Silence, smoke, fire Ch 8 7th seal

• Fire from altar thrown on to earth which is act of visiting the earth w judgment

• Seven trumpets are divine acts of judgment executed as justice for suffering of the faithful we hear in rev 6:9-11

• 8:6-11:9

• Seven messages perspective of Christian community

• Seven seals perspective of all humanity

• Seven trumpets perspective of cosmic point of view • 8:1-silence prefigure God judgments (hab 2:20, zeph 1:7)

• Seven (tobit 12:15-, , , , saraqael(sariel) , remiel 8:1-6 • 8:3- are liturgical ministers and mediators between God and people: communion of : trumpets are sign of God intervention

• See 27:13, 2:1, zeph 1:16, Zech 9:14, 1 cor 15:52-53, 1thess 4:16

• Trumpet- alarm, fanfare announce arrival, summons to battle

• Golden altar heavenly counter part to altar incense (2 chron 4:19, lev 16:12, num 16:46)

• Prayers are sacrifices that angels carry to God; God responds to prayers by throwing fire to earth

• 8:5 recalls 10:2- act of divine judgment throwing fire to earth 8:7-12 • First three trumpets are modeled after plagues of exodus

• Each blast diff part world effected: earth, sea, fresh water, heavenly bodies

• Wormwood: bitter plant symbolizes sorrow and distaste of human affliction (jer 9:15, lam 3:19), wormwood associated w idolatry ( dt 29:17-18 8:13

• Woe woe woe is prophetic warning that judgment is at hand ( Is 5:8-23, 5:18, 3:1

• Anticipate the the three trumpets to come 9:1-12

• Fifth trumpets : unlocks the abyss to torture and terrorize the earth with limitations : vegetation unharmed, wicked are targeted, victims not killed, last 5 month

• Limitations suggest God is in charge and it is remedial or corrective punishment meant for repentance 9:1-2

• 9:1 star fallen is fallen

• The abyss or bottomless pit is gloomy underworld dwelling of infernal spirits bring destruction and deception

• Not natural but demonic; powers of given chance to work dreadful deeds 9:3-12

• Harm brought to the unsealed man(rev 7 protection): torture but not death

• 5 months ( life cycle of locust)

• Demonic locust

• Imagine wishing for death and not being able to do so

- Apollyon -destruction or destroyer 26:6, prov 15:11 9:13-21

• Fire breathing horses given permission to kill

• Four demons associated with israel's enemies like Babylon

• 9:15 precise timetable determined in advance

• 9:20 did not repent; remained hardened in wickedness; how are we to explain the refusal to repent ( mirrors the refusal of pharaoh in time of ) 10

• Chapter ten is an interlude between trumpet blast like ch 7 it is a pause

• It introduces 2nd half of book of revelation

• John is given a commission a second time like in 1:19; a new commission is given the first is complete

• Eating of scroll vividly describes the reality that message delivered is not of john's doing but heavenly in origin

• Ch ten point toward ch 13 & 17; thus it links first part of book to second part and builds suspense

• It parallels 12:5-13 and 10:4 suggest complete revelation of mystery is not given: encourages trust in divine providence 10:1-11

• 10:1-2-angel wrapped in cloud- cloud chariot of God so angel comes directly from God (psalm 104) rainbow part of glory of God as seen earlier

• 10:3-lion roaring suggest angel speaks for the lion of the tribe of Judah, Jesus also voice of God ( Joel 3:16; 11:10:; Amos 3:8)

• 10:4-seven thunders is voice of God ( psalm 29

• 10:6-Angels raises hand thus makes an oath (dt 32:40); there will be no delay in carrying out command given

• 10:9- eating of scroll is sweet because it engenders hope, sour because it entails suffering(Ezekiel 2:8-3:3; the messenger of God must take message into his very life and be transformed by it

• History is always moving toward consummation guided by the hand and will of God 11:1-13

• Measuring of temple not court means believing Israel mark out for protection while unbelievers given over to judgment

• 42 months equivalent to 3 1/2 years mentioned in Daniel 12: time of tribulation : tempe suggest the presence of God to those that experience trouble; trampling is persecution

• Two witnesses:(Zech 4:12-14) prefigured in Moses and Elijah will be killed in Jerusalem

• Some suggest the witnesses are Paul and Peter,mor return of Moses and Elijah

• Witnesses could represent law and prophets and the fact they point to Christ

• They are God's witnesses. Who give testimony and are assured of divine protection no matter the trial

• 11:11 breath of life Ezekiel 37:1-14 points resurrection of faithful

• Beast comes from pit represents the forces that seek to oppose God, constant struggle

• 11:13- there is a repentance a change of heart 11:14-19

• Announcement of God's kingdom

• Seven trumpet blast points to biblical backdrop of collapse of Jericho after seven trumpet blast which gave Israel a decisive hold on promised land

• Here faithful given decisive hold of the new promised land

• Dan 2:31-45 Nebuchadnezzar dream interpreted how God destroys godless kingdoms of world

• Ark of covenant is God's