j USUALLY ONE DOSE ENDS INDIGESTION. IN REVIEW OFFICER!; GO HIGHER [PASSED t THE CHINES!i SITUATION. I WSJ.SLOANE Heartburn. Gas. and ! WASHINGTON San Francisco Dyspepsia Historical Incidents Connected By FREDERK: J. HASKIN. Important Army Changes to Be* Sourness Vanish and Your With the National Capital. | Made Monday. Will Feel China, in the throe"? of a constitutional Boxer uprising of 1900 was centered, ^ SUMME:R RUGS Stomach Fine. convulsion of a magnitude unprecedented there are now more school teachers in j ,uri in history, and groaning under an the modern schools than there were ADDRESS BY MRS. MUSSEY burden of foreign everincreasingten years ago. The enrollment pupilsof MURRAY TO BE PROMOTEC I Made t:o Order If yoar meal* don't It comfortably. «r yoa now feels the heavy hand of fate pupils in the schoo's of tnis compilations, province I ou;r is foal bloated after eatlaf and too baiter# It la in the form of plague and famine. From has increased from 8,000 in 1905 to A leading feature of business the execution of the food wbtch flila yoo: If what little you eat Manchuria it is reported that 3,0s>0 in inn -*20f000 orders for Rugs of special colors and odd shapes. Advance I Topic Discussed Before Association of of Will Be' Raised to Rank of Majoir THIS HOUSEWIFE THIS HOUSEWIFE Ho* like a lamp of load oa roar atoraich: If | die each day of a virulent typepersonsThere were not more than ten Chinese samples of five thoroughly re'liable weaves.Scotch Chenille is asine is wins there la dltBcalty 1* btwathing after eating, erne History Teachers. the plague, from which it is said that newspapers printed by Chinese General. * 2 .. A 1 A* »1 .» 4 ^ J nnHA rtf In the pubishers Chaumont, Inverness, and DYES «i Boxer Kalliston, Mohcgan. eU-fMliioDed dye*. RAINBOW tatlona of tour. undigested feed and acid. mere is uniy one auineiiuemeu mw i vernacular when the Axminster, uprising: place. There are now i now us In the central of China . ^ook that may be made to order, ire being shown by for Old-Fashioned braeh or a be!rhip* of *a«. yon can heartburn.make recovery. portion more than a thousand such newspapers Dyes proper thousands and hundreds of nrokuii. up your mind that you need something ta atop 'SYSTEMS OF STUDY OUTLINED thou-^ scattered all over the empire, from HE MAT SUCCEED HODGES} ill** cusuiug Often Wash Out sands of are to death. Tibet to the food fermentation and cure Indigestion. persons starving Pacific, from Siam to of the weaves are On top of this, the dispatches from The vast majority of these Siberia. All are made seamles6. Most To mak* eeery Mte of food yon eat aid in the j are inr/v f/kviA aflfoot a Tha A#Vta«*a I in and LA wvf-vviir ru' v to. a i«* obtain4uui' i a are progressive sentimentnewspapers an< | Rainbow Dyes Fast nourishment and etreagth of yoar body you most Declares the correspondents closely allied to the | able in plain solid colors I Organization Secretary in they are doing much to bring the Chinese Probable That He Will JBe Assigneej rid your Stomach of poisoas. exceesWe acid and diplomatic corps say that foreigners into a realign:ion of their national neeJ^. in pattern and border design:s. tomaeli *ae. which aoura your eattro meal.la Facts in History Are Too Obscure China are apprehensive of a recrudescence But just at tliis time the terrible to Command Department For th» with dlgaatlon and caasee to many ttrferea of the Boxerism of a decade aso. and the devastating famine epidemicare Moderate prices prevail. instance, Mohogan of Dyspepsia. Sick Headache. Biliousness. to Furnish Sound Premises. It he that there will he giving the Peking government more of the Lakes. Art costs but r the Chaumont eufferera may possible than it Rug $1.35 pe square yard; Oanatipatlon.