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The Pickering 48 PAGES ✦ Metroland Durham Region Media Group ✦ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 2006 ✦ Optional delivery $6 / Newsstand $1 CRASHING HALT THRILLS Lightning end successful Cadillac rolls out season with tough loss the latest SRX Page B1 Wheels pullout [ Briefly ] Get on the job Doctor worries about public health track in Pickering PICKERING — This is where it Reynolds leaving Region leaving it,” Durham’s associate medi- pace. funded additional associate medical all begins career-wise. cal officer of health said of her deci- “What I have done, for me and my officer of health (AMOH) position. The Durham Region Unem- for private sector, wonders sion to leave Durham for a position family, it was an important decision,” “It is such a shame for the Region to ployed Help Centre in Pickering, what future holds with a Toronto research company. she said. miss out on having another physician 1400 Bayly St., Unit 12, is holding “With the expectations for public Coworkers will be much missed, but here... it would have been a real ben- workshops throughout April. health -- both the provincial and the Dr. Reynolds feels she has chosen the efit,” she said. Thursday, April 6 is a choices- By Erin Hatfield local government, even the federal right path. Dr. Reynolds has accomplished career exploration workshop from Staff Writer 9 to 10:30 a.m. followed by pass- government, are not in line with the “I am starting to feel more myself,” much in the past eight years. Her office port to safety from 1 to 2:30 p.m. DURHAM — Dr. Donna Reynolds expectations with the funding and in- she said. “Because it is so pervasive at Durham headquarters in Whitby On April 13 it’s an Intro to MS Word fears for the future of public health as vestment in public health,” Dr. Reyn- you don’t realize the impact on you as is lined with certificates of excellence from 9 to 11 a.m. April 20 is an- she makes her exit from the system olds said. a person as well as a professional.” and accolades. other choices workshop from 9 to this month. Among her other reasons for leaving Also factoring in on her choice Dr. Reynolds was the department’s 10:30 a.m. Finally, on April 27 there “There have been innumerable re- are recent regional budget decisions, to move on was the decision by the medical lead in managing and mini- are resume critiquing half-hour ports on what is happening in the pub- around-the-clock demands, and she Region’s health and social services sessions between 9 and 10 a.m. lic health system and why people are admits she simply cannot keep up the committee to again cut a provincially ✦ See Political, Page A4 The centre also offers a three- day job club managed by Northern Lights, every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. It also offers a landed immigrants’ job search workshop on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Pickering’s $100,000 club Pre-registration is required to FOLLOWING THROUGH participate. For more information, call 905-420-4010. [ What’s on ] stays at nine members CAO salary jumps was chief administrative officer Tom Reflexology Quinn, who received $200,571 in 2005 $14,000; public board compared with $186,425 in 2004. gets interactive ranks also on the rise “I’m at the top of my range and last year I didn’t take any holidays at all,” PICKERING — The Pickering he said. Public Library is helping people learn how to relieve pain and ten- By Danielle Milley “I was paid on a 58-week pay pe- sion. Staff Writer riod.” The Petticoat Creek branch is PICKERING — Pickering’s $100,000 Mr. Quinn has worked for the City hosting a Reflexology: Hand and club didn’t cost taxpayers much more for 36 years, adding he’s been CAO for Forearm Massage Workshop on in 2005 than it did in 2004. 11 or 12 of those. His pay is decided by Tuesday, April 11 from 7 to 8:30 The number of City employees council. p.m. making $100,000 remained at nine The amount disclosed for each Debra MacFadyen, a certified -- the list includes mainly directors public employee includes not only reflexologist, leads the interactive -- and the amount paid to those nine salary, but also any bonuses, vacation workshop and teaches participants remained relatively constant. All pro- pay out, or any other monies paid techniques that will increase blood vincial public-sector employers are during the year. flow to their hands and arms and required to disclose those employ- The Durham District School Board help them relax. Participants are asked to bring a pillow to rest their ees receiving more than $100,000 in saw a large increase in the number of arm on while practising techniques. annual compensation. The list was employees moving into the $100,000- The workshop is free, but made public March 31. there is a limit of 30 participants One notable exception in Pickering ✦ See Elementary, Page A2 so registration is required. For more information, call 905-420- 2254 or 1-888-831-6266. The Petticoat Creek branch is at 470 Kingston Rd., west of Rose- Surprise, wariness greet speech bank Road. Durham reacts to Harper’s dollars, and the promise of an apology [ Index ] for the Chinese head tax made their way plans for Canada into the speech, as did agriculture. Editorial Page, A6 “This government recognizes the Sports, B1 By Erin Hatfield unique challenges faced by those who Classified, B4 Staff Writer make their livelihood from our land and Entertainment, B7 DURHAM — The federal govern- oceans in our vital natural resource and ment’s season opener was tight and agriculture industries,” the speech reads. [ Call us] tidy as Prime Minister Stephen Harper “It will take action to secure a prosper- pitched his game plan for the country ous future for Canadian agriculture, fol- General: 905 683 5110 Tuesday. lowing years of neglect.” Distribution: 905 683 5117 In Durham it was met with mixed Regional Chairman Roger Anderson General Fax: 905 683 7363 reaction. was most struck by the surprise refer- Newsroom Fax: 905 683 0386 The throne speech, as read by Gover- ence to the agricultural industry. nor General Michaelle Jean, largely mir- “That is good news for us,” Mr. Ander- Pressrun 48,900 rored the five key points from the Con- son said. “I mentioned to Minister (Jim) infodurhamregion.com servative election campaign. It touched Flaherty a few times what our farmers specifically on bringing accountability are going through, and I look forward to Ron Pietroniro/ News Advertiser photo back into government, tackling crime, seeing what plans they have in mind.” PICKERING — Nigel Jamieson, of Pickering, blasts a shot from the 18th child care, cuts to the GST, and the so- Not so impressed with the por- fairway last week wearing perfect summer attire during a round of golf at called fiscal imbalance. tion of the speech dealing with child the Annandale Golf and Curling Club. This is the earliest the club has opened Less-anticipated topics addressed care was Denise Gilbert, executive in more than eight years. were electoral reform, the promise of director of the Schoolhouse Playcare SERVICE HOURS an elected senate and foreign affairs. As ✦ MON., WED., THURS., FRI. well, a stronger military, better use of aid See Measures, Page A4 7:30 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. TUES. 7:30 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. SAT. 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. (905) 831-5400 Email: [email protected] 575 KINGSTON RD. Pickering makes a few extra points www.pickeringhonda.com Budget increase dips 5.79-per cent increase was approved, back and recalculated numbers based “All of these things flow through... meaning the owners of an average on changes made by councillors dur- They’re real and have an impact not INCOME TAX slightly, taxes up home assessed at $296,000 are going ing the budget committee meetings. only on the budget of the day, but also PERSONAL INCOME TAX RETURNS $64 on average to pay $64 more on the City portion of Before the final debate on the bud- future budgets,” he said. “We are in a All-Canadian Tax Service their property tax bill this year. get, Mayor Dave Ryan commended time of declining growth in the City of As of last May, the preliminary pro- staff for their work in what is a difficult Pickering. $ * By Danielle Milley jection for 2006 was a 9.5 per cent financial time for the City. “Look around us, there is a lot of Only 44.95 Staff Writer increase. When the budget came to He talked about how Pickering has growth happening, but not here in *most returns *GST extra PICKERING — The 2006 Pickering committee in March it was down to had to deal with a decrease in funding Pickering.” Our office is open year round ! tax increase isn’t going to leave as 6.6 and after a day and a half of debate from upper levels of government over The 2006 budget basically main- 100 Westney Rd S (Ajax Go Station) big a dent in residents’ wallets as ex- it had been further decreased to 5.99. the past 10 years, while at the same tains services and includes few new (905) 426-4860 pected. Treasurer Gil Paterson said it came time coping with costs that have been At the April 3 council meeting, a down even further when staff went downloaded to the City. ✦ See Pickering, Page A5 GET THE LATEST MP3 PHONE ON A FAMILY PLAN PICKERING TOWN CENTRE BUY 1 UPPER LEVEL SEARS WING GET THE WAS $40 • Receive 500 Canadian long distance @ ** calling circle minutes per month 905.420.0744 2ND ROKR NOW TWO $ $49.99* PHONES CAN • Up to 2500 minutes/month for family $ * SHARE FROM members to call each other Motorola ROKR FOR 0 35 The only phone • BONUS - Get a 50% discount for the w/iTunes® GET 3 MONTHS UNLIMITED TALK, TEXT, PICTURE & VIDEO MESSAGING! fi rst 3 months on all secondary lines *Phone price subject to activation on new 36-month service agreement on plans starting from $35 monthly service fee.