SF/RHTH 502, “Mystics” Instructor: Mark N
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago Course Profile Course # and Title SF/RHTH 502, “Mystics” Instructor: Mark N. Swanson Semester/Year: Spring 2018 Time and Place: Thursday, 8–11 am, Room 202 Course Rationale and Description (Why do we offer this course? Which of LSTC’s degree program stated competencies does it address?): Throughout the history of the Christian Church, many of its great (and some of its most unusual and surprising) teachers have done theology in an experiential mode that came to be known as “mystical theology;” they themselves have come to be known as “mystics.” This course will provide an introduction to a number of very different Christian “mystics,” e.g. Gregory of Nyssa, Evagrius Ponticus, Bernard of Clairvaux, Hildegard of Bingen, Bonaventure, Meister Eckhart, Julian of Norwich, Teresa of Ávila, St. John of the Cross, and (jumping to the 20th century) Thomas Merton; students may bring others into our conversation. Special attention will be given to (a) the diversity of lives and theologies that have been given the label “mystical;” (b) the contextual particularity of their witness, shaped as they are by particular traditions, scriptures, liturgies, communities, and vocations in the world; (c) the contributions these witnesses have made, and continue to make, to Christian theology: to our understanding of God (the Holy Trinity), the work of Christ (atonement, justification), the activity of the Holy Spirit, and so on. Furthermore, we will pay attention to the connection between mystical theology and contemplative practice on the one hand, and active service in the world on the other. (Does a course on Mystics belong in a Public Church curriculum?) At some point we will bring in a comparative element, through examining some individuals termed “mystics” in other religious traditions, notably the Islamic tradition.
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