HISTORY OF THE SIMMONS FAMILY FROM MOSES SIMMONS, 1st. (MOYSES SYMONSON) SHIP FORTUNE. 1621 TO And ineludirur the eleventh generation in .,;omc lines. ud ,·cry _ncarb· eom12lete to the thfrd and fourth !:cncrntions irom lIOSES b"t. Plymotltl, H;a.:&o,, Ship ..Fomsne," 1621 BY IJOREXZO ALBERT ::-IilllO~S LIXCOLX, .XEBRASK..-\ 1930 r>EDICA'fED TO The LIY1.:.';G, a :\iO~T)IEXT to the DEAD Copyrighted by L. A. Simmons, 19Sl Lincoln Herald Print Lincoln, Nebr. L. A. SIMMONS (.A.utl1or of tl1is book) At the ~e of t'hirty-:::ix years, taken in Oct.ob~r lb'93 on Odd Fellow,; <la·.· at Chieui:o Worlds Fair. Sec page 104 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY .................................................................................. 1 THE SDflfOXS FAlfJLY IN .\MER.TCA ............................. _... 5 GENERATIONS FIRST ................................................................................................ _.... 9 SECOND ..................................................................................... _........... ll THIRD .................................................................................................... 16 FOURTH ....................................................................................... •--··· 23 FIFTH ............................................ •·······························-·· ·.......... .......... 40 SIXTH ..................................................................................................... 55 SEVENTH ............................................................................. -.......... .... iO EIGHTH ................................................................................................. 101 :ll."Th"'TH ............................... ············ ··················································-·-- 150 TEJl,."'.J:'H .................................. : ......... · ......................... ••······-··········-······ 194 ELEVENTH .....................................................................................·--· 204 LINEAL ANCESTORIES .TOfu'\ SBDCONS. I-'onndor of SDDfONS Ci,lLLEGE. Boston 205 LORENZO .\. SDI MONS .......................................................... -....... 208 HE?<,'RY .ARTllUH- Slll'.\fON8 ................................................... __ ... 212 FREDERICK .JOHN8Ol\" SDBlON:-5. ....................................... _... 216 ESTHER :.\HKERV.-\. SBDfOXS...................................................... 220 ZURIEL SBDfONS ......................... ... ............................................ 221 .JULIA ANNIS SI)I)fONS................................................. :................ 226 GEORGE EDWARD SDl:.\lONS........................................................ 227 ABEL Sll!l!ONS ···································································-·-······· 229 )L~"FRED E. Sl)l)lONS.......... :...................................... ___ 261 GENER.AL SBBIONS F.UIILY in \'crmont.................................................... 220 :.\HSSING LTh'KS ................................................................................ 221 ,YHO WAS CONST.AST Snl)!ONS1.......................................... :?40 SThllIONf,; CEXSUS f~ COXXECT1Cl'"T J7Ho .................. ~.......... 275 SBBIONS COLLEGE STl'DEXTS........... ........................... ....... .. 26!l \'ITAL RECORDS. DC\'.BFRY. ll.\88........................................ 273 CLIPPINGS FROM BOSTON TR.-\NSCRll'T........... .................. 2i6 ERRATA ·······························--------·----- 28i ILLUSTRATIONS 1 L. A. Sinunons................................ Frontispi.,et• Paae 2 St. Peters Church........................................... ______ SA 3 Old 1ire,lm·c :md bnkc o,·,•11 .................................. ~ .............. .. 24 B 4 Relies of Elil•.abcr.h Simmon,-............................ ____ 24 •.\. 5 Old home of .John Si111111011s. l-'t ••\1111.X. Y. (builtl790) 4-0 _.\. 6 Cemetery.• \dams\·ill<'. :'llieh .................................. ____ 56 •.\. 7 .lfcrc,· Silu111on:--. (born 1704J) ............. u .................... - .......... 62 A 8 Geo11,!'c Simmons a111I wit'e................................................... 72A 9 Zabra '\Vest ................................................................................ 72 B 10 }!orris Sinunons ........................................................................ 72 C 11 .Alfred Simmons ..................................................................... 72 D 12 Henry Sinunons .............................................................. •·-··· 76 .-\. 1:{ Catherine (Wnlke.r) Si111111011s ............................................... 76 B 13 Old Sinunon!I Ho1111• :t! S1tltillo, Xt•hr............................ 76 C 15. A.mos and }fo.r,v (l-1111tl:1y) Simmons................................... 76 D 16 Cyru.'I and Rosctk• (Corwin) Simmons............................... 78 A 17 Nelson Ohnstcad Bmwn ......................................................... 78 B 18 Solomon Paine Brown .............................................................. 78 C 19 Adu Eli:1.:1 (Hubbell) Browu .......................................... _ ... 78 D 20 Nathaniel Sinm1on.-s ................................................................. S4 A. 21 Sa.rah Simmons .......................................................................... S4 B ~ Jobe Cl111111bcrluin Si111uions ................................................... 84 C 23 John Randall Simmons .......... :................................................ 84D 24 Pliilnndcr :mo .\nu<' (\\.ni,lt') Sinunou,-........................... 88 A 25 John Simmons, Found,•r of SDDI.OXS Colle:_rc. Bostou 96 ..\. 26 SL'\OJONS Collci:-c at Boston. :'\fa.;.: ................................. 96 B 27 ,J. 2\[. BniekPn :md llnr.,· .\1111 (Si111111011s) Brnekcn .....•.. l0(I· A 28 ,John D. aml Gnroline (Hon·,,) Si111111011s ............................ .~00 B 29 Amos nnd Elnora .\. (.\ll1•n) :::::ii,1111011s ........................... ]02 .\ 30 \Villimn B. :uul Cnroline ( i-i1111111111s) \\·ilt,•rdink ........... .Ht? E 31 Annis R. :111.-I r..n11r:1 8. Sii,1111011,- :1ml Tlwhn:i J:oll<'rt.'-'on 10-l .\ 32 L. A. Simmon,;; an.-! fRmil~· ................................................... 104 B :-L":t Elnm F. Si111n1011s ..................................................................... 114 .\ :U Simmons Gnmp ( lAAl) ......................................................... 116 .\ 35 l!y,ron J. and Lucia lfobitablc (Shnwi Brown............... 120 .\. VIII ::lfi Geor~r \". nncl l·[nrri<>tt E. (Brown) Rediker............•.. _ 120 B :Ji Coninr. Krmpli11. Sin1111011s r,:-ronp ( Ft. Sr.ott, Kns. HITT) 130 .-\ :J8 N11.h11111 J,mlwi~ Simmons ....................................................... , 136 .A :19 lfr.;. .-\nnir :\[. (Brown) Simmons....................................... 136 B -+0 Edwnr,I Simmon" ( :\Inrnl pnintl'r) ..................................... 1411 .-\ n William Hnmmntt Hirnmon,; ............................................... _ .. 140 B -+2 Frc•rll'rirk .lohn"'m Himmons ............................................. - .. 154 .-\ -1-3 Hcnr,· .-\rt.hm· nnd lhu1:hn Birdrnn (Baker) Simmons 158 A -14 ,lnmcs .-\. nnrl :\fond Anni,; (Sinunons) Murphy···-·-·· 158 B -1-.'> Evrrrtt CT. nm! Nelli<> A;.,'I1C"" (Simmons) Ca.rver & frunily 158 C -+6 Guy A. :n11l Bl'ntrir1• Idell (Anthony) Simmons........... 158 D -+• Clnmlr A. 11ml Ethyl Pearl (Zook) Simmon"'··················- 160 A -+8 L. A. Simmon" nnd ~rnnd rhilrirl'n ................... -·········-···· 160 B -+9 \Yl'nt!l'II Alhrrt Simmons............................................. :........... 160 C ,;o Llo.wl .-\lhert 111111 Cn'"Tnin<' :\Iadelinc (Compton) Simmoni< 160 n ;11 Hnrr~· P ..:11111 Lroln Ari<>I (Simmons) Pierri'................... 162 A ;j2 Rl'uhPn C. and lfnlwl .\.mnndn (Simmoni<) An«<'l'!IOn ..• 16"2 B 5:i R.olln.n<l .. \. :111'1 Clnrn Ti1f'lmn (1-Tenrlrix) Sim1nons ....... .. l&l .-\. ;;-+ Willinrn Fnmrisnn<I Tcr<'sn L11<lm;cn (Cl!rutti) Simmons 188 A 55 Philander Simmons ···································-··························· 220 A 56 Anne Waid ········----- 220 B INDEX INDEX FIRST GENERATION Pu-c ){oses Sinunon,- ()foyS<>S S~-n1011so11) nnd Slln1h.-......................... 9 SECOND GENERATION' Simmon.--. An.ron n11<l :\fnry ,\~ooilwortl1 ..................................... l:? Simmoni,;. Eli7~-ihcth m1<l Ridmnl Dwell<>~· .....................•............ 11 Simmoni,;. .Tohn 1111,l :\fcrey Pcnbod~·........................ ............... ]2 ~(mmon,.. l-fary :ind .To,-c1,h .\lcfon ........................................... 12 Simmons. :\foi,;c,-; mul P~,ri<>nc:t• Bnrstow..... :............................. 11 Simmoni,;. R<>bt.,,c,11 :111,I .fohn Soule............................................... 1~ Simmons. S:tn1h 111ul .fnnll',; ~nsh ............................................... 11 THIRD GENERATION )<a.sh. Snrnh 1111<1 ·wrn. Drnk"····························-·················· 11 Simmon,-;. Aaron nn<l Mnrthn Cnhh.............................................. JF. Simmons. B<>njnmin nml Lnur:1 Snm}lson.................................. 1P Simmons. "Ebene7.cr ,mil Lydin Kent......................................... 21 Simmons, Eli7.nbct11 :md .Tneoh Vin:11.......................................... '.?'.I. Simmons. T.s:wc :mil Eli7.ab<>t1i Al<l .. 11.......................................... 2l Simmons. .Toh nnil Hannnl1 Bisho.,-............................................... 1r. Simmons. .Tohn n11<l Hnnnn H11thnw11~·.......................................
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