Isidoro Romero Associate Professor. of Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences, DEPARTAMENTO DE Av. Ramón y Cajal 1, E-41018, Seville () ECONOMÍA APLICADA I [email protected]


PERSONAL Name: Isidoro Romero Date and place of birth: August 8th, Seville (Spain) Nationality: Spanish Phone number: +0034-954554486


Since October 2006 Associate Professor Department of Applied Economics I.

October 1997 –September 2005 Assistant Professor Department of Applied Economics I. University of Seville

December 1996- August 1997 Research Assistant Department of Research and Development Compañía Sevillana de Electricidad-ENDESA


Ph. D. in Economics (2003). University of Seville

Master in Business Administration (1998). University of Seville

B. S. in Economics (1996). University of Seville


Invited lecturer in post-graduate programs at the Complutense University in , the University of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), the University of , the International University of (UNIA), the University of Aberystwyth and the University of Palermo, among other institutions.

Invited speaker in seminars organized by the University of Aberystwyth (UK), the University of Groningen (The Netherlands), the University of A Coruña, the University of , the Madrid Economists Association or the Andalusian Confederation of Small and Medium Size Enterprises, among other institutions.

1 Research visitor in:

2005 Systems of Organization and Management Research School University of Groningen (The Netherlands)

2007 Regional Economics Applications Laboratory (REAL) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA)

2011 Centre for institutional Performance University of Reading (UK)

PUBLICATIONS a) Articles in refereed journals (in English)

- Fernández-Serrano, J. and Romero, I. (2014): “About the interactive influence of culture and regulatory barriers on entrepreneurial activity”, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, forthcoming, DOI: 10.1007/s11365-014-0296.

- Fernández-Serrano, J. and Romero, I. (2013): “Entrepreneurial quality and regional development: Characterising SME sectors in low income areas”, Papers in Regional Science, Volume 92, Issue 3, 495–513.

- Liñán, F.; Fernández-Serrano, J. and Romero, I. (2013): “Necessity and Opportunity Entrepreneurship: The mediating effect of culture”, Revista de Economía Mundial, 33, 21-47.

- Martínez-Román, Juan A. and Romero, I. (2013): “About the determinants of the degree of novelty in small businesses’ product innovations”, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 9(4): 655 – 677.

- Romero, I. and Martínez-Román, J.A. (2012): “Self-employment and innovation. Exploring the determinants of innovative behavior in small businesses”, Research Policy, 41(1): 178-189.

- Santos, F.J.; Romero, I. and Fernández-Serrano, J. (2012): “SMEs and entrepreneurial quality from a macroeconomic perspective”, Management Decision, 50(8), pp. 1382–1395.

- Romero, I. (2011): “Analysing the composition of the SME sector in high and low-income regions. Some research hypotheses”, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 23(7-8): 637- 660.

- Romero, I., Petrescu, R.M. and Balalia, A.E. (2011): “ as Suppliers of Entrepreneurship Education Services. The Cases of The University of Seville and The Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest”, Amfiteatru Economic, 13(30): 347-361.

- Romero, I. and Tejada, P. (2011): “A multi-level approach to the study of production chains in the tourism sector”, Tourism Management, 32(2): 297-306.

2 - Romero, I. Dietzenbacher, E. and Hewings, G.J.D. (2009): “Fragmentation and complexity: Analyzing structural change in the Chicago regional economy”. Revista de Economía Mundial, 23: 263-282.

- Romero, I. and Santos, F. J. (2007): “Firm Size and Regional Linkages. A Typology of Manufacturing Establishments in Southern Spain”. Regional Studies. 41(5): 571-584.

- Dietzenbacher, E. and Romero, I. (2007): “Production chains in an interregional framework: Identification by means of Average Propagations Lengths”. International Regional Science Review. 30(4): 362-383.

- Dietzenbacher, E., Romero, I. and Bosma, N. S. (2005): “Using Average Propagation Lengths to Identify Production Chains in the Andalusian Economy”. Estudios de Economía Aplicada. Nº 23-2. Agosto, pp. 405-422. b) Articles in refereed journals (in Spanish)

- Romero, I. (2009): "Pymes y Cadenas de Valor Globales. Implicaciones para la política industrial en las economías en desarrollo". Análisis Económico. Vol. XXIV. Núm. 57. 2009, pp. 199-216.

- Guzmán, J. and Romero, I. (2008): “Crecimiento Económico, Gobernabilidad Democrática y Desarrollo Social: Un Enfoque Integrador”. Problemas del Desarrollo. Vol. 39. Núm. 153. 2008. pp. 119-138.

- Romero, I. y Fernández, J. (2007): “Un análisis de la heterogeneidad empresarial en la UE. Implicaciones para la política europea de fomento empresarial”. Ekonomiaz, nº 66, pp. 350-371.

- Romero, I. and Santos, F. J. (2006): “Encadenamientos productivos, externalidades y crecimiento regional. Una tipología de comportamiento empresarial”. Boletín Económico de Información Comercial Española, N° 2872, pp. 49-61.

- Cáceres, F. R. y Romero, I. (2006): “Empresarios versus propietarios de pequeños negocios: una aproximación basada en el tamaño empresarial”. Estudios de Economía Aplicada, vol. 24-2, pp. 545-566.

- Romero, I. y Santos, F. J. (2006): “Dimensión empresarial, encadenamientos productivos y calidad del tejido empresarial. Un análisis de la industria en Andalucía”. Revista de Estudios Regionales, Nº 76, pp. 107-134.

- Romero, I. (2006): “Las PYME en la economía global. Hacia una estrategia de fomento empresarial”. Problemas del desarrollo. Revista Latinoamericana de Economía, UNAM-IIEC, Vol. 37, nº 146, julio-septiembre, pp. 31-50, México.

- Guzmán, J. and Romero, I. (2005): “La trascendencia económica del trabajo autónomo”. Temas Laborales. Revista andaluza de trabajo y bienestar social, Nº 81; pp. 79-97.

3 - Romero, I. and Fernández, J. (2005): “La política europea de fomento empresarial. Un análisis crítico”. Revista de Economía Mundial. Nº 13, pp. 137-161.

- Romero, I. (2004): “Articulación intersectorial y complejos productivos. Un análisis del sistema productivo andaluz”. Revista de Estudios Andaluces. Nº 25; pp. 11-32.

- Guzmán, J.; Santos, F. J.; Romero, I. y Liñán, F. (2000): “Las PYMES y la calidad del tejido productivo andaluz”; Boletín Económico de Andalucía. Consejería de Economía y Hacienda. Junta de Andalucía. Nº 28-29; pp. 43-56. c) Books and book chapters:

- Fernández-Serrano, J., Liñán, F. y Romero, I. (2013): “Cultural values and start-up rates in Spanish provinces”. En A. Fayolle, P. Kyrö, T. Mets y U. Venesaar (eds.): Conceptual Richness and Methodological Diversity in Entrepreneurship Research. Edward Elgar, pp.175-196. ISBN: 978 1 78254 730 3.

- Romero. I (2010): “Políticas de Fomento Empresarial en la Unión Europea: el Caso de la Formación Emprendedora”. Anuario de Conferencias. Segundo Semestre 2008. Sevilla. Consejo Andaluz de Relaciones Laborales (CARL), pp. 221-233.

- Cáceres, F. R., Romero, I. and Liñán, F. (2008): “The Entrepreneurial Tissue of the Spanish Regions: the Case of Seville and Barcelona”. Entrepreneurial Tissue and Regional Economy. Poznan, Polonia. The Poznan University of Economics Publishing House, pp. 228-246.

- Guzmán, J., Santos, F. J., Cáceres, F. R., Romero, I. and Cáceres F. R. (2008): El Trabajo Autónomo en Andalucía, Sevilla, Upta-Andalucía.

- Guzmán, J. and Romero, I. (2006): “Política de fomento empresarial”. En M. A. Galindo (coord.): Política socioeconómica en la Unión Europea. Delta Publicaciones. Madrid, ISBN: 84-96477-35-5.

- Guzmán, J., Santos, F. J., Cáceres, F. R., Romero, I. and Liñán, F. (2006): Realidad Empresarial y Desarrollo Económico en la provincia de Sevilla, Consejo Andaluz de Relaciones Laborales y Mergablum, Sevilla, ISBN: 84-96378-28-4.

- Romero, I. (2004): “La empresa andaluza en el siglo XXI: Desarrollo endógeno en una economía global”. Lecturas de Economía Aplicada. Homenaje a Antonio Rallo. Ed. Digital @tres. Sevilla; pp. 125-132, ISBN: 84-688-9699-3.


- “Analyzing the qualitative aspects shaping the quality of entrepreneurs and SMEs: Implications for economic development of the Spanish Regions”. Financing institution: Regional Government of Andalusia (Spain). Department of Innovation, Science and Enterprise. From 01-01-2010 to 03-08-2014. 4 years and 8 months. Principal researcher.


- “Evaluation of the main achievements of Cohesion Policy programmes and projects over the longer term in 15 selected regions (from 1989-1993 programming period to the present)” Principal researchers: Bachtler, John; Begg, Iain ; Polverani, Laura ; Charles, David. Participant institutions: European Policies Research Centre, University of Strathclyde; London School of Economics; New ; Halle Institute for Economic Research; Universidad de La Coruña; University of Itä-Suomi; among others. From 01/02/2012 to 30/10/2013. Financing institution: DG Regio. European Commission. Case study of Andalusia available at: ievements/andalucia.pdf Final report available at: ievements/final_report.pdf

- “Endeavour: Entrepreneurial Development as a vehicle to promote European Higher Education”. Financing institution: European Commission. Erasmus Mundus Programme. From 01-12-2006 to 30-11-2009. 3 years.

- “Cultural values and socioeconomic factors as determinants of entrepreneurial intention: Qualitative analysis for the Spanish regions”. Financing institution: Regional Government of Andalusia. Department of Innovation, Science and Enterprise. From 11-2008 to 11-2011. 3 years.

- “Self-employment in Andalusia”. Financing institution: Regional Government of Andalusia. Department of Employment. From 25-05-2007 to 28-02-2008.

- “The role of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the global tourism industry”. International project conducted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Financing institution: Regional Government of Andalusia. Tourism Department. From 29-09-2005 to 01-04-2007


- Member of the Research Group “SMEs and Economic Development”, the European Union Regional Economics Applications Laboratory (EU-REAL), the European Network for Input- Output Studies (EUNIOS) and the Bancaja Chair for Young Entrepreneurs at the University of Seville.

- Referee for the following academic journals: “Tourism Management”, indexed in the JCR (ISI); “Economic Systems Research”, edited by the International Input-Output Association and indexed in the JCR (ISI); “Revista de Economía Mundial” (Journal of World Economics), edited by the World Economic Society and indexed in the JCR (ISI): “Journal of Business Economics and

5 Management”, indexed in the JCR (ISI); “Estudios de Economía Aplicada”, edited by ASEPELT; “Problemas del Desarrollo”, edited by the IEEc of the UNAM; “Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research”, indexed in the JCR (ISI); “Journal of Small Business Management”, indexed in the JCR (ISI); “Regional Studies”, indexed in the JCR (ISI) and “Investigaciones Regionales”.

- More than forty papers presented in international and national scientific conferences and seminars.