Liree-Year Appointment Sctaoo Q E M E N T 2 Firms •裸 Township
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,,/rt Christmas Parade on Main Street, Woodbridge, Saturday at 1:30 P. M. m NO. 43 Weekly WOODBRIDGE, N J., WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 22. 1961 FRICI TIR &RTB Or uro, «. J. liree-Year Appointment Sctaoo Qement 2 Firms eba 1 •»r Township Enginee6 r PersIsts° . * AT , ^ , , K ailed To Materialize Referendum Receive* PTA,Oiib Sanction;Named Defendants Protest from Group e "WOODBRIDGE - With thi-- ' School Board Referendum «t 103 Years of Service for December S — tan than two i nance j weeks away — the controvf-r-v I over the purchase of the Fr?» -In Township Suit Dad-Son Team. Ferdinand and Thomas Ivath, !mnn Estates site for * futu-- !hi*h school ir Coloma. eor.-;r.- Offered Are Part of History of Fire Company wf unabated, atrtough pracT.- cally al; the debate come* trom At! Twin Slip .•u»d have By WINDSO* J. LAKIS WOODBRTDGE - Or> hun- The In(iep» naent-Leader hiu,. 1 1 was placed to the comnnmrty without r»-; .bf *. !) bombarded with "Lftters tn Tr- Editor" and aijpitny * Is Basis • • i»»t nlsht'i Unbursem>rit is tr» »nnable p(>sMr/;> ha-* bwn used Let- . alter a cau- record of a father and «on ters fmm thoKf who havp had ^ ran intro- team F<7dinaiwl and •thur sav or. the matter more Kath. who have jiTiri 'hu thar twice were elimmated to Of Issue • „• the Demo- mufh tiro* to Wondbridsr* r,rc •.pv- others a chance to state v. the caucus, Compart? JUM:- -.-lews A few letters ar- ;1 \1- Whe«Wr'» Frdlnand Kath rr.o *•::. v 1 WOODBRIDGt — Suit WW nv'-d after the deadline for th* filed Late yesterday afwnwem .:. fontradlctior. so yeah old next month ha< editorial page. i M Adam't the distortion of beini; 'h> in trie Chancery Dtvl*» at 8i- -•: .y transition y)!e wrvirw charter member n; A uroup formed in an efTort ' pc.-tor Coun hy Lewta 8. J«e*- v new Demo-th* company Tmn knowr. to to iialt the purchase of the Co- *ir.. special counsel. In benilf his mtlmatw at TK" has Uonia site — tbe ';'? of the Township, against Law- 1 i. the Repub-been contlnum* h:.< fatryr"« Committee for Better Schools' rence Clement. PubUc Woarka niuMer enough familiar name with 'ht- local is advocating neeatwe ballots General ?weman; •• • Adams de-farmer and U rir-srrtk 'he or. thf- rpferendani. iConcret* Products and -'j;;n« the or- oldest acjvr l-.vins m»rr.b*r Residents in other tect:o!i.< v. vatm^ Corporation and Man ::;.odU0fd at Both father and «on &'< :th»> Township, who fee! that lAlmasi Trucking Company k>- -netting with rhi»>!« ar.d arc number* °T mucr.-n°eled Khoo! construc- ca! firm.v that have been doteg December 19 rrcm-jt Ptr«r#n> \sw:. •tior. w-" be jeoparteec. and busintst w.': the mnnicipaltT fearful Woodbridge Senior Hur. for three de»'ades. .• :-'a,«O!- !or Tom who TIH 1> 85 tvv 1 ; 1 ••ar School might lose ito accredit-, The suits art the result of a •rid wi! . ~':re from *h<- •r.'Il -.-:. * r»o ser. rti Oil ComiiwriY at 'hat tir atior, as a result, are evider.tly Town Comnuwee investigation just A:- anxious that thr voter? of municipul practicee instt- .::irer during nrrter."!* » member of •he • east affirmative ballots. 'tuted try tne Adams wisration, was Board of P:re Comnrteio ^ a :*>'-veai term oosinw !> lamed aft* ; Several gro*5)s have endorsed hta jthe referendum, the latest be- * AIDES: Mr> Riueell Moody, chairman of thr Tmrnship Sirter EenneT Fund • Jtr accord;™; father rwd hrid 'h+ yw ! for ing the Ise-lin DemoCTatic Club ",i'"..e\ Su-wurt "i«ht year* Appril is show* above with Mayor Frederick M Adams, honorary ehairnua. Wtth thrm an Prosecutor'$ I The president of that organiza- Mrs. Moodj'a five aides Mrs. Eeben Pirron* Mrs. Joseph Wlouewski. Mrs DBTM Mfller, de» t,h»t ihe Ftrd'ir.and arrived ir this THOMAS and rT.RDlNAM) KATH tion. Carmine Marino, a teach- Mrs. Nigel Crowley »nd Mn. John schrribet. 'i trie engmwr rountn from Germany u a In Town C§mtiaiua ;er at Seton Hall Diiivarsity, n- x -fading three youngster ar-d became a titl- jmlnded the members that "the' NET •'• ;» of the »TI rw wa* about r.ine Nehru Gives Interview isune situation existed tn Beile-i recording to »ea,-i old The fatnirv *r\*6 or. iville where the ^eopie wjsrted1 2*v • rt"t»r km »*WjV«ri 1ii»e'» *.r, th* jectio;. :the Bond issue and the high Donations Just Trickle swn tooiy trrtft .*-.. :ie said, then rallrd *-jp& 3pr.rwt" Hr- other three to fotn weeks be- J school there lost it* accredita- -.U!i'f would attended No 1 School and h* To Judge Kantor's Sontion." fore the second phase of the recall* beirn taught tv Mr* Blight Loae Afcredteatiim Tovnhip in\estig*ttan — the > Apyrwwd Acker Mrs flamed and Mr« WOODBR1DGE Urrv Kar.tor. «in of Magistrate and dupUcate delivery slips — A no In For Christmas Fund Mrs. Benjamin L Kar.tor. LL-iden Avenue, had the opportunitj- vote," Mr. Marino said, will be presented to th* 1 111 close i'-.--', the Mr Kath 'ook a job with to interview Prime Minister Nehm recently as a Rtasers dele-," * the door to the col- By KITH WOLE organizauons have seen to it Fund conducted by The Inde- Grand Jury. • irsnted Fran- Hoiyrt Humphries who ran » gate tc i special nanoiial conference on the United Nations'; (Contained op Page t) WOODBBJDGE — Tomorrow that Thanksgiving baskets are pendent-ltader is successful. "Joseph Seaman, the aud- •••• x.;t to erw. a hardware st<jr» at the comer beid ir. Sew York during Nehru's visit to the United States. ' ii Thanksgiving Day. distributed. IM Families Aaided itor has not completed his • o m Rah may of Fu!'cm and Mair Streets. It Mr Kantor i? a pre-law student, class of 1962. and plans jacobtOft Resigns Ir. a great many homes, the In still other homes, Thanks- Last year the Fund took care check of the records yet." "r.dst oc th* wfBMKl tria' Mr Humphries to 20 :o Ui School A gradu- At Special Counsel yt>ur-6 Iolk* ^ attend a foot- giving will be just another day of over 100 families. Each mem Mr. Dolan stated. "We art • - .u.« toward wam*d'va »" wb could wak ate of Wuodbridgr H^h School, -.,, ^ ...^v».v™.»r.ta]1 ^^ ^ ^^ m^ _ n0 ,3,^^ no p^p^ pi6i ber ^ ^^ tamilles wa6 giverl intervieiring all concerned W(X O Bratu* Qar-.Ormar. to Var- the tinsmith class of I9o8, he .i vKe presi- |H jj»g ^jOlHPftDy »BRIDGE - Lewis 8. home in tune to join their par- none of the things that go to good, warm clothing, each child and have received coopera- •*"".!] be from trade H* *tar>d in this TOCB- dent of the IalernMiotial R*- r J Jacobson, local attorney an-ients and grandparents for the make Thanksgiving. That scene received several *OJB and the tion" tior. ar.d worked at it for nine lauoas Cluo of Rutgers. 'nounced today that he has re-'annual Thaaksgtvmg feast of wiH be duplicated in practical-'entice family was provided with K o! JlnMr itration and deal vitk alleged uot. according ynn More thar. 1.000 student body |\<imf»C SlfltP ^^ r 1 M «pe-' , '.-.... duplicate dtlivexy aUps. will be from Later h' w».» employed at Pos- presidentt. student newspaper > '«»**«- ^ UM»l.V/ cial counsel for the Township; in other homes there will be ship on Christmas Day. unless We hope to repeat the giving In the first count in the civfl M A ux-foot »r Wheeler x Cart«*t and the editors, honor students in m-i to the Reading Railroad awe, some unexpected joy for a few the lflth annual Christmas (Continued on Page 2) <r,t* will sur-Vulcan Drtinning tn Sewareti ^mational relations attended WOCX^IIDGE — Andrewiwhich is appealing its action the complaint states rty which was H» *PM or, to Gugtenhiem's'; fwo-da» session represent-Anderson was elected chiel aliment. that "during such yeara (1955- ne 1960* the defendant, Clement . •; or. Page 1> American 8melter and Refin- the Woodbridge Fire Company larj Mr. Jacobson said, with theiQiaiieV, ToWBship AsSCSSOr, Is SenOUsK' BllTned nearly every state in breached his duties of trust, ing Company C S Metals tr 1M2 at an election held Thurs- change of administration, it . ' confidence, fidelity and fiduci- Carteret and -Standard OB in "prjne Minister Nehrd de-' day at the firehouse. was the only orderly thine to WOODBKTDGOGE E — Townshipp. Mr. Chaneyy,, a tooool and diee pploded. ary relationship toward the .Baywa} After worbni for 32 uvernl the keynote address and Others who will serve Assessoi- WiUum Chanej, Sey-lexpert, was setting up a plant According to h\s family, Mr. nert *> plaintiff municipality in the ivwu-j at the National Lead r;. s Senator Joseph Clark 'D.- yearare: However, Mr. Jacobean saM.mour Placel , is > patieni t at St. fof r CeramicCi s 'Fabricators'Fri , Inc.I , Chaneh y is in faif r conditiondii . k House following particulars: Company th» »lder Kath re- pa chairman of the Senate y^ jsagtam ch^ be would remain as special'Joseph s Hospital, Paterson, Lyndhurst, when he noticed: Mr. Chaney. a life-long Ee- iPartteolan tired in 1M1 and ie has beon . on ln:ernationa. .l Hacker: second assistant chief. counsel is the probe into mu-! where he is being treated for white fumes emanating from a publican, was recently appolnt- -takir* it t-asr «rr since" Orjuruiation Aftairi.