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Montrose Star-3-7-010412.Pdf / / / & ( ' , * ( + +, * ( & 1( - * - " , ( % , ' , * , "' & ' , * * , "( ' - %, - * "' ' , * % ' ( +, %, 0 +/ ' + 1#- %1 H . ( %""""++- MagicMike 9 INTERVIEW 9 FETATUROE NY MORAN BY DJ Mark D OutofTown 2233 Seattle DiningGuide 1144 Dining Out with the Star! ClubGuide 3322 Texas GLBT Clubs Next2Weeks 66 Parties & Events INDEX 6;FAD;3> ' A@) DA8;FE 3>7@63D DAEEI AD6 pp2288 %;87EFK>7E PAGE 2 MonTrose STar H Wednesday, July 4, 2012 I I I & A@FDAE7+F3D5A? H 3>EA8;@6GEA@ F 3574AA=5A? +F3D& A@FDAE7 MonTrose STar H Wednesday, July 4, 2012 PAGE 3 5:00 pm NEW BOTTLEBOTTLE SERVICE FABSOLUTABSOL DEALDEAL Of ABSOLUTABSOLUT VODKAVVODKODKA 1/2 priced drinkS til 8pm absolut SINGLE WELL VODKA, malibu COCKTAILS & avion tequila $3.00 EACH til10pm excludesexcludes holidays and special eventsevents 10:30SUNDAYSUNDAAYPMY 10:30TUESDAYTUESDAAYPMY E S E E V I I L D G A A L R Y D R A Starring : Dina Jacobs,Jacobs, ChevelleChevelle BrooksBrooks and DeyjzahDeyjzah Opulent MirageMirage Houston’sHouston’s mostmost fabulousffabuabulous castscasts D in two weekly shows. N E G E L Extravaganza Starring : Felicity Layne, Christina Ross, Charo Beans DaBarge, Kara Dion and Violet S’Arbleu HOSTED BY TYE BLUE Featuring the exclusiveclusive LaurenzoLaurenzo familyfamily reciperecipe margaritamargarita 202 TUAM | 21+ | 713.522.FBAR | | Text FBARAR to 72727 for VIP Access to Special EventsEvents F BAR Winner of 15 AWARDS by Outsmart Magazine and Houston Pressess readersreaders 2011 I I I & A@FDAE7+F3D5A? H 3>EA8;@6GEA@ F 3574AA=5A? +F3D& A@FDAE7 PAGE 4 MonTrose STar H Wednesday, July 4, 2012 CONTENTS STHAR ASK TAMMY MANNERS July 4, 2012 H Issue 59 Dear Tammy, ward. “Do you Think you will kill yourself a friend p13 I am so excited! OMG! I passed my classes asked?” and graduated from the University last month. I “I have ThoughT of iT. I could shooT myself, ™ Gay in the City am off to the job market to find my career. I ma - buT whaT if I jusT graze my cheek and disfigure my - Showcasing Top local jored in party planning, just kidding, I got a Bach - self? Who would hire me Then? I can’T pull The car performers & enTerTainers elor of Science degree in Hotel Restaurant inTo The garage and gas myself as I live in a high Management. No one is hiring. Maybe I am not rise ThaT is very well venTilaTed. I don’T drink, so so excited after all. I could run for political office. I can’T drink myself To deaTh. I could jump, buT I Once you are elected, it is like job security for live on The 5Th floor and would probably end up life, with a pension. No one speaks about pen - in an iron lung as my docTor would confuse me sions any more, except the teachers, postal as a paTienT of polio and I am clausTrophobic.” workers, flight attendants and city employees. It I remember when I sTarTed a career wiTh probably isn’t polite to go into a job interview de - Mary Kay. I wanTed a Pink Cadillac and The sTaTus What’s HOT pressed and now I am really scared and down. ThaT goes wiTh ThaT car. The crowd ThaT I hung …everyThing To plan your My friends are telling me that my dream, which around wiTh said, “Look aT her! Who does she is to be an actress, isn’t a good career choice, Think she is? How is The Mary Kay career going? ! that I will fail. How do you keep a positive atti - GeT your Cadillac yeT?” Next 2Weeks tude? I think it is rude to look and feel low during “ITs greaT! The car is on order. When can we the job interview. Your advice? schedule your skin care class?” NoT one friend boughT a Miracle SeT. They would say, “I placed Dear Friend - an order on your websiTe, I love my new producT.” Keep the Date! There are real problems in The world and I WhaT They didn’T realize was I could look aT The Think you have confused Congress wiTh one of The compuTer screen and see ThaT They were lying. Calendar: Next 2Weeks 6 sororiTy houses or The sTudenT union on The cam - They weren’T lying To be harmful. They didn’T wanT On the Town with Stephen 7 pus where you graduaTed. This up and down. I am To hurT my feelings by saying no. IT is never poliTe exciTed. Now, I am depressed. So much promise To lie. Cyndi’s 40 to None Volunteering in 2012: for The fuTure. Things aren’T so greaT afTer all. When The Pink Cadillac came, They were The Texas Non-Profit HoTel ResTauranT ManagemenT. Running for of - firsT ones To say, “I knew Tammy could do iT!” And fice. PosTal Workers. PosiTive aTTiTude. Pensions I did. I goT To sTep ouTside of my comforT zone p25 Organizations 16 and feeling low. IT sounds like a mensTrual cycle and build a business by building new relaTion - Faces and Places 7 and none of iT adds up. I have always said, “A liT - ships. I didn’T love my friends any less. They Tle brain, equals a liTTle TalenT.” didn’T undersTand whaT I was doing, buT I did. Gayborhood Realty Corner 8 I Too have been plagued in The pasT wiTh ca - Conquer your fears and doubTs, an example Ask Gayl 16 reer opporTuniTies and emoTional roller coasTer of overcoming, open To change. If someThing rides. There is one Thing ThaT is always a consTanT doesn’T work ouT, be flexible, sTarT over and Try Ask Miss Manners 4 in my life; Bear Claws and Apple FriTTers. When - someThing new. Long Island Tea - coming soon! ever I am feeling down and ouT, a gluTch of an Keep your blinders on and swim in your own Apple FriTTer calms The nerves. Then The sugar lane. Don’T lisTen To noisy feedback of The med - Diaries of A Foodie 14 and sodium makes my face puff up and my eyes dlers on The sidelines. There are a loT of insensi - and ankles swell and I have To Take a few diureT - Tive people in The world ThaT may noT wanT To see Dining 14 ics and Then I am siTTing on The commode urinaT - you geT ahead. IT Takes courage To break from The Theatre Review 17 ing all day. My elecTrolyTes go off balance and I pack. Eagles soar. Ducks are cuTe, flock, quack become dizzy and discombobulaTed and demen - and crap all over The place. You can’T feed an Bookmarks 17 Tia seTs in. So I have To call The psychiaTrisT, who eagle. She siTs paTienTly waiTing for her prey. The Healthy Steps has To Talk me down off The balcony and a career eagle realizes life is a maraThon, noT a sprinT. in Congress for you is now sTarTing To sound beT - When I geT down, ouT, confused, sad, lonely, New! Out In Galveston 22 Ter afTer all. They have free medical, denTal and depressed or plagued by pouTing, I look ouT The Star’s Newest Columnist Out In San Antonio 26 vision benefiTs. There is also subsidized food in window and There is This Red Tail Hawk ThaT lives The commissary and I hear They serve The besT in my neighborhood. I waTch her siTTing paTienTly Music Bear Claws in The counTry. You have To go To The on Top of The building nexT door. She doesn’T lis - p8 DJ Spotlight 28 SenaTe dining room or Nancy Pelosi’s office for a Ten To whaT The ducks are quacking abouT down TasTy Apple FriTTer. Your besT beT is To sTick wiTh in The creek. She swoops down, grabs her dinner Groovelines 24 The House of RepresenTaTives. and enjoys iT wiTh gusTo. Retro Retwind 24 I know sad and lonely. Blue, depressed and If you wanT To be an acTress, puT an acTion melancholy. Perhaps even dejecTed, despondenT, plan in place. SeT yourself up for a series of wins Lifestyles: Leather Corner 34 desTroyed, disconsolaTe, dismal, dispiriTed, dole - and successes. Don’T lisTen To whaT oThers are Guide to the Clubs 32 ful and dolorous. NoT quiTe down and ouT or down quacking abouT down in The creek. Be surprised in The dumps. I haven’T reached, 'down in The when your friends buy a TickeT To your play, book, Puzzle 33 mouTh,' as my TeeTh look amazing and I can flash movie or TheaTrical evenT. UndersTand ThaT Those Cartoons 33 a Hollywood whiTe grin aT The drop of a haT. who don'T parTicipaTe in your success are scared. I could become dank and damp. Clammy They aren'T being mean or ill inTenTioned. You are Horoscopes 34 and chilled. Dewy and dripping in a moisT, muggy reminding Them of Their own mediocriTy and limi - fog of The blues. A weT blankeT. Woebegone and TaTions. Be paTienT and enjoy The spoils of your woeful. Why boTher? labor. Be kind and benevolenT To Those who said InsTead, I smile and Turn on The magic and you couldn’T, shouldn’T and wouldn’T do iT. To keep going. ResoluTe ThaT wiTh purpose and forTi - whom much is given, much is expecTed. Tude I will overcome and conTinue To move for - Tammy Montrose Star™ Newspaper Is Owned and operated by All adverTising published is subjecT To applicable raTe GLYP MEDIA, a Texas, a minority-certified sheeT. RequesT a raTe sheeT from our adverTising deparT - company founded in 1990. menT ([email protected]) or find iT on our websiTe aT: _______________________________________________ Montrose – . ©2012 MONTROSE STAR All RighTs Reserved.
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