A.M.Rmiisni, Town
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0 D BU SIN ESf ' t. /-‘■fC j ‘ y - * n u B . W BUa BTOBZ 1 L L lif O I S .. ’ ■> TITBLISHB1> B YB B r SA TV B im r, B T J A S . A i -t-a- d r i a n J ' V O L tT M B X. OHATSWOBTH, ILLINOIS, SATUBDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18,1862. N O M B B R 4 . i . it , ' *f :v< i f STOBB’ ' to exclaim: "Graoioua—I wkbed I was lo lyOSO Aeres of Lnnfi for (Ule* IL L IN 0 1 8 heaven1" We have decided to offer for sale our aUBaORlKTION ItATHS. —The nobbiest lot of soft and bard hats _____ ‘ If PAM III I MonUu n A) I O(b*rwlM0S.4X> per farm near Obatswortb, ooutslnlog nioeteeo AMIGT Mmam. <i’\ . ever brought to Chatsworth at YOUNG hundred and twenty acres, oumprlslng ▲nvSBTUMNO RATBB. BROS, k OO.’R. sections nine (8) sad alxtoen (10) aod tbs £1^ /-a. ‘ U Loeel boelneM nbiloce ten oente per line; west half of aactiODa ten (10) and fifteen ^•(r: EDICE, .. Itatee tot eundlnf ndda. ftirnlstaed on appil- —The I. O. Ry. company are progreas WiIUm.) ontton^ ALLndTaftlaeaieotenneooompeDiod ing slowly with the laving of track from (16). The land ia lo moat axoelleDt con i>y direotlona reatriotlng them will be kept Colfax toward Bloomington. Abont one dition, belng^largely in pasture sod timothy In nntll orderaA ont, nnd. otaerged eeoordlng< and one>balf milea of rails have thus far meadow. We will sell in lota (not leaa STOCK OF e io E iU iV »r. been placed. than forty acres) to suit parofaasers, pro - I l l s . —Now ia the time to buy Shawls, vided that such division does not InJure the 1 on and adjoining CHIPS. Blankets, etc. Jno. Walter is offering remainder. The terms will be: One third H ihtriiated to my •pedal Inducements to bis customers. of the purobase money cash in band, -the ten lion. - > -Lttmbei $17.00 «| $18.00. balaooe may remain ten years or longer, U R i e O O D S —The Catholic society have aecured the * —Try tb« "Daddy” Cigar at th« Pont lota upon which the Sain'l Patton residence at the option of the purchaser, bearing Ofliloa. now stauds; in the north part of town, and •even per cent, interest, payable anonally, —The widow Butler baa made a match will in due course of time erect suitable secured by mortgage uj^u the premisM at laat. •old. Tbe title is perfect, having been RRAN , bulldioga for a convent thereon. through but two persous from tbe —MIm Bmma Cline ia viaiUng with —Oysters and Mlnoed-meat from now friendajn Odell. ^ United States Government. For further A i C L O IN G , ISTRATE on can be found at my store. information apply to Mr. L. Curtis on tbe I * -LYarna, Yarna, Yams, at YOUNG J. L. DeLoog. farm south of, and adJoining, tbe village BROS. * 00.*8. —John Kelly does not pretend to be a of Obatswortb, Livingston county. III. HATS and CAPS, eiit. ' —Mr. W. W. Sears visited Chicago this attem of political perfection hiinaelf, but J. A E. Buoxinoham, ooMecting notes week .on business, Ee talks good sense when he says that if Chicago, III. H . —Mr. E. P. Fenn left for Chicago, bis the Democrats "use their power foolishly BOOTS and SHOES, ILLINOIS. future borne, Thursday momlog. orxsrimlnally, they will again become the Golden Wedding nt Emlngton. minority.’’ —The place f<» Cigars is at the Post Tbe people of Emlngton and vicini DRESS GOODS, *c. Ac. Office. —If you want an overooat go to Joo. ty Joined in honoring and celebrating —Miffe 8. G. Randall, a former teacher Walters, where you will And them by the an unusual event at the residence of I have the largest and best selected lAM in our ppbJio schools, was visiting here hundreds, and cheaper than ^er aold be Mr. and Mrs. John Fulton, on the stock of this week. fore. evening of Nov. 9th, and, notwith- ISO? Gnu. WANTKD—To do general bouse —Mr. Sam’l Watters has repaired and atanding the very inclement weather, wort. Inquire at the residence of J. A. put in good shape the Home for the alK>ut two hundred gathered to do g r a n t e d . * Smith. ^ Transgressor, Myers’ Hotel, the Little honor to the aged couple. After the House Around the Corner, the Rendezvous, friends had asaembled. Esq. Isaac —New com is bcgioniDg to move, and Tramps’ Retreat, Topers' Rest; we mean i t . Hoiison, in a pleasing and appropriate Goods we Dolioed several loads upon our streets the calaboose. this Week. st^e, proceeded with the ceremony, j’ Drug Store. —Young Bros. A Co. will sell you aim after fifty years’ Journeying Ever brought to Chatsworth which —Old Jumbo takes the lead Id Cigars, Broadbead Alpacas cheaper timn you hand in hand Mr. John Fulton, aged kt the Post Office, can buy them anywhere else in seventy-two, and Janqrhls^ wife, aged I am selling extremely cheap. —There has been 9,143 miles of new Livingston county. seventy-five, were once more united, rtllroad track laid in the United State* —Our oliT fnend, L. Lehman, of Eming- with the well wished and happy ILLY thus faf to 1 ^ . DO YOU WItNT too, and wife paid their old home. Chats- ctnigratulatinns of all present. After MY CLOTHIKG DEPAeiMENT : s T , —Higheetprice paid for Poultry at all y^ortb, a abort visit this week, sod of the ceremony all sat down to a times at M. Reislog's. LUMBER, igfj’ store. course Mr. Lehmao did not forget to call bountiful repast. Au important Is replete with a full line for the —Mr. .fobn W. Speer, wife and on oa among many. Come again, we are feature of the evening’-S pleasures was fall and winter trade. NAILS, daughter, left for a visit with friends in always glad to tee you. the presentation to the honored couple p.^dav of each Kansas ibis week. —Ad a No. 1 quarter section of land of a purse of gold as a token of esteem TlAXaTi»fBI PUMPS, - > —Largest stock of Hate and Capa in for Side at $40 per acre, 8 'A miles north from tlinae present MT. Win. Obatswortb at M. Reising's. west of Chatsworth. Inquire of D. J. Marvin, in a most happy and pleasing HEALTH PRE8ERYINQ WINDOWS, r r a n t e d —This sort of weather makes the Stanford, Chatsworth. manner, acted as spokesman. The CORSET. belated mosquito look almost as sick as a —A good photograph nicely framed Is evening was very pleasantly spent. Dancing and other amusements were By a novel airaagnaent of flna DOORS, defeated candidate. the best holiday present you can ' make. eoUed wire springs, which yleli) Come and sit for a negative soon as indulged in. the aged couple leading , * - T o n n B B r o s . 4L Ck>. are resdUytoerery movement of the BLINDS, OUSE. leaders of poplar prices in dress goods. possible, as the rush has already begun, off in the first dance. And when the wearer, the moat FJBIUnSCV and if you delay your work may not be party dispersed all Joined in moat ATIVTIMO andocafoitabls cor> —That Manitoba wave swooped down ready on time. A. H. Hall. liearty congratulations for the con set ever made Is secoied. LIME, rm iE io E upon ue Monday night and heavy wrap tinued health and happiues of the 0^1 pings were in demand. —Mr. B. I Pumpelly wm called by a ll^prem ifths BMtPkiilatMi, message Monday to the sick bed Of his truly hounred pair *0 Give it a trial and you «U)will SAND, y furnished. —The boys will And Old Judge sister, in Bloomington, who was reported iMwyuruiuEO r no other. For tala hr purticulara. Cigarettea for sale at the Poet Office. at the point of death. Mrs. Pumpelly Taxes for 1883. BRICK, —Genuine oil palm Inge for Sale at the received the ead intelligence of her slater- Tty the klndoess o l County Clerk Alvin ILLINOIS gallery. Nice for Christmas pdMe&M; in-law’s death on Thursday morning. Walt we are enabled lo print be CEMENT, , —Mr. 8. A. Sangsler, a former OMfiebaDt low a tabular statement of tbe taxes CHATSWORTH IL L E N O I8 to be extended on the collectors' books HAIR, IGS, of this place, was shaking bands with old f 'I ■ ■^1 friends upon our streets Tuesday. (••r the year 1882 with the rate levied for each purpooe. whioli will prove Interest BUILDING PAPER, : E :r —Remember that Young Bros. A Co. are headquarters for Cloaks and Dolmans. ing to our readers In tbe respective town ILL. ships named ; DRAIN TILE OR —Mr. James Csrney has sold bis farm ifAYErrrE. vin Charlotte township to Mr. T. O'Couor, ^^o?ves< R a te » 0 . state Tax........................................................ t .38 BARBED FENCE WIRE? ,'A| price paid per acre being $40. County Tax..........................................................26 c Tr»B«i«red —The vote on the 7tb ifis*. for Repre Town Tax...................................................... .m M —Fioest selection of California Canned sentatives in this, the 18(h Senatorial Ki.iid and Bridge Tax.......................................27 Fruits at bottom prices at M. Relsing’s. Reform School Bond Tax.................... 2.8 District, composed of Livingston and ■SclionI Tax, DJsl No I................... \............. .34 Watches, Clocks, aod Jewelry, BOLD. —Captain H. P. Turner was among the Ford counties, was as follows; M. School TilX, Ulat No. 2......................... 88 excursionists to Nebraska ..oh Tuesday Clary, 8,734J.