
List of mathematical by subject From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This list of mathematical symbols by subject shows a selection of the most common symbols that are used in modern mathematical within , grouped by mathematical topic. As it is virtually impossible to list all the symbols ever used in , only those symbols which occur often in mathematics or are included. Many of the characters are standardized, for example in DIN 1302 General mathematical symbols or DIN EN ISO 80000-2 Quantities and units – Part 2: Mathematical for science and technology.

The following list is largely limited to non-alphanumeric characters. It is divided by of mathematics and grouped within sub-regions. Some symbols have a different meaning depending on the context and appear accordingly several times in the list. Further information on the symbols and their meaning can be found in the respective linked articles.


1 Guide 2 theory 2.1 symbols 2.2 Set construction 2.3 Set operations 2.4 Set relations 2.5 sets 2.6 3 3.1 Arithmetic operators 3.2 Equality signs 3.3 Comparison 3.4 Divisibility 3.5 Intervals 3.6 Elementary functions 3.7 Complex 3.8 Mathematical constants 4 4.1 and 4.2 Functions 4.3 Limits 4.4 Asymptotic behaviour 4.5 4.6 calculus 4.7 4.8 4.9 analysis 5 Linear and 5.1 Elementary geometry 5.2 Vectors and matrices 5.3 Vector calculus 5.4 calculus 5.5 Vector spaces 6 Algebra 6.1 Relations 6.2 theory 6.3 theory 6.4 theory 7 8 Stochastics 8.1 theory 8.2 9 9.1 Operators 9.2 Quantifiers 9.3 Deduction symbols 10 See also 11 References 12 External links


The following information is provided for each mathematical :

Symbol: The symbol as it is represented by LaTeX. If there are several typographic variants, only one of the variants is shown. Usage: An exemplary use of the symbol in a . Letters here stand as a placeholder for numbers, variables or complex expressions. Different possible applications are listed separately. Interpretation: A short textual description of the meaning of the formula in the previous column. Article: The Wikipedia article that discusses the meaning () of the symbol. LaTeX: The LaTeX command that creates the icon. Characters from the ASCII set can be used directly, with a few exceptions (pound #, backslash \, braces {}, and percent sign %). High-and low-position is indicated via the characters ^ and _ and is not explicitly specified. HTML: The icon in HTML, if it is defined as a named mark. Non-named characters can be indicated in the form can &#xnnnn by specifying the point of the next column. High-and low-position can be indicated via < sup > and < sub > . Unicode: The code point of the corresponding Unicode character. Some characters are combining and require the entry of additional characters. For , the code points of the opening and the closing forms are specified.

Definition symbols

Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML is defined by is defined as equal to Definition : is defined as equivalent to

Set construction

Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML \varnothing, Empty set ∅ \emptyset set consisting of the elements , and so on \{ \} Set (mathematics) \mid set of elements , that satisfy the condition \colon

Set operations

Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML union of the sets and Union (set theory) \cup ∪ intersection of the sets and Intersection (set theory) \cap ∩ difference of sets and Difference (set theory) \setminus symmetric difference of sets and Symmetric difference \ Δ Cartesian of sets and \times × disjoint union of sets and \dot\cup Disjoint union disjoint intersection of sets and \sqcup \mathrm{C} complement of the set Complement (set theory) \bar

\mathcal{P} set of the set \mathfrak{P}

Set relations

Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML \ ⊂ is a proper subset of Subset \subsetneq is a subset of \subseteq ⊆ \supset ⊃ is a proper superset of Superset \supsetneq is a superset of \supseteq ⊇ \in ∈ element is in the set \ni, \owns ∋ Element (mathematics) \notin ∉ element is not in the set \not\ni

Note: The symbols and are used inconsistently and often do not exclude the equality of the two quantities.

Number sets Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML natural numbers \mathbb{N} \mathbb{Z} rational numbers \mathbb{Q} algebraic numbers \mathbb{A} real numbers \mathbb{R} complex numbers \mathbb{C} \mathbb{H}


Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML \vert cardinality of the set Cardinality \# cardinality of the continuum Cardinality of the continuum \mathfrak{c} , , ... infinite cardinals Aleph number \aleph , , ... Beth numbers \beth


Arithmetic operators

Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML added to + subtracted from - \cdot · multiplied by \times × :

/ ⁄ divided by (mathematics) \div ÷ \frac

negative of the number or the of Unary minus - − plus or minus \pm ± Plus or minus sign minus or plus \mp ( ) is evaluated first [ ]

Equality signs

Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML equals Equality (mathematics) = does not equal (mathematics) \neq ≠ is identical to (mathematics) \equiv ≡ is approximately equal to Approximation \approx ≈ \sim ∼ is proportional to Proportionality (mathematics) \propto ∝ corresponds to Correspondence (mathematics) \widehat{=}

See also: Equals sign

Comparison Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML is less than < < is greater than > > \le, \leq ≤ is less than or equal to \leqq Comparison (mathematics) \ge, \geq ≥ is greater than or equal to \geqq is much smaller than \ll is much bigger than \gg


Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML divides \mid Divisibility does not divide \nmid and are relatively prime Relatively prime \perp ⊥ \sqcap greatest common divisor of und Greatest common divisor \wedge \sqcup least common multiple of und Least common multiple \vee and are congruent modulo \equiv ≡


Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML closed between and

open interval between and

( ) Interval (mathematics) right-open interval between and [ ]

left-open interval between and

Elementary functions

Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML of Absolute value \vert

[ ] biggest whole number less than or equal to ⌊ \lfloor \rfloor Floor and ceiling functions ⌋ ⌈ smallest whole number greater than or equal to \lceil \rceil ⌉ root of \sqrt √ -th root of Percent Percent \%

Note: the power is not represented by its own icon, but by the positioning of the exponent as a superscript.

Complex numbers

Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML real part of complex number \Re Complex number imaginary part of complex number \Im

\bar of Complex conjugate \ast ∗ absolute value of complex number Absolute value \vert

Remark: real and complex parts of a complex number are often also denoted by and .

Mathematical constants Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML (' ) Pi \pi π Euler' constant e (mathematics) \rm{e} Golden ratio \varphi &; (square root of −1) Imaginary unit \rm{i}

See also: for symbols of additional mathematical constants.


Sequences and series

Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML

sum from to or over all elements in set \sum ∑

product from to or over all elements in set Product (mathematics) \prod ∏

coproduct from to or over all elements in set Coproduct \coprod

of elements Sequence ( )

sequence tends to \to → tends to Infinity \infty ∞


Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML

function maps from set to set \to → Function (mathematics) function maps element to element \mapsto

of element under function ( ) Image (mathematics) image of set under function [ ]

restriction of function to set Restriction (mathematics) \vert placeholder for a as of function Free variable \cdot

of Inverse function -1 composition of functions and \circ convolution of functions and Convolution \ast ∗

Fourier transform of function \hat


Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML

\uparrow ↑ limit of function as approaches from below \nearrow

limit of function as approaches \to →

\searrow limit of function as approaches from above \downarrow ↓

Asymptotic behaviour Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML function is asymptotically equal to function \sim ∼ function grows slower than o

function grows not substantially faster than \mathcal{O}

function grows as fast as \Theta Θ

function grows not substantially slower than \Omega Ω

function grows faster than \omega ω

Differential calculus

Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML first or second of function \prime ′

first or of function with respect to time (in ) \dot, \ddot

-th derivative of function Differentiation (mathematics) ( )

derivative of function with respect to variable d total differential of function Total differential

of function with respect to variable Partial derivative \partial ∂

Integral calculus

Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML

, definite integral between and or over set Integral \int ∫

integral along curve Curve integral \oint

integral over surface \iint

integral over volume \iiint

See also: Extensions of the

Vector calculus

Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML of function Gradient of Divergence \nabla ∇ of vector field Curl (mathematics) Laplace of function \Delta Δ D'Alembert operator of function D'Alembert operator \square


Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML boundary of set Boundary (topology) \partial ∂ of set Interior (topology) \circ ° of set Closure (topology) \bar

punctured neighbourhood of point Punctured neighbourhood \dot

Functional analysis

Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML topological of topological \prime ′ bidual space of completion of space Complete \hat

of into Embedding \hookrightarrow

Linear algebra and geometry Elementary geometry

Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML segment between points and [ ]

Line segment \vert of line segment between points and \overline

vector between points and \vec between line segments and Angle \angle ∠ triangle with vertices , and Triangle \triangle quadrilateral with vertices , , and Quadrilateral \square lines and are parallel \parallel Parallel (geometry) lines and are not parallel \nparallel lines and are orthogonal \perp ⊥

Vectors and matrices

Symbol Interpretation Article LaTeX

row vector comprising elements through \begin{pmatrix} ... Vector (mathematics and physics) \end{pmatrix} column vector comprising elements through oder

\left( \begin{array}{...} matrix comprising elements through Matrix (mathematics) ... \end{array} \right)

Vector calculus

Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML \cdot ·

( ) of vectors and Dot product ⟨ \langle \rangle ⟩

\times × of vectors and Cross product [ ]

of vectors , and Triple product ( ) dyadic product of vectors and Dyadic product \otimes ⊗ wedge product of vectors and Wedge product \wedge length of vector Euclidean \vert norm of vector Norm (mathematics) \Vert, \| normalized vector of vector \hat

Matrix calculus

Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML product of matrices and \cdot · Hadamard product of matrices and Hadamard product (matrices) \circ Kronecker product of matrices and Kronecker product \otimes ⊗ transposed matrix of matrix Transposed matrix T H conjugate of matrix \ast ∗ \dagger † inverse matrix of matrix Inverse matrix -1 Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse of matrix Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse + of Matrix Determinant \vert norm of matrix \Vert, \|

Vector spaces Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML sum of vector spaces and + direct sum of vector spaces and \oplus ⊕ direct product of vector spaces and Direct product \times × product of vector spaces and \otimes ⊗ quotient space of vector space by subspace Quotient space () / ⁄

orthogonal complement of subspace Orthogonal complement \perp ⊥ dual space of vector space \ast ∗ Dual space annihilator space of the set of vectors 0 ⟨ linear hull of the set of vectors Linear hull \langle \rangle ⟩



Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML and Composition of relations \circ

of elements and (general) Operation (mathematics) \bullet • \ast ∗ order between elements and Order relation \leq ≤ element is a predecessor of element \prec Successor ordinal element is a successor of element \succ between elements and Equivalence relation \sim ∼ equivalence class of element Equivalence class [ ] quotient set of set by equivalence relation Quotient set / ⁄ inverse relation of relation Inverse relation -1 transitive closure of relation Transitive closure + reflexive closure of relation Reflexive closure \ast ∗

Group theory

Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML \simeq groups and are isomorphic Group \cong ≅ and Direct product \times × semidirect product of groups and Semidirect product \rtimes wreath product of groups and Wreath product \wr is a subgroup of group \leq ≤ Subgroup is a proper subgroup of group \lt <

is a subgroup of group Normal subgroup \vartriangleleft of group by normal subgroup Quotient group / ⁄

index of subgroup in group Index of a subgroup \colon

⟨ subgroup generated by set Generating set of a group \langle \rangle ⟩ commutator of elements and Commutator [ ]

Field theory

Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML / ⁄

extension of field over field \mid

\colon degree of field extension over Degree of a field extension of field Algebraic closure \bar field of real or complex numbers Field (mathematics) \mathbb{K} Finite field \mathbb{F}

Ring theory Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML \ast ∗ group of units of ring Group of units \times ×

is an of ring Ideal (ring theory) \vartriangleleft of ring by ideal Quotient ring / ⁄

ring over ring with variable [ ]


Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML number of of elements number of derangements of elements (permutations without fixed points) Derangement ! number of involutions without fixed points ( odd) number of - of elements without repetition \binom number of permutations of elements of which are identical Multinomial

number of -combinations of elements with repetition

rising factorial from with factors \overline Pochhammer symbol falling factorial from with factors \underline product of all primes up to \#


Probability theory

Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML probability of event Probability P

probability of event given event Conditional probability \mid

expected value of the Expected value E

of the random variable Variance V standard of the random variable \sigma σ covariance of random variables and Covariance

correlation of random variables and Correlation \rho ρ random variable has distribution \sim ∼ Probability distribution random variable has distribution approximately \approx ≈

Remark: for operators there are several notational variants; instead of round brackets also square brackets are used


Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML average of the values \bar Average ⟨ average over all values in the set (in physics) \langle \rangle ⟩ estimator for Estimator \hat


Operators Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML proposition and proposition \land ∧ proposition or proposition (or both) Logical disjunction \lor ∨

\Leftrightarrow ⇔ proposition follows from proposition and vice versa Logical equivalence \leftrightarrow ↔ \Rightarrow ⇒ from proposition follows proposition Logical consequence \rightarrow → \oplus ⊕ either proposition or proposition Exclusive or \veebar \dot\lor

\lnot ¬ not proposition Logical negation \bar

See also: Further symbols for binary connectives


Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML \forall ∀ for all elements Universal quantification \bigwedge

\exists ∃ at least one element exists Existential quantification \bigvee

\exists ∃ exactly one element exists Uniqueness quantification \dot\bigvee

no element exists Existential quantification \nexists

Deduction symbols

Symbol Usage Interpretation Article LaTeX HTML proposition can be syntactically derived from proposition Propositional calculus \vdash proposition follows semantically from proposition Inference \models proposition is universally true Tautology (logic) \top proposition is contradictory Contradiction \bot ⊥ proposition is true, therefore proposition is true \therefore proposition is true, because is true \because \blacksquare end of proof Q.E.D. \Box

See also

List of mathematical symbols Greek letters used in mathematics, science, and engineering ISO 31-11 (Mathematical signs and symbols for use in physical sciences and technology) Latin letters used in mathematics List of mathematical abbreviations Mathematical alphanumeric symbols Mathematical constants and functions Mathematical operators and symbols in Unicode Notation in probability and statistics Physical constants Table of logic symbols Table of mathematical symbols by introduction date References

Tilo Arens, Frank Hettlich, Christian Karpfinger, Ulrich Kockelkorn, Klaus Lichtenegger, Hellmuth Stachel (2011) (in German), Mathematik (2. ed.), Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, pp. 1483ff., ISBN 3-827-42347-3 Wolfgang Hackbusch (2010) (in German), Taschenbuch der Mathematik, Band 1 (3. ed.), Springer, pp. 1275ff., ISBN 3-835-10123-4 Deutsches Institut für Normung: DIN 1302: Allgemeine mathematische Zeichen und Begriffe, Beuth-Verlag, 1999. Deutsches Institut für Normung: DIN 1303: Vektoren, Matrizen, Tensoren; Zeichen und Begriffe, Beuth-Verlag, 1987. International Standards Organisation: DIN EN ISO 80000-2: Größen und Einheiten – Teil 2: Mathematische Zeichen für Naturwissenschaft und Technik, 2013.

Note: This article is a of the German Wikipedia article de:Liste mathematischer Symbole.

External links

Scott Pakin (9 November 2009). "The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List" (PDF; 4,4 MB) (in German). The Comprehensive Wikimedia Commons has TeX Archive Network (CTAN). Retrieved 22 July 2013. media related to Mathematical symbols. Retrieved from "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_mathematical_symbols_by_subject&oldid=683501575"

Categories: Mathematical notation Mathematics-related lists Mathematical symbols Mathematical tables Lists of symbols

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