8 者 , ブ と い N 《 テc , ・ ブ ・ ・ と 「(n gd o F 旨 ミ 『「 oa ミ お ヌ” sec yu eI「 子 T 4 国 「了三“ n nd e o 2 ミ、 事) 8一 r 、 o o h eR2 n・ re ョ さ ゆ【 、雲・加 O γ 【・ 電ど a ng g 胃昌 ミ ●、 n e ・ 品 「, プ gi 43 ●、之 ch aSo cho ・ p o ・ミ 『 ロ gl 2 ョ 9 、 z se し ミ g 入 r 948 ・ とミ 三各 H ・ y 白か 『に ed ea ・七232Mi・ u 一 子切 h ョ ひ 可 。 ミ ni A ● 喫 ミさ oE R 、雲 wh g 1 o 誓 。 【 o ロ ard・七ミ・いーいerof百, o ,い 「巨 「 ョ昌 閃 ュ ミ 看 s d 包ミ 、 H 国 o G s「 豊 豊 r , 」寿 ーミ 《 eahhH ! 加。『加 」、‘曾 讐 edi一 “い n9 ユ国。 。ぐ 『 ド奪昌・、 8 4598 ・~ 己」 and 叱 g 9『 94『 加 乞 昌 s り 4 , 一 ~議ト 留~H 』 ミ 切 g ”《 ・ ・ M 召切口 。 ・こ ミ g ggn g 468372i ni 》自 国 で ミ ch s O g (99『 e《 N え ー edS 4 4 rR 認 g . §・ ミミ(是 ? 一 ・ ぐ 国 加 47386es 【 『篭 乞 ” 《一 豊 e ch oz 8 v 8i ed 3 『 g O 易 月お k o 9、 94 弓 ● と 一 8 己ーエ ul 4 H 冨 ( こ e ・ 3・ ib 謝 」 g 言 2798 ef一 oz《 む >ュ 簡い』 加 hO ミ ae 95『 、雲 b rS 胃 一 召 ●ュ 子 巴. and n O に お ed esi4・ e 『 、ミ h c 曾 02 ni の 『 」ン ●「ユ」 39 ors F 呂『 目ジ R、 o oE 《冒《95『 ・ ●ゴ ミ ・ ord 片 ョ 【&ーs a 4 07 こ g 8 re r er o ・ 、 z H コの e R 子 エ 又と・台 讐 プn & 8 加 E 、雲 n 4・ メ, 12 F 、雲 島呂《 42・ 1 R『 三甘o ・ SCHEDULE "A"

The foilowing Regional Health Boards aro designated:

1 Simon Fraser Health Board 2 Capit日lHe日lth Bo日「d 3 West Kootenay-Boundary Regional Health Board 4. North Shore Health Board 5. East Kootenay Regional Heatth Board 6. Richmond Health Board 7. Cariboo Regionai Health Board 8. Burnaby He日lth Bo日rd 9. Fraser Valley Regional Health Board 10. Northern lnterior Regional Health Board 1 1. Upper lsland/Central Coast Regional Health Board 1 2. Central Vancouver lsland Regional Health Boord 1 3. North Okanagan Regional Health Board 1 4. South Fraser Valley Regional Health Board 1 5. Thompson Regional Health Board 1 6. Vancouver Health Board 1 7. NorthWest Regional Health Board 1 8. Coast Garibaldi Regional Health Board 1 9. South Okanagan Similkameen Health Board 20. Peace Liard R日gion日lHe日lth Bo日「d. SCHEDULE B


Commencing at the southwest corner of the District 01 Mission as defined in the British Columbie Gazette dated November 1 3, 1 969, with said corner being a point on the middle line of Froser River; thence northorly, eosterly and northerly along the westerly boundory of the District of Mlsion to the most northerly northwest corner thoreof; thence du日 North to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Stavo River; thence in a generol northerly direction along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Stave River to the eaaterly boundary 01 the watershed 01 Pitt River; thence northerly, westerly and southerly along the eosterly, northerly and westerly boundorles of the watershed of Pitt River to a point on the westerly boundary of the watershed 01 Pitt River lying due East of the southeast corner of District Lot 2029, Group 1, New Westminster District; thence due West to the middle line of lndion River; thence southerly along the middle lines of lndian River and lndian Arm, passing to the east of Croker laland and Distrlct Lot 1 77 and to the west of Racoon and Bouider lslands, produced to the mlddle line of Burrard lnlet, with aaid mlddle line of Burrard lnlet being aiso the northerly boundary of the City of Burnaby as deflned ln the Brltlah Columbia Gazette dated April 9, 1992; thence ooaterly and southerly atong the northerly and easterly boundaries of the City of Burnaby to the northw・sterly boundary of tha City of New Westmlnster as defined in tlie Gazette doted January 8, 1970; thence southweaterly and southerly along the northwesteriy ond westerly boundariea of the City of New Westminater to the middle line 01 the South Arm of Froser River, located north of Annacla lsland, and wlth sald middle line being alao the northerly boundary of the District of Delta as defined in the Brltish Columbla Gazette dated January 8, 1970; thonce easteriy along the middle line of , passing to the north of Barnston laland to the aouthwest corner of the Dlstrict of Miasion, belng a point thereon and being elso the polnt of commencoment, CAPITAL HEALTH BOARD AREA

Commencirtg at the northe日st corner of District Lot 167 E & N, Melahat District, being a point on the n8tur8l boundary of Finlayson Arm, on the westerty shore thereof;

thence westeily along the northerly boundaries of District Lot 167 E & N, 51 E & N, 54 E & N 8nd Block 453 to the most northerly northwest corner of Block 453;

thence southerly and westerly 日long the westerly and northerty boundaries of Block 453 to the most northerly northeast corner of District Lot 85 E & N;

thence westerly along the northerly boundery of District Lot 85 E & N to tha easterly boundary of District Lot 38 E & N;

thence northerly along the easterly boundaries of District Lots 38 E & N and 57 E & N to the ' outherly boundary 01 Block 281;

thence westerly and northerly along the southerly and westerly boundaries of Block 281 to the most southerly southeost corner of Block 287;

thenco westerly and northerly along the southerly and westerly boundaries of Block 287 to the southerly boundary of Block 323;

thence wasterly along the southeriy boundary of Btock 323 to the easterly boundary of Block 1 59;

thence northerly, westerly and northarly olong the eastarly, northerly and easterty bounderies of Block 1 59 to the southarly boundary of District Lot 6 E & Ni

thence aasterly and northerly along the Southerly and eastorly bounderios of District Lot 6 E & N to the most northorly northwest corner of District Lot 90 E & N, being a point on the eesterly boundary of Block 1 59;

thence in genaral northerly and westerly directions along tha perimeter bounderios of Block 1 59 to the southeest corner of Biock 1 80;

thence in northerly, westerly and southerly directions 8long the aasterly, northerly and westerfy boundaries of Btock 160 to the northerly boundary of Block 159;

thence westorly end eoutherly elong the northerly and westerly bounderies 01 Block 1 59 to the mO●t northerly northeast corner of Block 1255;

thence westerly, 8outherly, eesterly end southerly along the northerly and westarly boundaries of Block 1 255 to the northerly boundary of Block 1088;

thence westerly along the northerly boundaries of Blocks 1068 and 1273 to a portion of the eesterly boundary of Block 1273 and ccntinuing northerly along the easterly boundary of Block 1273 to a portion of the southerly boundary of Block 889; thence north.rly, eaterly, northarly and westarly along the southerly, easterly and northerly boundaries of Block 889 to the ea'torly boundary of Block 773;

thence northerly along tha easterly bounda,ies of Blocks 773 and 766 to the northeast corner of Block 776;

thonce wasterly along the northarly boundary of Block 766 to the easterly boundary of Biock 9, V.L. & M, Cowichen Lake District; Capital Health Board (cont'd)

thence northerly, wasterly 8nd southerly aiong the eesterly, northerly 8nd westerly boundarias of said Block 9 to the northerly boundary of Block 1 1 49;

thence westerly・northerly and westerly along the northerly, eestarly end northarly bounderies of Block 1149 to the most northarly northeest corner of Block 1296;

thenca westerly elong the northerly boundary of Block 1 296 to the eesterly bound8ry of Block 1 234, Maleh8t and Cowichan L8ke Districts;

thence northerly, westerly 8nd southerly elong the westerly, northerly and easterly boundaries of Block 1 234 to the most easterly northeast corner of Block 1 235, Melahet and Cowichen Leke Districts;

thence westerly and northerly along the easterly end northerly boundaries of Block 1235 to the northwest corner thereof, being a point on the westerly boundary of the Esquimalt 8nd Nanaimo Railway Company's land grant;

thence northwesterly along the westerly boundary of the Esquimalt and N8neimo Reilway Company's land grant to the most eastarly northeast cornar of District Lot 680, Renfrew District, baing a polnt thereon;

thence southerly and westerly along tho easterly end southerly boundaries of District Lot 680 to the most westerty southwest cornor thereof;

thenco due South to the northerly boundary of District Lot 200;

thonce westerly and southerly along the northerly and westerly boundaries of Dlstrlct Lot 200 to the most westerly northwest corner thereof;

thence duo West 10 the easterly boundary 01 District Lot 195;

thence northerly end westerly along the aasterly and northerly boundaries of Di3trict Lot 195 to the northeaet corner of District Lot 196;

thonco westerly and southerly along tho northerly and wosterly boundaries of District Lot 198 to the southwest corner theroof;

thence southerly ln e straight line to the northwest corner of District Lot 705;

thence soutトerly along the westerly boundery of District Lot 705 to the northerly boundery of Distrlct Lot 1 1 7;

thence westerlv and southerly along the northerly and westerly bounderies of Distrlct Lot 1 1 7 to tha northwest corner of Distrlct Lot 1 1 8 and continuing southerly along tha westerly boundary of District Lot 1 1 8 produced to the northerly boundary of District Lot 146;

thenca westerty and southerly along the northarly and wosterly boundaries of Dlstrlct Lot 1 48 to the southweit corner thereof, belng a point on the naturat boundary of Juan de Fuca Strait on the northarly shore thereof;

thence dua South to the middlo line of Juan de Fuce Streit, being also the southerly boundary of the Province of British Columbia; thence eesterty and northarly along said southerly boundary of the Province of Brltish Columbia to the 49th parallel of north lotitude, bolng a point on the middle line of ;

thence wosterly in a straight tine 10 the middle line of Porlier Pass; Capltal Health Board (cont.)

thence southwesterly along the middle Iine of Porlier Pass produced to 日nd 8round the southern extremlty of Reld )sl8nd, to the mlddla line of the main channel sep8rating Thetis and Kuper )slandB from Reld, Norway and Secretary 同ands;

thencesoutherly along sald middle line 8nd the middle line of Houstoun Passage produced to the mlddle line of さ【 uart しnannei;

thence southerly along the middle linos 01 , Sensum Nerrows 自nd Satelllte Channel to the northerly prolongation of the middle llne of Saanich lnlet; thence southerly to and elong the middle llnes of Saanlch lnlet, Squally Reach and Finlayeon Arm to a polnt on the middlo line of Finlayson Arm lying Iue East of the northeast corner of Dlstrict Lot 167 E & N, Malahat Dletrlct; thence due West to the northaast corner of District Lot 167 E & N, belng the point of commencement. WEST KOOTENAY-BOUNDARY REGIONAL HEALTH BOARD AREA

Commencing at the intersection of the southerly boundary of the Province of British Columbia with the westerly boundary of the watershod of those creeka that tlow e日storly into the portion 01 that flows northerly into Kootenay Lake;

thence northerly along said westerly boundary and continuing northerly along the westorly boundary of the watershed of Kootenay Lake to a point thereon, with said point being due West of the most northerly norlhwest corner of District Lot 2381, KooterIay District;

thence due East to the mOst northerly northwest cornar of District Lot 2381 and continuing easterly along the northerly boundary of District Lot 2381 to the northeast corner thereof, being o point on the natural boundary of Kootenay Lake, on the westerly shore thereof;

thence due East to tho middle line of Kootenay Laka;

thence northerly along the middle line of Kootonay Lake to e point thereon, with said point being due Weat of the northwest corner of Sublot 22 of District Lot 4595, as shown on Plan X 31 held on deposit in the Nelson Land Titlo Office;

thence due East to sald northwest corner of Sublot 22 and continuing easterly along the northerly boundary of Sublot 22 to the northoast corner thereof;

thence due East to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of La France Creek;

thence northeasterly along the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of La France Creek to the easterly boundery of the watershed of Kootenay Lake;

thence northerly along easterly boundaries of the watersheds of Kootaney Lake end Duncan River end contlnulng westerly end southerly along the northerly and westerly boundaries of the watershed ot Duncan River to a polnt on aaid westerly boundary lying due East of the summit of Comeplix Mountaln;

thence due West to the summit of Comaplix Mountain;

oasterlythence southerly boundary in of a District streight昔430to the produced northeast to thecorner mid謂留ofct Lotthe 標hoestand contlnuing arm of Upper sou認yw elong Lake

thence southwesterly along the middle line of the northeast arm of Upper Arrow Lake produced to the middle line of Upper Arrow Lake;

thenco southerly along the middle line 01 Upper Arrow Lake to a point thereon, with 8aid point lying due East of the southeast corner of District Lot 860;

thenco due West to the southeast corner of District Lot 880 and continuing westerly along the southerly boundery of Dlstrict Lot 860 to the southwest corner thereof; thence due West to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Pingston Creek; thence northerly and wosterly elong the easterly and northerly boundaries of the watershed of Pingston Creek to the westarly boundary of the wetershad of Pingston Creek, being a point on the westerly boundary of the watershed of Upper Arrow Lake;

thence soutflerly along the westerly boundary of tho wetershed of Uppar Arrow Leke and continuing southerly Wut Kootonay Boundary Regional Health Poard (c'nt'd) along th・w・肌・「 ly bound・「 y of th日 w日tershed o Whatrlan Riv日「 to th・summit of Eurek・Mountain, belng・point th・「・on・nd being also 日 point on the northerly bしulidbry of th・wat・「 shed of Wauchope C「・● k; thence wosterly along th6 nort l rly boundarios of tto watersheds of Wsuchope and Coates Creeks to e point thereon, wlth said point lying due North of the northeast corner of District Lot 2151, Osoyoos Divlsion of Yale District; thence due South to the northeast corner of Dirtrict Lot 21 51 and continuing southerly along tha eesterly boundary of District Lot 2151 to the southeast corner thereof; thence due South to a point lying due East of the・iuthu 日● t corner of District Lot 4252; thence due West to tlie southeest corner of District Lot 4252 and continuing westerly along the southerly boundary of District Lot 4252 to the westerly boundary of the w8tershed of Lower Arrow Lake; thence southetly along the westerly bo" hry of the watershed of Lower Arrow Leke to e point thereon, wlth said point lying due East of the northeast corrier of District Lot 2713, Similkameen Dlvlslon of Yele Distrlct; thenco duo West to the northeast corner of District Lot 271 3 and continuing wosterly along the northerly boundary of District Lot 271 3 to the northwest corner thereof; thenco due West to the northwesterly bound刊 y of the watershed of Kottie River; thonce southwesterly along the northv、u・ti.rly 5っund"ry し t tha watershed of Kettle Rlver to a polnt thereon, wlth said polnt Iying due North of the northeast corner of District Lot 2731s; th・nce due South to th日 northe・st corn日「 of Dist'ict Lし ‘ 731s・nd continuing・outherly along the .・・ter~ boundary of Disttict Lot 2731s to the southeast c'rnー r thereof; thence southerly in a straight line to the nortl" st c ';iier of District Lot 2729s; therice sし‘ herly along the easterly boundしry 01 District Lりt 2729s and continuing southerly end westerly along the easterly and southerly boundari'i of Distric l't 2130s to the easterly boundary of Distrlct Lot 888s; thence southerly and westerl、 iung the easterly and soiithorly boundnrios of Dlstrlct Lot 688s and contlnulng .storly along tho southerly boundery of District Lot けl/ ' tO the southwost corner thereof; thence due South to the westerly bouniiary of the wat"s1ed of Kettle River; thence southerly along the westerly boundary of tnc atorshed of Kettle River to e point thereon, wlth seld polnt lying duo North of the northeast cornet of District L.i I'39; thenca due South to the northoast corner of flistrict Lot 3639 and continuing southarly elong the eastorly boundery of Distrlct Lot 3639 to the westerly bouniarv rf the watershed 01 Kettle Rlver; thence ln a generel southerly diroctlon along the westerl',' boundary of the watershed of Kettle River to the westerly boundary of Dlstrict Lot 2708; thence southerly along the westorly boundarier o' i i I ots 2708, 777s, 1037s, 488s, 488s and 487e to the northerly boundary of the Southwest 1 /4 of Section 2, tc iiship 65, Similkameen (formerly Osoyoos) Dlvlslon of Yale Distrlct; W.st Kootenay Boundary Reglonal Health Board (cont)

thence easterly and southerly along the northerly and easterly boundaries of the Southwest 1 /4 of Sectlon 2, TOwn8hip 65 to the southeaat corner thereof, being a point on the southerly boundary of tha Province of British Columbia; thence easterly along the southerly boundary of the Province of British Columbia to its lnteraection with the westerly boundary of the watershed of those creeks thst flow aasterly into the portion of Kootenay River thet flows northerly into Kootenay lake. being the point of commencement. NORTH SHORE HEALTH BOARD AREA

Commencing at the northwe8t corner of District Lot 3041, Group 1, New We8tmin8ter Dlstrlct, being a point on the n8tural boundary of Oueen Charlotto Chennel, on the oasterly shoro thereof; thence eesterly elong the northerly boundary of District Lot 3041 to the northeast corner thereof; thence eesterly ln a stralght line to the southwest corner of Oistrict Lot 1 294; thence easterly along the southerly boundary of District Lot 1 294 ond tbe northerly boundary of Di8trict Lot 1 293 to the northeast corner of District Lot 1 293; thence due East to a point lying d'ie North of the northe日st corner of Distrlct Lot 1291; thence due North to a polnt lying due Eost of the most northerly corner of Distrlct Lot 1 580; thence due Eest to tho mlddle line of lndian River; thence southerly along the middle lines of lndian River ond lndion Arm, passing to the east of Croker lsland and Dlstrlct Lot 1 77 and to tho west of Racoon end Boulder lslands, produced to the mlddle llne of Burrard lnlet, wlth said mlddle line of Burrard lnlet boing also tho northorly boundary of the City of Burnaby as deflned ln tho Brltleh Columbla Gazette dated Aprl 9, 1992; thence westerly elong the middle line of Burrard lnlet produced to the southerly prolongation of the mlddle llne of Colllngwood Channel, wlth tho rniddle lino of Burrard lnlet belng also the northerly boundary of the Clty of ournauy・08 aerunea in,tne brwsn しouumoi 日 uazette'aateaA prii',199乙 and tho northerly boundary of the Clty of vancouvor as aeiunoa in tno vancouver しnarter in tno Hevused Statutes of Brltish Columbla, 1 979, Chapter 55;

thence northerly to and northeasterly along the middle line of Collingwood Channol, passlng to the west of Bowen lsland, to tho middle llne of Queen C'arlotte Channel; thence northerly along the mlddle line of Queen Charlotte Channel to e point thereon, wlth sald polnt lylng due West of the northwest corner of District Lot 3041; thonce due East to the northwest corner of District Lot 3041, boing the point of commencement. EAST KOOTENAY REOIONAL HEALTH BOARD AREA

Commoncing at the intorsection of the southerly boufld8ry of the Province of Brltlsh Columbla with the westerly boundary of the watershed of those creeks that fiow aasterly lnto the portlon of Kootenay Rivar that flows northorly lnto Kootenay Lake; thence northerly along said westerly boundary and continuing northerly along the wosterly boundary of the watershed of Kootenay Leko to a point thereon, with said point balng due West of the most northerly northwest cornar of District Lot 2381 , Kootenay District; thence due East to the most northerly northwest corner of District Lot 2381 and contlnuing easterly along the northerly boundary of District Lot 2381 to the northeest corner thereof, belng a polnt on tha natural boundary of Kootenay Lake, on the wosterly shore thereof; thence due Esst to the middle line of Kootenay Lake; thence northerly along the middle line of Kootenay Lake to a point thereon, sald polnt being due West of the northwe5t corner of Sublot 22 of District Lot 4595, as shown on Plen X 31 held on deposit ln the Nelson Land Title Office; thence due East to said northwost corner of Sublot 22 end continuing easterly along the northerly boundery 01 Sublot 22 to the northeast cornor thareof; thence due East to the northwesterly boundary of the waterehed of La Frence Creek; thence northeasterly along the northwesterly boundory of the watarshed ot La France Creek to the easterly boundary of tha watershed of Kootenay Lake; thence northerly along the oasterly boundaries of the watersheds of Kootenay Lake and Duncan Rlver to tha northerly boundary of tho watershed of Duncan River; thance westerly along the northerly boundary of the waterahed of Duncan River to the westerly boundary of the watarehed of Beaver River which forms a portion of the height of land separatlng those craek8 flowlng we8terly lnto from those flowing northeesterly and easterly into Columbia Rlver; thence northwesterly along seid height of land to a point thereon, said point being due South of the most westerly point of Redrock Harbour lKlnbasket Lake); thence due North to the most westerly polnt of Redrock H8rbour; thance northerly in a atraight line, crossing Columbia Raach (Kinbasket Lake), to tha most southarly point of the mlddle llne 01 Canoe Reach (Kinbasket Lake) and continulng northorly along the middle llne of Cenoe Reech to the southwesterly prolongation of the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Baker Creek; thence northeasterly along seid southwestetly prolongation end contlnuing northeasterly along the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Baker Creek to the southerly boundary of the waterahed 01 Hugh Allen Creek; thence easterly along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Hugh Allen Creek, paaslng through the summit of Mount Brown, to the eaaterly boundary of the Province of Britlsh Columbla; thence southeasterly and westerly along the eaaterly and southerly boundaries of the Province of Brltlsh Columbla to the lnteraectlon of said southerly boundary with the westerly boundary of the watershed of those creeks that flow easterly lnto the portion of Kootenay River that flows northe・ly into Kootenay Lake, being tho polnt of commencement. RICHMOND HEALTH BOARD AREA

Comprlsed of'theCorporation ofthe Townshipof Richmond, the bounderjes ot which are defined in the

器器器器認器器器器急器‘器器帯J驚reto. Aree B of Greeter Vancouvar Regionel CARIBOO REOIONAL HEALTH BOAHD AREA

Comm8ncing at the most northerly northwest corner 01 District Lot 3216A, Cariboo Distrlct, belng a polnt on the n8tural boundary of Freser River, on the left bank thereof; thence due West to the middle line of Fraser River; thence in a general southwesterly direction along the middle line of Fraaer River to the inter8ection with the easterly prolongatlon of the middle line of Weat Road lBlackwaterl Rlver; thence we8terly to and continuing in a general waatarly directlon along the mlddle line 01 Weat Road (Blackweter) River to a point thereon, said point being due South 01 tho southweat corner ot Diatrlct Lot 1472; thance due North to sald southweat corner and continuing northerly along the we8terly boundarlea of Dlatrlct L0t8 1472, 1464, 1451, 1453, 1455 and 1456 to tha northweat corner of District Lot 1456; thence northerly ln a atraight line to the southwest corner of Diatrlct Lot 5205; thence northarly along tha westerly boundaries of District Lots 5205, 5204, 5203 and 5202 to the southeaat corner of Dlstrict Lot 5209; thence We8terly along the aoutherly boundariea of Di8trict Lots 5209, 5210, 5216, 5217 and 5218 to the aouthwest cornor of District Lot 5218; thenc.e northerly 日long tho westerly boundary of District Lot 5218 to the southeast corner of Dlatrict Lot 5225; thonce we8terly along tha aoutherly boundarlea 01 District Lots 5225, 5226, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1050, 1051, 1056, 1057, 1256, 1267, 1282 and 1263 to the southwest corner ot Diatrict Lot 1263; thence due West to the 1 24th moridian of wast longitude as established by survey end belng alao the westerly boundary 01 Cariboo Land District;

thence southerly atong aaid 1 24th meridian 01 wast longitude to the northerly boundary 01 the waterahed of Euchlniko River; thence in a general weater(y direction a:ong the northerly boundaries of the watersheds 01 Euchiniko Rlver and Chedakuz Creek to tho 1 25th meridion of weat longitude; thence aoutherly atong the 1 25th meridian of west longitude to the 53rd parallel 01 north latitude; thence westerly along tho 53rd parallel of north latltude to the easterly boundary 01 the waterahed of Sakumtha River, with sald boundary being a portion of the aummlt of the Caacade Mountalns as doflned for adminlatrative purposes in the /nrerpreIatlon Acf, Revlsed Statutea of Britiah Columbia, 1979, Chapter 208; thence northerly and westerly along the easterly end northerly boundaries ot the wetershod of Sakumtha Rlver to the easterly boundary 01 the watorshed ot Klmsquit Rlver; thence northerly and westerly along the eaaterly and northorly boundaries 01 the watorshed of Klnisqult River to the easterly boundary of the watershed ot Kitlope River; thence southerly and weaterly. long the easterly and southerly boundaries of the watershed of Kltlope Rlver to th. easterly boundsry of the waterahed of Nascell Rivor; Carlboo Regional Health Board (cont) thence northerly, westerly and southorly along tho easterly, northerly and westerly boundarles of the waterehed oI Nascall Rlver to a point on said 低 esterly boundary lying due East of the most northerly polnt on the natural boundary of Cascade lniet; thence due South to the mlddle line of Cascade lniet; thence southeasterly elong the middle line of Cascade lnlet produced to the middle line of Dean Chennel; thence southwesterly along the middle line of Dean Channel and continuing southerly along the middle line of Fisher Chennel and to the southwesterly prolongation of the middle line of Burke Channel; thence northeasterly to end along the middle line of Burke Channel to a point thereon, with said polnt belng due North of the intersection between the natural boundaries of Burke Channel, on the southerly shore thereof, and Nootum River, on the right bank thereof; thence due South to seid intersection; thence due Eest to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Nootum River; thence southerly along the eesterly boundary of the watershed of Nootum River to the northerly boundary of the w日tershed of Ko日ye River; thence easterly, southorly and westerly along the northerly, easterly and southerly boundaries 01 the watershed of Koeye River to a point on said southerly boundary lylng due North of the northeest corner of Distrlct Lot 1 225, Range 2, Coast Dlstrict; thenca due South to said northeast corner; thence southerly along the easterly boundary of District Lot 1 225 produced to the middle line of Herdy lnlet; thence easterly along said middle llne of Hardy lnlet produced to the middle line of Moses lnlet; thence southerly along the middle line of Moses lnlet produced to the middle line of Rivers lnlet; thence in a general easterly direction along the middle lines of Rivers lnlet, Wannock River end Owlkeno Lake to a pclnt on the middle line of Owikeno Lake lyin9 due North of the intersection between the natural boundaries of Owikeno Lake, on the southerly shore thereof, and Doos Creek, on the right bank thereof; thence due South to sald lntersection; thence southeasterly in a straight line, on a bearing of 1 50', to the intersection with the westerly boundary 01 the watershed of Marble Creek; thence ln a general southerly direction along the westerly boundaries 01 the watersheds 01 Marble rnd Kulee Creeke to the southerly boundary of the wetershed of Mechmell River; thence eaeterly along the southerly boundary of the watershed 01 Machmell River to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Klinakllni River; thence northerly and easterly elong the weeterly and northerly boundaries of the watershed of Klinaklinl River to the oasterly boundary of the watershed of Jobin Creek; Carlboo Regionai Health Board (cont)

thence southerly along the easterly boundary of the watershed of Jobin Creak to the rldge saparating those creeks that flow a日steriy into Kliflaklifli River, and lying to the north of Klinakiinl Lake, from those flowing southeriy into Klinaktinl River, and lying to the south of Klinaklinl Lake;

thence aoutheasterty along said ridge produced to the most westerly point on the natural boufldary of Klinaklini Lake, being the outlet of Kiln日klini Lake;

thence southeasterly in a straight line, on a bearing of 1 b0', to the southnrly boundary of the watershed of Klinaklini Lake;

thenca easterly along the southerly boundery of tha watershed of Klinaklini Lake to the westerly boundary 01 the watershed of Colwell Creek;

thence southerly elong the westerly boundaries of the wateraheds of Colwell and Mosley Creeka to the aouthorly boundary of tha watershed of Mosley Creek;

thence easterly along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Mosley Creek to the unnamed peak located south of Tiedemann Creek and west of the confluence of Mosley Creek and Homathko Rlver;

thence due East to the natural boundary of Homathko River, on the rlght bank thereof;

thence northeeaterly along sald natural boundary of Homathko River, a distance of 1 .5 kilometres;

therlce due East to the aoutherly boundary of the watershed of Dorar Creek;

thance ea'terly elong the southerly boundaries of tha watersheds of Doren Creek and Nostetuko River to the weaterly boundary of tho watershed of Chilko Lake;

thence southerly and easterly along the westerly and southerly boundarles of tha wetershed of Chilko Lake and continuing in a general eaaterly direction elong the southerly boundaries of the weteraheds of Lord Rlver, Taseko River, Big Creek and Churn Cieek to the easterly boundary of the wetershed of Churn Creek;

thence northerly aiong the ea'terly boundary of the waterahed ot Churn Creek to the aummit of Red Mountain, being a point thereon;

thence northeaaterly in a straight line, on a beering ot approximately 25', e distance of 885 metres, more or less, to the middle line of a northerly flowing tributary of the northwesterly flowing unnamed fork of Churn Creek, at the heedwaters thereof;

thence northerly elong the middle iine of aaid tributary to the middla line of the northwe'terly flowing unnemed fork of Churn Creek;

thence northwe8terly along the middle line of aald northwesterly fiowing unnemed fork produced to the middle llne 0? Churn Creek; thence in a general northeasterly dlrection along the middle line of Churn Creek to e point thereon, aaid point belng due South of the southwest corner of Diatrlct Lot 1 230, Lillooat Diatrlct; thencc' due North to the, outhweat corner of Dlstrlct Lot 1 230 and continuing northerly elong the westerly boundary of District Lot 1 230 to the northwest corner thereof; Carlboo R.glonal H●alth Board (cont)

thence due North to a poInt due West of the northwest corner of District Lot 367;

thenc. due Eest to the northwest corner of District Lot 367 and continulng easterly a)ong the northerly boundary of District Lot 367 to the northeast corner thereof;

thence due East to the middle line of Churn Creek;

thence northeasterly along the middle line of Churn Creek to the westerly boundary of Distrlct Lot 4383;

th・nce northerly 日nd e日‘ t日rly along th日 west日「 ly 日nd north日rly bound日「 i日,of District Lot 4383 to the northeast corner thereof, being a polnt on the natural boundary of Fraser River, on the right bank thereof;

thence due East to the mlddle line of Fraser River:

thenco southerly along the middle line of Fraser River to e point thereon, said polnt being due South of tho most westerly southwe8t corner of District Lot 1 5 1;

thonco due North to the most westerly southwest corner of District Lot 1 5 1, being a point on the natural boundary of Fraser Rivor. on the left bank thereof;

thence northerly along the westerly boundary of District Lot 151 to the most northerly northwest corner thereof;

thence eesterly along the northerly boundaries of District Lots 151 and 5006 to the northeast corner of District Lot 5006;

thence easterly in a straight line to the southwest corner of District Lot 5143 and continulng easterly along the southarly boundary of District Lot 5143 to the southeast corner thereof;

thence easterly in a stralght llne to the northwest corner of District Lot 1 096 and continuing easterly along tha northerly boundaries of District Lots 1096, 3769 and 3778 to the northeast corner of District Lot 3778;

thence southerly along the easterly boundary of District Lot 3778 to the southeast corner thareof;

thance easterly ln a straight line to the most northerly northwest corner of District Lot 3834 and continuinQ easterly along the northerly boundarv of District Lot 3834 to the northeast corner thereof;

thanco northeriy in a straight line to the southwest corner of District Lot 531 7 and continuing northerly along the westerly boundary of Dlstrict Lot 5317 to the middle lina of Bonaparte River;

thence northeasterly along the middle line of Boneparte River to the northerly boundary of Dlstrict Lot 1 403;

thence easterly along the northerly boundary of District Lot 1403 to the northeast corner thereof;

thence dua Eest to the southerly boundery of the watorshed of Scott Creek;

thence eesterly along the southerly boundaries of the watersheds of Scott Creek, Boneparte River and Bonaparte Lako to the eurveyed easterly boundary 01 Llllooet Land District; thence northerly olong the survayed easterly boundary of Lillooet Land District to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Canimred Creek; Carlboo Reglonal Heelth Boerd (cont) thence easterly and northerly elong the southerly and easterly boundaries of the watershed of Canlmred Creek and continuing northerly along the easterly boundary of the watershed of the unnemod creek thet lncludes Maury Lake withln its dreinaga to the ridge separating those creeks that flow northerly into Mahood Lake from those that tlow northeasterly into Mahood River; thence northeasterly elong said ridgo to a point thereon, with said point being due South ot the most easterly polnt on the natural boundary of Mahood Lake, on tho southerly shore thereof; thence northeasterly in a straight line, crossing Mahood River, to a point on the westerly boundary of the watarshed of Clearwater River, said point being due West of the northwest corner of District Lot 3474; thence northerly along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Clearwater River to the southwesterty boundary of tho watershed of the upper reoches 01 Freser River; thence northwesterly along the southwasterly boundary of the wotershed of Fraser River to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Haggen Creek; thonco westerly along tho southerly boundary of the watershed of Haggen Creek to the westerly boundary of the watershod of Dominion Creek; thonce northerly along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Domlnion Creek to a polnt thereon, wlth eald point being due Eest of the northeast corner of District Lot 9518, Cariboo Dlstrict; thence due Wost to the northeest corner 01 District Lot 9518 and continuing westerly along the northerly boundary of Dlstrict Lot 9518 to the northwest corner thereof; thonce due West to the middle line of Bowron River; thence northerly olong the middle line of Bowron River to a point thereon, said point belng due East of the southeast corner of District Lot 6943; thence due West to the southeast corner 01 District Lot 6943 and continuing westerly elong the southerly boundarles 01 Distrlct Lots 6943 3nd 6945 to the southwest corner of Dlstrict Lot 6945; thence due West to the westerly boundory of the watershed of Naver Creek; thence southerly along the westerly boundary of the watetshed of Naver Creek to a point thereon, sald point belng due East of the northeest corner of District Lot 8553; thence due Wast to the northeast corner of District Lot 8553; thence westerly along the northerly boundories 01 District Lote 8553, 8548, 3176, 3177, 3178 and 3179 to the easterly boundary of Distrlct Lot 3215; thence northerly ond westerly along the easterly and northarty boundaries of Distrlct Lot 32 1 5 to the most northerly southeast corner of District Lot 3216A; thenco northerly and westerly elong the eastetly and northerly boundaries 01 Dlstrict Lot 3216A to the most northerty northwest corner thereof, being the point of commencement. BURNABY HEALTH BOARD AREA

Comprised of the Clty of Burn・by as defined in the Brlti8h Columbla G8zette dated Aprll 9, 1 992. FRASER VALLEY REGIONAL HEALTH BOARD AREA

Commenclng at the intersection of the・outherly boundery ot the Province of British Columbie wlth the westerly bound8rV of the wetershed of Similk8meen River; thence northerly along the westerly bound8ry of the wetershed of Similk8meen Rlver to the southerly bound8ry of theoreticel Township 5, Renge 23, weat of the 6th meridien; thence westerly, northerly end easterly elong the southerly, westarly and northerly boundaries of seld theoretical Townshlp 5 to the westerly boundory 01 the wetershed of Similkameen River; thence northerly along the westerly boundery of the wetarshed of Similkemeen Rlver to the southerly boundery of the wetershed of Coldweter Rlver; thenco westerly elong the southeriy boundary of the wetershed of Coldwater River to the eesterly boundery of the wetershed of Andorson River; thence northerly along the easterly boundariea of the watersheds of Anderson River, Stoyome Creek and Alnslle Creek to e point on the easterly boundory of the watershed of Alnsle Creek lylng due East, a diatance of 1 2.75 kilometres, more or less, from the northeast corner of Tsawewmuck lndian Re8erve No. 1; thence due Waat to seid northeast corner; thence westerly along the northerly boundery of Taewawmuck lndlen Reaerve No. 1 to tha northwest corner thereof, being a polnt on the natural boundery 01 Fraser River, on the left bsnk thereof; thence due West to the middle line 01 Fraser River; thence northerly along the middle line 01 Fraser Rlver to the northerly boundary of Township 1 2, Range 28, west ol the 6th meridian;

thence weaterly along tha northerly boundary of Townahip 1 2, Range 26 west of the 6th meridien, to the northwest corner of Section 31 of said Township; thence due West to the northerly boundary of the wetershed of Nahatlatch River; thence we・terly along th日 north・「 ly bound・「 y 01 the w・・「・t h・d 01 N日h・tlatch River to th・“sterly boundary of the wetershed of Lillooet River, with said boundery being a portlon of fhe summit of the Cescede Mounteine es detlned for edmlnlstrative purposes in the /n(erpreta(ion Acf, Revised Statutes of Britlsh Columbia, 1 979, Chepter 206; thence northerly along said summit of the Cescode Mountelns to a point thereon, with said point lying due Eeit of the northeast corner of Distrlct Lot 5536, Group 1, New Weatminster Diatrict, belng Baptiste Smlth lndlen Roaerve No. 1A; thence due West to the northeast corner of Distrlct Lot 5538; thence westerly along the northerly boundery of Dlstrlct Lot 5536 to the northwest corner thereot; thence due West to the flrst point of intarsection wifh the northarly boundery of the watershed of Billygoet Creek, wlth seld creek being e tributary ot Lillooet River; thence westerly along the northerly boundery ot the watershad ot Billygoat Creek 10 tha westerly boundery of the Fras●r Valley Reglonal Hialth Board (cont) waterahed of L 川ooet River; thence ln e generat aoutherly dlrection along the westerly boundary of the wetershed of Llllooet Rlver and contlnulng ln a general southerly directlon along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Stave Rlver to a polnt thereon, wlth sald point lying due North of the northwest corner of the Diatrict of Mlssion, as deflnod ln the Brltlah Columbia Gazette dated Nりvember 13, 1989; thence due South to the most northerly northwest corner of the Diatrlct of Misslon; thence southerly, westerly and southerly along tha westerly boundary of the Distrlct of Misslon to the northerly boundary of the District of Abbotaford/Mataqui, as defined in th日 British Columbla Gazette dated September 8, 1994; thence weaterly end aoutherly along the northerly and weaterty boundariea of the Diatrict of Abbotsford/Matsqul tc the aoutherly boundary of the Province of Britlsh Columbla; thence eaaterly along the southerly boundary of the Province of Britieh Columbia to the weaterly boundery of the watershed of Slmllkemeen Rlver, being the point of commencement. NORTHERN INTERIOR REGIONAL HEALTH BOARD AREA

Commencing at the most northerly northwest corner of Distrlct Lot 321 6A, Carlboo District, belng a polnt on the naturai boundary of Fraser River, on the left bank thereof; thence due West to the middle line of Fraser River; thenca in a general southwesterly direction along the middle line 01 Fraser River to the lntersection wlth the easterly prolongation of the middle line oで West Road (Blackwaterl River; thence westerly to and continuing in a ganeral westeriy dlrectlon along the mlddle line of West Road (Blackwater) River to a point thereon, said point being due South of the southwest corner of Distrlct Lot 1472; thence due North to said southwest corner and contlnuing northerly along the westerly boundarles of District Lots 1472, 1464, 1451, 1453, 1455 and 1456 to the northwest corner 01 Distrlct Lot 1456; thence northerly in a straight line to the southwest corner of Distrlct Lot 5205; thence northarly along the westerly boundaries of District Lots 5205, 5204, 5203 and 5202 to the southeast corner 01 Distrlct Lot 5209; thence westerly along the southerly boundaries of District Lots 5209, 5210, 5216, 5217 and 5218 to the southwest corner of Dlstrlct Lot 5218; thence northerly along the westerly boundary of Dlstrlct Lot 5218 to the southeast corner of Dlstrict Lot 5225; thence westerly along the southerly boundaries of Dlstrlct Lots 5225, 5228, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1050, 1051, 1056, 1057, 1256, 1257, 1282 and 1263 to tha southwest corner of Dlstrlct Lot 1263; thence due West to the 1 24th meridian of west longitude as estsblished by survey and being also tha westerly boundary of Cariboo Land District; thence southerly along said 124th merldian of west longltude to the northerly boundary 01 the waterihed of Euchinlko River; thence in a general westerly direction along the northerly boundarles of the watershedi of Euchlniko Rlver and Chedakuz Craek to the 125th merldisn 01 west longitude; thence southerly elong the 125th meridian of west longitude to the 53rd parallel of north lstitude; thance waiterly along tho 53rd perallel of north letltude to the easterly boundery of the wstershed of Sakumtha River, wlth seld boundery belng e portion of the iummlt of the Cascade Mountalni as defined for admlnlitrative purposes in the lnterpret8fion Acf, Revised Statutei 01 Brltlsh Columbla, 1 979, Chapter 208; thence ln a general northerly direction elong sald iummit 01 the Caicade Mountalns to the northerly boundery of the wetershed of Tahtsa Lake; thence ln a general easterly directlon along the northerly boundary 01 the watershed of Tehtia Lake to the iummlt of Mount Sweeney, belng s polnt thereon end bolng also e polnt on the easterly boundary of the weterihed of Nanika Rlver; thenco in a ganeral northerly direction along the easterly boundery of tho watershed 0? Nanlka Rlver to the Northsm lntsrlor R.glonal H.elth Boerd (cont) southerly boundary of the watershed of Morice River; thence in a general eesteriy direction elong the southerly boundary ot the wetershed of Morice River to a point thereon, with seid polnt being the flrst lntersectlon of sald southerly boundary with e llne drawn due West of the southwest corner of Dlstrlct Lot 342 1, Range 5, Coast District; thence due East to the southwest corner of District Lot 3421; thence easterly along tho southeriy boundarles of District Lots 3421, 3422, 3423, 5367 end 5368 end continulng eosterly elong the northerly boundary of District Lnt 2136 to the northeast corner thereof; thence due Eest to a point lylng due South of the southeast corner of Dlstrlct Lot 5384; thence due North to sald southeest corner of District Lot 5384; thence northerly along the easterly boundary of District Lot 5364 to the northeest cornar thereof; thence due North to a polnt lying due East of the northeast corner of District Lot 2498; thence due Eest to the westerly boundery 01 the wetershed of Buck Creek; thonce southorly. ee,terly and northorly along the westerly. southerly end easterly boundarles of the wetershed of Buck Creek end contlnuing northerly elong the easterly boundary of the watershed of McKllllgan Creek to e polnt thereon, wlth sald polnt belng due West of the southwest corner of District Lot 4301; thonce due East to the southwest corner of Dlstrict Lot 4301 and continuing easterly elong th● so(ltherly boundaries of Dlstrlct Lota 4301 and 4300 to the southeast corner of Dlstrict Lot 4300; thence eaaterly ln a ,tralght line to the northwest corner of Distrlct Lot 3350A; thence eaaterly along the northerly boundary of Diatrict Lot 3350A to the westerly boundery of Dlstrlct Lot 3348; thence northerly and easterly elong the weaterly and northerly boundaries of Dietrlct Lot 3348 to the northwest corner of Dlatrict Lot 3384; thence ee,terly elong the northerly boundary of District Lot 3384 to the southeeat corner of Dlstrlct Lot 3347A; thence northerly along the easterly boundarles of District Lots 3347A, 3345 and 3348 to the southerly boundery of Dlstrlct Lot 4292; thence wnstorly end northerly elong the southerly and weatorly boundarle, of Dl,trict Lot 4292 to the southeeit corner of Diatrlct Lot 4295; thence northerly along the eesterly boundarles ot District Lots 4295, 4294, 4293 end 3333 to the southerly boundery of Dlatrlct Lot 2637; thence eeeterly along the eoutherly boundary of Distrlct Lot 2637 to the ,outhea,t corner thereof; thenca northerly along the eesterly bounderles of Dlstrict Lots 2837, 2839, 4233, 4234 end 21 52 to the northeaat corner 01 Di,trlct Lot 21 52; North.m lnt.rior Reglonal H.alth Board (cont) thence du日 North to a point lying due East of the northeast corner of District Lot 4094; thence due West to the northeast corner of Distrlct Lot 4094; thence westerly along tha northerly boundaries of Distrlct Lots 4094 and 4093 to tno northwest corner ot Distrlct Lot 4093; thence due West to a point lying due Worth of the northwest cornar of District Lot 3449; thence due North to the eesterly boundary of the wetershed of Bulkley River; thence in e general northarly direction along the easterly boundary of the waterthed of Bulkley Rlver to the summit of French Peak, being 日 point thereon and being alto a point on the touthwetterly boundery of the waterthed of Babine River; thence northwesterly along the southwesterty boundary of the weterthed of Bebine River to the westerly boundary of the wetershed of Shegitic Creek; thence northerly atong the westerly boundary 01 the watorthed of Shegitic Creek produced to tho inter.ection ot the middle lines of Bobine and Skeena RiversI at thoir confluence; thence wettorly in a ttraight line to the southorly boundary of the waterthed of those unnomed creeks flowing northerly lnto ; thence wetterly along the southorly boundory of the watershed of those unnamed creekt flowing northerly into Skeena River to the easterly boundery of tho waterthed ot Kisplox River; thence ln a general northerly direction olong the eesterly boundary of the weterthed ot Kisplox River to the intersection with the 56th perallel of north letitude; thence easterly along the 56th parellel of north latitude to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Omlnece 刊ver; thence northerly in a ttreight line to the intersectlon of the naturel boundary ot Omineco RiverI on the lett bank thereof, wlth the natural boundary of Omineca Arm of Wlllitton Lake, on the we.terly shore thereof; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the toutherly boundary of the wetershed of Meslinka River; thence westerly and northerly along the southerly end wetterly boundarl.s 01 the waterahed of Meslinka River to the southerly boundory ot the wetershed ot ln'enlke River; thence westerty along the southerly boundary of the watershed of lngenika River and continulng westerly along the toutherly boundary of the watershed ot Finlay River to the westerly boundary thereof; thence northerly and easterly along the wetterly end northerly bounderies of the wetershed of Finloy River to e polnt thereon, with sald point being in Sifton Pess and lying due North of the middle line of the maln stream 01 Fox Rlver; thence due South to said middle line of Fox River tnd continulng toutheasterly elong the middle llnes ot Fox River Finlay River and Williston Leke to a point on the mlddle llne ot Willlston Loke, with said point being due Wett of the mott southeriy point of Canty Leke; North.m lntsrtor R.glonal Hsalth Board Arsa (cont) thence due Eeat to the natural boundary of , on the easterly shore thereof; thence northeaaterly in・stralght line, on a bearing of 85', to the northerly boundary of the waterahed of Canty t...-.'..

器器器溜農黒erlyflow bo s器認器器ershedWilliton of認需念j農器器erlyof Peace boun留ご the thence toutheaster(y along eald northe・sterly boundery of the watershed of those creeke that flow' outhwesterly lnto Willlston Lake and continuing southeetterly elong the northeesterly boundarle' 01 the waterehede of PareniD and McGregor Rlvers to a point on the northeasterly boundary of the wetershed of McGregor River lylng due West of the eummlt of Mount Gorman, end with said point also being the northweet corner of Kakwa Recreation Area;

認ndue. the East eas謂膿器7器濡総てI器器晋器bia:tion Are日⑩ the summit of Mount Gorman, being 。 thence southerly end' outheasterly along the e日sterly boundery of the Province of British Columbia to the' outherly boundary of the watershed of Hugh Allen Creek; thence westerly along the southarly boundery of the wetershed of Hugh Allen Creek, passing through the summit of Mount Brown, and continuing eouthwesterly elong the southeasterlv boundery of the wateruhed of Baker Creek produced to the netural boundary of Cenoe Reech (Kinbaskot Lakel, on tha aasterly shore thareot; thence southwesterly in e streight line to the mo't easterly point on the naturel boundery of Foster Arm, on the southerly shore thereof; thence eouthweeterly in a atraight line, on e beering of 200', to the height of land that separates tho,e creekt thet flow northeatterly into Canoe Raach lKlnbaaket Leke) from those that flow northwe'terly into Foster Arm; thence ' outherly along sald height of land to tho southeasterly boundery of the waterehed of Foster Creek; thence southwesterly and weeterly along the・outherly bounderie・of the wetershed of Fo,ter Creek to the wester(y boundtry thereof, being a point on the westerly boundary of the wetershed of Canoe Reach (Kinbesket Lake); thence northerly along the we●terly boundery of the waterehed of Canoe Reach (Klnba● ket Lake) to a polnt thereon, wlth seid point lying due East of the northeast corner of District Lot 3103, Kam(oops Division of Yale Dittrlct; thence due Wett, a distance of 6.18 kilomatres, more or less, to the northeast cornor of Di,trict Lot 3103 and continuing wetterly along the northerly boundery of District Lot 3103 and the southerly boundary of District Lot 7383 to the, outhweit corner thereof; thence due West to the northerly boundary of the waterthed 01 North ; thence in a general weeterly direction elong' aid northerly boundary of the waterahed of North Thompton River to the' outhwetterly boundtry of the watershed of the upper reeche・of Fraser River; thence northweuterly along the southweeterly boundary of the watershed of .te upper reaches of Frnter River to North.rn lnteHor Reglonal Heelth Board (cont) the southerly boundary of the waterehed of Haggen Creek; thence weaterly along the eoutherly boundary of the wotershed of Haggen Creek to the we,terly boundary of the watershed of Dominion Creek; thence northerly along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Domlnlon Creek to a point thereon, wlth said polnt belng due East of the northeast corner of District Lot 9518, Cariboo District; thence due West to the northeast corner of Distrlct Lot 9518 and contlnuing westerly along the northerly boundary of Distrlct Lot 9518 to the northwost corner thereof; thence due West to the intarsection with the mlddle line of Bowron River; thence northwesterly along the middle line of Bowron River to a polnt thereon, said point being due East of the southeast corner of Disttict Lot 6943; thence due West to the southeast corner of Dlstrict Lot 6943 and contlnulng westerly along the eoutherly boundaries of Dlstrict Lots 6943 and 6945 to the southwest corner of Dlstrlct Lot 6945; thenco due West to the westerly boundary of the wetershed of Naver Creek; thence southerly along the westerly boundary of the wetershed of Naver Creek to o polnt thereon, said point being duo Eest of the northeast corner of District Lot 8553; thence due West to the northeast corner of District Lot 8553; thence wester)y atong the northerly boundaries of Dlstrict Lots 8553, 8548, 3176, 3177, 3178 end 3179 to the essterly boundery of Dittrict Lot 3215; thence northerly and westerly along the earterly and northerly boundaries of District Lot 3215 to the southeast corner of Dlotrict Lot 3216A; thence northeriy and westerly along the eesteriy and northeriy boundarles of Dlstrict Lot 3216A to the northwest corner thereof, belng the polnt of commencement. UPPER I8LAND/CENTRAL COAST REGIONAL HEALTH BOARD AhEA

Comm・ncing ・t・point on th・w・・伯心 bound・「 y of the Province of British Columbl・,with・・ld polnt bolng due West of the most southerly polnt of Gosllng lsland; thence due Eaut to the lntersectlon with the southeastcrly prolongation of the mlddle line of Hecate Strelt; thence northwesterly to and along the middle line of to the uouthwesterly prolongatlon of the mlddle line ot Caamano Sound; thence northoasterly to and elong tho mlddle line ot Caameno Sound end continuing northeauterly elong the mlddl. line of Campania Sound to the southerly prolongation of the middle llne of Whale Channel; thence northerly to and along, the middle llne of Whale Channel, passing to the eest of Ashdown lulend, to the westerly prolongatlon of the mlddle flne of McKuy Reach; thence eauterly to and along snd contlnulng uoutheeuterly and southerly along the mlddle llnes of Mckay Reach, Frasor Resch, Grahem Resch snd Flnlayuon Channef to the westerly prolongation of the mlddle llne of Oscar Paesage; thence eaeterly to and slong the mlddle line of Oucar Pessage to the most eaeterly polnt thereof; thence eaeterly in e utrelght llne, croseing Mathieson Channel, to the middle line of Salmon Bay, at the mout westerly polnt theraof; thence eeeterly slong the mlddle llne of Sslmon Bay to the natural boundary of Don Penlneula, on the weuterly ehore thereof; thence due E自ut to tho height of land ueparating the watere flowing westarly into Mathieeon Chennel from thoue flowlng eaeterly lnto Splller lnlet; thence northerly along eeid helght of tand to the southerly boundary of the weterehed ot Kynoch lnlet; thence ln a general essterly direction along the southerly boundary 01 the wsteruhed of Kynoch lnlet to tho weeterly boundery of tha viatarshed of Naecall Rlver; thence southerly along the weuterty boundary ol the watarshed of Nascall River to a polnt thereon, wlth uald polnt lylng due Esut of the mout northerly polnt on the neturai boundary of Cescsde lnlet; thence due South to the middle line of Cascade lntet; thence southeauterly elcng the mlddte line of Caucade lntet produced to the middle llne ot Dean Chennel; thence eouthwesterty along the middte llne of Dean Channel and continulng southerly elong the mlddle llno of Fisher Chennel snd Fltz Hugh Sound to the uouthweeterly protongation of the middle llne of Burke Channel; thence north'eeterly to and etong the mlddle llne of Burko Channet to a polnt thereon, wlth usld polnt belng due North of the lntereectton between the netural bounderias of Burke Channel, on the southerly shore thereot, end Nootum River, on the right bank thereof; thencU due South to eeld lntoruectlon; thence due East to the eaeterly boundsry of the wntershed of Nootum River; Upp.r lslend/C.ntral Coait Roglonal Health Board lcont) thenco iouthorly olong the easterly boundary of the wetershed 01 Nootum River to the northerly boundary of the waterehod of Koeye River; thence eaeterly, southerly end westerly along the northerly, easterly and ioutherly boundarles of the woterehed of Kooyo River to a point on seid ioutherly boundery lying due North of the northeast cornor ol Dlstrict Lot 1225, Range 2, Cooat Distrlct; thence due South to soid northeast corner; thonce eoutherly elong the easterly boundary of Dietrict Lot 1 225 produced to tho mlddle lino of Hordy lnlet; thonce eoitorly along said middle line of Hardy lnlet produced to the middlo ltne of Moiei lnlot; thence souther)y along the middle line of Moses lnlet producod to the mlddle llne 01 Rlveri lnlet; thence ln a general easterty directlon along the middle linee ol Rivers lnlot, Wennock Rlver and Owlkeno Lake to a polnt on the mlddle llne of Owikeno Leke lying due North 01 the lnteriectlon betwoen the naturel boundorlee of Owlkono Lake, on tho southerly ohore thereof, and Dooe Creek, on the rlght bank thereof; thence due South to sald intersection; thence ioutheosterly ln a stralght line, on a bearing of 1 50', to the intersectlon with the wosterly boundary of the wetershed of Marble Creek; thence ln e genoral southerly dlrection along tho w8sterly boundariee of the watoreheds of Ms-bie and Kule Creeki to the ioutherly boundary of the watershed of Mechmall Rlver; thence easterly elong the southerly boundary of the waterehed of Machmell Rlver to thd westorly boundary of the waterehed of Kllnekiini River; thence northerlv and eaeterly along the westerly and northerly boundariei of the waterehed of Kllnakllnl Rlver to the eaiterly boundary of the watershod of Jobin Creek; thence southerlv slong the eesterly boundary of the wetarihed of Jobln Creek to the rldge separotlng thoie creek・ that llow eastorly into Klinaklini River, end lying to the north of Kiinakllnl Lake, from thoee flowlng southerly lnto Kllnokllnl Rlver, and lylng to the south of Klineklinl Loke; thence southoesterly a)ong sald ridge produced to the most woeterly point on the naturel boundary of Kllnakllni Loke, being the outlet of Klinoklini Lake; thence southeasterly in o etraight line, on a beoring of 1 50', to the southerly boundary of the wotershed of K而吐而lLoko; thence oaiterly along the southerly boundary of the wotershed of Klinekllnl Loke to the westerly boundary 0? the watershed 01 Colwell Creek; thence southorly elong tho westerly boundaries of tho wotersheds 01 Colwell and Moiley Creeki to the ioutherly boundery of the woterihed of Mosley Creok; thence eeiterly along the eoutherly boundary of the waterehed of Moiloy Creek to the unnamed pook located south of Tledemenn Creek and west of the confluence of Moeley Creek and Homathko Rlver; Upp.r lsIand/Centrai Coest Regionai Health Boerd thence due East to the natural boundery of Homethko River, on the right bank thereof; thence northeasterly along sald natural boundary of Homathko River, a distence of 1 .5 kilometres; thence due East to the southerly boundary 01 the wetershed of Doran Creek; thence easterly along the southerly boundary of the wetershed cf Doran Creek to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Southgete River; thence easterly, southwesterly and westerly along the northerly, southeasterly and southerly boundarles of the watershed of Southgate River to the eesterly boundary of the watershed of Orford Rlver; thence southerly along the easterly boundaries 01 tha watersheds of Orford and Brem Rivers to summlt of Mount Berner, being a point on sald easterly boundary of the watershed of Brem River; thence due South to the intersection with the middle line of Toba lnlet; thence in e general southweaterly dlraction along the middle line of Toba lnlet, passing to the west of Channel lsland, produced to the mlddle Ilne of Pryce Channel; thence easterly along the middle line of Pryce Channel to the mlddle line of Homfray Chennel; thence southeasterly, southerly and southwesterly along the middle llne of Homfr日y Chennel produced to the mlddle line of Deaolation Sound; thence westeriy along the mlddle iine 01 Desol8tion Sound produced to the middie iine of Lewls Channei; thence southerly eiong the middle iine of Lewis Channei, passing to the east of Poweii lsiets and to the west of Kiinghorn lslend, pIoduced to the northeaster!y prolongatlon of the middle line of Baker Paasege; thence southwesterly to end along the middle iine of Beker Passage produced to the mlddle ilne of Stralt of Geo回e; thence southeasterly elong the mlddle line of Stralt of Georgie to a point thereon, with sald polnt being due East of the mlddle line of Beynea Sound at the southerly entrance thereof; thence due West to aeld middle llne 01 Baynea Sound; thence northwesterly along the mlddle line of to a point thereon, with said polnt belng due North of the northwest corner of Dlstrict Lot 14 E & N, Newcestle District, being a point on the natural boundary of Deep Bey, on the westerly shore thereof; thence due South to sald northwest corner of Distrlct Lot 1 4 E & N and continuing southerly along the westerly boundary of Dlstrlct Lot 14 E & N to the northwest corner of District Lot 72 E & N; thence southerly end eaatarly along the westerly and southerly boundaries of District Lot 72 E 8* N to the most eesterly northeast corner of Dlstrlct Lot 87 E & N; th・nc・・outherly along th・・・肌・「 ly boundary of Dlatrict Lot 87 E & N・nd continuing southarly, w.・tarly・nd northeriy along tha easterly, southerly and westerly boundaries of Block 184 to tha southwest cornar of Block 420; Upp.r lstand/C.ntral Coast Reglonal Health Board thence northerly along the westerly boundary ot Block 420 to southerly boundary of Block 1 84; thence westarty and northerly along the southerly and westerly boundarles of Block 1 84 to the northeast corner 01 Block 187; thence westerly along the northerly boundaries of Blocks 187 and 448 to the most northerly northwest corner of Btock 448; thence due West, a distance of 2.5 kilometres, more or less, to the southerly boundary of Block 1330; thence ln e generel northwesterly direction along the westerly end southerly bounderles of Blocks 1 330 to the westerly boundary of Block 1 1 38, Nelson District; thence ln a general northwesterly directlon along the westerly and southerly bounderies of Block 1 1 38 to the northerly boundary 01 Block 74, Newcastte District; thence westerly, southerly and easterly atong the northerly, westerly and southerly bounderles of Block 74 to the southeast corner of Block 1 283, Nelson District, being a point on the easterly boundary of Block 1 1 1 5, Nelson Dlstrict; thence southerly, easterly, southerly, westerly and northerly along the easterly, northerly, easterty, southerly and west3rly boundaries of Block 1 1 1 5, to the northeast corner of Block 321; thenca westerly and southerly along the northerly and westerly boundarlas of Block 321 to the most northerly northeast corner 01 Block 1 332, Newcastle District; thence southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly boundaries of Block 1 332 to the southwest cornar th・「・of, belng・polnt on the Burvey日dw日st日「 ly boundary of E・quimalt・nd N・naimo Rallway Company's land gmnt; thenca northwasterly along the surveyed westerly boundary of Esqulmalt and Nenalmo Rallway Company'a land grant to the intersection ot said westerly boundary with the westerly boundary 01 the watershed of Crlckshank 刊v町I thence ln a general southerly direction along the westerly boundary of the watarshed of Crlckshank Rlver to the northwesterly bound8ry of the watershed 01 Puntledge River; thence southwesterly along the northwesterly boundaries of the watersheds of Puntledge and Ash Rlvers to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Drinkwater Creak; thence westerly along the northerly boundaries of the watorsheds of Drinkwater Creek, Btdwell Rlvor and Moyeha Rlver to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Burrnen Rlver and contlnulng westerty along the southerly boundarles of tho wetersheds of Burman River and Muchalat lnlet to the summlt of Mount Albermarle, belng a polnt thereon and belng also a point on the height of land that separates the two unnamed creeks that flow Southwesterly lnto Escalante River; thence uouthwesterly along sald helght of land to a point thereon, wlth sald polnt balng due North 01 the northeasl corner of Speclal Tlmber Licence 1 1 62P; thence due South to the northeast corner of Speci8l Timber Llcence 1 162P; Upp.r lsiand/Central Coast Rsglonel H●alth Boerd thence westeriy along the northerly boundaries of Speciai Tlmber Licence 1162P, Section 29 and Section 30 of Township 2 to the northwest corner of Section 30, being a point on the naturai boundary ot the Paciflc Ocean oii the westeriy shore of Vancouver lsland; thence due West to lhe weaterly boundary of the Province of Brltlsh Columbla; thence northerly P'ong the westerly boundary of the Province of British Columbla to a point thereon, with said poin' being due West of the most southerly point of Gosling lstand and belng also the point of commencement. CFNTRAL REGIONAL HEALTH BOARD AREA

Commencing at the northeast corner 01 District Lot 1 67 E & N, Malehat Dlstrict, belng a point on the natural boundary 01 Finleyson Arm, on the westerly shore thereof; thence westerly aiong the northerly boundaries of District Lot 167 E & N, 51 E & N, 54 E & N and Block 453 to the most northorly northwest cornor of Block 453; thence southerly and wosterly along tho westerly and northerly boundaries 01 Block 453 to the most northorly northeast corner 01 District Lot 85 E & N; thence westerly along the northerly boundary of District Lot 85 E & N to the e8sterly boundery of Dlatrlct Lot 38 E & N; thence northerly along the easterly boundaries of Districr Lots 38 E & N and 57 E & N to the southerly boundary ol Block 281; thence weaterly and north6rly elong the southorly and westerly bounderies of Block 281 to the moat southerly eoutheaat corner of Block 287; thence weaterly and northerly elong the southerly end westerly bounderies of Block 287 to the eoutherly boundary of Block 323; thence weeterly along the southerly boundery of Block 323 to the easterly boundary of Block 1 59; thence northerly, westerly, and northerly 日long the e日sterly, northerly and easterly boundarlas of Block 1 59 to the southerly boundary of Distnct Lot 6 E & N; thence eastarly and northerly along th日 southerly and easterly boundaries of Dlstrlct Lot 6 E & N to the most northerly northwast corner of District Lot 90 E & N, being a point on the eastarly boundary 01 Block 1 59; thence ln general northerly and westerly directions along the perimeter bounderles of Block 1 59 to the southeast corner of Block 180; thencel n northerly, westerly and southerly directions along the eaeterly, northarly and westerly boundarlas of Block 180 to the northerly boundary of Block 159; thance waeterly and eoutherly along the northerly and wosterly boundarles of Block 1 59 to the moet northerly northeast corner of Block 1255; thence weiterly, southeriy, eesterly and southerly along the northerly and westerly boundarles of Block 1 255 to the northerly boundary of Block 1068; thence wostarly along the northerly boundaries of Blocks 1068 and 1 273 to a portlon of the easterly boundary of Block 1 273 and contlnulng northerly along the easterly boundary of Block 1 273 to a portlon of the southerly boundary of Block 889; thence northerly, easterly, northerly end westerly elong the southerly, easterly and northerly boundarlas of Block 889 to the easterly boundary 01 Block 773; thence northerly atong the easterly boundaries of Blocks 773 and 766 to the northeast corner of Btock 776; thence westorly along the northerly boundary of Block 768 to the easterly boundery of Block 9 V.L. & M, Central Vancouver lsland Reglonal H.alth Board (cont)

Cowich日 nL日 ke District;

thence northerly, westerly and southerly along the ・e sterly, northerly and westerly boundaries of sald Block 9 to tho northerly boundary of Block 1 l 49;

thence westerly, northerly and westerly along the northerly, easterly and northerly boundaries of Block 1 149 to the niost northerly northeast corner of Block l 296;

thance westerly along the northerly boundary of Block l 296 to the ea・terly boundary of Block 1 234, Malahat and Cowichan Lake Districts;

thence northerly, westerly and southerly along the westerly, northerly and easterly boundaries of Block 1234 to the most easterly northeast corner of Block l 235, Malahat and Cowichan Lake Districts;

thence westerly and norther(y along the easterly and northerly boundaries of Block 1 235 to the northweat corner thereof, being a point on the westerly boundary of the Eaqulmalt and Nanalmo Railway Company's land grant;

thence northwesterly along the weaterly boundary of tho Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Company's land grant to the most easterly northeast corner of District Lot 680, Renfrew District, being n point theroon;

thence southerly and westerly along tho easterly and aoutherly boundaries of District Lot 880 to the most westerly southwest corner thereof;

thence due South to the northerly boundary of District Lot 200;

thence westerly and aoutherly alon9 the northerly and wosterly boundaries of District Lot 200 tn the most westorly northwest corner thereof;

thence due West to the oaaterly boundary of District Lot 1 95;

thence northerly and westerly along the easterfy and northerly boundaries of Dlatrict Lot 195 to the northeast corner of District Lot 1 96;

thence westerly and southerly along the northerly and westerly boundaries of Dlstrlct Lot 1 96 to the southwest corner thereof;

thonce southerly in a straight line to the northwest corner of District Lot 705;

thence southerly atong the weaterly boundary of District Lot 705 to the northerly boundarv of Dlstrict Lot 1 1 7;

thence weaterly and southerly along tho northerly and woaterly boundarles of Distrlct Lot 1 1 7 to the northweat corner of District Lot 118 and continuing aoutherly elong the weaterly boundary of Diatrlct Lot 118 produced to the northarly boundary of Dlstrlct Lot 146;

thence weaterly and southerly along the northerly and westerly boundaries of District Lot 146 to the southwest corner thereof, belng a polnt on the natural boundery of Juan de Fuca Strait, on the northerly shore thereof;

thence due South to the mlddle line of Juan de Fuca Strait, being alao the southerly boundery of the Provinco of British Columbia; thence northwesterly along the southerly and weaterly boundaries of the Province of Britlsh Columbla to a polnt on said westerly boundary lying due Weat of the northweat corner of Section 30, Townshlp 2, Cleyoquot Dlatrlct; Centrel Vancouv.r lstand Roglonat Hoalth Board (cont) thence due East to the northwest corner of Section 30, Township 2, being a point on the natural boundory of the Pacific Ocean on the wo8terly shore of Vancouver lsland; thence easterly elong the northerly boundaries of Sections 30 and 29 of Townahip 2 and of Speclel Timber Llconc. 1 1 62P to the northeast corner of Special Timber Licence 1 1 62P; thence due North to the height of land that separates the two unnamed creeks that flow southwesterly lnto Escelante River; thence northeasterly along 881d height of land to the summit of Mount Albermarie, being a point thereon and belng also a point on the southerly boundary of the watershed of Muchelat ln'et; thence easterly along the southerly boundaries of the watersheds of Muchalat lnlet and Burman Rlver to the northerly boundary of tha watershed of Moyeha River and continuing easterly along the northerly boundaries of th・ watersheds of Moyeha Rivor, Bedwell River and Drinkwater Creek to the northwestorly boundary of the waterahed of Aah River; thonce in e general northeeaterly diroction along the northwesterly boundorles of tt'o watershedt of Ash and Puntledge Rivers to the westerly boundary of tho watarshad of Crickahank Rlver; thonce in a genaral northorly diroction along the weatorly boundary of tha waterthed of Crlckshank Rlver to the intersectlon of said weatarly boundary with the wasterly boundary of the Esqulmelt and Nonalmo Rallway Company's land grant; thonco southeaaterly elong tho weaterly boundary of Esquimalt and Nanalrno Rallway Company's land grant to the most wosterly southwest corner of Block 1 332, Newcastle District; thance oastorly and northerly elong the southerly and eestorly boundarlea of Block 1332 to the aoutherly boundary of Block 321, Nelson Dlstrict; thonce wostorly, northorly and oasterly elong the aoutherly, woaterly and northorly bounderles of Block 321 to westerly boundary of Block 1 1 1 5, Nelaon Diatrict; thence ln e general eastorly and northarly direction along the southerly and easterly boundarles of Block 1 1 1 5 to a portlon of the southerly boundary of Block 74, Newcastle District; thence wetterly, northorly and eaatarly along the southorly, weaterly and northerly boundarios of Block 74 to the westerly boundary of Block 1 1 38, Nolton District; thenco ln e general southoesterly direction along the westerly and southerly boundarles of Block 1 1 38 to a portion of the westerly boundary of Block 1 330, Newcastle District; thence ln a general southeasterly direction along the westerly and aoutherly boundaries of Block 1 330 to a polnt on the toutherly boundary of Block 1 330 lying due West, a distenca of 2.5 kilometres, mora or less, from the motl northerly northwest corner of Block 448; thence due Eatt to the most norlherly northwest corner of Block 448; thence eesterly along the northerly boundariea of Blocks 448 and 187 to the westerly boundtry of Block 164; thence southerly and easterly along the wasterly and southeriy boundarlr● of Block 164 to the westerly boundory Centrel Vencouver lsland Reglonel Health Boerd (cont) ot Block 420; thence southerly along the westerly boundary of Block 420 to the southwest corner thereot, being a polnt on the westerly boundary of Block 1 64; thence southerly, eesterly and northerly along the weeterly, southerly and eastarly boundaries of Block 1 64 to the southeast corner ot District Lot 87 E & N; thence northerly along the eesteriy boundary of District Lot 87 E & N to the southeast corner of District Lot 72 E 8 N; thence westerly and northerly along the southerly and westerly boundariee of District Lot 72 E & N to the southwest corner of District Lot 14 E & N; thence northerly along the westerly boundary of District Lot 14 E & N, Newcastle Distrlct, to the rIorthwest corner thereof, ba,ng a point on the natural boundery of Deep Bay, on the westerly shore the,eof; thence due North to the middle line of Baynes Sound; thence southeesterly along the middle line of Baynes Sound to the entrance thereof; thence due East to the middle line ot Streit of Georgla; thence northerly elong the middle line of Stralt of Georgle to a point thereon, with said point lylng due West of the middle line o Sabine Channel, at the northerly entrance thereot; thence due East to said middle line of Sabino Channel; thance southeasterly along the middle line of Sabine Channel, passing between Lasqueti and Texada lslends, produced to a point due East of Young Point, Lasqueti (sland; thence due East to the southerly prolongetion ot the middle line ot Malaepine Stralt; thence southerly along 8aid southorly prolongatlon of the mlddla lino of Melespina Strait to the mlddle lIne of Stra(t ot Georgia; thence southeasterly along the middle (ine of Strait ot Georgia to the 49th parellel of north latitude; thence westerly in a straight line to the mlddle llne of Porlier Pass; thence southwesterly along the middle line of Porller Pass produced to, and around the southern extremlty of ReId lslend, to the mlddle line of tha main channel separatlng Thetis and Kuper lslands from Reid, Norway and Secretary lslands; thenco southerly alon9 sald mlddle line end tha mldd', lino of Houston Passage produced to the middla (lne of Stuart Chennel; thence southerly along the middle llnee of Stuart Channel, and Satellite Channal to tho northerly prolongation ot the mlddle (ine of Saanlch lnlet; thence southerly to and along the mlddle lines ot Saanich lnlet, Squelly Reach and Finlayeon Arm to e po(nt on the mlddle line of Finlayson Arm lying due Eest of the northeast corner of District Lot 167 E & N, Malahat Dlstrlct; thence due West to the northeast corner of District Lot 167 E & N, being the point of commencement, NORTH OKANAGAN REGIONAL HEALTH BOARD AREA

Commencing at the summit of Comaplix Mountain;

thence ' outherly ln e stralght line to the northeast corner of District Lot 430, Kootenay Dletrlct and contlnuing southerly along easterly boundary of District Lot 430 produced to the middle llne of the northeeet arm of Upper Arrow Lake;

thence southweeterly along the middle line of the northeast arm of Upper Arrow Lake produced to the mlddle line of Upper Arrow Lake;

thence southerly along the middle llne of Upper Arrow Lake to a point thereon, wlth eald point lylng due Eest of the southeast corner of District Lot 860;

thence due Weet to the eoutheaet corner of District Lot 860 and continulng westerly along the eoutharly boundary of Distrlct Lot 860 to the southweet corner thereof;

thence due Weet to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Pingston Creek;

thence northerly and westerly along the easterly and northerlv boundarles of the watershed of Plngeton Creek to the weeterly boundary of Pingston Creek, being a point on the westerly boundary of the watershed of Upper Arrow "ke;

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thence due South to the northeast corner of District Lot 2151 and continuing southerly along the eaeterly boundary of Dletrlct Lot 2151 to the southwest corner thereof;

thence due South to a polnt lying due East of the southeast corner of Distrlct Lot 4252;

thence due Weet to the southoast corner of District Lot 4252 end continuing westerly along the southerly boundary of Dlstrlct Lot 4252 to tha westerly boundary of the waterehed of Lower Arrow Lake;

thence southerly along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Lower Arrow Lake to a polnt thereon, wlth sald polnt lying due Eaet of the northeast corner of District Lot 2713, Simllkameen Dlvlslon of Yale Dlstrlct;

thence due West to the northeast cornar of District Lot 271 3 and contlnuing westerly along the northerly boundery of Dlitrict Lot 2713 to the northwest corner thereof;

thence due West to the northwesterly boundary of the watorshed of Kettle River: thence northeasterly along the northwesterly boundary of the waterehed of Kettle Rlver to the southerly boundery of the watershed of Harrle Creek;

thence wosterly along the southarly boundary of the watershed of Harrls Creek and continulng w●sterly and northerly along the eoutherly and westerly boundaries of tho watershed of Duteau Creek to a polnt on seld North Okanagan Reglonal H.alth Board (cont'd)

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thence due West to the middlo line of Okanegan Lake;

thence northerly along the middle line of to a point thereon, wjth aaid polnt lying due South of the southwest corner of Okanagan lndian Reserve Number 1;

thence due North to said southwest corner and contlnuing northerly nlong the westerly boundary 01 Okanagan lndian Reserve Number 1 to the southeast corner of Dlstrict Lot 3331;

thence wester(y and northerly along the southerly and easterly boundarles of District Lot 3331 to the southeast corner of District Lot 450;

thence westerly along the southerly boundaries 01 District Lots 450, 913 and 4018 to the southwest corner of Distrlct Lot 4018;

th・nc・due West to the west・rly bound・「 y of th・wat・「 sh・d of Okanagan L自 ke;

th・nc・norther(y along th・wasterly bound・「 y of th・w・tersh ・d 01 Okanagan L・k・to th・west・「 iy boundary of Sectlon 18, Township 17, Ranae 12, west of the 6th meridinn:

thence northerly along the westerly boundarlas of Sections 18, 19 and 30 ot sald Townshlp 17 to tha southerly boundary of District Lot 472, Kamloops Dlvision 01 Yale Dlstrict;

thence westerly, northwesterly, northeriy end easterly along the southerly, southwesterly, westerly and northerly bounda of District Lot 472 to the westerly boundary of Sectlon 31 of said Township 17;

thence northerly elong the westeriy boundery 01 aaid Section 31 of Townshlp 17 to the southeast corner of Townshlp 1 8, Range 1 3, west of the 6th meridlan;

thance northerly along the eesterly boundary of aald Townahip 1 8, Range 1 3 to the northwest cornar of Sectlon 31, Township 1 8, Range 1 2, West of the 6th meridien;

thence easterly along the northerly boundary 01 seid Section 31 to tha no'theast corner thereof;

thence due East to a point (ying due South of the southeast corner of the North 1 /2 of Section 1, Township 20, Rsnge 1 2, West of the 6th meridian;

thence due North to seld southaast corner of the North 1 /2 of Sectlon 1, belng e polnt on tha eesterly boundary of Township 20, Range 12, west of the 6th merldian;

thence northerly along tha aasteriy boundery of Townahip 20, Range 12, weat of tha 6th meridien to the northwast corner 01 Sectlon 1 8, Townahip 20, Renge 1 1, west of tha 6th meridlan; thence due North to a polnt lying due East of the northnest corner of Section 31, Township 20, Renge 1 2, west of the 6th meridian, being the theoretical northoait corner of seid Township 20, Range 1 2; North Okanagan Regional Health Board (cont)

thence due Eaat to a point lying due South of the southwest corner of the Fractional East 1/2 01 Section 16, Townshlp 21, Range 1 1, west of the 6th meridian;

thence due North to said eouthwest corner of said Fractional East 1/2 of Section 16 and contlnuing northerly along the westerly boundary of said Fractional East 1 /2 of Section 1 6 to the southerly boundary of Dlstrict Lot 499;

thence westerly, northerly and easterly along the southerly, westerly 日nd northerly boundaries of District Lot 499 to a post on sald northerly boundary loc8ted 272.4 melres e8sterly from the northwest corner of District Lot 499 and being on the theoretical westerly boundary of the East 1 /2 of Section 2 1, Townshlp 2 1, Range 1 1, west of the 6th meridian;

thence due North to a point lying due West of the southwest corner of the Eest 1/2 of Southeast 1/4 01 Section 4, Township 22, Range 1 1, west of the 6th meridian;

thence due West to a point iying diie South of the southwest corner of the Northeast 1 /4 01 Section 1 8, Townshlp 22, Range 1 1, west of the 6th meridian;

thence due North to the southerly boundary ol Section 18, TownsHp 22, Range 11, west 01 the 6th meridlan;

thence westerly and northerly along the southerly and westerly boundarles of said Sectlon 1 8 to the aouthweat corner of Fractional Section 1 9, Township 22, Range 1 1, west ol the 6th meridlan;

thence northeriy along the easterly boundary of said Fractional Section 1 9 to the northwest corner thereof, belng・ point on tho natural boundary of Shuswap Loke, on the southerly shore thereof;

thance due North to the middlo line of ;

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thence duo East to tho westerly boundary of the watershed of Ci' iOellachle Creek;

thence northerl'/ and easterly along the westerly and northerly boundoriea 01 the watershed of Cralgellachie Creek to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Perry River;

thence northeriy and easterly along the westerly and northerly boundarios 01 the watershed 01 Perry River to the westerly boundery of the watershed of Columbia River;

thence northerly along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Columbia River to the southerly boundery 01 the waterahed of Foster Creek;

thence easterly and northeasterly along the sout'・rly and southeasterly boundarles 01 the watershed of Foiter North Okanagan Reglonal H.alth Board (cont)

Creek to the halght of land that separates those creeks that flow northeastarly lnto Canoe Reach (Klnbasket Lake) from thoe that flow northwesterly into Foster Arm; thence northerly along said height of land to a polnt thereon, wlth sald polnt lylng southwesterly in a stralght line, on a bearing of 200', from the most easterly point on the natural boundary of Foster Arm, on the southerly shore thereof; thence northeasterly ln a stralght line, on a bearing of 20' to said most easterly polnt on the natural boundary of Foster Arm; thance northeasterly in a straight line to the lntersectlon between the middle llne of Canoe Reach (Klnbesket Lake and tha southwesterly prolongetlon of the southeasterly boundary of tha watershed of Beker Creek; thence southerly along the middle line of Canoe Reach to the most southerly polnt thereon; thance southerly in e straight )ine, crosslng Columbie Reach (Kinbasket Leke), to the most westerly point of Redrock Harbour (Kinbasket Leke); thence due South to the height of land separetlng those creeks flowing westerly into Columbia Rlver from thoee creeks fiowing northeasterly and easterly i nto Columbia River; thence southeasterly alonU said height of land to the northerly boundary 01 the watershed of Duncan Rlver; thence westerly and southerly along the northerly and westerly boundsries of the watershed of Duncan River to a point on seid westerly boundary lying due East of the summit of Comaplix Mountaln; thence due West to the summit 01 Comaplix Mountain, belng the point of commencement. SOUTH FRASER VALLEY REGIONAL HEALTH BOARD AREA

Commenclng at the southwest corner of the Dlstrlct of Abbotsford/Matsqui, with sald corner belng deflned in tha Brltish Columbia Gazette. dated September 8, 1994, and being also a point on the southerly boundary of the Province of Britlsh Columbla; thence northerly elong the westerly boundary of the Distrlct of Abbotsford/Matsqui to the mlddle llne of Fraser 刊ver; thence westerly along the mlddle line of Fraser River, passing to the north of Barnston lsland, to the northerly boundary of the Distrlct of Delta as defined in the British Columbia Gazette dated Januery 8, 1970; thence ln a general westerly and southerly direction along the northerly and westerly bounderles of the Dlstrict of Delta to the southwest corner thereof, belng a polnt on the southerly boundery of the Province of Brltlsh Columbla; thence essterly elong the southerly boundary of the Province of British Columbia to the southweet corner of the District 01 Abbotsford/Matsqui, being the polnt of commencement. THOMPSON REGIONAL HEALTH BOARD AREA

Commenclng at the northeast corner of District L.ot 3103, Kamloops Division of Yale District; thencedue E'st, a distance of 6.18 kilometres, more or less, to the westerly boundary of the wstershed of Canoa

westerlthenco;農:daryrly along of 農westerlyatershed ofboundary Columbia of theRiver watershed to the northerly of Canoe bou R意hry end of the contlnuing watershed southerly of Perry along Rlver; tha

農器器:;l,認器留に器器笥揺器器erly bound日「 ies of the watersh・d of Perry Rlver to th・ thence westerly and southerly elong the northerly and westerly boundaries of the wetershad of Cralgellechle Creek to a point on the westarly boundary of said watershed lylng due East, 5.55 kilometras, more or less, of the northeast corner ot Fractlonal Section 17, Townshlp 24, Range 7, west ot the Bth meridian; thence due West to said northeast corner of Fractional Section 1 7; thence westerly olong the northerly boundery of Fractional Section 1 7, Township 24, Range 7, west of the 6th merldian, to the northwost corner thereof, with said corner being a point on the naturl boundary 01 Anstey Arm ol Shuswap Lake, on the oasterly shora theraof; thence due West to tha mlddle line of Anetey Arm of Shuswap Lake; thence southerly along the middle line of Anstey Arm of Shuswap Lake produced to the easterty prolongation of the middle line of Cinnemousun Narrows; thence westerly to and along the mlddle line of Cinnemousun Narrows and contlnulng southwesterly along the mlddle line of Shuswap Lake, passing to the south of Copper lsland, to a point on said mlddla line of Shuswap Lake lying due North of the northwest corner of Fractlonal Sectlon 1 9, Townshlp 22, Range 1 1, west of the 6th meridian; thence due South to sald northwest corner of Frectlonal Sectlon 1 9, being e point on the natural boundary of Shuswap Lake, on the southerly shore thereof; thence southerly along tha westerly boundarles of Fractlonbl Sectlon 1 9 and Sectlon 1 8, Townehlp 22, Renge 1 1, west of the 6th merldlen, to the southwest corner of Sectlon 18; thence easterly along the southerly boundery of Section 1 8 to a polnt thereon, wlth 8ald polnt lylng due South of the eouthwest corner of the Northeast 1 /4 of 8ald Section 1 8; thenca due South to a polnt lylng dua West of the southwest corner of the East 1 /2 of the Southeast 1 /4 of Sectlon 4, Townshlp 22, Range 1 1, west of the 6th merldian; thence due East to a polnt lylng due North ol a post on the northerly boundary of Dletrlct Lot 499 located 272.4 metres easterly of the northwest corner of Dletrlct Lot 499 and belng on the theoretical weeterly boundery 01 the East 1/2 of Sectlon 21, Township 21, Range 11, west 01 the 6th merldian; thence due South to sald post on the northerly boundary of Dlstrict Lot 499; Thompson Reglonal Health Board (cont)

thonce wasterly, southerly and eesterly along the northerly, westerly end southerly boundaries of Distrlct Lot 499 to the northwest corner of the Fractiona( East 1/2 of Section 18, Township 21, Range 11, west of the 6th meridian;

thence southerly along the westerly boundary of said Fractional East 1 /2 of Section 1 6 to the southwest corner thereof;

thence due South to a point (ylng due East of the northeast cornar of Section 31, Township 20, Range 12, west of the 8th meridian; thence due West to a point tying due North of the northwest corn●r of Sectlon 1 8, Township 20, Range 1 1, west of the 8th merldian and with said point being the theoretical northeast corner of Townshlp 20, Range 12, wast of the 8th meridian; thence due South to seid northwest corner of Section 1 8, Township 20, Range 1 1, being a polnt on the eastりrly boundary of Township 20, Range 12, west of the 6th meridian; thence southerly along the easteriy boundary of said Township 20, Range 1 2 to the southaast corner of the North 1/2 of Section 1, Township 20, Ranga 12, west of the 8th meridian; thenca due South to a point lying due East of the northeast corner of Sectlon 31, Townshlp 18, Range 12, west of the 8th meridlan; thence due West to sald northeast corner ot Section 31; thence westerly along the northerly boundary of sald Sectlon 31 to the northeast corner of Townshlp 18, Range 13, west 01 the Oth rI,Idridian; thence southerly along the eastarly boundary of sald Township 18, Range 13 to the northwest corner of Section 31, Townshlp 1 7, Range 1 2, west of the 6th meridien; thence southerly along the wasterly boundary of said Section 31 to the northerly boundary of Distrlct Lot 472; thence westeriy, eoutherly, southeasterly and easterty along the northeriy, westerly, aouthwesterly and southerly boundarles of Dlstrict Lot 472 to the northwast corner 01 Section 30, Township 1 7, Range 1 2, west of the 6th maridian; thence southerly along the westerly boundaries of Sections 30, 1 9 and 1 8 of said Townshlp 1 7 to tha westerly boundary of the watershed of Okanagan Lake; thence southerly along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Okanagan Lake to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Trout Creek; thence westerly along the northerly boundaries ot the watersheds of Trout and Slwash Creeks and continuing southerly along the westerly boundsry of the watershed of Siwash Creek to the northerly boundary of the watershed ol Dillard Ctaek; thence westerly and southwesterly along the northerly and northwesterly boundarles 01 the watershed of Dillard Creek to a point on sald northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Dillard Creek lying due North 01 the northeast corner of District Lot 4522, Kamloops Division of Yale District; Thompson Reglonal Health Board (cont) thence due South to the northeest corner of Dlstrict Lot 4522; thenco wosterly aiong the northerly boundary of Distrlct Lot 4522 to tha northwest cornor theroof; thonco westorly in e straight line to the southeast corner of District Lot 2372 and continuing westerly along the southerly boundary of Dlstrlct Lot 2372 to the southwest corner thereof; thence due West to the easterly bcundary of District Lot 2374; thence southerly and westerly along the e日sterlv and southorly boundaries of Dlstrict Lot 2374 to the northeast corner of Distrlct Lot 2376; thence southerly along the easterly boundary of Distrlct Lot 2376 to the southeast corner thereof; thence due South to a point lying due East of Post 32 on the survayed boundery between Yale ar.d Kamloops Divisions of Y日lo Distrlct; thence due West to sald post; thence westerly atong said surveyed boundary to the easterly boundary of Dibtrict Lot 1 778, Yale Divlsion 01 Yale Distrlct; thence northarly along the easterly boundary of District Lot 1 778 to the most easterly southeast corner ot District Lot 2829, Kamloops Dlvision of Yala Dlstrict; thence westerty. southerly. westerly and northerly tong the southerly, easteriy. southerly and westerly boundaries of Distrlct Lot 2829 to said surveyed boundery between yale and Kamloops Dlvisions of Yale Land Dlstrict; thence westerly, northerty, westerly and northerly along the surveyed boundary between Yale and Kamloops Dlvisons of Yale Land Dlstrict to a point tharaon, with sald polnt lylng due East 01 the southeast corner of District Lot 919, Yale Divialon of Yale District; thence due West to the southeast corner of Dlstrict Lot 919 and continulng westerly along the southerly boundary of Dlstrict Lot 91 9 to the easteriy boundary of Distrlct Lot 920; thonce southerly and westerly along the easterly and southeriy boundarles of District Lot 920 to the southwest corner thereof; thence due Wost to the easterly boundary 01 the watershed 01 Coldweter River; thence aoutherly and westerly elong the easterly and southerly boundarles of the wetershed 01 Coldwater River to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Andorson River; thence northerly elong the easterly boundaries 01 the watersheds of Anderson Rlver, Stoyoma Creek and Ainslie Creek to a point on the eesterly boundary of the watershed of Ainslle Creek lying due East, a dlstance of 1 2.75 kllometres, more or less, lrom the northaast corner 01 Tsawewmuck lndian Reserve No. 1; thence due West to said northeast corner; thence westerly along the northerly houndary 01 Tsawawmuck lndien Reserve No. 1 to the northwest corner Thompson R.glonal H.alth Board (cont)

thereof, belng a point on the natural boundary of Fraser River, on tha left bank thereof;

thence due West to the middle line of Fraser River;

thence northerly elong tha middle line of Fraser River to the northarly boundary of Townshlp 1 2, Range 26, west 01 the 8th meridian;

thance westerly aiong the northerly boundary of Townshlp 1 2, R日nge 26, west of the 8th maridlan to the northwest corner of Sectlon 31 of said Township;

thence due West to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Nahatlatch Rlver;

thencewatershed westerly of Liilo a器River.the northerly with said b器ndaryundary of being the watershe a portioゴ ofof :器thN tchmlt Rlverof tha to Cascade the easterly Mountalns boundery as def of 農 for administrittive purposes in the /nterpretofion Act, Revised Statutes of Britlsh Columbla, 1979, Chapter 208;

thence in a general northwesterly direction along said summit of the Cascade Mountalns to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Cayoosh Creek;

thence in general northerly and easterly directions along the westerly and northerly boundarles of the watershed of Cayoosh Creek to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Haylmore Creek;

thence northerly and westerly along the easterly and northerly boundaries of the watershed of Haylmore Creek to the southeasterly boundary of the watershed 01 Wade Creek;

thence northwesterly along the southeasterly boundary of the watershed of Wade Creek to a polnt thereon, wlth said polnt lylng 100.58 metres due North and 1.1 kilometres, more or less, due East of the southeast corner of Distrlct Lot 47 1 3, Lillooet District;

thence due West to said easterly boundary of District Lot 4713;

thence northerly along the easterly boundary of District Lot 4713 to the northeast corner thereof, being a point on the natural boundary of Anderson Lake, on tha e8steriy shore thereof; thence northwesterly in a straight line, crossing Anderson Lake, to the northeast corner of District Lot 1 1 20, belng a point on the natural boundary of Anderson Leke, on the westerly shore thereof;

thence westerly along the northerly boundary of Distrlct Lot 1 1 20 to the northweat corner thereof; thence westerly ln a stralght line to the northeast corner of Distrlct Lot 4801 and continulng westerly along the northerly boundary of District Lot 4801 to the northwest corner thereof;

thence due West to the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of Blackwater Creek; thence northwosterly along the northeastarly boundary of the watershed of Biackwater Creek to the northeesterly boundary 01 the watershed of Lillooet River, wlth sald boundary balng a portion of the summit of the Cascade Mountalns as previously deflned;

thence northwestarly along aaid summlt 01 the Cascade Mountains to the southerly bouwiery of the watershed of Ltrd Riva『・

thence in a general easterly direction alonq tha southerly boundaries of the watersheds of Lord River, Taseko Rlver, Thompson Reglonal Hoalth Board (cont)

Big Creek and Churn Creek to the easterly boundary of the watershad of Churn Creek; thence northerly elong the easterly boundery of the watershed of Churn Creek to the summit of Red Mountaln, belng a point thereon; thence northaasterly ln a straight line, on a beering of approximately 25', a dlstance of 885 metres, mora or tees, to the middle line of e northerly flowing tributary of the northwesterly flowing unnemed fork of Churn Creek, at tha headwaters thereof; thence northerly along the middlo line of said tributary to the middie line of the northwesterly flowing unnamed fork of Churn Creek; thence northwasterly along the middle line of said northwesterly flowing unnamed fork produced to the mlddle line of Churn Creek; thenca in a general northeasterly direction along the mlddle line of Churn Creek to e point thereon, sald polnt being due South of the southwest corner of District Lot 1 230, Lillooet District; thence due North to the southwost corner of District Lot 1230 and Continulng northerly along the westerly boundary of District Lot 1 230 to the northwest corner thereof; thence due North to a point due West of the northwest corner of District Lot 367; thence due East to the northwest corner of District Lot 367 end Continuing easterly elong the northerly boundary of District Lot 387 to the northeast corner thereof; thence due East to the middle lina 01 Churn Creek; thence northeasterly along the middle line of Churn Creek to the westerly boundery of DlstrIct Lot 4383; thence northerly and easterty along tha wosterly and northerly bounderias of Distrlct Lot 4383 to tho northeest corner thareof, being a point on the netural boundary of Fraser River, on the right benk theraof; thence due East to the middla tine of Fraser River; thence aouthorly e,ong the middte line of Fraser Rlver to a point thereon, said point balng due South of the most wosterly eouthwest cornar of District Lot 1 5 1; thence due North to tha most westerly southwest corner of Distrlct Lot 151, belng e polnt on the netural boundery of Fraser Rlvor, on the left benk thereof; thonce northerly elong the westerly boundary of District Lot 151 to the most northorly northwest cornor theroof; thence eesterly elong the northerly boundaries of District Lots 1 51 日nd 5006 to tho northeest corner of Dlstrlct Lot 5008; thence oestarly ln a strelght line to the southwest corner of Distrlct Lot 5143 and continuing oestorty elong the southerly boundery of Dlstrlct Lot 5143 to the southeast corner thereof; thence eesterly ln a straight line to the northwest corner of District Lot 1 096 and contlnulng eesterty etong the northerly boundaries of District Lots 1096, 3769 and 3778 to the northeest corner of Dlstrlct Lot 3778; Thompion R.glonal Hsaith Board (cont)

thence southerly along the easterly boundary of District Lot 3778 to the southeast corner theraof;

thence easterly ln a straight line to the most northerly northwest corner of Dlstrict Lot 3834 and contlnulng esaterly along the northorly boundary of District Lot 3834 to the northeast corner thereof;

thence northerly in a stralght lina to the southwest corner of District Lot 531 7 and contlnulng northerly along the weaterly boundary of Dlatrict Lot 5317 to the middle line of Bonaparte River;

thence northeasterly along the middle lina of Bonaparte River to the northerly boundary of Dl8trict Lot 1403;

thence eesterly along the northerly boundery of District Lot 1403 to the northeast corner theroof;

thence due East to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Scott Creek;

thence easterly a(ong the southerly boundarios of the wateraheds of Scott Creek, Boneparte River and Bonaparte Lake to the surveved eesterlv boundarv of Lilloo.t LAnd Diitrut

thence northerly along the surveyed easterly boundary of Lillooet Land District to the southerly boundary of the waterghed of Canimred Creek;

thence easterly and northerly along the southerly and easterly boundarles of the watershed of Canimred Creok and continulng northerly along the oasterly boundary of the watershed of the unnemed creek that includei Maury Lake within lts dreinaga to the ridge separ8ting those creeks thet flow northerly into Mahood Lake from those thet flow northeasterly into Mahood River;

留器器器l器認器農器こ器認器「農器需器fbeing due South of the most eest・「 ly point

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thenCe northerly elong the westerly boundary of the watershed of C(e8rwater River to the southwesterly boundary of the wetershed of Rauih River:

thonce southeesterly along the southwesterly boundary of the wetershed of Raush River to the northerly boundary of the watershed of North Thompson River; thence in a general easterly directlon along said northerly boundary of the weter8hed of North Thompson River to a point thereon, with sald polnt lying due Wast of the southwest corner of District Lot 7383;

thence due East to the southwest corner of Distrlct Lot 7383;

thence easterly along the southerly boundary of Dlstrict Lot 7383. Ceriboo District and continuing easterly along the northerly boundary of Distrlct Lot 3103, Kamloops Division of Yele Dlstrict, to tho northeant corner thereof, being the point 01 commencement. VANCOUVER HEALTH BOARD AREA

Comprlsed of the Clty of V・ncouver, the boundaries of whlch ere detined by the Vancouver Charter in the Revlaed Statutes of British Columbla, 1979, Chapter 55, together with Eiectoral Area A of Greater Vancouver Regionai Distrlct as deflned in the Brltish Columbia Gazette dated JuIv 1 3. 1 987. NORTHWEST REGIONAL HEALTH BOARD AREA

Commencing at a point on the westerty boundery of the Province of Britlsh Columbla, with sald polnt being due West of the most southerly point of Gosling lsland; thence due E95t to the intersection with the southeasterly prolongation of the mlddla line of Hecate Strait; thence northwesterly to end along the middle line of Hecate Stralt to the southwesterly prolongatlon of the mlddle lin日 of C日amano Sound; thence northeesterly to and along the middle line of Caamano Sound and contlnulng northeasterly along the mlddk line of Campenia Sound to the southerly prolongation of the middle line of Whale Channal; thence northerly to and elong the middle line of Whele Channel, passing to the east of Ashdown laland, to the westerly prolongation of the middle line of Mckay Reach; thence e8sterly tO and along and continuing southeasterly and southerly along the middle lines of McKay Reach, Fraser Reach, Graham Reach and Finlayson Channel to the westerly pro;ongation of the mlddle line of Oscar Passage; thence easterly to and along the middle line of Oscar Passage to the most easterly point thereof; thence easterly in a straight line, crossing Mathleson Chennel, to the middle llne of Salmon Bay, at the most westerly point thereof; thence easterly along the middle line of Salmon Bay to the natural boundary of Don Penlnoula, on the westerly shore thereof; thence due East to the height of land separating the waters flowing westerly into Mathleson Channel from those flowing eesterly into Spiller lnlet; thence northerly along said height of land to the southerly boundary of thu watershed of Kynoch lnlet; thence in a general easterly dlrection along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Kynoch lnlet to the westerly boundary of the watershed 01 Nascall River; thence northerly, easterly and southerly along the w8sterly, northerly and easterly boundaries of the watershed of Naocall River to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Kitlope River; thence easterly and northerly along the southerly and eaaterly boundaries of the watershed of Kitlope River to summit of the Cascade Mountains as defined for admlnistrative purposes in the /nterpretaIion Act, Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1 979, Chapter 206; thence in a generel northerly direction along said summit of the Cascade Mountains to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Tahtsa Lake; thence in a general easterly directlon along the northerly boundary of the watershed 01 Tahtse Lake to the summit of Mount Sweeney, being a point thareon and baing also a point on the easterly boundary of the watershed of Nanika River; thence in a general northerly directlon along the easterly boundary of the water8hed of Nanika River to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Morice Rlver; thence in a general easterly direction along the southarly boundary of the watershed of Morice River to a point North W.st Reglonal H.alth Board (cont) thereon, with s日id point belng tho first intersectlon of saId southerly boundary with a llne drewn dua West of the southwest corner of Dlstrict Lot 3421, Renge 5, Coast Dlstrict; thence due East to the southwest corner of Dlstrlct Lot 3421; thence easterly along the southerlv boundaries of Dlstrict Lote 3421, 3422, 3423, 5367 end 5366 and contlnulng easterly elong the northerly boundary of Distrlct Lot 2 1 38 to the northeast corner thereof; thence due Eest to a point lying due South of the southeast corner of District Lot 5364; thence due North to said southeast cotner of District Lot 5364; thence northerly elong the eesterly boundary of Dlstrlct Lot 5384 to the northeast cornar thereof; thence due North to e point lying due East of the northeast corner of Distrlct Lot 2498; thence due Eest to the westerly boundery of the watershed of Buck Creek; thence southerly, easterly and northerly along the westerly, southerly and easterly boundarles of the wetershed of Buck Creek and continuing northerly elong the easterly boundary of the wetershed of McKilllgan Creek to a point thereor, with sald point being due West of the southwest corner of District Lot 4301; thence due East to the southwest corner of District Lot 4301 and continuing easterly along the southerly boundaries ot District Lots 4301 and 4300 to the southoast corner of District Lot 4300: thence easterly in e straight line to the northwezt corner of District Lot 3350A; thence eesterly along the northerly boundery of District Lot 3350A to the westerly boundary 01 Dlstrlct Lot 3348; thence northerly and easterly' along the westerly and northerly boundaries of Distrlct Lot 3348 to the northwest corner of District Lot 3384; thence eaat'rly elong the northerly boundery of District Lot 3384 to the southeest corner of Dlstrict Lot 3347A; therce northerly along the easterly boundaries of District Lots 3347A, 3345 and 3346 to the southerly boundary of Dlstrlct Lot 4292; thence westerly and northerly along the southerly and westerly boundaries of District Lot 4292 to the southeast corner of Dlstrlct Lot 4295; thence northerly along the eesterly boundaries 01 District Lots 4295, 4294, 42,3 and 3333 to the Boutherly boundary 01 Dlstrict Lot 2837; thence aasterly elong tha southerly boundary of District Lot 2637 to the southeast corner thereof; thence northerly along the easterly bounderies of Distrtct Lots 2637, 2639, 4233, 4234 end 2152 to the northeesi corner of Dlstrlct Lot 21 52; thence due North to a point ,ying due East of the northeast corner of District Lot 4094; thence due West to the northeast corner of District Lot 4094; North W.st R.glonal H.alth Board (cont) thence westerly aiong the northerly boundaries of District Lots 4094 and 4093 to the northwest corner of Dlatrlct Lot 4093; thence due West to a point lying due North of the northwest corner of District Lot 3449; thence due North to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Bulkley River; thence in a general northerly direction along the eas・erly boundary of the waterahed of Bulkley Rlver to the surnmli of French Peak, being a point thereon and being also a point on the southwesterly boundary 01 the watarahed of 口.hihh ロ;、,一.. thence northwesterly along the eouthwesterly boundary of the watershed of Bablne Rlver to the westerly boundary of Sheglsic Creek; thance northerly along the westerly boundary of tha watershed of Shegisic Creek produced to the lntersection of the middle lines of Bablne and Skeena Rivers, at their confluence; thence westerly in a straight Iino to the southerly boundery of the watershed of thoao unnamed creeka flowlng northerly into Skeena River; thance westerly along the southerly boundary of the watershed of those unnamed creeka flowlng northerly lnto Skeena River to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Klspiox River; thence in a general northerly directlon along the easterly boundary of the waterehed 01 Klsplox River to the intersection with the 56th parallel of north latitude; thence easterly 8long the 56th porallel of north latitude to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Ominece River; thence northerly in a stralght line to the intersection of the natural boundary of Omlneca River, on the ieft bank thereof, with the natural boundary of Omineca Arm of Williston Lake, on the westeriy shore thereof; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the southerly boundary of the wetershed of Meslinka River; thence westerly end northerly along the southerly and westerly boundaries of the watershed of Meslinka River to the southerly boundary of the watershed of lngenika River; thence westerly along the southeriy boundary of the watershed of lngenika River and continuing westerly along th・ southerly boundary of the watershed of Finlay Rivor to the westerly boundary thereof; thence northerly and eesterly along the westerly and northerly boundaries of the watershed of Finlay Rlver to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Kechika River; thence eaeterly, northarly and northwesterly 日long the southerly, eesterly and northeasterly boundaries of the wetorshed of Kechika River to a point theroon, with sald point being due Eeet of the intersection of the natural boundaries of Wadin Creek and Kechika River, on their left banks thereof; thence northwesterly in a straight line to the summit of Mount T'itlsno, belng a point on tha northerly boundery of the watershed of Kechika River; thence in a general westerly direction along the northerly boundary boundary of the watershod of Kechika River to the southwesterly boundary of the watershod of Black Angus Creek; Northw.st Reglonal Heelth Board Ar.a (cont)

thence northwesterly along the southweeterly boundary of the watershad of Black Angua Creak and contlnuing northwestarly along the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Trepariler Creek to the eeeterly boundary of the wetershed 01 Daasa Rlver;

thence northerly along the easterly boundary of the watershed of Dease River to a polnt thcreon, with seld point being due East of the intersection of the natural boundarles of Sambo Creek and Deeee Rivar, on thelr rlght bank・ thereof;

thence due Weet to said intersection and continuing due West to the easterly boundary of the watershed of Cormlar Creek;

thence eoutherly and westerly along the easterly and southerly boundaries of the watershed of Cormler Craek end contlnulng westerly along the southerly boundary of the watershed of South Albert Creek to tha aaeterly boundery 01 the wetershed of Little Rencherla Rlver;

thence northerly along the eaeterly boundary of the waterehed of Little Rancheria River to the northerly boundary ot the Province of Britlsh Columbia;

thence weeterly along the northerly boundary of the province to the northwest corner thereof, belng a polnt on the easterly boundery of the Stete 01 Alaska;

thenca in a general southeasterly direction along easterly boundary of the State of Alaeka to the most southerly boundary thereof;

隠器器器綴j需荒器腎器器器驚濃恕認協器esterly boundary of the

thereon,commencemethence ln with a gaミ― ldral point southerly lylng 驚Westion『黒ethe most weeterly southerly bou認 of theGosling Province lsland of andBritleh belng Columb also 需;』孟olntof COAST GARIBALDI REGIONAL HEALTH BOARD AREA

Commencing at the northwest corner of District Lot 3041, Group 1, New Westminster Dlstrict, belng e polnt on the naturel boundary of Queen Cherlotte Channel, on the eesterly shore thereof;

thence eesterly along the northerly boundery of District Lot 3041 to the northeast corner thereof;

thence easterlv in a stralght line to the southwest corner of Dlstrlct Lot 1 294;

thence eesterly elong the southerly boundary of District Lot 1 294 and the northerly boundery of Dlstrlct Lot 1 293 to the northeeet corner of District Lot 1293;

thence due East to e point lying due North of the northeast corner of Dlstrlct Lot 1291;

thence due North to a polnt lying due East of the most northerly corner of Dlstrlct Lot 1 580;

thence due Eest to the middle line of lndian River;

thence northerly along the middle line of lndian River to a point thereon, with sald polnt tylng due East of the southeast corner of District Lot 2029;

thence due Eest to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Pitt River;

thence northerly end easterly along the westerly end northerly bounderias of the wetershed of Pitt River to the westerly boundery of the wetershed of Lillooet River;

thence in a ganeral northerly direction elong the westerly boundary of the weter8hed of Lillooet River to the northerly boundery of the watershod of Billygoat Creek;

thence in a general easterly direction elong the northerly boundary of the wetershed of Bilfygoat Creek to e polnt thereon, with sald point being the first polnt of intersection of the said northerly boundary with e line drewn due West of the northwest corner of District Lot 5536, belng Baptiste lndlen Reserve No. 1A;

thence due Eest to said northwest corner of District Lot 5536;

thence eesterly elong the northerly boundary of District Lot 5536 to the northeest corner thereof; thence due East to the e日starly boundary of the wetershed of Lillooet River, with seid boundery belng a portlon of the summlt of the Cascade Mountalns es deflned for admlnistretive purposes ln the lnfel'pret8Iion Acf, Revised Statutes of British Columbie, 1 979, Chapter 206;

thence ln e general northwestarly direction elong sald summit of the Cascade Mountalns to the westerly boundary of Cayoosh Creek;

thence in general northerly and eesterly directions elong the westerly and northerly boundaries of t'e watershed 01 Cayoosh Creek to the eesterly boundery of tha wetershed of Heylmore Creek; thence northerly and westerly along the easterly and northerly boundaries of the watershed of Heylmora Creek to the southeesterly boundary of the watershed of Wade Creek; thence northwesterly eiong the southeasterly boundery of the watershed of Wede Creek to a polnt thereon, wlth seid point lying 100.58 metres due North and 1.1 kilometres, more or lese due East of the southeast corner of Dlstrict Lot 4713, Llllooet District; Coast Gsrlbaldl R.glonal H.alth Board Ar.a (cont) thance due West to the eeaterly boundary of District Lot 471 3; thence northerly along the eester(y boundary of District Lot 4713 to the northeast corner thereof, being a point on the natura( boundary of Anderson Lake, on the eesterly shore thereof; thence northwester(y in o streight line, crossing Anderson Lake, to the northeast cornor of District Lot 1 120, being e point on the natural boundery of Anderson Lake, on ine westerly shore thereof; thence westerly along the norther(y boundary of District Lot 1 120 to the northweet corner thareof; thence w・・w~in・・tralght line to th日 north.・・tcorner of Diatrict Lot 4801・nd continuing w・・terly along the northerly boundery of District Lot 4801 to the northwest corner thereof; thence due West to the northeaeterly boundary of the wetershed of Blackwater Creek; thence northwesterly aiong the northeesterly boundery of the watershed of Blackwater Creek to the northeesterly boundery 01 tho wetershed of Lillooet River, with said boundary being e portion of the eummit ol the Cescede Mountelns as previously defined; thence northwesterly along seid eummit of the Casceda Mountains to the southeasterly boundery of the wetershed of Southgete River; thence southwesterly and westerly along the southeasterly end southerly boundaries of the wetershed of Southgete River to the eesterly boundery 01 the watershed of Orford River; thence southerly elong the eesterly bounderies 01 tha watersheds of Orford and Brem Rivers to the summlt of Mount Barner, being a point on sald easterly boundary of the watershed of Brem River; thence due South to the lntersection with the middle line of Toba lnlet; thence in a generel southwesterly dlrection along the middle line of Toba lnlet, pessing to the west of Chennel lsland, produced to the middle line of Pryce Channel; thence eesterly elong the middle line of Pryce Channel to the middle line of Homfray Chennel; thence southes・terly, southerly and southwesterly along the middle line 01 Homfray Chsnnel produced to the middle line of Desoletion Sound; thence westerly along the middle (ine of Dosolation Sound produced to the middle llne of Lewis Chennel; thence southerly along the middle line of Lewis Channol, passing to the east of Powell lslets and to the west of Klingh.orn lsland, produced to the northeaeterly prolongatlon of the middle line 01 Baker Passege; thence southwesterly to end along the middle line of Baker Passage produced to the middle llne of Strait of Geo卿a; thence southeeeterly along the middle line of Strait of Georgle to the westerly prolongetion of the niiddle line of Sabine Channel; thence easterly to・・nd easterly end・outh.・sterly elong the middle lin・of S・bin・Ch・nnel, produced to・point du. East of Young Point, Lasqueti lsland; Coait Ga,ibaldl Reglonal Heilth Board Arsa fcont) thence due Eait to the southeriy prolongetion of the mlddle llne of Meleipine Streit; thence southerly along said southerly prolongetion of the mlddle line of Melaspina Stralt to the mlddle llne of Stralt of Georgla; thence southeaiterly along the niiddle line of Strait of Georgla to the westerly prolongitlon of the mlddle llne of First Narrows of Buriard lnlet; thence easterly along seid westerly prolongation of the middle llne of Flrit Narrows of Burrerd lnlet to the southerl prolongetion of the middle line of Collingwood Channel; thence northerly to end northeeiterly elong said the mlddle line of Collingwood Channel, pasilng to the west of Bowen liland. produced to the middle line of Queen Cherlotte Channel; thence northerly elong the mlddla Iine of Queen Charlotte Ch・nnel to a polnt thereon. with iaid polnt lying due Weit of the northwest corneI of Dlitrict Lot 3041; thonce due Eait to the northwest corner of Dlstrict Lot 3041, belng the polnt of commencement. SOUTH OKANAGAN SIMILVAMEEN HEALTH BOARD AREA

Commencing at the southeast corner of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 2, Township 65, Slmllkameen (formerly Osoyoos) Division of Yale District, being a point on the southerly boundary of the Province of Brltlsh Columbia;

thence northerly and westerly along the easterly and northerly boundaries of said Southwest 1 /4 of Section 2 to the southwast corner of District Lot 487s;

thence northerly along the westerly boundaries of District Lots 487s, 488s, 488s, 1037s, 777s and 2708 to the westerly boundary of tha watershed of Kettle River;

thence northerly elong the westerly boundary of the watershed of Kettie Rivar to the easterly boundary of Dlstrict Lot 3839;

thence northerly along the easterly boundary of District Lot 3639 to the northeast corner thereof;

thence due North to the wester)y boundary of the watershed of Kettle River;

thence northerly along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Kettle River to a point thereon, with said point lying due South of the southwest corner of Dlstrlct L.ot 687s;

thence due North to the southwest corner of Dlstrict Lot 687s;

thence eastoriy along the southerly boundaries of District Lot 687s and 688s and continulng northerly slong the easterly boundery of District Lot 688s to the southwest corner of Distrlct Lot 27303;

thence easterly and northerly along the southerly and eastarly boundaries of District Lot 2730s and continuing northerly along the easterly boundary of District Lot 2729s to the northeast corner theroof;

thence northerly in a straight line to the southeast corner of District Lot 2731s;

thence northerly along the eesterly boundery of District Lot 2731s to the northeast corner thereof;

thence due North to the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Kettle River;

thence northeasterly along the northwesterly boundary of the watershed of Kettie River to the southerly boundary of the watershad of Harrls Creak;

thenca westerly aiong the southerly boundary of the watershed of Harris Creek and continuing westerly and northerly along the southerly and westerly boundaries of the watershed of Duteau Creek to e point on said westerly boundary lying due East of the southeast corner of Fractional Section 25, Townshlp 14, Osoyoos Divlsion of Yale District, being a point on the natural boundary of Kalamalka Lake, on the westerly shore theraof;

thence due West to sald southeast corner of Frectional Section 25 and continuing westerly along tha southerly boundarles of Sactlons 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29, Township 14 to the southwest corner of Frectlonal Section 29, being a point on the natural boundary of Okanagan Lake, on the easteriy shore theraof;

thonce due West to the mlddie line of Okanagan Lake;

thence northerly along the mlddle line of Okanagan Lake to a point thereon, with said point lylng dua South of the southwest corner of Okanagen lndian Reserve Number 1; thence due North to said southwest corner and continuing northerly along the westerly boundary of Okanagan lndian Reserva Number 1 to the southeast corner of District Lot 3331; South Okanagan Slmllkameen Health Boerd (cont) thenca westerly end northerly along the southerly end e8sterly bounderies of Dietrict Lot 3331 to the aoutheast corner of District Lot 450; thance westerly along the southerly boundaries of District Lots 450, 913 and 4018 to the eouthweet corner of Dietrict Lot 4018; thence due West to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Okenagen Leka; thance eoutherly along the weeterly boundary of the wetershod of Okanegan Laka to the northerly boundary of th・ waterehed of Trout Creek; thence woeterly along the northerly bounderies of the watersheds of Trout end Siwash Creake and continuing southerly along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Siwash Craek to the northarly boundary of the wetarshed of Dillard Creak; thance westerly and southwesterly along the northerly and northwaeterly bounderies of tha wetarehed of Dillerd Creek to a point on said northwesterly boundary of the waterehed of Dillard Creek lying due North of the northeest corner of District Lot 4522, Kamloops Division of Yale District; thence dua South to the northeast corner of District Lot 4522; thence westerly along the northerly boundary of District Lot 4522 to the northwast cornar thereof; thance wasterly in a straight line to the southeast corner of District Lot 2372 and continuing westerly elong tha southerly boundary of District Lot 2372 to the southwest corner thereof; thence due West to the easterly boundary of Dietrict Lot 2374; thenca southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly boundaries of District Lot 2374 to tha northeest corner 01 District Lot 2378; thance southarly along the easterly boundary of District Lot 2376 to the southeast corner thareof; thence due South to a point lying due East of Post 32 on the surveyed boundary between Yale and Kamloops Divisions of Yala Land District; thance due West to said post; thence westerly along said survayed boundary to the eestarly boundery of District Lot 1 778, Yele Division of Yale District; thence northerly along the eastarly boundary of District Lot 1 778 to tha mOst eestorly southeest corner of Dietrlct Lot 2829, Kamloops Division of Yala District; thence westerly, southerly, wasterly and northerly along the southarly, e・oterly, eoutherly and weeterly bounderlee of District Lot 2829 to seid surveyed boundary botween Yele end Kamloops Divisions 01 Yele Lend Dietrict; thence westerly, northerly, westerly and northerly elong the surveyed boundery between Yale and Kemloops Divisions of Yale Lend District to a point thereon, with said point lying due East of the southeest corner 01 Dlstrict Lot 919, Yale Division of Yale District; South Okanagan Simiikame.n Health Board (cont)

thence due West to said corner;

thence westerly aiong the southerty boundery of Dlstrlct Lot 919 to the easterly boundary of Diatrlct Lot 920;

thence southerly and westerly along the easterly and southerly boundarles of Distrlct Lot 920 to the southwest corner thereof;

thence due West to the westerly boundary of the wetershed of Simitkameen River;

thence southerly along the westerly boundary of the watershed of Slmilkamean River to the northerly boundary 0・ theoreticel Township 5, Renge 23, west of the 6th rnerldlan; thence westerly, aoutharly and eaaterly along the northerly, westerly end southerly bounderles of aaid theoretical Township 5 to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Slmllkemeen Rlver;thence aoutherly along the weaterly boundary of the waterahod of Slmltkameen River to the aoutherly boundery of the Province of Brltlsh Columbla; thence easterly along the southerly boundary of the Province of British Columbia to southeaat corner of the Southwest 1 /4 of Sectlon 2, Townahip 85, Slmilkameen (formerly Osoyoost Divlaion of Yala Dlstrlct, belng the polnt 01 commencement. PEACE LIARD REGIONAL HEALTH BOARD AREA

Commencing et the lnter8ection of the oasterly boundery of tho watershed of Llttte Rancherla Rlver wlth the northerly boundery of the Province of British Cotumbia;

thence southerly along the easterly boundary of the watershed of Littte Rancherla River to the southerly boundery of the watershed of South Albert Creek;

thence oasterty elong the southerly boundary of the watershod of South Albort Creek and continulng easterly and northerty etong the southerly ond aasterly boundsries of the watershed of Cormler Creek to a polnt thoreon, wlth said point balng due West of the lntersection of the natural bounderles of Sambo Creek and Deese Rlver, on thelr riqht banks thereof;

thence due East to said intersection and continuing due Eest to the easterty boundary of the watorshed ol Deese River;

thenca southorly along the easterty boundary of tho watershed of Dease River to the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Trepanier Creek;

thence southeasterly along the southwestorly boundary of the watershed of Trepanier Creek and continulng southeasterly along the southwesterly boundary of the watershed of Bleck Angus Creek to the northerly boundery of the wetershed of Kechike River;

thence eesterly atong the northerly boundary of the watershed of Kechika River to tha summlt 01 Mount Tatisno, belng e polnt thereon;

thence southeasterly in a straight line to a point on the northeesterly boundary of the watershed of Kechlka River, with sald point belng due East of the intersaction of the natural boundarles 01 Wadin Creek end Kechlka Rlvor, on tholr left banks thereol;

thence southeasterly, southerty and westerly along the northeasteriy, easterly and southerly boundarles 01 the wetershed of Kechlka River to a point the(eon, with said point being in Slfton Pass and lylng due North ol the mlddle llne of the malnstreem of Fox River;

thence due South to sald middle line of Fox River and continuing southeasterly along tho middla lines of Fox River, Flnlay Rlver and Witllston Lake to e point on the middle tine of Witliston Lake, wlth sald point belng due Weut 01 the most southerly polnt of Canty Lake;

thence due East to the natural boundary of Williston Lake, on the easterly shore thereof;

thence northeasterly ln e straight line, on a bearing of 85', to the northerly boundary of the waterahed of Canty Creek;

thence easterly along the northerly boundery of the wetershed of Canty Creek to the northeasterly boundary of the watersheo of those craeku that flow southwesterly into Wiiliston Lake and that lle to the south of Peace Reech;

thence uouthaauterly along said「 ortheasterly boundary of the wetershed of those croeks that flow southwesterly lnto Willlston Lake and continuing southeasterly along the northeasterly boundarles of the watorshedu of Parsnip and McGragor Rlvers to a polnt on the northeasterly boundary of the watershed of McGregor Rlver lying due West of the uummlt of Mount Gorman, end with said point aiso being the northwest corner of Kekwa Recreatlon Area; P.ace Llard R.glonal Health Board (cont) thence due East along the northorly boundary of Kakwa Recreation Area to the summit of Mount Gorman, being・ point thereon and belng also a point on the easterly boundary of the Province of Britlsh Columbja; thence northerly and westerly elong tha easterly and northerly boundarlea of the Province of Brltish Columbia to the lntersactlon of the northorly boundary of the Province of British Columbia with the eestarly boundary of the watershed of Llttle Rancherio Rlver, being the polnt of commencement.