D BU SIN ESf ' t. /-‘■fC j ‘ y - * n u B .


BUa BTOBZ 1 L L lif O I S .. ’ ■>

TITBLISHB1> B YB B r SA TV B im r, B T J A S . A i -t-a- d r i a n J ' V O L tT M B X. OHATSWOBTH, ILLINOIS, SATUBDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18,1862. N O M B B R 4 . i . it , ' *f :v< i f STOBB’ ' to exclaim: "Graoioua—I wkbed I was lo lyOSO Aeres of Lnnfi for (Ule* IL L IN 0 1 8 heaven1" We have decided to offer for sale our aUBaORlKTION ItATHS. —The nobbiest lot of soft and bard hats _____ ‘ If PAM III I MonUu n A) I O(b*rwlM0S.4X> per farm near Obatswortb, ooutslnlog nioeteeo AMIGT Mmam. y direotlona reatriotlng them will be kept Colfax toward Bloomington. Abont one dition, belng^largely in pasture sod timothy In nntll orderaA ont, nnd. otaerged eeoordlng< and one>balf milea of rails have thus far meadow. We will sell in lota (not leaa STOCK OF e io E iU iV »r. been placed. than forty acres) to suit parofaasers, pro­ - I l l s . —Now ia the time to buy Shawls, vided that such division does not Injure the 1 on and adjoining CHIPS. Blankets, etc. Jno. Walter is offering remainder. The terms will be: One third H ihtriiated to my •pedal Inducements to bis customers. of the purobase money cash in band, -the ten lion. - > -Lttmbei $17.00 «| $18.00. balaooe may remain ten years or longer, U R i e O O D S —The Catholic society have aecured the * —Try tb« "Daddy” Cigar at th« Pont lota upon which the Sain'l Patton residence at the option of the purchaser, bearing Ofliloa. now stauds; in the north part of town, and •even per cent, interest, payable anonally, —The widow Butler baa made a match will in due course of time erect suitable secured by mortgage uj^u the premisM at laat. •old. Tbe title is perfect, having been RRAN , bulldioga for a convent thereon. through but two persous from tbe —MIm Bmma Cline ia viaiUng with —Oysters and Mlnoed-meat from now friendajn Odell. ^ United States Government. For further A i C L O IN G , ISTRATE on can be found at my store. information apply to Mr. L. Curtis on tbe I * -LYarna, Yarna, Yams, at YOUNG J. L. DeLoog. farm south of, and adjoining, tbe village BROS. * 00.*8. —John Kelly does not pretend to be a of Obatswortb, Livingston county. III. HATS and CAPS, eiit. ' —Mr. W. W. Sears visited Chicago this attem of political perfection hiinaelf, but J. A E. Buoxinoham, ooMecting notes week .on business, Ee talks good sense when he says that if Chicago, III. H . —Mr. E. P. Fenn left for Chicago, bis the Democrats "use their power foolishly BOOTS and SHOES, ILLINOIS. future borne, Thursday momlog. orxsrimlnally, they will again become the Golden Wedding nt Emlngton. minority.’’ —The place f<» Cigars is at the Post Tbe people of Emlngton and vicini­ DRESS GOODS, *c. Ac. Office. —If you want an overooat go to Joo. ty Joined in honoring and celebrating —Miffe 8. G. Randall, a former teacher Walters, where you will And them by the an unusual event at the residence of I have the largest and best selected lAM in our ppbjio schools, was visiting here hundreds, and cheaper than ^er aold be­ Mr. and Mrs. John Fulton, on the stock of this week. fore. evening of Nov. 9th, and, notwith- ISO? Gnu. WANTKD—To do general bouse —Mr. Sam’l Watters has repaired and atanding the very inclement weather, wort. Inquire at the residence of J. A. put in good shape the Home for the alK>ut two hundred gathered to do g r a n t e d . * Smith. ^ Transgressor, Myers’ Hotel, the Little honor to the aged couple. After the House Around the Corner, the Rendezvous, friends had asaembled. Esq. Isaac —New com is bcgioniDg to move, and Tramps’ Retreat, Topers' Rest; we mean i t . Hoiison, in a pleasing and appropriate Goods we Dolioed several loads upon our streets the calaboose. this Week. st^e, proceeded with the ceremony, j’ Drug Store. —Young Bros. A Co. will sell you aim after fifty years’ Journeying Ever brought to Chatsworth which —Old Jumbo takes the lead Id Cigars, Broadbead Alpacas cheaper timn you hand in hand Mr. John Fulton, aged kt the Post Office, can buy them anywhere else in seventy-two, and Janqrhls^ wife, aged I am selling extremely cheap. —There has been 9,143 miles of new Livingston county. seventy-five, were once more united, rtllroad track laid in the United State* —Our oliT fnend, L. Lehman, of Eming- with the well wished and happy ILLY thus faf to 1 ^ . DO YOU WItNT too, and wife paid their old home. Chats- ctnigratulatinns of all present. After MY CLOTHIKG DEPAeiMENT : s T , —Higheetprice paid for Poultry at all y^ortb, a abort visit this week, sod of the ceremony all sat down to a times at M. Reislog's. LUMBER, igfj’ store. course Mr. Lehmao did not forget to call bountiful repast. Au important Is replete with a full line for the —Mr. .fobn W. Speer, wife and on oa among many. Come again, we are feature of the evening’-S pleasures was fall and winter trade. NAILS, daughter, left for a visit with friends in always glad to tee you. the presentation to the honored couple p.^dav of each Kansas ibis week. —Ad a No. 1 quarter section of land of a purse of gold as a token of esteem TlAXaTi»fBI PUMPS, - > —Largest stock of Hate and Capa in for Side at $40 per acre, 8 'A miles north from tlinae present MT. Win. Obatswortb at M. Reising's. west of Chatsworth. Inquire of D. J. Marvin, in a most happy and pleasing HEALTH PRE8ERYINQ WINDOWS, r r a n t e d —This sort of weather makes the Stanford, Chatsworth. manner, acted as spokesman. The CORSET. belated mosquito look almost as sick as a —A good photograph nicely framed Is evening was very pleasantly spent. Dancing and other amusements were By a novel airaagnaent of flna DOORS, defeated candidate. the best holiday present you can ' make. eoUed wire springs, which yleli) Come and sit for a negative soon as indulged in. the aged couple leading , * - T o n n B B r o s . 4L Ck>. are resdUytoerery movement of the BLINDS, OUSE. leaders of poplar prices in dress goods. possible, as the rush has already begun, off in the first dance. And when the wearer, the moat FJBIUnSCV and if you delay your work may not be party dispersed all joined in moat ATIVTIMO andocafoitabls cor> —That Manitoba wave swooped down ready on time. A. H. Hall. liearty congratulations for the con­ set ever made Is secoied. LIME, rm iE io E upon ue Monday night and heavy wrap­ tinued health and happiues of the 0^1 pings were in demand. —Mr. B. I Pumpelly wm called by a ll^prem ifths BMtPkiilatMi, message Monday to the sick bed Of his truly hounred pair *0 Give it a trial and you «U)will SAND, y furnished. —The boys will And Old Judge sister, in Bloomington, who was reported iMwyuruiuEO r no other. For tala hr purticulara. Cigarettea for sale at the Poet Office. at the point of death. Mrs. Pumpelly Taxes for 1883. BRICK, —Genuine oil palm Inge for Sale at the received the ead intelligence of her slater- Tty the klndoess o l County Clerk Alvin ILLINOIS gallery. Nice for Christmas pdMe&M; in-law’s death on Thursday morning. Walt we are enabled lo print be­ CEMENT, , —Mr. 8. A. Sangsler, a former OMfiebaDt low a tabular statement of tbe taxes CHATSWORTH IL L E N O I8 to be extended on the collectors' books HAIR, IGS, of this place, was shaking bands with old f 'I ■ ■^1 friends upon our streets Tuesday. (••r the year 1882 with the rate levied for each purpooe. whioli will prove Interest­ BUILDING PAPER, : E :r —Remember that Young Bros. A Co. are headquarters for Cloaks and Dolmans. ing to our readers In tbe respective town­ ILL. ships named ; DRAIN TILE OR —Mr. James Csrney has sold bis farm ifAYErrrE. vin Charlotte township to Mr. T. O'Couor, ^^o?ves< R a te » 0 . state Tax...... t .38 BARBED FENCE WIRE? ,'A| price paid per acre being $40. County Tax...... 26 c Tr»B«i«red —The vote on the 7tb ifis*. for Repre­ Town Tax...... m M —Fioest selection of California Canned sentatives in this, the 18(h Senatorial Ki.iid and Bridge Tax...... 27 Fruits at bottom prices at M. Relsing’s. Reform School Bond Tax...... 2.8 District, composed of Livingston and ■SclionI Tax, DJsl No I...... \...... 34 Watches, Clocks, aod Jewelry, BOLD. —Captain H. P. Turner was among the Ford counties, was as follows; M. School TilX, Ulat No. 2...... 88 excursionists to Nebraska ..oh Tuesday Clary, 8,734J. H. Collier. 6.464 Birawn Village Uatet2.u3 on tlOO vklua- laat. He expects to be gone a week or ten A. G. Goodspeed, 6,066; Joseph Burger, atlon Repairing done promptly, and CE AGENT! n policy a t the $300,000. at any other shop in Livingston or a^oin- SoIkkiI Tax, i>lst. No. 3...... 2)i CHATSWORTH also agent tor ipg counties. I mean business. Yours School Tax, hist. No. 4»...... ,42 Speatael®.. Tteltaot ance Company —The celebrated Walker Boot, the best Sohoul Tax, Diet. Mo, (>'■...... 80 in the market for tale by YOUNG BROS. respectfully J. L. Taylor. ScUool Tax, nist. No. S...n...... ,40 A 0 0 . —Ben Butler’s "regular morning ex?' Sohool Tax, Dial. Mo. 7...... 46 CULLOM, cltement,’’ according to a Boston letter. Is bCdionl Tax, Diet. No 8 ...... 30 a c c o r d i o n s , 1 T S 3 C X T —Mr. Peter Beck, of Kemptou, has a^ool Tax, Dial. No. 0...... 26 mrobased a 160 acre fafm near Lincoln, "to see bow near he can come to missing ‘Cwrrest Village Kale t2.72 on Slod Valua­ OR Nebraska, aod will leave for bia new home the train and yet not miss, and to catch tion. And small musical merchandise. next week. the rear steps of the last car ” Ben has GEK.MANVILLE. missed the train to the Massachusetts state Btate Tax— '...... 36 Agent for tbe Saunemln, Illinois. —A new lot of Basket Flannels house several limes, but be caught it all County Tax...... 26 Just received at Young Bros. A Co.’s. Town Tax...... 08 right the other day. Hoad and Bridge Tax...... 17 ^ E E Y . —Coro 60o ($ 03c. Oats 80 ots (f 81 cts. T. Ellwood Zell’s PubIlealioDS.—Zell's Kefurm Bebool Bond Tax...... 23 H0!¥E SEWINB MACHINE Flax $1.00. Timothy seed $1.50. School Tax, Dlst. No. 1...... 86 •:.V I S, CAKES, a I Encyclopedia is (be most comprehensive SchoolTax, Plat No. 2...... 68 lue of Hogs $0 00 9 $0 70; the latter price work ever issued. It comprises a wonder­ HoboolTax, Dial No 8 ...... 5;l for good heavy stock. fully condensed and thorough Encyclope­ Hebool Tax, Dial. No 4...... 126 UE3. —Jno. Waller ie eelliog Cloaks and dia. It has taken medals and diplomas for .-•obool Tax, nut. No 6...... l.So Dolmaos cheaper than anybody else in special merit at the Inlernational Exhibi­ SchoolTax. Diet Mo. 6 ...... 28 N t 8 , A « , Hchool Tax, Dlst No. 7 68 A.M.RMIiSni, town. tion of Vienna, (gold medal) and Chile and CH.IT8 WORTH. m ii —Governor Cullom bae, in accordance Philadelphia, (each a medal and diploma) Btate Tax-...... 36 with the Presideot’a Proolamatioo, and at Paris (two medals and diploma). l^unty Tax...... 25 Dealera in Mbs. a . B. Palmbr, Agent. Town Tax...... o8 designated Tbunday, Nov. 80tb, as the Road and Brld^ Tax...... 30 m l & C l day for Tbanksgiviog. —Barry Williams has much improved Reform school Bond Tax —Come Id and see the new lot of the looks of many of the store fronts by School Tax, Dial No. I...... - ...... 1.60 SH artistic blending of paiqts. Oh! how SchoolTax, Dlst. No 2...... 88 m lIK/S Prints Juat received at Young Bros. SchoolTax, Dlst No 3...... UO A Co.’s. we wish we could afford to have him treat .SchoolTax, Dlst. No. 4...... 48 Ohatsworth. the front of our office to a coat.pf the best Sohool Tax, Dlst. No 6...... 1...... 80 —Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bangs, Matter of whitewash, or something not quite so SchoolTax, Dlst No. 6...... 1.18 Gay and little Hsi left on Tneeday for a SchoolTax, Dial. No. 7...... 78 -visit with Mr. Geo, Bangs and family, expensive. ]^t lot the poor editor i* Sohool Tax, Dial No 8...... 1 80 without money, credit Or friends. SchoolTax, Dlst No. 9. 60 who reside at Wymore, Nebraska, Chatsworth Village Hate 88.84 on Iluo FLOUR, OILS, E x c u r sio n to S u n n t So u th —The valuation. ill I liiij i! Tramacted. —Ap elegant assoHnaePt of genta.^ Chicago A Alton R. R. Go. have now Neok Wear Just received at Young placed on sale at their depot ticket offices CUARLOITE. 5 i i k s il E s ta U Bros. A Co.’s. ^ State Tax...... -...... -3« * iT-vf ‘ - Ue of HrnI K«tat« round trip tickets at very low rates to all County Tax...... — .25 1 etc. n e \»ll I flnti It to —Hon. David Daviss Is said to be trip- famous wiuter resorts in the states of Town Tax...... - -06 ♦ J ; :r-> atxlk for advertlM- piog lightly soroes the country on s FIorida,Bouth Carolioa.Georgia.Louisiana. Bond and Bridge Tax...... 40 courting expedition. O, you sly rasosi, Reform school Bond Tax.....-...... 23 f'-S-u Texas, and'also to Las Vegas. Hot Springs Schtiol Tax, Diet. No 1...... 62 . i f L H s A full line of of mammoth proportions! , in New Nexico. These tickets are on sale School Tax, Dial. No, S...... I 38 every day, and good to return until June tebool Tax, Diet No. 8...... 80 t —Wtsooosin Eclipse and Leader Flour, Hebool Tax, Dlst. No. 4...... 1.14 .also Decatur Roller Flour at lowest prioes 1st, 1888, except Hot Springs, Ark , and Sohool Tax, Dlst. No. 8...... 46 • , r at M. Relsing’s. Las Vegas, N. M., which^ are good to School Tax, Dlst. Mo. S ...... - .46 ^ H t —In times past the plumber has been return durioll 90 days. I^krest rates and SchoolTax, Dlat. No.7a...,,,....—.. -...... %l, •V , , every Information cab b# tisd by applying School Tax, Dlat, Mo...... — JI9 Of tbs beat manufaetura. •V. t ■’ ■ c t n r e r b f made the shaft of much < ridicule- on School Tax, Dlat. No.fi...... 72 K ^ #] sooount of his bills. He mnst taka a back to A H. Copeland, TtiHMt Agent C. A A. H. R., Cbenoa, III.^ SULLIVAN. seal now and give the dootorS a obanoe. S ta te T ax...... , .36 " -.ssMIin new Overooate Juat received County Tax ...... j,,...... ,26 F r e s h GBocERiEis i TBks Mi Road and Bridge *• ••• • ■ “ a d d l e s ! •I’' A Co.’s. Call iP and AH pgriiss kho sre iiidsbi«4 .ti) us Reform school wnulpa *Mse**«ei . ./• ■ «|liMiilne them . hereby fioltisd thattbeir Sohool TBX| DlAti • ...... ,60 Sob^jss, i>i6i...... OoDitaDlly on hand, wbiob will be-sold at idles, Jte, •>4f,\ss is reported, one of the Mtopr settled bsfbra December tenth, ii ^ tc ...... M Star BoMttf tamed gray when east Into . k. M. R o b w t s A' ^ OIB^s Mo> «•••••»••••••• ,*7L .v- pr|eos,lkW*yor Dotssy would T^utf Olst, No, 0-...... ,44 BOTTOM PRICKS, ' -A,v oomatmof oondega as bald as < Twsnty-lPiTO DolUrs Rkward. locil TflEXy Vo, ,M»*«„*Sa4,s* ]sB6 School Tiuit' DlBth Vos «A0 'S EIECUTED bkll.. ' Ca • I wlH psy twenty-five dollsys for the Sohool Tail Dili. So. 8...... -*^Poi8dar okf friend, Mr. Meek, re­ sRSst end nonvloUon of tbs person ' who School ^^tif Htcti, Vo. 9 M.44V..S..IM.*#.as«sb »98 Gall o n a s and y we will mfi sheep on Nov. Callom VlllMce |loo a s »ry beat materia ceived a sporiow digtatch sUting that f hbt and killed one of m; beet endefivofS Ioi p}«iM ^ id tar* monay. V ■ I ■** ■’ L ..1^ a„ . I-/-. ; Vjlh/.V'V ' i ..y .K>.' ■'i.' V/xi’jQ .TiCx fl *- S t? -’ Ida was running heavily in the Missouri Orbsob and Turkey have signed a protooal THE LOWER HOUSE OP CONGRESS. dhindtaht. River St Ifsndsn on thg 11th. sad saow-drifts looking to the evscaatlou of tbe disputed B aH . ten feet high )rer«» (islhli At Crpokston, points on tbe frontier. M ina. ' T— OfWnid^^PuolrirlL Francs^ MoVr ,v. :'* «. A. —ll|!W« » A Bed Le Fevra.* CLAEBiKm B. G ilsov, an oU employe of writasAbat Um Inpbrti' of eom have de- to tke IbtlL iHifnoarata la Uoman: Btpito- :v-; yew^uya^: to in Mpall caps; a . A. SM the Flttshurgh EpstoAce, has gone to the ciwaoed because of hgated eaigoea eent Aown >BTH, / ILLINOIS penltantlsry for tkfse years, for robbing tne tbe Mlaslsstppl In bargee to Mew Orleans. ATiABAMA. lA W sm a IVigfep-* CHATSWORTB m alts. P a t t i rseandy lefosed an offer a t (6^800 rp sn > o e» |a . AJ ' IMW1V* (C DavM MTagh. W il l ia m MoCom bbe m urdered M artin W olf L ^oa. H. (, Tlioiaaa Wllliania.* toaakUurd. . •j*L StoltlB per night for forty nl||bts in BraxlL A Hilair A. HerbeiX* A O WTHewltt* JfeO urm M t at Miller, D. T., a few days ago, and at­ A h Auatrlsn bark was recently wrecked at A William O. Oatoa.H T. Wm. H. FonMF«* o u m o H . A Cbaa. M. SbeUey.* | A Luke Ptyor. OF THE WEEK. tempted to hide bis crime by burning the Milford, Eng., and twelve of tbe crew drowned. JfrhKBs C. asorgt.* body. When McCombsr was apprehended by fODTH OABOUHi BY TBLEGBAPH AND MAIL. the Sheriff he drew s revolyer end shpt hlmij- T h e Bpsnish Cabinet, at a meeting on the ipemooratBi [DemilO o n tA ^ BepabllcHa,Bi ' “ IJ I could not ohooee I 9th over which King Alphonso presided, m* A tLarve—0> B. Breoklnridaie. 1.J. SamSamuel DlMito f laid ngr k a a rt and self dead. L FoIndexMr DBnn.*| A John H. Boaera. A OeoiOeoiye“ rge n. TmiBTiilman.1 A Get’ D O S L U S T i a solved not to surrender Uie Caban refugees to T n Alaska Indians having cipturedtwo A James K. Jones.* | A Samuel W. Feel. A D. w W t Alkln,* 1 M. AudwtM T aa ««11 for gold certifloates from cities jSngleud. PHMIA. . Bvlns.* , m white men whom they refused to surrender,. _____ OALIFOa 4. Jobnl Rbe let me W bor 4aiskle of Kev York aggregate (19,000,000. Aw aedideat ba the 9th on tbe railway be­ n>enioeM t& A l m N H M SH ij' 1 tb o u fb t th a t no: the United States revenue cutter Corwin on At L a ^ ^ ^ A. Sumner. J. B. Olasoook nunel SsQ ;^.^)«lsoo msd9 so tppUostlon for tween Larich and Bor^ Boras Arrerldj, in [Demoorats, 8: UepublicanB,Al the 19th sbslled the native vUlage sad de­ i : a . js. b sS a m 4.* 95,000.00(1 N o i^ Afrioai caused the desDS often persons i I i A las. po( stroyed a number of canoes.', ^Sev^gl In- A Leonidas 0, ftouh.* } t. 9obn o TBallentliiSk-b » AmooitOBifKMT was made on the 8th that and t(e InJtu^jpf ihlrty-elx others. . , OObOBAhO. A Geoige O, D bnll. Tsyior. Vkora B tem er p«riE| Biai^ were kiUed and the priic^ra ^ re re- Jatnei B. B d fo ri.* A Bent^MnMUUn.* P levoc O o tb o u and flgnt i ^ks Vpw Terk i h r M had organised a com* '1'b h Northern Railway warebouaea and OOMRBOTIOUT. A J. D. TUlratoT ^ 'ouoH. p«nj to laj a tsiw Eaitg)e n cable for the use Jfuptijl docks at Torontb were burned a few mornings ■•Fresb I Wh il e target-sbootilhg th'a Lotlls^W sub­ TncAs. O ur land from eaat i of the newapaper press, primarily, and for ago, enU tiln( a loss of (lOO^OOO. i W - : [D em oorats, 10; R spublteon, L I urb a few days ago John Keau acsBimtally Lu»a.* time, and leanec It. Ibe proposition received a veiy large ma­ cy of Great Britain. A T h o m a eji. Broume.* lA WMUam H.VaikInt.* On the 9th a New Orleans Jonmallst offered T. S ta n to n ^ . PteBe.* \ Utah—John F. Caine. •consider it fer a jority throughout tbe State. T h e capslEing on tbe 13th of a fisbing-boat W ashington—TTiomos ft. Brents.* to pay the gas company for lighting the streets IOWA. V fi om lng—M. B. P o st* bad case, and I for five days, and appealed to citisens to Of the 293 members of the last House of off Bay Dedorr, Lake Ontario, caused the [RepubUoans, 8; Remocrats, 2; Greenback- 1 w{^ a barris meet and take measures to relieve themselves Representatives, ITS were candidates for re- drowning of all bands. ere, 1.] amd in professio eiection. One hundred and thirty were re­ ■ A b r il l ia n t comet was seen in H a^l on L Moiea A. MeCold.* 7. John A. Kamnn.* Ant Slavery. from their hamlllating situation. Because A J e rry H. Murptaey. A W m . P. Hepburn.* was the first bri of the failure of the city to pay its gas bills elected and forty-three were defeated. ' the 12th, which remained visible until ten A DaotdiMota B. Henaenon. A W. H. M. P usey. There is a striking feature in the so­ had ever held, the gas ccKupany has refused longer to light Ar c h b ish o p Boubobt, of Montreal, cele­ o’clock a. m. Tbe people were awe-stricken, A L. H . We l l e r . 10. AdoniramJ.Holmei. cial organization of ants, which Is their' ian sailor name: and thought the end of the world was a|>- A Jamee Wilson. IL Isaae S. Struble. the street and public lam pa brated on the 9th the sixtieth anniversary of 0. Madison E. Cutts.* habit of keeping slaves. Most ants wili •cylme of which ! T h e residence of Bierstadt, the artist, at his entrance into the priesthood. proachiiig. They declare it is a bad Anen to KANBAA carry off the larTse and pups of other' bery; the plund Irvini^u-the-HQdsoD, together with a large I t Is announced that W. W. Corcoran, them, as after the appearance of the last com­ [Republicans, 7.] species if they get a chance; and this> ings of a woman et 60,000 persona died of small-pox, At Large—E. JV. M ottQI, Lewis Haubaek, S. coDectlon of pictures and other vakiabies, of Washington, will next spring cause the R. Peter*. B. W. Perkins. throws light upon that most remarkablo- ■of age, whiidi t was destroyed by lire on the morning of the remaina of John Howard Pnyne to be ex­ At Dublin, Ireland, on the 11th Patrick 1. John A . Anderson.*13. Thomas Ruan.* phenumenon, the existenoe of slaveiy bidoen in the tl loth. Loss, (300 003. humed in Tunis and brought across the At­ Delaney, who was once sentenced to seven A Dudley C. HaskeU.* ' among them. ‘*If j ou place anumb^- The witnesse: T u e Interior Department has decided that lantic for Interment at the National capital. years’ j»cnal servitude for highway robbery KBNTUCKV. of larvae and pume in front of a nest of' herself, wbe hi and firing upon an officer, attempted to shoot [Demoorats, 10; Bopublioan, 1.1 land entries made for grazing purposes do not T h e Free-Canal amendment was indorsed L Oscar Turner.* 7. J. C. 8^ Blackburn.* the H orse ant, for instanoe, they are> severe blow fro constitute reslJence. in New York by over 900,000 in i jorlty. Justic«; Lawson, but his design was frustrated, 2. Jam es Cl "V.> A P. R Thompson* soon carried off; and those which aro theft, and a neij 3. Jobn E. HallselL 9. W. W. CUlherUson. T h e bn^finess failures In the United States H e r b e r t Sp e n c e r sailed from New York and he was aiTested. not immediately required for food Re­ having met the daring the seven d lys ended on the 9th num­ 4. Thos. H. Kobertaon. 10. G. M. Adams. on the 11th for Liverpool. T h e coffee crop of Ha3-ti is said to be less A A lbert S. Willis.* IL Frank Wolfoi^ m ain alive for some time, and are eveiki Ate viidnity.ef t bered 141, ag..inst 116 for the week previous. T h e Democratic leaders In North Caro­ than a two-thirds yield, and the quality is A John G. Curlisle.* fed by their captors.” This is not, how­ ni was arre^d A t the meeting of the San Francisco Stock lina on tbe lltb conceded tbe election of the poor. LOUISIANA. ever, a confirmed habit with the Horse- o u s foreign ceio Board on the 9tli (150 was bid for (1,000 [Democrats, 5; Republican, Lj entire Republican State ticket and of O. II. A s a philanthropic measure, the Govern­ L Corleton...... Hunt 4. N. C. Blanchard,* ant: but thei-e is an allied species,, the stolen hoard Confedente bonda Dockery as C ongressm an-at-large by 1,000 ment of India proposes to institute agricult­ 2. K John Ellis.* A J. Floyd King.* which exists in some of our Southern ■et. This, howt T h e report of the Superintendent of the m ajority. ural banks, to make loans to the poorer a WOliam P. KeOoga. & A. 8 .U erron. counties and throughout Europe, with* by saying that Carlisle (Pa.) Indian School shows th t attlie T h e following are the substantial results classes at the maximum rate of twelve per MAINE. [Rcpublloans, 4.1 which it has become an established prao- the road. The date of the last rejmrt there were 180 Indian of the late election; Alabama, entire Con­ cent. 1. Thiimas B. Heed.* I 3. Charles A . BouteUe. lice. These ants make periodical ex­ of evidence wa* boys and 87 Indian girls at school. During gressional delegation Democratic; Arkan­ Ch il i has reopened peace negotiations 2. Nelson Dlny'ey, Jr.*! 4. Seth L . MiUiken. peditions, attack neighboring nests, hesitation en th the year 75 boys and 51 girls had been re­ sas, all Democratic candidates for Congress with Peru on tlie liasls of the cessfon of m a r t l a n d , and c a n y off th e pup:e. W hen tho^ .nesses. !*he ha ceive, and 63 boys a^ d 2S girls returned to elected; California, Democratic State ticket Taena and Arlca. [Democrats, 4; Republ cans, 2.1 the icles. Four toys and two glr s died, 1. G. W. Covimrinn.* 4. J. V. L. Findlay, pupa; come to maturity, they find them­ tively that tho successful by about 15,000. Colorado, Grant MAnoAUET Scott, of Mar'intown, Quebec, 2. J. F. C. T idbott* 6. Hart B. Bo'lun. sod at the close of the fisc d year 188 boys and selves among others of their owfk whom she bad i (Dem.) for Governor has about 2,000 major­ who for three years had been almost helpless 8. F. 8. HoblitroU.* 6. Lewis E. McComas. 106 girls remained at school. species, the results of previous preda­ Joan’s cabin, a ity. Belford (Uep.) for Congress has a from congestion of tbe spinal cord, claims to MABSACRUSETTS. T h e r e was a heavy snow-storm in Wyoming tory expeditions. They adapt them­ hered to th is si small majority, and tbe Legislature is Re­ have been, restored to heal th by the pi-ayers of [Rcpublleans, 8; Democrats, 8; Indepen­ Territory o'! the 10th. dent, 1.] selves to uircumstanceA assist in the- orwards appear publican. Connecticut, Democratic State a party of ladies at her bedside. Rev. James A FEW days ago Father O’Donohue, a Cath­ 1. Robert T. Davis. i 7. Eben F. Stone. ordinary household duties, and, having- nacy, rather th ticket elected by about 3,000 majority. Leg- McCaul, of Montreal, vou^-s for tbe trutl olic priest at Morrow, Ohio, was killed by the no young of their own species, feed anon a The prlsone: 18 atui-e Kepubllcaii. Delaware, Democratic th e story. te nd those of their mistresses. n ied having bee husband of a woman whom he had denounced on State, Congressional and Legislative tick­ from bis pulpit. This species of slave-holding ants, all on tbe day ets. Florida, one Democratic and one Repub­ LATER NEWS. I t is announced that an organized effort is while aided in their duties by their fortunately he lican Congressman eiectdd. Georgia, solid On i.v one case of yellow fever develc making in the East to break down the recent­ slaves, do not themselvca lose tbe in­ certain ty as tc Democratic Congressional delegation. Hlinois, St Pensacola, Fla., on the 13th, and the. clii stinct of working. But there is another had been lately ly InaugorateJ Chicago dressed-beef trade. in the weatlier gave rise to plans for the on State ticket the Republican candidate for species of slave-holders, tbe Amazon pital, scarcely < A t the recent meeting of the higher priest­ continuance of quarantine. The Govern^ S ta te T reasurer has about 7,0()0 m ajority, and eofln ant. which do, and which have become fever; his own hood of the Mormon Church at Salt Lake Legislature Republican on joint ballot. In­ Texas has ordered the cordon abolished. %• OUO l'IjtJ AA« a I A* -••Wk as, ja .tie h , Almost entirely dependent npon their And he hod bee President T ylor instructed them that Presi­ diana, Slate Democratic ticket elected by Bt the burning of tbe court-house and jail (. Julius Houseman. IL Edward Breitung. A Bdwln B. Winans. slaves. They indeed present a striking ains to whom dents and Bishops and their councillors were about 12,000 majority. Legislature Demo­ at Crockett, Tex., the other morning, two MINNESOTA. picture of the degrading tendencies ... vices, as not be not entitled to hold their positions unless cratic on joint ballot Iowa, Republican male prisoners perished. All the records were [Republioans, A] they qnalifled by becoming polygamista majority on State ticket about 6,000. Kansas, destroyed. 1. MUo White. 4. W. D. Washbtim.* slavery. Even their bodily structure a sailor's work 2. J . B. Wakefield. A Knute Nelson. has undergone a change; the mandibles left, and then There were a few such officers who are St. Jo b n (Rep.) defeated by about 10,000. T he fast train westward on the New York A f t ft. Strait.* have lost their teeth, and have become- aimlessly about monogamists. One has since resigned rather Reinblican CoDgrcasional ticket elected, Central Road ran Into a locomotive at Peeks- MI8BI8SIPPZ, than take another wife. His resignation has and Republican State ticket, except Governor. kill on the 13th, throwing the engine and [Democrats, 6; Republican, l.j mere nippers—jdeadlj; weapons, indbed, AS soon as tlie been accepted. Others are s dd to be in a Kentucky, 9 Democratic Congressmen and drawing-room car from the track, severely in­ 1. H. L. Muldrow.* A Otho R Singleton.* but u‘^eless except in war. They have- ship aboard ol A J. R Chalm ers. A H. 8. 'Van Eaton. quandary ss to what to do about it. 2 Republican elected. Louisiana, Congres­ juring four persons. Secretary Folger, who lost the greater part of their inatincts; haa been wea A C. 8. Jeffords. 7. Bthol Barksdale. his illness, and F our roofers were precipitated to the sional delegation stands 5 Democrats and 1 was a passenger, escaped unhurt. 4. H. D. H oney.* their art, that is, the power of building;: ground a few days ago at Gardiner, Me., by Republican. Maryland, Republicans elect 2 T h e total exchanges for twenty-six leading MISBOUBI. their domestic habits, for they show n» for several day: the breakhig of a staging, all being fatally ebngressmen and tbe Democrats 4. Tbe dearlng-honses in the United States for the [Demoorats, 14.1 care for their own young, all this being ing th at of Uie 1. W. H. H atch.* A Jobn J. O Neill. done by the slaves; their industry—they- a p a rt of the oo injured. four Supreme Court Judges elected are week ended on the 11th were (1,263,677,866, A A. M. Alexander. 9. Jas. O. Broadhead. Ro b e r t Ca m pbell, proprietor of an ex­ Republican. Massaebusetts, Butler (Dem.) against (1,333,947,347 for the week previous. A A. H. Dookerey. la Martin L Claruy • take no p art in providing the daily sup-^ distant, he c< tensive tanning establlsment at Pictou, N. S., for Governor has 13,892 plurality; re­ T hb boiler in tbe iron-works of Atkins A 4. Ja m es N. B urns. 11. Richard P. Bland.* plies; if the colony changes the situa­ -where he had t A Alexander Graves. ,12. Cbas. H. Morgan. tion of its nest, the mastmrs are all car­ spoken on the < faUed on the 10th for (150.000. mainder of Republican State ticket Clark, at Cleveland, O., txploded a few after­ A John Onsgrove.' lA R W. Fyan. elected by 16,000 plurality. Michigan, the noons ago, killing four men, inflicting fatal 7. A. H. B uckner.* 14. L. lA Davis.* ried by their slaves on their backs to inquiries had Sro beta rt FoLasB on the 10th issued a persons intervi call for the redemption of (15,000,000 flve-per- Republican Candidate for Governor de­ injuries upon a number of others, and totally NEBRASKA. the new one; nay, they hav» **the poor fone centa cont.nued at three and one-half, paya­ feated by 8,000; rest of Republican State wrecking the building. [Bepublloans, 8.1 even lost the habit of feeding. L A. J. Weaver .S.E .K . Valentino.* ble February 10 next, ou which date interest ticket elected by 10,000 majority. Legislature O s Looloo Island, one of the Philippines, a Hnber placed thirty of them wiuk rate informatin A James Laird. | some larvas and pupm, and a shpply of coming. As tl will cease. Republican on joint b illot. Minnesota, Re­ body of insurgents attacked the Spanish fort NEW HAMPSHIRE. on the 18th, and were repulsed with a loss of honey, in a box. “ At first,” ne says, who had ext: 5 C ML BlfEOESS, w ho w asd efested for Coun­ publicans elect tbe Supreme Judge, the en­ [Republioans, 2.] seventy men. L Martin A. Haynes. | 2. Oasian Bay.* “ they appeared to pay some little at-^ him, “ either o ty Judge of Clay County, Tex., shot R. M. tire Congressional delegation and the Legis­ NEW JERSEY. tention to the larva;; they carried.them: Aiay,” she oou Donley dead at Henrietta on the 10th for lature; Mississippi, 5 Democratic and 2 Re­ Six colored Inmates of the Jail at Bowling publican Congressmen elected. Missouri, Green, Ky., made their escape before day- [Demoorats, 3: Republicans, 4.] here and there, but presently replaced would not, un: maUng disparaging remarks shout him dur- L Thomas M. Ferrell. A William W. Phelps. them. More than one-halL of the Am-, weight in a CSi Ing^tbe campaign. Democratic majority on St.ite ticket about ight on the morning of the 13th’. Three of A J. Hart Brewer.* A Wm. H. F. Fiedler. them were about to be taken to tbe peni­ azons died of hunger in less than two trust for a def: Faun'toos of powder ex|doded the other 40,000. Nebraska, Republicans elect tbe A John Kean, Jr. 7. WllUam MoAdoo. State and Congressional tickets. Nevada elects ten tiary . 4. Benj. F. Howty, days. They had not even traced out r nation of tbe day' at Keenan’s lime-works, near White­ NEVADA. dwelling, aqd the few ants still in ex­ Aoter for verao hall, N. Y., Mowing two men to atoms Cassidy (Dem.) to Congress. New Hamp­ A p r a ir ie fire on the Mongolian frontier George W. Cassidy.* shire, Republicans elect the State and Con­ istence were languid land without^ management VAirDBBBtLT bas recently sold to savings of Russia had covered a space of seventy NEW YORK. gressional tickets, and secure the Legislature square miles on the 13th, consuming many [Republicans, IH; Democrats, 2L] strength. 1 commiserated their condi­ weapons, to co banks in New York, in a quiet way, no les« in both branches. New Jersey, Congression. Cossack villages. t Large—Henry W. Slocum. tion, and gave them one of their black: with their own tlun (10,000,000 of bis four per cent, bonds, L Perry Belmont* lA F. A. Johnson. al delegation stands 4 Republicans and 3 companions. This in lividual, unassist­ this want of ei two points below the current market price. T h e r e were frosts in Louisiana, Arkansas, A Wm. E. Robinson.* 19. A. X. Parker.* Democrats. Legislature Democratic on joint Temnessce and Texas on the night of the A Darwin R. James. 20. B. H. Wempiq. ed; established order, formed a oham-^ ly prepossessed T h b b b cadets,have been dismissed from the ballot. New Mexico, Republican Delegate 12th. 4. Felix Cam pbell. 2L Oeorge W, Hay. her in the earth, gathered together thej^ something fran Ksvsl Aeadetny st AniiapoUs for hazing. A Nicholas Mueller. 22. C. R . Skinner.* elected. New York, Cleveland (Dem.) for T he British steamship Angelica, nidnlng 6. Sam uel S. Cox.* 23. J. T. Spriggs. larvae, extricated several young ant m ak in g it diffic 8. G. A bm stbono, Superintendent of the G overnor has ab o u t 196,000 plurality. Legis­ from Hull, foundered in the North Sea on 7. Wm. Dorshelmer. 24. N. W.A Nemoorats, 7: Republican. L] f n a l. . , with a somewn J obiab B. Sm ith and wife, of Santa Ana, has a pluralty of 20,000. L egislature Demo­ dead in the Astor Place Hitel, New York t Large—Bisden T. Bennett having lingerc 1. Lew is O. Latham .* A Alfred M. Soalee.* -The convicts In thd jiYlioiiiffioii dt Uart- CaL, became insane recently on religious sub­ cratic. Texas, Democratic State ticket has City, a few tnoniings ago, having been suffo­ A J. J. (JHara. 6» C lem ent Dowd.* musty law pap ject^ end murdered their young son by cut­ sboat 80,000 majority. Legislature Demo­ cate 1 by blowing out the gas. A Wharton H. Green. 7. Wm. M. Robbins. ^ otind to have- Alice and 1 A WlUlam R Cox.* 8. R o b ert B. Vane©.* madd keyiTof bonds tnketa{ from ' their ting bis throat, claiming that tbs sacrifice cratic. Utah, Gentile vote 5,000, Mormon Mrs. Sco v ille lectured at London, OnU, ;gether—a big was ordered by the Lord. vote 20,000. Vlndnle, tbe ReadJuster ticket on the evening of tlie 13th, and pronounced PENNSYLVANIA. food. They were to have ihvpltetl under* had grown fron DRepubiioans, 16: Democrats, 1A1 the leadership of onp of'tbbir number,, Ix trying to make up for lost time an engi­ elected by about 5,000 majority. Democrats her husband the craziest* member of the Xt Laiwe—M. F. Elliott. < And since her neer on the Brad lord, EldredACuba Railroad elect five Congressmen.' Wisconsin, Con­ Guiteau family. She announced her inten­ L ft. H. Bingham.* lA Georgesorgo A. Post who had a bone key*, that woidd nnloek Carriganran ht gressional delegation stands 6 Democrats and tion to return to Chleago and await the result A Charlea a Neill.* 16. W. W. Brown.* any door in the tiew'bf cells. on the lltb ran bis train off the tgaok while A Sam’l J. Banduli.* 17. .TncobM. CamfibelL* ‘ i Hill .lia n rsu II ’ I . in a ss^ times, cttMBlng • tiektis near GlarksviUe, Fa., and 8 Republicans. Legislature thou ht to be of a new hearing as to her sanity, 4. WiUiam D. Kelley.* lA Francis M. KImmel. —J.I T. iiarkey;. of Baliner, Tex., ntand the oausi Dem.ocratlc on joint ballot. Wyoming, Post (. A l f t ^ C. B anner.* 19. Wm. A. Duncan. the locomotive, baggage car add two passen­ T h ir t t -th r ee persons were badly injured drank a bottle of' pepper sauce to cutr (ardy appearai (DenL) re-elected Delegate. b j a recent explosion in a mine in Saxony. A J. ft. Everhart.* h». A. G.'Cortlo.* ger coaebss plunged down into a gorge thirty T. J. NewUm Evans. 21. C harles R Boyle. the ague. The dose made him mad, and, A matoh-makei feet. The engi ojr and fireman were killed, T h e Agricultural Department in its No­ A D. B rin e n tro u t* 22. JameS'H Hopkins. like a dog with the' hydrophobia, ho • \ myself on n sad several passengers were serionsty injured. FORBIGN. vem ber rep>ort estim ates th e corn crop for 9. A. Herr Smilh.* 23. Thonvis M. Bmylie.* dfuents, she 1 10. Wm. Mutobler.* 24. Geo. V. Ijowreiiee. snaris a&a tries to bite everything and AxEOHO.nt Frsbkfoi'tt Ef.t the other day T n British Consn’ at Jeddah telegraphed the e n rren t ye.vr a t 1,6S0,030,0X> bushels. In clnsit ely te n 11. J. B. St rm. 26. John D. Patton. penonin roaohof him. < j L a ■{ ttnd«NU>ok ib pitch hsy (iittt s lighted pipe on the 7Ch that, tbe cholera bad dlsappiMred ttae^South the quality of tbe crop is saperior. lA D. W.^OonnnUy. 26< SamuMB. MOlet.* oeady deoitia U p to tlm 13th there bad been receive 1 at lA Chas. N. Brumm.* 27. N. M. Rrain^rd. In bis month. The result was the destrncti >u from Mecca. l4. SamUcl F.'Barr,* —^The ashes of a common weed, wife for me, ai D in Egyptian Oovemfiieat hss announced the Treasury in Washington (367,138,650 ex­ of tbs Major Opers. onse, the post-office, ' RHODH ikLAND. kaoiirn by some in Florida as/ siokle fselfte'the nta Bitbr’s botelf end other buildings, the loss the abolition of tbe joint control over ite tended tbrce-and-one-half per cent, bonds for lRepubllosn4,2.] weed, aro aim .st pure peiaab* being a»- marriage. Tli «K p«f ittaff (iooi.ooa financial affaira by England end France. ’ exchange into throe-per cents. -• i ‘ L henry J. Hrooner.* | A Jonathan iXum, itfong as baking aoJR . ¥ present hnd 't 4 i iinuoh annoye:

/ i

!<4- ;' the evening to my brief instead of to Leftrange. Pora Lyn& The latter waa tha daugh­ ing fur me a brigi ter of a loUcHor ^ ’gooii prhotioe, and the shop aa istaaU at MorriNod'a, who —Mr. E. Peshiae Smith, the joamal- w«p ha||ell%Tory pretty, brght looh- bad been for a ehort time aiding in n j Wt who recently died In Booblster, was a t tim e X JL sMniiB* ing girl, wno would, 1 was oomjMlled to investigation of the entries. the author of a “ Manual of Political t would be CUATSWOSfriL t. t ILU D O iat nut, be a most desirable wife for a “ 1 think 1 have what vou want, eir,** Economy,” which has been adopted as m'Bsion here Inly a novel I p«Ttd lLT«|fo. young unknown barria er. be Mdd, as 1 entered the room. “ It a text-be^ in sevdtml foreiga universi­ it is. in faoU the eatablUshment ef a niii I was thoroughly fond of Alice, and was'in my mind all that day that I had ties, and which has been translated. vote bureau wbloh will bare for its objM the loaning out of young, men. For in- WON, •he was my chosen confidanta whenever given out that book to some one, I —Rev. Henry Harris Jessup, Ameri­ 1 needed one; but I oould not tell her couldn’t think wba anda obaooe word can missionary in Syria, has printed stance: A wealthy nuu^me thenand ask me may aba bear toy oameF been' too good natnred to laugh at me, Thanking and dismissing the lad, I tion of Christ as a historical fact inen to be employed will be hanoiteine* I. J. F. MlUer. but I felt sure that, had she known the returned to the drawing room with m j thoroughly accomplished, sullloientiy I Bo*«f Q. MUU.* „ With weary hearts and sad. —Miss Abbie Pulsifer, of Auliurn.Me., i Jokn Wuoock. Beneath the summw stars we b.d good-bye. state of the case, she would have enter­ prize. The next step was to communi­ SBsthetio to suit ail re.jU remenfs. edu­ . w. a *. ■ ‘ And vowed te lore,lhrougb weal or woe, for tained, and probably expressed, fears cate with Mrs. French. Kilcarran wai has been a reporter in the courts there cated and agreeable. They will prob­ that overstudy had affected my brain— fully fifteen miles from Carrigarvan, for ten years. Other female slioi't-hand ably “ come high,” but the old maids Tear after year passed on. an opinion that would probably have and the trial was to begin the following writers are Miss Al ce C. Nute, of wHi have them. In a social sense they Chicago; Miss Ingersoll, of Washington^ L JMto P. PbloiML And yeUaiaal gUB tlowed the ohaugiog sea been shared by all persons whose m orning. will perform the same duties that arB Between my heartTs desire—my llf^s one love and Mrs. S. J. Barrows, of Boston, who tXA. —and me. • ebaraoteristio was common-sense. “Hand me over that railway guide, now performed by the nimble but hum­ vats, 6.] Miss I. yne, perceiving that Alice was Dick,” said Alice's busbaniL “1 thought reported in English a speCbb delivered in ble District Telegraph boy, with the dif­ At last, with willing feet German without translation. J. B«iid*|lir

■ ■ . . ■■ fjbundnh^. Ju L«Jie V«ll«y., N»w Meziuo, reward^ you,* and you give me the Mew»i mpe and a (MMit ara uaed to mcuVo gold coat.” Tbe white mau pondered V. I muiicHS' prlMOuera, a« th«r/Vt uo Jail tn wbloh a moment, and then said: ’*^You are 4 Aositfoltxa J A9. A. BUlTli. PnbltahAr. to cnobua tfiem. Hght, IbecoatU yours.”’ Not long a( yirglais sho Tbe euorniuuo eutu o( 1200,000,000 io afterw^rde Job nsou fio|(| Hendrick be foffty lacheg i OKATBWQIITU. iixiNOie -|iiv«oted in the Hubmarioe cableo of bad been drMhitng. "Apd what did quality. my white brother dream?” "Tbkt Offer SpeoM BarsM nB for Uie woriit, ouppoeed to aggregate Meat Uarkot. The Bellevilli you took me by the band and said : F all and W inter in 'm 04,000 luOee In length. aeoood five po <' 1%e Tote of IJTlBfotoa Ooniitj< *Hir William, you have been' my ( A 92,000,000 mortgage lias been re­ OJl Kinds of neosssltste tbe Tb« Atotlain of the vote nf Llvlognion friend, pnd I' will ebbw my love for fifty addiiioDal county M polled for tbe reapaotlve CHtidl* corded ill Weet VIrgIblu by u you. I will give you all tbe land 6u Philadelphia tru»t company ou lauds The Bprlogfic &(laiea at iho lota eleolloD ere ae followe; the Great River and Canada Creeh.’ ” DRYGOODS, aopt.apt. ofo ( I'ubite . ______laetmotlon . ill the rich caiiuel coal t'urmatiuu. to be bailt, sod Ohaa. T .>tretun tbe Indian was amazed, for tbe tract B M ’MT H enry B e a k ...... r-S Tlie Revue de Meileciue records tbe was nearly 100,000 in extent, and very new yeer tbe be •tnaa u. Hail« ...... ?...... 7jw . I will be beard al tala lyeeanrer t case of a lady whose hair turned from choice laud. But be was not to he Jmo C. Hmlth...... 3,047 black to gray belweeu the hours of 2 outdone in generosity, aud finally re­ Clothing, T Tbe Peurla H Allbrd Oreodorf...... 3,343 • Jlanlel Ucl.euithlln...... T35 amt 7 a. m., during a very severe plied ; "My pale brother, the land is M EATS, lott leveo mom ■ h Repreeentetlve In Congress; 1 attack of neuralgia yours; but,” be added, after a long Of these 26 ha V ’ Peyscu . BOOTS, SHOES, O onstaiitly on lum d. *^1». Much i,m pause, "Bir William, we won’t dream trektment of llti A solicitor in England has obtained W. Bernard...... TW any m ore; you dream too big for me.” of tl^e brotat tr< bera of the deneral A ssem bly; a verdict of 1^10,UOO against a town as AND I aAXJB O. Ooodspeed...... 4,tsfi The old chief’s title was conllrmed by hu II. Collier...... 4 ,lK.> coiiipcusatiou for itersniial injuries Tbe boys of < the British Government, aud the land lolisel Olearcy...... caused by drinking impure water pleasure in taki •loseph Burger ...... 3,142^ was long known as the Royal Grant.— W. T. stsck p o le...... 331 Bupplie4l by the coriioration. On Tuesdays and Fridays. poata aod llghti County Jadgn; Chri$tiau Weekly. iujuriog the pre James ll. Kuuk...... 3,24« A scliool girl in New Haven, Conn , L Highest cash prices paid for I,. G. Pearro...... 1.(U9 Pomeroy’s Democrat is com ing Tbe secretary o R. It. 3,ft«5 fearing slie would be tardy on Monday again into the political lield. Early for tbe apprelie County clert; morning, ran so fast to school that she A ivin W alt...... 3,423 in N ovem ber, 1882, Mark M., m ore SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS person guilty ol Geo 1.. Hem perle.v...... >.'*"7 fell in a faiiil at the door and remuiu- Fat Cattle, widely known as “Brick” Pomeroy, ClutrJes L. Bigelow ...... «25 ed iineoiiHcious for half an hour. IN Sheriff: began in Denver, Colorado, the publi­ Peter Kiser, i Silas M. W itt...... 3.7i‘ft in Fort Wayn H. M. G ille tte...... 3.«42 The Board of Health of Iowa City, cation of Pomeroy’s Democrat, new Sbeep, George W. C line...... ‘>■13 Iowa, reports that not a death occur­ edition, eight page, large size, as a Red €lQmks, wls, circuit court foi C oroner; C^lara Prill and CliarleM True...... 2.8'>2 red within tliat city’s limits during Hot Democratic paper. Batislied after Horace Gaylord...... 3,374 tlie nioiitli of October. Tlie city lias a six years' work tliat tlie Nationnl Hogs, Ellen Parker ac L, Ixtndarback...... - ...... 7&3 Wool and Cotton! County Treamirer : population of over 10,000 persons. Greenback men will never organize so A skeleton, s John Zlmiiierinan...... 2.70S A. W. Cowan ...... 3.719 Pawtucket, R. I., with a pnpiilatinn as to form a dominant party, he will Hampshire Pitt K. U lioldridge...... 48.3 Hides, of 20 OIK), is the largest town under work ill tbe future to instil the yeast murderers In W Schtol Superintendent: FANCY HOSOY! of reform and progress Into the Demo­ earthed ou the ] George W. Perris...... 2.930 town government in tlie United 11, ■|'. J. U>ar...... 1.821 cratic party, Familiar as he is with O-I jO’VEISI ville aud Richni M. Tombaugti ...... 1,178 States, and its citizens by a majority and Tallow. y ate RouHe; of 00 liave refused to accept a city the history of tlie Republican party Mail, another n Kor A ppropriation...... 2.638 since its hirtli, his D emocrat will he for too much io Against Apprupriattuu ...... 3,3U7 cliarter. Laces, Ribbons, Trimmings, CIIATSWORTH, ILLINOIS. very apt to combine the liead of a and was hanget Prof. William Wagner, aged 93, and battering ram with the business end and Buttons, His body was t The Uai'flehl Bills. too feelde to addreaa an audience, is of a liornet. At all events it will he pher Rody, wh< Tbe following Is a complete list of the lecturing in Philadelphia by proxy. wortli more tliun tlie price, 92 per aud'buried itse< claims flle<) with the board de-slgnated by He Hlt« on tlie platform in an easy year, for tlie political sassafras it will across the spot, congress to audit tbe claims arising from the Worsted Goods, ehuir, wliile an elocutionist reads tlie just been distiov Illness and death of President GarHeld : contain eacii week, to say notliiiig of TA A E lis manuscript. AND Ur. D. W. m iss...... lA^i'O "0 its other interesting features, includ —OVER TH E— o r. I>. H ayes .Agnew ...... 14,700 on Official Bchoo Dr Robert Keyburii...... 10,800 oo A swarm of l;ees took possession ing those useful and pleasing Saturday l>r. I). S Cam b. for exom iiiH lion of of u grocery store at Waco, Tex., and Niglit cliapters. It will liave tm iiii- G e n e r a l M ’ o t i o a s . are 40',210, agaii b04ty a t Kltieroii, .\. J ...... 1 ooi) iwi Ur Susan A. Cdson...... lo.uto 00 ilrove tlie propriet«»r and clerks out. iiien.se circiilution, us it will lie henn) Tbe new depc llenry ■'>. Little, receiver Centrnl We also keep a fall line of Kailroad company. New ,lersey. for Tlie bees lield the fort until tlie store and seen far aud wide. .Start in witli railroad at Deli laying special track at KIberon, N. iuid l>eeii tilled with sulphuric smoke, the initial nuniher and see wliut lie •J..'and running special train ...... 3,239 <>u Slone. M llue A Proctor, Washington, for wlieii tliey vacated. says. Tlie paper will be sent one Sewing Machine Needles. f u r n itu r e ...... i«; 00 y ear for 92 OO Frank Adamt George W. Knox, Washington, ex­ Ostriches are wortli 91,4(X) each, ami press charges...... 13 (XI Grand Rapids, G. O. C. .Sim s,W ashington, for dru g s, tliere is a duty of 20 per cent, on tlieir HEALTH PRESERVING Ionia for three e lo ...... A Gaotl Offer. Charles A. Benedict. .Vew York, teatliers. A man from Buenos Ay ns card monte gaii funeral expenses. Including casket liasjust brouglit twenty two of tlie The Chicnn^ BurlltiKlnn (Jninoy Rn II CORSET. 'I'lionaas Dolan and Jam es ."lierl'liin, roHil CoinpuTV liHH ju st Uhio-iI an tlliistrHted By a POTelarmngementofflne messengers at executive mansion, l)irds to tills country, and will troutIne “Tlie near( of the conllneiit,"ileKerll) M. Campbell f-Wo e a c h ...... 600 00 coilou wire f pringa, which yield estaiilisli a farm in tlie south. liiK the wonderful erowth nf the ~ix Great rci:Uiiy So every riovement of tbe about to ship f( William Given, messenger at stale Htiites The hook Ih heaiitlfully prlnied. unpv by retiirn mull, by apply Aptsrortd h j the Bert PhyildAU, action. George I'reinaln A Co., of New York, —AND YOU— prospective groom appearing on tlie fng to I'KIti’EVAI. I.ilWKI.I,, General OR ( jiyo it a trial and yoa wUJ surgical Instrumental etc ...... 83 27 Casaeuger Agent. Chicago, Illinois. you wUJ II. G. Crawford, for sprinkling scene and claimiug and carrying off MONEY RCFUHDED wear no other. For Bale b/jr g ro u n d s, ex e cu tiv e m a n sio n ...... 270 ro WILL DISCOVER Dipbllierit at W. H. Bailey, services at mansion... 200 W( the furniture witli whicli tlie couple • a Dortli central pc W. B. Moses A Bon, linen, etc ...... 40 3.6 iuleuded goiug to housekeeping. Young Brothers & Co. Jam es Goodwin, Boston, invalid bed 75 00 Why it is termed the Popular The Appleton Wllilain S. Uupee, messenger war A petroieum pipe line constructed d e p a rtm e n t...... 210 00 building of a ho BIngleton ft Hocke, Washington, for from tlie Culiaii oil territory over tlie carpets, etc ...... 122 44 Passenger Line aod Menasha. Itie National Capital Telephone (\iucasus Mountains to Novoroszlsk c o m p a n y ...... o() oO O F ' JLJSi^CF3JRICJ^ I Charles H. I,ee, messenger depart. harbor, on the Black Sea coast, was Since the stat men t of Justice; no ainciunt named C.HEPPE, Waupun tlien James Wilson, cooking, etc ...... ISO. 00 opened on May 27tli, This line of O MILES OF ROAD, reaching In the Independent Ice company for ice.... 1,616 92 pipe, MEbich is 105 miles long, cun direct manner all of the deaths, seven of Margaret Nugent. cook, three HE U.ER in months' extra pay ...... deliver every day 1,000,000 pounds of DEALERS IN THE suicide. Fred R. Moore messenger service.... 176 IK» petroleum . s m i ciTiss or tbs west And claim of employes of executive Running the FINEST 1‘ASSENGEK EQUIF- J 'h e O r e e n mansion for three inonills' e.xtra .MKNT and the most extended TUKUUGIl pay Soinewliut too hasty was a Plilla- CAR SYSTEM on the continent. Wednesday, Nc No claim has been filed by Dr. URmlltoii (lelpiiiii lawyer who, just as tlie seals note tliat forty i or Dr Boynton. The board Is wailing to Choice Liquors, nm i Liomiis! hear'drom them. nor beef to Mooseliead lake, Maine, and could The finest room in town. a beef tea manufacture. not free himself. He dragged the W I have a side room where farmers A gray wolf t trap a short distance toward a settle­ and their families can be served with a Call and see us. We will be week ou 8ku^ A town that has sprung up on a new ment, and unfortunately fell exiiaust- good lunch at any and all times. ready to serve you, tinuous chase. line of railroad in Georgia is named ed in a spot which those searching for BROWN’S IRON BITTRRS are "Who’d-a-thought-lt.” A Des Moinei the missing trap did not reach. There Call and you will find me ready to A. Ringler. P. Ringler. a certain enre fbr all dlseaoes requiring a com plete tonic | e*pe- broken bottle oi H. H. Bancroft, bistorian of the he died of starvation, and his skeleton, serve you. oially Indl^^estlon, Dyepepsla, Inter­ so as to nearly t Paciflo coast, spent over 9500,000 in held fast by the wrist hones, has been TO NERVOUS SUFFEREKS.-The Great m ittent Fevers, W ant of Appetite, collecting his private library. found after she lapse of a year. European Remedy—Dr. .1. H. Slmpsou's Liosa o f S tren g^ Laolc. o f ESnergy, A sarm on tb Speoiae Medicine. etc. Bnrlobee the blood, etrengtli- C. H E P P E. It ll a poiitWi our. for SpermaldrrbMt, Seinloal lake is said to b Tbe sum of 98,660,000 Is now invest "You Dream too B io.’’—One day. ens tbe miuoles, and glrem n e w WoikuMi, Ipipoteury. and all dlieaMs rexnltlDg sand which is ed in the manufacture of iron in the Sir William Jo h n so n , the Indian from B«ir-Abni.. ai M.ntal Auxlety, Loia of Memo­ lUb to the nerree. Ante like a ry, Talut Id Back nr glda, and rllnaiM. thit lead to Connecticut ino Birmingham, Ala., district. agent In the M ohaw k Country, under obarm on the digeettve organa, CoDinmplion, Id removing all dyspeptic symptoms, the Colonial Government, was un­ eaiiity, and ao In tbe ten years from 1870 to 1880 O K T I - Y S 2 0 early grave. The snob as tasting tbe Ibod, Belching, Invent' packing some clothing brought from SpecIflcMed M bc the value of tbe silk production of tbe f(>rat>UlLA;ibbriIlA8IM: 3 Heat in the Stomach, Heartbnm, of this Slyir. Kqual to any le being need ■-1, England. Hentlrick, a famous Indian with wonderful etc. The only Iron Preparation sboul* send fc United States rose from 912,210,662 to ^Singer in the murk t K r- that will not blabken the teeth or chief was present, and took a strong in ttn b rr, tre n ttid it to be ■uoeeee. ( terms, .referenct ^ *84,410,468. •■ ro tn tn ^ fceji/rr ffnu p a y P.nphleUMOl glvo beadaohe.' Sold by all Drog^ free to Bdttrito'ri fifPa fanhy for an embroidered coat. He /Oi‘ it. This is tlie ssme style to ell. Write gists at *1.00 a bottle. dare not ask for it, but next day he i.tlier compenlas rstall lor 96 0 , for them and get who fomlsh ' tl I t la eatlma^ that the total wool All Mschlnes wsmtited ft>r8 lull partienlar., BROWN CmCMIOAIi CO. -oUp of tbe United States th is year will told Johnson a dream. "Last night,” y>wrs. SendfcrlllastmtedCIr- PHee. Spr«ile,91-00 per package, or elxpnnkagea Baltimore, Md. Edson Brothers yuiarni dTestimoolals. AddMs for 96.00. AtMieae all oidere to 1 800,000,000 pounds, worth said he "me dream you say, *H4ndriok J. r . BIMPKOM MIDICINB CO.. Sm tnn Ml Sm satert nr nad, by Xmw. (8iMncM cessful firm of CHAI He. lOe Mala BtTMi, Buffalo, N. V. go. uA hsn M»M.d rad liati aud trada uirk «a vrapr^ im you’ve been good friend,, aud now I Sold la Obatewortk by X A. Bau|g,. . tiW ARK Ov 'MtTATION*. been establisbot

*’i7' a n Mews s f IIm NftiillwMt. ^ ' ' CHATSWORTH^ f t J " ■ c iX iU koia. ^ A cawfol examliMlion of tbs ooa) found E D I i I l » , St Virgiais shows U)st the rein Is .'over DE.\LBBS IKTBX ^ forty ioobea thick sod of exoellsDt quality, ') Marble Works. The Bsllerille glass-works will put in a FnrESTi.ii;uoits,. aeoood Are pot foraaee, wbicb will L s o f .. neosssitate the employment of forty or fifty addilional men. % MILWAUKEE BEER, The Bprlogfield and 8t. Douls railroad la -MT AND to be built, and before tbe adrent of the new year the busy bustle of tbe workmen will be beard all along tbe line. ' CHOICE CIGARS. Tbe Peoria Humane society have in tbe , To the farmers of .this section we Irtit seven momha iiivesllgated 2 ^ cases. offer the following SPECIAL in- Of these 29 have been cases of brutal D l h A l l d . dnooments as to dUALlTT and trektoueut of little children, asD 20(1 cases X S l n n of tlie bratat treatment of dumb animals. F£I0E of liquors U any quantity . Tbe boys of Quiucy have been finding KeutucUy Uourbuu, "New Hope," SI.UO per gut ".f. •• •' “ MtllH." 100 " J) o J-J>o J t w b A pleasure in taking the caps off tbe lamp- AND F rid a y s . "MagDollB," 2.00 " D E A L E It IN poata and lighting the gas, agd otherwise “ -ye, ‘‘Olll Edge," 3 (hi •• A M E R IC A N A F O R E IG N )B paid for iujuring tbe property>of the gas company. Cognac litjm ly ...... l.o Hampshire Pitis, a negro, one of tbe first among which are the special brands, murderers In Wayne county, has been un earthed ou tbe Buhl farm, between Centre Veteran lOc, Home Trade 5c. ORGAN ville and Richmond. Pitts killed William OR Stoves of Every Mail, another negro, in November, 1822, floi^A ii o rd erly lioiiHe u l all tim es. ILLINOIS. for loo much intimacy with liis mistress, fii®“Courteou8 treatment toall. and was banged after having two trials. 8^*Orders tilled tnnmptly. His body was taken charge of by Christo Shape, Size, :L '.| pber Rody, who kept it from the doctors aud'buried it secretly, felling li large tree across the spot, and its resting place has C A L L ON AND just been discovered. MJEISINO. MICHIGAN. CEO. J. W .A.I.TER. Official school census figures of Demiii DEALER IN ALSO DESCRIPTION ! are 40^210, against 87,026 last, year. * To be Found at Tbe new depot of tbe Michigan Central railroad at Detroit is to be built of Amherst Picture Frames,^ Slone. { J 2 Frank Adams, claiming to hail from AM) Q 2 HALUS, Grand Rapids, has b^eu sentenced to Ionia for three months for trying tbe three card monte game in Jackson. GROCERIES, a M. Campbell and William Judson are about to ship four ihousaud sheep from Crockery.3-lasE & dueensware. Chelsea to Texas. If they have good Woodenware, luck they will clear $8,(KX) by the trans­ action. ^Looking Glasses WISCONSIN. CANNED & DRIED FRUn S t o r e ! Diphlherit and the measles rage in tbe U d, Diaisf Hoon, aid Parlor ::OVER OlOAlCS A. TOBACCO, d a north central portion of the slate. 0-5 -,2 3 B ~ The Appleton people are agitating the And everything kept In n h'Irst-eliiwK <;io building of a boulevard between that city eerv Htore. S «» ” g ? lUGIlEsT .VAttKhl Pia. K I'AIO KoH FURNITURE. e*2 ® 2 •• and Meuasha. •p .g .3 3 -5 T C J ^ I Since the state prison was established at PB.ODVOB. Wa| Down Low or reaohlDK In the Waupun there have been forty five H r vcr^9 aer all of the ' deaths, seven of which were the result of My M otto IsFalrDeallng, CASH. '®■ s i WEST suicide. lENGEK EQUtl’- J'he Oreen Bay Gazette said on QUICK SALES AND SMALL PEOFITS. © e d t ded lUKOUGH jnt. Wednesday, Nov. 8ih: It is interesting to ('ll \THU'OK'ni. ILLINOIS g 5 - i P 5 E 0 ) note tliat forty six yeais ago to-day Fox CKETS river froze over, the ice remaining solid ■ B a • =2 k. rs until the 1.5th of the ensuing April. • To , or South day one of our lady friends picked a Veterinary Surgeon, o ? bouquet of sweet peas from the garden, T ft Tri'’’ 2 y'n om starting .A.. J. W AVCH, .Ion. while much vegetation has the freslinessof 7! ( IMTsW nKIII II.L. d After venrH <>1 enrelnl study of (he best vjim midsummer. works kn.iwn to the veterliiar.v scleii<-e. mid r any informa / MINNESOTA. V CJ liavine had years <>( successful practice. I feel confident Ih’nf I can give general satIsfm-I Ion [])bat8wortb, 111. The three Washburn mills at Minucapo- tS, in tile (reatmeiif f>f all diseases of Holl-II.L RECEIVE The receipts of the Stillwater police ^ J* (f. IMtO.MI’T ATTENflON. r*-.s 2 ^ 2 K I (» aa . 9 fi> O court for tbe month of October amouuted ?> to the snug little sum of $1,050. C i d Miff-ri..g fi.*'i lOW I I i /AXiiXVP ,,I .lisessfl I. : = r-5 * 2 = ® r Mii.v kl'i.l .-.iisp.l (>>• inilitsi y service ute ei. i.|i*.l (.• The monthly report of the ^ board of PENSION. Wi.l-iws, iiiiir-r *clii Itlrea, ilepeiidpiil iii.ithe . or (.tl'or. ..( ..d.lioro v l.n died Irmii tlie ' 5g5-»aS-=H health shows 107 deaths in St. Paul during eff.yiB .*( tlieir eervire M e »...r eiitirle.l .Many ii.- October, of wfiich 86 were from F 'c.H valf.l poiiriniiora a.e entitled I.. at. INCKK.fSE. . arefiil .-.aintanre given In I.El.AVKI) nr KB- I » 2 * ® —.e diphtheria, ' .1K TKl. CI.A I MS. HR many ran l.e allnwe.l wit). '3!=?"§-°s, I lit little more ovl.leiire (’oiniilel- fu-lrilctl.iDS SO 5 > '• K.-.5 S . Q A few days since a tumor weighing will, refetent-ea «eii. nil Hl.pli.-atl.Ill, CHAS. A (JB.i. I ' —B 3 ■ A K1N(;, Attoruej R at Law. 91(5 E St., (A a-liington, B!_ t» " a ® "hS fifty-seveu pounds was removed from a 1). C. &®Es-^g3S lady patient at the College itospital, .MARK Minneapolis, and she is now recqveriog. P " * 2 i> • • •? Tbe operaliou is said to have been exceed Ik iugly skillful, a number of surgeons whom q b# B ^*2 s s she bad consulted| haviug expressed >the 3 r » ,© 55 opinion that the removal must necessarily erC'i o QP O O. cause her death. pr ^ s 3 S'a. S’ -rE » S.B « B IOWA, A gray wolf WAS. caught and killed last ■week ou S k u ^ riv M after five days’ con­ tinuous chase. V — TTTEaiS are ^ w “ * 3, ^ all diseases A Des Moines horse fell ou a piece of tonlol espe- broken bottle on Sunday and out himself E. LCTHGHtJSy epsio, Inter- so as to nearly bleed to death. of Appetite, w Dealer In the o i ” I L of Elnergy, A sarm on the shore*of West Okoboji CELEBRATED Cures Scrofula, Erysipelas, d, stren0tli> lake is said to be partly composed of a Pim ples and Face G rubs. ^Tes new f t B E S T S ’ n Blotches, Boils, Tumors, T e t­ hots like a sand which is superior to the famous ...... ■% Connecticut molders’ sand. ' , ter, Humors, Salt Rheum, nreat cliHiicee to ninke ni< i e> xn woek ill yoiir wn to u n . %i> Ouitit ■ ire organa, TLW Jk.TJK:EL Scald Head, Sores, Mercurial TlkOko wliu fklwN)ii take advNi>t • free. No rl.h Rvervihln* rsw } symptoms, Diseases, Female Weakness ageoftlio cbnlMeH Inr (iiiiktne kCni.lt.l nn. required. M e wlll'la ni*l> .,<1; d. Belching, .money that are • Iteretl. fieneiHl- lyon nveiythii g .' .M.ny sr« bhU ii g Inventors and Patentees and Irregularities, Dizziness, |l5* berom« wcMllhy, vHitle iho^e Ffortiiii.t. Ladi.. ranliH Biacb ar Heartham, CHATS WORTH, ILL. Loss ot Appetite, Juandice, who do nut in.prove auch rbatic ine i, .ml Itu,. .nd virl. m all, gry^t Preparation •boul^ aend for instructions, reasonable Affections Of the Liver, Indi­ pay. Kesder, l( yon went s bg»„ P urilnj^ Mato*. ly all Drog^ -JI®“Prlvate families supplied with sia and General Debility. iGcallUee, Any one can do the work propnly froin Bditcltdra 5f FaiebU, WaSbiugton, D.^ O., Milwaukee Bottled Export Beer. , A course of Burdock Blood Bitters will sMUfr the ihe flrit atari. Tbe bnalnrae will pay rviore than ten who fumlah the game without charge. mo»t skcptictl that It It the Greatest BIo

*' 4 m . 'J - . ’ ■ X\. ■

- f . 'L I' "Av V' VyV-i :M a i. .'.1 HOVE, T i U MAUTAX MORBOR, 41. L ow ty D. H ay Sggsssssassesaa W hits. Blank C M iaiere. C»mel*8-luUr, Etc. —I^emoni f TATB’ HBW8. Ilem in W. Cog ossssssf Itatatled Aeeoant of tho Munabiff of 4ko lo iif in 4V. Louis SUrksI ...... Ft. CUiT. A nloe bli^k wool drMg has beooma V' « V mmrnmrmmm li«slate^i|Nfe M. A.8ulltraa ...... 8L C lslt; Foor-Aairlaao ot HalUlax, M. 8.—T lklr^ almost indispensable *in a ladv’s outliU the WRter et nia foilo«ii^ table ahowe tie Btfitleal 48. Jo h n H ig g in s...... P erry . oBo PoreoBs K b o w b to Mavo ForieMedlB -f—Boota •< J. F. Csnniff...... Mo b im , and is valnea alike by the young add •> # # ap of tta next State Lef;te qqarte of | W, P lfe r...... McLean. perpetrated on Colonel Robert Holloway. velvet folds are , generally added to pound whe Jaso n R ofreis...... Maoun. About three o’clock la the morning a S| eelal seen. In the west wing old women and chil­ camel's hair dresses. If a combination Ja m es ti. W rlyht...... Cbampalyn. dren were seen at the windows, crying to he bushel of ap iruin of seven freight-cars und three passen­ O e o iv ^ H u n t...... Rdga . let out, and, as they began breaking glass. It is liked better, or there arc parlly worn dried fruit- H orace 8. C lark ...... Coins. ger coaches, fl led with lOfi men from Chicago, skirts of last season to be remodeled, Ih o m aa R. N eedles...... Washloifton. was fearoil they would throw themselves to —RationP arrived there and took possession of Hol­ the wool goods is used for a panier pol­ FOR John R. Tanner...... Clay. thu ground. A sturdy ax-inan dashed at the tby bay, th< L ouis T b o m ...... Monroe. loway’s stahles and pastures, and forcibly door leading from this wing into the yard, and onaise or a pelisse with re\era, cuffs W. 8. Morris...... Pope.Po took 150 flue Imported Clydesdale horses, aa those ml: D aniel H o y an ...... Pulaski with a few vigorous blows of kis ax knocked and collar of the material of the skirt valued at $100,000, an I loaded them on the terred by h It in. The stairwa s were crowded, and out The Jersey webbing that is sold by the com m ands DEMOCRATIC 8BNATOB8. cars. The scheme was discovered at daylight, came a procession of women nursing infants yard is also purchased for a waist to be R H E D H i m . yame. County. but they bad such an armed force that tliey —old, gmy-hetided gi'andmas, and feeble old neuralgia, Sefatioa, Lumbago, fore, if hay Thomas X loonan ...... Cook. used with woolen skirts; in sin­ should be S( M. B. Heroly...... Cook. could not be successfully stopped until near.y men. All were screaming, and as tbeyTeaehed gle widths this is now sold for Backaeho, Sorenest of tho Choof, B. B. S hu m w ay ...... WilL one hundred horses were loaded. The entire vil­ the fresh air without they ejaculated their use a mixtu T hom as M. S haw ...... MarsbaU. $1.50 a yard, and is made up Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swolf- lage was aroused, and gangs were stationed at thanks, and then began calling for this one and m e a t.— Exc J . W. D u n can ...... La Salle. that one until, all was a babel of oi nfualon with few seams, and more snugly ings and Sprains, Burns and Andrew J. Bell...... Peoria. either end of the town to tear up the railroad ' —An exc) Then it became known that those In the upper lilted than le.ss elastic fabrics, os itdingi Scalds, General Bodily E. N. R in eh a rt...... EtUutfbom. track if the train attempted to move. War­ and expands with the figure. Some is made oi Edwiird Lanins'...... Menard. wards of that wing were helpless. Some ot Pains, potatoes, OE Manrice Kelly ...... Adams. rants were Issued, and the ringleaders, Will­ the flromon, and Ure-wardons, and Aldermen, young ladies add a collar, wristbands, William li. Archer...... Pike. iam Buchanan and James Johnson, and the and clergymen, and others who were among Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted quarters ol F. M. B rld aes...... G reene. and sash of dark veil, bright Turkey engineer and conductor of the train were ar­ the early arrivals, hastened up, and willing red, or turquoise blue cashmere to com Feet and Fare, and all other tablespoon f Charles A. W alker...... M acoupin. bands wore soon getting the blind, halt and fnl of nu^ln( Lloyd F. Hamilton...... Saiiifamon. rested for horse-stealing, and held under lame down the long winding stairs. The work plete these waists; the buttons are Pains and Aches. Wm. T. Vandeveer...... Christian. bonds of 82,000 each. It was claimed by was necessarily a slow one, but finally that usually black and very small. Flush Ho Prepuraition on earth eqnnle Br. SkooM O n yelks beatei D. B. G illbain...... Madison. wing was emptied. T. E. M e rritt...... Marlon. Buchanan and Johnson, who lire In Glasgow, that is no longer the first fashion, is M a t a f e , SMt-e, a atm p la nnS cheap External rarboil the In the moan time the flames in the basement, BemeSjr.' A triel anUile but the oomper^vely when perff W. H. Mc.N'ary...... Clark. Scotland, that they liiivc an interest in the which the Superintendent, engineers and offi­ now used for tne skirt, with camel's- trifling outlay of 50 Cents, niMl every one enffaring John C. E dw ards...... H am ilton. property, and they bad been advised that cials were trying to keep under, spread to the ■ • I froof of Its an d sugar Henry Solder...... S t Clair. hair for the over dress. The skict may with pein can have cheap end ponltlTe their plan was the best way to secure posses­ base of the long air shaft or el 'vator reaching clximt. the spice, i William A. Lemma...... Jackson. to the top of the main building. TUo draft be perfectly plain, with a narrow box- IHreotlone in Deran langonges. sion. There liad been no serious trouble be­ in gradual RBPtTBLICAN ROUSE MEMBERS. here swept the flames upwards with tremen­ plaiting of camei’s-bair at-the foot, oi tween them and Holloway, and they had been dous force, and in a few seconds the heaviest lOLD BT ALL PRUQGIBT8 AID DEALEB8 the whites < . Namr. County. It may have some lengthwise plaits ad­ n r MEDIOIHB. enjoying his hospitality for some time. Hollo­ part of the conflagration was in the top of the deep dish.- f t B. K en n ed y ...... Cook. main building. The stoiy Just under tlte eaves ded in the front or sides where the John Fairbanks...... Cook. way admits their interest in some of the prop­ in this building was used as a hospital, and In A. V O G IX ER A GO., —T he Fa W. H. H a rp e r...... Copk. over-dress discloses it, or it may have f l eifWeeeore. M d ., U . B. erty, remittances for which he has been send­ It were about seventy patients, roost of them vbout the ^ H. A. P a rk e r...... Cook. perfectly helpless. The lire was now fiercely must of its fullness in two great box- J. W. E. T hom as...... Cook. ing directly to their more responsible part­ burning right in the hospital and above it. plaits behind, and the clolh-like over- farmer has J. L. P arish ...... Cook. ners in Scotland, against which action they ^'be heat was so intense that lead poured J. F. Lawrence...... Cook. garment be tut with long side gores, year for far protested, but there was no other misunder- down from the roof In streams of brilliant K. E. W ood...... Cook. Are, and slates flew everywhere In deadly and a short postilion back that is cut ofl TOine AHEMCA! their produ( E. D. Co.ike...... Cook. standing. Bhowers, rendering any near apprunch to the A( regxrda muilcal compoettionsofnote. Amertwts y ear and straight acioss on the tournure. This undqulnedljr young A great deal hae. hoover, dur­ Theodore Stimmin^...... Cook. building almost certain death, Notwithetand- makes a warm looking winter dress for will be goo( L. C. Collins...... Cook. Thanksgiving Proclamation. ing this, there were hundreds standing out- ing the lu t fcw year*, been accoinplMbecL The fpllow- GeorRe G. Struckman ...... Cook. ladies who do not find the tailor-made Ing------are all" ■—latlveby native conipoK-rs:conipoK-rs: ■un shines i Governor Culloin has igsued the following sine who would willingly havo entered the “ ■■ (12) tUByS.G. By 8. G. ^ Pmtt. C. E. F u lle r...... Boone. building If they could have found their way suits becoming. The woolen reppeJ Zenobia. A‘ grand 1 OperaOpera of of m rnneh____ merit, p n id en t, be C. H. 'ly ro n ...... M cHenry. proclam ation : through the place. Indeed, several did go in, (ft. ft) By " J.------K. Paine. -- stuffs that are liked best have I he reps (l^'il^lmown Oratorio. ensep, buy Julius Peterson ...... Cook. Sta te o f Iu u in o is, E x ecu tiv e D epa r t­ but without giiidanoe could do nothing in the St. Ptttr. I knowr ~ ‘ August Woudel...... Cook. lengthwise instead of across the fabric, m, cgnu6 By J. C. lake every m en t: The year now closing has been immense building, and had to return to the Rtdemptlon Hymn. Parker. F. fi S u m n er...... Wliinobago. crown'-d with many blessing.i for us as a peo­ yard. An^ttompt was made to raise ladders Joff that mb A. F B row n...... Ogle. because they are more easily cleansed A short, bat complete and tanprearire work. ple. We have been favored with general to the windows, but the lad lers wore too short, by brushing downward; these arc sim- come; this J. J. K ook...... CfMJk. heleaith ■ and ■ prosperity. - The- wisdom - of - Go ~ -1 and after a fireman wtis knocked down by fall­ Christmas. (ft) cU). By A O. Ootterson. J. A. Drummond...... Jo Daviess. has so dirootea and controlled the forces of ing brick and It was seen that the ladders even ilar to what wtvs formerly called Biar­ A sacred Cantata (orChristniM time. not make y G eorge J. H offm an...... CarrolL Nature th it a bountiful harvest has rewarded would be swept away in a few minutes, the at­ ritz cloth, but the reps are more prom­ right side o P. A. SuiidoUns...... Cook, tho labors of tho people of our State. We tempt ceased. Fall ot Jarusalsm. ^ H. F. W a lk e r...... Du Page, share in the advantages of National growth The fire hurst through the roof, and the inent. Beaded tr'minings are not liked An Imprcotlve and mustcol Cantata. bottom aga Lu L. Hiatt ...... Du Page. and development. The bond which unites tho scene was one never to ho forgotten. Far for black wool dresses, the ladies who 46th Psalm. I compotlUoa. own fault, I Jo h n R. M ead er...... Will. States was never stronger. The Union was above the roar of the flames and crack of consider expense think it a risk to buy J. H. Jon&s...... Iroiiuols, never more poworlul for good than to-day. bursting slates were h ard tho cries of tho Pralsa to 6od. (tS) By O. F. Bristow. W. S. H aw k er...... K ankakee. It is proper that we should give some fitting wretched patients in tho hospital, who were jet trimmings, because they have been An Oratorio. Noble words and music. H enry W ood...... De Kalb. recognition of the gcHidiiess of Divine Prov roasting to death. Most of tnoui, as before worn so long. The embroideries done Bolshazzar. rtl.) By J. A Buttcrfleld. H. M. B oardm an ...... D eK alb. dence in granting the many blessings which stated, were helpless, and cHJuld not leave tholi Grand and beautiful scenic Cantata. No other A. G. G oodspeed...... Liv.ngston. we enjoy. To that »‘nd I, She by M. CuIIom, beds, and perhaps were stltled by smoke be- on th§ fabric are liked for more costly John H. Collier...... Ford. Governor of the State of Illinois, contormlng f6ro the cruel flames reached them, but others b'ack dresses of cashmere or of camel’s- Josoph’s Bondago. « )Byj.M.chadwick. as thorougl 8. H. Doth *a...... Lee. with the action of the President of the United were seen to dash themselves against the win­ hair. A splendid oriental sacred Cantata. man as tin J. G. Manaban...... W hiteside. States, do appoint Thursday, the 30th Inst, as dows and cling to the sashes till their-strength wo get thoi K. S. Hester...... M aisball. a day of thanksgiving, and I recemmend its WHS exhausted or their bands burned off and The Henrietta cloths that were for­ Christ ths Lord. ^Eaay Chrlefn^ Cantata* H. C. C leveland...... Rock Island. geneAl observance by the usual religious serv­ they fell back into the seething’ caldron of merly confined to ladies dressing in oxen their Thomas Nowers, Jr...,...... H enry. Don Munlo. (II.SO) By Dudley Buck. ices and holiday festivities. flames. A woman was seen to drag hcr-mlf to mourning are now used by those wear­ A legend of the cruaadere. set to music. the bovine i W. H. Emoison ...... Fulton. lu witness whereof I hereunto set my hand the comer window, and, forcing her body halt DImssIm <6UL By j . R. Thomas. possible us< A. 8. Curtis...... Knox. and cause the great seal of the State to be flxod. out through tho i on bars till she could breathe ing colors when a very rich fabric is de­ rm niW s wni do (tn-doorsi for a winter concert. Wright Adams...... La Salle. Done at the city of Springfield, this, the 6th cool a r. r be remained in that position till her sired. and (he trimming is thp silk Span­ only for wli David Rankin ...... Men er. day of November, A. D. 18JS2. 8. M. Ouulom. head burned off. ish lace with heavy corded designs on Now Flower Quson. (7S eta.) By O. F. Root. mechanical J . M. A nsloy ...... H enderson. By the Governor: Thop'iorold pooplo and littih children res­ New arrangement of a famous Cantata. 26. John Lackle...... S tark. H ENRT D. Dem ent, Sec’y of State. cued from other parts of the building were meshes of guipure. Shirring in broad eence., Fn J. T. Thornton ...... P utnam . huddled together In a bam some little distance masses is no longer used on woolen Burning Ship. (g"ceTt.{. “ yB^Wake^”' fleece and 8. H. Thompson...... Peor.a. away, and w<‘re there packed away with straw ' Easy and atrlldng Cantuaa. < C. M. R ogers...... W arren. Illinois Items. and blankets to keep them oomfoitable till'’ skirls, though the slightly .shirred scarf XiTON As HEALT, Chicago, IIL food purpoi I. N. Poai'son...... McDonough. It is estimated that the sale of 'apples will m orning. draperies, or the fronts of the basque O IA V E K JUITSOIV As CO., B oston. people won T. F. Mitch 11...... McLean. The Commissioners have gone carefully do we not L ai ay etto -F u n k ...... McLean. bring as much money into Southern Illinois over the books and And that th'rty one of shirred upon a vest, are still popular. J. T. Po.ster...... Logan. this year ns the purchase of corn took out those in tho hospital perished. The removal Tucks around the skirt and on the over­ w ork o r to J . H. C rocker...... Macon.- last. of tho o d people resulted shortly after­ skirt are more used even than last sea­ ready, willi W. T. Calhoun ...... De Witt. wards in tho (loath of many. Some fnigments- James A. Hawks...... P latt. The total number of deaths In Chica>-o of charred bod es were rorNiverod, but no ex­ son, and ({uite rival the lengthwise servant of W. J. C alhoun...... V erm illion. during the m onth of O ctober was 823. D uring tensive searih has been or cun with safety be p’a ts. This is especially true of Trench with most ( R. B. R tiy...... Vermillion. made among the ruins in their present dresses, as the Taris an dressmakers of labor, ci J. U. E w ing...... Douglas. the corresponding month iu 1881 there were dangerous condition. W. H. DoB ird ...... C'umoerland. 1,085 deaths. have lately made the entire front and hauls his : C. L. R oane...... M oultrie. Army Report. side breadths of ha f-inch tucks in cash­ tough land T. L. M atthew s...... Cass Gus Sondlne, employed in a building new ,kets his pr T. G. B1 lOk...... Adams. smoke-stack at Weir’s factory, In Mon couth, mere costumes not only in black, but in Washinoton, N ovem ber 1. fact, th at h Thomas Worthington, Jr ...... Pike. WaiTcn County, fell from the too of the stack colors. The effeci is that of horizontal Promptly cures saddle aorea, sore shoulders, J H. Coates...... Scott. Tho annual report of General Sherman was cats, galls, ulcers and wounds of every description. him for. 1 to the ground the other day, a distance of 105 braiding, and the edge is trimmed with I. L Morrison...... Morgan. made public to-day. It is accompanied by tho a ruche or with a narrow bnx-plaiting. Scratches, grease heel, thrush, <|aartcr-cracks, urea he is D. T. Llttler...... Sangam on. feet, and. was instantly killed. He leaves a reports of the Division Commanders and of contraction of the hoof, sprains, bnilacs, etc.; In E. E C ow per hw oite...... C hr.sU aa ivife and five children. Vests are worn in such varied shapes fact Is beneficial In all caaca where on ointment or The sportit J. M. Pearson ...... Madison. Lieutenant-General Sheridan and Inspector- G e n e n l L uckett. this season that they nflbrd excellent llnbneat can be of service. Ncvcrspotls. No stable find thele mi J. L. Nichols...... xClinton. Cholera has appeared with great virulence ways of freshening up a partly worn shoDid be wttbont it. Plain, SO ntinuo so unless the If the skirt front is also worn, a breadth IT IS THE OLDEST AND BEST! the result A O S ex to n ...... Cook. non, Jefferson County, a motion will be made number is Increased. He reviews the work of of velvet may be inserted there in simi­ v w o BcoxrvK iB xrx«.Bisi i strains and C. B C ra fts...... Cook. the year somewhat In detail, arriving at Rie Mark Clinton ...... Cook. to erase the name of Fr nklln L. Chase, of To an New Subtcrlben we wtU sand TH8 PBAIBIB every sped conclusion that there bos been a less number lar fashion, * and the vagaries of the FABHBBfrom now until January 1st, 1881 for 82.IA J. G S e y ste r...... Ogle. Chicago, from the roll of attorneys. styles are such that a bit of chenille or the general August Mette...... Cook. of Indian outbreaks fii the year than at any or the remainder of this year for I S oentfc- Jo h n O’Shea ...... Cook. A Norwegian tailor, insane, cut his throat time for twenty years. Part of this Is due to jetted fringe may be used at the toot of Ssmplc Copies and Premium List seat free. Address horse, the the efficiency of the army, and part to the ad­ FRAIRIB FARHER FT7B. 00.. Ohioage, BL ter, the ru E. Ij.Cronkrite ...... Stephenson. In Chicago recently from ear to ear. vancement of oivilization in the Weet. this breadth, even though it does not J . F. D n g an ...... Cook. exactly till O. A. Klupp ...... Cook. A son of Thomas Mountjoy, of Atlanta, The report devotes considerable space to appear elsewhere on the dress; indeed, Old faahlonabift the growth of the Great West, und says that remedies are rapidly Is it any w James Herrinffton ...... K ane. Logan County, fell from a tree while coon now that the traus tion period is past, it Is due there is a fancy for leaving the wide G eorge B e*...... Will. hunting the other day, and broke an arm and side breadths without any trimming at glTlBg gronnd b^oro ure man fit John O'Connell...... W ilt. to the Government to select certain strategio thigh. He would probably die. points for permanent army posts, and oon- the foot, no matter how elaborately the the advanee of this brute cteat D. C. T ay lo r...... K ankakee. stru c t oomiifort'iblc buildings , on them______so as not ooogaeriiig apefciflo, tendered r A ndrew W ehch...... K endall. Captain Leonard Hugnnin, who arrived in longer to compel the offioors and men to live other parts of the skirt may be trimmed. Michael Cleary ...... Livingston. If the Breton vest is not liked, there and old fkahloned up betweei J . B. F e lk e r...... Leo. Chicago fifty years ago, died recently, aged in holea In the ground, shanties or green cot­ Ideas In regard to de­ tonwood log^huts, as heretofore. can be a narrower vest put under scal­ pletion oa a meant of deed the i John H. Crandall...... Tazewell. eighty years. There have been 1.741 trials by court martial with qther Bevllo Newton...... W oodford. Farmers In Montgomery County are alarmed dur ng the vear. He recommends a obamre lops of the dress waist, or with a ruche onre, have been quite Pat O’M-.ra...... Rock Island. In the systems of court martial, saying to conceal the join, or there may be exploded by the anc- w orthy of F. A. Willoughby...... K nox. over the appearance of the fiy in their wheat the present system was e-wn. The general condition of the army persoa- —Harper’s Bazar. for the O. W. Miirr-iy...... Scott. spent sereral years aa a captive among the nel has been Improved, as has the-genenU W. B. Carlin...... Jersey. Indians. oonditlon of the people of the ooUntry at —Mrs. Langtry must have Bgl tidu, the A . N. Y a n o o y ...... M aooupin. large. The r-cent rifle contests have made some American reporters a queer lot,lol inquiry i B. N . K inm an...... M organ. The Illinois Association of ex-Prisoners of great Improvements In thu markHmanshlp of B. F. Caldwell...... Sangam on. cspeoially the one who, In so thick a fog ALLABENTSIXIU • r a g f n the War held a meeting at Decatur recently. the men, and he rec( mmends an rpproprin m une in O . W. M u rray ...... Sangam on. W. W. Lowdermllk was elected President for Uon for continuing tho work. Hi; recom­ in the fewer New York Bay that yon HrK'HoiMlMnAr WM i j*'*** J. B. Kicks...... C hristian. mends the adoption of some plan by which wMdi tn UlUUUVNUnBI, anrr ! d eath s S G . H . S tevens...... M ontgom 'y. the ensnfng year, and General Pavey was could hardly see a ship’s len^h ahead, roglments and offloe s con he given definite year m 3 H . G B illings...... Madison. dhosen representative to the National Asso­ 'erros in remote posts, ai^ be then allowed asked: ** What are your impressions of .:tL D. U tlg e r...... Madison. to re tu rn to* *"iocomiorts of olvllized life and AmericaP*’ ” Oh, I think the forts at answ ers ta m e s L. R o u n tree...... Washington. ciation. their places be taken by others. He reoonk- id en t wx I T B. W. B rin k ...... Washington. Albert Schulz, of Chicago, was the other aends the employment of teaoh-rs for sohools the opening of the harbor very interest- , G eorge H. V am ell...... Jefferson. f u r to F. A H. h«MUIU OriMa esgratl* w ho cap morning horrified to find his little daughter, It posts, saying men from the army oannot be ing pnecesof i stone-work," si she replied. ' IthatariifHtadatiart T «)^.* ^ « aadaa4_ llasMMMritMS MnadeXI. D. Jennings • sssssss esssIn y e tte . (paredd ftfor this “ ■ purpoee. and ■ remarking...... that, ■ariwri U mE m i sIm, IU U rf tm deisig Mk Roftlaod ...... Rlohlaad. only three months old, dead In bed. The Ana she mniight ig l have added thpt his bead CaWsgs. ri MunatTB^ oadV IS offleers. In spite■pite of sage advloe,advli wwill m arry ■ pa*. I elw^ paintim ri «I. T*y Ti ffdht any ^BrBjmionds ...... Clay. child bad not been sick, and the afBicted pa­ ind have famflies, they ought to Se prorids3 was a veryry irinteresthig piece of wood- __ REDDINO ft CO- WJlUnm Dptak* ...... G raw toid. *or Id the b est m an n er poeslblo .P«fttth«.n4 IIaaalMt«w\IIaaalMtafw\ tiltl Bneiwv.Hea tmh. 1 Otiutwsoo Cutfk...... Jasper. rents ''oldd not surotiee the cause of death. work. —Detroii Free fress. 1^1 ■ J i

. .a. r- ■ir.V',' m : HOVE, w k n m AifD UASinii. -^014 Maggla Parker waa a GhMto- A IMP PSMISF Wmrom *T— ■ nati beggar. She got food ip It fe not always that the world aeknovledgw —'Lemons may be kei^t fresh for a what Is right and bMt: bat SngDoOX Blood from restaaranto, and did n o tso o m BimDS, oy uBivsnal scqulescenps, have bedn MASON & HAMLIN long time in a Jai^ of water, ohanging eettalBly V 9^ awopdsd tbe premiam for elMnsug the blood, J so ' ' ■ the water erery morning; Ag lodlgostlon, eoMtlpatloo, rofulatlng reaS '.•'^'Boote -estend m uch further than S jOswsli^ and toatog op wsaknems. Price |L Stay . he supposed. Strawberry roote the aite was needed she scoured another sotblsmsC sss«kD with Its jra i^ outward five* feet: onloni, from free hovel, and implored a poor team­ «s the jarlkDt sigh of the •sitorM six to nine, and trees send ontroots toa ster to move her scant elfeote. He de- "swaHow-i ' IMroa Ask diftanoe often as great ae thirty feet—^ & fli 4 ( 0 $60 aud ap. i% eJsrt*r< rn llF tb MT laali i hg a n t other ergoM. Ak Indianapolis Journal. IilutrMed QuilociM to sUack tbe dlsoMe, both Internally, throofik eom* Among ell of the field crops which Opqhing the blood, IS^ extamally. tbroagh tbe tbf*nuanfarara of ebsorbente, end is tbe only reliable and _ it Q r a a i rtsiisea, the farmer grow s there are few if any he found bags oontainW about $6,000 ______uelng Important Im- that affonl a more certain profit than in gold and silver. Ha declined to rational mode of ireetment These preper*- Ing to power aod boauty of tone aad tlone ere only pat qp mr general nte after ‘ ‘ rauira tuning one-guarter ae winter rye, whether it be sown for the floien the job without pay.. having been osm by the:the Doctor In his private grain and straw or fpr a green crop to praotioepraotlM for yeers, with Qta1 greateet suoeeas. feed stock in May. jEo fact it is good —£sthetio8 is tbps well defined: The end they fnlly merit" Ibe plants as Hops, Bnobu, Mandrake, Dandelion, shake off his letharjty.-.festoia TnuucripL Ao., make so many and snch marvelons and The' Osrflingr Oil AlmsiiMe for 1888 ^ ih o C h a t t f should be sown; but if wanted for home wonderful cures as Hop Bitters dot It must KIDNEY-WORT •oat, SwoH^ use a mixture with olover is no detri­ Aw exchange wants to know “Wbst are be, for when old snd yonng, rich and poor, Is now in tbe hands of our printer, sad m ent. —Exchange, oar young men coming tot" Coming to see Pastor and Doctor, Lawyer and Editor, all be ready for distributliin during the mon< urns and our girls, of course. —Chicago IS-ibune. of November and December. 1882. ^^The ' —An excellent sweet-potato pudding testify to having been cared by them, we inonao fo r th e com ing y ear will bo m ore 3odHy mast oelleTS and doubt no longer. See other ful and instructive tilan ever, and wOl be is made of one pound of mealy sweet CxBTAniLT an elegant remedy for all aebes column.—Post. CANCER sen t fre e to any address. W rite fur,one. potatoes, one-half oup of butter, three- and pains Is St. Jacoba Oil, says Dr. J. Tur­ r a i ' X ’ Z ’Z’ T rfZ ’ Hi Ask the Nearest Dmgflst. vhe, Frosiod quarters of a cup of white sugar, one ner, of Shlrrell’s Ford, N. 0., In the Ravena- New method of making tooth-powder: r Esulilishi-tl, <1171; Int.-orpurnU'd. If the dealers In your place do not tablespoonful of cinnamon,one teaspoon- wood (W. Va.) N nw . Grind your teeth. Patent nnapplled for.— U ^ C ■ A ISm For the Cure of CuBcere, all other TTKe Judge. ______Tuasers, Dleers, Scrotaia Merchant’s Gargling Oil for sale, inaiatw fnl of nutmeg, four eggs, the whited and ______ILL.. and Bxin Diheasbs, without the their sending to us, or where they get tnelc )es. Tax Rev. Penstock aroae in his nsnal grace­ use ui kune or lohs or blood, and little pain For medlclnee, and’ get it. Keep ttie bottte well U 8r. J aoom O n yelks beaten separately, aud one lemon. ful manner and announced that he was In FARiCBBa, teamsters, don’t experiment, bat INFORMSTION. OiaCl'LABS AND xarKRiNcrs. oddn'ss corked, and shake It before using. Yellow c h e a p Kzttnial Farboil the potatoes and grate them receipt ot several private letters suggesting use Frazer Axle Grease. It is the best. DJi. F. I- PONH, Aas'ont, Kwoe Oo., III. wrapper for animal aud white for human ibe eonpantlTcly fiestL very one tnfferinc when perfectly cold; rub. the butter that the Lime-Kiln Club form Itself into a military organization and be prepared to rush T h e man who sclasors off coupons la the Special Notice. ■tUT* fcoot o t It* and sugar to a cream; add the yelks, genuine revenue cutter. to the defense of Ita county In time of peiiL The Merchant's^ Gargling Oil has been In 1 the spice, and lemon; beat the potato The Idea struck him as 16z^ and be hoped F or thick HEAD8 ,beavy stomachs, bliiotunesB, use as a liniment for half a cen tu ry . All wO in gradually until light, then stir in that it would prevail. “In case of slch an ask Is a fair trial, but be sure and fq^low ‘di­ &VD DEALEIUI “Wells’ Mky Apple Pills," cathartic. 10 sn d 25c. A simple, sura aad donble ■VJsicii.Aai-Fstaow the whites of the eggs, and bake in a organiaishun have we de right man for a XoCsTA'TTACSiSIBNrr. It eul be rradlly attaebed to rections. __ deep dish.—N. Y. Jost. KurneVt" asked the President. “I—I—that any lock and securelx taeteos the door so tieaB eet iw The Gargling Oil and Mercbant’a Worm T he first case of black male—Ham.—P y B. F. Baker, In my lung as big as a half dollar. At one time JUDDOO., 7M Broadway. Mew York fleece and flesh. But what, outside of a report went around that I was dead. I gave ' t^And, while prepared In oil, is so compoond- atas. > The N ew Tot, by Alfred L. Sewell, Chicago, ed that It Is impossible for It to become rondd. food pur;K)scs—and not a few races of ^ hope, but a friend told me of Dr. W ilxiah icaaro. III. delights all children, and Is harmless. Send { ^ b e w a r e of all imltattons, and ot aU B all’s Bausau for the Longs. I g ot a b o t­ t.t B oston. people would not make this exception— him ten cents for one. Circulars sent free. other oil colors, for they are liable to become do we not expect of the horseP For tle, when to my surprise, 1 commenced to feel ^rsurddand spoil the hatter. better, and to-day 1 feel better than for three Do NOT buy and usb Wise’s Axle Grease, I tWU you cannot get the “Improved" write us work or lor pleas ire be is the (]uick, years past. to know where and how to get it without extra ready, willing, intelligent and capaole unless you want tbe very best. texpense. (N) W h en a Boston young lady wishes to ex­ PARSONS’ PUROATIVE PILLS New Rich HKLL8, BICHAHD80.V A CO., BatVaclaa, Tt, servant of the human race. He enters B est T russ Ever U sed.—Send for circnlars. Blood, and will completely change the blood In the en­ I ^ s ^ s ^ 1 ^ 1 ^ samiiraitims. press that she has tiie “blues,’’ she simply Elastic Truss Co., 744 Broadway, New York. tire system In three montbs Any person who will take with most cheerfulaess into the hardest remarks: “ I have azure distemper.’’ 1 pill each night from 1 to I S weeks may be restored ARY of labor, carries man's heSvv burdens, to sonpdhcalth, If such a thiug be posalbfe. Sold ev­ A X.ea gnst PublUhed—the finest Plnno and Organ Ohta-- tbe sanitary devices of the Board of Health. prtBy ahawiBg quick Sales aod Isrcs alike snbserviewt to child and adult, to rroflt% free. No FrHght or BtswLng lognes ever issued. Contain valuable information far the gentler or to the sterner sex, refus­ THE BIG FOUR. ohurgoa $• Agonia. Addrssi at sosa those Intending to bur. Special prioea and terms gives, OQCD aad aawttt torrltor/ free. when desired. Old mstruraents taken In exchanga. ing DO service which his herculean THE MABKET8. Ostalogues mailed free. Send your name. They are represented by more people, hsve more J. S. SHEPARD A CO., SEED’S 'TESfPI.E OF IKITBIO, strength will enable him to perform. CINCINNATI. O. 184 Stiate Sts-cet, niesmea- lultural N ew T o b k , N o v o m l. li, 18S •abjeota, call ofiener, stay loncer, aad yet are the The breeding of horses has, perhaps, L IV E S T O C K -C atU e...... »8 60 1112 60 moat onweloome gaetu yon can have on your list of received more thought and unremitting S heep...... 4 00 i 6 80 Tliltors. Sawing Made Easy. f Amirica...... ■( 6 60 I ThisN.YsSlnt$r,$20 study tiisn any other class of stock, and 7 16 The New Improved With t t set of Attamniente Frew lN Q B E S T ! PLOUfi—Good to Cholco...... 4 60 i 7 60 Tbe first of this predona qaaitette of naweleome Warranted perfecL Light running, the result is that there are breeds, ___ P a te n ts...... « 76 ! 8 60 lONARCH LIGHTNIN6 quiet, handaome and durable. SenX strains and fapiifies perfectly adapted to WHEAT-No. * Red ...... 1 0754( foeats glrea yon an excrnrlaUnf keadaohe e r a to on teat trial-plan when desired, lOOM ssapry Homm Orgawsa 4 seta d THB PBAIBIB every special use. The draught horse, No. 2 Spring...'...... 100 1 1 09ii think of him. CORN—N o.*...... 84, ( la the cheapeet and heet. Reeds, 12 stops. Meebanteu Suh. 1st. 1881 for tLCO, the general purpose horse, the harness The second takes away yonr appetite, debilitates \ A boy sixteen years old Baas, oetave> coup'coupler, t knee sweJlSL oenta.. OATS—Western Mixed...... 38 1 can saw logsAtsI and easy. withtSaloolkilVuiatl Book, only sia eat free. Address horse, the driver, the saddler, the trot­ R Y E ...... 68 < yoor ajrstem, glrea yon a tallow ooaplezJoa, and ___ Sent on test trial. Send Also sent onn ’ted trial .plan Itds-___ PO R K —Mess...... 22 26 1 posul for niostratedstrated OataloiOatalogue containing testjmon- sired. Elegant case, magnlfiosat-. 0 . , Ohioayo, 111. ter, the runner—have all been bred to LA RD —Steam ...... 12 60 < makea yon truly mlaerable geaerally. nials and full particulars. , A G EN T S W A N T S ^ tone, durable inside and ooL Cir. Eonaich Lightningbtins Saw Oo., 188 Randolph Bt, OUeogs. eular.withte8Umonials,free. Aak Id fashionable exactly till the bill required of them. CHEESE ...... 6 < Tbe third bestows apon yon a lega^ o f ikla ernp- O.Paynu A Oo. 47 Third av.ChIcagU. Is it any wonder that in such a creat­ WOOL—Domestic...... 32 ( Uons, and disordered secretlona, conatipatton a ^ icdlea are rapidly RTEXm akAW CHICAGO. other Irregularities too nnmeroua to aaention. NtariaM Mwsti Mg ground before ure man finds his best friend in all the BEBVES-Extra ...... f6 60 ( ta 76 IPIES SL IHITE adranee of this brute creationP Ts it etrange that the Oholoe...... a 00 i 6 60 Tbe forth takes forcible possession of yonr peace I ONLY Book afthsU ndl •Hroewyie*. Sarll qaerlng speblfle, G ood...... 6 26 C 5 76 of mind a>.:f health of body, and makea yon a p^ect tendereSt regard thus frequently springs INFW PDITION a history of every AdmlnU- old fashioned M odium ...... 4 60 < 6 00 martyr to his tyrannical onjost government. He cat>a tration from Washington to tha .•aiaiapB or fllTer. LAalmSIUTl up between master and servant? In­ Butcher's Stock...... 2 75 < » In regard to de> 4 00 tbe climax, and what little the others have left be roba I present ume, witn over SO Steel Portraita of Ladies Ion as a means of deed the man who regards, his horse Stock Cattle ...... 2 76 ( 3 76 I of the White Honsa,w1th views of maiv of the Homes THAT AND NOT HOGS—Live—Good to Choloo e 00 < 7 40 yon of t yon cannot eat wlthont fear and trembling, and ■of the Prealdente. This la the most salable book pnb- ^ ANY WkTCH 1, hays been qnita with qther than kiqjily feelings is un­ iltahed. Agenta Wanted—Send for drculars, with WKlUt OUT. worthy of the name.—Pittsburgh Stock­ S H E E P ...... 2 76 (1 4 75 sleep becomes a stranger to your eyea. I particulars, to r Wdchmakera . By mau, ‘/SotsTOirenUm Isded by the sne- BUITER—Ch^merv ...... M I 60 ng PtctorialBuuks and DIMra Prices ladugwl- ■ITTCIm Bnko Inquiiy In two forms; “What is the av- fS M U S I C nperoenL NATlo.NALrPonLiSHilioOo.. dUtidMlB. •rsgp number of death#) in your oomr ■ •iAOT-tlBBR^ ” - LONOFE1.LOW) CALENDARS ^jtsostSOI CA^PPdiE—.^Rost, . . . . . , 4 - . . t * Sif 76 .4 td.29^' AND 1 poa les^PyLlyil* # m u n e ih .Baob y ear?” and “ ilo w many 'F a ir te Cteod...... 4 OQ < E M E R S O N ) deaths probable during a single HOGS—Yorkers...... 6w < 1 8 8 8 . ting for L------Phiiadelphlaa...... 7 80 4 Tha former baa a dapllal POfliail and a vie w of Lesig- to handle during year in your Sloet of the S H K B P -B est...... 4 26 < BOXES fellow's home: the latter a view of Kmeraon’s home. b a n d : T r e n ^ t ' nformatlon free. answers .^ rp satisfao ory, but onePres- Both an admirably designed, printed in rich and OtadLssaU, Mlts' ARE THE BEST. tastaful colors, with rholee niections forcMh day, — A. N. K.-A. ' «0Q .ident wrote back; “Evoiy one dies here the mwt deeinble calendars ever prodneed In Aiaar- I Osbrad tWsvtsfr CATTLE-Best...... f6 75 i bo 26 are the onl ones that are se'M by flrst-elssaa ■ W a n a i Telsgraphy ait$8 tatlaa Agents’ tad Massstallastwo who caijqot help it.” and imotheri “Ths MMlun)!...... ' 8 8754« or ^nd • oants.fpr Isfc f 1 saeh. Sold by booksellers. Sent, poat-pahl, I absL lbs brgs Bsw I . nndeislgDed Ortavorstcher cannot pro* - ... »Si"L. I db OOb. * 0 0 SSI raoeipt of price by the publlabsn, UdOoUTOM. L t An N —itoaiM ^ ij * *^“*^ > ^ bsrio end aeed^j W est, N ew ^ r l t m if U ir A 0 0 .. 4 Fask fo a a .. Boatoii, Mabk Taylor, Mgr. Vy-^ ims sf ta# vary lacTs- vdht anybody' irom dying.*' BHRSP—Poor toO koide...... : fl 00 < oUsfA RRDDINO a CO- tNad«ty,.Vfw Tasks!

m . ------d' ■ ’A'-,' . ' fS.'/ 'hi a . * -j' -. ie.f. i ■ . 1 . ■ ,1.\’ 4. . i*. I.’. .1 . V*.-. V i’ • e J‘ ■■ 7 • > s. ‘TL~ Q m ■ '•

W :!6 l<« t,'ir*' TBklMH liBATB OHATHWORTH AH 0utmtrtk Sbrndtskf, P O U s O W H . E K SAiras, ( ij'i - » _ W M .L .A F UU01J4U 0 1 BAST '’ 1'' Pnasengw 19 to s .a .. OBALBH I3T Paso«gi*r Train.... « i^W R D A .T . MOVBMBBR 18. 1888. Wsiirfrnigii ‘ 5..T aoutt.mfl onrjj. . QUINQ w m t. ■ BE. e. TEWE, Passeogsi llrntn,,,,*,^. ^ ...... M 4«p. in PasssngerTralu...... :’ ...... 3 |Ua. m O A o i a O w w r * Am OM F rIe M . MEDICINES, PAINTS, Way Freight*....* 0-0 . .iHMV-n...... 9 ottg, ny He WM eflHoied «vltb m Ume beck end 1LLlNUl-i0BMyRAL«H>lHaitOUrU; ' H. U. BAN08' te tia tSOBl m'terel de^illly; hu wee reo«iiiunended assMoger Train...... ssflp .m . OHAT8WORTH, BUUNOTS ■, ^ O M A i' Kolbctbic O il which cured biro » 7 flllxed**,.. —... 1* ■*..**** 1 >0 p. m. GOING NORTH. . i V O L U l et oeoe.^’ ThU fero>>ue epeolHc U e paeitlee ntsseDgerTraiu...,...... S M s .m remedy fur bodily pein. Dye Stuffs, M ixed. >. * • * ...... * ******.* ****•*.... fl flr p. m. B r. BjriMgt9M, . falM of fefeUMee. SOAPS, . I ’ f VIM 1 ■ . . 'I ’ 91 W b lliU l rneogr general re> O S nw iii «poo TenooB topioe in the latter- ^ ► s AmaoanceiuniitB, ^ If paid In > Y B 1 7 E I F A D (Q a n n u m . dl(r nook books ol which the nnmber is fiQ Methodist E pisoopal Church. Ser­ U. H. HALL'S STOBXV ; Al le g to n , sad neerly sll worth the money vices every Sabbath al 11 a . m. and 7 p. M.' Loeat' bUBl tbfjr <* to [DRUGS the services. W. F. W ilson Pastor. ly. Baptist t'ucKCu. Prenching Subbaih heslth simI happiness: 8A1CTJ2L T. rOSDIOS. • , o o O morning und evening. Sabbsth schoolafter (tMWMtrtsPssdiski WtlltM.) AqStfSgua u a strong dinretio, and -G L A d ri - meeting. Prayer meeiing Wednesday ev’g. focins part of the onre fur rheomatio pa­ R ev . Charles Eo e, Pastor. —Lumber tients at saoh health redorls as Aix-lee- o P kbbbytbuian Cuurcu bsbbath amammmaiLii Bains. Sorrel is cooling, and forms the scImioI every Sabbath at 12 o’clock. Ohatsworth, • IIIb,' —Try the Office. staple of that sonpe aux herbes which a E vknublical Church Services at 8 w ill practice in Livingston and adjoining French lady will order for herself after PDTTY. p. ni Sabbath School at 1:80 p m. oonntles. All legal buatnesa Intrusted to my — a lon^ and tiring jonrney. Oarrots, as Preaching in the evening at7;80p. m, D. oare will reeelve prompt attention. H . H all’s. oontaming a ' qnautity of sagar, are E F kur, Pastor. H - M r . 8. sToided by some people, while others A . 2 s d : : p s , Catholic Ch urch . Daily Masa,yit 8 Cullniu on U -tunplain of them as indigestible. With o’clock; Sunday High Mass and Serinon al regard to the latter accusation, it may R A S II o’clock; Catechism for children at 2:80 T H O S . S CURRAN —Yarns, be remarked in passing that it is the o'clock; Vespers, InstrucUon and Bene­ BROS * C< diction al 8 o'clock. yellow core of the earrot that is difficult — A N D — P o l i c e M a g i s t r a t e —Mrs. M. of digeetiuu—the outer, a red layer, is R ev. W m . v. d . H aoen. German E vangelic Lutheran Church AND Birawn, vis tender enough. In Savoy, th» peasants week. have recourse to an infusion of oarrots as (OhJLIRJDIHJJSr S IE DS. Services every alternate Sabbath. Sabbath school every Sabbath at 1 30 i*. m. Collecliii Aunt- a specific for jaundice. The large sweet —The plat C GIST’S SUIT * H Stabhlino, Pastor. Special attention paid to colleotlng notea Office. onion is very rich in those alkaline ele­ A. F and A. M., Chatsworih Lodge, • and smoonnta. ments which counteract the poison of No. 580 Meets in Mrs. Crane’s hall CHATSWORTH. - ILLINOIS. —Corn 60( rhenmatio gout. If slowly stewed in on Ihe first and third Friday evenings Timothy ee weak broth, and eaten with a little at 7:80 p. m ., of each month The craft |i8 00; panic Nepanl pepper, it will lie found to be is invited to attend, -R e v . Th an admirable article of diet fur patients L. C. Spik cher, W. M. Kentucky, is of studious and sedentary habits. O. H. Stafford, Sect. 0. H. BBIGHAH Hagen, this < The -stalks of caulillower have the .Memifactiirei oi I. O O F., Cliatsworth l.odge N o 889. —If the mt same sort of value, only too often the Meets every Monday evening In Shroyer’s Ij E I^ T Z S T from tlie bill stalks of a oanlitlower are so ill-boiled hull. Visiting Brothers are invited to will be no qu D EALER IN H U G O I E S , All Work Warranted. and unpalatable that few persons would attend. —Old Jum J. W. Or r , N . Q. thank you for proposing to them to make A 4 Inn AfliDt at the Post 0 a part of their meal consist of so uninvit­ —A iniicrt Light Wagons, &c. U A O. D William Tell Grove No. Office over H. M. Bangs’ Drug Storei ing an article. Tumipe, in the same way, 54. Meets at Heppe’s Hall Qverv Wednes­ for aasaull ai are often thought to be indigestible, day evening. Visiting Brotliers are invit­ the sum of | and better snited for cows and sheep ’Bqulre Esly FOR ed to attend. than for delicate people; but here the Horse Shoeing a Specialty. J ohn Brow n, N. A. - — Higliest 1 fault lies with the cook quite as much as F. Sthuckmeykr, Sec. B. I. rUMPELLY times at M. I with the root. The cook boils the turnip I^trst- Class —Mr. Chi badly and then pours some butter over LADIES HDEISr T I S T s • Fred, former it, and the eater of such a dish is sure to P E t & W W O t t K . Office over E. A. Bangs’ store. shaking ham be the worse for ik Try a better way. V isits upon our sire Half boil yonr turnip, and out it in slioes —Largest s rder, < fILLUli COILINS, MS1ET0& residence iu I ootio action, of which a Freuch old aiiytliiiiK irom ilie finest French calf u> | iy8 repted: k nuiUou al $50 state the lettnces are all wasted, and so (luiivors to |,lease you. . B 2 s r : E l K . blood. is the ground in which thej are grown. OulriK South lloiliS ^*9 P CHATSWORTH ILL. —Mr. J. B. and VV'pnt. all 1 f***' Sixtisfaction G naranteed. Daily pxc'i Siiuduy Collections Made at Lowest Ratek on Friday, v Some Rich Actors. axc’l ^'lU'lilJf directors of Hi .dixed Fms. la* y"x..l i 9sMrtl Btikiig Buiim Tniuetel . There are very few rich doctors and N'd. 7 No, 6 8t itiune \ii^ 5 r. J 8 this place to i 4 25 p III t j li|pa((*i • 1(1 00 am tlie ground. fewer rich actors. John Ovens was rich. ^ 15 a in tK«iik,kre U) 111 30 pm He made his money by saving and lost 9 40 tOllo ]o (9 BOBSBT BUKBOLE. — Renuimbe it in speculation. Joe Jefferson made a 10 10 11 r w 1II » 3() headquarters 1 10 45 tllernher » 00 fortune by saving. He rarely spends 11 lo tBiickiiif(hniii 8 — An engin anything, and mure rarely gives. Ed­ 11 :U rv H b) GENERAL INSURANCE A6ENTI near the west i 1*2 DO p ni BFo win Booth is coining money. He had 3(1 I, * f Kempion 6 08 a iii7 47 in I his city cat CHATS WORTH, ILL. gigantic inajei much at one time, sunk it, with more 9 (HI Kemptoii .1 unc. I' O.*) 7 39 belonging to his friends, went into bank­ R (Kl ttbilliiiii I am agentfortbe HOME,of N . Y ., H ART- its proper beai ruptcy, to the grief of his creditors, re­ !• 2-T (biHrl'itti* FORD, of Conn., CONTINENTAL, Ol Ji. Y„ — Finest sel< 9 ;!« t<'h»(Bworlli AMERICAN CENTRAL, of St. Loula.Mo. began to work and save, and is now bold­ U 4(1 C' iriiiiton and the W ASHINOTON LIFE, ol N. Y. Call Fruits at boito ing on to every dollar with the grip of Id (IU fKI.k on me and 1 will write you up a policy at the —A new aas Id 13 tKii.nltlir lowest possible rates. 1 am also agent for avarice. Charles B. Thorne, through 10 17 Ct«|it«y SIdiiie the old reliable jBtna Insurance Oompany> juil received a the death of his wife’s father, will enjoy 19 'i9 I A nchnr —The East( I the income of a handsome estate, about i l 10 -15 c III tCnlfax 4 30 It 4 40 |> m zling their br I V $400,000, I hear. Bubson, having found Vo. .S liaa (liriiiii;li roach from 0liica|(O. No. (i lm> footprints disc a masooHe in tlie person of William H. tlirtMifh ’oaclf to Ohirago. JOSXTF. HAXTSS2T a Chicago gii Orane, bas made and kept a small fort- tT6l«i{rapIi3t«tloii A . V. OSBORN Agei.t. 1 without exciiii Inne. McKee Rankin and bis wife have Clmteworth A T T H E —The cclebi solid fonndation. Maggie Mitchell l a r s a p a ! ! in the market 1 land Lutta Crabtree are well off. The A CO. Iroports of Mary Anderson’s money are o n r b a k e b .v -M r. T. J. Isxaggerated. 8)ie wrill have a fortune in Is .a I'oinpound of the virtues of sarsaparil­ leading husine la, Klillinp'iii, niandraUe, yelU)\v dui!k, witli Keeps Fre«h BREAD, PIES,-CAKES, al Saturday on lame it she “avvs tier cash, but she hasn't file iodidi- of |iotasli and iron, all jKiwerful kinds of Fruits, and a small line of It yet. L--.fer Wallack will not cut up hloo. ences of medicine and chemistry have never leave Clienna as follows : \9hiladei3tf *11 )>rodnccd so vninalile a remetly, nor one so UOINO .NORTH. —McDonald potent to < n* all di.scases resulting from ). 1. Express Mall (except Hiindav) 3 2d p tn- Cures Rheumatism, Lum­ Pattison; Clev< impure liloisl. It clings Scrofula ami 3, l.lKlUning Express (dally) 3 -2Aa.ra­ and Butler; M« Riding on a Cloud-Burst. all scrofulous tllsenses, F'rysipelus, ft, Pen ver ExpresM •• lo -27 bago. Lame Back, Sprains and 7. Kail City * Bi. L. Ex. “ ' 3 4o C. A. WILSON & GO. and Randall—t I A. 8. Holley, while buntiug on Squaw Rose, or St. Anthony’s Fire, Pimples 13. Htock Express " 8 in p m Bruises, Asthma, Catarrhs merous Presldi I keek butte, Indian Territory, encouu- niid Face-griihs, Pustules, Blotches, 31. Way krelghtiexcept Bunday) 9 3ua in. Boils, ,Tiiiiiors, Tetter, Humors, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, ed by Democri Inred a cloud-burst torrent. He was in tJOl.NG HOUTH. Suit Rlifftiin, Scald-head, Ring-worm, D iphtheria, Bums, Frost —Jno. Walt( gulch, beard the warning, saw a Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, M ercurial No. 2, E x p re ss .Mall (ex cep t -(UDdBy) 1 03 p.ni- ;Dolrauns chea liighty wave of water rolling down five 4. Lightning Express (dally) 12 63 a in Bites, Tooth, Ear, and Head­ SneoesHorsto the Bank of Cbatewortb . Disease, Neuralgia, Female Weak­ 6, Deliver Express •• 4 4o p m- ‘town. l«t in depth, and attempted to eeoape; nesses and Irregularities, Jaundice, 8, Kan. City Jt a t. L. E x. •• 4 80 a ra- ache, and all pains and aches. a n A.’TSrW O H a?!!. IliX . - —Com e in i I at before he could get out of the raloh AfTectioiis of the Liver, Dyspepsia, 18, Kansas Freight (ex. .Monday) 6 loa.m. Priuts just r lie wall of water struck him ana took Fmaciation, and General Debility. 82, W ay K re lg h tie x c e p t H uuday) 2 lOp m. Tli« b««t internal and cisternal remedy la tha Palace Reclining idialr ( ars iree of extra A Co.’s. I'm down about a mile^ smd Anally By its searching and cleansing (pialitien world. Every bottle (guaranteed. Sold by medkine it purges ont the. foul corruptions which charge, and Pullman Palace Bleeping oars A BiunI Buinii Truiuttd. |trew him on some biusti m an onqon- are run in all trains lo Kansas City, 8t dealers everywhere. Directions In eight languages. —Two CoDgi coiit.ainiiinte the IiUkmI and can.se deraiige- Money Loaned on Real Estate |iona oondition. When he came to it Louis and Chicago. Price $o cents and $■.<«. already started inent and decay. It stimulates ami euliveiis Palace Dining cars. Meals76 cents. Spaolal •(t•otio(l glTea to the Ml# 6 f Real Cctat* chartered siea |ia dark, and he was compelled .to re- the vital functions, iiroiuotes energy and This Is the very best route, and gives FO«TER, MILBURN & CO., Prop’rt, Pertlee wDhinir to rtlipoec of eaa>e will End It t<> enough on the i jkln ont all night He got home next strength, restores and preserves health, and passengers superior accommodations to any tbeir intereit to place it in oar handt foradvertlee* BUFFALO. N. Y.. U. 8 . A. for a few mi ] j in a very demoralized condition. A infuses new life and vigor thronghont the other line. (nent. whole system. No siiflerer from any dis­ It Is the leading line to Kansas, Colorado, .expenses so Ion j-avily-ehaiv^ cloud had come in con- New Mexico Arizona, California, and other ease which arises from imimrity of tlie Hold In CbaUworth by E. A. Bangs. —An elegar 1M with the butte, and, bursting, blood need de-spair who will give Avea's western and southern stales, and through lured ita acoumolateu waters out Mr. coupon tickets to all points east, west, north, Neck Wear ’ 8 aK8AI>aui(.la a fair trial. and south are for safe at lowest rates, and 'Bros. A,Co.’s. I^ y ia the only man who ever had It is folly to experiment with the niimer- full Information can be had by applying to C. aiTlTTHEE, IA an adventure and lived to tell it ous low-priced-nricetl mixtures,mixt of cheap materials. W FL MERRILL aen’l% pt. ... --T he. altei I. H. COPELAND, Ticket Agt. C AAR. R.'. rat he eaoiqped as he did is miraculous. and witnont iiiedicinal virtiiHs, offered as Dealer in and Mannraotnreref!' < which ha^e bee biood-puritlers, while disease becomes more Chenoa, Ul. Cburob p r^ri [Boise Democrat. A. M. r i c h a RD.S, ptv.Supt,, Bloomington. . ~'a' firmly seated. A vkk’s SAitsArAKiLLA is a number of hlti ineilicine of such concentrate*! curative which will bo I > rs)BTUBU-FiUiO of 400,000 acres in |K)wer, that It is by far the liest, cheapest, coming lo fro Ikaa is the property of one man. The and most reliable blootl-piirifier known. PATENTS H a m o s s & S a d d les ! .vicea, aa It affor lipe aummuding it ia made of 600,000 Physicians know Its coiniw sition, and pre.- I ■ B lfB IA . A.TIIOMAS. Hf.nnnd Balldlng. jjjte^tlnne to act MSoUdtors fiirFstaD^ Bcribe it. It lias been wklely use*l for forty I H H l l 11 Id^sihlngtiiO, n. C., Prsotioes befors Marks, CopyrtghU, etc., for the United Btatea, - for their teams i of pnsta and w tona of wirai years, and has won tlic nui]iialit1ed coutl- I U l w l l G k * United 8-stet Ueueral Lsiid Ouada, Cnbe, Eoglaiid, m n o e, Gernumy, etc. We Collars, It hips,, Bridles, d e . —Ah extra fl ileiiue of millions whom it lias benefited. ■ a I I I BIw |OHoe. Uooleeted esaei, prirsle Issd have bad ulrsr*S v« yeMrsP experfence. Velvet Frames nlsim«, DiliilDg, pre-emption end. homeetesd sseet PatentaoMained ttirouflh us ara noUeed In the SOI- Cl ■ air may be m ad e to take on its proeismted iMfure the Oepsrtment of the Interior k m n o Amemoan. ...Thia largv anil aplendld illus­ cash.' Call,and pplorabd beauty by the use o.' Prepared by D r. J . C . A y e r & C o ., AudSnpremeOonrt; nod ell cls«eee of olelme be. trated weeklypaper, f ••SOaysar,«KnrsUie ProgreH Practical and Analytical Chemists. fore the Ixeentlre Depertaente Speciel ettentlon of Soimoe, intefeatthg, aa<) haa an enormous BEPAiEiHG PEOIFfir EIECDTEI) ble SioilisD Hair Reoewer, giTen to tn|ea-elte osne*. Lend warrsota, home- elnalj Adifress NUNN AOO.,- Patent Bottet- ■fl\ . ittop for the hair known to Lowell, Mass. H'aad floats, nod sll kinds of lend serip bought and tot*. Bonmrmo amkmoan, 87 Park Bow Allwork wairaaMd tabaof tba very beet oiaterial I and ohemlstry. SOLO BY ALL UMUUUISTS BVBHYWaSnS. sold. New Hand book about Pateats free. oraoabarga. Oomaaadtaa ■aaadaavFaiaaar. •>. ’ •.S ' ' . D.v K ^ ___ >.-^H 'V ’ 1 . 4.:‘ •; •’ : "fciSil (•.'> • a ,♦ r • or D'^'j

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