Scripture Index
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-55228-8 - God, Sexuality, and the Self: An Essay ‘On the Trinity’ Sarah Coakley Index More information Scripture index Genesis 15. 26–7, 101 1, 274, 282, 289 16. 14, 101 1. 26–7, 53 16. 7–15, 101 1. 27, 281, 289, 290 19. 34, 211 2, 274, 282, 290 18, 200, 225, 255 3 John 18. 11, 128 1. 11, 309 18. 1–10, 195, 199 Acts, 111 Exodus 1. 1–11, 111 20. 4–5, 21 1. 5, 119 24. 10–11, 21 2. 1–41, 111 2. 38, 119 Psalms 2. 43, 119 27. 8, 21 8. 14–17, 119 17. 34, 310 Song of Songs, 154, 274, 276, 277 19. 1–6, 119 Matthew Romans 5. 8, 21 5. 15–19, 123 7. 7, 170 5. 5, 15, 294 18. 3, 173 6. 3–11, 119 23. 9, 324 8, 112, 115, 117, 120, 134, 135, 28. 19, 107, 118, 119 136, 137, 140, 141, 143, 152, 169, 299, 316 Mark 8. 11, 179 1. 12–13, 177 8. 14–17, 115, 294 1. 9–11, 118, 195 8. 15–16, 112 8. 15–17, 153 Luke 8. 17, 179 1. 26–38, 102 8. 18–21, 114 8. 19–25, 113 John, 111 8. 22–23, 114 1, 102 8. 26, 55, 115, 128, 173 1. 18, 21 8. 26–7, 113 12. 45, 21 8. 27, 13 14. 15–17, 101 8. 29, 136 14. 16, 112 8. 9–11, 114, 119 14. 26, 101 8. 9–30, 102 353 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-55228-8 - God, Sexuality, and the Self: An Essay ‘On the Trinity’ Sarah Coakley Index More information 354 Scripture index Romans (cont.) 4.
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