Press Kit , 5.6.19 ha Betonfläche über frühererüber Betonfläche ha 5 , 13 , © André Kirchner, Repro: Anja Elisabeth Witte 94 / 1993 André Kirchner, Süd, Dreilinden, Grenzkontrollpunkt ehem. Süd, Drewitz, André Kirchner, Müllkippe. Aus der Serie: Stadtrand Berlin André Kirchner Berlin: The City’s Edge 1993/94 23.5. – 29.7.19 Contents Press release André Kirchner P. 1 Biography P. 3 Exhibition text P. 5 Handout P. 6 Exhibition catalogue P. 9 Press images P. 10 Press Release Berlin, 29.5.19

No beginning and no end 30 years after the Berlin Wall came down, a distinc- tive set of photographs from the Berlinische Galerie’s collection will be on show for the first time. Between 1993 and 1994, in his series “Berlin: The City’s Edge”, photographer André Kirchner captured traces of recent history in the surrounding March of Branden- burg, in particular the turbulent changes underway four years after the Wall fell. André Kirchner, Süd, Schönefeld, nicht kartierte Grenzstraße vor Rudow. The geographical starting-point for his Aus der Serie: Stadtrand Berlin 1993/94, © André Kirchner, Repro: Anja Elisabeth Witte series was the former border checkpoint at Drewitz. Within a year, working his way slowly in an anti-clock- André wise direction, he reached Glienicke Bridge on the other side of . These 60 shots construct a view of the periphery of Greater Berlin as defined in Kirchner 1920, when the city absorbed several outlying com- munities. That 234-kilometre edge corresponds more Berlin: The City’s Edge or less to Berlin’s current footprint. Contrary to the custom in classical urban 1993/94 photography, Kirchner consistently turned his pan- oramic lens from the outside inwards. The black- 23.5. – 29.7.19 and-white 24 x 50 cm prints reveal surprisingly open expanses of landscape with housing estates, for- ests, fields, water, industrial and military sites, and all Press conference kinds of utilitarian infrastructure. Wed 5.6.19, 11 am The vestiges of civilisation in these pic- tures speak of the region’s history over the last 150 Artist Talk years, from the architecture born of Germany’s first Wed 5.6.19, 6 pm unification in the late19 th century and the technical achievements of that era to major and minor symp- toms of upheaval in the early 1990s. At the same time, this austere terrain conveys a sense of the habitat whose condition still exerts its influence on the urban fabric, for all the marks of globalisation. These photographs reveal signs of a social interregnum: traces of decay and vandalism, but also the first seemingly timid billboards and the new shopping malls on the horizon. Much of the reality witnessed here in the suburbs and hinterland of Berlin has already van- ished, displaced by roads, residential estates and retail outlets. For André Kirchner the panoramic cam- era was the tool of choice, offering narrative poten- tial in response to universal curiosity and excitement during a period marked by political, social and cul- tural transformation.

1 Exhibition catalogue Contact Hartmann Books, 152 pages, 60 images, Ger/Engl Museum edition: 24,80 € Berlinische Galerie ISBN: 978-3-940208-60-6 Book trade edition: 34,00 € Ulrike Andres ISBN: 978-3-96070-034-0 Head of Communication and Education Tel +49 30 78 902 829 Press images [email protected] press-images-andre-kirchner/ Contact: Ulrike Schuhose Online tickets Tel +49 30 78 902 833 [email protected]

Social Media Berlinische Galerie #stadtrandberlin Berlin’s Museum of Modern Art, #berlinischegalerie Photography and Architecture Alte Jakobstraße 124 –128 10969 Berlin Tel +49 030 78 902 600

Admission 10 €, concessions 7 € Daily 10 am – 6 pm

Press conference Accreditation

You are warmly invited to the press conference on Wednesday, 5.6. at 11 am.

Please email your accreditation details by 3.6. to: [email protected]

2 2017 1997 Biography Bahnbogen 22 bis 79, Gleisdreieck SCHWEBENDE LASTEN, solo Berlin 1964 und 2014, exhibition exhibition; Städtische Galerie André Kirchner with Janos Frecot; Haus am Kleist- [Palais Stutterheim], Erlangen. park, Berlin. - Born in Erlangen in 1958. 1995 - Studied classical philology and 2015 BERLIN MITTE ZENTRIFUGAL, history in Munich and Berlin. Atelier Kirchner, Exhibition; Kirch- exhibition: “Über die Großen - 1981 moved to Berlin and began ner’s studio in Berlin opens as a Städte”; Akademiegalerie im Mar- urban photography. project space for photography stall, Berlin. Project and catalogue; - 1984/85 attended the exhibitions. NGBK [neue Gesellschaft für Photography Workshop in bildende Kunst], Berlin. Kreuzberg. 2013 - Freelance photographer and Mitteilungen aus der Dunkelkam- 1992 writer since 1986 with a focus mer, Essay for Janos Frecot’s NACHT BERLIN-MITTE 1990, exhi- on city documentation and book “Die Jahre mit der Kamera – bition: “Jahreslabor”; Berlin architectural photography; has his Berlin 1964 bis 1966”; Nicolai Ver- [Berlinische Galerie, Martin-Gro- own black and white laboratory lag, Berlin. pius-Bau]. Catalogue of photogra- and a project space for exhibitions. phers on public grants from Berlin. - Lives and works in Schöneberg 2012 (Berlin). 30 Jahre Stadtfotografie Ber- 1990 lin – 1981 bis 2011, solo exhibition; RÜCKBAUTEN (Berliner Ecken Public collections (selection): Galerie im Rathaus Tempelhof & 1988/89), Photographic notes on Tempelhofmuseum, Berlin. the phenomenon of missing cor- - Albertina, Vienna ner buildings in , exhi- - Berlinische Galerie, Berlin 2009 bition section; Haus am Kleistpark, - Kupferstich-Kabinett, Dresden OFFENER HIMMEL BERLIN 1990, Berlin. - Lenbachhaus, Munich contribution to an exhibition on the - Museen der Stadt Bamberg 20th anniversary of the fall of the 1986 - Museum für Fotografie, Berlin Berlin Wall; Liebermannhaus, Ber- HIER UND DORT, first solo exhibi- - Die Neue Sammlung, Munich lin. In house catalogue: “Szenen tion; Galerie im Körnerpark, Berlin. - Staatliche Galerie Moritzburg, und Spuren eines Falls”. Halle Monographs: - Staatsgalerie Stuttgart East - Zu Protokoll. Group exhibi- - Stadtmuseum Berlin tion; Museum der Bildenden Kün- 2019 - Städtische Sammlung und ste, Leipzig. Catalogue with the Stadtrand Berlin / The City’s Edge Kunstmuseum Erlangen same title; Steidl Verlag, Göttingen. 1993/1994. Exhibition catalogue; Berlinische Galerie, Hartmann 2007 Projects, Stuttgart. Exhibitions, publications and BAUKÖRPER, exhibition: “Blicke, funding (selection): Passanten. 1930 bis Heute Neuer- 2018 werbungen”; Albertina, Vienna. Die West-Berliner Jahre – Foto- 2019 grafien von1981 bis 1990. Exhi- STADTRAND BERLIN 1993/94, 2004 bition catalogue; Edition Braus, Solo exhibition, Berlinische ERFRISCHUNGEN, solo exhibition; Berlin. [Funded by the Senate Galerie, Berlin. Galerie Pernkopf, Berlin. Department of Culture, Berlin]

2018 2002 2012 Die West-Berliner Jahre – 1981 bis BERLINER MEISTERWERKE, solo Schauplatz Berlin – Der Aufbau 1990, Solo exhibition during the 8th exhibition; Galerie Pernkopf, Berlin. der Neuen Mitte. Nicolai Verlag, European Month of Photography; Berlin. Haus am Kleistpark, Berlin.

3 2000 Dresdner Kampagne – Tagebuch des Fotografen. Verlag der Kunst, Dresden & Amsterdam.

1986 Hier und Dort. Europäische Stadt- landschaften und gesammelte Materialien zur Geschichte der modernen Fotografie. Exhibition catalogue; self-published.

4 Exhibition text

When photographer André Kirchner created his series “Berlin: The City’s Edge” between 1993 and 1994, he captured traces of recent history in the sur- rounding March of Brandenburg, in particular the tur- bulent changes underway four years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. His geographical starting-point was the former border checkpoint at Drewitz. Within a year Kirchner had worked his way anti-clockwise to Glien- icker Bridge near Potsdam. These 60 shots construct a view of the boundary of Greater Berlin as defined in 1920, after the city absorbed several outlying com- munities. That 234-kilometre edge corresponds more or less to Berlin’s current footprint. André Kirchner turns his panoramic lens each time from the hinter- land towards the city, and these images record the broad open landscapes along the urban periphery. We see not only vestiges of civilisation from the past 150 years but also symptoms of social transition. André Kirchner chose the panorama, a format with narrative potential, in response to the uni- versal curiosity and excitement about that period of political, social and cultural upheaval. In terms of both its thematic intention and its aesthetic imple- mentation, “The City’s Edge” invites arrangement as a 360° spectacle. The presentation is reminiscent, if remotely, of the 19th-century pursuit of panorama paintings and dioramas.

5 07 16 André South, Kleinziethen, fields east of South, Schönefeld, former check- Lichtenrade point on Waltersdorfer Chaussee, -> North West toward Altglienicke Kirchner -> North East 08 Berlin: South, Grossziethen, moor, The City’s Edge towards Rudow 17 ->North West South, Schönefelder Chaussee 1993/94 ->North West 09 23.5.–29.7.19 South, Grossziethen, Rudower 18 Chaussee South, Waltersdorf, Bohnsdorfer -> North Weg west of the Dresden highway, 01 toward the shopping center at the In the south of Berlin (abbreviated: north end of the village south) Dreilinden, former Check- 10 -> North East South, Grossziethen, development point Drewitz, 13.5 hectares of land near Buckow concrete over a former garbage -> North 19 dump, facing north-east East, “Berlin’s Switzerland” in the -> North East Gosen Hills on Seddinsee, former 11 training center for the foreign intel- South, Wassmannsdorf, sewage 02 ligence arm of the Ministry of State works, settlement, and sewage South, Dreilinden, south transit Security (“Stasi”) farm south of Grossziethen hall before demolition to make way -> East -> North East for the office and technology zone “Europarc Dreilinden” 20 -> North West 12 East, Gosen, former Stasi radio South, Schönefeld, abandoned headquarters later converted into building land near Rudow 03 “Müggelpark” commercial centre -> North East South, Dreilinden, checkpoint -> East complex east of the highway -> North East 13 21 South, Schönefeld, unmapped East, Gosen, former Stasi radio border road near Rudow 04 headquarters on Storkower -> North West South, Grossbeeren, battle site Strasse, conservation area in the and monument west of the town floodplain of the river Spree ->North 14 -> West South, Schönefeld, bridge foun- 05 dations by the former checkpoint 22 near Rudow South, Birkholz, sewage farm near East, Rüdersdorf, viaduct for -> North East Lichtenrade Berlin’s beltway -> North West -> North West 15 06 South, Schönefeld, pond north of the station South, road from Rangsdorf to -> North West Grossmachnow -> North East towards B96

6 23 31 40 East, Rüdersdorf, view from the East, Eiche, city boundary and North, Mühlenbeck, garden allot- road toward Tasdorf with the canal hill of rubble near Marzahn on the ments at the east end of town by port used by feed phosphate pro- river Wuhle the beltway ducer Rükana and ruins of the res- -> West -> North West taurant “Zum Schwarzen Adler” -> East 32 41 East, Marzahn, the end of Wuhle- North, Lübars, the Prussian army 24 talstrasse road by the housing development East, Rüdersdorf, north side of the -> West Märkisches Viertel shaft furnaces for the lime works -> South -> South East 33 East, Marzahn, Falkenberg, river 42 25 Wuhle and Hellersdorfer Weg North, StoIpe village, former feu- East, Dahlwitz, “dining and leisure -> North East dal manor on the road to Hohen- venue” in a stately home once built Neuendorf, later a municipal farm, for the Von Tresckow family 34 ruins of the pig-breeding unit -> South East East, Hohenschönhausen, tram -> West loop, Wartenberg 26 -> North West 43 East, Hellersdorf, empty guest- North, Stolpe village, retaining house on Mahlsdorfer Strasse 35 walls for silage on the abandoned near Hönow East, Hohenschönhausen, city municipal farm on Tegeler Weg, -> South East boundary at Ahrensfelde built from the same concrete seg- -> North West ments as the Berlin Wall, which 27 once stood a few hundred East, Biesdorf-Nord, on the River 36 yards from here -> North Wuhle, derelict remains of a new North, Karow, former manor estate hospital extension on Bucher Strasse -> West -> South East 44 North, Stolpe village, traces of a 28 37 building in the former border strip East, Marzahn, the river Wuhle North, Buch, housing develop- near Frohnau passes new housing in Hellersdorf ment on Karower Chaussee out- -> North West -> North side the beltway -> South West 45 29 North, Stolpe, former checkpoint East, Marzahn, tram depot on 38 on the east side of the Hamburg Landsberger Allee North, granary on the former highway -> North municipal farm at Hobrechtsfelde -> South West by the city boundary 30 -> North East 46 East, Eiche Süd A, building land, North, Stolpe-Süd, foundations of toward Falkenberg (Marzahn) 39 a suburban rail bridge in the for- -> North West North, Mühlenbeck, sewage farm mer border strip near and treatment unit at Schönerlinde Heiligensee on the beltway -> North West -> East

7 47 55 North, banks of the River in West, Staaken, former border strip , damaged suburban on Hauptstrasse rail bridge -> North East -> South West 56 West, Staaken, Fort Hahneberg, 48 now secured against further West, Hennigsdorf, land spit destruction along with sections of between the Havel Canal and the former border fortifications Nieder-Neuendorfer See, former -> South waterway checkpoint -> North East 57 West, Engelsfelde, park on the 49 rubble hill Hahneberg and Wein- West, Hennigsdorf, Spandauer bergshöhe estate on the city Allee, bridge over the Havel Canal boundary -> South East -> North 50 58 West, Nieder-Neuendorf, border West, Gross-Glienicke, former strip and traces of the Berlin Wall Russian military site on Döberitzer on the bank of the river Havel near Heide, north of Krampnitz on Heiligensee Potsdamer Chaussee -> South West -> North 51 59 West, Falkensee, ammunition bun- West, Babelsberg, Klein-GIien- ker, garbage dump, and new icke, former border strip on Grieb- Herlitz offices near Albrechtshof nitzsee -> North East -> North West 52 60 West, Dallgow, derelict inn on West, Potsdam, Berliner Vorstadt, highway B5 Glienicke Bridge, former “Bridge -> North East of Unity” checkpoint -> North East 53 West, Staaken, industrial zone on the former airfield -> North West 54 West, Staaken, school on Feld- strasse in the former border strip off Nennhauser Damm -> North East

8 To mark the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, this book premieres the series “Stadtrand Ber- lin” (Berlin: The City’s Edge) by André Kirchner (*1958), acclaimed Berlin documentary photographer who took the pictures of the then reunited city along its historical border between 1993 and 1994. Kirchner chose a perspective looking inwards on the city from outside. The geographical starting-point was the for- mer border crossing at Drewitz. Moving anti-clockwise, within a year he reached Glienicker Brücke, a bridge on the other side of Potsdam. The 60 single exposures construct a view of the periphery of Greater Berlin within the 234-km boundary defined in1920 , when other parishes were absorbed into the city, which corresponds roughly to its current footprint. The documentary series features not only relics of the Berlin Wall but also farmsteads indicat- ing a rural lifestyle, long avenues, factory ruins left Exhibition behind by advancing 20th-century industrialisation, and modern-day satellite communities. Kirchner’s quiet panoramas subtly expose traces of 100 years of catalogue urban history in a last moment of silence before the rapid post-reunification developments would change André Kirchner these places forever.

Published on the occasion of the exhibition “André Kirchner. Berlin: The City’s Edge 1993/94” Editors Thomas Köhler and Ulrich Domröse

Publisher Hartmann Books

Authors Ulrich Domröse

Format 21,7 × 28 cm

Pages and Illustrations 152 pages ca. 70 Duplex illustrations

Languages German and English

ISBN and Price 978-3-940208-60-6 (Museum Edition), 24,80€ 978-3-96070-034-0 (Book Trade Edition), 34,00€

9 Press Images Ausstellungstitel

André Kirchner, Nord, Lübars, Am Alten Bernauer Heerweg vor dem Märkischen Viertel. Aus der Serie: Stadtrand Berlin 1993/94, © André Kirchner, Repro: Anja Elisabeth Witte

André Kirchner, Ost, Hellersdorf, leerstehender Gasthof an der Mahlsdorfer Straße vor Hönow. Aus der Serie: Stadtrand Berlin 1993/94, © André Kirchner, Repro: Anja Elisabeth Witte

André Kirchner, Süd, Dreilinden, ehem. Grenzkontrollpunkt Drewitz, 13,5 ha Betonfläche über früherer Müllkippe. Aus der Serie: Stadtrand Berlin 1993/94, © André Kirchner, Repro: Anja Elisabeth Witte

10 André Kirchner,Süd, Großziethen, an der Rudower Chaussee. Aus der Serie: Stadtrand Berlin 1993/94, © André Kirchner, Repro: Anja Elisabeth Witte

André Kirchner,Süd, Großziethen, Bauerwartungsland vor Buckow. Aus der Serie: Stadtrand Berlin 1993/94, © André Kirchner, Repro: Anja Elisabeth Witte

André Kirchner, Süd, Kleinziethen, Felder östlich von Lichtenrade. Aus der Serie: Stadtrand Berlin 1993/94, © André Kirchner, Repro: Anja Elisabeth Witte

11 André Kirchner, Süd, Schönefeld, ehem. Grenzkontrollpunkt an der Waltersdorfer Chaussee, Blick nach Altglienicke. Aus der Serie: Stadtrand Berlin 1993/94, © André Kirchner, Repro: Anja Elisabeth Witte

André Kirchner, Süd, Schönefeld, nicht kartierte Grenzstraße vor Rudow. Aus der Serie: Stadtrand Berlin 1993/94, © André Kirchner, Repro: Anja Elisabeth Witte

André Kirchner, Süd, Schönefeld, Teich nördlich des Bahnhofs. Aus der Serie: Stadtrand Berlin 1993/94, © André Kirchner, Repro: Anja Elisabeth Witte

12 André Kirchner, West, Dallgow, ruinierter Gasthof an der B5. Aus der Serie: Stadtrand Berlin 1993/94, © André Kirchner, Repro: Anja Elisabeth Witte

André Kirchner, West, Falkensee, Munitionsbunker, Müllkippe und neue Herlitz-Zentrale vor Albrechtshof. Aus der Serie: Stadtrand Berlin 1993/94, © André Kirchner, Repro: Anja Elisabeth Witte

André Kirchner, West, Potsdam, Berliner Vorstadt, Glienicker Brücke, ehem. Kontrollpunkt »Brücke der Einheit«. Aus der Serie: Stadtrand Berlin 1993/94, © André Kirchner, Repro: Anja Elisabeth Witte


Contact Berlinische Galerie

Ulrike Andres Head of Communication and Education Tel +49 030 78 902 829 [email protected]

Contact: Ulrike Schuhose Tel +49 030 78 902 833 [email protected]

Berlinische Galerie Berlin’s Museum of Modern Art, Photography and Architecture Alte Jakobstraße 124 –128 10969 Berlin Tel +49 030 78 902 600