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Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

4-27-1906 Las Vegas Daily Optic, 04-27-1906 The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eopleP 's Paper

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Recommended Citation The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eP ople's Paper. "Las Vegas Daily Optic, 04-27-1906." (1906). lvdo_news/1508

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U4 la iae rra aad R CraW nMt ekir4d to Scat &. a-- hw mr taraarr hate tear mr $mam af th Mfet ovm w hetw is - ed a- ay of ntUta crop ft W kaa kwea aOatuvt M Kt pr dintns whefw ttotfce rata falls. Thi amtosMuty. . . . . r. an I hvowv a th Caaaa 111 4 aldiaA ewoet salty la aark la jei. so ra4 after lis uca-tor- . a worthy eaaaef coatra let w a vs of that mam ah trst Th pufi0 of this n"Herou rum : 4 n la K tif tbts uUa awaUy ax a eeatewt it ahM m v w - w. ilffifitsiiis the rWi from ev ! mm 4tt prevaHI stving thaa tl,trf. x fr 17 r !,' aad frota Ium ihromgh pr-rr- aaa aee et mi La ar is It aaa Veea eauemt-l- y about t! addhluAal is bow ta Seel (j feet ver tit.d. aad may w Since a pwbtlcattnsi of" the r1 tV ill IJltlwJ ''1' ihw profttti af fattalng la .m! the fiJllBg euir.lMUKit hava- - arid tba,r rewiid: Mr. lUMily fMHHHMMMHHiiMMIi p. Ferry, custodian of rwpi"a rea aad 8. S ...... a t& euy Lfcrarr. to this V, rtrad city nr r. otaer ! By TefrtWe.,,,)..,.d Storm roi-- a'iht from tb eaat. acAnmn- - - trgu of tb W. V. Lewi company. lt Richard tA. Morley 11 i . ... . !otd - by hr brother. Will 8. Proa j n . by Rain Increases Th remain will be forwarded who Another baa bee making his horn la " Drenching or ta th to BuwiUg tlMauia) - - ; . atoraing Tb aa Invalid Mctr """"v Green. &oa, laitr aid !! Zamm sfhool ebiKVeo) , . 3' "'iTkMM.a. . u win rimia here Mil be recover his Wf-- . w . of and There Mr, llayward mill accompany tb r.. aw. Misery Refugees wilt heajth. Mrs, perrr vaa absent fmra HWd and Dtsth List relative to the Ohio rlt aad tb for threw fKty t fun .tr awiwths, Hng!T.Wifl T return to Albuquerque after tb which tiaw abe u fiAJI Ky tojartd, is Much in Im- raL villus w ..llWiJUI Suffering eat I Mala and rVbufve aad fHeada ia Vermont aad Maatarbw-Hta- . 'Frisco THIRTEEN DEATH Helps one Tvus. TV" i"!"1- - FOLLOW TORNADO gl stayed month laager April provised Camps. than she had Intended oa account of aada sweft krnU tLI Me tb t;,ae of her Th Jt Fort Worth, April 27. A dispatch father. la Vega Vxtjse af th ld Btht. dtrii!g everythlaci It .V""" ; Texst. fMnieni a tM f v"" thla morning from B"IJvw, vwr tuna,' path and a a result prankally th tb loaa of Itf ther laat - One Hundred and Stores But Com place by Blows rato4 over $J frmu aatong ta mu- rottr town la a biimi f rulaa, vely Fifty Open People Bight 'a tornado . at thirteen. Prac- Explosion bee to b seat to the relief of tke.thr btil1ia now tmg. At Militiaman Arrested tically all of th wrecked U4lng home ufferer. of plain of Exorbitant Charge. IMiner Pieces. fct rtiirtaw! fcr Md that caught fir after lit storm pass to Btanche f the order ait over the fUt vm4mt of . t4 for Reckless Salinas Scene' of . 4 vera burned today, A carload we, rtrcuUte B,,U)br Th. tornado wa Shooting. was country nt,rted to provisioBa swat from Fori Worth . . . followed tv fire, whkh th tl-- '' I uhaiini mmvn.r.,r.w mwm ctuied ShocM this tola morning aad tents vera ruined a,..t fc,I,-;o- f Morning. V i . ""T". nl8r th retipectlv bcalliira and It cchae. Tb towa f Delleva cv from Wichita Falla, y d l' "il C1"! "aJ Tfc" jrxi-la- that a many siat. of uv bouse. Report from. Stoneburg say that " gnat thread m " "4 a dollar will b aecured In this wtv, Th dewd are a t tb cotton Jin ther vaa wrecked I Mai: .r T ,lnlJf1 Ml ,nJ' rellev tb dUtress of tb anfor R. H. JtuMit, wlf and f--r child-b- y and several residence ver damaged. the d.vaa-Mu- delayed exploaioa of a vicUma f th dtaster out la re, No one vaa Injured. To tornado mit lUst at Cowlea, to . ' accmdlag a, . I Tom Carr. Lot Ansele. April 27. A long dlatanr telephoo ne covered aa area eight mile vld and mmmm CI, rna., .mm re. j Appended la th subs-ariptio- a of W. M. Bell. county uk from the correspondent of !b Asaocfat.d Preaa at 8allaaa, destroyed farm house and crops, Six Th nilnfin Iniili tihiu u 11... i...... tb'.. a rJld. '. fr - - me names of tee ui 120 ttflea aouth of Francisco, this that three hundred at Bellevu are honie- - iwtge, giving tiny j fla morning, stale people vl tb- hwos i,b-rrll-ers yard bottrdiog of the and the amounts thev do-- l Tm BloooL shocks wer frit ther butt bat bo leva aad destitute. M-cu-s '-- V very heavy earthquake night, practically X-r- V company. Th maa Bated. ty Two members far as known no baa remind every aiember gate ft damage wer blasting out om. old' pine Utter anunmi. m th. ,nurai ..iuf' Rerloualv lnlured: Tb damage at Salinas from, tW earthquake shock last week la a.B? sinrape with giant poider. Threw .m(t u. ... tmrnoini Two OatIt. Vl la of million dollar. of t,. ,hJ daurhlers. r nmi Obsequies larg Viflv m UhAr a a Optic, and without . - SaUna I reaponded a v -- river reported to have sunk ten or twelve feet all srimill- Atllt IK - at . .. . pro.i"i.I V.a fTn.,l S V v . a - thrua uiwvi, to tne i u tt. h. a iiai: I along tb course tor mil'. Miss Strother Two foltowetl. mi -- iplot.nna Tblnkina Bacharach Hrt ... ' lr t anl bers cf two w - the bleats bad.gon off almuV M, Bendlx ',..".",.... .0) 'w,,r. aimO- taneoury me tore itptut-bc- the H A. Cauiee w'0"' - tl Mrs. San Francisco, April 27.Many of mere ktIM In Lorn Prlvta, tea tulles The remains of Miss Aileeu iStroth- stamp and WheeW had Just taken i r:rM.w. . nn McGra, u wnea t4-tbir- i e- - San Fraoclaco'a homeless people from bera, by the crushing of a saw r were laid to rest tbis afternoon coin fir cnarjre Clir1e C trend ay j f,Q nBrvuve rvumstea iiac tn fa-ca- nt fif-tn- - ttMa at. camped la the parka, squares and mill by a landslide. There, .were ?n within the beautiful confine of the vtw., tarnwiug tr n:e tint on th- p.o Hrfaenthal , f1( betaevn nft,i00 and flTK.OOO. lots were awakened early thi men in the mill and only on es- - Masonic remetery. It vatt ber dying yreimd hnd "buttering the h'r and na Iwi ... .'.'1 00 morning by water dripping through caoed. Tie brought the news Of tb uh that she be buried near the arms of Wbetler. who died few a. M. Adler , .... FEARED LOSS OF LIFE which afford- f - MAY BE MUCH GREATER their Improvised tents, catastrophe to this city. The court mountain which she grew to love, ldter. Alont three totind uf dvn;v- Max NnOaue 10 0'ij house In Bant la In - ed poof protection asainat the heavy Crua a danger- j Instead of havlug her body shipped nut expinde. J m. lfknwitt 2.61, rain that aliout 1 u'ekick and ua and 1 men Datltf. v, condition It will probably for Interment to ber old home at Fort Four. other wer alandltig ("hirle KWil ...,, , 1 f Tx, April for Tlie i an a In Clar and Stone-I'ur-?, continued several boura. hare to rated with dynamite. Smith, Ark. wr badly etutwed but eHCiipt-il- ' a w,. village county, Rt;4P a e Al'JiouKh totter prepared than for: county ctffVta: t fnve to efctcr It, itev. fi. A. Murley of the Klisl uiilJ..J.'; Swaherty and Hottru-,- i srr Naha vifiag. (a Jlonijg-u- cotiaty, several days past, hundreds of teata MtbodiaU church officiated at tb were bmrtrht to huh SS miles northwest of here, gaata Fe and placed DvM Ptem aV I laat a.faW f wer struck by a tornado last even- having been received since, tb CREELEV SAYS OEATH last riles, and preached a touching in tne nnpiuii mere. iiougnerty,i race S.M without tb jawh giern ing, the number of dead esti- .torm.,thoiiands vera proper sermon during tb services at waa hadly torn and h will 1 being LIST OVER ESTIMATED. likely Uidwlp Meld ri in The diatress vaa at choir asalatad . mated at Bellevue, and twen shelter. least church. Tb iSplscopal lose ms eyesight. Wbll suffering laiwc A S.Sl thirty opel in . tb Presidio, where nearly all of the at the obsequies, singing a vera! ap from shock It Is ty Stoneburg. Dispatches from severely fhe bellev Albert Stern .... ,'- l.on 11 are with teats. San Francisco, April 21 It Is the anthems. ' loo, 13) miles south of Bellevne, ai refugee provided propriate Rotterman will sustain no per Charl Daniiger ...... ton "Cow Hollow," In the rear of opinion of General Greeley that the a consisted of young ' to tb effect that Hamilton, th coun- la The manent injnry. Davis $. Harbor View, about t,o Italians number of casualties have been men who belonged to the glgtuA Veta, j'llt , ty seat, was aluo devaatated by th from Russian and hills which vaa (Ceclllo Rosenwnld M tornado and several lives loL Two Telegraph a Greek letter fraternity David and some Chinese and Japanese are "So many and grossly exaggerated Normal university, - j Roenwald , ,. 1.ft relief traina have gone from Henri- organised atlh Folio on Musko- I William Rosenthal l.W camped. Few of them had teata and reports of the nnmber of death have and which waa later absorbed by the etta to Believue earning doctors and Tn tnone forwarded ther vaa much distress, especially been sent out that w hav determin- Phi Lambda Ppallon fraternity. Ed- t nurse. - th. of the and among women and children.: , la th- ed to make a systematic win SCrotber. B hrother of the dead gee VUdOrdlJglC headquarter, anciely nwc It will be sent the . a v vast waa. member aocleiy, . "m to GOVERNMENT SENDS j4ws aw wci' girl, of.thl t 5pr0IK,r Car started oa several streets He said: "For Instance. It Is 'stat those chosen, to the casket tntboritie m Ran Francisco. MONEY TO 'FRISCO. Ing. and carry ' '' today, permission to run the car on ed that a many aa seventy-fiv- e liver holding th lifeless form of hla sis- Waahinjrton, D. C, April 27. Th - w. Pacific avenue, Fillmore, Church and were loot in the Valencia "hotel, but were bosom companions of hla United State sooloitical aurvev haa Ktlna Glllreath arrived In Bel New York. April ter R,VPr Sixteenth streets and certain parte o fsr as we bave bee able to a while here, Just brought out an Interesting folio Macon, Missouri, last transfer of 2,oon,ooo to San Francis- of Mission street having been grant' certain the loaa did not exceed twen Messrs. Lawrence Tamme, Law- with the Muskogee quad- - rday,and Monday morning took co waa made by th aubtreasury dur- fhe ed last sight. ty. I believe there are similar d' rence Clark Ernest Blood, Robert rang), a division of land located In charge of public school of Td ing th first bofir after It opened In- - wlver. Oa hundred and fifty store open- crepaaclea wh'ch vUl be discovered Smith, Edward Vasse and Adam th Cheroke and Creek nations, ed for bnalneea bat before o wer th pall- diaxt Territory, According to th r- - yesterday, r after thorough examination (Scotty) Mclntyr ' night numerous complaints were re-- records and a search of the ruins." : bearers. .The floral tributes ver port the quadrangle is rich in coal, C.ARaL I 1 Da..J!L.I tT ' , wived that the storekeeper bad many and beautiful, attesting la a oil. gas. building atone: limestone. I I til I LI I UUVCIL Uk'aiUI lllll VXm raised prices aad the complaints are measure the esteem ia which th roaa snatenai ana ciay, t o uea re-- , ' ' the authorities. woman' was held. . sources may be added water, soil and . being Investigated by Dies on Train young , '' Win th forests. Th ore of sine and . Aonumcnt In Pcfis lead b found la small I WEATHER CONDITIONS MIKADO GIVES TWO may possibly x r En Route Home A I . iM .V. J l, .... . V ' a '"'.m..;. - AUGMENT MISERY ' ; HUNDRED THOUSAND ucpuaiui lit nw uuaurau!--- uui urj - , . - f . ; , . ar at known w occur in commercial Memorial to Great Statesman St&bds on Site of - - 2?. Th Mikado has Bituminous coal of .. Oakland April 17. A heavy- davn- Toklo, April quantity. good TTiila TJ rv PasUt relief the to be found In th Musko- - nM a. ;t.. ttV i , tuuiK of rain ut In at tnlitnlsrht and Ffink L Kudulf Away donated $200,000 for th of quality is vi cmsojt wtJi tjuiwuies , - lo-- eiy ' Sao. Francisco fire sufferer.- The gee quadrangle, but ha not been j -- - - i - continued throughout Ufa morning. This Mornin Near Us " Impressive. 1 bualnes men of Toklo and eated in heda of sufficient thickness i - - . . V It mad things miserable for the leading I laWaaaWaaaaa j Osaka hav contributed a like sum. m fta aiaaj. aaaaa .a tn ... unfortunate refugees from San Fran- . 27.-- The statu Ben- - it I that the hospital ship. cal wnaumpUon April of his "Treaties I'poa th Elementary cisco who ar bow living under can expected ln lch was unveiled Kuamo, formerly the Russian ahlp Th production of oil In till quad-- Flr"; j the Papal Nuncio had an vass la the various camp. .The frnoIlB'ffn PP"prlately erect, audience lit order to make tb - Francisco with was at th time of tb known, y will sail for Sad rangl limited, number there was Increased retrter-da- Frank B. Rudulph of Albuquerque Orel, ccn 'days." In 1904, to to. gnoeroua disposition of Rome toward , Into of left that last for Bowling la a few anrvey'a Investigation July, fal ??mU' by the removal the camp city night 4Ka tlala.a .,a . t BCUVlty dUrillg Uf eVBtfUi America; Mlrabeau waa a caller, and who has. been Green, Ohio. Death Intervened, how- nfie- those previously giv of Thla oil is of much i" - U Cham fort presented a, copy of his en In churches and Julia.. A ever, before he could reach hla des- Moskoge. ItL'T'.?9on T1 du shelter Gov. Hagerman Talks higher grade than any. other oil pro Trocadero, pamphlet against England. , tination. He breathed his last short tb Franco-America- trong wind la also blowing and tie duced Indian Bear point where the Rue Frank- The n aspect of to- ' - ' 1 ly after ten o'clocX this and in Territory. weather i col. morning , About New Mexico. lin, named In hi honor, lead towrrds day's celebration ia shown la the a few minute before the train on the - - heights of Pasay, composition of the committees of ban- -' " which he waa a arrived In ,,.,, T( MILITIAMAN ARREST- - ,"" passenger All about are romlBdr of Frank- or, a'formef - - including American pres- Las Tegasv h Frisco Sufferers - ED FOR SH00TIN&. lin' sojtmra In Pasay here the Place ident, Grover Cleveland, a former Mr, Rtidulph waa 3 years of age (Washington fost.) - on A man to the Franklin, further the passage American vice president, Levi p. and formerly lived at 'Bowling Green. very young occupy Need More and on the 27. The first office of of a ter Money Franklin, busy thorough- Morum. two former French presi- Ssa Francisco, April He is survived by a young wife and Important governor fare of tb James Pasay. antiquated Hotef dent,. Monsieur Loubet and Caslml- r- two small one is Herbert Hagerman, " S . . v . . children, of whom la rltory Franklin. It was on th Rue Frank- wen aa reckless shooting by a member f Just a the chief axecutive of New Mexico, Have you had a part In alleviating rcriur, a. many otner promi- hate ia arm, and the members lin that the villa stood, surrounded nent bulilte rnwfl (Wnxli anrf ai,..i the state militia waa mede short lv of his wer on the' with who la a guegt at the new Wlllard. the sufferings of th unfortunate family train I by ample gardens, which became so can. when Ern- but thirty-fou- r of San Franclaco? before midnight last night him. . They were also by Governor Ragerman is people t accompanied well known aa Franklin' home, . Th The. statue of est Wilder, a military sentry, w Mrs. 's slater and a yeara old. but he bad conaldtrabI ex If not, tea In your contr but on,' Benjamin Franklin Rudulph profes- p!aee ma,Vc(J today Dy a bra8e tab. which was unveiled is a taken into custody and disarmed by sional nurse, Mr. W."M. Hayward of periene In public affair prior to bin whether It be large or small. Laa ,et of today ' ' fcfn.ed to the M a tumble rate of doe one io front of tb Phila-- 'rantafn B. F. Rittenhonse of the Albuquerque. appointment aa governor, having been; egas has not yet don it share, U9e! dowt ed,nce ,ately M rell SerClphIa which I - Tnlted Statea marine corps, who turn The deceased waa a at St. Petersburg for three year, aa; Judged bv.ttie standard set by other! consider- telegraph oper - Joul ,choolf but B0W cl0Be(, nder ed him over to the police. Wilder is ator by occupation and had been env 'aMialant aecretary of th American- New Mexico towoa.. However, in a law ' against religiou teaching. and the beat statu FVanw. - 'with hi post and Is son of Hag- - cause aa jpitv,t a. -f a. rhareed leaving ployed at the SanU Fe freight office ; legation. He a J. J. ao worthy thla there should No vestige of the Franklin villa Hn ' I &r'r made. It Franklin . the command man prompt-year- represents "abootlu tip" district in Albuquerque for the past three erman, a who las done much he no standard excepting tb remains today, hut it Is remembered ea'Jd in 1 - his favorite arm chair MM. Rittenhoiise. Wilder, who His death waa caused con-'fo- r tb of New Mexico one' own thon-sumptk- ed by by development ng of heart. Today it substantial twoatory structure, enfolded in a a of twenty wa badly H cam west three years la the way rail rotd construction, sands of are in tents i dressing' rob. youth year, pf people shivering with commodious wings, surrounded ai ante and a little to when arrested and claimed he in the of benefitted aad of canals. while drench-- ! th rar scared ago hope being tb building Irrigation Jin San Francisco, th by a terraced garden, with walks cf tha- - " tUir is large hook, as tf a mad dog or something ani and waa seemingly recovering untUj 'rW are getting along excellently inilng rain w. y .AMlhI:', row of linden tt had iiv n dria.throneithaar,,i8Shaed Jnat fallen from th hand of at It, It was later 'discovered sustained vwiesx ; tcsscrraas ear tecthm, tne young governor, trv Rhelter to add to their misery, trees. , Here Franklin red the w poatu the 'great sclentlat and diplomat. that fee baft killed a email pet dog. last Jannray. He had been confined "Thi year w bar been blessed with Thousand are utterly destitute ahdf plana which France became th Franklin's br ttttulesla one of repoao to bed since that time and realizing fine rains, and whenever the rainfall only the relief funds stands between' ally of the United States;, here be and from wa the ayefessioB of hi calm FIFTY-FOU- KILLED that the end near h endeavored Is good, the cattle and sheep men them an1 starvation. (erected, to the traditions according wrere sear m sajM forth those , , AT LOMA FRIETA to reach his old home before th end er eriala of coming out on top. . The greatest assurance ia . of th ' given Paasy, original lightning rod, characteristic; kiiidlln : ', .s Not will reclamation came.' on'y. the project that every dollar will be wisely used, and here he aotrnt his leisure hour which did fco krpd - - - r him. Crua, CaL,' April i7 On The' body removed from the now underway bring Into cultivation If San .Francisco- - should the keenest Wits and - SanU th', cry, among bright- the people - -- t as fifty-fou- r men train in this city and taken to the many thousands of acres of fertile "enough,- - a little could est minds of France. day of tht earthquake, help very, Marat brought first repteaf'. 'tr itvpu im vua bwuly omc fEIDAT. APRIL 21. IS. a. tie Attmar fcrf, s4 mm s Tbamio s atatUX ef tbe Dcsjver Caef CeU Wila Hsatta a tv tbr. All Hm t0d8t assy IMA WHAN WHISKEY Repewaraa, bag acfd rhe fststUea' be fvurte4 t ssay . Vt the mw ft beei a ta&t CA ,ef editor ce tbe Saata Fe X Sir. Was. Tboa. ljtaorgva, feertsrta WM ILEUM to W ass tbeat vta b tut Uexicaaty roasts Vie at Cbapleaa. CBUurto..aays: iwbrfkg W. r. Brogaa. who. ww - a severe eoid wtiSe aa twtttef p baj- iib C T. rUeaaa. bis 1 caagbt baauag isjiTa At tbe regvJaur traanerly awsiuai tegeiber a to fbe forest rwaaep teat f&U, 1E:-C7?iii::rji:-I3inc- u3 ksg. bliiSi.g tbat at tbe pride as city wp tbe bergUr ef coamkiaoaert af laat editor, spee4 Hearias ef Ckaaibertsla'a Ceegh Rae I CltiUaad. tbe t'sJue avsvtags fcfl Oa La oaty eeasasre ta a aalaiag cattl caaap - tvavw ear m ftl 1 tx. and after tw Jioahie w star imtumngatig the to aatraltfey tag-- a akysrtaiwr week a taw waa tliccwi tor tbe atw at Victoria edy. vrw asug eoMMrlit wwr d aal fprtaga, I was cwrod. wlrrr MM cm all wwUrt. as bartkwsyla tbe Tbe to bctX. ta sesail botUee. coeapJetriy tmiwit rUag at W. eoaaty conn bees, be to tatesv-ie- d wrtb srwewd ewrrgy Wroettsf rd Tbla reasedy eapecUCy apperewtly wtU. tbeJ e4 kigb. fraaae4 w to be pwr-cbaa- HAWHAM rrtuaf rrtsrif bwildagt rtesaeg. aa4 tbe greeads WHiftKCY for aaw cedda, 13 loosea. mmUmMm. tl ibcj tbe bwst The & aew court boeae t eongba it SeMiMdid(.ffC4itttaet4MM:wosOd ar tajr4. rraaeie el Tbe Perfect. Wttbcet aa Kaaa. eevera cold ta lea tiase rre, eaJvt. fleeter, lottoes. dr.. rare tseta. They kept f by a CaQ wt3 aad relieve -- - M "w-- w bwtldiag. a waa ot wUl be of brtrk aad etoaje aad It keeps UrJiLg good. ii i 1 1 ii 1 1 '! 1 ' ' -- tbaa any ber treataseat aad t i m t ' tesrb4 at an by tbelory. bwt oca ta Xew Vesica by Ufnss asertm ir'T '"'-- r'These' qttske, tbe be ed tbe flaeat a farorhe wherever tta saperior eweV rf ttitH',T ' Ire anerwsrds 4 tbe at twM umiiad their ieto tWUood. .: ly btcawtewt aa ieartive aad livg guk aaatage te trace baa beeoase baow. For aato f way M IW wet L, J mJiImii f tbe arvlrm. Nturv iwtrsds tbat they ebail t tamed ftbt jaev balldiage ky an thro tbe mal chaaaela c4 waste. the diScreai Un latitat to reie. tt Tbe "The ettorb cstase a Knle tbkr mtWm twir datie MMtrif leav the wuiUrr te KWf u4 frreewt after Priccj Ilinsbora baa bad tu eaar of east-e- ra ei-r-ari these eed afMtf (ioodtbr. ta its eaVat t keep lb Tl hesJtfcy. psoB tea (Xaiu ate. Our Westers visitor ta past fw day to t tbe rat e wewad 12 tote U formed, aad tbe eoastaat Caiea ctorb etwee at tbe tesuutt For te wblrb rt brat, and imtttaJ w were eptcdag mlsisg avopenlea dretaag of tool saattrr thrwogh it kepe the !r btt, Tbe bsads bav aot taew are toteveeted. Sewstor Waraer ore s4 kW-- ta tit pot-- ko it caaaU beaL ;J beea awte4 as yeC eeatbte 1 Milker Cbarrbill of New AetT,eeeauaz VMkMttir el tec Uob4 Iran r- - Florshcim aad Hry as going te bate a fbot. take et were aaaoag tbee. geaator Mil- f s.;. 4 sosse trouble r tbe 8. Tor, I rw.tjtetwl Shoes. ler to prestdeat of tbe Sierra Con- 1 cf a low? opr.! 4 . -l-- - w the loaaltaia bead aad driveaSSout all sy is guadey. Very few f solidated Gold Mining company. 3 ' - tbe JO wwswoii taettey ed gwn. and ik UK- stores) are rloaed. All are work SHOE CONSTRICTION a svness tag lo tbe aaf tbe Oevira talaod Techwe VFCFTz'LF .actors.. Aa the get aed rtire ertaga of rV..AIf isntjear of S. S. S Ik ioftaatioa poor people. Vim. assay a rich i ao worse tbaa tbe tarKbl case ai me tbe Sesb UVra ea beaUoy color, bI tooa tb plac it Fraarbww aua or nuber assay Uut Dilea tbat afflicted tea year. Tbea rradaaJly leav. la oi I Boefclea't Af-al- B3cO. wtct were last ftuaday. bate m uaa was advised to apply wa tly v.KaaomaiKi iirmiw my wici rh Pr-maaea- tirmaaraliy t&a-tcr-iilt box MWUTT M71AXTA, HMm I bare ta asy I have Se six tb Salve, aad las tbaa a rot (bare. iS CKSfTSZ C9t pockets. S. Na cveta la ailed aMatee bav- cured ma, writes U roia. bat froct Heals an in a plww to eat I aeed ao more. pier of Bugles. Ky. wound, aole ta burns aad sores IVk aaagla. tte. a ' "Nobody la biding to prevest work-lag- . top an Las Writes of Tbe bwl all dreggittc Vegas Boy pvtiyU are ulng mustbannoa VI I Kul Bibbers .... 4AO tbeir best. I came oa duty Wedaew ice Metal Blacber . . NOTtCC FOR PUBUCATION. day and with coe Gas $400 The naming stayed oa nntil Vbl Kid Cluster w Terrible Disaster Tbarsday aifchl-- Jat aa evea ia tSJM Hemeataad Na. forty aaotber FateBt KM Elwbers Entry, WX hours without any sleep aad very Lt-l- their fxrfec These we nek time W sleep'. bate to at from A to E of tba Interior. UaeV Thursday atgbt laat Departmeat Formtr Local Hotel Clerk Now Connected With I got aevea hours' rest Tbea into tba. all tMde ia the latest atylea tote. OSke at ftoata Fe, A March 1, Oa dUtV WBlll fUlBNts mtl.m I lfKnt. wbea 1 three Notice la that the tub Hotel Crcllin in Oakland Tells of Situ- - got la hours. Last sight fiood aokt aad poor wpprrt make a hereby give wing-name- d one I went to bed aa lio-in- K itta White Hona Men's lo aettier baa flled otto lt slept aatil bad roabtattiiia. poor ga tine of ation at 'Frisco. ail. and tbat helps a great oVel, and counters. low sboes. Patent. Vkd Kid and Goo of hit lateaUoa to make flat! proof ta "Now, 1 do aot bcow that tbla Metal uppers aupport of bla claim, aad that taJd . far-luuU- e will U. 8. Court win be of benefit to any oa la Tie wtf ".CAiw" tigmifitt aw AT proof be mad before 0khni. Cl Aprtt , wot to tbe street. Electric gaa, but If I caa be of beneflt tt)U 0r swir. $30. Commlaaloaer at La Vegta, N. M, oa 1'. aia to any Archa t of Tba Optic: wire er everywhere. somehow home people la tbe May 4. 106; fit.: Joe Eutebio tiu I, way of belplng Tbe FLORSIinM" hoe there of Saa N. tor aunHaha managed to get doas to the koteL them And friends, 1 ant f lets, Miguel county, M, Tta b today la at the Hotel is tbe distinctkm. It is a 1-- 1-- Guests were rrowdd la tbe streets. Creiria uswtently tbe S. N. W. Bee. 1. 8. E. ainc tba earth la OakUad. and will shw, to tbe mdst minute 1-- fcrlchter tbta any day be only ptrfect rra N. E. 1-- N. E. 8. E. 8eo . euka. Hata bM anabia to Bad out acme of the ftiea were trying ta calm loo glsd to help oar. drtaila, and gies service nausttsl to -- . T, N R. 20 E. the womea. . 9Jy first waa for orduisry tootwtar, H, arctirately. bat. tbjnk tbat all N thought would u b asking too aecb if witness tba tbat were not la tbe He same the following Mexico popl ara aafa. No aaam Pfp!e office, yoa woald seat ma the papers of ala eontlnuout rasldeac ana I ranted op to the floor and to prove fknlliar to ma fear I ia tba Ut top ine lata, lata and 20th, 1 would oa ctrltivaUoa of tald via: ao begaa lo go from mora room. Not aad land, tbat ara Mnr putlUhM avtry Um to tike to aee what tha Outside world Ma. Archa-- one persoa waa Jesus Cllbarri. Santiago fcaum. Tba 8aa Francisco lujured.but everybody thought of our cbaacea of life. We I papr wss A eta, Matlaa Aragon. Lnlt Palomino., Uie EtamiiHr and (Jironlcl art speechless. hasty iotpecUua ol bsveat beea worrying about another SPORLEDER all of Tnlosa via Lea N. M. tha building showed Vega. pflntln bera In Oaklaad. that the building eartbqaake; but If a tlmilsr one oooms MANTEL B. OTERO. Register. tboUM" wss safe. Only one room Sporleder Shoe Co. Tb . - y fortunata to la the bofel well, for desr MOS Exaq' bad up Vegas again.. citala CakUind Tri-- received any damage, and tba. "Another letter wilt follow ta a poA was from a stone - way trnna bnllrtt fln!b4 for th falling- from tbe or so.. There are a great many minor cornice wall i t tha to- ot tba I -- Tba Tri- top falling la happening that I womd like to tell riJP'r- wards the hotel. The THE ORIGINAL bune a i motrd to tba mw elevator hatch abont. The best . ewt that can v" way waa not I p1ao tVa rt'mlnit nutlettn Injured." the gat pipes give fa this. Don't come out here at were) not LAXATIVE ara rl-- .-' yvifp1 broken, but all electric present. Tie police are now ttaft wires were cut at busy Lour or toAi ) the power bouses. taking care of the people without a VWV aUUVAMeUlA Osirm HONEY and TAR "All of tba Han rranrJuro That stopped all our lights and tbe great many strancers r WlUIUdil them. 1 elevator. worrying 1 Cures Colds, La Throat in the ?J ara toa. Tba frrsnd hating bwn Worrying about friends wilt not Coughs, Croup, Grippe, Asthma, "Tba new a from help YELTX3W PACKAOt a blOHft up to protect tba but the other tide ot them. Just be patient and and Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Plar, tbe was wait, CJi Lung Consumption aukvalL Tba new Fairmont bsy uncertain. Some report within a week condltlont a 111 have were SOLD BY O. a SCHAEPSR. Xh lait of tba larcrr bnlMiDtt to go. that the whole city had aunk to Wr grtStly Improved on. Xow for a level with esU! a rl.Mte. "S. with It wwt tha bttna of Ban tbe bay. Others Any Us Vegta people that yanl rut-cla- the """' FrAnr)iro of baring a 11 hotel downtown portion only badseen are foolish enough to take the trin if Injured. About seven we beard ihm u rttnninr araln la a abort tlma. Natn win cheerfully received by the brick ' ha-- me.j ail ifca trada haa turnnd only large building-- ril do what I enn to help any of' r!ly tn be-- a thrown down. ovr--r to tfcla alda of tba bay, and tbf That had hien them but. Just let tbe know can people ay wa ar working a nwaon ev pmed, but you begin to tifag of that everybody It not dead, tbat Sitn, the roiKllly ara tbat thla tlda of tba bay excitement when positive new rrnnclsco la at calm aa natial. came mill., baa bwa tnala a largo city. Tba that Ban Francisco was 0 fire. tary office are In command of Skj! E. & - Son rrowda ara coming tbla way from all Anybody that has been to San Fran- rrancieco ami Onkland. A rreater Rosenwald Iarta of tba union. Tonopah waa tbf cleco knows that the Ferry building a city, better protected and more of mt dUttnrt rlty to bata a anwlal the foot of Market street, tbe Call. beauty will eprtng np. from the! train. A. partr of about fifty came tbe Palace and In fact all of the lead rains and here's honin tbsr m.i ft la by tba afternooa of tbat Wednea-dy-. lug biiftlness houses are desr to the er agala will the world set a San "PLAZA "Native sons" In great many ways Francisco earthquake. With regards If Of th rarthnnaka Itwlf vary llttl Well, you know, you will easily to all frlendi, I remain. . ran b ald. Th fueling of terror. realise what It meant to Oaklan- d- A 'Lat Yeeae Boy, it meant . th arre&m of tb women, tha aonnd that friends, relatives and IiODI3 ABRAMOl-SKT- . of falling bulldlnga wall Ifa Indwl- - everything depended oa what the re threa-alor- y sult would be. To Make a SHAWHAN AastfMoO babift I wag la a frama long WHISKEY Aim FaMf" Oa alfcplng . aonnflljr whra I awoka ktory short San Francisco, the lead tale at the Cosy Bar, Opera Bar, from tba aonnd of noma falling wall ing city of the west, burned Incessant , Annex, Lobby, Optimo and River My flrat fpallng wa tl floor under ly for three days. At tight the fiamet . . aid Bar. bnd ben on fir and tba nn-T- coulld be teen distance of 200 mites nib ADVEKTISEO So the entire that the atory waa abont to fall. I dl.l Almost Immediately the tmallar towns LETTER LIST prociauncd by' public Tnt bT to waka vp Neator, at b that bad not beea hit at bard by the - The following is a list of lettert . was thrown out of bed. In earthquake, be(ran to gather provl- stock of merchant Inatantly that remained uncalled for best and largest high grade about tfn ticonda tb rolling motion tiont and aent them along with, their for, tit week ending April 25. 1906: . . bad thrown every tblng to tb floor, Are departments. San Jose, oa the L. , Prices and bow did rock. W mado a south, one of the prettiest of Califor Adams, dise can be found at our establishment, things Austin, Mra. G. B. for. tha bottom floor, but we nia cities waa wrecked. Every brick rnh Archuleta, Maxlmlllano, were not the flrat there by any meant building wtt thrown to the ground. . Selection Batea, M. A. within everybody's reach perfect. j Women were erring and tba men The Vendome and the St. James,' ho Beer, 8. L. - - . were helpless. The quaka waa fifty tel, both two leading California hotels, Baca, Mra. FaltA de. . alls and In it a terrible and many were kill- Seferlsna, such as will tome acconda doing collapsed, people 1 Styles delight you Carter, E. ; , work, but It appeared to last for fire ed. Especially was that the case at Castle, Alfred. , . minuet. Everything wt at quiet at the Vendome. Six people were kill chnrcb meeting for ten minutes. ed bere In Oakland. A small two-stor- Dolbey, Maynard. Griffin, W. E. 'Then Oakland teemed to awake to It structure was crashed between .4 ' Gomtslea, Garcia Follow the AH Come to Our Store day of aorrow, I waa dressed and two brtck buildings. On the first Mlgel. y, Crowd, They rn may Jown to, the Hotel Cra' floor whs the A ten cent show Herera, Dona, Perglna. j way Empire, Chaa. lln In five minutes. were honse. the actors and Harmon, My eyet .Vpatslrs slept Mlsa Luxla: 'half closed witb once with six : of tbem were killed Hurtado, sleep, but Luis. tn tiffht of buslnest teuton Ave or six of the building Lujan, tba they "Only Ramon. opened with a start 1 came down here will have to be condemned MontovR, Montolla, Ylarlo. - Clajr ttreet one of the best paved. them are the' Central Bank Among 1 the; Adolfo. : widest street here but It waa hard building. Levi etrouse A Co., Heese- Marino, Madrid, Nepomociano. .; Martin, L. E.' Martinson. C, W. S J. 1876. . Jamea, UNDERWEAR SALE ESTABLISHED, Charra, ' GREAT Ylarlo. , ' " KLIN Partla,' , Ruls, SanglL . Bndulph, Mrs. I It ' - Mlsa Eva . Renner, Robson A. J. . , "s1" THE r A Sale of Values Roybal, Rnmaldo. . . Rossiter, Miss. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Shirrtl, a M. Palsx, Carmelita. ' Marcimlliana WAIT Pamora, Smith, Win, F. 2 '"Sandoval. Sesarla. LtjVtj Mtxico, Fhults, Miss Sonhia, Cietkst.zr lthtt. Titrton. Enoch, Dr. "Villi. 'Mr. Graclana V. de. If need a pair of good shoes tajsBBBaBBBBBBiBat ': Wllllsms, Mrs. Clara E. you Ferd. t Welnland. Depart-meh-t7 StmSZm EAYN0LC3. Preaweat, - John. Jbuy them at our Shoe ,.W!L ' E, D. EAYKO'-D- CatbJet. Any one celling tor the " V l - Aat't CathJcr will plee any "Advertised.", We the best lines lLLrrj5AYN0LW. . ' F. O. BLOOD P, M. carry" , The Ulk of tbe town, of standard make Canvas Ox A rbeakiry boeineai tranaarted, .. SHAWHAN WHISKEY Iatereet pakt oa time depostta. It keep oa tatting good. fords just received aad JCaoasr; rorelca Lt Vegas Art Souvenir 4,7 at TLe Optic offloe, recur. Arm. tr. imc. ui vciAft mily ome Street Car Tickets CMaa. Xew to ta t's to key yer WILD 7ITil etatlos) tickets, ta strdcr to t rkasi wet f. tk way f ft aaasfUta NEWS j new sertoa ef ticketa, It s d O RAILROAD cidai to Q tk tot cT e , Bswas ticket atpretM erato per nook. t iraic Tker arw twsty-tw- w rides U ftsck book, ai yee akaald sew what ! AMI in ye at snea. Apptr at tke o ,, Duptloa Brolt 0-- 1 u Sps A3 trt Ur Can dTi or freaa ea But all work looks came when J g the writtea ca - Over 8odjr-Cu-4 a Continual drsra. O - aTypewritter, ttdhlf 6r Two Yeart Ooctof4 A tarrer srr awn at o Udklae Did ao Good Cured at sarvertag tk M ! ruit at flee aalUto. TVre ie eoas U tkat fae o of ofjf 51.25 trd Ham eork tt caael wiQ ke nwassed U 1V J II TTlzo - a a skertly. o. THANKS CUTICURA Santa Time Table. FOR COMPLETE CURE c::jct O 1 rearwaaiaiattaearii y aatto V riaa tr o -- eoa-strartk-M a -- S Tn IMjnwjSmS Crwclbto steel coo can luooawur fioine time ag far a ri nulwsj. tm . I twit fm o J of pirueurg baa dec to sad iMrfanaaaoa ta aaeoaat-4- bank th Cutirura Vcewdans and BAST SNitTtB. o TaQ rV' U7 layth field of mmI seriag couuwy Ta taaietceaac way to not rwrrnd it U. K. aad M aad bnugt Ha Ar - ea a. aw tnrwAta. a tr ao4 i'CU s tea s av mmi 'SS p. at o tioa ta rwa petition with th Railway equal t cwftala other countries, but tbctkp,(Ju.tnirt, lVya4 t tpawa. :1 yi-- sue awerguud than any mtnUnm lave?, KaSAr o wH S Of PtUsbarf- - to tlM epeed atiaiaed. Ta Ja.a. prise eosnpaay eqaal tawd. tm erf sUa dueaiw, I I have received th attention Taryrwed my SMAr.tsiaa.av Ikavtl.ia o ru4 and I ass y tkankf id to yea. My O Will ttftiat vou in rrewtrinfir oar The IroM As e (sat tb cosvltbry require, awarding to traffic aad routes was of the akta. rgT crD tuioe crrev eruptMa lua ItalAr av tkaya . as a-- as fwttton c tb rail nulla to growing ' earalaga derived. aa4 eoattau to be broke aut in afwts all wtwr my tatJy, t poodencj so that you ntrtd not be attained of it. Tte wwr ewrtona la to cot aad eawml a Mtttinitai htik J!a.tAr ISka.ak aad likely ta Improved to keeping vita tbe future K av m. Dwaarta wS:ala.aa. Oliver ow-- armrlv dnna na aild at tutwa. lax t AtJI4t is tbe bent in the Wbrld. It b oaljr ef general steel prodarta, demand of a--a typewriter output Improvement. MslM-n- a I Ar. at Oiparta s 0 atrium csnVftot of a durtor. but h tUl act cmi y. one-eigr- nt the number of the lag to ta heavy of tbe Fast la operation aad truffle I saw to our N a... Limited, solid Pall O part ordittarjr Tjrperiter mm, aad aaea a Cbicaga o iww week. review th work witk a I paper j altogether ad.. I stt to rot hit tUt Cutarura bouk maa train wttk dinlag, eberva'.ioa ha. therefore ha tmly the opportunitjr to pet O i " much favor. The line arc owaw- - 1 g and t ataiaNl sny eaae in it. then aad buffet library cars, uaarpaseed of Tbe Southern Paeifio to actively oteparuaeuta are unnecessarily eat to the drag ator and Uwcut on 2 out repair, aged, tqulpment aad service. ur.lug to wort oa Ita new freight burdeaed with very expeaslv tr-an- eai of Ctdieara soap, on bos of Co aa ll tirura and one vial of Cutf No. Atlantic has Pull 1 aaaacaiwr depot tema, and tber ar armaiag tUitnit, t, Csnresa, (tonu ruraPiila. I rum the fin IPcIzzZo loandtKMise. at Lordsburg, wbkh wr of objection which It wlif b most apf4katia mis aad tourist sleeping cart for Chi wcrro CeCcr o ur 1 fiMwivad reUrf. 1 awrd th br art o burned few months ago. They dlffJcttlt to tra4teat. la Amerte ta aad too extra raVce of Cutirtm cago aad Kanaaa City, aad ft tonrtst wiU a4d tor telaf tlMUt of arlrk aa4 woriln aaonMi aot, aad caa act, b and was conipktetjr cured. I4p,baa ear for Denver. A Pullman car It writes more easily, more aartly. nore clearly tatrtall to rttr. . wita suffrred Denver to added Trinidad. Ar itt jeoelraatad tha worklAg Is i7wt for to ymn, aad I agsia also ftt O than any other typewriter. It will stand fire times the lBritala, watefc la taaa rwpacta la thank Cuticura for aiy cure. If yott rive at La Junta at 10; p. as, con q tttt-esMN- t ' Taa of ta Oraata 4t tefialtefjr Tfcto ar wmb, you MV puUik thk. out Ua No. k. IM Q hard work and pire perfect satisfaction fire timet as O tapnlor. tt frirod N. Mr4 secting toavug innta Kortliwra railroad aaa juat ' maar Meactea aaaoclatoi Willi to farvvar, iWl Jhawa, S:10 a. at Paebl 1:90 is & ba Grove Farm. R. .0.2, HaUtut, Kaa at, arrlring lonp as the best of all the other typewriters. It wel wuwwn uma bsmw ui ,wu, Amnraa rauwtr araiama, mch ItMS." a. bl, Colorado 8prtng 1:33 ft. to, 0 . jun U, co tied the for it lessens the work and makes a of about ttirtf aollwu it i Ma addltlooal npraaa la a Denver f : JO ft. m. 0 by operator (I M Yoakant Hm an4 la iMct!nHl in Kar al war. to traa eaatraUxtwftaa o it look better. It tar No, Kansas Bs com a oart of tb Colora4o ScmOt work aad mlalmiz tit 4utU of ta ITCH! ITCH! ITCDI 1, City aad Chicago o Jfe baa Pullman aad tourist ato ra. New Orleaaa Pacifla aftah railway companies, but neither the press, o sender nor receive SctATcal Sckaitr! ScaaTmt This era tor Chicago aad Kaasaa City. Ar th consign nay akin-to- o nAGCJCirjzn Ta Anwrteaa is the condition of thousands of r rives at La Junta 10:11 a. connect liawailaa 8eaauMp benefit from thee agencies, . Th who at, aaaoaaeM that la eoaaae tured men, women, aad cbiklreo, fag wttk No. 103. leaving La Junto o onipaajr American lavartably 'gets there by be instantly relieved and speedily Cavco t:o Occi to Cr.o YczH tioa wlta taa Natioaal Railroad of . rtay 12:10 p. Pueblo S:M 0 kta persevereoc aad skill, wbJck coed by warm baths with Cuticura Soap n, arriving tt O Tenaaatapee it wiu aMMiiaa a winy eommaad admiration, but he is en- and gentle applkat ions of Cuticura Otnt p. bl, Colorado Sprrngs I: JO p. as, O days' frHgtit arvlc oetwaea New abled to get there largely by bis pow- meat, the gnat r&ia Cur, and null Denver S:W p. m. , York aad Ore. Th steam-ahip- a dose of Cuticura Keaolvent Pills, whan Portland, er being ntrammeled.' No. 10. Chicago Fast Man, haa Pull S will Mil at ta principal pa- - phyvkiaaa and all riae fail. Looco arfeatafVata MM. Ctmmt aaa. tfa.. Wat man sleeper. El Paw to Kansas City The Leaf ifl of Mexico. Swt m. M Cliw ul porta What Santa Fe to Doles-Colon- a. fca j 0m4 o t4,ft B. tvl i, mt k to f all tuaw 4 la tb connection frrsa all points aoutk F. In of fr Km m; a Doe o Th to th 8, Savage, charge uiHiMM of Albuquerque. the local work tergeat ahop building th advertising for th passenger de- from to Raton. o J!" . Albnquerou Systcu failed 8tat la th Peaa CriPkl4AWO.aIl.J.IBJ . Accounting planned by partment of the Atchison, Topeka ft j Railroad to ba No. California has jlranla compaay Santa Fe. delivered an Interesting Governor Hagerman haa sppointeJ I, Umltso. aaa rcct4 at Ahoooa. will 100 . - No. 4. t It talk to the editors of the atate at th Aaireta Aberta of Socon-n- 'a rjem- equipment as , o No ti--rt Is long. ISO feet wlda aad foar itor-te-a on Inndvcxtion recent convention la Junction City on oer or the board of trustees Of the No. 1 Pullman and tourist sleep- Longer high" and will be th bat oeeapled by "Advertising front Railroad Man's tcbool of nflaes. vice Juaa Jo Ktca cars southern California. Tnto wheel, boiler, lath other de- ing for tin; aad He also took occasion to deceaied. Mr. Aberta is a wU from Raton It Is reongnited as an absolute n Wj all partment of conitruction aad Standing." train does th local work repair lector th editors In a mild way on knoaa bualnest man of tha Cera ci'T progreaalve sccmirtanta, audltorm.V .factur work. to Albuquerque. bankers business some of their shortcomings. era, and mo gtuarally No, 7. Mexico aad Cfcirorati res, Mr, la as fol- tip John 8. Cady. chief clerk to 6nper Savage spok part has Pnllmaa and tourist sleeping; ear lows: , ..." THE & TRUSSELL MANlFACTt'RlNG lotendeat George Ayer. of the weatera for northern California aad o SIEBER CC' W polnta, V dlrialoa of th Santa Fe, with head- "When the gentleman from th Pullman car tor E3 Paso aad City at o . rail-toa- d short hair who haa th honor & MAKERS OF quarters at Dodge city, baa quit country PATTY Mexico, connection for CI Paso, D of Invited me to work and bought as Interest ta being your president lag, 8Uver City and all polnta In th furniture hous ta attend tua i was Ki if?' leading Dodge meeting properly BRIDGE STREET loo. Southern New Mexico and o "City. H Is snereeded la Buperinten- - elated. Later when I discovered he l LEAF DEVICES o dent Ayer's office by W. L. Baroo, wanted m to read a paper, I was o I- SPOUTING. of La Junta. correspondingly dejected. hare al- A00FIN0 No. I, California Fast MaH. baa PO to most California 0 JttSKt PCZmV&l IGCZX tb powerful, o ways read other people'e papers aad TIN AND OALVAN man sleeping cars for all 0 sv most durable and lightest on the market. It has President Milt of the Great North-er- a the proposal was not to my liking, IZCO IRON WORK. points. Tbto train to consolidate; no sharp corners or edaws that mar th deak. it says that prosperity prevails la t delayed my reply. After awhile with No. T at Albuquerque. , 0 opens and close quicker than nny other. Its compact ness wben In use, to lie th agricultural districts of th went, came th customary and Inevitable A Trial Order Is Solicited D. L BATCHKLOR, Agamt 0 permits tb writing surface, eiuaer o out The to the 0- to the desk than any other binder. By Us Improved that many farmers ar selling coaxing. ruddy apostle and mechanism the round back al- Kansas Semi-centenni- other clamping expanding pans of their tend because they caa aad to 0 ways remains In the venter whether tbe book to used at not get sufficient labor to carry a but no greater expositions was Its 0 Ita maximum or minimnm capacity of leaves, thua giving o extensive operations. He says that author. He Is the- gentleman who 0 It n beautiful and synimetrleal appearance. Th binder o railroads will have to raise freight has the cut glass cinch on th office 0 can be firmly locked on on or ou thousand leasee, aad o rates, as they hare don In the east. of secretary of thla association, I one or more leaves oan b luserted r removed without 0 tbe others. Further Information aent oa ap- 0 If the cost of labor continues so high. gave up at once. I bad to. I bave diatnrblng been tt ever sine. (BQUufkitmno 0 plication, or our representative will call and show you the 0 doing goods. . Nearly 100 rsllroad men, represent-"tn- g "Th railroad advertising man's 8 0 the engineers," conduc- work covers a multitude of 0 firemen, subjects. For a not make visit to California 0 tors and brakemen from points on the He doesnt know It all, but what he change why that 0 In the season! Visit Santa r proper from Chicago to Al- doesnt know he learns from his early Toull enjoy it. Grand Canyon 0 0 enronte. over and aee Petrified Forest. Ride 0 buquerque, ar la conference at New- friends the newspaper men. On of Stop the VJcpC:o 0 ton, Kan for the purpose of forming his theories is that the people ought through th country of fruit and flower. Attractive and 0 fiercer tticz:p 0 a federation to know the of variable tours means of al- 0 of the employe la these of superiority bis inexpensive route withinJthe The has in connection a estab-- departments of the Santa Fe system. company's equipment; Im trains, the most every one. About one-hal- f the usual rate. Long 0 ' Optic manufacturing O General block frit" rtf Chairman Thomas Burke, of track, the signals, th courtsy limit aad liberal stopover privilege. Hi help 70a plan a 0 I!timnt malrinrr Rnhfwr tiiniu all 1arr!nt!rtn.r- - the Brotherhood of crews. addition o : r of Locomotire Fire- th train In he trip. Tickets oa sal April 26 to May 6, inclusive. ::r:rvnotarial seals, efci 0 men, and Slyer p. Hurley, of the stngs the praises of the dining ser- Th Sanu Pe la the line ef fast trains, modern and 0 ar attendance. The if he is fortunate engineers, In, vice, Harvey's, comfortable chair cars and luxurious " on Pullmans, Harvey Marker-- , employes of tha Missouri Pacific an4 enough to be a line with which rock-ballast- Fine Stencil meals, ed track, block signals. 0 complete other large systems are fedented, but this famoua caterer la connected. If Qfmj;) heretofore th Panla Fe otor nave he sing often and loudly enough, oth- , - N. B. never been federated : . , - ers will carry the air and tell the tale. Mambers of the Mystic fibrin and O aeA FSszt CczCZz: Very naturally the road one works for delegates to National Congressof Mothers, both Tte Finest la tte A Braksman's Aide Far Life Is the best In the country. I know, so 0 k to be held in Loo Angeles between 'May ? and 8 Brakemaa I. u, Carroll of the ore do you, that the Santa Fe is the only IL should take advantage of this offer. Des- O ' Call on or address train aervic had a ride for his life first class road; that it has a dining criptive folders free. - " the other night, says the Douglas Inte- car service that has no peer. Tou rnational-American: , and I bave tried the riding and the While a train of and we like them. Good g g twenty empties meals, things D. at. OptiCoccIoo' n EzcizrA en-gi- DATOItSLOn, &czr.t. was being pulled Into Bisne by to eat make a full man. The certainty Daily Optic, Las Vegan, N. M. , No. 902, McCowen, engineer; of, getting good food draws traffic, g g Davidson, conductor, and Russell. fills coaches and makes the passenger OOO$00OO9OOOO0OOOOOO000OOOOO 4fMMW f1AA. . 1 iivumih, aiktvu vi IL.cuv vara.... uroKV department happy. loose on the steepest part of the "At this time the Santa Fe has ap- srsde, and started on a wild mo to propriated millions of dollars for Im- ward IiOwelL - provements. This will not be spent Brakemaa Carroll, who was on the at once, but it will disappear portion of the train which brake rapidly enough. ; When tt Is gone away, instead of Jumping off, like there will be miles of double track. some men would have done, stood his rebuilt roadbeds, steel and stone brid- . ground iSnd whistling down brakes, ges, larger, more powerful and faster The Best proceeded to carry out orders by put- locomotives, new smoking cars and Sign. ting on every brake on the train him-ael- f. chair cars to show for It. I am ' telling . . you these things not as a secret, but The .wild train attained terrible ao .you may tell others. We want before reaching the ice plant everybody to know about our present Plan for it now. Why not see the magnificent western moun- - .J si Lioweii, mir by jumping from car service and how to plan to improve it tain Yellowstone National Sound to car,; Carroll succeeded in getting Tbat'p one of the things we are here country. Park, Puget all of the brakes set in and bringing iteranean of America,' the great ColumbiaJVer region, Alaska? , the train to a standstill a short dis- "Another phase of advertising In! tance below the L. a ft P. shaft. which railroads are vitally interested, All these attractions on one trip if you trlrtl Vrer 4bie Northern Without question his brave action not and for which they have never re- Pacific. Booklets tell how. Ask D. B.IGardkr, D. 210 saved his own life but also saved ceived due credit Is the P. A., only development ' the train from being dashed to pieces of tew country. Tls not new in years, Commercial Building, St. Louis, Mo. near Don Luis. - the land was here when the other and better sections were. It was unknown, vui aMisai www iiiwiiaiyaju. v Or practically So. Those who thought WV W. Hoy, chief traffic manager they knew good land when they saw P -- r of the Central South African railways. It did not linger long enough to get ft W waa a detejrare to the interna well acquainted with It., Now the u L1L tional railway congress In Washing- - former Ignored and despised sections of the Best ton, D. C, and took port In the In-(a- yielding prollflcally, supporting Sign over . the rrllroads of land those who heeded the ' spection trip enriching A. M, Oleland, General Paeaenger Agent, St. PauL Minn. WouderUnd 'f this country, has sunm'tted an offi--, prompting of the greatest of pros-cia-l lSCJ report ta which he sys, among perity . promotersthe railroads." I other things: There Is much to ad 0 mire and little to condemn In Atnerl-- 1 . Optle want ads brini,' results. las vtui sahv cnc fKlDAT. fSIL ST. 154. civc cio. HfKtuf( aaaept m ftrt-itt- I1mhi Immm04 tsto rrttohta treat-- wrapper, aad Bottle af HyosMt, whilj Tawaxpdn is for rc That to Gije OailU Optic. aia altau. Ua mi to wowJa jaMat far ta cara c4 caurrfc. jettra toulea af Heovrt caa t'oAjrti arMe aa canauaotartoa A- - Ven to Say bacimlag a cm or ease a I If to a raXArrvU fur M TWw wi'i Strew. Car tou t WMt'i- iWi aiule cm ulaad cmU. mi at ta ,r w iw bettar law a ta tha paopia af ttangtt v th ctiy- apod, to stilt l ta artteaa. i3 acarrk Bto nt fifeto aa saa tf HjaH cecrfartar. CMtm.. Taa aaiawana atertSftta bare to) ymem. Ii to a4 alMMlatHrIiaiaVatmr It. n 4m4 act cara. a E. o. UortJMv . . that Im ! oa ar t&aa krr - . THE OPTIC COMPANY cajapalga cC 4i ta Ik kautUr, aa th aMijr f4Mtkc taa traatto. T ntvm aMat-r- to Hafa ' yar' ' ' awota pn4eic 'maaBa, tetter aUr to reaawad f mm&t ha atatV a anajr tmm V ' $ tbaa ave Wore ara faasttog right 2TMfa. , - A " Miilto wi C C Mifey' ctaawrf aany of toartsu coataririac Mr Cf u 1 .femMM rf-Ut-ia Vri ecia If taia tftj to tmiac S a ta far It aimatrlf aa4 eaarga A. M 31 r . iti paf Mr, BQaatf wmmm.tmmmnmmnm anaMeaoaaa twranaaeat at tmpanf A laat to H(taaMil coBtoc to tf H 4mm taa varat.aM Mn, 4. SI. GaMaa cf Omtoa4L ata aa tha lsaa It tJMrra Kui toSt aeatber siting (at t a taalitac f of i I Obio, ara anVtaf a lawr at tb mimtk Xatioaval rUf!l U rraiarwal cUatortts. to ito nOrt f ry Uam toJUbiu Taa iMeifM aatft aau fl.'anrat, aa4 ara taa haaortaai M tostitattua Urk wU. vkkM tto M aaly tsr1u4l( f aittttocir. lfator4 ttrntMiii at toaator, a4lcta ettiaa of Nw Mtxiro to tWIr trip. Saab,--- add :mhiI. thousand to taa' eeiftaa, wan me aw a wait Sow the vaavrttf Ih pupntattua u tha cttr, Ctooita are ny to governed or bow ft ft!.. toads aad 'K f ait kaktag la this vsrtaitr aac. if they Ittppa to ba asstlfig I acre arc oasey Caascs af aervausacsa. aat uirutn rnaeat ibeta to esti!ct prwptxti tbat tba tbir taette par cat or wfeerwtet blood beads tba litt. Tba daciars can IS 0ttKI aa toad aaat af taa rttt vt3 sonsj atoatos aa asartowa Svrt&oud from Ta blood toes red carpascka. mm44 by auaaa hwiktera. Taa wort tha people at! a waoca they coma to Nervous? Eyear trat appormaUr, caaaatt veuf doctor 4 aawurtotaua -- f tha CaeipfavU aa4 tha cajatact,:. . - . abaet taking Arcr Sarcapartfla. Ask bim if ba ha artaiat. bcoer for weak, I I A. A 11. cuiktca prufaara ta diaansi-atraiia- Laa Vega to aver axaeg te ba aesa, dcbtUnr, acrvaoMcas. If be has. take at If aat.takAyraSarupanUa. dry farssiag aartboito will what tt aaght a ba aatU tW auaay Cat watt, that what yaw ca after. tZ- - ba tat saocli aMdauaw ia ttta dirac aalta ta autog for taa cosuanaasty Z:??TZlT?Zi Uoa. , - - . was falk-- a tut ,m , hat It alasjs to tba Tha fovetaamtt taaervair aa few) af fawca So, z Can You See rarocuswHsdad ad Ite laitidtog to anly ; r ...n o Tha advantage of aavtat yoar ay a aiattar c4 a tlttla tiaaa. A aaw Taa dry fanalaa; aoaraatloa will ba attended to regularly and by rotpoa-aibt- e r4 IFgdb9 row tuad to atlll ragaidad aa astraanaly bka4 by tba ftoeal af, weatbef, GqCq persons Bpoa'vbom nay a can any tfma for aattofHrUoa? UI ba aa tba swaa la Tbara ara to pauj-raa- aocaasa Bivadaaberg la coating dowa at t4tm( totia tikly. aaiarprtoaa W hava taa most or . " - that aaarh ta tba frasa Denver hisuHHf aad roaUaea to compter optical a 4f , , sronka rtty. fa- coadl-tlua- s department la tha botk for t. , la atow of tba aatUfartury bnag aioeg a ctodr aaaortateot of vast, Ui aad grinding. La Vegia ara Taa BXrRtriil o rata eU-pU- that obtala aad tba asrltaat bis tovoritavariatr, Ua Vegss oiiTCJino ting da-sp- it favored wrtth advantage ta CaUfonita to aa a awav aatkaax tt to af aver laerwurtaf lav ba glad to sea ttta weather snaa, itia (aa ta pruaaava that Am ofTared in, tba - twUdVrs La aoota of ttta complainU sba aa pair,, iaota aatararUa. poruaca that tba 4 Wto Vegas build for tba future tba clraa had to auale eoaoeraing hint this Eijf ht room house with modes plumbiop, steam heat, elec 4fccv r"iamt tV anost tuoat beautiful , If 8citarr Tft tfutwat faa hi at, inndara, ctty jear. tric light, etc; also good tsro, chickeo house sad sice gardes- - .CALL AND SEE attack oa Cnttaarr Waiiara, h atU to tha aoutbwaat. Tbara ara Baay thlaga taa aaad at oaea. 191 BtataUr tita lai tar ta itt aroaortluas that city Speaker Caaaoa says wemlars C-c- of We bat a adverted essay tinea ta the of tha hoasa suske a a.aoruBJ, Of PHco I9 for o 2r aCsd praa;!iitUI UbW, er aaw ara aad cross n?st , lay aaad of coaraa tba speaker may find a , ... , Robt J. Taupert, Juitt DK)or ta tha CawabfQ walk. It la mora lhaa likely that qsoram a trtfliag coavaaieaca, but it roavaatloa. Taa ruavaaitua aaa baaa tbtae two Unprovenaeata will ba wad really makes tittle different wbea be The Investment and Agency CorporaUon. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN a4rtlM4 and a W dartag tba aast two years. But that wants to taoraujEhlr ara Kiiat. CEO. A. FI.I23I 3IanaCer. Las Vfjjts. New Mexico to atpactaa, , other thinga that tba ctty need. lbae4.K) ISO, Tba etreet caa stilt aa Improved. L SAN FRANCISCO. AUbotifh tux a rich tnia. frmatar aad should ba kept up to tba highest a Sidewalk Sdtoot C0Birut4 i,iw to Ui aarta-nak- standard of efficiency. llt'rittesi for The Outto. I for atrrar. Muat bava a prKty ate atlll aeeaVd la many plaeea, IWautlfal ctty of the Uotden West. - InsUaea oa tba east side of tha Catb sood heart, at a If aa to a t'Uh Mor- Where Itved the tba bad, olle atuTa' tba walk fcarome great, tbJ ; aaoa.4CaaMa CUf Juaraal- - ... rburrh, beat. CLOTHING THAT IS. 4 " a abanavar faar sprinkle of , "' ,'' bog Beneath tba of skies rate falls. rays suaay , W eonfrM to btrtnf alwara luul Thy rota lie. A doubt aa rcmoeaa ol Fao-atoa- 'a It seem too that tha el vie prtda of to tba f TraiuenatMis was tha (hock that came JWa will' not tolerate shame in our rtotbtot-Eacbjrarme- ta tba rblllp-piaa- a. Las to assart Itat-l- f ntlitarr aiplotta Vegan ought leveling thy lomea, aad spires of jgjjSi(awBBaaaiBBaBBaw j must stead the wool teat or be reject- but. a taka off our bat to hi in to maka Impoaslbta wltbia fame, ed. Tba lining la our Stein-Btoc- h and Hamper Vi for tba wwtt ba ba aotia in a tba limits of tba such dlsgraoa-fu- l clotblnc ara orongbt from Ireland and Kngiaod. gang f city la cot and bail and Stain-Btor- lot palace grand h and MamnackaUka ara mora FtaacUca, sights as tha vacant which A full weight, Siry tongue was nukkly fanned; all American. btein-Iiloc- b ran ba aaea oa nearly every street dye, aad Kampack veiveta Act desolation reigned supreme come arraign from Lvon and Knefeid pure and u of Caacral Fun Then ara many vacant lot and back full-bodie- d. Tba. ting Where oar stood structures of gtoi T" as ioo yards la tha that look about ' - - " al iclx by'Oettaral city our tnela. few reason our Steia-Bloc- r that will to bad as Rncb accumulations lTbasaara why CraaJry ' Jr haa posaltda. Nor from came water and Samreck amart clothe wear. as hava bven big beavea Grays, bluaa, ba aiplaJK Ktnaas. It. may ;ba of refuse and filth down blacks ia plain and fancy worsteds, ebavtota, --A w wtn various Iocs ara from-- all right. bar ta ba carefully preserved ta Ta n. bar ia price ranging . auenrh tha burning of the to hiwn, a Kanui atcbant. ara as tmaanltary as they ara 5 aay t Death stalked ' council ahould la grlmaess a'er the TO '. a unsightly, Tha city acene S5.C3 S2S.C3 Govmur ninde a tttnrly pass a stringent ordinance against tha of refuse or fllib Where youth, aad beauty Mte had uaKtlA f Jo, remindad tba dumping any T Am you on to tb quarter size collars? A com- Kaltieiing cluba at Inslda tha city ttmlta. If tha present plete line of Hanan American and Oanttaman shoes, yluarclal cover Kor scrcsma. nor groans, rnv living Hi. LouU IhsOr Milco aa wall at ordinance ara not sufficient to - fords, Manhattan aliirta, atetson bats, now raaJv. tba case. Is . tread Oktahtmia on tba map' and was and. after tba ordinance ' It should enforced to th Cond waka those sleeping With tha ntltlM to admUulan t tha uoion. passed. ba New letter. Tba ctty 'officers ahould nH Tha Stora In well-doin- In en- Tbe bay Is wrdpped In lurid light. Tba knlfchU of tba grew a cloth grow weary the ordia-anr- has to darker aa forcement of tha anttapltttec tsy given place night The Grand Leader might Juirt well get radr to quit 'Tis God's own cries no Every day there are so many country the saga. Ttwra b tutrbomt n4 tb4 Nor doe He with band' Ave. bill will It violation aa to prove that the law strike of rage. Douglas ajifj gambling pan. That Again shall tower our f has not yet been enforced eifctctenrty steeples high will be hi oread bjr ttia tnachlnrrr Aa-ai-n to cause ttse or t)6 disgust- our palaces shall via . t)f th I'nitad . 8tat la not to ba guilty ing habit of expectorating-- o"tdf With sister cities of tha land. ' doubted. , , . . '. , " 4 "" walk And who live "' " " to remember. tlioe and wait shall v , V ' The of this would ace Tba MIouti papora ara threaton-lu-g public parks city be a to tha d n Fair San Frsnclco by tha sea. all aorta of thinaa to rapub-llca-n disgrace waiters (ha tha A happy city, famed and of that atata who burning aand of tha Sahara desert great. congreniruen It Throbbing with life Westers ara with Cannon to would ba better to give up the by the working aaep . ' Oklahoma and Indian from parka and to sell them for building ,,Gtt. Territory .to. A. Lbs admitted la. to lot than to let them remain tha eye U, Vegas. .being that It to ba sore admitted that tha of Mlaaonrl they ara at preaent papers Them t In , a lack the ctty of that sp:no catarrh. care aa Itttte aa poaslbla aa tba peo-pl- Saeharach Bros harmonlona of New Mexico thetnaelvaa appear cooparatlva, hearty, spir- it of civic and without 0. Sslla to about whether tha territory la prld loyalty t, Murphsy Hyamsli Under which no city caa reach the place for Guarantt of Cur. which natural condition has fitted Tha changeable weather of Spring It, And with thla spirit fully devel- I directly responsible for thei .. Hera another from previ it aril muttlng oped unfavorable natural conditions lanca of catarrhal troubles In I mob law: It that As develops tba negroes cannot keep tha city bark. Tha knock- Vega at warn not tba present time. ESroco GcccJc lynched at Springfield, Ma, er baa grows smaller and mora beau- As a K. tha ones who committed tha erfma result, 0, Uurphey has had tifully less of lata, but tha apathetto a larger aale v for the with which they wera charged. Tba Hyvmel past cltlxen and tha citizen who cares not week than aver before In the years 'crime of tha mob haa so complete- Panama ly overshadowed that other crime that Cloth, black and cream, ; - It Is loat sight of, and probably tba 50-- m wide, all wool, a yard. .. ,.$1.25 real criminals will never be known. WESt we Tha avowed of tha mob was to madam, object Batiste, meet, a terrible puntahment , upon black, navy, tan, wine, arc selling DRY tuoaa who committed that but 42- - crime, to, wide, all wool, a yard t a a i .85 tha mob baa succeeded in defeating Q00D5. A little more . the very object it was trying to up-- " ' Journal. ; .. Mohair cream and nolLTopeka brown, black, Just now than , usual . . grajv,42in wide, all wool i t v w .75 Tha senate vote on tha rate bill We have reason to be-- . will ba reached now before long. There has bean enough oratory to fill Serge, cream, white and gray 1.25 lieve that our selling . - manyyolnmes of the Congressional Record, but It ia pretty certain that will continue to in- - T - not a vote has been changed. , It was I. - - as 1- -' certain at the start that tha majority ra creasewe have the ; of the senate would refuse to wisely : : , rig;ht the taka away the' supreme power from , wali goods at tha courts and It to a V r VJcoh Bccdo U give political lowest commission and In this, sane position, prices. It ' M tha senate ba dona aotnath' rp - J4 -t trleva itself for other ausvtctorfs pomV- - Apurc, crejjrn ofAtcrfar, powdzr. "... v dim r. , tlooa tha majority hat ty patterns, w lottttipledu -- Ing tha past few yeara. fre from aliim sheer material. ivi . z-.- t -- ayard..'..;':,r.rn25c------!; " s i n ,i, . f &i . - . ; ; a y..i?l phphatcs.; t , P SAN FRANCISCO WlUU M A CITY ; ' , OP ' - 1 ' a STKtU ', i 'V , - , add that . f i.'i-- r tP, . ; bit which . . - ."t- ;Tso orgrap . t i, ' This disaster found 8an Francisco is feasant and a city of redwood: It Is likely to pure, hthful enters leave Jt a city of steel. Ia aarthquak into Dr JPrice's Powder. belts, bricks and mortar will not Baking etand; neither will stone or concrete. SILK acids TISSUES, The summer : as Is demonstrated by the wreck Fruit are accounted by hygi-enis-ts prettiest goods shown,' , the buildings of the Letwid 8tanf 1 aP the large designs, beautiful color effects - university, many of whiM wrf ma--e most important of the elements 35c and 50c high-clas- s modern reinforce I f n of yeon. of the food of and of these the acid creta. man, Cotton batistes, cotton taffetas, dotted swisses-everyth- ing '' Wood and steel are tha only of the & ' lals which combine strength with nex-- i graP most promineht , in wash goods offered here. Iblllty enough to resist shaking,, and wood I hereafter barred for city Dr Price's Geam Baking Powder M bothd Increasing the-mos- price t :-- is efficient ansl and by lu comboatiolli. not only pas The sclentifla and they hava feetOf GUJCi an earthquake V Ti.ara' in their leavening agents, btrt owiixj to EE BEFORE--E2SYffCJS oaatry evyy dajr year, Invea- - t- its comthuents is liewise ttgated r -j hot long promotive. 1 1 . 1 and l --4re import-ImUd- r " Ca . , . ;J rdntulpua land newltlle, A t v , . 9 itxT- J t. J .A ..... i b wnicb t ( c . rrasc: Jt : "reach. MICE BAKING POWDER 0O, CHICAQO. ' t i 4'

frisat. april tr. im. las vf gas c;t.. esrne. HOTEL AK3JVALS O0OOOO000CCC0OOOC0CCCCCCC0OO0CC on 519 o9 DAILY'S o See Our New tine UCtUn tteacsw CUt ; M. C o San Bank ii Um Teart; A. W Thaaap-aoa- , a Miguel National. CUfUaa. o o POSTAL CARDS J. A. Scale,C4,Albeqarr.: . M O OJ&tTAt 440 JOT Crlffla, Cariaaati. O.: 'aa. A. f, o Las Xrar Tork; Caorg o of Vegas Burnt on Wood Craaa ESr, X. T,; lUram 11417f,. SaaU A. Macaalej, 8aa o r; J. ftaa A ftt. CUfHIMMAIa. T. MMKINC, CaaftMc. k: o a riara: U Or, Mtaa rr E rAK RlOtn. VtooaVaaiaaaV r. aAiwAnTf aart Ck-ao- ; Mtaa o 519 519 6th St. rusota. Uiq M. 519 Taoataa, IWarar: P. Boartade, gastt o Interest Paid oa Time Deposits P: 4. & Ft?al Saata r; V. H. o FWgaaoa, Caka; II, C, Black. Ci o caco; H. C Mania, Cklraca; J. ML o The Markets. C!Sm. CarUte4: Jo H Craat. Ctt-ra- r; 4 THE LAS VEGAS SAVINGS BANK PERSONALS A, afaeArtkar. Wao afaa4: o N. COKE. Praataaal. H. W. Vtot Ou M. C. McrtiMBt, Taeanmrl: P. L. o KtUV, T. MOSKIHI. Kaaaaa Cty Livattack, Re aVtrsaioaC Va.; Caaa. 8. Koaa. o PAID VF CAPITAL S50.00O.0O Cfey. Mow Awil 17 CaUlj Cakaira: R. Hancara, Clstraxa; W. O H. G. Davie l et is tUbiag Saa aareisura by ha Batek, ' r rtcrlDa. Hwu. iacla4ta faa.awuav 8. MrCiaatth. tWaihtaxtam, D. C.. Mr. tmr-- tepoaltiM la Ua Taaa Saatsc hay aOituIra rxt aa la. L ' i O DM, Kran oiUaraafaktavaaUaaaauJa." Xo a i Vega, atroac. Nativa ao4 Mrs. 1. N. Xmt noaiu nrairaa - thaa li. fataraatpaU a r IVasue Jtoaad l araa; aaarirt aiaara, idaara. Tora; ait avpoaita at IS aa4 aaar. A. UtAnkuf aoataatm atera. .tTarrra & ravr. 0 a few day ia tM etty. ' ti'lv 0 KdSi WSJ;imija:aoailkara coaa, irM Naw Optla O sad J. . ftUT!. bora tJ. i ooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooco ri,Tkod - atocLats aa4 t3 aa X. R. Haata, Kaa; D, O. of' ia I- - V- fradra. ontilJ); No4aaha, feat IV. viHe Uva eowa aa4 attfera. TlWIr Chifa . . H: iCameII, IKasaerea teadmoaUla ia' today: i raUaa. OaraaA of the arkaawledJ authorities eaJiuraa lb itia rWlaMWWN4 wrr sick aalla, tXSiU2l: tJWHlj tl ICOin t$ :l II. O. ttevfa. Saata Fa; J. M. Smith SALE hl tgbW m IM side wh W tr M tira. SUtf FOi. ' vaatara M eoaa. t2.Strf i- - aa Praaiac; Mlaa f. Raamaaaaa. p'joid pneumonia, ' , thaaa ftacaiata, 'Trtoi4a4. CoL- - Gaorsa C. MUla, New . Roomto. the weal SHAWHAN WHISKEY (Via Vnrrartto Sharp rccatpta. Buraat Tors: T. E. D'Arry. Con(H(riUa, O. Two four room hoaaas, S lots, air id 1 Mia eonBawd to 'IT Karat"--1 ON rchaot, stroog. Muttons, f I.JOttt&la;.; Umtx. law, shad trees, ejoea la. Bargala TASJTINfll IOOO hi boa viia the crip. If tJWii raajc vataara. I5.wtr WAXTEO Aa ematar. at tha aull at eaca. whlcS will be found anetoa'.Ud to raaae where wbofeaoat A bor arrived at tha home $:.!: a aUmulaat baby aea, Cola Tekfoaa offlc. 4114 Two lota oa Fifth atreet ilwalx. reiQirai. i Mr. aad Mr. Raymuad Harrison H0; f4 I.S.09. o TRY ITI TRY ITI Anto OtU-- fcuadnT Bight. vm 4 Bit Oa lots aa Seventh, sack ML 0 a Chicago Markao. Tha aaaaity ba ir4 to yoar UiM Mary E. Fvtele of Chic oa aealc Tbla fla baUiiag lou a tha hUL Andeflraret. r. CUeaso. April t7. Cattle raealpu, tarn aaat TaaaJay. it To M. Thomas of Prt-v- ITS. Ofirtaaia ... aad MIm Uura IAtO; aarkK atraag. Baoraa, .aa tha Uat vaalt. Battar tora la roar Cta BM arrhed ia the city yesterday. 0I4.1S; coara aad beifara, IL7S9 property UtU atak. Lou oa Graad or BaUroad aveaua, Jofca II. Illrke. (ha well known SS.20; atockara aa4 fa4ra, lltSOi 1109 aad up. tleman. abo U rrdit4 alia Teuuu. Try oor arw aoft lump coaL SHI L came IMS; tl voeta.". ' C. the original of The Virginian." aaaaa Racalpta. ' Haat. Laa Taftt UC&t ft Poal Co. J. JOHNSEN SOU Ma Bear Harris Real Estate In feat nl;ht from ranch phrp raeelpta. S.00; tsarkat Co. Roaa. UmUa. Tha U!k of th toaa. UNDERTAKERS AND UCENSEO EIIOAUIERS sta ateady. Shep. tX5ei.4o; ' SM OOUCUS AVCNUt. C. M Williams, of Mobil. Ala, I17S0 17.49. SHAWHAN WHISKC who hft b la U Vega for all It kaapa oa Uatlnj cool VTe l carry the Urgest soI nioct complete stock la Las month or thereabout a. Ml St Laula Wool. MM E.SAKSER. . Vcis wher h will eater 77. the lowest CAtketJ t :i da for Dbbtm. 6t Loala, April Wool ata4y; Geaaral Centmtar. , Ve fftre erice on aad embtimin haZl' a eaaitarlum. r' ttoutloat aachaagaC COOLCr SARN. eatimatea tor Perfect Plans, spaciAcaUoas, aad shipment. utiatsctioo cuArAntecd. M. C. lierbem of Taenia Phoa Na IS for Untt. Safo Thirtytwc Attorney snperiateadlaf a specialty at taaaoa latbit line. . - cart arrived la the city iaai night to EXPERT WATCH REPAIKINCS. 'boms Uat estfiU for all cor-- ytars experience u4 ahle West aid af Plasa. 447 .Und the funeral of Mlaa All Our watchmaker and angravar hat poaea. Quality aai arrica tpaak for rate. acquainted vita and over IS yeara asprriBca Is all thamaelrta. - S144 Sixth St Opposite Cltv Halt Colo. Phono. 255 tha young lady bark la Fort Smith, kinds of repairing, and aa poa Ark. . Itlvely do not turn out nothing but Gearing's la aeadnuartert for gar re-lel- S Mr. and Mra. U J. Ifahejr ra Bratelaea work The Bridge Street dea boa and tawa mower. . Et Dcrcdo UctQl GOLDSTEIN of a I - a over the adtent bahy Jewelry 8tora aaeaeatd ttadar IIAp homo oa Eighth . I There 1 oa way la which you daughter at their only Saw ttaasfaaiaat FflSCICnnCLE atraeL Tha fhlld baa bwa named L. U Hanna and daaghter of Wave- - may know that there la ao waat ad. la TfllLCriS Lucille Prance. Little Mlaa Lucille land, Ind, hart arrived la tola city today paper a hies vitally lntereeta m - from ...... weighed- aevea pounda at birth. Lue Aagek to vlait vita you ad that la to read then and Taarwukly 9anta4 an vw. aa la tha frleada oa thalr way homo to tha tee. ; . aiowiy t ttnihal larwchau Jacob laaacaoa of Saplo rvMt MM Mail- - - fnrily Lm -- ii tui.v tia nvwtved a tetearam Hooaler atato. ra ta IM iMMtai Doth Ladies and Get?" I Water N6 aiaaj y OaWMaU at yesterday notlfyiug him of Macbeth la tha tonte poa Saplo If want the eatety of bla two daughter ana you a gooi team. "phone ahoutd tak la the aprlng of tha yaar. who are 8aa Fraaclac. ChaRla. We have no "akatea. 7 i Order fftfed at P. Roth'a. one eoa la Mrs. D. STOUT Our creations are plaaaiag the moat taahlooabl people ofLM'ega. Mr. laaacaoa la, making preparatlona i J. Mr. and Mra. Prank Coe A few aaddl for ! Gnad Aveaes, Bring your wife and roar suite from the V- - lor hla to Ruanta and expecta to returned , ponlea at 5(4 get sajasgiKW ! I trip to thla on No. S the fore parj of June. city thlt morning af Coolcya bant cheap. S44I leave during Ur an extended vlait with relattvea Moat Rev. P. Boargade and R!h la CUsront; tnd Repairing Neatly Done arch-Wsho- p Oklahoma. J Picture framed t ordjr at 8. R Bey J. B. Pltaval. reapectkely dto-"ree- inderuker. . NttC of 8anta F -f Dearth' the and blahop than ever Roaw' BRIDGE LAS VEGAS. N. M churdu - BlMr..bariatti at - STREET, the Catholic 'paaaed Ice nerve-if-a- on thai Broa. All apron eheck'glnahama' erea, Sfcnpkfn Ihronga Laa Vegae thla morning Broa. were no go at Se. a' yard. 4177 I to Chicago. They , their way ' NEW OPTIC HOTEL atatkm by weal prteata i? i met at the ar. VF. T Cafe ia becoming It brief Hlller. who arrived la thla Mante ' ' entertained during the T-- U tmH, McW.a.e. Piwe. and three data ato from t l.Aula.iB,w PDU1,r elr3r Polite. First Chu Service. . that tha trala ntopped. ftr Interval has accepted poaltloa aa clerk at Prettily FuraUbed, Clean Airy Mr nd Mm. J. H. Btearaa morn tCHCOULf. WALSEN SLOCK. .the Schaefer drug ator. Mr, and t ntiht to their home In ticket from Mra. rutter are making ibetr home at Canyoa bought ROOMS Face Mj4-- t s Specu!ly. itfrom Kanaaa City, where thev the merchants: E. O. Mur ' Vegaa 610 Main street following Cm oily at Kiehe by Oaat ee Waak have been visiting fte former 'a mot phef, O. O. Schaefer. Castaneda hotel, i LCVU KADY, Grand and Poulaa Pre. ii ' Cr. t been IU but la bow great- a Block S. P. Mackel who haa u.i-- vnH .wMii . r k'Center Pharmacy, f ly' Improved. Mra. Stearoa baa been R Cross Drug Company, Rosenthal PAFZCJ'O, t Jnnanou whien i. h.nj. i aura bar motheHn-la- for h.i. Brothers, J. U. Stcarn. Winters Drug helping - ed out complimentary to coatomers ! four and her hue- company. k. month, i by R. It la weeaa ago. J. Taupcrt? apeclally pre band Jointed her to pared and clean greaay or gummy Weekday schedu'e. Sunday schedule. 4-- 1:04 pm 9:04 am 1:00 pm 'L" where rhe ae. without molatening :00su Bight from Latbrop, Mo., . 10: 20 am MOpm 10:20 am 1:40 pm th funeral of bla wife a ratn-- i .ranitA Louie Benjamin, a traretlng repra-- 11:40 am 3:49 pm 11:40 am 2:28 pm the way bach .for -- er. Ha ttoppedon ...... h(,lM.,. 5:00 pm , :00pm bla metaar aaa-- a brief vlalt with rrud ,n thi clty on Na 10 1:40 pm Mra. Browne and thachli-- A Boa Csasaaeiea af Gawticaata) aa City.. today frora AIbuquen)u to ett4B, 4:20 pO for - -- drea will not return neyeral BU , 1:00 pm ' ' ' us. . " vlalt ,an,ptes. i ti V,! J .montha, remaining behln to . mmmmmmmmm - La Vegas R'way A Pow. Co. the home of her mower m look at thla. an our pll-- ; .. I jtttl fancy ' $ low tops, sells for 5!Jc -- S IT. an- - everywhere MORNINO SUN DAIRY. H FOR. WOMEN K Wells, who baa been to Broa. 24c ' George close out at Rosenthal for . : perinteadlng the erection and. equip- A 4 of the new plant of the Las Ye- - SHAWHAN 3 ping left gas Railway. A Power company, Dance after the akatlng Saturday I bom ia ' thla morning for bis 8t night at Roaenthal Halt 4143 A 1 .l Louie. He bad. Intended goio Para MUk aad Cream. Strictly SaaJ-Ur- y until today to ' of who ' terday. but remained A, W. Thompson, Clayton, Phone 139 Vegas. . ; i accompany Miss Dolly Holthan to 8t Is taking steps for the colonization of A. P. CEYER, Preprietar, A with the remain of her broth a section of the Laa Vegas f s Louis grant ; . ; i , so that Itaadle Sorosis Castaneda hotel returned thla Tro--a A ia Sick Ream g'ad you f er. who died at the to city last night Hav 'you bought meat of Sands Necasaity Every left on Footwear. IVe J Meyer Friedman yesterday Chicago, whither be went oa business yet? He wants your biulaesa. Civ always wora the flyer for San Frandeeo, going connected with the project . him a trial. .v.' them. A Been back home for welfare of r. aendine thither to, look after , the jO1 r "' "bla alater, Mrs. Harry Lewis. Mr B prepared for all aorta of weather Tour becoming a depeatto of tha ; them. Vm sure every., lady, io 'Vegas waa not v ; Lewla writes that her home SHAWHAN WHISK SV Ptata Trust and Savtaga bank win 1 either earthquake or lire There's nothing better. not nark your turning aolat h will rejoice with me. . It is like bnnjj-- t ' destroyed by only and letter from her are now being tweea auccess and tallnre, bat will i l i dear old home to very doors.? . her relaUvea ia L R,"'EL Tvltchell solicitor for the aaaur you of a cotnpeteae for atck iag your received dally by i i ocamesa neaa aad aid age. , , 3 SIT 31 A Vegas, It waa several days after tnj Santa pa, returned Tram , .Mbl& MeYao-Su- Ia(ent: ?. I word was received in to oa Nt. .; disaster before trlqj Albuquerque 10, today. Kterft'-K!da,yici- ad- -;. J this city frora ber thouaa. and in the avA4'?,! aS were na- . Our are who want ia-Wa- meantime ber kinsfolk her patrons thoae (r,0gfed in lking I: LLtAiiniu iiinuiu French Kids Boots. aad ' alarmed. quality. Better get la line. Chaffln. greatly' ootventrs- ! . turally 3 I! ' "" i C j' Oxforda,Giboa Ties, ; t Ppmps, Walking If yon wear glaaa call upon Mr. . 3s UNFSiIs Av t Turo Oxfords, Sandals, etc, are here Taupert snd get the complimentary If you go out to dinner Sunday THE BEST , St) Dotiglaa ex-- , Mr. Turn : . 'packs of Japanese paper put ap try the Merchant Cafe. OF 10o SOUVENIRS everything Electrical. ;; iira.Il widths from A A to EE. in Soio' for purpose of cleaning er wtll be glad to see' yon and you pressty the EVER SEEN IN THIS . are. sure of service... , ' sts and American Lady brands. We'll . lensea without moistening. good CITY AT THE s - be to fit . . 10.000 yarda apron check glnghama i glad you. THE QUALITY 4. THIS IS QUEEN at Roaenthal Bros, now Sc. yard. ' ITHE. Dth.nk Store. U tin ' Skvings i Red Cross Druga. Purest and Beat 'A - BEST Bridge Street and Plata, , , 6

LOST Gold link caff button, with .. VALUE Pansiea, per dot.... Initial T" engraved on It Finder PcHcoo McHcl Ptnfca, per doc please return to Optle offlca aad get CaraalaaaB) per do. ON reward. ,4-60- 0 ffOfiJimt &ijSlSSStf aTSiSgKaV Yerhena. pardn. V r 4 loch Pots, each. EARTH SHAWHAN WHISKEY more - ' aatlsfactloa Coatalaa liquid Vega Phone : ., m thaa double tha quantity of other .4. . . aad. THE VEGAS 1 whiskey, LAS GREEN HOUSES It keeps oa tasting good. ' .... - PEEBY ONION. . . - ... . A , I Prop. j m ;i3 c:3t2::t:i$Tc:iv. staacwocK. iartn . ' tJU VttAS BAILV frjoat. afrx tr, uc H. Cora i tha Ms Sot O.Cracxam. i4eac kst taat ta mmm CLASSIFIED ADVERTISET.iENTS aa a aoaoaptM. watrbt. snakes tti sataGP-b- t mcW ttwa Crm. iMw mm taa tea aeaafl a tfcst Aa CtAC0 AOmilSEALVTI FATAJLE CI ADVANCE TemtoHal News WaaA aat for kuana beiag. ska bar s 4 Gmm Pt- - i4ftflr wass hart tt tato earth f 1 A ATtO caw: etkaecta&y the wa deal aaw .1. FOR ntr. f Tmmi La Crsma pr that KMrtrbt tmnm ImUtim.' ta'AXTnO Tmm Urket lor ta . FO& REVT X Fsrlald fmm btnewtaeea. Oaaa ada Fever - A SUlClOE or victim htaJarta, tMir at tai vSum. saa. at tU C?rte. LAMtftt rvxtnAt S hwrvet TerpM iw kt sr & lr31y a TImi of tb Ott rial. bvadir Prisma. Outtta. slr Hbh Lia.s. rta ofanociMia Mary ftaitfc U I bam Oaan Sit. KMey aaaplata, geweral WATXAgta auk ff daily, of tb F4crt It tag tosajaay, ftauli Z Ur - aemag th FOR vmm aowae. : Saf-fd- . m. Mw Itoee. X aad featal la- cheapeat aad (coal asicta eSwtJag M C Ok. lo ef toi an pair y:!iy prfectt ti eeusmd by a4 am. Wtaaesj a a ceaeral eka.vm aad Water Filter vr tsveatad. mTfr. UtUr ; FwA r Ijr rwartw4 kr tb 4 pair - ttoa. X. wad am BillTddea, Art. Very ttf U haowa l PWti KaT terrt-- TlUew. Fwanh st.nt ir 4 I 4m. p-- Wesave- Uamt Us for weak aad eepecUl y profit, Exclaslv j laaair MM4 C awus' bo4i f tb brO cxwMa arrlr-- K. II peraa f4 tk tb t'f. a4 1 thmt ttm faivrawoC was. pair Wbas' a. for tk aged. It taaere aswad sleep Filter Co, BXNX--nra nom bona aW W44'Jtg bo, all rata Wck ia4 awtfrfwi Felly snmrate9 by draggtata totoj"' t,a.rv Apply ft. McSalr at tt A BOHEMIAN EXCUfWON i I a No. Pttra aT. d tbwtr aUc flaral . pair V Shoe. only Se AATB-ra- ra TU Armgetaewta v h eossidet-- rAfUHI 4 ta baad; good ga3kaL O. r FoarUi at. 4l for fmtAmm o t b r. Addrws H. A. Harvey. 4HT aa f emiaa pio4 . of ta tJeatiRg iYtft iLILT TriiS. axiaea at tb It l4 b rlfiav t do, pair Shoe. N. Ta'aaaJ awetlag lliK tan froat Sown May raU. b4 Vaa' fins waa fattd. Moaday VANTCO Faiatar mad I nralwhdl Oinia l aor-rt-c yard Majaower CbetM. tyl 4Vsiiiaeai MSer Vtni ri1!CA 3bfccU has aliy tlaaar4 to boMl tb farU alter a eokiay Urtd X. aicht. aad WWwt effioer wa sUWtlCkT.Hai sVlUjgardea, aad good U. 2Kw FU- - Mu4ay aaoraiac bot tb otaw i. faitra tmgated th tows f - Old Il&rkory rhnrted: la. IL Brew. " Kara aa W a taw twk u- r wul W4a4ay yard Sblrttag. prMsat; WAJSTEO - v ta g t Cia-riaa- a Chris tUitbel. thief; Tooy Ehnaaaa, twwaiag a ttat rUtl tnm t No. Tarvad. J. C Coat aad orncc aaatctaat rhlef : A. EL Ratthel, rr gins ta twprsacat McCUre'a road, moaxh. ' 10I9 tuiHNOt aa!tt tb tat a4 rkoa. pwterr. Magasiaa. Good fit per ltur Tbe New York life atu4 13 aotr Thread; Coats taiT and pay. Aidrass 47 X. t J. C trerer. East X. Third street. till ha awtpeaded ft YM Kr St, K, City. pey IN MEXICO preferred. 1 wui ASftAttlNATCO 15 box --. FOR SALE. m and after Kar Aiato Laaadry Soap. ww - - A. A. baa - wtvrrn a yw vw aMsa ' :w Meifcw from It Mr. Vmm of box , U Walt r s. fufl It Paratac Cottea, ataad - tiaM free they eaa mder ao mora ap- J SA Duck eg-g- IhMrMo and 13 rHt4 ioM Maatiir, base Biack Cutto. roa IX tenure of Uaraiag ', H Pa off. ymtrww Maira, aaauoacU tbat bf babaa4 3 Bo.t Blewrbed wide ( AcCLwrftS w , UOiOSUta. U WiOt. M aach uhthat! - - oa Tb 8htc 19-- by Inlormlag advertiser aanaag 4 BUSINESS HOUSE MERGE aMM4ato iha.. t Ik.!t tUeaca4 Sheeting, saw FOR SALE A good rtblKhd 14 sot Kt putiraUr.' tbat b km hi aJ ati&j! Tw Well ItMl buslnc BOOM, o!y wld. worth af cooda oari.Mtth ! baslaesf. fttisla prop. a MU4 Uk bttlf. It was 1 stnarh f Bad Me-Inty- r Bolts rafcJeaeaed V tli Allaire. Mier A Co tit U-t- Sheetlag aad resideee at aacrtCoa. Ad oa iwttatMMrtlac trip, aa a SS ad, bat aaiess yoa told tha at-- ty Mfmitil Co, of ABtocto, tbr I wld. - I'M 1! drew V. this offic. - dlSd Sa at 4at tuxm him vertiaer ao, th Msrspasara would fcav aad tat4 Co tan Wtllow Creek or Cer ex,oliud laeorporataJ Ouit b mtvaa hraa wrltb tb sot get th credit. FOR ALS Household of couatry. rflta CoaL furaltar. seder tbe um AttalrMctatyr ta 13 mile auMth ef Jal-Uro- , rags. Stotee, tahte. etc. 1st-Sj- of i0,-0- 0 Mapastpae All tb foregofar 0 b delivered a' WANTED AH drsera, company, with a capital atork oatf tber r four AMrV reader of this 1013 Fourth at. M only tb Asylum. at JSueorro, N. . I tb toroaa4 paper to patroals adrartiscr, ten rau plac. kava Bidder submit sample of article' ii th saw FOR SALE A Ranch aad Dairy. vldoar, all soaa aa4 o Uiubtr i advertiser yoa hla ad. atNGAGEMENT 'ANNOUNCED marked with a star(. f?rVJ m a iU Isquir Optic. 41CI at RoaocIL H vaa k . UaiaMwi WANTED Aa f-- w frroiala! Th Board of Director of tb tr nl and U eipertenced diary tb of - During rancbataa. aa reserv to ' aeMl It at mm. U- U aua. Apply . F. Ceyer. LOST. friends t aa evening tea, Mra. 0. J Asylum th right r Biowe announced tbe of Jert any aad all bMa. WAXTEO for aew LOST Cold link caff battoa, wtta aemtt ItOtWELL NEEOI MOKC WATER Bidders ahoald writ o Manager her daughter, II 1m to W. C Mainly branch of oar business her l Las lalUal "F tagraved oa tt. Flndrr Be, Lnc tk of tb propoKOd vev-p-e th foi to In for 8a Wlaecar. Both the young peoi'l are rretto r, mid Vegas; writ with refer- pleas rttura to Optic ofSot aad y I promptly, fraacbla to Cntp-Ir- New Mexico at well la" Arts, Mr, atr Ryaolta ft pile far th Insane Av PnOF. PEAK'S the Morris Whoieaal House. reward. kwi Douglas, tb rotera of with asm or names ef bid ence, la aaslslaat cashier f th by RuaweJt, tb lum." tb Ohio. 4ia3 Wlnrgar of boar to CiadaaaU, LOST watch oa National bank ta that city, qutistloR provkt 4qttat der. Lady's gold Hot rirt fir protwt Ita for tb tow baa tx-r-a JEFFERSON RATVOIJS, MAKE BIQ MOXET FAST aelllag Springs etreet ear Sunday anraooa on of toaaaiulnaT Tb pjoat President iu::q cactus the official story of Destruction HO reward for return t thi Crfflo. BASEBALL FLAYER HURT latrtt. oil Th so far to W. E. CORTNER, of Saa Franclaoo." aathora. . base-tal-l, practical plaa aaf(Mt4 Our At Kataarla, during a gam of J to lay all or lbt tach isaJaa along Secretary. TUa SMaaettsMl, TramhuU White and Richard Ua- - Joh r. on of t ha pla- geiat autiitataad BARGAINS. Fop, Mala atrtet from Alameda avau to aeallaf reaMMlr aeeeiUr eafasaU hsrta tblenm, guarantee aathentirlty. Near- to catch a line bail - - yer, attempt' Fifth ail block, and connect H, Morehouaet asslataat general 09 Doten - BIO MONEY mad waa at oa tb tb akuU atrt, ef ass r beast aad ly largw pages, of photo- is being every but rock bead, It vita tb tea or agent of th Santa F railway la atr ad la two rtlaa earthquake, written by ey witnesses. day by waat advertising. Past twine fractured place Just atroet r, w It Mex r!l oa ltbr aid trof Mala and known la New 120.09 per day easy If yoa act anlck. this la your haL tl abov tb eye. Whll Pop la right and" tbaa a block front It with h too, having been stationed at several Hoo!s Will book over aay, be is In a precarious la otitaa aay published. tc PER POOfD Scratch paper at resting fir hydrant at oarh eornr, TbU polnta her for year, la looking after Interested. OutSt free condition. . Ererjbody th Optic offic worth SOe. would glv a pkfltlful upply of water railroad Interest la th territory at Send 10. for postage today. Best ' Without lib. v COO AL and th purcbaa of a araad preeeat. . terms to. airrmss. CVedlt Buy Tanke direct from PROMOTES NOBLE glvea mine PS0F. ataam fir n1n twbkh could b Freight paid. Take orders while wait- to bin. Jamea O Brnt. agent Tb School of Mines S--M Velro had for tb 3,:u0 that th city would A Ocar ing for outfit. Monarch Book Com- at Soc Prof. E. p. Noble, had to each 10 Children Who Are Sickly 1 bat pay year fur pany, Chicago, III BARGAIN Iron bed and a iMtnltfi (4 under defeated com springs. faculty, fir hydraota th Mother who value their owa tt evrr eats, apesiaa, arttlwa. sores, ! thaa two ereceed I ."Charles E. Keye hvalaea of - sd months, bright and fraachiae), tb portloa fort and th welfart of their children, weUlaaa. etJi Isat- WANTED AT Fort la-dtit- Iaae sa4s, Wlngate so slckaesa. Half ra prea'.diarA. f tb Institution. Tb town would b w . daa; of cost. th fairly well pro- should never be without a bog of I tmgo, caapp fcaadu, tm Wie. Teamsters,, Quarrymea and Stonema- 424 Grand c "Ir of snd mining engineer- an Initial eoat of leaa aad ta lfc staadare remedy fof Nrad av. mm Goxt tected, at than Mother Gray's Sweet Powdera . for sons. Long Job. Men to report here 011-- 4 filled By Prof. Noble, will b new ateam sea- - wire cvt aatSMl. aarss Street car tickets. 23 rtde tor . ing tS.000, Including a fir Children, for us throughout tb . al at their ow expense. Rate of asddt ralK aerau-bea- germ keett Pay: later.,. No change la tb on. Break Ctolds, Cur To - Ask th condoctors. engin. They up eaka adder, twa. eu. . . teamaters. tS per day; to Quarry- fntulty H rif Teething ae. skilled 13 Ferershaess, Connttpatlon. It beat a wmtad trww the bonass up men, la handling powder, MISCELLANEOUS. MOST WONDERFUL Disorders, Headach and Stomach aad to tfetarwatbUr aauaepu. kaVl per day; to Hammer and CIL'S HARROW ESCAPE Troubles. THESE POWDERS NEVER CACTVS ou. b Mid hjr dnantaM ta Drill men, 15.15 per day; to Stonema- HUNTERS; S PC' RTd M EX lee d Hrookey, th aliyearota daughter RAIL0A0 CAR FAIL, Sold by all dru aiore. 25c lie., hte. aad Si bottle, it sat U dt if sons. tS per ay; common laborer. your tropble for mounting to Prof. Claude Paoderton. of Phoenix, Dn't accept any ubstltuta, - A trial eted eaoa, f seat br the 15 day-- Good men desired. Qnar-- Gua. Stalnsky, Colorado CoL tt OLNBV t per Spring. A tit., bad a very narrow cacap from package will b sent FREE! to any tacwwn, McOAlO, CNee, tera furalahed free, men to furnish Our work In Taxidermy ha a world- - Mra, It sot eotaiaabte at your dm otath a dsy or two ago. Mistaking mother who will address Allen 8. Olm their own bedding. Good board twide reputation 41M A ear which la claimed fry Ita. in flati'. st a botil of gaaolln for water ah sted, L Roy, N. Y. . $:0 hour Talon W. K. b the most per month, t day. drank a of and for a ventor. Mitchell, to quantity It, tin in no Subatltuta rate fjyr onion day. for skilled me Wyatt and Collins have rented a aa wonderful thing of th ilifil the Aocpt in a avrioua condition. By prompt -- th Rer. W. chanics. GEO. L. MORRISON', Second between world, left Kansaa a day arStwa ago Wednesday last, by C building, First end r.tedic! attxntion ah waa brought Ftmlks, at the residence of Mr.' Foe sajs by lieutenant. 6th street on Clark avenue for a trip over th Santa Fe ty Ijm Henry Cavalry, constructing at Raton and through. , . , , , , , Graham1 la M. O. Williams Quartermaster. will' Angelea; Th car, which coat f, ?o, Demlng, open headquarter for ttaintlna of and Mrs. McCan All and ., three times tb pric of aa c1 Demlng Maggl decorating. ARE RISING My no of Socorro wer united ' RiVERS private car, contains a aerieeV In- - la mar Lee Boyd and Floyd Thorp have A conaiderabl rise baa taken place atrumenta try which aa atmoat incon- Entcrpming bought the Home Ranch, saloon ot Suffered for five Year ith Kidney ta th Charaa and Rio Orand rirera. ceivable somber of facta about 4th John Waldroa at Raton, and Liver Trouble. north White Hock on ac- of canyon, progreaa of th train and th topo IT FOR LADIES, TOO. count th snowfall th Colo- It Druggists "I suffered for fle years with kid- of along graphy of tb country over which it Terence 8canton, who has been rado boundary, tb anow melting ney and liver trouble, which caused pasaes are recorded automatically. working In Mexico City, Mexico, the rapidly. Th aettlera In tb sever pains across th back vUya aayt th Kansas City JournaL raey CM TkHe Male rallla Owl psst yesr. Is visiting In Raton with and a feel much nneasineaa. At Eapanola, 1 " tt Trees Pruned Sprayed Among th things noted aa th trata ' - his Mr. Scan-Ion- . blinding headach. I had dyspepsia tb realstera all feet above WHh Meiwtet. parenta, and Mrs. Matt iaute move along are its speed, th power and was so constipated that I coull low water mark. - - needed to It over mil of Ladle wh have thin hair and whose All Kind af Garden Wrfc Dsn by pull every not move my bowels without a cathar-ti-c. th way, every rise and curv la th hair I falling eut, eaa prevent the hair failing out, and tblckea th growth, with I was enred by Chamberlain's PRESBYTERY ELECTION : roadbed, th position of every ata-tlo-o B Ntwbros "Herplclds." Besides, tirpt-dd- e The Florist. PITTENGER. Stomach and Liver Tablets and , sea- - Thornhill, C bar Tb preibytery of Santa Fe, In and other facta relating to th la en t tb most agreeable hslr SI ON, WRITING, been well bow for six months," aay alon at the Flmt Presbyterian church road. At every mil a mark Is mad dresitna there la, kltia the Itarplclde Corner Seventh aad ' Arthur S. Strickland of Chattanooga at Santa Fe. elected Rev. M. Madrid th roadbed and thee marks may dandruff garni that eats th hair off at Douglas PICTURE FRAMING, jon la Tena. For sal by all druggists. - of Mora moderator and Rer. 8. Magill uw vuiuimrvu wj in the .root. After the germ destroyed. WALL PAPER, GLASS, omcpuaia aireany tha root will shoot op. uxii the hair grow of Raton clerk.. Rer. O. Banden of us. . th brakes ar PAINTS. ETC Everytlm put tonsT as aver, seen a sample wlll cmi Th office of th Street Car Co. la Santa F and Rer. E. Cordova of Cor- oa or th engine whlatles, tb fact vino anr ladf that Newbros Herplelde bow at the power house, yoa re- dova were choaen interpreter. At ta noted automatically. Is an Indispensable toilet requinite. I 020 OIXTU GTKSLT an waa Mr. oontelaa a oil or It not Souvenirs member. Commutation book. 11 th public service addreas Mitchell entertained a party of grease. will stain er . Sold teadln drutatata. Send rides, 90c For sal at th office) tr mad by Rev. J. R. McFie. friends In his car, which he calls br 1 " isa. in stampa for to The Herpl-I- Let Me Paint 'Your Boor conductors. - eampl J- by th 8crantoa, and explained lta Vork- Co Detroit. Vlch. ' - FAVORS in ff That Nonnt la aa 1 THE BCSt UNr. Wlth CUTTING TIMBER mill E. a MURPHEY. Beial Agent. i Karl W. Woodward, assistant for th car more along la recorded oa a OF lOo SOUVENIRS ' PARAPHINE PAINT est Inspector, has returned to 8anta SEEN IN THIS The Albuquerque lodge, I. O. B. B EVER Fe from a thorough Inspection of th an Inch oa th paper represent! a vritun-siuMntM- .. BMGiS baa raised more 1300 wh en CITY AT THE Fm mn1 I James forest reserve and reported fa- mile of travel, and after a lone trip than has visit one , month. th has been been forwarded to th headquarters lu V,M vorably upon application of mad th record may be as. acre matured whit studied for weeka befor all of the order tor the relief of suffer c-jcz- timber, th data a. c. ranch with lie found that 60,000,000 feet could which It contains ar collected. Tb tag members In 8a n Francisco. Sheep good Improvements, 18 Osvnk Store. well watered, 1,500 bead of sheep, . be cut oft trees ranging from to 60 car, when a test Is being made, la Savvlngs o will wool' Inchea In diameter, some of them over placed next to the Twenty-tw- rides for 90c. .That 1s STUDY aoa hf mail aSaeM to mrroa. shear nine pounds par engine. aorasniM hraoaraaMmiiraton. head. ' lllft hwtt titvh wttfimit Inlitr tA Hi. th prlc oa commntstlon books. Ap Kunriaacal aM ooniBanu tattract. Price HL500. or, pm turn omlf. flat Cattle 800 of cattle. Prloa , " ply at Street Car office or from ranch, head foreat. CALL FOR BIOS. th. fo-m- s. wia Hwraratotr. with 17.600. ' from conductors, For Fine LOW rwaiwa for prarn."". Wilt catU, . feaeur fonr w1itHin ami arwparta 9 in Alfalfa farm, a snap . OR. EVANS 'DEAD Lbs MONUMENTAL WORK (ft tunf. etn4eataan4sradaaiaa Vegas. N. M.. Apr. S. MOte. Regular shipments of high grade enryvlm. Fall - SEE ' Dr. J. M. Evans Is dead at Phoe- 8ealed will ba received Write J. M. parucninra aiia proposala or and of eoncentratea ar being Hartley rial- after a Illness of raec. ffr nix, Arts., long at th office of th Secretary of thi mad from th mine and stamp mill 815 North Aroo St., Albuquerque a cms ' BrUht'a dleeaae. During his active Board of Directors of th New Mexlct am SI SPtllSE 17. a. of the Bonanza company at Hillsboro. nssfsrsssaKE QQUZ, life he waa at one time Insane - 'professional Asylum at Las Vegas until ten Juanlta, the eight-year-ol- d daught SCaftUGf lia. District Manager. lecturer on anatomy at Jefferson med- - o'clock on May 8, 1906. foi ntMiamSus. ' Tuesday, er of Mr. and Mra. Theo. Velarde 40DE Room 18 Crockett P. Box leal and later on theraneuttca and Bldg. a lit. college furnishing delivery at the New of Albert, died In Roy Saturday night at Bellevue hospital. At Phoenix, Mexico Insane ABjiun. of alf or ot any from dipt her la after a short Illness. If your neighborhood Is , where he waa interested In mining, th hereinafter named supplies reqntr he endeared himself to the poor by ed for th maintenance of the hoipt his work without pay. tai, commencing May 1. 1900: D. & R. Q. Occd Enough f.rtSC Varlac Cr. --t gn Ofliciavl 1S.000 lbs. Beef and Mutton, as re System , f3s CAIIEIUI y VtJ Scavenger. TANNER WILL ATTEND quired. - , Santa Fe Branch.' FcrYczs--- 6.000 lbs. ' Members of the (J. K. Warren post. Potatoes, Greeley prefc TIbm Tabla Mo. as ; 71 irfcy tstff ytMar - G. A. and the Women's Relief red, required. Effective taw. : r- Rv S.000 D. - Dcornbetlttta. frtmiHtt DAOK EAStT corpa and the Ladies of the G. A. R. lb. G. Sugar. 800 lbs. bidder'. Th vju ' circle bar made final arrangement Baking Powder, aotnm nT sornt Offlea at I - . A ' name brand. SosvtX Mll 5 No. 423 j i to attend the territorial encampmen I1 ?B0Q !! ra. e . r . I m Cu-por- lbs. cro' sip at Las Cruce In May. T Evaporated Peaches, 12:11pm M V II JW ..I.TKi.p.BolL. I:psi ner, commander-lnhie- f "T GratJ p p B bw IDS. vaDtvtled cro Army, will be present, and U1 f-- a Pears, 4KI3pmNl...Lv....Hwvtlleta.. Lv WStE 1 :M . m bring together wore Orand Armf , p mW tT...TrPwdrLT..I0 p ,b4' Ev4Iorate1 cror !f erana and their ladle than Apricot, 8 i pm.IU L..Almoiii .MM" uaaaVLj0 a m..M?..Xv.. .PmdIo Lt t:epsi1 06 p m S00 lbs. 4 Crow a 4 !tt m...S!)i.LvColn S:4S p n 169 Raisins, crop T W a n...4M. Ar.. .Uit.-L.,-epgt... f M p m Phone BACA ESCAPES FROM JAIL 1W5. . . iawal ' Joe Baca, the daring horse thief 2.000 lbs, . Lard. . bidder . nsm Traias senp a sewmi tor confined in jail at Albuquerque for brand. anna m sema. nB t . om time past, trade a Crilllant es- BOO lbs. Butter, bidders name bran oownBoncee '' , will help to get Ummu started -j J3 At Aanlo (or Dmmoao. tfilvwtoa, aad Southwest If will aive us cape a few ny- r picked 10.000 lbs. Flour bidder name polata. yon the and brand. At Alama tar PaoMo aad tnstr ihelr name aud addresaes. locks, "through to-da- ' BmUKWpoiotdiseatheT(er,tb standard mof Writ ua kltchea""fv , ta? . 159 lbs. Chewing Tobacco, bidders tine rta L VM Ptm or the narrow te r amktn Addreas, oot arour7 He name brand. itelkta. the enure trip 1b 4ay Wt and ' paaslag taroavh tlatffsBwaaai ahaaaaeab Ota. CeWmttatlea Aetat A T. S.f Caaapool and vwoiu Claod, Diaiiuceud and pat In a Thorough 8suu-tar- y s pa. ,.tS ,100 lbs. Smoking Tobacco, hidden ate for all ao4aoa(M(l t Ry, S jO CbJcaf coskdltaoa. W aaamla eaa pon s tt of Ttdo.V ;w 2J a term name brand. & K BOOewvO. p. a. lUiHmy Cxckanfa, charga. lb. Cera tzi ussivss.

V nuAT. APiui; rr. t. uu vtu CAttv cma WcaTYcu Ccrr. TOeen Squire V. Professional EIrcctory Homt Dill Milts In Frisco Browne & Manzanares Co Baity ocicntt. I. ATTOftSitVS. i o. a r, tM vt . 4, ut. OSSes, Vdr Week, U Vegan, H, TravtSni Ben Cmmc An Exciting, Well Known Engineer That ML Of k3 Sixtb Kmt A3 .3Uag beeiB-re-s Efwmk at rUrvry Employe Ana. Devastated By cnrdlary tsvtted tc tt4 r. 1 Pra trtar, Attoraey at dm, w. Vsrts. ha Ctsckwtt . t7no oooosao Led Home . Fire. x a; c a CBc bUia, legale jtn V. T. M. Cveod. iKHWTt v. Vfftaa. M. ML I Y. C Cm, trees!? C Bdgecs, V. taw. OCSna v g. Attoraey t t to. Om ef th fosafeat things that OaUurf. CaJL April rrA wH trt, Tyata aJock, La Vsajaa; M. state that tit B-J- t-- fcasocrwvedlaibJ eMy foraJoagUai Saea easta i O , kseet secood tad faanh devested toy Franrtacn ap- W. A Wood Mowers Horse Bakes took Wednesday near th tr la to Wedaeaday aisa ck caeeik. at CM W. & akit Iami acre sr akowt ward, atasraeyoaiaw. railroad vopostt th effic t pro l.M tt Kaicht of fythtaa KJL cftc Bloek, Loa Vaeaa. Jt, Cultivators . -- Wool Sacks yard, teen satte. , Vyaua th yardmaster. U k half lb ha-- inirt hrothera ar cordCaOy tsrtted. fcav Tfcrt t few ettW t th Sheep Shears bay Presses aka lttn'"'aa4 ikU w?l IIALIXTT RATXOLD8, ' awes fen j WheT there SO SBBTk Valeabir suNKtn a tucAt, Binders iMt to appreciated. ? bafted Baler. . A Law. Reapers, Harvesters and wfcw em-- property ta ewual area, TVw wt ttui asy s at , Tn vooag gaUaata, in T. S. BLAOIXT, C OSV aa KaUoBal ! at taa searty ktta4Ki teaaa, ams f fa iflgtMl ahr4 Cauate Befid!ar. Ua N. ML Kla4 M par tlwrtr ta ar-- Vaaat lntiaca la taa rt4 taavaaaa tadoa. Wa. 2, A, f. A A. at Vega. T Axeo on Band 'aval ot tha ladicampUbo effldata f HMwaatSJa aa4 waaafartwtas CapacoaBaaakatioaa 3rd Cocas tic Ajway a. Secslar tat ARCMiTfCTf .... raut jBt .. a . k A ua Bop jl. - .V . AAA la lb diaiag ronn. aaa a( an a laoiianawma. am iua . Tharadara ta each aaoatk. VMthtf ' HASrT. o'ekxk aera coaforubiy aettld taaaMiaata, TnJ taousaad krotkar eordlaSy tarl'ed. C Ot HOIT4 Arckltavt ia aorck of taa tare oaUdlat traaaimia. Boorker, W. kL; Charle H. Spor-- af!il learn. V a6ad On Rt'.rcis Track. Us Vegas, New Mexico . ta Saau F track. aed tr taa H Noa Itastaa4!ac I a t.Wpr d i8e. Servatary Mar aaf-f- A buMiaga y BiMtiiiMit a a lodelaf pi atrarikai. hoax of ara atllli. sed eocstr -- swx of all klada Rtr ta aauas arnnw mmyvjrm, pfinimiiy aaiajarm. fttkakak lads, t. O. O. ateeta ptaaaed aT pettntwrd. Offtea. TImt ao vaay that thr did iuu(TWr aiUl ranata tit treat abta aeeoad tad foank Tkaraday veiar Las Vega Pkoe Pi. arnica lb oC foar M'T Padft mail dorks, of cork kooaib at tb O. X F. ban not approach at fotmo, l DCNTttTfl dramnera. ho after pttta them tn4 atorh nH aoath of Saa rraad Un, Mattio 8. Carllrk. aoal ; V1 ) a few to th good, determined B dockt of autfafactoriea Mr. IJIa lledsfork, ktra 1CSS. vsn izzki res en wma. akmg , CsUbllsbet ta ereaa4 tb 1rHty waltresaea. th water frant frnm Uhttaa rroek Clara Bell. ' Mra. Saraa JEWELRY CATALOG Ko.3 ertar; Dr. P. R. IXRXX IVstist. ailh how they had bee naklsf ta Huntert' Point, th rolled Utatee Ruoarta, traafarer. Caceesaor t W show many anklrs fram our no at th aapper taw, ia iw w,Bt sa4 ,B Urra retail Ir. B. M. Wtaisms. mtA k Duusionda. Wan he. Icwdnr rt - er 10 eommuatr ti exulmat "knigtsta- ck to. dK(rot os PHao 4 IMv(Mden tsstsr ttae, Rcgcur E hb S. Center B!k. Us Vegas. !. bt and Mverware. Friwarearowctiv. WesHponap-isova- l cat hefor vara aeea. una tioa aeeoad aad foartk vb-- JEWELERS on nail orders tier ai atraet. Thursday and sLinaBf ritrf aotat they stopped aad teja to talk nga ef ack aaontk. AQ vlglticg krotk-er- s C. i. Hammd. Root T CATALOG r3 WRITE FOR ITTODAT taaadibl tone, f. to aac LOS ANCCUI to each other, la a Human Blood Marha. aad sitters ar cordially Invited. bal'dlBC Roar l l'.aa on Jt abea aald la s ataUwa: &. erne aad ceatlealaUng freely, A tat of horror a-a- tod by narkt Mr. J. B. Reed, worthy t Both ffcosts at ra I a loud vote. vtdntiy talklof tbout 8.. fX. Dearth. W. Mrs. Cmasa of kamaa H004 ta th boat of X Vf. P.; tdearw. BIB DMineaa; mrw nw Benedict. Eec: Mrs. A. U. HowcS. 0 axmey aad w"r gtaa to bav ft." WlU!a, a elt hnoa nerrhaat of Tress. on. a U JCNKINO, Lumkor aad thea atooped over aad kecaa to Ba Ky. II tarttea: Tweoty yaara Ccora Ccmpcny . opea a trip, fo I bad aever fcemorrbage of tb Ksdmea teeet la ftatvrtal Brotbe Psitttst. - 1 hood Hall, every aeeoad aad fourth V- Room S ssd 4. ii Wall Thnrsday sleep at tb ightk run aw ne4groc Doors, Builders Hardware Paper ,i, ! oa bl aa taklaf Dr. Klnrt N Wawery Cld pougla Aveawa. Scsh, youac maa wttk a dowa Visiting brotbert alwar wskom to re. for a feae It eared aad I bar X - Brushes. Up started aaarby picket ' completely is, tb wigwam. Bv Corey, saetief-- AttAYINO. Glass, Paints, Varnishes, aad fell over oa kta bead aod before remaloed veil ever alnr. It cure r. B. Baraea. chief ef records; F. D. could aaed a a aoft w b aria, tra Baorro,gei, rbroalc cougha, settled Frfe. collector of wampum. a A. CWIH. Cor. " "I-- CORIKT V COUUIt "- - " Praumal Union America, Meets AsMylnaV Coal and Wood si cor for weak f through th doorway of th booM aad , baowa hue. Erry first aad third Tvesday ovaalngs of Civil, imrattoa and Mining lkigtsMra wa. stl draxciats U. R. Mineral Hurveyiag. was too acared to aet up. beat'bottl foaraiiteed by sack month ta tb Wood maa tall oa Deputy Hl v Oanta . . Nsw ssaahs. CO, BO him thronrh br a leaetk aad raa Pi Sixtk street, at t o'clock. Mrs. Emma F. KO.OO corn pttoKss In room i Mrs. M. Tboma of Cillea-- talrs and lorked herself her Dr. and Berrfnger, F. M l W. 0. Koogtar, and erled. Th three who mad th pie. Illinois, ar visiting ia New Met ' rotary CIocKi darinr lea over too fenc escaped Ik len. They hav beea oa aa tesd Witch, ts4 Jtwtlry : th darkness, and after being knock ed tour to th City of Mexico, Pbo. Th Praumal Brotherhood, No. 10?. ed dowa by a clothes line and rua nls. Arlsona and otker Southwestera meets very Friday aight at their nine a hundred varrft nn a bill. Stoo jxjinti. and tt Is probable ball la th Schmidt buiMing, west of Gt'ARANTEED 1 ped to see If tbey wer pursued and that they will remain ta the Fountain at I o'c'iock. Visiting tet sqnsr. OtSOTO H. Ok- - Mountain Ice , to regsln their wind. What they heard lrmantnt!y. sltbnuRh tbey bv not mombert ar alwsy wrlcotn. By ThoPuro wn 111; mun v.riu vi umiuwmr decided oa a location. JAMES N.COOK. lj -- yet phone, pisying worn yon com . .0 r . President. Lam Miss-ab- l. That r.Utfo Vegam Famous bora Bill Bailey, won't you com Rheumatism Makes Life , Miss Katl Burcbell. Becrtary, horn." but they didnX ' A hftDD? bom is tb most valuable ? PARLOR BARBER SROP Thoy afterwards found out thst that ! within lb reach f of Columbus meet vry men wer drummers and that pnesinn Its KnigHts StOtWV. Sns, the four mankind, but you cannot enjoy second aad fourth Tursdsy ot tbs J J on of them was th represcnUtiv If are from MP IT CLAi RKhltN s ' comforts you suffering month at tb Fraternal Brotherhood a bttftt a. of a music bouse and bad gramma rheumatism. You throw Mtt ball. Visitor welcomed. J. E. Uawin V U with him In bis and bad when enter your home phone grip, wtt ( you XL; 6trss, P. 8. taken it along for the purpose of on eaa b relieved from those a Frk RETAIL PRICES playing a 1KU music for tbb girls. rheumatic (sins also by spplrtn? PHYSICIAN. Th serenaders say they never pct rhnmberlaln' Pain lm. oti spvll to see anything nior amusing than th Hnn trill etv VOU 'relief Bltd it On. H. MOUF Osteopathic phy MONUMENTS Per 100 lbs. grand scramble over th fence. nntinue ns for asfenrt tla.e 1 tl Olney block: bmirs, AND ( cure. klaB..r!ic, bring about a permanent T to ll 1:30 to'4! Phones. Las WORK kV .1E Sad Ending to Damsgs Suit. sal all drngglsU. Vet Colorado 17. Sunday MONUMENT 1.W0 pozzt or each deUrcry by Bor. A sad ending cam a day or two appointment luperin-tenden- t boup ky .Too should get your order ago to th damag suit of th belrs Claim Willis and ' 10e Agent sow so that th work J00 to 1.000 oatk ellTry A. P. th Santa F Servlc HoJIis, of is pconut, of Faust against of Water can b and for 110,000. when Milton Southwestern Ita completed railway the El Paso and Vegas Iron Works erected In tlm for SO to J0O pouada. each dclirtry .SSo Faust, on of th plaintiffs, a young road company, wer In Roy Wednes-d- y z4 DAY. maa or' waa DECORATION SI year age, brought and Tbursdsy on business & Machine to tb county Jail apparently tnsan wtiit their msd.' While there foundry Shops & DAVIS Lots Una 0 pound, each dtUrtry.. ..40a WALLACE from Quenemo, wher. b bad gon if.. nnrchiised of P. B. Strong th Vas PhM 216 bom th trial was finished, after j wa(w fn lhft ,ak on 0j, ran(.B Muth Union Oasollnw rngtne, tb La New Mlco. says the Topeka But Journal of water wlll Dt pipej Vga. His mental aberration overcm Th, Moat Desirabla Iower. o p Stover Gasoline) for nrm very auoueuir vb lumnai, j Engines over th case Running; Printing; Prcasea UsVseas I'koa iU had worried continually A Lweky Postrntstrsss ' and it so upon bla mind that Grindlnf Mills, Pnmpingr Got preyed Is Alexander of Csry, Me., who be finally gave way under the atraia, Mr. flta( Wood Sawing, Electric lis Vtjis K:ir fZs, even the awarded Mm has found Br, King's New Life P" ht Plants. Lnund rlea. Go. though Jury she ever tried lIf j.n.natiTM, Prw Acjuo Pura a partial victory ta giving him a to be th best remedy the stomsch, liver and . SUOO judgment. for keeping Wboissais aad SetaU la . Otfle 20 Ooufila bowels order. 1 ou 11 agrw ADLON. Psr Anu. ; Faust was la the cell ta perfect .J.C. Prop. placed parlor these at the Jail and bis bands and ankles with her if you try painless pa tnfusa ew lire.- - uuarsn- - ; handcuffed. At the request of his rtem that WHSAT ' (TO Price 15c. ' family an examination was made by teed by all druggists. 'issaBBWaBaaswasaaaBaa"aaBBa Pcion Vlcltora physicians. The latter believe that . A of New young men ColoradoBmits,b--Seed WW orsalsUassso him, be may be party Mlco j' Whom to ' ' hy carefully nursing 01 th. m. at. restored to. bla health, and with that nave left for th purpos expior MetTod one so always. lASVgaas Ih cave recently found by Rob . Luxurious Rooms, Fin . In the unfortunate young Ing ' plan mind, or me Man Meals, Good Service, maa was taken to Christ hospital in ert HoDklns In' the south an ambulance, where be will be plao- - sanos mountains. In which be reports of antique WM. BAASCH Early in the MoniiDg Every Day ; (ed in a cottage for patients suffering; flnrtlns many specimens Hotel from nervous diseases. pottery and other ancient relics. Scabcrrj J Fresh'v,Bread. Rolls, Douehnut try and Fried Cakes are furnished by CUTLER.Y PHONE 7? NATIONAL AVE me LEHMANN BAKERY POCKET KNIVES and RAZORS Knives from . 2." to 13.00 a also Calces of all kind! and Hot Razors- - from 11X0 to (1.00 Breads for ' Montezuma Ranch Resort ' v supper. H.C YOUNG. 520 Sixth St. ' " AT ROMERO THE BEST GOODS IN; THE WEST A quiet, healthful resort miles south of Las Vegaa oa th y A. Oa Santa F R. R. Main Building: AGENCIES: , HOYE, Old Spanish Mission, with all Davidson & Blood, J. Thornhill. . modern Improvements. Tent - , cases Ike Davis, , . JohnPapen . DAOQAQE I Cotuges: For Incipient -- " "" "1 . 3S00 acres. vi , t '"'! nnlv. Ranch of beautiful scenery, saddle ponle Calls promptly attended to at all la selected caaea; herd ot regie. . hours. Ottlc in rear ot EScbaefera tered Jersey milch cows. Motor-Ga- Pharmacy, WHbixth trset. Both Address: Dft P. J. Farmer, R IAS VEGAS ALBUQUERQUE r Divorce rbonest3. msra, N. a. Tel. Colo. 47, r Pisa aad rVaitarc Mvta a SnaV vsntsr bioch urug btviw. By LOUISE CLOSSER HALE iji il-- L.u i',J. i.- 1-- u.iiaJc5Sa GROSS, KELLY & GO. 4 A PREE1ZY and deKdou liumoroui motor-ca- r romanre--t!-ie tact that the hero and hercine ar man and wife males it (INCORPORATED) f no lea a romance. Mrs. Ward, a believer in the theory of the ten-ye- ar inarrage TICKETS S5 HAnVRY'S advanced with hei' indulgent GW contracts by Ceorge Meredith, goes We have Inaugurated our V tor tne r UCL1 KIVER KAXCI1. WHOLESALL husband on aa automobue tour through trance and Italy system of $5 cask la advr:; I TUCUMCARI ' of a divorce on cite grounds of " incompatibility TRIXIDaO purpose securing for meal tickets. Jl Carri. comes in every r.lETZCIIAftTC m reaUtv. not exist. It takes nother woman. 5 Friday ci temrjer. vbxik do SINGLE MCALt S5e V and go. out every HaUirJay the tuloEcbile to Mrs. Ward to her beiTV several u i bring This enables as to famish RATES: r. senses. , meal and better servlcs. 4 proper ter r WOOL HIDES. AND PELTS A SPECIALTY Wit 36 10 of wbfcfi are In Color, Walter Halo Ton can th worth ot your r" d.,, lie 4Mk,sawr llliutratiooa, by get . . . ' - ' i s..n'' aln. , w ' 12mo, Cloth. L50 v ; coney at ' 8oiAHHfarth - .? Leave order at i' romr tt. the mfll ttmdttt , Murp bey's 0 kxiitrt tMiri fvitftfud, irnm tcrr address H. A. Ear- - BAITST WAGON ti:e tixi izmuzx vsy.ety. Colorado PbooA s DODD. MEAD & COMPANY ft. PHILLIPS A PROPS. -- " New York SON, L:, 1 i ron saiji PECOS EPRIS Publisher 372 Fifth Avenue Vje

V :.-- . ' -- uj t . . i : : i niiAiinnin a r iii i ii li i i mm Tho Hyfioiek. Ice tram Parr 0eil&Ml Waor. VTh'iie, fcearj bed PR-ICE- aprrad witi cut corrrr. KIND S 25cb. EHTTER 65cto. frieed. Beatitlfol Assorted fnttcrc at r$J lbt more ddirtry. . w 1.000to2000!U.. ai" 2;3tc G3X0, C3.7D czdCCC3 czzS. Both - - - Phones 10 J.UUU It. ' Ji50 to 3)0 IU. 0c . Lm tlua 50 11. T5c LUD7IG 7IUAM LFELD, CR.YSTAL ICE CO t McGuirc& Webb - - fm raovBa, ttt tii ni.-- wJij r?.n Tb la Vega Bargai llatta. TMt wtATMC. J. A. llarMtpf at fcaa rnukcUro, trarelteg Mtenuu. vw 1 lava FRANCaMJERICAN FOOD CX) 5 m Ms PRODiaS AinJ 2d, 1K. today wsy ta Draw. Mr. OK Xmrtrj kft tb tvekknea Hi two 8ALE AT BOICIIER'I". Mar tbe terrible mrthuahL FrancozAmerican tt m eeveral b- - DFTLK Soups MatisBUU " aaiio 4TS (IM ftOi r. UAMCPATC r b learned lb fat hi Mo k TurtSa " ' MiaiSSBSB :::.::::::::n::z of wtf and family. After what Cbiea Please the Most FotkEous! aerated Aa 0Ta4 ' fanndaw 1 bUb waa ..V (a..' ag to b notified that ta Tooaato , U4 Iwrk HwaiaMy. member at CbM-ke- a tfcli-cio- t Vv of family vera tot sly Frwvb Bouilloa Lirer Extra Taaey They are us txrt kern ouaa quickly prepaid, 6 a.aa...... safe, their waa KtU ttaa Vagaiabl e tf 12 m...,. aged by th and alas es CUm Chowder to eat end froaa always saUsfoc. 4 p. as , caped tie flra, Mr. laraulTS CbJckas) ; ; Totally different froaa ftte4t Mm bobj la at tb entrance ? oTIUIm meata. balkioaa for traaaiaat, Gat ta which fuliv two MttUigataway LoMbcoB aiid tory. SoJdby FtArtpiUikia nark, bandit kbia. thousand f lb e eoogbt aaea G. D. COUGHED, MEADOW OH BRIEFS Ther WIS nrobablv ' ba as ball same la tbta city nrt Sunday b th teaaia of tea Jural feaga. Taw Cavalry bora do aot cam to-ma- AO, of tk Bat K train r lata y tram before f bis afternoon. othr Ut opctitor Tiiiiiiiimiinn , or ta aaaaaa, IDa Ftwna (roerry ,i LAS tm will lay off for om Sunday tad VEGAS EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS STORE Tb public foenUI fa the court tlw railroad bora art anabla to & It agaia wt of order for nitur tH REOAUTOMOBILES ' off Suaday oa ammat of tba work jrtaaoa. K - nakisg up tba say rolla. H Mr. r. II. MaivelL of Colorado 1 Tba automotila tbat Laa beta tb beat W. R. MrGinolaa aaalataat aaoar- - prorea al Sole finIn jow at th Wnc" la R. J. Taapert'a and Speci for lnt'aat of tb Railway MaU 8rvle rlrdw.rv Tinning Plumbing, Barn Mi jvelry store, .ndSaddlary , , , . - of Waahlnsum. D. C4 who baa beta i, i ( ,( , .r af la tha Mak your la advertis- city atralgbtMlog oat oonM Pepperell DIearh type yor mar root mattara btfor tho aw Sheeting ing epac talk. Ttii ta well worth I3ia?b 44 inch 6--4 S-- four r cofttracta go Into forra wbt l wide M wid 14 wide your attention, t' 13c yd lie yd 17 July lrt. lirft thia noralac la tb E . yd Sleyd S3 yd iSeyd. Z for Santa Roaa, but will J. GEHRING. "KlK" tn - A gan of prisoners from tbe com, t. - Naaonle Douglaa. tunt to tbla city. Tmpl. Av. 3i and aa ty Jail ar again at work grading up tech Full Standard ? XrUif street 1 Percales y.n t Tb 8tara' xrorrry haa two i j. .i.i..j..,,..;wM. Tba Wampus club meet tfcla Kntly 4ora( wladowa. tba weal ftw window filled Agents For Standard fox at tb bom of M lea Carol Rnaa being almwt tattrrly Patterns. n National street. lib Monarch canned gooda and ran Uut do sot overlook tba good Talutt f Frrarb-Amarlra- a Jrpard aoupa. which ar ta 1 ft -- Th la cffred HENRY Th n arrange la artlatl 517 jsb waa d.aUy LEVY. 6th St. I manner and w ed yesterday by Sin W. a attrida tb Immediate .4 u.ks AS. KEVT MEXICO vtu of tba J T Koogle. . R omenta cr errved altnth paaaerby. A. A. WATCHMAN FOUNTAIN 'V and thft octMoft proved dfllRht-- vary Laa Vegaa Elka ara tjuiotlr Collet. PINS, Ing dunailuna from among the mem-bev- a 1 to for ' - ' " ua.atxit tba rwllpf of auf ' i , Jrninr ,n San Franrlaco. It la not- - ahlpia ty frr tjI,"rtri Tbat If, If you tat as tor Jmla. cmrLyir bla lt r!,trry ,w ,b ,,,,!, of th aoclety to di Mg! ty The m Dolly Hrltbaua. I if.r vuv aiiMuni ,m ii:a fuuacruitioi) your worth,' Largest ton uicnyi 25 par cant olieeunt for S3 ' Ry? n; a; Muri?. tt tb J v-- u. Ay daya. nrt The Attltud v 1111 unvanm cniircn mm a,iVr a ar-- Jrw' Toward Jau hn-tur- a will OPERA PHAnr-inn-v Imtm nxt Sunday evening mx SiBb," ba tho aulf at of ::.1ZFCZ?Q house MEALCROCERYandFRUITHOUSE

' 1 a - . - Temuld Monleftoro. Tha axrvtr Twenty f1 action" men. part of lnt 'c,or't. Tba Ls i ! tMInlfa"f" laa VttUSA jwi. 4111 w.,L.a"a1. i tbm rrlng peoaa from Old Mexloo, w niHIl f II T H r?q In the loft thla Hty tbla afternooB on No. 10 IPTfcf IDA Iflmft Territory. ffr Raton, wber they will b em. - 7 . ' 1 ployed oa work In tba tunnel, Tb name of the local aerie of KW Kll baa been nllirlaUy deaiitnated a GROCERY DEPAILTMENTa Torreon No. 34fi. Ther Ea-- tba pbotographer, la an ' Hats of Latest niPE Sole agents for ChnaeA Sanborn 'aTeaaA Coffeed b - at Vogue Rol APPLF4 wovrd from tha Hugh Hicker- bdg fjia. Vegaa. Nevada, ki:i agents for MorreU llama and Bacon c o en reiidenc aeroaa tha in mhlch prevented the aoclety v?. here htkaw Sole agenta for Richelieu Flour I . atnt FOR : MtJUt the-J- Vk. eor-ifro- - Sol far Richelieu fin Ctar cottnaa on tb a tumhig the nam of Ijia Vo- vvC; UEItKIl. agenu Canned Goods. PKHUUX. TltT tit Xtoln Plakak . - ! ' ' - , ...... " ..v.nt uiiwii Blirr-I- ta. EVERY FACE FIGURE W, Q, GREEN A larga gang of workmen are buay Hay5m returnod thia af AND FANCY.: VEGETABLES. to-.'a- y tensoon from Mora, wber he baa tahtng up the old track of the We Will have an eitra fine of kind Laa Vegaa Railway and Power com- been attending county court. display every possible to A. haa pany on Twelfth rtmt and Douglae It. llama been Improving since bla avcbtr and laying Bear ralla and tie. lowly aurglcal operation, ' but waa reported aa being a little Asparagus Spinach worn The Stearna grocery ball team will today. Radishes Green Onions hereafter be known aa 'tb "Mon-archa- ." Lettuce New Potatoes They may be monarch In Tba local attoraera. who bar beei court at will ret Beets i tb grocery bwalnew, but they will attending Mora, am Celery, etc etc y bay to go aom to be monarch! of to tola city tomorrow evening. ;v t . a " 7 ' ' V - the city league. ' ( ."1 I The Ladle Aid will aell baked ' Our Hat Never was aa Department ! FIt boboea were arrested tit tha goods usual at Boucber'a Satur- More Complete and we have the GRAAF & day, April St. HAYWARI railroad yarda last Bight and were best makes in all the new styles, Such as Knox, and urocers JuatJc of Peac Otero. Tha entire Sm,,l ..InatalllBg A terg? Stetson, Hawes Butchers and Bakers - Ko Name. bunch waa given thirty daya la Jail. 'w,'jlc motor In tb Laa Vegaa roll- rt - . line ri 1 1 T I trwfav ik.i. aa M...... mum.. i ? The unr T largest Line in the Terri- MARKET DEPAHTMENT. eiewart,in a, LovetL W. Kovmin tory to Select from. : and H. The "want ad." la on of the We rive both ,;- -. Wynnen. Tb first thre gave bst : of you quality and ouantitv. W their bom Colo- way to advertls small Big Shipment Panamas just ai Pueblo. - and tha things. to please whether vou ohone or mm In - m- ; last two were "boomers some fine V ' NOTICE I killing ALFALFA FED STEERS now, and can. large crowa attended the eer-- give you FRESH KILLED or if tcea Ther will be an meet BEEF, you prefer Kansas ia tba arosDel lent at tba mr Important beef we have and er of Sixth aad Main atreeta last Ing cf N. M. N. V, Alumni In' the City it, don't overcharge you for it either. night ami aJmowt all of the chairs Douglas Avenue school building Fri- 17, at thre-thlrt- y tn. tpreenberg were taken. Another addition was day, April p. All ar be- - BAKERY mad to t congregation last night members urged to present. DEPARTMENT. A atov baa 4 !S5 GRORGIA MURRAY, Pres : been place In the tent Layer Cakes of all kinds. . nd tb larg ranvasa auditorium is ,; ' now Pies, larjre and well filled. well heatedL Arthur W'ak of Dotntnsruei, & Co., cement New York a leader of and Bread White, City, eong : Graham, Whole Wheat and : a aoloi.ot: tone And excavation con WHITE HORSE ' Rye. baa been telftpraphed for PRICES Fresh Buns, Parker House " and eometlirie tractors. Office with Venx, daily. Rolls, wlllijia here next week Doughnuts;s ce-tne- flt Fresh cakes and . ' - - - t Brtslst with the services. The aub-jw-t in all kinds of cookies. 3 , i, Bridge St Specialty EVERY ARTIOE ' for tonight i "What must I do curb work. , ., GUARANTEED to be saved? FIRST-CLAS- S

Corn, Pumpkin, 3-l-b can .15c iinuuuniinniinim(l)tmi))(t)ltttt)tttt) . ra,2-lb,aeet....,.,.lS- o Squash, 15c J Ozr Arrived Tomatoes, TJcsZtecjy Peas, a rba, wrinkled .v.-lS'- c eolid, " ... . " : M r .j. 111,1 1 i . . . Red 2 1U . .TCJECZOTaiZATO M IM Um. til.. It .Ji 1 Chemea, ...... 20c Peas, 21b, extra sifted . .23 Whit la the new boUding MsLa W JJ laaeooe ov- - Cherries, ,..20t String BwinSf... Blackberriea, vuw w-u- u f a . , ,...,.,i5o $4ba...,;...X5o yy, , Whi Wax Bean l5c Baeberries,3-l- b JOo and itMfaeat our ;patrdna to j ready t... , baytl;7 Lima Beans.,., Strawbarriea, 2-- 1 90a . for.tb driven aii early aa poaaiU. t v tutur delivery bs..; " Suocotaah :,.,;,.j?o : befor 18...... 15c Sliced Pineapple, 2 lb. 0o ., Saturday April " Aaparagna, tip..".,; 350 Sliced Fineappl, These are offered at ; Aaparagua, whol.v...,',..40c Grated Pineapple, Mbe. , .30o t ; You take V Phone: Laa Yafia, 17; Colorado, 81, no risk in the purchase of these goods, vhkb can O be had only at , , I Both PhcrA' ) mm T. T TUnNEEl'S V mis rW tTSw IKE DAVIS' oc. 700C; ,.LJOOOOCVO0.OQO 1 gsstsisisiassmsAWtt: ' M 'J- i

s an man .a. s ski