ARGONAUTA The Newsletter of The Canadian Nautical Research Society Volume XVI Number Four October 1999 ARGONAUTA Founded 1984 by Kenneth MacKenzie ISSN No. 0843-8544 Editors Bill Schlielauf Maurice D. Smith Argonauta Editorial Office Marine Museum ofthe Great Lakes at Kingston 55 Ontario Street, Kingston, Ontario K7K 2Y2 e-mail
[email protected] Telephone: (613) 542-2261 FAX: (613)542-0043 ARGONAUTA is published four time a year-January, April, July and October The Canadian Nautical Research Society Executive Officers President: William Glover, Ottawa Past President: G. Edward Reed, Ottawa Vice-President: Christon I. Archer, Calgary Vice-President: William R. Glover, London, ON Councilor: Gerald Jordan, Toronto Councilor: James Pritchard, Kingston Councilor: Maurice D. Smith, Kingston Secretary: Richard Gimblett, Ottawa Treasurer: Greg Hannah Canadian Nautical Research Society Mailing Address Membership Business P.O. Box 55035 240 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ontario, KIP IAI Annual Membership including four issues ofARGONAUTA and four issues of THE NORTHERNMARINER/LE MARINDUNORD: Individuals, $35.00; Institutions, $60.00; Students, $25.00 October 1999 - ARGONAUTA - Page 1 In this Issue Council Comer 1 Editorial 3 Notice ofCNRS AGM, 8-10 June 2000 4 Museum News 5 Letters and Notes 5 - Jim Pritchard "Jacques Cartier's Haven" 6 Comment - Calendar ofMaritime Anniversaries 6 Articles - William Glover "Nautical Nostalgia" 8 - Doug Maginley "An Introduction" 11 - William Schleihauf "The Remains of HMCS Chedabucto" 15 Conferences and Calls for Papers 19 The Periodical Literature 20 Council Corner book review editor. Olaf became the book review editor ofArgonauta in 1990, at a time In writing my first Council Comer when it was our only publication.