Las Vegas Daily Optic, 04-27-1906 the Las Vegas Publishing Co

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Las Vegas Daily Optic, 04-27-1906 the Las Vegas Publishing Co University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-27-1906 Las Vegas Daily Optic, 04-27-1906 The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eopleP 's Paper Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eP ople's Paper. "Las Vegas Daily Optic, 04-27-1906." (1906). lvdo_news/1508 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ' rou xxvii. LAS VEGAS.. KBW MEXICO. FHIDAY EVENING, JkVML 27, ,1300 SO. 14 U4 la iae rra aad R CraW nMt ekir4d to Scat &. a-- hw mr taraarr hate tear mr $mam af th Mfet ovm w hetw is - ed a- ay of ntUta crop ft W kaa kwea aOatuvt M Kt pr dintns whefw ttotfce rata falls. Thi amtosMuty. r. an I hvowv a th Caaaa 111 4 aldiaA ewoet salty la aark la jei. so ra4 after lis uca-tor- . a worthy eaaaef coatra let w a vs of that mam ah trst Th pufi0 of this n"Herou rum : 4 n la K tif tbts uUa awaUy ax a eeatewt it ahM m v w - w. ilffifitsiiis the rWi from ev ! mm 4tt prevaHI stving thaa tl,trf. x fr 17 r !,' aad frota Ium ihromgh pr-rr- aaa aee et mi La ar is It aaa Veea eauemt-l- y about t! addhluAal is bow ta Seel (j feet ver tit.d. aad may w Since a pwbtlcattnsi of" the r1 tV ill IJltlwJ ''1' ihw profttti af fattalng la .m! the fiJllBg euir.lMUKit hava- - arid tba,r rewiid: Mr. lUMily fMHHHMMMHHiiMMIi p. Ferry, custodian of rwpi"a rea aad 8. S ....... a t& euy Lfcrarr. to this V, rtrad city nr r. otaer ! By TefrtWe.,,,)..,.d Storm roi-- a'iht from tb eaat. acAnmn- - - trgu of tb W. V. Lewi company. lt Richard tA. Morley 11 i . ... !otd - by hr brother. Will 8. Proa j n . by Rain Increases Th remain will be forwarded who Another baa bee making his horn la " Drenching or ta th to BuwiUg tlMauia) - - ; . atoraing Tb aa Invalid Mctr """"v Green. &oa, laitr aid !! Zamm sfhool ebiKVeo) , . 3' "'iTkMM.a. u win rimia here Mil be recover his Wf-- . w . of and There Mr, llayward mill accompany tb r.. aw. Misery Refugees wilt heajth. Mrs, perrr vaa absent fmra HWd and Dtsth List relative to the Ohio rlt aad tb for threw fKty t fun .tr awiwths, Hng!T.Wifl T return to Albuquerque after tb which tiaw abe u fiAJI Ky tojartd, is Much in Im- raL villus w ..llWiJUI Suffering eat I Mala and rVbufve aad fHeada ia Vermont aad Maatarbw-Hta- . 'Frisco THIRTEEN DEATH Helps one Tvus. TV" i"!"1- - FOLLOW TORNADO gl stayed month laager April provised Camps. than she had Intended oa account of aada sweft krnU tLI Me tb t;,ae of her Th Jt Fort Worth, April 27. A dispatch father. la Vega Vxtjse af th ld Btht. dtrii!g everythlaci It .V""" ; Texst. fMnieni a tM f v"" thla morning from B"IJvw, vwr tuna,' path and a a result prankally th tb loaa of Itf ther laat - One Hundred and Stores But Com place by Blows rato4 over $J frmu aatong ta mu- rottr town la a biimi f rulaa, vely Fifty Open People Bight 'a tornado . at thirteen. Prac- Explosion bee to b seat to the relief of tke.thr btil1ia now tmg. At Militiaman Arrested tically all of th wrecked U4lng home ufferer. of plain of Exorbitant Charge. IMiner Pieces. fct rtiirtaw! fcr Md that caught fir after lit storm pass to Btanche f the order ait over the fUt vm4mt of . t4 for Reckless Salinas Scene' of . 4 vera burned today, A carload we, rtrcuUte B,,U)br Th. tornado wa Shooting. was country nt,rted to provisioBa swat from Fori Worth . followed tv fire, whkh th tl-- '' I uhaiini mmvn.r.,r.w mwm ctuied ShocM this tola morning aad tents vera ruined a,..t fc,I,-;o- f Morning. V i . ""T". nl8r th retipectlv bcalliira and It cchae. Tb towa f Delleva cv from Wichita Falla, y d l' "il C1"! "aJ Tfc" jrxi-la- that a many siat. of uv bouse. Report from. Stoneburg say that " gnat thread m " "4 a dollar will b aecured In this wtv, Th dewd are a t tb cotton Jin ther vaa wrecked I Mai: .r T ,lnlJf1 Ml ,nJ' rellev tb dUtress of tb anfor R. H. JtuMit, wlf and f--r child-b- y and several residence ver damaged. the d.vaa-Mu- delayed exploaioa of a vicUma f th dtaster out la re, No one vaa Injured. To tornado mit lUst at Cowlea, to . ' accmdlag a, California. I Tom Carr. Lot Ansele. April 27. A long dlatanr telephoo ne covered aa area eight mile vld and mmmm CI, rna., .mm re. j Appended la th subs-ariptio- a of W. M. Bell. county uk from the correspondent of !b Asaocfat.d Preaa at 8allaaa, destroyed farm house and crops, Six Th nilnfin Iniili tihiu u 11... i. ....... tb'.. a rJld. '. fr - - me names of tee ui 120 ttflea aouth of Francisco, this that three hundred at Bellevu are honie- - iwtge, giving tiny j fla morning, stale people vl tb- hwos i,b-rrll-ers yard bottrdiog of the and the amounts thev do-- l Tm BloooL shocks wer frit ther butt bat bo leva aad destitute. M-cu-s '-- V very heavy earthquake night, practically X-r- V company. Th maa Bated. ty Two members far as known no baa remind every aiember gate ft damage wer blasting out om. old' pine Utter anunmi. m th. ,nurai ..iuf' Rerloualv lnlured: Tb damage at Salinas from, tW earthquake shock last week la a.B? sinrape with giant poider. Threw .m(t u. ... tmrnoini Two OatIt. Vl la of million dollar. of t,. ,hJ daurhlers. r nmi Obsequies larg Viflv m UhAr a a Optic, and without . - SaUna I reaponded a v -- river reported to have sunk ten or twelve feet all srimill- Atllt IK - at . .. pro.i"i.I V.a fTn.,l S V v . a - thrua uiwvi, to tne i u tt. h. a iiai: I along tb course tor mil'. Miss Strother Two foltowetl. mi -- iplot.nna Tblnkina Bacharach Hrt ... ' lr t anl bers cf two w - the bleats bad.gon off almuV M, Bendlx ',..".",.... .0) 'w,,r. aimO- taneoury me tore itptut-bc- the H A. Cauiee w'0"' - tl Mrs. San Francisco, April 27.Many of mere ktIM In Lorn Prlvta, tea tulles The remains of Miss Aileeu iStroth- stamp and WheeW had Just taken i r:rM.w. nn McGra, u wnea t4-tbir- i e- - San Fraoclaco'a homeless people from bera, by the crushing of a saw r were laid to rest tbis afternoon coin fir cnarjre Clir1e C trend ay j f,Q nBrvuve rvumstea iiac tn fa-ca- nt fif-tn- - ttMa at. camped la the parka, squares and mill by a landslide. There, .were ?n within the beautiful confine of the vtw., tarnwiug tr n:e tint on th- p.o Hrfaenthal , f1( betaevn nft,i00 and flTK.OOO. lots were awakened early thi men in the mill and only on es- - Masonic remetery. It vatt ber dying yreimd hnd "buttering the h'r and na Iwi ... .'.'1 00 morning by water dripping through caoed. Tie brought the news Of tb uh that she be buried near the arms of Wbetler. who died few a. M. Adler , .... FEARED LOSS OF LIFE which afford- f - MAY BE MUCH GREATER their Improvised tents, catastrophe to this city. The court mountain which she grew to love, ldter. Alont three totind uf dvn;v- Max NnOaue 10 0'ij house In Bant la In - ed poof protection asainat the heavy Crua a danger- j Instead of havlug her body shipped nut expinde. J m. lfknwitt 2.61, rain that aliout 1 u'ekick and ua and 1 men Datltf. v, condition It will probably for Interment to ber old home at Fort Four. other wer alandltig ("hirle KWil ...,, , 1 f Tx, April for Tlie i an a In Clar and Stone-I'ur-?, continued several boura. hare to rated with dynamite. Smith, Ark. wr badly etutwed but eHCiipt-il- ' a w,. village county, Rt;4P a e Al'JiouKh totter prepared than for: county ctffVta: t fnve to efctcr It, itev. fi. A. Murley of the Klisl uiilJ..J.'; Swaherty and Hottru-,- i srr Naha vifiag. (a Jlonijg-u- cotiaty, several days past, hundreds of teata MtbodiaU church officiated at tb were bmrtrht to huh SS miles northwest of here, gaata Fe and placed DvM Ptem aV I laat a.faW f wer struck by a tornado last even- having been received since, tb CREELEV SAYS OEATH last riles, and preached a touching in tne nnpiuii mere. iiougnerty,i race S.M without tb jawh giern ing, the number of dead esti- .torm.,thoiiands vera proper sermon during tb services at waa hadly torn and h will 1 being LIST OVER ESTIMATED. likely Uidwlp Meld ri in The diatress vaa at choir asalatad . mated at Bellevue, and twen shelter.
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