Middle East & North Africa Region
Middle East & North Africa Region COVID-19 Situation Report No. 10 30 September 2020 ©UNICEF/Syria/2020/Aldroubi Situation in Numbers Highlights As of 30 September, 2.1 million total cases, 267,037 of which are active, COVID-19-19-19COVID-19 cases: and 55,610 deaths in total were reported in the MENA region. cases:Over 2,1 million 812,448total cases. cases. Across the region, collection and use of risk communication and community 223,460267,037 active cases engagement (RCCE) evidence and community feedback are being stepped up. To date, nearly 276 million people have been reached, more than 41 million engaged, and nearly 870,000 have provided feedback. Death toll: 19,69955,610 deaths.total deaths2,693 UNICEF reached 170,315 healthcare workers with personal protective deaths during reporting equipment (PPEs), and 12,025 people have been trained in infection period prevention control (IPC). In addition, more than 15 million people received US$125 million water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) support supplies. funding gap for UNICEF regional response UNICEF supported continuity of health & nutrition services for 6,534,789 women/children and trained 8,448 health workers in managing COVID-19 cases. Moreover, 230,504 children received severe acute malnutrition (SAM) treatment while 2,256,159 caregivers received messages on breastfeeding. While there has been recovery of routine immunization services in some countries, data are still limited. UNICEF has been supporting vaccine-derived polio and measles outbreaks response beyond COVID-19 in Yemen and Sudan. The start of the new school year took a bumpy road: Two thirds of schools that opened in August, closed again partially or fully.
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