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lt <-•>; •.^StfO£}$93' \t0M. i pt.< <»»'#•iS»£W VOLUME LYII.--NUMBEB 12. i'.i-n -3:*-n .r&a Jifis¥;K..1 OJ- *t ;e|tn.y?1!;'/• . ; .^(hV^-nj -: NORWALK, CONNECTICUT, TUESDAY, MARCH 24,1874. WHOLE NUMBfiR 1367. „•:%;; 3(.--. •- v :• «j FOR SAME.: THE DUKE AND DVOHKSI OV MP* rends my" (;< vitals," the Major was going to for The Gazette. NORWALK GAZETTE. REAL ESTATE. INBVftOH. For the QazcUe. the last century, and actually preferred the They only show what they considered the , quitm Air. f'% •S'l thing. I daresay I am getting fearfully say, then he thought of " breast," and final CRUSADERS. school of Slieriden to the school of Schnei­ IN WTNNIPAUK. Part of a House, A WELCOME' BY. MB. ALFBBD. TBXKYTO^, ly substituted) "heart you-you wouldn Quitman is in Southwestern Georgia1, on TheSccond Oldest Paper In die State. •,rJ crabbed. You see when a girl has plenty of 4 Rooms,' will be rented cheap to a can remaiiLon mortgage. - For.particulnrs apjply to POET LAURKATB. * ;, Lady crusaders of '74! der. keep on so." ;• yj w; TOgood LET.tenant, Apply to ROBERT EELS. ImllI r GEO. F. QUINTAKD, on the premises. "What have I been doing lately ?" says money she becomes the circle of deception, the Atlantic & Gulf Rail Road, and has a * Ne'er fear to knock at the tippling door Sob, sob. • 'v.- O G B she, in answer to a question from her com­ Let's change the subject. How well that population of about Vtwelve hundred, one FFICE IN AZETTE UILDIHG. M ' TO LET. . FOR 'SALE OR EXCHANGE. Count the immortal souls within " You don't know how I have hoped, have The son of him with whoa wf strove Uf ' - i panion. "What am I always doing? I habit fits you." # half of which is black'; Its first house was Commodious House in excellent order,iwith HE BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE known as the '. Who are going down neath the 'wards of • . • Earle Place, ot. West Avenue. ; " It feels rather strange. You seel so sel­ louged for a moment like this; to hold your erected in 185®. A. H.BflNGTON tc CO., A three acresofland.'near Darieh, eoim.. pide- T- powefe..™-.~. have danced the usual proportion of dances, waik to station; :^n^er.rn ^pg tfo Also,.place on Van Zandt Ayenne; large lot witn siD hand in mine, to feel that we are alone to­ Whose will is lord Jtiro'.all, bis world.- - .. • i round and square; I have read the last new dom ride at home." It covers an. area of about 800 acres, and A. H. BYINGTON, J.B. ELLS, G. N. ELLS. barn and trees, suitable for two familiesJ "!$•?*'•!> fcvVf. •; | ; gether, that you do not repulse me, that 2tli nay c South Norw-aild, Conn. Tyo Building Lots on Spring Hill; two Building domain— Lady crusaders of '74! i novel, and tried the last milk and-water ef­ " Ah, of course. • Now to me the habit is beyond this on all. sides are splendid pine Lots on St. John Farm; one-Building Lot adjoining second nature as some one says. I feet in­ am permitted" (Must her hand,) ".that you forests, through which, on .a fine day, it is a residence of Frank B.' Smith.. ' • Who made the serf a1 man, and burst his Swell your ranks to a hundred score, i f fusion they call a ballad ; and I have ridden Subscription $2.00 per year in advance. HOUSE TOCET. Ono Lot on Van Zandt Avenue; several Lots at do not forbid me.". (Btinneu at be/or*.) joy to ride. Its chief business street is truly Shepardville. All the above property sold onjeasy chain- A glorious work! Why mind if they mock, over the usual number of plowed fields.. finitely more comfortable in one than in a ; ^ Single copies 5 cents;, ; TWO-STORY frame House; 9 rooms; rent Sob, sob, sob. " When will she stop ? magnificent. It rubs East andWest, is six terms. Has given Our Prince his own Imperial •' Foundations of sand 'gainst that on the What more would, you have of a woman in low dress. I purposely lent you my regular A $175 per year; situated off Prospect Hill near -Also one Work Horse and Peddling Wagon for thought the Major. rods wide, and. on market days you will see Advertising Rate*. Mr. Hart Denton's. - Apply to . butcher's lisc. For full particulars apply to . Flower, u " rock." my position ?" riding-liat, for I wanted to see how I should Fonrllnesor leee l iueertlon sOcts; 3 times 31*00 JAMES W. HYATT, Administrator, * G. O. KEELER. " You do not answer; speak to me-(-or in it almost every description of vehicle, the ' at Horse R. R. Depot. '' ^^lexandrowM. "What a queer girl you are; Di," says the feel in this new-fangled affair. I'm afraid it One square, one: Insertion, - 1.00 ' Lady crusaders of '74! r: hear me while I tell you what I have wished sight of which would be a curiosity at the. Per week, for continuance, - - - . .so other lady, wistfully. "You never seemed wouldn't suit crashing "through a.bulltinch; Onesquare, six months, •-.... - T.OO TO REMT-—rive or six nice rooms on Camp Street FOR'SALE OR TO RENT; And pw£lcom>, -Rosslati Flower, a people's. Brighter your crowns when the work is to say for long days past. Miss Harford—• North, drawn by a itrange specimen of " " oneycar-HWith paper, - 15.00 I Apply at this'offlce. I » the same as the other girls at school; and one wauts something stiffer for that.* * * 25.00 pride, o'er; Diana, I love you !" That wasdeucedly well oxen, and lon^-cared^ solemn, calvanistic Two " " " •* " " - - you don't seem a bit altered. And so you What's that ?" she cried, as an indistinct Three"' " " " " •' - S0.00 TO RENT.—The first floor over tbie' subscriticfV To Britain, when her flowers befin to • Some gain "laurels" through strength of sound came down the wind, and both horses put, thought the Major to himself mules. In front oejQfk stores, on cowhide One quarter Colnmn, oneyear, - - 50.00 store. Main Street, comprising six roOpis, suitable of Knight Street and North Avenue, is within iflve .r *- p.'" ... ' •' • v * • •• ;T haven't- fallen in love yet ? But I always One half " " " - - - 80. OA for Milliner and Dresa-maker^from AjmUst. ^ minutes'-u-itlk-oC the Horse Railway, and Danbury " Mow! " SIR!" said the lady, suddenly becoming bottomed chairs, the merchants sit and chew 150.00 the sword,— \A ' said you never Would find a man to guit pricked up their ears. - " The hounds, they Full Column, one year, - - - - - & Ndrwalk -Railroad Depot. Also the same ;dis- From love lo love, from home to home But your's a victory through Jesus, the electrified into an erect posture. It was but tobacco and smoke, chat and chaffer. All Special Notices 25 per cent, advance on theabove. tance from theseveral churches and schools," ' The you exactly." must have come all the way from Marlford." ftr-LocalNotlcesin RcadingColamhs, 25cents nejehborhaod -is ail that could. be desired. The yon go> -j •. •; \ ...... Lord. EroicttA. " Oh, do look at this horse, Di1 He's dan­ one word, but it was qniet enough to almost the streets that run parallel to this, and perline. ... TO LET.—Tlie shop lately occupied by George House i.is iif good' repair, tVirtthe roomsi>nrima large/ comino-r,oi "That's just what I'm wanting,my dear Yearlyadvertiscrsrestricted to thehusiness con­ I . Hoyt, 2<1, in Isaacs' Building,is offered-to rent. di(tos and piei»aiit^ On-JJip Jj. From mother untoTnotlier, stately br!d«, cing up and down fearfully." throw the Imperturable off his invincible those that cut it at righfangles, are of good templated at the time of contract,'liut are permitted Possession immediately. Ehtpiure' Of ASA HILL. a man. I see plenty of amateur jockeys to make monthly changes of thctr advertisements. ^ s__Li ' Marie Alexandrewaa. ; JrHK MAJOR'S MISTAKE. ; '• equilibrium. For that moment Miss Rosen width, and prove the wisdom of the found­ -» and polite letter-writers. What I want is a " Put him oa the curb, dear, if he's too One inch space constitutes a square. is.enquire of JA-MEB troublesome. Ah, there they go! Look, eath could boast of having seen that great ers of the place. The houses are mostly - Advance payment required for nlltransicntadyer- RINT. —Fine, pleasant rooms; over K."ca * LA'OX, on "the premised, oi; of EDGAR LYON.; n. CHAPTER I. man—one that is not afraid to be natural Emanuel's/store, MainStrcet. .A; to, I ^orwalkyiasclil'tli, 1874.. . jlOtf man, to use a common but expressive term but one story, not large, but having a com­ ftseinentp. . ' . . „ P MKS,J MURRAY. The golden lftws aTong tlte 9tirt»r tafc IPS Major, suddenly. ,, ^ our average dandy, with his cool self siiffi they run together! There's Mr. Vane on FullColnmn, one time, - - •'-20.00- " Patty!—Miss Roseneath!" - " ••» f TO LET. 15 ACRES of WOODLAND - stirred-';-0 • ^ '' The. Major had just laid a covering of cieney and his insulting indifference, the Brown Bess. Well tried at, Mr. Vane! Ha, the suburbs, and their shanties swarm with Marrlagesaud deaths inscffedgMtultonsly. Obit­ ft " Yds, Major Maijoribanks, Miss Rosen­ fat and shining faced children, proving con­ uary or Funeral notices 15 cents per line. ART of a house on Belden Avenue, live- or six in. the Upper Part of. Wilton,!for Sale. Eibnrse and all the Catrcatftw hvte fcmti; f V snow-white lather on that tract of chin most unpleasant productions of the age the Major does it—-olai, the conceit of that All communications Inserted as reading matter P rooms. Enquire at this office. , eath. Oh! take me.home! take me home ! clusively that the African race is in no dan designed .to-promote private interests, $15 per half - . ' - ' r. • ~—' ...«•• .in.V 3 And itl! Hic-'suNry palms of Indi* which was still sacred from the incursions There's tlio Major now"— •«8iM man !—and here come the rest; only two and 825 per full column. All unusual cuts and ae^ 5* AISO A SMAIL PiAfcE, AV* gaps for all the poor creatures. There's my and never, never dare to call me Patty ger of a speedy extinction here. TO REN1#.' ' ' withitn A lew minutes' walk of Wilton Depot, for Alexriiiwpft. of his luxuriant beard. As he gave way to * "Who is that ?" vices 25 percent, extra. ;-.T; : i' Saleor to Rent. • Enqulre^f. . - little brother Bantry bringing up the rear on again ?" The Court House (this is the county seat) A: • VERY desirable place on Mott Avenue. this remarkable resolution he inadvertently Major MarjoribaulvS, my dear; the glory x\. .Possession given lsrof April.' Enquire 6ti -- B. ©. KEEtBR,'Norwalk. Tlie .voices of our universal sea The de-vil!" said the Major, slowly, is quite an imposing building for this part 1 iSW i&y: wounded himself with his razor, so as to of his regiment, and the idol of all the his pony—a terrible hard fellow is Bantry. :& FOOTE, I (M - f't fc" • ' i"."--' 8tf ELBEKTW. SMITH, orOEO. O. KEELER beneath his moustaches. - of the world. It is well greeted, in an am­ On capes of ^fric as on cliffs oUCnit, - compel a resort to a towel and cold spong­ horse-dealers, amateur actors, and fast Oh, Patty," said Diana trembling with ex. -5sr You might have been satisfied with ple enclosure, filled "with $hade trees, which ATTOKTiEVS AS' LAW. ^ TO RENT. The Maoris and that Isle of CpPmwBt, • £ * ing, which put'iin end to his reflections for young men far a circle of twenty miles'. citement, " I'd give anything to be with ART OF A HOUSE, near Cross Street, n^w *HE beautiful house andlot recently occupisd'by And loyal pines.of Canada murm'ir thtis making a fool of a poor-silly girl, without in a few years will make it ^'delightful spot. ' C. E. Doty, on Elmwood -Avenue, South Nor­ a time. Why, Potty, you're blushing! You ,den't them." Cor. Main and W.all Streets. Norwalk, Conn P occupied by Thomas Bell. Five good rooms insulting her afterward- Oh! how could Like most soulhren villages, this has and pantry. Price-812.50 per month. Enquire!of Twalk, commanding a splendid: view of the town w isiw * Marie Alexandrowna t Major Majoribanks-was an active, clean mean troay you know the man 1" " Then do go, dear," laid Patty, with an ; ^:. V"Olaiiua promptly collected., 10 JAMES E. ELLS, or at the Gazette Office! and Long Island Sound. The house has twelve you be so c—c—cruel!" slovenly, slipshod appearance. Every kind rooms, with gas, furnace and marble mantels.- Size scoo oi -.ibxtil •: ni ly-built man, rather below the average "I met him—that is—he is a.friend of iay effort of self-sacrifice that was enormous. of lot 80x217 feet. Strawberries, Grapes. and P^ar "I say, Patty—listen a moment—don't of rnbbish is thrown into the streets, and is LEVI WARNER^ fji SI > - .-j: EDWIN B. FOOTE. ; trees in bearing. The place is within Ave.minutes' 4 height. He had an eye like a haw's, beauti brother's," said, the,^ther,lady, with some " I shall be safe enough. Withers will take Xrtoxi't. ^ Fair empires" branching, both, In l*»ty talk like that. You don't suppose I meant seldom removed unless by the winds add walk of the New Haven Railroad Depot, and forms ful hair and whiskers, and no other striking hesitation. . , _ . >•• » i' care of me." ; ^ a rare' chance to purchase a li'rst-class place. low- life!— v to hurt your feelings ? Hang it, I ain't such rain. This evil is doubtless one of the ALVIN G. CHILD,- THE ST. J0NH HOMESTEAD, Possession given immediately. Part of tho pur- feature. His hands and feet were finely "And you've been foolish enough to be­ " Well, he's just down in the ro«d there C " . ON HIGH STREET, chase money can remain on bond and mortgage. Yet Harold's England fell' U ^oratpot a cad as all that comes to. I didn't know it prints of slavery. The blacks of the South LAW OFFICES, ..:I :i{{ 1 . 5 - • • '•• • . If not sold by May1st will be rented to a good ten­ formed, and a fr-orit tooth, which nature had lieve all his nonsense, child, I dare siy. Keep along it, and you'll just cross the line From April 1st, 1874. Enquire of • • swords; was you—I took you for- will never die from excessive cleanliness, Rooms Nos. 8 and 9, Seely's Hall, Main Street ant. Enquire of II. II. KLWELL, or CHARLES taken from him, had been exquisitely sup- Come, now?" they are taking. I really must come, Ter Feb. 25tli, 1874. '• S. E.'OLMSTEAD E. DOTY, South Norwalk, Conn. 8tl Yet tbine own land has bow'd to Tartar " Oh, 1 know; you took me for Miss Har­ If they cook your food be sure and ask no .S1AMFORD, COXX. hordes t-implied by the hand of art. - "Well, he certainly is an extraordinary ryand away went Diana, habit tossing ford. Dear Di! she told me you had been questions if you have a go6d appetite. And The law firm of Ferris, Child & Fessenden was .!.-.7 ntr. Since English Harold gave its throne a wife, The great featurs in the Major's charac­ man," pleaded Patty. and eyes glistening, and vanished gloriously dissolved by mutual consent, March1st, 1873: C. G. TO RENT;t making love to her since you came. But if you have «ot, minute inquiries will not as Alexandrovaa! ter was determination; when he said a "Oh, yes, very. He can ride a kicker, or Patty turned her horse's head back toward Child wlllcontinuehis business at the aboveaadress, place, irf tlie .Borough, AT WESTP0RT STATION! A good, nice GOOD convenient tarcse, with Garden, Barn, - . -•,-£•».: ' the gate of the field they had turned into,and thought you had only been fl—fl—flirting," tend to improve it. '.'OiV-'-. i*"' A; , thing he meant it. In the Crimea, ii Major write a burlesque. But as for heart—why, A LEX. S. GIBSON, pleasantlylocated on Fair Street, .opposite A and other outhouses attached, and a well cA For thrones and people 'are- as waifc lh^J said poor Patty, going off again. The minds of the people here, we think., never Majoribanks had said that a post should be my dear child, he'd loss you asidej if it suit­ got safely into the road. Some distance the head of Main Street, will be rented at a -failing water, an'abundance of good f)ruit, " Did she tell you that ?" said the Major. are aboye the average. Wbiskg is doubtless - Organist of the FirstCongregational Church, &c. Also, can have with the same, if desired, swing, „ . carried, its fall was looked apon as certain. ed liis purpose, with as much indifference down it she could see Withers, the groom, or Teacher of the low rate to a good family. Possessiojn from one to eight acres of land. Is within three " Yes; and she said you were a conceited sold and arahk here, but 1'have as yet to RSO» THE C.ITY NSW TOEK. minutes walk of-the-Railroad- Depot, and situated And float or fall in endless^ebb and flow, Zerlina, the Major's vicious little mare, as toss that withered camelia. Now don't who was having a little difficulty with his Plano*Forte, Orean and Ulnsieal when desired. Apply at the - GAZETTE directly upon Westport harbor. Only a small por­ man, and she was afraid every day that see the first man who has showed any signs But who love best have beat tbe grace to i«iknew it was useless to try and refuse if once you waste a thought on him. I don't in­ horse which was plunging and curvetting in Composition. OFFICE; tion ol the purchase money required down; the you'd propose, because she would have the ef intoxication. How many weeks would Box. ST#P.O. NORWALK, CONN. rest can remain on bond or mortgage.^ For further know J}her master put iier head .straight for an ob- tend to, though the wretched man has been diagonal position, as in the manner of particulars enquire of ~ MARTIN GRACE, i trouble of refusing you. I never told her it be necessary to live in Nbiwalk or West- In New York, care of WUliam A. Pond & Co., 396 -« •*a-t#.iw. ?n*r -Norwalk, March 3d, 1874. 9tf That Lore by right divine is deathless king, * stacle. Like the late Mr. Assheton Smith, making love to me in his quiet way ever eager horses, performing an equine balance- Broadway. TO LET! all you said to me down at Rosewood. Sil­ port without seeing a score staggering "} wo* Marie Alexandrowna. ' he would quietly "ride for a fall," if the since he came. I'm afraid every day he'll step without advancing particularly. On ly that I"was, ever to believe in a Major!" through the streets, and making humanity DR. J. A.-GREGORY,^ HE pleasantly located and every desirable resi­ BRICK YARD FOR SALE OR TOIET. leap were impracticable without cne; and propose, and I shall have the trouble of re­ Crusader catching sight of his companion in dence "formerly owned by 3lr. B. E. Staata, IV. Did pique and chagrin at the intelligence blush by their brutishness. : And is not the and now occupied by James.Cousins, is offered to no one knew how to fall deftly better than fusing him without losing my temper." ill-doing, he proceeded to imitate his actions Has REMOVED . HIS OFFICE TLet, from the lirstot April nest. Apply to . ; \\f 1TH MACHINES AND TOOLS for making And Love has led thee to the stranger laid, that he had just received prompt the Major's night oft made hideous with you, by the t» * . G. G. BISHOP. W Brick; wilLbe sold cheap for cash, or will be the Major. "But I can't help it," said Patty, faintly; with a considerable amount of exaggeration. to his let to a good party on reasonable terms. Where men are lipid and strongly say But a life spent, as it were, in a succession "Oh, yes you can. You thought you Patty, finding him bursting into a canter, next impulse ? Or did his better angel whisp­ brawls and the blasphemies, {he hootings Norwalk, Feb. 3d, 1974. CHAS. T. LEONARD their say;— and the bowlings of those "Who tarry long RESIDENCE, MAIN STREET. of pitched battles, does not pass without couldn't down in that dull pltCe, with noth­ attempted to take up the curb-rein, but only er to him that a dinner of herbs with this OlQce Hours 2 and 1 o'clock) p. m. Apartments to Let. See, empire upon empire smile# to-day, little woman who really loved him, and for at the dramshop." But hew nothing of the where calls leaving marks of wear and tear, and the ing else to think about, but you'll be under succeded in getting both in an extricable con- Slato at E. P. Weed's Drug Store, PARTMENTS for two or three families to let in FOR.SALE OK TO REST. As thou with thy young lover hand in whom he was conscious of a feeling as near­ kind is known. There is too noise in the may be left. - 2m*-5 A my Brick Block. -Borough Water .on first and Major, after his third bottle of hair-dye, be- different treatment here, I assure you. fusioD Then she clung in terror to them second floors. Rooms very cjesirable, rent moderr NEW HOUSE,well finished; 4 rooms and large hand, '. ly akin to that passion as he was capable of streets at night to disturb a nervous invalid. ate; - CHARLES T. LEONARD. Aand convenient pantry and two closets, sinks, : •• J Alexadronwaat >gan to take serious views of life. Short Plenty oJ exercise and excitement will soon with both hands, on which the irritable EDWARD PANES, Norwalk, February 2d, 1374. tf5 &c., on first floor, three rooms and two closets on experiencing, would be better than a more second floor: dining room wainscoted with black and decisive were hi3 ruminations, and with cure you. I'll tell you what: as a great fa­ Crusader fought himself into a coafused can­ It speaks well for a community where one splendid repast with her to whom he w.as in­ if^he wishes to make a beast of himselt by walnut and cedar, kitchen wainscoted with pine; So now thy fuller life is in the West, > characteristic promptness he determined on vor to-morrow, you shall ride Crusader. ter, which developed itself into a smart TO LET. gas pipes throughout the house: water pipes, &C.-; different ? Bitterly would he have derided intoxication, has to do it on the sly, and CIVIL ENGINEER& SITOYEYOR, situated on Fair Street, about half a mile Irom the Whose hand at home was graaions to thy marriage as his next -achievement. For We'll take a quiet canter along the lanes." gallop, dashed past the confused Withers, Bridge. Knot sold before April lst,it will be rented such an idea from another; bitterly that where its -grog shops can be found only in Norwalk, Conn. THE LAR6E BRICK BUILDING: for 3450. If sold the price will be S3,200; some part poor: 5 this purpose he seh-cted a young lady of re- "Oh, but I can't ride strange horses," said and stampeded. of which can remain on mortgage. Apply to Thy name was blest wilhin the narrow morning would he have laughed at the narrow lanes and worst by-places. Orders left at the Residence of B O. BANKS' ECENTLY used by Henry Chasmar for the JAM-Lb i!i* * ® markitble wealth sr.id considerable personal Patty. Our friend, the Major, had arrived at the manufacture ot Doors, Sasht: Blinds* Sawing 1 ,: thought of his present conduct. But few There are three churches iii Quitman; a Main Street, will be promptly attended to. 43tl R door; attractions, and devoted himself to the sac Oh, you'll soon get acquainted. Mind, I meet that morning, and was considerably ana Planing, Possession given immediately.. Ap«j men act up to their principles; and it was Presbyterian, Baptist and Methodist. The " to JAMJfiS FINNEY, Keal Estate ^Agent, or td Here also, Marie, shall thy name be blest,> rifice like a second Iphigenia—barring the consider this a great favor, and you mustn't chagrined not to find the object of his inten. R. OAfcES, M. D., ' WM. K. JAMES. with a ring of genuine feeling in his voice last is the largest, and has a ]|oung man of W. r«YSICMN * SURGEON, Marie Alexandrowna! . sex. hurt my feelings by refusing. One of my tions present. " The stiffest bit of country Officeover AlfredKnapp'sstore, Washington St., •{>! r- Boots and Shoes. --•.••-.ii: t>; ir - as he sat down by Patty's side and said— more than ordinary abilitylofjPastor. . The :;vr habits will fit yen nicely, and when you re­ Soath Norwalk, Coun. Consultation gratis from 'j-. v., ,rii' • Perhaps it was the very difficulty of the for miles around, too," he said to himself. 19-tf 'TO LET?:"' E,tiieiiadcrsigned,havin£formed a co-p&iv but we will not write his words; they were people here seermto be a churtsh-going peo­ 9 a. si. to 9 p. m* nership and purchased the Boots andsho® Shall fears and'jealous hatreds flama afala V achievement that impelled the dauntless turn you'll feel spirit enough to defy twenty " What can she be thinking of?" His deter­ ROM the,1st of April next, for. one or more Storeo.ro.W O. KSeler, would most respectfully iuvite Majors." mination of the morning was still in Jiis greatly devoid of that artistic fluency which ple, and a marked Stillness ptevails on the • years, the- well-known'Lockwood Farm,-, hia old customers, also, our oldfricnds and patron* Or at thy coming, Princess, everywh«r«, Major to the attack. Diana Harford had ,DENTAL CARD. which is a good Farm of ltiO acres, 2>f miles from' andcbepublicta general,to gtve us icall andw* "You are a darling girl," said'Patty, get­ mind and he longed for an opportunity of greatly distinguishes the Major's, utterances Sabbath. I?" FNorwalk village, witll good arid convenient build-; The blue hea vc-Ji break, and seme div}««r already refused two Baronets, a banker, and to the fair sex ; but to Patty they sounded There are also two colored churches, a B. ASA HILL continues his DENTAL inits. For particulars call on or address JC. -.P. wlHconviucethem that by four minor deities before the Major's a$- ting up and kissing her. :: putting it in practice. Ob, for the sight of DROOMS at the old stand, and will.be nappy Wi£ED, Norwalk,. or .JOSIAH KELLOGG, near : lonorable Dealing & Small ProfitB .,air V' ^iV;- - : "I'm afraid you're in a minority, my like flowing honey. Baptist and a Methodist. I.attended the lat­ to see his friends at a6y time. He bias secured the the premises.''Also a small House'and-flve acres] Breathe thro' 'ilie," world lanil change lh« " "pearance in the field, and still continued t® the well-known blue habit and iron gray assistance of DR. H. B. OBER, who comes to him of land. . . , 2m2) "which makesqnieksales, that we are bound to give "And you really will—and you're not ter a few Sabbaths since. Their house was satisfactionand defy competition. Our motto is " ride across eountry with as much enthusi­ dear," saicl Diana. "Most people say I'm steed! The Major was destined to have his highly recommended both as a Dentist and a gen­ House can be rented seperate if desired. hearts of n?en, „ . , • sorry for what has happened ?" blown down last fall by a violent gale that tleman. Dr. O. will be In constant attendance at "THE NIMBLE .SIXPENCE IS BETTER THAN isjj Well, 1 suppose they only follow the tell the cost of producing a erop, and, there- some half a dozen of the women commen­ desirable places in Norwalk,—is offered for sale, or • backonthb love-passage with a thankful About half a mile from the place where At the ever popular icilhovt pain Ujf The sea's lost treasures sleep for you ; >•> fore, don't know what pays and what don't ced swaying their bodies, and the laughing to rent. AU the modern improvements. Possession tbe nseof N itrons sense of escape. "I was devilish near fashion, just as in their coats and collars." this stern chase commenced, where the road . 1 U NION MARKET, giren Sept.1st. For particulars apply to Oxide or Laugh* " But what an age it must be that makes a We must determine this matter and piac- Was louder. Then some of them began to 33 JAMES FINNEX, Real instate Agent. ing G#s. Having Why then—what then 1 You're orfy making a fool of myself that time," said the was crossed by another at right angles, stood has always the best of dead calm the acme of good style, and sub­ tice that which will return a profit." spring up suddenly from their seats as if _ __ used the.Gas for missed .jiMajor to himself, as he tied his cravat. an inn called the Cross Keys. The Major ' Beef, Veal, Mutton, and Pork, Small Place for Sale. the last nineyearswith unvarying success, I am per­ stitutes Jack Poyntz for Ranger or Charles The speaker then took up the single ques­ they had received a shock from a galvanic fectly satisfied as to Its safety, and kuow positively A wealth your calm eyes never saw. - *!< But though the Major congratulated him- knew this, and also that on the other side of fairlivlngprices. Union (formerlyModel) Mai HE HOUSE AND LOT %ttaated jaat west of the that I can cxtract teeth without pain orlnjurytomy tion of keeping cows for milk. He said ah battery. They then grasped hands and IS Wide River, Bridge,'on'the south side of the Be fate and nature kind to yoti, . - -self on being safely off with the old love, Surface." it the road dipped down into a rather steep ket, on the Bridge, Troad, nearly opposite the.residenceof James Panton, patients. I keep good gas constant.yon hand, and ordinary cow would yield about 1000 quarts shook them. Finally, some fell on the floor Esq., is offered rpr' saltf. Tae house contains six use tueinost approved apparatus in administeringit. Yourself unto yourself your law! _ / . £jie.was far from feeling so comfortable with " Good Heavens, Diana! you don't mean hill. He had got up some twenty yards P. S.—Office not open on >1outlays or Saturdays. of milk per year, which, made into and swooned, and one began to dance in a rooms wicli cellar,'JEC., and is oflered at a low price; •"'regard to his prospects with the new. He to say you read those horrid old plays! nearer when the inn appeared in sight, and a large part of che parcbase money c-m remain on No Moses ever part for yon iI '<••' •'•-•'> m and cheese, would not average mone than state of half unconsciousness seemingly, and THE PEOPLE'S MARKET, mortgage. This is a good chance to secure a home. DRUGS ASiD MEDICINES. !«was too old a campaigner to advance his Mamma would not let me study stich things keeping bn the turf at the side of the road Apply at the GAZETTE OFFICE S The wonders of the deep's rich gleotn !- '>• two cents a quart income. This wont pay. kept in position by the help of another wo­ . No. 19IHAIN STBEEt, .'fUIE undersigned would respctfully aunonnce to ;?main body without throwing out skirmish­ oa any account." that the noise of his approach might not add . the citizens in this vicinity, that at hit Nor ever lead, the dry sands o'er, ^ Now, increase the quantity to 2,000 or 2.500. man. The whole scej\e was wild and exci­ is the place to get your ROASTS and CUTS of Mill Property ers and outposts, or make a step in an af- " Nonsense! As if they could be worse fresh speed to the runaway, he called on Drug Store, Into tlie long lost palm-land's bloom I and you see a profit. Add a little more, and ting. The men did not partake in it; nei­ FOR SALE, .faire de eoeur without feeling his way. It than the French plays one sees now, or half Zerlina smartly for a decisive effort. CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND DEPOT 8TS. the result will be, instead of receipt of $80 ther did they or the preacher pay any atten­ BEEF, VEAL, IAMB; AND PORK. HE subscriber offers for Sale his Mill Property ' was this quality, backed up by the Major's a dozen English ones I could name. At In front of the Cross Keys there was a The stock is bonght and butcheredby^us^so^that situated in Wesi Norwalk, about two miles can always be found :-; A.h, never, never may you know ! . . s ^ we get $60. It is the same in other depart­ tion lo it. The whole affair was evidently All orders promptly Tfrom Oarien Depot, three miles from South Nor­ [real talents and prowess, that made him so least, I enjoy the male characters more than triangular patch of sodden turf, and as Cru­ we know whereof we speak. "" " " « PUKE DRUGS, For little waves trip merrily; ^.-v ..-t ments. An average price of butter with us attended to, walk, and two miles Irom New Canaan, consisting "^Invincible. Women never suspected him iu ours. They were infinitely more spark­ sader came upon this he slackened his speed one of common occurrence. Here 1 will ADA3IS Sc WIXON. of a manufactory, two stories high, S6xl8 feet, with A.nd never, never may you know I is but 22 to 25 cents per pound; and this stop. Z. B. B. about 18 feet head and fail of water, with three acres CIIOICE WINES and LIQUORS of wishing to engage their affections until ling, and I don't believe they were a bit very slightly; the Major dashed alongside of land; now used as a Saw Mill bat suitable for a For sweet the little roses he. don't pay. Make an improvement, so that . ; ;ii FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES, ;they found it was too late. And when wickeder at bottom." and seized the reins near the bit in his right QUITMAK, GA., March, 7th 1874, QHARLES S. LOCKWOOD, - • manufactory of any kind. Terms easy and price low. it will average 40 or 50, and you will see a Enquire of JAMES FINNEY, Real Estate Agent, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, And should my doubts and dreams be both 'once the gates were opened, no one knew " Gentlemen now could be jU3t as witty if hand; the horse,"which was not a vicious Norwalk, or of the subscriber, profit. The average price for butler in How Money Is Made by Farming. Fashionable Draper & Tailor CHAUNCEYSTREET. PATENT MEDICINES, &e. Blindfold as dreams and doubts ipsy b« j, • how to retain a position in the conquered they cared to try." one, stopped after a few struggles, as he felt We&tNorwalk, Sept.25.1S69. tf39 Should love's unwisdom truer proVe • ^ certain sections in Massachusetts is 67 cents Much labor is done on farms that is not AND . tsr Physicians 'Prescriptions carefully comp oun e city better than the Major. "Oh I don't doubt their abilities, ^uy dear; the power at work on the curb; and the ed day and night. Can be found nights, in sara- s —a price that pays. All butter-makers can To yon, than my wise fears to me; *• ' • % But Miss Harford's heart seemed to be 'I suppose "the breed of male animals pro­ lady, falling faintfng forward in a heap cn farming in its true sense. By such labor no FAIRFIELD COUNTY ; onilding. entrance on Washington St. do the same, or nearly as well. We can't OENTS' FITRXISHTXG EMPORIUM, Iy49 S. F. PECK, South Norwalk. Coun. i impregnable even to this experienced be­ duces about the same number Of prodigies his neck, would have tumbled to the earth money is ever made: A rff&n may support Since God's own purpose over oars ! often buy good cows. Breeders won't sell Main Street, Norwalk, Conn. Beat Estate Agency. sieger. The Major, who never committed in every age; but how is one to know it ? I had not the ever ready Major leapt from his himself and his family, keep out of debt," Is folded softly like a wing, ••' 3 at prices we are willing to pay. We must and have a few dollars in his pocket by HE undersigned would be pleased to receive or­ THORBUM'S SEEDS. ,a lect those breeds and those families that are chase. Business attended to with_promptnrss and ^ '•knew. Had' he not ridden as no man, not use. Here one is in eqnal uncertainty as to horse3 standing streaming and panting, and he is otherwise than industrious and sober, Harness Manufacturer, dispatch C. &C.F. ADAMS, adapted to our immediate purpose. Ayr- he is on the down grade with loose brake, 18 Office No. S, Gazette Building. » —and— Why then—ah then I Go you His'nays, • professionally accustomed to risk his neck, their livers or their intellects." the Major staggering under the weight of AND shires, Jerseys and Shorthorns are the only • Not mine. His is the Summer sea ( . .. ever rode before ? Had he not got up pri- " 'Livers,' Diana ! what an expression!" the sensless damsel, whose chin hung over and the end is not reached. But farming Agricultural Seeds, bloods that dairymen will accept. FURNISHING UNDERTAKER, On which the little waves shsll trip, . . ,-j vate theatricals, (the Major in "Used Up" "Strictly Shakespearean, I assure you. 'A his shoulder—while her hair, released from in its true sense is a profession equal in Catalogue of dignity to that of law or medicine, and in all its branches. Main Street, Norwalk, under AMES IVITCHIGIIII, And His the little roses b?.'' t. was really worth seeing,) and even written lily-livered knave—see 'Macbeth.' I daresay its bonds in her wild flght through air, - Flower Seeds, X Fireside Amusement. the Connecticut Hotel. J r a' sparkling comedietta, agreed by every you can find a dusty copy of Shnkspeare streamed down her scarlet-coated back. needs equal study, mental capacity, and 2 Hybrid Gladiolus, But if into one lot there came Fasten a picture frame on two posts by and other lone- bat the Major himself to be equal, if on the top shelf in the library." With some difficulty the Major carried his intelligently directed iabor to command (As into one I Mply knew) J^DWARD P. WEED, .1— ' Spring Rullis, ;si?'ii(>t'superior to Robertson? Had he not " Ah, Di! I'm afraid you will never get lovely burden into the porch of the Cross mean of screws driven through them into success in it. The principle which under­ REAL ESTATE . BROKER, The flower's scent,.the forest's force," - the back of the frame. Place these at the J DRUGGIST* ... • —also— : i" iutig those tenor songs of his that would Keys. lies the practice of the true farmer must be married at this rate." Wall Street, opposite Xorwalk Opera Rouse ;TKEE SEED \ The" depth's reserve, the ripple's hue; \*L end ot the room, about two feet from the well understood, and a steady, consistent A. - .LAND— •'•• • is]-have charmed thesavageness out of a bear ? " No dear. As some one says of Morris, " Show me a private room,, and get me a • .y*; ;^v- , •' \ .j, ,:£• • . • : will bo mailed free to applicants. wall, so that the frame will stand upright, course of operations must be followed. A large an d wellselected stock o f If it fell out to Heaven's mind . , And had he not thrown around all his 'I shall die the serene martyr of a mean and glass of brandy;" were the orders with DRUGS AND MEDICINES, J./M. THOISBURN & CO., ' with the lower edge about three feet from Havffig thoroughly learned the nature and To give one both the sweet and true—,..... «• iy achievements a halo of respectful sentiment, melancholy time.'" which he stopped the mouth of the aston Perfumery, Patent Medicines, all kinds, Mineral ; ' AUCTIONEER, 16 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. as who shall say, "1 care not for them ex- " You must have had plenty of offers." islied landlady. the floor. From all sides of the frame to capacity of the soil he possesses, and chosen Waters, Toilet and Medicated Soaps, Flavoring and Though Heaven asked it back again— t :;j the wall drape dark shawls or other con­ Handkerchief Extracts, Hair Brushes, Combs, The suliscrioer has located in the EASEMENT OF cept in so much as they are pleasing to " Oh, dozens! all couched in the conde­ '• La! Poor dear young lady!" said that the rotation most suitable, and the stock Sponges, Chamois Skins, Stationery,Cigars, &c., OIBcc, tNCitsiiell's Block|fiiWall Street; WILSON'S BLOCK, (opposite Gazette Enildlug, That lost lot rd not change with yon.». ^ venient cloth, and also place a black cloth to be most profitably kept upon it, he does and is constantly adding to his stock all the now and where he will carry on the Atlantic Monthly for April. . ^f.'Jrou ?" The Major could find no fault with scending brevity with which {he preux chev­ female, in a voice of sympathy, as she * on the wall behind so that it cannot be seen not swerve from his chosen course, but in popular medicines oC the day. himself or with hi3 exertions. He had at­ alier of the day begins to express his wishes. brought the restoring fluid. "Can I do any­ :;;NOEWALK. CONN.! Gas Fitting and Plumbing Business through tjie opening in the frame. The light good markets and bad raises his regular - AT PEACE. tacked the fortress with all the parapherna­ Now just contrast the men we have been thing for her, Sir?" :V"; ' •** v.-. in allits branches. Being a PRACTICAL WORK­ should come from the top or sides of the crops, and keeps his land in regular increas­ B. S. BliASCER, MAN, and always either personally doins or super­ L . .. : lia of sapping and mining, zigzags and par­ talking about. Worship commences by a " No, I thank you," said the Major deci­ V-:-' -it? >:. ^ intending his work, he is conlldont of his ability to room, and should be shaded from the eyes ing fertility. No special cry tempts or At his Store in MALLORY'S BLOCK,has constant­ Green trees, and qniet fields, and sunset light allels, and still the flag of liberty floated shower of more or less readable verses, sively, "Leave her to me. I've had some ex­ t ly on hand a general assortment of o-ive satisfaction. T of the spectators and thrown upon the frame. frightens him. He does not talk dairy this Oity Kesidences, Farms and ° Bv faithful attention to business, REASONABLE With holy silencei, save for ripplisg leaves, mockingly down above the unconquered which TOU have the option of reading or perience in cases of this kind," and thrust­ , CHARGES, and GOOD WORK he hopes to season or crops the next; but, doubtless, if GHOOBRIHS io- And birds that twitter of the coming night bastions. There was but one hope—a for­ committing io the fiames. You casually ing half a crown into the woman's hand he Two or three boxes of different heights CROCKERY, GLASS, J any particular product be iu demand and - Country Seats i ""TwrBORB.T-r. Calling their mate's, beneath my oottage lorn hope, he confessed to himself—and it drop your handkerchief into a running shut the door In her face. must be ready for the persons who are to TIN AXD ITOOiD^V WARE, ETC., ETC brings a good price he has some of it to By devoting his constant personal attention to the eaves—. f was with a serious though determined spirit stream or down a precipice, and your adorer " Well, how she could ha' married he!" form the picture to stand or sit upon, m Eoaght,Ssld, Rented and Eichanjed-i sell and reaps his share of the advautage. buslnesshe hopes to merit public patronage. 9 These Fate hath granted ft>r. alitle spao* that the Major resolved on an attack by throws himself after it, and restores it at the said the woman to herself, as she returned order to arrange them properly. The pic Norwalk Fish Market, He saves as much money as some men ; T'f " To be cortrpanions of my pilgrimage, storm. He pronounced this resolution in risk of his life. After a while he throws to tbe bar. She evidently thought from the tures should be concealed during the 7H*TNA INSURANCE CO., OF nARTFORD, HE subscriber having bonght ont the old Bridge arrangement of them by sliding doors or make, by care and economy, purchasing /rj incorporated 1819. CharterPcrpetual. •ii Fish Market, of Raftw Adams, intends keeping Filling my grateful 'heart w!U» .DklHit't: the memorable words which commence himself on his knees—on both knees, mind Major's want of sympathy, that he must be "constantlyT ota handali kinds oi curtain. A little ingenuity will contrive and preserving tools', seeds, manure and Capitalaud Assets, $5,052,880.19 grace. ' ' -'4 • this story. "Dash it-!" said the,M<)jor, "I'll —and begs you to save him from destruc­ the husband of the sufferer. fleaiEstate, Stocks, Furniture, FRESH FISH, OYSTERS,® I

S. ; v; »,, rziic*, §mm wmmmmsmmmmmk:

•teSSSsffSS^ Collector Casey, of New Orleans, arrived Election day cqpes on Easter Monday. DMtk of Beniry HMehtBM. 0 ° *»" •• TBE PEOPLE. ^ ram BIOIITRTLI* mtmcn. N. What a Connecticut Lady sees in The atandanl remedies for all disease* of the lungs $800.00 REWARD. to-day. Judge Dent died here this morn­ The Ball Mountain u volcano* still bangs We sincerely regret to learn of the death There are many reasons why the success cf m.tkheneK'i Pulmonic Syrup, Schenck's Bea- Stolen Bonds Once mora. -A •'i nrflSBXAS there has been.Within a short tfaM, Jtwalk ®m\lt ing. Both are brothers-in-law of the Presi­ fire. .. of Henry Morehouse, Esq., which event tbe Republicans nest month is strongly de* Wetd Tonic, and Nchtnck's Mandrake Pitts, and TV in this town, several fire*, sappowd to belm- MESSRS. EDITORS The case of Stuart of. ^ • I I • I. • ' if taken before the lungs are destroyed, a speedy esndiary, now, therefor*, we, the undersigned,' Se­ dent. Phoenix Stetiiner Is expected back this occurred at Daricn on Sunday last. He bad Bank of Norwalk, for the recovery of U. S. sirable, but there is no reason more powerful cure i* (fleeted. To these three medicine* 1>. J.H. lectmen of the town of Westport, by virtu, of the WASHINGTON, March 20th, 1874. dehenck, of Philadelphia, owe* his unrivalled me* authority vetted in ns by the Statute Laws of this Hon. E. K. Foster of New Haven stop­ week. reached the age of three- score years and than the necessity ofmaintaining our present cess in the treatment of pulmonary diseases. The HI Tuesday, March 24,1874. Bonds, hypothecated tu the Bank as security MBSSBS EDITORS :— State in such case made and provided, do hereby ped over Friday with us. He is on his Special Borough meeting next Friday. ten, but bis faculties were still unimpaired registry law, anil the certainty that the law offer a reward of TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS for the payment of money loaned to him The' death of Mr.Sum­ for such information as shall lead to the eonvicUen Is? BEPVBIiIOAH STATE TICKET.' homeward trip from Florida. Ex-Mayor See call. and he continued the duties of an active life and alleged to be stolen from the Bank; ner has so thoroughly occupied the mind of will be repealed and the floodgates of fraud of any person guilty of the crime of incendiarism re-opened if the Democrats arc allowed to cough will throw it off, the patient has rest and the is thi* town. Said reward will bopaldforeaeh Sperry of New Haven is here. Mr. Sturges, Main St., advertises Carpets, until stricken down by this last sickness. and the extrordinary decision rendered by everybody^ that little has transpired of pub- lungs begin to heal. To enable the PulmonicSyrup •onviction,provided thewhole amount so paid shall Anthony Comstock, another Norwalk <&c., cheap. During his long life, Mr. Morehouse held come into power. That they intend to repeal to do this, Schenck'a Mandrake Pills and Schenck's net exeeed eight hundred dollars. [Election Monday, April 6tb.] a Judge of our State before whom it #as .lie interest since that sad event. His house Sea-weed Tonic must be freely used to cleanse the Westport, Conn., March 18th, 1874. - boy, now to fame well known, was also Six schooners went ashore on Saturday many public positions, several times repre­ tried; continuing to be the subject of gen­ adjoining the Arlington is an object of inter­ the law and tear down the obstacles which stomach and liver. Schenck's Mandrake Pills act WILLIAM J. FINCH. ) it throws in the way of illegal voting has on the liver, removing all obstructions, relax the XDWABD J. TAYLOR, } Selectmen. For (7ot'»mor-HENBTB.HABBISON,NewHaven here last week. He reports to the P. M. near Hell Gate. sented his- town in the General Assemby, eral remark, as well as of general interest est to all and the owners of the great gall bladder, the bile starts freely, and the liver is ^ BUBB MEEKER,^f ) For Zitut.-Governor—J OHN T. WAIT, Norwich. been plainly evident from the first. The pai- soon relieved. Schenck's Sea-weed Tonic is a gen­ General the capture and destruction of The Brooklyn Congregational council and at the time of his death was a Com­ among the citizens of our community and hostlery are quite anxious to secure it to tle stimulant and alterative: the alkali of which it Treasurer—DAVID P. NICHOLS, Danbury. eighty-four tons of vile prints sincc the pas­ assembles tc-day. missioner for Fairfield County. He was a ty leaders make no concealment of their is composed mixes with the food and prevents ForSefyState-JOaS Q. A. STONErKillingly. State, and probably more or less in every attach to their hotel. No disposition can Muring. It assists the digestion by toning np the $500 REWARD " •-Of IT. Tot Comptrollers. PERRY PACKER,Coventry. sage of the law of last winter, interdicting Mrs. Walter C. Lyman is lecturing to la­ man of excellent judgment, strict integrity, state in tbe Union. That decision I regret designs in that direction; and now, one of jtomacn to a healthy condition, so that the food be made of the Senator's personal property and Pulmonic Syrup will make good blood; then HEREAS, there ha*been within a short time, the transmission of such stuff through the dies, in New York. conscientious and upright in all his dealings to say has aroused a feeling of alarm, if not the party organs, the Litchfield Sentinel, on my place in W.atport,three Ires, the work until bis sister living in San Francisco is the lungs heal, and the patient will sorely get well ofW an incendiary, now,IUWL »UV«61UCV«therefore. IA HUVVIhereby offerWMW* Ma „ , FOR SENATORS. mails. As ever B. Schuyler Colfax is lecturing on "Odd with his fellow-meB,.and won the respect boldly avows the design as part of the Dem-* it care is taken to prevent fresh cold. distrust in the mind of the people as to the heard from. The administrator .has made Dr. Schenck can bo consulted at the Qumcy reward of FIVE HUNDBED DOLLARS to any \i District, WILLIAM T. MINOR, of Stamford. Fellowship," in this State. and esteem of all with whom he came in ocrats' intended policy, saying: person or person* who (hall make discovery and competency if not the integrity of the judi­ up a list of all his books devised to Harvard House. Boston, on Wednesday, March 2othf April give any information against any other person or 16 District, CHARLES A.WARREN,efWatertown. A New Fire Company. Mrs. T. M. Newson, of Minnesota, is contact. ciary of our State, to an extent it is believed We hop^to see this registry law and also 8th and 22d, May 13th and 27th. Advice, will be persons gallty of setting Are to my buildings or any College and had them packed ready for tbe law embarrassing the naturalization of given free, but tor a thorough examination with of them, so that he or they may be tendered to jus­ The Board of Engineers and the officers visiting friends in Norwalk. never before known; and said to be unheal- shipment. His pictures, marbles and arti­ the Kespirometer, the charge is 85.00. tice and convicted. ^ For Judge of Probate, Horwalk District. New Toltrt. aliens, either totally repealed or amended in Schenck's medicines are sold by all druggists Dated at Weetpert, March l(th, 1874. *GEORQK A. DAVENPORT, of Wilton. ot our several Fire Companies met awhile The Borough Board of Relief will hold talingly condemned by many of the ablest cles of virtu remain in their old places, important particulars, and wc confess that throughout the country. Schenck's Almanac can be had or all druggists, free. lyll S. H. ALTON. ago, upon a call from the Chief Engineer, to another session next Friday, 27th. At the session of the Selectmen and Town jurists of our own and other States. There and will be disposed of according to his we are personally tn favor of their unquali­ Mr. Chauncey Barto, a venerable and Clerk, yesterchy, at the Town House, fied repeal. They were conceived in party CAD CI I C CHEAP a solid Silver Tea Service •W-SC7,- i' Republican Crauitlon. take into consideration the subject of a is no place, Mr. Editor, perhaps in our land will. iniquity, and merit the just condemnation of Children often look Pale and run vALC at J. SPENCEB'S Jewelry Store more thorough organization, or to devise well-known citizen, died on Thursday last. twenty-six new voters were admitted. where the decisions of courtB, are more The funeral party returnedon Wednesday Sick under the Opera House. J.> TfIHE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION for the those tney were enacted to affect, and we from noothercansethan bavins worms In thestom­ ways and means to increase the efficiency Pyles' agent has .been around town the closely scanned or viewed with keener eye night from Boston, but isn't it a curious ex* make bold to say that so far as our journal ach. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS will de- JL nomination of a SENATOR from the Eleventh inPOBUHTULE OF. District will be held at the Wooster House. Dan- of the department. The general expression past week dispensing soap free. All O. K. On Monday and Tuesday evenings of next than yb the citizens of this State. bibition of Congressional human nature that is concerned our voice is repeal I repeal 11 4trov Worms without iojary to the child, being per­ . bury, on Tuesday. March 31st, 1874, at II o'clock repeal I!!. fectly WHITE, and free from all coloring or other m. By order of the Committe, seemed to be that on occasion of a fire the Collector Smith has another word to say week, at Military Hall, the ladies of the So. Judges of our courts therefore should not both House and Senate were depleted very Injurious ingredients usually asedln worm prepara­ Personal Estate at Auction! D. B. BOOTH, Chairman^ to tax payers tc-dav. Take his advice and Norwalk Congregational Church, will en­ much more greatly Thursday, on the occa­ This expresses the determination of the tions. HE subscriber will sell at public auction, on . ... Danbury, March 21st, 1874, firemen were annoyed and delayed by the be unmindful of the fact, that any decision CURTIS ft BROWN, Proprietors, T Wednesday, March 25th. at lu o'clock, a. m., too officious interference of outsiders and pay up . tertain the public. Several humorous pro­ made by them so obviously at variance sion of a free excursion and free lunching Democrats in unmistakable terms. It re­ No.SIS Falton Street, New York at the late residence of Hezron L. Ayres. late of mains to be seen whether the honest voters Sold by Druggists and Chemists, and dealers In New Canaan, deceased, the Personal Estate of said by the crowding thereof which seriously in Pillow cases and sheets are in great de­ ductions, by local talent, may be expected. with the law of common honesty and com­ at Chester Pa; where the Pacific Mail Medicines at TWXNTT-FIVE CEHTS A Box. Iy31 deceased, consisting of an extensive variety of i lVS- '• ; Republican Cancna. of Connecticut, of whatever party, will en­ Household Furniture such as Sofas, Marble Top terfered with the prompt movements of the mand in eastern cities for masquerade sur­ mon sense, (eitheMr both of which are con­ Company's great Steamship was launched. and Mahogany Tables and Chairs; also several The Republicans of Sorwalk are invited to meet prise parties. . Rev. C. S. Walker, of West Virginia, is Apropos of funerals, we had a case up in dorse this shameful policy, and decide to re. Bedroom Sets, Feather Beds, Spring Matrasses, s ..at LOCKWOOD'S HALL, on several companies. After mature delibera­ ceded to be the b*is of all law,) will not iftQAMOIilD). Redding. Bureaus, Chairs, Looking Glasses. Car- Wednesday ErcBlnfi inarch 25tb, As Crocusses are in bloom, the bill boards to give a lecture in Winnipauk, under the eitablish the old system of fraud and cor­ tion it was resolved to ask the Board of fail to be regarded by an intelligent com­ our Circuit. Court yesterday, which is but In Boxbury, March 12th, by Rev. L. S. Stone, pets. (Ml Cloths, one Parlor Heater, and Parlor 1874, at Hi oclock, for the purpose of nominating Burgesses to raise and attacu to the Fire may be expected to soon blossom out in auspices of the Mechanic's Library Associa­ munity with derision and contempt, and in another evidence of mortuary extravagance ruption which so otten led to tbe most dis­ Mr. Noble S. Thomas, ot Boxbury, to Miss Mary Stoves. Kitchen Furniture,sc.: also Farming Im­ -candidates for Repreaentativea and Justices of the graceful violation of tbe purity of the ballot A. Ford, of Southbury. plements, one Horse Bake, Plows, Cultivator.. " " Peace, and for completing arrangements for the Department a company of firs polite of 25 brilliant colors. tion, on the evening of April 2d. the case here referred to the opinion is very and rapacity. If Washington is a dear At Liberty, N. Y.. March 4, George H. Spencer, Wagons, ftc.; Also one Cow and one Hog. If said coming election. GE0^E^ Town com- ? box and cheated tbe State out of its honest of Bridgeport, to Miss Carrie E. Nichols, of Liberty. day is stormy the sale will take place next fair day. picked men, the said' company to be a The New Haven crusaders refuse to hire generally expr^ssed that tbe doctrine pro­ place to live in, it is a very much dearer WILLIAM L. WABING, Administrator. verdict at the polls. The preservation of New Canaan, March 14th, 1874. 2tll volunteer organization the same ja the Dio Lewis to organize a crusade. He A Sociable of the 2d M. E. Society will mulgated in said decision, viz.: That Banks place to die in. But the practice of over the registry law is a matter which vitally others, and to be under the controTof the charges to much. be held on Wednesday evening at the resi­ and other parties demanding and holding charging at funeral* is by no means confin­ »»». Editorial Letter, concerns the honest men of all parties, and Chief Engineer and his assistants, and Tbe committee of the South Norwalk dence of Mr. Frank Mead, West Main street. collaterals * as security for the payment of ed to this place. The present case however, In Darien, on Sunday, March 22d. Henry More­ for this reason alone, and laying aside all house, Esq., in the 71st year of his age. whose duty it should be to repair immedi­ common council has finally made a report As this will be the last Sociable previous to monies loaned by them, can withhold their is a very marked example of the exactions WASHINGTON, March 22d, 1874. other considerations, we do not see bow SWFuneral services at 2 o'clock, p. m., on Tues­ MILLINERY 0PENIN6. ately to the scene of the fire upon any on the Water question. Rev. Mr. Pegg's departure, tbe attendance return from their owners, after the payment sometimes made on bereaved friends unable day, the 24th, from Darien Congregational Church. DEAE GAZETTE :—The emblems of mourn- any one who is desirous of maintaing justice Mrs. W. Fawcett, alarm being given and to place a patrol at Eli S. Quintard has been elected Eminent will probably be unusually large. of tbe amount loaned, under the plea that to bear extortions. In 1872 a Mrs. Mills In Norwalk, March 19, Chauncey Barto, aged 77 . .. jag still drape the Capitol and public build­ and public and private integrity can consent years, 8 months, and 15 days. respectfully solicits your attendance at her a suitable distance therefrom to keep back Commander of the New Haven Commandery they had been lost or stolen from tbem by fell from the 3rd story window of the Metro­ ings ; yet, so rapidly do events rush, one to aid in putting that party in power which March 17, Mary Jane Fanshaw, in the 54th years the indiscriminate rush so that the firemen of Knights Templar. Too BAD —A man from Weston came to burglars or others, cannot stand when politan Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue and ot her age. SPRING OPENING after another, that present interest in Massa­ openly proposes to restore the old fraudu­ In Wilton, March 21st, Harriet F. Jones, daugh­ proper can have room in which to do their Now that soap and water is so cheap we Norwalk last Saturday afternoon, with a brought before a Superior Tribunal as it was killed. August Burgdorf officiated at of Imp.rted chusetts selection of a new Senator, leaves lent practices which formerly made our ter of Mrs. Mary E. Jones, aged 33 years. work, and if found necessary to remove any hope that some of our young men will give horse said to have been borrowed from a will be, and. expunged from the records of the funeral as~ undertaker, and presentei The funeral will take place on Tuesday, the dead past to bury its dead. The pre- larger cities infamous and promised to sad­ March 24th. Services at the House at one o'clock, BONNETS, HATS, FLOWERS, goods or furniture from any building, to their mouths a washing out. neighbor. While shopping the horse and our courts. It is to be hoped as unworthy his bill, amounting to $3,279.00, which Mr. } f pondvating supposition here is that Mr. dle a miniature Tammany upon tbe State. and at the Episcopal Church at|tt'clock. The And all Soveltlei, take charge of and guard the same, thus Bailey goes to Europe in a Cunarder next wagon was attached by an officer from of the fair fame of our State and offensive to H. E. Pelham Sutton, her son, refused to rDawes is the most likely to win. If he can Republicans should also remember that friends and relatives are respectfifny invited to preventing the pillaging, which, in other 'month. His experiences when "half seas Westport and driven off, the man being left the just sense of right entertained by her (nd Miss Nellie took a long drive mended. The evening was unpleasant and of wc personally know,—that the rate per District, held in New Canaan, last Wednes' that rewards amounting to $800 are offered TO LET. day, Galen A. Carter, of Stamford, was Ella Merrill, a recent graduate of the State evaded, not being themselves conversant behind tbe new four in band turnout. They tbe attendance rather small. IIE Whole or Part of a house pleasantly situa­ 'vannum of taxation here, for, say the past for the detection and conviction of incen­ ted on Belden Avenue. Enquire at this office. Flower Seeds!! again nominated to again suffer defeat. Normal School, succeeds her. with the rel ..ibility of the evidence, have re­ attracted much attention, as a matter of T * four years, will not average as much on the Pioneer Hook & Ladder company turned diaries at Westport. Here is a chance for turned verdicts which the actual facts have course and all the envious young people re­ At the St. Patrick celebration in New Ha- same valuation, as in Norwalk or the city some good detective to step forward, earn TO LET. Field Seeds!! ! In the list ofBishop Williams' Spring ap­ out with full ranks last Wednesday after­ not seemed :o warrant. The object may marked, such an exhibition might be suited venj last Friday, about 4,000 men were in OOMS suitable for a small family, on West Av­ of Bridgeport. It is our misfortune to be noon to receive their new truck, which was good pay and reputation, and rid the town well engage tbe attention of those in our to the young John Bull, but so much horses line. Some twenty-five organizations from R enue. Enquire of D. W. FITCH. 2t»l compelled to pay taxes in all three places, pointments. we find the following: of this dangerous element. For Catalogues write to • « ^ i May, 11th, eve, St. Stephen's, Ridgefield. drawn through tbe streets to the House and own State as well, who would see to it that and so much outriders and buttons and Vjtiious portions of this State, were partici­ COR SUE. — One valuable Cow, Horse Bake, and we speak by the book. The parkings, exhibited with much pardonable pride. the honor of our courts is vindicated from velvet and liveries, didn't become plain, pants, and ttie music was furnished by seven­ I Plows, Chains, and^t^r Fantury;ng ImptiImplements. M. W. THOKtB URN * Co., 12th, eve, St. James', Danbury. Apply immediately to B. T. BASSE'TT, Wilton. It* gradings and pavings and general renova­ In the list of divorces published last week, The "Home Sociable" season closed last exhibitions of trumped-up testimony and American Republican life and manners. teen bands, 3 drum-corps and one band ot 6tll 15 John Street, New York tion here really approaches the marvelous, 14th, a m, St. John's, Stamford. Wednesday evening with a fine party at the iii eve, St. Andrew's, Stamford. was that of Sarah Benedict of Norwalk, pretended skill and science which may have Miss Nellie is a sensible and pretty well bag-pipers. FOS SALE. and when the extent and nature of the vast from Edwin Benedict of Dacotah. Her residence of Mr. H. H. Elwell, South Nor­ have at times signalized important judicial behaved young Miss, and it is to be hoped TAX SALE. 16th,3p. m. Grace church. Long Hill. See the new patterns of Carpet and N DARIEN, a few minutes walk from the depot, improvements are realized, the wonder to name was changed to Sarah W. Raymond. walk. trials. she will have enough of her father's firm­ I a good house pleasantly situated, two and hall OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned 17th, a. m. Trinity, Bridgeport. Oil Cloth at Sturges' Main street. stories, 32x40, with extension 12x30; containing N Collector of the Middle School District, (or ns is that it has been accomplished at so The divorce was granted for adultery and The paper which has suggested this ness to make her young future husband eleven rooms; a well of good water in the house; School District, No. 1.) of the town of Weston, up. light a burden upon property holders. p. m. St. Paul's, Fairfield, New Vote re. »—•••—» a new barn with accommodations for the 2 horses on a Tax List made out from the assessment list . eve. St. Paul's, Bridgeport. misconduct. notice says; "The mischief at which they part the sandy locks on his high, intellect' SEED OATS, Clover, Timothy aud Red carriages, ftc. The lot contains an acre, and is wel of said town of Weston, for the year of 1872, ha* - Still, no one objects to any exposure which The Selectmen and Town Clerk meet at stocked with Fruit and Shade Trees. Apply to Messrs. R. I. Tolles and C. B. Dake, of aim is becoming more glaring every year, ual head, elsewhere than in the middle, as Top Seed, at HOLMES & KEELEB'S. by virtue of a certain tax warrant issned by Wil­ will reveal rascality, if it does exist, or in­ June, 14lh, a. m. Christ church, Greenwich. South Norwalk to-day, and the Town MRS. E. P. MOTT, on the premises. liam O. Sanford, a Justice of the Peace for Fair- South Norwalk, have bought out {the Coal and public attention in various quarters is now. — Or Melville E. Mead, Norwalk and IJprien, or G. Held County, dated January 23d, 1874, commanding p. m. St. Mark's, New Canaan, House,—/or the laet time,—next Saturday for sure future improvements at a still cheaper yards now occupied by Meeker Brothers, being called to it in a significant manner, Miss Grant made the acquaintance of her lig- A rich and very choice assortment Spalding, Stamford. 2ml2 the undersigned to lay and collect of SAMUEL S. eve. St. Luke's, Daricn. the admission of new voters. ROWLAND, the sum of Sixty Dollars and Twenty- rate. Pacts, however, as thus far develop­ east side ot the. harbor, and will continue both in England and our own country." P. affianced on the European Steamer last of Gold Wall. Papers, at H. M. & J. T. The Ladies of the I two Cents, pursuant to the certain tax or assess­ ed by the investigation suggest other mo­ the coal business there. They have had ex­ Prowitt's. > ment, aforesaid, duly laid by said school district, They are agitating the subject of ^.ood summer, and it is said to be a true love Congrega'l Church. So. Norwalk, on the said assessment list of said town,levied said tives than a desire to promote the public perience in tbe business and are well known At the Democratic caucus, held at the match. May peace and happiness attend warrant upon certain-real estate ol said Samuel sidewalks down in Greenwich, and a com­ Town Hall, last Friday evening, Warden LpTTSBtmaK VA., Jan, 4th, 1874. Now is the time to buy cheap Car- will give'an S. Kowland, situated in said Weston, and bounded - welfare, as the animus of the fierce contest. in business circles. the innocent young pair. aslollows:—On the north by the highway, on the Gen. Logan made a strong speech in an­ mittee from that Borough visited our place Edward P. Weed was nominated as candi­ MB. WuTAET,Dear Sir: pet and Oil Cloth at Sturges' 8 Main street. ENTERTAINMENT, east and south by other land of said Bowland, and I wish to return you our very sincere and A decision hard upon the jebus was ren­ — i». — west by land of A. S. Jarvis, and that the under­ swer to Senalor Schurz, and in favor of in­ last week to inspect our concrete walks; Republican*, if you know of any man date for Representative. Twenty justices AT MILITARY HALL, ON signed will on the 30th day of May, 1874, at the wc understand they are to rjport this week. grateful thanks for your acceptable and dered yesterday in tbe U. S. Supreme tW Go to HOLMES & KEELER'S for your hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at flation. The debate went rambling through whose name is not on the voting list and is were also nominated: 1 beautiful gift of Stereoscopic Viewt. Thej Court, in the case o"f your Ct. Travelers - Garden Seed* for tbey keep the largest and Monday and Tuesday Evenings the premises, sell at publie auction enough of said the week till Thursday, when the finance entitled to be there, see the Registrars at BfAHCB 30th and Slat. real estate to pay said tax and the legal costs of awaken tbe liveliest wender and delight in Ins. Co., against a jockey named Seaver, best assortment in Norwalk. collecting the same. bill was thrust aside and the army bill taken The Masquerade Ball of the Burnside once. Next week will be too late. Any In the blow of Monday night, last week, On Monday Evening an able corps ot amateur Dated at Weston, March 20th, 1874. our poor colored scholars and their parents who was killed while "driving a race. It erformera will render the popular Prophetic up. Mr. Ferry earnestly opposed any post- Guards, at Military Hall, South Norwalk, man who has ever been a voter here, but 'one of the tugs of the Gamecock line, with All tbe latest styles of Gold Wall Eirama entitled <' THE COMING WOMAN," in OSBOBN TAYLOB, Collector. who never saw anything of the kind before, was decided in favor of the company, the which the direinl results following the suceess of Collector of said School District, on said tax as­ ponement, but insisted that its paramount last Friday evening, was well attended. who has lost his residenco by removal, but five barges in tow, went ashore on the rocks Papers at H. M. &. J. Prowitt's. the Woman's Sufferage question are fully demon­ sessed upon the town list of 1872. . 3t*12 and who are by nature, exceedingly fond of court deciding that it was against just such importance should give it precedence over Many funny things were said and done, and who has now been a resident ot the State at tbe mouth of our harbor. Capt Crabbe i» — strated. Also, the renowned show woman. Mrs. any kind of a picture. We value these reckless driving that the company intended Jarley, wilt be on hand with a new importation of TAX COLLECTOR'S SALE. all other measures. many grotesque costumes exhibited. The for one year, and of the town six months, tried to reach them with the City of Nor­ 23F"Go to Sturges',8 Main street, for cheap wax works on exhibition. On Tuesday Evening supper at"Tucker's" was also well attended. views for their aid in helping us to instruct to protect itself by the terms of the policy Carpet and Oil Cloth. A'f. ^ there will be an entire change of programme, con­ OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned Somehow, the majority in either Houses can have his name restored on application walk but failed in doing so. During the Yesterday Mr. Carpenter, the acting Vice- sisting of Statuary. Pantomimes, etc., closing with N under and by virtue of a certain Tax Warrant week, however, wreckers have been to aqfl enlighten the dark minds of our people, a JUVENILE OLD FOLKS' CONCEBT. duly executed and signed by proper authority, and do not seem to realize the impatience felt at to the Registrars. President, convulsed the Senate and galler Tho Unseam or Art. directed to tbe undersigned, commanding him to The Monthly meeting of the Ladies work to dive the vessels and cargoes, but and tbank you again and again for your TICKETS 35 CENTS; for sale at Peck's Drug levy and collect of DAVID SMITH, ana other* this delay, by the people of the nation, or ies by presenting the following pointed evi­ The trustees of the Metropolitan Museum Store, South Norwalk, and Prowitt's Drug Store, named in the rate book on list to said warrant an­ Association of the First Congregational The Annual Meeting of the "Norwalk we do not know with what result. kindness intending 6uch a pleasing gift to of Jtt have made a most wise appointment Norwalk. nexed, their several proportions of the sum total aa the momentous gravity of at once deter­ dence that the"Temperance Woman's Tidal church is to be held on Thursday afternoon. and Vicinity Bible Society," will be held in us. . #' Very Respectfully. in selectins as the executive oflicer of that therein stated, said sums being a tax or assessment mining some financial policy. It is death Wave" was about to sweep over that an important institntion, Mr. Vincent Colyer agreed upon by the inhabitants of the town of Nor­ and paralysis to business, and recoils back A meeting of the Congregational Society is the 2nd M. E. Church on Sunday evening Mrs. H. L. McLean having returned lrom SALUB HOLLBT. walk, regularly and legally assembled on the ISth gust body: in whose cbaractcr and capability tbere is day of December, A. &., 1872, for the purpose'of- upon the Government in diminished rev­ to be held Thursday evening, at 7 o'clock. next. Rev. Messrs. Hamilton, Bentley, the city, wishes to inform the Ladies that abundant warrant for confidence. Under Cheapest Store laying the annual State, Town and Highway Taxes, EDITOBB GAZETTE.—I was rather surpris NEW YOBK, March 18,1874. including the support of Schools, on the list of enue. Pegg and others, are expected to address Ehe is now ready and prepared to do any­ To Senator Carpenter, President of tho Mr. Colyer's management tbe Museum will, 1872, levies upon and will sell at public auction at Mr. Sherman succeeded in getting his Rev. Dr. Bush gave a pleasing lecture to the meeting. Reports of the* Secretary, thing in the Millinery line which they may ed to hear Dr. Bush, in his very interesting Senate: we feel sure, move forward to take its prop­ the premises hereinafter described, on the!7th day - lecture on Tuesday evening, endorse tbe As the tidal wave of the temperance cru­ er place among (or at tbe head of) our most of April, A. D., 1874, at 10 o'clock, a. m., so much of- bill for the equalization of National bank Sunday School children, at the First Con­ Treasurer and Missionary, will be presented require for Easter, although her regular popular local attractions, and. at the same the following described real estate of David Smith r,' gregational church, on Tuesday evening popular fallacy that the Chinese people are sade will soon reach Washington, in behalf situated in said town of Norwalk, at South Nor-: circulation made the special order for Mon­ and as the Congregational,Baptist and Meth­ Millinery opening does not take place until of the army of women who are alive to the time continue to be the subject of conscien­ CABPETS AND OIL CLOTHS walk, so called, being fifty feet, front and rear, and last, under the auspices of the Ladie's As­ odist Societies unite, it is expected that there April 4lh. Her rooms are on North our antipodes. As every one knows the tious devotion on the part of all interested at a great reduction in prices. one hundred and fifty feet in depth, and bounded day. This proposes taking twenty-five movement, we ask you to join our ranks. northerly by highway known as Smith Street, sociation. Unfortunately it was a rainy word antipodes means those whose feet are Your high position, your well-knuwn elo­ in its affairs. There is an infectious zeal Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, million from New England and transferring will be a large attendance on the occasion. Avenue, at tbe head of High Street. about tbe newly-appointed manager, which, easterly by land of the New Tork A New Haven it to the west. This proposition, at first evening and the attendance was not large. Services to commence at 7 o'clock, C; opposite, and as our feet, when we stand quence, and yonr championship of women Baiiroad Company, southerly by land of George'B. • 1 mark you as the man to step to the front added to his loug experience in the work of Agent for PACKER'S Tar Soap, Bailey and others, and westerly by land of Martha sight, seems mischievous in its effects upon At the annual Conclave of the Grand erect, point to the centre of the earth, an organizing and carrying out artistic, philan­ Parcel), as will raise the sum of Seven Dollars, their's must do the same, it follows that a We want you and Senators Chandler and that being the amount due upon and on account of our already disturbed finances, but a care­ The Norwalk correspondent of the Keglatratlon. Commandery of Knights Templars of Con­ Sprague to form a committee to receive our thropic, aud religious projects, will compel and PACKER'S Lightning Soap the proportion of the said David Smith of the sum the public to take an interest in tbe great ful analysis does not leave our banks in so Bridgeport Standard, who so faithfully and Tbe Registrars of the various Districts necticut, held at the asylum of Columbian line joining our feet and those of our anti­ praying band at the bar of the Senate. The article for House Cleaning. total in the said list, together with all legal Ws to podes must pass through the centre of the Congress is beginning to recognize this work undertaken by the Metropolitan Mu­ be added. deplorable a situation, after all. For in­ usually so accurately condenses -all our hold two more sessions this week for re­ Commandery, No. 4, Norwich, Tuesday, seum of Art, and thus lift it promptly to its ;s T unass' Also, will sell at Public Auction, at the premises earth, and form a diameter of it. Therefore leading reform. The bill just passed to in­ hereinafter described, on the 27th day ot May, A. stance, suppose the venerable and sound local news fur that journal, allows himself vising ana correcting their lists. See offi­ the following were chosen Grand officers: vestigate drunkenness proves this. Will proper place in the minds and hearts of tbe • ' 8 Main Street. D., 1874, at 1 o'clock, p. m., an much of the tallowing old Fairfield'County Bank is required to to say that "Cashier Charley Street" left his cial notices. R. E., Sir Nathan Dikeman, Waterbury, such a line drawn from a point in latitude you read this appeal to the Senate, asking mas'ses. That Mr. Colyer is precisely the described real estate, of Bobert C. Baymond, as set rijrht man in the right place for the accom­ to him on list of 1872, one certain tract of land,W tl surrender $90,000 of its circulation. .• It daughter behind, when departing from Grand Commander. north, will come out at point la latitude permission to receive our band under the the buildings thereon standing, situated in said - V. E., Sir John O. Root, Hartford, Depu­ escort of your chaplain ? plishment of this work, no one who knows S 2 1 comes here and recalls its $100,000 in Gov­ Nassau ! The cashier will want to dis­ At the orchestral concert in Stamford on south; one starting in West longitude from him will doubt. The Museum of Art has town of Norwalk, at Five Mile Biver, so called , the Friday evening, Mr. Thomas was so much ty Grand Commander. Greenwich, will come out in East longitude Yours, in behalf of the crusaders, IRON AND STEEL, same being Dock property, and being ninety-four ernment bonds, which it sells in the market count this last note. V. E, Sir Thomas H. Totten. New Haven, MRS. P. R. LAWRENCE, of late gained quite a hold upon popularity, feet front and rear and one- hundred feet in depth, annoyed by talking among tbe audience Grand Generalissimo. from Greenwich. Let us apply this to the No. 41 West 26th street. as is evidenced by tbe crowds attendant up­ Hone Hoes, Cultivators, bounded northerly by land of. Edward F. Bile, at once for $115,0C0. Thus it has $35,000 on its free exhibitions. During some of easterly by highway, southerly by land of Silas C. more money to circulate than before! Nor "JKOTfi ON." that he left the stage during tbe performance V. E., Sir Henry Woodward, Middletown, case in point: New York is in latitude This letter was unanimously endorsed at Smith, and westerly by Five Mile Biver Harbor, Grand CaptHiu General. Harry Hill's saloon mass meettug on Sun­ these free days more than two thousand GARDEN A FLOWER SEEDS, &C, as will raise the sum of Thirty-six Dollar*: and is this all. It is released from holding the We are glad to see that Mayor Weed is of the Allegretto from Beethoven's eighth about 40° north (exactly 42° 40') and persons have visited the Museum. That Twenty-five Cents, that being the proportion of the symphony, breaking off the music abruptly. V. E.. Sir H. Wales Lines, Meriden, longitude 74® west. The parallel of 40® day evening; with the request that the ans To my old customers and patrons, together with said Bobert C. Baymond, of the sum total In said fifteen pes ccnt. reserve, which on the making a special effort to put a stop to the wer be read at an early meeting of tbe this popular appreciation ot .one of our all those who may wish to buy Good Agricultural list, togetherwith all legal fees to be added. Grand Prelate. most public-spirited enterprises will grow Implements, at afair price, I would Say that I have $90,000 would be $13,500 more, so practice of "standing idly or loaffng" on This lesson was not sufficient, for during V. E., Sir FrederickParmelee, New Lon­ passes through the city of Pekin, China, but crusaders. MRS. P. R. LAWRENCE, in stock a full line of Plows and Tools ot tho most Also will sell at Public Auction at the premises the Overture to William Tell, he was to a remarkable degree under Mr. Colyer's approved paterns. - Also, repairs tor all the leading hereinafter described, on the 27th day of: May, that our Bank really has. a total of $38,- our sidewalks to the annoyance ol publie don, Grand Senior Warden. its longitude is about 110 ® east, so that a for the crusaders. V. E., Sir Charles W. Carter, Norwich, managerial tact and skill we cannot permit plows used in this section, which 1 offer at Whole­ A. D., 1874, at 3 o'clock, p. m.~, so much of the fol- ' 500 more money to loan its customers than travel, especially evenings and Sundays. again obliged to stop, from the same cause. line drawn through the earth from New The letter was referred to the Committee ourselves to doubt. The Museum ought to sale and Betail. Please call and examine them. lowing described real estate of BOBKBT C., and He then faced tbe addience and said, "If Grand Junior Warden. York, crossing its axis in latitude 40° DAVID L. BAXMOND, situated in said town- of it had before its ninety thousand of circu­ The police are ordered to enforce the law Past R. E., Sir William R. Higby, Bridge­ on Finance and ordered to be printed, amid be our greatest local lion, Central Park -:>• 3La» JT. FCJ JO J.- r rwt Norwalk, on Bell's Island, so called, in quantity "promptly, decidedly, and thoroughly." you will stop talking, we will go on play­ would come out in Tookistan. and not in much merriment. alone excepted; and we now shall confi­ seventeen acres, more or less, bounded northerly lation waB withdrawn from it, and the port, Grand Treasurer. dently expect it to become still more widely 23 Main Street, Norwalk. by Baymond Johnson's sedge flats and Town Creek, ing, otherwise not." After that there was Past R. E., Sir John W. Stedman, Nor­ China, even On the principle suggested by A fresh boquet of buds and cut flowers is BO called, easterly by creek running to beach, and West is blessed with the privilege of having wich, Grand Recorder. an acknowledged center of attraction and N. B.—My repairs will be of the best quality, the land of Cynthia Bell, southerly by Long Island its $10,000 on every $100,000 locked jp in Giles Potter, State agent of the Board of no more trouble. Dr. Bnsh.. But the point really opposite daily placed upon the Senatorial desk so interest.—JV. Y. Evening Mail. castings being made of White Hard Iron. 6tl8 Sound, westerly by land of heirs of David Lock- Such a reprimand, occasionally, is saluta­ Past R. E., Sir Israel M. Bullock, Bridge­ our feet is in south latitude about 40 ® and pathetically made vacant by the sudlen —- . wood, deceased, and others, as will raise thesnnt of »• the Treasury, with the premium on its se­ education was in town last week looking port, Grand Standard Bearer. Fourteen Dollars, that being the proportion ef the after the children who attend no school dur­ ry, but few have the courage to give it. Past R. E., Sir William W. Bennett, Wa­ east longitude 74°. This point will be and untimely death of Mr. Sumner. Mr. WINE OF THE WOODS invigorates tbe Liver. FLOWS! PLOWS!! said Robert C., and David L. Baymond, of the sum curities, its fifteen per cent, reserve and all Of every description, Wholesale and Betail Call total in said list together with all legal fees to be other taxes and liabilities. If Mr. Sher­ ing the year, of which there are some fifty Why will a few people in every large audi­ terbury, Grand Sword Bearer. tound in the South Atlantic Ocean about Ferry, of Michigan, has entered n request and examine. We are melting added. ence, persist in annoying every one in the Past it. E., Sir Joseph Treadwell, Dan­ 500 miles W. S. W. from tbe Cape of Good for the seat, and will occupy it in tho-fu­ A CARD. • ' ' • Also, will sell at Pnblic Auction, at the premise* man's bill is a success, it will be a blessing between eight and fourteen years of age. bury, Grand Warden. The Committee ot Arrangements of the enter­ Sell Metal ereinafter described, on the 28th day of May, A. D. to his section so disguised the most astute Why cannot our Board of Education and room Ly theit sensless talking, and advertite Past R. E., Sir Ernest Kehrer, Bridgeport, Hope. So that there are no people (unless ture. • - tainment, "Reception of Mother Goose," given by expressly for Plow Shares, the best in the world. 1874, at 10 o'clock, a. m.. so much of the following their ill-breeding, when by keeping quiet on ship board) whose feet are directly oppo­ The Treasury ladies join in a very tbe Sabbath Scnoot Children of the 2nd M. L. described real estate of GEOBGE B. ALLEN, in financier will never be able to strike it ac* Selectmen employ one of the grand jury­ Grand Sentinel. Church, desire to express their most hearty thanks At Lowest Market Prices, said town of Norwalk, in quantity-one rood, more » cording to our theory and contemplation. men to look up such case, and prosecute they might disguise it, and appear to be The committee appointed to designate a site ours. earnest appeal to our Representative, Mr. to Mr. Gibson for his co-operation with them on AT THE AUSTIN FOUNDRY. or loss, bounded northerly by land of Burr Smith " ' . In this statement I have not aimed at the evenings of their exhibitions, March nth and and others; easterly by land of Henry Lamb,south­ Butlwhatever is done," 'twere well 'twere them? ladies and gentlemen !—The answer is as suitable place for the next regular Conclave Kellogg, for some just and adequate scale of 12th. His music was of the most happy selections, Norwalk, March 17th, 1874. » 4tl3 erly by land formerly of William St. John, and old as the story of the youth, who, when of the Grand Commandery, recommendid accuracy, but have tried to illustrate the compensation for their work. Tbe most and performed with most exceeding skill, under westerly by highway known as Pine Street, as will - done quickly." circumstances unsually perplexing and difficult, Special Borough Meeting. raise the sum of Two Dollars and Twenty Cents, Representatives Starkweather and Kel­ The death of Dr. Isaac Jennings at Ober- asked the cause of his silence in company, that it be held at Bridgeport. principle. K. W, unequal-and indefensible rules prevail for and we feel that to him much of our success was that being the proportion ef the said George B. due. — ••>— NOTICE. Allen, ol the sum total in said list, together with logg have both made unanswerable replies lin, Ohio, is announced. He was born in replied : "Pa told me to keep my mouth the payment of lady employees, while every all legal fees to be added. shut, so that people would not know I was For the Gazette. boy messenger and negro sweeper is paid Instant relief guaranteed in croup by Johnson's HE LEGAL VOTERS of the Borough of Nor­ to the arraignment of Republican adminis­ Fairfield in 1788. For the most of the time UP THE SHEPAUG. walk, are hereby notified and warned that a Also, will sell at Pnblic Auction, at the premise* MBSSBS. EDITOBS Anodyne Liniment. T ereinafter described, on the 28th day or May, A. a fool." LITCHFIELD.—A meeting of the committee :—The "Old man named according to a regular and systematic rule. special meeting of said legal voters of the Borough, tration by Messrs. Beck and Wood in the during the past twenty-five years he has re­ Latham," referred to in a recent issue of the will be held at the Town Hall, (House), in said D. 1874, at 10 o'clock, a. m., so much of the follow­ of tbe County Agricultural Society appoint­ Then wben the pay is fixed as it should be, Silence that terrible enemy of life, a bad cough, Borough, on Friday, the 27th day of March. A. D., ing described real estate of WALL1S H. HAMIL­ House. Starkweather proved greater sided in Oberlin, honored and esteemed as a An occasional correspondent sends us the with Hale's Honey gf Horehound and Tar, other­ TON, situated in said town of Norwalk. in qnanti- ' ed ai a recent meeting to aid tbe Executive Sentinel, is a gentleman honored and be let the Congressional Committee call archi­ wise it may soon silence you. Pike's Toothache 1874, at 3 o'clock, in the afternoon, for the following profligacy in public expenditures during citizen and a christian. following from Washington:— committee of the society in aiTanging for purpose, viz.:—to pass, if deemed advisable by said ty thirteen acres, more or less, bounded northerly loved by many friends who know his worth tect Mullet's attention to the abominable Drops cures In one minute. meeting, a vote authorizing and directing the pay­ by highway, easterly by land of George B. St. John . » Buchanan's administration than any time The great speech of Senator Matt. Car­ a fair was held at the Town Room on Fri­ ment by the Borough to Theodore O. Eskelson, and others, southerly by land of Geoige B. St. John and the record of his unblemished life. ventilation, or lack of any ventilation, and westerly by land of the heirs or David Com. . during Republican rule. It isn't a much The worst judgment we could wish penter recently delivered in the United day afternoon last. Letters were read from A Common Form or Indigestion. such a reasonable sum at money as said meeting quite a number of the committee who could His piety is reverent and toned with good existing through the Treasury Department. Is oppression after eating, or a depressing dullness may determine upon toward paying a part of the stock, deceased, aa will raise the sum of Six Dol- • safer thing for our democratic friends to should overtake the last year's Borough States Senate on the deplorable condition of of the spirits; with llatuence, or a belching up of damage and cost to be sustained aud iucurred by lars and Filly CentR. that being the proportion of •' not be present. It was voted to have an sense. It is a mistake that he prajji fcr The atmosphere breathed there by young him in cutting off the southwest corner of his store the said Wallls H. Hamilton, of the sum total in , invite a comparison of economic adminis­ Board, is that they all be compelled to walk wind, and almost always follows Costivenes*. Dr. said list, together with all legal fees to be added, r affairs in Louisana, is generally approved annual fair next fall, to put the fair grounds prolonged life, or asks to reach his hun­ girls and delicate matrons, is enough to kill Harrison's Feristatic Lozepges give quick and per­ situated at the intersection of Wall and Biver trative records than in the matter of loyalty up and down daily in front of the Staats' and commended by the Republican press in good condition, to under-cfrain them, and manent relief. Thev are pleasant, portable, do not Streets, in said Borough. This Borough Meeting Also, will sell at' Public Auction, jgfc v dredth year; lie only waits with devout a horse. Sunken eyes and sick-headaches require increase of dose, never gripe, and for Con- is called by direction of the Court of Burgesses, the premises hereinafter described, on tM and patriotism. place where the mud is certainly ankle deep to erect suitable permanent buildings to and the time of holding the same designated by throughout the country. Senator Carpenter take the place of tents. confidence till the time of his welcome re­ Uipation of the Bowels. Piles. Headache, Dizziness, 21th day of May. A. D. 1874, at 2 o'clock Uncle Truman Smith, our honored and when ever not frozen. are the rule with these poor women. It is Irregularities, and other Female Weaknesses, tbey said Court. . m., so much of the following described v : is ranked among the leading men of the Mr. Beth Pratt bus sold the southern­ lease shall come. He became a member of a disgrace to our modern civilization that are incomparable. Trial box. 30 cts. Large box, Warden's Office, Borough of Norwalk, thi* 21st real estate of NOBMAN L., and KafMETT B, venerable Ex-Senator, at eighty-three years most of the twn houses recently erected on tiC cts.. mallei! free for this last price. day of March, A. D., 1874. AUSTIN, situated in said town of Norwalk, one Republican party, and his expoiure of the the Christian church of the Methodist com­ in one ot the finest—I think the finest— EDWABD P. WEED, eighth of an acre of land, more or less, with the ~ of age, is here with a case before the U. S. The Westport Advertiser, after a long and Meadow street to hi3 brother Wm. L.Pratt, DK. HARRISON'S ICELAND BALSAM, wrongs and abuses that have been commit­ munion in 1796, and continued in unbroken public buildings the Nation owns, there a splendid cure for COUGHS, HOARSENESS, and all Warden ot the Borough of Norwalk. buiUlings thereon standing,and bounded northerly Saprome Court. With eye no more dimmed brave struggle for existence hus finally suc­ for $3,5C00. TIIKOAT and LUNG complaints. For sale by E. S. on land formerly of James Fitzgibbons and others, ^ ted in Louisana by men calling themselves Harry Scoville has sold his place near connection therewith until now,—more should be such an utter dearth of fresh and HAllRISOX ft CO., Proprietors. No. 1 Tremont easterly by highway called Mechanic Street, sonth- and intellect as clear as twenty years ago> cumbed to starvation, and its poor ghost has Republicans, and who are clamoring for the Temple, Boston, and by all Druggists. 4tU NOTICE. erly by land of William E. Dann, and westerly by tbe Naugatuck Station to Hector Barber for than seventy-eight years. He became a pure air. the Danbury X Norwalk Baiiroad, aa will raise the when a Senator 'fcha occupied a seat on the been "consolidated" (whatever that may be) Republican party to uphold and shield $2,000. To Delinquent Tax-Payer*. sum of Thirty-one Dollars and Forty Cents, that member of Harmony Lodge of Free Ma­ Miss Annie Smith, daughter of Morgan Thirty Tears' Experience of an being the proportion ot the said Norman L., j}nd same floor, he presents a marvel of vital for the sake of its good name. them, is one of the healthiest signs of tbe . A school committee of five has been ap­ IJIO all Taxes remaining unpaid on my Book. oa pointed to take action looking to tbe estab­ sonry, in the City of Hudson, N. Y., in 1800. T. Smith, Esq., of Winnipauk, is visiting Old Nurse. Emmett B. Austin, of the sum total in said list, ^ force unabated, and is subject of special Mrs. Wlnslow'sSoothluKSjrrnp Is the together with all legal fees to be added. , ;. , times. It shows that the Republican party lishment of a graded school. He was born April 14tb, 1876; and js there­ Miss Mary Ferry. Young Mr. Edward H. EIG Dated Norwalk, March 20th. 1874. . ' sal interest to bench, bar, and visitor. Last Sunday as the superintendent of the prescription of one of tbe best Female Physi­ Gentlemen, it is now time your taxes were paid; is entirely able to take care of itself, to re­ About fifty foreigners were naturalized at fore nearly three months older than the Bissell, ot Winnipauk, is also here visiting cians and Narses la the United States, and has been after the First day of April, 1S74,1 shall begin at 3tl2 BUBB SMITH, Collector, List 1872^ •. Gen. Franklin of the Colt's Fire Arms Norwalk Baptist Sunday School was re­ the session of the Superior Court on Mon­ used for thirty years with never fallintr safety and the beginning of the Book and advertise all delin­ dress wrongs committed in its name, and to Declaration of Independence,—born a little bis relatives, Senator Ferry and family, and success by millions ofmothersand children,from tbe ISTRICT OF NOBWALK, SS. Probate Court, ' Co., E. M. Chapin of New Hartford, S. J. viewing the classes, the question was asked day.—Enquirer. quents in the order they appear on the book, until I reform abuses perpetrated by its members. — • '• ; ' " too late to be a Revolutionary hero, be has seeing the sights about the Capital. feeble inrant of one week old to the adult. It cor­ get through with them. All those that wish to save D March 21st, 1874. Porter of Unionsville, C. T. Marston of " What would come if God stopped sending No man, or set of men, can use the Republi­ rects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, expense will avail themselves of this notice. Estate of MABIA BOUTOK,Iate of Norwalk, in Mr. J. H. Puleston, who has just been re­ how ever, quite vivid remembrances of JENNT WREN. resalatcs the bowels, and gives rest, health and BUBB SMITH, Collector on list 187-2. said District, deceased. Hartford, are registered at the Arlington. us rain." No one seemed' inclined to ans­ can party a« a cloak to commit crime or comfort to mother and child. We believe it to be Norwalk, March 23d, 1874. 2tl2 The Court of Probate for the District of Norwalk turned to Parliament for the borough of some important events of that period, not the Best and Safest Remedy in the world in all cases hath limited and allowed six months from the date 6ur English minister and Ex-Congress­ wer until at last one little fallow stood up wrong without ultimate detection, exposure Devenport, was well known in Washington a few interesting incidents whereof he was Horace Lee, of Westport, now employed of DYSENTERY and DIAKHHtKAIN CHILDREN, hereof for the creditors of said estate, to exhibit man Schenck are in town. and shouted," snow." during the war. He is a native of North whether it arises from teething or from any other NOTICE. their claim^for settlement. Those who neglect to and punishment by the party itself. In fact witness to in the city of New York, where at tbe Springfield annory, has invented a cause. Full diiections for using will accompany present their accounts, properly attested, within Hon. James C. Loomis and w ife of Bridge­ Wales, about 45 years old, was educated magazine revolver, having the simple ex­ HE BOABD OF BELIEF of the Borough or said time will be debarred a recovery. All persons it could not be otherwise. The Republican he spent bis boyhood. H. D, L. •aeh bottle. None genuine unless the facsimile of Norwalk. will meet at the Borough Clerk'* port, were also here the past week. Isaae for a surgeon in London, came'to America cellence of an ordinary revolving pistol, CURTIS * PERKINS Is od the outside wrapper. T indebted to said eatate are requested to make im- • The Washington letters to the Norwalk party is composed of a major part of all Sold by all Medicine Beaters. lySt Office, Hubbell'a Building, en Friday, the 27th day mediate payment tn _ " ' in 1855, edited a newspaper at PittBton, with the power of firing a greater numbec of March, A. P., J874, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, 3t*l'2 • ' BUBB BOCTOI7, Exceptor. M. Holly, formerly of Norwalk, do. Friend Gazette are exceedingly interesting and that is honest, decent, virtuous and respect­ Pennsylvania, was secretary of the Peace of shots. His exhibited pistols are of two and continue their session by adjournment, for the Holly, for a wonder, is a hatter who has no Convention, in 1860, and military agent in The Adams Express Agent was out yes­ purpose of hearing all appeals that may be made must give the paper a wide circulation.— able in tbe American pe#ple, and it cannot siges, a cavalry weapon, firing twenty-two from the doings of the Borough Board of Assessors, ISTRICT OF NOBWALK, ss, Probate Court, interest lor or against the Wells' Hat Body Waterlury American, and Meriden Recorder. do anything else but represent those compo­ this city for the state of Pennsylvania dur­ terday with a very handsome new delivery successive shots, and a pocket pistol, firing HOUSEHOLD WHY WILL TOO SiFfER (1874,) and the revision of the assessment lists, (1874) D March 21st, A. B., 1874. Forming Machine extension, though he ing the war, after which we'find him in wagon. The horse was also decked out twelve. The former is not heavier than in the manner required by law. Estate of HEZBO& L. AYRES, late of X«* .— . nent parts of tbe Nation. This last speech New York, organising, for Wells, Fargo & To all persons suffering ' V ' - 1SB>EL LOCKWOOD, Cauaan, in said district, deceaaed. with new gold-mounted harness, and the Smith & Wesson's Russian pistol and will AvVSitvu-v BUBB SMITH, The Administrator represents the Estate insol­ says if he were a manufacturer, he should of Senator Carpenter has added new lau­ Co., tbe great transcontinental express busi­ cost in manufacture but a dollar apiece flrom Rheumatism, Neu­ vent, and pray* the appointment of Uonunisaloner* A very decided improvement has recently obliging driver was the proudest man in ralgia, Cramps in the A. H. CAMP. go for its extension as a sure means of pro­ been made in the Opera House in the re- rels to the already well-woven garland that ness formed bv the consolidation of tbe more. The Reminglon company have PANACEA Limbs or Stomach, Bil- Board of Belief of the Borough of Norwalk, 1874. thereon. tecting small dealers from being crushed several companies, which then divide the town. This establishment takes the place offered Mr. Lee a handsome sum for this lions Colic, Pain in the Borough oi Norwalk, March 83,1874. IStf OBotiin.i-That Commissioners to receive, ex­ cumbering of the seats, so that hereafter no encircles bis brow. As a jurist be stands at back, bowels or side, we amine and decide upon the claim* of the creditors out by wealthy combinations. His reasoning traffic. He was the senior member of Ike of life one destroyed by fire at South Nor­ patent. Some one in Utica hat offered to would say THB House- more sittings will be sold than tbe settees tho head of tbe legal profession in this coun­ -ANDr, Wall-street banking firm, of Puleston, Ray­ walk. y;.'"..; give land for a factory if a company can be Hotu PANAHCEA and DON'T GO TO SEW YORK FOB being that if extended under the restrictions will comfortably accommodate. try, and bis eloquence, learning and inde­ mond & Co., wben Mr. McCulloth, appre­ organized to manufacture tbe pistols, and FAMILT LINIMENT is of asked by the applicants, it will regulate -#-3Sr- all others the remedy you will take notice, and appear if taey see cause, and pendence of thought, has gained for him a ciating his remarkable abilities, invited him that is what it is now proposed to do. want for Internal and ex­ be heard thereon; and said Adminutrater willgiva ' prices and prevent "corners" ta the injury host of admirers daring bis brief political to become a partner in the new house in The dwelling house of Miphael Bradley, —Palladium. ternal use. It has cured inblie notice thereof by posting a copy of this or- Letters held for postage in tbe Norwalk London, with which he has since been con- the above complaints in BOLD WALL PAPERS, ;er on the pnblic sign post nearest the place where of the public, and the general trade. A in Newtown, was fentirely consumed by MNUIY the deceased last dwelt, and within tbe same town, Post-office. career, who look forwaxd \& the not far dis­ nected.-^-JW&a>w. thousand* of cases. There A parly of Eagt Canaanitss is getting is so mistake about It. and by publishing the same in a newspaper printed hearing is to j>o had before the House Com­ Woodruff, Morris & Co. tant time when their idol will Qeeupy the fire last Sunday evening, with most of the ready to emigrate to tBe f^ka Sspeifrr * Ton can do Better at in Fairfield County, at least 12 days beforesaid 29th mittee on Tuesday. No decision has yet furniture. Loss.fl.OOO; insured in Hartford Try It. Bold by all Drag- Dcutsch & Lewis. seat BOW so w«H filled by the eoklier-state^ Ground has been broken in Wiostcd for a mining districts, hi the employ of W. H. . •. * g, ||. & J. T, PEOWITT'S. I «5 of *pritacwss ju juvnmwT, jwti*. , j been rfeafcbtti Wy tlrt Senate ';• * Mmti.& m«i». S. laigs «Mrfap*Uk fluftoqr. Mutual for $83#. v>: SmsBttt. LINIMENT. ' '

K;- ;V • ii»w me ,; |S MiiiiattifciS C'^J.A,- . . '^hiafiiriiiifiriBaii)«awii»iMiiM>>»>M>«i " ' " ' ' " ' " r TrrHr-rii'ii-Tiitin-^~"~" ' mm--' - •—' ' • — —..M—— i i ——I«I.II<»..w«^—— !• w • ' •»• •• BBOCKWAY'S ;**he Gazette In Veitfott. P®s • ^1.'. Hereafter copies of the GAZETTE can be the Store of the ISeleot SOUOQL • S. PAEULSEI Mlt obtained in Westportat the News Agency - |||ii BegnlarEngllshCourseFonr Y»ars, i J: TTB BANKING, Respeetfnlir informsthe ladlesof Norwalk «>i f • of JOHN N. BETTB. Price the same as at the clnlt;, that he hasengagedtheservlees af » Taesday, March 24,1874. Publication 5 cents. mww- -FOI&- | MMIC, URIIAIES, MAWIM AID PAIHTIN8 ^ '.- ... WESTPORT. ' h"J3 DEXLEB IK' , • Utt REAL ESTATE, !;! FIRST-CLASS MANUFACTURER Drawing from east and from nature. A limited vs- FAIRFIELD COUNTY ITEMS.* The " Star Chamber" excitement, which [ number of pupils received into tbe family. Spring at one time threatened to dash our legal, po­ SPECIAL BARGAINS AND THE CHOICEST spins mus I Term commences Monday, Feb. 9th, 1874. For -OF- - NEW CANAAN. 4 | circulars address MISSES UROCKWAY, * - INSURANCE, '~J * litical and social fabrics all to pieces, has «a Templars, is to be given next week Tues­ of English education. Also, hand, a dneassortmentof A rest for weary scribblers found, SHEET MUSIC,&b„ •• AGENT FOR day evening, at tbe Town Hall. They softly lit and sleep, PER HANGING !! Orawmg,Paintmg,Languages,Music Swltolies,»»• Etc. * * * HOUSE AHP SIGN PAINTING AND PA The Mutual Life Ins* Co., New York, OBJECT-DRAWING MADE A SPECIALTY. A — DARIEN. — Assets over (SO,000,000. Braids, It is claimed we have thus fair got along tost Manner. few Young Ladies received into the family. The The friends of the Rev. J. W. Coleman All outed [In tbe very Fall Term will commence Wednesday, Sept.10,73. Wall Street, Norwalk, Ct,. swimmingly, and with proper effort may MISS HELEN M. STEVdNS. PRINCIPAL. propose a public visit to him at his home at manage to wade through March. The Phenix Fire Ins. Co., Brooklyn, Norotou, on Thursday evening, March 26ib Murphy has regained his lost eight ozs. of • in• NEXT DOOR to SATING S BANK which he Is able to sell at lower ratesthan ever be J^TSves RANGES, Etc., , Assets over $2,000,000.: ; Tore offered. Ladies desiring such work, will do All aire most cordially invited to come at flesb. He did it without calling for extra At E. K. LOCKWOOD'S. well tocall before porchasiogclsewhere, as he ea» an early hour. allowances of victuals. I keep a large stock of instrument ton hand,and assHre them that he can sell twenty percent. lower ael 1 them on Monthly Installments, Everybody can Williamsburg Oity Fire Ins. Co., than any other dealer Last week, alluding to South Norwalk haveaPianoorOrgan. WEST DARIEN. No. 30 Main Street, Nor walk, Ct. OF BBOOKLYN. capitalists who were in the market seeking The next lecture in the scientific course [ Locast Hill Seminary • :!' •: Assets over $000,000. desirable stocks for permanent investment, 30LE AGEXT FOE THE CELEBRATED under the auspices of tbe Noroton Library the Saugatuck Valley railroad stock was Y0NKERS, 8. Y, Association, will be delivered by Prof. Hanover fire Ins. Co., of N.lY.City, mentioned as having speciil points of de> HISS A. RICE WEBER PIANOS, DRAIN PIPE!! ORAIN PIPED Hume, at Fitcb's-Hall, West Darien, March If yon want to Bay! Assets over $930,000. sirability, but, unfortunately the stock had ILL REMOVE HER SCHOOL FOR YOUNG The best In the.Market. Warranted to give satis* 38th, at 8 p. m. Subject, "Romance o! Theo. 9&rrison, faction, and from 25 to SO per cent, cheaper than long since been absorbed. It has transpired fl. M. & J. T. Prowitt W LADIES from Darien, Conn., to Locust Hill • STANLEY & SON'S, any other. Manufactured and for sale by • Chemistry." Clihildrcn's Round Combs, I Avenue, Yonkers. A Summer Term of twelve from 5 to 20 cents; weeks, will commence April 7th, 1874. For circu­ Connecticut Fire Ins. Co., Hartford, CHAS. T. LEONARD* SON. that tbe gentlemen wanting " Weslport lars and terms of tuition tor that time, address un­ Norwalk, Jan e 26,1S73. Stage Line" Stock, not Saugatuck Valley R. are now receiving a large variety of til April.1st, EMILY A. RICE, Darien, Conn., or GROVESTEEN & FULLER'S, £ 9 Assets over $700,000. WILTON. Horn and Rabbcr Fine Combs, Cillers his entire stock of FARRINGTON & ROCKWELL,No.l Getty House, Mr. A. M. Reed has bought out the R., bad got up a pool to gobble all the for 10 cents; Yonkers, N. Y. Wilton Coal Yard, and is now prepared to shares at a price per share several per cen i ; ...i'affiw HAINES BROTHER, National Fire Ins. Co., Philadelphia, FOOTB'l * s V turn more or less above par, and were actu­ Horn & Rubber Dressing Combs T tTHE% «. WHITLOCK'S Academy Assets over $400,000. serve the people with all varieties of coal. _Li WILTON, CONN.—Long standing; Healthy Tbe ladies of the Congregational Society ally figuriag the possible dividends to accrue, . for 10 cents; location; three buildings; 4a acres; two hours VASE dt SOlt from New York: both sexes; non-sectarianism; had bad weather for their entertainment when intelligence that the breeching to Mr. Imported Buflfhlo Horn Dressing no vacations; good discipline; all ages; parents Hartford Go. Mutual Fire Ins. Co, HAT STORE! Mills' best harness had broker, depreciating Combs, Ba OT saccommodated; best relerences: all expenses,— asd.vUlfar^ish atsbortaotlce. ' Assets over $140,000. both nights last week, and therefore will re­ ten weeks—$44; Modern Languages, Latin, Greek, ALL SHAPES! tbe stock, was flashed over the wires to for what they are worth; Stenography, Drawing, Book-keeping. Surveying, ALL COLORS! : ; - peat tbe affair this eveniog, with change of of all the South Norwalk, or in some oilier way reach­ and Engineering, 85 each; English Literature, ,:v Call and see them. .. ALL STYLBBt programme. Toilet Soups, well seasoned, Botany, Ac., {3; Day Pupils 95, per ten weeks. ed the ears of the stock hunters, scaring, Commutation on Dnnbury 4b Norwalk It. R„ and National and White Star Lines from the Nobble Young Hen's Hattothe Wldeftrlm and of the best makers, at less than actual cost, I my terms combined do not exceed the charges oi OF OCEAN STEAHIFHS. Planter. STAMFORD. and leading them to think a "corner,' cents a enke up; other schools. Pupils prepared for business or col­ OLD X£TST3,?202TTS A passenger on one of the afternoon around which they might not be able to lege. Opposite M. E. Church. Send for circular. UO TO IIVIST FiTTtlK SPECIALTY trains going east, Saturday, had a very nar­ squeeze, was imminent, causing them to row escape from being eruslied by tbe cars I T7EATHER DUSTERS aken in Exchange for New, Passaje Tickets aafl Draftsfor Sale at the depot in Stamford. He had alighted haul off, not permanenily, but until the de? J? At E. K. LOCKWOOD'S. pot rogjl widening shall be finished, when for refreshments—though it is said he bad (NILE'S DRUG STORE. Pianos, Melodeons and Organs, TUNING AND REPAIRING made to order and warranted to lit, by a French already more than enough of the fluid kind they expect the stock will again advance, REAL ESTATE Conformeter, (first nsed In town.) Old Style* Re- —and returning too late, attempted to get Mrs. PAWOETT modeledinto present shapes. and another chance to make be presented. REPAIRED AND TUNED Done at short notice. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. on board while the train was in motion. Until that blissful hour, they will repose in He missed his footing and fell between the II p fast a Chance to Get RDERS left at L. Weed's jewelry store or P. O. Oi No. i WATER STREET, ' UMBRELLAS, CANES, TRUNKS the atmosphere of their usual willingness ttf box 002, vrill receive prompt attention. SHOES BONDS BOUGHT AXD SOLD OX COMMISSION. cars and the platform. It is just possible O TRAVELING BAGS, SHIRTS, for a man to do this and escape, provided loan on good, security at rates ranging any­ Four Large Bottles of Laundry CHAS. MENZEL. Would respectfully announce to the Ladies of Nor­ ; v. TIi© Weber Piano. Bluing Norwalk, Jan. 14th, 1874. 3t3. walk and vielnlt.r that she is now prepared to sup- Deposltsre.relved, Interest allowed on balances, and COLLARS, NECK WEAR, he has sufficient presence of mind to "lay where from two to four per cent, a month. [ ply them with a full and complete assortment of A few Extracts from the great number received a general Banking Business carried on. For partic­ low until tbe train passes. Two young " for 25 cents; GLOVES, de., <£•«. Frogs and turtles fell the mildness of by the most eminent musicians of the United States, ulars apply to men name Pat Corlies and Michael Geratt.v, Two Bottles ol Ink ROOMS AND BRUSHES, AT REDUCED PRICES maynotbe inappropriate 1 Lander s Block, Washington 8tr«« who witnessed tbe accident, sprang forward, Thursday, and " hollered" for the first time B ATE. K. LOCKWOOD'S. Millinery Goods, I have neverscen a Piano which eqnalsthe Webei SOUTH NORWALK, CONN. and before the traveler eould make an ef­ this season. for 10 cents; Pianoforte. Geo. F.Bristow. MELYILLE E. MEAD, fort to escape from his perilous position, Of the Best Styles and Quality, The Weber Piano occupies juBtly the Flrstrank wild duck was shot on E. H. Nash's Mucilage amongstthe Best Pianos. J. If. Pattison, they forcibly held him down, and thereby, NEW FRAMES. OR in all probability, saved his life. One of mill pond last week, and now all the sports­ at 12 cents per bottle; and I Cheaper than ever before offered in Norwalk. Iy38 The WeberPianoscannotpossiblybe surpassed. ! the man's feet came so near tbe wheels that men are " pointing" in lhat direction. COMPLETE assortment of BONNET and S. B. Jlittt. ! -w •; an overshoe he wore was taken off, but Fine Writing,.Paper A ROUND HAT FRAMES, can now be found at I usedthe WeherGrandPiano.because I consider JACOB 91. LAYTOTM, Casbler, Since tbe burning of the schooner,—tbe it the Bestln the World. Harry Sanderxm. FIRB t luckily without injuring his foot. The gen­ at 12^ ceats a quire, MRS. M. B. SETTS' WIFT & COURTNEY'S PARLOR MATCHES, James K. Polk, Captains John and Peter The WeberPianopossesseseyeryth'ngthatcanbe OLD BANK BUILDING, WASHINGTON ST., The most protection for the least ameunt of money. tleman appeared very grateful to his pre­ Go as soon as yon can before that Job Lot is gone s At E. K. LOCKWOOD'S. wished for in a Piano. Bulkley have discovered who some of their —small articles, but they are Norwalk, March 2d, 1S74. Geo. w. Morgan. OLIVER E. WILSON, servers, ana promised to reward them lib­ The Weber Piano ranks foremost amongst the erally. substantial friends are. Made manifest on Selling at Half-Price. Best Manufactared. Wm. Maton. \ SOUTH NORWALK, CONN. Successor to George W. Raymond, and C.tC.F. On Friday afternoon last, between four paper, payable " to order," the Capts. are of TO SUIT THE TIMES. DEHIION & NEWCOMB TheWeberPisnosstand First amongst the splen­ Adams, lor the and five o'clock, the roof of Lockwood & the opinion that such friends are worthy the SOMETHING NEW! J Have taken the TWO LARGE STORES in Ray­ did Pianos produced in this Country. Jessup's carpenter shop, Canal street, took A full line of Fopular mond's Building, Nos. S3 and 55 Main Street, and Clara N.Rrinkerhof. fire from some sparks proceeding from the title, and that mere expressions of sentiment­ intend to keep constantly ou hand a choice and A ten vears' acquaintance satisfies me that the • " TTSE : ApolM Fire Insurance Co., chimney, and which, alighting on the al sorrow while the fire brands of what one Norwalk Novelty Works. fine assortment of Weber Pianosare unapproachable.—John Zunift. of Watcrtown, New York, aeent for Darien, Nor­ Patent Medicines, Pressed Herbs, walk, Westport, Easton and Weston, solicits inni* shingles and being fanned by tbe heavy is possessed are smoking, don't amount to Gall and See Lazarus & Morris9 ranee of all kinds in the best companies and on the breeze then blowing, quickly started what much. Henri, COTTER As CHASMAR most reasonable terms. General Aarent for tks threatened to be a serious conflagration. Medicinal Preparations, Hi*™.,, B^Ifhujily GROCERIES . I would call especial attention to CONTINENTAL LIFE and TRAVELLERS AC­ The sun crossed laat Friday, but th.e 'liner and the necessary but almost numberless articles AVING formed a co-partnership, and located CELEBRATED PERFECTED CIDENT INSURANCE CO'S., of Hartford, Conn., By prompt action, however, on tbe part of to be found in a well stocked .Drug Store. Yonr H their business in the basement of the Brick together with a good variety of : ( a 'few persons who happened to be at hand, which frequently whips in upon usfrom the custom solicited. Building of Mr. Wm. K. James, on Water Street, josite the Post office, in the office of A. D. Brfesh. are now prepared to furnish to order, articles or Elsewhere. anuary 1st, 1874. the fire was subdued, aud without any gen­ north east, did not accompany. There must machinery of either eral alarm.—Advocate. Crockery, and Glass Ware. THE ESTY COTTAGE ORGAN SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES. be a screw loose in the Department of H. L. UHLE, In the upper store they have also opened a . Tbe Temperance Crusade In Green* Weather, and its prophets be treading on No 11 MAIN SHEET. Iron, Steel, Brass, or Wood, THE BEST IN THE WORLD. ground which will make them less entitled Beautifully finished in black walnut and trleb. STEAM,WATER & GAS FITTING, rosewood, combining more perfections than to honor. r and will'repair all kinds of Machinery and House- T*7"ALL BRACKETS, PISH MARKET One thousand ladies of Greenwich have Is, &c.. and hope by strict attention, to W. At E. K, LOCKWOOD'S. any other in the world. Has taken more THEY WEVEU TIKE TBE EYE signed the following address, which has Dora Croft, of Saugatuck, has re­ to furnish to the public a place where where all kinds ot Fish can be obtained in the than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY GOLD MRD* And lasts many years without change. INITIAL ceived a proposition to continue her present anything of a miscellaneous character, can be proper season. Also the best of AXS AND FIRST PREMIUMS, at Fairs and Ex­ been presented to r ch liquor dealer in the botainea. FOR SALE BY school in Greenwich. hibitions throughout the United States. place by a committee of ladies soliciting ONE PRICK CARRIAGES! They are endorsed by the highest musical LINUS WEED, signatures : Mr. H. Buahnell and family leave West- A large assortment of all kinds of Carriages, FRUIT AND VEGETABLES authorities. ; We, tbe undersigned women of Green­ port for a new home near Norwich, on Tues­ THE FISH POOL " ALL WARRANTED. in large or small quantities. Also AND JEWELER, wich, knowing the terrible effects which day. • >/'*: DRY GOODS STORE \irILL be opened on WEDNESDAY, FEB. 18th, Bar of First Hands, and aave Com- Certainly the best I ever heard. TT 1874, on the Bridge, between the Starr Gro­ mlMlona and Double Profit*. OYSXSRS, OYSTERS (Under the Opera Honse,) 41 are produced in this community by tbe sale Operations will shortly be commenced at Geo. IF. Morgan. NORWALK, CONN. cery and the Model Market, where all kinds ot BUGGIES, PHAETONS, of intoxicating liquors, after much deliber­ Wood's cotton-wadding factory. by the quart, gallon, bushel or barrel- PAPER ation have decided as our first step, to ap­ FISH, CLAMS AND OYSTERS LIGHT FAMILY ROCKAWAYS, It is vocal, which is the highest praise that peal to you to desist from this traffic in our Chess, at Mr. C. C. Alden's Saturday can be bestowed on any instrument. can be found, also FRUIT AND VEGETABLES PARK PHOTONS, DEPOT John A. Honnecker, • 4 • • Y,. Z J town. Large and enthusiastic meetings night. in their season, Wholesale and Retail, Cheap for 9 G. B. Seymour, Musical Critic N. T. Times. Cash. l)y GERSHOM RAYMOND, AND BUSINESS WAGONS, have been held upon the subject, where, A little more than the average number ef Oalx.e, Pies* tbo„ with one voice, wo deplored the dangers formerly of the firm of Bell & Raymond, South and other styles. They are the best reedinstrument we have 1 LARGE ASSORTMENT OP THB LATEST new voters have " been made" tbis spring, 1 Norwalk, Conn. alwavs a supply of fresh baked on hand. —- 9 to which it exposes our husbands, brothers, MR. G. S. ALLEN will be on hand to wait upbn met with. FOOT OF HILL HILL. and some of them will positively vote the all who will favor me with a call. 1 , NICHOLS, PECK & CO., DK1HMOK & SEVCOHB, STYLES, JUST RECEIVED AT ' and especially our sons, placing before them C. <6 J. JI. Odell, Organ Builders, N. T, Bread. Rolls, Pies. Cakes, Crullers. &c., baked continual temptations to sin, and leading Democratic ticket, the balance will support Grand Special Manufacturers, S3 and 55 main Street. fresh everv day. Everything made out of good them into paths which bring both soul and the Republicans. REGISTRARS' NOTICE. 2ml0 No. 40 John St., BRIDGEPORT; It is the neplus ultra of reed instruments. material, and by carcful and competent workmen. body to destruction. We earnestly appeal OTICE is hereby given that tho Registrars oi Prof . E. L. Baker. Try our Baking. to the better instincts of your hearts, in the The reputation for excellence of Wcstport SALE OF N Voters of the First Voting District of the town OODEN-WARE smelts js spreading much faster, it is to be of Norwalk. will be in session at the Town Clerk's ATH BRICK AND SILVER WHITE, At E. K. LOCKWOOD'S. name of desolated homes,' ruined lives, Office, iif said District, on TUESDAY, the 17th and B At E. K. LOCKWOOD'S. w It contains sweetness and poirerin an FOR SALE. SELLECK'S blasted hopes and widowed hearts, for tbe regretted, than the increase of the supply. 1 FRIDAY the 20th, and on TUESDAY, the 24th, unusual degree.—Rev. Bishop Simpson, M. honor of ourcomuiunity.forourprospcrity, Seines are daily drawn but few fish caught. and FRIDAY, the 27th days of March, 1874, from E. Church. BAY MARE. Enquire of for our happiness, for our good name as a HAMBURG EDGINGS, 9 o'clock a.m.. until 12 o'clock m., on each of said E.C. BISSELL. These, like choice wines of certain foreign days, for the purpose ef correctingand revising the town, for the sake of our own souls, which Voting Lists of said First Voting District. Language fails in adequacy to convey a are to be' saved or lost. In the name of vintage, find their way to tbe palates of Norwalk. March 14th, 1874. fair idea of the perfectly enchanting power ANTERNS that God who will judge you as well such as having silver hooks, know best how EDWARD MEBItlLL,) Registrars of Voters, of this instrument.—Independent. At E. K. LOCKWOOD'S. BOOKSTORE. HAMBURG EDGINGS, GEORGE N. ELLS, { 1st Voting District. GARDEN as ourselves, we entreat you to dfsist to bait and secure the prise. from tbis great sin among us, and place Vastly superior to anything of the kind 1 To see through a glass darkly, is one thing, REGISTRARS' NOTICE. SELLING AT COSH yourselves in the ranks of those who are OTICE is hereby Hvcn that the undersigned -AND- have ever played upon.— Wm. A. King. striving to elevate and ennoble their fellow but to sec darkly through a glass is another. N Registrars of Voters for the Second Voting men, and to tbis we ask you to pledge your­ HAMBURG EDGINGS, District of the town of Norwalk, will bold sessions The Esty Organs are without a superior. So said a " Poortown" man, who, on his ar­ at the office of William S. Bouton, in said District, selves. rival home, tried to look but from his kitch­ on Friday, the 23th, and Saturday, the 21st days of Geo. Jardme, Organ Builder, N. T. March, 1874, from 1 o'clock, p. m., until 5 o'clock, en window into the garden, some few feet 1) ANBURY. p. m.. and on Thursday, the 26th. ana Friday, the FLOWER SEEDS! No tremolo has yet been invented that distant, but couldn't on account of tbe dirt HABBUBG INSHM, 27th days of March, 1874, from 1*2 o'clock, m., to 5 will in any way compare with this for beau­ The Danbury Public Library is receiving o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of perfecting the and grease on the window pane. Boggs voting list of said district. A large, as well as ty of efiect.—Wm.A.Johnson, Organbuilder. C.J. GRUMAN an invoice of new books. JOSEPH R. RAYMOND, The First church sunday school has add­ says the man tried to look through an old NELSON J. CRAW, It is not merely the fos^but it is the only ed two hundred new volumes to its library. bat. HAMBURG INSERTING!!, Registrars of Voters for 2d Voting Dist. of Norwalk. Norwalk, March 11th, 1874. OHOIOB VARIETY, raechanicalreproduction of the human voice The debt of St. James Episcopal church Mr. James W. Hyatt has become sexton I BLANKETS, which lias ever satisfied me.—Rev. H. C. is f11,0U0. A year ago it was $87,000. wax SSZX AT Tlieo. Thomas honors Danbury with a of Christ church, vice Mr. H. Bushnell, re­ REGISTRARS' NOTICE. now on hand; just received at Riggs, President of Northern New York Musi- HAMBURG INSERTING, OTICE is herebyeiven thai the Registrars oi cal Association. concert tbis evening. signed. N voters for the Third Voting District of Nor- S. Ed. Dickens bas gone to California. Tbe effect of the late March blow has WE ABE NOW OPENING THE ABOVE GOODS whlk, will meet at the store of Hanford & Osborn, AND Mrs. Phoebe Benedict celebrated her 90th in said district,on Thursday the 19th,and on Friday H. M. & G. S. PROWITT'S. been the organisation of a '* Well-bouse ' AT the 20th, and on Thursday the 26th. and Friday the J.ffl. POTTER, Norwalk. birthday last Tuesday. „ 27th days of March, 1874, from 9 o'clock, a. m., Mrs. M. A. Bailey delivered a temperance regulating corps," and, although working until 5 o'clock, p. m.. on each of said days, for the GREATLY REDUCED PRICES lecture under the auspices of the Wash- full hours each day, the corps will require revision and correction of the Voting List of said District. ingtonians, at the Opera House, Sunday af­ two weeks yet to complete that for which Lower Prices WM. B. HENDRICK,) Registrars of voters, CRESCENT SPECTACLES! ternoon, week. There was a very large FRANK B. SMITH. |Third votingdistrict. Improve Yonr Slgriit. they were brought into existence. Norwalk, Feb. 25th, 1874. and enthusiastic attendance. Mrs. Bailey Tho Crescent Spec iBBBBEB) tacles now offer­ was followed by other lady speakers. The Last week three cyphers to many made THAN HAVE EVER BEEN OFFERED TO THE ed to* the public are guaranteed su­ HAIR! Tbe undersigned begs leave to inform the people came is gaiuiig strength every day. one million trout read one billion. Yonr TRADE, AND CUSTOMERS WILL FIND NOTICE. perior to all others n in the market. For ofr Norwalk and vicinity that having a large clearness and dis- Ml tinctness of vision ' Nash & Raymond remove on tbe first of compositor must think the hatching capaci­ s hereby given that the Selectmen and 4bwn they arc unrivaled Ma the total absence April from their present old headquarters I Clerk of the town of Norwalk, will hold a ses of prismatic colors refract oryrays U11ES' U! un ty at the trout ponds something immense. sion at the Town House, for the purpose of examin­ s on Maiu street, to White street opposite the always found in Pebbles renders REAL BARGAINS, ing the qualifications of electors and admitting to Trade Mark Wooster House. On Saturday Mr. E. M. Lees received from the elector's oath, those who shall be found quali­ them especially desirable. Being ground with great The Democratic Senatorial Convention, the Fish Commissioners for the Association, fied, on Monday, the 23d inst., from 9 o'clock in the HAIR! care, they are free from all imperfections and im­ forenoon, until 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and by Xlth District, will be held at the Wooster abou> 6,000 spawn of what are called land IN THESE VERY SERVICEABLE GOODS. of all kinds of purities They are mounted in Gold, Silver, Shell, House, Monday, March 80th. PRICES' BANGING FROM 6 CENTS TO «1 PER public adjournment of said meeting will be in ses­ Rubber and Steel Frames aud will last many yeare locked salmon. These with 500,000 previ­ sion for the said purpose, at the office of William without change. For sale only by our Agents. The controversy between the proprietor YARD. ALSO A FINE LINE OF T. Craw, in South Norwalk, on Tuesday, the 24th 3. SPENCER, Jeweler & Optician, is Sole Agent of the Opera House and the Warden and ously received, and some 50,000 troHt spawn, Inst., from 9 o'clock in the forenoon, until & o'clock for Norwalk. KJ*None genuine without the trade the Burgesses, has been amicably arranged, will call into requisition tbe best efforts of in the afternoon, and also will be in session for the TINTEB HORSE CLOTHING, mark stamped on every pair. Manufactured by same purpose, on Saturday, the 28th inst., at said •HAIR! Fellows* Holmes & Ciapp, New York.. the bill for the sidewalk having been paid Supt. Jelliffe. Town House, from 9 o'clock in the forenoon nntil 5 on condition that tbe rate for licences to o'clock in the afternoon, and not afterwards, with Look for Trade Mark. No peddlers employed. Tbe schooner Sarah B. Buckley will take iiiuw&mu this exception; the Selectmen and Town Clerk will consisting of entertainments at the Opera House be fixed be session on Monday, the 6th day of April next, at PS at seventy-five dollars per annum or five the place of the James E. Polk, as a market said Town House, from 9 o'clock in the forenoon D It ESS GOODS, dollars per night, subject to the approval of until 12 o'clock, noon, if necessary, and not after­ ''tlr boat. The Polk is to be repaired. She wards for the purpose of admitting to tbe elector's K a Borough meeting to be called for that floats and her forward work are intact. Black Silks, oath, if found qualified, such persons only whose BUFFALO {ROBES, purpose.—Nites. rights to be made electors shall have matured after O Tbe event of last week was the arrival on Saturday, the 28th inst., and on or before the day of (treat Redactions Blankets, K Thursday of the, to us, new Hook and Lad­ electors' meetiilg. . BRIDGEPORT. Applications from the Third Voting District can der Truck purchased of your Pioneer boys. Black Silks, be made either in the First or Secona Districts, on IN PRICES OF Woolen Robes,Horse Blankets, etc. . The case from South Norwalk of Alexan­ the above named days. der Raymond vs. Geo. I Keeler, an action There was much mud, and Mr. Joe Mills dusoi fl r. nAnEunis, 1 In order to make room for Spring Goods, and also to recover for ice sold, was tried in the who bad been arranged with to do the haul­ CHARLES W. SMITH. {Selectmen, as an Inducement to those wishing to purchase the - ANDREW SELLECK, J . above mentioned articles wiU close them out LINEN DAMASK, Court of Common Pleas, and a verdict of ing, found a tight pull even with his stout Black Silks, HENRY K. SELLECK, Town Clerk. $130.87 and costs rendered for the plaintiff. REAL HAIR. horses to raise the hills hencefrom Norwalk Norwalk, March 16th, 1874. P John B. Gough will deliver his lecture We have greatly increased our stock of Table Napkins, "Now and Then." at the Opera House, and to navigate Peat Swamp. The institu­ Black Alpacas, n Thursday, April 9th. tion however was forced to come being FIRST MORTGAGE GOLD RONDS ALSO And ever^rticlein my stock, at prices to pleat* all A young man named John Langdon, wanted at her new home, and towards night Black Alpacas, Switches, o while performing on a turning bar at North was met by members of tbe new company VERMONT DIVISION Bridgeport last Sunday, fell and broke bis . \ - DR. FLINT'S H FOR OASH. leg. at or near the residence of Theodore Taylor. Braids,' HARMS!: The following divorces hare been granted: The boys were eager to "take bold" and re­ Black Alpacas, PortM & OiWirE RailroaJ Elisabeth Weed, from Alfred Weed, all of lieve the horses, and after passing through HARNESS! QUAKER BITTERS m Stamford; cause, intolerable cruelty. Anna WITH Green, from Isaac N. Green, both of Bridge­ the streets on the East side to give the good at 20 per cent.lesB than actual value. Curls, These celebrated Sitters are com­ 0. J. Gruman. port ; cause, desertion and neglect. folks a ebance to see, was temporarily posed of choice Roots, Herbs, and Traffic Guaranty I . IIVI5MSS! Barks, Uitiong which are Qen~ M Edward T. Green, from Martha E. Green. housed beneath Taylor, Richards & Brad­ WE PROPOSE TO GIVE OUR CUSTOMERS tian, Sarsaparilla, Wild Cherry, Cause, misconduct. Tbe parties belong in ley's Coal Sheds. A building for the Truck's THB BENEFIT OF ALL BABGAINS PUR­ H Stamford. CHASED. . * Dandelion, Juniper, and other reception, on a site adjoining "Compo's," ot all kinds at greatly berries, ana are so prepared as to Mary E. Buttery, of Stamford, from Frank retain all their medicinal qual­ TAX COLLECTOR'S SALE. lin P. Buttery, of Stamford, and the custody was finished Saturday by regular and' vol­ N. B.—ALWAYS ON HAND THE Wigs, &C. ities. They invariably cure or W OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned of the children given her. Cause, adultery unteer workmen, an interested crowd watch­ Eastern R. R. of Massachusetts. greatly relieve the following com- N under and by virtue of a certain Tax War- and desertion. ; We will also make up all kinds of REDDCED PRICES fOR CASH. 14 ;mt. duly executed and signed by proper authori- ing progress. An upper room to be neatly - Jaundice, L The registrars have received 636 applica­ Safe and Conservative New Eng* K *, and directed to the iinuersipnef!, commanding finished, will serve tbe company for holding % m to levy autl collect ot WILLIAM W. HAlt- tions " to be made" voters in tbis town this land Investment. Switches, Curls, &c., I would also mention that I have secured the Eh KALL, and of others named 'in the rate-book, or meeting. The truck was consigned to her services ot Mr. !C W. BROWN, (formerly ol Mr. iist to said warrant annexed, their several propor­ sitting. Ip the 1st ward 203; in the 2nd, ASSORTMENT OF FANCY GOODS-XOT AT Remittent and Intermittent Fe­ 'I 874 apd in the 3d 158. new quarters, having been subjected to the The Issue is LIMITED to $20,000 per mile and has* \\ .Vf • -OF- '• Blackinan's of New Haven, also the maker of the vers, Ague, Cold Chills, Rheuma­ tions of the sum total as therein stated, said sums 1 FANCY PRICES. Leather Cross. Picture Frame, etc., on exhibition gq being a tax or assessment agreed upon by the in­ A colored man named S. D. B. Smith, liv- scrutiny of the people who pronounced her a basis of a Cash Capital Stock of SI,200,000 paid in at the Norwalk Fair.) to take charge of my store tism, Summer Complaints, Files, habitants of the town ot Norwalk, regularly anil iog in Whiting street, attempted suicide last at par. aud supply the wants of those wishing tho Kidney Diseases, Female Diffi­ M ..vi standtug, containing 23 acres ot land, more er less, will arrest nearly " Ladies and Gents' Traveling Bags, bounded northerly L>y land of Charles U. Hall and, port, for the G. A. R. Sec, C. Guyer j Treas. Cbas. Kemper, Jr CONCERT EVERY AFTERNOON, others, easterly on land of the heirs of Benjamin P. T. Barnum is advertising in tbe Lon­ Compo Engine Co. at a late meeting pass­ ALL FORMS OF COUGHS From 2 to 5 o'clock. No charge for Reserved Seats. Isaacs, deceased, and others and highway, and don newspapers for estimates for the con- SHAWL STRAPS, &C., southerly and westerly by highway, as will raise ed a vote of thanks to Mrs. M. F. Wmslow; leading to Consumption. It is nnlike ordinary H, M. & G. S. PROWITT. the sum of Ten Dollars and Twelve Cents, that be (taction of his transatlantic balloon, which Cough Remedies, inasmuch as it contains no dan* ing the proportion of the said John Moore, of th* he intends to have flrished early in tbe Mr. S. H. Aldcn; Mr. E. H. Nash; Mr. John gerous agents, while it is , at very Low Figures. sum total in said list, together with all legal lees to Summer, - W. Taylor; and the Westport Band for val­ be added A Bridgeport man has been troubled for uable presents and gifts in money. By judi­ Efficient, Curative, Pleasant to the B.M.& J. T, PROWITT The Public are Invited to call and examine our SAMPLE, • Also will sell at PuUk Auction at the premises ,r :i'"f the last few days by rats gnawing at the stock of Goods. BANNER. herein described, on the !2nd day of May, 1S74. at cious use of tbe money the company have Taste, BAltSTOWj • 10 o'clock, a. ra., so ranch of tlu following described hoofs of the horses, while they were stand­ Mid universally successful, and no bad results can LIBERTY, real o«tate, as set in the list of 1S72. to JAMES ing in the stable. Friday the horses were been enabled to place their machine in fine ptuslbl^r follow its use. Don't fail to get a bottle. COOK KEED, of Darien. and situated in the town of Nor* JUSTICE, walk, in quantity twelve acres, more or less. wth( newly shad, and their hoofs behind thickly order. " PATO." A. FAIR TRIAL. STEWART'S, the buildings thereon standing, bounded aorth bv covered with tar. Saturday morning it was H. M, & c. &. Prowitt* Rejaifiiii Promptly Attended to, HARP, land of A Ifrod Piatt, and others, soutit ky laud for-* found the rats had changed tbeir feeding Mr. Melancthon Disbrow, being about to One month of experience will satisfy you of the FINN'S EQUINE LINIMENT. RED JACKET, STOVES merly of Rufus Rider, and others, cast by land, ground to the front feet, the hoofs of which advantage gained in using a pure Soap. The fab­ _ . . . never tails to cure - formerly of Abraham Camp, aud westerly bv high­ remove West, will sell at Auction, on rics washed will show It to. Sola by Grocers way, as will raise, tho-MUM;of Xhlrty-llvc Dollao* were eaten off so closfe that they bled. Poi­ Thursday afternoon, a lot of household generally. RHEUMATISM, SQRE THROAT. FROSTED tffij At E. K. LOCKWOOD'S, that being the proportion of tho paid James son was plentifully strewn around the stable, FEET, BURNS AND CUT9, & Q, GUTLE# Seed, of tbs ram total in. said list, together with and Sunday morning six large rats were furniture, farming implements, horse, car* rtUSPADOBES. ONLT JAMES PILE, ManDfactnr^r, WOUNDS. &c. till legal.fees to lie added. 1 rlsge, &e.. Oyysilts Oysra Haaw, Wall Street. iMteVNorimfe JMaiah !»&, A. !>.. 1874. $ found dead dn the fltfdr. — * snr vrant.' J^wWSnfTiltwfm: HEBr Colfcctor lirt o«.1873. ' •HS: ^SHgfSP sag*** —

iSWWfeWBWllliUM11-J : U.-II.1U-U11 r-W-l-LJ ' m- ASSETS AFTER DEDVCTDtCi ne IOVEEBS, paid. The Herald building in Nassau' flEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CONVEYANCES. Carriage Making 0E01BGE WARD SELIXCK, WILLIAM C. STREET, • — AND — jr waffiritling ^lqr aldc, f - • J street, one of the busiest localities in! the Millions of Acres CHICAGO LOSSES. Aild slieslglied an^lfieihesighed, city was built at a cost of millions. But it 18 Water Street, FBEmHT line. ^.Hasconstantlyln stocfe athlaiewsUad, mrtEfl & MERIUIL, mHSsnbscriher Isfullyprepared.-at htsestabllsh Said he," My darling idol!" don't rent. The cost of the building is so Wholesale and Retair Dealer In §£2 w- A ment. near theFOOT OF MILL HlLL.to man- And lie idle4 and then she idled, : enormous that no one can afford to pay a RICH FARMING LANDS STo. O Main street, Agentf at Norwalk, Conn.,issue Policies fort he ufactnre Carriages to order,and todo all Kinds of ^5i Tuesday, March. 24* 1874. IN NEBRASKA, -! ' followinglnguranceCompaniee: REPA1RING in hlsline The wood-work depart­ You are creation's belle," ~ •• .••- •••' •;•• • -=^ rent that will be remunerative. Forinstance, Mtn a ofH ar Lfor d C t S4,04T,3TS0T ment is nnderthechargeof John S.Lockwoodan t A choice and fineaiscrtmentot „ t- : NORWALK AND ftfff YlK. f t HARDWARE, Hartford, " - 1,537,5)900 experienced and capable workman. Paintingand And she bellowed, and he bellowed'. 1 THE OBMIN OF OIIIFLBI. small offices on the third floor are held at NOW FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. -Phcenlx • • 'Us 1,031,18984 Trimmingexecutedinthebest manner. Oh my soul there's such a weight," > j $2,500 per year, which rent requires an ex­ JPeonle's.oJlliddletown ,C tl 248,87486 1J10 G.ROCKWELL. Ton Years Credit) Interest only 6 Groceries, . •. IRON, STEEL, MECHANICS' TOOLS, AURI -Home; ofNew York, k 2,723,20658 And he waited, and then she waited, k cellent business to pay? Men go to less ex­ • x • *: My mischief-loving maiden Bell! Per Cent. ,\ • '''' "" CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, CARRIAGE Phcenix, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1,545,55710 Your hand I ask, so bold rm grown." pensive buildings where they can get light­ Descriptive Pamphlets, with Sectional Maps, sent Continentalof New York, 1,427,49621 SOMETHING NEW! Sit here and listen while I tell- free. Provisions, BODIES, WHEELS, RIMS, SHAM'S, Internationa] " 829,47600 And she groaned and then be groaned.. er rents, and the big splendid buildings are Westchester, o f New Rocbelle ,N.Y., ,453,930 32 A FIRST CLASS CITY Awhile your saucy tongue to tame— HUBS AXLES, SPRINGS, BOLTS, g« Springfield, of Springfield,SI ass, rJS79,78000 You shall haye a private gig," " A pretty tale without a name, empty. The Domestic Sewing Machinc THE PIONEER, Flour, ; !•* f people's,Worcester, Mass., IS 600,00000 A handsome Illustrated Paper, containing the SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, PAlNTSi| g I WHITE'S PROPELLERS And she giggled, and then he giggled. i Save this, of "How the Dimples Came." Co.'s building, corner Broadway and Four­ Will continue to makereznlar trips between Nor­ Franklin;Phila., PA., ~ 3,268,91839 DRAPER *- Homestead Lav), mailed free to all parts of the 18 i OILS, GLASS, VARNISH, AC., S ^ walk Bridge and New York, daring the winter, slop­ Commerce, Albany, N. Y >^64,42400 Said she," My dearest Luke," • > teenth, has never paid one per cent on its world. Address, O. F. DAVIS, Land Commis­ : • ,• . , & ., • rfitvVr ing at Sonth Norwalk to reccire and leave freight. Narragansctt, oiTrovidencc.R. I., 754,94700 sioner XT. 1*. E. K., OMAHA, NEB. Fruit c ANT> ' ' • • And he looked, and then she looked. ^ r A merry girl, the story goes, cost. I could mention twenty .such build­ At LowestNew York Prices, Jrefght received from and delivered at the freight Andes, Ciucinnati, O. 1,250,00000 depot of the Danbury & Norwalk Railroad. Home, of Columbus, O., 438,447 34 ' I'll have thee, ii thou wilt," X Jit rwWHh eyes of violets, cheeks of rose, ings, the history of one answering for the To which he wo jldinvlte theattention of allwho Alemania,Cleveland, O , 295,00000 wish t o {. a rchase first-class goods, ft t Produce sold as heretofore. Freight at nsnal And lie wilted, and then she willed. ^ ;||0ne day, with feet that noiseless stepp'd rest. The Domestic Comp.any pays a rates. Liverpool,and London, andGlobe.sepa­ TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT Roasonablo Prices. WAll persons arc forbid trusting any of the em­ rate Are assets, S.066,10500 k Behind her lover, tiptoe crept; ground rent of $30,000 per year and the Fairfield County ployees of tbe boats of bis line on account of the NorthBritlslundMercantile, do do 8,104,69800 At No.1 Gazelle Building,(up stairs.) owners thereof. Queen of LivSfpool ^n(j so a strange event occurred; .2«.fcii Honsatonic Railroad. and fitted np the same as a NOTICE. who knew him, asked him, if he was the The liquor interest is too immense, and the S ®IS QEsuil8criber would respectfolly calltheatten- At 0 22 p. m. For Danbnry, and all Stations. It happen'd thus as I have heard; gp 8C0 Of,-* man who had fonr aces beaten. lawlessness of the element affected by it is 3 tion of the pnblicto their At 1112 a. m For Ritljellcld and intermediate BE undersigned having this day formed a co­ The dainty mouth, too small, I doubt, T Confectionery Store partnership under the name of GJEOKGE H. He answered: "Yes, sab; I'se de man." too dangerous to be tackled in that way. —I Stations. • T To let so much of smiling out, & At 1135 p.m. Freighttrain, U '48 —and— RAYMOND & Co., for the purpose of transacting " Will you haye any objection to telling But the good people are at work neverthe­ CO P.ai5 ' NEW STOCK" OF GOODS, Capita!^ the Furniture and Undertaking Business, at the old |fBecame a prison most secure, ; v ; j stand of E. Raymond & Son, respectfully solicit the less, in the way I indicated in previous let­ Leave Norwalk Bridge for South Norwalk. it r _ And held the loving legions sure. At T 32 10 45a.m., 2 13 5 23 850p.m. Refreshment Saloon, patronage of the public. < "I's afeared it will git nie into trouble ; ters, and they are strengthening their hands consisting of a general assortment Of is fully prepared to supply the public with every Norwalk, June 10th, 1S73. S4*;"Wcaried at length, of durance rile, VALLEY PIASTER0 $302,924.39 GEORGE N. RAYMOND, but if de judge is willing," appealing to the by meetings of personal solicitation, and Assets, 1, Jnln873, Leave Danburvfor Norwalk variety of j ; .. , WILLIAM R. LOCKWOOD. ^Impatient grew each captive smil#; ' J WORKS, j 630 and 94S a. m.;1 05 4 20p. m.; Freighttrain Choice Confectionery, , .«i : foreman, "I will t611 it." every other way. One good effect of the J W. S. HANFOBD,President, at 610 p. m. Mil' _ _ " Iu view of the change above named the under­ ' "Still, fain some pullet new to seek, ANSONIAj JOHN W.BACON,Snp't. lee Cream, signed requests that all parties indebted to the late The judge consented, when Scipio said: v agitation has been the awakening of the B«ots^h«es,Claitepi, - They wreathed and coil'd in either cheek, CONN. H, R. TURNER, Secretary. # Soda Water, firm of E. Baymond'& Son, will call and settle their "You see, 1 lives on de cattle trail from churches to the evil. Trinity Church is the 7 ^52 accounts without delay. Still at the ruby portals fast, HEW Y0RI, HEW HAVEN & HARTFORD RAILROAD • ' Ottawa Beer,4 St25 GEORGE H. RAYMOND. Texas through de Creek country to Kansas, richest religious corporation in the c^ntry, &c both for Gentlemen and Ladles* wear, which NEW YORK & NEW HAVEN DIVISION. Vainly sought exit, and at last LAND Si? M Foreign and Domestic Fruit, and I was out in de road one day, and I and her wealth is almost entirely in real WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Grows desperate, so the story closes, PLASTER THE TIMfeS ARE HARD, BUT THE Nuts, Cigars, &e. NEW ROOMS! meets a gentleman ahead of a big drove of estate. The singular fact has been develop­ > wlllbe sold very low for Cash, at theold stand, Commercing November 11th, 1S72. f tCleft a new passage through the roses ? j PEOPLE MUST EAT! rrains'.eave Passenger Station at Sonth Norwalk Ladies and gentlemen can obtain Oysters and cattle." t t • j *' ed that this church rents one hundred and 'a Meals at all hoursla the Restaurant. NEW FURNITURE ! •/AGENTS j as follows: "He says, Old man, do you live in dis Love's kiss half heal'd the tender harm, '• twenty buildings to wholesale and retail South Norwalk for New York. WANTED AT EVERYERY\V oa E. QUINTARD'S SOXS, . country ?" And gave the wound its dearest charm ; liquor dealers' The press has called the J/WA At8.4T A. M„ Boston Express. C. H. DOUGLASS, Laics' and Gent's Restaurant 4.14 " Boston Express. "I says, 'Yes, sab.' -• Since not unthankful, Beauty keeps > attention of the Managing Board to this ^TOWN; :w S6«TB ^0iltWiLK, C0»II. : Manufacturer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in AVE removed to their new rooms in the Post-o 6.00 " Accommodation