Emerging Issues Report COVID-19, governance, and conflict: emerging impacts and future evidence needs Siân Herbert GSDRC/University of Birmingham Heather Marquette University of Birmingham March 2021 About this report The K4D Emerging Issues report series highlights research and emerging evidence to policymakers to help inform policies that are more resilient to the future. K4D staff researchers work with thematic experts and the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) to identify where new or emerging research can inform and influence policy. This report is based on desk-based research, mostly carried out from April 2020 to January 2021, with final additions made in March at the time of publication. K4D services are provided by a consortium of leading organisations working in international development, led by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), with the Education Development Trust, Itad, University of Leeds Nuffield Centre for International Health and Development, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM), University of Birmingham International Development Department (IDD) and the University of Manchester Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (HCRI). For any enquiries, please contact
[email protected]. Author bios Siân Herbert (corresponding author)1 is a Research Fellow at the Governance and Social Development Resource Centre (GSDRC) and K4D in the International Development Department at the University of Birmingham. Her work focuses on conflict and resilience analysis; gender; and the politics of aid, security, state- building and peacebuilding policies in fragile and conflict-affected states, and middle-income countries. Professor Heather Marquette is Professor of Development Politics in the International Development Department at the University of Birmingham where she also leads a research workstream on corruption and organised crime as part of the University’s Institute for Global Innovation.