Using Primary Sources to Clarify the Nanking Incident
Using Primary Sources To Clarify the Nanking Incident Tomisawa Shigenobu Former Chairman, Study Group for the Examination of the Nanking Incident Auditor, Committee for the Examination of the Facts about Nanking Preface The Second Sino-Japanese War began in 1937. In December of that year, the Japanese were victorious in the Battle of Nanking. The allegation that, when occupying Nanking, Japanese military personnel set upon the civilian residents of the city, raping and killing them, was later leveled against Japan. The accusers further alleged that the Japanese murdered 200,000-300,000 persons, including prisoners of war, in what is commonly known in Japan as the “Nanking Incident,” and in the West as the “Nanking massacre” and the “Rape of Nanking.” It is very likely that their position derives from unguarded acceptance of a book entitled What War Means1 and from judgments handed down at the Tokyo Trials.2 What War Means was published by the Chinese Nationalist government. The book was the product of an intense propaganda campaign launched after the Chinese suffered devastating military defeats and retreated first from Shanghai, and then Nanking as well. The Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) government’s Central Propaganda Department hired H. J. Timperley, a correspondent for the Manchester Guardian to convince readers throughout the world that the Japanese were fighting a war of aggression in which they used abhorrent tactics. All the while, he masqueraded as a neutral foreign journalist.3 When the Pacific War ended, the US Occupation Forces made incapacitating Japan both 1 Timperley, Harold J., ed., What War Means: Japanese Terror in China (London: Victor Golanz Ltd., 1938).
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