Budget Estimates 2014-15
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Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee QUESTIONS ON NOTICE—BUDGET ESTIMATES, 4 and 5 June 2014 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Proof Program: Hansard, Date Date Q Division Senator Broad topic Question page & rec'd tabled No. or Agency hearing date or Written Q 1 DFAT - WONG Staffing Senator WONG: … Mr Varghese, in terms of the numbers that you have just given Page 9, 25/7/14 4/9/14 CMD us, tell me if I have understood the evidence correctly. The ASL for 2013-14 is 4 June 14 6,175; and, for 2014-15, it is 5,640. If someone could get me what the 2012-13 figure is as well, that would be good. 2 DFAT – WONG DFAT Senator FAULKNER: ... Do you mean that you think it is correct? Either the Page 11, 25/7/14 4/9/14 CMD Budget figures on page 122—smaller government—Department of Foreign Affairs and 4 June 14 Trade—realising efficiencies—are included in the ODA assistance, reprioritised funding, on earlier page 121 of Budget Paper No. 2 or they are not. Senator WONG: Mr Wood, do you want to go and check that? Mr Wood: Yes; sure. 3 DFAT - WONG DFAT Mr Wood: Yes. So what you are after is— Page 12, 25/7/14 4/9/14 CMD Budget Senator WONG: The aggregate reduction in departmental funding across all 4 June 14 outcomes as a result of the 2014-15 budget… 4 DFAT – LUDWIG Ministerial – Senator LUDWIG: So I do not waste any time I will quickly go through some of Page 19, 25/7/14 4/9/14 IMD website the issues I wanted to explore: the breakdown of website testing by each minister; 4 June 14 the details of the contract that was provided as well; what form of tender was taken to achieve that outcome; and was there a panel selection and so on? With regard to the training, the same issues arise: the detail by each individual minister; was it a one for all—we got three ministers for the total sum of $19,000 worth of training—who was the training provided to; what was the training for; was there a contract; if there was a contract who provided the tender; was it a tender process, an open competitive tender, or a panel; and what firms were eventually successful, if there was more than one? And the same questions for the website release management. I do not even understand what that is. Perhaps an explanation of what that is can be given. It cost somebody 15 grand to manage the website release, I assume. Then the same issue about whether there was a separate company involved or whether it was the same, and how did they get the contract. Then there is the website deployment. I have never seen that before. Perhaps you could also provide an explanation as to how there is some contract of $10,000 for the deployment of a website. Senator Brandis: As Mr Varghese has said, we will take those questions on notice. Budget Estimates, 4 and 5 June 2014 1 Some of these terms are as opaque to me as they apparently are to you. I should point out, in case you did not mention it, for the record, that the total is described as the 'full redevelopment of three websites on a new platform'. Obviously, there was a substantial body of new work done in relation to three websites. That might go some way to explaining the ultimate cost. We will take that on notice. 5 DFAT – KROGER / Carr Diaries Senator KROGER: Is it possible, Mr Varghese, to give us an account of all the Page 20-21, 25/7/14 4/9/14 PCD EDWARDS – access to documents and records he did seek access to? 4 June 14 official Mr Varghese: Yes. There were not very many. I do not think that would be a records problem. Senator EDWARDS: Did Mr Carr provide you with a list of those? Mr Varghese: Well, he sought access to documents. He specified the documents that— Senator EDWARDS: So there must be a list somewhere; is there? Mr Varghese: he was seeking access to. Senator KROGER: Are you reading from that list at the moment? Mr Varghese: No, I am not reading from a list. I am reading from a description of the correspondence. I am happy to follow up your question, Senator Kroger. Senator Brandis: The brief note I have tells me that the documents related to official travel undertaken by Mr Carr. I cannot be more specific than that. As Mr Varghese has said, we will take it on notice. Mr Varghese: I can indicate that in October he sought access to documents relating to his visits to Ramallah and Russia, and in December he sought access to records relating to his visit to the UAE. That is probably the full story of access requested. CHAIR: So you think that is a complete list? Senator EDWARDS: That is a complete list, is it? Mr Varghese: Subject to me confirming that there is not anything else. … Senator EDWARDS: Mr Varghese, if you could, on notice, provide us with a list of all of those requests? Mr Varghese: Sure. 6 DFAT – EDWARDS Carr Diaries Senator EDWARDS: Minister, are you aware of anything? Page 22 , 25/7/14 4/9/14 AMD/USB – US Senator Brandis: I am not, Senator Edwards. I saw the media report to which you 4 June 14 representatio referred. We will take on notice whether either there has been a cable or any other ns communication from the embassy in the United States concerning Mr Carr's book and whether there has been any representation, formal or informal, to the Australian government from the American government concerning Mr Carr's book. Let me give the minister the opportunity to consider, if there is, what, if anything, can be released to you. I know there has been informal conversation about it. It has been a matter of remark. Whether it goes beyond just gossip about Mr Carr's lack of discretion, I am not in a position to tell you. DFAT 2 Senator EDWARDS: Is there anybody in the room that can assist? Mr Varghese: I am reasonably confident that there have been no representations to the department from the United States. I will do you the courtesy of triple-checking it. 7 DFAT – EDWARDS Carr Diaries Senator EDWARDS: Thank you. What was the reaction of the Maltese government Page 23 , 25/7/14 4/9/14 EUD – Maltese to the reference in Mr Carr's diary that a comment by their foreign minister had 4 June 14 Government become 'an office joke'? Mr Varghese: I have not seen any representations from the Maltese government on this matter either. Senator Brandis: Again, we will take that on notice for you, Senator Edwards, on the same basis. We will see if there has been any communication from the mission or any formal or informal representation on behalf of that government. If there has been, and to the extent to which it is appropriate to release it to you, we will release it. 8 DFAT – EDWARDS Carr Diaries Senator EDWARDS: Minister or secretary, what was the reaction of the Malaysian Page 23, 25/7/14 4/9/14 SED – Malaysian government to the comment that the foreign minister agreed to vote for Australia in 4 June 14 Government the UNSC despite having already committed to Finland and Luxembourg? Mr Varghese: We have not received, to the best of my knowledge, any response from any government in relation to the publication of this book. Senator Brandis: Again, Senator Edwards, I will take that question on notice. If there has been any reporting from the post in Malaysia recording any formal or informal communication from the Malaysian government, I will release it to you to the extent to which I feel able. That will be a decision, obviously, not of me but of the foreign minister. 9 DFAT – EDWARDS Carr Diaries Senator Brandis: Senator Edwards, again we will take on notice—assume this is Page 24, 25/7/14 4/9/14 AMD – what you sought in your question—whether there has been any communication from 4 June 14 /CLB Communicati the posts either in Canada or in Argentina reporting any formal or informal ons from representations to the Australian government in relation to those indiscretions. To Posts the extent to which it is appropriate to do so, if there are any, we will release them to (Argentina / you... Canada) 10 DFAT – EDWARDS Carr Diaries Senator EDWARDS: Indeed. I guess, given this divergence from what all Page 24, 25/7/14 4/9/14 NAD – Australians would expect to be appropriate behaviour and protocols to be observed, 4 June 14 Japanese he did say on page 80: 'I am new to this myself. Just making it up as I go along'—if Deputy PM that is indeed a defence at all, Minister. Senator Brandis: Mr Carr may be new to being foreign minister, but he was not new to being a senior minister. He was for 10 years or so the Premier of New South Wales. He is, as I know, a person who is extremely well informed and articulate about world history and international relations more generally. I guess what I am saying, Senator Edwards, is that he is not a naif; he should have known better. In the DFAT 3 quote you read me before, he talks about choosing his words and trusting his judgement.