Test Centre Books Catalogue 12 Three collections: 1. cris cheek 2. Jeremy Adler 3. Clive Fencott Other sound, vision, and performance: 4-145 Will Shutes
[email protected] 07889948497 PLEASE NOTE NEW ADDRESS AND BANK DETAILS Test Centre Books 22 Beatrice Road Norwich NR1 4BB Items are offered subject to prior sale. Payment can be made by direct transfer, by cheque payable to Test Centre Books, or by PayPal to
[email protected] if fees are covered. We ask that payments from abroad are made in sterling, and cheques drawn on a UK bank, or they will be subject to a conversion charge. Postage is charged extra. New customers are asked to pay in advance. Images are available upon request. Natwest Account 28409132, s/c 60-24-77, TEST CENTRE BOOKS IBAN: GB20NWBK60247728409132 We are interested in buying items similar to our stock listed here, and in anything unusual not suggested by our catalogue. We specialise particularly in art and literature relating to the Mimeograph Revolution, the Beat Generation, and the counterculture, as well as underground fiction and poetry generally. We issue two catalogues per year, in April and October. 1. cris cheek £2750 ‘cris cheek is a documentary performance writer, sound composer and photographer. He worked alongside Bob Cobbing and Bill Griffiths with the Consortium of London Presses in the mid 1970s to run a thriving open access print shop for little press poets. In 1981 he co-founded a collective movement-based performance resource in the east end of London at Chisenhale Dance Space, working with choreographers, musicians and performance artists to make collaborations based in embodied movement.