-lfl!MONl-l OJ<;NRAJ,OOY

    11111• t.liir,1 \·1•1u'" in tlu• Tow11 Stnto Nor11111I School nt Co

    JI. :.?. Al\'n Si111mo11I'. 8011 ol' Abel II. bol'n ,Tune 23, 1778. rn,,iJ H1•11t.. 111, JHfJ2. .l(1irri1•d TJ-yplwnin B111nl111111 nuc1 Jiverl ne .\11hforil. C111111. ,vn" 11 f11r1111•r II m<'l'l'lmnt. 11 tnmwr nnil 11hoo- 11111kr,

    Children I. ,lo11cph 8., who 111111·1·i<'1I Lucintla Clark of. .A11hford, Conn. ·2. H11rrict horn in 1804: ,I. Avril 4, 1874, llA'(?rl 70. :1 . .Hophro11i11. murriNl i\lr. Kni,:Jit.;

    .Jfn11·iet Simmon~ Bulklev. Married Ichabocl Bnlklev wl10 ilicrl )fn;v ~4. 18.37, ngl' 39. The\: had 1·hil

    .John Holmes Simmens. Educated at Ashford Acadcmv Md Yule Medical School at New Haven. Received his diploma a.s a pl1ysicin11 and surgeon iu J833 ,uni commenced v:ractir•c nt once at Pomfret Factory (now Putnam) and remni.11eJ there one yell!'. He then rcmoveil to his native town nnd continued to prac­ tice there until u short time before his death, eaminl?' a hil?'h repu tation a..; a physician 11.ml becoming prominent in public Mil social life, nnd a lending man in the Cong-re;:ational Clntrch. In 185.5 he .represented Ashforrl in the L<'i,-islature ll.lld -was ,. member of its ciudieia.ry <'omrriittee. In 1861 nnd 1864 be rcp~cntcd Ins dis­ trict in the State Sermk From 186i to 1872 he held office in tl1I' U. S. Revem1e Department. ru1d filled these and other .,fficr!'.' witl, ability nnd crcilit.. On }fa\· 23. 1839 he Wa,

    ,John S., of 2111t Rt•gt, Conn. Vol11, W(J()1111or.ket, R. l. William ,J., of Co, B, 11th Rc!gt. Conn. V11l11. W'n11hini:to11 D, C. Charlc11 H. Cnpt., Pomfret, Conn. l'lfary, who marri<'rl F. G. Bnrnhnm; rl. ,Julv 19, 1871!.

    Caroline Simmon11, rlnughtrr of Ah·a nnrl Trn>henlu. Mnrric,1 fil'llt to Thoodoro Ccnrborongh. Tl1ev hnd one dnni::htcr. Onr. 11011 ,Toscuh. Married n sr.cond time to Er)win Scarboronah ond bnd on,, chiltl. Live,1 nt Brooklyn, Con~ ... _DiC'd nt Enid Hn.rtford l89i.

    Abel H<'nry Simmon11. Aon of Alvn anrl Tr:vt:>henin. C:1111hi1•r, or tr4'nt1urer and RCPretarv of Groton Sa.vinll'!I Bnnk, Mvstlc Kivcr, · Conn. Ma.rried Emmn r. Avery, born Sept, 14. 1842 nt Groton. Ffnd onr IIOn, Henry· Av11ry Simmom1, hom ,Tnn. 7, 1878 nt Groton.

    ll. 3, Perev Simmons. Dnnghter of Abel ll onrl Hannah Simmons. Born' Dec. 16, 1780, Married Grn •. Stc?>h<'n 1'1<>ldm· Palmer of Hn.mpton, Conn. Both nre dend. Thev hnd cni/drrn. viz: ·

    Esther (Whaley) Chester. Woodstook, Conn. Caroline (Lincoln) Hampton, Conn. liartha (Clark) Nile&, Mich. ,Toh11 D., Patchogde, N. Y • . Tabitha (Clark) Brooklyn. Lonisn. (Adams) Woodstock, Conn. Sarah Ann (Winslow) Pent, Ilt Her dnug~ter, Mrs. Albert Slyrl<'r, 3243 Vernon. Ave.. Cl11r11.:.::o. Stephen F. died young. P~rey (Almy) N'orwfoh. Conn.

    II. 4. Tabitha SimmoD6. Daughter of Abel and 1:lannah. Born April 28, 1783, died Dec. 18, 1873, Married Dr. Joseph Palmer and lived at Ashford. Dr. Palmer died ,Jan. 11), 18.3!1. They had no children.

    IL 5. Dr. Abel Simmons. Son of Abel II and Hannah. Born Aug. 13, 1787. Dicrl- nt Windsor. (',0nn. 'l'wo children 1 Abel, who died unmarried. Ennfoc N~ ma.med Anson Loomis of Bethel. Conn. Sh<' luul on~ ,lau::hter. who mnn-ird a Sperry, Sprinafild. Conn. U. 6. Benjamin Clark Simmon~. ~on· of Abel II "and HannaJ.. Born ,\.:iir. lG, 1790. Died lfareh 29~ 1866, ai:ic 75. l!arricd to )fariettc Bvles April 29. 1824. He lr\'ed for some time nt Asl,. SIMMONS GENEALOGY :?:-!fl

    ford, Conn .. 11nrl w11t1 n 11wrcho11t. W1111 mrmbrr of Gcnctal Ai,• """•hh• 18:J/i,30, 1R40-li0. l-fo rrmov<',1 to S1>rinirflrlrl, M!l.!11'1, Tbcv hnlf flvo chilclr<'n:

    l,1111r11 Ann, boni Sept. 8, 1825. Harriet, born Nov. 4, 1827. 8nnil1 B;vll!/1, bom Der. 23, 1829. Edwin CorneliuH, boni ,Tun. 19, 1837: died Ser>t, Zl. 1846. !!:Ihm P1•rey, born May 24, 1846. T..nnrn Ann 011(1 Hnrrfot livrd nt Sprinirfllcl: thev "'ere no~ married. :.\[n1ictte Byle11 Sirunw1111 died Jnu. 30, 1884, u,:c 77. Santh Byles Simmons. Married to ,Tohn A. Brown .fan. :r. 18rJ4.. TJwy lived nt Mt. Hope. Fom· Chi11lr<'t1. Frederick Brown, b. Feb. 17, 1857. Anna Prel.!ton, born Oct. 8, 1858. Herbert Simmons, born March 12, 1862. Robert Henry, born July 1, 1870. ,Frederick. Married to Abigail H.. Byles Dec. :?'J, . J 886. They Jived at Bridgeport Conn .• and had enildren: Ruth Morris, born Nov. 24, 1887. Richard Hnntin~on, born July 4, 1890. Anna Preston: Edueat1>cl at Massaehusett." Normnl School and is a teacher.

    Ellen Perey. Married to Matthew Clark Fenton. Feb. 11, 1880. W:is before marraillA't' a teacher in California. and has resumed tcaehin~ since the death of her husband which oe­ currecl May 189 ,. They hnd one clrild. Marion Elizabeth, born Dec. 22. 1881 .

    •James Greenleaf Simmons. Born Oct. 16, 1894 at GrinneJl, Iowa. Educated in the public schools at Grinnell, Grinnel Aca demy; Pomona Coll~. Claremont, Calif.. · for one year; rcradu­ ated from Grinnell College :in 1916 with d~ee of A. B. Served in the U. S. Navy durin.ir the World War, traininl? at the Naval Trainin~ Station at Great Lakes, DI., and servinl.?' as hospital Corpsman on board tlle U. S. S. Princess Matoika. a trallS'POrt. In 1919 entered Havana Medical School. o-ad,uafuur in 1923. and serving for about two vears ~q Honse Officl'r at Worchester City Ho!

    On June 24. 1920 was married to Helen Josephine Cantwell ,\.8hby, of Des Moines. Iowa; daughter of Newton R. .and Harriet (Wallace) Ashby.. She Wll8 born July 10, 1892 at Cedar Rai,i


    lf' wo wc,r•" nblo to nnswe1• thiH 11-nl'!ltion, we could 11utiHf1 McorClll of plioplo who hnvo writt.rn mi, in the lr111t twentv venrs, hut with nil tho i11vm1tigutlonl! we hnve 111110,1, and ull tire rccor1I" we ho.ve been over, we co.n only ¢vc the info1i11ntio11 thm iH oli• tainable, 11nd our own opinion fol' what it iH worth,

    We know f'rorn reeord11 thnt he wnr1 the 11011 of ,rohu SimmouH and hil! wife Hannah Hrithaway, some write1'8 "nv "John 3, John 2. Mosrs l," but this is clisprovcd, 1111 ,Tohn, son of John 11111! :.\forcy Pncbody, married Nov. 4th, 1715, Susannah Trncv c'rrnsic) and had rhildren, John born Ang. 22, 1716; Ruth, born A-oril 26, 1719: Joel, born Feb. 5, 1722-3; Leah, born SCl)t. 7, 1728. Our belief ui that hc Willi John 31 Moses 2, Moses 1 .. nJI wi, arc 1111- 0.blo to locate any record of his mnrrinite, and the nnme of MoHcR • 2 wife was Pn.t1once Barstow, ,John 3, uhio nameH 11 .Juul.?'htrr Po.tlcncc (after l1is mothc-r) uncl his children nnmes their d111u:h­ ters Pntfoner. Ile was born :Mnrl'h HI, lfl67-R not fnr f'rom Uu• ri,z-ht IIA'll to mnrry in 1697. \Ve have not been able to locntl' nnothcr ,John Simmons, thu! co1tld have possibly have been in tlrr Moses 1 line. I believe som1•• time a record will be found thn.t will prove the above to be trnr. The wife of Constant Simmons wn.<1 Lvdia PhilliJ>R, daui:htci of Joshua and Hannah (,Tones) Phillips, born about 1720 nnrl ma.rricd Constant Simmon!< April 12, 1739. 1n proof of her nnr­ t?n~. wr. Rnbmit the following: "The division of the t,11tatc oi' ,Joshua Phillipi; of Dighton is ·recorded in book 11 Plll:l.1 'i()8 of tho probute records of Taunton, widow is mentioned, (not. hv name) Children were Lvdia, wife of Com1tnnt Sinimons. Abfozer. ,Joshua. Rirhn'l'fl, Hannah and Mercy.

    Under date of 1713 rct'erenr.e of n drecl of Abrnharn Shaw to the widow Amma Phillips and her son ,Joshua. In 1722 anoth1•r deed of Abraham Shaw & wife Am;-.·. to brother-in-law .rosh11n Phillip~. mentioning thrir t'nthrr, ,Joshua Phillips. ln.tc ot WP\' mouth and their mothr:r, Amy HOt!kins (married n 2nd time. The will of Thomas ,Jones of Dil.!'hton Jntetl Jan.. 2/i. 1724. nroved l\Ia.rch 16. 1724-5, namC8 children as follows. l'.:benrzcr, Thomas, Hannah Phillipit;. Pril'ella nnrl Dorens. Furl.her proof thnt LvdiR Phillips, wife of Constant SiDllllon~ of Dil.!'hton. was daughter' of ,Joirll's Xov. :!1. ]715. her p111•pntal,!'r ii< r,mvr,J h,· will ol' her l'alluir, Thomas ,Tone,;. Bristol eountv probate records. \"OJ. ,~. pngc 49. which mentions his daughter, Hannah PhilliJ)S. 241


    CONSTANT SIMMONS ('I) ,fol111 :I, :lfo11r11 2, Mones 1, b, , d ...... : 111. April 1:.?, 17:J!J 111. Diirhton to Lvdill PhillipM. Children

    Jonathan Simmom1, h...... 1739. Hannah SimmonN, b. Doc. 1. 1740. Constant Simmom,. h. Fub. i,, 1742. Joshua Simmons, h .. , ...... , 1743. Lydia Simmons, h...... , 1740. tDavid Simmons, b...... , 1748. ,Tean Simmon~, b ...... , 1740. Rohcccn. Simmon!', b ...... , 1753.

    CONSTANT SIMMONS u:,J Constunt 4, :John 3, :Moses 2, Moses 1. b. 1742,


    Simpson Simmons, b. IJei,. :n. 176fi; m. Sully...... ITONATJL\N SUD£0:NS. b. ,Tnn. 31. 1768; m. Rnth Goodinr. Hannn. Simmons, b. 1770 ·in ,Tune; ru. Hicks Isiah Simmons, b. 1772; not married. Lucy Simmons, h. 1777: nmrriC'.J .Tolmathan Case. Esther Simmons. b...... ; m. Elnntlian Goodinir.

    JOHNATH.AN SIMMONS 16) Constant 5, Constant 4. John 3, Moses 2. Moses 1. b. Jnn. 31 li68, Dighton. Mass.: d. at Le­ Roy, Medina Connty, Ohio. 1846; m. in 1790 to Ruth Goodiil!? wl10 wa.~ born Feb. 20, 1769 nt Dig-hton, Mass.• and died March 20. 1859 at LeRoy, Ohio. This family mo\·ed to Bristol. N. Y. 1789 md: to Ohio in 1830.

    Chilclrcn Ruth Simmons, b. :\larch 25, li92. Johnatlian Simmons. b. l!arch 4, li96. Sall~· Simmons. h. Au~. 20. 1803; m. Isaac ,Jon~. 242 SIMMONS 11F:NEALOGY

    Simpllon Simmom,, b. Or,t, JO, 180(,; m, Sally Isiah Simmom1, h. 01!!, 2:1, 1iflll : not mnrricd. LUCY SIMMONl-1. b. ,Jnu. 24, Jill4: m. ,TnrrwH Goodlnit, Erat1tm1 Simmon~. b. S1•rt, 1814: m. Elilln Dnniols, Harriettn Simmon~. h. De~•. !!0, 1807: 111 ...... , Bist1ell In Ohio Elminn Simmon~. h. O,•t. lll, 1810: 111 •.::;~,~, Poml'rov • • , r, IJ.,J_ , ·.

    LUCY SIMMONS (7) ,Joh11ntl11111 6, Constant !i, Constant 4, ,John 3, Mollrl'I 2, l\foscM 1. b. ,lnn. 24, 1794, ut Di,:hton, Mll.l!!I: d. May 7, 1858 at Goodings Grovl', Will County, Ill.: m. in 1813 at Bristol, N. Y. to ,TamC!S Goodini:-, who wnl'I born ,Tnlv ff, 1791: d. Sept. 10. 1864 ,,t Ooodin01 Grovl', Ill.


    C11rolinl' Goodini:, h. Oct. 10, 1816; d. ,f11.n. 20, 1888: m. l~t to L. P. Blis11; !!n,1 S11mucl Blount. 8 ehildrcu. LUCRETIA GOODING. h. 1\fnrch 24, 1819: rU: William Fran­ ciH ,Jaekson. Alcimouia Gooding-, b. ,Jnu. 16, J 82:1: uot rnnrricd : went ncro~s -plain:; in 1849. Crestns Goodin::-. b. March 4. 1827; 111. 1 rhild u dawhter. Ruth Goodin::. b. S1•pt. 4. 18.'31: m. N. D. Ini;:-mham: 3 ehildrcr, Loucy Ann Goodin;:. h. ,Jnn. 12, 1835: m. 1st to Is11n., .rones: 2nd Richmoml .Tones. 3 Children.

    Mrs. Edna L. Fredrickson of Charles City, Iowa. has contri­ buted thP followin:;:- hisrol':\· of her grand par<'nt!•:

    "Jnmes Goodini.-s and his wifP Luey Simmons, with Caroline. Lucretia. A-IPimm,, Orl'stu:s 111111 Ruth nnd his brothers William and Aui::w;tru;. came to Chic~,o in the sprinir of 1832. found one frame houllP ther<', stav('(l II whill' in the famous Bantein tavern. then a." the Snx and Fox or Blnckhird wnr wns on. had to stav in Fort Dearborn. I have he.ard my i::rnndrnother, Looretia (Goodin,:) Jackson tell of the time they had in Fort Dearborn, she was thirteen :,,ea.rs old at the time, she said thev slept in n row, with shOl'!I and stockinl?!' on. even sunbonnets on. reach: to nm if hostile Indians came. She told how one frir.ndly Indian ,..howed them how weak th,• stockade was he jumped (poll• vanlted) over it nnd said "bad Indian come that way." ·certain that it was too dangerous to settle near at that time. they drove covered w~on back around end of Lake :M:ichil!:an. the men throwing pails of wntET on the outer trail nii thev drove in the ed;:t' of the lnke, to obliterate the trail They we>nt t.o l\Icdinn f'mlllty, Ohio, whe>r<' Luoy'11 pan,nta, ,Johnnthnn Simmon11 and nut.11 /Goo1lin1,"II) Simmons were rn"a 'POii• 11ibl, to Detroit) thl'II in tlir• J'nll ol' 1R:J:? retrncocl their l!ltOP!I to Ch!i1111W, 11t1LVl' o"t at Good­ in,:s Grove, nlthoiwh now not. nn nrre of thr linll Goodluit farm~ is owned by a Goorlinir or a descendant. Mv sister, Mr!!, Burker, 5949 Nonn11l Blvd.• Chicuco, and tl1c two old maid aunts arc the only ones left around there. But the name "Goodinirs Grove" is on a new little brick school bouse on the comer. 'l'hii< i1,1 nbont thirty-flv<• mil<'i< southwest of the Loop, in ChiCBl!:O.

    LUCRETIA GOODING (8) Lucy Simmons 7, Johnathan 6, Constant 5, Constant 4, John 3, Mosrs 2. lfosi>s l. b. March 24, 1819 at Bristol. N. Y.: .rJ. ,Juu. :!!t;--:W02 nt Orland. Cook County, Ill, buried at Goodinirs Grove.; m. July 7, 1841 bv Jcrem1ah Por• tcr to William Francis ,Tnekson, who ""RR horn .Tnnr 25, 181~ at Brhitol, N. Y.: <1 • •Tan. 10, ]892 in Cl1icaA'I).


    LUCY ELIZABETH .JACKSON. b. ,Tune 14. 1842: d. July 29, 1928 at ChiCUA'() • •James W. ,Jackson. b . .lnly 23. 1848: m. Mary M:vrick, no children. '.Flora S. Jaekson, t,, April 16, 1854; not married. N'ow livi~ at 11335 Southwestern Ave., Chicai;ro. Mary P. Jackson, b. April 15, 1858; not married. Now li~ · at 11335 Southwestern ..!. ,·c., Chiclll:O,

    LUCY ELIZABETH JACKSON (9) Lucretia Goodiu 8. Lucy Simons 7, Johnathan 6, Constant 5. Constant 4, John 3, Moses 2. Mose~ 1. b. ,Tune 14. 1842: d . .Tnly 29. 1928 at ChiC&:"o. buried 244 SIMMONS GENEALOGY

    in Brooks cemetery, Goodilll?S Grove, Will count:v. ID; m. Oct. 'Zl, 1863 to ,Tames Kenncdv Sis."ion, born .April 20, 1832 at Bru,tol. N. Y.; d. Jan. 22, 1875 in Orlnnd. Tllinois. Tbev resided nt Orlnnr. nnd Chieai:?O. • Children :Mary L. Sisson, b. :\fay 29. 1865; m. C. (!) H. Mo~ 'Carrie E. Sisson. b. Au;::-. 29, 1867; m. E. H. Barker EDNA L. SISSON. b. Oct. 24. 1871: m. William Isaac Fred rickson.

    EDNA L. SISSON (10) Lui,y Elizabeth .Jackson 9, Lucretin Goodiniz- .8, Lucy Simmons 7. ,Tolmnthan 6. Constant 5, Constant 4. John 3. Moses 2. ?lfoses L b. Orlnnd. m.. 1871: m. Julv 15. 1902 to Willirun I."Me Frederickson. wl10 wns born at LnPort Indiana in 1871. Tl1e Inst address of this familv that we have is 406 ·Howard St.. Cl1nrles Cit,.•, Ia., where Mr. Fredricks.on was in the fnmitnre business with hi,: brotl1er. firm of Fredrickson Bros.

    Ckildren Helen Louise Fredrickson. b. 1904; d. 1908. Harold Sis.~n Fredrickson. b. .A:n~. 21. 1905: d. .Oct. 192.5 at Grinnell Co11~e of sleeping sickness. Marian Eli7..abeth Fredrickson. b!. Feb. 4. 1910. Grinne11 Col- l~. Cla."s of 1932. ·


    Since our former record of Constant Simmons. we have been a.ble to i:ret trace of another Constant Simmons, nnd will l11'!l'e lrive all the fa,,ts obtainable, and as these · facts seems plausible. we leave-it for his descendants. ns we publish a record as we find it. The record Freetown. Mass. were bnrned about 1830 the rer• ords of many of the older Simmons ;::-cneration are lost.

    JOHN SIMMONS (3) Moses 2, Moses L Was born March · 16, 1667-8. married Hannah Hnthnwav on December 14. 1697. she . ~ the daughter of Joh.'!. and Haminh (Burt) Hathaway. Joh~ Sunmons who married Hnnnnh Hathaway hvcd in · Freetown about two miles below the vill~c. he ea.me here from some other plncr ·as he wns not horn here. bnt probably from Dfo:hton. Children John·· Simmons, married Patience. Patience Simmons, SDL\1UNS GENEALOGY 245

    Hannah Simmons, married Joseph Trafton. Feb. 22, 172:l. Oliver Simmons, mnrriecl :md hnd children. Probably Constnnt mid Noble Simmons . .Tohn Simmons and Putie1rne, his wife lmd dau:rhters. Hannah born 1731 and Pntienee 1733.

    JOllli S.DG\IONS p;J .By his will dated March 27th. 1747. proved October 6th, 1747 zivc to son Oliver and mentions othet sons and daughters nnd one son John deceased; Colll>D.D.t is mentioned in the records of John Sinunous being paid twentv-1ive pounds. Constant wns made guardian of Hnnnah and Patience clnn:::htc1-s of son .John Simmons ,Jr. and his wile Patience. John Simmons Jr. died .August 18th, li33. He is also identified ·as son of .Tohn Sr. by deeds to John Simmons (C:tlker) of Tnuton, son of Ceru,;tnnt Simmons. lkw~-ister of deecls .JS.447 nnaite 450 Constant Simmons w,is of D~hto11, not Freetown. For a rcc:ord of Descendants of Constant Simmons, see pre­ ~edin:r nnd followin~ pa/?e~.

    CONST.A..,T SDDIO.XS. p1·ob:tbly ,,on of John 3. and Hannah Hathaway, Moses 2, lioses 1. b. about 1710; m. April l2. 1739, Lydia Phillips. Cl1ildren L)· will are ss follows:

    1. Lydia, b. 1746. 2. · Rebc«a; b. 1753; m. Sbnw. 3. Jenn, b. 1745: was Int. ?.Iay G. 1771. J. S. Luther swans. 4. J'ohnathan, b. 1739: m. 1765 to Hannah Bullock. 5. David, b. 1747: m. Lillie Richmond ('f) Dec. 1768. 6. Constant, b. Feb. 5. 1742; m. Silenee Soper (7) Dee. 1766. 7. Joshua b. 1743: m. Ruth. • 8. Seth. 9. Asa. 10. Gifford. 11. Ephriam. b. 1760 ( 1) m. in Bristol. R. I. J"ulv l2. 1801 to Priscilla. dn~hter of Nathaniel West. 246 Sll!M:ONS GE~'EALOGY

    JOHN.A.THAN SL'\D!ONS. born July 16. li39 in Die:htou. Mass.; d. April 22, li90. Son of Constant. married Jan. 5. li65 to Hannah Bullock, born May 6. li45; q. Dee. 18. 1804: dat12hter of Elkana and Sarah (Eddy) of RehobotW


    1- Our Babe, b. Feb. 12 li66; d. Feb. 16. 1766. 2. John, b. Sept. 7,, 1768; m. Nancy in N. Y. A~. ISll. 3. !Elkanah, b. Nov. 9. l'i'70; d. June li87. 4. Constant, born 1,{ny 7. 1773; m. June l. 179!$ L:vdi• Briggs; died Jan. 18, 1861. 5. Philli!?., b. March 29. l'i'75; m. in N. Y. 6. 'Careb, b. Yay 19. 1777; m. in N. Y.; d. Dee. 25. 1846. 7. Gauraliel, b. Dec. 24. 17i9; d. Sept. 18?..8 S. Hannah, b. ]l[ay 18. 1782; manicd Johnnthan .Tones (after 75 years old. Rep. to Gen. Court); died Julv 15. 1863. 9. Nathan, b. Nov. 7. 17S4; m. Nancy Pierce: d. Marcil 15. 1857. 10. Lydia. b. April 2L 1787-89; m. Asa Smith: d. 1',fav 6. J.859.

    1CONSTA.c'-T SThBiONS of (John, Constant) b. in Dii?hton. Mass., May 7. 1773: d. Jan. 18, 1861; m. .June l, 1798 to Lvdia Briggs, died Jan. 11, lS.'58. daughter of George and Elizabeth (Goff) B~. She was born April 12. 1780 in Di~hton. Yass.


    1. John, b. Nov. 17. 1800 at Dighton, Mass.; d. Jan. 20, 1876, buried at Worchester; m. Hannah Howe of 8hrews­ burg, Ynss., April 29, 1829. 2. George B., b. Aue 12. 1803; m. Ruth Walker: d. July 3, 1864. 3. Prillip, b. July 13. 1807; m. Sarah Ensle; d. Feb. 23. 1886. 4. Arabella, b. Aug. 28, 1809: m. Henry Horton No\". :ll. 1888. 5. Mary, b. Au~. 18. 1811; m. Danforth G. Horton: d. April 19, 1894, . 6. Elizabeth G.• b. Sept. 25, 1814; d. unmarried. Dee. 29, J.SS4. 7. Lueuida, B, b. May 17, 1819; m. Wm. B. Horton. S. Albert, b. Aug. 2L 1822; d. Oct. 24. 1824.. SL'1M0NS GENEALOGY 247

    .J0HX SThOIONS (Constant, John Coru;tant) b. in Dii:hton Nov. 1,. 1800; d. in Worchester. l\Inss. Jan. 20. 1876; m. Hannah Howe, b. in Shrewsbur.:. l!a.ss. Sept. ll, 1805, danditer of Daniel and Hannal1 (Hall) Howe. April 29, 1829. She died Dec. 19, 1882.


    I. ,Jolin Albert, b. .July 2. 1s:n:

    ClilI'>LES EDWARD SBI.\10.NS (,Tobu Constant. John Con­ stant) b. .in Worel1ester. :Vfa.,, 0et. 13. 1834; d. and buried in Worchester lfay 5. 1912: m. ,Jane Victorin Waldron AU£'. 28. 18ti0; d:J.t!L!'htcr of Geo!'i::'e R. and l!ary E. (Crisman) Waldron of Hamilton. N. Y. She was born .Oct. 6. 1838.


    1. Charles Gilbert. b. Hamilton, N. Y. July 6. 1863; d. Sept. S, 1902: b11ried in Worelwster; m. Sept. 18. 1890 to Annie Given Perkins. She was born April 29. 1861. dawdtter of Enocl1 Perkins and Given. Children:

    )fnr,::-a.ret Perkins. h. in ~ew Woodstook. N. Y.. .Julv 8, 1894. Robert Hrnry. born in Northboro. )!ass.. March 10. 1900. Ha.rold Ed'l\·ard. h. Au:::-. :?2. 1896: d. Julv 21. 1918 in Franoo. 3. Flora Amorette. b. Sept 21. 1871; m. Sept. 21. 1905 to 248 SOL)!ONS GENEALOGY

    Edyin T. Chapin. One child, Dorothy Eunice. bo.tn · Oct. 6, 190i. 4. (8'nnnal1 Corolyn. b. Feb. 14. lSii. 5. Edward Burnside. b. Feb. S. lSW .Tune 24. 1915 to Ruth Benedict Ing-nils; one ehi,, ~alls Howe. n. Jane 9, 1916. Lydm Simmous widow of Con,-tunt murried 2nd to Jeremiah Simmo:is of Dight'?n (Sec Taunton Reg. of Deeds, Book ii. Pa.."" 15.

    John Simmons. son of Constant und Lvdiu Simmoll:I wus n resident of D~hton, liass. He w·as u Revolutionnrv soldier. a pri­ ,-atc in Capt.: Elijnh Walker's Cimp:my, Colonel Pope's (Bristoi County) r~ent. marched Dee. S, lii6 on an alarm of that date at Rhode Island, served nine Jnys. He wus a prh·atc tn Capt. lfuttbcw Randall's Compau~· Colonel ,John D~ctt's rccimcnt Jan. i to April 1. liiS; two months anq 26 days at Rhode Island, regi­ ment raised for three months scr.ic~e from Jan. 1, liiS. He was 3 prh-atc in Capt. Josiah King's Company 1u1dcr the same Colonel from .A,ugust 28 to Sept. 1. 1778. 5 days at Rhode Island. Com­ Pl!JlY det'\chcd from the liiliti:i.; roll sworn at Taunton. He was also unCncer SIIDIONS G&~OGY 2411

    .Baptist Church in -1S68; of the Bapti<:t Church at Southwick. l!a.ss. lS'il-76; nt Thompson. Conn. 1876-ii; South Wmdsor, Conn. 1Sii'-8L He became blind as n result of .Army life, ·bat continued to preach most of the time. In 1891 he recovered his si::?ht. In • politfos he was n Democrat. For 25 years J1e was Chai,iuin of the Worchester Cowity Jail and Superintendent of Schools m Sonth­ ,vick, .lfoss. from 1872 to 1Si'4. Darin;: the Civil War 1861-65 he \\'US pnvnte nnd hospital steward of the 21 .l!ass. Rcciment Vol­ unteer Infantry; was shot through the left l~: a prisoner in Lib­ by. He was Sccret:iry of his rcgim~t for years and i.,icceedcd h¥ his clu.Ul!;htcr, :\Irs. Flora A- (;hapm. He was a charter mem­ ber of Geo. H. Wu.rd, Post :!\o. 10, Grand .Army of the Rcoublic and sen·ed :is its Clmplain also a member of the 1st B8.lltist Church. Dr. Simmons marriecl at Hamilton, N. Y. Au,.."'IISt 28. 1860. to .Jane Vfotorin Waldron. daughter of Gcom-c Richard and Mary Elizabeth (Crisman) Waldron, Children: (1} Charles Gilbert. born i11 H:uuiltou. X. Y~ Jul"\" 6. 1864 and died and buried in Worchest­ er 011 Sept. S, 1902; cle~'Illan, pastor of Baptist churches in lwme. Clmduint and Xortbboro )lass. and New Woodstock. N. Y. He was ~-raduatecl from Cln.ssieal I:Iiirh nt Worchester. Madison Universitv now· Cobte U14,·cr.;;ity and ::\Indison Tlwolo::lca.1' Sem­ inary at Hnnrllto~. N. Y.: mnrried Annie Given Perkins. lllld had two children; )~ret Perk.:u,; a graduate of Bernard Coll~e of Columbia Univcrsit:v and now· Baeteriolo::ist in New York City, nnd Robert Henry u :;:-raduate of Colby Academy !WU Col::ate Uni­ versity at H:imilton. X. Y•• class 1923. He is a chemist in New York City. (2) Henry Rur:mt. bom in Hartford, Co'lll. on .A:pri.l 22: 1868 attended '\Vorcl1estcr schools and WorchesL:r Academy. is ,. fore­ mun in Reid and Prentice :'.lfachine Shop. married J.\fazy H:vde Evans, and had children. :c\Iuy Victoria, died in infancy: Charles Warren. member of 104 U. S. Infantry in France: Harold Ed­ ward who wa.s Sergeant in 104 U. S. Infnntzy :ind wns killed m I<'runee .July 21. 1918. (:l) Flora .-uuorette. born in Southwick. :ltfass.• on ·Sept. 21. 1871; zraduate of the Worchester schools; Vassar Collc:::c 1895 Professor of Latin :ind Greek. in the Hu,..."llenot Collc:::-c. So. Africa 1895-1900: teacher in the· Worchester Rii:h Schools: married Ed­ will Thaddeus Chapin, of this city, ar(,hiteet, and has one child. Dorothy Eunice. bom Oct. 6. 1907. lf:rs. Chnpin was head of De­ partment of Womnn'h Rdief Corps 1918-1919 and is Sec'y and daughter of the 21st )fas,;. R<'::iment Volunteer Infantry, the third to receive that ,listiurtion. she succeeded the lnte Clam lfartou. (4) Dr. Hannah Carol~'1lin. horn in Thompson. Conn. .Fehr. 14. 1677: i:rnduutcd from Cl:issical High School (Worchester) 1897 and from Tufts Collei:c :\Icclicnl School i:i 1902. She was resident r>hysiciun at the :'II:issncksctts Reform:iton· Pril

    Ward's Womnn's Relief Corp:., .Naomi Rebekah Lode:e •.Odd Fel­ lows; Worchester District :Medieal Society: Mars }fedieal Society; Worchester Busint!Ss and Professional Woman's Club; Darant Club of Boston; n. director of Iuota National. ones of Worchester. Chamber of Commerce and First Baptist Churcr.

    (5) Edwa,rd, Burnside Simmons, Physician and S'lllEeOn. was born at Vlorchcster Feb. 8, 1882. He attended the public school!! here, ~duatinir from the Eni:lish Hii:h School i.n 190L He en­ tered Colgate University from which he i:raduated with the de i:rce of B. A. in 1906. and :from Colgate Theo]oi:ieal School in 1909, he then entered Colombia ITniversity Co~ of Physician.~ and S~ns. graduatin,: from there in 1913. He is a Phi Beta Ka1ma and -received the dci:ree of l\Iuster of Science from Col­ i:ntc in 1914 and the dei:rce ot: Master of Arts from Columbi.,,. in 1915. In 1913-4, he served as house officer at tb Worchester City- hospital, and began practice in 1915. 1',fov 25, 1917 he was <-ruled into service.

    ·.He .wus ordainsd for the ministry in Worchester in 1909 the fir.st to be· ordained in the Ne\\' Baptist Church. aud wa.-. actini: pastor 'Of the 1st Baptist Chu.rch in 1915-16. He· served 1'.S assist­ _ant past.or of the Judson Memorial Qhnrch of New York Citv from· 1910-1913 and pastor of the Watertown. N. Y. in 1908. In J)Oli­ ties he was a Republican. While Ii~ in Hami~on. N. Y. he was town surveyor. He is a member of the Willie Grant Camp, Sons of Veterans, the M.romotcd J:;,aptain two months laier and Major of Sanitarv Train No. 317, Dr,ision 92 Camp Funston. He went to France with this division and later became Slll'geon of 366 Infantry 92 Division. Since the War. he has practiced in this citr and with his prac­ tice has been pastor of the .Ja.mcs\;Ue Baptist Church for two years. He ½ also Physician and. Surgeon at Norton Co1!11>11I1.V, .June 24, 191:> be married at Hamilton. N. Y. Ruth Benedict In· :?&lls. They have one child, Ini:allalls was born .l\fareb 19; 1SS7•

    .HANNAH HOWE. b. in Shrewsburg, Mas,... Sept. 11. 1805 anrl died Dec. 19, 1882 at Worchester and was buried in Worcbestc1·. daughter of Daniel .Howe and Hannah Hall. ,\"a.<: married in Wor­ chester.

    HA...~N.A.H BULLOCK. h. in Rehohotto. :\Ca.,,;. :'vfn,· 17. li~,i :i.nd died Dec. 18, 1804. LYDIA BRIGGS. b. in Dighton. April 12. li80 and died .Jnu. ll. 1858, buried at ~hton. . Sll\L'\!ONS GEllo"EALOGY 251

    Ed'l\in T. Chapin, born in Worchester, .Mass. June ~. IS'i2; sou of Ed,,in Chapin and Ellen Moodbury. Mary Hyde Evans, wife of Heruy D. Simmons was da1J2}iter of Wan-en and Carrie (Watkins) Evans.


    OLIVER SDilIONS (4) .Tohn 3, Moses 2, :\Loses L b. prob,­ :i.bly about 1700. Had son Oliver, who was probably tbe rather oi Ohver born ubout 17'6.5. who: married :.\!:u:v Mesen·e:v. His de• ,;ecndant.s furnishing us this line guvc us no dates. OlllV tbe line of descendency.

    OLIVER SDl:MONS (6) Oliver 5, .Olivci· 4, John 3. Moses 2, )Ioses l. b. a.bout 1765; married Mary Mescncy.


    Pollv Sinunoru;, b. Hope. l\Iaine; m. Robert Dickey. lived in Northport, }Ie. Children living. Charles; ~dchildren. Earl and Walter.

    ·BEN.JA.. \IL"lr SBDIONS (7) Oliver 6. Oliver 5, Oliver 4. John 3, :Moses 2, :.\foscs L b. at Hope, Me.; m. in 1811. Chloe Robbins. daughter of Bela and Margaret (Merservey) Robbins; livccl in Hope. :.\foine and died in Winterport, Maine.

    LYDll SDil\lONS (7J Oliver 6, Oliver 5. Oliver 4. John 3, Moses 2. lioscs 1. b. in Hope. :\Ie.: m. Thoman Webster. lived in Hone. Me.

    GEORGE SL\DIONS (7) .Oliver 6, Oliver 5. Oliver 4. John 3. :.\loses 2 Moses I. b. in Hope, :.\Ie.; m. Ab4rai! Conant; lived in .\ppleton. :.\Ic.·

    ARL\'DA SDDIONS ( (8) Benjamin 7•. Oliver 6. Oliver 5. Oliver 4. John 3. Moses 2. Moses 1. b. in Hope. lie.: m. Benjamin \Yhitcomb: lived in Wnlclo. !'lfaine.


    Ambrose 'Whitcomb. .\.mendo Whitcomb, married Thomas Wini:. Lydia Whitcomb, married ...... _:Frey. 252 SL'\1.'1.0NS GENEALOGY

    Eli Whitcomb. Chloe Whitcomb. Sarah Whitcomb, married ...... •... ..Bucklin. Roscoe Whitcomb, mnrricd Evelyn Woodbury• •\l!ENDA SDDiON"S (S) Benjamin 7, Oliver 6, Oliver 5, Oliver 4, .Jolm 3, :\loses 2. :Uo,;c;; 1. b. in Hope, l\Ie.: m. first to George Crockett: second ·-·········""'"ooster; third Freeman Smith; lived in Rockmnn, ?.Ic.•. an


    .Joseph Wooster. born in Rockland, Uc.

    ELIZA SDDi.OXS (7) Oliver 6. Oliver 5. Oliver 4. Jolui 3, :\lose.'<. 2, :\loses 1. ·b. in Hope. lfo.. 1S15: m. Willium Sheldon; li'\'"cd in Waldo. :\£nine.

    Children (All bom in W nldo. ::\Inine.)

    Eli7.u. .T. Sheldon. horn lt!.'J6; 111. L. L.L Holland. Luuro A. Sheldon. horn 1838; m. Llewellyn Wini:. Lucindn Sheldon. born 1840; m. Ed"·in A. Staples. .:Umenda Sheldon. born 1842; m. William Shaw. Delphina Sheldon. born 1844; m. A. D. Orne. John W. Sheldon. born 1846: m. Elizabeth Merdock. Cnthnuc Sl1eldon. born 1849. Lydia Sheldon, born 1S51. Susie E. Sheldon. bom 1855: 111. llansfielcl Clark. .•Jeannette E. Sheldon. born 18'38; ni. Albert Corthell Herbert E. Sheldon. b. 1S60:

    CYRUS R. SDDlOXS (7) Oli,·er 6. Oliver ii. Oliver 4, ,iobn :J. lloses 2. lfo,;cs 1. b. in Hop<>. lfo. 1S18; m. Eliz.->bNh Chapm:111: lived in Appleton. :\In.inc.

    Children (horn in Appleton. lfainc.)

    Francenn Simmon,.;, born 1846; 111. ·-·········Slc,'))cr. Aldriuna Simmons. born 1848: m...... Achor:1 Eldcn Simmons. born 18:>-I-.

    ALVIX SIIDCO.:-:s LSI c.,·1-us 7. Oliver 6. Oliver 5. Olin,r -1 • .John 3, llo..'' 2. :Uoscs 1. b. in Hope. :Uc.: m. first Au!:clinr· ::\[orisc; second, Samb Bur2:css: third .Jennie Bermer: lived i11 ,Tintcrport and Matnicus. Maine. SIMMONS GENEALOGY 253

    HIR,\:'II D. snnroxs (8) Cyrus 7. 0livPr 6. Oliver 5. 0liv­ Pr 4• .Tohn 3. lfosc>s 2. :\IosPs 1. b. in l!ope, l[C!; m. first 1\farthn .T. ,vilson: seeond. )I.rs. Knthrine L\foslcn) Grnnt: lin!

    BENJ,\:'IIIX FRA};T~IX SDQ.IONS (8) Cyru." 7. Oliver 6. 0liYcr 5. Oliver 4 ••John 3. Moses 2. Mose!l 1. b. 1838 in Hope }!c.; m. ]8.59 Abi=il Robbini'on.


    Vnlorom- Albion Simmon.s. h. Dee. 2. 18.59 in Appleton. Mc.: m. Emih· Etta GroYei<. dnni:hter of Daniel Whitehouse and ·Mmin L. (R,nn) Gro,-,.s .Tune> !l. 1884: li"l"Cl' in Belfast. Maine. ()Jh·e Ellen Simmons. h. lfoy 2. ]861 ot Appleton. :\fc.: ii. Sept. 6. 1865. Alicl' •.\bi:;:nil Simmoni-:. h. Sept. 25. 1864 nt Appleton. lfr-: .m. Herman lfiller: liY~ in North Haverhill, N. H. Chn:rlcs Franklin Simmoma. b. Feb. 20. 1866 nt Appleton. 'l'lfo.: m. Bentrice Rohe:,; nml t. 192.5. C:hloc .h·cstn Simmons. h.. Tnnr 2n. 1871: _m. r..,-for

    VAtOR0US ALBION" S!i\O!0NS (9) Beninmin Franitlin 8, C)TllS 7. 0livPr 6. O!iYer 5. 0lh·er 4 ••Tolin 3. lfo;:;C'S 2. 11-foscs 1. h. Dec. 2. 18.5!1 nncl marriro Emil~• Etta GroYcs. ·


    Alice Estelle Simmons. h. Ang. 28. 188.5 nt }fontville. Me.: m. Edward Miller Corli!

    ALICE .ABIGAIL SDD!ONS (9) Benjamin Franklin 8. Cvrns 7. Oliver 6. 0liYer 5. Oliver 4 ••John 3, lfn~es 2. lfoscs 1. b. Sept. 2.5. 1864 at Appleton. )fo.: m. Herman )filler. 254 SIMMONS GENEALOGY"


    Maude Eli7.n Miller, b. May 16, 1894 at Ry~tc, Vt.: d. Mnr 4. 1908. Mnble .A.lice Milkr, b. Moy 16, 1S!•4 nt RyA'!lte, Vt.; m. L:vn­ wood Q. Nye. Lives in Burlington. Vt.

    CHARLES FRANKLIN SThD[ONS. bom Feb. 22, 1866 nr1d mnnied Bcatrfrc Rocl1es; he diecl Aug. 15, 1925.


    .Rhetta Simmons, b. 18.... ; died young. /R.hettn Simmom;. b. 18-...: d. 1915; m. Walter Hart. Raymond Franklin Simmons. b. 16.... ; lives in Wa:1oboro. Me. George Denton SimmoRS. b.· 16..... : m...... : !he~ in W11it• insville, Mass. Donald Keith Simmons, b. 18 .... ; m. Nellie Keller, live,. il1 Whitinsvi1e. Mass. V nlorous Leon Simmons, b. J 8 .... ; m...... ·-·······: lives 1D "\\'Jiit- insville, Mass. CHLOE AVESTA. SIMMONS, b. ,Tone 26. 1871: m. fa-fod Milli;; lives nt Sonth Hope, Me.


    Elizabeth :Jl.!ills, m. A.rtlmr Fcrowl; lives in Appleton. Mc. Edwin Everett Mills. m. Gladys :F1nller; lives in Union. Me.

    GEORGE GILMORE SBOWNS, bom Jul:v 12. 1868: ~;. Liunn Hart: d. Sept. 1925.


    Leslie Simmons. Maynard Simmons. ,Girl. who died young. Herman Simmons. Frank Simmons.

    LlZZA J..U."E SIMMONS. b. lforch IS. 1Si5: m. Ecirick E

    Chilrlren (All born in Appleton, Maine.)

    Edrick Edgecomb Jr. l.fa.vnard Egi:-eeomb:

    IDA l\IA Y STI\IlI0NS. honi DPr.. 20, 1877: rn. first .Eforbert ~nkeforth.


    Harold Sukeforth. live,; in Los .Angeles. M"nrion 8ukefortli. (Etta) mnn-il'd E

    D.ON.ALD KEITH SOIM0NS. born 18.... : m. Nellie Keiler: i

    .Ai:nes Simmons. Donnld K. Simmons .Tr.

    :MABLE .A.LICE :\£ILLER. b. )fa:v 16. 1894: m. L:vnwood Q. N_\·e: cfam:rhter of. Abii:nil Simmons nnd Herman Miller.


    Randall Nye. Dorothy Alice Nyl'.

    ALICE E. SIMMONS. born· .Ang. 28. 1885 at Montville. Me.: da~hter of V alorons Albion Simmons nnd Emil-v Etta Grovei:;: m. Edyard ?,filler Corliss. Oct. 13. 191S.


    Valira. Jeanette Corliss. h. Oct. 9, 1919 at Plymouth. N. H. Evelyn Gates Corliss. b. Jan. 29, 1921 at Ryegate. Vt. Duncan Simmons Corliss. b. Dee. 15, 1923 at Ryegate. Vt. 256 SIMMONS GE?-o"E.A.LOGY

    OLIVE:& SIMMONS OLIVER SDlMONS (6) Oliver .5. Oliver 4. John 3. Mose~ 2. Moses 1. b. between Ii60 nncl .liiO.: m. :.\fury (l-Icscn•cy) Sim mons_ Children .•Jcdeinh, born in 1791. "Oliver. Peleg. Zebedee, born in 1808. A.bi~ Sarah. Mary. Exi,crience.

    .JEDEDL\.R SD-DWNS (i) Oliver 6. Oliver 5. Oliver 4. Jobr. 3. l\fosl!S 2. Moses 1. m...... P-

    'Children Norton Simmons. married. IA.bitl'llil :Fernnld Simmons. no issu. Benjnmin Theodore. Jedediah. Joseph. Sylvia.

    -OLIVER SDIMONS (i) .Oliver 6. Oliver 5. John 3. ::\fo,-~ :!. :.\-[oscs L m. Belinda. Pense.

    Jedediah. Joel :Jethro. Samuel :James. ~

    :PELEG SDIMONS (i) Oliver 6 .. Oliver 5' Oliver 4 ..John 3. Moses 2. Moses I. m. l\~· Pillsbury.


    Adeline. married a ninn by name of :Farnham. moved to Cali­ 'fornia. Lost trace. SDIMONS GE:NEALOGY 257

    TEBEDEE SDD!ONS (7) Oliver 6. Oli,·c•· 5. Olh·er 4. ·John 3, )Coses 2. )Coses L m. Clementine Pillsbury.


    .Johnson, married-no livinµ- i.-.sne. An;:teline, spinster. Priseilla. Martha, died when quite young. Elizabeth• .Adelaide. !Alda.

    .ABIGAIL SDIONS ('i) .Oliver 6, Oliver 5. Oliver 4. John 3, :.\loses 2. Moses 1. m. Mr. Smith-no issue.

    SARAH SL'\tMONS (7) Oliver 6, Oliver 5. Oliver 4. John :;. lloscs 2. Moses L; never married.

    .M.ARY SL\IMONS (7) Oliver 6. Oliver 5. Oliver 4. John S, lloses 2. )fose,; l; m. ,John Pilli,:bary.


    Hiram Pillsbury. Sophia Pillsbary. Hannah Pillsbury. Charles Pillsbury. Almeda Pillsbury.

    EXPERIENCE SIMMONS (7) Oliver 6, Oliver 5. .Oliver 4. Johll 3. Moses 2, l!oses l; m. lost trace.

    BENJA:\IL'. SL'\fllONS (8) .Jedediah 7. Oliver 6, Oliver 5 )liwir 4. ,lohn a. Moses 2. )foses 1. m. Lenora Tolman. •


    Randall. Charles. Marilla. Rose. 258. SIMMONS GENEALOGY

    THEODORE SIMMONS (8) .Jedediah i. Oliver 6. Oliver 5, Oliver 4 ••John 3. Moses 2. Moses l. M1L11iled Ma:rtha Webster.


    Mary. Theodore, died in chi:ldhood. JEDEDIAH SIMl\IONS (8) Jedediah 7, Oliver 6, Oliver 5. Oliver 4, .Tohn 3. llo:«>s 2. llfo,


    Ida. Mabel. Arthur. Bothwfok.

    JOSEPH SIMMONS (8l .Jedediah ;. Oliver 6, Oliver 5. Oliv­ er 4, .John 3, Moses 2, Moses 1. Married Sara. Stahl.


    lli11nie=-lost trace of her.

    SYLVL\ SL'\CMONS (8) .TedPdiah i. Oliver. 6. Oliver. 5, Oliv<.'r 4 ••Tohn 3. ?>roi;;es 2. lfo!


    Delmore, married Carrie McGuire. no issue. Sumner. married Olive Mrncr (Gwendolyn.)

    JEDEDIAH SIMMONS (8) .Oliver 7, Oliver. 6, Oliver 6. Oliver 4. John 3, Moses 2. Moses 1. Married ...... CoJlilll!.

    Austelia Simmons.

    ,JOEL SIMMONS (8) Oliver 7, Oliver 6, Oliver :S. Oliver 4. ,John 3, Moses 2, Moses 1. Bacht'lor. died in California.

    JEHTRO SIMMONS (8) Oliver i. Oliver 6. Oliver 5, Oliver 4. John 3. Moses 2. Moses 1. Married Wealthy Jones. SIMMONS GENEALOGY 259


    Dora Fiarrict. Riley. Herbert. Ed Ruby. Estelle. •Jcdediih. ,Jethro.

    SAM\iEI, i:-1:\U,fONS (8) Oli\"CT 7, Oliv


    Lizzie. Alonzo. Emma.

    .J..UiES SB-D10KS (Sl Oliver 7, Oliver 6. Oliver ::1. Olivl'r k .John 3. Moses 2. Moses 1. lforried Sarah Perry.


    .Ai:ne,<. Inez. Nellie. .tnstin.

    MARY SI:MJ.IOXS (8) Oliver 7, Oliver 6. Oliver 5. Oliver 4. ,Tohn 3, Moses 2, :Moses. L Married ··----···Gear.

    PRISCILLA SIMMONS (8) Oliver 7. Oliver 6. Oliver 5. Oliv­ er 4. ;John 3. MoS<'S 2. i\foses 1. Married Alonzo Meserv... ,.

    Children Albert. Joel 'Frank. Lucy. 260 SIMM:ONS GENEALOGY

    PRISCILLA SThL'\!ONS (8). Zebedee i, Oliver 6. Oliver 5, Oliver 4. ,Tolm 3, Moses 2, Moses 1. 1\[nrried A. L. Baitlett.

    Wilbert, married. no issue. Adelaide, unmarried. Charles, mnrried Li?.7.ie Yonng, no issue. Editl1, married William Goodwin, no is.«nc.

    ELIZABETH SIMMONS (8) 7-cbedee i. Oliver 6, Olive,· li, Oliver 4, John 3. Moses 2, Moses. L Mnrried Lucius Taylor.


    Agnes. Evelvn. married Albert Pittman. .Johnson. married Iva Wentworth. Raphael.

    ADELAIDE SDIMONS (8) Zebedee i. Oliver 6. Oliver S. Oliver 4•• Tohn :::, 1\foi;es 2. lfoses 1. i\Ia-rried Willinm Mood-.


    Daniel. married. Edna. married Frank Moody (Pearl and :Marcin Children.) Edith, not living. Olementine. SilIMONS GENEALOGY 261


    l. )lOSES SDfMONS. nmrri<>d Sarah (after 1627) came in Fortune 1621; d. 1689-90-91.

    2. .lOlL.,._ SIMMONS. married Merev Pabodie: d. 171b.

    3. TSAAC SUDCONS. 111nr1ied lfarthn Chandler: b. .Tan. 28. 1674.

    4. IS.A.AC SDB!ONS•. Miu:ried .Oct. 24, 1732 to Lydia Cush­ ini.:-: h. llurelt S, 1701-02; d. Au!('. SO, 1767; ntre 66 yeim,......

    i3. LEVI SIMMONS: mnrrit>d: h. 1741: d .•Tuly 3, 1798: ae;e r,7 years.

    6, .J.U!ES SIMl\IONS. SR.• mnrril!d Nabbv White: b. 1775: ,I. Aug-. 8. 1867. .

    i. .J.UIES S!ll:'\IONS. nmrrie,l Harrit>t Bartlett: b. A1>ril 15, 1S22: d. lfarch 18. 190(;.

    S.. CLAP.ENCE A VON SJlBfONS. married Nellie Bell•· )Coore, b ..Tune 15. 1852.

    9. DR. M.:\....~RED E. SIM.\fONS, married R,otr H. Mann: b. . March 22, 1890. ·262 SIM.MONS GENEALOGY

    lIOSES · SL\WONS formerly written lfo.vscs Symouson hmri ed in i::1.vruouth on the sl1ip (Fortllllc) in 1621• .A grant of land in Duxbury north of Duxbuzy, was ob­ tained trom the lndinns, und that Jund or rather a portion of it !ms been and is still in the Simmons name. Le,·i P. Simmons of north Du.-.:bu.ry now own it nnd lives there. Isaac Simmonh born about li03 in Da.-.cbury owned the nbovc land and married L:vdiu . Cushini:r. · !sane died about 1i6i, Lydia his wife some vea:rs Inter. LYDIA SIMMONS WILL (OOpt) Dated Oct. 4th, 1776. . The Ju.st will and te11twncnt of Lydia Simmons of Du.-.cboroui:-h in the county of Plvmouth in ye state of the Massachusetts Ba:v in New England Sponster. On the fourth day of October in tbe vear one thousand :-c,·en hundred and se,·entv six. beill2' advane1•cl ill life and under many bodily infirmities, but of J>erfect sound mind nnd memory and eallini:r to mind the mortality of this life and beini:r disposed to settle thin:;:s before mv departure, do maice nnd ordain tl1is to be my last will and testament in manner and form as follows "-is: First and principally. I commend my soul to God ruv creator nnd my body to the earth in decent burial in such manner as to my Exeoutor hereafter mentioned 815 to him · shall seuu wost meet and convenient and as to mv wordly iroods which the Lord has in mercy given me mv mind and will is that thev be disposed of as :follows viz: • · I give 11,D.d bequeath to my two youn::rcst daughtcss .Susan11h Pratt widow to John Pratt deceased and to my datll?htcr Lydia Simmons all my whole estate wherever it ma)· be found .iftf'r ms funeral charges and just debts are paid c.xeeptin::r those thin~ that I shall dispose of hereafter Item. :Give to mv i:rrandson L'i8.ac Simmons mv l!'?'Mt Bible and my silver spoon. · Item. ..\.nd as to my other ~=dehildren which the Lc>l'd hutl, i:ratiouslv given me, namely, .Jehial Simmons and Levi Simmon, . •Tern,..wah Holmes and l\furthew Lowden my mind is that thcv haw bad their parts of tl1eir late fathers estate. thev ha"in::r more than their sisters Susanah and Lydia and being- advised b:v m~· late husband, Isaac Simmons to give my Estate -as I have done and it beini:- my own opinion that it ought to be so. . Lnsth·. I do constitute nnd nppoint Mr. Azrec Arn11r to be my soul E.-.cecntor of this my last will and testament. Sii::icd. senlcd and delivered by the sai


    Jchial Simmons. Levi Simmons, born 11bo11t 1740-7, probubly a farmer. lived in Duxbury, had many i,hildren, now only- two. Isaac and . JDIDes Sr. Jercgab SimmoM, married Ann Holmes. Susana Simmons, born 1749, married a Pratt of Cohaaset: died Jan. 25, 1839: buried in Pratt lot, Cohasset. l!arthn Simmons, married a Lowden. Lydia Simmons. Levi Simmons, son of Isaac, hud many children. one Isaac. a son born aboa.t 1770. .Tnmes Simmons Sr•• born 1775 iu Du."

    Children (9) · (1)

    Levi, born June 7, 1807; J. July 25, 1808. Nabby, born May S, 1809; d. Sept. 29. 1819. Levi, born May 29, 1811; d...... :.. _ Sarah, born . Sept. 13. 1813; d. Sept. '!:1, 1819. Lydia, h ..Jan. 25. 1815; ·d. Sept. 26, 1815. Lydia. bon1 Nov. 9, 1817; d. Sept. 28, 1819. ,Abbey White, born Jan. 30, 1820. ,Tames Jr.. !>. April 15, 182.'3: d. ?,!arch 18. 1906. Sarah C~ born ,Jun. 22. 1826: d ..Jan. 7. 1874. Second ~c to l\frs. Ma,ry Sampson. Dec. 20. 1848. dam:hter of .Tos1>ph Sampson.


    Sarah. lived about 15 months. ·

    ./.UrES SIMMONS .Tr., third son of James Sr.• born in Dmt­ l>lll'Y, :MIISS. Cal"p('nter and master builder: cued of aJ>J)O}eatic shock. Hyde Pa-rk. Mass. 1906. .Tames Jr. married Harriet Bart­ lett Karlorcss, born in lrt. Vernon, Me.• A_cy:.:6. 1824. daughter of .losbna ! Bnrtlett of :\lr vemon, :Me. She died in Boston. Nov. z:, ]86::. 264 · SUH.IONS GENEALOGY


    liunifrcd Allil!tou, b. Bol!ton April 11, 1847: d. Sept. 13. 1848. Manfred Elliston. b. Dec. 24, 1849; cl. lia.y 1, 1880. A sen captain drowued West C'oa•;t Africa. Unmarried. Clarence .Avon, b. in Boston June 15. 1852. Li~. Second marriage to lirs. Caroline C. Gipson of Rinch:'e. N. H. .. Born May 6, 1827; d. 1908. Xo children.

    CLARENCE AVON SUUIONS. third 8011 of James Jr. born •in Boston. forcmnu curbuildcr, Bo,;ton Public Schools. livini.:' in . Delham, l\Ia.ss., 74 Reed Street. ?1Ia1-ried Nettie Belle Moore. l?rlld. nUl'Se from New Englnud lioi,,'J)ital fo1· women in Bostos: dau1?hter of..Captain Peter Stanley l!oore and Ellen l\I. Stanlev of Sontl1 West Harbor. Maine. She was born Nov. 22. 1862; d. Ana-. 13, 1895.


    Manfred E., born Murch 22, 1890 in New York City. livine. •Edea, born .Jicly 25. 1892 in New York City.

    Second marriage to Luella Georgia Bartlett. a nurse of Burt• lettJS' Island,· l\Ic. Born in Trenton,. l\Ia:ine. Au::. 4. 1869: d. Ma:; 17, 1914. Luella G. Bartlett. daughter of (Capt. n lteo~e Bart• Jett of l\It. Desert Isle. l\fo.• and Mary L. Carter of SmTev. Me.


    Nettie Harriet, born April 28. 1903, Dedham. i\fass.

    Edeu, first daughter of Clarence ..1., ,. steougraphcr Dcdhaw .Public Scl1ools, Hi~ School and B~·an. t and Stratton Busines~ College, married Wllliam Chorlton of Hvde Park. Mass. and Ene· land. Son of Geol1:'C Chorlton. lhinl? 'at 74 Recd St.. Dedham. Mass. ' Nettie Harriet. second daeghtcr of Clnrenec .A.. a teacher Ded ham public school~ Hi.zh. Framin~Lam Normal School. B. S. degree. Living at 74 Recd St. St. Dedham. l!nss. Manfred E. only son of Clarence A. (Physician) Dorchester and Dedham Public Schools. High School. Boston Univ. School of Medicine D~ee M. D., 1917, 1st Lieut. l!ed Corps. U. S. A ..• 1918-1919. Married R11th Hcrvins Mann of Rendville: born Jnn. 29, 1889. Living. Oecop. Perforator. Da~hter of aeo~e H. Mann and Lizzie Cass Stoyle of Sharon. )Ins!:. Address 64 Cen• tral Street. Lowell (MES). SL'Ii\lONS GENEALOGY 265


    Burbnra Winifred, b. Lowell, l-Iass., April 1, 1920. lfanfred Elliston • .rr.. h. Loyell. }fuss. Augo. 24 1924.


    LEVI SllD·IONS, second son of Nabby White and Jam~ Simmons Sr.; m. Saruh C. Pinkham of St. Andrews Bav. Fla., December 21, 1834.


    Samuel Jruncs. b. Sept. 10, 1835. Alon?.o Drew, horn Dec. i, 1836. Ann Lowry, horn Oct. 21. 18.38; d. No,, 11. 1886. Isaac Lowry, born Oct. 15, 1839; d . .Tan. 2i. 1861. Edward Thomas. horn Nov. 2, lS±L Levi Pinkhnm, born .July 16, 1844.

    Samuel .James. eldest son of Levi married Abby W. Wri2'ht of Pl;vmpton • .'.\Ia!'-«.. No,·. 26, 1863. Re;idenee. Springoneld, Mass.


    Lillian Ettn. bon1 Sept. 24. 1864; d ......

    Alonzo Drew, second son of Levi married Rebecca. Brooks. of Groton, .'.\foss.. .Jan. 31. 1S69; residence, Keene, N. H.

    Edwnrd Thomas. fourth son of Le,i nuirried Donnie Hale of )Iiddleton, Conn.. April 10. 18i3: rt'Sidcncc. Sprin_..field. Mns~.

    Levi Pinklmm, lifth ;;on of Le\i, murried Hannah Baker of lfarshfield, Mass.• Oct. 24. 1869; residence. No. Dn.-.:burv: Mnss.


    .Arum Pinkham Sinwious. born Feb 13, 1Si6; w. u Kill!!: ( ~); residence. Dn.-.:bury, }!ass. One child, p0ssibl:v more.

    Seeond mnrria;.rc of Le,i P. to u :llrs. Sarah Hubbard. oriziu­ ally from England. '266 SIMMONS GENEALOGY ABBEY wmTE 'SIMMONS FAl'dILY

    ABBEY WHITE SIMMONS 5TH, dau,:hter of Nabbv Whit 11nd .Tames Simmons Sr. married .Tames M. H. Harruh of Plvmn ton, liass.. :M:uy 12, 1844.

    Children (8)

    James M. b: Jan. 1, 1845; d. Jan. 1, 1845. Sarah Abby (Cole) b. Jan.- 24, 1846; a.._ ___ Mary Alice, b. March 1, 1848; d. March 20. 1866 . •James lfogoun, b. Oct. 13, 1849; d. April 1885. Lois Amen, b. l!uy 20. 1851; d. Nov. 1. 1851. Clum Loretta. h.. Tune 12. 1852; living. Rachi'! )!UJ,."0:lll. b. June 10, 1854; d. Feb. 7. 1883. Helen Florcnec-. h. April 13, 1856: living-.

    EXPERIEXC SBUIONS (6) ,Jeremiah 5 • .:\.brnham 4. ,Joiiu :l, ;\loscs 2. )loses 1. b. Jan. 8. ]756 and married .Joseph Sarne~· 11· t 8. 1774: he wii.,; horn at Rrhohnth. )lass. Nov. 28. Ji55 a111l dieJ Nov. 23. 1836 at Rutland, Vt.; Experience died at Rutland, Vt.. Feb. 29, 1836; she was born at Freetown, Mass. (famil:v rec• urJJ. 'l'hc,· were married at Rehobeth. Mass.


    :Tcremiah S. Barne\·, b. Oct. 31. 1776 at Rchohnth. )fnss.: ,!. April 2.'>, 1801, ciarendin, Vt. Loii1 )I. Bamey. b. July 16. 1778, Rchobath: d. Ft. Ann. ~- L 111 •. 1st •.\be! Platt: 2nd Joseph Palmer. Joseph Earney, b. Nov. 23, 1780 at Swan;;ca. :\foss: m. Oli,·,, Fisher, Sept. 9. 1807 nt Castleton. Vt. L~·din Bnriu•y, h. April S, 1782 at Swansen, )fas.-..: m. Srti, Warner:

    LYDIA SDilIONS (4) Willium 3, Johu 2, Moses 1. o. Dec. 15, li00 nt Little Compton. f{. I.: d. June 29. 1760 at New1,ort. H.· I.: m. April 4, 1723 by Job Almy, Justice, Little Comvton, R. · L, to ,Jos<.•r,h Tillinghast. wl10 'l\"as born 1703 (probabh- at Tiver• ton, R. I.) died li79; he wns the son of Joseph and Freelove (Stoffur,I) Tillini;:-hnst He was a merchant of Tiverton and New­ port, Freeman Newport l\Iay 6th, 1729, head of flllllily at New• oort 1774 census. His will of Feb. 19, ]776 was proved At1ril 3, 1780. He married ~nd. Oct. 9, 1760 to ,,\Iarv Cranston, wl10 Jrur• vived. ·


    Surah Tillinghast, no Tecord. .Joseph Tillin~1hast. no record; was a captain in Revolutiou : seem;,; to be the man married at Newport Sept. 19. 175G to Lydia Harris. Freeman Newport. 1747. )lm,· Tillini;:-hust, b...... ; 111. Dec. 6, 1750. Elias Bryer. Stukely Tillinghust, b·-·-··········-···; m. 1761, Honor Hopkins. Lldiu Tillinghast. b. 1745; m. William Grinnell.

    LYDIA TILLL.'-GHAST (5) Lydin Simmons 4, W1lliruu :i. .John 2. )Ioi;cs l. b. 1745 (probably at Newport): d. Julv 22. 1776 nt Ne'll1>0rt; ni. June 17, 1762 at Newport. R. L to W-uliam Grinnell, who Wl\8. born in 1740; d. after Oct. 20. 1778, when com­ mitted to J>riston in the Forton prison, England and be!ore Dec. !J. 178'2, when his daui;:-hter Mary. h:td a iruardian appointed. William Grinnell was the son of William a.t1d Marv (Sanford) Grinnell of Little Compton, R. I.; he seems to liave been a resi­ dent of N cwport, the records nrc o badlv damaged there that no dear bi()!:raphy appears. He S(_>n·cd throuirh 1775-78 in the Revolution ns a Naval Lieu­ tenant nncl as Captain. in 1776 he wns a Lientcnant on the "Prov­ ·den<•e'' wuler Cant. John Paul .Jones. In 1778 he ,vas commic;­ sioned Captain of· the '' Loyal American'': he was mentioned frc­ qu.mtly these years, when on Oct. 20, 1778 was committed to For­ ton Prison (as a war pris<>ncr) and no morC> heard of him. he probablv died there.


    )lar:1r Sanford Grinnell. b ...... - ..... , 1765: m. Nov. 19 1786 to Pernrs ol

    Grinnell. upwards 0£ 14 years of iu:e. elected and chose Capt. Nicholas Power her guardian.) Anmv Tillinichust Grinnell h. 1770; m. Nov. 4. 1793 to Gilhl•rt Brownell (Aui.:-. 1. 1785, aged 15 vears, chose Capt. .Nicho­ las Power her !l'llurdinn.) For descendants see Brownell Genealogy. Sumucl Tillingh11..-it Grinnell, b. 1772; d. March 12. 1856: n,:1, 84 years; m. Sept. 6. 1797 in Little Compton, R. I. to Deborah Wooden.


    )!nry Ann Grinnell. b. · Nov. 16, 1800. William Grinnell. b. Oct. 23, 1804. :Efornce Grinnell. b. Nov. 5, lSll. Henry Barne'\" Grinnell, b. Sept. 19, 1818.

    l!ARY SA.VFORD GRINNELL (6) Lydia Tillinl!:hast 5. Lvdin Simmons 4, William 3, John 2, Moses L b. 1765. NCWJ>Ort: d. Sept. 1823 at Norwalk, 0.: m. Nov. 19, 1786, Little Compton to Perez Brownell. born June 20, 176.5. Westport, Ma.~.: d. Sept. 1823. at Norwalk, Ohio; he wns the son of Lieut. Pardon nod P.rudence (Shnw) BrownelL (Pardon Brownell. his father. and Lieut. .Johnathan Browuell, both sen·ed in the Revolution.) The)· moved to Cay.o,ga County, New York in 1790 and about 1822 tn · Huron county, Ohio.

    Tillinghast Brownell, b..... •······-··· •. ; .Prudence Brownell, b-··············-···; m. Hopkins. Elizabeth Brownell, b...... ; m. Lucius Fay. Anna Brownell. b ...... ·-···········; died umnarried. ~fnryBrowne.U. b ...... : m. 1st Thoma.,;; Wilson: 2nd Par· don Wilson. Funu.ie Brownell, b. 1800 :it Genoa, N. Y.: m. l:Cv. Lvm1111 Barrett: b. 1780, Willin.nL'>ton. :\!ass.: d. Sept. 13. 1842 st . Grt-enfield. Ohio; she died Aug. 28, 1850 at Pem; Ohio.

    F O'"NIE BROW!l."ELL (7) )fary Sanford Grinnell 6. Lvdi:1 Ti:llini:hast 5, Lydia Simmons 4. William 3, .Tohn 2. Mo,;cs I.' b. ···········~ IS.... : m. Re\'. L;vman BaITett.


    ! liatildn Barrett, b...... : married Charles A. Preston. SIMMONS GENEALOGY 269

    l!.ATILDA BARRETT (8) Fannie Bro\Vllell i. M:ar:v Sanford Grinnell 6, Lydia Tillin~hast 5, Lydin .Simmons 4, William 3 ••Tohn 2, l'vfosci< 1. Marrir,1 to Charles A. Preston. Children

    Edward L. PJ:-eston. 1 7' ' iEDWARD L. PRESTON (9) Matilda BMTett S. Fannie Brownell 7, ;\{~· Sanford Grinnell 6. Lydia Tillini:hast 5. Lvdii: Simmons 4. William 3, .Tohn 2. Mo!les. ]. Mnrried to Elizabeth Dimon. ·


    Engene D. Preston. '1 ~ !

    EUGE?-.TE D. PRESTON (10) Edward L. 9, Matilda.8. Fannie 7, l'vfazy Sanford 6, Lydia 5, Lydia 4, Wrllinm 3, .Tohn 2. l\Iol"C!I 1.


    '1 !

    A Ff!W· Of Tlle . SIMMONS FAMILY MEMBER~ Who Rave Attended College University of Maine

    Francis Eaton Simmons, 1905-190S, Non i:,-aduate. Frederick Johnson Simmons,. A. B. degree. 1906. ;John Perr;y Simmons, B. S. d~e. 1906. Melvin. Henry Simmons, 1900-1901. Non i:radnate. Ralph_ Simmons. student 1920-1925, 2i0. SIMMONS GENEALOGY

    Tufts Oollege Hannah Carolyn Simmons. :M. D.. l!l02. 'Hui;rh Ludwig Simmons. M. D.. 1916. Rnlph Hayward Simmons. M. D., 1913. Ralph Marquis Simmons, B. S., 1910 ..

    Rarvard University William Simmons, A. 1\I. 1804; cliccl 1843. WiHia.m Hammett Simmons A. ][. (2) (Bowel.) 1831: died 1841. Rev. Gcor<..,rc Frederick Simmons. A. lf. (4) Bowd.) 1832: died 1855. . · Charles Francis Simmons, 1841: d. 1862. Gustil.'1--U!! Lincoln Simmons, ll. ·o., 1836; died 1910. •Mar.shall Edwin Simmons, M. D., 1860: died 1Si4. William Cowper Simmons, A. B. (1) 1868: died 18..... ·William. Hmnniett Simmons, A. B.. M. D.. 1869. •Tohn Franklin Simmons A. B. 18i3: died 1908. Edward Emerson Simmons. A. B. 1Si4. William. Turner Simmons. M. D., 1Si9. A. S. Simmons A. B.. 1924. Thornton Howard Simmons, A. B. 11s of 1880 (190l5.) Jiloyscs Rolters Simmons M. D_ 1882. · Gustavus Crocker Simmons M. D., 1885. Walter Willard Simmons. A. B., 1886. Channin::- Chamberlain Simmons, l[ D. 1899. Samuel E. Simmons, A. B. (Leland Stanford 1895.) M. D. (Harvard 1899.) Henn- Heims Simmons. D. lf. D. 1900. :Arthur Aborn Simmons. A; B. 1905, S. T. B. 1914. George Bradford Simmons. .A.. B. (1908) 190i. William Marvin Simmons S. B. (Comell. Ia. 1906) L. L. B. Harvard 19ll. Haven Yocum Simmons. A. B. 1913. met. E. 1913. ,Tames Greenleaf Simmons M. D • •Tames Richard Simmons. Arthur Hugh Simmons. Frederick: Johnson Simmons, Ed. M. 1924-25 A. B. (U. of Me: 1906.) Victor .H. Simmons: Ernest Jose1>h SiDIIDons A. B. 1925. A. M. 1926. Ph. D. 1928. Nathaniel Simmons 192i-28.

    Ba.tes College .A.u,.o-nstine Simmons, A. M. 18i4. ·-. :Franklin Simmons A. M.. honorary 186i.

    Colby College . Dora Tracy Simmons 1903-05 (Tenant Harbor, Me. Mrs. · Luke Houghton. SIMMONS GENEALOGY 271

    Helen Frances Simmons 1901, No. .Anson. Henry Clarendon Simmons 1910-11, N. Union. :Maine. :Fmnklin Simmoru1, l1onornry A. 1\1. (died nt Rlome. Italv. Dee. )913. :PnulemJ.11 Simmon!!. A. B. 1904; born a.t No. Anson. Maine.

    Yale UDiversity ,John Ha.liner Sinuno~. 1\1. D. 1833, cxofficio Fellow 1891. W'allace Delafield Simmons, A. B. 1892. FraneiH William Simmons, Ph. B. 1897. F.rank Hunter Simmons A. B. 1898. Rev. Frank Erdmun Simmons, A. B. 1899. <;hurlcs D. Simmons, A. B. 1909. Prof Guy A. Simmons, M. 11.. 1907. Ilcnry :?if. Simmons, Pb. B. 1920 . •John B. Simmons, Ph. B. 1916. ,Joseph Simmons, Ph. B. 1905. ,Clyde Simmons, non graduate 1895-9i. Gmnt Simmons. non graduate 1918. Kenneth • R. Simmons, non graduate 1920. Rouse Simmons, non graduate 1919. William B. Simmons, non graduate 1906. Brown UDivexsfty Fred Albert Simmons. Ph. B.-Y. D. 1899 . •Tames Barlow Simmons, A. B. Host D. D. 1851 . .Tames Davis Simmons, A. B •• 1887. -John Simmons, A. B., 1797. --····-··· ...... Perez Simmons. A. B .. A. l\L 1833. , Samuel R.andall Simmons, A. B. 1879. Sa.rah Louise Simmons A. B. 1899. Warren Seabury Simmons Ph. B., .M. D. 1889. Dartmouth CoDege ,\.bel Simmons, B. S.; died 1818. Geor:::c Abel Simmons,, A. M. 1816. L. L. D. ISJ2, Mem. Cong., died 1850, age 66 years. . . David Allen Simmons A. lf. 18"...4, honorary; died 18.59 a=-e i2 years.

    Middlebury · College· David Goodrich Simmons A. B. 1849. J a.mes Simmons, A. B. 1841 . .John Simmons (A. B. Browns. A. M. Browns) (hon. ·.A.. Y. Middlebury) Lawyer, treasurer of Middlebury- Colleirc. died 1829.

    Bowdoin College W":tlliam Edmund Simm<>D8, M. ]). 1885 (B:iltimore) non E!'l'lld· uate Bowdni:n_ 272. ~ThIMONS GENEALOGY

    Au1:11stine Simmons .A. M. 1892; A. B. 1871. Franklin Simmons; · honorary . A. lI. 1888: -Bates 1867: Colby 1885. - ! Porker Prince Simmons,, 1875; A. B., A. M. 1879: B. 0<'t. 1852. . •John T Simmons. 1909 A. B.; B ••July 13. 1886. Clarence Raymond Simmo~, M. D. 1909:B. Sept. 22. 1878 at Appleton, Me. Eric M. Sirnmons

    Boston University Demetria. Simmons. A. B.. · 1900. ·· ·­ Dorothv Simmons Ph. B. 1894. Edna Woodwortlt Simmons. A. B. 1914. Eleanor Simmons, A. B. 1917. Manfred Elliston Simmons. M. D. 1917. Norwich University Then American Literary Scientific and Military '! Capt. Seneca Calnsha Simmons. served in Seminole '\Val"; died in battle. SIMMONS · GENEALOGY 273



    Moses Simmons. Ichabod Simmons. Nou.h Simmons, born Oct. 5, li4-5. Joseph Weston. Simeon Weston, born Sept. 15, 1728. Thomas Hunt. Asa Hunt. Honour Hunt, born Aug. 17, 1739. Benjamin Southworth. · Sylvia Southworth, born Dec. 3, 1747. Josiah Soule. Lydia Soule. Edward .Arnold, born March 20. 1650. Ezra Arnold. Welthea Simmons, born March 10, 1770. Pel~ S. Simmons. Charles Simmons, born Nov. 23, 1774. Daniel Simmons, born Feb. 17, 1777. Nathan Simmons, born April 18. 1779. Daniel Simmons, born Dec. 13, li80. Welthea Simmons, born April 22, li83. 'Sylvia Simmons, born Sept. 27, 1785. Violata Simmons. born April 5, 1788. Lydia Weston, born March ll. 1773. Oaks Arnold, born Oct. 29. 1773. Susanna Ames, born Feb. 27, lii6. Lucy Arnold, born Sept. 25. 1799. Bri~ Arnold. born July 16. 1803. 'Joshua W. Simmons, born Sept. 14, 1798. .Alden Simmons, born May 4, 1801; died May ll. 1881. James Simmons, born Aug. 4, 1805. Peleg Simmons, born Aug. 21, 1806. ·Caroline Simmons. born March 10, 1809. Henry Simmons, born Aug. 13. 18ll. S,lvia S. Simmons, born July 19, 1814. Lncy ~ri~ · Simmons. born April 4. 1823. Charles Henry Simmons, born March 5. 1824. Susan James Simmons, born July 9, 1826. Weslev Simmons, .born Jan. 10, 1835. Wilbur Simmons. born .Jan. 10, 1835. 274 SIMMONS GENEALOGY

    Edwin Wilbur Simmons. ~n ·of· Wilbur and' Marv J. Simmon8. horn Nov. 28, 1857. We:1:1fov Simmons. NOn of Wilbur and Mnr.v J. Simmons. horn Nov. 6. 18.59.

    !Ichabod Simmons and Lydia Soule. Simeon Weston and Honour Hunt. Noah Simmons and Sylvia Southworth. Charles Simmons and Lydia Hunt, married Jan. 25, 1798. "Joshua. W. Simmons, and Lne:r ,\:rnoM. married Oct. 28. 1821. Bri~ Arnold and Hannah Lane, married .Tulv 20. ·1826. Wilbur Simmons 1md linry ,J. Lewis. married March 1. 18.'iti Weslev Simmons and Snsnn Lewis. mnnie«J Oet. 3. 1858. ·


    Edward Arnold, died Feb. 24, 1749, B2'll 68 venrs. ll months. 4 days. Ezra .Arnold, died Feb. 18, 1780, a,..,"'e i3 '.\'Cal'S. Ezra A.mold Jr., died Dec. 7, 1798. 'Rebecca Amoic1. died Oct. 20, 1805. age 9-1, .vears, 8 months. and 7 days. . Seth Arnold. died March 14, 1819. Lucy Freeman. died ,Tan. 16, 182l. !-ehabod Simmons. died Feb. 1798. Welthea, dau:,:-hter of Noah and Sylv.ia Simmons. died ·Nov. 3. 1793. Svlvia. ,!il 6, 1823, age 2 days. · · SIMMONS GENEALOGY 275

    Charles Henry, son of ,Josl11111 W. nnd Luc~· Simmons. died March 26, 1824, age 21 days. Syhia Sinunons. wife of No11l1 Simmons. died Sept. 1, 1837, 1iae 83 years, 8 months nnd 29 duy:;:. N"onh Simmons. died ,Tune 24, 18.12, nire 86 vears, tr months nnd 10 days. Susnnna .Anlold, died Nov. 1836. Charles Simmons. died Nov. 1. 185i, age 82 vea.rs.. 11 months Md 8 davs. Weslev Simmons, died Nov. 12, 1859, ait"e 24 vcars. 10 months and 2 days. Wilbur Simmons. died A'Pril 2i, 1863 at Berwick City. La.. nge 28 years, 3 months and 17 days.


    Over 16 yrs. Under 16 Jr& inc. head Town Spelled Name lrL F. lrL r. Ashford Simmons ,\bel Sr. 1 4 3 .Ashford Simmons Abel 4 5 4 Plainfield Simmons Thoma." 1 .5 2 New London ·Simmonds .Tohn 1 3 l Killin~ley Simmons Benj. 3 3 3 Greenwich Simmons Isaac l 2 Greenwich Simmons ,Jeremiah (wid.) l Slave.ci 2 Litchfield Co. Simmons Solomon 2 3 Litchfield Co. Simmons ,John 1 3 1 Litchfield Co. Simmons Rufus 2 New Haven Simmons .Josh'lla 1 4 3 Litchleld SimmoI?S Peter l 4 3 New London Simmons Sarah l New London Simmons Sally l 1 }[iddlcton Simmons SrunneJ 2 2

    The following pages are questlona and answers from the Genealogical Column of The :Boston Tran.script and may' be ,of some use in 1ocatiJl&' ~ liDka. 278 SIMMONS GENEALOGY

    Note 2259 Simonds (Simons, Simmons, Symons, SymmonM, Symonds.) From "Early Connecticut Marnu:es" I copied the followin,: data: Book One, Page 66: Aaron Simow; and l!chatcbel Simons of Colebrook (Litchfield County) married Oct. 7, 1784. Page 41: Ebenezer Hubbad and ?,Iollv Simons, Brooklyn (Windham County) married Oct. 12. 1780. Pai:e 48: Joshca S:vmons and Helen Still­ man, Haddam (Middlesex County) married Nov. 16, 1776. Page 30: Abel Simmons and Marcy B:avcn, Ashford. (\Vindham Coun- ty)· married .May__ 22, 1777. Pa"'C 70: Abraham Simmonn and Rebecca. ChapID.{!ll, Montville,·: (New London County) married Yarch. 1734. . . 07.;'..;•:... ~k Tw~~-:P~e ··iii"; Joshua·:.a Reeves and Sallv Simmon:., New London· {Nc'w· London:_ County) .married Dec. 21. ~7_96. Pagr 84: Reuben Simmons of Smisburl!: and Susrumah Whiting, West Ha.rtfodd, (Hartford County)· married liay 1, 1796. Pa1?e 46: . Ezekial Simons and Esther WillilUIIS, Lebanon (Ne'\\· London County) married Oct. 9, 1760. Page 129: A.ran Simmons and Brid­ ®t Arnold. Mansfield (Tolland t:ounty) married 1''eb . .10, 1775. Page 130: Elijah Yeomans and Lydia Simons, liansfield (Tolland County) marired .. Dec. .. 2, l'i,78•. Page 133: Francis Simonds and Zipporah Cleveliind. Canterbury (Windham County) married Nov. 21. 1750. -. . . - • . · Book Three,. pai:c . 81: . llicbacl Cmmer and . Lydin Simmons. Chatham (Middlesex Coenty) by Rev. Da\id Selden. manicd Junl' 28~ 1787. Page 82: Ebenezer Simmons· and Dancv Carev. Chat• ham. (Middl..se.'I.: County), by Rev. David Selden married Nov. 21. 1792. Paire 87: A.aron Simmons and Pollv Mitchel. both oJ Dutchess County, N. Y. Ridgefiel

    Book Four. page 99: Joseph S:1,"111011ds of Hartford. and Pru• dence Cooper, Chatham, Portland, Middlesc.x County) married Jan. 13, 1779. Page 78: Nathaniel Badger and Rebecca Simons. Nor­ wich- nmklin (New London County) married Jan. 6. 1731. Page .73: Jaoob Simonds, Jr. and Mehctable Preston, Windhani-Hamp­ ton (Wmdham ·County) married Sept. 27. 1760. Pa..."'C 74: Stephen Darkee and Jernsha Simons, Wmdlmm-Hampton, married l',lav 15. 1766. Page 75, Shubaee Simons and Tamon Durkee. Windh:m•• Hampton. married April 6. 1769. 5057. 5. LA:RABEE. K. C. G.•. Jan. 24. 1927. On pae-e 98. Hi,;­ t.orv of Shoreham, Vt.. by Rev. Joshiah F. Goodhcs. published 1861. I find this note: "Center Burying Ya.rd. in vear 1800 __ :Member>= of· Birchyard. Larrabee, Hunden and Simonds families arc buried here.." Also on P1111:C 35. "Wm. Larrabee, the first phvsician fa the ~" Page· 20: ".John S. Larrabee came from Pown11l in SIMMONS GENEALOGY 279

    1783." Pag-c :?01: .. John Lmn1hec from New London Coanty. C:onn.. i;cttled in 1783. he wns a surveyor." .. ·~ ' . I trust these few notes may give :vou u c:lew. ·.:.. E. B. P. S. Book Five. Richard •.\bbe of Ashford and Hannah Simmons. Killin,:Jy-Pntnum. (Windhnm County) married Nov. 21; 1739. Pae;e :!.'3; Joshua Harns and Ruth Syuunons. Cornwall (Litchfield Coun­ t\',) married 1761. Page 36: Josew Symonds and Hannah Abbe. 1uarried No~·. 17, 1738. Pa,ze 29: Abel Simons of.. Enfield and Eli7.nbeth Coburs. Union (Tolland County) married 1779. Page 53: Benjamin Woodworth und Tli7.abetb Simins (T) Norwiche Lisbon (New London County) married _June 23. 1793. PU!?e _92: Joscpl, Symons und Ruth Cutler (Norv.ich-Lisbos) married Sept. S. 1779. Pui:e 90:: Thomus Simons und Rebekah Rathburn. Nor­ wich-Lisbon. married Jun. 13. 1789. Page 106: Samuel Simmons Jr., und Sarah Pelton of Cbathrun-l\Iiddlcto'\\-s .(Middlese.x County) .iaiirried 'May' 4, 1786. Pa,.."'C 110: Peleg. Simmons. and Anna Bar­ rett. llidclletown. married lfov 24. 1790. Plll?e lll: Gcor.re Lue:i.s :w.d Sarah Sinuuous, l1iddlctown, married Nov.. 20-, 1791. Pa,ze ll4: .Jom1than Simons of Hanover, N. H.. and -Polly Doyle. Mid­ dleton. married liav 13, 1795. Page 115: Remembrance Simmons Kine and Rhode Ba.rs, man-iccl Nov. 1, 1795. Book Seven. Page 62: Hembry Grover and Abigail $ymonda. Coventry. man-ied .Tun. 18, 176S. _P~c u4: Lc"is Tyrrel of Tol­ land uml Susannah S:1nuonds of Wisdhmn (Coventry. W'iudh:uu County) married Nov. 2, 1780. · Having occasion ·to study the 'th- seven volumes of mar­ ria,.."'CS for data pertaining- to my Simonds ancestry. I have copied all I found for readers of th<-' ,Tran;:cript. , · 6009. Sll\IMONS, H. S. R. Sept. 7. 1927. The Daxbm:v Vital Records civc: Nathaniel Sinunous (Simons) mnrricd Durbury, .ruse 12. 1739, l[ercy Viillimn.-;. T11eir c,Jiilclren appear, -,,-iz: ~. dau;i'hter ·ot: Nathaniel nm! lforcy (Simo~) born ,June 19. 1742; ,Joseph. son of Nathaniel und :\fore)·· (Simons) born Sept. 19, li-14; Zcbedy, child of ·NathanicI. baptized Aug. 10. 1746. C. R. L; Sarah. child of Nathaniel. baptized l~y li53. . a. SDIMONS. Zuriel Simmoss, born 1775. marriecl Sally Hunt. al"<> horn in 177~. -Who were her parents! His father J%ericzcr· Simmons (or SVlllonds) belon~cd I think in Massachu­ setts.· 1Wanted. data as to Ebcne,:cr and family and his Revolu­ tionary ·record.• T. L 4604. SIIDIONS. G. R. M., Oct. 6. 1926. .Rouse Simmons. born Aug. 11, 1775, in Little Compton, R. L, was·.son of Peter Sim­ mons :md Rcbeet,:i Ron~. Peter Simmons and Rebecca Rouse had devcs children. · I h:ive their names and dates of birth. Can G. R M !:ive me any information about this family. their marria2e :md descendants! H. S. R. · · . _ .. · -!604. SIMMONS H. S. R.. Nov. 29, 1926. I thiink this is the Simmons family dcs,cendcd from .John Alden. whose dane;ht.m- 280 SIMMONS GENEALOGY

    Elizabeth married William Pabodie, whose lforcy married Alira­ ham Simmons, whose daugl1srter :Mary SimmOEIS married Richard Pierce. Abraham Simm.on •s wife was Ann Lee. whose £amih· I would like to tl'ace. John Simmons was the father of Abraham Simmons. Can you help me on the Lee Jin<'! C. B. 1\1. C.

    SIMMONDS, BRIDGES. Abijah Whiton (7) Cudworth, 2'1"llnd• .sos of above, born \-hcstt:rlield, 1829; married at Savov, Mass. Feb. 26, 1851, Sarah :M. Simmonds, born Savoy, about 183-J,, daul:'h­ ter of Abraham Simmonds by his yifo Pollv Bridi:cs, born Brook• field. daughter of Stephen Bridges and wife Pollv (or Molly) Ball, who were married at Brookfield_, Nov. 4, 1791. Who was Abraham. Simmonds T I also nccJ the line of Stephen Bridges. R. T. i SIMMONS, PHILLIPS. Constnst Simmons married Lydia ·Phillips, (daughter of Joshua!) at Diirhton in 1739. Children: Jonathan, Hanna, Constant, born 1742, Joshua, Yydia. David. Jean and· Rebecca. l 've tried- for twelve :rears to locate tl11s ·c.;onstaut in the Sunmoss familv, in the line to .!\loses L l'm told he may the Content (4) son of Benjamin 3. {John 2, Moses l.) . Content was born December 1715. I've hunted this elnsiv<, Constant for ten ye:u-s. Can anyone who has Simmons, Paybodie. Samp,sos. Standash or Alden data help me out f


    . 126 SIMMONS, HUNT. Neither the Sallv Hunt, Sarah Hunt nor Zuriel Simmons .sought are found in the Barbour index. Thero are many Sarahs and a few Salli'!s, but nose born m 1775. There is no n:.eord of Zuriel- R. W. Sc · SI:MOl-i'"DS, BRIDGES.- Abijah Whito ( fl Cudworth, irru.nd­ son of above. born in Chesteffield, 1829: married at Savo\·. Mass . . Feb~. 26, .l85L Sarah M. Simmond~ born Savov about 183b, daughter of Abraham Simmonds by wife Pollv Brid.."'CS. born in Brookfield, daughter of Stephen Brid,.."'CS and wife Pollv (or Molly) .. Ball, _who were married at Broookfield No,·: b, 179L Who was Abraham Simmonds T I also need the hne to Stephen Bridircs. Dec. 6, 1928. R. T.

    5,1ll l. Sx"MONDS. Samueel (1) Symonds. of Isl>wich. Mass .. eame.over·abo11,t 1637, b~ his yife, Dorothy Harlakenden. and sons, William, Samuel and Hnrlakenden. WHliam is supposed to have settled at Wells, Me. Where did Samuel and Harlakandcn settld Has someoe a list of the ehi:ldren · of William. Samuel and Harlakenden, with dates of birth! ·

    2 SYMO?li'"DS.. Samuel Symonds was n resid,?I.t of Havc.r:iill. Mass;, in 1669. Wanted, a ·list of his children. with dates o.f birth, and his wife's name.

    3 • SY.MONDS. Thomas Symonds ·lived at Scituate. Mass- in SUllHONS GENEALOGY

    1046. Wllllted a list of his children, with dates of bsrth. and his wtte·:s nuuu, 4. SYMONDS. Mark Symonds resided at lspwich. Mass.. in 1634. Wasted a list of his children, with dates of birth and his wife's name. 5. SYMONDS. Henry Symonds resided at Boston. Mass., in 1643. \v 11nted a list of his children, with dates of birth and his wife., DIIIIIC. 725. SDLvIONS. HOAGLAND. Wanted ancestry of Geol'2'e Sim­ ruou8, born 1773; d. a\ui:. 14, 1833, and _his wife Jane Hoae:land: They had: Jane. who married lL D. Van DJ•lte: .A.bitail. married a lkKim; Catherine, married ,John Bolser; .u.!icer Caroline and ,JosC1>h. married :Mary Urston. 736. SUDIONS (SIMONS. SYlIONSON) Wanted. Names and dates of y•;fe and children of Joshua Simmons, vho had sisters .Abigail and ½!dia. A):;(> of Ebenezer Simmons of Barkhamstead and Milford, IJ<>nn. 4682 SllIONDS. lIARTIN. Can someone cive me the ancestrv of Jofeph Simonds who married Mary Martin in LunenburJ:. Mass~ intentions entered Oct. HI. 1767'! \V'ould like the dates and ?>laces of his birth and death. Who were the parents of Marv Martin? Dh and l\!ary (Martin) Simmons were: Joseph, Jr_ John Susanna. Nathaniel, Emerson. Gideon. Mary, Hannah. Elisha. Whom did tlJ.CSe marry and wJ1cre did they !i,re! J. F. W. W. 5749. 8 • SOPER• .A.LLOCK, E. L F. Jan. 16. 19'28. I reeret to say that I was wroni: in stating that Constast Sim'llons. 2nd. lived near Westminister or Putney, Vt., in 1818. While this :vas not n matter that , oncerned any births. mar.riagcs or deaths. 1 should have <1':11lified In\' stntcmcnt and used the word "probablv. '' ,One brother-in-law living in Westmimstei-. Vt., and another lhi~ in Putney, Vt., '\\-rote in Oct. 1812. letters ici.,.o-vine- the im­ pression that Constant Simmons lived not far away. There was another clue to tl1e pince where he l1ad li,ed till E. L. F's aucrics appeared in the Trilns--..,ript. E. L. F. :rives correct data for whilh I thank her sincerely. W. W_ N. (Note appoor opposite above) "of Jam.es and Rebecca Hutchinson of Salem. wife Sarah Had locke Wm. Simmons b. 1659. d. 1738, settled in En.field. Conn. Had son Joseph b. 1691. CASSIUS L. SIMMONS. R. F •. D., 82, died this morning at 7:45 o'clock at the W. C. A. hospital, Bl?l!d 67 years. He is sur­ ~ived bJ· bis wife. Laura Shepard Simmons: a son. Alfred E. Sim­ mons; a sister, l\!rs. ,fames Have;is of ·watertown. N'. Y.: an,l :1 nephew., W. G. Meyers of Ashville. The funeral wilt be held Mon. 282 SIMMONS GENEALOGY

    day ut 3 :30 p. m. from the Henderson & Lioeoln fnneral horn,. ::-;-ov. 3, 192S. (Fnclr Lnn'1l'r Simmom• ~on.) 1425. 5. BAH,STOW SDL)IONS. C. F. L .. Mu.rcb 5. 19:!4.. It was )loses (2) Simmomi (.\roses 1) who rno.rried Patience Bar­ stov. There- 11118 been so· much confu.<1ion with the first two ~nera­ tions that I ,·enture io give them again. ,:: ,}foscs {l) Simmons of the FortiUISC, 1621. und wife Sarah had'. )!oscs (2). who married 1662, Paticnl'c Barstow; Mnr:v married about 1655. John Sot1l (Gco~c l); .<\aron manied Dec. 24. 16ii. liury Woodworth (Walter 1): Elir.nbeth married Richard Dwellev: Sarah nuuTied ,James Nash; ,Toh11 married. Nov. 16. 1669. Mercv Pabodie; Thomu.-; (po._"ISiblv of 8eituute. Ma!<.'-, ...... It'. :tlwrc is :rny documentury e,;t1enc1• rclntini:- to ThomHs Simmons, the supposed son, of }[oscs (1) of the Fortune. I wish someone wo:tld print it. Deun, Winsor, Bam· and Simmons and Dwelley ore not aeeuratc• in eompilations of the fil'llt two ~i!llC'rntion.'I of _the- Simmon.-, family. Proofs of )loses (2) relation.<1hip to :Moses (1) 8immon.

    .., Vol. V. IJll,fo 2'20 of Printed Pb11notTth Colonv ltecoN1 •• ")hu:ch 6 1676- ~ Letters of nJministration nr<> !."l'Rtu1tcd 1•nti Lllr \\'.ifi, ·of }Ios~s Symons, ,Jr.• to administer on his e-,tute." The \\;II of }loses Simn1ons .Tr•• was ))robated Mnrch i, 1676-i. RJl4- l?efore ml' .Tonn Alden. ns.-.'istant." Old Colosv Deeds, Vol. IV Pa.!:'e 6-1. ''Moses Simon.-; of Dux. burrow,· Yeoman. for n. mnrriai:-c heretofore. consummated between .Tolu. Soule of J?uxbuITOw as('('I'. •• DC'C'd ,fot1>1] Dee. 30, 16i4. • • ., . O!d Colony Deeds, Vol IV. J)~~e .. 274; '~lfoses Simmons. senir. <1£ .Du."CblllTOw, yeoman•. for love I bear may son, .A:aron Simmons. ot'. Seituate. my one half shart of land." cte.-also -land is men­ tioned at'.Dartmouth•

    O . '· 1:· the, srud lfoscS Si.Jnm~m;, Senir, have set my hand Dee. 4'. J.ii78." "Acknowledged by )foses Simmons. Scnir. and Samh. his wife, tlris 4th .. day of .the 10th' (iS) before :\{r.. John Alden. ussista.nt.' • · Old Colony Deeds. Yol IV, pai:e 276. ".Aron Simmons of Seitnate to Zacho.riab .Jenkins of Sandwich." "All mv one half. SL'\!MONS GENEALOGY 283

    · iiharc of l11nds which are ,:iven unto me by my father, Moses ·Sim­ mons, sen 'r of Duxburro,v, as doth appear by his deed May 4. 1678," ete.-The deed is dated Dee. 4, 1678, Aron Simmons and a seal. .Aron's wife, Mary, su:crenders her dower in the lands Dec. 5, 1678. . I am oonstantly -~ data on the Simmons familv and 1orwardm:.o; it to .\ir. L. A. :Smunons, 139 N. l~n St .. Lincoln, Ne­ braskn, who with his son. is compiling a 181'28 ~'!aloizy. A fair­ ly ~od account of• the early generations may be found bv· con­ ~nltmi: tlw :Sunmons l.ienealO!.."Y (pamphlet), at the Boston Public Library. F. J. S. . 4. BROOKS, SIMMONS. The Su.rah Readaway who married Samuel (3) Carpenter and then married Gilbert Cl) Brooks was not a mother of Gilbert Brook's children. Gilbert Brooks came on the Blei."!',nJ: in 163Zi, ~ed 14. Married Elizabeth --·: had Gil­ bert. and John. born in Ma?Shfield: Elizabeth born 1645: Sarah, lfary, Rachel, Bathshtba, hobrn 1665, married Lieut. James Walk­ Pr, bee. 23. 1673; Rebecca, all baptized in Scituate. In 1679-83 he was in Rehoboth. Dean's history of Scituate says he married Elizabeth Wiuslow {Edward 1) but this we know is not correct. In an old copv or this book I found the name Wmslow marked out in pencil "and a pencil notation "da~hter of Thomas Sym­ ntons." There was a Thomas Simmons (probably son of Moses Simmons · of the Fortune) in Scituate for a time. Could he have had a daui:htcr Elizabtth who was this unknown first wtte of Gil­ bert Brooks! Any help greatly appreciated. . 2377. 1.· SIIDIONS. E S. R., Jan. 27. 1930. Thank yo11 for the record of John Simmons, as being son of John and Lydia (Orin­ ntll) Simmons. Can you give me references for the record of this family'! rhad come to this same conclusion, several years air<>, when working on the line. but could not find anv definite proof. However, ,John, who marritd Ruth Mitchell. Feb. 1. 1766. did have children; lie had si."I': daughters and one son. John. who died at the ai:e of eighteen or nineteen years, at which time his f.ather wns already dec<>ased. The funeral sennon of VO'llJI£' John was writteu out by the pastor for the mother, in 1821. sc,•ral vears after the funeral, and · tl1is is still in existence. hardly dccipher­ uhle, · but refers to "Mr. John_. .mons, who die._ in Eas-- Of the ~ix dnni::hters, we l1ave found records of only three definitely. 4!m<>na. honi in, 1791, who married Jonathan Tilson: Betsev. who mul'l"icd Daniel Keith; and SllSan M.. born 1797. who married Scot J,,,:th. brother of DanieL· These all went to Pitts­ ford, Vr... lutc•r Seotlnnd. Keith •-ame to Erie Countv. Pa. Scot was bom Feb. 4. 1795, and died June 17. 1878: marritd Jan. 30, 1816 Susan Mitchell Simmons, born June 6, 1797; died Jan. 1872-3. s~ot and Duuiel were son& of SPOtland Keith, born 1752. died Pittsford, Vt., 1515, and his wife. Parnel Howard. born 1753, died. 1626, at East SJ>rindield. Pa. All these families of Easton and Bridi:ewater vicinity. Can you give line back of ,John Simmons Sr.! On part of a 284 SDIMONS GENEALOGY letter I have a. reference to pa.ge 502, which I think is to Histoey of Bridgewater. or else of Easton, (I am sorry not to ha.ve the wl1ole reterencel, l\"hich tells of a very old. eemetezy "in the fleld owned bv E. W. Gilmore, ncar where his factorv stands-about fifteen graves were hr:re, smong them-Elizabeth "Simmons,-John Simmons,-and Jeremiah Simmons, his son." It says also that Elizabeth Simmons was da~hter of Yrs. Eseek Carr b:v her first husband. Md tbnt hrre was the first bnrial in the vcar as enrl:v us the Rebolationa.ry War. This may have been the above John. and his 'son· J ercmiah, but in that· ease, I do not know who Elizabeth was, in -the Simmons family; · B. A. C. ?Zl'l. l. SDO!ONS. B_- A. C., Nov. 5, 1924. John Simmons, who married Ruth l\fitcbell. was son of John Simmons anl Lydia Gr;innell. He was born in Little Compton. R. L but I have not the.. da.te o'Chis.. birth. or of his. dca.th. · The foUowiJlA" is my record of tre faruily. ·I will be ver:v glad if·you can ttive me any additional information to make the record more complete: · John Simmons married Lydia Grinnell, July 13, 1746. Their . children. bol'!t in Little Compton, R. I. were: l. Jeremiah. born April S. 1747. had daughter Julia Ann; 2. Joseph, born Jan. 23, l'i49; ·3_; Bennoni. born Ang; 4. 1755, married Nancy Bailev: 4. Isaih;,5.. John, malTicd Ruth :Mitchell, ·Feb. 1, 1786, no liv:uu: ~rildrcn;:6. Ruth. married Ben Clapp; 7. Elizabeth. 2379. l. SIMMONS, C. L. F., Nov. 5•. 1924. Lydia Simmons wbo man:ied Judah Delano, Oct. 13, 1743 was daughter ot Moses Simmons and Rachel Sampson. born in Duxbury, .April 19. 1724-. 8371. 60. SBD!ONS Ii. S. R .• Sept. 3, 1929. Moses (3) Sim- .. morIB,. who marrie

    16ii; Sarah, married James Nash; John, married Man- Pavbodie. Nov. 16, 1669; Thomas of Scituate. before 1647 ·(,). I do not know if liurv. born 16S3. wni< mnrried or not. T did not have Jnte of her death. The children of Auron (4) lfoses 3, Aaron 2. Moses 1. arc: Aaron. baptizer! Oct. 2S. 1750, mnrrie­ tized same date, who marrie


    R.37.1 •. 60. SDOIONS. ?.L L. C:. M., ~"-ut.."USt 5. 1929. Thank vou for your offer ofi infonoation. T ha"'c the follow:inir record: lfoscs Simmons married Rnchel Cudworth. had lfose.,;. hnrn Sept. 7. 1718. mnrriPd Abiimil ~forritt: Anron. born Or.t. !?. 1720. married Elizabeth Rvland: R11,.hel boni J\:pril 20. 1723. mnrried .Tames Cndworth: Leah. born F'eh. 12. 172.5. maTried .Tohn Mansel. Aaron Simmons married Eli;,abeth Hvland. hnd .A11l'on. ba1>­ tized Oct. 28. 1750. marr<'d )fartha Vinni. Jlee. J9. J776: F.li•.n• bcth. bantized .J ...,ly 1. 1753: :U11l"\• bapti,-e-'I Oet4 J7. 1756: Lvtlia. baptizCtized Sept4 21, 17'Ti. married Asenith Freeman: Deborah. bat>tized .Tune 6. 1779. · Can you add to or correct above '1 Can you inve me anv information abottt the r.nildren of ,To~hua Simmons. who married S,irah Delano. April 4. 1728! This .Toc:ltt1n Simmons was cousin of Mo8e5 Simmons who married Rachel Cud­ worth. I have a rerord of Mary Simmons. dan~htet- of A11l'On Sim­ mons and Mary Woodworth. whn 'W'ns born ;n Scitnate. March 11. 1683 and died Jan. 23. 1759. Wn..,; she married'! This 11-w-v Sim- SIMMONS GENEALOGY mons · was sister of the above Moses Sinimon.,;i who married Rachel Cudworth. I will be very thankfn,I for any help on the above record. H. S. R. Note 2356 SWANSEA RECORDS. From manuscripts compiled for the history of Swansen. Mass., and not included in the his­ tory. There ~ much information on Slade, Kin,:, Bravton, Preston, McMahon. Wood, Lockwood, Mason,) Wheaton. Lewin, Traf. ton. Simmons, Hathway, Bu.rt, Hudson, Eddy and other families in this manuscript. It can be seen at the Town Clerk's Office in Swansea. • C. L. M. ERRATA

    1'h<• r,ompilcr of rhis f11111ih· hi,;torv believe,; thnt it contain

    Page 41 Third line of verse should read. "as I am now. :;oon yon must be." :Page 47 Gideon Simmons. first child Thomas. instead of Moses. Page 85 Josiah Simmons (7) should read Isiah Simmons (7) Page 102 Sena WHterdink died .Aug. 5, 1898, instead of 1896. Page 130 Martha Rosette Simmons shottld be Martha Ros- ette KempliD. Page 132 F.sther M. Simmons, married Baxendale. not Boic­ endale. Page 134 M~t Simmons, married second. Neal Van Ren­ sealier. . Piuro 136 Annis Maria Brown, born Sept. 21. 1853 instead of 1851. Edward Brown (7) should read Edmund Brown (7). Page 136 Joanna O. (Pierce) Brown. should be Joanna P. (Pierce) Brown. Page 137 Third. line should read, and l)l}blic spirited citizen. Paee 140 Sophia R. Siiinnoim, should ·read. married .Morrill A. Phillips. Paae 141 ;Line 16 should read. Mr. Simmons was· divorced from his first wife in 1902. · : . .. Page 152 'Fizst line should read. Marcia E. Simmons. instead of .Adams. ·paizc 152 Children of Ardria L Simmons. should read. Har­ old Payson. born Oct. 1905, University of Maine 1929: Osborne Lord ..Payson, born 1906, ·student at Univ. of Maine. 1928. .Paae 155 Bottom line should read "Robert .Allan Simmons. born Feb. 2_6, _193Q.