Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1960-04-27
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eaders Week Rhee Submits Resignatio~;· Prompt, A'cceptonce Expecte.9 SEOUL IA'I - President Syngman of pep raUies. Rhee has formally submitted will be headed his resignation, Foreign Minister , , A3, Ames. and Hug ChWlg said Wednesday. Weather forecast At. Sioux City. The I'esignation was sent to the cabinet secretariat to be relayed G.n",.lIy f.lr tod.y MId tonitht. W.nner west to the National Assembly, Huh said. ted.y and toni,ht. H\tfts .... " Hit, " .. J2 WHt. Outlook fw T1111f;.... y - PlIrlfy The Assembly. which asked clwllr .... ~'- w.rmer_ Rhee Tuesday to resign immedi· 01 owan and the People Iowa Cit~ ately, is expected to accept the Serving The State University of Iowa of resignation promptly. It w•• geMl"ally .'r.... tINt • Associated Press Leased Wire And Wirephoto - Herald Tribune News Service Leased Wire Iowa City, Iowa. Wednesday, April 'n, 19110 c.Nt.k", vow .. nmem, possibly M~~H~,~t_.ww OT Dinners .nd ~ for alKtlon5 lor • new Nation.1 .sserMly, prHl.nt and vice pI'flldont within tttre. , montM. The 85-year-old founder of in· • • ck!pendent. Korea, the nation's Ohly president in its 12 years as a reo IN IOWA CITY public. finally stepped down alter SAVINGS. weeks of mounting violence stem. ming from protests against the pring ever Its ampU,$' . .. March 15 presidential e1edions. .. A tumultuous 26 hours of steady our Laundry eloting and demonstrations ended at curfew time Tuesday night alter more than 100.000 Koreans crowded SUI Men Protest 'Bad Food,' You the streets oC the capital, celebl<lt· ing Rhee's aJUIOW1cement that he City May B'uy Hy-Vee would quit. Wednesday the city of two mil. Coeds' Hours in Flareups City" FineIJ lion resumed SQmethlng of a nor· By St.H Wrltet'l mal ap~arance. L~ of .... ,"marie up Local Water' -Co. 1orf' than 1,000 SU I men staged a demonstration at 10 p.rn: Hour Coin hHvll wer. cooper.tlnt wfth .... Tu sday night at Currier and Burge dorms. The men circled K_an .rmy to bri", order INck By BEN BLACKSTOCK water company has in force. Under both dorinitorie chanting "No more hours" and displayed a to ... troubled nation. Staff Writlr the pension plan the water com· n banner hearing the words "Down With Unfair Hours • ted Laundry Students replaced Rhee's hated In a SpeCial meeting Tuesday the pany employe will retire at 65 .t National Police in directing traffic Iowa City Cowtcll instructed City at hall pay: WlUl the ba ic retire· Univer~ity nOll Iowa City police were tipped off in advance In much of Seoul. Manager Peter Roan to negotiate ment pay to be made by Social of the demonstration nnd were on the scene Ilt both dorms. Students manning loudspeaker rkwood with the Towa City Water Service Security benefits and the com· ' 0 aclion was taken to disper e the demonstrators. trucks to\.ll'ed the stTeets, urging Co. about the possibility oC the city pany making up the difference to ok Kleen people to stay at home. pW'Chasing the water company. reach half pay retirement for the Many coeds Inside the dorms At the moment the nation waler company employes. interpreted the demonstraUQJ1 U The COWlcil instructed Roan to a panty raid and they encouraged seemed rudderless. Chang bad reo continue with negotiations with the The extent this liability, Roan !;igned. Vice President-elect Lee or Falllni~res action by tossing lingerie from win· water company concerning the im said, can only be determined by dows and chanting "Organize." had 'been rbanned from his posts. plementation of a recommendation an actuarial survey of the cc>m· Rhee's resignation might mean by a special advisory committee pany's pension system, but would Dormitory counselors began pre passi ng to Hull Chung, in Worker at control esbablished rby the Council to study amc>unt to a. considerable amount. parations for a raid when rumors dependent politician an<! former water facilities in Iowa City. reached them from the Hillcrest premier who was named by Rhee The question of whether or not food riot earlier in the evening. The advisory committee recom· the pension cosl would be included earlier as foreign minister and Building Site A, .... man .ppnNIChH ttw ranking member of a Cabinet the mendation the Council referred to in the net value of the company dorm. .t 10 p.m. sl,nal, _,. President was trying to form. called for the City to purchase the will be subject to negotiations with An Towa City man was reported sou~ In Curn..- .nd ,Iria ••• . water plant at a "fair" market the water company and the City The H• .atn Ministry I'WpOI'tM _t In fair condition late Tuesday, IUrMd po.t5, guerdi", doon .nd price and modernize the plant and Manager, Thornberry said. I_t 15 !nON pet'5OnI died In suffering from injuries he surrer· patrolli", hallw.Y5 to k.,. ,..11. TUHCIay's riots m_ tflan distribution facilities in the public City CoWlcilwoman Mrs. Thelma .nd ed when he fell from the third floor clonts In IMlr room •• No .... 170 w.,.. _uncNd. For Itt. -'c interest. Lewis said the nearly $1 million ~ to the second floor at the Law w••• llowN to IHn 1M bulJ4. of violet!«, .... tot... !"OM to .. In a report Roan submitted to value of the plant as determmed the Council Tuesday, he lists the by Roan is simply a basis Cor n • now under construction ing. Normal 10:. doli", houn I.nt 145 cINct, by officl.1 cwnt, w.re dhr.. ~, .nd ....In total book value of the water com· got/ations with lhe water company .nd mo,.. than 100 wou~. loun... _ro cloMcl. Six man II, The students celebrations Tues· pany at $939,000. and is not necessarily a definite M.rcy HOlPit.1 oHld.ls ,.id! purchase price. CUrTI.,. lounge. wlttt tMlr .... day prior to Rhee's announcement Mayor Ray Thornberry said this Ellsworth Kelly, 53, 1513 C,..Mllt tr.pped Inlicla th. bull ..... involved an attack on a police sta Concern was expressed by some w.,.. figure was art'ived at by Roan by St., .ufhrod Nv.,..1 brok." rib., wh.n th. doors wer. Ioc:bd. tion and the looting 'and sacking of "using the best appraisal methods Council members that the com • fractured coll.r boM .nd mul. Lee's home. Lee, Rhee's running pany will not agree with the city's A Cew men made a brief attempt known today." tlpl. cuts and bruise.. They is to enter Currier through a fire es· mate in the March 15 elections, Roan said that one item that evaluation of the worth of the su.d the condition Aport .ft.,. cape exit but retreale<\ when they was credited with a landslide vic does not appear in the book ap· water company and may not sell at Kelly h.d undergone sur,.ry. tory over the opponent who de pralsal of the company is an old all, saw they were alone. Fellow workers on the new feated him four years ago. Stu age pension jX'ogram that. the Mayor Thornberry said some of A ground floor Window in the dents, charging fraud and police the adv8'l1tages of municipal own· building, which is going up across room of Burge assistant counselor coercion at the IlOlls. made Lee ershlp 0( the waler company would the street from the Veterans HOfI. Mary Norelius was broken when a SE their ohlef target in the demonstra. be no federal, state or city taxes pltal on the west side of the riyer, student put his foot through it tions. I<iwanis elub and the plant would hOt haVe to said Kelly fell about 12 (eet. while atlempitng to Fatch a roll Cro~ of YOUng people smashed realize a !ironto They said he had been working of bathroom tissue thrown from an into Lee's home, hUiled his per Thornberry said there are only on the third floor when he appar upper floor. sonal be\o1'gings out the window Hears Advice three or four cities in Iowa that ently lost his balance and dropped One student climbed as far as and bull~ a bonfire to bl11'll them. do not now own their water plants to the second floor level. the second floor roof at 'Burge in and Iowa City is lncluded in the One of the few ilems to survive Attelldenh of th. City search of lingerie. Two others nurnhl'r. 1_. was a huge silk American flag. The On te. IWater Ambul.nc. Ser"v c. Company, climbed II Burge courtyard wall to students gently placed dt to one He compared municipal owner display the unfair hours banner. hip of the water company WiUl who w.r. callM to the scen., side, away from the fire, and then The Kiwanis Club Tuesday said K.lly was Itlll conscious TIw crowd ....."" .tortII_n- presented it an Associated PI-ess that of city ownership of the sew· to heard some of the recommenda when th.y arrivtd. 11.11 .nd without I.~p. photographer. As foc Lee, his tions concerning the Iowa City wa age system where the taxpayer is Most of 1M .tv.nts IMm04 to Kelly is employed by the Viggo whereabouts was a mystery at that ter situation which were gIven to saved the cost of taxes on the serv be ~c:t"ors r .....r than p.rti. M. Jensen Construction Company. moment. the City Council by a special wa ice company and the company docs c:lp.ntt.. Th Iowa City firm has the con ter advisory committee.