u fl v--^r^?..**r ^»^~* - HI^Wum;!. W?<<»W»»:*W gEgBB i'H hfe •£;V-'-itySW sSc.dLvi^Xi £*** JJ-.w*! ^*>" j *-»»f .tdSh ;• i"»? •»« S' *i>s*o [ 3' .en 'H r« a;eisTs* ®£.•• »,J?0 E&ii^S! •t'.V£C-v«-.V ^iffis.S-jl stTATa*4 lt <-•>; •.^StfO£}$93' \t0M. i pt.< <»»'#•iS»£W VOLUME LYII.--NUMBEB 12. i'.i-n -3:*-n .r&a Jifis¥;K..1 OJ- *t ;e|tn.y?1!;'/• . ; .^(hV^-nj -: NORWALK, CONNECTICUT, TUESDAY, MARCH 24,1874. WHOLE NUMBfiR 1367. „•:%;; 3(.--. •- v :• «j FOR SAME.: THE DUKE AND DVOHKSI OV MP* rends my" (;< vitals," the Major was going to for The Gazette. NORWALK GAZETTE. REAL ESTATE. INBVftOH. For the QazcUe. the last century, and actually preferred the They only show what they considered the , quitm Air. f'% •S'l thing. I daresay I am getting fearfully say, then he thought of " breast," and final CRUSADERS. school of Slieriden to the school of Schnei­ IN WTNNIPAUK. Part of a House, A WELCOME' BY. MB. ALFBBD. TBXKYTO^, ly substituted) "heart you-you wouldn Quitman is in Southwestern Georgia1, on TheSccond Oldest Paper In die State. •,rJ crabbed. You see when a girl has plenty of 4 Rooms,' will be rented cheap to a can remaiiLon mortgage. - For.particulnrs apjply to POET LAURKATB. * ;, Lady crusaders of '74! der. keep on so." ;• yj w; TOgood LET.tenant, Apply to ROBERT EELS. ImllI r GEO. F. QUINTAKD, on the premises. "What have I been doing lately ?" says money she becomes the circle of deception, the Atlantic & Gulf Rail Road, and has a * Ne'er fear to knock at the tippling door Sob, sob. • 'v.- O G B she, in answer to a question from her com­ Let's change the subject. How well that population of about Vtwelve hundred, one FFICE IN AZETTE UILDIHG. M ' TO LET. FOR 'SALE OR EXCHANGE. Count the immortal souls within " You don't know how I have hoped, have The son of him with whoa wf strove Uf ' - i panion. "What am I always doing? I habit fits you." # half of which is black'; Its first house was Commodious House in excellent order,iwith HE BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE known as the '. Who are going down neath the 'wards of • . • Earle Place, ot. West Avenue. ; " It feels rather strange. You seel so sel­ louged for a moment like this; to hold your erected in 185®. A. H.BflNGTON tc CO., A three acresofland.'near Darieh, eoim.. pide- T- powefe..™-.~. have danced the usual proportion of dances, waik to station; :^n^er.rn ^pg tfo Also,.place on Van Zandt Ayenne; large lot witn siD hand in mine, to feel that we are alone to­ Whose will is lord Jtiro'.all, bis world.- - .. • i round and square; I have read the last new dom ride at home." It covers an. area of about 800 acres, and A. H. BYINGTON, J.B. ELLS, G. N. ELLS. barn and fruit trees, suitable for two familiesJ "!$•?*'•!> fcvVf. •; | ; gether, that you do not repulse me, that 2tli nay c South Norw-aild, Conn. Tyo Building Lots on Spring Hill; two Building domain— Lady crusaders of '74! i novel, and tried the last milk and-water ef­ " Ah, of course. • Now to me the habit is beyond this on all. sides are splendid pine Lots on St. John Farm; one-Building Lot adjoining second nature as some one says. I feet in­ am permitted" (Must her hand,) ".that you forests, through which, on .a fine day, it is a residence of Frank B.' Smith.. ' • Who made the serf a1 man, and burst his Swell your ranks to a hundred score, i f fusion they call a ballad ; and I have ridden Subscription $2.00 per year in advance. HOUSE TOCET. Ono Lot on Van Zandt Avenue; several Lots at do not forbid me.". (Btinneu at be/or*.) joy to ride. Its chief business street is truly Shepardville. All the above property sold onjeasy chain- A glorious work! Why mind if they mock, over the usual number of plowed fields.. finitely more comfortable in one than in a ; ^ Single copies 5 cents;, ; TWO-STORY frame House; 9 rooms; rent Sob, sob, sob. " When will she stop ? magnificent. It rubs East andWest, is six terms. Has given Our Prince his own Imperial •' Foundations of sand 'gainst that on the What more would, you have of a woman in low dress. I purposely lent you my regular A $175 per year; situated off Prospect Hill near -Also one Work Horse and Peddling Wagon for thought the Major. rods wide, and. on market days you will see Advertising Rate*. Mr. Hart Denton's. - Apply to . butcher's lisc. For full particulars apply to . Flower, u " rock." my position ?" riding-liat, for I wanted to see how I should Fonrllnesor leee l iueertlon sOcts; 3 times 31*00 JAMES W. HYATT, Administrator, * G. O. KEELER. " You do not answer; speak to me-(-or in it almost every description of vehicle, the ' at Horse R. R. Depot. '' ^^lexandrowM. "What a queer girl you are; Di," says the feel in this new-fangled affair. I'm afraid it One square, one: Insertion, - 1.00 ' Lady crusaders of '74! r: hear me while I tell you what I have wished sight of which would be a curiosity at the. Per week, for continuance, - - - . .so other lady, wistfully. "You never seemed wouldn't suit crashing "through a.bulltinch; Onesquare, six months, •-.... - T.OO TO REMT-—rive or six nice rooms on Camp Street FOR'SALE OR TO RENT; And pw£lcom>, -Rosslati Flower, a people's. Brighter your crowns when the work is to say for long days past. Miss Harford—• North, drawn by a itrange specimen of " " oneycar-HWith paper, - 15.00 I Apply at this'offlce. I » the same as the other girls at school; and one wauts something stiffer for that.* * * 25.00 pride, o'er; Diana, I love you !" That wasdeucedly well oxen, and lon^-cared^ solemn, calvanistic Two " " " •* " " - - you don't seem a bit altered. And so you What's that ?" she cried, as an indistinct Three"' " " " " •' - S0.00 TO RENT.—The first floor over tbie' subscriticfV To Britain, when her flowers befin to • Some gain "laurels" through strength of sound came down the wind, and both horses put, thought the Major to himself mules. In front oejQfk stores, on cowhide One quarter Colnmn, oneyear, - - 50.00 store. Main Street, comprising six roOpis, suitable of Knight Street and North Avenue, is within iflve .r *- p.'" ... ' •' • v * • •• ;T haven't- fallen in love yet ? But I always One half " " " - - - 80. OA for Milliner and Dresa-maker^from AjmUst. ^ minutes'-u-itlk-oC the Horse Railway, and Danbury " Mow! " SIR!" said the lady, suddenly becoming bottomed chairs, the merchants sit and chew 150.00 the sword,— \A ' said you never Would find a man to guit pricked up their ears. - " The hounds, they Full Column, one year, - - - - - & Ndrwalk -Railroad Depot. Also the same ;dis- From love lo love, from home to home But your's a victory through Jesus, the electrified into an erect posture. It was but tobacco and smoke, chat and chaffer. All Special Notices 25 per cent, advance on theabove. tance from theseveral churches and schools," ' The you exactly." must have come all the way from Marlford." ftr-LocalNotlcesin RcadingColamhs, 25cents nejehborhaod -is ail that could. be desired. The yon go> -j •. •; \ ...... Lord. EroicttA. " Oh, do look at this horse, Di1 He's dan­ one word, but it was qniet enough to almost the streets that run parallel to this, and perline. ... TO LET.—Tlie shop lately occupied by George House i.is iif good' repair, thetVirt roomsi>nrima large/ comino-r,oi "That's just what I'm wanting,my dear Yearlyadvertiscrsrestricted to thehusiness con­ I . Hoyt, 2<1, in Isaacs' Building,is offered-to rent. di(tos and piei»aiit^ On-JJip Jj. From mother untoTnotlier, stately br!d«, cing up and down fearfully." throw the Imperturable off his invincible those that cut it at righfangles, are of good templated at the time of contract,'liut are permitted Possession immediately. Ehtpiure' Of ASA HILL. a man. I see plenty of amateur jockeys to make monthly changes of thctr advertisements. ^ s__Li ' Marie Alexandrewaa. ; JrHK MAJOR'S MISTAKE. ; '• equilibrium. For that moment Miss Rosen width, and prove the wisdom of the found­ -» and polite letter-writers. What I want is a " Put him oa the curb, dear, if he's too One inch space constitutes a square. is.enquire of JA-MEB troublesome. Ah, there they go! Look, eath could boast of having seen that great ers of the place. The houses are mostly - Advance payment required for nlltransicntadyer- RINT. —Fine, pleasant rooms; over K."ca * LA'OX, on "the premised, oi; of EDGAR LYON.; n. CHAPTER I. man—one that is not afraid to be natural Emanuel's/store, MainStrcet. .A; to, I ^orwalkyiasclil'tli, 1874.. jlOtf man, to use a common but expressive term but one story, not large, but having a com­ ftseinentp. ' . „ P MKS,J MURRAY. The golden lftws aTong tlte 9t<ppeitli "Dash it! Til save her life!" aiid the or ashamed to be in earnest. I really think Patty, there's a sight for you ! See how close Otfarterof g Column,onetime, - - - - SS.oo 13tf flabbergasted. j&5? fortable cook. The blacks are mostly in Half 11 11 • 11 " • - - .-.10.00. And at tby-name the T>irt»r tafc IPS Major, suddenly. ,, ^ our average dandy, with his cool self siiffi they run together! There's Mr.
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