Mhionable Pulaski Heights Dis Shock, Were Picked up by Rescue Two Planes Londod IDS Mttdo- Flood Woes Withdraw in What He Called” In Sky Aircraft Division
W m / , r WEDNESDAY, MARCH 80, 186# OW PAG* TWBNTT-TOTJR jianri^pstpr ^Ewottins UforaUi Bloodmobile Visits and Church of Assumption The BUr o f the Eaat. Royal A iB50 graduate of Mancheater liaval drolo, Xlnc^ D an gb^ David Wadaworth McKinnay, 183 Pearl Bt., baa anllatad In tbe Black Perceptory, N<j. 18, will High School, he la prepairing for a The Weather will bava a pottuok auppar naact meet at 8 p.m. tonight at Orange career in accounting. Average Dally Net Press Run About Town Monday, April 4, at 6:80 pjn., In Navy arid la now talcing recruit Forecast of U. S. WsBthee •••• Hiai. _ For tbe Week Eaded Woodruff ball at Oentar Oongra- training at the Naval Training Harrison Orlawold, 15C Foreat W e Just Love Station at Oreat Lakea, m . After March 3A I960 Hartford ohi^»ter, Satot Joaepb cattonal Oiurch. Mra. Robert John Habererh Jr., 230 McKee St., wUl be inducted Sunday into asarbsg, cod ec tealght. Lwr- Evana, Hartford, will dlacuaa In nine waekrf recruit training and Tau Beta Pi, the honorary aoclety CoUcca Aliannaa Aaan, will apon- 14 daya* leave, McKinney will be St.,‘ haa been inducted aa a member near 4d. Fsir-and UMM-twapm- aor a rummaga aala Salurtoy dian worit by the Klng’a Dau^- o t Epailon, Alpha ZeU, honorary for englneera at the Unlveralty of 13,090 tera, and Mra. Olga Uibdaberg of ■— to NaVy Service achool OonnecUcut He is a junior, one of Those W on tore change FHdny. BIgli tar-sea. fram 10 ajn.
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