
NNTDM 14 (2008), 1, 1-5


A. G. Shannon Warrane College, The University of New South Wales, Kensington 1465, & Raffles College, 99 Mount Street, North Sydney, NSW 2065, Australia Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Abstract: This paper considers some properties of rising binomial coefficients and two ana- logs of the Bernoulli polynomials which can be developed from them.

Keywords: q-, binomial coefficients, rising factorials, generalized Bernoulli pol- ynomials, Gauss-Cayley generalizations, Fermatians.

AMS Classification Numbers: 11B65, 11B39, 05A30

1. Introduction In a previous paper [7], falling and rising factorials were utilised in the following forms. The falling factorial, an r- of n distinct objects, is given by n r = P(n, r) (1.1) = n(n − 1)...(n − r + 1) and is such that ∇P(n,r) = P(n,r) − P(n −1,r)

= rP(n −1,r −1), (1.2) (see, for example Riordan [5]). Here we have followed Knuth’s suggestion at the 1967 Conference on Combinatorial and its Applications (Riordan [6]) for the ris- ing and falling factorial coefficients. Similarly, we showed for the rising factorial of n

n r = n(n +1)...(n + r −1) (1.3) that ∇n r = n r − (n −1) r

r−1 = rn . (1.4) This is a for n r , which is an r permutation of n + r - 1 objects, and which is related to the Stirling numbers. Corresponding binomial coefficients were also considered, namely,

1 ⎛n⎞ n(n −1)...(n − r +1) ⎜ ⎟ = ⎜ r ⎟ r(r −1)...(r − r +1) ⎝ ⎠ n r = r r (1.5) in which n r is the falling r-factorial of n and n r C(n,r) = (1.6) r r in which n r is the rising r-factorial of n. Thus n(n +1)...(n + r −1) = , C(n,r) r(r +1)...(r + r −1) (1.7) which is also suggested by the Gauss-Cayley form of the generalized binomial coeffi- cient. Here it is proposed to consider two rising factorial Bernoulli polynomials, B(n,z,t) and B’(n,r,z) which are defined in (2.1) and (3.1) below.

2. Rising Factorial Bernoulli I: B(n,z,t) We define a rising factorial Bernoulli polynomial I, B(n,z,t), by

te(z, xt) ∞ t n = B(n, z, x) ∑ n (2.1) e(z,t) −1 n=0 z in which e(z,x) is an analog of the exponential :

∞ x n e(z, x) = ∑ n (2.2) n=0 z

We can see the analogies with the ordinary and Bernoulli polynomi- x al in that e(1, x) = e and B(n,1, x) = Bn (x) . The main result is that

n n 1 ⎧n⎫ x = ∑ ⎨ ⎬ B(n − k, z, x) (2.3) k =0 k + z ⎩k⎭ z where we have used the rising – type I:

⎧n⎫ a n = ⎨ ⎬ k n−k (2.4) ⎩k⎭a a a and so (2.3) is the analog of Carlitz [2]:

n n 1 ⎛n⎞ x = ∑ ⎜ ⎟Bn−k (x) (2.5) k=0 k +1⎝k ⎠

2 for the ordinary Bernoulli numbers. The proof of (2.3) now follows:

e(z,t) −1 1 ∞ t n = t ∑ n t n=1 z ∞ t n−1 = ∑ n n=1 z ∞ t n = . ∑ n n=0 z

Thus, ∞ x nt n = e(z, xt) ∑ n n=0 z ∞ t m ∞ B(n, z, x)t n = ∑ m+1 ∑ n m=0 z n=0 z

∞ n B(n − k, z, x)t n = ∑∑ k n−k n==00k (k + z)z z ∞ t n n 1 ⎧n⎫ = B(n − k, z, x) ∑ n ∑ ⎨ ⎬ n=0 z k =0 k + z ⎩k⎭ z and the result follows on equating coefficients of x.

3. Rising Factorial Bernoulli Polynomial II: B’(N,R,Z) From the definition of e(n,z,x) we get

1 e(n, z,t) − 1⎪⎧ ∞ t n 1 ⎪⎫ z! = − ⎨∑ z ⎬ t t ⎩⎪n=0 (n +1) z!⎭⎪ ∞ t n−1 = ∑ z n=1 (n +1) ∞ t n = . ∑ z n=0 (n + 2) (3.1) Thus,

3 t n x n e(n, z, xt) = ∑ (n +1) z ∞ n k(k +1)B'(n − k, z, x) = ∑∑ z z n==00k (k + z)(k + z +1)k (n − k +1) ∞ t n n k(k +1) n +1 = B'(n − k, z, x), ∑ z ∑ n=0 (n +1) k=0 (k + z)(k + z +1) k z in which n n z = z z k z k (n − k) is the rising binomial coefficient – type II. We then get

n k(k +1) n +1 (3.2) x n = ∑ B'(n − k, z, x), k =0 (k + z)(k + z +1) k z as another analog of the result in (2.5) for the ordinary Bernoulli numbers,

4. Concluding Comments When a is replaced by q in the rising binomial coefficient defined in (2.4) we have Car- litz’ definition of the q-series analog of the binomial coefficient [1].

We also observe that Sylvester [8] defined the nth Fermatian of index q by

⎧ − q n q (n < 0) ⎪ −n q = 1 (n = 0) n ⎨ (4.1) ⎪ 2 n−1 ⎩1+ q + q + ... + q (n > 0)

The contrasting of the Fermatians and the q-series is not as bizarre as it might seem at first sight. Thus, as an example, the favourite Ramanujan identity of Dyson [3]

∞ 2 2 4 n 2n ∞ 2n 2 (1+ x + x )(1+ x + x )...(1+ x + x ) (1− x ) x n +n = ∑ 2 2n+1 ∏ n n=0 (1− x)(1− x )...(1− x ) n=1 (1− x ) can also be written as

∞ n m ∞ 2 x x n +n 3 = x . ∑ ∏ m ∏ n (4.2) n 0 − x = m=1 ()2 n=1

Another illustration is provided by un (x) [4], the recurrence relation for which can be written in the form


u (x) = 2xu (x) − q1−n q 2 u (x), n > 0, (4.3) n+1 n ( )n n−1

with initial conditions u0 (x) = 1, u1 (x) = 2x,0 < q < 1, and which in the context of special functions generalizes the Hermite polynomials in that

lim un (x) = H n (x). q→1−


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