Changes and features for different PSAM versions

PSAM versions Business features Chip terminal changes (optional) PSAM v.9.20.11 UnionPay contactless CVM A new Get D/C Properties modification for (Id = ’001F’) (Retrieve Credit/QuasiCredit AIDs is truncated PAN) command handled by the PSAM. This has been added. This com- functionality is a require- mand is used to obtain the ment from UnionPay. following data elements for The PSAM is now capable receipt printing: to receive tag #Q (Last 4 Last 4 digits of PAN (tag digits of PAN) from the #Q) from host host. Last 4 digits of PAN (tag ’9F25’) from ICC/Mobile Application Primary Ac- count Number (tag ’5A’)/Track 2 Equivalent Data (tag ’57’)

PSAM v.9.20.01 “Single message” transac- tions (contact EMV and contactless EMV). Strong Customer Authen- tication supported (/VisaDankort, BankAxept, Mastercard and Visa). Contactless PIN-retry. Recognise contactless Un- ion Pay devices (kernel C- 7).

PSAM v.9.10.02 “Money send” included. Two new Get D/C Proper- For contactless transac- ties commands (Id = ’001D’ tions, tag A6 (CARD_ORG based upon ’0019’& ’001E’ _CODE) is present as well based upon ’001B’) are (also in captures). added to deliver Issuer In case of an error during Country Code (tag ’5F28’) & Select Application, the Application Currency Code PSAM returns now an (tag ’9F42’) additionally in ASW1-ASW2 = ’1100’ the response. (Startup required) to clar- Merchant Log is no longer ify the action to be taken allowed due to PCI require- For all contactless transac- ments. tion, the PSAM will perfom a limit check (Floor Limit, CVM Limit and Transaction Limit).

PSAM v.9.10.01 Do not return ASW=1707 (unexpected Complete command) if Transaction Status shows that it is re- jected by the terminal. PSAM v.9.00.04 Support for PAR. It can be New version of Get D/C used for hash values (or Properties. plaintext PAR) to the ter- minal for customer recog- nition, e.g. For loyalty schemes, parking etc.

PSAM v.9.00.03 Application Pre-Selection New command (Retrieve now performed by the AIDs) PSAM. New command (Set Mer- MIF rules implemented. chant Priorities) Support for “yellow MIF Support for “yellow MIF button”. This is the button”. method where a customer Service Pack 3: New for- can override the pre-se- mats. lection and get the full list of AIDs to select from. PSAM v.9.00.02 Application Selection now performed by the PSAM. PSAM v.9.00.00 Split CDP, eg. possible to use different CDP Keys on different Card readers. Card Organization Refer- ence Number. Able to handle Contactless Token. PSAM v.8.20.06 Do not return ASW=1707 Merchant Log is no longer (unexpected Complete allowed due to PCI require- command) if Transaction ments. Status shows that it is re- jected by the terminal. SCA, Strong Customer Au- thentication supported (Dankort/VisaDankort,

BankAxept, Mastercard and Visa). ASW=10E9 (different ap- plication versions) no longer used by the PSAM. The corresponding TVR bit is still used. Contactless AID Entry Ta- ble now has 20 entries.

PSAM v.8.20.05 Contactless Fallback rules For mode ’FF’ (Return updated to V. 92 level. hashed PAR/PAN) in the Get DC Properties com- mand, Id = ’001B’, it is checked that if PAR is not present then if PAN is a ”dummy” PAN then hash is not returned.

PSAM v.8.20.04 Support for proprietary By setting byte 2/b8 of the BankAxept Action Codes Terminal Settings, the des- (“G9” and “GA”). tination address for a Set Detection of non-card de- D/C Properties/Get D/C vices for BankAxept and Properties command re- added sponse issued immediately Support for PAR. PAR can after the Get Amount com- be received from the

card/handset, the host or mand can be set to Mer- the terminal. chant Application instead of Do not fallback to contact MAD-Handler. transactions if the device has positively been de- tected as a non-card de- vice. This function has been extended to support Amex and Visa, Master- card, JCB, BankAxept andInterac.

PSAM v.8.20.03 Partial Approval Sup- Terminal Setting Requests ported. Tag 3X (field 47) ’30’ (sup- Domestic floorlimit, able ported) /’31’ (not sup- to handle local floor limits ported). for Card Schemes. PSAM v.8.20.01 The EMV kernel has been amended to be compliant with the EMV Specification Bulletin SB-141. PSAM v.8.10.05 CL Late Amount intro- Segmentation of the Initi- (same functionality as duced. ate 7.20.05) Retrieve Card Data 2 command. command introduced. Issues a Get Amount com- Masking of Discretionary mand if no amount was and other Data for Track1

and Track2 except PAN 6 present in the Initiate Con- + 4. tactless Payment com- Duplicate Transactions mand. Check supported for Con- Retrieve Card Data 2 com- tactless. mand. Masking of all Data for Track1 and Track2, except PAN 6 + 4. Change ASW=10FB (fallback to magstripe) to ASW=10FC (fallback to contact EMV) for Contact- less transactions. Set up ARC (Authorization Response Code) if not pre- sent from the host (Con- tactless)(print on receipt). Duplicate Transactions Check supported for Con- tactless. PSAM v.8.10.01 Terminal can now interact Terminal can handle 4 byte (same functionality as with or disable Acceler- “Terminal Setting”. 7.20.01) ated Pin Entry. Terminal can handle Auto Possible to use Acceler- Accelerated entry. ated Pin Entry in DCC ca- pable Terminals. Indication if Terminal is Contactless Capable.

PSAM v. 8.00.07 Handling of Secure hash Terminal can handle Elec- (same functionality as to Electronic Receipts. tronic Receipt. 7.10.12) Terminal can handle ex- Handling of new exchange change of PED keys. of PED keys Terminal can handle early Adding early entry of Ex- entry of Extended Enve- tended Envelope data lope Data. PSAM v. 8.00.06 Added handling of “ Terminal can supply Finn- Axept Exception Rule”. ish terminal configuration Added additional Field 55 parameters. Terminal can data mandatory in the support the confirmation Finnish market. Added and authorisation entry for handling of 4 digit CVC Bank Axept Exception with leading ”0” (AMEX) Rule. Terminal to supply ‘F’ for blank digit in CVC. PSAM v. 8.00.05 Command “Retrieve Card Terminal can handle “Re- Data”. trieve Card Data”. Command “Get Random Terminal can handle “Get Number”. Random Number”. New PIN block Format 1+ Convert from Format 1+ to introduced, to comply with Format 2 towards ICC, for PTS plaintext PIN. PSAM v. 8.00.04 Unmasking of PAN in case Terminal can handle PAN. (same functionality as of Private Label Cards. 7.10.11) Rules for fallback to other technology for contactless cards have been changed.

Error correction. PSAM v. 8.00.03 Contactless transactions The Contactless kernel has (PayWave / PayPass) us- to be located in the Termi- ing an external kernel. nal. Error correction. PSAM v. 8.00.02 Resynchronize with PSAM each time CDP is switched on. PSAM v. 7.20.01 Terminal can now interact Terminal can handle 4 byte (same functionality as with or disable Acceler- Terminal Setting. 8.10.01) ated Pin Entry. Terminal can handle Auto Possible to use Acceler- Accelerated pin entry. ated Pin Entry in DCC ca- pable Terminals. Indication if Terminal is Contactless Capable. PSAM v. 7.10.12 Handling of Secure hash Terminal can handle Elec- (same functionality as to Electronic Receipts. tronic Receipt. 8.00.07) Terminal can handle ex- Handling of new exchange change of PED keys. of PED keys. Terminal can handle early Adding early entry of Ex- entry of Extended Enve- tended Envelope data. lope Data. Added handling of “Bank Terminal can supply Finn- Axept Exception Rule”. ish terminal configuration Added additional Field 55 parameters. Terminal can data mandatory in the support the confirmation Finnish market. Added and authorisation entry for

handling of 4 digit CVC Bank Axept Exception with leading ”0” (AMEX) Rule. Terminal to supply ‘F’ Command “Retrieve Card for blank digit in CVC. Data”. Terminal can handle “Re- Command “Get Random trieve Card Data”. Number”. Terminal can handle “Get New PIN block Format 1+ Random Number”. introduced, to comply with Convert from Format 1+ to PTS. Format 2 towards ICC, for plaintext PIN. PSAM v. 7.10.11 Contactless transactions The Contactless kernel has (same functionality as (PayWave / PayPass) us- to be located in the Termi- 8.00.04) ing an external kernel. nal. Resynchronize with PSAM each time CDP is switched on. Unmasking of PAN in case Terminal can handle PAN. of Private Label Cards. Rules for fallback to other technology for contacless cards have been changed. Error correction. PSAM v. 7.10.10 and PCI-PADSS Syslog: The Terminal shall collect v. 8.00.01 PSAM will return relevant this log information from the PSAM, and incorporate log information related to: the information into the • PSAM configuration format of Terminal log. data

• PSAM Updates As the PSAM is not able to produce a time stamp (date & time), the Termi- nal shall provide this for each log event. Get MSC Table Command, For Private Label Card PAN can now get Private Label ranges, Terminal shall be Card PAN ranges only. able to handle PAN range length = 12 characters.

PSAM v. 71.008 CardDataProtection(CDP): To handle CDP, Terminal All data to and from the including Card reader, PSAM that may potentially must be able to enci- contain sensitive data are pher/decipher data to/from now enciphered. the PSAM. New PIN block format and Terminal must be able to encryption to comply with handle new PIN block for- PCI. mat and encryption. (new Additional Transaction TAPA specification) Data (i.e. Extended Issuer To use “Additional Transac- Envelope). This enables tion Data”, the Terminal the addition of a unique has to send data in a for- transaction reference mat as expected by the Is- and/or extra transaction suer Host, via the PSAM data related to the use of with the “Set D/C Proper- certain private label ties” cmd. cards. Terminal sends enciphered MSC track data to the PSAM, and if allowed (not

Get MSC tracks infor- PCI card) the PSAM will re- mation in deciphered turn the deciphered track form. data to the terminal. CDA error handling con- forming to EMV 4.2. PSAM v. 71.001 EMVCo release 4.2c: Al- Token data is used to con- ways perform Terminal struct a Key Entered trans- Risk Management if the action which is then han- terminal is offline capable. dled in the same way as if received from the terminal. EMVCo release 4.2c: Ig- nore data from the user Response to Get D/C Prop- card if the tag ’belongs’ to erties indicates if PSAM is the terminal or the issuer. able to make transactions with the card. Error correction: Get D/C Properties failed to return Service Code if present.

Post Registration transac- tions implemented (both Purchase and Refund).

PSAM v. 70.003 Remote update of PSAM. Response to Get D/C Prop- Preferred offline. erties indicates if a PAN is Alternative Terminal Ca- a local/non PCI Card. pability. The value returned in Sub- Local Cards. mit Card Reference now Extended Authorization. the same for ICC and MSC.

Submit Card Reference 2 added to include both a primary and a secondary reference number for ICC and MSC. PSAM v. 61.001 Norwegian requirements Fetch Ref. STAN, TVR,TSI including Track3 handling and IAC values for printing for Bax cards. on the receipt from PSAM. Contactless transactions. Handling of Track3. (Prepaid) Fetch Acquirer Information Statistics from terminal from PSAM. now included in host mes- Fetch Funds Available from sages (Contactless). PSAM. Account Type Selection. Handle Contactless trans- Ref. STAN for Capture actions. transactions. Print of TVR/TSI/IAC on receipt. Application effective date Check if Cashback is al- lowed. Always perform CDA on 2nd GENERATE AC if no useful host response was received, i.e. we need to be sure that the issuer validated the ARQC

PSAM v. 60.018 Able to disable DAPE only Processing Condition and still keep APE. Table (PCT) implemented2 APE/DAPE introduced for PCI compliant. 3 MSC. Local PIN re–introduced. Cancellation imple- mented. Processing Condition Ta- ble (PCT) implemented.2 PCI compliant. 3

PSAM v. 53.005 Dedicated for business Key Entered transactions. environments requiring Supplementary Authoriza- Key Entered transactions tion. and/or Supplementary Authorizations (Hotels etc.). Is able to handle ex- tended PAN prefix to dis- tinguish between prepaid cards (Gavekort) PSAM v. 52.008 To support all terminal types. Will replace PSAM v. 50.036 & 52.002 PSAM v. 52.002 Support the signature New terminal type. only terminals. PSAM v. 50.036 Option of extra fast PIN entering with Dankort. 1

PSAM v. 50.030 Blocking of two consecu- Cancellation requires call tive transactions within a by command. given timeframe. (Set Debit/Credit Proper- Can be cancelled. ties)

1. Dankort Accelerated PIN Entry (DAPE) When a Dankort or VISA Dankort is recognised, PIN entering becomes available immediately. (Feature can be deactivated by PBS if requested). 2. A Processing Condition Table, PCT, has been introduced to be able to convey specific parameters to a terminal. The concept is used in certain regions. The data are forwarded using the PSAM as the transport provider. 3. The PCI Security Standards Council, PCI SSC issues and maintains standards specifying relevant security requirements for systems that store, process or transmit card data and other sensitive data e.g. PINs.