Rcpublika ng Pilipinss KACAWARAN NG EDUKASYON it)l:,,1r; rrl :tr r''::.!.i)i I 1 lr:r. Dg"PEP DcpEd Co'.plc!, iq{llco ]\.\ cn(, Porie ( n} Tanggapan nE Pa.q€la$€ng rsihm Olfice of lhe Undersocrelary f"r R"qio""l Op€ration February 15 2013 !JE!JORANDUM TO ALL REGIONAL DIRECTORS ALL SCHOOLS DIVISION SUPERINTENDENTS ALL SCHOOL HEADS ALL OftEFS CONCERNED . /L-..., FRO[N / RIZAL}4O D. RIVEBA i undersricaetary RE Adoplion of N,4odules on the 1986 EDSA People Polver Revoluijon ln addiL on kl the L,tnnumbeted memorandum daled February 4. 2013 on th€ commerioralion of the 27r" EOSA People Power Revolr.ilion on tho week ot February 17-23.2013," all schools are directed lo use the atlached modules in their respective classes to increase the awareness of ow leamers on lhis hisloric evont. For rmmedrale actron and drssern'nal,on. DEPARTMEN- 1- FNLJCATSN PF6lo' \zui\ '-'tl! li.ir1l *d 4''1 a DOC Sl ]ltt!ilik. n!: Iiit;riras K{GA'I{.\RAN Nt; IDtI K,\SYON itr.),\111.:r.,\t 11 i,tt 1r )\ t FphrR IllBSapanlx PaEa alrE.B Knlitim okelt rirer 63?720f, 637$207 otlite ol lhe Unde6e.retary Fat : 63l{492 for Rqio.n I Opa'ratior6 EnEil ad*css:
[email protected] 4lebruary 2013 MEMORANDUM: FOR: ALLREGIONAL OFFICES ALL DIVISlON OFFICES FROM: Un R]ZALINO D. RiVERA SUB]ECT: COMMEMORATION OF 27TH EDSA PEOPLE PowER REVoLUTIoN ON THEWEEK OF FEBRUARY 17.23,20]3 Presidential Proclamation No. 224 rnandates ihe commemoration of E)SA people po\rer Revolution.