In Sports In Voice In Focus Inside

Teed off The name game Sex or violence? Page Classified Ads...... 9 Focus,...... 10 The Metros men's golf team had a slow start Generation X is a term used to classify a broad Victims of dale rape, according to an IUPUI Perspectives...... 7 counselor, often do not report the crime due 1 A to their season, but coach Doug Stewart stresses range of individuals who may or may not like H f Sports...... 4 fun* and 'academics1 over winning and losing. the moniker given to them by former 'hippies.' to the relationship between those involved. - L v / Voice...... 5 “ IUPUI

© 1995 The Sagamore The weekly newspaper of Indiana University-Purdue University st Brand introduces charter ■ Ill’s President discusses the force's new charter "Strategic Directions." ■ to be a responsible steward of the re­ ‘Thousands and thousands of hours of hard sources and ambitions invested in the univer­ ‘Strategic Directions’ project thinking and discussion are being devoted sity. to its development.'' said Brand. ‘The charter Brand said a draft of the chaner will go to all seven campuses. itself will be a statement of vision, articulating to the Trustees for review and then looked the content of America's new public univer­ over "extensively by faculty, staff and stu­ By Jennifer Kay Rumple sity." dents on all campuses. f The charter will concentrate on changing "Although the time frame is ambitious, we student curriculum and faculty pay and pro­ are expecting the trustees to approve the char­ motions. ter during their December meeting." he added. Eight months ago. IU President Myles Brand 'T he environment for Jiighcr education to­ "By second semester of this year, we should created a task force of 250 IU faculty, staff, stu­ day demands that we change." said Brand. be ready to translate the plan into implemen­ dents, alumni and others to guide the university 'T he environment in which we work has tation strategies at the campus and school lev­ into the 2 [si century. changed, and if we do not have the flexibility els." Last Tuesday, Brand conveyed some of the for these times, our success and leadership One theme of "almost every task force's*re­ goals of this force and current results during his will diminish" port. relates to student learning" said Brand 1995 State of the University Address. The task force repons call for three "basic "This theme includes ways to improve the About 150 faculty members listened in dynamics”: climate of learning on each campus, to in­ Bloomington's Indiana Memorial Union while ■ to maintain and enhance the excellence crease learning opportunities off campus Brand called for greater accountability by IU of teaching and research. and its faculty. ■ to expand partnerships with schools, The main topic for discussion was the task businesses and various organizations and Please see BRAND on Page 2 Commissioner seizes reins of higher learning ■ Stan Jones battles efforts to disband the Indiana Higher Education Commission.

from state schools recently approached the 12- roember legislative committee regarding last session’s resolutions. Jones defined the commission's goal as find­ ing a balance between higher education's needs and what is "in the ballpark of what the general assembly and the governor’s office would do." Jones, who acknowledges university officials and lawmakers, will inevitably quibble on such

Law school honors one could say violent crime hardly exists on the IUPUI ■ IUPD statistics prove ‘rumor mill’ campus. wrong on university’s safety status. However, larceny or petty theft does. Senator Dan Coats "(Our) biggest problem is theft, but it's usually theft of opportunity. It’s going to the library and leaving your book bag. going to the rack — gening another book and you come back and your wallet's gone" said Abstonj "Or. it's from offices where people don't lock their t was late. It was dark. A female student walked purses up.” through campus. People appeared only as shadows The department s second-highest statistics come from from looming street lights. vehicle theft. WithI every passing second, she tightened the grip on In 1994, 17 vehicles were reported stolen frurqlUPUI her book bag tossed over her shoulder. Around the comer, property, which includes the main campus, RKTon a shadow appeared. School of Art, housing complexes and the 38th St. cam­ As the figure came closer, the frightened woman pus, Abston said. pulled out the gun she had in her pocket and accidentally "Some of our vehicle thefts and vehicle break-ins are shot her foot. people off campus coming on campus. Very seldom do The figure was an Indiana University police officer we find students breaking into other students’ cars” he making his rounds, said Lt. Bill Abston of the IU Police added. Department, Indianapolis Division. But. if non-students arc responsible for the majority of Many students and faculty may think IUPUI is a vehicle-related incidents, the same may be true for other threatening place, especially hs parking lots and garages. crimes related to students' security. T think the security's OK, but in the parking garages, 1 wish they had more security." said Anne Marie Bashinski, a junior majoring in organizational communications.

4 l 1 1 > i A Page 2 • The Sagamore News

IUPUI Career Focus ‘95 Jones Briefs Continued from Pafi I News

matters as funding. is intent on changing the commijaioa's adversaria] relationship with the Nursing Applications Information Fair

"We want a relationship that is Applications for admission The IUPUI Network will be constructive and collaborative with sponsoring a Resource Fair Sept. of science nursing program art 19 from 11:30 u n . to 1:30 p.m. UESDAY SEPTEMBER 26, 1995 said Jones, who was also the former available in the Office “ inLY113. UNIVERSITY CONFERENCE CENTER, aide to Gov. Evan Baytl of Educational Services, NU 122. At least 20 campus offices and 8 5 0 W. MICHIGAN ST. INDIANAPOLIS, IN. Officials from both the Statebousc Application deadline is Sept 29. and universities declared their confi­ For more information call Helen including Student Activities and dence in Jones* ability to revitalize McKuras at 274-0005. administrative offices.

"Once Stan was appointed, no one 12:00 NOON had sound ideas on how to make (the commission) better," said Rep. John Brand Open to ALL IUPUI Faculty, Students and Staff Kimmel, R-Tbrre Haute, who per­ formed an in-depth study on the com­ Continued from Pott I Career Talk: The Employers Perspective. 9:00 a.m. mission this summer. body, faculty and staff.” he added. Public viewing of the charter will Vice Chancellor William Plater through internships and other forms be available the first week of Octo­ • A panel discussion conducted by employers addressing said IUPUI is making "really good of practical experience and continue ^ important issues related to job search strategies, effective progress" in its often unstable asso­ to increase the diversity of our student ber. resumes and interviewing technioues. Featuring representatives ciation with ICHE and the legislature. T h e Strategic Directions Charter from Thompson Consumer Electronics. Ameritech & "(The relationship) is a two-way will help shape Indiana University Blue and Co. responsibility," Plater said. "We've lallenges and realize the done a better job of explaining our­ of a new era." said Career Talk: “It’s A Jungle Out There”. 10:30 a.m. selves. and (the lawmakers) are more understanding in i The president also commended • A panel discussion by IUPUI alumni on becoming many faculty, students and staff on a a success on the job. How to prepare and survive The most productive accomplish­ "job well done.” the “Employment jungle.'* ment is the development, recognition "We have every strength we need and support of IUPUI’i mission: to be to sustain to sustain, support and build on the acknowledged as the state's "metro­ excellence of IU," he added. "We are p.ntEO focus JOB politan university." now ready to plan and act forth­ Plater qualified Jones as "an excel­ and build on tha excel- rightly to forge those strengths into •CAntt* IW 12.-00 NOON - 3:30 P.M. lent choice” for commissioner. the shape of America's ‘new public "He is someooe who has the ability tone* o f IU." university. I very much look forward Career Focus '95 Offers: to turn positive development into HinBmlWPmUat to working with all of you on this un- •Professional employment opportunities after graduation. •Information on the current Job market. •Future employment trends 8c company Information. Over 85 Companies Seeking People Crime From A Variety of Majors •No prior student registration is required Continued from flaff 1 campus map," u k l Abiton. on bikes helps police spot suspicious •Free to alumni and students While some say there's never a po- Officers responding to emergency activity. •Professional attire recommended. Uceman around when they need one. phone calls discover it was a false T v e seen things that officers in a •Bring plenty of resumes. the IU police try to make provisions alarm or an accident by someone mis- car wouldn’t be able to see," said of­ fer people who need assistance, taking the phooe for a door opener, he ficer Mika Faulk, one of the •For More Information* Both escort services and etner- added. department's trained patrolmen, gency telephones are available for stu- **We get more accidental and in- T m up higher and I’m not en- Call The Career Center at 274-2554 dent and faculty use. complete calls than we get calls for cased in a car. 1 can see a lot better “We tell people we have an escort assistance. The reason we get false and I go in yeas a car can't,” he service that runs from six in the alarms is that people in garages think added. evening until two in the morning and they (the red buttons) open the doors. “A good example is the academic if people need to go from a building Every now and then, we'U get some- buildings," he said. M1 can go up in READ THrSAGAMORE to their car, they can use that escort one who has a lock-out, or some- between those — where a car Isn't service," said Abston. thing." he said. going to fit." "If it's not between six and two and The number of people who lock The bike patrol also allows stu- someonc needs a walk-out for secu- themselves out of their cars tops the dents to mingle with members of the rity reasons, we'll provide that with IUPD record charts. department, GET THE either a cadet walking, a security "Since January, we've unlocked ‘They will get eight to 12 people a MEDICAL (guard) walking or a police car," he 882 can for people because they've day that will talk to them on a bike, SCHOLARSHIP added. locked their keys in the car," Abston but will not talk to them if they're in YOU NEED. Though not often used, emergency said. a o r," Abston said, phones are stationed at various cam- One of the most visible programs A horse patrol, is on lUPD's pus locations. undertaken by the IUPD is the bike agenda next fell as another way to in- Ifyou'nIt you're a m edical stu ­ "We've got emergency phones on patrol. crease contact with tht IUPUI com* dent. you have enough on campus. They’re designated on the Abston said putting trained officers munity. your mind. Today's Air Force often a scholarship program that can greatly reduce your financial ATTENTION burden. Participation Is based on IUPUI STUDENTS &EMPIOVEES competitive selection. Get more Information with no obligation. Call ____ies to Meet

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Full and flexible part-time opportunities BUILD YOUR FUTURE in a variety of departments. Sales • Customer Service NOW As o Partuon Auoocto. ycul enjoy gerarcus bonefo. Horn daoourh, and ir«h mosei 0 The IUPUI Circle Centre 9 7 1 - 6 3 0 5 KXWf/D/V Sagamore


OFFERING BENEFITS: MEDICAL, DENTAL, LIFE, TRAVEL, QB joinder Kay Rumple FLEXIBLE SCHEDULES AND MUCH MORE! Wendy Blew Vote* Editor I.M. Brown Marion Riley Steve Deer POSITIONS OFFERING EXPERIENCE: C ontrol SST muSS- Smith SERVING, BARTENDING, COOKING, BREAKFAST, Rochelle Kacek LUNCH, DINNER, ROOM SERVICE, CATERING ee m on th s MikeLaflerty at a tim e. Amy Tonky M e Li* IF YOU ARE LIKE MQ?T COLLEGE STUDENTS, YOU NEED A JOB THAT OFFERS FLEXIBLE HOURS, RELEVANT Lmerelotke Hear <25 V n m titj BWd Room CA 001G EXPERIENCE, A GREAT LOCATION, QUICK CASH, AND Available at ‘ ‘ 146302-5142 A FUN ATMOSPHERE AWAY FROM THE STRESS OF SCHOOL OR YOU MAY BE LOOKING FOR A CAREER. Planned Parenthood* T.G.I. FRIDAY’S OFFERS ALLTHAT AND MUCH MORE' ihtjsprr’iafctfUwrrita* mmwmrn mm. «**rf COME JOIN OUR WINNING TEAM TODAY! fcfkf i*d phoor aonbrr, Md n tf be deed wd Hfacd CALL 635-4443 Call For Details: Ak^iaiftownunbmWoabcpniwd. ____ AND ASK FOR HUMAN RESOURCES! nybeaMfardrtyadbm*. 1 -800-230-PLAN ffarfpoMUtyMMLotanr. OmM

* September 18,1995 Sagamore Page 3 • The Sagamore

PAID ADVERTISEMENT THE STUDENT ACTIVITIES PAGE In fo rm atio n c o m p il e d By M ic h e l l e Th o r pe The ultimate scavenger hunt ark your calenders for Campus Quest, the first place team receiving a $100 cash prize and the IUPUI’s third annual ultimate scavenger hunt team members’ names on the Campus Quest Champion Mon Oct. 28 at noon. Registration forms are trophy, as well as other prizes. After the quest, all currently available in the Student Activities Center or students can join in on the fun as the third annual Campus from the Student Activities Programming Board desk in Quest Celebration begins at 7:30 p.m. in the Student the Student Activities Center. Activities Center. Dance the night away to the electrifying Students who pre-register before the day of the event music of Exclusive Sound. Monday/18th can obtain the reduced rate of $10 per team of five. Door prizes will be raffled throughout the evening. ’ • 3-D Living in the 90’s is the topic of the latest This year’s event will be bigger and better than ever Food and drink will also be provided. Admission to the article discussion group meeting hosted by with prizes donated by the IUPUI sports complex, MCI dance for those students not participating in the scavenger the Honors Club. This meeting is today from 12:30 to 1:30 telecommunications, Block Party, The Westin Hotel, hunt is $1. p.m. In ES 2126. Articles are also available University Place Hotel, Arby’s, Subway, Ray’s Campus Rumor has it that this year's event will be haunted since in ES 2126. Salon, Indianapolis Colts, Yellow Rose Carriages, IUPUI it takes place on-Halloween weekend! Bookstores and the IUPUI Alumni Office to name a few. For more information on how you can be a part of this Awards will be given to the top three finishing teams, with event, call Carmen D. Marshall at 274-3277. Wednesday/20th • Join the Newman Club at 1309. W. Michigan St. for a delicious all-you-can-eat home Huron and the Iroquola cooked meal from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. The cost Fall retreat acheduled | featured at dlacuaalon , is $2.50. Take a break from the daily For more information on this midweek menu, I Every Tuesday evening from 6 to 8 stresses of work and classes and call 632-4378. Bulletin, p.m. in Student Activities Center 115 the spend a weekend admiring beautiful _ " ■■■ Native American Student Alliance meets autumn leaves in southern Indiana. for a continuing class on Native The Newman Club is taking an Thursday/21st Americans. overnight trip to St. Meinrad on Board This week a discussion on the history, Friday. Sept. 22. • Join Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma culture and traditions of the Huron/ Students need to meet at the for free pizza during their first meeting in the Wyandot and the Iroquios will be Newman Center at 5:30 p.m. Expect Student Activities Center. This meeting will be Membership recr featured. to return on Saturday. Sept. 23 by 8 from 12:30 to,1;30 p.m. No registration is required. p.m. The cost is $25 per person. Alpha Phi Omega is currently seeking For.'.details call 274-5970. Coffee and refreshments are For more information, call new members. provided. 632-4378. Students can call 899-2918 for more The class is open to the public. • The African Studept Association is information on how to join. sponsoring Cultural Night from 6:30 to 9 p.m. The Native American Student Alliance Statehouae inte Alpha Phi Omega is a coed service and American Indian Science and in the Student Activities Center. fraternity seeking volunteers. Engineering Society are sponsors of this POLSA Invites IUPUI students to A fashion show and dancing are among the continuing class on Native Americans. an informational forum to learn about activities scheduled for the evening. A u d it io n s tor "Talking political internships that will be This free event promises to be a fun-filled Student leadership conference available during the upcoming evening that everyone will enjoy. On Sept. 20 and 21, CUE will be session of the Indiana General conducting auditions for an alt womerVp. ‘Access to Excellence: The Search for Assembly. play titled T alking With...* in the Unfulfilled Genius* will be the topic of an Representatives from the University Theatre located in the Mary Oct. 13 to 14 conference to take place Democratic and Republican. House Cable Building. in the University Place Conference and S en ate internship program s will Auditions will be from 7 to 9 p.m. both Center located on 850 W. Michigan St. be at this meeting to answer any Frlday/22nd evenings. The cost is $20 for students and $25 questions students have concerning This all women’s play is open to all for nonstudents. these opportunities. • The Honors Club will be having its club ages and races. This conference is being sponsored by This forum will take place today In meeting in ES 2126 from 5:15 to 7:15. • the IUPUI Office of Multicultural Student C avanaugh Hall 438 at 11 a.'m. The Affairs and is being funded in part by the Political Science Department and W B M i 1 EMS Volunteers needed Undergraduate Student Assembly student Political Science Student Association activity fee fund. are sponsoring this event. Saturday/23rd Fire Protection Services of • IUPUI is helping form a student • The Undergraduate Student Assembly is EMS organization on campus. Volleyball tournament results Qospel music festival having a Senate meeting in Student Activities They need qualified The Student Activities Programming Buy your tickets for the 11th annual Center 115 from 1 to 2 p.m. Contact Terry volunteers to serve the campus Board would like to congratulate all the gospel music festival now and get Tolliver at 274-3907 for details. by participating in a program teams that participated in the coed great seats! that will offer: medical runs on volleyball tournament. The festival takes place on Saturday, Feb. 24 1996 in the ■ ■ ■ campus, emergency services, The semifinals included the Black Student Union, Pi Kappa Spikers and C- Madame Walker Theatre at 7 p.m. job experience, leadership Sunday/24th . U-N the Finals (the Chemistry Club). The Madame Walker Theatre is opportunities and in-service While all teams made a great effort, located at 617 Indiana Avenue. • The Newmah Center at 1309 W. Michigan training opportunities and they were no match for the spiking Admission is $10 in advance and St. conducts a mass/rellglous workshop from requirements. capabilities of Sean Malone. Jason Euers $15 at the door if there are any 4 to 5 p.m. every Sunday. If you're a and Aaron Pearlman of C-U-N the Finals. available tickets. For details contact 632-4378. qualified The results of the two day tournament The festival is being sponsored by E M To r were: IUPUI Office of Multicultural Student EMT-P call ■ Third place: Pi Kappa Phi Raiders. Affairs and Students Interested In ■ Second place: Pi Kappa Phi Spikers G ospel Music (SIGM). Lowell Black Mondaytt5th an d For more information regarding the at 274-1384. ■ First Place: C-U-N the Finals. festival, call 274-4239. • At 5:15 p.m. the Travel and Tourism Society will be having a meeting in E T 201. Students interested in becoming a member can call Carmen D. Marshall at 274-3277 or Rape Awareness email her at special workshops addressing: ■ ■ ■ • basic self-defense precautions Frlday/29th • Start your weekend off right. Join the • campus safety services Newman Club for a free cookout/hayride from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m? • personal testimonies from Anyone interested should meet at the The Panhellenic Council Newman Center located at 1309 W. Michigan invites you to rush with IUPUI guest speakers St. at 6:30 p.m. sororities. Students, staff, and faculty are invited to choose from one of two For more information concerning these Delta Gamma and Phi Mu identical free workshops to attend: Wednesday, Sept. 20 or activities, call 632-4078. sororities are participating in the Thursday, Sept. 21 from noon to 1 p.m. in Student Activities Center • There will be a House of Organizations rush. 115. meeting from noon to 1 p.m. In Student For details concerning the These workshops are sponsored by the Undergraduate Student Activities 115. Lunch will be provided. event contact Freda Luers at Assembly and the Indiana University Police Department. 274-5200. For more Information, or if your organization These workshop will kickoff future rape awareness workshops to Deadline for registration is needs an affidavit, contact Christy Sheets at take place in April. today. 274-3907. /------— Refreshment^ will be served.

t. Page 4 Sajjamore September 18. 1995 Sports

S.W. 23 W vw*W feM yan loom. IBA »• Sept. 27 at MeKcixtoe 4:30 p.m. IUPUI 2. Indianapolis 1 m 2 OT ■J Oct. 1 at *>fW 3:30 p.m, Oct. 11 at Wittenburg 4 p.m Oct. 15 at WksconsioParksOe 1 \ Metros teeing up for success Sports Briefs Compiled ky Smith

■ Doug Stewart, IUPUI golf coach not only New women’s assis­ interested should contact Kris emphasizes golf fundamentals, but fun and academics. tant basketball coach Emcrson-Simpson, women's basketball coach, or Steve Franklin, men's soccer coach in ond out of all Metro athletic teams in Nikki Inzano becomes the first By Bob Brooks the athletic department at 274- overall GPA last year. full-time assistant in the history Contributing to The Sagamore 0622. Most Div. II and III schools have of women's basketball at IUPUI. I0-12 players eligible to play golf. Prior to coming to IUPUI Second-year men's Metro golfers Last spring, the Mem** only had an assistant coach Individuals needed for may never make it on the PGA Tour, seven players. Currently, the squad women’s soccer team but the team is driv ing forward to Di­ has nine eligible player*. At the Div. a 1994 graduate vision II status. I level, some schools have as many as of Temple University where she The 1UPU1 athletic department The Metros finished last in the 20 players on scholarship. earned a bachelor s degree in is looking for individuals inter­ University of Indianapolis Invitational The potential for improvement is physical education while special­ ested in helping with the develop­ on Sept 13 with a scone of 340. great for the Metros because they en­ izing in sport management and m e n t a women's soccer team. Although the Metros did not fare joy a luxury not many college teams business. She was a member Players, organizers and manag­ as well as they had expected, two are afforded. of the Lady Owls basketball team ers art needed. Plans are already players shot in the high 70s and low "We're very fortunate that Don for four years, two of which she underway for an indoor winter 80s. Evsig, president of Mid City Golf started at point guard. team as well as a club team for the Sophomores Matt Millspaugh shot Club. Inc., the management firm that After completing her collegiate spring. For more information, a 79 while AdaimAtkinson had a runs both South Grove and Riverside eligibility. Inzano spent a fifth contact Nikki Duggins in the round of 83. allows all IUPUI golf players to play year at Temple working as a stu­ 1UPUI soccer office at 278-1823 for free at both courses," added i ^ The team en­ dent coach for lhe women's bas­ or at home at 356-8799. ters its second Stewart. ketball team. She also served as j varsity season While the team strives to im­ an intern for the 1994 NCAA Di­ Women's golf team aiming to be prove. Stewart looks to resolve issues vision I Women’s Final Four, more competi­ (hat lie ahead. He would like to see which took place at Virginia tive. the team become a member of a con­ Commonwealth University. Doug Stewart, coach of the ference. "1 think Nikki is going to re­ IUPUI men's golf team, is plan­ "Conference and division champi­ ally help us with our guards." said ning to stan a women's team this onship tournaments allow a player first-year head coach Kris fall. Interested athletes should to rise to another level of competi­ Emcrson-Simpson. contact the athletic depanment "I'dtion." like saidto Stewart. "I like the idea that she's from in early October for information see us shoot Team members practice one or the east coast because they seem regarding the first meeting. down around two limes a week, but Stewart to play a faster game with more doesn't demand specific schedules. 320 " said coach passing and cutting out there. 1 Volleyball coach chal­ BDoug Stewart. "First of all, I look at it as we're also like the idea that she has lenges students While every here for academics. I let them come played with and been around sev­ coach loves to win, Stewart empha­ to me for help. I don’t want to push it eral programs." she added. sizes academics and fun as well. on th em said Stewart. Kris Risley. women's volleyball "For now, I want the guys to get Stewart's easy-going coaching coach is encouraging students Jheir degrees and have fun and enjoy style suits the team well. Managers needed to support the Lady Metros at . the experience of playing collegiate "Doug has definitely taken the their first home match. polf." said Stewart. mentality of education first, but he's M eHyM u^rSm itkm e Sagamore lUPUl's women's basketball IUPUI meets Manchester Col­ . "We're still in our infancy stage as always been there to help u s ... 1 and men's soccer teams are lege Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the don't think you could ask for a better & program. It will lake some time, but Freshman Peter Castebom putts out at South Grove golf course on the looking for managers. Anyone natatorium gymnasium. coach." said senior Chad Mann. No. 1 green during an IUPUI golf practice last Friday. J would like us to become more com­ petitive against Div. II schools," said Stewart. • With four players on academic kholarship. the golf team ranked sec­

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Ensuring the future S for those who shape it.“ September 18,1995 Sagamore Page 5 Voice

The IUPUI Dead culture misunderstood Marlon Riley Voict Editor “ Sagamore ■ People believed only what they wanted to believe about Deadheads. In actuality, Deadheads “were a kind people bound together by common values. "The media dwells on the drugs and '60s roots of the Grateful t’s after the Friday night slam at a restaurant in downtown Dead, like they were an artifact” said Tom Ribc in an editorial that Indianapolis. appeared in the Los Alamos Monitor. “All of us who knew them knew that they had long ago The Generation X I There is the sound of forks clicking on plates and a low hum transcended all such categorization. Most cone en goersold not use of after-dinner chatter. psychedelic drugs although many did. The band excelled in their On the far side of the dining room, two workers are leaning on the art. astonishing audiences, and the people who followed them bar, resting their tired feet and waiting for tables to clear out. established a mobile community with ethics of conduct that kept label should be lost I t stinks. I had tickets for the Deer Creek show they canceled,” things self-policed,” he added. one waiter said. Kim Mauger. a longtime Muncie area Dead fan and anthropology ‘The gatecrasher thing, huhT* the bartender said. ‘That stinks. I major at Ball State, agreed with Rib; ■ Members of current generation would like the stigma wonder what’s going to happen now ..." "It’s too simple to just call them^ll druggies. It’s a gross removed because it contains too many negative connations. “Look,” said a second waiter, “all it means is that a lot of freaks oversimplification. You've got a wide variety of people.” she said. have got to cut their hair, take a shower, and go get a job. That’s all ‘They’ve got their problems and their losers like every other it means ” group, but taken as a whole they’re very kind people bound eople bom between the “It seems like they don't have a In the weeks following Jeny Garcia's death August 9 in a drug together by common values.” Mauger added. years 1961 and 1981 are lot o f plans for the future,” said A. rehab center, versions of this conversations played out across the Many felt deep sorrow at Garcia's death. A large pan of that considered to be Robinson, 38, a sophomore country. sadness is for the death of a unique subculture: a scene. P••Generation X." majoring in social work. ’They The Grateful Dead and the legions of often scruffy fans who Yes. the Deadheads as a group have many flaws, as evidenced by As the Red Cross commercial don’t have a lot o f direction.” followed their summer tours were often misunderstood. With the the violence at Deer Creek this last summer. But there is much death of Garcia, the band’s lead singer, the misunderstanding more than that. adds, “Generation Nothing. Comments like this surfaced anew both in conversations and in the print media. Here was a unique, gypsy community whose basic tenet was T h e y say we have no ruffle the feathers of Steve Hammer, a columnist for the Broad Ripple-based weekly to enjoy life and to be kind to each other. cause to believe in and no “Generation X.” newspaper, Nuvo, recently wrote, “I’m not trying to be cruel, but if In a time when many of us are caught in inefficiently, lonely lives war to fight.’’ It has been proven Garcia’s death truly means, as one magazine wrote, that the ’60s and couldn’t care less even about who art neighbors arc. that was a The commercial also psychologically that are finally over then 1 wish Jeny would have keeled over long special thing. ago.” Now it is gone. contains the combatant people will act the way ’T o glorify drug addiction and wanton sexual promiscuity in this comment, “Well, who are they are treated. day and age is beyond contempt,” Hammer added. they?" If we of “Generation However. Deadheads, as devoted fans are called, maintain that Mike Lagerty is a senior majoring in public affairs Exactly, X” are treated like we are this stereotype of them as dnigged-out wastoids is mistaken. Who are they? nothing, won’t we act like Who are these people we are nothing? who labeled our generation Realizing that every as already fallen to individual in this “nothing.” generation is not a “nothing,” “I think it was the older Robinson says that the label is too generation,” said Tim Anno, 43, broad. associate director for Adaptive “You can't do that,” she said Educational Services. “That’s like giving up on the “W hen I was younger, I was future.” labeled a ’hippie.’ The older That's right. generation (back then) viewed it as W e are the future. a putdown, but I took pride in it. We will be left to take care “Many of this generation may of the older generation which has like (the label),” he added. labeled us as “nothings.” At first, the Generation X label If the older generation continues was cool, but as the negativity to treat us as “nothing.” how will seemed to build, our generation they we expect us to take care of began to shun the label. them? “I don’t it." said Sean If anything, if we have to be Chcscbrough. 22. “I don’t like the labeled, we should be labeled idea of taking a general idea about “Generation S.O.S.” people for this generation. 1 don’t The world is full of racism, think we have a negative prejudice, incurable disease and generation.” violence. According to Jim Champ, 31, a We have been called on for help senior majoring in education, “It to save the world. Each o f us is an gives negative connations to people individual superperson. in authority." If we do not work together, the If it is the older generation who world could become lost. painted us with the label, as Anno ------said, maybe they have a reason. MafaRiltjimtuvMVuSatamm

I have never had a professor hold me I have to respond to the letter from Cully back from learning. In fact, many Kinnick. professors have helped me find ways to His first complaint is his inability to get ‘New and improved way tailor my education to my specific financial aid and the univeristy's lack of a Letters payment plan. One example is that the English Anyone can get financial aid in the form from readers department, lacking a formal course in of a student loan. to earn extra credit5 classical rhetoric, has allowed me to If he didn't want the full burden of his pursue this interest through independent college education after graduation, he could study. easily make monthly payments directly to the 'sees A(l of this has to do with ATTITUDE. loan provider. education in a different light We get out of something what we put He goes on to complain about the low trying to impress professors by dressing up for class. into it. expectations of the professors at IUPUI. To I am writing in response to Cully Kinnick has wrongly put loo many me. he seems to be the very student h, another school year is upon us to go up if that person has already had a bad Kinnick’s letter in the September 5 The expectations into that "almighty piece of expectations have been lowered for! and the same question day or two. Sagamore. paper.” He is concerned only with getting a passing keeps coming up: why do so W e've all had days when our faces looked I. too. am a long-time student at IUPUI, A piece of paper lacking substance, grade. If he tried to get the best possible manyA students, at the beginning of the like they took us skydiving and didn’t tell majoring in English and French and I am from any institution, promises nothing. grade, then maybe he would have gotten more semester, feel the need to dress up ______the rest of our bodies until after finally in my senior year. I < But when we focus on learning — on out of his time here at IUPUI, and work so hard on their our arms and legs had to dig our wholeheartedly with Kinnick’s i what we can use from each class to build If that were not enough, the university has heads out of the craters. of the IUPUI experience. a degree with substance — we will surely an excellent honors program for students who Not including those who have ”Thc reason I feel this is done is I feel extremely fonunate to have i go as far as we can. want an additional challenge. jobs that require them to wear a to escape the high school years,” my education from this institution. I have If students were to raise their own coat and a tie or a nice dress, said freshman Amanda Crom. found virtually every class useful and KaftyK. Jones expectations, then maybe professors would do many students go to great lengths The only reason that can be stimulating, and I have discovered many senior majoring in English and French the same thing. to look as good as humanly thought of for students putting ways to connect my learning from one class Don’t berate the university because you possible. off their own "Fright Night” or to the next. decided to only give 50 percent to your Surely these students must know “mourning.” as the case may be. For example, while reading poetry for my When giving 50 percent, education. that there are going to be times, is that they are hoping to impress advanced expository writing class, I If you give 50 percent to your life, how for some of us far more than don’t expect much in return the professor. happened upon a tidbit I recalled from an much do you really expect to get out of it? others, when we are not looking After those first couple of days astronomy class I had taken three years It's Saturday afternoon and due to my of blahs, a professor's earlier. Because 1 had taken excellent notes heavy work schedule and class load. I Dorothy AW a no Why keep classmates in impressions should skyrocket. in astronomy. I was able to look up this have just finished reading The Sagamore. freshman majoring in mminal justice suspense? Besides, where do you have to go. but up? information arfti better understand the Why delay the inevitable? If a student is able to make sure he or she poem. Classmates are going to find out sooner or looks good in those last couple of weeks, One of the benefits of a liberal arts later what their fellow students really look one never knows what the professors might education is having a wide range The Sagamore welcomes letters and columns like when they don’t want to be seen. be thinking about as they tally up the points of learning experiences. Readers arc invited to submit letters person at The Sagamore newsroom. It won’t happen to everyone every day, for those final grades. As a language major. I'm not thrilled and columns on topics relevant to the Cavanaugh Hall OQIG. Letters should be but occasionally, some people are going Hey, it’s a stretch, but think about how one about the math requirement. university or the community. left in the mailbox of the Voice Editor or to get caught on a bad hair day, or on a day might have felt the last time he or she had a On the other hand, I want my degree Letters may be of any length, but must of the Editor in Chief. \ when the zit camouflage kit just wasn’t up class that was on the border between two to mean something to potential employers. include the author's phone number. A grades. I want it to mean that I am a well-rounded writer’s relationship to the university, Address mail to: Maybe wart season will just catch them Now is this appearance schtick any more person who can apply basic skills from including school and major, should also full In the face.without a tube of their of a reach than, say. trying to come up with various disciplines. be given. Faculty and staff should handy-dandy Compound W. a new and improved way to earn extra IUPUI should no more grant degrees include a complete university title as The Sagamore Whether it’s on the first or the fifteenth credit? to language majors who cannot do math well as their department. Letters without ATTN: Voice Editor day of the semester, it’s going to happen. Just remember, you never know what than they should grant degrees to science names will not be published. 425 University Bivd. CA 001G Why not just get it out of the way early you’ve got until you look at it. majors who cannot write. reserves the right to edit Indianapolis. IN 46202 in the year and move on to more important The Sagamore Overall, I feel that my educational Letters may also be faxed to the things? for length, clarity and style at our fxperience at IUPUI has far exceeded my newsroom at (317) 274-2953. The odds of looking good on days a Mike Stasis a senior majoring in liberal arts expectations and has been well worth its Correspondents may submit letters in person really needs to look good have got cost in time and money. 1 September 18.1995 Page 6 • The Sagamore Sports Talent and depth gives Lady Metro tennis team positive season outlook ■ Loss of the NAIa district tournament is a let down, “Amber is a very good player. She Phelps’ strengths on the court are has taken a lot of lessons and played her speed and quick hands. Peirick ex­ but the team is still looking ahead this season. year round... she has great footwork,” pects Phelps to play well this season if added Peirick. she avoids going hack to old habits. replacing the talent. Fentress stressed teamwork and “She gets into trouble when she hits By Molly Mulflur Smith improving while talking about Young, a short second serve and sometimes TkiSagamtrt______•' Amber Fentress, a freshman plan­ ning to major in nursing, is the her partner. she doesn't hit the ball deep enough. Monica Seles realized tennis was Metros No. 2 singles player and she “NWc need to work together and get She has improved tremendously since just a game after her stabbing incident is paired up with Young as the Metros used to playing each other because she started three years ago,” said two years ago. She came back to the No. I doubles team twdl.” Peirick. sport and decided to relax and just Rox Ann Valentine, a junior major­ Peirick believes the Lady Metros have fun. ing in physical education, is the She said the team emphasizes hav­ will have a winning record If the team IUPU1 women’s tennis team is Metros No. 3 singles player and is ing fun as well as playing hard. plays consistent and smart. making the “fun” aspect of tennis a matched up with Phelps for the No. 2 “We work well together, we all get In their first match of the season the primary factor in their game doubles spot. along and have fun ... it is supposed Lady Metros defeated University After finishing last season 3-2 and “We have four solid players at the to he fun ... it’s a game,” added of Southern Indiana Sept. 8, 3-2. The advancing to the NAIA national ten­ lop. Those two (Fentress and Valen­ nis tournament in Tulsa, Okla., the tine) really helped with the loss and She tries to stay focused and not when they met Northern Kentucky Lady“Metros arc looking to record Kylic Abbott is a real good surprise.” get angry when playing. Sept. 14. by defeating the Norse 7-1. said Peirick. “I try to keep my mind positive so Although the Lady Metros plan Three of the seven players The Lady Metros have., strong my game doesn't come down on me,” on having a competitive season there last year's national team, i she said. will not be post-season play because the No. I and 2 players, graduated are currently undefeated. Another Lady Metro threatening IUPU1 moved to NCAA division II However, seasoned players includ­ “I put the doubles partners together to backhand the competition is and must undergo a two-year proba­ ing Kami Phelps, a junior majoring because of their style of play” said Phelps. She will be leading the tionary period. in secondary education and Heather Peirick. Metros in singles this season and is “I think the girls will miss the Young, a senior majoring in educa­ “Amber and Heather have deep and very confident and competitive ac­ NAIA district tournament because tion • are returning for the Lady lower volley's while Kami and Rox cording to Peirick. that was always fiin,” said Peirick. Metros as the No. I and 4 singles Ann tend to have defensive volley's... "She is not your classic tennis Adjusting to changes including players respectively. Kami is quick and she has quick player, she is very athletic and that is NCAA rules and other regulations is * Moth Mu#* SmM/Jlu Sqam m hands.” said Peirick. is matches ... she doesn’t also going to take some time, but it Although the Metros lost two No. 2 doubles partners Rox Ann Valentine, serving, end Kami Pheipe, at she is going to lose” said should help with recruiting, added of their top players last year, coach Fentress brings knowledge and the net, give the Lady Metros experience and athleticism. Debbie Peirick is not having trouble skill to the team, said Peirick.


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■ Campus organization kind of refreshing because you’re about who we are and more about the ■ Conner Prairie to host: > gening it firsthand. You're gening it world around us.” offers weekly classes on from the people who grew up in that The Alliance is open to all interested events celebrating the ’ the history and traditions culture, and you’re not getting it from students and faculty, and Shanklin folklore and fashion a textbook.” encourages students of all of the American Indian. On Sept. 5. NASA, in conjunction backgrounds to join. of local Indiana tribes. with the American Indian Science and “One of the ways that I feel Engineering Society, began offering a (students) benefit (from joining the By Amy T ovtky weekly class promoting Native organization)he said, “is it allows SaftfMorr Wift Krptrti TkiSctamtrt American awareness. them to take a close look at a group “Our goal is to preserve and protect of people that arc very much Conner Prairie Pioneer Village will * Education extends beyond the misunderstood and very much host several events in the upcoming ’ classroom for many student weeks, celebrating Indiana’s rich organizations at IUPUL "You do not have to be Native Native American history. The Native American Student “W.„ trying to American to become a member of On Sept. 22 and 23. The Villager ( Alliance gives students the NASA.” Shanklin added. ”Wc’re a will feature a Native American opportunity to learn about the culture, multi-denominational, multi-racial, Fashion Show and a special program traditions and history of the American about who we are and multi-cultural organization.” on the Delaware Indians. Indian as taught by members of the more about the world Stephenson also believes that IUPUI The Bartlesville Indian Women’s Native American community. is “a melting pot of cultures” and that Club w ill present two fashion shows, * "One of the things that we decided students can learn from each other. featuring the traditional dress of a with these classes that we’re offering,” ’’Knowing a little bit about each variety of North American tribes! said T.R. Shanklin. vice president TA Shaukkn,HASAnn prwdnt other’s culture gives us a better- Shows are at I p.m on Sept. 22 . of NASA. Tis that) there is no person rounded understanding ” he said, “so and 10 a m. on Sept . 23 better to discuss their own culture and that if we do travel or we do run into The second program being offered. their own heritage than somebody “Indiana’s Indians: Cultures in ' from that culture and heritage.” Native American traditions and one and perhaps communicate better and Contrast.” is a special workshop ‘ Tom Stephenson, the guest speaker of the ways that we feel that we do avoid misunderstandings that we’ve investigating the culture of the at the first of NASA’s weekly classes, that is through education,” said had in the past.” Delaware Indians. agrees. Shanklin. “I think that my culture has a lot to Visitors may join the Delaware in ’There's a lot of things that T think a lot of the reasons why we offer to the average person” he traditional music, dance, folklore ‘ (students) are going to leant in (his are here at IUPUI is to educate continued, "but they, in turn, have a and crafts. type of format — learning about ourselves and beyond just educating lot (goffer me.” An informal question and answer , Native American Indians ourselves for a career,” he added. The weekly classes are on Tuesdays Amy Tmfy/ Tit Safanorr pefiuil will follow. from American Indians,” he said. T t’s "We’re trying to leach ourselves more from 6 to 8 p.m. and feature arts The programs will be offered Sept 22 at 8 p.m. and Sept. 23 at I p.m. The cost for cither the fashion Stephenson, of Lenape/Delaware be featured, including Bill Satory the organization’s growth. show or the workshops is $4 for Indian descent, was (he first speaker of Miami descent on Oct. 10, Sally T ’m very pleased with how NASA adults, S3 tor members and $2 for to be featured during the semester. Tuttle of Choctaw descent on Oct. 17. has grown,” he said. T ’m seeing a children ages 6 to 12. “The American culture is the and Brian Johnson of Anishnawbe lot more interest here on campus Information on these and other dominant culture here,” Stephenson descent on O ct 24. concerning Native Americans I’ve programs can be obtained by calling said, “but then there arc other groups The American. Indian Science and seen our organization grow beyond 776-6000. of people that bring to the table their Engineering Society is also working our membership... and touch people Those outside the Indianapolis area own unique flavors as to how life is to educate students and provide a all throughout campus ” can call toll free (800)966-1836. lived and how they perceive things variety of resources, including Stephenson feels interest in Native Conner Prairie is located at 13400 ^ 4 : Americans moves in cycles. Allisonville Road and is open 9:30 and how they see things and react minority scholarship directories and to things. It’s important to get that Sometimes Indians are popular and a m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through blend, especially in today's world. “One reason we developed a chapter sometimes they are not, he said. Saturday and 11 am. to 4 p.m. on On Sept. 26. NASA will present of A1SES here is because NASA is a ‘The way I look at i t ” he Sunday. Robin McBride-Scott who will university organization only ” said continued, ”is I am what I am all The Museum Center, open year discuss her Cherokee culture and Bob Austin, president of A1SES. “By year round. 1 don’t turn it on and off round, features a restaurant, bakery , history. Experienced in quill work and having an A1SES chapter here, it gives whether it’s popular or not or gift shop, audiovisual presentation; ceremonial shell dancing, her us national support for our students.” whether it’s the right month or not and changing exhibit gallery. presentation will inclu Although this year’s attendance is or anything else. I’m (Indian) day in The center is open 9 am . to 5 p.m.; Amy Toakj/niSatmvt lower than in previous years. Shanklin and day out so popularity doesn’t Monday through Saturday and 11*. continues to remain optimistic about affect me too much.” am . to 3 p.m. on Sunday.

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twentieth century fox p m * i lightslotm entertainment i kalfuyn bigeloui m talph fiennes angela basset) : strange days juliette leuiis tom siiemore michaelwincolt Vincent d'onofrio wangtaemeieveli B9cmmi»(andy getston nfiwiKwndeepfoiest cistwiNpielleiuniioinicti tiowaid smith, m pntxtu teaiui lillq kilveit mctH if pwiintM mattheui f. leonetti. is c sum n«»i digital domain eiKitiwMteeistaesanchini lauirence kasanoff sum* iames cameron james cameion* jay cocks : .JLvmm r p i c a * james cametoti III steven-cbatles jaffe n kattugn b ig e lo u i______J§| Pag* 8 • The Sagamore Perspectives September 16.1995

‘...And Out Come The Wolves* •Tapping the Wheel*

Instead of the fastpaced punk riffs of Rancid's Simplicity and serenity dominate Jane Kelly previous releases. *... And Out Come the Wolves* Williams' debut release, ‘Tapping the Wheel.* slows down with gritty punk rock and some ska type Throughout the disc, Wiliams' soothing voice is songs that Tm Armstrong, lead vocals and guitar, and effectively combined with piano, violin and acoustic Man Freeman, bass, both previously of the bend guitar and her smooth melodies make each song Operation Ivy, are often noted. enjoyable. The lyrics focus mainly on East and South Bay Highlights of the disc include: ‘Horizon,* street life in songs "Junkie Man* and ‘Roots Radical.* "Breaking in the Past* and the funky beat of The popularity of Rancid may have increased, but •Nothing But the Wind.* the band has remained troe to Its music. Although WHHams* style is reminiscent cf several As Armstrong sings in the song “The 11th Hour,* "Do you know where the power lies? It starts and ends with you.* — Andrew Duncan — Amy Tovsky

CnnajE&apkRtnrb Punk rockers Rancid are (from left) Tim Armstrong. Brett Read. Lars Fredericks*) and Matt Freeman. Fisher Stevens, Jonny Lee Miller

Anyone who has seen the old Matthew Broderick - > i picture "Wargames" or •The NeF with Sandra Bullock has pretty much already seen ‘Hackers.* Imagine a group of young computer rebels who dress better than any overage teenagers, have more The Freddy Jones Band sophisticated computer equipment than Bill Gates Live in concert Charlie Talbert Kathy Bates and evade the bad guys by rollerblading throutfi the streets. Combine Sting s mystical voice and Eric Clapton’s "Angus." starring Charlie Talbert. Is an average, They also have this nasty habit of breaking Into the - phenomenal guitar strums and The Freddy Jones freshmarmhigh school, nioeguyget-thegirl type wrong databases. Which (surprise, surprise) puts them * Band emerges. of movie, and. surprisingly. It's pretty good. In danger. j This playbkheydrop group from Chicago delivered Angus Bethune was named after a type of cow Fisher Stevens, from the ‘Short Circuit* films, * a strong, multifaceted performance last Monday because of his size at birth. Along with the everyday fat plays the villain sent to hunt down those pesky * at The Vogue. jokes and put downs, Angus still has a pq£iem — he * Coordinating colorful lights and smoke machines has a big crush on the most popular girl J i his Stevens Is effective for a few scenes but the Zto the beat of such hits as •Waitress.* ‘Hold freshman class who Is also the girtfriend his standard badguy one-liners wear thin after the first hoi on to Midnight* and "Rain,* the band ultimately hour. pleased the crowd. With the Inspiring words of hfcs grandfather and the •Hackers* Is a pain to watch, because all the Their mb of progressive rock, a little bit of R&B. help of his redheaded, bigeared best frierjl Troy, scenarios have been used before. So boring, so tired some jazz and a tinge of country sets this band Angus finds the courage to take his * Shetland actually and so unoriginal. apart from the rest. — Jennifer Kay Rumple dance with the giri of his dreams. — Marlon Riley

GO FAR IN THE Microcomputer Training j y l t AIR FORCE Learn how far the for IUPUI Staff, Faculty and Students Air Force can take strange dags y ° u W you*re a college III. IUPUI ^ graduate, you may qualify T he Polis C enter for Air Force Officer Training

SUPPORT UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH (SUR) GRANTS AVAILABLE Next time IUPUI is sponsoring eleven research grants (max. $1,500 each) for the spring semester. Students they call you may either design their own research projectprojec and work under the sponsorship of a faculty membernber oor r assist witfwith .Generation X, a n instructor's research . Eligibility: undergraduate; underai must arrange for own faculty sponsor 2.8 GPA; carry a mini­ mum of 6 credit hours during the Spring semester. hit them with Information and applications are available in the Honors Office- ES 2126 (274-2660). All stu d en ts who yourA,B,C’s. meet these criteria may apply. Applications are due by October 27,1995. The UWI Street Journal rovers the world of busiest news from A to 1 with mstgu tea mteMifrace thai does* t ulfc down to you Each lane of The VtoS Street Journal provides articles that are of late rest to you -

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f - I September 18.1995 Sagamore Page 9 Classified ads

Retee PseWnss Advertizing offtca hour* •$1.40 per 22 character line Classifieds must be received at * Classifieds must be prepaid. The Sagamore 9 8.m. • 3 p.m. Please direct all questions • Three line minimum. The Sagamore business office.• Visa, MC. cash, checks and Attn: Classified Ads Monday through Friday. regarding Classified Ads to: • Discounts given for multipie money orders are accepted. Cavanaugh Hall 001H. by noon 425 University BKd. Rodger Johnson Insertions. Wedtesdsy prior to the Monday • Make all checks payable to Room 001G (317) 274*2539 of publication. The Sagamore. indpls.. Ind. 46202-5142

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IUPUI Bookstores \ For pricing and stock availability contact Judy at 274-9660 or Nathan at 274-4466. For software information contact James at 274-3754

i \ l Sagamore Focus Date Rape: The fine line between sex and violence

By David Kurtz more likely to file charges against the per­ Lai in helping students return to the class­ petrator if it was a stranger and if they were room. injured than if the perpetrator was a date Mary Ann Korbly-Shepard, counseling and they were not injured," she explained. coordinator for the fU employee assistance * T see 50 lo 60 students per ye* who program, said date rape can also make a I do not realize they have been raped," in which one of her female mining stu­ return to the workplace difficult JL said therapist Maxine Grant dents was dating a male mining student 1 had a client who was a victim of date of Counseling and Psychological Services whom she was raped by on a date. rape ami had to take a medical leave from atIUPUI. She said this student did not inform her work due to the emotional distress associ­ Date rape further complicates matters of this until six months later when the stu­ ated with the crime," said Shepard. because victims often feel they can trust the dent took Schwecke'* class — available Shepard explained that this employee had rapist, and only later discover that they can- only to nursing students — on mental health patterns which included a section to another department as a result of gossip Various university support services have on 'victims of violence.' indicated that the question of whether or However, because the student did not re­ Grant, Schwecke and Shepard agree that not date rape is indeed rape has plagued alize she had been raped until six months there is a tremendous need for IUPU1 stu­ many female IUPU1 students. later, she was unable to take any legal ac­ dents to be cfocatrd on the topic of date Lee Schwecke. a crisis counselor for the tion against the aggressor. rape. IU Employee Assistance program and a ‘Many dale victims suffer from feelings '‘Many students entering sexual relation­ nursing instructor for IUPU1, said date rape of shame and guilt, and that also interferes ships need to make their expectations dear is a problem for many female students with reporting the i in terms of wanting each other to have AIDS on campus. Schwecke. tests and wear condoms," said Grant. Schwecke said many female students Many IUPUT She added that students who do not in­ have been victims of date rape but have no^.. victims of dale r tend to be sexually active need to be equally reported the incident due to the questions cuhy returning^ dear about boundaries of the relationship. of consent and boundaries that are typically Grant! Schwecke sjutnnosrhosprtah emergency rooms have a system that is used to collect evidence from woman who have been raped. She added th atjfts^m fem s who are l of date rape j of action,

___ she has been a should first go to the "Women's Studies has a bachelor's p ro is also a need for the promotion of support of her local hospital to be services that are available for students," she ical problems and the gamut of women's issues," said added. eing examined for Schwecke. "Ultimately, students whom have been „ ______. physical evidence "Not only is there is a need for educating raped should seek counseling in order will be collectc% f\the victim if she de­ students on fte topic of date rape, but there to address the trauma," she said. cides to filet___„ T h e threat of A I D f ta encouraged been raped by __ ^______^evu^f they don't seek counseling," Schv Where to go,who to call She suggested rape' change their clothes until I have been ex­ amined first ate rape can be a traumatic and potentially "If the woman feels ______^iled to change dangerous situation. There are several clothes, she should take the clothes that she D was raped in to the emergency room with agencies in the Indianapolis area that can offer her," she added. Schwecke said the Employee Assistance help for those in need. Program should collaborate with the Women's Studies Department and Counsel­ ing and Psychological Services in an effort ■ Counseling and Psychological Services • to promote their services to the IUPUI com­ munity at large. This program provides IUPUI: 274-2548 counseling services for employees of IUPUI, including workers at Riley and 1U hospitals. Many of these employees are also ■ IUPD and the USA are sponsoring two rape- awareness workshops on Sept. 20 and 21, Schwecke added that she intends to de­ velop a graduate level course on ‘victims of • from noon to 1 p.m. in Student Activities violence.' Center 115. This course should be available in the Summer 1996 course book, according to Schwecke, ■ National Organization for Women (NOW): She added that most students that have in­ formed her that they were victims of date 925-4641 rape did so after taking her course on mental health patterns/ She thinks that all academic departments ■ Rape Crisis Hotline: 251-7575 at IUPUI should have courses available to students that address women's issues— date rape in particular.

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