CARAT Client: MANAPPURAM a Trading Division Under Dentsu Manappuram Finance Ltd Aegis Network Communications Lndia Private Limited
6*ep COTIFIDENTIAL DENTSU AEGIS NETWORK SERVICES AGREEMENT COMMERCIAL TERM SHEE]' .: . l:r : :r '::: :PARi[IES:, Agepc CARAT Client: MANAPPURAM A trading division under Dentsu Manappuram Finance Ltd Aegis Network Communications lndia Private Limited Cl N : U74300MH1986PTC039002 Address: 601-8 Wing, Poonam Chambers, Addr.€.' w l 47O (old) W63BA (New), l:, l:- l1 . ,:1:: l'1. Manappuram House, Valapad, DR. A B Road, Worli, Mumbai- :,:.1:; :.1 r:::::i.: l; !;ii, r. '- 400018 ir:. r::r:-:. l Thrissur, l(erala,lndia - 680 567 TERIV'Ii' rl GI Start,Date: .TUN€ >o\'t O I Tu uY wlV 30 ;l X AUTO RENEW EI --l-lrrlf-r- : - -:: _::-: CI SERV-leEil ,:,.;i; - -,. ;:N -"i Qr- AII lndia except Kerala iht d t- *i tr lVledia Services ril ;i D Creative Services ;; it ]> "-t Z E other Services 1.) )j U p F The Services are more particularly described in each applicable Statement of Wofk.s* BilbS U Mediir I Offline # nEffitr i i,lr, i : r::. r tr'Out of Home H $HHtr i"il s s#fi* li ili El Digital Services {including Display, Performance, SEM, Social, Mobile) ff oSi*x 'l itii H !s!)ttr , $t*="' tf ("T&Cs") nd schedrrles ttw,rijq$-.i This Commercial Term Sheet must be read alongside the Terms and Conditions and schedullgs H are attached to this CommercialTerm Sheet. The T&Cs and schedules, together with this Commercial TEm S h'dct fr paYties; aand' entered into on 08 day of April 2019 constitute a binding agreement f'Agreement") between the 0l will apply to any media schedule, work order and/or any services supplied to the Client by Agency duringI trne Executed for and on behalf of CIi nt//":;.
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