Donau Durchbruch Fahr T

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Donau Durchbruch Fahr T Lindner r, Renate Renate r, 18 15 1 Bilder: Rainer Schneck, Schweige Dieter Anneliese Hanno Meier, VöF, Schweiger, By boat from Kelheim to the Monastery of Weltenburg Befreiungshalle In barca da Kelheim al monastero di Weltenburg 2 Kelheim Donau Anlegestelle 1 Klösterl 3 4 Kloster Weltenburg 5 7 Donaudurchbruch 6 Anlegestelle 18 11 9 8 12 10 17 16 15 13 14 Výletní lodí Weltenburg z Kelheimu ke klášteru Weltenburg 3 1 We are sailing on the Danube upstream to the Monastery of Welten- 11 The path along the righ-hand bank of the Danube reminds burg, this stretch is about 6 km long. Kelheim, which is a former ducal of towing. In former times, barges loaden with salt were pul- town of the dynasty of Wittelsbach, is now a district town with 16.500 led upstream by horses. The tow path ends at the „Long Wall“. To get the inhabitants. The landmark is Liberation Hall on top of the hill ahead of barges through the Gorge, a rope was tied to a bunch of straw, which was us. 2 As early as in 1925, the first motor-driven pleasure boat started thrown into the Danube beyond the Gorge, near the monastery. After floa- sailing between Kelheim and Weltenburg. In the course of time many of ting though the Gorge the rope was fastened to the barges. Horses wai- the rock formations got fairytale and fantasy names. E.g. the small rock ting near the monastery pulled the barges through the Gorge. The main on top of the big one on the right-hand side is called „Napoleon’s Suit- destinations of the salt were Ingolstadt and Ulm. 12 And now ahead of case“: Napoleon left it, as he was in such a hurry on his flight back to the ship: the Gorge, the narrowest and deepest part of the Danube on its France after being defeated in the Battle of Nations near Leipzig. 3 On course through Bavaria. The rocks are limestone going back to the Jurassic 4 6 the right-hand side: the „Klösterl“, a Franciscan hermitage of the 15th Period. They came into existence in a tropical sea about 180 million years century. It has a specialty: a rock-church, i.e. a natural cave in the limes- ago. The course of the Danube was further to the north in the bed of the tone forms the nave (three sides, ceiling and floor, so that only one wall Altmühl, the original Danube valley. It was many millions of years later towards the Danube had to be built) with well-kept frescos. 4 The rock that the Danube worked its way through these Jurassic limestone rocks on the left side is called „Affeckinger Stein“. It is followed by „the Cave of near Weltenburg. Thus the Gorge came into being – without any human the former Danube Pirates“. 5 On the right-hand side there is the „Bee- help, without blasting, just through the forces of nature. 13 The free- hive“ or „Hollow Stone“. Here you can see that the lower part of the rock standing rock on the left-hand side is the „Petrified Virgin“. 14 On the is almost white, it was the hight of „the flood of the century“ at Whits- same side ahead of us there are three round boulders in the water, called untide 1999. At that time the water level was about 5 m higher that at both „Stony Brothers“ and „Hostile Brothers“, because they will never get mean water level. 6 When you look backward, you have one of the most closer to each other. 15 Now we are in the Gorge. Here the river is only beautiful views of Liberation Hall, located on Michelsberg. It was built 80 m wide but - depending on the water level - up to 20 m deep. Thus it between 1842 and 1863 by order of King Ludwig I. of Bavaria, to comme- is the narrowest and deepest part of the Bavarian Danube. The flow ve- morate the Wars of Liberation from Napoleon, above all the Battle of Na- locity is, at mean water level, about 2.5 m per sec. The rock formation on tions near Leipzig. 7 On the right-hand side: Wipfelsfurt. This circular the right-hand side is the „Long Wall“. There are altogether 65 iron rings basin with a diameter of about 150 m was created about 15 million ye- fastened to this rock. In former centuries the boatsmen were equipped 5 ars ago, when a meteorite hit the ground and formed a crater. Wipfels- with boat hooks and pulled themselves against the current from one ring furt (a ford, as you can learn from the name) is the shallowest part of the to the next. The statue in the „Long Wall“ shows Saint John Nepomuk. He Danube between Ingolstadt and Regensburg. 8 With its length of more lived in Prag and became the patron saint for water and bridges. 16 When than 2,850 km the Danube is the second longest river in Europe. It is one you look backward now, you have a wonderful view of the Gorge. 17 The of the few rivers where the kilometers are counted backward, from the cliff on the left-hand side is the „Roman Rock“. On top of it used to be the mouth of the river back to its source and not as usual from the source to Roman town Artobriga. A leather suspension bridge is said to have span- the mouth. The green board with the black numbers on the right-hand ned the Danube from this crag to the other side of the river. The „Roman riverbank tells you that at the moment we are at km 2,417.4 that me- Rock“ is about 105 m high with an overhang of 6 m. 18 Ahead of us now ans about 430 km off the source and 2,417 km and 400 m off the mouth. the oldest Benedictine Abbey of Bavaria – the Monastery of Weltenburg, 9 The rock on the right-hand side is the„Stone Pulpit“. 10 Looking backward which was founded in 620 AD. The abbey church was built between 1716 7 you can see twin peaks called „Peter and Paul“ on the other side of the river. and 1751 by the Asam brothers and is famous for its great Baroque décor. 1 Passiamo la zona protetta della strettoia del Danubio. Da Kelheim 11 Una volta barche caricate di sale erano tirate da cavalli al monastero di Weltenburg ci sono 6 km. Kelheim, una volta città du- contro corrente sul sentiero alla riva destra. Davanti al „Muro cale della dinastia di Wittelsbach, oggi e un centro distrettuale con più di Lungo“ il sentiero finisce. Dal monastero di Weltenburg dove aspetta- 16000 abitanti. Il simbolo della città è la Sala della Liberazione sulla col- vano altri cavalli si trasportava una corda davanti alla strettoia con l’aiuto lina „Michelsberg“. 2 Già dal 1925 passano navi con motore fra Kelheim di fardelli di paglia che galleggiavano sull’ acqua. Cosi si trainavano le e Weltenburg. I massi hanno nomi popolari pieni di fantasia. La piccola chiatte per la gola. Il sale Veniva trasportato soprattutto a Ingolstadt e 14 roccia sul masso a destra per esempio è chiamata „Valigia di Napoleone“, a Ulm. 12 Davanti la „Gola del Danubio“, il punto più stretto e profondo dimenticata in fuga dopo la battaglia di Lipsia. 3 A destra il „Klösterl“ del fiume. Le rocce sono calcari del periodo giurassico, formate 180 mili- (piccolo monastero), un eremitaggio dei Francescani del cinquecento. Nel oni di anni fa‘ in un mare tropicale. Originalmente il Danubio si trovava „Klösterl“ si trova una chiesa in una grotta con affreschi in buono stato di nel letto del fiume Altmühl . Tanti milioni anni dopo il Danubio si è fatto il conservazione. 4 La roccia davanti a sinistra è chiamata „Pietra di Affe- passaggio per le rocce calcari presso Weltenburg. Solamente le forze della cking“ riguarda un quartiere di Kelheim. Segue „la caverna dei briganti del natura creavano la Gola di Weltenburg. 13 La roccia isolata a sinistra è la Danubio di una volta“. 5 A destra la „Pietra Cava“ o l’„Alveare“. Il masso „Vergine di Pietra“. 14 Anche a sinistra nell’acqua ci sono tre rocce sfe- indica i livelli del Danubio negli anni passati. La linea chiara ai piedi della riche chiamate i „Fratelli Pietrificati“ o i „Fratelli Nemici“. 15 Adesso si- roccia mostra il livello dell‘ „inondazione del secolo“ nel 1999 quando amo nella Gola del Danubio, il punto più stretto (80 m) e profondo (fino a l‘acqua era 5m più alto del normale. 6 Indietro la più bella vista sulla 20 m) del Danubio bavarese. Il fiume corre a circa 2,5 m al secondo. A de- „Sala della Liberazione“. Il monumento veniva costruito fra 1842 e 1863 stra il „Muro Lungo“, dove sono fissati 65 anelli di ferro. I battellieri di una secondo l’ordine del re Ludwig I per commemorare la battaglia di Lipsia volta usavano gli anelli di ferro per trainare le barche contro corrente. La 15 nel 1813. 7 A destra „Wipfelsfurt“ (guado delle cime ). La conca circo- statua rappresenta S. Giovanni Nepomuceno di Praga, patrono dei fiumi lare profonda circa 150 m è stata formata da una meteorite 15 mio anni fa. e dei ponti. 16 Indietro la più bella vista sulla Gola del Danubio. 17 La Tanti milioni anni fa il Danubio si incideva e rimuoveva le rocce fracassate. roccia a sinistra è chiamata „Roccia Romana“ con l’altezza di 105 m e un W.
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