The Weather Composition Meet Scattered showers and t/lIInd.,"t'. storms spreading southeastward :' Being Held 'Here aero the state today and tonight. Warmer except extreme north­ Some 50 teachers from eight - OWO n w today. Hi ghs 72-82 north, 82-92 states are attending a SUIlUller e: ml south. WarTTlec southeast tonight: Sm>Ing TIa. Stat. Unioerritv of l~ II1Ill the Peopu of 10tDlJ CUV Workshop for High School and Col. lege Teachers oC Composition at SUI. Established In 1868 Auociatecl Preu Leased Wire ADd Wirephoto - Herald Tribune News Service Features Saturday, J une 11, 1960, Iowa City, Iowa Main Cocus for the two-Week workshop, which will close June 24 is on preparing high school stu: • dents Cor college composition. In addition to attending lectures and taking part in group discussions the teachers are observing an sol communication skills class. In . ' I ,Ike Arrives Formos.a DIrecting the program are Rich. ard Braddock lind Carl A. Dall! inger, both oC the SUI CommUl1i: cation Skills Department. , Amid Comf mu rlist Shelling R I Annual War "Aftermath" Today: ._ ·Russ, Chinese Friendship Pledged o Brings Down Conspiracy NBC To Produce, To Nationalists TAIPEI (A P ) - Pr id a t E is nhow r pledged America's Gas Prices SUlowan's Play Hinted By Ike ". teadfa t , olidarity" with t tionalist Chin. aturd , y hour lb. Ifter Red Chin ese guns hurled a r <.'Ord·br king, death-dealing • Good news for destitute SUI car· President Thinks owners - and Cor those who are "Aftermath oC a Conviction," a conviction on a family and neigh. homb.lrdm<'llt o n the a tional i t isl, nd of Q Ul'moy. still somewhat solvent. borhood. The serie on which it will Riots Instigated Eisenhower , a rriving for a 2 1·hour good-\ ill vi it, aid Ea t· Iowa Ci ty's annual gas war is ploy by a n SUI graduate student , appear is the only live weekly tele· To Block Welcome We t tl'n\ion d mand " ill re. sed igi l, n and clo r coopcrn­ raging once again. will appear on KWWL·NBC tele­ vision series now left in New York. tion in the fa('(' of lhrl'ats impo cd by mm un ist imperlal i Ill," • • lb, 49~ Fifty to 90 per cent oC the town' S vision today at noon . Richard on has also had two E N ROUTE WfTll EISENlIOW· Corn Monument service stations lowered their gas Howard Richard on. G, New o[hl'r plays on Broadway and at ER t.4'I - Presld nt Eisenhower is The hin ' mmlln i ts poured n ,rly 86,000 round. on the prices by about a third Friday. York City, is now working on his the prescnt lime has one under op· known to believe lhat Red China Qucmoy compl 11 Friday night Most dealers of major brands Ph.D ia speech and dramatics. tion for fall . "Design for Stain. and th Sovlet "\Jnion ar split on while Eisenhower Ir velcd h re oC gas were selling regular ror He received his A.B. and M.A. Ilt glass Wind ow" starred Charlton basic (rate/lY but thaI both d~· aboar<i t h cruis r l. Paul. around 22 cents a gallon, compared the Univer. ity of North Carolina Heston, while his "Proteclive Cus· cided to wreck his overseas visits 160 with 31.4 to 31.9 cents Thursday. Ike's Schedule Uncon fi rmed reports id 19 Theme Set For this su mmer . • • lb. in Chapel Hill and was first lit tody" starred Faye E merson. A Chin se NationaU ts on Quemoy Premium gasoline prices also SUI in 1940-42. I1is first play " Dall" By JIM SEDA ice." A replica the world map play now in production is "End oC The President bcliev s the Red TAIPEI. Formosa t.fI - P""I· were kllled a.nd mnny wounded. or dropped accordingly. oC the Moon" was first produced Chi n may have instigated the will also cover the globe's surface. Day", produced by G ne Frankel. dent Ei s'"how... ·s SC;hHuI, for Generalissimo Chiane Kal·sh k, StaH Writ.r Friday independent deal ers were here In 1942 a nd was latcr PI"9' bloody Tokyo rials to block n An SUI pennant and a Purdue Hc has also writtcn plays Cor Ma· Sunday: pre ldent 01 alionolist hlna, met selling regular Cor 19.9 cenls com· duced on Broadwuy, pectacular welcome for him on hi Lb. pennant, witb staffs implanted in pared with 29.9 earlier in the week. tinee Thl'ater, Studio I , Armstrong ' :30 '.m, - Ltlv•• U,S. cruls· EI nhower at Taipel' Pine Hill IIerky the Ha,wk will perch atop tour. a huge simul ated desk globe on the the state of [own, will be painted The war started when one major "Aftermath" deals with a hit Cirle Theat r, and Goodyear Play· 'r St, Paul by IMlicopter for airport in ncar 9O-d ~rce humid 2 Box and run accident and the ('ffccl of hou e. Peiping's slrateey, In Eisenhow· Tal,-I. lawn west or Old Capitol during on the globe. (Purdue is SUI's brand dealer dropped his prices tcmperntur . Ei nhower flew er's view, was similar to thnt of the Homecoming weekend this football oppon~ nt in this rear's 11 cents Thursday. The others 10 I .m. - Greeted at airport from the St. Paul to the airport fall. Homecoming game on October 22.) quickly followed suit. Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev by Nat ionaH, t Chin,.. Pr.. lcIent aboard a helicopter. who, the Pre iC\ent believes, blew Chiang Kal·shek. Selection oC this ilieme for the Supporting the globe will be a The "annulIl Spring gas war," Chlnnl, dre sed in his field mar· as SUI students call the yearly up the mid·May Paris ummit con· 1960 Homecoming Corn Monument huge semi..coned base with "Edu· Senate Ready To Speed 10:55 '.m. - ArrivII with hal's uniform, called Eisenhower's cation" printed on both of its two price·cutting spree, started later ference rather Lhan risk potentially Chl. no at Golct.n Dragon Hot,I, IIi It "0 powerful demon lr lion was announ ced by Robert A. Jo· than usual this year. In the past embarras ing acclaim for Elsen· hannsen, E3, Gladbrook, chairman sides. EI ..nhower' , ,..,Ielene. during of the la ting friend hlp betw en the "war" has ' broken out during hower on the now-canceled post· and of the contest committee. An annual tradition of Iowa's hi s Formo.. "IY, th Republic of Chin the Homecoming, the Corn Monument late Mayor early June when even Action on Japan Pact summit tour oC the Sovl t Union . United tates of Am rica," Mrs. Dorothy S. Whitehouse of The Pre idenl.' s views became 2:30 p,m, - Lays wr.. th eft Is erected dur·ing the week pre- more students can take advantage martyn' shrine. Ei nhower's h lieOI)t r lou h Hilltop Mobile Park was awarded of the stations' hospitality. By JOHN M, HIGHTOWER on Monday. known Friday a he neared For· ding Homecoming eaoh year by 3 p.m. - Mut, with Chla.. down on lhis Island fortress nallon $20 for submitting the winning en· sm engineering students. Putting Behind these varying forecasts mosa. Ie lhan 100 miles off the coast of try. She iiS the wife of SUI student WASHINGTON t.4'I - The United Even thoueh Red hinese and and other Gover_nt oHIcl.I., the toroh to the monumen-t, if SUI Monday last Day lay a deep uncertainty in the Sen· Red Chino at 10 :02 a .m. James L. Whitehouse, G, Iowa wins the ·football game, is another States denounced Red China's Sovi t leaders both decid d to Un· S p.m, - tntrocluctd by Chlan, Th Pr sid nt, In hi arrival r • ate leadership and the State De· City, part or the tradition. For Bike Registration .bombardment of Quemoy Island dercut his unbroken string of per· at pubHc r.uptlon at pr.slden. marks, hailed th aspirati ns for The monument will have a Second prize in the monument Bicycle owners in Iowa City who Friday as " hearlless and cold· partment about what the coming sonal triumphs on goodwill tours, tlal oHiu bulletinv. a "world or freedom, ju l peae scholarly Herky, (with glasses and design contest went to Ronald T. have not yet registered their ve' blooded," b ut it maintained a critical hours in Tokyo would pro­ Eisenhower believes there are can· • p.m. - Aft.nels dinner ,Iven nnd friendship und r th rule of mortar board) reading a boo~ as Shinbori, El, Bettendorf. He re- hicles have only a registratiOn pe. careful silence on olher a. peets duce. EvidenUy authorities here, siderable difC rences between th m by Prlllele"t and Mrs. Chi ..... low." he lies atop a revolving g\(>be. He ceived $5. riod next Monday afternoon to do o( thc Far Ea tern situation cen· both at the Capitol and in the on how to deal with the We t. Taipei tim. Is 14 hours ahead " I bring you th person I as· 14-oz. will rest upon the circul ar merid· Twelve entries were received so. tering on the political crisis in adminislration, did not want to· be Eisenhower feels such diHer· of Ea... rn Standard. Buranc oC America' dfa t ian enclosing the 14-foot globe. this year, Johannsen said. The con· Police will be registering bi­ J B1lan .
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