Colour Relationships Using Traditional, Analogue and Digital Technology
Colour Relationships Using Traditional, Analogue and Digital Technology Peter Burke Skills Victoria (TAFE)/Italy (Veneto) ISS Institute Fellowship Fellowship funded by Skills Victoria, Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development, Victorian Government ISS Institute Inc MAY 2011 © ISS Institute T 03 9347 4583 Level 1 F 03 9348 1474 189 Faraday Street Carlton Vic E AUSTRALIA 3053 W Published by International Specialised Skills Institute, Melbourne Extract published on © Copyright ISS Institute May 2011 This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. Whilst this report has been accepted by ISS Institute, ISS Institute cannot provide expert peer review of the report, and except as may be required by law no responsibility can be accepted by ISS Institute for the content of the report or any links therein, or omissions, typographical, print or photographic errors, or inaccuracies that may occur after publication or otherwise. ISS Institute do not accept responsibility for the consequences of any action taken or omitted to be taken by any person as a consequence of anything contained in, or omitted from, this report. Executive Summary This Fellowship study explored the use of analogue and digital technologies to create colour surfaces and sound experiences. The research focused on art and design activities that combine traditional analogue techniques (such as drawing or painting) with print and electronic media (from simple LED lighting to large-scale video projections on buildings). The Fellow’s rich and varied self-directed research was centred in Venice, Italy, with visits to France, Sweden, Scotland and the Netherlands to attend large public events such as the Biennale de Venezia and the Edinburgh Festival, and more intimate moments where one-on-one interviews were conducted with renown artists in their studios.
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