Final Evaluation Report
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Final Evaluation Report Protect Vulnerable Children and Youth from Unsafe Migration and Involvement in Hazardous Work in North Wollo Zone October 31, 2015 Save the Children fights for children’s rights. We deliver immediate and lasting improvements to children’s lives worldwide. Save the Children works for a world: which respects and values each child; which listens to children and learns; where all children have hope and opportunity. Our Vision is a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation. Our Mission is to inspire breakthrough in the way the world treats children and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives. Save the Children Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | P.O. Box: 387 | Tel: 011 3 72 84 55-61 or 011 6 53 51 74 |Fax: +251 11 372 8045| | | © Save the Children, October 2015 Team Leader, Senior Evaluator, Child Protection Expert and Author: Azeb Adefrsew Technical Vocational Education and Training Expert: Adane Abeje Assistant Evaluator and Youth Capacity Development Expert: Firehiwot Mezgebu Assistant Evaluator, Data Analyst and Editor and Assistant Author: Helina Abye Gebreyes The picture on the front page depicts a girl tending sheep in Meket and a girl engaged in hairdressing in Woldia. Permission to use, copy and distribute this document partly or in its entirety is hereby granted, provided that due source of reference appears in all copies. Table of Contents Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................ iii List of Acronyms ..................................................................................................................................... iv List of Tables ........................................................................................................................................... v List of Figures .......................................................................................................................................... v Glossary of Amharic and Other Local Terms .......................................................................................... vi Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................... vii 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1. Project Background ................................................................................................................. 1 1.2. Objectives of the Final Evaluation........................................................................................... 3 1.3. Scope and Focus of the Final Evaluation ................................................................................. 3 2. Definition of Key Terms................................................................................................................... 5 3. An Overview on Unsafe Child Migration and Involvement in Hazardous Work ............................. 8 4. Methodology ................................................................................................................................. 14 3.1. Overall Approach and Methodological Framework .............................................................. 14 3.2. Sampling Strategy ................................................................................................................. 14 3.3. Assessment Area and Respondents ...................................................................................... 16 3.4. Data Management, Processing and Analysis ........................................................................ 17 3.5. Opportunities and Limitations .............................................................................................. 18 5. Findings of the Evaluation ............................................................................................................. 19 4.1. Accountability of the Partner ................................................................................................ 19 4.2. Quality of Services and Activities .......................................................................................... 21 4.3. Relevance of the Project ....................................................................................................... 25 4.4. Efficiency of Project Implementation ................................................................................... 31 4.5. Effectiveness of the Project .................................................................................................. 34 4.6. Impact of the Project ............................................................................................................ 40 4.7. Gaps and Challenges Identified and Solutions Sought ......................................................... 43 4.8. Good Practices and Key Lessons ........................................................................................... 48 4.9. Sustainability of Results and Activities ................................................................................. 51 6. Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................................................................. 55 5.1. Conclusions ........................................................................................................................... 55 5.2. Recommendations ................................................................................................................ 57 References ............................................................................................................................................... i Annexes .................................................................................................................................................... i Annex One: Background and Statistics of Survey Respondents .......................................................... i Annex Two: List of Key Informants ................................................................................................... viii ii Acknowledgements Sincere appreciation goes to all the youth in Woldia, Meket and Wadla Woredas in North Wollo of Amhara Regional State who benefited from the project who participated in the survey and focus group discussions and shared with us with their life stories as well as school club members and school children, adult school community members and community discussion fora members in Hana Mekuat Kebele in Meket and Lay Talet Kebele and Lay Talet Kebeles in Wadla who actively participated during the focus group discussions and individual interviews. Our deepest gratitude goes to the representatives of the different government stakeholders who offered valuable information by participating in group and individual interviews as key informants. These included members of the Advisory Committees of Woldia, Meket and Wadla as well as the members of the Child Affairs Committees in Hana Mekuat Kebele in Meket and Lay Talet Kebele in Wadla. We appreciate the valuable input from Program and Project Staff of ANPPCAN who implemented the project in Woldia, Meket and Wadla. Special thanks goes to Mr. Beruk Yakob, Program Coordinator; Mr. Tadesse Desalegn, previous Zone Coordinator; Mr. Hailu Ambaye, Acting Zone Coordinator; Mr. Mengesha Worku and Mr. Mareg Belay, previous Psycho Social Service Providers. Save the Children Child Protection Program staff deserves special appreciation for providing constructive comments to the team of consultants from the preparatory to the final process of carrying out the final evaluation as well as providing relevant documents and facilitating contact with the partner. iii List of Acronyms ACSI Amhara Credit and Saving Institution ANPPCAN Association for National Planned Program for Vulnerable Children in Need BoLSA Bureau of Labour and Social Affairs BoWCYA Bureau of Women, Children and Youth Affairs CCC Community Care Coalition CPU Child Protection Unit CSE Commercial Sexual Exploitation FGD Focus Group Discussions GOE Government of Ethiopia HTPs Harmful Traditional Practices IGAs Income Generating Activities INGOs International Non-Governmental Organization KII Key Informant Interview LSA Labour and Social Affairs MSEDO Micro and Small Enterprise Development Office MSEDA Micro and Small Enterprise Development Agency NGOs Non-Governmental Organization OVC Orphan and Vulnerable Children SACCOs Saving and Credit Cooperatives SCD Save the Children Denmark TOC Theory of Change WCYAO Women, Children and Youth Affairs Office UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund iv List of Tables Table 1: Stratified Sample Size Determination for the Survey ............................................................. 15 Table 2: Number of FGDs * Type of Participant * Woreda ................................................................... 16 Table 3: Number of KII Participants ...................................................................................................... 17 Table 4: Income Level of Survey Respondents ..................................................................................... 24 Table 5: Whether previous engagement was exploitative ................................................................... 28 Table 6: Children and Youth Feeling Safer and More Protected Than Before * Sex, N=366 ...............