Evidences of Dr. Foote's Success

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Evidences of Dr. Foote's Success EVIDENCES OF J "'ll * ' 'A* r’ V*. * 1A'-/ COMPILED FROM BOOKS OF BIOGRAPHY, MSS., LETTERS FROM GRATEFUL PATIENTS, AND FROM FAVORABLE NOTICES OF THE PRESS i;y the %)J\l |)utlfs!iCnfl (Kompans 129 East 28tii Street, N. Y. 1885. "A REMARKABLE BOOKf of Edinburgh, Scot- land : a graduate of three universities, and retired after 50 years’ practice, he writes: “The work in priceless in value, and calculated to re- I tenerate aoclety. It la new, startling, and very Instructive.” It is the most popular and comprehensive book treating of MEDICAL, SOCIAL, AND SEXUAL SCIENCE, P roven by the sale of Hair a million to be the most popula R ! R eaaable because written in language plain, chasti, and forcibl E I instructive, practicalpresentation of “MidiciU Commc .'Sense” medi A V aiuable to invalids, showing new means by which they may be cure D A pproved by editors, physicians, clergymen, critics, and literat I T horough treatment of subjects especially important to young me N E veryone who “wants to know, you know,” will find it interestin C I 4 Parts. 35 Chapters, 936 Pages, 200 Illustrations, and AT T7 \\T 17'T7 * rpT T L) t? just introduced, consists of a series A It Ci VV ETjAI C U D, of beautiful colored anatom- ical charts, in fivecolors, guaranteed superior to any before offered in a pop ular physiological book, and rendering it again the most attractive and quick- selling A Arr who have already found a gold mine in it. Mr. 17 PCl “ work for it v JIj/1” I O Koehler writes: I sold the first six hooks in two hours.” Many agents take 50 or 100at once, at special rates. Send for terms. E 1 1) FT1 a 16-page Contents Tableof Plain Homo Talk, red. white and L I V I jJj blue circulars, and a sample of Dr. Foote's Health. Monthly. Standard Edition, $3.25 ) Same print and illustrations, the Popular Edition, 1.50 i difference is in paper and binding. MURRAY HILL PUB. CO., 129 East 2Sth St., New Yoik. CONTENTS OP .THIS EPITOME OF MEDICAL SOCIAL AND SEXUAL SCIENCE: PART I. PART III. DISEASE—ITS CAUSES, PREVENTION AND CURE. PLAIN TALK ABOUT THE SEXUAL ORGANS: THE NATURAL RELATION OF THE CIVILIZATION, SOCIETY PAGR PAGE SEXE-5: Disease and its Causes 25 Wealth 204 AND MARRIAGE, Ignorance 40 Excessive Study and Labor... 211 , PAGR PAGH Causes of Nervous und Blood Melancholy 213 The Cause of their Disgrace.. 603 How made the Instruments in Derangements 40 How to HaveHealthy Babies.. 220 Influence on Physical Devel- Perpetuating the Race 630 Violating the Moral Nature.. 46 To Preservo Health of Chil- opment 612 Tho Influence on the Social The Food we Eat 54 dren 226 Their Influence on Health... 616 Position of Women 635 The Liquids we Drink 75 Dietetics for Old and Young.. 234 How' made the Instruments of Influence on Civilization .... 640 The Atmosphere we Live In.. 95 Physiological Instruction of Pleasurable Emotions 622 The Clothes we Wear 112 Children 239 HISTORY MARRIAGE.] Bad Habits of Children 130 Mental and Physical Recrea- OF Bad Habits of Manhood 141 tion 241 History of Polygamy 647 History of Monogamy 659 Sexual Starvation 164 Sleep Cleanliness 252 Why Adam had One Wife 647 Marriage in Ancient Rome... 660 Prostitution 174 Pure Air and Sunshine 257 Egyptian Marriages <148 Ancient German Marriages.. 665 Unhappy Marriage 187 A Good Temper 262 Chinese Marriage 649 Under the Christian Emperors 666 Impure Vaccination 189 Keep the Feet Warm 264 Ancient Hebrew Marriages.. 653 From the 6th to the 15th Cen- Adulterated Medicines 193 Spring Renovation 268 Grecian Marriage 653 turies C69 Brutality and Inhumanity.... ISO Polygamy in Ancient Persia.. 656 Marriages in Ancient Scandi- Mahommed's Polygamy 657 navia 671 COMMON SENSE REMEDIES. Early American Polygamy.... 659 Historical Chips 673 Vegetable Medicine 273 Water 309 Therapeutic Electricity 285 Medicated Inhalation 313 MARRIAGE AS IT IS IN BARBARISM AND CIVILIZATION. Animal Magnetism 3C2 Marriage in the Old World ... 684 Marriage in the New World.. 711 DOCTORS. Doctors, “ Jacks at all Female Doctors 321 DEFECTS IN MARRIAGE SYSTEMS. Trades” 319 Rapacious Doctors 326 Why Marriage is Unimproved 740 Demerits of Polygamy 753 Is it a Divine of Monogamy 764 PART II. Institution 750 Demerits CHRONIC DISEASES, THEIR CAUSES AND TREATMENT- THE REMEDY. CHRONIC DISEASES OF THE BREATHING ORGANS. New Order of Things Neces- Rome had a Censor 772 Chronic Catarrh 339 Bronchitis, Asthma 345 sary. 765 We Want a Secretary of Mar- Affections of the Throat 343 Consumption 351 A Clergyman on Institutions. 767 riage 772 CHRONIC DISEASES OF LIVER, STOMACH AND BOWELS. SEXUAL IMMORALITY. Affections of the Liver 370 Falling of the Rectum 401 The Causes 777 The Cure 780 Dyspepsia, Constipation 380 Ulceration of the Bowels 401 CONCLUSION OF PART III. Chronic Diarrhoea 892 Intestinal Worms 402 Piles, Fistula, Stricture £94 Roman Austerity and Puri- We must Avoid a Reaction.... 785 tanism Compared 785 Agitation on the Question.... 787 ACHES AND PAINS. (Part III takes a view of marriage and the sexual relations from a JBillious Headache 404 Neuralgia., 409 physiological standpoint. It is searching, interesting, original and Nervous Headache 407 Rheumatism 411 startling.) Congestive Headache 408 PART IV. AFFECTIONS OF THE EYES AND EARS. THE IMPROVEMENT OF POPULAR MARRIAGES, ETC. OldEyesNear Sight 415 Cross Eyes, Amaurosis 423 Chronic Store Eyes 423 Defective Hearing 428 Marriage must be Improved.. 793 What its upholders should do. 794 DISEASES OF THE HEART. ADAPTATION IN MARRIAGE. Adaptation ?. Rules as to Marriage... 813 How People arc Mistaken .... 435 Advice to Invalids 436 What is Mental 802 riain What is Physical Adaptation ? 805 Difference between Vitality CHRONIC AFFECTIONS OF THE URINARY ORGANS. Magnetic Adaptation 806 and Vital Tenacity 824 Diseases of the ICidneys 430 Affections of tho Ureters 443 Temperamental Adaptation .. 896 Bladder 443 Gonorrhoea and Stricture 446 Affections of the LAW SHOULD ENFORCE ADAPTATION IN MONOGAMIC PRIVATE WORDS FOR WOMEN. MARRIAGE. Falling the 474 Derangementsof Monthlies.. 453 of Womb Marriage like a rat-trap 830 Sciencebrought to bear 831 What Menstruation is for .... 456 Vaginal Affections 476 Leucorrhcea 460 Amorous Dreams 419 THREE PHASES OF MONOGAMIC MARRIAGE DAGUER- What the Hymen is for 467 Sexual Apathy 481 REOTYrED. Chronic Affections of the Sexual Dyspepsia 481 Mental Marriages 842 Lucifer Matches 856 Womb 474 Ovarian Diseases 483 Physical Marriages 846 HINTS TO THE CHILDLESS. PHYLOSOPHY OF ELOPEMENTS. 507 Causes of Barrenness 489 Excessive Amativeness to Depravity 852 The True Philosophy 852 Temperamental Inadaptation. Ascribed Local Inadaptation 490 509 RELATIVES. Diseased Condition of Wife... 493 To Promote Childbearing .... 611 INTERMARRIAGE OF Do. do. of Husband.. 604 Effects of such Marriages 857 As well Marry half-sisters as (This chapter is invaluable to the childless, In many instances ten full Cousins 858 and more years of fruitless marriage have been remedied by pursuing given.) ESSAYS FOR MARRIED PEOPLE. the hints herein 873, PRIVATE WORDS FOR MEN. Necessity for Confidence 861 Jealousy The Wife the Equal 863 An Infallible Remedy 873 Weakness, Partner.. The Penis and its Diseases... 521 Seminal 532 Sleeping Apart 867 Sexual Indifference 880 The Scrotum and its Diseases 526 Satyriasis 541 Sexual Moderation 869 Food for Pregnant Women... 884 IMtOTENCY. PHILOSOPHY OF CHILD-MARKING. may be Impotent.. .. 544 Causes and Treatment 546 Females 8S7 Why Resemble Neighbors ... 893 ESSAYS ON DISEASES. Rules and Facts CONCLUDING Key to the Mystery 887 Why Children by 2d husbands the 1st 894 Paralysis . .„ 551 Scrofula 500 Why Resemble Both Parents. 890 resemble Canoer 554 Syphilis 664 Why Resemble One Parent... 892 How Frights Mark a Child.... 895 B.ilt Rheum 657 A Variety of Chronic Dis- OLD, BEARING ON HArPINESS Spinal 658 eases 672 ESSAYS FOR YOUNG AND Curvature IN MARRIAGE. TREATMENT OP DISEASE. should be allowed to People to 574 Evidences of the Curability Early Marriage 896 Ladies Dosed Death Pop the Question 996 Everybody his own Dortor... 675 of Chronic Diseases 589 Avocations for Females 993 complete Contents Table This book sent by mail, prepaid, for $1.50. A Beautiful Standard Edition on heavier paper, $3.25. A more •eat free if desired. Liberal terms to active agentB. Address, MURRAY HILL PUBLISHING COMPANY, 129 East 2Sth Street, New \oum Citx. Entered according toAct of Congress, in the year 1877, by The Murray HillPub. Co., in the Office of theLibrarian of Congress,Washington, D.C. DR. FOOTE’S AFFIDAVIT BY DR. FCOTE. Standing Pledges to his Patients and Correspondents, State of New York. I County of New Youk. ( »Ali Professional Communications ami Consultationswu. ne treated ’— FOOTE, of the New with the strictestconfidence. - See page 148 Medico* Common Sense, gcr ! EDWARD B. City of being duly says, that the ex- by Dr. Foote, published in 1853. York, in the County aforesaid, sworn, ‘•A,l may sarely confide in the amuor in describing fully and frankly tracts of letters regarding the success of hismedicalpractice contained in receipt of let- letters from his patients or a case, or giving the result of treatment. I am daily in this pamphlet are genuine quotations of the that all extracts letters from ters from narienta srivine the most gratifying accounts of effects from those attending upon them, and of exiierieneed in pursuing my advice, and which, if published, would those endorsing his publications are also genuinequotationstaken from greatly redound r .o my credit, but I never publish any letter or parts of unsolicited testimonial communications received from time to lime by samples of such as are letters with the name of the author,” etc.—“ See page 240 of Revised him; and, further, that all these letters are but 1862, page from all the States and Edition of Medical Common Sense, published in and 588 constantly reaching him by due course of mail of Plain Home- Talk, embracing Medical Common Sense, published Territories and from foreign lands.
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