Israeli industrial centers in the Occupied by June 1967, annexed 1981 (Israel is the only country that recognizes the annexation) *Known to be exported to Europe. Mt Hermon LEBANON For some of these settlement companies, European markets provide a substantial part UN Disengagement of their revenues. Eden Springs, for instance, Observer report that European sales account for 20% Forces of its profits. Kfar Harum Water-supply Products UNDOF states that Europe is its largest market. (established 1974) Golan Wines are found in Belgium: Le Cellier & Epicure Bental electric generators France: Ecouffes Alimentation Germany: A&L Aviv GmbH The Netherlands: Hema S UK: Harrods, Selfridges I Y S R R I A A E Eden Springs Ltd mineral water* Golan Dairy Products L Golan Wines* Aniam Golan Cheeses Ramat Hagolan Dairy Yarden Wines* Benda Plast food wrapping Israeli agricultural and industrial centers in the Gaza Strip with list of products

Israeli economic centers in the Gaza Strip Sea Alei Sinai of Alei Sinai lettuce Galilee Kfar Harum Water-supply products* Mediterranean Mapal Plastic Sea GAZA Products* desktop items JORDAN Cherry Tomatoes* Netzarim

Gush Katif settlement block: ISRAEL Negev Yam Chemicals detergents Bio-Top Organic Cherry Tomatoes* Cherry Tomatoes on the Vine* if Bio-Top Organic Cucumbers* t Organic Bell Pepers* Ka Dana Cherries* ush G KHAN YUNIS * Exported to Europe. Found in the Netherlands, UK and France. Cherry tomatoes grown in the Gaza Strip E RAFAH settlement blocks account for ca 45% of Israel's G cherry tomato exports to the EU. Like agricultural Y products from Israel, they are marketed P by Agrexco under its Carmel label. T