AA GGEEOOGGRRAAPPHHIICCAALL HHIISSTTOORRYY OOFF HHEESSTTEERR’’SS WWAAYY Updated JULY 2015 COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: Produced by DAVID EDGAR. All of my researches here may be freely used or adapted by anybody else - no acknowledgements necessary - but please note that strictly speaking this does not apply to the late Mrs Hyett’s interviews, nor to newspaper quotes, nor to unacknowledged photographs. Readers, please send comments to
[email protected]. Picture: aerial view of the new GCHQ under construction c.2001. OVERALL INTRODUCTION This is a history project that’s got a bit out of hand. My own interests are geographical, especially the interpretation of maps. And also to some extent archaeological, the things that left a mark. I find it hard to get excited about ancient things unless they have left a visible mark on the modern-day landscape. Apart from my own interpretation of maps, I have brought together the scraps of lore to be found in other peoples’ works. Douglas Trapp’s “History of Arle” produced for Dowty in 1971 was the last attempt to cover the early history. Phyllis White had set herself the task of updating that text, but her researches and those of Mrs Margery Hyett were barely touched in the five volumes Hester’s Way Neighbourhood Project finally produced commencing in March 1999, The History of Hester’s Way. I should here give credit to those two individuals - and also Sheila Forrest, Aylwin Sampson and others who attended our Local History Group – for some incidental facts that I jotted down then and have included here. It’s very easy to let one document lead to another, and there seems an infinity of material available for research.