THE DAILY EVENING TEIEGRATO. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 18GG. Viceroy Kgypt, proof OUR PARIS AND CONTINENTAL tho of which gives a manifest the fundamental principle of our foreign policy war, ni.d it looks to tli'it partv, Hirer Andrew SPECIAL NOTICES. FINANCIAL. of the pregre marie in France in naval onitruo-tion- . not to expect nny armed Interference: but. they Johnson, for iro compete restorat-o- of the COItRENI'OADEACE. , vcs-ol- is t Is are satiatied that the peaceable allinnce ol Luton. is a t tnelv f'.imk .Movement TM which called he Oharbie, a It from (rrrj M W LOMJON COPPER MINING 11 American and European republicans lor the leading Connecticut Republicans tho Company. & C O., Th Telegraph: model of rlppanee, luxury, and stiongth, It accom Hiaiust JAY COOK To the Editor of Einng elucidation and diflu'-io- ot republican princi- funiculi, 111 Congress and in tavor o'' consti- 1 hp Afllouireil Annnnl VMtlna ol fllra'VhnMprn In, plished Its first voyage trom Marseilles to Alexandra the J Paius, April 6, 18(10. ples may exerciFO a powerful ami In the course tutional right, 01 tlie excluded Mn'es to repre- li 01 Ion 01 Director '0 ferve the enmiinii yr. Willis No. 114 S. THIRD STUEET. Kmpcror in f ur tfnys and a half. ol time an upon politi- briil ON Ut'DAY, Al'lllt, , When Ionls Uapoloon, now of ouo of irrcihtihle influence the sentation In both Houses ot Congress. Upon ine vine 01 tn t reunion! Meppagcries tho boats cal ai - the most powcriu1 nations ot tho earth, attempted to The Imperla cs, with ricfctinies of the Old World. tliis question President Johnson has adopted ho. 417 AH- i BTRERT their dock yards, ordinarilv mado ttie The European Republican Committee of Lou- one policy and Congress has resolved upon an- At 3 20 P. il. BANKERS, urge tho pooplo of Strasbnr to Insurrection, ho in BIMON PORT. voyure t'TWtv-fou- hours den havo sent over Mr. Lewis ltulewskl to this other. Hif policy is the admission of the ex- .,.,.. snmo town would a quarter of a in live days, tnus gaining , rteaetnry. Jiltlo thought that country, In to plans Sta'c.-- sulli-cicni- lj AND on the English boat carrying the Indian malls. order lay their and cluded rn the ground that thev are Century later, try to turn tho tables on htm! how- their hopes before the American friends lecoiistructed for all practical purposes; OFFISH HULL CREEK OIL COM- - One of tho cables bnlweon France 411 ( ever, such ifl tho oaso. It is neithor a Clinmbord, nor of republican Institution, Mr. Bulewskl tho policy ot Congress i the Inoeiiiiite exclusion P NY, No. Anmiul DEALEBS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES 1" I lin-- n Meeting of Stockholder a andngland, has just broken, and the two has been In Washington, and discussed ot d evidently no- higher pur- will he held on CESD.O.ftluT a Count do 1'aris, who is oppoa njt bis power: it is thre the sa Slates, and for 1, t i o'C tirk 'or the election 01 oihe-- r. ti-- nie9:-a(re- In an imperfect man- subject with leading members pose 4 II) 14 17 21 24 30 D. S. 6 OK 1881, portion of the electors 01 t jo capital of Alsatia who others transmit someol the of the than the continued ascendancy of the party Jt HH WULKOED, becrotary. be- Senate and I Ionoe of Representatives, who cor-riiul- ly power. public of" S preparing spokos lor tuo wheels of the prosout ner. On this account tho tolorams exchanged in The temlinent the North is Ms. OLD AND NEW, lire approve tho propositions of the European President, managers . two considerably with the but the ot the -V" 1 jovomment. tween the countries are retardod. ertecung rS" C'AlllfK'H Alty, would repect ill y Inionp the CEKI1FICATKS OF INDEBTEDrJKflS, Committee. The first step towards an party are with Congress. They say I'ohilc Brnnally ihnt he Im candidate M. do Busslore, who Le Vicomte de la Guerronniere, Senator, lias Jut American purpose eitni tlena unoonMo make 7 80 OTKS, 1st, 2d, and 3d boric. Tho ministerial organization for the of that Congress alone has the authority over this tin place eoiiitottal.le In every rrppect lor the accom-- n boeu named railway in Mexico 01 Jim for sonic yoan past bad it all his' own way. will Administrator of the with the European republicans, was mutter oi South' rn reconstruction, and that the ocliition (MH'su. He hs opened a large and com-l-i person winch connects tho cities of "Vera Cruz aud Mexico taken In this city on Thursday rituht, when I odlou Diiliit-Hoo- In the necund ory Hi S1DK COMFOVND IATERES1 AOTF.S WANTED. time moot with an opponent fu tho. ot a resident, in assuming this authority, has been IKMHJi I mrnlKhed ynh l.B this committee, B. ANDiF.B. WINKS. Tie vs, and with each other. , with A. Htansbury hs chairman, and is playing the part ot a usurper. V I'ISKV, Mc..olR'1'KRIOH BKAM)8. 1 1 21, 'i.abouluvc, a man of very liberal was to Ur. lKTEfi.ST ALLOWED OH DEPOSITS. ' Amorique,, a l'rince Napoleon takes his donarture this evea- - appoiuted, to prepare a reply the Hut the tacts of history in this business should "well known as tho author of Paris in address from European J U H T P U 11 L I 8 IpITd- Italy, where ho purposes occupying himself the Committee not be overloi ked. The coliap e 01 the Rebel- -J Collccrtoni made; fctocln Bought and Bold work which Kives us a vivid and faithful picture of inp for to the people of the United States. The lion occurred in the of Congress; By tne riiFlcln of the for objects art, for which ho has nbence but NKW YdlK MUSEUM, Commlfwion. manners and oiietonn of froo Amonca. in the searoh of New York Conmlttce will also make the considering the extraordinary war powers which the Pine tlcth Edition or lh taste! hold ovoning at their bpcclal butino.8 accemmodationa muirrd fa shall in few months see whethor tha liberal great Tho soiree last the necessary preparations for calline public meet- the two houses had conlerrea'upoo the President KOI R LECTl ltF.H, Royal was by Mr. Negra, tho Italian ings in Ine largo cities ol the Union to discuss in a entitled LADIES. yarty in Strasbnrft will be powerful enough to oust I'alais attended he found himself position lo undertake the rniLOsorrtv bis the sublect and pass appropriate resolutions. work of Southern iestora-tio- n of mahrhok. Hussiere, who has (treat Jooal influonce' ana Ambassador, Mons. Emilo Ollivicr, and father. reconstruction and To be had irre. tor lour MntnpK adUresxIng Score-ta- r TnttAPn pntA, Fchrnary, 1866. J 7 8n il. 00 The proposition of London is resorting Alu of Should the illustrious Abbe Liszt. Towards the the Committee without to an extra session of htvi Vcrk fum Analomv. Is, moroovor, lacked by tho Oovornor. one ol gn at Importance, and only needs to be Congress. In the exercise of his discretion he 7 17S No tilH HHUAliWAY. Kerf Yolk. clo.--e upon to take it will be a sad checK for tho of the evening Liszt was provailed 1 illy cor- S. be roturnod, understood to meet everywhere with adopted this course. We presume MAR-EIA(..- U. there would K seat and to play throo pieces ot A PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEWOF SECURITIBS'. , to And his rulo meets hit hi the piano dial approbation and warm 1 Emin-ror- who now begins that support. Lave been no complaints ol usurpation Irvtn the tj?r : onlalulng nearly 3w) prgc and 1 ol his composition. is impossible to Bne 1 npra cvoiy day with moro and more opposition in the music It radicals nao ue imposed their terms as hiscin-di- t rlntee and liiti ot tlie Anatomy 01 the Human effect produced on the audience by The President and Congress. ons ot Southern restoration. He Orian in a State ot ilrnlth and Msen.ei. wl h aTn-- a towns of tho departments. the the preferred, on Early Kirors it Ueplorahie 'onieiiienco upon ie A prucipal Us Frrwi the Times. however, to adhere to the landmarks set up by the SPECIALTY. With tho oxcopilon of tho coming struggle at morceau entitled St. Franrois sur Fiols. Mind and Hodv. ttlththe author's tUnoi Treaiuiem Tho Emperor has lately conferred the title of Tho Albany Evening Journal, which has been his lamented predecessor, Abraham Lincoln, me oniy rational anil ucc4siul mode ot cure a aliown Btiasburg, winch will take place on the 2Mb. instant, and Congress itself. So it came about thnt by the lejort ot c our treated. A truthful adviavr to the SLIITH, RANDOLPH & mo- Count on threo S One oi tbom, Monsieur de in tho a of President niarrl. d and conn nip atlnp yhoenti't-tal- n CO., little ol interest going on at the present 'nator. main supporter Johnson's Im final adjournment Con-eres- s, tlme mnflnfte there is tween the ot the old doubts ol ihelr physical condition Bent All our la Siairanui, is the proprietor or tho celebrated wiue policy, thus states, in m. (derate terms, and with 4, iron of ment in tno interior politics of France. March I860, and the lirst meeting of the postage to any addp . on r celpt ot cent In Mamps BANKERS & BROKERS, I tho holidays, and will Jern.ilage. substantial justice, the points of difference new Congress in December last, the President STP,J"lf"",ner.byaddrsnK Dr. LA CKOIX No. deputies are sii at home tor 81 f AJIU N N. V. The capitalists are greatly nettled at tho had substantially accomplished his measures ot l.ano alhany. ot rcsumo their duties tor a few days. Farisian between President Johnson aud the mujority of The antlmr inuy ha cooptilted upon any 01 the dleae English reconstruction in nearly all the late Rebel oponvtt leh hi hook y or bv 16 S. THIRD I re gards foreign politios, that Is quite another coinirnal acquisitions made by tho ol our Congress: State. treal either jtrtwl m., ST. 3 NASSAU ST. As What measures and med'cir em to any part nt yorid. 1 S Bin up most celebrated vinejarJg. Some important these have been we need not the Question, Public attention is now much takon pur "Ur. Johnson wants ttie Siates represented in here rcoenr. It is sufficient that they have met K L O II I'HILADELPIMA. Witutho squabble going on botwocn the two great chnses have already takon place in Modoo, and tho Connies, bo do a majority ol tlio lueim.ers aud ol the approval ol the North as well as 'the South, BATCH R'S AIR DYE. NEW YOKK. tliepiop e. is agreement. differ- rJ" THF Kl fiT is THE WOULD. thoy Cironde of to day specks of some negotiations which toiartlieio Ibe ano power to do 111 German powers, Austria and Prussia. Should ences wliiou arise as the to n.s upon thnt the tbee things was given Haimle relinlile tan'anpou. The on'y perfect exist to wnich to by o olnappoliument no is sadly feared, thore will be a lave commenced cor corning some of the most re-q- u the Executive by the war and Couctessto dv. ridiculous tints, but true Come to blows, which reprtseutatiou ahull be vouchsafed t ourcss to h or lirnwn STOCKS AND s ev prosecute the v, ar and to restore peace. na'urr, aek GOLD general Europoan flare-u- p, as Ita:y will, as a matter vine growing soil It seems that the offers n sufficiently satisfactory idence that the U OEM INE 18 Hi NED W ILLIAM A. BATCHELOB. which elects a representative loyal li 1 resident Johnson's justification, therefore, ALs- certainty, lot so favoraulo an opportunity go are vory seducing, but on tho othor hand the preten- is that is - ROUGH! A SI) .SOLD ON ot not Chocn bv men wno arc qualified to vo.e. Ihe Presi- in what he has done is complete. 11? has been Bepenerntlnir Fx tract 01 Mll.ifleur restore, pnwrrve COMMISSION". from tho powor sions are very exorbitant. ord heautlllr the Iintr. prevent ly without trying to wrest Venctia dent would bu wilhntr to nuu trio de egat upon his vety carelul in avoidinc all rash experiments; hadnew Sod b all 1 1 kK KPT A KD OX A has boon ov n l'rupglMs Factory o,81 KAKCLaY ". Y. '3aij U.OW DKFOSIT8. 1 1 Ol Austria. Thero has been a great fall in all lunds vineiard situated at Chambeitin, Just record. Irrespective or all oilier considerations caietul, while adheiiug to the logical and local t. 0 il was loyal conse-(juoiic- e Givrey of that and nvut, vau niir him adm.ssion At the Exchange for tho last lew days, in scld at by auction, at the rate irancs results ol the war, to stick to the text ol the This highest sum Las boon wi bout further quostion. Tali iu a nutshell, isa Constitution. The only question, , or tho rumors of war now circulating. per hectare. is the that statement ot the po nts of difTurunce between the is. WATCHtS AND JEWtLR. d Cole Has he tone f'nr enough in bts conditions lo the Ko. 225 DOCK STREET, TDK FINANCIAL PANIC ob'a Bed lor the best sltuut. vino: ards of tho Fxecutive and tlie Ltgls ature. Everything else seems to may Stut-- rescued from the Rebellion? The puhlic hoped, come a stop for a few d'Or. that involve sliarp controversv, bo las, however, it is to reduceu to mere porsunal pique una on both Sdntiineiit of the country rerpond yes; out Con-piv- WIS JjA."D07ATTr liANKERS AND Vienna The following comparative table of tho size of pa'siou BROKERS, days, as tho latest advices from Berlin and sioes. Where itidigni.utly cries no! The spirit ot the SCT AND SELL liave boon of a loss alarming character. The tauve the different theatres ol Emopo, will give an idea of ilieioint ot divergence is so slight it docs not seem Rebellion has not vet cooled do n;' the temper Willi for-- 1 CN1TED 8TATEH BON 1881s, g, t esizo and Importance, ot the Xvw Opera tliat a spirit of mutual accommodation and of Sot.thern people still disqualifies jrMTELHY DS 10 40. qui peut vras, however, general, and it is rumored If iute ears nee, the them lor WATCHES, ft 'Vli-- VMTEI) tueli as the giavo interests a stako a voxe iu Cougrcss. Ir would u11lu.1t to STATES 7 AI L ISSUES. sums of money havo been lost within now in courso of eontructiou at Faris the new BKiceuieiit, he the v ana . f that Imuienso mi would not be impossible, or blacks nud the people ol the Xortli wAiuitus !iiv x... a tHiTlEiCATES OF INDEBTEDNESS will yet be well, Opora House will be 150 modes long bv 100 broad, even nit.. cult On ttie one hand, let Com;. ess dis- toeivetlio the fortnight We trust that all iicrcenilie l'apt-- and Loans C o the imperious coi.u-e'- s excluded; States the whole mass of their black 00 laterals negotiated thus covering a space ot I6.O0O metres. tant rash and of mistaken - ' juid the attitudo ol the secondar German States erders nko Stevens on the other, let the President race lor representation in Consrcss without the ""urwi- - r . i.'-"- f to as Hons;Iit at d fold on Ccninuy.lon. 1 31 ( iioutra;iiy oi tlio Kmperor, will prevent Ilorr Tho Theatre U'Orient, at Madrid, covers 71)10 " nbunaon equivalent ol black mllrage. Bud tho 1 GSZO his mi ablo ami lar too egotistic metliod Therefore the ex, he Opera l'aris covets " I Owineto the t'eclltio ot Cold, has made a re. Bismark fiom carrying out his looihatdy ot ntst liimro I. iheu lit Oth parties consult cinded States must still be excluded. oreat All PER, DURNEY & CO, Ton Ilk? Charles Felix. Geneva, 1 Iheatro opil urn- - deto-pale- u duction in price of hi )an,e and we II cover 4750 " ihe und interests of tho people, whoso On the other hand it is contended that sub- assorted itock ol Intentions. representatives s tst. Charles, covers 8822 " and servants they are iu tins mission to the tern-- imposed and to the Consti- Arepoit is current that the ambitious Frusslan The hcatre upios win tho cun bo brought to speedy Diamonds, J covers.... " couiroiersv a and tution r.nd the laws all we can ustlv re- HANKERS, ami-Catl- lie Itieatre la Milan aiM is that Minister sees no way of bringing things to an e iiUH'.c oub tcimimilien, wnnout tlio least sacrilice ot 01 STOCK AXD 'lneliieatie Imperial, est. Fctersturg, pr i.ciple or of present quire the South; that if there have been' any EXCHANGE BROKERS, arrangemont without calling together the covers 8 40 " boner. Hie attitude can only .. Le 11m lnnmeil wiih the danger just grounds of complaint touching the civil Walclies. Lorn. on, ovc-s- 2741 " continual of acts, No. 55 8. TllIllU STREET, nilLADELPHIA. GREAT OEItMAN PARLIAMENT, The Covent Garden, upon ii:0 side or the other, that will bo fatal to tho rights of the ncgroe3 they are now secured in . I'he Company, Ilavro, Which should, once for all, settle tno Schloswlg-Uoli-lei- n Transailantic htcamboat at luturo lelutioui of those most concerned." the Civil Riirhts bill, and Hint negro Bull rug? and Jewelry, stocks and I.orns liourlit andeold on CommlcHiom quos Ion. which ha so lengbeen a bond of as jut lai'nchcd the largest screw-boa- t yet alloat. Upon the action of the Reconstruction Com- the enun'cratioii ot the blacks lor representation Cncuntnt Hanit Koteg, Coin, Klc, bouRlit and sold. in Congress can be regulated 1 Ilap-bui- g Is called La fereire, and is 1.3 metres long by 13 mittee, niore than nn,t'iiug else, now hereafter, but that Kto icial attention 1 aul to the purclia-- c Contention between and Hohenzollern. it nepnda i; is a Silverware, and lalo of broad, l&; makos 48 tLe question ot a conflict between the President matter ol the utmost iinportunco now to 1 he public are Oil Socka. Deposit alarmi-t- s vory much puzzled by the and the fcrcw respectfully Invited to call and examine received, and Interest allowed Our have been congress. Ilou.--e the Treasury and the thiuuci'ti interest' of the por minute, and, strange to sav, scarcely and Each of Congress, at the cur hock belore urchnslni; e, lew here. as per ajrremicnt. 86 3m JIIBBIONS OF PRINCE NAPOLEON, ot session, abneirnted c..ii(,tiiu. country that, the Southern States should be re- - any vibration is perceptible even at tho stern. La outlet the its yiho lias boon travelling lackwards and forwards tl"iinl right ol deciding upon the elec- - stcicd to law , order, industry, public con lidence, OUK TATIiONS ASD 10 85 "returns, THE PUBLIC. FIRST NATIONAL tho mouth, Ftrcire steams knot an hour, and is fitted with and the lull development of tlieirgreatconiiiier-cin- l rplE .BANK between Fiorcnco and Tans for last lions, ana qualifications ol l'.s ineiubers," and We are oCcrlng pines staples. This argument 111 support ouretock ot l'hey affirm that the pretetukd artistic tour of H. one of the best en mado. The vessel will soon hui.tled over 10 this Joint Conunitte" the eniiro is the of start on her first voyage to few T ork. and exclusive Itirisdiction of tlie whole subject, the President's policy, and it cannot be success- WATClIKfi, J. H. is all a sham, and that there is more than fully answered. HAS 11EMOVED A despatch from Toulon, datod 24 . March, 'lhat Committee was made up iu tue House by meets tho cyo. They argue very wisely that if h of Now, assuming that between his policy and JEWELRY, announces that a new trial of Admiral Chabannes the Speaker, of the most extreme and uncom- DurinK tho erection ot l'rince Kapolcon's time were so taken up by art promising radicals, so lar us the Union party is the do nothiur, policy ot Congress the Issuo is the new Bank baildintr, . AND matters, be would not havo just sold his l'oinpeian internal machlno has been made. Tho Vauhan,an concerned, with two extreme Copperheads carried before the people In our approaching SILVERWARE, as 1 17 4p Avenuo Montaigne, which has oust old frijfato (640 horse power), which had her hold ttie representatives of thp Democrats. Tlie con- ft.ll elections, how is the President to be sus- to Louse in tho do tained, with managers AT A DISCOUNT, expense to build filled with water, was chosen lor tho experiment. servative or Union Republicans were excluded the of the Republican HPS jiira such tiuio and and deoorute. ? He' No. CHESNUT Two torpedoes were submerged, one charod witli from all voice iu its consultations and from all party nuainst him cannot go over to the STREET." 1 will now turn from tho surmises of tho day and party ol Chicago Convention, peace Fully equivalent to the heavy decline In Gold. o share in its action. The the the ot twenty-tw- kilogrammes of ordinary guupowdor, Committee has spent epeak to you of tho obsequies of the tho five months ostensibly iu taking testiraotiv con- party of the war. It is impossible that ho 5 nud the other with seven ki otrrammos of fulmi- SEVEN-THIRTIE- S French, who was a low days ago laid by tho side of cerning tlio condition and temper ol the South- can identify himself with that organization. It & 13IDDLK, 7308 nating powder. The effect of tho explosion was would be a surrender to tue lelt wing CLAItK Iter husband. ern States some ot which, vti'h one or two con- 8 22 Srp Ko. 712 CHESiiUTKUecfc . vessel was more fifty of Rebellion, TUB FUKKBAL OF QUEEN MARIE AMELIB tremendous. The lilted than stitutional amendments, has bepti reported for the alter tho capture ol WANTED. out water, a large breach, the right and centre. The battle of President took placo on the 8d oi April. The day before nu- centimetres of th aud of the consideration of Congress. Some six weeks 11 1 C J W BE HAVEN & BROTIIER ago, moreover, proless-in- g Johnson is still within the lines of the Union II E Orleans a metro squaro, was mado in her side. This experi- it reported a resolution ELKI T Ko. 40 merous partisans of the house ol arrived at 1 rarty the war, S. TBIitD BTliXET. most to cad nut the State of Tennessee into the of richt and left, North and J Claromont. to be present at the iuneral of the ment has been a deolsive one, and perfectly South, and the way whereby he may defeat powers Union upon ceriain conditions; but it has the Messrs. Uuizot and lbiora were amongst demoiibtrated tho formidable of destruction steadily refused, from that day to this, to bring Radicals is very plain aiid easy'. We will SHIRTS, FUFNISHING GOODS, Ao. tho number. The weather was moBt unfavorable, and possessed by these torpedoes. even this question before the House lor conside- take the stanch old Union State of Psun-B.ylvatii- a. JOHN BIIENNAN, The Empress 01 Austria Is shortly exported to The Republicans there have nomi- DEALER One would have thought even tho elements wore in ration. IN W. T T & C arrive at Faris, whero she intends remaining a lew Tho President, from the day ho entered unon nated lor Governor a good and tiuo Union man SCO O., mourning. practical DIAMONDS, FINE WATCHES, JEWELKY J days. Tho extreme cord iality which reijniB Just now that oiiiee, has sought by direct action to ell'ect. of the Johnson school, in the person TI1E VAULT OF THE ORLEANS FAMILY of General Gear v. The Democrats have set up a Etc. Etc. Etc. SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, between the Courts of Austria and the Tuilorios the restoration of the Union. Following the Is the property of Miss Taylor, a Homan Cathulio theory and piactice his peace man of the Vulluudigham type. Geary, 2C Ko. 18 8. EIGHTH S'J REET, rhilada. Miflicicntiy explains tho motives which have induced of predecessor, he led and dealers in ladv. It is in the form of a cross. Tho cofflu of the way to a reorganization of ihe State Govern- therefore, is the man for the Johnson Union- this visit. The Empress on leaving Faris will pro- ists; they Xouis Philippe occuploB tho middle. It was found ments, reopened the Courts, restored the postal but have a wide margin for iuitial II ENKY LIAR PER, FU1 ceed to Spam, and will doubtless visit Madoira, system, movements in regard to Congressional and Legis- MEN'S iNISIIINO GOODS, Decenary to widen tho same, in order to placo in it the und renewed the operative vigor and fi of in lative candidates. Here they mav Hank both No. 814 Queen Amolie. The late King of climate of winch was on a formor occasion so favor- execution the national law evei'y district No. Chesnut Street, the remains of the of the section lately in rebellion. All TbaddeUfi Stevens and John W. Forney. To this 620 AIICH STREET - him-se- able to the health of hor Majesty. that DOOK3 Trench, it is vt ell knewn, had- had a vault for lf end President Johnson may do much in his dis- Manulacturer and Dealer in FOCE BILLOW TUB "CONTIXKNTAL," Tho next packet boat expected at Marseilles remains is the practical representation of those and wild built at tho chapel of Dreux, whero he States in Congress. Upon point Presi- pensation of patronaae; lor, surely, ho may use Walt-rxes- , 8 26 rp from will bring over a dozen or sixteen that the IU ILADELFHIA. often attended mass, aud where he had hoped to be Alexandria dent believes that these States lately in rebellion all legitimate meuns at his command to Egyptian female dancers, who have been hired, or, still In the Union strengthen his position and his supporters within fine Jewelry, laid in tho grave s'de by side with the partnor of his aie that as such they are fciilver-PlHte- d. SflOTJLDER-SEA- more property, bought, at the last iair at Fanta. entitled to representation that each House is ihe lines ol the Union war party. Ware, PATENT joys and caros. L'homme propose, et Die.u dispute. The Johnson Republicans of Connecticut are AMD 'ibis entirely new style of cargo is destined tor one the exclusive judge ot the qualification oi its S8C SHIltT MANUFACTORY U.K. Ji. Xhe Trinceof Wales, and the Duke of entirely right avoiding any entantjliusr allilia-tion- s Silver-war- e. ol our great l'aris theatres that of the Forto St, own members that toyal'y is, beyond all tpies-tic- in Solid AND CENTLEAiES'S FURNISHING STORE. Cambridge, descended in'o the vault. The rest of one ot the qualifications iullirpensable td with the Coppeihead Chicasro Democratic their suito were obliged to remain without, on ac- Martin. membership that each House mav, by an party. That party, from its opposition to the PEEFECI JITTIKU SHIM'S AND DRAWEES is at present one oi oath STOVES. RAftGES. &o. count of the narrowness of the same. Alter the Queen Victoria the riohost or uny other test, determine whether claimants wsr, nutsi to tlie way of the old Federal party. made from meanureuient t very sort no'lee. eovereigno in Europe. The Duchess of Kent, who to It is under the ban of a popular odium which A II othtr articles ol UtMltU Eli ' DMKS8 GOODS Iuneral there was a reception at Claromont In seats aie or are not loyal and that while NEW in saved up a considerable sum money, every man should be ei.uuo', be revoked. It is a party which dug QULVEll'S PATENT full variety. all the families of the Orlcanlst party have bad of loft it dislojal excluded and sent its l'aris back to his constituents, every own, grave at Chicago, aud which, il not yet 8AND-JOIK- WINCIIKHTKR ft flO.. , all to the Queen. The Frince Cousort also, whe fol- loyal man, duly DEEP pono into mourning. Tho Legitimit-ts- by ordor of dead, must die and be buried. Then por- O 4 9 Til CRJCBHUT Bl'KEET lowed a system of strict economy from the very day commissioned, should be admitted to his seat iu that the Cointe de Cbambord, commonly called Iloury Conerees as the representative of those who tion of the feople identified with it crystallizing' bis marriage, was at the time ot his death tho HOT-AI- R . if A C E. V., have dono the same thing. of sent him there. nrourd the new Union party of the administra- FUR REMOVAL!! Kothing is as yet known oi tho contents oftho will rossessor of a large fortuue. lie mado his will in This is the President's policy. He believes It tion will powerfully assist in building up the REMOVAL! 01 old gonlicman, to great purty of the mture. On road Hjs Of Amelia. We are.bowover, intorniod that hor favor the Queen. Finally, an who be in conformity with the Constitution and this the 11ANOES OF ALL. SIZKS. Marie conducive to victory lor the Administration, beginning with OLD DRIVERS' ICE COMPANY, JUajcsty particularly recommended to her children had more a tachnient lor hor Slajosty than for his the encouragement of lovalty iu tlie South, the restoration of peace, and the October ejection in Pennsylvania. The Ad- ALSO, EW LOW PBESSUKE grandchildren novor to give up their claims to distant relations, has just made the Queen the sole the PHIEGAli'fi EEJIOYED FROJ1 N. W. CORNER SIXTEENTH and prosperity and permanent salety 01 the whole ministration and the Union Is 'the ticket. STEAM HEATING APPARATUS. the throne of France. legatee of his whole fortune, amounting to 40,000,000 country. AND BACK, TO Irancs. THE CKOWN PEINCE OF DENMARK IN PARIS ot It is now for the Reconstruction Committee to SPECIAL NOTICES. ion BALK BY Broad Street, Above Race, East Side. The brother of the Frincess of Wales is at present accept this policy in its general features, or CHARLES WILLIAMS, to present 4 11E2 in tho French capital seeing the Hons. II. B. II. is THE NEW YORK FHES3. another in its stead. Until they UNITED STATES TREASURY, 5 o. MAIiKEl 6TREET, Orders respectfully solicited, and promptly attendod to take action in ihe premises, is 2(1, 1P68. remarkable for his good looks and amiable disposl it impossible to PnlUDSLPHlA, April at the lowest market rates. say whether we aie to have a conflict of views Holders of twenty coupons and upwards of I'nitod We also have an opportunity seeing 'J 1795. tion. had of or not. hey have . lIEfS, JOHNSON & DAVIS. it in their power to avoid States Loans due Mayl, 18ti6, are hereby notlbed that JSTABLISIIED another star of different quality, no legs, than EDITORIAL OPJNIOXS OP LEADING all collL-io- between Ccneress Execu- and the they may present tbcm for examination and count at OLD DRIVERS' COMPANY. J0TJEKAL8 VrON CIRBENT TOJ'JCS. tive, and to report a plan 01 which, ICE STEPHENS. THE FENIAN, action tlits office on ar.d after the 23d lnst, to be paid on and The undersigned, ireling exceetllnv thanktul to his shall compel tlie acquiescence con- is also to be scon irom time to time Taris, of both, after Msy 1,1866. mauy ir.ciuls und cuHtouicru for their rery liberal patron-ai- e who in solidate the Union party, and restore txtendt d to bnn durina: the laat sevuntceu rears, and has entirely put out Ab'jo the Blank schedules may be obtained at this office. A. S. ROBINSON, d his to The Fenian chief the Liszt, COMPILED KVKRY DAY FOR EVENING TELEGRAPH. intecnty of the Union aud establish the huvlng ro entire Intriest was N. II. BltOWiiE, MEKi-K- I1K8. JOHNSON A DAVIS, vlio, a few hours ago, tho wondor oi the duy permanent peace and prosperity of our com- leap recommendintr to his 4 20 6t Agilstant Treasurer, Looliliig-Glassc- s, Takes lire in tnem fbrner Stephens leads a very quiet life, and has takon up mon country. A "spirit of mutual ac- fulled States. French Plate pa'rona astliey are gent lenien of iiitt-Krlt- will uniouhted y of Iiib abodo iu tho Hue Carmartln. It is said that ho The republicans ot commodation aoid forbearance" will, 83 the "THE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY and matninln the renutatlon the Euro!e. Evening remarks, OP OLD MtlVt- H E OMFAN V, and Ineverrwar act intends to proceed to the United States. Some per-- J'rom the Tribune. Journal render the pructical ISr EXUKAV1NCS PAINTINGS, DRAWINGS ETC co as to (iive entirei' ratlftactlon to all who mar kludiy solution ot all these ditlleulties perlectly easy. The Corporator 01 "Tha Safe Deposit Coinpanv of favor them with their custom. Bespeot.ully. e'e , pons havo louud Borne likoness in Stephens to tho country ot Europe pi 1, i 11 Nearly every has at present Hut everything depends upon the action of this riiiludclm ia," in com nee wit the requirimjeiiH of 1 a 3m A. BHOVVW. ar r, appoint TH V, 10th 01 Italian liberator Garibaldi. To return to tho ex-st- look: llielr cliart' hereby I'KsDA tne Uanutacturcr of all kind of a republican party, who forward to the Committee. If it desires an accommodation it lluv. ISIiti. toi he uneiilnu 01 the uookh fur mhIc.' tntlnn Liszt, I wish to intoroi you that the Credo ofjtho can have it. All power is ibo C apital ("aid time when the political education of the people vested by Congress in to stock ol I'ompanr, at the olllee ot I.oolcing-GlaNH, & CO., mass he has sung at St. Eustache was giron at tho its hande: whatever measures it may recom- the Provident i.lie and 'trust Company, ho, 111 8.'. I'ortrait, and Iic RANDALL shall have made sufficient rogress lo establish u it n street. popular concert some days back, and was roceived f mend in the direction of conciliation and har-moD- y f t Alired Sti le, principle of popular sovereignty under a will lliarles Ataealester, ture Frames lo Order. PERFUMERS AND IMPORTERS, With a storm of hisses from an overwhelming the be udopted. Rut if it insists upon Alexander Henry, (ieoriie A. Weed. republican form of government. Tin Lr organiza extreme views, if it demands the exercise of John We!ih, Joeepli B. Townsrnd, TSo. audience. Tho musical Abbe is lound wanting as a unconstitutional power, if ilelph Koric, Oeorwe At. 'I routmuu, 910 CHESNUT STREET. must, necessity, imperfect so long it extict6 conditions liarle Wheeler, No. 1302 CHESNUT Street. mu-ic- composer, and it is thought ho had bettor tion of be as Cherlea itorie, which Congress lias no right to impose, it can- Oeerte 'I rott. W'illiiim C. Kent. stick to his piano. Thore Is a report that he will existing legislation punitbes the utterance of not expect the acquiescence of the President, N. W. Baldwin, Janice W. Iluzichurst, TDIKD COOK ABOVE THE CONTINENTAL, shortly make a tour in tho Unit, d States. We shall republican sentiments as high trean, and for-- nor will it command the undivided support ot Ifiiac Lea, Kichord Jieude llaelie. fau uel li. Shipley. 417 2U PHILADELPHIA. 8 15 see if he will be lionized as much on the other side bids the publication ot republican newspapers. Congress or the people. Fine English Toilet Soaps, Rut until this Committee " AM of the Atlantic us this. Inmost of the European countries avowed re- uets. it is Impossible pj??-- CAilDEN AM) BOY RAILROAD is' I T E D S T to speak of tho political future. It holds in A'D 'JKANSI'ORTATIOS COMPANY'S TJ ATES In ttie literary wav nothiu? oi much Intcrost since publicans are not permitted to reni(le, and they its OFFICE, IN CBEAT VABIETV, JC8T BECEITED. must seek a refuge either in England or the hands the destiny of the Union party, and to a UoiilENTowN.Mar liZ8. Ma. the " rravailleurs de La Mer," which has turued out Itreat extent that of the country also. NOTICE The Annual lieetinv of tho htoektiolders MILL, United btates. The next 01 the t'AMDF.K AND AMHOY RA1LKOAD AKI) BUILDEll'S Extracts and Perfumes. a iailure. A now work on tho working classes, ten days will probably give us to COMPANY Will bo Also, Triple French called For many Tears the republicans of Europe understand TBAKbl'OltTATiON held at tha 28 S. "LE KUAVAIL," in a what we may expect lu this regard. Crnipiinv's ellice in HORDE STiiWN. on BATl'RDAY, Nos. 24. 26, and FIFTEENTH St., We bay constantly on hand every variety ot have had London CeutralEuropeao Repub the 2 'in ol April, lHitt, at 12 o'clock At., tor the election ty Jules Simuns.has attracted much no'.ico, it isa lican committee, ot w hicn iuaz.un is president. 01 seven Directors, to serve lor tlie ensuing year. PH1LADBLPHIA. PERFUMERY AND TOILET BEQUISITEB. Btudy, from a social point ot view, oi thegtruggloof anJ aiiionii whose members are Louis Blanc. The Administration and the Union The t JW ti 2D ' AMULJ. HAY'AKD.'Bocretary. well-know- Extracts, Fowders, Colovnes, Pomades, Toilet workingman. M. work will be Ledru llollm, Karl Itlind, and other Issue llelore the l'eople. ESLER & BROTHER, the Simon's perused HIERSTADTVS LA8T WORK "TORM IVaters, Bhavlng Cieama, Cosmetlquei, Tooth Pastes chiels of the progressive party. This Committee From the Jlera'd. IN TUB BOCK Y MOUNTAINS"-no- With pleasure by those who take an interest iu the w oa WOOD MOULDINGS, BE4CKETS, STaIB BALUS-TEH- 8, uub inaae ereai anu incessant euorts to promote There was a very important and opportune Uy permlMion of the At!nt. lor the Benefit ol Brushes, e Hm co operative movement now going on In Franco, political education in the several countries of the M.hicoln Instliuilon and oldler' and Wal'ors' JiEWKL POSTS, GEJSEBAL TUfiMNG, Europe, meeting at Hartford the other day of "promi Oriibkn Boys' Home," at WENDEKOTH. TAYLOR BtKOLL WOKK.ETO. NAVY TOBACCO DOS OlOVANNl" IN PARIS. and to strenethen the belief in the HI! and UU REAR-ADMIRA- liHO".N'f. No. C'HENUr Street, lor ouo 6BELTIKG rLANED TO ORDER. L NAVY TOBACCO. taste for music of a high Is making great superiority of republican institutions. nent memberB of tho Republican or Union party B.out only. The order 1 L NAVY TOBACCO. During our late war, the cause of a free Union friendly to Beam.'n itckat.arw cinme Ticket. V cents. 4 21 Im The argrst assortment ot Wood Uouldingt In this city progress in France, and more especially the national policy developed by SUGAR-CUBE- D. in Faris. on BLACK-FA- T AND had nowhera In Europe warmer Mends than I IF" eointantly hand. 4 17 3m capo d'opera, Don President Johnson," no one being ilVk'irK. - THU- - . ntK SrOAH-CURE- Mozart's Giovanni, or, as it it among the leaders expected to tinnniiaja.laavj ,1 vvrd&j . BLACK-FA- T AND ol the republican party. AMD NAVIGATION COWPanY. called here and in German v, Don Juan, has Junt boeu They fully tealized participate In the meeting who did not & BLACK-FA- T AND SUGAR-CURE- the immense Importance Btipport 1 " April XI. IIWO- - ROBERT SHOEMAKER CO., put on the stage of the, Grand Opera in a manner which the issue of our contlict must have lor the the Government during the late Rebellion and The IStaM Annual Meeting of the Stooktiolder of BEST IN THE WORLD. future ol republicanism thu Company will be buhl at the Board ot Trade TH WORLD. surpassing anything yet attempted at Arade- - in Europe. They wore ; BEST IN tar the so as we know, the Union ticket in the recent State election. HoonivJk liort ! side of CHEHNITT Street above Firth WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, tnie I'Imperial dt Musique, The success lar without a solitary exce- The resolutions and adopted ou li'i,. A MOUSING, the day ot May next, at BEST IN IHE WORLD. has been ptionenthusiastic the address under )u.'i' champions of the abolition restrictions leading lu "'clock, alter whichlt au eleciion will be MANUFACTURERS, FKKE FROM STEMS. immense, and crowds are nightly turned away from of elavery the these embrace these points; iu ,tu tor omvers or ior and restoration of A tue voinpauy ' FROM STEMS. the Union. Immediate II...'"i.fii- -- a a . 1 I. .. .. F FREE This favorite opera will iThe admission into Congress of loyal u..l 10 1 vi - the doors. not rest borf; is From the restoration of the great American ' .iGvuuu uiue ai IMPORTERS, FROM STEMS members from the lately rebellious i.' . FREE be given at the Theatre Lyrique. republic the republicans of Btats; the .. Kill shortly The Europe expect the iiAiiLS p. cox, president , DEAN, No. UCIIEqrUT Street, lasting recognition of the rights of said States as mem- AND tm dit is that the mite en scene at the second French most powerful and Influence upon the ELiCTION DEALERS IN ' Dea'er In Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, Kto , progress of liberal principles In bers of the Union? the repudiation of the idea NOTICE. THE ANNUAL General opera will be even superior to that of the Hue Europe. They that they are hostile proviuoes wrested itieoitii ofthe Stockholders of ibe Central l'at-- Sole Agency for the above Celebrated Navy are1 of opinion a closer union be- from a has the tier. that between torelun power; and abiding tnith In the p o' rue oityoi rniiaQ pui, 1 fell lievers in popular sovereignty and policy of bi i.datlhaottleeotiir, the Coumany. Ho. 2KI nouih Paints, Varnishes, ana Oils, Tobacco. republican Andrew Johnson. Hti OFFICEB TO BENT, In MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. institutions could not fail greatly to promote PhllaUolohlu. on MONDAY. May 7th. FORTY the United State a erood cemes mww.o u, 1, o m., , company shipbuilders for tho Med I This is movement, and It from HTwi .1. ku H 'Clou lor luf Hotel Building. Apply at DEAN 8 The new of the advance of the common cause tn Old UI1 No. 201 NORTH tho the right quarter aud goes in the right direc- liuiiiuiw' '"B oiuuih BIX JJirnutt'in. w FOURTH STREET, Cigar lorrautan has just constructed its first steamboat for World. They are sudlciently acquainted with I or the u lug"...year. L. J. CUANS, Becmtary Tobacco and Store, tion. It comes irom the Union party of the Apif 12I.1S4. .- - 4 2tui7 4163ml K. E. CORNEB OF EACE, jlttlmrp No. ill uHEeNUT Street. . . 1