

Fabaceae japonicum ‘Golden Standard’ Sophora japonica 'Golden Standard'

Height 6 - 10 m

Crown round, light, open crown

Bark and branches twigs golden yellow, bark grey-brown, grooved

Leaf imparipinnate with 7 - 17 segments, approx. 25 cm, light greenish-yellow, feathered leaf

Flowers creamy-white in panicles, July/September (October)

Fruits grey pod, indented

Spines/thorns none

Toxicity toxic components

Soil type all apart from wet, peaty soils

Paving tolerates paving

Winter hardiness 6b (-20,5 to -17,8 °C)

Wind resistance moderate

Wind / frost / salt resistant to frost (WH 1 - 6), resistant to de-icing salt

Light requirement light-loving

Fauna valuable for bees (honey ), valuable for butterflies

Tree for the future yes

Application parks, squares, tree containers, theme parks, cemeteries, roof gardens, large gardens

Type/shape clearstem tree, feathered tree, multi-stem tree, specimen tree


Synonyms Sophora japonica 'Golden Standard'

Small to medium-size tree with a round crown to approx. 10 m tall and wide The twigs and branches are strikingly golden yellow which give it a highly ornamental value especially in winter. Old bark is grey-brown and grooved, like the species. The branches give off an unpleasant odour when broken. The leaf is compound and imparipinnate. It consists of 7 to 17 leaf segments. These are ovate to elliptical and 2 to 6 cm long. The emerge light yellow, turning light greenish-yellow later in summer. In a warm and sunny spring the young leaves may suffer sunburn. The blossom and fruits are like the species. The tree does not blossom until it is 10 - 15 years old. Preferably plant in semi-shade.

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