
Critter Class Meerkats Photo: Frank Wouters

August 22, 2011 MVK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_eVEW_Y02o

Comment: ah ha! meerkats!

Comment: YAY!!! MEERKATS! LOVE THEM. ♥♥♥♥♥

Comment: awesome, they are just too cute, thanks for all that video, no matter what they are doing, they are cute,cute,cute!!(in the wild of course)..good evening MVK, hope all is well with you...

Comment: OMG! That is too cute. Were we NOT supposed to like that? If so, I didn't. ♥

Comment: I never knew they could sing.

MVK: Meerkats are cute little creatures - they live in communities. They live in all parts of the , as well as Botswana, Desert, Angol and in .

MVK: Meerkats in a group are called mob, gang or clan. It often contains about 20 meerkats.

MVK: They have an average life span of 12-14 years which I was very surprised to find out.

Comment: They live in Africa, right, Teach???

MVK: Yes - in dry climates.

Comment: hahaha , EGS . According to Meerkat Manor those little critters can do some serious fighting too

MVK: Oh yes - they go into battle with other clans, gangs or mobs. They will fight to the death to protect their and .

Critter Class – Meerkats 1 8/22/2011 Comment: Are they related to ?

MVK: It is of the species.

MVK: Before anyone says "I want one" per Wikipedia - Meerkats make very poor pets. They bite, and the bite can become infected. They stink, and will scent-mark their owner and the house (their "territory"). Being a pack , they may become hysterical if kept as single pets.[9]

Comment: who is Flower?

MVK: Flower was the matriarch of the clan on Meerkat Manor. In the clans - only one female is supposed to mate and young. If other females become pregnant - they can be banished from the clan. If allowed to stay, the matriarch of the clan can decide if the babies live or die.

MVK: Life of Pi is a fantasy adventure novel by Yann Martel published in 2001.

Comment: Do some gangs of meerkats have more than 20 in their gang?

MVK: Yes and they are called super gangs!

MVK: They are - but will eat snakes, , plants, eggs, small , lizards, centipedes, sometimes small birds and (please don't tell Congo) spiders.

Comment: And what do they eat??

Comment: MVK: Are you aware from your research on Meerkats whether there is an equilavent animal in the Southern States?

MVK: I do not know that - is that information you can share with us?

Comment: They are so agile! It's like they don't have a bone in their bodies!

Critter Class – Meerkats 2 8/22/2011 Comment: They will go out hunting for the day and leave a designated " babysitter " to watch the little ones . I thought that was so cute .

MVK: Yes they will and the babysitter usually does not want the chore either - would rather be out foraging or fighting.

Comment: Hi teach and hi class! Glad you choose meerkats! Why were you surprised to learn of the life span?

MVK: I just thought they did not live that long - On Meerkat Manor they always seemed to be dying - but then that was probably for drama.

Comment: Do they live in "oil Country" maybe we can deal with them? I like when they stand up and look for danger

MVK: Yes they are like sentries looking all around. They live in the southern most portions of Africa.

Comment: In what species category do meerkats belong?

MVK: Species S. suricatta, Suricata, Herpestidae, Order , Class Mammalia, Phylum Chordata, Kingdom Animalia

MVK: You can find them in many zoos.

Comment: Are there many Meerkats in captivity, MVK?

Comment: These guys are too cute. About what size are they?

MVK: They are a small diurnal herpestid (mongoose). Weigh on average about 1.61 pounds for males and 1.6 lb for females. Body length is from 6.7 to 9.8 inches - so a pretty small little animal.

Critter Class – Meerkats 3 8/22/2011 Comment: MVK , I seem to remember that only the female leader of the group was allowed to mate and have babies . Is that true ?

MVK: Yes and those who stray can be banished or the leader can chose to kill the pups.

Comment: ON the show... it seems like Mom was very busy having babies. How many can she have in a year...Litters???

MVK: Per Wikipedia - Meerkats become sexually mature at about one year of age and can have one to five pups in a litter, with three pups being the most common litter size. Wild meerkats may have up to four litters per year. Meerkats are iteroparous and can reproduce any time of the year but most births occur in the warmer seasons. The pups are allowed to leave the at three weeks old. When the pups are ready to emerge from the burrow, the whole clan of meerkats will stand around the burrow to watch. Some of the adolescents might try to show off so they can have more attention than the pups.

Comment: They look more like groundhogs. Can't remember the link, but they both live in dry arid areas. (Opps, is that redundant?)

Comment: How many young does a female meerkat have at a time?

MVK: She can have up to five but three is the norm.

Comment: Flower is the leader of the pack!!

MVK: Flower was the leader of the pack. Flower died a few years ago.

Comment: RATS, I guess the meerkat won't make a good classroom pet. LOL

MVK: Well - it would probably consider your students a "clan, gang or mob" and guess that your classroom would just smell stinky.

Comment: For real????? (matriarch) Are they that smart??

Critter Class – Meerkats 4 8/22/2011 MVK: They are pretty smart and even participate in social activities, like races or wrestling.

Comment: What is their diet?

MVK: Scorpions, lizards, spiders, , centipedes, eggs, sometimes a bird, things that we would probably not like to eat.

MVK: They are immune to the venom and some other venoms.

Comment: How on earth in a gang of 20 meerkats can only 1 female be allowed to get pregnant? Doesn't nature take its course and others mate as well?

MVK: Occasionally - but they suffer the consequences.

Comment: MVK, are you having as much fun as the viewers on these lessons? Fascinating to me - especially tonight as I have never heard of this species before. My friends think I am getting to be a wildlife expert! LOL Night all. ♥♥

MVK: Yep - I am learning right along with all of you.

Comment: So you would not want them guarding the hen house.

MVK: I don't think so EGS.

Comment: MVK: Are you aware from your research on Meerkats whether there is an equivalent animal in the Southern States?

MVK: No, I don't know of an equivalent. There are in the States are there not?

MVK: Mongooses live in southern Eurasia and Africa.

Comment: Good Evening MVK and thank you for tonight. What are the ranges of height and general weight of the meerkats? Thanks.

Critter Class – Meerkats 5 8/22/2011

MVK: Meerkats weigh up to 1.5 pounds. They can be up to 9 inches long.

MVK: Here is a video from Meerkat Manor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_eVEW_Y02o

Comment: I'm so glad it's meerkats tonight! I was always meaning to watch the show, but never actually did! I'm somehow surprised at how small they are! ... Now teacher, did you make that funny video posted @ 8:22, hmmm??? MeerkatGal, MKG, MGK, MVK (see the progression?) ;P (just kidding),

Comment: Would they make a good pet?

MVK: No - they will spray all over your house marking their territory and it is really stinky. They also are an animal that lives in clans - a lone meerkat would probably go hysterical. They also bite!

Comment: You know when I watched that show the meerkats appeared bigger. I was surprised when you said they were only 9" long.

Comment: From Wiki on Flower: The group followed most closely is known as the Whiskers family. This group was chosen because of its matriarch Flower, an unusually successful dominant female who led the group for five years.[10][18] During series three, Flower died from a snake bite and was succeeded by her daughter Rocket .

Comment: I was thinking of prairie too, BingoWings. MVK - Do females ever challenge each other to be the leader of the gang?

MVK: There are fights and the whole clan is devoted to the matriarch and will shun the other.

Comment: Meerkats remind me of prairie dogs.

Comment: Uhhhhhh?? species??? LOL

Critter Class – Meerkats 6 8/22/2011 Comment: I miss seeing Meerkat Manor. Watching their family structure was an education. The last episode of Flower was heartbreaking.

MVK: Yes and there is a tribute to her on YouTube. Lots of people followed that clan.

Comment: Do they get their water from the food they eat?

MVK: Mostly but they do look for water. One episode showed them going to an area where lots of other frequented - an old watering trough I believe.

Comment: Love the meerkats. How tall are they when they stand on their hind legs?

MVK: They are 9 inches long so I would guess a couple inches taller standing.

Comment: There are some about 5 miles from me, in a zoo. They stand guard and dive for cover when a buzzard flies over. They also all run for cover when a plane appears (high up) in the sky!!! cute♥♥

MVK: They are very popular in zoos - because of how they work together and they are entertaining.

MVK: The cameras that filmed them must have been right on the ground because they did look larger.

Comment: If you read about the meerkat and the prairie dog, the prairie dog is like a nice meerkat. Eats more plants, but some insects. Lives in a clan, kisses, etc. (Just a little chunkier.) Still very similar, except how they are classified.

MVK: Meerkats also are covered in ticks a lot. They groom each other too.

Comment: So, one female (leader) breeds with one other male? What happens to the male pups when they grow up - are they 'kicked out' to find a new gang? MVK: They can choose to stay with the clan or become rogues and try to find other clans to join. They are usually chased off by the other male members of the clan.

Critter Class – Meerkats 7 8/22/2011

Comment: Opps, forgot. Both live in burrows, deal with extreme temperature, and storms (mostly dry).

Comment: The ones who are banished~~do they form their own communities??

MVK: They can. It is very hard for one to live on its own or even a pair. They need sentries to stand guard while they forage and especially if a pair have pups - someone must babysit and others forage. They also take the pups out and teach them how to forage and how to do other meerkat things.

Comment: Never got to watch Meerkat Manor - are the males allowed to stay and be part of the clan/mob?

MVK: Yes - they are just not allowed to mate. If the head male dies or leaves, then the female can choose who she wants for her new mate.

Comment: What happens when the female leader of the clan dies? How is a new leader chosen?

MVK: If there is more than one up for the position, they will fight. The loser usually goes off on their own or stays in the clan if the new female leader allows it. Also - the other females help take care of the pups.

Comment: How about their need for water or fluids, I know the pups can suckle, but what about the adults needs?

MVK: A typical diet for a meerkat includes insects, birds, small , lizards, scorpions, snakes, eggs, larvae and fruit. Meerkats drink water when it is made available.

Comment: http://friends.kalahari-meerkats.com/ This was a site I went on with some interesting statistics from a clan in the Kalahari Desert

Comment: Do you have a picture of the meerkats?

Critter Class – Meerkats 8 8/22/2011

Animal Diversity Web

Comment: Good evening MVK, meerkats seem really cool. What types of animals are their predators?

MVK: Per Meerkats.net What threatens Meerkats? - The threats to a meerkat come from sky, land and weather. In the sky, the , with a wing span of six feet, can easily prey on adults, while other smaller birds of prey prefer to snatch the young. When the winged predator is seen the alarm goes out and all sprint for nearby bolt holes. If they are not near any bolt holes the will lie on the ground and depend on camouflage They also may take cover in thorny bushes where the birds dare not venture. On the ground, the jackal and other wild are the Meerkats primary foe; however, when banded together, Meerkats have the ability to chase away a jackal. can also be a threat, as their burrowing can penetrate the Meerkats den making them more vulnerable prey. As mentioned previously, the cobra sometimes threatens meerkat young. Meerkats will mob a cobra relentlessly if it tries to enter their burrow. They are agile enough to avoid a snakes strike. They even have the ability to kill a cobra. If they come across one while our foraging they will temporarily mob it and once the situation is under control move on. A puff header snake will also eat Meerkat pups. I have read about a sighting in which a group of Banded mongooses actually climbed a tree to rescue one of their family members from a eagle. Both the and the meerkat have similar social habits.

Comment: Flower was about 7 years old.

Comment: So meerkats are not the same as prairie dogs? We have prairie dogs in the US, right?

MVK: Yes prairie dogs are in the US

Comment: http://animal.discovery.com/fansites/meerkat/flower/flower.html

Critter Class – Meerkats 9 8/22/2011 Comment: The post I just sent you is about Flower and her legacy♥

Comment: That was a good movie from Meerkat Manor. How long is an adult and how often does the fur shed? From the movie, the fur looks very thin.

MVK: Meerkats fur ranges in color from silver to orange to brown. Much of this depends on the as well as the sand color in which they live.Even in close proximity in the Kalahari you will find Meerkats with tanish fur in the dried out riverbeds and orange fur in the dunes above. Their coats have a great ability to act as both an insulation to keep heat in and an exhaust system to prevent them from overheating in the harsh climate. In the winter they will spread their hair out so to create a heat insulation effect much like a wet suit. Their stomach acts as a sort of solar panel during the winter months. Under a thin layer of stomach hair is a patch of dark skin which collects heat from the winter sun in order to provide warmth on cool days.

Comment: Is the 9" long for the length of the meerkat just the body (tail not included)? The meerkats in the video sure seem to look longer than that though.

MVK: Yes tail is not included.

Comment: Any idea how which female becomes the matriarch after the death of the previous one??

MVK: Beta males and females often leave the gang by three years to live with different gangs or join together to form different gangs in order to increase their chances to breed. Meerkats that embark on this journey alone or in groups of two or three face great danger, as Meerkats are most vulnerable when they few in number. Sometimes Meerkats will ally themselves with one another and takeover another gang, and getting rid of the competitive alpha male and perhaps the alpha female.

MVK: From what was seen on the Meerkat Manor series - there were often a few of the females in the group who decided which one would become the alpha female, they often would fight.

Comment: Does the meerkat live similar to the prairie dog? I saw lots on historic Route 66 in northern Arizona. Did they come out of a hole in the ground?

Critter Class – Meerkats 10 8/22/2011 MVK: Meerkats have burrows underground where they go to sleep and to have and raise the pups until they are old enough to come outside.

Comment: Praire dogs only live 5-8 years and are bigger

Comment: Yes, to the males. They take care of the young.

Comment: Flower's daughter took over the clan.

Comment: Oh, I found a difference between meerkats and prairie dogs. Prairie dogs are monogamous. Only breed with one male at a time. Only gets new mate if that one dies. ♥

Comment: MVK, if Flower was born in 2000, what I'm reading she died this year? So she would be 11 years old....and died from a snake bite?

MVK: Terri - she died about four years ago.

Comment: MVK, I read that Flower was replaced by her daughter as queen of the clan. Does it sound like a matriarchal society?

MVK: There are times when other females replace the alpha female - not always a relative.

MVK: Now 33 - they can be sentries, eat centipedes and scorpions, sweep out the burrow, groom each other and eat the ticks - what more could you ask for? LOL

Comment: Did you happen across what the gestation period is in any of your research?

MVK: 77 days

Critter Class – Meerkats 11 8/22/2011