Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-55228-8 - God, Sexuality, and the Self: An Essay ‘On the Trinity’ Sarah Coakley Index More information Scripture index Genesis 15. 26–7, 101 1, 274, 282, 289 16. 14, 101 1. 26–7, 53 16. 7–15, 101 1. 27, 281, 289, 290 19. 34, 211 2, 274, 282, 290 18, 200, 225, 255 3 John 18. 11, 128 1. 11, 309 18. 1–10, 195, 199 Acts, 111 Exodus 1. 1–11, 111 20. 4–5, 21 1. 5, 119 24. 10–11, 21 2. 1–41, 111 2. 38, 119 Psalms 2. 43, 119 27. 8, 21 8. 14–17, 119 17. 34, 310 Song of Songs, 154, 274, 276, 277 19. 1–6, 119 Matthew Romans 5. 8, 21 5. 15–19, 123 7. 7, 170 5. 5, 15, 294 18. 3, 173 6. 3–11, 119 23. 9, 324 8, 112, 115, 117, 120, 134, 135, 28. 19, 107, 118, 119 136, 137, 140, 141, 143, 152, 169, 299, 316 Mark 8. 11, 179 1. 12–13, 177 8. 14–17, 115, 294 1. 9–11, 118, 195 8. 15–16, 112 8. 15–17, 153 Luke 8. 17, 179 1. 26–38, 102 8. 18–21, 114 8. 19–25, 113 John, 111 8. 22–23, 114 1, 102 8. 26, 55, 115, 128, 173 1. 18, 21 8. 26–7, 113 12. 45, 21 8. 27, 13 14. 15–17, 101 8. 29, 136 14. 16, 112 8. 9–11, 114, 119 14. 26, 101 8. 9–30, 102 353 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-55228-8 - God, Sexuality, and the Self: An Essay ‘On the Trinity’ Sarah Coakley Index More information 354 Scripture index Romans (cont.) 4. 6, 117, 136 12. 14, 114 5. 23, 15 13. 1–7, 114 Ephesians 1 Corinthians, 131 5. 21–33, 182, 274 4. 16, 309 7. 1–16, 274 Philippians 11, 128, 183 3. 17, 309 11. 1, 309 11. 2–16, 102, 182, 274 Colossians 11. 7, 291 1. 15, 21 12. 3, 258 3. 18, 182 14, 172 14. 19, 172 1 Thessalonians 14. 2, 172 5. 17, 170 14. 21–5, 172 14. 33b–35, 182 2 Thessalonians 14. 35, 285 3. 7, 309 15, 282, 283 3. 9, 309 15. 22, 123 1 Timothy 2 Corinthians 2, 128 4. 4–6, 21 2. 11–15, 182 12, 127 2. 8–15, 274 5. 3–16, 182 Galatians 2. 22–3, 15 Hebrews 3. 13, 222 13. 7, 309 3. 28, 115, 274, 281, 291, 292 2 Peter 4. 4, 113 1. 4, 309 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-55228-8 - God, Sexuality, and the Self: An Essay ‘On the Trinity’ Sarah Coakley Index More information General index Abraham, 199 apophaticism of, 293 agape¯, 8, 345 on body, 276 Ahern, Geoffrey, 164 on desire, 278, 306–7 Aletti, Jean-Noël, 149 on desire for God and sexual desire as Allison, Henry, 96 aligned, 295 Almond, Gabriel, 94 on gender, 274, 289–92, 306–7 Amayem, Mohamed Abou el-, 204 incorporative model, 294 Anatolios, Khaled, 149, 302 life, 275 Andia, Ysabel de, 334, 335 on prayer, 292 Anglican ecclesiology, 31, 163, 165, 166. See on sex, 276, 278, 290, 306–7 Church of England on the Trinity, 143, 279, 293, 304–6 field studies in parishes, 163–86 on women, 274, 278, 291 as hybrid of ‘sect’ and ‘church’, 168 Ayres, Lewis, 28, 149, 273, 301, 302, 305, aniconism, 199, 263–4 329 anima and ‘feminine’ stereotype, 240 Babka, Susie Paulik, 263 Annales School of History, 35, 62 Balthasar, Hans Urs von, 40, 61, 149 Anthony of Egypt, 135, 145 baptism in the Spirit, 169 anti-foundationalism, 16 baptism of Christ, 118, 199, 201 Aphrahat, 201 Barker, Eileen, 93 apophaticism, 23, 44, 45, 46, 62, 273, 293, Barnes, Michel R., 301, 302, 305 303, 312, 335, 336, 345. See Trinity Barth, Karl, 18, 27, 39, 40, 41, 61 and desire for God, 342 Basil of Caesarea, 138, 139, 145 as undermining gender stereotypes, 342 Bates, Stephen, 31 true, 340 Bauer, Walter, 28 Appleby, R. Scott, 94 Bavel, Tarcisius J. van, 291 Aquinas, Thomas, 38, 61, 63, 89, 324 Behr, John, 302 Arian Baptistery at Ravenna, 201 Belting, Hans, 264 Arian controversy, 133, 196, 345 Benedict XVI, 72 Arius, 108 Benhabib, Seyla, 97 Arnold, Matthew, 69, 93 Berg, Hans van den, 204 asceticism, 3, 11, 15–20, 54, 345 Berger, Peter, 94 Ashton, Cyril, 188 Bernard of Clairvaux, 341 Athanasius of Alexandria, 4, 124, 135, 145 Bernstein, Richard J., 97 on the Holy Spirit, 135, 138 biblical exegesis, 8, 25, 53, 127, 347 atonement, 345 binary, 53, 57, 91, 282, 345 Augustine of Hippo, 3, 4, 145, 175, 268, 269, Blake, William, 255, 262 273, 278, 279, 280, 288, 289, 300, Blixen, Baroness von, 308 310, 311, 329, 333, 343 Bock, Gisela, 97 355 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-55228-8 - God, Sexuality, and the Self: An Essay ‘On the Trinity’ Sarah Coakley Index More information 356 General index Bœspflug, François, 262 269, 278, 281, 288, 302, 304, 311, Boff, Leonardo, 242 325, 335, 336, 337 Böhnke, Michael, 338 Coffey, David, 339 Boiadjiev, T., 335 Coleman, Simon, 189 Børresen, Kari E., 291, 306 Collins, Paul M., 301 Boulluec, Alain le, 29 Congar, Yves, 28, 220, 327, 338 Brakke, David, 150 Constantinople I, 116 Bretherton, Luke, 98 contemplation, 19, 25, 43, 45, 48, 54, 59, 83, British Council of Churches 84, 85, 86, 340, 346 ‘Trinitarianism Today’, 164 defined as granting leading role to Holy Brock, Sebastian P., 201 Spirit, 341–2 Brown, David, 262 and desire, 52 Brown, Peter, 30, 125, 284 and the expanded self, 342 Bruce, Steve, 93 involving necessary entanglement of Bryman, Alan, 187 divine and human desire, 340–1 Buckley, James J., 149 as key to alignment of desires, 310 Buckley, Michael, 78 as power-in-vulnerability, 343 Bunge, Gabriel, 253, 262 as reordering the passions, 342–3 Burguière, André, 62 Cooper, Kate, 151 Burrus, Virginia, 29, 303, 307 Cornell, Drucilla, 97 Butler, Judith, 65, 97 Corrigan, Kevin, 303 Craston, Colin, 189 Calvin, John, 39, 61, 99 Cross, Richard, 301, 303 Cameron, Michael, 306 Crouzel, Henri, 149 Cannon, Katie G., 95 Csordas, Thomas J., 189 Cappadocian fathers, 4, 124, 134, cultural theory, 5 269, 345 Cunningham, David S., 337 Caputo, John, 32 Cupitt, Don, 93 Carey, John, 298, 299 Cyril of Jerusalem, 133 Cassian, John, 176 catacombs, 199 D’Arcy, Martin, 30 cataphatic, 46, 60, 346 Daiber, K.-F., 187 Cauville, Sylvie, 204 Daley, Brian, 338 Cavanaugh, William, 94 Daly, Mary, 113, 206, 217, 218, 232 celibacy, 7, 8, 277, 284 Damascene, John, 37, 60 Chadwick, Whitney, 264 Daniélou, Jean, 149, 269, 303 charismatic movement, 165, 188–9 Dante, Alighieri, 251 Chodorow, Nancy, 296 Davie, Grace, 94 Church of England, 164. See Anglican Davies, Oliver, 336 ecclesiology; charismatic deconstruction, 32, 346 movement deferral, 23, 46, 346 Doctrine Commission, 164, 184 Del Colle, Ralph, 338 Cixous, Hélène, 64 depression, 177, 178 Clark, Elizabeth A., 150, 307 Derrida, Jacques, 32 Clark, Gillian, 291, 307 desert fathers, 174 Clarke, Peter B., 187 desire, 51–2, 58, 59, 346 Clement of Alexandria, 285 and apophaticism, 342 Coakley, Sarah, 19, 28, 30, 31, 62, 64, 65, 74, chastening of, 21 85, 89, 95, 98, 137, 141, 186, 220, and creation, 10 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-55228-8 - God, Sexuality, and the Self: An Essay ‘On the Trinity’ Sarah Coakley Index More information General index 357 divine, 6, 23 El Greco, 214 as eros, 2, 313–14 Eliot, T. S., 180 and gender, 2, 7, 9, 10, 52 Emery, Gilles, 150 for God, 6, 10 England, Edward, 188 for God and human entangled, 340–1 Enlightenment ‘reason’, 16, 31, 109 for God and sexual, 154, 155, 268, 300 Ephrem, 201 and Holy Spirit, 13–15 Epiphanius, 121 human erotic ecstasy as trinitarian, 318 epistemic, 346 intensification of, 13 ero¯s, 8, 30, 127, 346. See desire kinds of, 30 eschatological, 346 more fundamental than sex, 10 essentialism, 347 nature of, i ethics, 6, 7, 48, 90 ontology of, 6, 10 Eusebius of Caesarea, 121, 146 ordering of, 2 Evagrius of Pontus, 140, 146 physiological, 7 Platonic view of, 8–10 Falque, Emmanuel, 306 and Platonism, 9, 313, 316 Father primacy of, 322 and feminist objections, 7, 74, 232, 296, purgation of, 13 304, 323, 324, 326, 327 purification of, 8 Faubion, James D., 188 sexual, 2, 6, 52 Febvre, Lucien, 62 transformation of, 23 Fee, Gordon, 149 trinitarian ontology of, 310 feminism, 8, 36, 65, 67, 79, 81, 91, 193, 272, Diadochus of Photice¯, 179 299, 318, 347 Dianich, Severino, 263 contrasted with postmodern gender DiNoia, J. Augustine, 324, 337 theory, 96–7 Dionysius the Areopagite, 295, 310, 312, paradox of equality and difference, 273, 313, 319, 323, 336, 341 294 on desire, 313–22 feminist theology on ecstasy, 313–22 and hierarchy, 318–22 on hierarchy, 318–22 naming God, 336–7 Dixon, J. W., 264 and power-in-vulnerability, 343 Donne, John, 271, 295, 299 Ferguson, Margaret, 97 desire for God and sexual contrasted, 295, Fergusson, David A. S., 345 298 fieldwork, 13, 48, 157, 163, 165, 180, 184. See and homoeroticism, 298 Anglican ecclesiology; Trinity incorporative model, 299 techniques, 187–8 and ‘male’ transcendence, 297, 299 filioque, 24, 327–34, 338–9, 347 on the Trinity, 296–300 as badly formed debate, 331 as turncoat Catholic, 299 ‘Eastern approach’, 328 Douglas, Mary, 157, 166, 167, 320 and gender, 330 Douglass, Scot, 303 problem redefined, 330 Duck, Ruth C., 337 Finch, Janet, 187 Dumont, Louis, 320 Finke, Roger, 93 Dunn, James D.
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