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Today and Always ... making your family's day a little better. National Academy of Science and Technology l 0th Anniversary

* International Conference on Science Policy * NAST Annual Scientific Meeting * Federation of Asian Scientific Academies and Societies (F ASAS) Executive Council Meeting

12-14 July 1988 The Hotel NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Republic of the Philippines

Academicians National Scientists

Encarnacion Alzona, Ph.D. Teodoro A. Agoncillo, Litt. D. (honoris causa)+ Clare R. Baltazar, Ph.D. , Ph.D. Julian A. Banzon, Ph.D. Julian A. Banzon, Ph.D. · Benjamin D. Cabrera, M.D., M.P.H. Jose Encarnacion, Jr., Ph.D. Solita F. Camara-Besa, M.D., M.S. Francisco M. Fronda, Ph.D+ Filomena F. Campos, Ph.D. Hilario D.G. Lara, M. D., Dr. P.H.+ Paulo C. Campos, M.D. Fedel Mundo, M.D. Magdalena C. Cantoria, Ph.D. Geminiano T. de Ocampo, M.D.+ Gelia T. Castillo, Ph.D. Luz Oiiveros-Bclardo, Ph.D. Lourdes J. Cruz, Ph.D. Eduardo A. Quisumbing, Ph.D.+ Conrado S. Dayrit, M.D. , Ph.D.+ Jose Encarnacion, Jr., Ph.D. Juan S. Salcedo, Jr., M.D., D.Sch. (honoris causa) Pedro B. Escuro, Ph.D. Alfredo C. Santos, Dr. phil. Raymundo A. Favila, Ph.D. Francisco 0. Santos, Ph.D.+ Edito G. Garcia, M.D., M.P.H. Dioscoro L. Umali, Ph.D. Carmen LI. lntengan, Ph.D. Carmen C. Velasquez, Ph.D. Emil Q. Javier, Ph.D. Gregorio T. Velasquez, Ph.D. Bienvenido 0. Juliano, Ph.D. Gregorio Y. Zara, D.Sc.+ )oseO. Juliano, Ph.D. Quintin L. Kintanar, M.D., Ph.D. +deceased Alfredo V. Lagmay, Ph.D. Clara Y. Lim-Sylianco, Ph.D. Melecio S. Magno, Ph.D. Tito A . Mijares, Ph.D. Fedel Mundo, M.D. Quirino 0. Navarro, Ph.D. Bienvenido F. Nebres, S. J., Ph .D. Luz Oliveros-Belardo, Ph.D. NAST Executive Council (1985-1988) Faustino T. Orilfo, Ph.D. Dolores A. Ramirez, Ph.D. Juan S. Salcedo, Jr., M.D., D. Sc. (honoriscausa) Alfredo C. Santos, Dr. phil. Paulo C. Campos President Joventino D. Soriano, Ph.D. Melecio S. Magno Vice President & Dioscoro L. Umali, Ph.D. Secretary lose R. Velasco, Ph.D. Julian A. Banzon Member Crmen C. Velasquez, Ph.D. lose Encarnacion, Jr . Member .:;'t:gorio T. Velasquez, Ph.D. Alfredo V. Lagmay Member 3e~ i t .J S. Vergara, Ph.D. Dioscoro L. Umali Member ~--; ;.: ;! M. ZJmora, Ph.D. Carmen C. VelasqueL Member TABLE OF CONTENTS

Contents Page

Message v Program Federation of Asian Scientific Academies and Societies (F ASAS) 1 NAST 10th Annual Scientific Meeting 2 International Conference on Science Policy for Developing Countries 7 Committees 10 Pie torials 12 Accompanying Persons Program 15 Available Tours 16 General Information 19 Manila Hotel Floor Plan 22 Acknowledgments 32


' _.,._- ·

extend my warmest greetings and congratulations to the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) on the occasion of its 10th anniversary. As science adviser, recognition body, convenor of scientific forums and conduit of international scientific cooperation; this premier collegial body of Filipino scientists has worked zealously through its first decade of existence towards the improvement of the scientific climate in the country. 1 expect it to continue its efforts as prime mover of scientific excellence and productivity among our scientists, and as such, contribute to the attainment of political and economic stability and progress in our land. As it hosts three scientific activities in July to be highlighted by the International Conference on Science Policy for Developing Countries, the National Academy of Science and Technology brip;htens our ho pes for a truly self-reliant posture for our country and a better life for our people. I wish the local and foreign participants of these scientific meetings a most successful gathering, and our foreign guests a pleasant visit in our country.

~~C.~Q~~-·-- ~~ President Republic of the Philippines


It is a pleasure to greet the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) in the celebration of its 10th Anniversary. For the past several years, NAST, a collegial body, has accorded the scientists in this country recognition through peer selection. The NAST has fulfilled not only its function in the promotion and recog­ nition of scientific and technological effort and achievement, but also as an advisory body on science and technology issues. Statements and resolutions on important scientific issues have been made by NAST. International linkages have been forged through memoranda of agreement and exchange of publications. In the light of the present situation in the country, we in the science commu­ nity who are trying to convince our policy makers to give priority to our needs, earnestly hope that NAST will spare no efforts to help address this growing con­ cern of the scientific community. In behalf of the Department of Science and Technulogy, I would like to com­ mend the NAST for a job well done throughout the past ten years of its existence. Also, I wish to extend my good wishes for the success of the celebration and the future endeavors of the National Academy of Science and Tech no logy.

ANT(;!vj{BAL Secret~ZAJ Department of Science and Technology


n i

The National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) of the Republic of the Philippines enters the second decade of its existence confident and assured of its role in the socio-economic development of our country. The Academy is optimistic of its participation in the scientific and technologic revolution the world over. When measured by the usual parameters of science academies, the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) has fared fairly well during the past decade in pursuing its objectives to put science and technology in the forefront of development in this country. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of its found­ ing, we would like to rededicate the Academy to the service of our country and the whole of humanity.


\ .;

1 would like to congratulate the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) for having rendered its fl.rst decade of fruitful service to the Science Commu­ nity and to the nation. The academy has strengthened the theoretical tradition of science and thus has paved the way for the continuous advancement of scientific scholarship in the coun­ try. The Academy provides meaningful incentives and recognition to those engaged in scientific and technological research. It serves as an advisory body on matters re­ garding science and technology, to the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and the government; and establishes linkages with foreign science academies and other scientific bodies. It has not only elevated science in the home base, but also enabled the Filipino scientist to be a citizen of the world, in touch with his foreign counterparts and abreast with global trends. Here's wishing the National Academy of Science and Technology more decades of shining achievements!

/ ) / • • J / / /_;z/J,._,L. _/ f/J_,L_ ,__..,l/l~ -.( er LELAND S. VILLADOLID, M.D. Chairman Local Organizing Committee

viii FEDERATION OF ASL.\N SCIENTIFIC ACADEMIES AND SOCIETIES (FASAS) 5th Executive Council Meeting The Manila Hotel, Manila, Philippines 12-14 July 1988


Tuesday, 12 July 0800H - 1200H Registration Acacia Room 0800H - 1400H Visit to research institutions Los Banos, 1600H - 1800H FASAS Meeting (Continued) lpil Room 1930H - 2100H Di11ner Ang Maynila

Wednesday, 13 July 0830H - 1200H NAST Annual Scientific Meeting Opening Ceremonies and Plenary Sessions Ang Maynila 1200H - 1330H Luncheon Champagne Room 1400H - l 700H F ASAS Meeting (Continued) Presidential Suite NAST Annual Scientific Sessions Madera Rooms 1730H - 1830H Investiture of New Academicians Ang Maynila l 930H - 2100H Dinner Ang Maynila

Thursday, 14 July 0800H - 1700H International Conference on Science Policy for Developing Countries Ang Maynila 1930H - 2100H Farewell Dinner Ang Maynila

Friday, 15 July

Post-Convention Tours

1 \ATIO!"AL ACADEMY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1 Oth Annual Scientific Meeting The Manila Hotel, Manila, Philippines 13 July 1988


0730H - 0830H Registration Acacia Room

0830H - 0900H OPENING CEREMONIES Ang Maynila Entry of Colors Army Color Guards Philippine National Anthem Philippine Army Band Welcome Address Academician PAULO C. CAMPOS President, National Academy of Science and Technology Special Number Philippine Army Band


Moderator: Academician PAULO C. CAMPOS

Speaker: Dr. FRANCIS J. KLOCKE President American College of Cardiology

Title: "Evolving Scientific and Technological Strategies in the Early Management of Acute Myocardial Infarction"

Reactors: Academician Conrado S. Dayrit Dr. Ramon F. Abarquez, Jr. Dr. Camilo F. Porciuncula

lOOOH - 1015H Coffee/Tea Break

1015H -1115H PLENARY SESSION 2 Ang Maynila

Moderator: Academician MELECIO S. MAGNO

Speaker: Dr. STEPHEN H. SALTER Professor of Engineering Design University of Edinburgh

2 Title: ,;World Progress in Wave Energy to 1988"'

Reactors: Academician Quirino 0. Navarro Dr. Gcrmelino F. Abito Dr. Venancio L. Alcantara

1 llSH - 1215H PLENARY SESSION 3 Ang Maynila

Moderator: Academician BIENVENil)O 0. JULIANO

Speaker: Dr. HERBERT MORAWETZ Institute Professor Emeritus Polytechnic University of New York

Title: "Studying Natural and Synthetic Macromolecules by Fluorescence"

Reactors: Academician Clara Y. Lim-Sylianco Dr. Ernesto J. del Rosario Dr. Benigno D. Peczon

1215H - 1330H L11 ncl1eo11 Cham pagnc Room


Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences lpil Room

Chairman: Academician Melecio S. Magno Co-Chairman: Academician Bienvenido F. Nebres, S.j.

1330H - 1400H "Congruence in the Field of Rational Numbers" S. V. Gervacio

1400H - 1430H "The Periodically Kicked Two-Level Atom" A. Muriel

1430H - lSOOH "Recent Developments in Numerical Weather Predictions" P.K. Das

lSOOH - 1530H Coffee /Tea Break

1530H - 1600H "A Consultation System for Experimental Designs" E. A. Albacea

3 1600H - 1630H "The Reduction Behavior of Nickel in High-Iron Laterites under CO/C02/N2 Atmospheres" R. B. Golecruz and M. G. Mena

1630H - 1700H "Bioreactors Designed for Ease of Scale-up" W. I. Jose

Chemical Sciences Dao Room

Chairman: Academician Bienvenido 0. Juliano

1330H - 1400H "Reverse Osmosis and Ultrafiltration in Coconut Processing and By-product Utilization" E. J. del Rosario

1400H - 1430H "Varietal Differences in Properties of Rice Starch Granules" B. 0. Juliano

1430H - lSOOH "Evolution of Industrial Anaerobic Digesters at Maya Farms" F. D. Maramba, Sr., E. Obias, C. Taganas and P. Pangilinan

1500H - 1530H Coffee/Tea Break

1530H - 1600H "A Study on the Use of Charcoal as Fuel in Cupola Furnace" M. M. Navarro, E. A. Nabua, Jr., P. S. Braganza, Jr., C. A. Monsada, N. C. Lontok and E. D. Fruto

1600H - 1630H "Simultaneous Ethanol Fermentation and Stripping Process Coupled with a Rectification System" C.B.Pham

1630H - l 700H "Environmental Mutagenesis: Water Studies" Clara Y. Lim-Sylianco and Virginia F. lnefinada

Biological Sciences Ang Maynila

Chairman: National Scientist Carmen C. Velasquez

1330H - 1400H "Fischoederius philippinensis, a New Species of Gastro­ thylacid Parasite from Ruminants in the Philippines" S. L. Eduardo and C. R. H. Javellana

4 1400H - 1430H "Increasing Mutation Frequency after Seed Irradiation m Sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (Linn.) Moench" J. D. Soriano

1430H - lSOOH "Studies on Pollen Irradiation in Rice (Oryza sativa Linn.) Amelia S. Asencion l SOOH - 1530H Coffee/Tea Break

1530H - 1600H "Apical Dominance in Vigna unguiculata (Linn.) Walp: Studies on the Role of Abscisic Acid" Gilda C. Rivero

1600H - 1630H "Cadmium-Induced Testis Injury in Tilapia nilotica" Annabelle A. Herrera

1630H - 1700H "Relative Hemolytic Potencies of Holothurins of Thirty Philippine Holothurians" Glorina N. Pocsidio

Agricultural Sciences Narra Room

Chairman: National Scientist Dioscoro L. Umali

1330H - 1400H "Improvement of the Nutritional Quaiity of Cassava through Biotechnology'' Priscilla C. Sanchez

1400H - 1430H "Factors Affecting the Nutritional Quality and Acceptability of Mung Bean [Vigna radi.ata (Linn.) Wilzeck]" Evelyn Mae T. Mendoza

1430H - lSOOH "Nitrogen Fixation by Frankia in the Rice Roots" R. B. Aspiras, A. M. Briones, Jr., and Reynelia L. Narciso

1500H - 1530H Coffee/Tea Break

1530H - 1600H "The Production of Gel-Forming Polysaccharides by Rhizo­ bium sp. and Curdlan by a Mutant Cultured in Coconut Water" Juanita C. Mamaril, Estella T. Paner and E. S. Palacpac

5 1600H - 1630H "Physiology of Seed Germination in Pittosporum resiniferum -Hemsl." F. R. Balcos, Jr. 1630H - 1700H "Polyculture of Nile Tilapia, Grass Carp and Common Carp in Freshwater Ponds" R.D. Guerrero I II, Luzviminda A. Guerrero and M.E. Alarnar

Health Sciences Tindalo Room

Chairman: National Scientist Fe dcl Mundo

1330H _ 1400H "Is Coconut Oil Hypercholestcrolemic and Atherogenic?: .A Focused Review of the Literature" Q.L. Kintanar

1400H - 1430H "Schistosoma japonicum: Effects of Induction of Anti­ Embryonation Immunity on Liver Granulomas, Spleen Weight and Portal Pressure in Infected Mice" E.G. Garcia, T.P. Rivera, G.F. Mitchell, R.R. Evardome, R.R. Almonte and W.U. Tiu

1430H - lSOOH 'f'-Conotoxin Binding: An Assay for Muscle Subtype of Vol­ tage-Sensitive Sodium Channels" G. W. LeCheminant, Angelita G. Reyes and Lourdes J. Cruz lSOOH --1530H Coffee/Tea Break

1530H - 1600H "Occurrence and Enterotoxigenecity of Staphylococcus aureus in Smoked Fish" Ida F. Dalmacio, P.P. de Guzman and E.T. dela Cruz

1600H - 1630H "Clinical Observations on the First VariceHa Vaccinations in the Philippines with Live Attenuated Oka Strain Vaccine (1987) Fe del Mundo and Sylvia C. Bernardino

Master of Ceremonies: Academician JOVENTINO D. SORIANO Chairman, Program Committee

17 30H - 1830H Investiture of New Academicians Ang Maynila

1930H - 2100H Dinner AngMaynila



Wednesday, 13 July

0800H - 1800H Registration Acacia Room 0800H - 1730H NAST Annual Scientific Meeting Ang Maynila l 730H -- 1830H Investiture of New Academicians Ang Maynila 1930H - 21001-I Welcome Dinner Ang Maynila

Thursday, 14 July

0800H - 0830H Registration Acacia Room

0900H - 0930H OPENING CEREMONIES Ang Maynila Entry of Colors UP Rayadillo Philippine National Anthem Philippine Constabulary Band Invocation Reverend MIGUEL VARELA, S.J. Welcome Address Academician PAULO C. CAMPOS President, National Academy of Science and Technology (Philippines) Musical Number UP Madrigal Singers Introduction of The Guest Speaker Academician MELECIO S. MAGNO Vice-President, National Academy of Science and Technology

Keynote Address HON. ANTONIO V. ARIZABAL Secretary, Department of Science and Technology (Philippines)

0930H - lOOOH Coffee/Tea Rreak

lOOOH - 1200H PLENARY SESSION 1 Ang Maynila

Moderator: Dr. M.K. Rajakumar (Malaysia)

7 Speaker: Dr. HOAGY K JM Chemical Research Coordinator Ministry of Science and Technology (Korea) Title: The Role of Science and Technology in the Industrialization of Korea Speaker: Professor A. K. SHARMA President, Federation of Asian Scientific Academies and Societies (India) Title: The Role of the Academia in Science Policy Speaker: Professor YAN DONG SHENG Vice President Federation of Asian Scientific Academies and Societies (China) Title: Science, Technology and National Development Speaker: Dr. JOHN HURLEY Director Board on Science and Technology for International Development (U.S.A.) Title: Science and Technology Policy: An American Perspective Discussants: Dr. Perfecto K. Guerrero Dr. M. L. So (Hongkong) Rapporteur: Academician Gelia T. Castillo 1200H - 1330H Luncheon Champagne Room 1330H - 1 SOOH PLENARY SESSION 2 Ang Maynila Moderator: Academician CONRADO S. DAYRIT Speaker: Academician PAULO C. CAMPOS President National Academy of Science and Technology Title: A Report on the NAST Round Table Conferences on Science Policy

Speaker: Hon. JOSE LINA Congress of the Republic of the Philippines Senate, Manila Title: Science and Technology: Vital Key to Accelerated Development

8 Speaker: Hon. EDUARDO P. PILAPIL Congress of the Republic of the Philippines House of Represen_tatives, City, M.M.

Title: House Legislative Agenda on Science and Technology Role in Self-Reliance in Economic Development Speaker: Dr. RICARDO M. LANTICAN Undersecretary, Regional Operations Department of Science and Technology Title: Towards National Science in Development Policy of the Philippines

Speaker: Mr. MENELEO CARLOS, JR. President, Resins, Inc.

Title: A Science Policy for the Private Sector

Discussants: Dr. Roger Posadas Dr. Rufino C. Lirag, Jr.

Rapporteur: Dr. Emerenciana Y. Arcellana

lSOOH - 1515H Coffee/Tea Break

151 SH - 1700H CLOSING CEREMONIES Ang Maynila

Presentation of Resolutions Academician ALFREDO V. LAGMAY Chairman, Resolutions Committee Closing Remarks Academician PAULO C. CAMPOS Exit of Colors

Master of Ceremonies: Academician MELECIO S. MAGNO Vice President and Secretary National Academy of Science and Technology (Philippines)

1930H - 2100H Farewell Dinner Ang Maynila Friday, 15 July

Post·Convcntion Tours



Steering Committee Acad. Paulo C. Campos Chairman Acad. Melecio S. Magno Vice-Chairman Acad. Carmen C. Velasquez Member Acad. Dioscoro L. Umali Member Acad. Alfredo V. Lagmay Member Acad. Jose Encarnacion, Jr. Member Acad. Julian A. Banzon Member Dr. Cesar P. Madamba Member

Local Organizing Committee Dr. Leland S. Villadolid Chairman Acad. Melecio S. Magno Co-Chairman Acad. Conrado S. Dayrit Member Acad. Alfredo V. Lagmay Member Acad. Faustino T. Orillo Member Acad. Joventino D. Soriano Member

Scientific Program Committee Acad. J oventino D. Soriano Chairman Acad. Melecio S. Magno Member Acad. Conrado S. Dayrit Member Acad. Alfredo V. Lagmay Member Acad. Faustino T. Orillo Member

Souvenir Program Acad. Alfredo V. Lagmay Chairman Acad. Jose 0. Juliano Member Acad. Raymundo A. Favila Member

Registration Committee

Acad. Benito S. Vergara Chairman Acad. Magdalena C. Cantoria Member Acad. Edita G. Garcia Member A cad. Jose R. Velasco Member

10 Finance Committee

Acad. Melecio S. Magno Chairman Acad. Bienvenido F. Nebres, S.J. Member Acad. Clara Y. Lim-Sylianco Member

Invitation Committee

Acad. Faustino T. Orillo Chairman Acad. Clare R. Baltazar Member Acad. Pedro B. Escuro Member Acad. Dolores A. Ramirez Member

Socials Committee

Acad. Carmen Ll. lntengan Chairman Acad. Solita Camara-Besa Co-Chairman Acad. Bienvenido 0. Juliano Member Acad. Quirino 0 . Navarro Member Acad. Filomena F. Campos Member Dr. Lourdes E. Campos Member Mrs. Leticia A. L

Reception Committee

Acad. and Mrs. Paulo C. Campos Chairman Acad. and Mrs. Melecio S. Magno Member Acad. and Mrs. Gregorio T. Velasquez Member Acad. and Mrs. Alfredo V. Lagmay Member Acad. and Mrs. Jose Encarnacion, Jr. Member Acad. and Mrs. Julian A. Banzon Member Acad. and Mrs. Dioscoro L. Umali Member

Resolutions Committee

Acad. Alfredo V. Lagmay Chairman Acad. Gelia T. Castillo Member Dr. Feliciano Bantillan, Jr. Member Dr. Emerciana Y. Arcellana Member

11 .i ' . t ! ; ll c. lll\I 1 I ners in ltoH i ! ,f fiUI~ S &~



13 Documentation and Proceedings Committee

Acad. Dioscoro L. Umali Chairman Acad. Prescillano M. Zamora Member Acad. Quintin L. Kintanar Member Acad. Benjamin D. Cabrera Member Acad. Tito A. Mijares Member Acad. Lourdes ] . Cruz Member Acad. Gelia T. Castillo Member

Food and Physical Arrangements Committee

Philippine Congress Organizing Center Chairman


Dr. Cesar P. Madamba Chairman Mrs. Stella Marie R. Ramos Member Miss Luningning E. Samarita Member Miss Rosemarie S. Espino Member Mrs. Edith C. Grado Member Miss Imelda G. Huelgas Member Mr. Abdulrackman E. Mama Member Mr. Eliseo D. Raganit Member Mr. Ferdinand C. Gutlay Member Miss Suzette Despabiladeras Member


Wednesday, 13 July

0800H - 1 700H Registration Acacia Room 0900H - l 200H City Tour 1200H - 1330H Lunch Champagne Room 1330H - 1630H Shopping Tour (Transportation Provided) 1930H - 2100H Dinner

Thursday, 14 July

0800H - 1700H Registration Acacia Room 0900H - 0930H Opening Ceremonies Ang Maynila 0930H - 1200H Free Time. Tours Available 1200H - 1330H Lunch Champagne Room l 515H - 1700H Presentation of Resolutions and Closing Ceremonies Ang Maynila 1930H - 2100H Free Time. Tours Available

Friday, 15 July

Free Time. Tours Available


MALACANANG TOUR Malacanang Palace nestles by the Northern Bank of the Pasig River in the Historic City of Manila. It still bears the traces of the Majestic Elegance of Spanish Architec­ ture which dates back to the 18th Century. Since the Spanish Crown Land Sitio de Malacanang of 1762, Malacanang is now more than 200 years old.

There are several versions as to how it got its name. Mamalakaya is a word in Tagalog (The Philippine National Language) meaning Village of Fishermen. Others claim the name comes from the Spanish words Mala and Cana referring to stands of cane growing around the area which were infested with mosquitoes. Others think its name is derived from the Tagalog phrase May Lakan Diyan. "There are Nobles in that Place" or from, the Place of the Chief.

Whatever its origin, Malacanang has become the symbol of power, the seat of the President, and the Center of the Filipino People's struggle for freedom. Through the centuries, it was the official home of 14 Spanish Governor-General, 13 American Civil Governors and nine Philippine Presidents starting from Manuel L . Quezon, President of the Philippine Commonwealth in 1935.

In 1986, President Corazon C. Aquino became the 7th President of the Republic of the Philippines, she has chosen not to reside nor to hold office in the Palace properly fulfilling a promise she made to the Filipino Nation during her Electoral Campaign, Malacanang was opened as a People's Museum. However, the Palace remains the venue for state dinners and other official functions.

CITY TOUR (Half-Day tour) A short leisurely visit to the historical landmarks around Manila starting with Park and the Walled City of , then on to San Agustin Church and Fort San­ tiago. From old Manila, tour proceeds to the commercial hub of Quiapo and Sta. Cruz with a visit to Santo Tomas University, the country's oldest institute of learning. Tour also visits the modern and plush suburb of Makati with a drive through Forbes Park and the Manila American Cemetery and Memorial Return trip takes visitors through Roxas Boulevard, centre of Manila's pulsating night life. PRICE: USS14.00

TAGAYTAY TOUR ( Tour) The leisurely drive takes you through picturesque and typical countryside; salambao fishing rafts and saltbeds of Paranaque, through native villages on stilts, ricefields, tropical fruit orchards and coconut plantations all the way to , atop a ridge 2,250 feet above sea levels, some sixty kilometers south of Manila. The ridge offers a breathtaking panoramic view of Taal nestled like emeralds in the middle of

16 the sunken crater of Taal known as the "lake within a lake and th.;- volcano within a volcano". After a hearty native merienda or snacks, tour returns ro Manila with brief stop-overs at a jeepney factory where skilled and ingenious Filipino artisans convert jeeps into colourful mini-buses and the Las Pinas Church which houses the famous Bamboo Organ which was completed in 1821. PRICE: USS 18.00

MUSEUM TOUR (Half-day Tour) An educational tour designed to familiarize visitors with the unique historical and cultural past of the Philippines. Tour includes visit to Ayala Museum in suburban Makati, where. det~iled dioramas recreate significant episodes in Philippine history fr;:>:U. pre-Sp.amsh t.1mes to the present. Also of special interest are the works of early ~ihpmo arust~, oriental ceramic wares excavated from pre-Spanish burial sites, reli­ gious and musical artifacts, a priceless numismatic collection and the country's larcrest iconographic archives dating back to the 17th century up to the present. The tour proceeds to Casa Manila which offers a glimpse of the lifestyle of Old Manila. Final st.op at San Agustin .c~urch in the Walled City to view church relics recording the history of the Augustmian missions in the Philippines. PRICE: US$14.00

CORREGIDOR ISLAND TOUR (Whole-day Tour) The tour departs from your hotel and proceeds to Manila's Hovcrferry Terminal for an hour's ride to the island-fortress of Corregidor, " The Rock" as i.t became known during the World War 11, when it was the last Filipino-American bastion to fali to the Japanese. On arrival, the tour includes a visit to the cavernous Malinta Tunnel which served as General Douglas McArthur's headquarters, field hospital and supply depot during the siege. In the island stands the Pacific Memorial where the "Eternal Flame of Freedom" rises high above the battle-scarred landscape. Tour includes a snack. PRICE: US$50.00

VILLA ESCUDERO MUSEUM AND PLANTATION TOUR WITH LUNCH (Whole­ day Tour) A scenic drive 84 kilometers southeast of Manila, is a vast coconut plantation situated at the foot of Mount Banahaw, which dates back to the Spanish era. The Villa is the site of one of the richest and most extensive collection of his­ toric and cultural artifacts that include ancient oriental pottery, priceless religious objects and treasures from the days of the Galleon Trade. The museum to ur is fol­ lowed by a joyful ride on water buffalo-drawn charts to the resort area where a sumptuous lunch of irresistable native delicacies is served amidst gently swaying palms. The Villa also offers a visit to the plantation village where one can experience the day-to-day rhythm of barrio life and witness an actual coconut harvest. PRICE: US$35.00

17 PUERTO AZUL BEACH CLUB WITH LUNCH A 2.hour drive at the southwest rim of Manila Bay located in Ternatc, . A beau­ tiful resort by the Bay, Puerto Azul boasts of an 18.hole championship golf course as well as a 9-hole beginners course. It also offers sports facilities for tennis, scuba diving, and other marine sports. The adventurous who dare trek the mo um:ainside will be pleasantly surprised by the variety of flora and fauna which abound in this place. Tour includes lunch, locker, use of towels, guide services and roundtrip transfers to and from Puerto Azul. PRICE: US$35.00

TAAL VOLCANO TOUR WITH LUNCH A close-up view of , a unique natural phenomenon of a "lake within a lake and the volcano within a volcano". Passing by Taal town, tour takes visitors to the base of the volcano on board sturdy bancas (native outriggers). Located almost at dead centre of the placid , world famous Taal Volcano is the lowest and smallest in t he world. By climbing up the volcano, visitors can see the crater rising out of the lake of its original crater. The new crater in turn has its own lake with its own island! Whole day sightseeing with picnic lunch provided. PRICE: US$35.00

PUNTA BALUARTE TOUR WITH LUNCH A two-and-a-half hour drive southwest of Manila past Tagaytay ridge situated at the crossroads of the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean in the province of . Offers excellent accommodations in a colourful and rustic setting and fine cuisine. Offers a wide variety of sports facilities; scuba diving and snorkeling, tennis and squash, horseback riding, an 18-hole golf course which is one of the finest outside Manila, health spa and a gorgeous swimming pool. PRICE: US$37 .00


REGISTRATION All participants, observers and guests should register at the Registration Counter loca­ ted at the Acacia Room. RegiStration is open from July 11 to 14, 1988 from 0730 to l 700H.

NOTICE BOARD Please refer to the notice board located near the Acacia Room daily for messsages, correspondences and program of activities.

NAME TAGS Please wear your name tags at all times throughout the conference. The tags are color coded according to the following: White Guests Blue Plenary Speakers Orange Academicians Red F ASAS Executive Council Green Participants Yellow Secretariat Gray Accompanying Persons

CONGRESS KIT Congress kits will be given at the Registration Counter upon registration.

VISUAL AIDS/SLIDE TESTING The audio-visual checking services are available at the Acacia Room. A projector and an operator will be available for presentors with visual aids. Presentors should number their slides in the order they will be projected and identify each slide with the name of the presentor. All slides should be given to the operator for checking at least one hour before the session begins.

REFRESHMENTS Free morning/afternoon tea and coffee will be served on July 13-14, 1988 at the Foyer of the Manila Hotel.

LUNCH All participants will have their lunch at the designated rooms indicated in the program.

SMOKING Smoking is not allowed in the session rooms.

ATTENDANCE CERTIFICATE Attendance certificates can be claimed at the Conference Secretariat starting 13 j uly after the session.

19 SECRETARIAT The Conference Secretariat of the National Academy of Science and Technology NAST is located at the Acacia Room of the Manila Hotel. The office is open daily from 0730-1800H for the duration of the conference. You may contact the Secre­ tariat at telephone number 47-00-11.

SHUTTLE SERVICE The Manila Hotel Executive Coach offers complimentary shuttle services to Makati Commercial Center and back daily except Saturdays and Sundays. The schedule is as follows: The Manila Hotel to Makati 0845H and 1430H fvlakat i to the Manila Hotel 1130H and 1630H

TELEX, CABLE AND OVERSEAS TELEPHONE Communication facilities are available at the Business Assistance Office of the Manila Hotel. All services are on the personal account o f the participants.

BILLS Please pay your bill~ before your scheduled departure. Hotel rooms of NAST-spon­ sored participants will be shouldered by NAST. All other bills will have to be paid by the participants.

POST OFFICE The Post Office is located at the Manila Hotel message counter and is open daily from 0900-1 700H for the duratio n of the conference.

BANKING .Banks in the Philippines are open from 0900H to 1600H, Mondays to Fridays. They are closed on Saturdays and Sundays but foreign exchange facilities are available. at the airport and large ·hotels. There is a Commercial Bank of Manila branch at the Manila Hotel ground floor.

CURRENCY The monetary unit is Peso (P ). The currency consists of paper notes in denominations of ~50 0, ~100, ~50, ~ 20, ~10, ~5 and ~2 The coins consists of~2. ~1and5 , 10, 25 and 50 centavos. The exchange rates fluctuate vis-a-vis the U.S. Dollar. Money changers are available at the airport, hotels, banks, shops and major commercial establishments. Departing passengers may not take out more than five hundred pesos and the coins not to exceed five pesos.

CREDIT CARDS Credit cards will not be honored at the Registration Counters. International credit cards such as American Express, Diners Club, VISA and Master Card are accepted in most hotels, large restaurants and specialty shops.

20 TIPPING Tipping is an accepted practice though not as regulated in the Philippines as it is in other parts of the world.

OFFICIAL TOUR AND TRAVEL AGENT Rajah Tours Philippines, Inc. is the official tour and travel agent of the conference. All inquiries regarding your accommodations, tours and onward ticket reconfirma­ tion will be entertained at the Rajah Tours counter located at the ground floor lobby of the Manila Hotel.

PROFESSIONAL CONGRESS ORGANIZER The Philippine Congress Organizing Center (PCOC) is the professional congress orga­ nizer of the 10th Anniversary Celebration of the National Academy of Science and Technology.



U<..AllJ AM. llA"'C a - a -- l ,,. JUfA


"''°fli'• MAIN I OU "l

~ 6 ~ "'< "< •ll"1CT ~ C HJl'IPAG:O.'E C.llAM~AC.'-l fll~~"':." c=t> 2 CAROie" I -.Nll IOlolY "" ROOM . ~ .."< ..,_:·c.....,""'1-.....J i OtAMf'A"-NI: .~~~ IOIJl~C.l '*''l'""' 'I (tlAMf'Al.1\t I ' AODrTIONAL ruNC TION SALON ( l.------· .J ROOMS ~IEl.ZANINE ROOI< J I' l\'\Ut.i.MrM.-'I l Compliments of:



Principles of Organic Chemistry, 6th Edition BY: CY. LIM-SYLIANCO, PH. 0.

Modern Biochemistry, 3rd Edition BY: C. Y. LIM-SYLIANCO, PH.D

Laboratory Manual-Basic Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition BY: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION

Structure and Functions of Biomolecules, 1st Edition BY: C.Y. LIM.SYLIANCO, PH.D.

Biochemical Mechanisms, 1st Edition BY: C.Y. LIM-SYLIANCO, PH.D.

D I S T R I B U T 0 R S:

TRININGS BOOK STORE MIRANDA BOOK STORE 1751 C.M. Recto Avenue, Manila BPI Arcade, Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Q.C. Tel. No. 711-7121 Tel. No. 99-49-73

E. D. MIRANDA, INC. G. Ml RANDA & SONS 842 N. Reyes (Morayta), Manila 1887 C.M. Recto Ave., Manila Tel. No. 741-6628 Tel. No. 741-4938

23 Her future: nourished and assured She is well-nourished. Contenm.I. And Bayer is represented in almost c»ery Bayer thinks of tomonow - Bayer is doing its pan to keep her ihat aspeCI of Iifc with more lhan I0.000 today. way. 1omorrow. products. Bayer invests in research: on !layer m~ets this challenge willingly. the conservation of raw materials and Competently. We ensure good harvests cn»ironmcntal problems. for fanners_ dcvefoping essential chemi­ Every year. a twentieth ofthecompany's cals to protect crops from damage and turnover is committed to making life disease. We fight the war against hunger. more enjoyable. and creating a more !Bayer with hope an

24 B I 0 M E K-" 1 0 0 0 Automated Laboratory Works tation

8 11m11•J.. /1)(/11 m1r.'t'1 m J d11111'11Jwnr fhrtaNrt mnwir /rom ldi I? m:hr t.Jtttl 11Rhr rc1 f(:rr at rhr ha.w t)ftht• K'f}fk,\'f(l(ifm, !Jw hm/1:1• mm'f',, up ,:md down th1• t1h'Wl!W IUMt'I A \Pf"' c:1nll,y tfrftJ(n,·tl p(I/ ho/J.. fJ , -mt?WJ /t1rMurd andbad. · wa1J alun1: thr brtdgr.

81omrk 10()()jiu wndtr many lam;norflo't11; and /umthooth. To1..,lwud ,,, bmrli S/lOor­ atorv tasks ..,.hen ~m <>iXra11'1J1 rhe R1omtk /I}()() Stay O n-Line and Updaied w ith Workrranori.

BECl~MAN A SMI THKLINE BECKMA.rJ COMPANY Exclusive Distributor BOIE I NCORP ORATED MU D O,,ICl AMO ' l AJrifT• Al.MANZA, LAS PIA•S Mf:i AO MAl'OLA, PHILl'"NES i EL NOS 801 11 11: 90111·32 901 \l.JJ 801Cl·M MAil iNG AOOR(SS ' · 0 . 11)0>fle7 MA.NILA . , 0 . eox 7 1 MA'(o\TI C~M ERC:IAL CE~TEA • CAll..E ADDRESS · ao1t M1'. • Tf"lfk NO. , .. , ..!iOIO

25 IllJ)lU'~"Y'RfJlJ.JI FIJiUUl PB.ODiUC1:3 CORP.

lb.. Soof"fi~.1.a~... ~ lra!lls;. 41&.J. 11-lM ca ~~6~1· lM.i!.'llm !'.lrfomala ~7-91-!Deii KnockO J\lways HP.acl





SPECTROSPIN AG/ BRUKER for NMR/FTIR SPECTROMETERS Industriestr 26, CH-8117 Fallanden, Switzerland

APPLIED RESEARCH LAB for ICP SPECTROMETERS IUNION SCIENTIFIC LTD> Rm. 902, China Underwriters Centre, 88 Gloucester Road, Hon9kon9


Office Address: Telephone No: 818-0103 Rm. 201 ACCRA Bld9., Gamboa Telex No. 63075 PALI PN cor. Salcedo Sts., Legaspi Village Makati, Metro Manila

28 IN THE YEAR 2C00, THIBE FUTURE DECGION-MAKERS WILL BE PLEASED THAT PHILPHOS HAS PUT THIS MF$AGE ACRCES TODAY. As you're reading this, 500 million children in 109 l 2 million hectares of which are put to productive use - countries around the world live in misery, lacking in should not buy food. le must be ,.,lf-sufficient. food and dignity. Our country is nqc exempc from this Self·sufficiency. A nation's dream. Philphos shares in lack of food. We continue to depend on other countries this vision. By helping the Man-ln-The-F:eld ham= the for vital food commodities, importing milk, wheat, grains full potential of his land. By encouraging those in power and other essentials. to see to the farmer's needs. And by challenging By the year 2000, che Philippines will have a srngge,ing everyone tD help conserve nature. population of 77 million. That means 27 million more Each of the farmer's dally concerns - the weather, soil, mouths to feed in 12 years. crops and fertilizers - is the essence of Philphos' Seven years ago, the Philippine Phosphate Fertilizer corporate responsibility. Not only for the next twelve Corporation saw these frigthening implications. To feed years but for all generations to come. our future generations, we have to dramaucally increase Philphos. Sowing well today for a bountiful harvest our country's food pnxluction. tomorrow. A country wirh over 30 million hectares of land - only


29 Compliments of:


Bo. Santolan, Pasig Telephones: Metro Manila Office: 40-65-80 • 48-11-84 P.O. Box 4396, Manila Plant: 947-91-27 • 947-91-26

30 Compliments of:

Victoria Manufacluring Corporation

Manufacturer of:

1. Schiffli embroidery fabrics 2. Rasche! knitted fabrics.

We also accept:

Dyeing and finishing jobs on woven and circular knitted fabrics



Committee on Science and Technology for Developing Countries (COSTED) The Royal Society Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) Department of Science and Technology (DOST)

Liberty Flour Mills San Miguel Corporation United Laboratories, Inc. Meralco Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation Philab Industries, Inc. Drug Association of the Philippines

International Rice Research Institute University of the Philippines Diliman University of th.:! Philippines Los Bartos (UPLB) Philippine Convention and Visitors Corporation Philippine Army .6and Philippine Constabulary Band Emilio Aguinaldo College Tribung Piney Philippine Madrigal Singers and to many friends of the Academy who have in one way or another contributed t o the holding of this affair.

32 Smith l~hne &French Overseas Co. Makers of: • ® • •

n (