Doorman John J. Dawson, from Forty-first Precinct to Tenth Precinct. Probationary 1)oorman James M. Barrett, appointed full Doorman, .vas assigned to duty in SD,enty-sixth Precinct. Roundsman James P. McCoy, from Seventeenth Precinct to Thirty-second Precinct. Richard Quilty, from Nineteenth Precinct to Seventh Precinct. Martin J. Regan, front Thirty-second Precinct to Seventeenth i recinct. " James Hearn, from Seventh Precinct to Nineteenth Precinct. Patrolman George W. Krowsl, front Eleventh Precinct to'I'uenty-sixth Precinct. ., Godfrey Ifeidenreich, from Nineteenth Precinct to Thirty-fifth Preciiici. " John J. Hughes, from Thirteen It Precinct to Fiftieth Precinct. . Charles Genuershaun, from Sixth Precinct to Sixtieth Precinct. '. Micltael Butler, from 'Phirteentlt Precinct to F-M ty-fourth Precinct. Joseph Murphy, from Forty-fourth Precinct to 5eN enty-second Precinct. Frank "I'erpining, from Thirty-fifth Precinct to Nineteenth Precinct. James McLnerney, Irons Second Precinct to Fifty-fifth Precinct. " John McGrath, from Fifth Precinct to Forty-third Precinct. Godwin J. Brophy, from Filth Precinct to Fifty-filth Precinct. " John Deitrich, from Twenty-second Precinct to Sixty-fourth Pict inct. Precinct Detective Adolph C. Alayer. Sixty-second Precinct, remanded to patrol and trans- POLICE DEPARTMENT. ferred to Seventy-first Precinct. Patrolman Frank Farrell, Sixty-second Precinct, assigned to duty as Precinct Detective.

At a meeting of the Police Board of the Police Department of The City of New Vork, held opposite their respective names : on the 27th day of September, I9co. Frank P. Sheridan, Fifth Precinct. Present —Commissioners York (President), Hess and Abell. Cornelius F. Cah:tlanc, Second Precinct. The minutes of September 20 were read and approved. G(v rge C. Baneker, Seventh PrecincI. " LEAVE OF ABSENCE WAS GRANTED '1U Stewart E. I)e1Vitt, Thirteenth Precinct. Frame C. Bohnsrn, Fifteenth Precinct. John C. Coughlin, Clerk, fourteen days, with pay, vacation. \Vm.F. Herne, Sixteenth Precinct. Captain Richard T. Hickman, Fifty-second Precinct, twenty days, with pay, vacation Joweph W. Shields, Eighteenth Precis, I. Patrolman John A. Underwood, Sixteenth Precinct, fifteen days, if pay is released. William C. l.titchie, Nineteenth Precinu. William 1I. Michaels, Tstenty-second Precinct, thirty days, half pay, sick. Flu lyd (. Mullin, "r%tentictii Prcciuct. Francis Kavanagh, Bicycle Squad, thirty days, half pay, sick. Edward J. -Norton, Ttecuty-first Precinct. illichacl J. Dlauu, 'r%i t•ttty-,ccond Precinct. THE FOLLOWING MASK BALL PERMIT WAS GRANTED : Ezekiel Keller, Tnruty-second Precinct. M. Schciser, at Tammany Hall, September 29, fee S25. Janes T. MciMlahon, Twcnty-c`ghth Precinct. John El ten ich, Jr., '1'l(irt)•-tittli Precinct. REPORTS, E'rC., ORDERED ON FILE. Thomas E. Ro.itcr, Sixth-sccuntl'I'rccinct. Chief of Police —Leaves of absence under the rule. Matthew T. McNamara, lort%--.t•vt-ntIt I'n•eiitct. Board of Surgeons—On examination of Doorman Patrick Roan, Thirty-seventh Precinct. Michael T. Ahearn, Fiftlt Precinct. Comptroller—Asking statement of amounts deposited as security on proposals. Martin Mannix, Sixth Precinct. Contagious disease in family of Patrolman Tobias Glennon. Twenty-second Precinct Archie \Vilkinsnn, Ninth In-cu in Patrolman Daniel J. Sullivan, Thirty-third Precinct Patrolman Joseph Scott, Forty-second 1're- John Campion, Thittcenth Prccir... cinct ; Moorman Patrick I.. Delaney, Twenty-first Precinct. Herman L. Riiuglenan, Fiftet°- 1 ' ihtcirnct. Sergeant Egan—keporting purcha-e of three horses. Angust J. C. Kraot,, Eight.nth 1'tcmtct. Sergeant Egan—Reporting change of proprietor of place where horses of Eighteenth Pre- Frederick F. Diet rick, ,awteenth Prccinc, . cinct are shod. Daniel tifcGillcn, '1'' cOtleth Precinct. 1?clitor of the "Sun''—Acknowledgment. Louis T. \\'clgt, '1-wcnty-first l'rrcinct. 'Thomas J. Tillotson—Acknowledgment. Thomas J. Hickey, Tweniy-vecontl Precinct. 1Icrrntrn P. Faust—Acknowledgment and thank'-. Frederick D. Mays' Twenty-secotul Precinct. Paulist Father—Acknowledgment and thanks. Joseph B,ttier°`, 1 natty-fourth Precinct. District Attorney, Kings County—Commending Patrolmen John O'Connor and William Jot r,. 1arley, 'Thirtieth Precinct. Collins, Sixtieth Precinct. Stephen J. Donlon, Sixty-first Precinct. Sullivan & Krauss—Notice that Timothy F. Sullivan is not connected with their gnu. Denis McClun, Scvcuty-second Precinct. Roundsman Edward J. McGuire, from Nineteenth Precinct t, > S,,ventli Precinct. In,pector'Phompson--On complaint of J. W. Low, of Patrolman John T Carberry, Twenty- '. second Precinct. Richard Quilty, from Seventh Precinct to Nineteenth Precinct. Inspector Murphy—On complaint of Mr. and Mrs. Markey. of assault by Detective Skelly and Patrolman Patrick McCarthy, from Fifteenth Precinct to Thirty-sixth Precinct. Patrolman John M. Sangster, 'l'wenty-eighth Precinct. Daniel O'Neily, from Twenty-sixth Precinct to Pifteenth Precinct. Twelfth Precinct—On application of Louis Hein for delivery of twelve slot machines. The following Court Officers who were detailed in Nineteenth Precinct to arrest Leggars w ere Thirty-second Precinct—on complaint off;. Cuoco, of barber poles, Nos. 2270 and 2278 First assigned to duty arresting beggars in their respective court district-. avenue. John Ashlay, First Court. Forty-ninth Precinct—On complaint of A. Gus Aldridge, of boys, etc., shooting craps. Alexander fatten, First Court. Eightieth Precinct—Ou death of horse Blake, No. 209. Thomas Hayes, Second Court. Se;id Copies. Edward Darcy, Fifth Court. Michael Grady, Sixth Court. Inspector Cross—On complaint of Eugene Braun, of disturbance, No. 553 Grand street. Patrick Lavin, Seventh Court. Inspector Cross—On complaint of Miss S. I1. Douglas, of Patrolman John Ryan, Fourth Andrew Farretti, First Court. Precinct. Frank Flynn, Second Court. Inspector Thompson—()n complaint of Louis De Martini, of Patrolman John L. Sullivan, James Cutumisky, Fourth Court. Sixteenth Precinct. Herman Gehhardt, Fifth Court. Thirteenth Precinct — On complaint of R. Lewis, of gang of thieves. No. 244 Monroe street. Martin Keefe, Seventh Court. Filth, Seventh and Thirteenth Precincts—On complaint of Sarasohn & Co., for Jewish James Brennan, Third Court. residents, of persecution by Corlears Hook gang. Thirty-first Precinct—On complaint of James S. Hayes, of pool-roost No. 2269 Eighth avenue. The following Patrolmen who were detailed at public baths were remanded to patrol duty Thirty-first Precinct—On complaint of S. B. Cable, of horses at large, etc., One Hundred and and transferred. Forty--fourth street and Boulevard. Patrolman Harry Frcidenberg, from Second Precinct to Twenty-fourth Precinct, from liat- Forty-second Precinct—Of wages to Engineers, etc. To Corporation Counsel. tery Bath. Sixtieth Precinct—On complaint "Anonymous," of men and boys at Second street, near Thomas P. McCarthy. from Seventh Precinct to T%venty-first Precinct, from Union avenue. Market Street Bath. \Villiam Essig, from Seventh Precinct to Sixteenth Precinct, from Market Stn-. I COa1MuxICATIONs REFERRED TO THE TREASURER. Bath. Bond of Andrew J. Lalor, Property Clerk. " Thomas J. Lang, from Eighth Precinct to Eleventh Precinct, from Duane Strc t Agreement with 1. H. Spellman to furnish winter helmets. Bath. Application of Captain, Thirty-fourth Precinct, for change of horseshoer, was referred to the " Cornelius Callaghan, from Thirteenth Precinct to Fifteenth Prcofnet, from Cs- Cu,rtuuuee on Repairs and Supplies. leans Street Bath. .. Edward J.Clarson, from Seventeenth Precinct to Seventh Precinct, front AV,>; AtuLICA'ri Ns, ET( ., REFERRED TO THE CoatsIIT'rEE ON PENSIONS. Twentieth Street Bath. ct, from Vu Mrs. George E. Helme—Relative to her application for pension. James E. Mulligan, from Seventeenth Precinct to Eleventh I'r, cin Board of Surgeons—Certificates of disability in cases of Patrolman Bernard Wade, Nin th Twentieth Street Bath. '' l, from Eighteenth Precinct to Tttenty-second Precinct, horn East Precinct, and Patrolman Patrick Ryan, Eighty-first Precinct. Henry Steu Patrolman George Walker, Twenty-seventh Precinct—Application for retirement. Twentieth Street Bath. Patrolman Owen Ennis, Fifty-sixth Precinct—Application for retirement. " Jerome McDonough, from Eighteenth Pre.inct to Twenty-first Precinct, from Patrolman John Trenchard, Sixty-fourth Precinct—Application for retirement. East Twentieth Street Bath. Lucy Ilargrove, Emma M. Floeffling, Josephine Eagan, for pension. John Slowey, from Eighteenth Precinct to Twctriy-second Precinct, from East Twenty-fourth Street Bath. C0MSIUNICArIoNS REFERRED TO THE CHIEF CLERK TO ANSWER. '' Corporation Counsel—Answer in case Louis Zevin against Patrolman Patrick F. Kane. James Kennedy, from Eighteenth Precinct to Thirty-first Precinct, from Ea>t Miles Roy Malthie—Asking certain photographs. Twenty-fourth Street Bath. George W. Blakely—Asking appointment as Special Patrolman. " George H. Hathmaker, from Twenty-ninth Precinct to Twenty-sixth Precinct, R. L. McLaughlin—Asking certain specifications. from East One Hundred and Twelfth Street Bath. Benjamin Fagin—Asking application blank. George F. Read, from Twenty-ninth Precinct to Seventeenth Precinct, from East George W. Ray—Relative to application of Ezra N. Smith for appointment as Patrolman. One Hundred and Twelfth Street Bath. Communication from H. S. Pell relative to patrol wagons was referred to Sergeant O'Brien. James McLaughlin, from Thirty-fifth Precinct to 'Thirty-first Precinct, from East On recommendation of the Committee on Pensions the following applications were ordered One hundred and Thirty-sixth Street Bath. Frederick Wilder, from Thirty-fifth Precinct to Thirty-seventh Precinct, from on file : Patrolman Albert Werner, Sixth Precinct, for retirement. East One Hundred and Thirty-sixth Street Bath. Annie O. Mahoney, Rose Bulger, Mary F. Zundt, Caroline White, Mary T. Sullivan, Margaret Thomas McGoe, from Forty-fifth Precinct to Fiftieth Precinct, from Conover Dowling, Augustin Manee, for pension. Street Bath, . . Joseph D. Dunn, from Forty-fifth Precinct to Sixtieth Precinct, from Conover THE CHIEF OF POLICE REPORTED THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS, ETC.: Street Bath, Brooklyn. Patrolman Daniel D. Sullivan, from 'Twenty-fourth Precinct to Thirty-second Precinct. Samuel H. Ferguson, from Fiftieth Precinct to Sixty-third Precinct, from Bridge Louis Winters, Jr., from Ninth Precinct to Twentieth Precinct. Street Bath. John Heft, from Seventeenth Precinct to Tenth Precinct. William Donohue, from Sixtieth Precinct to Fifty-first Precinct, from North Sec- Philip Oppenheimer, from Thirtieth Precinct to Sixteenth Precinct. ond Street Bath. '' .. " Mat. J. Reilly, from Twentieth Precinct to Ninth Precinct. John Trenchard, from Sixty-first Precinct to Sixty-fourth Precinct, from Noble .. Charles W. Derkes, from Tenth Precinct to Seventeenth Precinct. Street Bath, Brooklyn. Sherman Bentley, from Thirty-second Precinct to Twenty-fourth Precinct. John Farrell, from Sixty-first Precinct to Fifty-fourth Precinct, from Noble Strict .. Tames R. O'Connor, from Seventy-first Precinct to Sixty-second Precinct. Bath, Brooklyn. .. I!norman Denis Hogan, from Twenty-eighth Precinct to Twenty-third Precinct. Dennis H.!1lurphy, front Forty-third Precinct to tixtirth Precinct, fri'm 1 rt - ,, Patrick Comerford, from Tenth Pre inet to Forty-first Precinct. third Stie t Rath, Brnoklsn. 6426 THE CITY RECORD. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1900.

Patrolman Michael t,)uinan~•, fr,rnt Forty-third Pn rind to Forty-eighth Precinct, from Forty- Rothenburg & Co.-Asking appointment of Thomas R. Eareckson as Special Patrolman. third Street Bath. Uroulavn. Tames D. Leary-Asking appointment of Henry McCormick as Special Patrolman. I.he following Patrolmen whoweer detailed at public baths were remanded to patrol duty Louis A. Phillips-Asking appointment of Max Guettich as Special Patrolman. in their respective prcclncts : Resolved, That the lollowring Patrolmen be and are hereby a~lvanccd in grade, their efiici- I'atr0Imcit Edward 1. Birk, ti,'con1 Precinct, front Battery Bath. eucy and conduct pacing been satisfactory : 1\1ic}tacl T. niilha11, Eighth Precinct, from Duane titra-t Bath. lulus 1t tine, Thirtecuth Precinct. from Corleats Street Bath. Tis Ftxsr GRAZE, t ROM gt,35o. '1'1tomas 1L IIac1 ett, 'I'wcuty-,ec, md Precinct, fruit West bitty-first Street Bath. Patrolman James K. Leonard, Sixty-fifth Precinct, September mt, 19c10. Frank Benny, Twenty-secnnd Precinct, from \V-,t Fifty-tir.;t Strvct Bath. John T. Collins, Sixty-seventh Precinct, September 9, 19()O, Charles D1c1Jonald, Ttiscnty-Ii uitlt Precinct, front last Fifty-beet Street Bath. Christopher \White, Seventy-fifth Precinct, September 7, 1900. \\illiam E. Sheehan, 1 alty-tourth Precinct, from Ea-t 1-tfty-first Street Bath. " James Cummings, Seventy-eighth Precinct, September 15, 1900. Chuma< Belly, Tncuty-sixth 1'recitut, from West higiIty. ac ti Street Bath. '` Joseph King, 1.iglttieth Precinct, September 6, 190o. Edward F. ]jelly, t'tt,•nty-sixth Precinct, from \Vest 1i htc-Secnud Street Bath. john W. }touter, Eightieth Precinct, September 20, 1900. l hn I`.nright. I'went'-iylrth Precinct, frmu last \inety-tirbt Street Bath. .. Stephen ticAvoy, Eightieth Precinct, September 16, I )Cr r. \\ illt,uu A. Gtr a. Twenty-eighth Precinct, finut East Ninety-test 'treat Bath. .Alexauder Simakoff, Tenement-house Squad, September 13, I _ xt. f1•onms S. Quiuu, Thirty-first 1'recimi, fntm West one Hundred and Ttrenty- ninth Street 11.,lh. TO 1'•IItsi GRADE. ]' tOM $1,3r5,. \\'illi:mt \lct:innk, "Chitty-fir's Precinct, Ernm \Ve,t ( stir I lundred and Twc uty- 1'atrt.lman Jame, Reilly, Twelfth Precinct, September 2t, I9 K). ninth Strut Bath. James Baker, Eighteenth Precinct, September 1, 1915,. •. Jatue> }\"all, Thirty-third Precinct, tiom \\'e-t One 1lund ed and Fifty-fifth Street James McLaughlin, Thirty-first Precinct, July t3 , 1951.( Rath. .. Heniv \1eCa tree . Fiftieth Pieciurt. I um Britlar Street Bath, Btuokly'n. To Stxuso GItnux-$I,35o. Patrick 1. t1a lden, Forty--fourth Precinct. fr tn rth Seared Street ];Seth, Patrolman O. I.. Zeigler. Twenty-eighth Precinct, September t t. 1,)00. l;rookicti. 'Che following Patrolmen who were detailed to duty at rec.eation piety were remanded to To SEcoND GRADE-51,300. patrol duty and transferred to precincts opposite their names. Patrolman James \L \Wilson, Fourth Precinct, September 15, 1900. Peir 43, North river, Edward Lukentan, from Ninth Precinct to Tenth Precinct. . Gottlieb G. 1-osatka, Twentieth Precinct, Septetuher 8, tr)co. Pier 43, North river, David \V'. Bath, from Ninth Precinct to I-:ighth Precinct. Edward T. \\'illigan, 't'w'enty-second Precinct, August 25, tgoo. Pier 43, Ilenry IIaN-erl:nmp, front \mth Precinct to Eighth Precinct. John F. !arrow, Twenty-second Precinct, September 5, tOoo. Pier foot East l itir ] street, Thomas Donoghue, from 1-ourteentlt Precinct to Twenty-fifth . Thomas 1. A]cAatnara, Thirty-third Precinct, August 4, tyro. I 'cc c net. john 1. Reilly, Eighty-first Precinct, August 28, 1900. pier foot East Third street, Thomas H. Fav, from 1 mrtcenth Precinct to Seventh Precinct. Pier foot East Third street, Charles E. Benjamin, front hour teeuth Precinct to Sixth Precinct. To TiiirD GRADE. Pier foot Last Twenty-fourth street, Thomas 1'. Crahan, !rom Eighteenth Precinct to 1'wrenty- Patrolman John J. Ilealey, Twenty-second Precinct, September q, tt)co. tir.t Precinct. Thins. F. Ryan, Seventy-fourth Precinct, August 31 1g0o. Pier foot East Twenty-fourth street, Edward t uinlan. from Eighteenth Precinct to Tw-enty- Michael Flaherty, Seventy-fifth Precinct, August 31, lOco. John Ca-stdy, Seventy-seventh Precinct, September 24, 19C0. fourth Precinct. .- Pier foot East Twenty'-fourth street. henry J. Smith, from Eighteenth Precinct to Twenty- Frederick Bliss, Seventy-eighth Precinct, .\ugust 31, I $x,. tuurth Precinct. To 1'OL'RTII GRADE. Pier foot West Fiftieth street, Daci,t iteadle, from Ttsenth-second Precinct to 1 wctttietlt Beech uct. Patrolman lames Carlin, Fifty-third Precinct, Septeniber 15, tyoo. Pier foot West Fiftieth street, James Hart, fr its Twenty-second Precinct to 'I wenty--fourth Jas. B. tStillwagon, Seventy-sixth Precinct, September 22, 1910. .. George tuimIM, t' event)-eighth Precinct, Septemher 21, rgoo. Precinct. Harry Post, Seventy-eighth Precinct, Scpiember 21, Igco, -est Fiftieth street, Michael Regan, fret Twenty-secoml Precinct to Thirtieth . Pier foot \\ Iiter Larkin, Seventy-11iutit Precinct, September r5, 19c0. Precinct. Resolved, 'That the Treasurer lie and is hereby directed to pad to Patrolman Ed and Sweeny, Veer foot \Vest Fiftietu street, john \'h\ oley, from Tenty-secondw Precinct to Thi rty-eighth Precinct. Thirty-seventh Precinct, the sum of $7.52, error in sick pay. Pier foot Y--,t One hundred and Ttceltth street, Michael McEntee, from Twenty-ninth On repott of the Auditor, it was I rect., ... Thirty-et .tt Precinct Resolve,}, That the following bills be approved and the 'Treasurer authorized to pay the Pier foot Last (tue .,,,udred and Twelfth street, Timotliv Culhanc, from T w-enty-ninth Precinct to Thirty-sec nd free.,.. same : Pier West One Hundred and )I '",tv Account Supplies, igoo- ,-ninth street. Tames Kennedy, from Thirty-first Precinct Cavanagh, horseshoeiug ...... ...... $52 50 Thirtieth Precinct. 'No.227S. \l. T. 7 00 Pier \\ est No. 2279. Thomas F. hallos, One hundred and 1\cent)' street, Edward L. Sheehan, from Thirty-first George tore, ...... Precinct to Seventh Precinct. No. 2250. 35 CO \o. 22211. A1. J. Gowen, ,...... 28 00 Pier Rest One HIundred and Twenty-ninth strac._ Michael 1L Sheehan, from Thirty-first VcDonald, " ...... t . t t t . t t 22 50 Precinct to &.ccond lrrecin(t. Ni. 2252. \}atthew• Edward Parker, ...... 36 on }'ter foot Metropolitan avenue, Charles A. Jackson, Ern,. Sktieth Precinct to Sixty-first No. 22S3. T. Daniel \Ward, .. .... .. ...... 1'reCiti Ct, No. 22S4.. 35 50 Bros, boarding horse...... ...... ...... .... 90 CO Pier foot Metropolitan avenue, Alfred A. \\ areham No. 2255. Ahrens , from Sixtieth Precinct to Sixty-first hor,es ...... 6o no Precinct. No 2286. Bernsteut & Lasker, boarding ...... 125 CO The following Patrolmen who were detailed at recreau-„ biers were remanded to patrol No. 22S7. F. F. Fleck, ...... ...... 30 00 Nut,. in their respective precincts. No. 2255. John A. Hartmann, ...... 80 00 I'rcr 43, North rner, John Lucie. Ninth Precinct. No. 2281). John Kelly, ...... ...... 60 on I'ter foot Eat Third street, Itrouklyn, John 1. Kuntz. Fourteenth Precinct. No. 2290. Sherman S 1ttare Stable, N. 2291. James A. Varian, a..ignee to hiss, Doerr ' Carroll florse Company, trier font East litentl-fu,rthi street. llenry -I lineman, la hteenth Precinct. . ...... 286 on Pier foot \Vrest F"ittre h street, Fre,lertck Goetzger, 'I'netty-.econd Precinct. hoarding hv ,rse.. .... . ...... No. 22)).). \\'etl, boarding hor,es ...... Co co I i r toot 1V-est Fiftieth street. Michael 1. Ahearn, Twentc-sea ,nit Precinct. .Sophie \u, 22)13. Mark \V. Cross Company, harness ...... ...... 50 00 trier foot West h"ittieth street. lohn Tulin, 'Itt'enty-seeond Precinct. 1. No.2:44• Consolidated Rubhcr Tire Company, rubber tires .... ...... 5o 00 I'ier toot West One IIundred and Twenty-ninth street, kgbert B. Beck, Tltirty-first Precinct. No. ...... 25 00 Pier foot East One Hundred and Tw-eitth street, Charles 11. I)inegard, Twenty-ninth I're- cinct. 0.229h. z25 co No. 2297, repairing tire...... 15o Pier foot \Vest One Hundred and Tttenty-ninth street, George T. Law, Thirty--first Precinct. Pier foot \\ et NO. 2298. ...... ..... 1 50 One 1lun,lred and Tnenty-ninth street, \\'ilfet A. Paa1ding, Thirty-first rubber tires ...... 25 00 Pre. net. No. 22(19. \ o. 2300. .' 5 CO Pier foot Metropolitan avenue, Brooklyn, William T. Cosgriff. Sixtieth Precinct. No. 2301. •• •. 5 00 Pier f. it Metropolitan avenue, Brooklyn, loin I. N'itzglbton, Sixtieth Precinct. repairing tires ...... I 50 - No. 2302. , l'atlwitan Thomas 1. Hickey, from "1'w entc-second Precinct to Thirtieth Precinct. rubber tern ...... 25 00 Martin L. Toohev, troth Sixth Precinct to Seventy-ninth 1'rrctnct. -No. 230. No. 2304. Peters 'C Hein, cut ...... ...... S5 on Richard Hemny, from Seventy-ninrh Precinct to ixtlt Precinct. Hcnry H,,Izmau, Eighteenth Precinct, det aileil to duty at City Lo1lgiog-house. 1L, .:, ?,man Ed. J. McGuire, font Seventh Irreeirect to Tttenty-fir,t Precinct. $1,397 GO .. John 11. R. Ttlrr, frun Tnuutv.tir,,t Precinct to Seventh Precinct. Account Supplies, 19o0- t ...trolman Jacob Zerenner, from Txenty-E wet Precinct to 1 hirtietIt I'recnct. Martin Ii. Brown Company, printing poster, ...... No. 2305, .. .1 $47 00 Frank Turpem ng, front Nineteenth Precinct to Thirty-sixth Precinct. No. 2306...... t t . . t . . . t 35 on 1- - an Denis j ogan, frnu T lieu ty-third Precinct to Tocnty-eiglitIt Precinct. -No.2307, .. envelopes ...... ...... 12 00 Paul R. Talke, from Purtc -fit st Precinct to Twenty-third Precinct. 1o. 2308. binding return, ...... 24 00 Frank Fuchs. {nitre Y(eeritv-ei i. hth Precinct to Forts-first Precinct. - -I.a Abram Irwin. from Seven ty-seo,nd Precinct to Seventieth Precinct. No. 2310. ` StvIu, pen, etc . ...... 1 75 Edward T.O'P,rien, from Seventieth Precinct to Seventy-second Precinct. No. 231 t, • blanks and records ...... 101 00 1 C .an Daniel P. Denlev. from Fittteth Precinct to tiixn-ninth Precinct. No, 2312. .' paper, etc ...... ...... 7 75 James thca, from Sixty-cloth Precinct to Fiftieth I'rcemet. No. 2313. Manley .. ...... ...... r6 25 William II. Ilurle_y, from Sixtieth Precinct to Sevcnty.eighth Precinct. \0.231:1. 7 25 John M. t'ang,ter, from Seventy-eighth Precinct to Sixtieth ]hecinct. No. 2315. binding return. ...... ...... 24 co 1- homa- k' r.rv. from .event}'-fourth Precinct to teeenty-seventh Precinct. No. 231h. paper covers . ...... 6 75 R'bert J..\rm,trong, from -e euty-seventh Precinct to he%enty-fourth Precinct. i NO.2317. record blanks ...... ... 46 oo John T. Cnhlirv, from .iyt}-,esentl Precinct to Fifty-seventh Precinct. No. z3r8. '` license .. .. ...... ... Peter J. Mc.'.Ievey, troop :Seventy-fourth Precinct t„ Twcenty-second Precinct. No. 2319. printing posters ... ...... .. 44 CO Frederick C. Kliuch, from Seventy-second Precinct to Seventy-fourth Precinct. No. 2320. blank bonds ...... 7 50 George I. Iireiste~l, fnuu Fifty-seventh Precinct to Sixty-seventh Precinct, \)).2321. pencils, etc ...... 10 75 assigned to mounted duty. No. 2322. rubber bands ...... ...... 40 00 Timothy McAuliffe, from Seventy-third I'mcinct to Sixty-fourth Precinct, No. 2323. blanks ...... ...... 165 00 assigne, l to mounted duty. -No. 2324, record book ..... .... ...... I t 25 Patrick J. Byrne, from Sixty-fourth Precinct to Seventy-third Precinct, assigned No. 225. blanks ...... 4 50 to mounted duty. No. 2326. printing posters ... ...... 50 00 John Cunningham, Bicycle Squad, detail,ad to duty in Chief's office. \o. 2,327. pads ...... to 00 S,r: Iry temporary details, etc. No. 2328. copying book ...... .... 2 00 Co\tMuxtcAitoxs REF'ERUED Ti THE CxtEr OF POLICE. No. 2329. • copying press, etc ...... 45 50 Secretary, Business Men's Republican, etc., Association- ,king permit to parade. No. 2330. blanks ...... ...... ... 5 75 14 50 secretary, Civil Service Reform Association-Relative to law as to political associations, etc. No. 2331. coal receipts ...... loin W. Sheffiei~l-Complaint of disorderly house No. 200 East One Ilundreth street. No. 2332. ink and pads .... ...... 2 25 (;aptain Louts V. Caner.-, Army-Asking certain information. No. 2333• copying press, etc ...... ...... 62 50 \nonymous-Complaint of loaters, South Pirs; street and \\- ythe avenue•. No. 2334 ruled sheets ...... ...... 7 50 \nongmous-Complaint of colored people, No. 470 Seventh avenue, and conduct ofanofficer. No. 2J35. Frank B. Hedenberg, repair awnings ...... 12 75 \nonymnus-Complaint of saloon \o. 5t7 Fulton trvet, Brooklyn. No. 2336. P. W. Vallely, stools ...... ...... ...... 58 50 Anonymous-Complaint of Mrs. Benson, No. 215 McDougal street, Brooklyn. No. 2337. Brooklyn Borough Gas Company, gas ...... t8 50 No. 2338. ., "...... I ...... 9 50 For Reno,r. .< - No. 2339• ...... to 50 Beorge L. Gilliam-Complaint of Patrolman John Ilickey, Twenty-eighth Precinct. No. 234o. " ...... 4 50 I red Pfluger-Complaint of Patrolman Morris Roth, Seventieth Precinct. \o. 2341. Bronx Gas and Electric Company '< ...... 12 42 \I. R. Birnie-Complaint of Sunday lati not enfor~~•d. No. 2342. Brush Electric Ilhtminating Company, electric light ...... IS 6o B. I)reyer-Contplaint of disorderly boys, etc. No. 2343. Central Union Gas Company, gas ...... . ...... .. . 88 o6 Benjamin & Loeser-Complaint of H. V. Ro-er aga, nst Patrolman Patrick Murphy. No. 2344. College Point Gas Company, °' ..... ...... 8 55 \\llliam T. Schneider-Stating that Patrolman J1eCao1 saved him from drowning. No. 2345. Consolidated Gas Company, " ..... ...... 442 33 venty-eighth Precinct-Application f r a patrol wagon. No.2J46. "...... ... ..... .. ...... 60 13 J,>lrn N. Robms-Notice of discharge of John T. y.Iea,le, Special Patrolman. No. 2247. East Chester Electric Company, electric light ...... .... 25 22 Ihn N. Robins-Asking appointment of John Donohue as Special Patrolman. No. 2348. Edison Electric Illuminating Company, electric light ...... ..... 144 60 _ ati nal Safe Deposit Company-Asking appointment of John Mara as Special Patrolman. " electric current...... 24 93 Martin Kelsch-Askmg appointment of \I. 1). Calmson as Special Patrolman. No.2349. 1,latbuslt Gas Company, gas ...... i8 07 F: t- ene Ctt htoan--Askin{ al ,pointment of L. Pater a- Special Patrolman. No. 2350. '° ... ...... ...... it 34 1'.~loar ] Heal fcr :1~F I' •H I,e!ir'IIIUr.t ..I ]t ,'„ rt I. t 1I iI „r- a- ial P.,tn'!1,, .r,. .1. 23jt. 1reen I Iempstead 1a. and Electric Company, ...... ...... 47 00


No. 2352. Kings County Gas and Illuminating Company, gas ...... $15 86 P. Belford, carting ...... $435 00 r . No. 2353. ...... t4 91 Patrick 1)onnelly,carting ...... ...... 59 55 No. 2354. New Amsterdam Gas Company, ...... 169 47 john '1'. lloffnian, carting ...... I...... 9 75 No. 2355. Newtown Gas Company, ' ...... .. . 20 63 Morgan Rrorthers, cartinn ...... ...... 910 30 No. 2356. ' 11 50 New York News 1'ol,Ii.~b[ig Company, advertising ...... 980 55 No. 2J57. Pelham Electric Light and Power Company, electric light...... 5 23 John[ S. Renter, carting ...... ...... 7 00 No. 2358. ...... ed 25 James A. Varian, carting*...... ...... 21 00 No. 2359. Richmond County Gas-light Company, gas ...... 32 70 John T.Ilofftuan, carting ...... ...... ...... 3 00 I`'o. 2360, Standard Gas-light Company, gas...... 28 60 No. 2361. Yonkers Gas-light Company, gas ...... 6 Resolved, That full pay while sick lie granted to the fiillitting officers : 66 7 No. 2362. M. A. Brennan, linemen's expenses ...... Patrolman frank P. Sheridan, Fifth Precinct, August 26 to Srptcntber .1. No. 2363. Con-ohdated Ice Company, ice ...... 4 88 " Isaac Iblillhauser, Sixth Precinct, August 2c to September S. No. 2364. New York and New Jersey Telephone Company, pole-steps...... 1 40 '' Henry K. !'an Ltten, Seventy-eighth Precinct, September 8 to 17. No. 2365. iron wire, etc. ... 10 70 No. 2366. \Vynn Brothers, screening coal...... 126 12 Resolved, That the following applications for full pay while sick lie denied : Patrolman John F. Kelly, Thirty-eighth Precinct, fnm) rAw;ust Ig to August 28, 1900. Ilenry Kuffr'ain, Fifty-eighth Precinct, from August 12 to September 8, Igoo. $2,485 36 Resolved, That the Departmental e

Os Account Additions-Mounted Squad, 1900- N.,ntte or,D: ,S. l;u nG5rIIfN oP lllsrstc r. C.. No. 2373. Fiss, Doerr & Carroll Ilorse Company, horse: ...... 5725 00 No. 2374• ...... 750 00 No. 2395. M. McDonald, horses ...... 725 00 Se%enty-s-verth, 1 Benjamin '.5curl, .1 r...... I scventy-to ,rth, Sev.•nt c-Iifth, seventy-st.x(h, 238 r5 ,-ventv.el4h[i an.I S ve t y-min tlt Precincts...... ...I 1 - Faun h, N1 -rt}'-nint l,, Fiftieth, Filty-seventh, suty-~igins : ad Sixty- t 52,2(X) 00 8 J.F. U'C unnell ...... , ninth Princts...... 9 A. W. Fordl...... Forty-[lir~.l, F,r y fourth, F.,rty-fifth,- Fsrt'-se[enth,- - Forty-righth, 37~ 1 tycenti[,h sad Seventyx-tire[ , rith. s...... c . d, ,e enty ..... 1 Account Alterations and Repairs, t9oo- Forty--tsth, f•ifir -ll re ncr ..s,.1 nth. Scv r 1-Ie scout, ...... I q8 zo C. If. TS rr) ...... f and Fr sr x[li Precnns ai:d Prookl~•n Hetck uartNr~...... No. 2J76. Thomas F. Attix, Electric Engine Company, wiring, etc...... $97 cx) Fifty.s xtatd. Fifty-th,rcl, Fdty-fourth, Ftny-tifth, Fitty-eighth, ~ No. 2377. F. J. Farrell, agent. heater repairs ...... 98 30 zt J. P nl ii.s ty-hf[h and Sixty-ci0hth Prrancts ...... I „ .. F ifty-nrst1 , i isti Liii, Sixty riot, S.xty-second, irxty-third and Sixty- No.2378. .. ...... ...... I...... 152 26 22 A. H. Brown ...... No. 2379. Otis Islevator Company, labor ...... r (IS f orth Pre_incts ...... ..... ti

$349 54 On motion of Cunimi:,;inner York, Resolved, That Patrolman Patrick O'Donnell, h'ifty-seventh Precinct, be assigned to duty Account Supply c, [)oo- in Third District Magistrate's Court, in place of Owen Ennis, remanded. No. 2380. Trow Din•ctory, etc., Company, directories ...... $6o oo I The Chief Clerk reported that he had signed agreement with 1)eAVitt Stafford, Vice- No. 2381. Patrick F. ()'Loughlin, meal, ...... 12C President of the S. R. Smolt Iaurii[ary, 11nrongh of Ridruwad, for use of barred room in Said No. 2382. Richard McAvoy, boat hire ...... 15 50 Infirmary for one year, from July 15 igoo, at S300 per annuwn, to 1 paid front Contingent Fund, No. 2384. F. Kimball, boarding horses ...... 12 10 in pursuance of resolution of the Police Board, July 12, 1900, No. 2385. James Naughton Brothers, boarding horses...... qo co . On reading and filing certificate from the i\lunicipal Civil Service Commission, dated Sep. No.2386. William R.15Iongan, horseshocing ...... 4' 0o tember 25, 1900, No. 2387. Charles T. O'Brien, ...... I ...... Resolved, that Thomas 15Ic15Iurrny be and is hereby appointed Doorman. 37 50 C)n reading and filing report of Inspector Nicholas Brooks, No. 2388. Consolidated Rubber Tire Company, rubber tirt. ... .... ... 25 00 Resolved, 'Chat Patrolman Edward P. Alulruonev, Fort y-st•con[l Precinct, he and is hereby No. 2389. Nett York and New Jersey 'Telephone Company, telephone services 6i 7 [ No. 2390. '. 372 50 commended fur rescuing from drowning \Villiairs \]ct Mean, of \„- 223 Canal street, who fell into No.2391. .. 22 46 North river at Her [, about 9.15 A. M., September 13. No.2392. .. 30 00 On motion of Commisstuner Abell, Resolved, That Patrolman AVilliam IL hanston be dc-irnateri and assigned to the perform- No. 239-;. °` 434 43 No.2394. .. 35 03 ance of detective duty in the Detective Bureau, with the rank of I)eieci rye 'elgoant. Resolved, That the following licenses be granted

$1,841 9S . Ain sa}ua c Lit e>:st. Oscar Hammerstein, Theatre Republic, September 29 to Decenthcr 26, $2; \ccount r'upplies-Contract, boo- No. 2395. D.J. Barry & Co., ice chests ...... ...... $265 6o I CnseEiey LivtrN[:. No. 2396. r toilet paper...... ...... 607 68 1J9 and [39 Grand ,treet, Broo; yn, ~~; , . 11, .. ,.: r ,5. ~I,o. No. 2397• ...... 617 5' ])avid Grow, Nr,.2J9'S, P. Cavanagh, horse streets ...... 140 00 Ruxat•:ft Lii E No. 2399. .. whips ...... ..... to8 00 No. 2400. water coolers ...... ...... 395 fo Nicola De Francesco, 168 Mott street, fee >zo, boo l No, 2401. Joseph N. Early, metal polisl . ...... 240 00 Notice of assessment of damages, City Court, Kate 1reetIrrtan .tr.otr.t I Lrrtlete Ii. hillier, No. 2402. soap ...... 61 CO [vas referred to Corporation Counsel. \1).2403. hen ami..... ...... 180 00 Rosolved, That the resignation of Patrick Owens, 8pccd1 I'atnrtman. lie and is lremly ac- No, 2404. astral oil ...... .. ...... 5[ 48 cepted. tr No. 2405. kluncasy, etc ...... 475 8o Resolved, That the following per>ons he ar, l :ire betel. :',.;t ..t an in tl No. 2406. padlocks ...... ...... 144 00 ; service of the parties nantetl : No. 2407. John Early's Sons, stationery ...... 46>) 40 I John J. Thill for John Myerow,I No. 2408. \\ ynn Brothers, coal ...... 322 p2 t L. B. Valentine for Valentine \ t .. No. 2409) ..... ...... ...... I ...... 44rf 19 Ioseph M. Fox for Sol Littenber_'; No 2410 " ...... 78 66 'hhomas J. White for J. KodIec. Nil. 2411. .. ...... 397 44 Theodore Thiele for Oscar Grain r. -_- On reacting and filing communication from Sarah I I. Daicrs0n. 1'reai[IcnI it the AV-omen's Prison Association and Isaac T. Hopper Horne, No. i to Second avenue, ..r- 004 2g _ Resolved, That permission be and is hereby given to Miss Alice 1.. AWoodbridge, as Prison Visitor, to visit the IIouse of Detention for the term of one year. Resolved, That the l'ay-rolls of LamrII.rrrIs, Inspcctor, an(l Poll Clerics of the several Boroughs, On reading and filing resolution of Commissioners of the Sinkin ; F' tin d approving amended for the Primary Election, August 28, 1900, be approved and referred to the Comptroller for specifications for erection of station-houses, etc., hr Thirty-fourth, "Thirty-seventh and Sixty-fifth payment, as follows : Precincts, _ -._ _ -.- Resolved, That the Chief Clerk prepare specifications and form of contract as :amended and advertise for proposals. 1NsIECrO[zs AND In the trial Supreme Court New York County, People of the State on the relation of Leroy 1ANDt.okvs. i,ot-). CLERKS. Snyder against Bernard J. York and others, affidavit and notice of motion ; alto People on the II relation of James T. Perkins against the saute, affidavit and notice of motion. - Resolved, That the copies and orders receiveyl in these cases be referred to the Corporation Counsel, with the data called for by .such oaten, accompanied by letter of the President...... $12.5[0 00 $16.420 00 ...... ...... report of the Chirf„I the suspension without p1sis of Patrolman \William ...... """""' r. t,5 00 1.520 0o Re,olved, That the P I The Bronx 1'recutct, and Fredertek \\'icl:, "Centh Precinct, be tiled, the suspension approved ...... 7, 920 00 10 00 co 'tinnedfxrelhih Brooklyn ...... 4>5 cheimnued inin each cave. ...... .... ..... 7ro 00 1.460 0o in Queens ...... motion of a0urfineuer 1[esd, ...... 400 00 Soo 00 Richmond ...... "''''"' "'' ReResolved, That the tine of four days' pay intpo etl March 27, 191)0, upon Patrolman O. P. Raymond, Sixteenth Precinct, be and is hereby remitted. Res,ilred, That the Cornusi-sioncrs of the Sr iskrit Fund Ire and are hereby respectfully I requested to ;[uthomc the Comptroller to execute renewal of leases for the following-described On report of the Auditor it was from January I. [got, viz. : premises for one yea Resolved, That the following bills be approved and referred to theComptrolier for payment : From Eleanor G. Dickerson, premieres north silt of Voorhis avenue, about i5o feet west of Account Station-house Rents, igoo- ' Shore road, station-house for Sixty-eighth Precinct, Borough of Brooklyn, at the annual rent of New York Land and Warehouse Company, Queens Police Headquarters, $1,000. quarter ending, August 31 ...... From William I Iender on, Post-office Bolldlog, \lain street, \Vestchester, one store on $r 5o ground floor and eight rooms on second floor, station-house for Thirty-eighth Precinct, Borough of The Bronx, at the annual rent of St,Soo. Account General Election Expenses, ttpo- From Mar. Rlingeshcimer, qg at for Mary A. Iris/. er;tld, portion of ercmigyes Ao, 1786 Broati- . .. ...... $40 00 Morgan & Brother, carting electric material....., ...... way, station-house for Bicycle Squad, at the annual rent of 5L,5oO (Manhattan). American Steel IIouse Company, storing electric houses. July and August.... rco oo 8 Frons Margaret \icGrath, premiseson Nineteenth as enue, Letween Berson ; rid Bath avenues, Martin B. Brown Company stationery tc...... ...... 75 3,16 oa Borough of Brooklyn, station-house and stable fur ffeventieth I'recinet, at the annual rent of 750. Louis Bossect & Son, guard rails and shelves, July ...... , ..... .... 29 0 i From the Staten Island Savings Bank, second foot- of Staten I land Savings Bank Building, John T. I-Ioffman, cartage, tables and chairs ...... corner Beach and \s aterstr[ets, r tapleton, for Branch Bureau of Elections, Borough of Richmond, cartage, voting booths ...... ...... ...... 60 op Morgan C Brother, p 7 at the rate of $20 per month, including light and heat. V\'illard &rickFrick ComCompany, 11) repairs timeme stain ), N. [t 6 ...... 4 58 Resolved, That the persons whose names appear upon the lists marked '' NIX.," '' XX.,'' X\I.," .. NXII...... XXIII.," " XXI\.," .. \\V.," '' \\VI." and '' XXVII.," submitted Account Primary Election, igoo- by the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the County Committees of the Democratic and The Thomas Attix Electric Engineering Company, airing No. 2 Smith street.. $72 00 Republican parties of the counties of New York, ( )ueens and Richmond, respectively, to serve as James M. Ames, carting ...... ...... 5 0) Inspectors, Poll and Ballot Clerks, within the limits of The City of New York, are hereby for the year ending September t, toot, subject to examination as Martin B. Brown Company, stationery ...... ...... ...... 180 70 appointed to fill said positions Baldwin The Clothier, use of basement ...... ...... 125 00 to their qualifications ; said lists to be ordered on file in the General Bureau of Elections, and directt l to cause the nece,sary notices and certificates to be P. Belford & Son, carting ...... ...... r5 00 the Superintendent of Elections is ., .. ... ...... _ .... I ...... ...... I ...... I ...... 30 00 is,uerl,



I .-NIOCRATIC INSPECTORS. z, z-o ; Roht. F. Pierce...... U.13.Smith ...... i Failed to appauc. 15 26 Louis Lev ..... ohn Petterman ...... i •` As'E wu.s DEECISTRI T. \.ant C. IN PLACE OF CA('SR. I)EsrBlG"l'. Lll!'rRECT. I I 27 Louis Lesscrinann ...... Chas. F. Bryan.... ...... •• Conro .....'I' z z Thomas Chas. Cheever ...... Thomas Leahy ...... :. F. J. Radigan ...... Rejected. 7 27 A. Morrison...... ..... E. F. Roberts...... M. J. McCaffrey ...... E. F. Grahn._...... Failed to appear. 8 27 David Dt. Brown...... T. W. Travis ...... •' John Moriarty ...... W.J. Hull...... 9 0 7 Henry Naylor ...... i John F. Ducey ...... •' Moses Freedman ...... I.. Silverman...... 19 27 James R. Adams...... C. H.'t reat...... •' G. J. Tierney ...... ...... R'. Kell)•...... 4 J. 25 27 john H. Taylor ...... R. N. Clyde ...... .. 4 J11n Healy ...... Edward \\'aICh...... C ~ 29 Morris Morris...... l• F. Matheson ...... i S Robert J. Martin ...... \lark Davis...... IC 29 Geo. Washington ...... A. R. Douglass ...... I •' 7 11. J. Gerevan ...... J. H. Loun'berry ...... Ir go J.J. Neylantl ...... Edw.1)onohue...... l ,.

II Joseph Gahn ...... John Bell...... 7 17 3° Charles Bergen...... H. 1 for ris...... ~ •` I; F_dw. Malone...... T. H. Falhaber...... 17 2 , Charles S. Adelson . ...... Abraham Freeman...... l. Resigned. 17 7 _J. F. Higgins ...... ,j J. F. Higgins ...... 9 4 E. F. Dunkel ...... E. E. Dunkel ...... I Failed to appear, ar `~ 7 Ja'ne > F'itzpa:rick ...... D.F. Kelly ...... aS ~ 33 Robert E. Edwards ...... '. P. Cantwell...... zt 7 John Alc\Iahon ...... M. C. Halligan...... fi to Emanuel Freedman ...... P. Momerwald......

it Patrick I. O'Donnell ...... : C. Fitchen...... LIST (` XXI." 12 Tobias Schwalbe ...... M. Schwartz...... Rejected. BORot- EU OF M ,&NllA'I I'.AA. I• Thos. Reilly ...... J. P. Williams...... DEMOCRATIC POLL CLERKS. IC IS E. J.Cavanagh ...... 1. L.Corcoran......

11 r9 P. 1. Walsh ...... J.J. C arassy ...... FL.ECrIOK ASS1.11ELV NAVE. 1.5 PLACE (IF CAUSE. 12 '3 ,1(ich'l J. Can.idy ...... J. F. Derringer...... Rejected. DISTRICT. DISTRICT. 16 'S Thos. Kennedy ...... \V. H. Innes...... 3 ' At thur J. O'Neill ...... ' '1.'m. P. Packingham ...... 1 Rejected. 24 'S Edward J. Dwyer ...... ' B. Graham...... , ...' J. 6 7 l)a•t'IA.Griffin...... . .' Chas, E.\Whitehead...... Failed to app-ar. .8 19 L. Julian ...... E.F. Eagan...... 1 9 7 H. F. KartlukeKartluke ...... Owen T. Higgins ...... .• 25 It Thos. J. Britton ...... At. A. O'Connor...... 25 21 Israel Schneittacher ...... Edward J. Ward...... i Rejected. 34 19 J. T. McGraham ...... Wm. Devine...... 27 al Edw. J. \\"elsh ...... James A. Kent ...... .. 9 19 Alphonse Hartog ...... Jas. McKenna...... 29 25 J. S. Treacy ...... Gilbert T. Reeder...... Failed to appear. 0 ]o J.J. Kennedy ...... i G. P. Muller •...... Declined. 12 a6 H. H. Levene ...... ', .Alfred La Pierre ...... 12 20 E. J. McCauley ...... E. 1. McCauley...... Failed to appear. z rI Wm. A. Crosby ...... Geo. IL Gorton ...... sr J. J. Trainor ...... J. J. Trainor...... 3 2 John C. Wickham ...... Vacancy ...... .... sl. V. O'Hara ...... ..... G. J. Davidson...... 6 e John A. Eagan...... .. .......... s; i John P. Shea...... J. H. Kugler...... .. 8 z William \\•ilson ...... ...... J. F. Dempsey...... a3 Wm. Harris ...... C. S. 1 r a Edw. F. Murphy ...... .... J.J. Barrett ...... •' as Jos. Weldon ...... H. C. Steinhart ...... 14 z Chas. R ountcrn ...... J.J. Kelly ...... 28 Max \1o,hrim ...... H. Kocpler...... '. r8 z Louis Lebewohi ...... I). Morris...... :r I ehn E. Hauer ...... SE . A. E..Io...... " zo 2 Alex. I. Patton ...... ~ M. Gos.ett ...... •' 29 William Beck ...... V. F. Beck...... 5 7 Rich'd Donovan ...... I Benj. Mayer...... .` ax Geo. Bruns ...... J. Fischler...... ' as 7 D. M. Fayden ...... P. M. Reilly ...... .. 3' G. A. Wolf ...... 1. M. Hourigan...... 6 ro Benj. Boemerwald ...... Henry Friedman ...... 3t E. F Dwyer ...... H.L. Dwyer...... ) 7 rz Jai. Weber ...... Ah x. Cohen...... Rej• etl'i 31 H.H. Hubbard ...... DI. Ingraham ...... 1 19 Henry A mar ...... Vacancy ...... - D.A. Honly ...... D. A. Hanley...... 3 I r9 Mich'l E. Dwyer...... .' ...... 34 J. T. McHegner ...... ~ j. Peyser...... ~ 4 19 John Orben ...... ll .. '.4 C. R. Symmes ...... B. Hall...... ) 5 19 J.J. Kelly ...... 34 P. Hall ...... ' B. Hall...... .. i I 7 19 .A.\ .Pope ...... ', ...... 9 r9 Hugh F. Glynn ...... W. H. Speidel ...... failed t., appear rz 19 J. P. Williamson ...... Vacancy ...... -

'3 19 F.dw. C. Strohm ...... ...... , 1.INT •` NX." r7 : 19 T. F. Keary ...... i " ...... _...... I }i.; .. U' It OF MANHATTAN. 18 19 Peter Shannon ...... Ki.l l'BLICAN lsjpkCTQR-. 23 19 J. A. Dowlinz. ...... 30 19 Jacob Cooper.. ••••

25 - Chas. J. Watson ...... Simon Puona ...... Reje.ted. F.CE.TUs ASsENn'. N % , 4 IF I!: PLACE OF CAUSE. I)I STRSC T. Dl~'IRICT. 18 25 Thomas Coghlan ...... F. J. Clark...... Faded to appear. '. I 2 Dan'I Cunningham ...... F. M. Remaleg...... Failed to appear. 20 25 Geo. J. Muller...... - Geo. Paige...... = 4 J.D. Evans ...... H.W. Brody...... " 23 25 Sam'l Reger ...... I F. J. Hutchinson...... r3 31 Chas. A. Colman ...... A. B. Mandeville...... 17 5 C. G. Smyth ...... Goo. J. Herman...... .. r6 31 Jos. F. Haley ...... \I. Weiss...... E Jerome S.Stabile ...... A. C. Stabile...... 23 ' 31 Geo. H. Sturcke ...... 1 Edwin Stevens...... •' 9 J. A. 11cSweeney ...... A. G. Cartaiencke...... r5 34 Pat'k H. Rice ...... .....I I J. A. Jackson ...... I 13 ._d ullanc ...... Ij,j, Mackin...... , r4 J. D. Sankey ...... J. P. Knowles...... 24 14 Fre3'k Draper ...... John Madden...... 24 14 Pat'k Meagher ...... Meyer Hahn...... LIST '' XXILII .. 35 19 R. H. Dunn ...... Harry L. Young.,...... BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. 14 zo Paul Schuman ...... F J. Higgins...... REPUBLICAN POLL. CLERKS. 31 at ; Wm. Dohrmann ...... Edw. Oppenheimer...... Rejected. ECAUllOb' ASSR5IBLY Failed to appear. NAME. IN PLACE (iF. CAUSE. 35 21 Irving Michaels ...... Arthur Neal...... DISTRICT. DISIRIOT.

41 21 Gee. Samuels ...... C. H. Irwin ...... z 23 Robt. T. Boyle ...... I J. W. Vandermark...... Resigned. I I Frank Burke ...... John F. Cavanagh...... Failed to appear. 9 23 1 homas W. Bodger ...... Robt. Anderson...... Failed to appear. I z Daniel J. McCarthy Steadman ...... 20 23 S. H. Goodacre ...... Patk. Hanly...... 6 z ' David Grossman ...... Dan') Flanagan ...... 32 23 A. L. Weber ...... Robt. C. O'Neil...... 7 2 Max Ascher...... - Dave Schiller...... Rejected. ;3 23 Jos.Balmford ...... H.M. Hennion...... 1 9 a Harry Levy ...... John Purke...... Failed to appear. I s4 F. B. Tiffany ...... ' E.A. Foster...... lb 2 Charles McKenna ...... ' Thomas P.Brock...... ', 8 a5 H.J. Bruns ...... Gen. Schneider...... r8 z Fred. Lewis ...... Isaac Semansk 6 25 Chas. H. Dudley...... , Gustavus Heckler...... an 2 Stephen Muzzio ...... Joseph F. O'Neill...... _..' rr ~ z5 Nathan Welss' ...... D Edw.Hoe y .....~.~~...... 8 7 John M. Mackay ...... Frank E. Fuller...... TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, I900. THE CITY RECORD 6429

LIST "XXIII." FL.ECTION AsGn1tl,LY NAN t'. IN PLACE' OF CAu.sti. 111 t1'ICf. 1)IS 1 RI(. T. lit>rtlrcu OF MANi).l'11.%N.

i,i-:n(ICICA3IC 118.1113' ei32I4K . 5 8 Lauis Fmk ...... L'cuj. Su1Dmuu...... 1 Failed to appcur. 17 9 Fred J. N<~ith ...... Henry G. Kil.y; ...... •• I'Ll-z'nON Asscal lLV I N Anl H. IN I'La< 21 9 Jnhn 11. S;unuelson ...... \Vm. J. SirIrr:Cy...... •` 3)1srt4 ). lllsi'it1c*i. 2.1 9 Gcor3;e 1). Bedell ...... I:d v ti Hint...... .` Farrell ...... L- :, 17 Ed w. liernrtei...... Win. IS ticket...... •• z 1 Bernard J. .. 14 Plluip ]. l ach ...... Alh,~rt i:i isi...... u,-cCned. I 2 lus. F. 1lw,cu1 ...... 2 1'ai J. Bader...... 16 ,z Saul') Mil hell ...... SLIx Kreger...... haile.l to appear. z

...... i-3 ,g 3, rallCis K. Jt,I1e`t ...... :\. N. 1)andridge...... •• 4 1 .3 (1113:0 A. l.allgt,~il ...... li:dlc ...... 1 13 Jos, A. K„cchli ...... \Vi1Civ,,ii 1tv,cse ...... Declined. 6 z Chris. J. } 2 Jilliles Meagan ...... 21 21 Hrnry I.. Ilall ...... J W. Field...... t . iled to nppcar. J. Knutt ...... 22 21 J„s. V. l_ A. Suyd...... I •• 23 ar R. Rosenberger...... 25 31 F. lesser...... 7 IV,». 1). 5t 1 It ...... Jollll 13 -se ...... JOs. Lewis ...... .iulu~ ,,'Leary ...... ., z7 3 t A. F. Sh.,lvey ...... (i- Enos W. Corey ...... 3 LW. Van Praa4 ...... J. M. ID nuingcr...... •. 32 12 ,o Wm. KnIub ...... 4 3 \11u. T. Nor wu ...... \V. R. CL,ytou...... .• I 18 John Kaceruwsk -'4 5 J.'mos T. Bruan ...... F. W. Ernst...... •. 5 ') John 51cGarry...... 9 \V 2t. R.ilierin ...... I1.JI.Finl,y...... •• :o ,g 5i a, lsakowitz ...... 9 1)e, j. I'. K. II t ...... 1 1'. A. I1 lghcr...... .... " ,G 19 Pat'k O'Brien ...... .. to \Vln. l.euhart ...... Jahn H. Kris;'..... •• .. 17 t') Gill ...... '4- ,x Jas. V. R,nJ:JI ...... All n I:~~Idle ...... I3.:\. 25 R' m. H. Barber ...... xz Ilcrmnl \V~ld-_uf~.d ...... w144. G. Si.anks...... 19 .. Ig Wm. T. Delaney ...... ...... i-4 Geo. Ric.:...... Arth,lr 1.. Kuehl...... .18 .. 38 rg I?dlln IruwLl~ . ...... _. - 15 14 h:. G. G,: rnl au ...... Aug. Schneider...... .. 8 i-5 J,,hn B. Ziegler ...... N. P. Ayres...... 16 Walter I.. Mason ...... J.J. Corrislon...... •, . Moses...... 16 B. Neuwirth ...... Nathan I.l:2l •• 3 16 J' S. F. Soidnr.,re ...... ..... Not son "Tice ...... •• Ii, 141)((11 uh NIANII.A I I .,-._ i-6 Sim .n Fu.hs ...... ..... Prank MMlcGuire ...... tg t6 \Vnl. . Ma Wrtn. Grauva ti ...... •• Riil'('PLICAN U'l.l.111 CLR114.

12 £7 Kicha d W. Roberts ...... David Kn, 1 ...... ' -1ssi';1rl,L( 17 i-7 Henry Eschenfelder ...... r:dw. Al,der;on...... i •• Er,,tr ION NA'.ZS. .. Ills I RIC I-. 1)14I 111C C. i-9 17 W'In. Herron ... ...... ...... Jas. A. Tr,tvis...... ,8 hn F. Lanu ...... C. Acheson ...... •• 6 x W' F L'cll . ...... ...... \'-::,:4.. 18 \\'nl. R.Iob,r ...... Alex.Sicbccker...... S a l'ilnothy C llim ...... 19 Gee. Samuels ...... Geo. W'. Tubbs...... '• II z l'. M. Rcwaley ...... I i-9 14 bt.E. I lc.liI, ...... A. T. Stewart...... .• 20 4 Patrick 11. i\l,t arthy ......

25 ,g Ev..r.•uJ crmuc ...... .....i A.1V. Putman...... ',. g 7 C4rish-phor H.Ilunne ...... '' I31duvelt ...... ', i; 19 Chas. ...... Fred. 3:. F.Irringtou ...... '• 18 7 \Villianu F'. Aug. 9L,y...... .... R ,b:. McElr. y...... ,I 8 [53340e Kaufnn,n...... S S. Barnet ...... 20 8.,,i J.I-c.,lls ...... 1'. J. I' 1111 a)...... I 17 Nichtdas Larry ..... .... ...... J. J. (,r y.. ....., •• q8 J.(,L,ser ...... I 21 \Cur. Joucs ...... ...... \Vm. G. l.iudsay...... 14 8 '~ 13 Cuj., hill 1'iacus ...... Jx1...4, S.luwcl...... I3. li. li.ter..... ...... t; 8 91,,r: is >Iahkowich ...... I .. (: 9 Jo,eph A. McKee ...... sh 2i- A,,6.\Vchbe:.... ...... ii. J. Moor,,...... 1 C. A.Sri,ut ...... 41 21 I'noma, J. Abig ...... E. 11. S huek...... •• 9 9 GI:Is=...... F. W. Fonda ...... 13 9 U' illia In Cali re...... 42 ll.,vul . 6 e,a Gco. H. \Vise...... ...... Jos. Seide ...... '• 17 9 G •orKe C. 11'1.~g¢ncl ...... .. 18 2g C. \Vill, ans ...... W. P. il1e:_]Lwe...... ~ ,o Valontinc '1'. Rr bick ...... ,. Vogtl. ...... .... 3 g J. J. 3tatthuy'...... E. A. S aith ...... 21 10 Aug. ., 5 13 ', \Vid,am C. F.Is-t6,,rn ...... 5 25 W. H. Lcmmond ...... A. AI...luto:L ...... l i-5 Frank 1'. Iirow u ...... ...... . 7 2g5 Aaron 11'einstc fin ...... l.~ ..~ is P. C Cr...... '. 16 ps ...... ...... ', 21 gHenry Ettliuger ...... ~ tl. C. LI rcn.c..... 7 t8 John Ho 5 Juscph Mold ...... ...... C. C. 15 19 JACQb u'inter ...... , 6 T:dwln N.Frcund ...... ' Chas. ii. 6ccd...... ~~i yzo JL ht G. Ke.ticr ...... ...... a 7 1ho=. J.(:a'laghcr ...... J. E. Barnum...... la ao Juhu Gilli.,r i ...... Itui,i, g ...... 14 7 Phili P.1. G. vi ...... J.\V. Stautau...... ,L zo Acl 1ph 21 'I Charles 31,lyc,wk ..... ...... ... ..... 35 a 7 F. G. Stewart ...... V..cauc...... 43 .1,1111) .. 5 25 H. IL \IcCarllty ...... 4 a g , J. C. .51 II ...... r:mane.-1 Lenhc...... ', 26 F. H. Andres ...... ...... to 3o }'r auk Trayer ...... IL. F. \1cDfah„n...... i-8 0 henry \V416o,, ...... 19 3a I ador Klcucrt ...... A Merritt...... .. 24 3o i U io Uattcr.. . ...... 4 3a Andrew P. : Ieuman . ...... Fred. Engle...... .' ag 30 Frederick Stief...... .' 8 32 .i Julius Gumpect ...... Pat'k Scanl.n...... 27 30 Chas. Paul...... •. 32 Jacques Eise,,mq no ...... '. Jas. Conley..... ...... ._...~ '• 9 3, Max 'hrkgs ...... •• 33 WVcl. T. Esler ...... F. H. RoIhors[ ...... •• ;) ,o THE CITY RECORD. "1'ulal,:\v, Oer(lI,r;1c I6, 1900.

LIST , X. * \, ,, 1 v AcSF \In LV'_ -- IV:V 11 t. 1N 1'I.ACB OF. —..--_— I11s I HR I Pi run r. B)HouGI! OF I~l,I:i•Ati.

--- REPUBLICAN 1NSIFI:I( Rt'. - - ._ _ _ _ - ---- - -- — 12 j ;' t'Lilip Rccnuncll ...... ...... Vacancy. - - 11.1(1111 N ;~4Alli. IN 1'I.ACl: ,rl. \\' \1 :1, 1)11I, ICT. 34 FA 1 - d L I1rcc...... L ui, lluu,cr ...... 5 . t3 • _ William Ondetu,; ld ...... .. .. Vacancy, y 1 Win. l inrray ...... `• ' ....' , 20 \\'illi;uu P. Iluckley ...... '• A. hr. w arr . ...... 4 9 l;eo. •I Elorcm e Vlc Aulil}c...... REI'UULICAN I'11LI. CI.IiRk5. -- I. C, 6 9 I L 1Z. 1—tiez..k ...... ' r i C Pa *axfI Ile...... 17.F'.J\c ire s ...... 1 x6 Ce rr;e 1.\Valsh ...... ....•. •• 9 G.tids„n...... 4 ~ F. L'. tich:nidt...... W. \F rrn ...... •...... n \V, E. Rudyard ••

A. AuILa•:k ...... { B F. N.\Hood...... 1 ... -- x6 M.Hotim.m...... ...... •, _ RE.1'l ]iLlf'AN R.ALl.OT CLRIRKS.

to > am'l ...... ...... ! •• 1 — 9 Charles Thumpeon...... Vacant}'- .. x6 I.' R. ti~ ,.nc.1 lc r ..... ...... zr J. F. H uestis ......

17 .1 ]!.cr ter:) ” 13 W. H. l iehrons ...... r7 \111,. B. l;t':1\' ...... " 9 George A. Lutt~rs......

7 , N ic. Iun .... ...... ...... .. " 4 1 . W. J. Te gle...... , -. —. ___ --- ,- x7 Inlle.lkeu. ... ...... -- - — --- ------'-- ---. - John \I—olia ...... ...... _o .:i: 1. F- . ...... Bolowt;lt OF t)t'IEN'. i zz RI h d 1 ,is ...... I)li \II ICR 1I'fl' INSI E. IJlta. S—en.. c ...... ...... za t•p cn El cr n.\\n _. IN Pt.ut: nr. \1'.xuu. NII.IC . 22 EiCury H it n zohl...... •`

29 Cl,.,,. Lyon . ...... •' r t; Theo Wangenheint ...... Vacancy. cg A[,x. .- I r.luts ...... ,hn 1'. Butterl ,• 29 ti. Hnrnson ...... - -- ----_.. - DEMOCRATIC PUL'

1f. F. Rankin ...... Vacaucp. 51 L.•cld A. F: ie; ...... •• , x; .. I, ., r x5 ! Peter 11. Kolb...... 3 r J.,.. n H. Torch ...... ...... \IcGoogh...... .. . .5 F. L. \lc(. 'an ...... t x6 \L'1'. Feldman...... Z3B--,nard Branner ...... z t "ugust ,• 2 1 Geo. Cock...... 3 \C. C. Ix Bros•. ...... ...... 7 •Iu', s F:Lm enst:ri 4 s James Judge...... , - : 7 1'. Kc.slcr UIOI11('K ATII' B AI.LV7 t'LF;RI -. 7 W. 1.. \1X11 :...... John flipp...... . \'attic.. 7 1'. kccpk_. ...... ...... •' I 17 Jere F. 7,cou,e}...... ~ 7 :..Strrn ...... x x~ i John J. Donnelly ...... i . g John Tuly ...... t 21 Thouras Williamson ...... y y I. K.\L C..rthy ...... z z George Sehcffld....u serer ...... l ,. ' s; _I.• s. ,. c 6 Charles Bauer ...... -, H~-::ry hean...... x; 2 7 Henry Schrier...... I 14 F. F'rc•.: ,hy...... 2 8 Thomas Howard...... ,. _ r5 A. T. Ha_kett ...... •• 2 12 M. Quiss ...... ...... r6 F. Brcham...... ...... - 2 i t~, <;eor e H. Fnu9cr ...... 'I 19 G .'I,_ypi ...... '• 4 Peter J. Can...... 3 5 M. T. Docic}...... rg (}cot is!.r...... 3 ,. ~ Henry Partcnfelder. ...... ' - ao It. E. 6.. of t...... Patrick Joyce ...... 20 Herr} Wa!!fes-er...... ,

a A. K.Ag ...... c 1'.1).Armory, Jr ...... LIST "XXVIT.'' : 21 T. H, Iginhsrt ...... " BOROUGH OF RN UMONU. at E. U. An jerson ...... " 1 NSE'EI TORS. 22 L. M. >achs ...... •• .:

. C. li.h .. .... ...... ...... .... .... .... .= NAaa1. PIILI'CICS. IN PLACE OF. I.AL'SI:.

I 2 : \1'. I L l i n en ...... ... ...... ., JO x Ch.'. H. Osborn••...... Rupublic;n ..... Vacancy ...... aj 1. 1. ..... ...... ., 4 4 JO?, n A. fLuml, ..,2 ...... ,John E. Cloke ...... ' Resign,:,]. -.; 23 J ,Lu H. \Ve.v.-c ...... 3 r 1h-,uai 1 Cla ary...... 1 llemo.:I a'. ..... Vacancy ...... 23 J.:s.IIut_hes,n.Jr ...... g J. Cotrlg.i.. ..... 11)1.1. CLERKS. C) ,. 5 H. E. Fallon ...... 2 r Jar. J. Co-tello...... ..... Rel,ublican...... I'eter Kiuman ...... ... Failed to take cxamivat uu 4 27 M. \DCr uo ok ...... ..... •` 3 5 \\21. Ca u,u ...... Vacancy...... , 27 II. lia,t ...... 3 3 Chas. A. Winant ...... Democrat ...... 27 1.I1. Knapp ...... 2 3 \\n. Haufman, Jr ...... Rcpul>licen ..... I x, 27 L. Harr-on ...... 5 4 F. C. Townsend...... „ " 24 I 27 I. *S1. f, ,.n •• _.1 i 27 If y \Falter ...... IBALI.0'f t LERKU. F.. .. 7 30 1101 nunlann ...... ~ 7 I lion s y Democrat ...... Vacancy ...... 30 B. MilIwg_r ...... 3 I a \\'In. C. Bringmann...... Republican .....' Edward W. Cowan...... Failed to take examination 32 Harry lVi_aelbaum ...... 6 2 Fred. Wan enstein ...... Clias. Underwood...... ,. .. 31 H. Lieser.uim ...... 5 3 E. Fleming ...... ...... H. F. Morris...... ,4 3,1 T. P;. Filch ...... r 3 H. M. Mason ...... Dent crat ...... 1 Vacancy...... 3a \V. Hccleha...... ...... •• 8 3 Lester H. Wood ...... it 32 L.Stuhl ...... 3 i 5 Louis J. Wolff ...... '< ... ...... 22 32 E. Eraun ...... .. t Dennis Horrisan ...... Republican ..... ...... 24 32 G. R. Kotllelen ... 4 r Matthias J. Welter, Jr..... " ...! ..•.•• I...••••.•••• 17 32 V. Ff. Schumakn' ... `• 7 r G. P. Uiss)sway...... " '.

xg 20 W,n I. R ,1 inn...... 4 x Wm. E. Cruise...... ~ " ......

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1900. i' fl E C I T RECORD. ('.};1

Resolved, That the places dcscdlled upon the lists sulimIIted by the Superintendent of 1.15"1' ' XXI\." Elections, marked respectively 'r 1'" and "G," are Merely.Icsi~ntted in accordance with the 11lection l,aw as the places in the respective election district, in I 11( City of New Vork, at which Ii(Rirtr 11 (II' Ilk It I. Y .., . the meeting for the regiRration of electors ,nit the lh'neral I leection shall be held duriI1 the l)t.rIt,CRA'l ti ' INSIt11lrrr:. year Igoo. LIST Ir I.i, 1Ir~4 I'. I.I:~I1r~~ N,,.. Woiri,. Nasie. \YARD, Itrluntclt of IIROOK1.YN. I'IVTRtl T. ] )ISI Rir_T.

I, il.l.l\I; IIAII'.ti _._(iIN I'.IiA I. I.1.1!(:71'1N. n z NI F. Marlon. az 19 S. 9Vardl:un. 1'.I.I i"I'I+IN FLRC 17ov WARD. Lr+r'ATIDri. \~'.1RD, :+ 5 B. Conroy, Jr. IIISTRIC . ])iti7'I211T. 1,oCn 'lto.`: zz 28 'Thomas J. (',~ .. r, .. n. I ~ i 9 r6 1]. J. Ilcase. zz ^9 Jirirn F. AI. r I., 1i 13 6 6r Clinton st. t7 zz I. qoe ticv, n1L ave. r t 5 11. J. McNabb 23 y F. J. En'

9 8 977'Third ave. 12 2 3261 otnpkius ay.'. 13 8 John J. Carry. a} r; H, F. I:,ar.' ~o 8 883 Fourth ave. r 24 1414 Bedford are. rS to J. Kiernan, 13 27 W. F. Nco l.. r8 8 ,x891 Fifth ave. 6 27 162 1':vergreen ave. 17 8 J. Cwnmings. z6 rq !11.Perkins. or' 8 ,349 Third ave. z 28 234 Central ave. 17 8 Williem Walters, Sr. ! 30 1 8 ' J. A. 11e in - it 16 37 Graham ave. ro z8 I,00 Myrtle ave. r3 '9 I R. Smith. .. F. f;, _ ,. 8 'i r8 it Bogart st. z6 z8 1570 I3is=hwick ave.

r9 745 Wythe ave. 5 30 r' th ave. and .loth st. I.lss1 ', XX~." r6 r9 6 30 5ftlt st. & New Utrecht ave. titRi)CG1l OF Iter,r II. I 1N. t i ao 303 Myrtle ave. 7 3o New Utrecht ave. & 6- th st. R11I't:It1.IC.AN I'trl.L CI.t.tniL S .o S97 Myrtle are. 8 30 I Ray i3th St., near Ilath ave.

1. eo Third ave, r 32 14F3 hiathitntr ave. \\ .4Hnr. F'.1nfT'n+N PA FxTtII.I N ,, _. DIti111 CT. Nnnri . K',1 RD,

LIST 1r l;." I 7 AVm. S.Cace. 27 r.' 1. - ,..T I3ORt)UGIt of MANHATTAN. 4 6 Chas. Rolff. r7 .r I;e I.. 1 'BILLING PLACES-GENERAL ELECTION. 5 5 Vlich'z J. 3Lry. I 1,-; j w Francis V'r . (_

6 q R illiarr Ulrich. or r ( Win. Ctsi'1 . . Aa. .um.v Stills I , rc wN LucA'rurv. ELI CTl:N LncnnoN. I) I, I RIOT. llulnlcr. j Dtsu;tcT. Du,Riei. 7 ! 3 Frank Anderson. az 4 I'C For': st ( 7 ~ 6 I'. S. Birch. I e, 07 ACm. P. K.-i. .: I 13 96 V rick st. 30 7 2632 First ave. 7 t3 Arthur J. Green. z3 7 R :lacy I ,. 39 Greenwich ave. II 30 8 r6z6 Second ave. 5 7 7 zo J. K. Samson. 23 8 N A Cram, ' S. W. col, ttzth st. snd tit. 6 6 16,, Flnl st. 3r 1 I ,, I N'ichol.o ;lee. 8 IA John I )odridgc. 23 II Cvn."Trrn, , 757 \Valhin6t,,n st. i, 32 3 1700 third ave. 7 5 i 9 7 R. 1). Snedeker. z; 29 (;cu. S,Si r'. S 7 For,yth st. 32 i 2909 Second vr. I 5 9 ro Frank. F. iimst. as 21 1)an'I P. l'c r.-; y 24 3sS Nmth ave. 32 10 1791 Third ave. 9 1 7 J. C. Schanz, a6 z Nathan .,.l : l r n z 127 F, roth st, '+ 25 259 W. 't1> st, 33 to 5 Chas. E.Aloorc. :6 st TI'. rnas A, 14i1 r; 4 634 Nintll ave. r 7'7 Ro'k avc. I: 31 1 rr r Nathan L. Harvey. 28 4 1'.crnard Janzcr. I 17 IS 433 VV, 57211 st. 34 17 t').z Park ave. II n_ AV'. F. Staley. z3 Ii Wal.II l7srlfo,._ n st, .8 257 Avenue l:. 21 17 3-5 13. 59th It z Otto G.Amelang. z4 r7 II err, an Set. tr~ c.I II znr W. 63d st. zt 19 1176 Secnnrl rev. I,) 13 8 Geo,W. Umvnipg. I ¢S Iq l~0, A1', tih-„. it I q 514 Se and ave. z6 ; rz,o First ave. 1;; ro harry Johnson. III 28 zr I;c~~. A.l~ ! 733 :\nt~lerl;lln :tVC. I 22 17 87. 1'irr[:ivc. ..i 12 t 1 ! t1 David Carrrttherc. i t :.$ '1'1 ,,s. l. l I' _r 25 875 Amsterdam avr, 27 ti j rz6 W,4611r 11, '3 r.l C. F. Wood. III IS not I I..,,.R. itlri . • z8t W. rrgth L ~ 32 8 r772 Lceinglutt .r c'. 1 35 1 r4 6 Edw'trrl F hr'y. III 3n r 1'rancia M. I_6 , 27 6pl s, R. n , tn .t, _ 7 758 Seconri ave. h 32 I t7 II J bn Stulhe. r5 3 Christian Kram.. r. ::3 to 452 Amsterdam ave. ii z6 i 15 3.17 E. 73r1 st.

a9 t8 135 E. Solh st. LIS'J' r1 XXXI." Resolved, That the persons whose names appear upon the lists marld '' XXVIII.," JiOR01'1; It OF ER((K t.}:v. "SXIS,," "\\\.," "S\XI.," "XXXII." and °' XXXIII.," eninlittol Iry the Chatnncn in DEMOCRATIC POLL, CLEt, I, the Executive Committees of the Democratic and Republican parties of the ih,roisgh of Brooklyn, to serve as Inspectors, Toll and Ballot Clerks, within the Iimits of 1 he City of New Fork, are herehy Neptetnber 1, 1901, subject to FI.LCTI -:'I appointed to fill vacancies in said positions for the year ending \\RD, N,sst . WARD. exan)inatiou as to their qualifications; said lists to be ordered on file in the I encl:tl l;ure,lu of DiSTRII-T, Elcctiun~, and the Stllclintetr(ldut of Electi.nis it ordered to cause the necessary notice art certili- catc, t1, he i;t>K L4 N. 7 ~ 19 J. F. Fitzpatrick. err 7 I Thomas 31. :-. -... REP1'13L.ICAN tNSPECTOISS. .+ 6 B. Heyman. li _., 9 J. 'V. Na.h.

q r6 G. A. Fssev. CO ,o \V. J. Fear,, t:LP Thu\ 1':1 RI, 1. NAst e. WkIID. :1:\1n<. WARD. DI.7'I2Ii -1- 9 IS W. Moore. zr rr L). Rnrcellr.

fo ro J. R. Carberry. so 6 A. L. Lam :.. I I it John F. Robeson. 25 3 Fred, A. Roeder, i I i to 21 R. O'ltyrne. 23 5 (;eo. I). Sr ,'1 e,i 2 t 'Thomas J. 1)eely. 5 4 Joseph H. Rooney. rz 8 J. E. Devine. at 9 J. J. I•:hlnn'= I II J. W. Irwin, Jr. I 15 I 7 Harry A. Bogart. r4 9 n J. Fogarty. 27 2 Ity. L. "te'nn 2 z Thomas E. IIirsh. 15 7 William Howell. 16 Saunders. 03 14 Fred. 1'in z 4 , Daniel Towers, 5 8 Henry Hoffman. C. Jar. 1 7 5 Geo. \Sicker. ! z8 15 a 4 James Colligan. 17 r5 John Vanderbilt. .7 r7 F. Van Winkle. 30 8 1'. 3 3 John H. Wheeler. 17 17 Edgar H. Hazelwood. George F.Watts. 4 4 ' G. A. Smith. iI 27 I 27 4 6 John McDonald. 17 24 Henry G. Rindrim Eli I'" SXYIL" 6 t Walter B. O.+kes. zo 14 Charles L. Coombs. Poxou(.II of I3RotreI N'. 6 r G. L. Warner. or 2 William P. Ward. RlIPUBLICAN BALLOT CI.l,Ir 3 , 7 3 Joseph Reh. mr 2 'il William H. White. ELECTION td.Ec I ION 7 8 ! John Kraft. I' zr 11 Ferdinand Ludwig. \\'.IR D. NAVE I \\t AR D. Nor in. DItiTRIC'1'. ~ I j)[~TRICT. 7 II, W Barton. 21 25 C. A. Dillingham. -999__9 8 ', ------7 to H. E. Lzehfehn. an 5 Stephen Caliatrhan. 4 q Dan'l Wilson. 21 r_ \\'m. I.,rth,, . mc'- Edward Coker. z t or. W. Br'll. 7 no H. R. Alennecke. zz 7 6 13 Geo. Davis. 13 9 I 8 James C. Hawes. zz rz Ora ;att. 6 14 F. W. Johnson. r3 6 L„uii MI, 'h,, 1.

9 9 !~ H. G. Chapin. oa rz Churl' s I.e:+rned. 8 I 6 John Geschepki. r3 7 Win. R. J.'nes. 1 ro Charles Cogan. zz 21 Theodore J. h.oml,ard. 9 14 Edw. T. Lowrey. 13 ro Rich'd 1'. Ilarri s. no John Noble. Frank Manning. 23 13 Frank C. "l 1I u.1<. .I 14 James J. Foley. z 7 9 r8 at Ja:res W. 14'1'icr. 9 14 James C. Albertson. 23 I to E. H. Wilson. 9 29 Gustave L. Rureh.hzd9 r7

9 13 Edgar Dahlgreen. 1 z3 rz Simon Keit. 9 20 John B. Stetson. 19 13 Otto Riser,

I 1 5 William Hassler. z6 14 P. W. Lyons. to 4 Geo. S. McGee. ' ~~ zr 2 John F. Eui'.ti. Is 3 Thomas Jennings. z8 24 Adolph Gottscho. to 9 Benj. L. Hoewitz. on 5 Martin L. \lo-es. 13 2 Edward M. Young. n 2 F. A. \Valker. iris 18 Adam Schulthie-

THE CITY RECORD. I I.! 1.1.1 IA v,Oi IMIEk j6, t 900.

:lkk~ 'bbyy II ..yp MillS' I • urIfl NAME. Is Pp.i K op I I 0' CI'. RI, r, ''"•' IllS iris 'r. I )ls'rvli'I'.

I 1,,l \IKIhin. Nlri re11 3' I IhO,i,51. F. Lyn, h. Jr ...... .Roy S Sliirni on...... Fred 'k I I ri rr. C ...... Ch... F. I I ii ui ...... i G. 27 I.Am W. IfIIl. 23 3'

I".ilIc I ii, 11. \VtI.n. 28 17 Aitnt %%eI,rr. a 30 Jhn C. Li I ...... J.C.Reed ......

F. 1'. 0,101. '4 Peter \TCrtin ...... W. A. SIn ...... R, sign,.1. Niaper ...... I1'niilcd I.. -'II''"'. \. 1w i, Jr. 37 Iar, y I). flnrn. i8 1 Fir, Wk Div. nSbo,'k ...... SI. (;.W. L'endl. lb II Inry fleck. 21 21 Jo .11,11 I liII,',,I,er,I ...... John \h'.,rd ...... Risign 'I.

Failed t., .1 I' 1 2.) 1. iii,, Ahearn ...... ...... .... F. S. Drew Il'iS r

10 On S 'hn,s, R. had', ...... I'. A. 8lctDiirc......

14 29 John M. Reilly ...... F. Healy, Jr...... F "XXXIII.'. D.risI \. Hghes. ...... l'. Strider ...... ...... Fl OF IIROOKIVN. 9 l.ic,,!) J. Resole ...... John R. lIttle ...... ...... IrI. III F\I.I DI CLERKS. 15 ,8 • S. P. l'er'rs,,n ...... ...... tt. Ii, Pete, or' ...... 19 \Valtcr C.I>'Itricn ...... J, I 'Reilly ...... !L:T Ni'ie. \V III. NAITe. 8 \vr11. O'Connell ...... \\,,i. Haorr'll ......

...... '9 3° IHenry Peyrner ...... i l Fiizpotrick I IltT . 17 J . 77 6 a) I John II. Fitch ...... C. lt.nir.iclr ...... P H. Lvo, i I 16 F. NJ. Sl:clv 25 29's I.. C,,nvai ...... J. H. Ileirrens ......

tL,i, I I • Price. I 's SI 1-,,is Brand ...... I,.. Gurin ...... .... V.I. \Icrri-. 1 7 I;'.J. NI, -.iIr1 l(ej5 14 Thomas .1. 7IIalon...... I;. M . G' 2bhp...... .... di 2.51. \. I'. I ilcn. ci F'. luIv1g. I 7 Irhir J. I 11100 ...... ... .j. J. ork ...... I' ailiiIl I, nil'' ,r r. tI. Shaven. ci n.' 0. a. no Jam' J. Iir',hy ...... , J. II. ...... a Dvi.). I'eniilc.'. . I.l'izr. To ,Firin J. Kelly... ...... .J. Kenaing ...... I'offev. J. ta.ce 50 I' Iii J. Reddyy ...... H. libel...... \Vdnh. Je, H,vvC5. 1.1. 5 l'.,i'k J. Cni'iles...... P. J. (,rsl!r...... 26 is J. A. 11i2iiri. J. W. kCtl. 23 Francis S. Murphy...... I. S. SI wishy ...... A i li.. R' ii. 17 l on eii Er , sly' ...... he SI . •vi,,rI p ...... Resign': d. 2 On. Iloscrier. 2 J. I. Cares. iS 'I . ('.rriris ...... Jars Kc,rs...... 4 • .Ihii is 07 • E. N. IIrigherly ...... \Vrii. NJ, ye ...... F.irlrd I '''II" Sr. .slsird. 1,11 .1t the i'cr5s ii,smcI in liea tii.ik! \X\I\.,'' ''XXXV..'' 'XXXV!..'' 27 I min d 'I'. Kilter...... 'uk Sls'ir,rlv ...... '.\'!I..'' 'XXX'III .,"" XXXIX.' an! ''XI ..... I.e eIcctccl Sill! 3j ilitCi7 Iiir'

• J livilot L!nrk,. in the several election Iiii .2! "eVsaj,2i \-eeu,v I) oo N I .551515 iii Ii S iesvnrt ...... b, 'i,aC . J. St, wart ...... Vr!. ii t 12 !s.e ai.I 4(551 . 1 e '•c5 IN, Vr,i'it I. jcv •iii1 27 . J,T,ii It. I L,rrrrs'is ...... 2', etC. F Moo i' ......

I.IS'I'' XXXV." I F M,\NIt SI F Il '155 1011 III" M.\NH.S i ii If I KLT( l\II-'s't'.tc. I2liI'1'iII,ll NN !NSl'E, ''l'i bbS'..

• • , 5, SCF Ill' CAI 11t. N ssis'. IN l's. sc sr Csi'se'.

• , • FaiI'1 ' ' ,'I.. .,r. to I 5 30 N.rtii.sis \V. I...... Simon Levy . ...... Failed nppi or. ,' ••'....•.••••'. Ii S '.2 e .,.....,,... .. 7 20 John J. 5IoCar1iy...... t Ii .s.. N. \Vrigirl ...... Flrei i''' i m,s T,Tr'ti' r ...... 0.Cunniighsm •.. ...... IS' F, 9 I.' r,'. 'k Diaper ...... Jos. Mot,', sneney...... Fl l).J.y.cI ...... ...... A.I."mitls ...... 15.1..'a i 'a 24 ' 14 lL.riiii Ilryiniini ...... ..... F "en' k Din1,er...... l's].' i K. Fr ells ...... 1. W. Slanil .tNI ' ...... 54 ' .". "n i'"' ho ...... I". l{rggsirs...... t.stiiev St C' er "C fl ...... F'., 1;, J' 'h'.i' .n ...... 5 4 -5. I'l. lail,ir...... Josiah. D. Evans ...... ' Resin, I ' SI lion Hall ...... \.,1. Brun ...... 19 5) .1- he It. Meyer ...... Ii. De For st Norwoss I ...... St crrcn Sprtngsteed ...... F. I ll,srry...... 2 5 E. A. Rai.enee ...... Ciras. beck ...... s 3 C J'hn H E.lniod' ...... Mallen ...... I IS 19 1 AII,srl C. Riegert ...... en. I Ir.pper ...... 1 he". F. Wieland ...... Arrnsñeld ...... RnjscIed. I 3 14 lohi, V. Cosgrove ...... Phillip Marsh,ll ...... I Fdsrard C. li.!,lss'i ...... A, SIs,'tey ...... Failed is sipper. aS Ah,',shom Her rtzcl ...... Fritz l'lermstc:,d...... ! Chas Anth ."y ...... ...... crxhagn...... SonzeI, ...... 3 ' i Jol,n SlcLeilan ...... , Edward I • S A: ti.0 P. n ...... G. V nIcroth ...... Rj cted. SF I , Win. W. I)'C'rinc,r ...... Real en Hecht ...... ...... . , N er ]an ' ...... F.!. Stap ' ein...... Fo, Iest I.'. ,,, dlr. 1 29 I Vict,.i It . I IepierI'irn...... John 15. Maher ...... • r 4 uniTy A . S,su'ders ...... H. I schnser...... 33 ' a) AuusIus Anderson...... ... .. J .s. B,nimslord ...... 14 I ;cc. S;ruiiiig ...... • 1. Sclierer...... ' I 25 A. 0. SI rthn,siiis .. ...... Edw. H-ey ...... I, Thins ].Quinn...... I..K.te ...... IS. p I s-I 19 I ( ic'. H . Wr.ght ...... John L. Miller...... • 14 IoIiii Ccicnia.. .... ...... I . J. Dsvanney ...... OS 6 S.,ii,l Ss'nlons ...... F'rsd. W. \VrIi,i tri...... Henry B. Ho net ...... ...... It11 eel...... ...... . File i. IF J. at, nr. I I 31 : Simpson ...... John .1 . lyons ...... is Marti • F. hub rth . ...... SI. Htibcrth ...... .... 0 3' A tsr.rril Hirsch ...... ...... nI . T. N nsh,t t ...... F. F . St-u5) ...... I F. A . Taylor ...... I $2 Chris,,son ...... Ralph II . Dunn ...... I I 19 ' ' 05 1 . F' Shields ..... ...... R. SI.C'.nror ...... I<,iedtii. 1 Louis I". 'l'r,wns ...... (Ncr,. P. SIr,r,'eil ...... N.'umsl es...... I. llrrgheld ...... z3 5 • 9 ! 3° l'.aae Hart ...... All.ert Klein ...... 'I Henry \VeI,er ...... F. B. Dunn ...... Failed I ' 5 6 J. fin B. Feeney...... insecure Otahile...... 21 Ll,n'I F..gan...... L) ...... oP ' ig T A. Greer ...... C. A. Iieinznlnn ...... • : 2 Nelson P. Paula ...... ' Wm. Smith ...... sax 11 N, l,,,ii H. 1Irim1,lirey ...... J. N. \Vce ira ...... J..h. P. HIke... ... ...... \vin. Gill ...... C S 5 to R.t5 schi...... 'l', tonohue...... I \"m. Hall ...... he Shea ...... 0! Jon 'd. P. 1.151' " XXXVI.' 23 el J.'hi J. 5­­-y...... John F. lived...... Failed to appear. BOROUGH OF M.SNll S I I SN.

I I Stephen A. Dar ...... '. F. Fasising ...... Kesigned. DE1sII 1 SISAl' IC l'5,it.L 01.1515 K

I 11 rtin Kennedy ...... I SI I I, Fitzgerald ...... I 31 \\o. S. Fr s'r ...... M. F. Mulligan ...... ELEI'TIOC ASsPslnI.Y NAMF. I IN Pi.oce or CAUSE. l)IqrJ,ICT. I DISTRICT. • I Frank Garde r ...... G. A. Hnndri.:ks ...... .... Faled to appear. 3 David j.Pinc.a ...... I'z'giki..'sn ...... 7 15 A .J. Iluller ...... I H. Clew, ...... :Sli,.i,'1 ('.eo. Krauss ...... • 4 McC'y ...... Thorn 's Hickey ...... 4 15 F. M. Raiser...... I I . H Mains...... 5 Er 4cc Brnn.sri. ...... James J - Co'' cit...... 17 Bernard Crosl'ie ...... I ci W. J. I) .rgeon ...... Julius Hilner ...... 4 D. A. Barrett ...... 1 Vacancy ...... Jones...... en Jame- Campion...... J. Carnpion ...... Failed to appear. to 15 Frank l5. Schmidt ...... J. E.

T. F. Johnson ...... 3 Thom 's S. (011igan ...... I lonac Searle ...... 6 '5 Jas. A. Victory ...... ,

3 JrhnF. Blake ...... I'.Mulrey ...... 25 29 Louis Friedlander ...... Vacancy ......

Rejected. Edward J. Collins ...... I G. Chilea ..... ...... Resigned. 8 6 Hugh Hanly ...... ' ...... hen A. Lynch ...... John Guckicn ...... 29 6 Louis Hass...... Jos. May......

'IuI:SI)AV, )(A',1iIMl'Ac 16, 1900. THE CITY R EGO R D. 643,3

1I.M. I ION E:rnrylr v Ancrntmv , IN Cnl'slr. 1'V PI.1f p. i~lr IfuTalt: f. Iliv lb it i. I'IACIf. oI I1lvlN1I't. Pis-riucr. N 1M1I 1f. CAINn.

I" 4 Abe Rots e ...... '1'. Hochlernrr...... z, '5 Fdson A. Smith ...... J.'. Sloid...,.,,.,....,.,,,.... Failed 4 l.mfi. Cohen ...... H. Abram...... 15 (, Edw. J. Shelly...... Cha.. Schneider...... Resign. d. 4 John 1. McCaithy ...... W. J. Ahern ...... I...... 20 6 John W. Buse ...... I'at'k Slates ...... Failed 1„ .upp..~~ 5 'I'Itos. F'. I..yncS, Jr...... ...... W. H. Stafford ...... .. 22 6 P. F. McCarthy ...... M. Antonozi...... r4 1'. L,esser ...... J. Watson ...... r5 8 f). H. Andersen ...... Emanuel Harris...... 20 z9 Timothy Sullivan ...... Vacancy ...... ' 22 14 Herman Garnyost ...... Wm. F. Hoefle...... v 3 J.J. Shannon ...... ... 7 rE John Vitting ...... I Wm. Geyer...... rz x8 E, J.Casey ...... •...... '9 r6 Win. Grounott ...... Wm. J. May...... 13 20 John M. Doyle ...... `• ...... ..... xr t7 Fred.J, Kehm ...... Walter Spark,...... Rcsi4nc,1. a3 5 F.B. Haughy ...... r3 r7 J.J. Hayden ...... Robt. A, Donnelly...... z6 23 M. G. Cunningham...... Frank Roche . ...... 25 r9 Geo. Graff ...... 1 A. C. Riegert...... Declined. ra 6 1 S. Swieitzcr ...... G. Bonita...... 33 1') Jo. .0.Allen ...... ...... Wm. J. Stewart...... Failed to .rpl.ear. r z5 Adolph Hirschfield...... J,H, Horan...... (, zz Writ. K. Scisco ...... Geo. H. \Vise ...... r.5 20 W.A. Hughes ...... Vacancy...... 33 23 Theo. Schofer ...... .... Ilenj, L, Farless ...... Resigned. 13 5 Geo. L. Kelly ...... W. A. Grassfield...... 5 55 John N. Bertie ...... E. D. Paxson...... Failed to appear. r 3 L. J. Hensle ...... ...... P.J. Kennedy...... 19 30 Peter Lenz ...... Isadore Kienert ...... Resigned. ro 3 Anthony Casazzo ...... J. Magrino...... a 34 Solomon Meirowitz ...... Louis F.Maeden...... 7 5 Dan'l Mc"lahon ...... T. G. W hire..... ...... 6 8 Day. Goldberg ...... Christian Kopf...... ) Failed to .,ppcar- .6 3 1'hos. F. Murphy...... E. M.\t Donnelly ...... Failed to a PP ear. 7 8 Henry Goodman ...... ' Philip Tobias...... \ Dcclincd. xa 5 David Gregg ...... O.J. Linder...... Rejected. 9 is Felix Solomon...... Jacob Asher ...... , Resigned. 31 zr John J. Brosnan ...... W, J. Durgeon .... ...... Resigned. z r6 Mich'l Stern...... B. Newvirth ...... Failed to app—, 7 8 Wm. T. McKeor ...... A. Ittmann...... Failed to appear. 4 24 David Schutz,...... Fred. Schreiber...... Resigned. r ; 24 Edw. J. Donlon ...... T. J. Delaney...... '• Si 25 Henry Good . ...... Henry Ettlinger...... Failed to '3 8 Isaac Littenber Edw. Weisel ...... 5 a4 J. R. McCann ...... L. L. Levy...... I 8 David Finklestein ...... J. M. Michaels...... LIST •. x\xVIl." 6 z Wm. F. Sullivan ...... John A. Eagan...... BOROUGH OF :\UNIIATTA1. zo 3 Walter F. Healy ...... Alex.Schmdt...... I)I:MOCRATIC RALLO'C CLERIC 4 5 Wm. R. Hourigaa ...... J.Symes ...... E LRC-1 (ON ASSEMBLY NAME. IN PLACE rz a8 Sam'\ Schwartzman ...... T. Blanchfield ...... Rejected. DISTRICT. DISTRICT. r z 8 Isadore Jacobs...... Wm. E. Lowe...... Resigned. 14 a Edw'd J. Gi'len ...... Chas. Rountern ...... 7 I Jas. J. Howe ...... V:~c;;n-v. r7 2 Alfred Carnicelli ...... John Braden...... 8 3 John Graham ...... 6 z9 J. J. Driscoll ...... W. J. Bowe ...... Failed to appear. 18 3 Thos. E. McDermott ...... " 9 zq Monroe W. Berck ...... W. Hort...... 19 3 James arney ...... 3 30 Herman W. Klat.e ...... Gen. Philip ..... ...... 4 4 Philip T3oIaIsk}' ...... x 5 Thos.J. Boyle ...... 5 33 Sol Rosenberger ...... P. Caruso...... r4 a9 Louis Alsberg ...... Edward Pfeiffer ...... 7 5 Timothy S. Shea ...... .. r3 29 David Alsberg ...... Rees...... ro 5 John J. Noonan ...... . 14 3 Wm. H. McEnhill ...... Vacancy ...... x8 5 Edward S. King ...... .. 17 50 Harry P. Worth ...... W. \North...... ...... Faikd to appear. 3 6 Frank Kelly ...... ' r r 9 Robt.'1. Donohue ...... M. Duff ...... •' 8 6 Thomas F. Murphy...... .. 10 6 .. 04 9 Joneph Klein ...... Morris Koppe...... Wm.J.Wrenn ...... 8 z Dennis J. O'Leary ...... Wm.\Nilson...... Sr 6 Andrew Higgins...... 9 Joseph F. Moore ...... R. G. Manchester...... 3 8 Herman Marks...... 1 .. 17 9 \\'m. Neville .. ...... . E. P. Clair, Jr...... 20 9 C. Van Nes ...... 9 Chas. J.JIcNally .. .... ...... Gen. A. Smith ...... 21 9 31. H. Purlell...... Wm. G. Park,r ...... Vacanc IO 15 Robert Cooke ...... z, 9 Aug. J. Reuss ...... J.J.Tynan. . •, 15 15 Benjamin Prager...... 6 r4 Wtr. 94 .Causland ...... 'I'heo.Platner...... 17 15 Benjamin >tein ...... r3 r4 Max E.Cohn ...... Edw.Ahern...... •` x6 21 Wm. R. Grant.... 2r r4 Wm.J.B.rder ...... J.Eitenb--nz...... z6 21 Moses Kin'tler ...... 1 27 23 Adolph Lederer ...... Geo. H.Gr_en...... Declined. r 22 W. A. McConnell ...... r 2 z ii John Hargrove...... J. J, Marron...... Failed to appear. 8 22 Isaac A. Van Bomel ...... 9 sa James L. Brady...... : REfI'BLICAN POLL CLERKS. II 22 Joseph Fox ...... ------a8 Peter Kelly :o if Jos. A .Schmitt ...... Vacancy ...... ...... 6 z8 Paul Feible ...... .. s4 r4 Rudolph J.Stocek ...... C. Dougherty...... Failed to appear. 26 29 H. H. Klinker ...... H 4 E.J.Van Vranken...... Simon Groelman ...... Rejected. 9 32 Thos. Keenan ...... '. t6 I, Alex. C. Lawrence ...... I Jos. V. Randall...... Declined. II 31 Chas. Reynolds...... . 20 32 Solomon btay ...... ..... Jas. O. D1a1]ey...... Failed to appear. x6 33 Jos, J. 1Tusliner ...... 18 18 Herman Sessler ...... Alex. Siebecker...... . r 34 Walter E. Sharland ...... •••• ., 4 6 Thomas J.O'Neill ...... Vacancy..... ...... 9 34 Harry Ullman ...... ~ r7 6 Herman Marks...... Robt.M.Koehler...... r0 34 Geo. P. Van Theff ...... •, r3 2 Wolf Greenberg ...... Jos. Lewis... ...... r6 34 Cornelius Lang...... z6 3r L N. Mackey ...... Dan'\ A. Anderson...... Resigned. 9 14 Chas.Krueger ...... 6 . r9 Wm. R. Wood ...... Robt. E.Hcslin...... Failed to appear. 5 24 Jas. H. Scheipp ...... .' 6 r B. J. McHugh ...... Jac. L. Price...... Resigned. 9 04 Ira A. Miller...... rz 33 Wm.T.Esler ...... Fred. H. Pollhorst...... Failed to appear. 2 9 Dan'l J. O'Connor...... 13 33 Louis Reimenschneider...... Alexander Hart ...... Resigned. 10 29 Jos. A. Devlin ...... .. 8 6 Jos. W. Flynn ...... L. Rosenbaum...... Failed to appear. 15 29 Edward A. Siegel...... •' 59 6 Edw.J.Getty ...... Jas.Cooper...... , 23 19 Christopher O'Brien...... 2 21 Dan'l McKenzie ..... ...... W.N.Jones...... 07 29 Frank J. Kavanagh...... a 4 Harris Kahn ...... Meyer Kram...... Address unknown r7 .8 Hubert Kelly ...... 8 x5 Wm .P. Ayers ...... John B.Ziegler...... Resigned. 12 12 John J. Klipham ...... ,• I8 53 John B.Ziegler ...... C. W. Williams...... Failed to appear. 9 16 Edward Sharlitt ...... •• 16 4 Harold Levy ...... Simon Caplan...... Rejected. 03 x8 Henry B. Tucker...... ,. rr 6 Walter W. Mauer ...... (leo. Fisher...... 11 II 29 A. W. Williams ...... 17 an E.J. Reilly ...... Nicholas Dorry...... Failed to appear. 13 34 Sol. Lamberger ...... .. a ig Geo, W. Tubbs ...... ohn W. Kirb 11 17 II Michael T. Delaney...... `•

6434 THE CITY F EC(.) li 1.). 'l'u,':sl)2v, OrIrtl11r:1: 16, 1900.

11:\I.LI I I I I.I-:RIN. Ii ..v ~1.~R111.\'M1I . NA?I R. 1\ 1'i.AIV nF. I~Ir I)11TRI11.

~ - I 14 Ph, mas Rrilly ...... I Vacncy. NA\II•., I't,sl'1' it's . IN I'1.,\I' I! In'. (.11 51,. .. 4 ko' d. McNamee ...... ,uncs Gntncrs ...... r 7 , Joseph Schell ...... Repo hlican ..... G. I'. 1)issoway ...... Failed to appear. 9 Willi' 1 Doi zcrt ...... 1 , "I'humas F. (grey...... I)cmucrat .....i . r ...... '. 9 Chas. Cunningham...... 5 I A. Sin..abaugh ...... Republican...... A. I3. Liebe ...... ~ Resign'.d. '3 I.unLs Farrell ...... Peter Gundacker...... I Vi llianl E. Cruise...... John I. Selc ...... I 4 J. I 4 John T. Walsh ..... ...... Ihemocrat ...... I \l ich.1c1 J. Leonard...... Nut found. 9 lames J. I)'t$rady .' 3 ,. Anton It. \Warner...... I Louis J. Wolff IT ...... Faihd to ,4 Cha>. Joyce ...... 1 1 ) I r 'Thomas Trinder...... Rcpuhlican .....I 1l atthias J. Wetter...... 14 Thomas F. S.antou ...... ..

14 Ihoma. 'MI nruc ...... ty John Schribler ...... LIST °r XL." Win. Gast ...... .. 14 MOAIILIGH OF 1 )I'l;F NS...... 24 (Iweu koarkes...... 1NSIEt"rtIES. .. 30 Henry Levins ......

32 Wm. Fallar ...... ... I 6 Il:cz lioldstein ...... .. ' ''rj NA\II?. PVLII ICS. IN PLACE Ill C.11-ti r:. yy I II 4 Let,i, A. Moyer...... 9 Will. I, i dmnnds •• r; r Edward J. Coughlin...... ' I)emocrat..,.... T. \V.wgenheim ...... ~ Resignec 1.3 t Conrad B. Romai t ...... „ ...... , J. A. Romain ...... LISP " NXXVIII.'' 13 1 Hubert B. Di0poId, Jr..... Repobiicaa..... W. 0ndcrwald ...... •' IJ- ROt III uF MANHAlI AN. •. 91 ; l J. C. 9choonmaker...... ...... ' Wm. Y. hucklcy...... t :AN rA1.LIro ('LFRNO. r3 2 Chas. P. Hofmann...... ) Democrat...... J. P. Butterly...... '• .. Prank Travis ...... G. Dumas...... III :mN .A,S02111LY Namt:. IN PLACe . r. r.l 01c r. IPISTR I CT. rt 3 C. L. Vosten ...... Republica,....., T. F. Geise...... Thomas Paiue ...... ...... 11. Foster ...... . I .. Philip J. \lc\tanus ...... Vacancv. 4 4 Irvine...... , ... G. %V. Moe ...... . Nathan I3endren ...... 4 4 Wm. H. "" Wm. F. Boyd...... Democrat...... C. G. 0-Ili-.. ...... Albert C. Smith ...... '. 6 4

6 Alfred Mendel...... POLL CLENK4. 6 Mich'I Lebra...... H.D. Lewi...... .. Roone Democrat ...... 'IV.F. f.ttkit ...... a J• y 13 Geo. F. Thompson ...... 14 I 'I'm.lJ •' ...... M. T. McGough...... t4 F reest H ogler ...... •' I z H. C. Schreiner...... " ...... H. Feldman ...... '4 Milford Miller .... ...... 6 a John J. Br:mn ...... G. Beck...... r4 John Balkwill ...... 4 3 Win t). UeMola...... Republican ..... J. V. Given...... 11 14 Hem y C. Dannernheim ...... 3 Democrat ...... F. Travis ...... ...... Chas R alters ...... .. rz 14 4 .. 2 L. P. W nsche...... J. Judge ...... 14 ~anluel Cohen ...... `. John M. Smyth...... Republican..... F. N. 'IV od ...... S 4 zz 14 John J.Kehoe, Jr......

23 14 Fred'k Dahi ...... IIAI,l_OT CLERK . 6 15 Peter C. Reicile ...... Alvin 1'. Alton...... 13 r WuL Smith ...... '•.' 1)emocrat...... F.. J. Coughlan...... Resort I. t6 11ich'1 J. Callenan ...... •• IS , EdwardJ. Smith...... ' .• ...... J. Hipp...... IC. r6 I.Is. S. Fleischer ...... n r W. A. Hoist ...... kcpublrcan...... J. F. IIcustis...... .. John Dinneen...... '9 I 2 Fred Haertner ...... 1 l)emorat ...... , H. Rathycr...... I '• _o ]o John A.Hamilton ...... .. . 6 \Vm. Weih ...... C. )Sauer...... .. II 21 Chas. Maycock ...... H.: chrier...... .• 7 2 Peter A. Rohr...... " Dan'l Kops ...... '4 John H.. Lincoln ...... •' I' g 3r Albert V,. Non burgh ...... .. I 2 3 Gee. Shoemaker ...... Republican...... J...... Harry C. Roseru,cig ...... 3' 4 I Thos. F. Howe...... Democrat...... P. J. Cain, Jr ...... 1 r8 JI seph Koch ...... 9 3 Wm. Emm- rich...... Reilublican...... 1 A. Lutters ...... 1vm.J.Martin ...... .. ,u .gich'I J. Leavy...... Democrat...... H. Partenfeld ...... '• E. R. Browner ...... 4 Gee. E. Crawford ...... Republican...... J. I. Smyth...... 9 Edward R. Healy ...... to 4 James A. Brooks...... I, W. J. Teagle ...... .. Edward J. Sullivan...... •' 15 9 oyce...... 3 { 5 Edward I;rad\'...... ..... Democrat...... 1'. Jo r6 9 Charles J. Reich ...... •' zz 9 Charles A. Kent ...... .• Resolved, That the persons named in lists .larked respectively 67, 68, (19, 70, 71 and 72 be 16 16 David kuthberger ...... •' selected atnl appointed as Inspectors of Election for the several election districts in the several Aoiett,ltiy 1)istricts or wards of the (. ity of New York, in the place and steal of those previously 21 17 J. Arthur Kilpatrick ...... •' .elected, approve,, and appointed who have resigned, failed to Ilnalily, and so 110 have been re- moved tor absence on 11, intary Day, August 28, 1901.1. .a 19 Charles R. Saul ...... •• Emil Loeb ...... .. LIST "67.•' t 23 S. James Power...... IICROC GII III MAN I I:1T I AN. 24 Charles Muller. Itl•:\t , ICRATIC INSI'EC'IIUKS- 1'RI\IARP ELEIlt,IN• 1 4 -4 Joseph W. Hartshorn ...... •...... •• '4 27 J..eph Kornhcuse ...... ELFCTI N ACSFMMBLl" NAME. IN PLACE (It 4 9 Joseph Bernstein ...... ...... .. In'FRICT. DI5l'HIC1. -

a, . L. Hein ...... Thomas J. McGrath...... Removed. LIST I, XXXIX.11 a8 at Ins. J.Quinn ...... ..... Edw. P.Fargo...... Ill RI ,UGH It- RICHMOND. 27 21 Isaac Jacobs ...... ...... Jas. J. Conlon ...... INS I ECII IRS. 35 zr John Ii. Cornwall ...... P. H. Coughlin ......

g6 31 I H. F. Robinson...... ...... C. E. Edwards...... '• ° •,; NAME. POLITICS. to PLACE OF. CAUSE...... R. Walsh ...... 35 31 Henry Eiepp...... D. Mills...... ,...... '. 35 3r I Emanuel WVeiler ...... J. Jo5. Murray ...... : W. J. Barry...... .. 6 r Rollins Fletcner...... Republican ...... Thomas J. Daley...... Resigned. 9 z I Jos. D. Kehoe...... oho Crott 3 1 Richard Rollins...... Democrat ...... Thomas F. Cleary...... Failed to appear. S 4 Domarron ...... 43 zr John J. Sampson ...... Wm. Wm. Reher ...... Andrew A. Fair...... , POLL. c'LERKS._____—_ rl 6' John A.Mangon ...... Henry Koepler ...... •` - ~ t Thomas Goodell...... Republican ..... Frank E. Goodell...... Resigned. 22 28 I Ii .. Myer (sear ...... Jas. F. Ryan...... z + 4 Arthur Miller...... Democrat ...... Thomas W. Donahue...... , r; 4 TUESnAY, O(•rt llft R i6, 19co. THE CITY H E C O RD. 6 --- ---- — ------ - - 435 - Av,n~na v i t (-ru u Nnn t.. In 14 tt: r; i. C.v ¢. ---- I'nI. I, t'I RI

  • ___ j o' er N,.nrn. Pt.nre (II' l'.0 "r, 9 ('has. J. I ronnelly ...... 1 Thos. J. I hiffy...... R,•m.,ve '. P.n.n~trs. IN

    9 Milton Hall ...... ~1 .\Lx J.Shiell..... ......

    [6 32 .. Stephen F. Eagan ...... ...... J 211120 W. l :verard ...... zg G Leonard J. Mc(owan....., Republican ..... Pat'k McNel is ...... Resigurd. 16 30 ...... Hugh ( luinn ...... , 25_ I). J . McCloskey ...... 1 Democrat...... - Fu nc Lindsay......

    r5 :3-' Wm. J. 5111 ph}' ...... John C. loge ...... 8 32 1t. J. Shelly ...... C. H.( randall...... REI'UIIICAN INS I'4:C7'OIts. 3 Edw. F. Butler ... ...... ' Jonas Searle......

    5 Fred'k \L'rae ..... ...... Il A. 13. Thompson...... 1,1* •rtov Assrcatm.r Uts•t'ktc•r•. Lrsretcr, Nast'., IN Place or Cnvst:. 7 WVnt. M. Murphy . I,dw. J. Quinn...... `• 6 7 M. F.ff,rgan ...... John %Iurphy...... •. to ro August Vogtle ...... FL S. Schmitt...... Res ir{m_d. r5 3 Andrew J. Brickner ...... P. Conan...... .. 10 6 Otto Mnttola ...... ..... Frank Fusco...... 5 6 J3.n Gaffney ...... John J. Madd.a...... 13 17 Frank Bannon ...... W. S. Hunter...... .. 33 Benj. F. Millhauser ...... John McDermott...... it 4 Geo. Kithn ...... Herman Luxenburg...... .. 14 '5 Fred Ingram ...... l'hincas Cla;k ...... ,. .. 4 00 S. R.1) ...... O. Stryker ...... iz 3r Andrew A. McCue ...... . Fdw. Solomon ...... ••••• .. 6 32 Morris NJindek...... Chas. Talbot...... .. ra 28 Wm. llarries ...... ...... C. S. Lang...... , ..... ro 32 John Motan ...... M. Edersham ..... ...... II s8 RdwardS.Smith ...... j Stephen Huber...... G 27 L.G. \tiller . ...... , E. R. Eschenbach ..... ...... r7 28 Writ. J. Capper ...... Wm. A. Filan ...... 4 j TO John D. Manion ...... Win. H. Hauber...... 24 19 I 1 y. C. Brown ...... ... Sam'I G. Flato...... '.. Albert Koppel ...... Maurice Mnses...... r6 9 John J. Casey ...... I C. J. Otterhurg ...... 21 zr Harry Van Demark ...... ...... L. P. Van Dcrker...... Rrmr..ed. 77 John Kearney ...... ...... II. F. Dennison ...... 26 ar I. II. Pon Cl ...... Chas. A .Foss...... .. er 27 Max Lipkin ...... H. E. Eschenbach ...... So zr \Vm. S. Paige Robt. Greenleaf...... 27 Henry Mantel ...... 1Vrn, F. Moore...... 29 03 Fred's: Aaron ...... A.S. Cornell ...... 25 11. W. For .Lwcll ...... .... 4 J. H.AIcGcwan ...... 3 27 AI. F. Everard ...... Myron F. Thomas ...... 30 Dan'I A. Huehes ...... (;t, ,aye Menden...... I :. \\W . Tubbs ...... N. 1'. Wilson ...... .. yr r; Fly. I\unnstadter ...... l Al.. H. Levy...... cu 4 Jnv W.rrd ...... Louis N armes...... .. t4 Harry F. Laud-1. ...... .... . I, . J . Keenan ...... ... ... . o .9 C. J. Buenan ...... Chass. 'I h umas ...... r4 Simon Jannxitz ...... I•:. I•:- Stubenvol ...... o 21 Chas. Goldman ...... E.J. Blrmkenstein ...... .. ., 18 Sol Karl ...... Frank Bender .. I 4 \%'m. S.:hock ...... J. E Barrett...... 18 7 homes F. Oates .... .. .... I(L F. Hubirth...... .. I 4 ISenj. Friedman ...... ...... Edw. J. Hillis y r7 H. Al. Harrington ...... John 5'cNolLy..... , .. rr 6 .. James J. Hickey ...... ...... Abe Cohn...... ... 1; Cornelius Hart...... .' F. R, FarrclL ...... ...... r3 6 Louis Pollack ...... Wm. 5toeekrnan......

    rr '5 I'Eomfs Mori isoa ...... .....I ('has. Pfister..... ...... r[ 3 l"red. J. Hofmann ...... Martin Nerney......

    16 13 Charles Goldsmith ...... Isaac Strauss...... ..... I 4 Elias Kaplan ...... harry J.Parkus ...... .. r6 31 M.J. 51 ill6auser ...... ...... J• Goldanith...... ,4 4 D. 1'. G ldstein ...... Max Nannes...... ' P. F. Finlay ...... Jas.J. Bell ...... 24 29 Wm.Corneen L. W. Bach r7 20 rlan'I Fcelc}• ...... ...... 1~'m. Farkel...... I IS 25 I'at'k Byrnes M. F. Gahagau ......

    r[ zo P. A. Coleman ...... L. A. Coleman...... ... r3 Edwin Pye ...... J.J. Mackin...... r7 John C. \Veir .... ..... ...... h:ph. Ran iszer ...... rr 21 W.T. G. Sec ...... Jacob E.rb...... t4 5 John E. Longstaff . .... ...... Chass. E. Carmolly ...... 3 21 Thomas Greenwood...... \Vm. F. Brinckerhoff ...... r8 5 Frank J. Schrem .... C. H. Weir ...... ...... z 8 Chas. Samuels ...... Matthew Gold......

    2- 5 John J. Hartweg ...... ! S S. JlcWhirter...... 8 8 Joseph Pell ...... M e er Lev zo Jas. Campion ...... Chas. J. Duffy...... .... Removed. 7 8 Louis Harris ...... Julius Diamoml...... ., .. 20 J Jas.J.Gnmrley ...... ' 10 8 Gus Keller...... Fdw. Sturm...... an Harry F. Supple ...... Jas. Der yin...... " 7 6 Chas. P. Gill ...... bfich'1 Ramagnann...... 20 1). S. Bogart ...... Jahn F. Gaynor...... `• r7 52 'I hos. J. 3 fulligan ...... W, F. Wassman...... ,. 28 Edw. Brooks...... F. \V. Scheffureyer ...... 3 3' A. Lewis ...... Jos. Moran...... 23 18 John V. Corey ...... PeterI Peter W. Salmon ...... 9 33 Jacob P.,rkhus ...... Finanuel Greenhoot ...... r8 Chas. McDermott ...... (;e°. Sprowle 3 7 Goo. A. Rader ...... John J. Ward...... I .. r8 Thos. A. Conklin ...... 711 ich'I J. Casey 16 3 Chas. Kin Frank F3.Creen ......

    r8 6 John Murphy Mark Dais ...... •` 7 7 Geo. Horton ...... 57. F. Parry...... •' Jas. A. Burrows ...... '• .3 7 Jos. V. Hammond ...... 9 z J. L. Howland ...... Geo. J. Connell...... ! .' ., =4 6 Patrick H. Burns ...... Frank Ii. Smith ...... a z[ J. J. Cleary ...... Thos. J. Shea......

    4' 2r Theodore Al. Seward ...... John F. Cleary 35, 3a Emanuel Rosenberg J. Kenny. .. 39 21 Abraham Coon ...... ...... Chas. Hahn...... .` z 20 W. J. Gaffney ...... W. H. King...... : .' 7 4 Arthur H. Roeber ...... W. Kelly...... z 19 John Enright ...... J. I. Doherty...... '. ,. 15 t6 Thomas Grames Isaac Strauss..... I' 27 Chas. Manx ...... W. G. Rule ...... 6 11 Chas. Grenz ...... Donald 11cCIoekey...... , zo 27 H. E. Bates ...... I. D. Merriam ...... .. R. Treat...... 5 Mich'. O'Brien ...... Fdw. P. Ryan ...... ra 27 R. B. Hanna...... C. .. a II Moss Benjamin ...... ...... Alex. Schoonmaker...... 8 z7 J. G. Butler ...... Jos. Allen...... .. F. D. Cossera ...... Ralph Kaufman ...... 9 3 Edw. J. Shelly ...... J. Bottle...... 3 29 17 D. F. Sullivan,...... T. J. Schiff' r...... Resigned. 5 29 Geo. Warthley ...... Edw. Uneerer...... r8 Felix St. A. Govin ...... ...... Chas. Riley...... '• 7 z8 Peter Powers...... Geo. Ilu Ibis ...... ......

    13 18 Edward P. Durham ...... R. H. Lee-...... z r5 S. R. Wilson ...... Alvin Alton ...... .. F. O. Clark...... f, 24 Isadore Finkle...... Wm. Leopold, Jr...... 17 r5 J. V. Crane. Jr ...... .....

    9 9 Henry Nicholli ...... ...... James T. Mooney...... Removed. 3 15 F. S. Cook ...... Geo. T. Brennan...... .. z8 Martin Mullane ...... S. Streib ...... 9 20 Matthew Garry ...... Geo. 1'. Muller...... Resigerd. 21 a James F. Murphy ...... J. J. McDonnell...... 15 8 Harry Herrman ...... Harry Diamant ...... 6 8 L.M. Shapiro ...... Wm. E. Eberhardt...... 15 8 Jacob Goldstein ...... Gus Alarahrens...... 23 Martin J. Murphy ...... Wm. J. Heany...... 3 6 Sam'l Bennett ...... Chas. A. Albright ...... ,- 16 3' ..has. Hack ...... , L. Sp ier..... ...... 5 6 L. R. Flias ...... A. C. Stabile ......

    r7 34 Benj. Hall...... ...... Chas. 9childwachter ...... 39 21 Chas. Christ Peter Near 11 Wm. H. Newcomb ...... Thos. B. Tully...... go a Wm. H. McCann ...... J ohn Glessin g ......

    10 18 Edward J. Cavanagh...... J L. Corcoran...... 31 19 Dan'. J. Callahan ...... Harris Lyons ......

    21 25 F.H. Hanff ...... W m. J. Byrne...... Failed to appear. 12 10 Chas. Schneider...... P. Weiss ...... ro ...... Frank ...... 33 31 L M. Bein ...... Joseph Tucker...... Res fined. z R. Reichenberg .. W. Guenther...... '3 Robt. F. Bird ...... J. A. Shady...... 16 ro A. M. Heller...... ~...... ..... Chas. Ohl...... 9 I. A. Smith ...... W. J.Netterwald ...... ...... 20 10 P. J. Bach r6 20 Philip J. Murphy...... Jos. S. Callahan ...... 9 ro R. T. Supple ...... S. Mencher......

    20 eo. Featherstone ...... Chas. H. Madge ...... 13 8 Frank Brickner ...... Sam'l Marcus...... TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1900. 6436 THE CITY RECORD. As,Rntnt.v ---- 11T 1168.'' EI.rCT10N NAM e. IN PI.AC•R OF POI.ITiC9. CAI.~Y:. I lioTniCT. DI.TR ICT. O - GII IOF (IL'EKs . _—. ._ ___ .. _. I.. I I ,,—I•RI%IARY El.i l I ION. 7 Annex Herb., rt I'atterion...... .. Walter Are Al ...... Republican.. Romov -d. to Annex R. E. I,:mdener ...... F. E. ui " I.I'c~ ION V1'mu. NAME. IN I'L.tce Oc POLITICS. CAt•SE, rt Annex John K. Boulle ...... Wm. V. Waterhause ...... Resigned. ------ - II Annex i Gen. P. Picket ...... Jas. H. Bnnth...... Democrat ... Removed. John C. Betz ...... J. R. A ugus't' tme...... R ep ublican- .. Resi tied .

    Jacob Engel ...... E. J. Eagan ...... Democrat.... James M. Smyth...... C. Fredericks ...... LIST "71.' vim. H. Kelly ...... L.Gramling...... Republican.. Not found. BOROUGH OF (BROOKLYN. Robt. J. McMahon ...... J. W. Connell ...... ...... Democrat ... " 1)EMOCR'TIC INSPECTORS—PRIMMARV EI.E(IION. Wm. Hanrahan ...... A. Konrck ...... " ... Resigned. John Sheridan, Jr...... J. J. Mullin ...... ` ELECTION \\..I Rp NAME. Is PLACE Or CAuse. .. DlsIRtCT. J. J. Egan ...... E.J. Hart......

    \vin, P. Buckley...... J. McGuire...... " 2 C. M. Hearn ...... F. Miller ...... Failed to appear .' .. '.~ Ott„ Reber ...... J. Cook...... . 3 Thos. A. Madden ...... F'. Lawrenc^...... Not found. Herman Brand .. ...... J. E. Haxs ...... " 6 C.L. Mosher ...... J. F. Henry...... , Resigned. Jamrs E. Smith ...... H. Moll ...... " ... Resigned. M. Dooley ...... ...... H. A. Kerns ...... Failed to appear. G. \V, Carroll...... \I. Carraher ...... 1 " 3 P. H. Walsh ...... J.J. Nevin;...... Peter Munz...... P. Ra I lelye ...... I, Repu`,liean.. ~. J 3 4 W. F.SnC1h ...... J..A. Daly...... 1 i Joseph Crooker...... J. T. Derrick ...... 1 .. 4 4 F. E. Radin ...... Wm.J. Mogg; ...... Dead. \4m. C. Corcoran...... D. A. Gillen ...... ) Democrat ... Not found. 3 5 F. H. Wilsin ...... H. O'Brien ... ...... Failed to appear. \tiCh'1 J. Leavy...... E. D. Freund ...... " ... Resigned. ., 4 5 G. W. Hickman ...... E. T. Kane...... .'I A. V . Palmer ...... R.F. Searhy ..... ...... 4 6 5 J. F. Malone ...... L.J. Radin ...... j \ .n1. A. ...... 1. J. Mulvihill ...... " 4 8 5 J. H. Byrne...... Geo. H. Treacy...... 4 J. NICK. is3...... I C. Sparron...... Republican..( 9 5 J.J. Bradley ...... E. 1'ompkns...... ,... W. K leth...... E. A. Unborae ...... ' • I `. .. 4 Ar.hur z 6 M. P. Moroney ...... Wm Joyce...... Thomas J. Kiernan...... ' E.J. l voter ...... Democrat ... Not found. ., 4 7 6 C. 0. C. Cowley ...... J. S. I),cker...... I ...... Republican.. Resign ,d. Wm. H. Hull .... 1. P. W.IV ...... 19 6 C. Baumbusch ...... W. H. Cronin...... •. John U. Kane...... P. E. McCaffrey ...... Democrat ... Not tound. 7 J. J. McCloskey ...... J. Conroy.... ...... \Iich'I' M-DamIell...... ~ F. Helmuth ...... Republican.. Removed. 8 7 J. A. (1'Hale ...... T. F. Moynalman ...... Dead. Abraham Kringel...... ' E. Hart ...... Democrat ...'', •' 16 7 W. S. Bogert ...... J. Siebert...... Resigned. Ihom ai Ford...... J.J. Murray ...... Republican..' <' z 8 J, Cassidy ...... 1. Gousbay ...... Rcht. Baumann...... ( W. Naumann ...... " Failed to appear. 4 8 Thns. F. Needham ...... S. E. King ...... Wm. J. Rooney, Jr...... T. Wangenheim ...... Democrat... 6 8 W. J. Lindsay ..... Wm. . Barrc It...... Resigned. Philip Scherer ...... '. J. A. Romai n...... I 8 H3. Enoch .. Henry Heinmarn ...... E. Bennett ...... Republican ..' " J. S 8 A. S. Williams ...... E. Tracy Jul- n H. Roth ...... S. \Forms...... ~ . Democrat Removed. 17 S D. H. Gilligan ...... J. J. Larkin...... Dead. \Cm. .. .~ 3 Harper ...... ' G. H. Gill ...... 20 8 F. Rock ...... 'I F. B. Stark ...... Failed to appear. Frank H. Linnemann ...... F. H. Tucker ...... Republican.. .. 4 9 P. J. Keeler ...... L. A. O.Imes...... Win. C. Kunz ...... I. M. Hayes...... Democrat ... 7 9 F. Rudd ...... . 4 lleo. B. Deremer...... Geo. H. Highie ...... Republican.. I W. B. Duran...... W. Cunstab!e ...... .. •' 9 9 •. I Wm. Fuhrman ...... I A. Fredericks ...... Democrat ...~ 2 to H. J. Flood ...... MN. Presky...... ....

    2 Io ail E. F. McCauley ...... Al. McCee ...... Dead. 5 IO li P. J. Heaney ...... . ....~ J. P. Dolan ...... LIST 6 to Wm. F. Keenan...... M. W. Belford...... Resigned. lilROL'iaf OF RICHMOND. 2 II J. A. Cueinin ...... ''I J. Eldred...... Failed to appear. REPUBLICAN' IN51'ECTORS-1'RIVIARV ELECTION. 5 J.J. Atkinson ...... (. F. Fo: d...... 6 R. B. Webb... .. E.J. Haddock ...... 1=1Cs W.e D. NAME. IN PL%CE OF CAUSE. 3 13 H. A. Conteau, Sr...... H.A. Conteau ...... Cohen 1. Haggerty...... - z 1Cil!iam Burgatd ...... James Woodland, Jr...... Resigned. 5 13 1 ...... II C. Kuppler ...... z G. H. Hitchcock ...... Wm. L. McAdam...... Removed. 9 13 C. Rupp!er, Jr...... Resigned. 2 \1 illiam Curry ...... Iich'l W. Curry ...... I Resigned. It 13 J. A. Reid ...... W. H. Dooley...... 8 15 i H. Doherty' ...... J. Devlin...... Failed to appear. .. 13 15 F. Decker...... T. G. Thompson ...... LIST '70." W. G Meeker l OROCGlc OF TILE BRONX. 13 15 P. E L'acharach ...... E. Litt...... ....~ ,. `•-IECI Oloc—I•IOlAtARY ELECTION. 15 15 J. Pack ...... ..... i .~ 4 t6 J. Cassidy ...... .. J. F. Jackel...... ,.... 16 P. Bums...... C. Heiber ...... II .5 A..F fit. Li N:sou F., i Is PLACE OF POLIOICS. CAt'se. 5 1 1klC 1. D.tii k11. 9 t6 S. Marsbalsky ...... F. Kirschbaum ...... Wm. Rosenthal ...... E.A. Peppard ...... 07 34 E.J. Grieger ...... John F. Breen...... Democrat... Resigned. IC 16 Win. Schmidt ...... •` Robt. Elterich...... ...... H. A. Santcr.... 11 t6 J. Guenther, Jr...... 34 34 .. 13 t6 C. Jost ...... P. Becker...... ...... 34 34 Win. A. Dolan ...... Harr)- Harper...... " A. Knorr...... J. S. Schumacher...... - -4 Edward Fa, relI ...... Jolts V.. Zimmerman...... ' 16 16 J. R. Fullerton...... 31 C. C. Spears ...... Michl. Moritz...... ... " t7 Thos. J. Corbett ...... ,. t7 J. Snyder ...... J. McCormick ...... 34 F. S. Hotaling ...... Wm. Lewis...... Republican..' 3 t ...... •• 4- 34 Ed.r. J. Lol.u', Jr...... James J. Sexton ...... Democrat ... Removed. 8 17 H. F. Henry E. F. Carroll ...... J. McAnny ...... " 35 JacsL Kratz ...... Edward Farrell...... Resigned. ro 17 M. H) land ...... Jas. E.Fay...... __5 Edv and R. Flanagan...... Louis Fischer...... " ... IC 17 E.Phillips ...... , 35 C. E. Me-sler ...... ?tlonzo Krum...... Republican.. Removed. It r7 L. J. Whalen ...... 1- 35 Peter Muller ...... John I.. G,uznr...... I Democrat... 27 17 C. Devlin ...... F.Van Wutlkee...... . . 35 Martin Goetz ...... \\m. F. K.Irtz...... " 18 17 F. A. Abrams ...... F.A. Rodahan...... Looney...... 4 35 Ignatz IVo!ski ...... Arthur E. McLean...... 18 t7 A. Konnrumph ...... John E. A. Ester ...... D. O. Waehig...... ` 35 John 1). Barry...... Wm. H. Csffin . ...... " •' 19 17 17 ohn McMahon ...... J. Finnigan...... 35 Chas. B. Chave ...... Wm. Gugzolz...... ...... •' ... 25 J 35 Jas. H. McDonald...... ! S. H. Stillwell ...... Resigned. to Thomas F. Golden ...... M. Kelly...... "• Hicok...... Republican.. Removed. 1 18 M.T. Donovan ...... E. Loherty...... ,• 35 F. W.Hopktns ...... C. D. .. 18 C.Gas...... W. Bell.on...... ...... 31 Bout-duct Euntinx..... , .... F. 11. Hiss e ...... Democrat ... 4 C. H. Martin...... it 35 Win. E. P;erin...... I.J. Mahoney...... 7 is P. Barth ...... ...... " Resigned. II 19 E. A. Hanrahan ...... C. I;aker...... -I 35 Al red Johnson ...... Alex. G. L-sley ...... Republican.. .. 19 P. Lund ...... H. Greenfield...... ... t= 3; Thomas F. OBrien...... Win. P. O'Keefe ...... Democrrt ...'. r6 C. B. Traver...... 4- 5 Geo,gc Stietz ...... ! \\'n . F. Horn...... Republican.. It s. J. H. Cavanagh ...... 15 20 F.J. Sweeney ...... H.C. Hasenz,hl...... 7 Annex Joohmhn ti .EnEn ggl ish ...... Yetcr A. Shed ...... Democrat ...

    "I u ES! Av, Derain;i J6, 1900. THE CITY RECUI► D. 6437

    r:~ rn,rr F LI u,,,; WArn. IN 1, %cit WAtro. NASIO. IN PI. A(:n OF CALS1e; NANIF. I II~T ItICT.

    Failed to ap, ra', 21 E.J. Roshe ...... F. McHugh..... ...... Resigned. 1 7 7 Chas. J. Search ...... Chas. J. Barr...... ..... 23 N. R. Sa,ith...... ...... C. F. dt d cc ...... 19 7 Flnratio W. Stocker ...... Burt P. Greenman...... n J. S~:hal'. r ...... ...... P. J. ...... . : . Failed to ac, pear. z 8 Harry G. Cadmus ...... Alex. Gunther...... Zr A. Vermin ...... L. Waz..... ...... 7 8 Jos. P. McDonald ...... Wm. D. McDoulld...... 21 F.M. Lane ...... ...... ]s. L. Hester...... ..... '• rr 8 Gus Windt ...... i C. P. Hildebrandt ...... Resign,.( 23 J. 1I. Wright...... J. W. Egan ...... I .. 19 8 Wm. H. Jefferson ...... Frank Purdy...... Failed c, al•pe.,r . I 21 W. .1. Biophy ...... J.F. Riley...... '9 8 Ellsworth Fancher ...... Rob't R. Rehm...... . .. 26 23 J. E. Golding ...... ICI G. Berman...... r 9 Arthur E. Catterell ...... Edw'd Olson ...... I 4 22 F. Prcndcr~a4t ...... C. F. Kenned 5 9 Win. H. Muller...... John H. Taclon...... 6 22 R.9'. Wood ...... I G. F. B:rg n..... IO 8 Wm. 51. Winans ...... Chas. Cogan...... t3 22 J. McNamara ...... J. P. Scannell ...... 13 9 Wm. Weidman ...... Geo. W. Homan...... 2z William J. Hoey ...... H. D. Roger...... z II Geo. 1'. Sickles ...... Henry G. Hardy......

    r3 22 William Ferris,...... S. D arias...... 2 13 WIn.1'. Crouch ...... Wm. P. Billard...... ......

    2`1 22 Thoma: I. (3cogh26an ...... P. J. Keane ...... h II John F. Blake ...... John I. 1'nmmey...... ..

    2) 22 Hy. Lowcnstei 1 ...... J. F. McGr. th ...... ` 2 10 Wm J. Fitzmorris ...... . Thos. Jordon...... '' I4c- c c 23 J.J. Fl y.m ...... i E. N. Carr ...... 10 10 Ed. F. McElroy ...... Jas. S. Lawson ...... 1 F:ulc-1 r. ,pig.,, r. .: 23 G. F. Hey, r...... 1'. j. I'o612n...... Ii Io Wm. Kennedy ...... Harry M. Burtio......

    23 E. 1V. Hig4i.1s ...... ...... R.J. Fi+l;:>in...... 17 to Wm. A. Campbell ...... ...... Edw'd J. Welloch......

    13 23 J. A. Curran ...... A. 1. Beard ...... Failed to ap9e1 r. 22 Thos. F. Dowd ...... Walter Stdlwcll...... Dcatl. ,. t.l 23 1). F. 1033 ho g...... E. I .user, Jr...... 33 3: Swante Pearson ...... Jac. Daly...... F.,ile-1 15 23 Jas.'I'.F ...... H.J.:.Iurdock...... 13 32 Mat tSew B.tilley ...... Lou;, Earners ......

    r9 . Wm. J. O'Brien ...... Re,ignod. 13 Geo. F. Byrne ...... F. AL Tou ng ...... 2? J F. Lords ...... 24 C. A. McGee...... J. Doyle ...... Faile l Ire appear. 4 33 Jas. Kerrigan ...... 1. Meehan ...... ,. 23 DLJ. Foy ...... 1. F. Otis ...... 7 13 Geo. A. Seamen ...... J. B. Liddle ...... ...... Ideci::u : l

    24 'Ch ,s. 1. Gclaghty ...... J. W. M 1rpl y ...... Rc~i>;ned. S 14 Jos. H. McLaughlin...... John A. 3IcL..ughbs ...... F.tilcT r, .. tz 24 1). F,girty ...... 1 S. O'Donncl!...... F'..ticF'..21211to appear. o 14 John F. L•upier ...... Ed. J. Lawlor...... I 25 J.C. 11art ...... J.J. R. tie•:ly ...... I 15 John J. Gordon ...... Snml. F. Ludlow...... ' .. rr 25 J. 11. Le.: ...... J. L'. 1—,gan...... 2 15 Geo. Rausclt, Jr ...... Harry Da c is......

    35 z5 C. G. RitLar ...... J. E. Taylor...... 3 19 Matthew McGlennan ...... Watter H. Burr...... -

    '5 25 J.C. Ortnell ...... ...... F'. -. Mclkr...... 5 35 Roswell S. Hunt ...... i L. A. Barib'ldt...... o 15 11 25 J. M. R ...... C. A. Tssttit ...... John A. Bedell ...... ' E. V. Barnes, Jr......

    z6 J. W. MacKenzie...... _ ...... W. P. Lchmau ...... '• 8 r3 Andrew Ladwig ...... I Fredk. Hullieu .. ...... I' .. I r6 J. Moss ...... Geo. S. Rcnodc...... K'.. _.. I 3 26 0. 11. 1'u ffc ...... ...... 1. AI nni~rr ...... :...... Maurice : 3 26 Chan. 13ossong ...... I Jahn D. Malnerney ...... Filed I .r, I~ 4 26 G_ . C. Gitterc .... ...... C. F. Sch.rcer...... ••

    26 IL F. 11cC inn ...... B. \Icf:o- rn.,y...... • 5 36 Louis Leavy ...... .... John F. Le.t is...... 6 16 Reinhardt...... 26 J. F. S recnc y ...... ! J. L_Innmilt. ... ...... ...., C. Hundermark ...... Chas. .. 0 16 1' c•r er A . F' er..t Icr ...... ,! \f . J. HLrnL i ri ,h ...... 7 26 H. L. Archer ...... E. B. Archer......

    . I I 36 Louis 3I-y'. nirtz ...... ' E. G. Buckman ...... 26 C.J. Bough ...... S Th,rrn son......

    12 .6 26 A.Z mmermann ...... I 14. Knaut...... Nosigned. Herman Bo.esong ...... David Meyer...... Re 15 r6 ..... Chas. Jordan...... F.t It i :,: . I.I ,., ,. 34 26 J. F. Keatin. ...... H. II. Rttit...... Failed t2 anpc .r. Harry Zirn ...... 3 17 P. S. Ro'gers ...... A. A. Arnold...... '4 26 B.B. Murphy ...... ...... C.F. Jackson ...... 6 r7 Albin Pelter ...... J. H. McIntyre...... 35 26 E. Don2hn :. ...... I I I. I1. I .I tmann ...... :• I'aynter ...... '~, McElroy...... 38 26 F.W. 363 s FL 0. Robins.'...... ! 7 17 Walter J. Hugh .. ohn Duke ...... A. F. Clenlr.nts...... 19 26 2'I. Perkins_ ...... J. H .Bnticr ...... ; 8 17 J 31 French...... r 27 C. Engelhaupt ...... ...... A.Cent:uin ...... ..;. 37 Fredk. F. Grinnell ...... 1 Benj. F. 27 I.. Gellert ...... ...... MM. t,illct...... 17 17 Geo. T. Watts...... Edgar H. Haselwood...... 1V. Penrce ...... ... 17 A. King-man ...... J. Hcycr...... 17 17 C'' J . Fred. Schoenwann ...... 28 B. 13a.mSerr ...... F. F. Atur:in ...... 4 38 JobnCC:S Wcrk meiste r...... ,, .. 8 x8 ohn H. Becker ...... WVm. Becker...... 28 J. Ra n ...... C.Fu•s :cr ...... J W. A. Valentin...... Bla:kmar...... rr, 28 Jos. G. C,/1in. ...... 1'3105. 11. Shore...... 2 19 H. C. Robt. D. Dc llfund...... 2'] 'I'has.B. Ilousch ...... A. Klink. 4 39 G

    .: 19 jack Krau-z ...... Herman Schwarz...... 28 J. 1C. Fl..niga 1 ...... J.J. Fearo...... ...... 9

    13 19 Herds 1Volf ...... Henry Breithart...... 28 J.O. \Vryru ann ...... 3. I 20352 ...... ...... Iic:i. a.3.

    13 39 K. A. Agnew...... 29 Gco. J. Sullivan ...... J. J. OConnell...... Foiled to appoar. Chas Praitschi,,g ......

    :. 14 19 August Breitruck ...... G. Klaproth ...... 29 C. O,mann ...... Thos. I lealey...... 4 20 E. H. Hand ...... Jos. Rayn:,r ...... 29 D. J.a—. ~. C.Arlcmmm ...... 5 20 \Vm.S. Reed ...... Roht. Harrison ...... 3; J. R. Fow,cr ...... A. Fi;.:her...... 3 20 Mortimer Wood ...... J. G. Fleming ...... 3r 7tm'1S.B.:nnett ...... \f.]'.Hamlin...... ,. 10 20 Fredk. Popper, Jr ...... Frank Kraft...... ,.. 3z P. J. Whalen ...... A. B. I;at:helcr .. .. 20 Win. Friedenberg ...... Albert Pate...... 32 G. Hendrickson ..... ...... F.C. Vaughan...... •, 13 14 20 12321. Id. Burgess ...... Edwin Quinby ......

    34 20 Chas L. Coombs ...... Rich'd T. Coombs...... REPUBLICAN INSI'F.CI'URS. 1 21 Thos. McBride ...... R. hi. Kneale ...... H. De Roege...... 3 r 1 oui, Keppler ...... J ISSL• P. F. rbell...... Failed to appccr, 27 21 Arthur NI. Connor ...... 4 x Wm. V. Hirsch ...... Jas. R. Br.>wn ...... a 22 B. F. Baker ...... W.J. Wood...... : 4 22 J. A. Bot ee ...... Henry' Fdebohls...... 5 t Jas. Kelly ...... Frei'k Heist...... 5 3 Theo. Marshall ...... Chos. R. Fleming...... .' 4 22 Sumner H. Peck...... J. L. Killgore ...... .... Stephen Callaghan...... h r Leland Chubb,...... Win. Anderson...... 5 22 H. E. Spicer ...... L: uis Stein...... 8 I 'Timothy Coffey ...... C. J. Martin...... 6 22 Sam]. Coleman ...... to 3 Jo,. Graham ...... T. F. Carroll ...... ., 7 22 A . Dickson ...... G. Devenny ...... ...... r 3 Thos.C. Buller ...... P. W. Rurglual .. ...... .... 9 22 Wm. L. Pollock ...... John F. Dt iscoll. 30 22 Chas. F. Corremeyer ...... Chas. McCormack...... 3 1 3 F:. J. H. KI:nk ...... A. L. Ingalls...... .... 2 5 Chas. Kapp ...... Jos. Highland...... .~ 30 22 C. C. Hobert ...... E. J. Brown...... S. Case ...... J. H. Scringoer ...... 2 I 6 Pat'k Layden ...... Jas. F. Barks...... •' 23 Jas. 6 6 Philip H. 4immons ...... Fred. W. Goennger ...... - 6 23 Albin B. Wise ...... J. I. So-en r3 6 Jas. G. Kennett...... J. B. Fenton ...... 10 23 L. Burrows ...... F. H. Wilson...... as. F. Warner...... a. C. Drew...... Re-i,,nvd. r6 6 : Geo. J. Warburton ...... ~'. John D. Peck...... ' •• 17 23 Ch ohn Thompson ...... r7 I 6 Geo. E. Brackles ...... Wm F. Kennedy...... ' 17 23 F. J. Purcude...... 23 B. G. Phillips...... 3 7 (zoo. A. Hickson...... Fdw. A. 5niffun ...... ',,.. 22 P. W. Scofield ...... 7 7 John J. Dean—...... J. F. Murphy...... ! Resigned. 26 23 Chas. H. Schott ...... G.J. Kenney...... Isle-1 :-' appear. (lt.>;I).~V, Oc ,IlIihll 16, 1900. 6438 1 HE CITY H ECO F~ p.~. I

    NAME. IN 1'i ACx of CAUSV. NAnn?. Iry Pl.,tc li oN I't.Lllics. C.r. I1I r Ill 1. I1t n

    Thomas Nolan ...... W. CoS ,R. l;. l l iggms ...... \5'. I). Is rcncc...... ~ I'ail,1 to app 2'. :9 12.1 - -- tan...... I)entocrat. \'m. Ro uhnn ...... ' I .:\. Arms ...... 19 J•hn S. Nolan...... llcrnrd .1. SicAllister......

    \\.,l,, 21'2Viddy ...... N. IL Banker...... Co xi Patrick IIanlc Incc ,h Balm ford ...... Rrpublicm. N.tthan Lynn ...... I 'carom It. 25 Alfred Burton ...... ...... F. Gomel...... zr .3 Adolph Lederer...... '

    z5 Archie Halzl,aur ...... ; Ge• . C. Strang...... •, 72 ill 23 \lliam F. Perkins...... ' Henry Coleman..... ...... Republican.. ......

    ze _; t imothy S. Hanley ...... , Josc7h VachI ean...... Denlocrat .... ...... :9 Chas. G. \Vi nne ...... ..... III qi. Forster...... ...... I '. I

    25 C! as. Meyer, Jr ...... .... Chas. 72h )2r. Sr...... hei nLd. 24 23 'Thomas C u ll ...... ' P. L. Schaefer...... •• F. A. Rem i 'c ...... Ch a:. ,Casson ...... 1 Failed to appear. 33 e3 William I lrrlihy...... Joseph McInerney...... M. G. 1.,r1 ...... 11 'm. J. Sherman..._...... Resigned. 33., I g George Ii. tulle ...... •I H. H. Hennion ...... Republica".

    a5 W. I. Coffin ...... L. I. Recd...... 6 zq 'Theodore Leopold...... I Isadore Finkel ...... I Iem,.crat ... K,

    26 R'm. E. Lyons ...... A. 11. ar...... Failcd to appear. 16 24 • David J. Earls...... \V illi-int T. D,,yle...... Republi an.. P, .. ...1- .. J. J. \Vlen ...... Chas. A. Zimmer...... ,1 _e4 I' Sterling IC. Smith, ...... egot o T. Korndoerfer...... ' '• I ~ Hahn ...... ;anttlel I). Love...... '.. 27 F. I. McGuire ...... Rohl. McGuire ...... 1 Resipucd, 3 z; R.I,ert L.

    John J. Motthey ...... \V. S. Drake ...... .• 28 A. Roscngarden ...... SLt. I.. 11) ,,s ...... }'ailed t.. 7; pc r. tt z5 I Byrnes.. 48 N. P. Henderson ...... Ches:er Henderum...... I e, Fleury C. Wheelock...... Patrick ...... 48 11. R. floss ...... ....' I.F. \Icknight...... 4 _o f, F. Farley ...... J~,hlt 11. \10 ,d, Jr...... I .. M. \Vatkinsnn...... J,"1'. Berry ...... 1. I 27 William F. Foley...... Atiilliam i. Casey-...... I eut,~cr:tt ...I . IS li Chas. 12ndcn ...... \ Shillit...... ~' ^1 27 1ames 1). Merriman...... ramucl P. rl.:er ...... Repnblican.. l -.

    s8 R. C;. Mart r4gor ...... Jr h, ?furdock...... 6 m8 Herman Brussow, Jr ...... Jahn J. t,'Connor ...... Democrat... J. A. Somerhalder ...... Republican.. .. 28 Jahn LoLm ...... f.,Sn L. \\eb-r...... ...... to ..9 H. Pieser ...... 29 Geo. C. ]role ...... S. W. Rork...... r .l :9 Thomas F. O'Connor...... \Vil!iam H. lbonan...... Ileroocrat ... z . Pi7lin ...... Rcpublican..1 29 C. Van Bosch ...... 'I imulhy Phelan ...... 1 .. ., ._ y W F. ) Cohn H. Ii. F. Conklin ...... J. V. Troumpbour...... tq • ;o Comund J. Conway...... John W. I) Reillv.... ...... Democrat ...' .. Leslie Rand ...... W. S. Con.taot...... a 30 Joseph Po:psil...... Jacob Frieshcint ...... Republican.. •• R;,bt. L. HutIr ...... R..\rrhbold...... ' c 51 David Jacob ...... '. X. J. Kelly. ...... Denlucrat..., ..

    31 I s. B. R'atI auer ...... A. }.awnnthsll ...... •. 32 Samrel I. Siegel...... Artl'.nr \laver ...... ...... ..

    :r F. \I I'., Cr ... . ..... ...... I sa. \V. Williamson...... 1 Resicucd '4 _t lol11, C. S mldin...... ' I ~1thlll ...... ...... 2ep u'dirm.., .v ;r H ra, a G. I;rcnuan...... Clarence Tandurf...... Del, oral ... ..

    .4 2 r ,Wilson S. Smith...... Hemp I1. B s. stc...... Repualican..' 1,IST "72" -'5 31 Fred. N. Knapp...... Chnrl^s F. FSherwor.d...... " . 1 Ul :I:\N li.\T IA\. 17 32 J"!s•. ph ?.Corse ...... lo! n P. I;i.sin•ger ...... Pewncral ... 17 32 Samuel Richter ...... \S. 1'. \t'aseman ...... Republican..

    \l Y;. I. PLACE Cyr P,•1_I:1C . C.4Ii:. S M.. G.lte rh:mk ...... George R. Winter...... •• ICT. I)IST.,ICT 34 29 34 Charles . \ctiulrc...... Charles S. Rice ...... ----l emucrat ...... \\'il!i~m Hancoc6..... he ublican..' Resi_.ied. 5 it 1 Joseph A. FIsck ..... J. ... p

    re t Harry Flnagan ...... Tierney ...... Reuto•. rd. 1111.1. CI.I:RIC.

    tt \1 Ilwcer...... John A. Crowley...... ` 25 7 .1. .iii J'mt er, ...... \1'. F. \Icl;,nvan...... Dcnt.'c rat ...I Reti VS I. t_ r I Ictbert L. Smith...... J,.-hn Heaney ...... •' \,'Chian 7I. F.,x...... Michael Wilson...... "

    J ohn M. Sc~U1", ...... }tarry F. Lii,n..... ...... `• .. Resi_n..d. Fiesolverl, That the locations of Ills ft,llowiuh-Ii:uneti p;llliItC 1)12l55 heretofore selected by the Gorge Albri,ht...... \[ey er Isear ...... Ileniocrat... Removed. I'ulice P,oai I for the general election I'r the year Iy'4I i 2 the HurnI 1l of lanliattan Lc and the II 4 'a,ne are Iterehy rhan.ged for tlra rcasonc giccu 1 elute : Falied to 5 John E. Gilrsp...... Jt,}In E. Gilroy...... Republican_ I ; ua:if i I Frank R'aters ...... F. C. Ksici wain...... ,. Relnoced. _ Foote Iu I Cc ,. ' R b `; \T L 11' F' • d I 1] k " 7 • Max Cohen ...... . iat ob G••Id.tcin...... •• ..i .. ...... l.i luor sold on pn A. Guttman ...... R. IS. Borne its ...... 7 .4 I 1041 Second asceuc. caedq ..... j ..y6 third aye., ci;:u, 16 >4 27 E. 131st st., barber...... ❑w)a Ma lison avo., r:: ihrc...... Liqu n' .ntr! nn prcmi c. 18 9 \Vtiliam T. Lrnwn ...... Jos. F. ()'22I4la ...... Democrat. ..'' {t)»- ner of N.'. 174 niu- ,..n I 1S 174 Third ave., vacant ...... '. 156 Third ave., bar bor... 9 B. J. Reilly ...... ... Cl:arios 1. WVard..... ...... I .. 1 Ica-r. (Ihv nor ut No. ISO refuses to " i.e 15 14 1Sa Arenue ]'., florist...... 196.; Aven.;e B., shoees...... s...... i 9 George N. Simpson...... R. C. \]cl'herson ...... Repu'liean... base. 1 )wn,r of No. 72S refu•es to si,.n luhu G. Greer...... J ~hn- H. Sterhenn...I . Resigned. 8 ;q 17z° Lcamgton are...... 732 Lexington aye., plu u:Ler... ' I~~a.r•. " IIn m r N:.. 3•) avei, c Roolh...... ..... .. ...... (ailed to 2 tq So :lmstcr1lam aye., dry g •ods, -I rciuse s -.o .Igo lease. s Louis J. Levine. .... .... Jac~,a Levene...... Im'e"cr,,t ... F I :o ! Poling hog Ih .. ...... gt F. 62d sl., 12 hrr.. ...... : In placer of booth. z i John Deans...... James L. Maguire...... ' •. .. Remm'cd. t I ... mr f N.. 7^q C,duml us acent . I:) 2 7c9 Cul.uu!'us a~'e., unto+...... PA ;it Louth ...... I ; 1 r.. us.s hr ~i r,•n ; a p .~cti:t\.rtl,l I T.-.bias V, axber - J. G ...... Rep.l, lie ot.. , .. I r of No. 315 refuses to si_n 17 zl ;z5 E. 8 t sc., cigars...... ~, toe.; First ac•,, ~r_ars...... -I Aare. B. T. Rogers ...... W lliant Lecke .... -...... t3 7 74 Seven,h ave., cigar...... 93 I i,,;hth :,ce., cigus...... Owncr of No. 74 recluses t., let. t_ Charles Morgan...... Michael Stanton...... Ocaner of Nu. ,; p-. refuse. to -'a av e. , Ii sri,t ...... 1 e9 I', 94o Sixth ave., florist...... x.,50 tixtll I leas•. 14 ...... Demos rat ...... I Owner ..I ;\o. 3a8 rfuscs to 244 9 3^_9 Ninth ave., cigars...... 33...9 Ninth 'tvc.. fur...... I Ic.tse. 29 24 Joseph E. McMullen..... John Connors ...... p.vucr of No. x592 refuses to * ign s7 zE 15/2 East E r:d aye.,x vant..... t5l'" Accnue :1, :::r_uv ...... ,, :i 16 Jo•. Rasmussen.... ... . Republican ..' Resigned. obiasSanders ...... 27 J nn y ...... Peter F. Ryan ...... ...... I Democrat... Removed Resolved, '('hat the laces llescrii2rd upon the list.uhuiit1et1 be the Suheriutonrlent of Elce- 27 Charles F. Neuhardt...... Thomas J. Dempsey...... Repubacan..~ '• tion ,, market '' I1'' .t.] '`L • arr heraht rl ' i noted, in arr:orrlsn c .t ith the Election Law, as the 17 Daniel M. Daly...... James C. Malcolm places in the re-;.,_-,tics 1'I, c a. I'. _ :1. !I .,r : I, I I]~' ('its ~,f New i2 whichhiclt tie tc ;t_ let t--, t t'.c r~~ r ,cti ,u > I I .. , !,_.: , (.trim lie }car i1». 17 F. J. Wiegman ...... 1: Walter Sparks...... Republican. 17 Alfred P. Moran ...... I George Cunningham...... I.lo.l 17 Anthony G. Henry...... ' Daniel F. S•allivan...... I Democrat, .. lloRou;lt OF \1.1N11.9T i.lS. i7 John McGivney...... 1 Franklin H. Moore...... Republican. Is'Ll.l\l; I'LACI7 S—hl•:NI R, L I:I .fir' I '1\ 27 Charles F. Dolan...... William A. Hines...... Demo_rat.

    17 Peter Casey Albert P. Sichel...... I As;tc]IIiLY Fa. 11' 11- ' AsSI Stnt 1 EiJCTI .N L ~rCA'r1U1. 1.5,0.0 I,i I_•:. I) Lorentz Heyl ...... Walter \\'.Clark...... ! Republican. IISI ItI~T. 111-Ti

    _ 2 7 6 55 7 W-5t-t st. zr Frank M. Pearson...... CeorReGeorge cicala...... " 6 3(.a Pea,I St. z 1„ I 190 ,'ark raw. 17 18 I 402 \V. 57th ot. 21 Charles F.Siebel...... C. H. Irwin...... 5-4 Anut>-nL a a,c. 22 Patrick (.McCoy...... David O'llrien ...... Denr,crat. I 14 47 \Llrket st. 19 : 34 33 C:,tI- ar,ne: St. zo I 4 34' F. z6th et. 22 Samu^I Feist ...... Harris Burdge ...... Republic:ut. z 13 7 Market st, 1 ao 14 410 Third an,. 23 Peter F. Smith...... Benjamin C. Berliner...... Democrat. 2 16 J 4 12 and 14 Pike 5t. Yt zl 6t \V.lolst 1t. 23 Patrick Lardner...... ,' \Verner Huber ...... 4 30 2732 Broadway. 6 7 36t Broome St. 11 23 Fred E. Glasser...... John E. Hopter ...... I •' \V, l4th V. 21 32 Opposite 71 W. 107112 St. Henry .lperenee...... Herman Koppe ...... 7 12 242 9 -. q 203 Eighth ave. 22 3 Opposite 3oi E, 39th _t. 23 Charles \tv11p5...... L.I. I) :11 hnttt ...... spnhbcan.

    I iJESI lnv O(' fl ll;l':l< I6, i goo. 1~' H E U I T Y 1-t E 1. U t4 L$ 643()

    LIST " I " \\'hit.all, 'I'atwln \ (o., for , Vial., hordes, ctc., for c;rxr.25. ki uol ctt ou Ii ,ula.ti'n. TheAmerican I)istrihuting Company, Jatucs A. Wel,h & Son Ilranch, f~'r I'l ,I I I :,: 1I..\'. :ti-- GINI!k.1. ILI!r'JION, 6 barrels pure medicinal alcohol, at $2.46 per gallon. Schieffelin , Co., for Carbolic acid, nitric acid, quinine sulphate, saliein, , I, ., It t l3 15. ba r~ ,, ~:, , Nrtc 1t'. •:. (h I, /i'c'.ri,~ I'tlward Monsees, Ifelper, City Prison. 3; Ro ad a ...... 35 Bud 't. 'l'hornas 1'. I Iarper, Peeper, Branch \Vorkhou,c , I I:I I .; tn:I. Patrick Reilly, Keeper, I'cui tin tiary, IIlackwell'- 1,1 .1. 4 zq„ Jay st ...... as9 gay a. 7 4 Adams sl ...... 303 Ad:uns s1. .Satin i,'s Inr reas,'. i' William llurti,, ,A>,i,lant Engineer, AVorkhouse, front r• • ~ I„ t li i o. 4 5 21.1 York s I ...... .~t7 Pork )1ulc.Caffievaid William Ii.Chc'lwick, Stokers, 51,2i a,,,, is, It:,Iii -'JO, IoS;-r)l~crnuun,ti. r , 8 I•hrd :v. 7Lhird nc. each. hR:1\Cl- j- l..AV'1'l-i\, C:nnmissir,uc-r. "1' 7 r t L)ri'4-1 avc . ...... Iffi3 Dri,r:gs ( 19 91;> l v rile ay...... 715 Myrtle DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. 7 r) 3, •'I trcy ave ...... r Nostrandl \,. 17 19 c94 Marcy ace ...... I 1 Lie ac C. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OF TILE CITY OF NEW's ulci, ( .• q .t,4I;rna 1 wy ...... 3l 1„o.•dw: ,. NEW YORK, i-eptenrl,er It), [goo. "fhe i;oanl met pursuant to ii rtice. 23 ;o: No'trand nv .:...... .C3 I,aingtuu :,ee. ►'resent-- Commissioners Michael C. tIurphy, the Health )fticer of the 1'urt and tliu I'resi- I 13 3(8 rOfll1,k-lIs avc• ...... ! ~oS Pumpkins ave. (lent c,f tltc Board of Police, The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. t ! zl ti dfnrd av ...... ' r414 Bcdfrrrd ace. The Finance Committee presented the following bills, which were approved and ordered 3 24 6r3 r21flnl ,e ...... x224 ltcrgcn .t. forwarded to the Comptroller for payment c; 25 1771 Fjltun s t ...... ' zr Sumpt-r st cq 25 zo68n Fulton ,t ...... r):6 Fulton st. Neeucs. At❑ n N I. Na Sims. Ails,t I i:2 27 189 Central nve ...... 223 t,:rural ac. `1 2b 5 Vanderveer ,t ...... 9' anrlcrvc.r ,t. L'a,IUi:n c r 1'INHArray. I•h,. Hospit.,l of the New York American ) I 29 te- (7rc,mwond av ...... zd 1? 5th Ct. C. (:Idtrlrct n, i I-, 1 ry pr., tem...... yS2 r8 V,-lurin.try Collect-...... $152 .r. I:. 1. tdcrm- in, 'err-tart' pro I ,!.... ...... 5c0 00 I1. L. Fox ...... 57 ., C .:VC pl...... .. .. -, Revs 1.l. L ti I , I rriLllerty, Rec• aver. ...... 7 50 ., ,opu1 un r i I I IC ttis. L:. 1 71 ic1. r C I y. .... ...... 6 zo 1 7 30 \ tc Utrecht av . neap b,tn t ...... Ns v Utrte a arc. u d t;t:th st. 1'h L w .a n 1,­­'I ppiI1Itire., u.... to 00 h hn N. Jennings, As- i nt Chief Clerk, :;- , Itiucrside Stahie Cumpa'y ...... 25 00 (art tr uest S, Son. ...... ... z5, „ I. \Vintcrbottom it Son ...... 25 00 The Brooklyn E. D. Disjoin sary and IIos- I;crn:,rd Kenn az o ➢•tat ...... ...... is:, ~,., '1'homa< I.....cyy y...... .••••••...••...... ...... z3 25 ~Iuruc.; Usacon::,ses' Home and Hos- Resolved, That the location of the f .1i'ming-1t2n1er1 polling; place~ for the I;c:neral 1!ection, pii.rl ...... I \nveuiber 6, 19r)(), in Lite Borough f •1 It2 )lions, Imo and tli calm me hereby changed, for the 75 Iict bcrt A. Q'Brien ...... •...' N..., James li'n rIli"jotvn ...... St CO reason; tivetl 1 e s' St. Catherine's H~~spitaL...... too I : ii,.; Sul:i von ...... gr, co Sa}I Zahn Company ...... ••""• 35'r a5 i ~l.rr ti I1o5 tl al...... .. ... \ten k Lc C o ...... . ...... 8o Bnr, t'u!1 or QrrrrNs Ir l \ Cu ...... (C ot gu R. Lro wly, Assistant Chief Clerk.. j 3z t \I, rckRCCo ...... 6 50 I:. A. Track ,:r C:, nip,ttty ...... 7 z5 17gieo1cn ill Rtett•,to,n. Ilr. IL . Gill...... 6~_ ou Charle~s F. Ho per) - , Assistant Chtcf Clerk.. ~, .~„ — dJ I

    1' Sgt E. I5rst a ...... 1 65, \lelrose sec...... Error on Marty li-t. Comunntication front the Assistant Corporation Counsel, recommending the discontinuance if the suits nametl in his report. r, :5 '72 Cauldwcll ave ...... 97o Cauldttcll :n- c ...... .• On motion, it was t7r 35 20 3`' Arth it avc ...... c 3o F :Arthnr ave...... Resolved That the Corporation Counsel be and is hereby requested to discontinue, with,,ut 1' t 331 : t. An n's ¢ve. )s ::t. Ann's rave. Owiser, 331, rcfu=c v t , ,i4. leaser. costs, the actions against the tollowin -named persons for violation; of the Sanitary Code and of t ;1 •z4I T:: in] ...... 27491hir1 ave. Error on party list. the Tenement-house Law, the Inspector having reported the order therein complied with or tie nuisance complained of abate'), a permit having been granted or violations removed, or the or.lrr rescinded, to wit I esnlved, That the I2 'cat i,rrt of the f>1 low in'-na'ncd polling laue fox the General Election, N tt•ml,c1. 6, 190), Ili the ltorough of (,)uueua, I 2 anti the saute i- tic Le!)) changed, for the ressnn N a rt rs. N o. NA'.i es. N o. given beluvt

    held (tint, I lenr ...... ..... 328 Crampton. Edwin...... i,.,: Fr: zs mon;, lames• ...... 125„ I ,ay, Jr.ef,h L' ...... I 92 Iltr:hanan, lames ...... 1267 I)arrin, Sibley I...... 1944 r vcrs, alnaham ...... (340 11 tgi((, 11'IllctL...... 197-1 F:. shan:': t, Peter C ...... ...... zg:,z Ah,arn, John...... 2514 r i -arcn.[cir, I...... 17,4 S 1)ttmher 2_S, (goo, ai. real tvitit ;pcelhhattons of enntr.ici,. oil lily. hitH„lr• Martin ...... r Krat,, Ic'~atz ...... ...... z ;; Report. t l census, Ialior, punisllmeuc;, lot- o'cci< corgi; siple ulXir 29, 1g0o. Utt file. Moore, Thomas ...... 1942 N' )-er, \Vdli:rn...... 174 a 1741 Fr..nt Blanch \\ullsluUs , I:il,er's lslautl—\Varden u0001its account of ve,{ctal)lcs ra;Setl Oil Brody, Charter ...... ...... 1 1953 aietr.poli t ll Streot Railway Company ...... 1 Kenny, Gcurg ...... ...... I z95t Blush, anhur...... x;44 hiker's I,lan l Iuiitii ;uwnt.': ')t (goo, tlil., being first y' of cultivation u island by U;p.trtnte I - Stefano, J,-srpb ...... z9:0 Lawrence, Franklyn...... (74) Mouey value of sane, 5647.322. On file. DaOtiy, Fill I ...... 1965 Ititcholi, Anna...... :7,6 1ruiii \'orkloltlse, L'lacicwell's Ilan:f—.Ain. out of lines reccis:(l ,luring week en:ling September Brooks, Sadie ...... 1, 2972 Gluck, Ltarba1...... 17 8 ...... ~ 129, IIarnec, Frederik F:...... ...... r;ra th till'. Nathan, I l corp ...... 2 ), 1900, S49., Jo!,n ...... @04 It cich:u"dt, Anton...... 1774 From City Cenietery, I1-111's I,lati l—List of buri.tls during heel: ending September 29, 1900. rchmi:lt, Mary ...... 1182 t):,klcy, George ...... r;sz On file. Ea41eio.9, thoinas ...... I 196 Heelntas F. Gilroy," for $16o. Donnelly, Mary F: ...... 19-4 The Cook . Bernheirner Company, for 6 barrels pure rye whiskey- at $I.73': I)cr slln.

    O440 THE CITY R ECOl1D. 1•iiii.\v, Ot rol*: 1il, 1900.

    SANIL'ARV BUREAU. On nleti.m, the fullou iii t; l,n - nmI'IC untl resuhltioli were adul,ted : The foll/ming• ('onturtnuC,7fJ,,rs were heeeiz'ed from the S}mi(,,.'y S,sj,rrinttaoeut: \\'hereas, The Sanitary Superintendent has certified to this Ituar~l that the building situated upon lot No. 753 Sevettth avenue, in the i orough of \lanhattan, has become dangerous to life t ,t. Weekly reports of the Sanitary Superintendent. t)rdered on tile. c 1. Weekly reports from the Willard Parker, Reception, Riverside and Kingston Avenue and is unfit for human habitation because of defect, in the plumbing and drainage thereof, and because of the existence of a nuisance on the premises which is likely to cause sickness among its I itals. Ordered on file. ;ll. Report oil changes in the IIo

    7'UE1S1)AV, OCTO iER 16, 190o. THE CITY RECORD. ()441

    i, unfit for human habitation because of defcrts in the drainage thereof, and hecau%c of the ( In rnntiwi, the f„IlrwnIl; preamble and resolution were adopted existence of a nuisance on the premises which is likely to cause sickness among+its occupants; Whereat, 'I'I • ti;witary Superintendent has certified to this BoirI Illaf the Iii I pii g ;hiaterl ( trfiercd, 'rltat all person, in said building, situated on Lot Nu. II 13 11ot• avenue, ill the upon Li No, 791) East Ou ltuulrcd curl fgltty.secuiI street, in the Borough of i'hi• Unix, has I,'r nigl of'I'he lkonx, be required In vacate said building on or before September 25,, for becomeclangerou, to life aurl is unfit for human habitation because of defect, in the pluntl, ng and the reason that said building is dangerous to life -furl is unfit frrr human habitation because of drainage Elhcrarf, and because of the exi-tense of a nuisancc on the premises which i, likely to defer is in the drainage thereof, and because of the cxi,tence of a nuisaucc on the premises likely came 'IC kness alnt ,n,g I occupant, ; to cnu e sickness among its occupants ; t)rdered, 'that all persons in said building, situated un Lot No. 799 Fast Une 1(qnfUn, and Andfurther, That this order he affixed conspicuously on the front of and in said building and C•:ighly-s'ain ,bcet, in the Borough of'I'si Bronx, be rerl11ilCi to vacate aid building on err b.:fiTce I served as the law requires, under the direction of the Sanitary 'Iij)crdnteii(lciit ; and further, ticptrmhcr 25. uq((o, fur the rca;oii that said l,uilfiioi is iIaof;erou- to life and is unlit for human that said building he not again used as a hucnan habitation without a written permit from this habitation Uccau,e of defects III the plumbing and Tlraiaags thereof, :,nil because of the exi.lcuce of l;.fuiii. a nuisance on the mrcoti;cs likely to c fuse siekncs,; mn Oil g iIsnceu pan ls ; ( In motion, the following preaolle and resolution were adopted : And fuitber, that this order be affixed conspicwru-ly oil the fc,nt of ail in ai, l building and be scrv.!I as the low requires, under the \\'hereas, The Sanitary Superintendent has certified to this Board that tIte building situated direction of the Sanitary Supertnt rim aent ; and further, that sail builJing be not agar ❑ this upon Lot No. 425q Thiel avenue, in the Borough of 'Flu o Bronx, has Leconte dangerous to used as a hwnaim Iiab, tat iun without a written pernnt from Board. Iife and is unfit for human habitation because of defects in the plumbing and drainage thereof, and because of the existence of a nuisance on the premises which is likely to cause sickness among 7th, Report on compliance with certain orders to vacate premises, etc. it+ ,ccupanL ; t)n motion, it was lte.solved, Ordered, That all persons in said huihling, situated on Lut No. 4359 Third avenue, in the That the following orders be and are hereby rescinded, for the reason that the Borough of The iironx, be required to vacate said building on or before Septenthcr 25, 1900, for causes for the same have been removed : the reason that said building is dangerous to life and is unlit for human habitation because of Vacations, detects in the plumbing ail drainage thereof, and I ecause of the existeiwe of a nuisance on the remises likely to cause sickness among Its occupants ; - ' And further, that this order be allixerl conspicuously on the front of and in said building autl o° LocATION. ° LncnriON. he serve,l as the la iv requires, under the direction of the Sanitary Superintendent ; and further, Z z~ I hatsaid building be not ag.iin used as a human halitation without a written permit front [his -- - - - - 1 i'd. Boa-arch or MANN tTTAN. Ito t,t .n OF Iii - list nx. lln motions, the following preamble and resolution were adop,e,l : 578 VV shinpton street 5; tV,•-t =, 1 Cn •inn , ,•., f r t ! ,_,• tr ,t of \V'hereas, The Sanitary Superintendent has certified to this I oanl that the Uuilc1iet situated 7567 Nn, 578- Ii I.ot \r,, 1652.Atlantic at'enue, in the Borough of Broody n, llal l)senntc dangeroil to life and 19 91 No. 53C nit t ouenur•. i- ,tntit for human habitation I ecauoe of defects in the plumbing and drainage thereof, and 1ccause zrgot o. 5r 6 At'est I' lily -first street, „I tl're existence of a nui,ance on the preunses which is likely to eaur the reason that said building is rlaugeIoit to life and is unfit for human habitation because d.orI nd'I'wcltth .t,ect. ,t defects in the plumbing and drainage thereof, and because of rile existcncc of a nuisance on %o hr,. _r6) First accnn~. -4 t_., I ;u,:. .'.c- lrrentises likely to cautc sickness :tntnnt, its occupants ; _ And further, that this order hr affixed conspicuttu,ly on the front of an(I in said I iiildinti and titication that ctvur at "so. S5 \Vest Irtttt -secoii I ;t t hill Ue Iiscnttac..r , i imint \o. -erved as the law requires, under the direction of the Sanitary Superiutvinlent ; and further ~,~t Fifty-second street in thirty (Inc,. he not again used as I.. t said building a human habitation ttithout a written permit front this Ordered on file. l' I Sth. Reports on applications for permits. (iii outrun, the following preamble an(1 resolution were nrlrrptcl : Oilmotion, it was \Chereas, The Sanitary Superintendent has certified to this I oartl that the I uildin, situated Re,olved, That permit, 1 and are hereby I ranted as follows: Thi u Lot No. 430 lloyt street, in the L'uroulh of Itrouklyn, has become dangerotr, to life and is _ wilt iur human habitation hecau: c of defect. in the plumbing anti drainage thereof, and hecau;e .lie cxt,tcnce of a nuisaure oil the premises which is likely to cause sickneos among its N- r. BustNnss ;11.511511 ,rte THINGTi GR \tarli. u. P,m,tisrn 1 -_, ciu iidercrl,) That all lterolts in sail huildint, situated on Lut No. 430 Hoyt street, in the - ----- uugh of l;ruulslyn, be required to vacate said building on or UefilreSeptember 25, 1900, for 6,ne rear ,A' 11ASnArr,tti. the reason that sairl lruilrliug is dan~crotts to life and is unfit for huluan habitation l,ecause of 1z509 1 ~~To board tu, I care for r (told ...... ] No. r6ro Pir_-t avenue. u.ets in the plumbing and drainage thereof, and Uccau,e of the c•xis tell cc of a nui 3 chickens ...... li No. r -; I -' I,p street. Board. tz545 ...... N ', 3z3 Y.rcfic scree. x 2549 -ro keep 4 chickens ...... No. tts Surirbios street. On motion, the following preamble and resolution score adoltte(1 : tz90 1'0 I:ecp 8 chickens ...... No. 271 Bridge tract. \\-hereas, The Sanitary 5u1ierLntCudent Its ecTtitsed to this 13oar(1 that the Uuilrlings situated r2501 To keep rz chicken...... Nn, 47 Hit I t sheer. upon lots 'toss 148, 150 and 152 Railroad avenue, in the Borough of I rooklyn, have become ,z;;: I"o keep ,5 chickens ...... 1 No. r6r Bristol street, habitation because of defects in the plumbing and Jan _,ei ii, to lift. attsl are unfit for human tz554 To keep r7 chi ken s ...... N". 3o I;re oen ,treet. drainage thereof, and because of the existence of a nuisance on the premises which is likely to 12555 In keep an chicken ...... \o. 348 1tiniskeib ,cker at;n cause ,ickvess among its occupants ; 1255) `. ...... s I. 6o Union ;trees. '2557 To keep 4 pig> ...... ...... C•.~rncr cut reetan,l Or t lered, That'I all persons its sand building,, situated on Lots Nos. 14S, 150 nunl 152 Railroad Ire required to vacate ,aid building's on or before Sc ttt tuber 12558 avenue, in the Borou brh of BrooklynY, required c I ,x559 ..... ...... tio. zzz Hoyt avenue. Lo g I 25, igoo, for the reason that said buildings are dangerous to life and are unfit for human habitation rz5eo ...... NO zs; Ho •1:11ente. Lana Island s i because of defects in the plumbing and drainage thereof, and because of the existence of a nuisance Tzstt •• • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • No, zs G'1mi41e, rz56z 'ro keep z goats ...... St. John's place, coiner Ralph street, on the premises likely to cause sickness among its occupants ; ~ z563 ...... -0. 75 Sixth av, nue. I,rin_z Island Cie•. And further, that this order be affixed conspicuously on the trout of and in said buildings and 1256 „ ...... ...... No.8, sigh avenue Ja rg Island City. he served as the law requires, under the direction of the Sanitary Superintendent ; and further, t+-565 '. ...... N1).42 Poplar street, Fir, okiyn Ht Iv an Ilovt ,,enue, Intro Islas that said buildings be not again used as a human habitation without it written permit front this 12566 to keep 3 goat(- ...... NT'. I Cm. rz567 1 10 keep z :owl ...... No. sg Goaridgeo s.treet l.ogrp, Isl;,afi Board. 12568 to keep 6 fowl ...... No. nod Second avenue, L,ug Island City, On motion, the following preamble and resolution were adopted : rz56g To keep 6 chickens ...... N- =-S Hint avenue, Lo ig ]eland City. rz57o To keep ro fowl ...... Harmon idgc, lie Teen I airs iew and Woodward a t e- \4 hereas, The Sanitary Superintendent has certified to this Board that the buildings situated noes, Kry sir et, Heights. S Railroad avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn, have become dangerous to \f ontyomen~ greet, rcl Fi it 1. 111 wn Lots Nos, i J- 6 and 1 5 Y g tz,7t 'fo keep io chickens...... :rte and are unfit for human habitation because of defects in the plumbing and drainage thereof, and r557z To keep n chickens...... No. z2 71 ~. t. Nish-gas -oenrte, Rid g cttooi Height;. hccause of the existence of a nuisance on the premises which is likely to cause sickness among its tz573 10 keep r2 chickens ...... . No. zzo Ho) t ay. nue, Long 1,land City, N o. e~t Hoyt eventw, Lo,g Isla nd City, . 122 574 ...... •... .. I ceu p ants ; iz575 ....--•••• .... Bleecker street, between Woodward and Fairview a'.. Ordered, That all persons in said buildings, situated on Lots Nos. 156 and 158 Railroad nue-, Ri lgewoo-I Heights. avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn, be required to vacate said buildings on or before September 12576 To keep ,z (owl ...... Harnion stiet,betweentimtcr.erv,k and Covert avenue igoo, for the reason that said buildings are dangerous to life and are unfit forhurnan habitation 12577 To keep :5 chv;kenss ...... s 5 o 77 tit, Nicholas avenue, between C c and R.I1,!. 2~ s. Teets, KidoodHe because of defects in the plumbing and drainage thereof, and because of the existence of a nuisance tz578 „ xo. ,;6 widteo are.(, Jam ica, on the premises likely to cause sickness among its occupants ; 12579 ...... ~ Cornelia street,acers,ovwtavenue,Ridgewood Height-. And further, that this order be affixed conspicuously on the front of and in said buildings and 12580 " ...... Leff-rts a+enuc, corner it (-wart, Richmond Hill. 12581 To keep r5 fowl ...... ' Greene a one between Fairview and Wo,,ct ord ase- he served as the law requires, under the direction of the Sanitary Superintendent ; and further, owes, K Height. that said buildings be not again used as human habitations without a written permit from this 1a5 92 To keepP r6 fowl ...... I No. szz Huy[t avenuavenue, Lnng Island City. Board . ,z58; ...... ...... McDuley pla:e, Hanson, Jamaica. .z584 To keep ~8 fowl ...... I Seco.,d avenue, between Eighthand Ninth sire-s. On motion, the following preamble and resolution were adopted : C„9eg, Pont. \Vhereas, The Sanitary Superintendent has certified to this Board that the buildings situated 2z ~• .,, Vo.scg 61m strut, Long Island City. upon Lots Nos. 16o, 162, 164 anti 166 Railroad avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn, have become 5 5 dangerous to life avd are unfit for human habitation because of detects in the plumbing and i'oa„seo or )rsEr.. drainage thereof, and because of the existence of a nuisance on the premises which is likely to cause rz585 To keep 18 chickens...... I ...... ~ No. 45 Fmecriih street, Collage Point. tz587 No, 532 ElusLang avenue, Long Island City. sickness among its occupants ; i~58S To keep zo fowl ...... ' tics John's P'a"-c, wear Ralph street. Ordered, That all persons in said buildings, situated on Lets Nos. rho, 162, 164 and 16G Rail- to 8 No. 740 Ninth avenue. Lon; Island City. road avenue, in the Boroughg of Brooklyn,y s be reqquired to vacate said buildingsg on or before 1z590 To keep so chickens ...... • . Yop!ar =tree[, between Union and WykQtl avenues, Septe"ber 25, igoo, for the reason that said buildings are dangerous to life and are unfit for human Brookyn Hills...... street, between Onderdonk and Woodward habitation because of defects in the plumbing and drainage thereof, and because of the existence 1z59r avenues, Ridgewood Heights, of a nuisance on the premises likely to cause sickness among its occupants ; 12592 •' ,,,,,,,,•,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, I No.464 Steinway avenue, Ling Island City. And further, that this order be affixed conspicuously on the front of and in said buildings and rz593 ...... Nimh 'trees, between First and Second avenues, Collegee Punt. he served as the law requires, under the direction of the Sanitary Superintendent ; and further, that said buildings be not again used as human habitations without a written permit from this Board. 11 442 THE CITY RECORD. h)llI•:16 I 6, 1900.

    Ut 'INESS. .I.t,IRR H I IItNH UPANnI,. ON P,t'HI I , 'I- N. ', ' l 'ca u i 'N.

    N,,. lilt lro.nd -r I'iiK Ito,'.. -.4 T keep as clickcn ...... 7 }I -j kill s ,Car't', l.g I.tI.t,td (ity, N..'4, Il.,rtn ..tre., I.o''g III; ,,,I N ­.. i vios S cc, 'ii' i .,S'cltlle. il( Ii,lrtirr I"tt,s lItt C 'nIh ? it ascii tics. a ..R..IjIi street. n'-..r ('0*-er ItteetItlI', Ridg.'.i ocal height,. No . t4 IC.ot N I ne, '.t'i ght Ii ctri'e?. 67 11,,si t-iptuiy-tlrirtt .i?tcrt. Nl'.7OF:,lct ()ie c7 l'o 1oi'' .- fete I ...... N -. H14 Scct.ttti arerree. lug I. hail It-. N.. tois 439 ll,uetlu 'tI .,,:uI I l,uu 5 . 5j,iiittiehI .,vt'luItr, roar Iliglue, Springfield. Ni', ; 's F7ou I'igliiy eigltth circe?. street. -'. is _lohun'on ,,vcnI:c, Ito I ca. N it'-a list N tii,'i s .5- ctlt I street. (6 No. II r'''' II 6,1 o I )..k cur, CC, beivictu Chic!., scer . ad flroadway, Moruis N''. ''I I' I' iglit5'.sus; Ii Street. N,, 1188 :i .rr,, .11 uS k. - N Il.Jiis ,"ti' utile Ii. 6e3 No. 38if 'I'iiurlt . ('71 'I •' ...... 0,.. (35 lIt o.tdtva', I.HOg Ic!.t,u,f City. ril tr'acIi'i,r tui'r I' ittI i,ise ilttC stud I )ite Ruin Nn.37i i 'I Iit',t ,ttt-tl tiutil Ntu,'i,-eiitli on','et. 676 Ni.. 7th fl.' lo keep ' -- jickens ...... I Iv 'as,' ,,ut", a. ,r Cvt r, .,ventu,-, Ridge, co, d I vii s. I'last II ii, I,' 'I itiu l- ... tic, clter Strect. hi hue,' , t ot'dw let! and I".uirs jew nc' N' . 27 i I eii,li .i5'CliiIt', sIre''!. iv, utile. 7o(i . No. ittic", N tIge ieee I I I e.gIII Nu,. ' c Cur I ,,) list 4 fit, Itti,,,Ireti n - iS Snveiit , . '. 47 '1' hit it ., l'etuuie, I sevelltli St I , •' ...... '-'I- Jo!,,'-. PI.- ai',! R II.'. '(rCCt, Fiidgcrtc'.-d Height,'. N id' t...... 7*''. ct 1.1. . C.,,-. N - , ' _' I'l i 'I I'l ,,trieu,u,itu II e' t. 7'7 N,'.34u I-a-i Otto FI,t,tiretl tui,,l I2,fIy.sixtl, 12606 '' ,,.....,.,....,,.,,...,,,,.N.-. - t ,u l't,:u,nrrI .tvci'u' 'V' dow11 1 .1, Ridce, cc,, I I-leigh?'. N''. i . I 11k , 'I F's,rtt'vc" I rL''0I. I.t07 ...... ...... l'' 'ti,'',lt.' (1,- ti 11 ill'. N .r, it , ç 1' id-I .it - c,, ilc. 708 Nu. ioi lr,tIi,n ''It , VOiuuit'. 3 751) 12(08 '' -- ... ... - ...... "ci.. 5.' Ian" n i.iCL'. I. titi all i N.'. ih F,t't Set eiltli ircet. N,., F:,t 1),, tlit,,tlred .,t,tI F'': 12009 '' - - ------ --- - ----- hil.11 d, I, St ­r. iii ar M.t,:iir, lien kyii \I.mnor. N,'. icS Pet I l't'rt s"secsuntl SIted. Street. 12t to '' ...... 7*o, 5 lc...!rt]g.t alec'. t, l,, I.l,i,ol (.'i.y. N'. i , i P,trk- is e,tt,e. 711 N.', , ua lfllerVali' loch ,. ...... tarts ii sine?. necr ii hsi ri,,' ;]­Tue. _NIV troi..ln!atl. 712 H,'li?Itl',tst e,,r,uer %e'ttl!' s- - intl '\'i it4t f1111!1 131 i l'o I.- ct p 41 f.suv I ...... .... ...... , t rect, h,tli'C bland City. N ''. u u I I .-k it Sit oLin are,, cc 12t'.3 ...... ...... ...... \,lul_ eLIIt, ulcer lit'-ittl rt. \Il rn -c 'ark, 7 I 3 ' N avail ,tc, 71 -'. oa. 156i4 ...... ...... ...... 'No 4e hl.uett elicIt. I, to 1'1. it,[ I, it', 4 N 't e!t'isr youth,- I.ifI '' ...... I: 'Int'l a strut -u, Ii- -at I'- scllLr av,ttttc. Ricl-ccceood Iltugot;, it F 71 .tt'. ur -'to TAN 7 '5 N', .i72 If i r,I : va Ht tclto-. 71 ' 750. 437 Itr-', It at-, it,,,'. 22I6 11 keep 40 chickens , ------ ------i.. n- ; to N el,,!. -cvecoe . R '!cs" 1,t,i lletItt, C,., No,. a5li t-a.t I'0:'t5'-s,.., i, i,,l Ct 'Cci. 717 i"r,tsr I",,., md Cl,,,C ri .u-. - Ii,,' ..... ... .... ...... ...... ?,co;ow- t rI,.,', 1. ic skt,icI hit,, .'35.9 Ni', 4-i Sturiog Sin,- ?. 654 N . hi, - C 't,rilaui,li lee,,,, -. r-ib To keep cc chicker S ...... Sc ii) it It re,-t Itt! \!OrtOtt it ore, tlit!cIle 47 N,, 55) I' 'r.i tv-. itiutr. 6c ! No, zvo I lit r,I tv, t, a ... ...... ...... lt.t!1ik sir-et. Vt'. ilwar,I a,cni e, Rdgccreod 193 93 N .'. , 2,1 Pirk us citite. 6, No. ii 41 'r,,tt' ,, li.ctjli -i, :1 ti N i'. ;cS l2asi 'gill stIed. 68 N o. 3371 i'i,tr,l ,00:,,te. i't'.-- To keep 50 fowl ...... s oH ( 'aitley sir I. fl; bland City. N .-. u S , i .5 iltsi,i-,I.,nt a, mile. 65) Nt', ;@', I i.,r,t ., comic, I22t To keep low'.... ...... ...... flu,!, s rotC. near Ilih—l! :.vett,to, Richmond Flu!. N,'. CC@ ! I ,tl'tli is' tiie. 66t N,s. i,;i, Ste!,l,in't 12222 lo keep too lute' ...... (kite - avo uc. I t'r,h.vest it C's -ut- street, Ridgewood 911 No, ruS F is I- ,l:,rtvo,,ilt sires i, 66o No,793 I'last l)ttl, hut:,,' t,-!-,e I I Ii:st-,, _iitl ii ei-,'ltt. N'. is' 1et1ue .-. tIlt cci. I lt,t I To (cop 12 ctiickeu...... I felt ode. L avct:uc. eu' Sarihi pc street, Wychof 4- No. ct otrtte, 1104 .No. 40.9 'I'htr,.I avout,,'. If, 'g itt "4 "5 No, art last Elese,,tlt street. 6oi- No. ,,(,5 I':.isi O,ue IIi;utdrctl out! his's'.,,:' ii: 12t24 lu k-cop uS fee-I ...... N ce -c Fist slIest, long Wan,! Cos'. (614 7S,u. ..,' Fl '.t I- 1'!, Oil eel. to keep 1­1?...... It ' Putnam t-ct,uc', scar V- 'icc art!, Ridgewood 6-37 7'., Se t-1cti- - ,,r act. I No. fo , Iltird :ic,,,ite, Hc-,;lutt. 77c- a N ,s. 44 tVest I' ,tcl a, dm10. (-(-8 I \o ou6 rh,r,i .,v,'o,te, 71101 N:'. x lunch s reel, 6 - t; No',;eou? , 710 I'.tu't 4pt- Ft ttt,Ite-I ,tt I line,', CM OF 'tI .s' ii ST 1.S. 8707 N ,,, a; 'r,t F- levrtttli st reel. t,'It, "ti-c I, Si , N,'. 24 Pt ,'st 'Iiiiety.rvs mist corset. 670 - No. 6g t 11510 ,flt aCt ittto. @1St! ...... ...... I-'. ut ,-i't e.t root and N or It cd to cook a,,d dry blood and I N'. H-,,!,'c'. C'/,? N,.. I \b'ot, iv, tr 27 To he, pt ccli,''! for cdt,'!.,...... No. ie7 Mott Street. 9, . ' N ,,. I: iii' t, ,-,von,,e t 7 s''. t ro':k atettie. c c6:8 TO k- c-' cc c tick ens ...... \\ 'e, t sit! Scamatt ,tve'it,e, o o feet or It of Academy p N. '. 41 9 I'.,sI Itt irs liii si , eel. N,t.7ro l'kist (),,e Ilu,:, :v'.!.,tu ' l:, strect, air N,'. 415 't%sei l'itIy'so,:ol,d Ct, eet. u,ii- ,l: 1. N,s, 99'S L'ititu,,,l,ii : .,cfl;ir.S' BOROUGH or lie PROIX 2-4 34, 35 I -' ,1552 N,. e t Httt iv.,,, trvet _'7 i', .4! I. - I' - - .;sp 00 chickens ...... R.,sedae —t cc, n, ar Merrill ,- trc'-t, Ni in NLSt, I !04 No. 67 1" I tI e,u,:e. ti,rI, - '- 1 hasp to -,tu!cken ...... No ,o,s F, x sit cci. I 1702 N,,.o .14 hr 4_s NO.'. to 16 oh:, ns a v,-rttte, 117 7 Ni. 1390 "mO vi a, n,,e. 52 tt 94 I I 7' S Xc. (c S can'! tier i tt' 59_to ;o Idoan, si-i Or BROOM SN, I I N tt. i ', Set OtIS ar'en,t,'. I I 7 is' No, ;6 l lItto aveni,s', i_, 5 ' 1' - -- ,vater., gM cesspcu ...... try. 'tnt]. mar Avenue A. ta_se Ni-. I. r.-vS,tdei. I bird and ale or i chili...... Ne. '7 I_lit itticuru -c. tie. u2bt3 I i7u.i N',. 47 't%t,si t-'c,rty, lull, Street. tic I i ...... N. . ,-ti outcute. Ji,. I 14 N , ti I h. flili't)ut H' reeL 164 1lr"til citjldr. Ni'. eS Fee rUt test' or. 1171 ,,3 to board ..nd care ter 3 I'- - Nc', uS I ti t:iattuy.l''rtti Street. P!. n- s's.- tt''. 't cl-ic to keep a ch,c'ttns ...... No. c5 ]fit . iliac ttVi'tiui a. I i 71.1 -- ul7ud N'. i 'I.t.t I ort,-.iitth strev'I. ((a : N,'.4t., \l.',I ,tettue. 12 37 to k-sep 4 chick-c its ...... N'. o flu -ho i"aveutac. , N. ., : F7.tsi Elevv'tt Ii siree?. (9i : N'. S ,e 31.-rn' ,...... - ...... - ... -- No. : a _Nor It EphIt st e, t. ; I , u7t N-'. ,ti'. °tat,i. '1 'trovt. 692 N,, 4374 'l Ii irs! .:t,,,,,t. 1.615 N,,. ts c- Er hill CeltIC. I 1713 toni' rt,ce' 19! ''a't(),t, fl.,'., 12' 4- To keepschicken , ...... Na, cc fires.,:,,' t sue t. C.t,,tt,',t 5', Cci. '94 - Nt).777Fisi If, II ,,.,-.- I ,,,,; I iuc0s,i. I2'4t Ic keep 1, cuckoos ...... N'. cho Put 'trt' I. ,;ti't' i'd,ttii avc''ttuv. et 12642 1,' he5 12 chickens ...... N'. 4,u I,yo ii strrst. q Ce, '',t, I iceoiic'. 695 - N,c,2rcWiIlit ,cr-rI'. N,s I .vnclt stre-:t. .; N., 6 \'trSl Fit iy.seccnd Street. N.'. 41'I 'l'hur,l its-, i,, -. - ' c lo hec1. 13 chickens ...... No. it i',,arne-. sires-i. "9'_- N,', ,. t fist t'tf,h Street. '97 ' Nt 3u I Hi. hut,' 'u,'- . 10 ke1.i - chi c ken s ...... N- .273 It, "I' c pisses 7.. , ,' S t l t,trce i. (c,45 N,.C54 I-7,t ()it II ,:,'t,',l N.. ,S NI tte', U iii'! I N o. 54t 'die 't ttne I I ,tt,strvd ti,td '1'st'etit'' N.. - Il.,rle I slICed, fifth s- rset. (99 N,'. Etst h,e HundredantI,trl. N - 1 -u -North F.t,t street. keep co chtcke,,e N a, Cvi i )ec H u,ijrs'd atict F'tftr'eut eb '' Ncr, I, sit], Hint 'o5ot It, st t-.- ti, 32o ftc, wed '-I i'hird 1172— t, I-ct. 7cc N o , ,83 lcdtulL ttt ,,veil' te. ,VetlU. No'. r' .ttd ,.1S .\l,,nr,,e stres't. 701 I Ntr. '.97 E,st (Sic 11,1,,-! I.. he;j, Co chick-its ,l, '-ide Nitie,.: it It dcc's', e.,ot of I-',ot, iii - ten,,-. I I t 73) N .. us . et t'eiii,e Ii. s' yet. N''. i4S 11th - 502 No 6s, St . Ann 's ate,, , ,, 5, uk: I 0. 14 7 .,,,st, r,I.,u,t 7'cj I No. yet ..A,,iu'5 -i aten::o. .4 5it, i,alions for .h'Ier,.- ii-,',E I I z -o,z 1',-t'-uii to /o' S /.e .h',zIe on I /)l,'t 7,, of Milk i n No, It.i t-,llz.,i.e' I , st rc et. 7'S No. 754 Nt. -'iulni'o avet:,,o N c' (40 I'.!, srnih .,t - itt. 705 No. 37 I 2 lii, tI cc, iic' ill,, ('f/t of 'ftPi' 1''i-/.'. i17,4 N'- 3 5 FIts, I I1 1 2 ttitttsit'vd and Eiatitlt Sti'cet lutOtiOn, it was ''' N ., i i I .air, I .'is,'t,ti,- 4318 . No. 442 11 i,ii!tttcti:is - - That the following permit, for the sale and delivery of milk in The City of New iu7C. N u 5 i S F ' ct 1 Itirleruth .trv'et, ru7ti i-cores and t'i:!pIt No. VI' C' t Sect ,,t,,5t, it, Street, : No, u5o' ScUll, ci - and the same are hereby granted ''7- 7 .6 321?, 117t5 N' Fl st F'tiriy.vev itlh etceCt. ,a '' No.93, I-',ltl, .u' , '711 N'.'. i31 I',,,'t l l,,rty'ltotstrrot. 0" 4 N-. , .'i Snt,tk 'tic.' 11740 Ni', u t.,si I fiy.svc 'its! clever. a uc'i '5 0, t 1, ?I3' ar,,,,u I Lu'CAT,oy. 11741 N'. 72 'cCoi,,l aVet.ti", N-.. Cc'] C'eiit,.,i ,,', , 0743 N ' ,4 I.:,.t I ''.r u3'ruh h st sect. IS ' ,, No, cm SttlIli 0 r-. t. 11 74; .,' ''I HOSGH OF NI su.'. ,.' -. i 64' N . ca Vu,st ti-,htcer.,h 'toner, I i 744 N''. 5 5 ,'tutts.rr-J,u,t it- entOr. s,,uiilt '.- ,r'-', HORS'. / N,'. u,' I I Witlt-i,,i'tr',Cl, 07.15 Ni,. ah., ,-\ t ethIc A 9647 N u, 'e,t',,,cr., , ci - - . 5 'r,t'elhh sieec- t. if,' N1. 1-5 5 Ii 1 rei 11,1,'. 1174'J t".flii'titi croci. 3650 Ni., '1 St's I No. lit'- . Cv - ulith venue, t u' 4, Xc.. .oy Lott Fort —f— earth 511551. It 747 ire Siteet. 43! Sifl C .75, . at - C lti,,tbus ascii,,, It , .', c i,u,,ret,t.',,. treat. I 1745 37t5 '50 ...,') Il E 01,iI'„iv ,n,i-,. it , it N.. iS 'tv , -. Hui dr dilt strcct. -1 749 1k a . : 27 C,tl,t,tthii'. aveitlte. _ N.. . II' cry Sir, t',c.,,t-, avecue, N''. 26 Nt p sIre, 3 No. 939 Ftr.i cei-.u',io, 1,6-a Nc. :2'- ELI-' Forty-Sill, street. - 1 73- N'.. r''; 11e; . \o it k.,sz F us- .- so: s,-et. 11653 7'. - ccc I ire, nu Rh street. 117'i N '. 13c7 t'ecu,td ave,t,t, 4674 No, is it y.ki5u -: N,'. 41 l'erry Stree 3850 No. I' I' tt it s- 'reo ,- 4 No.t3cF-rsyhcirt'.t. iuS.: N'.pu3P.ttk.senuu-. Vts',i Fi':y.u,irth s cOst. 6' -c ,\,ttstc edam atenue. I1753 N. cc 'at, .5 tr,05nilt Street. '.911 N,.3, 'tI Ku' 1it-,, -i'--. N.,.3t So., 'I,,,rrv.second sIre'. ui'5 cs,tiul' anomIe 11764 N',. a1. o flpf t h as" titue. 5914 Nt,, iof 1st 2.4 sIre':'. NI'- _71 Na,6'3 ulr:, I ' N14,6 East lht,i,,;,irith dir's'. 6 7 N' .c Pot k row. I 753 ,\ vs 5] I W'est TI, i r.y-i in Itt strcct. 35&o . d etr,'-'. Nt'.(,t3k'ni.itt',t'ttc., N,.',Scp I'. si Firth 'i,cei. utf,c No. ic4 't,CcflII Street, I 751C No. 4' 'thest F,'ied sirnet. 397 , ' 4oco N'. N a 172 _ '110,! :tvemo. limb N.,335 Fast Tenth street. I - 737 No. 163 Far', th s, met. ', F "p.f sir co No. ot',.Av' tt..e C. ui6-Co N'. oh \\­t1 .-rty_ssventh 'irs-i. 2 I3 Ne. 2524 Se'.'vtI'ii iv, sue, 4c07 . No. 712 I' lilt ascIi,,,'. : No. , -: 4S Amsterdam 2tv5tttta . all, N ' .. ,.. in ,tt . 4 No', 52 tO 32" East (lit,, Hi,itdrest tad 1 Fir,!,it 4021 F'oot N,,r,ft r'ec it,, ,..5. 4027 N,. 8 Sit,, 't,vct, 4555 N . etc East F1' u-ten sires?. ,tiff—, N -. u Perry steed. oOS iSo I'ei'c,,u s',.-'. ' - 44_ 1 N , tog I i -, aSe1.e. itGS3 N. -. .c An,ser,lat,t asentle, 3 N.:.345 E,.. lhintv.'evet,tI, street. irE4 7. '.451 Firs,,v'.tttte 4s94 Nt'. 7i i M:ico, ISIS,, L. N . Ii,,st F',,ir,ecnih utreet, uil6s N-. \\ ost Fttriy-egl.rtt street. 4086 N ci 214 I'i.IIIi Iv' it::,. N.:. Id Arcs',., C. uS 5 Nc',,., \\'sst Iii,rty.stxili 'tree. 1634 408'5.N . 202 Sotah F ur,l ,-,c:':t. -- I No. 402 Far Histeen h or' et. , r'.6, N -. cS 7ilottroe sur',s'i, :7 4098 No. 896 Laf.,ye; iv ,s oil,tt. - Nc, 424 La-i l'hirtee,,tb -tr,ei. o668 N.-. i,, Se..c'nd 'vem- 41c-a N'.. hr. ,iilscc, No. sc Ea-t 'l'h,rtv.ti.t,e,t, suer!. Ii''( N (ad rhiriy.seentt s toc. 235 4123 N.,. i;,9 Mttii t,-,s'O Oven No. it 1:-ckton 'Creel. ti;si I N., 4:6 second ­,rue. she 4126 \toi,t ,u, ,,t:,uil I 2i1':trr'f, i:'',.,- .: Nr,, a:8 First avtnttt' t,671 N'-. rac 5 'I tiud .,senuc, 4t40 . No, 8a Lie16alb a,-- t, '- - : No, 144 Avenue A. tibyz Nc.,', F.: st I',. crib street, r 1 1 7 4155 ' Ns'. lo,,t'S. ins :1'' I, :5. . -'. 514 "'est s.rset. No. 211 I.ast l.)u,e Ho,tirtd and Su',t!, etrect, Nt,, to, Floyd Srr, -, N'.. 11(7, 5 4i 6 4159 ' 4i3 Ertst Thirty—!cur 418 I No. (1, Ic'. 'tventi - 4 N' . cc: Eighth at cone, 11674 N”, 1lie"ci. t53 : NI). 243 E-1 F'r,rtv ' DI Si th street. 157 i NO. Col,f,Ia ci C­i, 634 3316 No. 13o 'k,cknt tOre - I, est lhiri7'.sec' n'l street. t t'c76 N,s. Pikettrc'et 1418 4095 No, 371 Cuiiitttbl Isi,,o 1. NN e.- End ,.tcattle. i i677 ! No. 89 Fourth avcn,ic. 1784 4297 No, 952 tJ,'ttd Street, First ascetic. 10- 78 No. is95 '1 turd tv'nue. 4098 No, 175 Slid'ii,Io,, ctreet. No.464 i"titlth 'ti-i. N i i.i Sect n's aveoct, x it79 Na. i, St. hla k's'. I 744 .1259 e a No. I)eF'kal b No. : I 2 Park avenue. ',6,,c. ,\r-. us L'nrsersttv place. .745 4300 5 at-ertt,e. N . a 6 'teeth avenue, iu6bu N:. usc 't't no I_orEs -lust slrsnt, 209 4301 I Nail49 l)e,tnstreet, Na, ac 111, ,,mie treet. 116 a N and cc Vi c,t Fifty third stied, 1766 40e2 No. 40 t-titph a. cii, e. 303 Sxty-iiut t Ii Street ti,,! I i teeth t I, :,, ccli,', s•to. 1724 Arnsterdcne avc't,u'e. 1643 NO iii second a,eutuc. 'I Ns, aa Cttr'vetio sited, 11584 No. 2 4S Welt One Hundred ::t.d Sixteenth o4'a 4304 No, am Inc acee,,e, N., _ 1'$7 At s,erdam av eflue, ,:reel. 9,2 4305 N,t. tó Carroll 5t,00t. N-. 1750 Amsterdam aveous'. I i6S No- 224 Fifth at e,ttne. or-8 43o6 Nc'. 6t Leonard sires-i, N,. i s, re'-r, No ;i vtflUe A i 651. No, 1465 Firs' avenue. 4307 ' 8 Sack-eu 43o8 No. l'2 Ho' rum tire,,. : : 7 N-. 421 Isa-I ',eseu,ty.fiiSi -Crest. iitlj N',, o6a Eighth avenue. No, 42 Pacific .tree'. - Vt .. Xc. 062 Ei2hrh a,eu,ue. rthSd No, 6.4 Arnslerd.,nu aveu,ue, 45E9 .,.No._ so S',vettth assu,Ue. 5233 No. e47 t-;asi S,xeenth street. tEnS 4310 No.a90 Iloteard evince. No. 3236 Ikro,tdic'ay. 33 No. 315 IJI_atcher Street. 4311 N.. .38 FIr's r:,Ie streei, Fa,,rtf, : .' .2 - N ,. to, Ea,.t(Jne Hundred anti Tteent.fourth 424 No. IcrO l,exungr:.n e,, ue, 1635 4312 No, u -5 Street: Street 017 i'.441, Fs eet 11 4513 . Sixth ac'eu,tue alit! Pacific i2So 322-32') East One Hundred and Third 44i4 604 Fttlt, ii 'ireet, I '01 Net. as l.exing'nn avenue. N,,s. 1762 4315 I i i No, :a 7t1 ant,:ttian 5' rest. street Nc'. 34 Ssseit'h avonu'-. ,I' 24 N'.'. 14'1c ,\mrterdatui avenue. i Sa ,'so. N,33 't'est Fctrty.secoasl Street, 372 4316 No. i6 Rclplt ave,iIic,. 1525 No. 443 H,,'.sen ttrcet. a , 6 N. 488 Eittitt avenue. I34 4317 No. 487 No.trti,d :tne,,,l''. : t' Or, No. 4t4 East One Hundred and Fifteenth usia No. ;°o Eat F fifth street, sIres?. a.ótu , Na. ofo \\'e.t l'lcirt't--flfih sired. I 27 No. ib,6 Amsterdam avenue. 2573 I N , 'loath avetiue. - i - u. N'.. t79 -Third avenue. 3,93, N'.. 427 \Ve'e y,xt,,e,,th street. ,c-us N a-c F it-I F1ighty_sesenih ',?rect. 3i62 Na.io3 .Aven,,e 1). On motion, it was 4-,'6uu No, Si est Jr, rip ninth street. 0 Nc. .tp 1-cry 445 Resolved, That permits be and are hereby denied, as follows: i Pot. 4u6 t'3a't Seventy-third street. 4422 1 No. 870 First aver ue. N' , l',.,st Eighth street. 4832 1 No. zo;z Eighth avenue. 4816 Xe. - Eg East l'eit,li street. , I 3 7* '-. -67 Tenth avenue. No. Park :.veu,ue. 1- l s'S 232 e-:Otttl aeentie. 744) 1724 No. 8i'iNF-os..\Is mci, on 'IIiINi Dityimu. Os PREMIsEs AT it. 3 No. W1 An suerdam aser.ue. 7703 Ne, 1113 P0rk avenue. Ne.. 6 sixth iv enue, 8:.4 I Nos. 44 md 46 Jefferson street. N.. 16,9 3Tdtson avenue. , 8748 No. East Ei4hiierh street. 33i liil,it.tCtt cli' MHNI-JATTAN. '-8 No, 219 hts: One Hundred atid S2corid street. 1-894 No-9 File cker strent. '.3-,N r . ouO I] rt'o,, Se curser. 10177 No-. is 9 and air Ludlow Street. noS To keep a schr,oI...... I No, t6 Madisoit Street. I , 42 Na. ,7 Icol l,.flo Hui deed and Fifteenth I 07,6 N". o West 'l'h,ri'enitu street. 1109 lo board and Care fur itso children...... No. 320 East Thiriyfitsi tirert. , 32o First ase,,ue, itrect. 10834 No. I I 10 'to render tallow...... ' Non. 125 and , a7 Chiistupher street, I 1044f Ne. 301 East Seventy-sixth street. 034 East 'l'weiiiy'ltfih Street. ' ir41 N". Nt. Mark's pace. II I I - 'So keep t hick-ens ...... No. ' 542 N -. (ai hiatt Eleventh street. uoSlS No, 107 Clinton street. 1112 hI keep sis chicks-na...... No, 305 East Oulo Hundred and Twentieth street. : -firm siren. Ii V 4 3 No. ­4 Lao beve,iis"Iotirth street. I ,iiok No, 1712 Park avenue, u t I To keep tie-dye chickens...... No, ,i East Seventy 3 i East street. i'44 No. 725 Ihird averuc. 11284 Ne. 54o Hudson Street, 1119 '10 keep aed sell poultry in vraies only...... Non. ax and ne I Fast streel, it f5 N'-. 655 third avva,,r, . 11o7 No. 42) %%'eit 1 hirty-second street. 1100 'In keep and ,,ll and slaughter poultry...... No'. a, and 22

    'I' u i:,('AN•, () i ni i 16, tc~oo. THE CITY RECORD. 644

    O y \,•, Iii N P-, III it ITItk Olt 'Iiil`r, IlRN?4l, ON I'RKMII4R1l AT •PIMA I~RaIA Y.I ON {'NRMIRRR AT F,%TKNI)NU TO

    Ililt IKnNx. 2z000 No. 34I lh'es6'liirty.Ibortn ,ire, t...... I Sept. tg, too r 114 To keep one goat ...... Lomm nwca'?h iIVCnw• aniL ny!nm seine. 29708 297[5 No. .15 11' Oct lustt1'-fourth .trees...... ' " ao 3 .. •••••.••.....•....•.. Ne. z07 Rlee1e street. Veil Ii. 293..9 \o. at i'.ast Broadw.'y ...... Oct. r, 4,x4 ...... No. sCq[ I.exingf,,n 1277 . ... ..' No.433 VVest F nrt t,-ec•t. $509 No.427 lust lHtceeti street ...... [, I_8o ...... ...... No. 2z6t Sec 'ii ave , cue. 30222 I No. t it 'Vest One 1'ttndr I and 7\veiny- I .... ... .~. [;82 ...... 'j No.317 Wet • l,irtc-moth street. eighth street ...... Sept. t'7, : nto ...... No. )44 l.e%lil':I set. 30223 No.tt5 1Ve,t One hundred an~'1 went5...... No. 574 ',ercnti avenua. eighth ,t rest ...... ...... ...... I 1892 No. t9541 Amsteid.,m avers .... ...... ' =573 ” ... •••..•...... ••.•. No. 485 'tenth venue...... • Sixteenth Street. t I„t,u I 1 ui ,: ) I ,dj i I I' tl :,.,uv 3=93 .." • ...... ....• •.' No. 4x7 West to iii tl fed, p a~.d Ih I, fl. ) Smg, .u:t .;6u ...... No. )05 Avel,m II. gene r svi th the re,l of the yard curia. ;zuo ...... I No. 445 \ti,t F''rty ninth -trcet. :• ...... No. 870 Fir,t ay. title. be so graded as to discharge all 'uri:n', 4492 setter into a propt'rly trapped sewer-e' n- t 832 ...... No. 2t40 Eighth :tv enuc. nected Ur it. ,i16 ...... ...... II No. 187 Ch,- stie street. r88a2 No. 305 ACCSt Lro.ttlway ...... Or I. r, ryoo 7449 ...... •...•••..• No.) 704 Park accrue. -7,q ...... I No. tuc6 LesiP"tton avenue. ( Jlodified Si astSallow the cent flat ing nl tl:c inner b[,droonl, by means of a seel,ti'atI,i, `la; ...... N 1.44 Sheriff street. 50515 No.5 East Sistieth ,tree? ...... f -748 ' ...... NO. 331 l'a: t Eightieth street. ztct No. B,_)' Fast Sfis[fivtn street ...... ~ ski' light instead of by windows ..pct iii.' 4 into hall Intl adjoining eoram. e94 ...... N. 259 BIeecl,e r street. 1. Sept. art, 19oo 1u177 ..... _ .....••.•.•.••• Nos. toq and t IT Ludlow street. u,546 No. Soo Ea:t Seventy-.seventh street ...... ...... )o726 ------ No. no V' sit '1'hlrl evil l It street. 27937 Ni. rg; East Seveoty-,ixth street ...... No. Sao Fir't :~vr Inc. 08307 No niq Last Third street ...... ' Extended to October r, r.)co, on Ih, ~se Ii 10834 • [ions i.f order relating to whitawaslun 1 08 43 ... i N. ,ot ' ast S. 'vent y. sixth street. only. , e6bS ...... ' No. 207 Clinton street. Sept. z6 13011 ...... I No. 171 z I'al1,.tvcnttc. _8bi e No. 336 West Forty.second street..... .... I )oS ...... I t1 e84 ' ...... ...... : No. 430 Hudson' treet. ag167 No. 953 First avenue ...... II,o7 ...... No. 4Z9 West Thirty- second street. O, t. rg. rqo: I Iy8 ...... No. tzo West Fi~rty-second street. 23214 No. 242 East Fitty-foartI: s trcct...... ::o8z " ...... I Ni,. taoS Lexington avenue. 09231 N a. 151 Seventh accrue .. ...... 1 " ... ...... ,, ;.,6 •• ...... ' Ni. 32) least Ni may tr,:uth street. zy8or No.3y lust a venue ...... I...... 2370 " ...... No. 731 r Am. teedam acnue. 30145 No.133 last L'ifty-(ouIthstreet. ...... Oct. r, 1900 ii .,.-,-. . .,, . ,. ,,l _ 4, '1o. 377 First av, mle. 30176 N I. 1199 Acauuc C ...... ..... I, ... '193 ` ...... No. 2037 SeconrI avenue. 2131 ...... ...... No. 326 East I'.Igluh street. N. 1950 Anutcrd in avenue. 30x68 No. 456 East Fifty-fourth street ...... 1 .. ='33 • • • • •. • • ..... • ...... No. 353 1Nest•1\senty-sixth strest. .... I.... Oct. 6. _ S54 " ...... N ii .22a3 1'.i _It' It avenue. 30506 ,9,) •• ...... No. 141 Fact Ybfir tee nih street. fry '. ... ...... No.441 I' ist T'wePiy-t h. rd street. 1tot :'t'vtt it THE Flit,,NK. x5Io Bcuuthuie=u corn erI III .fu place and One l 4193 . I No. 2454 Eighth avevra -•. 45, ...... No. 519 Eat Llevcntl? ,treet, hundred i i i Chu ly ffiflh Street . .....( ...... I , 1541, No. t'io5 East One Hunrin,d and Seventy- I 1 VID,dinrd -u .a n.rt le rat11 li re s u .':r. C c-,I 6114 " ...... i N. 541 J•.ast Filth' street. I ...... 1 non. •;337 ...... No. 6z Henry street. eighth street . ...... ...... ,..... -72 " ...... N -t. to .Vc2•crn Boulevard. I0ltoI't;H Ol' )\I.\\ItAll'\N...... ... I ..','. '.. 'i .' .! . ! Hot ...... No. t 11100,P'ie'd .tree,. 30337 No. 327 \be,t 1't,cnty-sieth . tr ct ...... -:7n7 ...... Ni .5z West End avenue. :7t0 ...... I No. 254 1t'oSt Thirty-sec ,nd street. .;03 „ ...... Nn. 45.E Huds,n street. nOh,11?•GH IF THE BRONN. Sept. tg, 1 1,5o9 ... ...... ' N,,. z7z \'i vet Hundred and 'Twenty-third street. 2033 No. 615 Courtl.uorit avenue ...... One .. r 0',36 ...... Ni. -04 Fast Sixteenth >. treet. 2)b No. i16 Boston road ...... ...... t5 148...... No. 38$ Tenth avenue. 2193 No. 532 Fiat One Hundred and Forty-ninth' I 1 ...... t _ .. ~I2'4 " ...... No,993 Gdumhus scenic. street lj II ...... 'No. 23 Sulll can street. _:: ...... ...... No. 2324 Seventh a•uucucuc, l3UROt;GH ct 1\l.\\H.1TTAIS...... U , : ,.• i I t 4 " ...... No. 2161 Second qvvtuua. 24664 NO. zo8 Elm str

    ...... 26624 No. zoS THccekiur ,I rent ...... ...... I Oct. t, 1900 ., .. ( Modified si- as not to reqtiire,the removat ~ 4 ...... .. the present pin water closets, proviils I the roroll cintamers be burred out,5erapets 29695 No.z8z West One Hundred and Seventeenth I J street ...... and coated eaiIh I ct tar and that the y Is,. '/ .. ...... furnished, with new pans properly n I- justcd. 30203 Nos. 821 to 825 Sixth avenue ...... Extended to Octob.'I- to, t,t . , nn that p..rI i.1 , of order rOuter,u: iii paper from tics i ... _ meats iii top tl.. I 30307 Nn. 330 East Fifty-sixth street ...... Oct. 1, 1900 ., - ~...... 3.325 No.63o Park avenue ...... ...... j S^pt. at. „ 41 .~ Nov. t, 173•• ...... 3.646 Na. 4li3 Amsterdam avenue ...... 98 30671 No. 319 \host thirty-titth street...... Oct. t, ...... t .. 31058 No 237 Geecttw?eh greet ...... ...... ...... 1Iodihe I c as r. t I .I:::rc ry .;, ,,:t1 t744 .. cloth r n rli'',- 1745 ...... ...... 31132 No. 157 West Twenty-eighth street...... Oct. t, too 1766 311_0 No. 235 East One Hundred and Eleventh 56 . ...... ,. street ...... 2462 31r75 ! No. 324 Tenth avenue ...... Oct. t, -goo Rescind, i. I hirty-first street ...... 912 ...... I 7589. N..417 \V'e-t ,. ...... i <, 54570 N. Goerck street ...... 258 . I. 203 ...... ...... I5374 No. 5S \Villett street .. ... ....' ...... " ii 225 ...... 15375 No. 6a Wil:ett street...... : I ...... ~. z05I ...... 17175 No.8, Washington street ...... ...... tdo6I ...... 17389 No. 295 \Vest One Hundred and Forty- ...... zoz I " seventh .1 rest ...... I 1835 ' ...... 17430 No. 6zSc North Monroe street ...... I ...... '. ., 2 Eeoc! Street ...... 9tr ...... 21853 No. 5 ,. 1766 '; ..... ...... ~...., zr883 i NO. 3 3 \`est Fourth street ...... iI~ ...... •• •• •... •• :243 ...... 22948 No. 83 Ludlow street...... 272 ...... 23204 No. 34 West One Hundred and Thirty-1 sweet ...... ~ ...... ?534 ...... second 23609 No.57 7 Sheri street .... ...... 1 ,...... BOROUGH OF THE IlRO\X. 24316 No. 227 West Fourteenth street...... j ...... 9364 10 keep 15 thickens ...... No.988 Jackson avenue. z498u No 59 Mott street ...... 197 10 keep t cow ...... West Farms road and Union avenue, Westchester. 2570 4 No. e8 Vest S1sty-thin ~treet...,...... 06645 No. 157 East (Inc Hundred and'l'wetat y. BOROUGH OF BtooKLrN. sixth >trevl .. 12399 I To board and care for z children ...... N o.886 Flushing avenue. 27482 No. 330 East Sixty-third street ...... ,.,... . 28.84 No. 53 Lewis street ...... .... • 2853[ No. 245 Second street ...... . .. 9th. Reports on applications for reliet from orcters. z864z Nn. zo97 'Third avenue ...... 28643 Nn- ato West Eighty-eichth street ...... On motion, It was 28859 No. 131 Wet one Hundredth street ...... Resolved, That the following orders be extended, modified or rescinded, as follows: 29066 No. 145 Mulberry street ...... 09806 No. 78 4 Delancey .-treet ...... ...... ...... 09918 ( No. 79' Eleventh avenue ..... ...... _ u 3o261 No. 1617 Second avenue ...... ON PREMISES AT EXTENDED TO RRMARKS. BOROUGH OF "1'HE BRONX. x702 One Hundred and Fifty-sixth street, River and Gerard avenues ...... BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. BUROUGH OF BROOKt.VN. 0929 No.9r Union avenue ...... ...... 13726 No. 67 West One Hundred and sixth street. Sept. 5, too...... r7000 NO 452 West Thirty-seventh street...... Sept, 28, 3077 No. 103 Rutledge street ...... zo?87 No. 25 Sullivan street ...... Oct. 4, 3065 No. yz Sehermerbern street......

    0444 THE CITY RECORD , "I'v 1•,1 IA V, t )t °rt I hi•:it 16, (goo. — ------ .Tt~t• ■ On moliun; it was I Is• l'acML.d tr EgEsnEn 1,, KN%IAgiK'. Resolved, That leave of absence be and is hereby granted as follows

    11 ,Ni+Lr14(,I MIA\IIAI'IA%, NAM69. I F- N(-ti 'I I'1: •.1 "i:l:•. 1 ).... N!'. t 2 MtiIberry street ...... '. ...... Rt cirded. voat N„s. ;l and _71 1fr.t Sixty-'„nnh .trot•t..... •' -- - - -._. __—_----. - -- --_ . tn41 V,,. 63 R'ra l)n„ Hundreds Ii . trcct ...... ...... Frte,t Lederle, Pb. 1)...... .... ... 4c p. :!)o6 \,,. Ili h:ant Onc 1firtIrJ and 1,,cifth .. s'rc,t ...... I...... I ...... ...... kusep'llR aynor, Ph. R ...... ...... 'F~ t I( n"Ind ('I•rk •ll. 5...... ...... „ n97 \~ . i,, \l'„t I hilt'-.econd>treet...... ...... \L•t'cr l ,i]-e ...... ...... Sept.ept. ,ao{ }'..I Kt Third .trcet ...... ...... 'tit {t Mulberry ,Ircet •• ., ,0:26 \o. i 3 I',rk .,'e•iva . ...I...... -1011 No. •, i Becon,Ktreel ...... .... ...... Report of scirure of a CaI.raa,.~ of Ilcef affected with EuIerculosis at Port)- IOU nit ,treat an!I :9S \ns.27410 z7S Fir.t \C Lie ...... ...... •- ,t nth , r ct ...... ...... ...... last river. The tigioe1ty was directed to hru;cd a copy of the report to the New J('rseh State NO.5,' Lenox i,,nue ...... ...... 1louri1 of Ilealtt. Reports of weekly inspections of Barren Island. Ordered on file. I Ro ,icc { or TI R:;, ~.. Report of cizure of three carcasses of het'f affected with tubs at abattoir of Se-iit ,v Fine avanuc arJ Rart'~uldl arcet, 1F ,Ili..~n s . ...... bridge ...... ...... ...... .. Co. The Secretary was direeted to forward a copy of I lie Ie . III I h_ New York Stile It of Health. }:%+An1'GH OF DI\'IS I(1\. - 1:.11 -.and Cr Cron avcnu~s ...... ..... ..... FOL,'R'I'H Ilu tar ,n uc, let—en \ott .end Harri- :. c: r.i._-. L.,a;],acid L'it~• ...... ...... - Division of b'(tdte17v~N,i'.. - 9th. AV-cekly report of the Pathologist and Directttr t!I the Bact(ri-degical .al ieta i; ~_.. - -- Onlered on file. t In ivci on, it was Ioth, Reports on applications for leave of absence. Rc,,RNed. That the following apphgi:uions for relief froth oilers be and are hereby denied On motion, it was Resolved, That leave of absence lie Led is hereby grante,l as Riili)a

    — --__— _ ___.___. __ _._ _-_—___. _ .__.. _. __ - N +. ',.1: ^. FItu\t is RFMArm-. hi,.ret'c:H +.e Ili eact,N. 1 59314 \. 1 1'c..t Forty c.venth street. \o :{ ()1J aid street. i s57E4 \o t \c::nue A. -- - _ ------ ---- \ .. t, Allen strcet. d45 j L:t ucs 1 A tl.ins Io ...... ... ...... Sept. ro ctt -c \ -\ z,6: m] 849 First at enlr:. .1 Il.iru dl ~trc, t. 6 .I{ ( "rct L h)Igg,, \I.1) ...... ...... to . _, k: tt I ~~,.~ }:a.. e. t .. ..... .. ...... , \,,,: \\e•t Fr teeuth .,r,et. sx7l, 'io: tb .idr- One Hundred and 'ixte- tlui i A rlin• Rrennau ...... .. ...... ... ...... - \ _a -. t o R t Sr c -fir.[ S -et. il it t5= tee] tt .••t +~1 F.('gecombt: aveu•.IC. , - \ ;-'- ha t t"fi'''t. ] apt S;A 1 i Td: -i[l'`l. (I. ra A II .n ...... .... . •••.. I•f5gi _tl .;fi75 N 3{ \' \Lirr l?.U'L onnoi .... .... ...... ...... .... 1... c-,1 fur. ... X o t 1, ass \r. t4 • :d street. ~c rner Thirtieth sr'eet and First ac a) { 1-.a- t l ,.t)-ee , f;m:in,i Al actin...... •• .1 +cn e. q . tie. g{i I.. tti centc edre slicer. \1 illi n \Itll c,.~m t .. ...... ...... „ .. . \ , 1 I tt c=t 1\v. ,,p-:ix h street. ~ 44 C. i_ L -[ U: c li mdred ,, ~,d I h cry -'.a w~th - \.:c.: 'ix ii :!vrnue. cur s r. ------ \,.. ;; 5' II ave.,u ! -7117 \,+. ;S9 l;ro-me scree•. - v' o- t ', rt -trett. c v!, 6a, ] t~i,d ,t e~ ue. 1pplication of Charles (:, 1'c her fi,r an eytensi,~ I l of cacatiun irons Scl-ternber to Ii Sep- \ \o. 41a IiJ of Tc.,hate a sit avenue. tenlher 17, loon, was received and denitJ. \ Ws- 1'larn i 'nth s.reet. . :oa \o 4 II t.Id. Ire . v ,,. E ,t 1 nice,.th ;true . -8 t7 Ao. t, fit, •r, - . tree'. R, port iu nunh 1)r. C. C. Carroll. at No, 21 East 'I\rentt -tnurtl: street. Ieferrcb t u the I'resi+ lent . c Vu - st 1 ,' [Iu n. e lth str,er. t Report directing attention to the lack of propct fac : I 1 a!_t I I It it 1; 1” uuc C 9r- o \~ t{ C ,'t ph.r ~tre t. \, _ L.,t ~ev,w thu+] street. .a[5, A,. , _ 1: t I ht tre_t. to the' 1mholiic pla(gate, and recomiliencibig that a spi.U:+ :t rr.. -r ]giro al Car}:, Ales 3:: Ao-ial I such w'or'k. Ordered on file. \ , I : lhit) i;ht`t street. 2014 O. ,oi E1=t 1Iii I Cn't et. \ Fiji n ace,, c 9189 l No oCmis'c;Ihcr- trees. 1'1E'T]a 1)R'ISII?\. \ 1\ o f Strict. y y9 i No 6 Last one Hutieir.J :md 1'tt'enty-ei.hth \ • ; 4 F t Ciflhtc ec JrtI sir et. tr t. Di.•tstdlt c f a7I di e,11 IrrSfeci .u: l 5- •, ' _ . \u. 7 E t tl e Hun t_d .Inj 1 himN' I 'i.v , e `, 2 No ;c to :;; Ea=t on. Hrenarg a:fd l•1sicJ I t ill. 1•l•eekly report of the Chid Iipect ir. %htle rc I III \ _ -„t 1-ti ec~nd . ire : st•tt. \, i,cr \\ cst FIi I-, v--Icih -tenet. \ . ;4 ]irgiGne St -t. tifXTli Dtv Ist-N. \e ..: - e ,ne ii.:n r~I! and Tiara'-first aUSt . \ . tttn biro accauc. -i t o t (3-t t:\m=tee c'.tn:.~euue. iCI5 S to: 1: ..t t ,n-ei;hth s,.C... Division of .11,7 ;ire \ ~-,r.d -1_ N eat ..X -s- c)a sirs ct. o~-t \n. x-c \1' ,. i., t n n'. t. ,re,t. •.t'lt;-cq-i urth 5,~'.I. 12th. \\eekly report of the Chief Inspector, Orderc, i Par, :,ten".e. 3018- \".:pt ] :1-t l)~„ ~~i~~~G an I T, if:!: >tr, t. \o c It .~[eentF tIrect. 30319 Ao 1;43 1 ira t IuaC. BOROUGH t)F THE 1:ROA\. \ 4 nth .revue y _•i 1 •rt :1t ti filth et "I.. , r : ,r rc { , F \o. 1469 a,o r,,:, ,, eoue. t . \Weekly reports from the Assistant Sanirar sZu,.etr,, iii n: :lie .vur pert „ru r t 1 II tt-SIX h s rez . 35; N0.1{ 0; T ll rd avenl,e. the Lerough of The Bronx. Ordered on file. \ yl E t l hint ,r' h street. zt,• Reports on applications for leave of aLsence! e L, a:ocuH ov 1'ns I'l-Nx. . , \ -_t azq- tir_t t7,-3 Oil I{-andr:d and Furry-fourth strew ,red Ott motion, it wit s \ ci i re ;c':, street. ., f+,;:o t \ ; \lo [ n ti it :,tcet, Ressolved, That leave of absence be and is here' y „ ii Ii ire t 2.07 Vol]1heoStear \,dentin , cn en ,e and oi:c -- - — --- \ ..g ti tq 1.:,

    Report recommending that Bay Goldin No. 2 be condemned as unfit for further service and that lie 1,e use~l for ai;ti-tosine purposes. The report was approved and said gelding was ordered Emma 1'.1 .Kobring ...... Born ...... Jan. 24, 1883 cent i• '.!.e l.,s rat,rics for anti-toxine purposes. Elsa Vs eber ...... ...... I ...... Carl Curt Weber ...... ...... Jane 23, 1899 TIMED DIVISION. .. June 21, \t'aldemar S. J. Sacks ...... ...... .. ... Division of Foad Insfeetion and Offensive Trades. Atherly Potindexter ...... Aug. 8, igoo Diogot ...... :h. Weekly report of the Chief Inspector. Ordered on file. Salomon Y 1 . P ...... • .. Married...... June t, 1819 701, Report of Nio~~H~n., of section 63 of the Sanitary Code. Ado lph E. Hockcr ...... 1 De Leo...... ...... (( ...... 1 ec. 1I 7, 1'ht• Secretary was ~airrcte<1 to notify the persons named in said report that a repetition of (wise ppa """""" ...... ~ ” ...... ' AuAug. r 4, *. I-c ofcu-e will be ~utticien: ca- Ise for tlr_ revocation of their permits. Charles 11. Thomas S,h. Rel)ort on al plicatio:u f,r leave of ai sence.

    'I t Es))nV, Or"A)ili':l: 16, 190o. T H E (; I T Y Nf'r:(_)RD. 6445

    .1 I., tsn- 11 lil', .1. I, I , rly 111.. lc-I ,siti .lui `AMR. I ., :. '.• . • 1) ,TIC, pntiia ,i.Iir's all gall., ill I It: ('it)' „f is l ~ullal,Ie Inatcrial. Un 11 ion, it wa= t' it it Scr(ir, 1.,n1H_, 51 Ii. I . Inc, Iri,h Spetlt ...... I)i„I ...... ' %far. .7, 1S)S 1ksellve,l, 'That, par.u,ii! to , I ti In (,; AI Iii,• riles ul III I,• . , I ,l I aIIll' r In'III II 1 I i :n Ill 1 .. i ii :\ndrea Julian, ...... ...... '• . .. ..... .\I.r. t,), ttxt rn,,,-[tamal 1>cr5„tt.i l li, i'I I' I III William Ii lalcy...... ...... •' ...... May 2, \ngtt;t 29 with urn . Jilin Nlt I ),•rm I Icury Matters ...... ...... a l uecph \ Sodui 'rl; ...... ...... ...... Jtnle 2~1, jamcs Joyce. I ., M ary C. \'an,lcrtuart ...... j ...... July t, On ntnUon, II „ George 11. Ilarl.tml ...... ...... I 5, l.csolvcd , Tll Mary C. Widniaycr . " ...... 12, ferret from the Ifol I 51', . I \I n l i ,::u ' I III , I [, . 1lichacl Il.Sullivan ...... ...... 21, On motion, it %%,is ,. „) James:llurrison ...... ...... ...... hcsolvcl, That Henry \l. (roelll, a Alc+lical School I1;1,-'ctor in this I'atlicl: Ryan ...... .... ... :\u". Si, is hc•r•1,v trannlcrru,l from the Iturougli of Brooklyn to the Borough of 1lanha!I .. (ii IIluhiiir ...... ...... ...... ...... II), ( )n ntotion, it urn ,o Teter Kiernan ...... ...... ttesulvell, That )',trick It. ('('onnell be and is Hereby rcln I ~~' Minnie Reedy...... ...... '' 16, Stoker, pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Municipa Oscar P'ridril...... ...... •• IM, I a)' at the rate of 52.50 per day, to take effect September 29, tl)") ., Catharine Mara ...... ...... ..... ..... . " . .. ..... 30, On motil>n, it was ...... I , t Auguste Kochlct ...... .. .. ...... ..... .. Rc•ulted, That the srrcices of the 1 IIlousiug-nauull I.ifc S., Chair L. Loh(l ...... ...... tiept. I, 6 are bercl(y continued until ticl>te iii! er t5 1)avid Jlinix ...... John J. Coakley .. ( lames W. I lattlton. I„ltn McGuire ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... Janes I.aird. Charle, \\'illia'i - -. ...... J acob Bu e1...... ...... I )n notion, it was ., ,. Miriam \i. '1'hcodorc ...... ...... ...... '- ...... ~ ti, l.tesolved, That Samuel K. Brenner, a nl,•dical School in=1.,. ,i I _i . -. Thomas J. llr)tvn ...... ...... ...... :\ug. fo, is hereby transferred from the Borough of •['lie Iir iii x to the I lot ounlu of .Alauhau ,n. (ln motion, it was Resolved, That \Villianl Schleretli lie and is herebyreinonted a a Medical Ii ,L 311. Reports on applications to file delayed and imperfect certificates. Department, ii incugh of I1)ueens, pursuant to the roles and regulations nF !lie DliuIi,ij it t il On noti( n, it was Service Commission, with salary at the rate of one th out sluil two Itumlre, l dollars per an nuut. Resolved, That the ILegi,trar of Records be and is hereby dircctc l to file, in the voltaic of (On ntr>tiun, it was Delayed and imperfect Certificates," the following certificates ]:e>rdverl, That the follmcing-named persons be an,l are hereby reinstated as Medical 111-1 tors ill this llepirtment, Itorounh of The Bronx, pursuant to the rules and reguLttions io 11 Miuiicipal Civil Service Commission, with salary at the rate of one ti I I ': t'.v', 11111 In 'I d I Naltis. Itr•.rri<.<. 1) •, rc. per annum : Lawrence 1'.:A. Magilligan. Ralph i L Pomeroy. On motion, it was Maria Parlilere ...... ...... horn ...... .\pr. 5, t87:i .. l:e,olved. That the Following-nanic l pet'sons lie nnll are hercl,v:1 ;I..'. • ! I ll tl In- I [sahcl ()'Tyson ...... ...... N'ov. 30, 1S7S tors in this Department, 19t,rnu:;h of lilanhattan, l,;lrsuant to iii,: nil,- ni l r. II Is ii hate Miller ...... .... ...... .. ...... JulyI2, tS79 .. 0 .. Municipal ('iiil Service Contniission, with salary at the rate of one thou-.ntil ;tvo huo lr._L1 luli:u- 1ol~ertIfarri:ont ...... " ...... 1 per annuli : Nathan I),Ifeit1a(•I .... ...... .. ...... ', )lay t-1, ISS3 William V'. Belcher. Robert. I. A)'heeler. Mary Hirsch ...... .. ...... ' tan. i 5, 1593 Pursuant tonutice in the Ci'rA 1tt;colttu for fivehunilie,l 15001 tons of \1' Tilt e A,li coal for Oct. 24, Io, I arry lienevici ...... )4 the Willard Parker and Ikeception Ibispitah, the 13oanl procc di 1 to fit,- opcniIi of hills for the ...... ' " ...... I Aug. 4, 15117 Maische \elthroH..Icy ...... a nte, a, f':>llows Chait• K. Neluirottsky ...... ...... ..... July 2, ISI)9 The New York Central Coal Company ...... 'imtitci...... \lay to IS`5 $5 15 Itctiihar(1 1-ricllrick ...... C.\\'yon ...... ...... 4 55 Vincenzo 1[acrino ...... ...... Aug. 9, iSl(i James ...... L',,rn ...... S,rpt. 22, ISS.1 1.iehe I lamnt ...... .. ...... On rrtotion, it ttas - .... ...... ...... ...... I)cc. 13, IS Ilenry 11. 11ulton ...... . Rl-solved, That the contract for five hu (III rel (500) toils of \V'l,ite Asli cold for the )Will Sr I Cecelia P. Reell ...... ...... .... .... ...... Jo] ,• 13, t,SS(~ .. Parker and Reception Ilrnpitals at the foot of East Sixteenth street, Hi>rough of 1lanhattaii, ...... . ...... 1)ec. 15, StLIla Pecker...... „ City and County of New fork, lie and is her --by a ward I 1I to J alto • C. AV'ynn for the suit of four Lucy Oatreicher ... ... ... ...... ...... .... Nov. 25; 1.°,ri dollars and eighty-hcc ceni, per gross tun of two thousatiIl t.vo tntidiei anti forty pounll., I r brio;; the lowest bidder, subject to the approval of the >urrties by the Comptroller, ;ntd thy: President 1 i and lie is hereby authorized to c xecut,- the contract in the form approved by the iliscnllrurcuru CouTnrearicalious, etc. Corporation Counsel. The weekly stntc inch t It the Comptroller ;v,1.s received and >rdere(1 on file. On motion, it was 1:esolumd, 'I tat the proposal of J;itne C. Wynn to furnish five hundred (5o0) tons of \\ Ti Coln: of a res~>lutiou a,f„ptell by the linar~l of Estimate an,l Alip,)rti„nmeul appropri;tting $28,000 for the construction of :t laboratory InIIding on the grounds of the Ruceptiun hospital Ash coal for the AV'illari Parkerut l kcce1itton Ilu:pitals at the f>.)t of 1?r't Sixteenth street, Borou,gh of Alanhattan, City and County of New York , l,e forwarded to the Comptroller four at the foot of Fast Sixteenth street was receive I and or Iered on tile. Communication in rc.pect to pollution of ii. tors at 1i,1T sal \Works, Par Kocicat'ay, was approval of sureties. received fruin the Comnti,siouer of Sewers all ordered in file. on motion, it wad Conteuunication in respect to the filthy and dangeroes condition of ihI Ihank notes in cireula- Resolved, That the following security deposits on hills for five hundred (son) tons of \V'hil,- tion was received from Mr. Ifenry 1'etntie. The Secretary was directed to forward a copy of said Ash coal for the AViflard Parker and Reception hospitals, ope.icii 5eptenhier lIl, tgen, 1 LIr Coin mwticatiOtt to the United States Tieasury Del,artment. warded to the Comptroller (.)it motion, it «a'; New York Central Coal Company, currency ...... S5u I. Resolved, That the Secretary he and is hereby directed to nl ike I:cyttisition No. XXVIII. James C. \Vynti, curicucy ...... 6(1 upon the Comptroller for the suns of live hwldred ,in1lars (S500) for the pUrpouc of dorayini, any minor or incidental cxpensescont ill gent to the Department of I Icalth, pit r,mntt to a resolution of On mnt n, it wa, the It Lard of Alderman adopted June 15, IS97, and approved by the Mayor Jtin.: 26, tS97. Resolved, That the services of the following namu,l Temporal} I3-citi, ( )it nitlttlltt, it %va, Uorotugh of (~uccn<, be and are hereby diopen,cll will, front Sep tc iii hct 31_'. Rc',dum• !, That fit,• cntim;tte of Janie, O'Brien to furni.;h l;tl;nr (till tnotnuti to ,lo thu wmtc Joseph \W,cker. John J.( INcill. ;t , .l cified ill will e.tintat(, .,n 1`ivili„n Nn. 5 at the Iiivcr,ile II o1>ilal of this 1)c1;trtmuut Om JIOepli L. I)cutpscy. John Martin. N rill Prather L tun 1, liuroagh of 'flee Bronx, for the punt of nine htiudred an,l ciehty dollars, fi, Oil ntotirn, it was an,l i, h,•rel>y apl' rove I. Re,olvcd, ThIt the plans for t!te core-,traction of a lnh-lrataty bitildiIi, n I.;. i,II :> .t ;::r Oil motion, it via,, Reception llopital ci this I)eparttneut at the foot of East Sixtecuth Street, lioroug;h of ulaiiltattaii, 13v,okcd, That tile -i rcice, of tile IulLncing-named Labuiir in thi,l)eparuncnt, L'ur„ugh of siibtstttccl by :Hepr,. Morgan & Slattcry, architects, b and are liLrcby altprovail. (1)Ueen,, be ;till arc hereby (ii,peu.r,l ttith, cold .,r'vic~, 1 iitg lb u ion"'er ri'luirc1: (-)It 11tot!un, it was Jolut h,hilt. Joseph O'l -:u'y. IScniamin \Vhiu:cy. Rcsolved, That \Ie~.,rs. Morgan & Slattery ha an, l are hereby directed to prepare plans and Henry Appel. Chine. Eilrupt. (]cub•. Ilirtli. sl1ce;ticatiuli5 for the eoitsnruction of a laboratory haildi(tg on the grounds „f the Reception David Slctcart. Albert Henri. I,hn lirrliu cr. Ilospitat of this I)cpait tile nt at the loot of Eat Sixteenth street, R Ill ugli of Manhattan. C((rnrllu \lttrphy. Allred \. VaI,'ntitle. olut S10 ihlan. Ou motion, it Si as \licha~l l;ro;;trr. Clt,ul •, Mi irle. \IicIi,, I S,tlith. Resolved, 'I hat, lutsau,ml to ,ccLion (3 of the rules of the ?doetcip,l Civil Service Commissi in, Conradllarttu.ut. Italplt I. 1' ,i kc•a,l. A\ itli:un -Miti,le. the followii:g-named persons be and .ire hereby appointed [.alnro-rs in this Department fur thrce Patrick Laliv. L,iwanl V. Bracken. Jame, C. Ilortun. days from September tt, with wages at the rate of two dollars tier day On motion, it va.. J. G. Boyle. J. Sherman. AV illiam A.13razell. liwotveIl, That Filg,•ne J. Tnl1y, Office Boy, in tlti. De hmtmuilt, h an -1 i. ilerby plonlotgl F. 1 little r. Patrick Sini'.Ii. Jame., Joyce. to the pi,itiun If Jtillior Clerk, plursutliu1 to the ruhn ;utll n-JlI•i(ut' of ill, MuiieipiI Civil S, r- Michael Slode ii. John'ilcIScr(hrott. Con h arrett. o vice Contrnis>iun, with salary at the tote of lour huinIrc, l and eighty ,lullais per wtuwu, fr m Philip Reilly. Thonlai Roger<. William Butler. Supteiiber Ig, I900. Oil ItHotlout, it Ns'as On Il.i,tioll, it via.. Resolved, That, Pursuant tn;ection 63 of the rule.; .)t the Municipal Civil Service C ,'o(nis-io'i, 1.L.(I ed, 7 hit the sai,try of Chine. Pr,i.t, a laborer in this lli p;u'tmervt, Borough of Ilrnnk- the f-allowing-saved l,erson, be awl ar_ I it' reby apl>outte,l Liborers in (Ft is I)epsrf tutu t for tttc, Iyn, lie :null is hereby lixt-d at the rate of nine hundred dollars per ;uiutmt from Septonthel 19, days from S.ptemhcc IS, with wages at the vale of till) dollar's par day : 1900. J. G. L'oyle. J. Sherman. ANilliaim A. Ilr. z1!. On motion, it \i t, 1. L'uller. Patrick Smith. James Joyce. R1ni1ccIt, That the -crvici of Medical Schucl In~prctr 1);,\i t 1. Iuvnt.iii be an~l .tt oerd.y Michael Slidell. John McDermott. Con Barrett. tiiupttiscil with, to (late from September to, 1900. Philip Reilly. Thomas Rogers. William Bader. On motion, it was Ke.,olved, '•h at Alonttie Call be and is hereby appuiiite I an hturne to the AVlll:urd 1'ark~r l in notion, it a as Hospital of this Department, Borough of il[a jilt attan, Without cu.nlicn;atiou, to take effect Resolverl, That the pay-rolls of this Department for the mouth of beptemher be and are hereby September 15, Igoo, to fill the unexpired service of William O'Neal. approved, and the ['resident and Secretary directed to sign certificates and forward the salve to the On notion, it was Comptroller for payutcnf. Resolved, That Emanuel 1Iarxnach be and k hereby appointed all Interne t,, the AVttIaid ht•solved, That requisition he and is hereby made upon the Comptroller for the follow-lug Parker Hospital of this Uepartnient, Borough of Manhattan, w jilt iii t compensation, to take clime, so in of money, which is required to enable the Board of Health to pay to the bard of Pollee for the Srptemhcr 25, 1900, to fill the unexpired service of I r. As.,er.;un. month of 5c [it lrmber the Ii! Iowing amount for the salaries of officers and ales detailed to the hoard On motion, it was of II cal th, Borough of \laulIattan, pursuant to the provisions of chapter tSS, I.atvs of IS59 ; Resolved, That Max Gherticr, a Medical School In.spectoi in this 1),partment, be and is chapter 567, Laws of ISg5, and sections 299 and 1324 of chapter J7S of the Laws of 1897, being I- -'rcity transferred from the liorout h of (,lueens to the Borough of \Eitulianau. one-twelfth part of the amount estimated, letiel, raised ;tnil appropriated for the support and "Ihe applications of Arthur Jordan, one to keep, sell and slau,'liter poultry at Nos. 2r and 22 ntaiuten;;nce of the Sanitary Company of l'ulice during the current year, to wit : East street, and the oilier to keep and sell p.lultry in crates at the =amc placa, which were r~ cried I Sergeant, from September t to Se)itcu,h'r 30 ...... $i66 66 to the Sanitary Conmmtittee, the first on July 25, 19oo, and the second in August I, igoo, and on 2 l:uund,incn, from Si pteniber I to -epic-UlhCr 30 ...... 250 00 August 21, 19oz), were returned to the Board by the Sanitary Committee without recounuendation, 47 l:'atroltuen, from September I to September 30 ...... 5,483 33 were taken up, ail, on motion, it was Resolved, That the applications of Arthur Jordan to keep, sell and slaugltter poultry and to Total...... 55,599 99 keep and sell poultry in crates at Nos. 21 and 22 Last street be and are hereby denied. L' y the following vote : Resolved, That requisition be and is hereby made upon the Comptroller for the following The )'resident, no ; Commisioner York, no ; Commissioner Doty, yes. smn of stoney, which is required to enable the Board of Health to pay to the l;nard of Police for On ,notion, it was the month of September the b1 ins' isg amount for the salaries of officers and men detailed to the Resolved, That from and after the date of this resolution no permits for the sale of live chickens (Board of I health, Borough of Che Bronx, pursuant to the provisions of chapter iSS, Laws of ISSi) ; of fowl, or for the slaughtering of chickens cr fowl, shall be granted by the lto:ud of Ilcalth to be chapter 567, Laws of IS95, and sections 291) and 1324 of chapter 375, laws of IS97, being one- carried on in The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, at any place

    Resolved, That requisition Ue and is hereby made upoil the Comptroller for the i 1ov: ing From Foreman Engine 39—Reporting violation of sections GS and 69 of the Building Code =tnu of muucy, which is required to enable the Bo,ird of Ilealth to pay to the Board of Police for at No, t65 l;as't S xty-sixth street. To the I)epartwtent of Buildings. the mouth of Sel,tetuber the folliming amount for the salaries of officers and urea detailed to the From Fireman Second Grade Edward J. Bryan, Fngine 25 (Theatre Detail)—Reporting L'oard of IlealtI, Ik.rough of Brooklyn, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 1SS, hafts of iSS9 ; violation of section I09 of the Building Corte at the Victoria Theatre, on the t7th inst. 'ln [Ite chapter 507, Laws of IS05, and sections 2q9 and 1324 of chapter J7S, Laws of ISy7, Ueiny one- • :\ssistant Corporation Counsel, Bureau for the Recovery of Penalties. :00•elfth part of the amount estimated, levied, raised and appropriated for the support and maiute- From I•orentan Engine [7—Reporting chimney fire at No. too Ludlow street. 'I'o the I ace ot the Sanitary Company of Police during the current year, to it : Inspector of Combustibles.

    I Rottudsman, from Sehtemh_•r I to Set tentber 30...... $i 2 ; oo •• •• ...... SEPTEMBER 19, 1900. 25 Patrolutcn, from September t to ticpteinber • o ...... ...... 2,9 It) GG OrExrxr, or PttorusAt.s. Total ...... . . ...... . ...... $' ,oq [ bG In presence of the Contmi.ssioner and of representative of the Comp troller. Affidavit as to dtte publication of advertisements in the City Record inviting prul, s;als wa, ~, read and filed and approved forms of contract submitted. Re~ulved, hat requi.ition be and is hereby male upon the Comptroller for the following sum of money, which is required to enable the lioard of I I cal th to pay to the 13oanl of Police fur Proposals u ere received as follows : the month of t-.el,tenth.-r the 101lo%%i0g amount for the salaries of oflicers and in en detailed to the IO1tOt'G1is or ytANIIAVr.vN ,AND I n: i R )yy. Boanl of I Icalth, ISoroutlt of t)ueen , pursuant to the provi,iuns of chapter iSS, 1•a,ss of ISS9 ; Ir l(ruislrirr3+• T:e,r•ul),.fr; e Grnr :o !1 lie :Ieuucr .S}; rr,r1 /r,,.c,'s ,rw1 ,,, chapter 507, Lan. of [.y5, and sections 2+)r} ❑n,l 13z.I of chapter 37$, Laws of ISrJ7, being one- l _ ,.,s U r.c nr Ijrrr/ t vs lit part of the amount estimated, levied, raisc,l an +l appropri ate 77r~r<•to. .I for the support and mat tie- No. I. (lamewell Fire Alarm nancc ot the Sanitary Company of I'ulice riurini the current year, to wit : Telegraph Company (with security deposit, $125, certifiedchecl:) ...... $4,1_5 cx, 5 patrolmen, from September I to he]tempu• 30 ...... $5S3 33 ------1i+r Porn/shin O,o First-sicc IJose 11Tigo i (Boat 7wzdcr). Resolved, That reiiuisition be and is hereby male upon the Comptroller for the following I. International fire Engine sum of ntoneN. which is required to enable the hoard of Ilealth to pay to the Boar,l of Police for Company...... !$I,rt5o on No 2. Peter Ilarrett Manufacturing Contl ,tn: y...... I,o75 01) the month of 5eptetuber the fullowin . amount for the eateries of otlicers and men detailc~l to the 1 oard of Heath, Borou li of Richmond, pursuant to the provisions of chapter ISS, I.:tws of ISSq ; —cacti tt ith security deposit of $12.50, currency, chapter 567. of 1593, and sections 299 and 1324 of chapter ; 7$, I -aus of 1597, being iii. t weltth part of the uniount estimated, levied, raised anal s prupriaterl for the support and in tint e- For lion ski// One 1iist-si=, I/O) 11 U .0/z. mace of the Sanitu-y Company of 1 lice during the current %car, to tcit : No. t. lute rnatioual Fire Engine Company ...... wt- loo 00 I Ruundstuan, from September i to Sel+temUc-r 30 ...... .... $125 00 No, 2, Peter Banctt Manufacturing Company ...... .. 1, 1 t+, t„ 5 Patrolmen, from September i to Sept~ml,er 30...... ..... 5$3 32 —each with security dehusit of $20, currency. Totll ...... ...... ...... $7oS 33 for FurnrsIii,z.1 one TIrrrd-size' II,sc' lie 1. — No. I. International Fire Engine Company ...... I,r, o-, ltu motion, the Board adj inrncd -uI t to r;rC I , t the 1're'. Icut. Nu. 2. Peter Barrett hlanuf:tcturin Company ...... n25 0 1. tiULll:R1:N, 'ccrct:uy pro ten:. - - —each with security deposit of $12.5o, currency. FIRE L) E YEA I_T)\1 E N T. F<,r- Construction of fhcirfin, f,r• rrrr I:,r ;rirr. (r,rrrr It. Leahy ...... ...... ...... 34,973 ' En .vsh D[-rosED OF. - —each with secttritz deposit of $700, certified check. cd. From the Municipal Civil Service Comrni.sion—Certifyicg list of names of intlivt.1u:ti. Ilgr the Plrr,rrliu•;; and Gas-ftlin( If'ork for N•w Itr(iiiIi i r for a» &r1, in,, Conrfaup, to I" C+rr- eli1iblc_ for promotion as Deputy Chief of I )cpartment an ,l Chief of Battalion. stereo,/ A,,rlb,•nsl Cartier of One Ilrurdre \ Gerstle ...... f 1,310 uo dent notified. No. 2. lame, Fay ...... 1,472 00 From the I)el artn:ent of 1ivance—R,s I5ting certain information in connection with the =--- —_ statement furnisheI by the I!eputy Comutiss loud r, bo:oi , is of Brooklyn and t ucens. of the ahoy:- —each N ith security dcl+o it of $50, certified check, antes to vovh:ch the Volunteer Fire Departments in the latter borough are entitled tu:der the r:ol)ot'Gii ur I:ROOKI.VN .tNtt r,CFLN/, pro` i_ions of chapter S2 of the Law; of 19a). Copy forwarded Deputy Commissioner, with re.lttcst to+ furni.h tote iniunr•etwn. Il+r Frrr'rrislriug Sill} Genre..+elJ Fir .1 /arm .ii creel Jin.xr s crud hi_rlr,v,, Ih acs, rr Ii;rusl Fro:n the Chief of Deplrtntent- 77rercty. t. Reporting rliscoscry of a telegraph wire rtinnin into the rjuarters of Company No. N"• I• Gamettell Fire Alarm Telegraph Company (with security depoit, 5250, 3~, horonghs of Jlanhattin and The l;ronx, connecting certain l,remi;es tsith the tiro alarm certified check)...... , •• ~ • • • ...... $9,9(x, ,•, tent of the Dc 'art tI thou t po_•rnti.sion, an +l rccontuteu.ling, that the matter be pl ace .1 in t'.I, hands of the Corporation Counsel for proper attention. Rccommen+lation ai)p roved . Jsr r}rruislrirt( the Jhetecaoos .cud 1..ah,+r cruel D,iu, the 11 ord Rr,luiY,(I to AI/sr r:u,I 2. Respcctint the application of the Manhattan Fire .1larut Comi+any for peniiis..ion to con. h'

    EXPl NDITURES A u'ri toRl z F.t,. DuIco[mlt1S OF l3K0OI:IFN AND QUEENS. Boron hs of Alarrlrat/an and The Bronx. Ifarway and Twenty-seventh avenues. No.569 Bedford avenue•. Ironwork, quarters Engine 33 ...... $50 00 i Surf avenue and \Vest Fifth street. • Wolcott avenue and t rc-ent street. Gutter cuvci, 1lu:ulcrs Ilook and Ladder 13 ...... 85 0o N,,. 32 an - l J4 Grand street. PIzLtLiig, yI([ 1>cpot12 ...... 428 00 Recommendation aid,ro\e'I. Carpcut,y, quarters 1 ue1 Depot 12 ...... 147 00 3. Respecting the npplieation of the ;Manhattan Fire Alarm Company for permission to con- nect the fulIotving prctntscs with the street tire-alarm boxes sIiccilic(l, and z'ccomiiieadittg that the APPOINTED. same be granted : BA'rorighs of llyrrHIafron and The Bronx. Lehigh Valley II ti o5(1 Company's Piers Nos. 2, 3, 4, 44 and 56. Richard \\'arren, Private Secretary, with salary of „S2,o00 per annum from the 20th inst. North avenue, as rcrlttested by the Chief of DeltaIttncut. No. 426 Cherry street, box 178. Svl'TEMoER 20, 1900. Nos. 440 to 4-14 AvV(,t l;nd avrnue, box 642. TRIALS. Recommendation approval. 4. 1i,cnnuuendinb that !-harges against certain membcrs of the 1 ini ,rated lucre he 1110(1. Boionghs of 1Im/,t/un and The Bronx. Recommendation approved. Fireman 1st grade John J. I lannan, Engine 9, 11 violation section 195, Rules and Regula- 5. Recommending that application I made to the Inspector of CuinbastiIdes for permission tions." Charge dismissed. to blast holes it the folios ing locations for the purpose of setting telegraph poles 1~ ireman 2d grade Maurice E. Sheehy, Engine 18, '' absence without leave " anal '' neglect CORGI (Al OF '1III" IIR((NX. of duty." Fined five clays' pay on the first charge and ten days' pay on the second charge- fifteen days pay in all. 9 poles on Washington avenue, betwee•t tine IIundred and Seventy-seventh an,l One I lundted Fireman I,t grade Michael F. Merton, Engine 29, "absence without leave." Fined five and Eightieth streets. days' pay. 9 poles on L'rufpect avenue, between One Iluudred and Seventy-fifth and One Ifundred and 1iremau 3d grade Julio B. Stripp, Engine 30, "absence without leave." Fined three Seventy-seventh streets. days' pay. Rccomuten(hation approved. fireman 1st grade John A. McGuire, Engine 33, °' absence without leave." F'ined one From the l'aild iii gs Su pert n ten dent-Snl,tnittinl; report in reference to violation complained of by I )epartI lent of huil,ling ;it rluarters of hook and ,adnIer 22, Borough of Manhattan, and (lay's pay. Fireman 2d grade John T. Conway, Engine 33, "absence without leave." Fined one ree0oQa cud iii p that a copy thereof be forw aide l said Ocpartmuut, with a re luest that the violation 1 e cacat, d. l'tecom menial ion approved. (lay's pay. Fireman 1st grade William D. McCarron, Engine 52, "neglect of duty." Fined five From William 11. \•,'heeloelc-Rc-fuesting inspection of the standl,ipe recently erected at premises Nu. 296 Ilroadw•ay. To the Chief of I)epartrnent. lays' pay. Firoivan 3l grade Peter J. Smith, Hook and Ladder i (detailed to Engine 31), " absence Front John J. Bergen-Complaining of the burning of bonfires in rear of pretuiscs Nos. without leave" (two specifications), while in Ilook and Ladder I ; tinder elate of September 16, 226 and 22S Last (inc flundred and Ninth street. To the Inspector of Comhustii,i_-. '' absence without leave," " under the influence of liquor, drug or compound " (two specifications), l'ROAlo'r'ED. and "viol,Dun section 296, Rules and Regulations"; under date of September 17, "absence Bororrtrks of ihl¢nhcUco and Th., G,zs. without leave," Fine l live (lays' pay on each charge-twenty-live days' pay in all. Fireman 3d grade John R. Donovan, Hook and Ladder to, "neglect of duty." Fined one 1'orcman George F. Farrell, Ilook all Ladder t6, to be Chief of Iattalion, lay's pay. $3,3c0 per aununt, froni the first pmoxitno. Boroughs of Brookl3'n amf Queens. S:t'r1 tt me 21, 1900. Fireman 3(1 grade Michael Stacoin, Engine 103, "neglect of duty." Fined three days' pay. Engineer of Steamer 1) ,minick Swanton, Engine 105, '' under the influence of liquor, drug CU11VUNLCA'rt1(NS REc'h:tvEO AND Olti['OSED OF. ur compo all d " (two specifications) and '' absence without leave " (two charges). Fined five days' F'r1 d. pay on each of the specifications of the first charge, and five (lays' pay on each of the charges of Front the Secretary of the Sinking Fund Commission-Transmitting certified copy of the "al„dice (Vithuut leave"-twenty days' pay in all, and at his own request reduced to rank of lollowing resolutions adopted by said Commission oil the IStlt instant: fireman 1st grade from S A. M., 20t1 inst. t. Resolved, ThaI the C.,ml,truller be and i.. I ereby smith e,lizul and directed to e seer' te a Fireman I t grade I1ugh Farrell, Engine 107, tinder date of September I, "under the renewal of the lease to the City' from Peter Lie Lacy of sIx rooms on the third Flour of building; en influence of liquor, drug or compound'' ; September 4, while detailed of Hook and La bier 66, southeast corner of ItBoadie.[y and T'or'y-e eel (it street and I.nowit as No. 1570I3rvadway, oc,ul,icrl ,' under the influence of liquor, drug or compotuvl'' ; under (late of September 7, while detailed as an office and night quarter, for [he Fire Conunis-io ncr and Chict of hcttnlI'in in charge of lIos- to same company, " neglect of duty." Fined live days' pay on each charge-fifteen days' pay pilal an~l'1'rainiug Stalls, for a term of one year from Septeutbcr 1, 1900, at a rental of fifty in all. dollar, ($k5o) per ntuntlt ; otherwise upon the some Icrm< and conditions as c,-ttaiuci in the Fireman 3d grade Alfred Conyes, Engine log (detailed to Hook and Ladder 63), '' absence existing lease-the Comntis;ionel., of the SillaI3 Fund deeming the said rent fair and reasonable Without leave." Pined lice days' pay. and that it I e for the iutcreas of the City that such lease be utade. Fireman Ist grade Johtt F. Judge, Engine I I2, under (late of August 24, , absence without 1orwardeI ha -kkeeper. leave" (two specifications) ; tinder (late of August 27, "neglect of duty" and '' under the 2 De-u!ved, 'l'Lat the resolutionadopted by the Coo Itt.sioeersof the Sinking Fund at meeting influence of liquor, drug ur compound ;" under (late of August 28, "absence without leave." held June 6, 1900, authorizing four leases for the use of the Fire IUepart lie nr, I owl the same is Fined five days' pay each on the charges dated August 24, 27 and 28-fifteen clays pay III all. hereby amended with respect to premises No.. 354 and J56 Flushinf; avenue, l,om_ Island City, Assistant l oremmi Alfred G. Hunter, Engine 114, " absence without leave" and'' neglect of by changing the Samc to real as follows : 1st. l'retnhes No:. 3$4 and 356 l' 1ushiug avenur, Long (l_ttV." Fined five days' pay on each charge-ten (lays' pay in all. Island City, for a term of five years from Iteccntber I, 1899, at an annual rental of one thousand I iren,an 1st grade Thomas F. McNamara, Engine Itg, under date of September lo, "under dollars (st,oco), payable quarterly, and water rents, the City to make all repair.; ; the Astoria the iufucnce of liquor, drug or compound " ; under date of September It, "disrespect to Iruntestea'l Company, lessors. superior ((nicer" and '' under the influence of liquor, drug or comnpound " ; under elate of 5eptem- Copy folwarde,l lleputy Commissioner, her 13, "absence without leave." Filled five days' pay on each charge-twenty (lays' pay in 3. Resolved, That the plot of ground belonging to the City situated on the northerly side of all. Myrtle avenue, seventy feet cast of North 1?Ili,xt place (ii iv 1la1)pden street) an,l lu saw n as L,t Fireman 1st grade '1'iurothy F. Conlin, Engine 134, under (late of August 31, "aleence No. 30, ISlnclk 104 in the Eleventh \Vaal of the l;rough of hruuklyn, be anal the same is hercl , v W ithout leave '' (2 specifications); nnder date of September 4, " absence without leave '' ; under set a,icze and a.,igsed for the use of the Fire Departtnutt, said assignment to coati iee du iii date of September 9, " absence without leave." F iced three days' pay on each of the specitica- pleasure of the Commissioners of the Sit, ing Fund. cations of the first charge and two days' pay each on the second and third charges-ten days' pay ,,ncr. in all. Copy forwarded Depaty Coin missi Fireman 3d grade Peter J. Keenan, Engine 134, °` under the influence of liquor, drug or From the Board of Estimate awl Apportionment-Reporting that the hearing on the De; compound," '' disrespect to superior officer " and " conduct prejudicial to good order and mental Estimate of this Department for 1go1 has beets set down for October 2, at II o', I discipline." Fined five days' pay on each charge-fifteen (lays' pay in all. A. nt. l 1st Grade Thomas Ii.. Kelley, Engine 136, ' absence without leave." Fined two From the Municipal Civil Service Commission-Certifying the name of an in,livi~lual eli,I for appointment as Coxswain. days' pay. , Engineer of Steamer Charles McConeglty, Engine 151, under (late of August 16, '' absence From the Department of Fiusnce-Approving the adequacy and sufficiency of the surctie without leave" and "under the influence of liquor, drug or compound" ; under date of August the F 1lowingg proposals 20, '°ahsence (V Shout leave" and "under the influence of liquor, drug or compound" ; 101(1er IIOP.OP;zIs ,F 5n\N1lA1 11N :,(Ni rill IRONS. (late of . UguSt 26, "absence without leave " ; under date of September 2, °' absence without Williams , Gerstle, for plumbing and gas-fitting re, juired in construction of new builds i,, leave" ; under (late of September 5, '' disobedience of orders " ; under date of September 7, northeast corner of One hundred and Fitt)'-t1intlt street and Railroad avenue. " absence without leave." Fined live clays' pay each on the charges dated August 16, 20 and 26, Gamcwvell Fire Al art u Telegraph Company-Furnishing 25 GameNvell fire alarm[ signal boxes and September 2, 5 and 7 -thirty days' pay in all and upon his own petition reduced to 1st grade and keyless doors. Fireman. International Fire Engine Company-Furnishing I first-si/c ]lose wagon (boat (ender), i first- Fireman list grade John J. Mayes, Engine 151, "under the influence of liquor, drug or corn- ,ire and r third-size hose wagons. pound.'' Fined ten days' pay. POEOUrIls OF IRSS -i l.SN AN1I i,WEEN,. Fireman 1st grade Peter G. Brennan, Engine 152, " neglect of duty." Filled five days' pay. Gay Fire Alarm 'Telegraph Company-Furnishing do Gatnewell lire alarm signal boxes Fireman 1st grade Ilenry J. Smith, Hook and Ladder 57 (detailed to Hook and Ladder 67), and keyless doors. pay. absence without (cave." Fined five days' ('ontracts ordered executed. Fireman 1st grade James J. McGarry, Hook and Ladder 60 (detailed to Engine 161), under Franc the Chief of 1)epartment- ' !,_.. of August 21. OS and 31, September 4 and 5, "absence without leave." Fined two (la}s' I. Recommending that requisition be made on the Municipal Civil Seivicc Cununissiun to ' n the charge of August 21, five days pay on the charge of August 2S, three lays' pay on the names front the eligible list to fill three vacancies in the rank of Foreman. Recounuendatiun ;c of August 31, and five (lays' pay each on the charges of September 4 and 5-twenty clays' ; approved. in all. 2. Respecting request of Jacob Levy, attorney, for aid in effecting the settlement of a chain. Fireman 1st grade John I'd. Ferguson, Hook and Ladder 6o (detailed to Hook and Lnd lcr against a inc ntl,er of the Uui&,rtned Force and reporting in reference thereto. conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline." Charge dismissed. 3. Forwarding from the fallowing members of the L`uiforoied Force, Borough of Brooklyn, Fireman 1st grade Henry Kauffeld, Ifook and Ladder 66, "absence without leave" waivers of their right to certification fur promotion to the rank of Engineer of Steamer, Borough I ; , barges). Fined five days' pay each on the first two charges and ten clays' pay on the last of Manhattan : cl .trge-twenty clays' pay in all. Fireman 1st grade Thomas W. McDonough, Engine Ito. From his llonor the Mayor-Acknowledging receipt of the sum of $2,665.25 contributed by Fireman Ist grade ('Itarles G. Davis, Engine I t I. I(( ,((hers of the Uniformed Force and other employees for the relief of the Galveston sufferers. Fireman 1st grade Thomas Moore, Engine i it. From the I)cpartnient of Public Buildings, Lighting and Supplies-Transmitting a letter Fireman ist grade Daniel F. Davison. Engine 137. font Ranald II. MacDonald relative to installation of special fire-alarm box, premises No. 78 Irving Transmitted :Municipal Civil Service Contntission. l,!ace. Chief of Department notified. Front the Chief of Battalion in Charge of Ilospital and Training Stal,1es-R hurting death, From the Chief of I)epartment- on 17th instant, of horse No. 937, assigned to Engine 45. t. Respecting the application of the Assistant Corporation Counsel, Bureau for the Recovery Front Furcmau Engine 53-Reporting loss of coat badge :\o.832 by Fireman 1st gi. Ic of Penalties, for a reinspectiou of the following premises in regard to equipment for fire pro- Samuel Al. Quigley of his command. Usual 6 ingwse~I. tection, and recommending, the law having been complied with, that the cases be dismissed I•roin Engineer of Steamer Charles McCoueghy, Engine 151, Ilorough of Brooklyn-.\pp. BOROt'GII OF MANH1ATTTAN. ing to be reduced to ist grade f3retnan. Front Hoepfner & \Vucgit-IIespecting their proposal for furnishing thrc 1t tca r,;, a- No. 93 Cortlandt street. No. 316 \Vest Eighty-fourth street. Nos. IoO and 4oS Seventh avenue. Nos. 404 and 406 \Vest End avenue. advettised at public letting held September 19. Reply communicated. Nu,. 1350 to 1J56 Madison avenue. Nos. 13o6 to 1314 Madison avenue. Referred. No roo lark row. Northwest corner Thirty-eighth street and From the Departme>at of Ituihlings-Reporting that the ccoiiings anal l,artiti''ii-. of Lalc-.IL.,I~ '.us. 134 awl 136 Canal street. Seventh avenue. cellar of premises No. 202 Btvomc street are mro-fire1 roof. To the Depalunent Of 11 .tlt!t. N. 78 Irving place. I From the Manhattan Electrical Supply Comliany-Concerning the supplying of dry ha - BOROUGH OF BROOKI.YN. teries. To the Chief of Department. From Forcmau L;natur 55-Rchartiag intiullicient means of escape in case of fire l)ret i so, No. 67 Johnson street. Atlantic and Van Sickles avenues. No. 1.16 Grand street. To the Department of Buildings. No. 2 Howard avenue. No. 149 Graham avenue. Front Foreman Engine 3t-Reporting violation of the law relating to equipment for tine 2. Respecting the request of the Assistant Corporation Counsel, Bureau for the Recovery of protection premises southwest corner Park avenue and Seventy-fourth street .11111 Nu. 772 Park I'cualtics, fur reinspcction of the following premises in regard to equipment for fire protection, as cone. To the .ssitsnt Corporation Counsel, Itureau for iliv' Recovery of Penalties. au l recouuncuding, the law not having been complied with, that the same be enforced Fruut Foreman Engine I9-l'iepurting chimney tire at Nu. 367 West Twenty-seventh street. BOROUGH OF DIANHA'I'TAN. To the Inspector of C iibodioles. From Assistant Foreman II he and Lacl~lcr 4-Reporting chimney lire at No. 164 West No. 15 L'owery. Nos.61 and 63 New Bowery. Forty-fourth street. To the Inspector of Combustibles. No. 20 Bowery. N'O. 228 'Thompson street. Front Foreman Engine 56-Reporting chimney fire at No. 2197 Broadway. To the Fire No. 23 Bowery. No. 197 Worth street. Marshal. Nu. 27 and 29 Bowery. No. 4o7 Pearl street. Nu. 39, Mowery. No• 456 Pearl street. SEPTF.MSER 22, I900. No. too Bowery. No. 981 Madison avenue. COMMUNICATIONS lECEIVLD AND DISPOSED OF. No. 422 West End avenue. No. 112 ]lower),. El/cf. No. 283 Lowery. Nos. 125 and 127 \Vest Nifty-eighth street. No. 304 Bowery. No. 251 \Vest Eighty-first street. From the Fire 'ttarshal, boroughs of Manhattan, The I:rom: and Richmond-Report ' No. 16 East Btvadway. No. 71 East Eighty-seventh street, oper..iti,,ns of liurrau, week CO it17 this lots.

    6448 THE CITY RECORD. 'I.u1tSIAV, OC'ro1]E1; 16, 1900.

    Clara Iloticlder, Public School No.68, salary Branch Office, ' Richmond ltuiIditiur," New Brighton, From the Municipal Civil Service Commi lion—Recertifying, the naine of F•ot'eman George S. 1. : W11.LIAII H. i1IcCAUE, Deputy Click in Borough I . Farrell as eligible I promotion to the rank of C' ii cf of t]attalion. S6to. of Richmond. Pr: ,m the London, Liverpool and Globe InsuI nee (omp any. - Ed trail A. iSlavin, Pul;lie School No. 23, Brooch Office, " Hackett Building," Long Island I. Requesting copy of the rules and regulations go\erning the installation of acetylene gas salatc it9CO. City : Per l' ER F LANAGAN, Deputy Chief in Borough of ciator. Reply communicated. \\'illiam 1i. \\"ot'th, Public School No. 24, Queens. 2, Requesting to be informed whether the Department Will grant a permit to .store a ]aI' c Salary $boo, itity of naphtha in au irun tank off a barge or outer place within the harbor or Nety York. 'Thomas A. 11 rri', Annex to Pahlic School THE CITY RECORD OFFICE, t, 1 Iy couuuuuicatrd. No. 30, s:,l:trc 5600, Nellie ltird, Annex to Public School No. 4. and Bureau n/' "'"'A" Bt,aiiorrsy and 1/nil. Rnol.', h'r Jw r~•,t'. No. a City Hall, g A. Si. to 4 P. M. ; Saturdu)-, 1) A. ii. salary s6co. to to 11. F,orn William IL hoick—Requesting information rrgartling the placing of a fire alarm box Dlararet I )ui non, Public School No. 3, sal- Io:, anti III AI.•,t '1'm'cnri'-fourth strccL To the Chief of 1)carlmtnt. WILLIAM A. P,v'rLEi, 5irg1c 1"i.,n- : ti„I.~'. Ilr-I<,' 'Fhcatrc—Kc,,j'.iestitug permission to u. c 11) 1rant in bunt of 'V1,,M,S F. AA", :sus, President. MICHAEL F. I:I.AKE, Clerk. Reply commnnicatc 1, 'I'ii!': Cl t'1' I'F NF:sv 's' , Hit, 1\, fi7")"rill; rtrN r or 1,51 Kv. CIII>I\Ii\ TIRE . 1;ntocc IS uF JL5NILsIT:sN AND Ktctut'INt', COMIMISSi((NF;IRN OF ACCtt( N I ~. an Commanding V!/jeer— Loc:ai ~n of hire. THE ARSENAL, CI;N'r RAL PARK, Rooms 114 mill Itg Stewart]/uild,ng,9a.'I, I'' I I. I?o...... ..... No, ;7 ; Eleventh street. Cc'ub:er I2, I9oo. JuusC. bFnr1_Eood Euw:n;o Out',.(P,,wn.l nu„ , I .a I.c I50 ...... 0 nut) Island avenue, bctw .'en \Vebster and Franklin aveuncs. .Sotrr.'isor t.fthe ('ilv A'. suit.' 1I „k ,till Ladder SS.._ .No.194 boeruut strict. BOROUGH I'RESIDF:\l S, Tt, the InI t:' Very reel ediully yo•ars, r. TI,.; Saturdays, 9 A. 'l. to is ,I. .1LFI:ED M. DO\\ NEa, Secretary to the Mayor. 11tt. Ci l , n Nt tv 1"',L EDWARD JI. r:ooyr, President IIF: r:v 1 'ItrST of 1) 1,1 s AND It kt na, Borough ruft3, .,.I 'Ii'POINTJILN"1' M_11)E IBY TIIE JIAVOI: I'iyI ''A,'' N. It., ii .I't'ER1 Pi.'ICF., Ni,st- Vt,t I:, October 12, 1900. FREDERICK Ill,wt E\, President . (,)''11}.ER 15, I900. Office, Long Island City, y A..1. lulu ., ' '.5111 lSnk,•x2Pktnrof the Cat;'. eras!: days, from 9 A. nt. until in sI. 11t itt: 1 .,1:;t I (raper. a rep::lcn; of the ]inron'tb of \Ianhatian, in The City of \,'w Silt—At it meeting of the Poard of Docks Borough of Richmond. u In.pector of (',,:unio(l School, tel I :e I ourtcri,th School Ili-trict of the boroughs (if held this :late, a colnmunicat un 'It'a'. recnlist'1 GE lituE Coot! it'ELI,, President. \l .:r'.tit and Tit,, 1;' .11/5 ' ,f still c for .1.5' tn.exl,ir,,l portion of a tout of five years, which from Samutl Itarry leclin tit ; appointment to office of the President, First National Lank Ru iii II nmtnc i iuh' i. r':. the po'.iti'm l,f Docic A1;t'ter in this I)rpartnlent, New I'rlghton : 9 A. 'II. to .t r. ti.; Saturdays, 9 A. St. I~ 011:1 the appointment Of sail 1Llrry was there- 12 \t. upon rescimlc:l. 1)EPARTMI N'I' OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS, LIGHTING Fours rr'l' iv, tfullV, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR, ICINGS COUN'T'Y. \\\L II. 1'.UIhE, No. t Montague street, Brooklyn, q A. }I. I ' ; I.I S.I., \`ill SUPPLIES. Vtcretarv. except Saturdays in June, July and Au0u-t, ,~ t. iL t-, • t 1'. is. W}I R. DAs ExioluT, Public Administru,,r. (,' t : . (It' :t L\\ Vu". I' h, I'! ! III ILI ,/SG-, Lt itMNG .vNu Surf] it:s, MUNIC`PAL ASSEMBLY. I_ I::,totIt s 1)Fr'rCF:, \ , 21 I'.iilK 1{„'.t', AQUEDUCT Co?IMISSIONE1:- October 4, Iyoo. 'Ill(. Clay t-\1.\; 1Lor m ao1 Sic~o a rt Lull 11c n=f„~ -t It fh,or, 9 ~~ i I. C)F}ICE (IF' 'r11E CrtV Ci.talK, J„n J. Kt'A\ i\ t,I'I;ICF t J 1',:tt E I \t it lll.l It. 1''i, C %%.-,I1 secti,'n 1546, chapter 378, Laic', of tS)7, the Depirtinent of Pablo, TES; ENce, Jens 1'. \ViNDulrrr and '1', ,' Ol.t - IT I : ..: Lighting nnI Supplies miles the follolving report of its trausacti ms for the week Crty IIALL, :,ud Conii'TxoLLEI, Commissioners II.',, 'IV. 'IL ti,_ September 29, I900 : IvNESS'- Y (RIC O ct,)I)er 13, 1900. WYALKER, Secretary; WILLIAM K. HILL, Chill l,us ntsr, I'Cl,LIC L:1, IBS. To /.'/,e. it 'arty rnnr<•ru: 2 lamps were .ii,continued ; II lane,-posts were removed, 7 reset and I straightened ; I Adjotncned public hearings 'It'i11 1 bell( PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. n was ruffled, TO columns releaded and 9 service pipe, refitted. before the Committee on Law Department of No. rig Nassau street. q A.M. to 4 P. %t. the Council on Friday, November 9, 190o, in WILLIAM M. Hoes, Public Administrator. ELECTRICAL \x- Ik;1mc, INSII:rI IONS, E'r('. the Council CkamV,er, at 2 o'clock P. an., to e' I tica'es tiers i sued for interior It iring, 223 permits were issued for outside electrical consider furtlter the various platters set forth PUBLIC ADMINISTRA'T'OR, QUEENS COUN'T'Y. be! 'iv. to silt : .. I _ :Lade and 4,100 feet of overhead wires were reumoved. No. roi Third street, Long Island City. I. 1'ropo1ed regulations for construction, CIIASLES A. WADLEY, Public Administrator. C(IANIuE IN FORCE. maintenance, etc., of electric poles, wires, Con- rlrs of :1Trultaila,a and The Bronx. duit,, etc. IJEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. 1 . • s' `.1 . -.. Attendant-. 2. l'rop')scd ordinance to regulate sale of Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway, y _!1;-t,,' ..:_n.--i i'I tcn::,n of C;trpel:ters, 2 Stokers. produce in bttlk. A. M. to 4 P. M. P. J. SCULLY, BIRD S. COLEe, Comptroller. Borough r f Brooklyn. City Clerk. MICHAEL T. DALY, EDGAE J. LEVEY, Deputy Comp- 1,-_movals-3 Male Path Attendants. trollers. R[,,,L'ISITIONS ON Cc,)IPTROLLER. A udlttug Bureau. Tll, t it ii amount of requi,iti'ins drawn on the Comptroller by thus Department during the OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. J, tO F. Gc,tLDsurm', Auditor of Accounts. F. L, W. SciAFFxEI<, Auditor of Accounts. .51 ck vi, d:,L/ Sul tenlber 29, 19 ("3. is 579,274.3 I. (Al t")tTS'I (ii' 'I HE ]1h(C1:S DURING, F, J. IwrroIAs, Auditor of Accounts. HENRY S. NE.\1ZNY, Cummi,sioner. S etch the ful l:c 1 ILLi,;as in the Cit}' oreopxc for _Muses OrrENHEl%IF1:, Auditor of Accounts. 'business, and at •shich tit, C:mrt'. regularly open and WILLIAM Mchhs''. Auditor of Account,. udjuor, , a. well as of the place, n% here such cliice, are DANIEL B. PIULLIrs, Auditor of Accounts. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. I \\"i!liom Rigney, Auncx to Public School No, kept and such Courts are held t together with the he:,ds I:uiARD J. CONNELL, Auditor of Accounts. S. of Departments and Courts I i:Atocts R. CLAIR, Auditor of Accounts. L rt~.r:n 1 r I t r t]'o:, \VALI EU 1{. Horn, Auditor of Accounts. Charles 1Iunioii, Annex to Public School No. ( II, %, o A ~O EXECUTIVE DEPAR'1'ME\'1'. WILLIAM J. Lvos, Auditor of Accounts. JAMES F. McKtssEv, Auditor of Accounts. I '1 1 I I - UI• THE SCHOe,i. IiO.1RII OF 1'IIE .tlut,5rS (),/ Inure J. -McEvoy, Auditor of Accounts. I'homa; henna ay, Public school No. 23. ,Ice. BOROUGH OF t)LF:ESS, P. ii.: Saturdays, g A. M. J ERE]I,Aii T. DI.AvONEV, Auditor of Accounts. Erwin C. Case, Public Schr:l No. 24. No. 6 City Hall, 9 A. at, to 4 ai ,lcxIC BUILDING, F1CshoBlt, i~, v., to I2 RI. Bureau for the Cone. tiou a/ Assessments and A rsps, October 12, 1900. ` William Fairl,arn, Public School No.45. Itt)L'ERT A. VAN \VYCK, Mayor. Air/tilt) M. Dowses, Private Secretary. EDWARD GiLOn, Collector of Assessments and tirr^: - I ll')' of the Cite Rex'rd: William Fairbank, Public School No. q8. Arrears. 1)/ to SIR—I be"* to notify you that at a \ incept Glaser, Public School No. 36. Barran rf Licenses. EDWARD A. SLA'rrEev, Deputy Collector of Assess- -:.octal meeting of the School Board, L'orou th I Frank Tanner, Public School No. 68. S A. nL to 4 F. -AL ; Saturdays, 9 A. M. to t2 M. ments and Arrears, Borough of Manhattan. JAMES E. STAnroeD, Deputy Collector of Assess' :~I f)ueens, held on the Ilth inst., resolutions I also beg to notifyyo'u that at the sane meet- DAvm J RocnE, Chief of lIorean. meats and Arrears, Borough of The Bronx. l..:re adopted that the following-nzmed Janitors ing the following-nam: d Cleaners tvere ap- Principal ORice, Huum r, City Hall. GeoauE \V. MICtAEL O'KEEerE, Deputy Collector of Assess. 1 ,,, relies'ed from the care of annex_-. same to pointed in the schools of this borough, to take tlxowv, Jr., Deputy Chief in Boroughs of Manhattan .ments and 4rrearc, Borough of Brooklyn. take effect October 15, 1900: and The Bronx. JOHN F. RoGEIrs, Deputy Collector of Assessments efle•ct October 15, 1900 : Branch office, Room on, Itorough Hall, P,rooklyn; and Arrears, Borough of Queens. folio McGuire, Annex to Public School No.4. Louise Ley, Annex to Public tichuxl No. 8, \YILt.iA31 H. JoRDAV, Deputy Chief in Borough of GEOS(tE BRAtav, Deputy Collector of Assessments Robert Parks, Annex to Public School No, 6. , salary $720. Brooklyn. and Arrears, Borough of"Richmond, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1900, THE CITY RECORD 6449

    Bureau for flit' Gtlecliau of Taxes. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC CHARITIES. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NEW EAST' RIVIR BRIDGE COMMISSION. Davru E. Aos'rE.N, Receiver of "rates. Central (mice, BOARD of EDUCA I ION. Commiseiuncr Office, Ni,. 258 Broadway, Borough looN J. McDoNoueu, Deputy Receiver of 'faxes, of 9Ianhattan, New York, 9 A. Al. to 4 r. `t. Foot of Fast Twenty-sixth street, q A. nt. to 4 r. nt. Park avenue and Fifty-ninth street, Borough of \I.m- I torough of Manhattan. LEwts Nlxou, 1'resirlent; Jars En. W. P,nvt.E, Vice- JOHN \V. KEI.LEi., President of the Board; Commis hattan, 9 A. Si. to 5 v. ',I.; Saturdays, 9 A. al. to I2 Al. JOHHN B, UNDERm1.r., Deputy Receiver of faxes, siouer for Manhattan and Bronx. President; JAales 1). I:Et.I., Secretary; Jvl.IAN I,. Borough of 'Ike Bronx. Mil ES M. O'L'ateu, President; A. En1EI:snN J'ALn1Er,, 'THOMAS S. IBIRENNAN, Deputy Commissioner. Secretary. F.siectiiini, Treasurer; Jun15 W. Waller,, 55111 II I. J ANIES B. I iouce, Deputy Receiver of 'Taxes, Bor- ADOLPH H. GoETTING, Commissioner for Brooklyn LANE and The 2.1AV(;[O, Commissioners. ough of Brooklyn. and Queens, Nos. 126 and tz8 Livingston street, Brook. School Board for the flor,luds'rs of JI znitaflau and %7rc Chief Engineer's Office, No. 84 Broadway, Brooklyn, FIIEnERICK W. BI.EClWENS, Deputy Receiver of lyn. B, on a-- E. D., 9 A. to. to 5 I. M. 'Faxes, Borough of Queens. EDWARD GLINNEN, Deputy Commissioner. Park avenue and Fifty-ninth street, Borough of Man- Mxrrltnw S. TULLY, Deputy Receiver of Taxes, JAMES F'IZaav, Commissioner for Richmond. Borough of Richmond. hattan, DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Plans and Specifications, Contracts, Proposals and MilES M. O'IinIEN, President; William J. Elias, Estimates for Work and Materials for Building, Re- Secretary. New Criminal Court Building, Centre street, q A. nt. Grtureare for the Collection of City Revenue and of pairs and Supplies, Bills and Accounts, 9 A. Si. to 4 to 4 I'. 1t, /Iarkeds. r. at, ; Saturdays, Iz nt. School Board for The Boron/; le of Brooklyn. Aes Itlen GARDTNER, District Attorney; WILLIAM J. DAVID O'BRIEN, Collector of City Revenue and Out-door Poor Department. Office hours, 8.30 A. nt. No. 131 Livingston street, Brooklyn. Office hours, JIcKEssa, Chief Law Clerk. Superintendent of Markets. to 4.3o P. II. 9 A. nt. to 5 r. St.; Saturdays, 9 A. At. to 10 SI. ALEXANDER MEAKtat, Clerk of Markets. Department for Care of Destitute Children, No. 66 CIIARLES E. ROBERTSON, President; GEOrr,E G. Third avenue, 8.30 A. nt. to 4.30 i. M. Brutvu, Secretary. KINGS COUNTY DISTRICT A'I'7'ORNEY. Bureau of 1/to City Cltautberlain. Sc/tool Board for Ike Oorna-;-k of Queens. Office, Cuunty Court-house, Borough of Iii'' klyn. PATRICK KEENAN, City Chamberlain. Flours, 9 A.M. to 5 P. al. JOHN H. CAMPBELL, Deputy Chamberlain. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION. Flushing, Long Island. Ju1IN F. CLVI:wrHEW F. DON (Ii II: C, Deputy for Manhattan. ALONZO PR05Ifa, Fire Marshal, Boroughs of Brook. ANTll,lsr I. Bel-.5Et1, GEuIu;r•. W. I)EI.\,', 'l' to II ns J. ISMS ES, Deputy for Bronx. Ofiice, Third lyn and Queens. Borough of Queens. avenue and (Inc Hundred and Seventy-seventh street. Central Office open at all hours. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, RICHMOND COUNTY, Wli,,iRst BR.ENNAN, Deputy for Brooklyn. Office, Office, Borough Hall, Fulton street, J:Imaica, L. F. Committee to examine persons who handle explosives County Court-house, Richmond, S. I., 9A.St. to 4P.M. S,ssin PL Municipal Building, Room 40. meets Thursday of each week, at 2 o'clock P. nt. AUGUSTUs AcICEII, Sheriff, PHILH' T. CRONIN, LEnxAnu RoLrr, Jr.,:,nd i11Ar'ruEW J. Gnt.DNER, Deputy Commissioner of S. (iUY, Jr. Sewers, Borough of Queens. Office, Hackett Building, CIIAItLES J. SC11eeLI.F.It, Clerk. Long Island City. HENRY P. .\Iur111t51IN, Deputy Commissioner and DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND FERRIES. REGISTER'S OFFICE. Borough of It Ichmoud. Chief Engineer of Sewers, Borough of Richmond. Office, Pier " A," N. R., Battery Place. East side City Hall Park. Office hours from g A. No. 64 New York avenue, Rosebank. .. Richmond Building," corner Richmond Terrace and to 4 P. nt.; Saturdays, 9 A. nt. to I2 M. Inuring the Open for the transaction of business all hours of the York avenue, New Brighton, S. I. J. SERGEANTCRAM1, President; CHARLES F. MURPHY months of July and August the hours are from 9 A. 10. day and night. Treasurer; PETER F. MEVEII, Commissioners. to 2 P. :11. J11HN SE:sVEIn, GEORGE C. TIIANTEP. Uej+arlurcnl of Bridges. WILI.IASI H. BURKE, Secretary. ISAAC Faoatste, Register; JOHN VoN GLAIIN Deputy Office hours, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Saturdays, 12 Al. Nos. 13 to 2I Park Row, 9 A. 51. to 4 P. St. ; Satur- Register. days, g A. M. to I2 M. RICH>IONI) COUNTY DIS'T'RICT ATTORNEY I (ION 1.. SHEA, Commissioner. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. REGISTER, KINGS COUNTY. Port Richmond, S. I. IHla. S H. YoiI., Euivauu S. RAwsov, District Attorney. SAMUEL R. Paau.tsco. Chief Engineer. nue, 9 A. SI, to 4 P. nt. t1,si i DEW 11. MUIIE, Deputy for Bronx. excepting months of July and August, then from 9A.n1. Burial Permit and Contagious Disease Offices always to z 1'. al., provided for by statute. HARRY BEAsI, Deputy for Brooklyn. open. SURROGATES' COURT. Juts E. BACKUS, Deputy for Queens. JAMES R. HosvE, Register. MlcnIAm- C. Muntnuv, President, and WILLIAM T. WARREN C. 'l'REDWELL, Deputy Register. JE.KINS, M. D., JOHN B. Coons', H. D., TILE PREen- New County Court-houee. Court ripen jr 'Iii q t.: it I)eiartment of If izorr SitfIIh'. to 4 r. nt.. except Saturday,, iv hen !t cl ,, 'c .n 1. >i. DENI OF THE POLICE BOARD, ex-merle, and the HEAL'Lu FRANK T. 1'I-rzcEIIAv.u, .Ai. -. r:. ('. 1H-- -.i .~, s I r„ Nos. 13 to at Park Row. Office hours, 9 A. AI, to 4 ()FFIcEII oP THE PORT', ex-rdcio, Comrnissioners. gates . \VtLn.nAat V. LE.tiuN, Osav: S. BAILEY, Comurtssiuuer<. HENRY P. MuiRtsuN, Deputy Commissioner, Borough tendcut, Borough of Richmond. L.— i,is I McLOIOHLIN, Clerk. of Richmond. Office, "Richmond Building," corner Richmond Terrace and York avenue, New Brighton, S.I. COMMISSIONER OF JURORS, KINGS COUNTY, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. Daparlarntt of .Street Cleaning. 5 Court-(louse. CITY MAGISTRATES' COCR7's. Nos. 13 toot Park Row, 9 A. Si. to 4 P. Al. GEORGE C. CLAUSES, President, Park Board, Com- WILLIAM E. MEt.ODN, Comnzissioner, musioner in Manhattan and Richmond. Courts open from 9 A. u. until 4 r. SI. il PERCIVAL E.N A1 .E, Commissioner. WILLI, HOLLY, Secretary, Park Board. City .t/n; ie/rates—HENeV A. BRASx, Brutal C. I'. M. GlnsoN, Deputy Commissioner for Borough of Offices, Arsenal, Central Park. C oto ELL, LEt:nv B. CRANE, Ji,51011I M. I ra eI Manhattan. SPECIAL COMMISSIONER OF JURORS, GEORGE V. BRUwEK, Commissioner in Brooklyn and KINGS COUNTY. C u:ae'nes A. El.riisNn8, L,.,eoez ZELLEV, Ct..sent.'.i F W. PATRICK If. QuINN, Deputy Commissioner for Queens. IFEAUE, J Ill O. olrt-i, J.ISEVH I'uoL, Jl-Hs L'. 511 (1 No. 375 Fulton Street. Borough of Brooklyn, ROOM 37, Municipal Building. Offices, City Hall, Brooklyn, and Litchfield Mansion, EDWARD IIOGAN, WILI.,5RD H. OLJIS I ED. J seiH LIEUEi rz, I leput}' Commissioner for Borough Prospect Park. EDWAILD J. DOOLEY, Commissioner. PIHLU' BLOCH, Secretary. of The Ihonx, No. X34 Willis avenue. AUGUST MoEncs, Commissioner in Borough of The First I Si strict—Criminal Court Building. JAMB, F'. O'BRIEC, Iley uty Commissioner for Por- Bronx. Second I list rict—Jefferson Market. ough of Queens, No. 48 ,Jackson avenue, Long Island Offices, Zbrowski Mansion, Claremont Park. COMMISSIONER OF JURORS, QUEENS Third District—No. 69 Essex Street. City. Office hours, 9 A. nl. to 4 P. nt. ; Saturdays, r2 Si. COUNTY. Fourth District—Fifty-seventh street, near I,cxi,,g- to 4 P. Al. ; Saturdays, no A. nt. ton to cnue. J),jerhrvnl of Buildings, Lighting and SuAplies. Art Commissioners Office hours, so a. M. to I2 nt. Fifth Dl strict—One Hundred and Twenty-fir,, Nos. 13 to 2I Park Row, 9 A. SI. to 4 P. SI. SAMUEL P. AVERY, DANIEL C. FRENCH, Commis EDWARD J. KNAUER, Commissioner. street, southeastern corner of Sylvan place. HENRY S. KEARNY, Commissioner of Public Build. sioners. H. HusiER Mooee, Assistant Commissioner, Sixth District—One Hundred and Fifty-eighthh su cut ings, Lighting and Supplies. and Third avenue. Seventh District—Fifty-fourth strict, w1 St of Eighth PETER J. DOOLING, Deputy Commissioner for Man- DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS. Itattan. avenue. Main Office, No. 22o Fourth avenue, Borough of COMMISSIONER OF JURORS, RICHMOND GEU. E. BEST, Deputy Commissioner for The Bronx. COUNTY. SECOND DIVISn,,e. J.v%tES J. KutEtI, \lagistrate. 5 P. st.; Saturdays, 9 A. Si. to z2 Al. Office of the Department for the Boroughs of Man PATRICK H. PICKETT, Warden. Filth llistrlct—Ewen and Powers streets, ANURr.ty JOHN WHALES, Corporation Counsel. Italian and The Bronx, No. 2ao Fourth avenue, Borough LEsws, 3lagistrate. I'iH011UlIIIE Ct1NNOLY, \V. W. LADD, Jr., CHARLES of Manhattan. Sixth District—Gates and Reid avenues. LEWIS R. BLANDV, GEORGE HILL, Assistants. Office of the Department for the Borough of Brook KINGS COUNTY JAIL. WORTH, Magistrate. WILLIAM J. CARR, Assistant Corporation Counsel lyn, Borough Hall, Borough of Brooklyn. Seventh District—No. 31 Grant street, Flatblsh. for Brooklyn. Office of the Department for the Boroughs of Queens Raymond street, between Willoughby street and ALDRED F. SNEERS, Magistrate. and Richmond, Richmond Hall, New Brighton, Staten DeKalb avenue, Ifrooklyn, New York. Eighth District'—Coucy Island. ALBERT VAN liNuNT WILLIAM WALTON, Sheriff; RICHARD JBERLIN, I3arean fi,r Collection of Arrears of Personal Taxes. Island, Borough of Richmond. Branch of ce; Rooms, VuuattEEs, Jr., Magi'trate ',chart Building, Broadway and Chambers street, second floor, Town Hall, Jamaica, Long Island, Warden, . 1I. to 4 P. nl. Borough of Queens. Borough of Queens. J IS, ES C. SruuceR, Assistant Corporation Counsel. COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. First District—Nos. zt and 23 Jackson avenue, DEPARTMENT OF TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS Long Island City. MLs'rTHrW J. Sala H, Magistrate. Bureau fer Ike Ri'eovery of 1 enalties. Nos. 8, 9, to and it New County Court-house, y Second Distrirt—Flushing, Long Island, LUI:E J. A. AI. to 4 I', M. Ni,,. IIq and in Nassau street. Stewart Building, 9 A. St. to 4 P. It. ; Saturdays, I2 nt. CnsalxTOs, Magistrate. Amax'. "1. I.. I EINAN, Assistant Corporation Counsel. THOMAS L. F'EITNER, President of the Board ; En. WILLIAM SoI1nIER, County Clerk. 'Third District--Far Rockaway, Long Island. En- WARDC. SHEEHY, ARTHUR C. SALMON, 'THOo1AS J. PAT- GEORGE H. FAlfruACH, Deputy. 51UND J. HEALS', Magistrate, /4e0ersu o/ Street Openings. TERSON, FERDINAND LEVY, Commissioners ; HENRY \;a. qo and 92 West Broadway. BERLINGER, Chief Clerk. Borough of Ri hmond. J' X11:, P. I li'.. Assistant to Corporation Counsel. First District—New Brighton, Staten Island. joins BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL STATISTICS. KINGS COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. CROAK, Magistrate. Second District—Stapleton, Staten Island. NATUAN- Nos. 13 to 21 Park Row, Room t91I. Office hours Hall of Records, Brooklyn, 9 A. nt. to 4 P. nt. i'uLICE DEPARTMENT. PETER P. HuRER-rv, County Clerk. tEL MARSH, Magistrate. from 9 A. Al. to 4 P. At. ; Saturdays, from 9 A. al. to 12 nt. Secretary to the Board, J.iueo J. CHcrsineeS, Myrtle Central Office. JOHN T. NAGLE, M. D., Chief of Bureau. and Vanderbilt avenues, Borough of Brooklyn. Municipal Statistical Commission: FREDERICK W. NI,. ;~-o, Mulberry street, 9 A. Si. t9 4 P. 51, BEI


    (uLA11 UI)l:l'::AN It SURRlIIt.A'1'E. Third I )istrict—Nintlt and Fifteenth Wards, l'o,n't- BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. t 5c,(., pounds good, cluall, long Rye Straw. ly l)Ilicc Building, Richmond, S. 1. room, southwest curucr Sixth as-critic .utd West 'Pent, t.13, x, pounds clean No. e White Clipped (Ills, to street. Court open daily ISIIIldays and legal holidays t I HEN 1). Si vvir s, County Judge. v,'F: 1.1•:CEIv'I?.1) 1'HE FOLLl)vVINI; Pt•;1'1- be bright, sound and well clenned, autl excepted) from q A. M. to 4 P. II. lf; rcasunably free from other grain, weigh- [luns, Icl Lich are now ou the iu my office for utspee- W>I. F. \I,a,ct,:, Justice. i).\NLEI. \MI.I.1,1515, Clerk. I ing not less than 36 pounds to lh,' KIN (:5 COUNTY 1'REAS RER Fourth IIi strict—Truth and Seventeenth Wards. tinn ;md,%ill submit them to the Local Board of the measured bushel. Sixth l IIstrict, oil Friday, 1 )ctober z6, t ou, at 4.30 r. 1., Court-house, Roost 14. Cot, rt.rnnm, No. ;a First street, corner Second avenue, 6,,ono pounds flrst quality bran, Court opens 9 A. It. daily, 1n(1 remat ne open to close (It II the llice of the President of the Borough. Room ii, 00 1t,HN W. K uu:a 1. L. Treasurer Tu oatas F. FAra ELI. Rorough Hall : 2,5 poll 1, first quality coarse salt. 1 leputy Trcasu 'Cr. business. a, 5,m pounds first quality rock salt. G II, 'Ill ,E F. KIESCII, Justice. Jons E. LrscH, Clerk. Park place—i radingand paving Park place, between 5,0151 pounds first quality if meal. Classon avenue and Fr:mklin avenue, I•:XA>1ININl: 1lO.ARI1 OF PLUMBERS. Fitt, I )i strtet—Seventh, Eleventh and 'Thirteenth —at the scvctal .. st~hlc. of -the llcpart nest of Street I'n,.pect avenue—Openiu,i Prospect avenue, between Cleaning in the said boruttghs- Roolus, 14, t; :md r(, Nos. r44 to IS' Church street. R':tr,L . Court-r)lam, No. 154 Clinton street, the bound:u'y lines of the Ttveuty-secured ;tad 1'tventy- BF:.NJolt) Hl,IIo.vN, Justice. 'I'uuala. Frrn'A'nucic, '1'he per,a,n or persons to whom the contract may be i'rc.idcnt, JOHN Rt:NEIIAs : Secretary, J:nIEs E. niutlt Wards and Eleceuth avenue at the point tshere Clerk. aw':,rdal will he require4 to execute .such[ contract L1('Gn'I: IX ; Treasurer, I•:uw'.UD HAt.ES', Hull ('E the lines of said avenue have been altered, in order to Si i thin live days from receipt of a notice u• that effect ; LOIInc, P. J, A'nrb:ws, e't-_oA,vo. Sixth 1 )istrict—Eighteenth and Twenty-first AVardc. make the Rats of said avemte continuous. :urd, in ease of f,tihirc or neglect so to du, he „r hilt!)' ( Iflice opcu durmp husincss hours every day in the Court-roost, northwest corner Twenty-third street and Tenth street—Laying water main in 'Tenth street, will he considered as hoeing ; tb:utdoncd such contract, }ear. except legal htdidav-s. Exalni nations are held on Second avenue. Court opens 9 A. ii. dui I y, and con- betsveCn Second avenue mud (lnwamts Canal. andus' in do fault to the Corpora tins, whereupon the Monday, \Vedncsiiay an,! Friday titter t t'. at. tinues open to close of business. Eleventh street—Rvpthirinl; Eleventh street, between Cumnttssioner of Street Cle:tmng will rcadvertisc and DAN' I El. 1'.\L5Irn N,Justice, AInRAM I')EltN.\ rn, Clerk. Seventh and Ninth aces ues, and Eighth avenue, runt the s.,,rk, and so on until the contract be accepted between Seventh and Fourteenth streets. and executed. SUPREME COURT. Sceenth District—Nineteenth 1 'ard. Court-room, Second street—Repairing Second street, in front of Bidders are rcyuircd in state in thcir bid or estimates, County Court-house, IC.3o A. M. to 4 r, %I. No. xci East Fitt}'-seventh street. Court opens every , pee Ternt, Part I., R,.nm No, 16, morntnc nt o o'clock (except Sundays and legal holi- Nos. 57, 539 and 541 Second street. under oath, their names and places of residence, the Seventeenth ssitet—Placi ng gas-lamps to Seventeenth mines of all persons interested with them therein, and, Clerk's I IAice• Fart L. Room No. L. daysl. and continues open to close of business. Special Terns. fart IL, Ro,m No. I;. HERMAN J c eErtl, Justice. P.sslUCK 91cDAVITT, street. between Tenth avenue and Terrace place. it uo other person be so interested, they shall distinctly t'Ierk'> (IBice, Part II.. Room Ao, I. Clerk. President street—Repavi ug ]'resident street, be- state that tact; also, that it is made without any wnucCttou u'HIT any other person necking ally bid or Special " fern, ['art I I L. Roost No. IS. tw'een Fifth and Sixth ;is-enucs. Clerk's (Ni-, ['art I 11.. Roam No. Io. F:iljhth Ilistrict—Sixteenth and Twentieth \yards. Willoughby street—Flaggi sidewalk on the south estltinmlc f,,r the above supplies: and that it Is in all Cottrt-rooni. northwest corner of 1'5vcnty-third street ti re-peels lair. all(] without collusion or fraud; and also, 'pcctal Term. Part IV.. Room No. 2o. side of \ViIluughby street, betsc'cen Raymoud aud Navy Ill Ii Eighth ;tvenuc. Court opens at xo A. 51. and con- that nu member of the A[unicipul Assembly, bead of a >1 ecnl Tcrtn. Pan V., R,nnn No. streets, and on the east side of Navy street, Le UVCCn tinues open tel close of business. department, chief of a 6uvxcn,,tsti, uty thereof or clerk SI ICCial 'burin, In't VI., Room No. 31. Willoughby street and Lafayette street, in front of Clerk's office open front 9 A. to 4 1'. m. each Court therein, or other officer of the C„rporntion, is directly "ucci al fern. Part VI I., I,,,nt No. 31) M. Lots Nos. r, 2, 3 and 12, Block l46, Eleventh Ward day. or iudireclly interested therein, or in the supplies to I'ri:tl'I'crm. Part 11.. [-0111 \'O. 34... M:tp. 'Trial days and Return days, each Court day. which it relates , or in any prtion of t lit profits charm[. I ' I. rkS t )dice. Room No. _; V-:mderhilt avenue—Flagging sidewalk on the east JusErtt H. STIsEi,. Justice. THoAtA5 Cu', \Vhere more than one Mersin is intere,ted, it i - fern[. ]'art Ill.. Pools No. 22. side of Vanderbilt avenue, between Flushing and ]'ark Clerk, rcquisilo that the %la iticatton he muck and snhscrihcd 1 r;,,l I part IV., R151m N. ct. avenues, in front of Lots Nos, 12 and 13, Block 7, hyall Ills p:u' the) interesteii, Eachbtdorestimutcshull I :-:.,I Term. fart A-., No. _4, Ninth I)lstrtct— l'wellt It Ward, except that portion Twentieth Ward Map thereof tehich lies west of the centre line of Lenox of be accOutpanicd by the consent, to turtBlig, nt two I r ,I L'crm. Port A- 1.. Room N,,. ; Adelpbi street—Flac,ggtug sidetvalk ou the cast side I :I.,I Perm, Part A'l1.. Room Xe. 1, Sixth avenue, and of the Harlem river north of the htouseholder., or freeholder., of The City of New York, of Adelphi street, between Flushing and Park :[venues, with their respertivr .lcos of business nr residence, or Ili.,l Perin, t'al'c VI1 L. Room No. 17. terminus of Lenox as cnuc. Court-room, No. r 7 East in front of Lots Nos. 8 to 12, inclusive, Block 5, of till yuarantce of surety companies, duly authorized Il-i,,i J'crnt, Part IX., Ro„m No .1,I. One Hundred and 1\centy-first street. southeast corner Twentieth Ward \Lip. - r:,11 I'crm of Sylvan place. Court opens every morning at 9 by I:nc to act as surety, incorporated tinder the I oh S, f • Earl X., Roost Ao, a5. the State of New S'ork, as shall be satiol letory to the 'I, ii Terns. Part \L. Room No. 37. o'clock lexcept Sundays and legal holidays), and con' Vanderbilt avenue—Flagging sidewalk on the west Tcnn. Part X I I ., Room No a6 tililies 'pelt to close of business. side of Vanderbilt avenue, between Flushing and Park C0ntplm-ulie roll' he C I5' of Nei%- York, to the eft,-,_t Al ;'c11ate Term, Room No. =q. J, ,.Et'H I'. FALLON, Justice. WILLIAM J. KENNEDY, avenues, in front of Lot No, 46, Block 6, Twentieth that, If the contract be awarded to the person it I krks (1[ftec. dpp511ntd Tcrm, Room No. Clerk. Ward Map. {ersons making the bid or vstihate, they will on its Naturnlizaeion Hurcuu, Room No. 39. Clerk's office open daily from q A. M. to 4 P. M. Carlton avetme—Flagging and retlagging sidewalk hero— s stwardud, became bound as his or thei r sureties~~ for its faithful performance in the amount „I :\scuAxt,. \\-ILLIAil SpHatEI., P. M. side of Flushing aveouq between North Oxford street iccomp:utied by tits oath or affirmation, in 51 ritinv, of 1vi'51A= E. Mt III) Justice. Flu IIt GRANT. Clerk. and Cumberland street, in front of Lots Nos. 2 and 5, each of the persons signing the same, that he is : FIccentit l Nstrfc[—That portion of the '1'wcl lib Ward Block 2, Twreu(ictim Ward Map. householder or lrechlil(]cr in The City of New York, which lies north of the centre line of West I Inc Hun- CRIMINAL DIVISION, SUPREME COURT. Sackett street—Flagang sidewalk on the south side and is worth the amount of the security required f,,r dred and Tenth street and wrest of the centre line of Ncw Criminal Court Building, Centre street. Court of Sackett street, henvvcii Fourth and Fifth avenues, in the completion of the contract, over and above all his Lenox 'Sr Sixth avenue, and of the Harlem river north debts of every nature, :u:d over and above his liabf1ht,-s cnw,vtu P.-) lIFT <, '>, dust \N J. of N inth street, between Eighth avenue and Prospect VCard wh,ch was Intel v annexed to the City and County Su-cu Cleaning to reject all the bids or estimates it I,,- Ilrn''.. l LRCE L. INGR. II.tat. \\]ulna RI SISEI. of N 1 ark by chapter 1034 of the Laws of ISy;, Coin' Park Rest, in front of Lot No. 77, Block 162, 'I wenty- - shill deem it best for the interest of the City so b, d,,. \V. H.rrcu. Justices. AI.rr,eu \\ .tcl.T.y. pri,ing :dl I'I the late 1'ovvn of \Vestciestcr and part of second Ward Map. ... l5']et,lAst L-sSu:. Jr., Deputy Clerk. Nn bid or estimate will be accepted intn, or c,,iiIr:,it the 1,''., Nis „f EaL Court opens at 10 A. M. Tillary street—Flagging sidewalk on the north side and upon the exccutinn of the contract, the check ,n' J~.n N',L TIERNEY, Justice. HOWARD, Clerk. of Tillary street, between St. Edwards and Raymond streets ; on the west side of ot. F.dwards street, between moue}' ,d the accepted bidder will be returned to hint. For particulars as to tile quantity and quality of the KEENS COUNTY COURT. Borough of Brooklyn. Park avenue and Tillary street, and on the south side ...': I ,Irt-house. Long Island City. of Park avenue, between St. Edwards and Raymond supplies, bidders are referred to the printed spesificu First I)1Strict—Comprising First, Second, Third, streets, in front of Lots Now t, ill, 13 and t6 to 2r, tions. ' i.-'urt opens at 9.30 A. LI, ; adjourns at 5 I-. fit. Fourth. Fiftl,. Sixth, Tenth and Twelfth Wards of the inclusive, Block 107, Eleventh Ward Map. All bids or estimates must be made with reference to „unty Jud..c's office always open at Flushing. N.Y. for ugh of I'r.iokly'u. Court-house, northwest corner Sixth street—Fencing vacant lots on the south side the form of contract and the requirements thereof „n ([,tell IS,IN S. \Ic'„RE, County Jud c. State and Court streets. file at the main office of the Department of Si rest "six 1. V:\L'.rh. Justice. EDWARD ffoRAN, Clerk. of Sixth street, between Fourth and Fifth avenues, and Cleaning, or they will be rejected. Clerks office open from o A. LI. to 4 P. M. nn the north side of Seventh street, between Fourth and 1"1V COURT OF '1'1fF: CITY OF NEW YORK Fifth avenues, known as Lots Nos. 27, to and 57, Block The form of the contract lkr supplies, bid or estimate. second Ptscrtet—Seven rh, Eighth, Ninch, Eferentlt, 14, Twenty-second Ward Map. the props envelopes in which to inclose the =ume (with NO 32 Chambers street, Brew n-stone Building, City I'wentict h, 1,5 enty-first, Twenty-second and 1'went}•- I I:1I I Park. trom 4 r. M. specification,), approccd its Ill form by the Coil-r'uOm IO A. IL to third V1'ards. Court-room located at No. 794 Broad- Garfield place—Fencing vacant lot on the south side ' general Term. Counsel, and any other isform;Il In rtesired can be w115'. Brooklyn. of Garfield place, between Fourth and Fifth avenues, • -fat 'J'crm. Part 1. obtained at the main office of the Department. GERARD B. VAN \Y:\RT,JustlCe. V,_ ILLIAMt H. ALLEN, known as Lot No. 74, Block zo, Twenty-second Ward 'art II. This public notice is, and is to be taken to be, a part Clerk. Map. !',trt I11. of the cc utrtct for which proposals arc herein invited. Clerk's office open from o A. +1. to 4 P. St Navy street—Fencing vacant lots on the south side 1`,rt IV. of Navy street, betsr-cen Willoughby and Lafayette llntcrl Nrtr YlIK, October tz, tjoo. 5ccial Term Ch.imbers will be held to A. M. to Third District—Includes the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, streets, known as Lr,ts Nos. 23 to 26 inclusive, Block 145, P. E. NAGLE, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eighteenth and Eleventh Ward Map. Commissioner of Street Cleaning. t-c lerk's Office, from q A. vt. to 4 P. af. Nineteenth \yards. Court-house, Nos. 6 and 8 Lee IES 31. F1rz>, Chief justice : Ions H. Navy street—Flagging sidewalks on the south side I.;-, ucenue. Brooklyn. of Navy street, be tire en Willoughby and Lafayette Shut). LEtn, I. C„sL:ss. J"Hs I'. ScHt- cHsAN. WILLIAM J. LyscH , Justice. JOHN W. CARI•ENTEIt, F:RSONo HAVING BULKHEADS TO FI1.1•, F. O'l ]IVY En and 1'ue'noln F. HACCALL. streets, in front of Lots Nos. 23 and 24, Block t45, Clerk. Eleventh Ward Map. P in the 5 icinity of New York Bay, call procure . -.slices. 1'HU`IA-i F, SMITH. Clerk, Clerk's office open from q A. at. until 4 r, nt. Court material for that purpose—ashes, streetswcepings, etc., opens at to o'clock. Twelfth street—Fencing vacant lot on the north side such ;ts is collected by the I )epartnctn of Strect Clenn- of Twelfth street, between Second and Third avenues, try—free of char:fie, by applying to the Coin to issioner COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS. Fourth District — Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth, known as Lot No. 9A, Block 83, Twenty-second Ward Tweet}'-sixth. 'I'u'enty-seventh and 1\centy-eighth of Street Cleaning, Nos. t; to 21 Park row, Borough of Map. Held in the building for Criminal Courts. Centre. Cards. Court-room. No. 14 Howard ;n'cnue. Manhattan. I lm. White and Franklin streets. Court opens at Kali- Fifteenth street—Fencing vacant lots on the Conch 'I' ii' 11. \[BI5. Justice. HEU StAN GnH LI I. side of Fifteenth street, between Fourth a,id Fifth I'l':RCIA"qL K. NAGLE, sit to O'clock. H„ Clerk''. J,s,iE. 1'. SINxc-rr, Assistant Clerk, Cumnl),ionCr of Street Cleaning. It:'rt s B. Con aNc. City Judge ; J'11iN W. 00FF, Re. Clerk's office open from y A. St. to 4 F. M. avenues, known as Lots Nos. 3o and 73, Block 94, ! , rder: J!,'EI! E. NEw'r,t EGER, MARTIN T. Mc>Lvt„v Twenty-second Ward Map. 1.1 \V-meeond Lteisiun—Trt:d days—Borough Hall, Brook- DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. \fol),L)'e• \\-cdnesday's and Fridays- at lo o'clock: Second Dtstrtct—Second and Third Wards, winch ~I ' W I1 Hall- _Jamaica, P,orough of Queens, Tuesdays, at includes the territory of the late Towns of Newtown ,i clock ; 1,1111 Hall. New- Brighton, Borough of and Flushing. Court-room in Court-house of late Town DP1'AeF[]F.'T r ,F STREET CLEANING, TO CONTRACTORS. It ,cf,moud, Thursdays. at is o'clock. of New'tow-n. corner of Broadway and Court street, \LAIN ()Fs ICE, No,e. 13 TO 2t PARK Row, /:rcrins—I"HS G,URTCEY, Hownsn J. frccER, Elmhurst, New' York. P. O. address, Elmhurst, New BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. PROPOSALS FOR BIDS OR ESTIMA'T'ES FOR I')': RICE K e,so\'. J,~Hv F'CP-stIos:, THr,11As W. FITZ- York. EI1EC1'ING NEW ADUl'1'ION TO PUBLIC -.I-a05LD. Joser H L. KERRIGAN, Clerk ; JnHv J. R ILI.IASI RASQutN, Jr., Justice. HENRY WALTER, SCHOOL 6x, EAST SIDE OF THIRD AVE- L"ItMtA.N, Deputy Clerk. Jr.. Clerk. CONTRACT FOR FURNISHING FORAGE FOR SUE, BETWEEN ONE HUNDRED AND Clerk's office. Borough Hall, Borough of Brooklyn, Clerk's office open from q A. M. to 4 P. nt. THE USE OF' THE DF:1'Akr1'7ilENT 1fF SIXTY-NI7'.'1'H AND ONE HUNDRED ANI) I''' Sr. 'n . ... I. to 4 I. M. Third District—J.w1Es F. 1ICLAUGHLIN, Justice Sl'RF:ET CLEANING, IN 1'HE BOROUGHS SEVENTIETH Sl'REETS, L'OROUGH OF GEnlicE \V. LAstns, Clerk. OF MANHATTAN AND THE BRONX. THE BRONX, Court-house, Town Hall, Jamaica. MUNICIPAL. COURFs. Clerk's office open from q A. M. to 4. P. M. Court EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED I"'ruugh of Manhattan. held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at to A. M. S by the Committee on Buildings of the Board of PUBLIC NOTICE. City of New York, at the (fall of the F:r'I I, -k'-;' t— Thud, Fifth and Eighth Wards. and Education of The Borough of Richmond. Board, southwest corner of Park avenue and Fifty-ninth ,li I c.,l rt ..: 11,1 First Ward lying west of Proadu'ay street, Borough of Manhattan, until 4 o'clock r.rt., on 11,11 Al- hitchal street including Governor's Island, First District—First and 'Third Wards (''owns of OR ESTIMATES, INCLOSED IN SEALED MONDAY, OCTOBER i89 18100, lIc k.,e s Island, Ellis Island and the Oyster Islands, Castleton and Northfield). Court-room, former Vil- B envelopes and indorsed with the name and Xcw Court-house, No. Is8 prince street, corner of lage Hall, Lafayette avenue and Second street, New address of the person or persons making the same, and for erecting new addition to Public School 61, east side \\ ,• „ter street. trighton. the (fate of presentation, and a statement of the of Third avenue, between One Hundred and Sixty- I ].Islets E. FINN, Justice. FRA\K L. BACON, Clerk. J r,HN J. KEYNES', Justice, FR.AN'us F. LESMAX, Clerk, supplies to which they relate, will be received at the ninth and One Hundred and Seventieth streets, Itor- Cl rk's office open from q 1.51. to 4 P. M. Court office open from 9 A. 0. to 4 r, nt- Court held main office of the Department of Street Cleaning, in ough of The Bronx. "econd llistrict—Second, Fourth, Sixth and Four- each day, except Saturday, from to A. M. The City of New York, until 12 o'clock nt. of No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract I..m,th \yards, and all that portion of the First Ward Second Distrtet—Second, Fourth and Filth Wards awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor- FRIDAY. 1 fIIM. XWllt DAY OF poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as Icing south and east of Broadwa}':u:d Whitehall street, !Towns of Middletown, Southfield and Westfield). lJ(THliF.B, 1900, (:.'art-room, corner of (;rand and Centre streets. Court-room, former Edgewater Village Hall, Staple. surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor- HERMAN III LTE, Justice. Fanvas 1IAyccrx, Clerk. ton. at which time and place the estimates will be publicly poration. opeue•1 and read, for the furnishing and delivery of The award of the contract will ho made as soon as Clerk's office open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. St. ( ;c, tIr,E \V. STAKE, Justice. PETER TIE].AAV, Clerk. Curt p - faily t v. u . and remains open until Court office upon from 9 A. M. to 4 I'. %1. Court held lunge, as lihiows: practicable after the opening of the bids, i.ul)' cal u 3 Ir is I- ,I of ;n d ci ,I f tic f ,Iy acll d rly fr nt t,.. .s ?I., ;old —utilities until close rt 6(7 ,80, pounds Hay, of the quality and standard An y bidder for this contract must be known to be en- bus,uess, e cclpt ou ,,urtua}'u wt'l Icgal h-1 lItys. Lu-.,nos.. known as Prime Hay. gaged in and well prepared for the business, and must

    TUESDAY, DC'I'O1iF,R 16, I900. THE CITY RECORD. 6451

    have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and the purpose, and is in all respects fair and without collu- New Public School [zz, Borough of Brooklyn ; the sum MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COM- person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded siou or fraud, and that no member of the Municipal of Five hundred Dollars (wgo') on item I ; Five Ilun- will be required to give security for the performance of Assembly, bead of a department, chief of a bureau, dred I lol firs (y5oo) un Item s ; One 'Thousand Dollars MISSION. the contract by his or their bond, e itlt two su Ilkienr deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer of the ($t,00u) on item 3; Five Hundred I )ullars (jgcs,) uu Sureties, each in the amount of Fifty 'Yhousaui Idol- Comp,urai ion is directly or indirectly interested therein, Item 4 ; (One Tlrousund Dollars (fin ,00u) mu Item , and Ditrstcirt r. Curl. Sraa is t. Cuuaussiux, Iars (;)5o,ouo). or in the work to which it relates, or to any portion the count of Five Hundred Dollars (/9ou) ou Item 6 of Nu, -1.1 IIruAUu.-tc, - Fact hid ur estimate shall contain and state the name of the profits thcrcol. The bid or estimate must be furniture for New Public School tr4, Unrungh of Niiw Yunic, October 4, n)ou. il and place of residence or place of business of etch of the verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties Brooklyn, and the smn of Uue '1'bousmd Dollars persons making the stone, the names of all persons in- making the estimate, that the several matters stated ( fin ,cow) oil Item i ; One Thousand Dollars (if I,000) on lJI;LIC NOTICE, IS iiBli Y GIVEN '1hhA I' terested with him or them therein, and if no other per- therein are in all respects true. Where more than one Item 0 ; I One 'I huvmimstmnmch Dollars ($r uuo) nu Item P open c,imuo-titnvc xcon;Dai ,,,us will be held it th, srnr be su interested it shall distinctly state that tact : person is interested it is requisite that the vEUtrie.A- I•'ive Hundred Dollars (Sus) un Item 4 ; Uue'1'huus:u,d offices of this Commission, No 34G P,rua, hvay, New also that it is made without any connection with 'rtov be made and subscribed by all the parties inter- Dollars (fx,ouo) on Item s, and the suns of Five Huu- York life iuusomnce Melding, for the [ihiowio;; iii. catty other person making an estimate for the same estecb. cired Dollars (45ou) oil Item 6 of furniture for New [ions, upon the dates specified : purposq :md is in all respcc• is fan' : t nd without cellu - Each bid or estlmdn[v shall be accompanied by the Public School 128, Borough of Brooklyn, and the sum Tuesday, October ,6, in A. nt., ORNAN IENTA I. .son or fruul, and that no member of the iIumcipol consent, to writing, of two householders or frcelrolflcrs, of Five Hundred Dollars (i;5oo) can Itam 4 of fm'u itnre I RON DRAL'(:Ii l'S\IAN. Subjects of examination : Assembly, hcud of it department, chief of a bureau, or of a fidelity, guaranty or surety company duly autho- for Public School 84 and Additions, Borough of \I'riting, arithmetic, technical knowledge and expo- deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer of the rized by ]:nv to act as surety in The City of New York, Brooklyn. nence, Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested therein, with their respective places of business or residence, Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name iflonday, October so, to A. ct., JANi7ORS. Sub- car in the work to which it relates, or in ;my portion to the effect that it the contract be ❑ warded to and place of residence or place of business of cacti of tire jects of examination: Reading, handwriting, nritlr of the profits thereof. The bid or estimate must be the person marking the csti mate, they will, on its persons making the same, the name-s of all per,ous intcr- and ic, duties ;tad ccierinocc. No notice to appe: u- I„r curl trial by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties bang so awarded, become bound as his sureties for estcd with him or than therein, and if no other person this examcnttt,nn a ill be is=ucd on any application file-d nutking the csti mate, that the several matters stated its faithful performance, and that if Inc shall omit or be so interested it shalt distinctly state that fact ; olso alter Tuesday, October u6, ,qoa. I herein are in all respects true, Where more than one refuse to execute the samre, they shall pay to the Cor- that it is made without any comaguiuum with any other VVcdne.r1:ny, (October 24, xo.-v. .Ii., LAY SANITAF 1' ,erson is interested it is requisite that the VEtdtFICA'i fox poration any difference between the sum to which lie person making an estimate for the same purpose, and 1NSPECTO P.S. Subjects of c.c:uuiu:uiuu : H:tndw'rit lie made and subscribed by all the parties interested. would be entitled can its completion and that which the is in all respects fair and without collusion or fr:md. Each hid or estimate shall be accompanied by the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person or aid that no member of the Municipal Assentbl y, ing, aritbntctic, technical knowledge ;,ad •xpuricucc. couscut, in writing, of two householders or freeholders, persons to whom the contract may be awarded at any head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy No notice to appear for this csarni uatiun will be ixsucd 1'h ur.s(la y, ( October r .r of a guar my or surety company duly authorized subsequent letting. The consent above mentioned thereof or clerk therein, or other officer of the Corpora- on any application filed Inf ter • by bass to act as surety in The City of New York, shall be accompau icd by the oath or tfmctiuu, iu tiou, is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in xqm. with their respective places of busiucss or residence, writing, of etch of the persons signing the same, that the work to which it relates, or in any portion Friday, October z6, to n. %I., DOCK M.AS'1'1?IZS. to the effect that if the contract be awarded to the per- Ise is a householder or freeholder in the City of New of the profits thereof. The bid or estirnatc must he Subjects of examination: Duties, experience, arith- ',,u n aking the gistinmte, they will, on its being so York, and is worth the amount of the security required verified by the oath, iu totting, of the party or parties metic and handwriting. ;nvardcd, become hound as his sureties for it, faithful for the completion of this contract, over and above all making the estimate, that the several matters stated Tuesday, Oetebcr 30, to A. Si., COURT S'1'h N( fG- ucrfohmaniec, and that if lie shall omit or refuse to cxe- his debts of every nature, and over and above his lido- therein are in all respects true. Where more than one RAI'HER. Subjects of cx:caninatiun: eeILumD, writ ule the same, they strait pay to the Corporation any hilitics as bail, surety or otherwise, and that lie has - persoe is interested it is requisite that time vnteu-ic.scuno i mg, arithmctic, surnl oral itcumr;ic}'. difference between the sum to which Inc would be en- offered himself as a surety in good faith and with the be made and subscribed by all the parties interested. t itled ou its completion and that which the Corporation intention to execute the bond required by the Revised Old- 1' I I I i.l.l I'S, Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the , my he obliged to pay to the person or persons to ordinances of The City of New York, if the contract Sec rem ry. consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders, yr hunt the contract may be awarded at any subsequent sloth t be awarded to the person or persons for whom he ]citing. The consent above mentioned shall be accom- consents to become sttrcty. or of a guaranty or surety company duly authorized P:uned by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of .acct No bid or estimate will be considered unless accom- by law to act as surety in The City of New York, n BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND AP- the persons signing the same, that lie is a mouse- panied by either a certified check upon uric of the with their respective places of business or reshleonc nt ❑carded to tine Iiulilcr car frechnidcr in The City of Nose York, and is National or State (tanks of The City of New Yurk, to the affect that if the contract be ; PORTIONMENT, GIlY OF NEW person making the estimate, they will, ou its hem ,,C , cart tithe amount of the security ui red for the corn- drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the YORK. Y 1 so awarded, become bound as his sureties for its faith- p let iun of this contract over and• tb u v••I c all his debts of amount of/iv per eentum of the amount of the security every nature, and over and above bins liabilities as bail, required for the faithful performance of the contract. ful performance, and that if lie shall omit or refuse to N(l'1'ICE"I'f)'1'ANI'.1YEI/S. atrety or ,,thaw icc, and that lie has offered himself as Such check or money must suit be inclosed to the execute the same. they shall pay to the Corporation any chi fference between the sum to which he timid be a surety in good faith and with the iutentioo to execute scaled ginvciope containing the estimate, but must be t he bond required by the Revised ( )rdinances of!'}tc handed to the officer or clerk of the I)epart- entitled on its completion and that which the Corpora- r '1'A A1I•:ET IN G O1- 'F '1'HF: WfAifh) uF 1±s•Tls City of New Volk, tf the contract sbull be awarded to the men[ who has charge of the estinnttc box, and uo tion may be oblige'] to pay to t ltc person or persnus to A mate and Apportiutunent held Scptcmbur [8, I erson or persons for whoin lie consents to become estimate can be deposited in said box until such check whom the contract may be :uvardcd at any subsequent noon, rite fuulhuitcing resolution was ado},red letting. 'Tire consent above mentioned shall lie accunt- Recolvcd, That tbi.. liunrd ii, ui hereby de"g late ,urety. or money has been examined by said officer or clerk panied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each Tuesday, the r6th d:ty of I )cm, ,bcr, r you, at x r ,i cluck in No bid or estimate will he considered unless accom- and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will he returned to the of the persons signing the saute, that lie is a house- the forenoon, it the slice of the Nlayor, as the time cool puuiud by either a certified check upon one of the holdcr or freeholder in 'Tile City of Ncte York and is place fur a public hearing in rclation to the I:udgct Ii ,r V'ntiiiiiah or State banks of The City of New York, persons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall re- worth the amount of the security rccluiveil for the com- Igor, find shut nonce inciting the uupayern of this City to tl,e order of the Comptroller, or money to the p - u i : 11 his dehrs fuse or neglect within five days alter notice that the lctiou of this contract over .0 1 .t ,ut~c t Iii appear and he heard uu that date in regard l,, :, iii! ,uut of fivr per centttm of the amount of the security contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, of every nature, and over and above his liabilities as I, priattous to be made allot included to said iud,ct L, ,o,lurrcd fi,r the f;tithful performaucc of the contract. bail, surety or otherwise, and th:u. he has offered him- I inserted in the Cu rc RLl-oku. ucIt check or money Durst Not' he inclosed in the the amount of time dop osit made by him shahl be for- feited to and retained by The City of New York as liy- self as a surety iu good faith and tilt], the intouti,uu to FHLIS. L. FEITtiI,:l%. ,ouied enve•Iapc containing the estimate. but must Revised Ordinances uidat d damages for such neglect or refusal ; but it he execute the bond required by the - Seoct.e, 6c banded to the officer or clerk of the Depart- of The City of New York if the contract shall be mrnt who nos charge iii the estimate box, ztncl no shall e ecute the contract within the time aforesaid, the :uuuunt of his deposit will be returnee] to him. awarder) to the person or persons for Whom he consents ,lialate can be deposited in said box until such check to become surety. 'r utoncv lens been examined by said officer or clerk Should the person or persons to sebum the contract DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS. ,cad found to be correct. All such deposits, except may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract No hid or estimate will be considered unless accum- rhut of the successful bidder, will be rctunred to the within five clays after written notice that the same has panicd by either a certified check upon one of the II Denver yir:'-r,' r Htcutv:u's, I~crnuns making tine saint, within three day's after the hccu atearded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or National or State hanks of The City of New York, C-IMI ,rnni:u', I ii rte n, Nos. 13'ru c1 Ptai_ R„ta, - drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the , ,ntractisatvardcd. IItlie successful bidder shall refuse they accept but eto not execute the contract and give the Nrw• Yon K, October Cu, ti)')'). amount of fire per centum of the amount of the security neglect, within five days after notice that the contract proper security, he car tlivy will be considered as having required for the faithful performance of the contract. Inns lien. n awarded to hint, to execute the same, thin abandoned it and a+ iu default to the Corporation, and TO CO NTRAC'1'(IRS. Such check or money must Nor be inclosed in the ,mount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to the contract will be rcadvertised and relet as provided scaled envelope cunt, inin:g the estimate, but must ~ml retained hip Ibis City of New York as liquidated toy law. OR FSTEiIIAi'ES, INCLOSE1l IN A be h:ut ded to the officer or clerk of the Dcpart- Iunages for such neglect or refusal; but if be shall 1•'n frn-finrlrsrc as to ih,• gtra,r/ily aurI quality if /kc scaled cnvulo ,c, with the title of the svurk and -rd mcnt tvho has clurrkjc of the estimate box, and no B ecute the contrtet within the time aforesaid, the su/,/+(irs or lkr u,at.ur and r-r/met 'fl t/r:.onrk rrynv the n:uue of the hidden indorsed thcrcun, also the estimate cart be deposited in said hi ox until such check u,,unt of his deposit will be returned to him. nr q/t/tt omk-ris/s to 6, fio-uishrd, biddrrc arc' r.uu Demur. upon the blank proposal and lists of articles prepared time contract will be readvertised and relet, as pruddd1 p„sals ubtaiued at the estimating room, eighth floor, by the Committee on Supplies, a copy of which, with by law. Boron gin of Bronkl y- n. fall of tile Board of Education, corner of fork avenue the proper envelope in which to inclose the hid, together 1-or farticulrers as to the quantity rrud qua//1'r'1 Ni. 3. FOR P:1VINZ; \V1 1'1-f :\Sfiitl;1'.1;1-t1,'li :u,d Fifty -ninth street, Buruugh of Nla,ihattnnt. with a copy of the contract, including rile lists of urti- the sniff! es or lire e+ttere and e.rtent of t/n, work• rc- l'AV}:MF:-T. ON C(uNf-'AEfl- Ful'N- 1'h L'y-Laws may be examined at the office of the tics or schedules and the specifications, iu the form ap- quired Cr of tfre• nx[trrla/s to lie fu' u/r/rrd, lvrfdc•rs DATIt1N, THE RO.\U\\--\1' OF Itl•:D Sri: rchary. proved by the Corporation Counsel, can be obtained -rred to the f,ri uteri scie,ificatinus and Ihhfdn,n.u. FORD .AVENUE:, fr,m Butler sired to line Cummittce reserves the right to reject all pro- upon application therefor, it the office of the Superin- arc ref .Such toorh• and oralcrials nuts[ coufi'm in roa rs•'r}• Euston purktc:,y. I'„sals submitted if deemed for the best interests of the tcudent of Supplies, first fluor, Hall of the Board of rrsfcct to (rielted snectfc,tfi,nrs anrf ptmts. Bi,lrlers l itv -u to Eduruion, corner of Park avenue and Fifty-uiudt Horouglt of Ii ieh iii., pin I ),nr,l I;,,r, r, ,n iii' Mlasuarr.te, October 16, lo,-. erne• ea ntiout[l to aeanaiiae tit,' sjleci/lcttinuisfar far- street, Borough of llanbatt;tuu. NO 4. FOR I'AA'INt: vtI'll 'I:1('-AI)_11i (AVE (RICHARD H. A11AIfS, 'I he Iiy-laws of the Board of Education may be ticultrc of the articles, etc, required, befor.r ruahixg -itce, :11E:1"l- 7.711•: RIO:AI)A1'.AA t)1- 'I'R(iSSACH CHARLES E. RIfIbGA,ISON, examined at the office of the Secretary. their esfi plans and specifications may be seen and blank pro- RI), D, fr,,ot St. Tail°v avcuuc to Ocean :\ER,iii.\\t ST}?RN, The Committee rescrccs tine right to reject all bids posals obtained at the estimating room, eighth floor, 'Terrace. vv Ii L1_v,I I. Cull E, or estimates submitted it deemed to be for the best Hull of the Board of Education, corner of Park avenue I'1'i'RICK 1. WillSri:, interests of the City so to do. Borough of Queens. InHN R. '1`HUAIT5f)N, Dated Buuoucu OF >Insua'rrAN, October rz, tgoo, and Fifty-ninth street, Borough of 1Ianhattan. :Husi:lFi J. KITTEL, The Iiy-Laws may be examined at the office of the Ni. 5, FOR FLAI;(;ING, r'I'C., AVEST SIDE OF Committee uu lluilding.s, THADDEUS MORIAR'I'Y, Secretary. 't'WEN'1'Y-SECIINI) SI'EEE'l', firum Chairman, The Committee reserves the right to reject all pro- 1,1aud Railroad deput to Queens avenue. ARTHUR S. tiO1IFsRSn posals submitted if deemed for the best interests of the Borough of 11luultattan. TO UON'P,AC ORS. JOSEPH J. KI'1'TEl., City so to do. WALDO H. RICHARDSON, Dated I'umcot'cH OF MANHATTAN, October in, :qoe. Ni. 6. FOR PAVING A'I'Yli 11R:1_I'1'F:PL(ut l,. PATRICK J. WH1l'E, RICHARD H. ADAMS, p:1 t'}': \11•: \I', ON Cf1NGkiZl'l-: F(1( PROPOSALS FOR BIDS OR E T1MATES. Committee on Supplies. CHARLES F. ROPER'l'SO , DAIl(mN. 'IHF: ifAUAVAV t'. AlIRAHA\I STERN, '1'WELF"FH AVENUE, from Fiftieth i Fifty-eighth street. TO CONTRACTORS. \VllsDIAJl I. COLE. EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED PATRICK J. WHI•TF), Each hid or estimate shall contain and state t H.. S by the Committee on Supplies of the L'uard of JOHN R. THOJII'SC)N, name and place of residence of each of the per- I•:ctteatii,it uf'lhe City of New York, at the Hall of die JOSEPH J. K1i'YEl., suns making the sane, the names of all lm'.uu-, PR(11'E)SALS FOR RIDS OR ESTIMATES FOR Committee on Buildings. interested with him thwtin, and if no other per- Board, wutliw of corner of lark :n-enuc;md Fifty-ninth FURNITURE FOR NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL. street, Borough of "lualli'tron. until 4 o'clock v. et., on son be so tntcrestcd it Shall distinctly state that fact: Ie_, iii 1:(IUGH l)F BROOKLYN; ALSO, that it is nmde without any connection with ally other FUR FURNI'1'U1,E FUIi NEV PUBLIC THURSDAY, O(TOBEIt 28, 1000, BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. f,erson making an estimate for the satue purpose, and is SCHOOL r=4, 13fbRf1UGH OF I1ROUKI.Y'N; to ail respects fair and without collusion or fraud, ;mind l,,r Furnishing and 1)elivcring Books for School ALSO, FOR FURNITURE FOR NEW 1'U1lLIC that uo member of the ALuoieip:tl Assembly, bead of a Libraries for the schools of The City of New York, SCHOOL r-8, hi( RO lid(1H (.1 h' BROOKLYN: 13uuuoan of THE Buc,xx, departintent, chief of a bureau, deputy tberwf, or clerk boroughs uf Manhattan and The L'ronx, for year end- ALSO), FOR FURNITURE, I'I'I-:M 4, FOR OFFICE of THE PtmcsuuESi OF 'rHE BUnoOCn, therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly PUBLIC SCHOOi 84 AND ADDITIONS, iug December 31, Igor. Monucnr,mt, 8uaLutsc, CHUruuA PAnt<, or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or i, BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. I77'1'H 5rHeDu .exe 'I'nicn Acmuak. 1 No empty packages or cases are to be returned to the work to which it relates, or in any portion of th, bidders or contractors except as herein specified, and FIEREBY GIVE NOTICE: THAT PETITIONS profits thereof. cone will be paid for by the Department. EALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED have been presented to me and are on file in my Each estimate must be verified by the oath, in writ The person or persons making any bid or estimate office for inspection for- rag, of the party making the same, that Ibe seccn,l shall furnish the same in it sealed envelope, indorsed S by the Committee oil Buildings of the Board of Laying out on map of the city, Cottage place, One matters therein stated are true, and must be accuny-., - Bid or Estimate for Furnishing and Delivering Books Education of The City of New York, at the Hall of the Hundred and Seventieth street to Crotona Park South. Died by the consent, in writing, of tw-o hoi,sehuslulnrs,n Board, southwest corner of Park avenue and Fifty-ninth for School Libraries," with his or their name or names, street, Borough of Tnlanhiattamm, until 4 O'clock r. Ni., on Asphalting Crotuna avenue, from Boston road to freeholders in The City of New \'ork to the sit,:, t ;tad the date of presentation, to the Secretary of the Pelham avenue. that if the contract is awcvdcd to the per,. n Board of Education, at the office of the said Board, on MONDAY. OCTOBEK 22, 1:IOO, Regulating and grading and sewer construction making the estimate they will, upon its his - or before the clay and hour above mimed, at which time for Furniture for New Public School too, Borough of Boone street, front \Vest Farms road to Freeman street. ing so covcwded, become bound us his simrctic - and place the bids or estimates received will be publicly Regulating and grading and server construction for its faithful performance, and that if lie shall rcIii"' Brooklyn ; also, for Furniture for New Public School opened by the Comntltteo on Supplies. 0241 Borough of Brooklyn ; also, for Furniture for New Freeman street, from West Farms road to Westchester or neglect to execute the same they will pay to the C'ur No bid or estimate will be accepted (ram, or contract Public School not, Borough of Brooklyn; also, for Fur- avenue poration any difference between the stint ru w•br,:11 h, awarded to any person who is in arrears to the Cor- niturc, item 4, for Public School 84 and Additions, Regulating and grading and sewer construction Mould be entitled upon its completion and that ii hi ich poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, Longfellow street, from West Farris road to Wcetchcs- the Corporation may be obliged io pay to the pen s'•, t-, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor- Borough of Brooklyn. whom the contract shall be awarded at any subsequent No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract ter avenue. porttion. Regulating and grading and sewer construction letting, the amount to be calculated upon the eatim:ued awarded to, any•p er-on who is in arrears to the Cor- amount of :he work by which the bids are tested. The award of the contract will he made as soon as poration upon dcht or contract, or who is a defaulter, as Bryant street, from West Farms road to Westchester practicable after the opening of the bids. surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor- avenue. The consent last above mentioned must lie ;ucunr Any bidder for this contract must be known to be cn- poration. Sewer construction, East One Hundred and Seventy- parried by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each „1 gaged in and well prepared for the business, and must The award of the contract will be made as soon as fifth street, between Prospect avenue and Crotaua the persons signing the same that he is a boosehnn,ickr have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and the practicable after the opening of the bids. avenue. or freeholder in 'flue City of New York, and is worth the person or persons to whom the contract may he awarded Any bidder for this contract must be known to be en- Paving Bathgate avenue its entire distance. amount of the security required fur the completion cal will be required to give security for the performance of gaged to and well prepared for the business, and trust Regulating and grading Rockfield street, between the contract over and above all his debts of every the contract by his or their bond, with two sufficient have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and the Mosholu Parkway South and the Concourse. nature, and over and above his liabilities as hail, surety, sureties, each in the amount of Five Thousand Dollars person or persons to svinonni the contract may be The petitions for the above will be submitted by me or otherwise, and that lie has offered himself as surety (5.5,x)• awarded will lie required to give security for the per- to the Local Board having jurisdiction thereof oft in grxod faith, a ith the intention to execute the bowl Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name fi,rmanee of the contract by his or their bond, with two November t o ,900, at 2 r. nt., at the office of the required by lass. and place of residence or place of business of each of sufficient sureties, each in the amount of One Thousand President of the Borough of 'Tire Brnux, llunicipal No cxum:ne will be considered unless accom- the persons making the same, the names of all persons Dollars (Si,aao) on Item t ; One Thousand Dollars Building, Crutoua Park, ()ne Hundred and Sevcuty- panicd by either it certified check upon one of (lie interested with him or them therein, and if no other (« t,000) on Item 2 ; (jne Thousand I)ollars (5t,uuu) on seventh street and Third avenue, State or National banks of The City of New York, person be so interested it shall distinctly state that Item 3; Five Hundred Dollars (k5cw) on Item 4 1'wo Dated ()c'ruuutc rz, repo. drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or muncy fact; also that it is made without ally connection with 'PI,oms:cul Dollars (Ss,ecn) on Item 5, and the sum of LOUIS F. HAFFF:N, to the amount of live per cent umr of the amount untie any other person making au estimate for the saute i Ficc Hundred Dollars (/50(1) on Item 6 cal furniture f,r President. security required her the fcori,fin perfnrmcmcc of the 6452 THE CITY RECORD. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 61, Igoo.

    contract. Such check or money mttst :":T be inclosed Ni,. z. Bow sides of 'Twentieth street, from Seventh in good faith and with the intention to execute the bond New York, and is worth the umnunt of the security re- in a scaled envelope containing the estimate, but to Eighth avenue. required by section r2 of chapter 7 of the Revised Ordi- quired for , completion of this contract, over and ulurt he handed to the otlicer or clerk of the 1lcp:u't- All persons whose interests are affected by the above- nuuces of 1'he City of New York, it the contract shall mtbovc all hs debts of every nature, and over and above mcut aho Iiia charge 11 the .at invite box, and no. r-ti- named proposed assessments, and who are opposed to be atcarded to the person or persons for whom he con- his liabilities as bail, .surety or otherwise, and that lie mate can he deposited in said box nutil such check or the sane, or either of theta. are requested to present scnts to become surety. The adequacy and sufficiency has offerecl hi mselfas a surety in good fill th, and with the money lets been examined by said officer or clerk and their objections, in writing, to the Secretary of the of the security offered is to be approved by the Comp- intention to execute the bend required by the Revised 4,und to be correct. All such deposits, except that of Board of Assessors, No 320 Broadway, New York, on troller uf'1'he City of New York. Ordinances oilhe City of New York, if the contract the mecesstttl bidder, will he returned to the person' or before November t3, tgoe, at xt n. %L, at which No bid or estimate will be considered unless accom- shall be awarded to the person or persons for whom lie 'Ii Li ug the -sine within tin roed:tvs attcr the contract is time and place the said objections will be heard and ' panicd by either it certified check upon one of the consents to become surety. The adequacy and stllft- -ardcd. If the sac crem lal kidder elmll refuse or neg- testimony received in reference thereto. State or National banks of The City of New York, ciency of the security offered is to be appruvcd by file I,`ct, within tier dacs after notirc that the contract has El)V1'ARD McCUE, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the Comptroller of "I'hc City of Nesv York. cn awarded to him. to execute the same, the amount El)\CAI.D C:\HILI „ amount of (One Hundred Dollars (s to ) being live per No bid or estimate will be considered finless aecom- t the deposit made be hint shall he forfeited to and THOS. A. WILSON, cerium of the amount oh the security required for the anied by either a certified check upon one of the gunned by The City of New York as liquidated dam- PATRICK It, HAVERTY, fiulhtul performance of the contract. Such check ot• State or National Banks of The City of New York, re for such ne4lect or refusal : butt it lie shill execute JOHN I3. ?tll.YF:NBI)RG, Orion"' must NOT be inclosed in the scaled envelop drawn to the order of the Conupiroller, or money the contract within the tithe ateressaid the amount of L'narct of Assessors. containing the estimate, but must be h:mded to tic to the account of seven hundred and fifty (751) the deuosit will he returned to hint. \\' H. JASPER, officer or clerk of the 1 )epartemeiut wvho has charge of the dollars, bcinyi five per centum of the amount of the 1'HF. Cttfl?IIrHf)\ICR OF filt-H\V VS RE- Secretary, estintate lies, and nn ectimalc can be deposited in said security required for the faithful performance of the SF:RVES T'H6 RIt1H1 1mm REIECI .\I.1. BIDS No. 320 Broadway, box until such check or money has been exam- contract. Such check or money must NOT be iii- RFC l•:I\ F:I 1 FOR ANN I\R'PlUt l.:\R \1't)RK IF CITC of NEW YM?K, 1liROi- GIi uF 1AIANHATTAN,~ ined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. cubsed in the scaled envelope containing the estimate, Ill.: PEFM- 11 1mlK'1- HT: BEST' l\ Ill I•:S1 UI October li, tgoo. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, but most be handed to the officer or clerk of the TH F: CI'fti. tom II be returned to the persons making the same me ithin Department who has charge of the estimate-box ; and three days otter the contract is awarded. It the suc- no esBnil,te can be 11,-ibosmted in said box until such Blurb Inmu of hit or eaifuute. [he proper erweirmpes ALL in which to incl.,ee the •amc, the spectllcati„ns and L'BI.I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Tf) cesstul bidder shall refuse ur neglect, within five clays check or money has been examined by said officer or persons clainn rig to hacc been injured by it agreements. and alts further in mrueovoo desired, call P after nut ice that the contract has been awarded to him. clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits except be „btrtinea in R,mm N. ,P,'. No,. 1; to ^t Park row. change of grade ill the regulutiug and grading of the to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the tollowing-u;tmcd strccts, to present their claims, in i. hint shall be forfeited to and be retained by The City of persons making the sync within three days ''fter the a ri ring, to the Secretary of the Board of Assessors, contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall c,n,:u i-~,,,tt•r It 11Ighways. k ew- York its liquidated damages for such neglect ar No. ;_u Broadway, on or before October z3, ryoo, at refusal ; but if lie shall execute the contract within the refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the rl o'clock, A. st., lit which place and time time said time aforesaid, the amount of his dept-it will he rc- contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, Board of Assessors will receive cx idence and testimony turued to him. the amount of flue deposit made by hi In shall be fbrfci fed CORPORATION NOTICE of the nature and extent of such injury. Should the person or persons to whorl the contract tel and retained by'1'lie City of New York as liquidated PnRtlrimm of M-svH.TT.a.. nlay be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract damages for such neglect or refusal : but if lie still) within five days after written notice that the same has execute the contract within the time nforesaid the l 1:11k N( ] li F: I-, 1[t•-ia•1'1 ([v EN TO List 6388. Fifty-first street, front Eleventh to 1'wclfth the rum nor or oft' ucrm of III I:,,uses and lot,, im- been awarded to his or their hid or proposal, or if lie or amount of his deposit will be returned to him. P avenue. they accept but do not execute the contract and give the Should the person or persons to whom the contract I.rnccd or tut intproc e,i land, ills cIcd thereby. that the List 6401. Eighty-fourth street, Fast, from East End •;[mm tu0 proposed assr.IPING 11 I _u r,•I_cd assessments have been completed and NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. a I - i Ccd ill time-is ifice of the 11 and of Assessors for tIU1FIf FOR 'I'HF: STONE QUARRY, BLACKWELL'S ISLAND. PROPOSALS FtIR MATERIALS AND WORK ...1:.1n ration by all persons interested. viz.: RIzCfIREI1 I't)R MAKING THE AI:1'1•:RA- BrRI)C'o.H lF THE BRntx. PROPOSALS FOR MATERIALS AND WORK TBINS'1'1) V\'INDOWS AND OTHER F:A'I'F:- EALED BIDS OR ES1IMATES FOR \IA- REQUIRED F11R IN-,IALI.:\'1'ItyN OF NEW RU1R POR'l'I(1NS OF TIdl PI:N ITEN I'IARY. 1.•.-t 6171, No. I. Regulating. grading. curbing, flaz- terials and work required for completing time _. laying crosswalks. etc.. Rogers place. from -- SI'EA?I HEATING PA: .IENGER, ELEVATOR 131"ACICV'Fa. L'S ISLAND, Bl)Ru)UI;H OF installation of a complete high-pressure steam plant in AND ELIC`1- RIC Li(iHTlNG, IN THE \L\NHA TAN, NEW YORK CI .1'Y. Ill'n street tot hue Hundred and Sixty-fifth street. time Workhouse, lilaekwcll's Island. and a cuntp lete - - IJ-t 11190, No. e. Regulating, grading„ curbing• flag- PENI'L'EV'1'1ARV BI.I)CR, P,LACKR ELL'S pumping outfit fi)r the Stone Quarry. Blackwell'- Island, ISLAND, 110)RO1'GI1 OF \IANIIA'1"1'AN, A. haying cress lv;tlks, etc.. tcllere, required. in the . in conformity 'midi specifications, will NEW YORK CI.1'Y. 'trects ceded to the Lily by the estate lit Maria 1.. be received at the office of the Department of Correction. SEALED 131I)5 OR ESTIMATES FOR MAl'ERI- I'ra•~ere viz.: Norwood arenuc (I)ce:uur avenue). No x;8 Fast Twentieth etrest, in The City of New nil s and wr'rk required for making the alterations between tVecsnse road and 7lvo Hundrd and York. until t- o'clock cI. of EALED F,IDS OR El' TIMA•I'Es FOR 'MATE. to wtnduws and other exterior p_ortious of the I'euiteu- tenth -treetI Hull avenue. beIsveen \1oodlawr. roa,l S rills and work required for iusctlli nq a new steam tiary, Blackwcll's Island, Ness \ ork City, ill conformity and Tu'o Hundred and Seventh street: Perry avenue, OCTOBER IS, 11100. heating passenger elevator and electric lighting in the with specifications, u' ill be received at the office of the between \Yoodlawn road and :iso Huudred and Penitentiary P,lock, Blackw ell's Isl old, Borough of Department of Correction, No. t;8 Fast Twcnt met h SeN vii tf street ; East Two Hun fired and Filth acet, The person or persons mak:nx ;in)- hid or sit ltrite Manhattan. Ncw York City, ill conformity with specifi- street, in The City' of \ew Verb, until to 15. of - shall furnish the same in a scaled cnvclops, judorscd cations, will be recci%cd at the office of the Department trencecn \400dlawu road and 1\ cbster avenue : East Estimate I wo Hundred and sixth street. be nceen \YomrIlasm •. Lid or or completing tie installation of a of Correction, No. 148 East '1'w'eutjctll street, in The THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1$, 1900. marl and ferry acemiue : Fist 1wo Hundred and High-pressure Steam Plant for Workhouse and Pump- City of Ncw \ c,rk, until Ii it. of 'Flue person or persons making any bid or estimate ing 1 Outfit for the Stone tluarry, I'llckevell's Island, cventh street. between AA-oodlawn road and Park,,ide shall furnish the same ill a sealed envelope, indor,ed I1lace : Parkside place. between East Two Hundred New 1 orb City," w'itlt his or tiuir name or names and THURSDAY, OCTOBEK 1, 11100. , . Bid or Estimate for making the. Alterations to Win- :md Fi itIt and East I ml Huu!]rcd and Seventh streets the date of presentation, to the head of said dep;trt- The person or persons making any bid or estimate does and other portions of the Penitentiary, Black- List runs. Ni. ;. ]'oring Cu ion avetme, I roe the uortt ment, at the said office, on or before the day and hour shall furnish the same in a cealcd envelope, indorsed well's Island," with his or their name or names, and - n le nt 1Ceetchester ;t o cn lie to the south side of Boston ;tboce named. at which time and place the bids or esti- '• Bid or estimate for Installation of New Stearn Heal- the date of pre:,cmation, to the head of said I)epart- r .ui. with asphalt pavement. mttes received will be publicly opened by the Commis- ing Passenger Elevator and Electric Lighting in the ment, at the said utlice. oil or before the day and hour sioner, or his duly authorized agent of said depart. Penitentiary Block, Illackwcl l's Island,' with his or above named, at which time and place the bids or eiai- The limits within which it is proposed to lay the said m nt. and read. .t;,Ic of ( Inc Hundred and Sixty-fifth street, from poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, THE Coeustlss1Usek of THE DEI•ART\I NT OF (,UR- No bid or estimate 1+'ill be accepted from, or contract R.- ,,germ place to ]ntcrvale avenue and to the extent of as surety or othertvlse, upon any obligation to the Cor- REC"I- ill\ RESFRVEs '1 1IF. RIGHT To RI JFCT ALL 111Ds alt awarded to, any Jerson who is in arrears to the Cor- half time block at the intersecting streets. poration. ES'1'1\t:5TES IF HEF\iED -i'll nE FOR THE 1't'BLIC IN11 RES-1. poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, No. a. Loth sides of Backside place. from \\'ebster 1'he award of the contract will be made as soon as No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor- avenue to Two Hundred a n d Seventh, street ; both sides practicable after the opening of the bids. awarded to any person woo is in arrears to the Cor- porttion. of Decatur avenue Hull avenue and Perry avenue, Any bidder for this contract must be known to be poratiou upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter as 'lime award of the contract will be made as soon its from \1'oodlawn road to Two Hundred ;md Seventh engaged in and well prepared for the business, and must surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the l'orpo- practicable after the opening of the bids. street ; west side of Webster a.cnue, estemling to a have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and the rat iou. Any bidder for this contract must be known to be en- point 38o feet south of'1'wo Hundred and Fifth street ; person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded 'File award of the contract will be made as soon as gaged in and well prepared for the business, and must both sides of Two Hundred and Fifth street. from will be required to give security for the performance of practicable after the opening of the bids. have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and the \\'ondlawu road to Webster avenue ; both sides of 'Iwo the contract by his or their bond, with two sufficient Any bidder for this contract must be known to be person or per-ohs to trhom the coot ract may be :nvarded Hundred and Sixth street. from \\'o dlawn road to sureties, each in the penal amount of TWO THOU- engaged in and well prepared for the business, and will be required to give security for the performance Pcrr} avenue. and on both sides of 1 c Hundred and SAND (5,5w) DOLLARS. must have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and of the contract, by his or their bond, with two sufficient Seventh street, from Woudla'.1' n road to Parkside place. Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the the person or persons to whom the contract may be sureties, each in the amount of TEN T'HOUSANI) name and place of residence or place of business of awarded will be required to give security for the per- (ro.oeo) DOLLARS. No. 3. Both sides of Union avenue, from Westchester each of the persons making the same, the names of all 'avenue to Boston road, and to the extent of half the formance of the contract, by his or their bond, with two Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name person, interested with him or them therein, and if no sufficient sureties, each in the amount of FIFTEEN and place of residence or place of business of each block at the intersecting streets. other person be so interested it shall distinctly state All persons whose interests are affected by the above- THOUSAND (15,00Q) Dl)LLARS. of time persons making the same, the names of all that fact ; also that it ii made without any connection Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the persons interested with him or them therein, and unmed proposed assessments. and who are opposed to with any other person making all estimate for the same the same, or either of them. are rmyucsted to present name and place of residence or place of business of if no other person be so interested it shall distinctly purpose. and is in all respects fair and without collu- state that fact : also that it is made without any ti-r objections. in writing, to the Secretary of the each of the persons making the same, the names of sion or fraud, and that no member of the Municipal connection with any other person making an esti- it - rd of Assessors, No. 3a. Lroadw-ay, New York. on all persons interested is ith him or them therein, and Assembly. head of a department, chief of a bureau, if uo other person be so interested it -hall distinctly mate for the same purpose. and is in all respects r Tel-re N„vcm6cr r-t, rr,, at II ,s. 'm.. at which time deputy thereof or clerk therein. or other officer of the state that fact ; also, that it is made witbr,ut any fair and without collusion or fraud, and that no menl- .i., t IJu- c the c ,1~1 , ?:jcctfuns will be heard and teeti- Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested therein, n.~ ,.,.,... L..1 • i;, r-_:crcmmc'r thcret. connection with any other person making an estimate ber of the Municipal Assembly, head of a department, or in the work to which it relates, or in any portion of for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and chief of a bureau. deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or BImWARD ?fcCC- E. the profits thereof. The bid or estimate must be yen' without collusion or fraud, and that no member of the outer omcerof the Corporation, is directly or indirectly h-imWARD CAHILL. fuel by the oath, in writing. of the party or parties Municipal Assembly, head of a department, chief of a interested therein or in the work to which it relates, or IHImt. A. \t'ILt' )N. making the estimate, that the several matters stated bureau. deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer in any portion of the profits thereof. The bid or esti- I'AFKIC1. M. HA1- ERTY. therein are in all respects true. Where more than one of the Corporation is directly or indirectly interested mate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the JOHN L. >IF.1- ENL•uR ,, person is interested, it is requisite that the vhl",Ie- therein, or in the xork to which it relates, or in any party or parties making the estimate that the several Board of Assessors. nn..\ be made and subscribed by all the parties inter- portion of the profits thereof. The bid or esti- matters stated therein are in all respects true,Where \ILl I l ..•,. if I I- PEIm, ested. mate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the more than one person is interested it is requisite that -erctary, Each bid or emtlmate shall be accompanied by the party or parties making the estimate, that the several the iEIiIFICu'ml'l0N be made and subscribed by all the So. 3zc Broadway. consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where parties interested. t: s , .F NEW \,1.n. B' ,!,:.t.H (,r iSlSticgBrrAN, in The City of New York or of a guaranty or surety more than one person is interested it is requisite that Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the October (. tgoo. company duly authorized by law to act as surety, with the VERIFICATION be made and subscribed by all the consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders, their respective places of business or residence, to the parties interested. trust, bond or security companies, in The City of effect that if the contract be awarded to the person Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the New York, with their respective places of business or 1 llLI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TI) 'IRE makingthe estimate, theywill,on its being soawarded, consent, in writing, of two householders or freehold- residence, to I he effect that if the contract be awarded to P ,wnur or owners of all houses and lots, improved become bound as his sureties for its faithful perform- crs, trust, bond or surety companies in The City the person making the estimate, they will, on its being r unimproved Lands affected thereby, that the follow- ance. and that if he shall omit or refuse to execute the of New York, with their respective places of bust- so awarded, become bound as his sureties for its faith- !.or proposed assessments have been completed and same they shall pay to the Corporation any difference ness or residence, to the effect that if the contract be ful performance, and that if lie shall omit or refuse . lb-. I-,dged in the office of the Bnnrd of Assessors for between the sum to which he would be entitled ail its awarded to the person making the estimate, they to execute the same, they shall pay to the Corporation :.uni nation by all persons interested, viz.: completion and that which the Corporation may be will, on its being so awarded, become bound as his any difference between the sum to which he would be obliged tel pay to the person or persons to whom sureties for its faithful performance; and that if he shall entitled on its completion and that which the Corpora- BORrn'GH nl' QUEENS. the contract may he awarded at any subsequent letting ; omit or refuse to execute the same, they will pay to tiou may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to I.Ist 5372. No I. Sewer in Nineteenth street, from the amount in cacti case to be calculated upon the the Corporation any difference between the sum to whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent -menth' to EihthL avenue. \hitestone. estimated amount of the supplies by which the bids are which he would be entitled on its completion and that letting ; the amount in each case to be calculated upon ` I.i,t 6;75, No. e. Sewer in Twentieth street, from tested. The consent above mentioned shall be accom- which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the per- the estimated amount of the supplies by which the bids smith to Eighth aceue,u Whitestone. panied by the oath or affrmation, in writing, of each son or persons to whom the contract may be awarded are tested. 'Pile consent above mentioned shall be ac- s I he limits within which it is pr•,pnsed to lay the said of the persons signing the same that he is it householder •tt any subsequent letting, the amount in each case to companied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each . h..e-suciit5 include all the severd houses and lots of or freeholder in 1'he l'ity of New York. and is worth be calculated upon the estimated amount of the supplies of the persons signing the same, that lie is a householder gn,und, vacant lox, pieces and parcels of land situated the amount of the security required for the completion by which the bids are tested. The consent above or freeholder in The City of New York and is worth the on- ,,f this contract over and above all his debts of every mentioned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirma- amount of the security required for the completion of S,. t. P'qh smile-s, f N,ucl:,tl, +trusu fn n, -,ccuth ,~aturc and over ;wr1 abncc his liabilities as bail, surety tion, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, this contract, over and above all his debts of every to Eighth aveuuc. or otherwise, and that he has offered himself as a surety that he is a householder or freeholder to The City of nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, TUESDAY, OCTOBER i6, 1900. THE CITY RECORD. 6453 surety or otherwise, and that he has offered himself as of Tne City of New York, if the contract shall be awarded to the person or persons for whom lie consents No bid or estimate will be considered unless accom- a surety in good faith and with the intention to execute awarded to the person or persons for whom be consents to become surety. The adequacy and sufficiency of the panied by either a certified check upon one of the the bond required by the Revised Ordinances of to become surety. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered is to be approved by the Comptroller State or National hanks of The City of New York, The City of New York, if the contract shall be awarded security offered to be approved by the Comptroller of of'1'he City of New York. drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the person or persons for whom he consents to become The City of New York. No bid or estimate will be received or considered to the amount of /ir ,e per centum of the amount of surety. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security No bid or estimate will be considered unless accom- unless accompanied by either a certified check upon the security required for the faithful performance offered is to be approved by the Comptroller of The panied by either a certified check upon one of the State one of the State or National hanks of The City of of the contract. Such check or money must n•n'r City of New York. or National banks of 'Ike City of New York, drawn to New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the No bid or estimate will be considered unless accom- the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of money to the amount of Three l'housand (3,nno) Dollars, estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk panied by either a certified check upon one of the State Six Hundred (flu ) Dollars, heingJive percentum of the being five per centum of the amount of the security of the Department who has charge of the estimate or National banks of the City of New York, drawn to amount of the security required for the faithful per- required for the faithful performance of the contract. box, and no estimate can be deposited in said has the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of formance of the contract. Such check or money must Such check or money most NOT be inclosed in the until such check or money has been examined by five hundred (goo) dollars, being five per centum of the NOT be inclosed in the scaled envelope containing the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All amount of the security required for the faithful perform- estimate, but must be Lauded to the officer or clerk of he handed to the officer or clerk of the Depart. such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, ance of the contract. Such check or money must NOT be the Department who has charge of the estimate box, went who has charge of the estimate box, and no esti- will be returned to the persons making the same inclosed in the scaled envelope containing the estimate, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until mate can be deposited in said box until such check or within three days after the contract is uwfluacd. If the but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the such check or has been examined by said money has been examined by said officer or clerk and successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five Department who has charge of the estimate box, and officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such found to be correct. All such deposits, except that clays after notice that the contract has been awarded to no estimate can be deposited in said box until such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be of the successful hidder, will be returned to the per- him, to execute or perform the same, the amount of check or money has been examined by said officer or returned to the persons making the same within sons making the same within three days after the con. the deposit made by him shall he forfeited to and be re- clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except three days after the contract is awarded. If the tract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse twined by The City of New York as liquidated damages that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five or neglect within five days after notice that the contract for such neglect or refusal, but if he shall execute or persons marking the same within three days after the days after notice that the contract has been a)varded to has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the perform the contract within the time aforesaid the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall re- him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to amount of his deposit will be returned to him. fuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the made by him shall he forfeited to and retained by The and retained by 171e City of New York as liquidated Should the person or persons to whom the contract contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, City of New York as liquidated damages for such neg- damages for such neglect or refusal but if le shall may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract the amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited lect or refusal ; but if lie shall execute the asntract execute the contract within the time aforesaid, the within five days after written notice that the same has to and retained by The City of New York as liquidated within the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit amount of his deposit will be returned to him. been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he shall will be returned to him. Should the person or persons to whom the contract they accept but do not execute the contract and give execute the contract within the time aforesaid the Should the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract the proper security, he or they shall be considered as amount of his deposit will be returned to him. may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract within five.. clays after written notice that the same has having abandoned it and as in default to the CorpOra- within five (lays after written notice that the same has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or tion, and the contract will be readvertised and eclat as Should the person or persons to whom the contract provided by law. may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or they accept but do not execute the contract and give the they accept but do not execute the contract and give proper security, he or they will be considered as having For particulars as to quantity and quality of supplies, within five days after written notice that the same has or the nature of the work required, bidders are referred been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or the proper security, lie or they shall be considered as abandoned it and as in default to the Corporation, and having abandoned it and as in default to the Corpora- the contract will be readvertised and relet, as provided to the printed specifications. they accept but do not execute the contract and give The quantity and quality of the articles, supplies, the proper security, lie or they shall be considered as tion, and the contract will be readvertised and relet, as by law. provided by law. !'or particulars as to the quantity and quality of goods, mares and merchandise roust conform in , very having abanduncd it ;Old as in default to the Corpora- respect to the samples of the same on edcibifron at For Particulars as to the quantity and quality of the supf,liidd.'rs are cautioned to exanaizre the speci/fcations their estimates. der.c rI , e r,f'," reel to the ft-in/rd sfi-clicat,on and err)' res/,rct to such printed s/l, c//rations and Plats. Bidders must state the price of each article / r /kdd•rs are ceutioned to e-uznri,ve the sp'ci/rations for iarticmf,trs of the articles, etc., required, before the pPans. Ike work and materials must conform found, dozen, ga/lon, etc. (unless o1/rer:oisr s/,e, 41,e.f Jnr far//I ulcers of the articles, etc., required, before nrakrnr tltr•tr eslirnates. i.e. every its/wet to such printed sieeibca/toNs and Bidders will write out the amount of their estimates and yrou,,cd in a class), by which the bids ro/11 ('r mahi,,r t/reir erti)uates. ` /burs. Rrddcrs are ,autioned to examine the sfecifz- in addition to asserting the same in figures. festal. The e-,'tensions actin be /oo: c,/ rip, as tire brl Ls rations fir particulars of die arti les, etc., required kidders will write out the amount of their estimates Payment will be made by ;t requisition on the Comp- refill be read and recorder! from flee total fi,ntirr, be/ore making' their es/imates. in addition to inserting the same in figures. troller, iu accordance with the terms of the contract. Awards will b,• ,made to the /nx'csf unt il,', on each r I,r.n- Bidders will write out the amount of their estimates Payment will he made by a requisition oil the Cotnp- The form of the contract, including speci fic:uionsaud or item, as the ca,r• may be.. in addition to inserting the same in figures. truller, in accordance with the terms of the contract. plain, and showing the manner of payment, will be ~l/1 y.s!inrates not con/ormin„ to these requirenrr,rf.. Payment will be made by a requisition on the Camp. The f,rm of the contract, including specifications furnished at the office of the I lepartmcnt, No. 148 East may be considered as iuf iln,e.l. trollcr, in accordance with the terms of the contract aucl plans, and showing the mauucr of payment, will Twentieth street, and by Horgan ,C Slattery, arclli- Payment will lie made by a requisition on the Cu The form of the contract, including specifieat ions and be furnished at the office of the Department, Nu. t48 tects, No. t Madison avenue, Borough of Manhattan, trolher, in accordance with the terms (if the contract, Sr plans, and showing the manlier of payment, will be East Twentieth street, :wd Horgan & Slattery, archi- N, w York City, and bidders are cautioned to examine from time to time as the Comnli ssiuncrs may (Internnl i nc-. furnished at the ufiice of the Department, Rio. 148 East tects, No, c Ma,li,on avcnun, Bor„ugh of Manhattan, each and all of its provisions carefully, as the Cummis- All bids mast be based upon the descripti-m him- Twentieth Street, and Horgan & Sinncry, architects, New York City, and bidders are can tiuunil to examine siouer of Correction will insist upon its absolute nished or samples exhibited by this l )epfltrt ms,t and No. t Madison avenue, Borough of Manhattan, New each and all of its provisions carclitlly, as the Cummis- enforcement in every particular. not on samples furnished by the bidder. York City, and bidders are cautioned to examine each sioner of Correction will insist upon its absolute cu- FRANCIS J. LANTRY, A deposit will be requved on all bids. and all of its provisions carefully, as the Commissioner forccment lu every particular. Commissioner. Surety blanks and tnf;)rn;ttion regarding all formali- of Correct ion will insist upon its absolute enforcement FRANCIS J. LAN'1'RV, ties eo,,m,eetcd therewith may be obtained at the Ccn- in every particular. Commissioner. toil Office of this I)cpaetmcnt. Samples will be on exhibition at the office ,'I FRANCIS J. LANTRY, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC Purchasing Agent, foot of Fast "I'wecity-sixth street, Commissioner. 17Pt'AaT3tyG-NT nr CoNBeC"r1('N, CHARITIES. during office hours, until the bids arc op,'ned. No. r48 Ease 'I'whaN'cte.;rtl 5inREhi. Blank fortes of bid or estimates, the proper envelopes NEw Yogis, in which to inclose the saute, the ~liccilications and DFPARTNExT OF CoItREC'r7.N, i)ErAn T 11FN'I nF l'UnLIc CHARITIEC, agreement approved as to form by the Cmpe.trat (''u No, 148 Ensi fwfs'rie•eH STaEET, Iiiim.linuus uF DI,,kImA'i"rnu AND TIE IlRoNx,~ Counsel, and any further Iaf,rmpt,on desired, can be New YORK CITY, NOTICE TO CUNFRACT'ORS, Foo-r or FAST '1'svENVl'y-slxT, STnEE'r, obtained at the office of the General Bookkeeper :u,'l NESS' Ynas, October 8, tgoo. Auditor, foot East Twenty-sixth street. JOHN W. KEL1.ER, President, I'ROl'OSAL.S FOR DRY GOODS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. YI(Ip)SAI.S FOR ,)lA'PEBrALS AND \4'ORK A I)( )I.I'H H. (l )F:1"1' I N(:, Coninii sion,, IRE(IUIREII FIlE h-RFC'I'ING AND (;OM- JAAlE1 , FEENV, Comu,i..i„ncr. 1'LF;fINO A BUILIIIN)/ 'I'll L'F KNOIAVN ltug,oe.his of MANHATTAN AND T's,•, BRO Nx. Department of Public Charitic=. AS '1'lIE AIIAIINI//'1'R.ATI(1N litALI)1NG, PROPOSALS ],OR OfA'flaRIA(,S ANf) WORK AT '1'1,E 1,VNI'I'h.N''1'IARY llLACKWEI.l,'S EALIA) ill 1)5 OR FSh'lIIA'I'ES FOR ABOVE- REQUIRED FOR PLUMBING AND (; AS. ISL.ANI), laWM Glt OF AfANIIA'1"1'N, S mcutioueel Supplies, iu conformity with samples ARMORY BOARD. Fill' INI. IN 'FILE NEW AIt11INISI'ItA- NEW YORK CITY. and specifications, will be received ut II,,..', ,ffice of the 'I'ION BUH,IDING, BLACK\V]:1.L'S I//t AN1), Department of Public Charities, Pout of East'1weuty- ARmnww B,.vII: Ni' Af,\1Ul.V fitting in the New Administration Building, I:lackwell's office of the 1 )cparttncut I G,rrcci inn, No. t48 East fications. The person or persons making any hid or estimate BUIl.11Nl,, ((A h:II:H'I'H :AA'FCNt 1, FUGR- Island, New York City, in conformity with specifica- Twentieth street, in The City of New York, until is TEENI'H AND 1111'IfEN'PI1 Sl l,' •h':'J's, IN tions, will be received at the office of the Department Ni. of shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope, imidorscd "Bid or Estimate for 1 hey ( hoods," with his or their 'I'HFa BURUUGH OF thKU))kDl'N, CITY OF of Correction, No, 148 East I —iltieth street, in the THUIISDAY, OCTOBER IN, 1900. NEW YORK. City of New York, until tz M. of name or names and address and the date '1'hc person or persons making any hid or estimate of presentation, to the head of said Depart- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1k, 1900. shall furnish the same in a stalest envelope, Io,lurse,h mcut, at the said office, on or before the day and hour ROPOSALS FOR hsTul3lAT'I:S FOR MATE- " Bid or Estimate for Erecting and Completing Building rials and work is Furnishing Alterations and The person or persons making any hid or estimate above named, at which time a,,d place the bids or esti- ImprovementsP designated No. t, No. z and No. 3, to shall furnish the same in a scaled envelope, indorsed to be ku„wu as the Administration l:uilding, at the mates received will he publicly opened by the President Penitentiary, Blnckwdl's Island," with his or their of said 1)epartmcnt, or his duly authorized agent, and the Fourteenth Regiment Armory Building, on Eighth '' Bid or Estimate for Plumbing and Gas-fitting iu New avenue, Fourteenth and Fittccratb streets, in the name or names, and the date of presentation, to the read. Administration Building, II. I.," with his or their name Borough of Brookl yti. City ui Nc,' Yurk, will or names, and the date of presentation, to the head of head of said Department, at the said office, on or before 'I'l1E BOARD or PUBLIC CHARITIES RESERVES THE the day and hour above named, at which time and place RIGHT 'tO REJECT ALL BIDS OR ESTIMATES IF DEESIED be received by the Armory Iivard. et the MAYOR'S said Department, at the said office, on or before the OFFICE, CITY HALL, VNT'II. rt ()'CLOCK A. sr,, day and hour above named, at which time and place the bids or estimates received will be publicly opened Ti) nE FOR Tl1E PUBLIC INTEREST. the bids or estimates received will be publicly opened by the Commissioner, or his duly authorized agent of No bid or estimate will be accepted from or contract THURSDAY. THE EI(H'l'I ENTl1 1)AV by the Commissioner, or his duly authorized agent, of said Department, and read. awarded to any person who is in arrears to the Corpo- OF OCT(IBN:R. 1900. TriO COMMISSIONER (i(''1' ii I: DEPARTMENT OF CoE- said Department and read. ration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as at which time and ulace they will be publicly opened 'rue CosIsttSsIoNi-R OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COR- Rl,.C'rION RFSEEVF.S THI! RIGHT III RPj1;c'Y ALL BIDS OR surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor- and reach by said Board. RFCTtON REsERV 5 THE RIGHT TO REJECT ALL BIDS OR ESTIMATES IF DEr.5I tD TP BE FOR'I'lii i'Un1.IC IN'rF. (1ST. poratlon. Any person making estimates for the above work FSrIstATES IF DFENIiD TO BC FOR TH^. PUBLIC INTFRI ST, No hill or estimate will be accepted from, or contract The award of the contract will be made as soon as shall furnish the same in sealed envelopes to the Ch;ur- Na bid or estimate will be accepted from, or con- awarded to, any tJerson u'ho is in arrears to the Cor- practicable after the opening of the bids, and supplies mau of said Armory Board, indorsed " Proposals fur tract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the poratiou upon dcht or contract, or who is a defaulter, mast be dcltvered immediately. E-t,mates for Materials and Work in Furnishing Corporation upon debt or contract, or who is a de- as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor- Any bidder for this contract must be known to be an Alteration and Improvement to the Fourteenth faulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to poration. engaged in and we11 prepared for the business, and Regiment Armory Building, on Eighth Avenue, the. Corporation. The award of the contract will be made as soon as must have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and Fourteenth and Fifteenth Streets, in the Borough '1'he award of the contract will be made as soon as practicable after the opening of the bids. the person or persons to whom the contract may be of Brooklyn, City of New York," and also with practicable after the opening of the bids. Any bidder for this contract must be known to be en- awarded will be required to give security for the per- the name of the person or persons presenting the same, Any bidder for this contract must he known lobe en- gaged in and well prepared for the business, and must formance of the contract. by his or their bond, with and the date of its presentation. gaged in and well prepared for the business, and must have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and the two sufficient sureties, each in the amount of fifty Any bidder for this contract must be known to be en- have satisfactory testimonials to that effect, and the person or persons to a hum the contract may be awarded (50) per cent. of the bid for each article. gaged in and well prepared for the business, and toast person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to give security for the performance of Each bid orestimate shall contain and state the name have satisfactory testimonials to that effect : and the will be required to give security for the performance of the contract by his or their bond, with two sufficient and place of residence of each of the persons making the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded the contract, by his or their bond, with two sufficient sureties, each in the amount of SIXTY THOUSAND same, the names of all persons interested with him or will be required to give security for the performance of sureties, each in the amount of TW ELV E THOUSAND (60,0«,) DOLLARS. them therein, and if no other person be so interested it the contract, by his or their bond, with two sufficient (tz,000) I)OI.LARS. Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name shall distinctly state that fact; also that it is made with- reties, in the following amounts: Each bid or estimate shall contain and state and place of residence or place of busiues of each of the out any connection with any other person making an No. I ...... lIo,000 no the name and place of residence or place of busi- persons making the saute, the n ames of al l persons i nter- estimate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair No. z ...... 3,0ou no . 3 ...... z,000 no ness of each of the persons making the same, ested with him or them therein. and if no other person and without collusion or fraud, and that no member of No the names of all persons interested with him or be so interested it shall distinctly state that fact; also the Municipal Assembly, head of a department, chief of Bidders are required to submit their estimates upon them therein, and if no other person be so interested that it is made without any connection with any a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other the following express conditions, which shall apply to it shall distinctly state that fact ; also that it is made other person making an estimate for the same officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly inter- and become part of every estimate received: without any connection with any other person making purpose, and is in all respects fair and without colht- ested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it I. Bidders must satisfy themselves by personal exam- an estimate for the same purpose, and is in all respects sion or fraud, and that no member of the Municipal relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The ination of the location of the proposed work, and by such other means as they may prefer, as to the accuracy of fair and without collusion or fraud, and that no member Assembly, head of a department, chief of a bureau, bid or estimate most be verified by the oath, in writing, of the Municipal Assembly, head of a department, deputy thereof, or clerk therein or other officer of the of the party or parties making the estimate that the the estimate, and shall not at any time after the sub- chief of a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested therein, several matters stated therein are in all respects true, mission of an estimate dispute or complain of the state- other officer of the Corporation is directly or indirectly or to the work to which it relates, or in any por- Where more than one person is interested, it is requisite ment of quantities, nor assert that there was any ntis- interested therein, or in the work to which it relates, tion of the profits thereof. The bid or estimate that the VERIFICATION be made and subscribed by all undersstanding in regard to the nature or amount of the or in any portion of the profits thereof. The bid or must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the the parties interested. work to be done. estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the z. Bidders will be required to complete the entire party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are in all respects true.Where consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders, work to the satisfaction of the Armory hoard, and in substantial accordance with the specifications of the matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where more than one person is interested it is requisite that in The City of New York, with their respective places more than one person is interested, it is requisite that the VERIFICATION be made and subscribed by all the of business or residence, or of a responsible guaranty contract and the plans therein referred to. No extra the vEkbtCATION be made and subscribed by all the parties interested. or surety company duly authorized by law to act as compensation, beyond the amount payable for the work surety, to the effect that if the contract before mentioned, which shall he actually performed at parties interested. Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders, be awarded to the person making the estimate, the prices therefor, to be specified by the lowest bid- consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders, trust, bond or security companies in The City of New they will, on its being so awarded, become bound as his der, shall be due or payable for the entire work. trust or security companies in The City of New York, York, with their respective places of business or sureties for its faithful performance, and that if he shall Bidders will state in their estimates a price for the with their respective places of business or residence, to residence, to the effect that if the contract he omit or refuse to execute the same, they will pay to the whole of the work to be done, in conformity with the the effect that if the contract be awarded to the person awarded to the person making the estimate, they Corporation any difference between the sum to which he approved form of contract and the specifications therein making the estimate they will, on its being so will, on it being so avearded, become bound as his would be entitled on its completion and that which set forth, by which price the bids will be tested. This awarded, become bound as his sureties for its sureties for its faithful performance, and that if he the Corporation may be obliged to Pay to the person or price is to cover all expenses of every kind involved in faithful performance, and that if he shall omit shall omit or refuse to execute the same, they shall pay persons to whom the contract may be awarded at any or incidental to the fulfillment of the contract, including or refuse to execute the same they shall pay to to the Corporation any difference between the sum to subsequent letting, the amount in each case to be calcu- any claim that may arise through delay, from any the Corporation any difference between the sum to which lie would be entitled on its completion and that lated upon the estimated amount of the supplies by cause, in the performing of the work thereunder. which he would be entitled on its completion and that which the Corporation may he obliged to pay to the which the bids are tested. The consent above mentioned Bidders will distinctly write out, both in words an,l pay to the per- person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded shall be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, in in figures, the amount of their estimates for doing this which the Corporation may be obliged to work. son or persons to whom the contact may be awarded at at any subsequent letting ; the amount in each case to writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that any subsequent letting, the amount in each case to be be calculated upon the estimated amount of the supplies he is a householder or freeholder in The City of New The person or persons to whom the contract may' he calculated upon the estimated amount of the supplies by which the bids are tested. The consent above men- York, and is worth the amount of the security required awarded will be required to attend at this office, a ith tioned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, for the completion of this contract over and above all the sureties offered by him or them, and execute the by which the bids are tested. The consent above men- contract within five days from the date of the service „f tioned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of the persons signing the sane, that his debts of every nature, and over and above his lia- in writing, of each of the persons signing the same that he is a householder or freeholder in The City of New bilities as bail, surety or otherwise, and that he has a notice to that effect, and in case of failure or neglect be is a householder or freeholder in The City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required offered himself as a surety in good faith, and with the so to do, he or they will be considered as having aban- York and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of this contract, over and above all intention to execute the bond required by the Revised doned it and as in default to the Corporation, and the for the completion of this contract, over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his liabili- Ordinances if the contract shall be awarded to the per. contract will be readvertised and relet, and so on until his debts of everynature, and over and above his liabili- ties as bail, surety or otherwise, and that lie has offered (ionor persons for whom he consents to become surety. it be accepted and executed. ties as bail, surety or otherwise, and that he has offered himself as a surety in good faith and with the intention The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered is Bidden are required to state in their estimates their himself as a surety in good faith and with the intention to execute the bond required by the Revised Ordinances to be approved by the Comptroller of The Ctty of New names and places of residence, the names of all persons to execute the bond required by the Revised Ordinances of The City of New York, if the contract shall be York. uterested with them therein, and if no other person be 6454 THE CITY RECORD. TUESDAY, OCTOBER i6, 1900.

    so interested the estimate shall distinctly state the fact; therefrom ; thence southerly along said parallel line to blocks between East One Ilundred and Seventy-fourth all those lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, also, that the estimate is made without any can IIccdC!u the point or place of beginning. >ircct or Springti street and Bast One Hundred and l i y arid b tn I te Boron of "1'he Bronx,x inn The u ith any other person making any estimate for the ticccut)-fifth street or Gray sweet; as such streets are Ci tny New York,o which takenk together are bounded 14FATS-"THIRDSV ARl) SEC FIO\ S 9 ten. :ame purpose, and that it is iu all respects fair and shotcu upon the Fimd JLnins curd Profiles of tine '1'wenty- and described as lullows, viz, : On the north by a Irite EAST ONE HUNDRED ANI)'1'HIR'l-NINT'H third and 7'w euty-fuurth Wards of The City of New drawn parallel to the northerly side of East One Hun- u i t bout collusion (Jr fraud; and also that nu member S"I'REET—OPEN1 NO, from St. Atnt's avenue to .,I the Municipal Assembly, head of a department, chid' York. dred and Eighty-second street and said northerly side, Locust avenue. Confirmed August zo,iyer ; entered LAFON'l'AINE AVENUE—(iPENING, from Tre- produced, and distant seen feet northerly therefrom .of it bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other October rr, t9oo. Area if assessment includes all those slicer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly inter- munt ❑venue to Quarry road. Confirmed August 3, from the middle line of the blocks between Daly lauds, tenements and hereditantents and premises r,n.s; euteied ( )ctube lien :9uo. Area of assessment avenue (him street) (Catharine street) and Vyse 'tcd therein, or in cite supplies or work to which it situate, lying :wd being in the Borough of The Bronx. I aitcs, or in any port10110 1 the profits thereof, which includes all those lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, street and said middle line, produced, to the Bronx in The City of New York, which taken together are ; and heivg in the Rw'unigh of 7The Lit,' nix, in line river; urn the south by a line drawn parallel to the e,-tunatc must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the bounded and described as follows, viz.; Beginning at Icie r (' it -nil .New 1'r,rk, u'hi ch, taken together, are bounded southerly side of East uc I luudrenh and Seventy-sixth party making the estimate, that the several matters oint fi~rmcd bby ~ the iuteroectinn tireh- 'urtcd .State.S a a p of t tes and dus. ribcd as iollcws, viz.: (Inn the north by a line street (SS•oodruff street) and distant Ino feet southerly stated therein are in all respects true. Il Yrere ,pore pier and hulkhead-line of the Ernst river with a line tlrax eee t,, s,',, is jet, s!,•nt it is re•yuisile ik,rr the rh'uutt Inner Jlcl to Quarry road and distant ux, feet from the southerly side thereof from the middle dram it parallel to the southwesterly side of F::nl Uric northcrl t from the nnrt herly side thereof from a line line of the blocks between Daly avenue (Elm street) r ~,rr'd,,rtinu bbe nradr,urd subwribotten ly rg1/rre•par/ins Hundred and Thirty-eighth .Street and distant rte, feet iutr,, steel. ,htnnit parallel to Latenntmnc avenue and said line pro- (Catharine street) and Vyse street and said middle line, southwesterly therclrom ; running thence northwesterly ,luccd dr>tunt n.) feet westcrly front the ,esterl y- side produced, to the Bronx river; on the cast by the P,roux Each r.timate shall be accompanied by the consent, along said parallel line to its intersection with a line lbarrof tun line drawn parallel tr Lalhu t.t a sue .a• v c•n uc river, front a line drawn parallel to the northerly side of in writing, of two householders or freeholders of 'Tine drawn parallel to the unrthwesterly sidle of St. Ann's noel said tine produced distant n,. , feet easterly trout East lone hundred and Eighty-second street and said City of New York, ena-i their res/.rrtire J•larea of avenue and distant rens feet northwesterly therefrom ; ure, ,,, resr,rnrr c, or of a guaranty or surety company the easterly site tircicnf; oil the south by a line drawn northerly side, produced, and distant two hundred feet thence northeasterly along said parallel line to its inter- parallel to 7renttennt ac Butte or last One Hundred and northerly therefrom to a Ii ire drawn parallel to the sotuh- duly authorized by law to act as surety, to the effect section with a line drawn parallel to Ili,soethwcs ten-i' Seccuty-seventh street distant n,,, feet southerly front j crly side of East One Hundred and Severity-sixth street that if the contract be awarded to the person or persons side of Fast One Hundred and Thirty-ninth street and the snuthcely side thercuf front a line drawn parrillel to (Woodruff street) and distant one hundred feet south- making the estimate, they will, upon its being so distant too feet soutlta e,terly therefrom ; thence north- awarded, become bound as his or their sureties for its L.dfonisirre atcutrc and said line produced distant Too erty from the southerly side thereof; and on the west westerly along said parallel line to the southeasterly feet westerly from the westciiy side thereof to a line by the middle line of the blocks between Daly avenue faithful perlin-munce, andhat t ).tt if 1 id a person or Ppersons side of 'Third avenue ; thence uortltca.terl y along said cirtnrn p:o ndllel to [,nuotsinc :oennue annul said line pro- (Elm street) (Catharine street) and said middle line, shall omit or refuse to execute the coutrtet they will southeasterly side of Third avenue to its mter,ection , fcct ca—ten)' from the easterly- side produced, front a line drawn parallel to the northerly pay to the Corporation of The City of Nex. York any with it line (Lawn parallel to the northeueterl y side of ,lucc,l distant I,. Ihereof ; uu the cost by a line dime it parallel to Lafou- side of East One Hundred and Eighty-second street ditference between the sum to which said person or East one Hundred and Thirty-ninth street and distant t:tinc ncenuc :urn 'aid line produced distantrio feet and said northerly side, produced, and distant zoo feet per-ens would be entitled upon its completion and rot, feet northeasterly therefrom ; thence southeasterly easterly from the easterly side thereof, and inn the west northerly therefrom to a line drawn parallel to the that Sc hid t -,aid Corporation or the Armory Board along said parallel line to its intersection with a line by a line Groin parallel to f..akmtaine avenue autd said southerly side of Last One I iundred and Seventy-sixth nine be obliged to pay to the person to whom drawn paralicl to the rrnrtbwescvrly side id- St.\un's the contract may be awarded at any subsequent tire produced distant ill t - -a, feet westerly from tine westerly street (Woodruff street) and distant roe feet southerly avenue and distant n*r feet norther yeneris therefrom; from the southerly side thereof, as such streets are I,.!sing, the am, 'ii nt in each case to be calculated thence northeasterly along said psr,rllel line to its iu ter. Si do thereof. I ire abns c-cntit led assessments were en cured on the shown upon the Final !V'laps and Profiles of the T'wceny- : p":, the estimated amount of the work to be done section with the northwesterly pruloncatiun of a line date hcreinahn'se giucu m the Record of 'Pities of third and Twenty-fourth Wards of The City of New 'sic hick the bids are tested. '1'he consent above mce- drawn Iarnllel to the nnrthea-terly side of East Onel .A'srsynmts Conlianed, kept in tice " Batumi tier the York. i' 'IC d shall lie acci,mp;nu led by the oath or afTrma- Hundred and Fortieth street and dis•ant roe' feet north- Collection of Assessmcu is rind Arrears." Unleg and being iu 'I lie City III N -u } 'rk, winch taken at the office of the Recen -er nt Taxes in the horuugh in r'vine tin,ir estiunr!es Collection of As essment, and Arrears." Cniesu tin: which the property is located, as follows : • Itidriers are requested. in staking their bids or esti- t.rgcthcr are huundcd and dcscnbcd as follows, t iz. : On amount assessed for benefit on any person or property the north by the middle line of the blocks between liorounglm of Manhattan, No. 57 Chambers street, c,tcs, to use a blank prepared for that purpose by the shall be paid within sixty day, after the date of said >l.u,hattau, N. V. , .urd, a copy of ,hich, together with the form of the Aldus street nucl (hnttce6cre' street. and said middle I: entry of the assessment. interest will be collected Borough of The Bronx, corner Third and 'Fremont r_rcement, including spvcincations, and showing the lice, pruduecd, fr.nm Southern Prnulu.'s'ad to Bronx river; thereon, as prn-ided in section too6 of the "Greater avenues, The Bronx, N. Y. uiSnoer of payment for the work, as approved by the on the south by a line dr:, ten p:ircpci to Aldus street New York Charter." lioruugh of ]irooklyn, Rooms z, 6 and 8, Municipal Iporation l ounsel, can be seen upon application at and distant about 'no-' feet sruutierly fain) the southerly 4, Said seet,oil provides that, '' If any such assessment Building, Brooklyn, N. ,nice of the Architects. Horgan it Slattery, No. t side thereof. from outl,cr i Louletard to Whitlock ate- shall remain unpaid for the period unf sixty days after Borough of Queens, corner Jackson avenue and Fifth >Lt lison avenue, New Yore City. where the plans, nine, and by the northerly side Vide nu emit-, from the date of entry thereof in the said Record el 'l hies street, Long Island City, N. V . Cr hich are made a part of the specifications, cart be 1_unglull uw street to Drake street ; on the east by the of Assessments, it shall he the duty of the officer westerly side of Dru}ke street, from \vide avcnue to the Borough of Richmond, Richmond Building, New eat. authorized to collect and receive the ttnwtmt of n-inch Brighton, Statal Island, N. Y. I'!•.e P' nrl reeerves the right to reject all bids or middle line ml the block be tense n the Eastern 13oulet'ard assessment to charge, culleet and receive interest there- In case of payment urn or befenre the 1st day of No- . r ii t!,sC ?aem it for the best interests of The and Randall avenue, and by the middle line of the on at the rate of sevut per centurn per annum, to be I blocks between Drake street and Halleek street and vember next, the person so pacing shall be entitled to the benefits mentioned it% section 915 of the Greater calculated from the date of such entry to the date of said middle line, produced, from the middle fine of the - 1 hi ,PERT A. VAN WYCK, New York Charter (chapter 378, laws 97), viz : A Mayor, payment." II 'ek Lcnrccn the Eastern 13ouleeard and Randall 01 18 The above assessments are payable to the Collector deduction of interest at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum I HI)S. L. FEITNER, unnue to the Bronx river; thence along the Bronx of Assessments and Arrears, at the Bureau for between the day of such payment and the rst day of I , - ._ :. I . trtment erf Taxes and Assessments, ricer to the northerly buuudary of the are., of assess- the Collection of Assessn)ents and Arrears of 'Taxes Dccemher next. HENRY S. KEARNES-. mcnt: and on the west by the easterly side of the and Assessments and of Water Runts, at CrO ono DAVID E. AUSTEN. U i ncr ,of Puhlic huildings. Southern Pienlevard, from the middle line of the blocks - .u-. Park Building, corner of One Hum'ved:mdSevcnty- Receiver of Taxes. l.irehtinc men Supplies, between l ;uttenberg street and Alclus street and Said seventh street and Third rnvemsc, urn' ugh of 'Tire P.rr-:.-r,._'. IAIIEh ylrLEER, I middle Ii rue, produced, to a line drawn parallel to Aldus I Bronx, between the hours of 9 A. Al and e r. at., and PETER F. MEYER, AUCTIONEER, liras. - ,Ls. 'Mo-(r-KR\- BL''TT, street and distanit about seen feet southerly from the on Saturdays from 9 A. +t. to is .I., and all pay- Armor% B. rar•i C.,mmi~,.iouers. -Ennui heelp side therunf; also by the easterly side of CORPORATION SALE OF REAL ESTATE ments made thereon on or before I)ecenlber ti', trieno, L,mglellIins street, from Viele avenue to the middle I uc will be exempt from interest. as above provide.1, anti of the block between tire Eastern Boulevard and Ran' DEPARTMENT nF FINANCE. after that date will be subject to a charge of interest at (IaII onetime, acid by the middle line of the blocks be- UL'LIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Commissioners of the Sinking Fu n d of'1'he the rate of seven per cent. per annum from the elate of tine en Longfellow street and Bryant street, from the CmP t}• ul New' York, by virtue of the pow cry vested in \i,I It_1 i I .\ F-r?IF:N re Fr rk OPENING I entry in the Record of Titles of Assessments in said middle line Of the block bettrtteu the Eastern Roulecard them by law, will offer for sale at public auction, err "1klG1''- :\NL) 1'ARk . Bureau to the date of payment. and Rru.dall aserutte toll•hitlock avenue, as such streets BIRD S. COLE., are shown upcm the Final Maps of the '1' w•cnty-third and TUESDAY. UCTUBER :311. 19(10, PURSUANCE OF SECTION t; OF THE Comptroller. T'w'enty-fourth Wards of the City and County of New at Iz oclock nl., at the Comptroller's Office, No. I "Greater New York Charter," the Comptroller of CITY OF NEW YORK—DEc'ABTmcNT (IF FINANCE.) York- s8o Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, City of I'he City of New York hereby gives public notice of New York, all the right, title and interest CO\II'TROLLEIt s OFFICE October 12, 19oo. f - ARD, SECTION it. u.c confirmation by the Supreme Court. and the enter- 3'\t- F:NT'Y-FOURTH R of The City of New York, by virtue of a lease for ANDRF:N'5ACENCF; UI'F:sING.trom I tOne mg in the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments -- - roe years from Cornelius Furguson, Supervisor of the Hundred and ldghty-firn-t street (formerly University c rl Arrears, of the asst-meat for OPENING AND 1 -NOTICE OF ASSESSMENPS FOR OPENING Town of New Utrecht, to the Town of New Utrecht, mtuc) to Fordham avenue. e oufirmed August 6, .K(lUiRlNe; TITLE it, the fy.Inn'ing-named street STREETS AND PARKS. at- which lease is dated September 7, c886, in and to the 190 ; entered Uctoher typo. Area of assessment: .n the Bi)Ro)CGH GE 'E' THE BRONX: 4. fullnwing-described premises ; 'I'R-EN"I'\ THIRD IS-ARD, SECTION 9. N PLRSL'ANCE OF SECTIt)\ roo5 OF THE include, all those lots. pieces or purccls of land situate, All that certain lot known as and by the number 274 F.As1' (INK HUNDRED AND .SIXTS-SIXTH I F •' Greater NewYork Charter." the Comptroller or lying :utd being in The ( it)' of New York, which, taken upon the assessment rill for the opening of Ninety-eec- tS;;alt


    York, by virtue of a lease for roo years from William and female clothing, boots, shoes, wine, blankets, dia- persons making the same within three days after the oil the aforesaid map ; thence southerly along said line V. B. Bennett, Supervisor of the former 'Town of ntouds, canned goods, liquors, etc. ; also small auwnut cotrtraet is •nvarticd. It the successful bidder shall re- deflccting u degrees 5 minutes amid 4 seconds to the Gravesend, to the City of Brooklyn, which lease is utoney taken trout prisoners and found by Patrolmen fuse or neglect, w ithtn five days alter notice that the left sixty-four atul thirty hundredths (64.30) feet to the dated llccember z4, t896, in and to the following of this Dcparuucut. rnutr:,ct has bcatt nw:u-dcd to him, to execute the same, southerly line of Seventy-fourth street a f. resuid, :md described premises". CIlARl i'S 1). L'LA'l'ClllORD, t inc :unuunt nl the nit matte by him shall be forfeited thence easterly along said line seven hundred and ii ft All that westerly one-half part, being 40 feet by too Deputy Property Clerk. to uml rcuuucd by 'l'hc City nil Ncw York as liquidated and twenty-two hundredths (750. a1) feet to the point or feet in size, of the lot known as and by the number 70 dunm;ige' for such neglect or refusal ; but if lie snail upon the assessment roll for the Opening of Neptunr place of beginning. execute the contract within the time aforesaid the 1':\I:CEt. avenue, from West Sixth street to the ( )ccan Parkway, CHANCE OF CRADE DAMACE ,unount of his deposit will be returned to him. in the late Town of Gravesend, now Thirty-first Ward COMMISSION, TWENTY-THIRD N. B. - Be priers .u111t re rtv'r:ten to the esti- Beginning at a unitt It n'merl by fire ilncrsection of of the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, ,ra:e and ats-' stated in figures, anti all eo/lntates the easterly line of Fifth avenue, as the so ice is laid the whole of which was sold to the City of Brooklyn AND TWENTY-FOURTH WARDS. tail/ be considered its ir. jarntaI tukiclt do not con- down on the aforesaid map, with the southerly title of at a sale for unpaid assessments, held on the 9th day tain bids for all ite„rs for :wreck Lids are herein Seventy-fourth street, :is file stone was lairl out by the August, in the year 1894r upon the following UIRSUAN'1' '1'0'1'116; I'Ittiv'InitINS OF CIIAl'- called, or ;olucl, cnn'aiu bids f,r it,'urs fir aolaich Buurd of Suilnernicors uf' Kings Count'mum the t7tb day 'ERAS AND CoNoliio, OF SAI.n. P ter 537 of the Laos of r8 ) ;, cutillcd "Au act Lids are not hmeresedtk call d /or. 1 crm,s.flon coil! of July, 18yu, and rnuuiog thence northerly aluug the u providing for wCsrloiuinn;; until In 'y1~ (lie a tint mnf of net Ne glcnv: for t/re en'i,'hmdrnrrvtl of any bid or easterly hiiIc of Ii tin avenue N&ircsaid sixty-r me :nn.I The highest bidder will be required to pay the full uincty-ciqbt 1nmdrcdtLs (61.98) feet to the miurtlncmiy amount of his bid or purchase-money and the " floumut};c, to Ewds and buiidin,:'.uitcrc,t by remit,,]) of eseiu[ate, R'o [nod mriIl be aeer/t'r'd jratr, or contract '' changes mil gmile mil Streets or avcunes, ucule loll r. naut award, d to, any Jerr,et em /t,, is in arrears to i/o? C r- line of Seventy-fi,urth sired t :doresaid ; thence eustcrly ttuctioneei s fee at the time of sale, together with the along said line tle(lecti uc ro.i degrees 3n' miuutas :utd further sum of f75 for expenses of the sale, exxuumo- " to chapter 721 of the I'm ws of 1887, pmv6IIll9 hn' time ftorrttion rip„n /, It or cont -u t, or who is a defaulter, sccuuds to the right scvcu hundred ;Old twcuty-i fires buns, conveyance, etc. " depression of railroad tracks in thc7'vvcnt y-third:utd as surely or otherwise, ,,don any obligation to the k Ile quit-claim deed for the above parcel to be "'1\ccuty-fuurtb 1Vards, inn The City of New fork, ur CorDnralion. :md eight hundredths (7_.08) feet to the westerly liuc of Sixth avenue: thence snOho'gy :dung said liuc dc- delivered withitt thirty days from the date of sale. it othcrnv isc," fwd the acts amcnndatury tins rent l and The Park Board reserves the right to reject all the flcctiuK dcgrcc .? minutes and 4 seconds to the ' th sutplemcntul lhcretu, nun tice is hwvby given that puidic 75 i lie Cump troller ma}: ' at hits option, resell ce pro t - bills received inn to this advertisement ,if it right sixty-one and ntocty-eight htmdredths (61.98) lcct city struck off to the highest bidder who shall fail to tnect-gs of the Commission crs uppomuted pursuit to should dcem it 1ur the interest of the City so to do. to till- southerly tine of Seventy-hmrth street afbresuid, comply with the terms of sale, and the party who fails Said acts will be held at 12uual ;8, ,clicinerhoril I-ild- For le,mber particular, as to thcquantlty and quality and thenec westerly along said lice seven hundred unit to comply therewith will be held liable for any defi- ing, Ni,. y6 Broadway, in The City mil New York, on of file ,upplic,s or the u:,ture and extent of the work hilonday, Wcdncsday and Friday of each womb, at in twenty-three and eight hundredths (7_3.08) feet to the ciency resulting from such resale. required or of to a ncLLCr'iuls to be furnished, bidders point or place of beginning. The right to reject any aid is reserved. o'clock P. At., w,til liu'ther notice. arc relorrcd w the priutcdspecifications and the plans. The map of the property to be sold may be seen upon Dated Ntiw Yui.K, January 3, Igno. Such work and nmtu-ials mtut conform in every respect PAI,CrL " C." application at the Comptroller's Office, Room 95, No. Wh1.1,lA3l E. "FILLINGS, to printed specilic:u inns and Bidders are beginning at a poi ut formed by the intersection lot zoo Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, City of New Cl [A E1,S A. JACKSON, c:w tinned to csaminc the specifications for particulars the easterly line of Iburth rn-utue, as laid down on the York. [)SCAR S. ItAh1EY, of what is required bcli,re ntukiog their estimates. aforesaid map, with the southerly line of Sccenty- By order of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, C, mtutissioucrs. thumb lot ins of bid or estimate, and also the proper fourth street, as the s tau wits Laid out by the hoard of under resolution adopted September 18, 1900. Ln5lnNT DicLout;nt.l., euvclupes inn wloich to inclose the snore, together with Supervisors of Kings County nn the ,7th day of July, Bll(l) S. COLER, Clerk. the ft,rnt of ugreenreut, enduuliue spoon heat Intuit approved ,8,}O; and running thence uurthcrly along the easterly Comptroller. as to furor by the Corporation Counsel, and showing line of Fourth avenue aforesaid sixty-ono and niucty- the nnutner ,,f lnaymcnt, can he ubu,incd upon applica- eil;ht hundredths (61.98) feet to the northerly line of Cris uF NEw Vor.K-UEPAIITntEN'r of FINANCE, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. tion t hcrcforat the office of the Ucpartmcut, Arsenal, Seventy-fourth street aforesaid ; thence easterly alun4 Connn;all.Er.'s UrrlcE, September xo, rguo. Cuntr;rl 1 '.irk, ,'r at the Z itrowski AIansin]), Cbtremnnt said line deflecting ro4 degrees 3o minutes 56 secuuds l':u'k, lnnruc;;la Of The Itroox, where the plans which to the right seven lmudred and twenty-three and ciLbt are Ittade It part of the speci hi-ti nun 5 can be seen. NOTICE t1F '1'HF, REDEMPTION OF BONDS AI(,EJ::tL, Cli.NIH.v. T.sKi;, guiadrCflths (7z3.o8) feet to the westerly line mil I- i Ito AND STACK OF'I'llE CITY OF NEW YORK. tui;nnr1un ov 3It su:t ILAN, Ctns ni tr New' \ „I;r:, (b:r )kl F1.: C. CL:Af'SEN, avenue aforesaid; thence sunf1,cigy along said gin, Uctubcr 13, 1,p,u. crxhill l V. BRO WER, sixty--unc and ninety-eight hundredths (6 t. )8) foci t„ AUGL'S'1' MOE11 tS, the southerly line of Seventy-fourth street uh,rc,.II'i Commissioners of Parks nil'!' lie of New York. and thence westerly along s:ud line sewn hundred ; nil ,l UTICE IS II FRI'JIY GIVEN TO '1'Hh, lit I,lt- 'I'D CONTRACTORS. City N crs of the liun(ls and Stock of New York City, twenty-three and eight Imuchtdths (723.08) feet to tln. hereinafter described, that, inn accordance vvitlt the point or place of begiouing. terms of (heir issue, I will redeem said stock mied baud, I•::v1,El1 BillS OR E~1'IyL17'1;S, WITH '1'lfE SUPREME COURT. 1'AI:CEL " in." nu the 2d dtt ' o1 N'ovembe r t nn at m ' office in time title of the work :utd duo nanw of the bid,icr nr 1 9 ) S Bc innin at ;t poi fiormed b the i1Hersecfir,nn of Stewart 13uildiug, No. z8o P,ruadway, New York City bidders ind,,rscd thereon, in ill be received by the Park g F P Y the Wcsterly line of Fourth avenue tcitli the lout berg p 1'uard, ~t Its n II tcc- ~v Arsct r.t 1 gut1 l,l~ a t Sixt }'-gi ,nrin PIRSI' I)E[1nR'I'\IENT, (Room 27), and that on that day said stock and heads line of Serer ty-fourth street, :is the same were l - u I will cease to hear iuterrest, viz.: street' .t~ u,l l~11.. th'trcnuc, l.c' -I ar: tl 1'arl ,New . uv 1u'k 1 C 'i ty, until to (,'clock A. M. of clown on the aforesaid map, :mil runni,ig thcuce nil ni:- FIVE 1'b:R CENT'. COtiSI)L1f)A'll•:1) STOCK, erly along the westerly line of Fourth avenue sixty (I.,) Nb:\V YORK IiRIUGE liUNUS--Iesued inn pursu-_ 'I'll Uit"fH.t1- , O('Tl)FlFl{ '13, 1111111, In tit.: ntntter of the applir'ation of Charles ILT. Collis, Cumnr so mu' em' of Public Works of the City of New feet to the northerly lirre of Seceut3-fi,urth street afore- 'mce of chapter 322 of the Laos of 187 r, of time State of for the fnn11niwiu);-nn:iaundI works: satd ; thence westerly along s, id tine deflecting 9n de- New \ ork, payable ' Ley r, 19e6, and redeematbic It the Yuurk, li,r;u,,i inn iehcROf thc>layor, Aiflcrncu and grees to the leis fourtceu hundred ;u,d eighty (1.48) feet pleasure of the Coniptr, iicr:iftcr November t, r y..,. No. I. Fisk I;RAUING, yANINf'i AND l3ll'ROV Cumiaauahn of the City of New York, relative to to the easterly li ue of Secaud ai ethic : thence snug holy FIVE PER CENT. CUNSOLII)AI'ED SlUCK, INC 1?V1.,'1'1Ntm Itt,.A115 I R(>)f 'l'IIE uequiring title in fee to curtain lots, pieces ur parcels NEW YORK BRIDGE P,UNDS-Issued in pursu- 1.,,RILLARU 3L1\SI(A (, 1C I? "1'11 of laud, ill the Twchtil N'urd of the City of New along said line sixty (Pin) lent to the southerly liuc of ance of chapter 322 of the Laws of 1871, of file Strttc 1l1th:1'CKER Sl'Ri:i;i' ANU 'I'11 AND York, for the putp„xe of the construction of the Sevvnty-tonurtlu street ate resaid, ;old thence easterly 1, 1( 155 '1111': Pi,i;i IIRII Hl', Ct)N- SUGl'l1 1'l-iVtlu AVP:NUE PPROA'- Fl TO along surd line fourteen huudrel uml eighty (u ,4&u) feet of New York, payable May i t 1926, and redecnmble at to the point or place of hegiunim;. the uleasure if the Cumlo[rollsr if November r, 1900. Nl:C'I'ING 361111 I.`,II'RuVISI) Rtt-AU '111k inktlCE UVh:R THE HARLEM R[Vl-R, NEE:.-AR 'I'114: llwl'ANICU, .hIC''iCLAL cuum ctin;; the unrlhcrly end of Third avenue, in the Dated litho• en of 1inOnfcLVI, CI"IY r,t- Niw 1- t,r.r., TWO AND ONE-HALF I'ER CENT. CRIMINAL. October t9, rgrm. COURT-HOUSE PONDS-Issued in purseauce of IN L'RONX PAIN:. 7_vcgfth 1Vurd of said city, witlt the southerly end of No. l,. FOIL cIIiV'S1'I.iUC:'flNl;, COAt I'l.1: 111, 1 Ibiril av vac, in thc'1'wcnty-third Ward of said city, JOHN WHALEN, section 8 of chapter 371 of the Laws of 1857, of the Corpnr.uion Counsel, Shal'l? AND l;it1,P Il()USI: V1' VAN pttr-uaut to the pruviaioas of chapter 413 of the Laws State of New York, payable November t, 1yo8, and Borough 11:,1l, C()R'l'EANl)1' LAKl', IN VAN , of 189_, entitled `• An act to provide for the construc- redeemable at the pleasure of the Comptroller after Brook 15 it, N. Y November r, Item, LANI)l' PARK, C'cR (Ed l( OF '1'HF tion of Ii drawbridge Over the Harlwn river, in the THREE PER CENT. C:R1MlNAL COURT- 1:ILON X. City of Ncw Yurk, :utd for the ranuvnl of the present bridge at Third asevinc in aid city," uml the various HOUSE BONDS-lssucd in pursuance of section 8 of The plans and specificat in fur the above works may KINGS COUNTY. chapter 371 of time Laws of 1S87, of the State of New be seen at the Zbrnav-ski 3lausiun, CLtrcuwut Park, statutes tmcnnatnry thereof, and all otter statutes in Cork, payable November I, i9o8, and 1cckeaianlc at the Borough of '1' he Bruns. such case made and provided. pleasure of the Contptrollvraftcr November t, tcyx,, The time to be allowed for the full completion of each Jul the matter of the application of The City of N' -ii BIRD S. COLER, contract and the mnount of the security rafui roil for THE York, relative to acquiring title to N:1 R RUAA'S 1:, UNDERSIGNED, COMMISSION- AVENUE, from Seventy-first smrn,et to Shore reel, Comptroller. the faithful perfornmtce of the several e orbs cfeotioned VV crs of 1{stim:ue and Appnrtionmcnt itt till Cue OF New YORK, DEPAtCvStuNI OF FINANCE, above are respectively as follows oboe c-m,t it I cd [nutter, hurcby give notice to all persons in the Thirtieth Ward, in the Borough of Ik,,n 'It I u, The City of New York, as the same has been hcrun,- CtlptI'TRIILLRl(s OFFICE, September 5, 190o. rofCi nets 1 mu this procccdiny; and to the owner ur uwn- 'fl Ste. fore duly laid out. ers, oecupaut ur occup:tuts of all houses and lots and No. I. too consecutive working days. inlprowd and cnr flu pinvoil laude affected thereby, and INTEREST ON CITY BONDS AND STOCK. No. in. text cousecutivc working days. to all others whom it may concern, to wit: Security required will be as follow. : URSUANI' TO THE STATUI ES IN SUP ii First-That we have completed our estimate and as- P cases made and provided, notice i. hereby --icon No. i ...... 8 r u, ono 00 sessmcut, and that all persons interested in this pro- HE IN'T'EREST DUI{ NOVE\IIIER I, 1900, ON No. x ...... 9,nua out that an application will 1>e made to to e Supreme C„un T the Registered Ifor ds and Stock of The City of Cecdiug, or in any of time lands, tcuements and lucre. of the State of New York, •tt a Special I'crm of quid New York will be paid on that day by the Cumptrol- further particulars as to the nature, livauttty and tlitantcnt* arid prcmiscs uffccted therchy, and having Court, to be held for the hearing of motions in the Icr, at his office in the Stewart Building, corner of qualityuf the work required will be found inn the printed oijutio- thuretn, do present their said objections in County Court-house in the Borough of Brooklyn, in ,pecilicat ions and contracts for the said n'orks. Broadway and Chambers street (Room 27). writing, duly vcri fled, to ns at ow' ofce, Room No. z The City of New York, on the 3oth d_ty of October The Transfer Books thereof will be closed from Sep- %'/tr inns /m1ctim nttrst h,' l.idf ,r o,/a r,nm t'. on' the Gn,rth floor of the Stoats-Zcituug PuiIdiug, No r900, at the opening of the Court on that day, tember 30, rgoo, to November 1, 1900. PID]UF.RS \IQtil' NAME A PR ICI•: F(IR 2 I' ryas runt', in the Borough of 1Lmhattan, in 'hhe or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, 'Fire interest due November I, t9oo, on the Coupon AN 1) EVERY fJ'EAZ INCLIPH I I N '1111: -I'ECI- City of New York, on' or before the 7th clay of Novem- for the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate and Bonds and Stock of the present and former City of 6ICAi'lUNS UPON WHICH '1111•-tiE BIDS _11ti: her, [goo, and that see, the said Commissioners, will Assessment in the obinve-entitled matter. The nature New York will be paid on that day by the Knicker- I;:Isb,Ut AND AUSO STATE, 'TilE 1'U'1':\1, heir parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be and extent of the improvement hereby intended is bocker Trust Company, No. 66 Broadway. AMO1JN'1' (II' ''I' BillS FOR EACIi CLASS in nctcudnucc at our said office on the 7th day of No- the acquisition of title by The City of Nev,- York, for The interest due November t, 1900, on Coupon Bonds CIf- SUPPLIES NAMfil). vcutbcr, tour, at 15.3t, o'clock A. M. the use of the public, to all the lands and premises, and of other Corporations now included in 'Pile City of Bidders, or their rep rcsimflativos, mist satisfy them- So-CIn d-"That the abstract of our said estimate and the appurtenances thereto belonging, required for the New York Will be paid on that day at the office of the selves, by personal c.\mniuutiuu, as to the nutut'c and a'=es,men t, together with our dentate map, and also opcnin4 of a certain street or avenue known as Nar- Comptroller. quantity of the work and materials required, :md .Nh:dl all the .uMuiani ts, estimates, prunfs and other documeuts- rows avenue, from Seventy-first street to Shore rood, in BIRD S. COLER, not any time after the subini '.i-t of an estimate di,putc uscd by us inn makim{ our report, in. us- e been deposited the Thirtieth Ward, in the Borough of P,,racklyn, City Comptroller. or complain of such 5tmitemeat, nor assert that there in the Bureau of Street Openings of the Law Depart- of New Vorly being the following-described lots, pieces was any misttndetstanding robins to the nature ur me ut of 'i he C t3 nuf New York, Nos. 9n ;utd qa West or parcels of land, viz.: THE CITY OF Nutty YoxK-DEmiAaLlI1--\T 'IF FINANCE, tt ,,anti t}' of the work to be done or materials to b.: Rrnadu-a3', in the leuraud;b of yfanhattan in said City, PARCEL "A." Cost PTVOLLEU's OFVIee, 5eptuntber 5, tgoo. Lose to reuuiiu until the 7th clay of November, tgoo. furnished. Beginning .t t a ppoint formed byY the intersection nf' presented to the 1N_;ieh bid or estimate shall catut:uuu and state the name 'Third-That Our report hcruio will he the northerly line of ticvcnry+second street with the and place of residence of each of the persons makivp Supremo Court of the State of New York, First Depart- easterly tine of Narrows avenue, as the same were laid THE CITY RECORD. the same, the [tames of all peroons mtcrestctl w'n! ntcut, at a Special Tenn thereof, Part III., to be held in down on the map or plan of tne'Tann Survey Com nun i'.- him or them therein, and it no otucr person be so in- the Count}' Court-house, in the Borough of illanleat- sion, filed in the office of the Register of the County ..I HE CITY RECORD IS PUBLISHED DAILY, terested it shall thstinctly state that fact : that it is mane tut, in The City of New York, on' the 6.h day of De- Kings, June, 1874, and running thence westerly aluu;; T Sundays and legal holidays excepted, at No. u without any cim,nuiccoon with any uthcr person making eeruber, u)0.:, at the openiug of the Cinrmrt Oil that day, the northerly line of Seventy-second street afnrc=:rid City Hall, New York City. Anuual subscription, 89.3e an estimate for the .ante purpose, awl it in III respects and that then and there, or assoou thereafter as counsel eighty (8o) feet to the westerly line of said Narrows postage prepaid. fair and without collusion or fraud, and that no mem- can be heard thercou, a motion will be made that the avenue ; thence northerly :tlnng said line deflecting 9n ber of the Municipal .assembly, head of a department, said report be cnnfirmcd. degrees to the right two hundred and sixty (-•6 ) feet to WILLIAM A. PUl LER, chief of 't bureau, deputy thereof it clerk th,:rein, or I)at:_,l iiituiuitclu or Ihganuun'rrnv, NEW YORK Cute Supervisor. the northerly line of Seventy-first street, as laid iii'wn other ufhicer of the Curpnnrmtion, is dircctlyor indirectly October t-, 190o. min the aforesaid map : thence custerly along Said tius interested therein, or inn t! no supplies or work to which 3VILLIAM E. WYATT, and deflecting qo degrees to the right eighty (8 ) feet to POLICE DEPARTMENT. it relates, or in any portion uF the prolits thereof. The 1'E'I'RR'OWE, the easterly line of Narrows avenue, and thence South- bid or estimate not,t be verified by the oath, in writing, AR [Ii UK INGRAHAM, erly along said line two hundred and sixty (z6u) feet to Commssiouers. of the party or parties making the estimate, that the the point or place of beginning. several matters stated therein are in all respects true. ):\„E, A. C. Jahsscw, Pui.lcF DEPARTsl EN'r of THE Cn'Y OF Now Vinnc, it PROPERTY CLERK'S OFFICE, 7( \V lucre more than one person is interested it is rut- Clerk. PARCEL n." Now YORK, October 6, [quo, ii uisite that the vcrilication Inc made and subscribed by Beginning at n point formed by the intersection of all the plu-ties is tCreaefl. KINGS COUNTY the southerly line of Seventy-second street with the UBLIC NO'PICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN T'HA'I' Each bid o r esttunsn shall be accompanied by the easterly line of Nanvtvs avenue, as laid down on the P the following Horses will be sold at public auction, consent, in 55riting, of two householders or frccltol4cr, aforesaid map, and running thence wcsterl}' along the at Van 'Tassel & Kearney's salesroom, No. t3o last in The City of New York, or of a guar,uuy In the matter of the application of The City of New southerly lice ofSevcut y-second street eighty (8 ) feet to Thirteenth street, on Friday, October In). t9w, at to or surety company dully authorized by lain to act Yuck, rclatice to acquiring title to Sf:VI:N'I'Y- the westerIv line of Narrows avcuue aforesaid ; thence o'clock A. af. as surety, isith their respective place, of business IIf IL RTI-1 S'I'P I-. 11', from Secnud avenue to Seventh ,ouihteriy along said line deflecting 90 degree's to the " Joe," No. 27, Sixth Precinct. or residence, to the cHcct that if the contract :venue, in the Thirtieth A3ard, in the Borough of left seven Imndred ;end fourteen (714) feet to the north- ,' I3en," No. 8;, Eighteenth Precinct, be awarded to the person making the csti mate, they will, girnoldyO, City of New fork, as the same has been crly line of Seventy-fifth street, ; s laid down on the ,, Fritz," No. 2to, Twentieth Precinct. on i Is being so awarded, become bound as his sureties Dr heretofore duly laid out. a foresail map ; thence easterly along said line eighty .' Bob," Nu. 77, Thirty-first Precinct. its faithful performance, and that if he ' hal I omit or (8o) feet to the easterlt' line of ' arrows avenue afore- .' Jer No. 123, Thirty-third Precinct. refuse to execute the same, they will pay to the '• Joe No. 338, Thirty-fourth Precinct. URSUANT TO TILE STATUTES IN SUCH said, and thence northerly along said line seven Corporation any difference bet%%cen the suns hundred and fourteen (714) feet to the point or place of " promo," No. 135, '1']tirty-cightitth Precinct. cases made and provided, notice is hereby given to which lie would be entitled on its completion P beginning. ,' Charlie," No. 198, 'Thirty-ninth Precinct. and that which the Corporation may he obliged to pay that all application will he made to the Supreme Court 1'.SRCEL `' C." "Jupiter," No. 133, Fortieth Precinct. to the person or persons to whom the contract mummy be of the Suite of New York, at a Special Term of said "Eclat," No. 353, Fortieth Precinct. awarded at 'uty subsequent letting, the ;unotmt in Court, to be held for the hearing of motions in the Beginning at or point formed by the intersection of the "Billy," No. 155, Fortieth Precinct. each case to be calculated upon the estimated amount County Cotlrt-house, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in southerly line of Sesetnty.fiftlu street with the easterly "Jim," No. 281, Fifty-stxtlt Precinct. of the work by which the bids are tested. The consent The City of New York, on the 3oth flay of October, line of Narrows avenue, as laid down on the aforesaid "Jumbo," No. 185, Fifty-seventh Precinct. above mentioned shall be accompanied by the oath or t900, at the opeuiug of the Court mu that day, or as map, and running thence westerly along the southerly li inc of Seventy-fife h street eighty (8 ) feet to time westerly "Jim," No. 151, Sixty-second Precinct. affirmation, in writing, of each of the persons signing soon thereafter as cuultsel can he hctrd thereon, for the ,, Albert," No, 78, Seventy-sixth street. the same that Ile is a householder or freeholder to The appointment of Commissionersnf Estimate and Assess- line of Narrows ;venue; thence southerly, along said "Ned," No. 338, Nineteenth Precinct. City of New York, and is worth the amount of the ment in the above-entitled matter. The nature and line deflecting qo degrees to the right nine hundred and security required for the completion of this con tract over extent of the improventont hereby intended is the forty-seven and seventy-four hundredths (947.74) feet to Respectfully, the northerly line of Seventy-ninth street: thence and above all his debts of every nature, and over acquisition of title by The City of New York, for the ANDREW J. LALOR, easterly along said line eighty Ind b,rty-two hundredths Property Clerk. and above all his liabilitiesties es hail, surcty'orothcrwisc , use of the public, to all the lands and premises, and and that lie has offered himself as a surety In good faith the appurtcn:uwes thereto belonging, required for the (80.42) feet to the easterly line of ':uTows avenue, and thence northerly along said line nine hundred and POLICE DEPARTl1ENT-CITY OF NEW YORK, 1899. and with the intention to execute the bond ruyuired by upcumgof a Certain street or avenue known as Seventy- fottrth street, from Second avenue to Seventh avenue, fifty-five and ninety-eight hundredths :(955.98) feet to WNERS WANTED BY THE PROPERTY the Revised Ordinances of The City of New York, if the Contract shall be awarded to the person or persons fur in the Thirtieth Ward, in the Borough ofBrooklyn, in Ott point or place of beginning. O Clerk of the Police Department of '1 lie City of '1'he City of New York. being the following-described New York, No. 300 Mulberry street, Roma No. 9, for the whom Inc consents to become surety. The adequacy PARCEL "u." and sufficiency of the security offered to be approved lots, pieces or parcel: of land, viz.: following property, now in his custody, without claim- by the Comptroller of Tire City of New York. Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of tl.c ants: Boats, rope, iron, lead, male and female cloth i ng, No bid or estimate will ne received or considered PARCEL " A." southerly line of Seventy-ninth street with the castrrlp boots, shoes, wine, blankets, diamonds, canned goods, unless accompanied by either a certified check upon one Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of line of Narrows avenue, as laid down on the aforesaid liquors, etc. ; also small amount money taken from of the State or National hanks of The City of New the westerly line of Seventh avenue with the southerly map, and running thence westerly along the southerly prisoners and found by Patrolmen of this Department. York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money line of Seventy-fourth street, as the same were laid line of Seventyatinth street eighty and forty-two ANDREW J. LALOR, down on the map of the Town Survey Commission for hundredths (81.42) feet to the westerly line of Narrows Property Clerk. to the amount of five per centunt of the amount of the security required for the faithful perform- laying out streets, avenues and roads, filed in the office avenue ; thence southerly along said line deflecting qo degrees 5z minutes and 56 seconds to the left twenty- ance of the contract. Such check or ntuucy must NOT of the Register of the County of Kings, June, 1874, POLICE DEPARTMENT-CITY OF NEW YORK,)l be inclosed in the scaled envelope containing the esti- and running thence northerly along the westerly line of five hundred and fourteen and fifty hundredths(a,gt4.; ) BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. r mate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Seventh avenue sixty-four and thirty hundredths (64.30) feet to the northerly line of Eighty-eighth st cc,-I . WNERS WANTED BY THE DEPUTY PROP. Department who has charge of the estimate box, and feet to the northerly line of Seventy-fourth street thence easterly along said line eighty (8 ) feet tt, the O erty Clerk of the Police Department of The City no estimate can be deposited in said box until such aforesaid; thence westerly along said line deflecting easterly line of Narrows avenue, and thence north,: rip of New York-Office, Municipal Building, Borough of check or money has been examined by said officer or 68 degrees 54 minutes and 56 seconds to the left seven along said line twenty-five hundred and six :n'„1 Brooklyn-for the following property, now in his cos- clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except hundred and fifty and twenty-two hundredths (750.¢2) twenty-six hundredths (z,5e6.n6) feet to the point ,~r tody, without claimants: Boats, rope, iron, lead, ])talc that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the feet to the easterly line of Sixth avenue, as laid down place of beginning. 6456 THE CITY RECORD . TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1900.

    PARCEL "F." FIRST DEPARTMENT. feet and 6 inches : thence southerly and parallel to URSUANT TO THE STATUTES IN SUCH Daggs as-euut 78 feet : thence easterly and parallel to cases made and provided, notice is hereby given Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the P In the matter of the application of the Mayor, Alder- South Fifth street 35 feet to the westerly side of Driggs that an application will be made to the Supreme Court '. utherly line of Eighty-eighth street with the easterly men and Commonalty of The City of New York, re-la- avenue ; thence southerly along the westerly side of of the State of New York, First Department, at a I inc of Narrows ucenuc, as the same were Inid down on live to acquiring title, wherever the saute has not Driggs avenue a^- feet ; thence westerly and parallel Special Term of said Court, to be held at fart III. thereof, Ibc aforesaid map, and running thence westerly along neon heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements and to South Fifth street tz8 feet and 6 inches ; thence in the County Court-house, in the Borough of Man- the southerly line of Eighty-elellth street eighty (8.•) heredl tanlauts required for the purpose of opening southerly unit parallel to I Triggsavenue to feet t': hattan, in The City of New York, on Friday, the tytb tcit to the westerly line of Narrows avenue; thence VI LLA PLACE (although not yet named by proper inches t„ the southerly clearance line of the New East day of October, i, ne, at the opening of the Court uthcrly alone sad line deflecting 9., degrees to the authority), from Southern Boulevard to Van Cort- River Bridge ; thence westerly along said southerly on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be ICIt ti'ur hundred (4„ ) feet, more or less, to the Short, heard thereon, far the aponintment of Commissioners of ud ; thence southerly ,[long said Shore road and Iandt avenne, as the same has been heretofore laid clev-ance Itue 233 feet to 3 inches; then,, northerly , out and designated as a first-class street or road, in and parallel to Bedford avenue 3 feet 6h inches Estimate and Assessment in the above-entitled matter. , Idlccting ;d degrees 4t minutes ;md z,, seconds, more the Twenty-fourth Ward of The City of New York. thence westerly and parallel to South Fifth street 43 The nature and extent of the improvement hereby in- r less, to the left one hundred and lorty-nine and feet and 6 inches to the easterly side of Bedford ave- tended is the acquisition of title ny The City of New .,. List V-hi vc hundredths (149. 95) feet, more or less, to the OTICE IS HEREBY York, for the u•e of the public, to all the lands and ,,tcrly line of Narrows ;treuue; thence northerly 1 GIVEN 'I'HAT THE nue ; thence northerly along the easterly side of tied- bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred by ford avenue zz feet ; (hence easterly' and parallel to premises, with the buildings thercun and the appur- ,:lid hue and deflecting t5= degrees zt minutes tenances thereto belonging, required for the upenin;; U I .,I .si seconds, more or less, to the left sixty-one (6t) reasnu of the proceedings iu the abuvc-cat it lad mat to South Filth street I 0 feet and 6 inches; thence north- will be presented for [n.c:ttiou to one of the Justices of of a certain street or avenue known as West Two Hun- :, more or less, and thence again northerly along sri p and parallel to lied ford venue 2_ feet ; thence ,ICI line four hundred Lind sixty 46.) feet to the point the Suprcure Court of the State of New York, First Svo terly' and parallel to South Fifth street lot feet and dred and Fifteenth street. from Kingsbridge road to Department, at a Special 'Turin thereof, fart I., to be (i inches to the easterly side of Bedford avenue; Harlem river, In the 'Twelfth \yard, Borough of Rlan- -cr I'I be^iuning. hattan, City of New York, being the following-described list ii ,a= Rtio„nt. , v, ('rry „r New YoeK, held at the County; Court-house, in the Borough of thence northerly along the easterly side of lledford Manhattan, in The City of New York, on the _sth day avenue 75 feet to the point of beginning. lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz.: of ( )ctober, tgoe, at ro.30 o'clock in the forcnoou of that ttll\ \1It.\I I N, PARCttt. " A." day, or as shun thereafter as counsel can be heard I,UrkU„r.nh o Counsel, Beginning at a point on the northerly side of South Beginning at apoint in the easterly line of (:roadway, thereon ; and that the said hill of costs, charges and dist.tnt ic,83o feet northerly front the southerly line of B,vnugh Hull, Fifth street distant 78 test and (i inches westerly from Brooklyn, N. Y. expenses has been deposited in the office of the Clerk One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street ; of the County of New York, there to remain for and the nurthwcstethy corner of South Fifth street and rst. Thence easterly and parallel to said street for is Driggs avenue and running thence Westerly along the during the space of ten days, as required by the provi- feet to the westerly line of Amsterdam avenue ; northerly side of South Fifth street tu8 feet ; thence 1, INt U' t'I , f - \1'1'. sions of section 999 of title 4 of chapter 17 of chapter zd. 'Thence northerly along said westerly line for t,, northerly and parallel to Daggs avenue 59 feet 9'g 378 of the laws-i' t857. feet IIIeutcr of the app heaven of The City of New ]7itcd lior.11h1:H „r M.vxin-n. , -NEW YosK, Octo- inches to the northerly clearance line of the New East 3d, ]'hence western and parallel to One Hlmdred River Bridpu; thence easterly along said northerly \~ c relatire to acquiring title to STARR her ;, taus. and Fifty-fi fth '-treet for 97.76 feet to the easterly line elctieirtCc line 2e6 feet and t t inches to the westerly , I K IC F`1', from St. Nicholas avetntc to the county ROBERT L. HARRISON, of Broad vrav; side of Driggs avenue ; thence southerly along the .d the 'I'wcnty-seventh \'ard, in the Borough of 4?TES I. All KMISMII'H, 4t11, ']'hence southerly along said line for to3.6,1 f ct westerly side of Driggs ❑ venue 47 feet 5t: inches; meoklyn,'1'he City of New York, as the saute has )UHN J. QUINLAN, to point or place of beginning. thence westerly and parallel to South Fifth street c.a heretofore duly laid out. Commissioners. JOHN P. DL'.`:, 78 feet and 6 inches; thence southerly and parallel to rnrlEL "n." Clerk. Driggs avenue sl feet et tz inches to the point of begin- Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Antster- I . R>1'ANT To THE STATI'TES IN SUCH tling. dant avenue, distant 5,8ro feet northerly from th„ '-- Cases made and provided. notice is hereby given SECOND DF:PARTMENT. PARCEL "F." southerly' line of One Hundred and Fit ty- street ; U .ul application willbc_ made to the Supreme Court Beginning at the northeasterly corner of South Fifth Est. ']'hence easterly and parallel to said street for the State of New l ork• at it Special 'Perm of street and ISedford avenue and running thence northerly site feet to westerly line of Ninth :uveulle 1 Court, to be held for the hearing of motions, In the matter of the application of Robert A. Van along the easterly side of Bedford avenue 5U, feet no ad. ']'hence northerly ;dung said line for r n, feet the C'ounty Court-house, in the Borough of \Vyck, llayurof Ilse Cityof Nu%% York, Lewis Nixon, incites to the northerly clearance It ire of the New East 311. Thence wes[erl y' and parallel to (1ne Hundred and ,ken, it, 'lice City of New York, on the ,oth Smith F. Lane, James W. Boyle, J sill au 1). Fairchild, River lint dge; thence easterly along said northerly Fifty-fifth street for 5,,,, feet to easterly line of Amster- of l lctober, two. at the opening of the Court John \V. \Veber and James Lf. Bdl, cunstililt i n,C the clearance line 179 feet and tcu inches ; thence southerly daniavenue; :Iwt day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can commission created and existing under chapter 789 of and parallel to Bedfird Lu'mue 58 feet 8L; inches to the 4th. I hence southerly along said line for too feet lr, ,card thereon. for the appointment of Commissioners the Laws of t8y_„ entitled " Au Act to authorize the nertliCrly side of South Fiflb street ; thence westerly point or place of beginning. F:,tiumte and Assessment in the above-entitled construction of it bridge over the East river between along the northerly side of Sotrtlt Fifth street 175 feet 6 PARCEL " C." !cr. The mature and extent of the improcemeut the cities of New York and Brooklyn," and all other inches to the point of beginning. Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Ninth acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, '',y intended is the acquisition of title by The City rARCet. " c." avenue, distant ' 830 feet northerly front the southerly ctv York, for the use of the public, to all the hands by the Corporation Counsel oft' lie City of New York, Beginning at the southeasterly corner of 'South Fifth line of One Hundred and F'itty-fifth street I premises. and the appurtenances thereto belong- relative to acquiring title by The C tyol New York to and Berry streets and running thence easterly along 1st. Thence easterly and parallel to One Hundred and .. required for the opening of a certain street or certain lands oil St)U'1'H F] FTH S'L'FEl'. SOU'T'H the southerly side of South Fifth street t 3 feet r inch ; Fifty-fifth ore' t ter 540.54 feet to the United States •U ,c known as Starr street, from St. Nicholas SIX S1'R1.l;T, LRafADWAP, WY'1'Hl AVF:- thence southerly and parallel to Bedford avenue ro., channel line, Harlem river ; NUF.. 111-RRY .TREE`, BEDFORD AVENUE'. _~ tut, to the county line of the l'vicenty-seventh \Ward. feet ; thence easterly and parallel to South Fifth street od. 'f hence northerly and along said line, radius iu the Borough of Brooklyn. City of New York. being AND DRlcalS AVENUE:, in the Thirteenth Ward t,o feet and -, inches: thence northerly and parallel to sin, 3. a feet, for 1 r .oq feet the following-described lots, pieces or parcels of land, of the Borough of Brooklyn. in The City of New Bedliord avenue i o feet to the southerly side of South 3d. Thence westerly- and parallel to One Hundred York, duly selected according to law with other lands Fifth street ; thence easterly along the southerly side and Fifty-fifth street f r 52$.50 feet to the easterly lint- as a site for the construction and peannuelt location Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of of South Fifth street e5 feet z inches; thence southerly ot Ninth avenue ; the easterly- line of M. -Nicholas avenue with the of it suspension bridge over the Fast ricer between and parallel to Bedford avenue too feet ; thence easterly 4th. Thence southerly along said line for too feet to southerly line of Starr street, as said street and avenue the cities of New York ;utd Brooklyn (now' the and parallel to South Fifth street 25 feet ; thence n orth - the point or place of beginning. were laid down on the Commissioners' flap for laying boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn in The City of And is shown on map entitf'd "Afap or Plan of u erly and parallel to Bedf,rd avenue n feet to the out streets, roads and avenues in the srntthcrly part of New York) and approaches thereto, a thorized to be stutherly side of South fifth street ; thence easterly Streets, Reads and Avenues within part of the the Town of Bushes ice. which said map is now filed in constructed by said chapter 789 of the Laws of x895 along the southerly side of South Fifth street t 3 feet Twelfth Ward of the City of New York lying northerly the Map Rount of the Department of Highw•ays, in and all other acts amendatory thereof and supple- 6 inches to the southwesterly corner of South Filth of the northerly line of Dyckntan street, etc., etc.," the Borough of Brooklyn, and running thence northerly meutary thereto, street and Bedford avenue ; thence southerly along the dated January t8, t8 9, filed in the office of the Dc- Itlong the easterly line of St. Nicholas avenue thirty westerly side of Bedford uveuue 127 feet 2 i4 inches to partment of Public Works of the City of Ne.c York on (;o) feet to a point ; thence westerly seventy (70) feet to RSUAST TO THE STATUTES IN SUCH the southerly clearance line of the New East River or about January r8, [889, and iu the offices of the the westerly line of said St. Nicholas sVeItUe ; thence L- Counsel to the Corporation of the City of New York, cases made and provided, notice is hereby given Bridge : thence 'tlestxrlyalolug said southerly clearance northerly along said line deflecting qo degrees to the line 3?4feet t -, i aches to the intersection ofsaid clearance th - Department of Public Parks of the City of New that an application will be made to the Supreme Court York, and the Secretary of State of the State of New right thirty (;o) feet to the riorthwcsterly line of Starr of the State of New York, tit a Special Term thereof for line with the dividing line between the farms formerly street : thence easterly along sail line deflecting qo beItiniguug to Andrew- Cxoselyca and Fred. Devoe; thurlce Y,,rk, on or about the zeth day of January, rc8), and the hearing of motlofls to be held in and for the County the office of the Register of the C ty and C Hsty ut degrees to the right eleven hundred and fifty-one and of Kings at the County Uourt-house• in the Boruugh of northerly alone said die fidi g line he[seeea the lands ninety-six hundredths (t,15t.56) tae[ to the line (livid- formerly of Conselyea and ]levoe 03 feet 4 inches New York, on or about the 28th day of January, r; 8 . iu, the County of Queens from the County of Kings ; Brooklyn, in The City of Neiv York, on the zsth day 7'he land to be taken for West Two Hundred an,l of October. 5g0o. at the opening of the Court on that thence westerly and parallel to South Fifth street 6o thence southerly along said use sixty-three and ninety- feet 8 inches to the easterly side of Berry- street ; thence Fifteenth street is located in Bl 'eke ut9:, z n16, ocII, gut hundredths (ig.y8) feet to the southeasterly- line day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard there. 00t2, and vz3z of Section 8 of the Laud 'slap ut 1'he City on, for the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate northerly along the easterly side of Berry street so feet Ut St, rr street, and thence westerly :Jong said line ten to the point of beginning. of New York. _.: n, red and fifty-nine and s, euty-three hundredths in the above-entitled matter. Dated New YORK, October 8, rq:-o. =0.7;1 feet to the point or place of beginning. The nature and extent of the improccment hereby PARCEL " H." JOHN WHALEN, intended is the acquisition of title by The City of New :.I ,n•l It..=.. t. U c BR.,oiLv s, City of NEw YORK, Beginning at the northwesterly corner of South Fifth Corporation Counsel, York to certain lands and premises, with the buildings street and Bedford avenue and running thence westerly No. z' Tryon Row, _ l''IIN WHALEN, thereon and appurtenances thereto belonging, on South along the northerly side of South Fifth street t53 feet Borough of 31u lilt :aIit, CU Counsel. Fifth street, Soutlt Sixth street, Broadway, Wyche and 4 inches ; them northerly and parallel to Bedford City of New York, Borough Hall, avenue, Berry street, Bedford avenue and 1)riggs ave- avenue 41 feet 1'_ inches to the northerly clearance line Brooklyn, N. Y. nue, in the Thirteenth Ward of the Borough of Brook- of the New East River Bridge ; thence easterly along lyn, in The City of New York, iu fee simple absolute, said northerly clearance line 153 feet 7'4 inches to the FIRST DEPARTMENT. the same to be converted, appropriated and used with westerly side of Bedford avenue ; thence southerly along LIRA DEPARTMENT. other lands as a site for the construction and permanent the westerly side of Bedford avenue 48 feet t !a inches to In the matter of the application of The City of Xe%% location of a suspension bridge over the East river, the point of beginning. York, relative to acquiring title. wherever the s tine between the Cities of New York and Brcwklvu (nose the PARCEL "1" has not been heretofore a.•quired. to \VI•:SI T1\O I :t the matter of the application of the Mayor boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn, in The City of Beginning at a point on the northerly side of South HU'URED AND THIRTEENTH SPREE'(' 'al- _\Idermen and Commonalty of 'rhe City of New New York), and approaches thereto, authorized to he Fifth street distant 47 feet from the northeasterly corner though not yet named by pro; er authority;, fr,.n, \- U'rk, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same constructed by chapter 789 of the Laws of 1895, and all of South Fifth and Berry streets and running thence Kingsbridge road to Harlem river, in the twelfth not been heretotbre acquired, to the lands, tene- other acts amendatory thereof and supplementary northerly 3t feet 815 inches to the northerly clearance Ward, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. nsnt.s and heud,hnwats required for the purpose of thereto, said property having been duly selected accord- line of rite New East Ricer Bridge; thence easterly e-ning; McCLELLAN STREE'l' (although not ing to law for said purpose. along said northerly clearance line t6t feet z', inches ; URSUANT TO THE. STATUTES IN SC I FI yet named by proper authority), from Jerome ave- The lands and premises title to which is to be thence southerly and parallel to Berry street 38 feet to1~ P cases made and prI.vided, notice is hereby given :.ue to Morris avenue, as the same has been hereto- acquired as aforesaid In this p roceeding, are situated inches to the northerly side of South Fifth street ; thence that an application will be made to the Supreme Court f- re laid out and designated as a first-class street or in the Thirteenth Ward of the Borough of Brooklyn, in westerly along the northerly side of South Fifth street of the State of New York, First Department, at it rU ad, in the Twenty-third Ward of The City of New The City of Sew York, and the following is a descrip- r56 feet 6 inches to the point of beginning. Special'1'erm ofsaid Court, to be held at Part III. there- 1 Dirk. tion thereof by metes and bounds of, in the County Court-house, in the Borough: of Nlan- PARCEL " J." hattan, in The 1 ity of New York, on Friday, the PARCEL "A." Beginning at the south wc .terly corner of South Fifth OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE BILL tgth day of October, rgoo, at the opening of the Court Beginning at a point on the southerly side of South street and Berry street and running thence southerly un that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be N of costs. charges and expenses incurred by reason Fifth street, distant ten feet easterly from the south- along the westerly sideof Perry street t49 feet 9!z inches i the proceedings in the above-entitled matter, up to herd thereon, for the appointment of Commissioners of easterly corner of South Fifth street and Driggs ave- to the southerly clearance line of the New East River Estimate and Assessment in the above-entitled matter. and including the 3oth day of June. tgoo, will be nue, and running thence easterly along the southerly Bridge ; thence westerly along =aid southerly clearance pnseute,.l for taxation to one of the Justices of the The nature and extent of the ie.proventent hereby in- side of South Fifth street roe feet ; thence southerly line 274 feet 6', inches to the ca terly side of \1 ytltc tended is the acquisition of title by 'I'he City of New Supreme Court of the State of New York, First Depart- and parallel to Driggs avenue tux, feet ; thence westerly avenue; thence northerly along the easterly side of ment, at a Special 'Perm thereof, Part I., to be held at York, for the use of the public. to all the lands and and parallel to South Fifth street r3 feet and 6 inches Wyche avenue 6r feet 3!? inches ; thence easterly and premises. with the buildin_s thereon and the ap- this G,uuty Court- house, in the Borough of Manhattan, thence southerly and parallel to Driggs avenue too feet parallel to South Fifth street 65 feet 8 inches; thence purtenances theretoehi,ging, f t required for the openiu4 in The City Of New York. on the z5th day of October. to the northerly side of L'roadvvay ; thence westerly northerly and parallel to Murry street t o feet to the of a certain street or avenue known as \Vest T,, t ,o, at ro.3o O'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as along the northerly side of Broadway t6 feet inches; southerly side of South Fifth street ; thence easterly ,,n thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon; and 4''i Hundred and Thirteenth street. from Kingsbrid'e ro:ul ., thence northerly and parallel to Driggs avenue too feet along the sent lion ly- side of South Fifth street z5 feet ; to Harlem river, in the Twelfth R'and, Poniligu '3 dirt the said bill of costs, charges and expenses has been 819 inches to the southerly CI—rticn line of the New thence soutbvrly and parallel to Berry street 6z feet t t 1,1, , ,sited in the office of the Clerk of the County of ylaulr l ti an, City „f Ne.r York, being the follow in;;-dc- East River Bridge ; thence westerly along said south- iuclun<; thence westerly and parallel to South Fifth scribed lots, piece, or parcels of land, viz.: New York, there to remain for and during the space of erly clearance line 7o feet and 3 inches, and thence street rt lest ; thence southerly and parallel to Ilerry t-_n days, as required by the provisions of section 999 northerly and parallel to Driggs avenue 98 feet and 4 street 37 feet t inch ; thence easterly and parallel to PARCEL "A." . ,i title 4 of chapter t7 of chapter 378 of the Laws of inches to the point of beginning. South Fifth street 36 feet ; thence northerly and parallel Beginning at a point in the westerly line if Amster- 7. to Berry street Loo feet to the southerly side of South Dated BgssiL'oH OF MANHATT.5N. NEW 1 ORK, OCtO PARCEL " B.,, dam avenue, distant ,3to.;3 feet n", therly from the Fifth street ; thence easterly along the southerly side southerly line of One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street ; U er f, IU/X. Beginning at the southeasterly corner of South Fifth of South Fifth street 29 feet ; thence southerly and 1st ]'hence westerly and I,arallel to said street to the J. ASPINWALI. HODGE, street and Driggs avenue and running thence easterly parallel to Berry street 85 feet ; thence easterly arid along the southerly side of South Fifth street slwU easterly line of Brea lw ay for 370 feet ; MICHAEL COLEMAN, parallel to South Fifth street et feet ; thence southerly ad. Thence northeasterly along said line for 67.40 feet Commissioners. feet ; thence southerly and parallel to Driggs avenue and parallel to Berry street r5 feet ; thence easterly and 99 feet 2)4 inches to the southerly clearance line of the -•d. ']'hence westerly and parallel to I Inc hundred it', P. Drsx, parallel to South Fifth street net feet ; thence northerly and Fifty-fifth street to the westerly line of Atiister- Clerk. New East River Bridge; Thence westerly along said and parallel to Berry street too feet to the southerly dam avenue for 339 09 feet ; southerly clearance line r8 feet rot-i inches : thence side of South Fifth street, and thence easterly along westerly and parallel to South Fifth street 8r feet tai 4th. Thence southerly along said line 6t, feet to tile FIRS]' DEPARTMENT the southerly side of South Fifth street 97 feet 5 inches point or place of beginning. inches to tile easterly side of Driggs avenue ; thence to the point of beginning. northerly along the easterly side of Driggs avenue too PARCEL " B." In tit, :tatter of the application of the Mayor, Alder- PARCEL " K." inen and Commonalty of The City of New York, rcl- feet to the point of beginning. Beginning at a point on the westerly side of Wythe Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Amster- ativc Lou acquiring title, wherever the same has not PARCEL " C." avenue distant as feet southerly from the southwesterly dam avenue, distant t5,11o. 13 feet northerly from the „c cn heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements Beginning at the northeasterly corner of South Fifth corner of South Fifth street and Wythe avenue and run- southerly line of One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street ; Lord hereditaments required for the purpose of open- street and Driggs avenue and running thence northerly ning thence southerly along the westerly side of Wyche 1st. Thence easterly and parallel to said street to the ing MIAN IDA STREET (although not yet named by along the easterly side of Driggs avenue 39 feet t IG avenue 40 feet and z inches ; thence westerly and paral- Westerly line of Ninth avenue for co feet: proper authority), from Garrison avenue (\lohawk inches: thence easterly and parallel to South Fifth le1 to South Fifth street 75 feet ; thence northerly and 2d. Tberr;e northerly along said line for 6o f' et avenue) to the United States bulkhead-line of the street too feet ; thence northerly and parallel to Driggs parallel to Wythe avenue 4'' feet and c' inches; thence 3d. 'Thence westerly and parallel to One Hundred East river, as the same has been heretofore laid out avenue no feet and t inch ; thence westerly and parallel easterly and parallel to South Fifth street 75 feet to the and Fifty-fifth street to the easterly line of Amsterdam and designated as a first-class street or road, in the avenue for;oo feet ; to South Fifth street iso feet to the easterly side of point of beginning. 4th. Thence southerly along said line for 6o feet to Twenty-Third VYard of The City of New York, Driggs avenue ; thence along the easterly side of Driggs PARCEL "KK." the point or place of beginning. avenue 6 feet to% inches to the northerly clearance line Beginning at the northwesterly corner of South Sixth OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE of the New Fast River Bridge; thence easterly along street and Wythe avenue and running thence westerly PARCEL "C." N bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred by said northerly clearance line tqo feet 6 inches ; thence along the northerly side ofSouth Sixth street ESE feet and Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Ninth reason of the proceedings in the above-entitled matter, northerly and parallel to Driggs avenue 5o feet 4 t( t r inches ; thence northerly and at right angles to South avenue, distant ,g,3m.v3 feet northerly rom the up to and including the 31st day of July, too, inches; thence easterly and parallel to South Fourth Sixth street 11,1' feet ; thence easterly and parallel to southerly line of One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street ; will be presented for taxation to one of the jJustices of street r4 feet to3/y inches ; thence southerly and parallel South Sixth street t45 feet z inches to the westerly side 1st. Thence easterly and parallel to One Hundred the Supreme Court of The State of New York, First to Driggs avenue 138 feet to'-; inches to the northerly of Wyche avenue ; thence southerly along the westerly and I•ifty-fifth street to the United States channel I)epartmeut, at a Special Term thereof, Part I., to be side of South Fifth street, and thence westerly along side of Wyche avenue too feet and 4 inches to the point line. Harlem river, for 584.21 feet ; held at the County Court-house, in the Borough of the northerly side of South Fifth street soy feet to the of beginning. ud. Thence northerly along said line, radius 5,sz3.14 ?Ianhattan, in The City of New York, on the :5th day of point of beginning. Dated New YoRK, October to, :goo. feet, for 6'.o4 feet ; ( tctober, ,goo, at ro.3o o'clock in the forenoon of that PARCEL " D." JOHN WHALEN, 3d. Thence westerly and parallel to One Hundred day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard Beginning at the southeasterly corner of South Fifth Corporation Counsel, and Fifty-fifth street to the easterly line of Ninth thereon ; and that the said bill of costs, charges and street and Bedford avenue and running thence easterly No. z Tryon Row, avenue for 58.n8 feet ; expenses has been deposited in the office of the Clerk along the southerly side of South Fifth street ago feet Borough of Manhattan, 4th. I hence southerly along said line for 6e feet to ,rt the County of New York, there to remain for and and 6 inches ; thence southerly and parallel to Bedford City of New York. the point or place of beginninz. during the space of ten days, as required by the pro- avenue 85 feet , thence easterly and parallel to South And is shown on map entitled "Map or Plan of eisions of section 99g of title 4 of chapter t7 of chap- Fifth street 32 feet ; thence northerly and parallel to FIRST DEPARTMENT. Streets, Roads and Avenues within that part of the ter 378 of the Laws of x897. Bedford avenue 85 feet to the southerly side of South Twelfth Ward of the City of New York lying Dated Botooctt OF MANHAr7AN, NEW YORK, Octo- Fifth street ; thence easterly along the southerly side In the matter of the application of The City of New northerly of the northerly line of Dyckman street, etc., her t, tgoo. of South Fifth street z3 feet ; thence southerly and York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same etc.," dated January t8. r889 ; filed in the office of the WELLESLEY W. GAGE, parallel to Bedford avenue ton feet ; thence easterly has not been heretofore acquired, to WEST' 1'WO Department of Public Works of the City of New York J. RHINELANDER DILLON, and parallel to South Fifth street 48 feet ; thence HUNDRED AND FIFTEENTH STREET on or about January 18, t88), and in the offices of the Commissioners. northerly and parallel to Bedford avenue too feet to (although not Vet named by proper authority), from Counsel to the Corporation of the City of New York, are. I. fits-c, the southerly side of South Fifth street ; thence east- Kingsbnid_e red to Harlem river, in the Twelfth the Department of Public Parks of the City of New Clerk. erly along the southerly side of South Fifth street rt8 \Fard Borough of Manhattan, Cty of New York. York and the Secretary of State of the State of New


    York, on or about the v5th day of January, t8 %!,n and 4th. T hence sou[nerly along said line for 6a feet to ash. 'I hence northwesterly defecting 90 degrees to the 4th. '!'hence southerly for 817.Sx feet I, the p„inl -t in the office of the Register of the City and County tTie point or plan: of beginning. right for r73.o9 feet to the Coster" line of Arthur avenue . ( bef,inuin". of New York on or about the 28th day of January, 3d. Ihence northeasterly along the last-menl iu tied toting place is ,Icsigu:ted as a efreel of the fil-t t8q "PARCEL 5." Be~imning at a point in the easterly line of NintF line for so fee: ; class and is shown on section to of the Final Maps in'l he land to be taken for West Two Hundred and 4th.1' hence southeasterly for r70.86 feet to the point Profilrsof the T\vents-third and T\centy-lourth \\ ii ,.-, Thirteenth street is located in Blocks Nos, 219 2194, avenur distant T5,o5o.50 feet northerly from the south. erlp of One Hundred and Fifty-htth street : of beginning. t,ty of New \'utk, filed in the office of the Cu,00,i , az,-9, zero, 1z3o and ar;t of Section 8 of the land Map of PARC'EI. " H. missioner of Street lnvpnvcn,Ien[ of tile Tlventy tli rl I'he City of New York. list. '!'hence es>terly and p, rallel to said street to the and T'erenty-1r,mth Wards of T'hc City of New 1 ark „u hated Now YoRis, October 8, ry, o, United States Channel Line, Harlem rove', for 586,6c Beginningat a point in the eastern line of Hughes feel ; avenue distant 275 feet southwesterly from the mice- N., venther r5, X595, in tl:e ofli e of the Register of tl,-- JOHN WIIALEN. Crty and Courtly of New York ou November t8. t cc', Corporation Counsel, zd, Thence northerly and along said line, radius 4,50c section of said line with the southern line of h:ast One feet, for has, feet ; a,d io the office of the Secretary of State of the Buoy' 't No. z 'Tryon Row, Hundred and i' ighty-seventh street ; 3d. 'I hence westerly and parallel to One Htmdrel 1st. 'I hence southwesterly along the eastern line ,f cse Y, rk on Novrmher 21, 189.. Borough of Ianhat tan, The land to he taken Icr l.otii1 Plaig i. Inr.uu(l in City if New York. and I'tliy- filth street to the easterly line of Nintli Hughes avenue for o feet ; avenue fur 587.07 feet ; sd. Thence southeasterly deflecting go degrees to the ftlocks 3.21 and q zz8 14 sc,'tion It "I the I ii' i .1Lgi' 4111. Thence southerly along said line for fo feet IC left for 775 feet to the western line of Belmont avenue ; IheCityof Nne V.,rk. FIRST DEPARIMENI', ------the point or place of beginning. 3d. 'Thence northeasterly ailing last-mentioned line I':tied Nen' 1'l kl:, r lrt her it, 19' And is shown on map entitled "\lap or Plan of for 5o feet ; Jt1HN WIIALF:N, illthe matter of the application of 'fire City of New Strn etc, Roads and Avenues IIitliiu thit part of the 4111. 1 hence north++esterly for 175 feet to the point of 1.'„rpor;u,on Colin ,. York, relative to aeqoirm:( title, wherever the same 'Twelfth Ward of the Citq' of New York Icing northerly beginning. \t, a Tryon r.,,, , has not been heretofore acquiretl, to \I'ES'i TWVO o f tl e northerly line of Dyckman Street, etc_., dated East One Hundred and Eighty-sixth street William rough „f 1, HUNDRED AND FOURI'E NTH SI'REEI' J:muary 18, t85u." Filed iu the office of the Depart- street, is designated as a street of the first class, and City .1 Ni w \' u rl<. (although not yet named by proper authority), front ment ill I'ublie Works of the City of New York on of is shown on section r-; of the Final Maps and Profiles King bridge road to Harlem rivr, in the Twel6h about,iry r8, 189 ; and in the offices of the Court of the T\venty-third and T'w'enty-fourth Wards, filed in FIRST' DEl';A RIM ENT'. Ward, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. 'el to the Corporation of the City of New York, the the office of the Commissioner of Street Improvements I)oiiirunort of Public Parks of the City of New York, of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, City 1u the matter of the applicatiz,n of The City nt N,„ URSUANT TO THE STATTES U IN SUCHH and the Secretary of State of the State of New York, on of New York, on October 3r, 1895, :urd in the ollice York, relative to acquiring title, sil[crwoC the sv.... P cases made and provided, notice is hereby given 0' L'!A,ut the 25th clay of January. tf99 ; and in the office of the Register of the City and County of New Yorl,, has not been herctufurc acquired. t„ I- As'1 t tN I': that an application will bo made to the Supreme C•,urt of the Register of the Ciiy and County of New York or and of the Secretary of State of the State of New York, 11UNDRE'D AND `AX7'Y-°iSITl SI REIFI' '. i- of the State of Nuw Y-.rk, Fi rot Ucpa ri Ill rut at a or about the 28111 day of January, t Ply. on November e, ,595. thnugh not yet name, by proper i,,ti,ilrilv , fr,.: Special Term of said Court, to be held at Part The land to be taken for West Two Hundred and 'l he land to be taken for East One Hundred and Webster avenu„ to Morris : icenue, in the Twentt Ilf. thereat, in the County Court-bon-e, in the Brett;11 Twelfth street is located in Blocks ergs, 0193, 2x'8, T:ighty-sixth street is located in Blocks 3.73 :wd '''gird 'thud. Corougb „f The Bronx, City it "i. of I1l2r11attao, in The City of Nosy York, on Friday, zz1.r,, zxzy and 2232 of Section 8 of the I.and \lap of The 074 of section it of the Land Map of The City of New York. the igth day of October, 09550, at the aPmfoq of the Court City of New York. York. on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can he Dated Now YORK, October 8, igoo. Dated NEW Yruel c:tn I : heard thereon, for the aypoiotlomt of (xmmis;xoe.r', and Fourteenth sire, to from Kiu;rsbrtdge to to liar- In the matter of the application if The City of New In the matter of the application of The City of New vol River, in the I'wellth Ward, Borough of (Manisa' tan, York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same York, relative to acquiring title, +rherever the Saute of Fstimate and .hssessme' t in the above-entitled iii.,l- City of York, being- the h.11o'.ving-described lot", pieces has not been herstatore ac quit d, tr, WI?s,'I"I'\VI) tcr. 'I'bc nature and extent of the improvement lice,' has not been heretofore acquired, to WEST' T'WC by intended is the acqui-ittnnof title by The Cis •n or parcels St land. viz HUNDRED AND TWENTIETH STREI:T HUNDRED AND Eu,Hl'EEN'l'l STRh:EI- (although not yet named l)y proner authority), from New fork, for the use of the- perblic, to all the Li,I- rArzn•lL "A." (although not yet named by proper authority), from and pf-etnises, ii th the buildings thereat and [I, ,' Feamau avenue to Ninth avenue, in the l'weltth Se;tm iu avenue to .Ninth ;[venue, in the 'I\velfth Beginning at n point in the westerly line of A nister- appurtenances thereto belonging, required for the opc Ward, Borough „f Manhattan, City of Nell York. !Nardi Borough of \lanhatt:tn, Cily of Nose York. dam avenue, distant r5,57o.r6 feet northerly from the fug of a certain street or aieulie kno+cn :is East Uu''- sonherly line of One Hundred au'tl lift v-fifth trect : URSUANT TO THE SI'ATIJ'l'ES IN SUCH ]Iundred and silly-sixthh otrcel, fn-inc Webster a+cnuc 1st. Thence westerly Lind parallel to said street to the TO THE S'TATUT ,' IN SUCH P cases made and provided, notice is hereby Given to 1lorris avenue, in the '1'+venty tl ird \\ ard, fJ r easterly line of Broadway for 237 felt. P cases made and provided, notice is hereby given that an applicatir'n will be made I the Supreme Court ough of The Bronx, City of New York, being the rc! ad. '!'hence northeasterly :dung said line for 65.3( that an application will be made to the Supreme Court of the Mate of New York, First Ifepartii e,t, at a lowing-described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz• feet ; of the State of New York, First Department, at a Special Special Term ofsaid Court, to be field at part 111. thereof, PARCEL "n.•' d. 'Thence easterly and parallel to One Hundred and Term of said Court, to be held at Part Ill. thereof, in in the County Court-house, in the IS rough of Min- I, Ill y-fifth street to the westerly line of Antsi er,ani the County Court-house, in the Borough of Manhattan, hattan, in The Cite of New York, on' Friday, the 19th Beginning at a point in the eastern line of Clay , ❑ avenue far zr x. t4 feet; in The City of New York, on Friday, the tgth day of day of October, igoo, at the opening of iii,. Court in ue distant 4gF.y; feet nwtheily from the interseclir n 4th. '1 hence southerly along said line for 6a feet to the October, ,9 n', at the uoening of the Court on that day, that day, or us Boon thereafter as counsel can he heard ,,t --,id line w'illt the northern line of 1•;ast One I arc point or place of beginning. or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, thereon. for the appointment of Commissioners of Esti- Bred and sisty-fifth street ; I ARC EL " 11." for the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate and mate and Assessment in the Lb. ,vc-entitled matter. rst. 'I It ace northerly along eastern line of Cl, avetttte for OOo feet ; Hegir ning at a point in the easterly IVne of Amsterdam Assessment in the above-entitled matter. The nature 'file nature and extent of the improvement h, re'',y and extent of the improvement hereby intended is intended is the acqui.ition of title by The C,ty of New zd. Thence easterly deflecting go degrees to t4' avenue, dis lint rs,,,7o. It feet nor tb' rlv lrmn the south- the acquisition of title by The City of New York, for York, for the us,e of the public, to all the lands and right for 18. feet to the seeslern line of Web~t' erly line at One Hundre'I and Filly filth street: avenue; 151. Th' ace easterly and parallel to said street to the the use of the public, to all the lands and premises, premises, with the buildings thereon and the appurte- nances thereto belonging, require,) for the opening of ad, 'I hence southerly ainge_ last-mentioned ll': - westerly line of Ninth oven ne for 5c feet ; with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging, required for the opening of a certain a certain street or avenue kno+cn as 'Nest Two Hundred fa lset ; ad. Thence nori h cr saici line fill 6,ft et 4th. 'I' hone, ' ncsterly 6,r ISu feet to the point 3d. T'hcrrce westerly and parallel to ( lug If indeed and street or avenue known as West Two Hundred and and Eighteenth street, from Seaman avenue to Ninth 'I wentieth street, from Seaman avenue to Ninth avenue, avenue, in the Two lftIt Ward, Borough of \l:ufhattam, gins ng. Filly fifth street to the ois'orly line oof Amsterdam ave- PA (CLL " rt.'' uue for -es feet ; in the Twelfth War,], Borough of Alanhattan, City of City of New York, bring the following described lots, 4th Thence saatbi'rly along said line for 6o feet to New York, being the following-described lots, pieces piece or parcel of land, viz.: Beginning at a point in the western tin,' point or place of beginning. or parcels of land, viz. : PARCEL "A." avenue distant 4.,8.9; feet wxrLcrly front the ii l':\ItrlCL ".\." tion of said lii,e +vtth the northern line of F.;,: ' t'ARCEL, " c,' Iieginning at a point in the westerly line of Bmad- Hundred and Sixty-f itih sl reel; Beginning at a point in the westerly line of Broad- way, formerly Kingsbndge road, distant 58 fret Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Ninth ave- rb,s,.y 1st. Thence northerly along western ]ine of t way formerly Kingsbridge read, distant 17,240.58 feet northerly from the southerly line nl One Hundred and nue, distant x5,570. r5 feet northerly from the southerly northerly front the southerly line of (Inc Hundred and avenue for cc. feet ; line of One Hundred and Fifty - fifth street : Fifty-filth street: ad. Thence westerly deflecting go degrees to the 1, Fifty-fifth street : list. Thence westerly and parallel to said One Hun- r't. -I' hence easterly • andI )mallet to said Streete to the 1st. '!'hence westerly and parallel to said street to for 9i5.Sd toot to te eastern lime of [horns avenue ; United States Channel line, Ilarlem ricer, for 569.89 dred and Fifty-fifth .street 874.08 feet to the easterly line 3d. !'hence southerly along last-mentioned liuc I the easterly line of Seaman avenue for 855.zs feet ; of Seaman avenue. feet ; sd. Thence motherly .•i igng said aveneisfor (a.77 feet; 655 feet ; zd. "!'hence northerly alone said line for 87F. 9 fact. 4th. (hence easterly for 966.21 feet to the point ad. Thence northerly and alon;4 said line, radius 3d. 'I hence easterly and parallel to One Hundred and 3d. Thence easterly and panillel to Une Hundred and 5,22 3.14 feet, for hose fee t. Fifty-fifth street to the westerly line of Broadway for beginning. 3d. T hence westerly and parallel to One hundred and Fifty-filth street to Broadway for 870. z9 f et. East One hundred and Sixty-sixth street is dc-c., 857.17 feet ; 4th. Thence southerly along Broadway for B1,90 feet Fifty-fifth street to theeasterly line of Ninth avenue for noted as a street of the first class, and is shown , 4th. Thence southerly along said line for dz.t9 feet to to the point or place of beginning. 5'4.75 feet. the point or place of beginning. section 9 of the Final Maps and Profiles of LL. 4th. Thence southerly along said line for do feet to PARCEL. " n " '15centy-third and Tsve, iy-fourth Wards, City of No,~ the point or pia' e of begmniug. PARCEL " B." Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Arrest r- York, filed in the',ifiice c the Commissi', ter of Str„ And is shown on map entitled " 16tp or Plan of Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Broad- dam avenue, distant 6,5oy c8 feet northerly In m the ]mprovements of the 7'weuty-tbir,l and 'Lw. sty-fourt' Streets, Roads and Avenues within that part 'if the way distant 17,oe9.53 feet northerly from the southerly southerly fine of One Hundr:d and h lty-filth street : Wards, City of New York. un October 3r, r8ic, i, tic" i welfth Ward of The City of New York lying northerly line of One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street ; 1st. -Thence easterly and parallel to Ooc Hm'dr,d office of the Register of the City and Coun'y of \e,, of the northerly line of I lyckm:rn street, etc., etc.," rst. Thence easterly and parallel to One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street to Ninth avenue for 500 feet. York .,n N'ovemher a, j,'g-, and to the office of tln dated January t8, r689, filed in the office of the Depart. and Fifty-fifth street to westerly line of Ninth avenue ad. Thence northerly along said avenue ii .r 8o feet. Secretary of State of the State of Ness' York ,c a ent of Public Works of The City of New York on or for 390.71 feet ; 3d. 'I hence westerly and parallel to One Hundred November ^ 1"-95. about January 18, 1889, and in the offices of the Coun.ri cd. Whence northerly along said line for 6o feet and Fifty-fifth street to ca'.terly line of Amsterdam The land to le, taken for East One Hundred .so', to the Corporation of The City of New York, the Dc. Ad. '!'hence westerly and parallel to One Hundred avenue for 5055 feet. Sixty-sixth street is located in Blocks 2425, 0426, 2y." p.,rtment of Public Parks of 7 he City of New York and and Fifty-fifth street to the easterly line of Broadway 4th. Thence southerly :[long said lion for 8., feet to 2409. 2455, 2434, 2437 and 2430 of section 9 of the L:rm the Secretary of State of the date of New York, on or for 176. a5 feet ; the point or place of beginning. Slap of The t ity or' Yell Yurk. about the 25th day of January, x88.,, alt I in the office of 4th. Thence southerly along said line for 62.zg feet Shown on map entitled ''Map chewing the New Dated Nose YcwK. I ICt„ber 8, [goo, the Re,ister of the City and County of New York on or to the point or place of beginning. Streets, to be known as Isbam Street, front Two Stun- JOHN VVHALEN. about the ofth day of January, tSfg. Shown on map entitled "Map showing the new deed and Eighteenth Sireet to Kin;sbrd•_e hi o ad, Tw , Corporation Coun-cl, The land to be taken for West Two Hendred and str. ets, to I e known as Isttam street, from Two Hun- Hundred and Eighteenth Street, from Isha n Street to N,,. 'frcun [lost', Fourteenth street is located in Blocks 2194, 2,y5, 2710, dred and Eighteenth street to Kingsbridge road, Two Harlem River, Two Hundred and Nineteenth Strev t, b',n ough of Manhattan, os r, zz,3r and 2232 of Section 8 of the Laud \lap of The Hundred and Eighteenth street, from Isham street to from Isham Street to Harlem River, Two HmtdreJ and City of Ntcw York. City of New Ymk. Harlem river, 'Iwo Hundred and Nineteenth street, Twentieth Street, from Seaman Avenue to H:urlem Dated Ness Y,,ou, October 8, xoo. from (sham street to Ilarlem river, Two Hundred and River, etc., etc., etc., in the Twelfth Ward of the City JOHN WHALEN, Twentieth street, front Seaman avenue to Harlem of New York," filed in the offices of the Department of FIRuT l)L!'dlII`I",TEN"I'. Corporation Counsel, river, etc., etc., etc., in the Twelfth Ward of the City of Public Works of the City of New York, of the C..suusel In the matter of tthe - No. 2 Tryon Rune, New York," filed in the offices of the Department of to the Corporation of the City of New York, the Ile- a licati"n of The t it of Nen- Public Works of the City of New York, of the Counsel partment of Public Parks of the City of New York, the the relative actl airing title, 'I he (ar the same Borough „f 1lanhattan ' has_ not been hen-tc:f ate required, to b:AS f ONE City of New York. to the Corporation of the City of New York, the De- Register of the City and County of New York, and the partment of Public Parks of the City of New York, the secretary of Slate of the State of New York, ,m or about I[, N DRED AN U SII -NE 1'1'-~l X I'H 5"L'RI?E1' Register of the City and County of New York, and the the 6th day of Has', x8ge. Il v vhxdrall street) (although not yet named by FIRST DEPAR' I'M f N'I' Secretary of Mate of the State of New York, on or about Land to be taken for West Two Hundred and proper authority'), fn,m Arthur avenue to the the 6th day of May, 1592. Eighteenth street is located in Blu':ks 22x3, 02x4, 0243 ''111110rn L"u levard, in the Twenty-fourth \yard, In the matter of the application of The City 'I New Land to be taken for West Tw'o Hundred and ]'wen- anu 2244 of section 8 of the Land Slap of -1-he City of 1; rug' of The Bronx, City of New- Yerk. York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same tieth street is loca,ed in Blocks 2215 and 22.14 of section New eotk' has not been heretofore acquired, to W!':SI' TV1'O 8 of the Land Map off he City of New York. hated NEw YJO October 8, rN, pUIdSCTANT TO THE STATUTES IN SUCH HUNDRED AND T'WELF-1'H STREF."I' (of thou_h Dated Now YoRte, October 8, 1900. JOHN ora ion Cu r cases made and rovided, m,tice is hereby i en not yet named by proper authority), from Kingsbridge JOHN WHALEN, Cuun;el, that an application will he made to the Supremee Court road to Ha fern river, in the Twelfth Ward, Borough Corporation Counsel, No z Tryon Row, of the State of New York, First Department, at a of Manhattan, City of New York. No. z Tryon Row, Borough of Manhattan, Special Term of said Court, to be held at Part I11. Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. thereof, in the County Court-house, in the Borough of PURSUANT TO THE Sl'ATUI'ES IN SUCH City of New York. Manhattan, in The City of New York, on Friday, the cases made and provided, notice is hereby given FIRST DEPARTMENT. ryth day of October, t9oo, at the opening of the Court that an application will be made to the Supreme Court uu that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can of the State of New York, First Department, at a FIRST DEPARTMENT. In the matter of the application of The City of New be heard thereon, for the appinuncnt of Comntission- Special Term of said Court, to be held at P.trt III. York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same ers of Estimate and Assessment in the above-entitled thereof, in the County Court-house, in the Borough of In the matter of the application of The City of New has not been heretuf''re acquired, to LORIN(, matter. The nature and extent of the improvement hlanhatt.-n, in The City of New York, on Friday, York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same PLACE: (although not yet named by proper hereby intended is the acquisition of title by The City the igth day of October, [goo, at the opening of the has not been heretofore acquired, to EAST ONE authority front Burnsideside avenue aveue to t he sonic line of New York, for the use of the public, to all the lands Court on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can HUNDRED AND EIGH"1'Y-SIXTH STRP:ET of East One Hundred and Eightieth street, in the and premises, +vith the b.rildings thereon and the be heard thereon, for the appointment of Contmi,sioners (William street. (although not yet named by proper Twenty-fourth Ward, Borough of The Bronx, City appurtenances there t„ belonging, required for the of Estimate and Assessment in the above-entitled authority), from Arthur avenue to tire junction of of New York, opening of a certain street or avenue known as East ;natter. The nature and extent of the improvement Crescent avenue and Belmont avenue, in the Twenty- One Hundred and Seceuty-si.vth street, from Arthur hy- fourth Ward, Borough of The Bronx, City of New avenue to he Southern Iloulevard, in the 7\centy- Hereby intended is the acquisition of title The City PURSUANT TO T'HE ST'AT'UTES IN SUCH f New York, for the use of the public. to all the lands York. forth Ward, Borough of The Bronx, City of Ne+v York, and premises, with the building, thereon and the appur- cases made and provided, notice is hereby given being the following-described lots, pieces or parcels that an application will be made to the Supreme Court of land, viz.: reuance, thereto belonging, required for the opening of URSUANT TO THE STATUTES IN SUCH of the State of New York, First Department, at a a certain street or avenue known as West Two Hun- cases made and provided, notice is hereby given P.5RCF10 " .5.'' dred and 'I welfth stye t, front Kingsbridge road to P Special Term of said Court, to be held at Part III. that an application will be made to the Supreme Court thereof, ut the County Court-house, in the Borough Beginning at a point in ti seestern line of Crot'ina Harlem river, in the 'Twelfth Ward, Borough of Man- if the State of New York, First Department, at a avenue distant ; feet northeasterly front the inter- hattan, Cityof New York being the following-described of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on Friday, ipecial Term of said Court, to be held at Part III. the igth day of October, 1g00, at the openmg of the section of said line with the northern line of fast One lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz. hereof, in the County Court-house, in the Borough Court on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel call Hundred and Se, enty-fifth street ; PARCEL " A." If Manhattan, in The City of New York, on Friday, be heard thereon, for the appointment of Commissioners ist. 'I hence northeasterly along the western line of Beginning at a paint in the westerly line of Amster- he 19th day of October, xgoo, at the opening of the of Estimate and Assessment in the above-entitled matter. Crotona avenue for 6zo5 feet ; dam avenue distant x5,oco.5o feet northerly from the hurt on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can The nature and extent of the improvement hereby od. 'Thence northwesterly deflecting 8,- degrees 3q southerly lire of One Hundred and Fifty-fitth street : Ie heard thereon, for the appointment of Commissioners intended is the acquisition of title by the City of Sew minutes 35 seconds to the left for 443.57 feet to the 1st. 1 hence westerly and parallel to said street to the If Estimate and Assessment in the above-entitled mat- York, for the use of the public, to all the lands and eastern line of Arthur avenue; easterly line of Broadway for 516.10 fe.'t ; er. The nature and extent of the improvement hereby premises, with the buildings thereon and the appurie- _d. Thence southwesterly along said last-mentioned ad. '!'hence northeasterly along said line for 71.21 ntended is the acquisition of title by 'The City of nances thereto belonging, required for the opening of a line for 6o.r5 feet ; feet New York, for the use of the public, to all the certain street or avenue known as Loring place, from 4th. Thence southeasterly for 44t.Fo feet to the point 3d. Thence easterly and parallel to One Hundred and ands and premises, with the buildings thereon and Burnside avenue to the south side of East One Hundred of beginning. Fifty-fif'h street to the westerly line of Amsterdam he appurtenances thereto belonging, required for the and Eightieth street, in the Twenty-fourth Ward, PARCEL ' u." avenue for 497.76 feet; opening of a certain street or avenue known as East Borough of 'She Bronx, City of New York, being the Beginning at a point in the eastern line of Crotona 'Thence soull erly along said line. for 6o feet to the one Hundred and Eighty-sixth street, from Arthur following-described lots, pieces or parcels of land, vnz, : avenue distant 385.31 feet northeasterly from the inter- point or place of beginning. [venue to the junction of Crescent avenue and Belmont Beginning at a point in the nortr,ern line of Burnside section of said line with the northern line of East One PARCEL " B." [venue, in the Twenty-fourth Ward, Borough of The avenue distant 330.90 feet easterly front the intersection Hundred and Seventy-fifth street ; Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Am,terdnm drone, City of New York, being the following-described of said line with the eastern line of Osborne place ; 1st. 'Thence northeasterly along the eastern line of avenue distant 15.050.50 feet northerly from the south- ots, pieces or parcels of land, viz. list, Thence easterly along the northern line of Burn- Crotona avenue for Go 04 feet ; erly line of One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street : PARCEL "A." side avenue for loin feet ; ad. Thence southeasterly deflecting 92 degrees g list. Thence easterly and parallel to said street to the Beginning at a point in the western line of Hughes 2d. !'hence northerly for 843.19 feet on a line forming minutes 41 seconds to the right fur 271.04 feet to the westerly Itee of Ninth avenue f:,r 500 feet; (venue distant 275 feet southwesterly from the inter- an angle of t degree 5h minutes 57 seconds to the east western line of Clinton avenue ; ad. 1 hence northerly a'ong said line far 6o feet ection of said line with the southern line of East One with the rartius of the preceding course drawn northerly 3d, Thence southwesterly along last-mentioned line 3d. 1 hence westerly and parallel to One Hundred and ilundred and Eighty-seventh street from its eastern extremity ; for (coot feet ; Fifty-fifrh street to the easterly line of Amsterdam 1st. Thence southwesterly along; the western line of 9d. 'Thence deflecting 92 degrees 39 minutes 30 seconds 4th. Thence northwesterly for 269.82 feet to the point avenue for ,5oo feet ; 'lughes avenue for 50 feet ; to the left for 6o.oz feet ; Of beginning.

    0 ,58 THE CITY RECORD. 1 UESDAV, OCTOBER 16, 1900.

    Hundred and Eighty-first Street, Kingsbridge Road To seconds to the right for t7t.33 feet to the western !.,, hit" ;, •: ,_,• Isom I-Deus[ avenuc to the East river, Borough of The - Brnx. C ity of New \ ork," which was filed in the office and Boulevard f.afayctte, etc.," filed in the office of the line of Boston road ; -extern line nt Prospect 11 cgin ning at .t point in the N of the President of tht: Board of Public Improvements Commissioner of Public Works, a4th day of December, 4th. Thence northeasterly along last-mentioned line rnue di .taut 9 . feet to, rt heaIIN WH rat ion Dntcd Ness' V'!tl:c, October 8, [goo. of he Bronx, City of New York," filed in the office of d. Thence southwesterly along last-mentioned line (otpomNloO Counsel. JOHN WH:AI.FN, the Regi,ter of The Cit y and County of Bros Yet k on ,,.ot feet ; fu- gh o Row, Corporation Counsel, JL,rch s9, t9o0, in th,e office of tie Corporation Counsel 'Thence southeasterly- for 290.17 feet to the point Borough of VLa pork Cit Nu. 2 Tryon Ross', of ['he City of New York n!, March :9, 19110, and in the C. inning. New Yon'k (,IIy. llorough of Manhattan, office of the President of the Board nt Public Improve. PARCEL "It." New York City. my nls of '1'I-e City of New 1 urk on March 09, I9co. ginning at a point in the eastern line of Prospect 1'he land to be taken forFist Onel Hundred and Sixly- I FIRST D)EPAR'T' MEN 'I'. sue 984 feet northeasterly- trom the inter. FIRST DEI'A RIM F:NT filth street is located in 13'.o,k 2607 Of section to of the t ,f said line with the northern line of Fast ( Tire Land Alap of The City of New York, i 1. ' LItcd and accent}-filth sweet ; I lit the matter of the application of The City of New Dated New Youx, Uc'oher 8, tyoo. York relatite to acquiring title, wherever the same In the matter of the application of The City of New t. Thence northeasterlc alone the eastern line L I York, relative to acqulrmg title, N- herever the same has JOHN WI-IAL1'N, pret avenue for 6e.ot feet ; i has not been heretolore acquired. to CAR 1'ER AVE- Corpor. tion Counsel. ri NUE (although flat yet named by proper authority'), not been heretofore acquired, to \i01HI'(i AN AVE. l'hence southcaste!h deflecting 6y deg rces N CE (although not yet named by proper autbori ty), No. z Tryon Row, , - 5e-ands to the right for t,4u.n3 feet to the train East Otis Hundred and Sevcuty.tltird street to Rnrough id Manhattan, 'l're flout :hsone. in tke'l a alt+tint'[It Ward. Borough from East One Hundred and Eighty-second street to -rot line of Southern Boulevard ; the Southern boulevard, in the'l'wenty-fourth Ward, City el New \" ork, U_ Thence southerly :tlm!, bLst-mentianvd line f•r of 'I Ile Bronx, Ni.N' 'I ark City. in the Borough of The Bronx, City of NewYork. et ; aNI 7'O "1'HE SI'AFUfKs IN SUCH FIRS)' DEPAR'T'MENT'. thence n rfhtesterly tar !.445.0; feet to the FICKSl I.'RSU'ANT Tl) THE 5I al U'I'ES IN SUCH ! beoinn'.nz. • cases made and pro' ided• notice is hereby given :m :Ipplicatton N ill lie made to the Supreme Court P cases made and f,rot idled, notice is hereby c•iveu In the matter of the application of ']'he City of Now Lt t the Hundred ;nd Secentv-sixth street F. that an application will be made to the Suprenie Court ;vateu as a =freer , I the fir t class, and is slims a of the -talc if Nett' I uric, First Department. at a 'I irk, relative to acquiring i the, wherever the ci;ii 1'errt of said Court. to be hold at Part II1. of the State of New York, First Department, at 't same has not l'een lucre fi'tLre acquired, to BRIGGS .•L ti,n to of the F' final \pups and Pr Ll file• of the I St Special 'term of said Court, to he helri at Part I11. ttt'-fourth \h srI Is in the thereof the Count\' Court-house. to the Borough of AVENUE (:dthough nit yet n,med by proper tc- third and I'ti there['tf, iu the C'o tm ty Court-house, it1 the I'orough of atu boon„ from last One Hundrrd and Ninety- " ~- thee C.0onmissiL ,n11 of street lm 1~n.vernents of )f.mlcit t;ui, in 1'hc Pity of New York. on Friday', the tnthdayof(lctobcr. r>LHL,:u the opening of the Court on Manhattan. in The City of Nest York, on Friday', fourth c1,cet to Kmgsbridcr road, iu the '1'wcuty- I' „runty-third and T,,ent -film Wards of 1'he the t sit h day of October, ipso, at the opening of the to. in the erfice', f that da}-. or as soon thereafter as counsel Can be heard fourtlt \V:u"d, Borou,h of 'I he hires s, City of New' '\ L-f Nex. \' irk. n I::ne 18o;; Court nn that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can York. pe- Hunured and Set-envy-fourth street distant t t.o feet 'ARC L "n" ,,csterIe from the intersection of said line with the One Hundred and N!nety-fourth street f. r 61.57 feet ; I _rot it said Court. to be field at Part 111. thereof. Beginning at a point in the northern line of East (hte ad. 'l'hence - tther:y defl:cting to3 degree; at minutes - County C,Lurt-iwuse in the B•,rou.h of \1,ut- western line of\Vebster avenue Hundred and Eightieth street distant [45.86 feet east- :q, file r ,th tst. )'hence westerly along the northern Ilue of East 9 seconds to the left for 679.zo feet; .. iu hits City of NON Yolk. on Frl 'rly' from the intersection of said line with the eastern 3d. Thence westerly defisctina 74 d, grecs 4t minutes . i October. t000. at the opeuin-, of the Court i,a Cluc Hundred and ycveutv-fourth street Isir foot lest line of ('rotona parks\' iy _d. Thence uorthcrly deflecting 90 degees 46 minutes 45 seconds to the right for so bet to the eastern line of lay, or as soon thcr,:dter its counsel call be . ']'hence easterly along the northern line of East Kingsbridge road appointment of Commis- 4? seconds to the right for feet to the southern theroL~:l. far the One Hundred and ]Eightieth street f rr 6o feet : 4th. 11 vice >nutherly along last-mentioned line 6,r of Estimate and Asseeanent in the above- line ut 1'retnont avenue as legally opened July 1g, t893; C, Thence northerly deflecting go degrees to the left ]'hence easterly along said hue for do feet ; t57,73 kilt ; LA matter. the nature a1 1 extent of the im- ~ ;d. for z6g.3v feet to the southern line of East One Hun- 5tIt. I hence northerly for 804.27 feet to the point nt 4th. 1'bence southerly for [,259.20 feet to the point of ". emeut hereb}" iutendal is th - acquisition at title I dred and Eighty.first street beginning. tc the Cite- of Ncsv York. air the use of the public. to beginning. 3. ')-hence tcesterly along last mentioned line for 611 Carter avenue ie designated as a street of the first Brt„s avenue is shown on map or plan showing an ,,If CO, 10nd< and premises. with the buildings thereon feet; alteration of sect!, IT 17 of the Final Maps and Profiles and the appurtenances thereto belon_in4. required for class and is shown on section 14 of the Final 'taps and 4. Thence southerly for 269.;2 feet to the point of Profiles of the 1" went y-third and T'w'enty-fourth \Wards. of the Twenty-third and 7\venty-fourth \\ards, I,y the opening of a certain street or ave!:ue known as I beginning ex te: ding Briggs avenue, from I- asr (Lie Hun,lrd and fluchanau place. trom Aqueduct aveuuc to Jerome filed in tl!e office of the Commissioner u t Street I in. I'.st:cEL "C," protements of the 1'.v cult y.third and TNventy-fourth Ninety- f•,urth street to Kiu.4sliridue roa i, in the asenlie. in the '1 wenty-fourth \\-ard. Borough of 1'he Beginning at a point in the southern Ilne of Fast Wards of the City of Ncw York on December 16. Twenty-tour th 1\ and of the Ci!y it New Volk, and tiled Bronx. Citv of New" York. being tla, iolloiiittg-de.cribed I One Hundred and Eightieth street distant 145.95 feet on July at, t8o4, in the nflicrs of the Re,i,ter of the City lot s. picce5 or parcels of land . cis.: tSn3 : in the office ,f the Register of the City and County of New Yorke on December t7. t8g5, and in the easterly from the intersection of said line With the and t o.:nty of New York, of the Coun,el to the Corpora- Beginning at a point in the western line of Jerome vasters lute of Crotona parkway: uon of The City iS New York and of the President of office of the Secretary of State of the State of New fork avenue distant ,n feet southerly from the intersection I. )'hence easterly :long the southern line of East the Board of Public Improvements of J he City of New of said Iine N"ith the southern line of East t Out Hundred on 1 best-tither t7. t8y5. Tile laud to be taken far Carter aceuue is hscated in One Hundred and Eightieth street for 6o feet; York. and Eights-third street LH:lmpden streets ; 2. ']'hence southerly deflecting go to the right for The land to be taken for Briggs avenue is Incased in tst. 'f hence southerly along the Western line of Jer- Blocks .880. aSgo and 28gz of Section tt of the Laud Map of file City of New York. 415.55 feet to the northern line of East One Hundred Block 3 93 of seet'.on 12 of the Land \In bill he City ome avenue for 6n feet : and Seventy-ninth street ; of New York. 2d. T'henec westerly deflecting no degrees to the right I Laced NEN' Snag. October 8, [goo. JOJHN WHALEN, 3. 'Thence westerly along last mentioned line for 611 Dated NEW Yo' t:, Udo!uer 8, it',,. for 9og.t6: I feet; JOHN \1 HAI.EV, 3d. Thence northerly deflecting 90 degrees to minutes Corporation Counsel. Nu. 2 Tryon Row, 4. Thence northerly for 415.55 feet to the point of Corporation Counsel, -,_ seconds to the right for 61.78 feet ; - beginning; Ni', 2 Tryon R,..,-, 4th. Thence easterly for 5L)9.47 feet to the point of Borough of \Ia nhattan, New' York City. t':\HCEL "U." Borough iii Vl.,nh:ucut, beginning. Cny Si New York. Buchanan place is designated as a strew of the first- _. --- -- ------Beginning at a point in the southern line of Fast class. and is shown Lilt section 15 of the Final Maps 1 FIRST DEPART>IF:NT. OneHundred and Seventy-ninth street distant 61.71 and Profiles at the I utenic--third an ,l 'Twenty-fourth feet easterly from the intersection of said line with the FIRST DEPARTMENT. N-:rrd-. filed in the u1Lce of the Commissioner .•f itreet - eastern liue of Crotona parkway: Improvements of the i stenty-third and Twenty-fourth In the matter of the application of TheCity of New t. ']'hence easterly along the southern line of Fast In the matter of the application of The City of New Wards f The un- of New S"ork on November r8, t505 : \'ork. relative to acquiring title, where .cr the same One Hundred and Seventy-ninth street for 6o feet ; York, relative to acq uiring title, wherever the same in the office of the Register of the City and County of has not been heretofore acquired. to WEST ONE z Thence southerly deflecting go clegrees to the has not been heretofore acquired, to a NEV New York art November IS, x895, and in theo_fice of HUNDRED AND EIGHTIETH il'REET (al right for 269.44 feet to the eastern lineofCrotona park- SI- R ERR (although not yet mtmcd by proper author- the Secretary of State of the State of Ness 7 ork oil thoq_h not yet named by proper authority). from Nty ity'), on the Westerly side of Hieflbridge Park, November sc. t8g5. Broadway to Buena Vista avenue, in the Twelfth 3. )'hence northerly along last mentioned line for extending from the northerly line of Washington The iand to he taken for Buchanan place is located I Ward, Borough of Manhattan. City of Nest' York. t45.75 feet ; . Bridge, at One Hundred and Eighty-first street, to in Blacks ;_03 and I1O of Section it of the Land Map 4. /'hence northerly for 136.62 feet to file point of Amsterdam avenue. in the 'I\vellth \1-ard, Borough of beginning. of The Cicc of New York. RSC311- 7'V THE ST A'FLI FS IN SUCH Manhattan, City of New York, Dated NEty 1' !e K. t )ctubcr 8, r tit, ?Iohegan avenue is designated as a street of the first ~b cases made and provided. notice is hereby given class, and is shown on Section is of the Final Maps f l)HN R-H.1LF.N, that an appli..: ation so-ill be made to the Supreme Lourt URSCANT TO THE STATUTES IN SUCH and Profiles of the 'I N'enty-third and Twenty-fourth cases made and pro%icled, notice is hereby given Corporation Counsel, of the State of New 1 ork, First Department, at •t WW';trd,, filed in the office of the Commissioner of Street P Nu. z Tryon Rnw, Special Term of said Court. to he held at Part III. that an application twill be made to the Supreme Court Improvements of the 'Twenty-third aurl T'wenty-fourth of the State of New York, First I>epartntent, at 't borough of Manhattan. thereof, in the County Court-house, in the Borough of Wards of the City of New \ ork on October 3r, 1895, New York City - - City of New York, on Friday, Special Term of said Court, to be held at Part 111. Manhattan, in the in the office of the Register of the City and County of thereof, in the County' Court-house, in the Borough of - the 19th day of October. tgoo, at the opening of the New \"ark on November z. tSo5, and in the office of FIRSTEPARTNEN D 1". Court oilthat day or as soon thereafter as counsel can Manhattan, in The City of New York, on Friday, the the Secretary of State of the State of New York on tgth day of (Jctober, :goo, at the opening of the Court be heard thereon. for the appointment of Commissioners November 2, 1895. I- t.ic matter of" the appticn[fi•an nt I he City of Net, of E=timate and Assessment in the above-entitled on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be The land to be taken for Mohegan avenue is located: heard thereon, for the appointment of Commissioners irk relative to acquiring title. wherever the same matter. The nature and extent of the improvement Blocks rt8, aIrg, %ie3 and 3124 of Section tt of the to F:A1,I' ONE of Estimate and Assessment in the above-entitled LIS nut been heretofore ac:;uire'1 hereby' intended is the acquisition of title by The City' Land Map of TheCity of New York. HUNDRED AN11 THIRT1-1 HIRD SI'RF.ET of Ns o York, for the use of the public, to all the lands matter. The nature and extent of the improvement Dated N Ew Ynat<, October 8, tgoi-. hereby intended is the acquisition of title by The City although nut yet named by proper autheruty), from and premises, with the buildings thereon and the ap- JOHN WHALEN, Southern P•oulevard. in the of New York, for the use of the public, to all the lauds press avenue to purtenances thereto belonging, required for the Corporation Counsel, I .• enty--third- ard.1tBorough of The Bronx. City of c,petting of a certain street or avenue, known as West and premises, with the buildings thereon and the No. x 'r0-on Row. appurtenances thereto belonging. required for the open- \,w York. One Hundred and Eightieth street, from Broad- Borough of Manhattan, Twelfth Ward, Ing of a new street on the westerly side of Highbrldge - Stay to Buena \-ista avenue, in the - --- - New York (it). Park, extending from the northerly line of Washington P UR~C_1N1 TO THE STATUTES IN SUf 11 I3urough of Alanitattan. City of New York, being the Bridge, at One Hundred and Eighty-first strsst, to cs mode and provided, notice is hereby given following-described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz. Amsterdam avenue, in the 'Twelfth \yard, Borough of t `.:;,t . u, application will be made to the Supreme Court FIRST DEPARTMENT. I PanCEL "A." Manhattan, City of New York, being the following. -t,ite of New York. First Department. at a described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz.: ciil 'I erm of said Court. to be held at Part III. Beginningat a point in the westerly litieof Broadway In the matter of the application of The City of New _~r•_•-I. in the County Court-house. in the Borough of distant 6.6x5.37 feet northerly from the southerly line York, relative to acquir ng title, wherever the same PARCEL "A." >t„:Satt;m, in The City of New York. on Friday. the of One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street: has not been heretofore acquiretl, to EAST ONE HUNDRED AND SIY'I'Y-FIFTH STREEI' Beginning at a point on the easterly line of Amster an day of October, rgoo, at the opening of the I ourt tst. Thence Nesterly and deflecting to the left from dam avenue, distant 8,734.42 feet northerly from the :1 that day. or as noun thereafter as counsel can be Broadway 116 degrees 7 minutes and 26 seconds to the (although not yet named by proper authority), from Boston road to Tfird avenue, in the Twenty-third southerly line of OneHundred and Fifty-fifth street: heard thereon. for the appointment of Commissioners easterly line of Fort Washington avenue for 539.82 feet; tst. ')'hence easterly and parallel to said street for in the above-entitled ed. Thence northerly along said finefor food tech ; Ward, Borough of The 13ron.c, City of New York, .t Estimate and Assessment coo feet settler. The nature and extent of the improve- 3d. "P hence easterly and deflecting to the right 87 URSUANT TO THE STATUTES IN SUCH 2d. Thence easterly and southerly, curving to the meat hereby intended is the acquisition of title I degrees 07 minutes and 44 seconds to the westerly line right on the arc of a circle whose tangent is the preced- by The Cite of New York. for the use of the of Broadway for 556.59 feet; case, made and provided, notice is hereby given t at an application will be made to the Supreme Court of ing course and whose radius is 85.88 feet, forg7.r8 feet; public. to all the lands and premises.w ith the build- 4th. Thence southerly and along said hue for 66.8; 3d. Thence southerly and tangent to the preceding Lii thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging. feet to the point or place of beginning. the Stare of New York, First Department, at a Special Term of said Court. to be held at Part III. thereof, in course for 114.20 feet ; ec:luired for the opening of a certain street or avenue ' 4th. Thence southerly, curving to the right on the .•.cn as Fast t )ire Hundred and Thirty-third street. Iwl

    lath. Thence easterly along said northerly hue of the and the appurtenances thereto belonging, required for Supreme Court, bearing date the egd day of Novent- ~ utcut in the above-eutitletl matter. The nature ;old laud taken for the Washington Bridge, for hoot feet ; the openin° of a certain street or avenue known as her, t897, and the iii( day of I fine, r899, and duly extent of the lmpruvemcut hereby intended is tIL,- r3th. 7'hevice northerly and parallel to Autsterd;nn Fast One Hundred and Sixty-eighth street, from \Veb- entered iu the office of the Clerk of the County of New acquisition of title by The City of New York, for r it, avenue for 431. r3 feet ; tter avenue to Morris avenue, in the Twenty-third York, at his office iu the Borough nl \Luttiattun, in 'lire Ilse of the public, to :ill the lauds and promise,, amn'! I 4th. I'hcnce northerly, curving to the left uu the arc \yard, Bnmugh of The Bronx, City of New York, being City of New Yurk, on the auth, day of llecember, r8g7, the appurtenances thcretu belonging, rcqui red for t6,: Ill a circle whose tangent is the preceding course and the ILllowing-described lots, pieces or parcels of land, and the [6th day of July, tmoo, Commissioners of Est,- opening of a certain street or as ettue known ns Nn,- whose radius is ;g6.6o foot to a point of reversed curve, m;ue and Assessment for the purpose of making a just truul avenue, from fin tthush as enue to Aceuue C, iu the for 62.41 feet t'AItCEL "A " and equitable estimate and asse,sme t of the loss and Thirty-first and 'Thirty-second Wards, in the Buroggh 15ttt. 'Thence northerly, curving to the right on the Beginning at a point in the western line of Webster damage, if any, or of the bonefit and advantage, if any, of Iirooklyn, in The City of New York, tieing the arc of a circle whose radius is 55o feet to a point of avenue distant 548.07 leet northerly from the intersec- as the case may be, to the respect ve owners, lessees, following-described lots. pieces or parcels of land, vii. reversed curve, for 326.78 feet ; tiou of said line with the northern line of Fast One parties and persons respectively entitled unto or in- Beginning or a p01 t formed by the inter.sectiun "i r6th. Thence northerly, curving to the left on the arc Hundred and . ,ixty-seventh street ; terested in the lands, tenements hereriitanients and the uurthcrty Ii nc of Avenue U with the easterly line of a circle whose radius is 390.67 feet, for rr6.45 feet ; rot Thence northerly along the western line of Web- premises regt,,rerl for the purpose by aticl 111 consequence of Nos[raop avcilue, a, Said a\'etluos are laid down t, [7th. Thence northerly and tangent to the preceding ster a' enuc for 8o feet ; of opening the above-mentioned street or avenue, t1Le the ,nap of the 'Town Survey C•nnmissi„rt, filed in tl,, course for 184.64 feet ; ad. Thence westr rly deflecting go degrees to the left same being particularly set forth and described in the office of the Register of the County of Is s Juuc, t8tlt. 'Thence northerly, curving to the left on the are for ,8o feet to the ea',tern line of Clay avenue : petition of The City of New York, and also in the 874, and running thence sort (oily ;[long the wort hurly of a circle whose radius is 45o feet, whose tangent is the 3d. Iolicnec southerly along I.,,t-mentioned line for 8c notice of the application for the said order thereto line of avenue U eighty (du) feet to the wmterly line ,'f preceding course, for 87.44 feet: feet ; attached, filed herein in the office of the Clerk of the said Nostrund avenue; thence northerly ;Jung said lino loth. Thence northerly and tangent to the preceding 4th. 'Thence easterly for 18o feet to the point of be. Comity of New York on the - oth day of December, ! deflecting go dugrces to the right ten thousand five curve for 184.12 feet; gin ping. 1897; and a just ani.N and fifty-filth street and tangent to the preceding for 765 feet land to be takmt or to be assessed therefor, and of per- 3d. Thence southerly deflecting go degrees to the h undredths (t,r41.36) loot to a point, and thence south- course, to westerly line of Amsterdam avenue, for rw forming the trusts and duties required of u; by chapter erly along said line ten tbuusand five hundred eights feet ; right for rg feet ; 17, title 4 of the (;renter New York Charter, and the 4th. 'Thence easterly deflecting go degrees 56 minutes (to.58u) feet to the point or place of bcginoiu.q. 24th. Thence southerly and ;long the easterly line of acts or parts of acts supplementary thereto or ;mien- Dated 3; sr-conds to the h'ft for 1611.55 feet to the western line Bururca nr liruur, t.t s, ("I I c ,'I N e,r 1 'in r Am,tcrdain avenue b,r 6o foot to the point or place of datory thereof. October 15, typo. beginning. of Clay avenue ; All parttcs and persons interested in the real estate Sail avenue to lie 6o feet wide between Anisterdarn 5th. Thence southerly along last-mentioned line for taken or to be taken for the purpose of opening the said JOHN WHALF;N, 30 te;t ; avenue and the land taken for the Washington Bridge. street or avenue, or affected thereby, and fuming any Corporatiuu Cuallot I The said new street is shown oil map entitled "]fill) Stlt, 'Thence westerly deflecting go degrees to the claim or demand on account thereof, are hereby re- Bnmruu to IL,II. right for r5r.o{ feet ; 1 'N or Plan of New Streets, with Profiles of 1:s- tablished quircd to present the same, duly verified, to uc, the r,•~L I', ti. 1 . l trades, from the northerly line of Washrington Bridge, 7th. Thence southerly deflecting 89 degrees 3 minute, undersigned Commissioners of Estimate and Assess- 27 seconds to the left for t5 feet ; in a northerly and westerly direction, to Amsterdam ment, at our office, ninth floor, Nos. 90 and 90 West KINGS COUN 1'I avenue, opposite (tire Hendred rind Eighty-eighth 8th. 'hence westerly for 765 feet to the point of b•• Ilroadway, Borough of Manhattan, in The City of Now' gm^iug, street, etc., in the 'I'„'elfth Ward of The City of New York, with stroll affidavits or other proofs as the said ' i nst One Hundred and Sixty-eighth street is desig' York, dated 19th day cif February, 1897." owners or cluimnu t may desire , witnhi tentyw days In the mtuter of the application of 'I I~. t i „( Ni Filed in the office of Department of Public AYorks, sated as a street of the first class, and is shown on after the date of this notice. York, rclstive to acquiring title I i 1 I:!::11. i the Register of the City and County of New- fork, and section 9 of the Final Maps and Profiles of the 'I rventy. And woe, the said C'ommissir era, will be in attend- PLACE:, from Fast I'c,rri,. tl , t 11, 1, third and Twenty-fourth \V'ar Is, City of New Y rk, the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York, on once ;tt our said office on the ;ifI day of (1ctober, tine, in the I Mfxtg -sca"ad 11-;yni I filed iu the office of the Commissioner of Street ]m. or about the 25th day of February, t897. ,goo, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon of that clay, to hear Brooklyn, I Ire City' of 's :. A , i'. t!, ., ,., h,c. provemcnts of the 'Twenty-rhtrd and 'Twenty-fourth 7'lie land to Ire gtkyo for said street is located in the said parties and persons in relation thereru. And been heretofore duly laid '•' Wards of the City of New York on October 31, r>gt, Section 8, Block 0t49, of the Land Map of 'l'he City of at Such time and lace and at ,uclt further or other auu in the offices of' the Register of the City and County P Non 1 ork. time and place :u we may appoint, we will hear sits ii URSUANT TII 'fill Iv I I I I-- I Ni -'I t it I fated N nit Y rim S, October 8, 1900. of New York and the Secretary of State of the St.,te of owners in relation thereto and examine the proofs of T-) case, marlo std brim JOHN WHAIJ:N, New York on November s, ti,95 such claimant or clai ntants, or such additional proofs - m The la that all application will he r.mdo to tl Siiprr,ne Gw Corporation Counsel, nd to be taken for East One Hundred and and allegations as may then be offered by such owner, t Sixty-eighth s' rent is located in Blocks 2426, 2 of the State of N err' 1 ark, at a Spacial berm of -said NO a Tryon Row, 427, 2430, or oil behalf of The City of New York. 2 Court, to be held for (Inc heariuq of uwtiuus, in the P,orouti;h of \Manhattan. 2431, 435. 2436 and 2439 of section g of the Land Map, Dated Bnnocau of D1A..(1.1]A0, NEW YORK City, City of New Yotk, County Court-house, in the Borough of I-lrouklyn. iu • City of New York. October 5, 190o. Dated NEW Yootc, October 8, 1955. The City of Ncwr York, r,u time ;5th day- r,l October, WULBfER 3lcB1:IOF, FIRS''' DEPARP3HSN'I'. - JOHN WHALEN, 1)vo, at the upenin,; of the Court cot that day, or :r, Corporation Counsel, W11.LIA3[ FsNI)EioIAXN, x,,imte tirooaficr as counsel can be heard tliercan, for tfu: WILLIAM S. ANDREWS, In the matter of the application of The City of New No, a Tryon ken, appoiui most of Cunmissir,ncyS of F.stlmrlaleand .\ssc-r,- f:ummissicnlcrs. \ ark, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same Borough of Man batt:m, ment in the abos c-entitled mtuter. 'fife nature and City of New York, Julio P. DusN, extent nil the improvetneut hereby intended is the has not h,en heretofore acquired, to AVEST ONE Clerk. HLNUI:ED AND EI(;HIN-FIFTII STREET aaluivmtio,i of title by lire City of New Arrrlc, for the use „t the public, to all the lauds and premises, and the (although not yet named by proper authority), be- FIRST' DE.PARTMEN'I'. tween Amsterdam avenue and a net, street on the FIRS''' DEI'-ARTJLENT appurtenances thercto belonging, required lr,r th, westerly side of Highbrid,ge Park, extruding lmm the opens 1,; of a curtain street or avenue known as Hub- In the matter of the application of The City of New bard place, fiunr last Fortieth stroct to Flatbu,l, northerly line of Washington Bridge to One Hun- Ym,rk re'.ative to acquit ing title, w lrerr'ver the same has dred and Eighty-first street to Amsterrlant avenue, avcmle, itt the 'Thirty-second Ward, ill the Borungh i,t nit been hr'reto'nre acquired, to Wi'ST TWO HUN- In matter of the application of the City of New Iiruokly n, 7'hc City of Nuc Ynrk, being the followinr- in the 'I'welf ih ACard, Borougli of Ilan fiattait. City of DI6EU AND NINETEENTH STREET' utlthough York relative to acquiring title, tchi,ro,or the same New York. described lots, piecas or parcels of hmd, viz.: not yen named by proper anti only , from Seaman ave- has not been heretofore acquired, to the Ennis told licgimiimg at a point formed by the intersection ,d nue to Ninth avenue, in the 'Twelfth Ward, Borough promises rcquircd for the openiuyt and extendigc of the nortlicastcrly l ins of I'latbush avcuuc with fit, URSI'AN'I' TO '1 HE STA'l'U'I'ES IN SUCH of Manha tan, City of New York. F;AS'l' ONE HUNDRED AND Fli H]'%'.SlX'f'H nut lwasterly line of Hubbard place, as the same wen: P cases made and provided, notice is hereby given 51'REF'f' (although not yet named by proper laid down on the utap or plan of the 1oun tiurvcy- that an application chill be marls to the Sripreme Court authority), from Third areuue to Park avcuue, in Cuntmission anti filed iii th—flice,rf the Rcrnristerof tla: of the State of Net, York, First Departrnent, at a URSUANT TO THE STAFU'I'ES IN SUCH the Twenty-fourth Ward, BoroughBorough of'l'he Bronx, cases mede and provided, notice is hereby give n County of Kings Juue, r874,;unl running thence north- Special Term of said Court. to be held at Part I11, P City of New York, Westerly rum ng the nort monster! p line if 1'httbic,h as that an applicanon will be nmdr' to the Supreme C:mrt -c- thereof, in the County Cottrt-house, In the Borough of nuc sixty (60) foot to the northerly line of Hubbard \l:uthattan, in The City of Ncw York, on Friday, the of the State of New Y, rk, First Department, at -[ `peci.d'fernt of said Court, to be held at Part Ill N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT \\'E,'I'Hh- place; running thence cart':sly along said line and 19th day of October, c9oo, at the Opening of the Court d,fleodmtR 90 dcgroen to the right live hundred and ,,n that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be therm of, in the County Court house, to the Bmmr,imcli of undersigned, were appointed by tut orricr of the blanha tan, in 'I'be City of New York, on Friday, Supreme Court, bearing date the t ;th day of Jtme, scronty (570) feet to the nnvt hensterly line of E:t,t beard thereon, for the appointment of Commissioners Fortieth street; thence soutlncrlY' along said line and of Estimate and Assessment in the above-entitIcd the tyth day of Octoh,r, 2555, at the opeaing at the ,899, and duly entered in the office of the Clerk of the Court on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel County of New York, at his office in the Borough of dclh-cuing 9u degrcca to the right 'ixty ((ml feet to,:, muter. The nature and extent of the imp errs- duet] point u'hicit t,oulid be inlotscctc-d by a Iinc driven in bcrrby itttetded is the acquisition of title by The (:it)' can be heard thereon, for nt.- appointment of Cent- Manhattan, in The City of New York, oil the r 6th d:ty- mtsunner, of Estimate and Assessment in the above- of July, r900, a copy of whmh order was duly lIcd in continuation of the si,mnilmerle line of Hubbard pla.i. „ f New York, for the use of the public, to tdl the.l: ndst ~ and rums uc thence westerly nh,nz said Uric and alon, ,,:d premises, With the buildings thereon and the entitled maucr. The nature and exent of the improve the office of the Register of the County of New York, mr'nt hereby intended is the acqui,rtton of title by The and indexed in the Index of Couceyances, Block Nu,. tire'' ann1 sunitiiccI' line of Hubb;u'd place ti'., I' cd,-,I a ppurtenances thereto belonging, required for the open- :mni seventy" (;7r') fret tuthe ruin[ nrphtce,r 1,:- nieC. ti of a certain street or ueenne kuow'n as West C ty of Near YI, re, for the use of the pubbr, to all the 3040, 3039 and go53, Commissioners of Estimate lands and premises, with the huildincs hereon attd the and Assessment for the purpose of slaking a just and Dated L'„r,,,rcn nr l;runta.rr:. (.t -ii ,m .A n , 1.. , Inc Hundred and Eighty-fifth street, between (Ictuber t;, link.,. Ain sterdam accrue and a new street on the westerly side t,ppurtenances thereto b' longing, requited for the open- equitable estimate and ussessmcnt of the loss and ref Ilighbridge Park, extending from the portherl y I into irng of a certain street or aven..e known as Wcst Two damage, it any, or of the benefit and advantage, ifany, 1(1[I\- WHALEN, of Washington Bridge, at Uric Iinndrect and Eighty-first Hundred an I Nineteenth street, from Seaman avrn,ie as the case nnty be, to the respective owners, lessees, Corporation Coun-a. arcet to Am;terdauu avenue, in the Twclft Jt U'ard, to Ninth avenue, in the Twelfth Ward, Borougn of parties and persons respectively entitled unto or in- Borough 11.,1:' lb 'rough of Jlrunhattan, City of Yew York, being the Manhattan, City of New York, being the fol:owing- terested in the lands, tenements, itcrcdi tatnents nun Bruokly i:. Ni \ 1 dlowiug-described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz.: des-ribtd lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz. ; premises required for the purpusc by and in conse- quence of opmting the above-mcutiuued street or ave- Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Amster' 1,_cRC E1. " t " Kh7siPn CtI N'I'1. d:ut avenue, distant 7,975.or feet northerly front the uue, the s.une being particularly set forth and described southerly line of Ofie Hundred and Fifty-fifth sled ; Begiwtin, at a point in the westerly line of Broad%%ay, iu the pcttf icon of The City of New York-, in also in 1St. Thence easterly and parallel to One Hundred forme, ly Kiag,bridgc road, ml stunt 16,789.68 four north file notice of the apfilieatinu Ire the said order thereto all(] Fifty-fifth street for 07t.00 feet to the easterly flue rlt Irout the southerly line of One Flundred and Fifty- attached, filed here,u in the office of the Clerk of the Iii the mnticral the application of 1- tic City' „1 Nu« of the new avenuc; fiith street County of New }'ork fin the t5th day ofJuly, [goo; and York, relative it, acquiring title to 3lANI EN.SF: S17'.F.I :'1', from Ni.ct- 1'„rk :n-enue to i laibush avc- ad. 'thence southerly along said line. and deflecting I't. 1'ncitncc westerly and parallel to said street to the ajust and equitable estimate and aosessu[ou of the to the right 97 degrees 56 minutes and 45 seconds for easterly line or Seaman avenue for 864.32 feet; value of the benefit and :iris : cntag_e of said street or uuc, in the 7 wenty'-ninth VCurd. in tine Buruugli of ad. Thence northerly among sa,d line for 62.77 feet 55.79 feet ; ;[venue so to be opened or in ml out and formed, to the 11ruuklyn, 7' he City of N'cnr \ nib-. is the .nmo has id. Thence cursing to the right on the are of a circle 'd, f'hen,,e easterly and parallel In ( Inc Hundred and respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respec- boon hoctnmtrte duly laid , gut. witost, radius is 330.67 fuel, whose tangent is the preced- Fi'. ty-ti fth street to westerly line of lroadw.,y f.,r 861.23 tively entitled to or interested in the said respective feet in,g course, for 25.14 feet lands, tenements, hcredit:tmcnts :end premises not re- 4th. Thence westerly and parallel to One Hundred 4th. Thence southerly along said line for 61.19 let to quired for the purpo+e of opening, laying out and URSLANTI' Tt) THE SiA\i'll'lti IN SU(.:H and Fifty-fifth street for _58.89 feet to the easterly line the point or place of beginning. forming the saute, but benefited thereby, and of asccr- cases [nude and prnc ided, u,u'cc is hurcby gitfin taininq and defining the extent and boundaries of the P of Amsterdam avenue; t'ARc EL "It.'' that an application '.%ill h._ nutde to the Soprano C;uur( sth. 'I'bencc northerly along the easterly line of Am- respective tracts or parcels of laud to be taken or to he of the State of Now ) r,rk, at ;a hpcciul Term of st'_rdamt aven'tc for 8, feet to the point or place of Ii, ginning at a print in the easterly line (d Broadway, assessed therefor, and of perfimnignt the trusts and Court, to be held fri the bcarin, of motion, iu 11:, brgiuning. distant 16,739.58 feet nor th ells from the southerly line dot tes required of us by chapter t 7, title 4 of the t lreatcr County Court-botuvc, in file Born ,u It of I lroukl i - :. ' Said street to be So feet wide between Amsterdam of ( ),,r Hundred and Fifty-fifth street ; New York Charter, and the acts or parts of :tots sup- The City of Net Sock, nu the gosh do .-iron ic and the new arcnue can of Amsterdam aso nto, i-t. Thence ea,temly and parzllel to (tile unit ]red plementary thereto or amendatory thereof. October, [gar, at the opcuiug of' the Cotrrt on ticn and is shown on tnal, entitled: and Fifty-fits' .trcct to the westerly line of Ninth ave. All parties and persons mtcre.,ted in the real estate or as, thr place of beginning. Borough of Manhattan, (a!thougb not yet named by proper authority), from KINGS COUNT\'. t'.a1iCEL '- n.,, Webster avenue to Morris avenue, in the Iseenty- - - City of New York third Ward, Borough c,f The Bronx, City of New Boginiing at a point formed by tile intersection of Iu the matter of the application of The City of New York. FIRST DEPARTMENT :he westerly line of Nostrand avenue with the southerly York, relative to acquiring title to NOSTRAND sine of Marlensc street, as the same are laid down on AVENUE, from Flatbush avenue to avenue U, in URSUANT TO THE STATUTES IN SUCH the aforesaid map, and running thence northerly along In matter of the application of the Mayor, Alder- the Thirty-first and 'Thirty-second \Yards, in the die westerly line of Nnstrand avenue 70.01 feet to the P cases made and provided, notice is hereby given Borough of Brooklyn, The City of New York, its the that an application will be made to the Supreme Court men and Commonalty of The City of New York, tortherly line of \Iartense street aforesaid ; thence same has been heretofore duly laid out. tceeterly along said line deflecting 8g degrees 16 min- of the State of New York, Fir;t Department, at a relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has Special Term of said Court, to be held at Part III. not been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements Are, and z5 seconds to the left 7e5.o6 feet to the easterly thereof, in the Co.tnty Court-house, in the Borough of and hereditamettts required for the purpose of open- URSUANT TO THE STATUTES IN SUCH ins of Rogers avenue as laid duwvn oil the aforesaid Manhattan, in The City of New York, on Friday, the ing NELSON AVENUE (although not yet named P cases made and provided, notice is hereby given nap ; thence southerly along said line 7o,ur feet to the tgth day of October, rqc o, at the opening of the Court on by proper authority), from Boscobel avenue to that an application will be made to the Supreme Court southerly line of Martense street, and thence easterly that clay, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be Featherbed lane, as the same has been heretofore of the State of New York, at a Special Term of said along said line 7e5.o(i feet to the point or place of heard thereon, for the appotnta ent of Commissioners laid out and designated as a first-class street or road, Court, to be field for the hearing of motions, in the f2gmn in;;. of Estimate and Assessment in the above-entitled in the Twenty-fourth µ;[rd, of The City of New County Court-house, in the Borough of Brooklyn, is r':VrCLI_ " C' " matter.The nature and extent of the improvement York. The City of New York, on the 3oth day of October, Begiuniug of a point formed by the infnicction of hereby intended isthe acquisition of title by The rgoo, at the opening ofthe Court on that day, or its soon -hc westerly line of Rogers avenue with the southerly City r,f New York, f„r tflr. m ,,c of th" publi, , lr, all the u7'10E IS HEREBY (:1VEV TIIA1' WE,'Iii thereafter as counsel call be heard thei,ou, for the ire of Martense street, ;u the •ante are laid down o❑ Laid, and prcmi,c>, with the buildiuys tiler eau, N uudersigued, were appointed by orders of the appointment of Commissioners Of Estimate and Asscss- .he rdo['w[id ntap, and running thence northerly along


    tbo westerly line of Roger, avenue 70.01 feet to the owners in relation thereto and examine the proofs of and Fifty-fifth street to easterly line of Amsterdam and cu the cast by It line parallel to Broadway and n northerly- line of Marten-e street ; thence westerly along such claimant or claimants, or such additional proofs avenue for 5oo feet ; dista t zoo feet easterly therefrom. 4ih. Thence southerly along said line for 6n feet to lot No. 6q in Block ro8r is bounded as follows: line deflecting- R ,) dcprcc s i6 mt inutesc and 2- second, and allegations as may,) then be offered by3 such owner lleginni ug at the cut formed by the intersection of to the left t,tij^.;a feet to the easterly line of Flntbnsb or on behalf of The C,ttr of New 1brk. point or place of Feginning. venue as it formerly existed . thence southerly alon_ Toted Liong till c,F `IANl1A tan, NEW Yotete City, tontEL " C," the notrtherly line of One Hundred aud'I'wenty-seventh street with the easterly line of P,roadwaY; running .tid line deflect lag o6 degrees 44 minutes and ;o .cc- l),a, +ben 4, ion. Beginning at a point in the easterly line Of Nirth sic to the left 70.4u feet to the southerly line of Mr. BEN EDICT S. WISE, thence northerly along the easterly line of Broadway avenue distant t4.790. i7 feet northerly tr, nn the south- t36 feet 3 inches to the southerly' line of Manhattan tcncc street aforesaid, and thence easterly ilony sa,cl R. E. SIMON, erly line of One Hundred and Filty-filch street; t, .~t t + the point or place of lx iunin . JOHN P. BURNS, street ; theater, ca,terl)' a long the southerly line of Man- Ist. Thence easterly and parallel to said strcct to hatt:tu street r2r feet e'y inches : thence southwesterly IF ERUOK.t t 1, Ctrl t or Nest Y„ta<, Commissioners. the United States Channel Line, El arlem river, for Inns P. Dcxi, 96 feet t 1z inches to the northerly line of One Hundred 573.28 feet. and'I'v"enty-.scceneh street ; thence westerly along the tit-IX WH \I F1 Clerk. ad. 'Thence northerly rIung said line, radius 4,500 Corporation Coun-.el, northerly line of ( )ne Hundred and Twenty-seventh fc et. for 6o.13 feet; street 57 feet and I inch to the point or place of P,orongh Hall, FIRST DEPARTMENT, ;d. The.- cc westerly and parallel to One Hundred and hnx,klyu. N. 1' beetnntne. Fify-fl Rh street to the easterly line of Ninth anemic for Lots Nos. 55. 37, 59, &,. 7:, 71 and 74 in Block ty8e, 579•z8 fe t which taken together arc bounded as follows: in the matter of the application of The City of New 4th l'heuce southerly al++m, said line for 6o fact to I II:r7 I)EP:hR1'MENr \',+rk, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same Beginning at this corner firmed by the intersection the point or place of beginning. Oh the northerly line of mfnuhattau street with the has not been heretofore cq aired, to AP EST TWO And i, rksvribcd as follows: Fifty-fifth street for -.6.96 feet to the westerly line of mental thcreto., respective uwnere. lessees. parties and persna> Such application is ill be made at a Special Terns of On the nor by the •e,utherly line of One Htmdred Amsterdam avenue; and 'twenty--ecenth street t ,n the south by the north- .:- pee hive ly entitled to or interested in the slid said Court, Part I I I., to be held in the First l silicon l aide lands, tenemccts. hereditaments •tud 4th Thence southerly along said line for (e feet to r crly line of I )ate Hundrrl and Twenty-sixth street ; uu point or place +-+f begimting. ili,trict, at the County otu't-Louse, in The City of remise- not required fur the purpusc of upetiing. lay-- Ness York, Borough of Manhattan. on the rgth day of the enit by the westerly line of Broadway, and on the . • out timid ,,+onto, the same but benefited thereby. west by a line parallel to Bat ,adway and distant too r_m Rc i-I. " 11. November, t9oo, at the opening of the Court on that r:d of ascertaining ;mini defining the vs tent and Ieet tce>terly there; ;root. Fieginning at a point in the easterly line of Amster- days . ;ndaries of the respect lies tracts or parcels of land to The object of such application is to obtain an order Lots Nn:, rq, to and c; in Block tqq;, which taken ..: taken or to be a>scssed therefor..And of perlurmi r.. dam avenue, distant t',r2.).8_ feet northerly from the iii ,u then ly line of t ins- Hundred and Fitty-fifth street: of the Supreme Court, appointing three disinterc'ted ti;ether ti bound :, as t dl,+ti <: ._c trusts and duties res t "ire.; of us be chapter 17. title racholdcr rc• i dcnh in th•c 'it'L of Neon York us On the t tc ,rt b h the .out heft line of VLt. nbattan , >t. '1'hend e caster,'t and :n,dlel to said streete for -co 1 1 Y of the Greater New' 1 nrk Charter. and tie acts or P ,st ncr (If A + sisal to .rscc r tat n ~ ,t nd n ,r.ti+c etc•et ; on the .snimitlm by the nut thcale hue HN WHALEN, in blue. the right or franchise and enoentent to con- by a line parallel to Broadway and distant 7; test strict and operate the said Rapid Transit Railroad. .e application of The City of Sew Corporation Counsel, westerly therefrom. L - Adopted 'md approve l by the said Board the eft Ii 1 . I. n, acyuinng title. where,'er the t:ne No. 2 Try n row, Lis No-- ^n. )a. et. s, 33, 34,';5 and 36 in Block (Ins' of April. t,no. I t + herer,tore 't quired, to iVEcT l t\ F. Borough of >lanhattan, tt1)n, w hick takeni tuucther are hounded as follows Cite of New York. A. F. t1R14. (In the north by the southerly line of One Hunched Ill AURI-1t ANI) FIF 11 EfGHTH S1'EEl- I I\0. H. Sl':1RIN, I. ugh not yet named by proper authority .from and 1'hirtr'-third stroet ; ou the ..rnnh by the north