UCL INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY ARCL0133: Themes, Thought and Theory in World Archaeology: Foundations 2018-19: Term I MA Core Module (15 credits) Turnitin Class ID: 3885535 Turnitin Password: IoA1819 Deadlines for coursework: essay 1: 30/11/18; essay 2: 28/01/19. Target dates for return of marked coursework: 7/01/19, 25/02/19. Co-ordinator: Prof. Todd Whitelaw
[email protected] Office 207, Tel 020 7679 7534 Office hours: stop-in if door is open, or e-mail to arrange an appointment. Please see the last page of this document for important information about coursework submission and marking procedures, or links to the relevant webpages. 1. OVERVIEW Short Description This module provides an intensive graduate-level introduction to archaeological theory and archaeological interpretation, as well as a global perspective on the discipline. Set readings will be used to review the modern history of archaeological ideas, and to explore and evaluate the major interpretative frameworks developed by different schools of archaeological thought and the range of approaches pursued in studying the archaeological record, material culture, social behaviour and long-term cultural change. This handbook contains basic information about the content and administration of this module. If you have questions about the organisation, objectives, structure, content or assessment of the module, please consult the Module Co-ordinator. Further important information, relating to all modules at the Institute of Archaeology, is to be found on the IoA website, in the general MA/MSc handbook, and in your degree handbook. It is your responsibility to read and act on this information.