
Berrien Goumy Eeeord- Berrien Oovuity -Record. TEHMS. OF ADVERTISING- A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER. (Ton Ujics or less, mato a s^naro.) SPAOS. Uv.|S wB3 W-S («|3 m.8 8 m.Jl j». I Square-.... ooyi m.Si rs;$a oo;ffo®a o#io to PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, C o u n t y 2 Squares.,..,....1 1 7®J 2 eoj 8 003 3 toj 8 00;i0 OOj M 00 AT H Square©,.*.. 2 23f 3 25J 8 753 4 25! 7 00.12 OOJ 20 00 4 Squares..;.,..'-a 2 <63 3 75J 4 25jj i. 60J 8 00.15 OOJ 28 00 BUOHANAK, BERRIEN CO., MICH.) : t / , 5 SflUftTwr....,,. j 8 503 4 001 4 DO! .6 00,10 0017 OOJ 25 00 ■3»Tf 34 Ootumii,...... 4 00 5 501 7 OOJ 8 00:14 00 25 00’ "5 GO % Column... ,..£ 5 00J S 0010 00 12 U02U 00 30 Oo. eVYeiiv la Advnncc W, 1».. KtSGERY,lE -Wors* 1 Colnasn... ..no 00.14 00 17 00J20 oof25 oo;oo 001115 00 Boslneds Cards of firo lines or less, $5 perairoam. T E R M S r J^UMBEft r^galttiircrtifiamonts at Etaiuto rates. VOLUME lYaasicniadvertising payablo in adranco* [in Altar, $2.50. BUCHANAN, MICH., THURSDAY, APRIL ; ,305- 1874, Hi Tearly advertising payable on demand* Matter in local columns, fifteen cents per Hne for first «9-T8SSX TSKlta STRICM.T ADHISIK TO.*©* insertion, and ton cents per line tor each subsequent in­ . ; J)r. Llringstone. • - ] sertion; but no local taken for Ipsa than $1.00* many of the people of our village were The Bridal: Tour. MisoeHaiLeonsT'f Obituary Notices—more than tho annonncement—Trii) «s#-Xop»t>erU dUcpDtinoad,. except j.t tUooplSoaot MOBTGAGE SALE. Bbetry. Tlie X.nst Days' or flie Aftlcaa E xplow ^ be cixarged for at therato of Jive cents for each line of 4o julfiAer.imttlaU.rreHragoaarepaiiJ.*©* . E FAULT baving been; mftdoin; tho payment ot the in the habit of going. This I avoided. poetry, nn&Jive cents for each eight words of prose D sum of two hundred and slxty*six dollars and ^Ixt j » Young Spriggles ■ and -his Aram-ah- TUE COB-HOUSE. The" following account is given of Advertisements not accompanied^wlth directions ©b eis cents, and luferesfoa sixteen, hundred dollars,, from THE TfHISICY KOOTIC, Another, chosen at hazard seemed'to tha Jane had just - been married and time, will bo inserted until forbidden, and charged fer ■JTSICE—ilnVJtecord Brick Building *• aorta aide Ot tho twenti>sl»th day of Augnst;A.B. 3S72, at; eight per be better. Thither 1 walked, determ­ EY KATE rCIXA.M OSOOOU. Dr. Livingstone’s .fatal ’ illness and accordingly. Fr3ntdire»t.four doors oust of Main. cent, per annum, which amount uo^ claimed to be due Is I will told you how it happened. were going ' upon : their bridal tour. Doable column advertisements, 25 per cent, above reg­ icur hundred 'And ten and forty-eight one hundredths ined to leave no trace of my destina­ death. He had- been ill of chronij; ular column rates, dollars, ($il0 4SL and which ainonntlis now clain^d to bo By me, Carl Zimmerman. They didn’t know whether upon their Wiilv amt Charlev, eight and ten, - dysentery for several months. He Special Notices, 50 percent abora forejeroinerates. JUttvrs of, Nowsq>»j>er>,. due and unpaid at Hie dtito- ojP this noilco.- bn (t certain I tos had a lcedlc bier shop, tion to those who knew me—no clue Ay-ere under the porch in the noonday heat, Yearly adrertisera aliowed four changes without extra Mortgage beartngirHie tho- twenrr-sixth day-.of-idugmit, return they would board with the “ old charge* 1. SubacrlOoraArho do not give express iiuttco to ilia Yey oar. in Madison, to my identity to those who should I. could see and hear the little men, was \t ell supplied- 'with stores and eontritrv are considered is wishing to coutlnua the suh* A. TX lti72, executed by John, Q, Butcher and Truman 0 . Doe ros in Indianta, folks” or take rooms in a private ho­ Unseen, myself, in the window eeat. Single copies of the Krcobd, ready for mailing, five dcrlptlo'n. Smith, of the Township of Chickaming; County of Ber­ medicines,'.but‘he bad a.presentiment cents* rien ivnd State of Michigan, to ltlcliaid M. Goodwin; of | B:n hundred mile auf here, find me dead. 2, I I subscribers wish their papers dlscoattnned.pnb- tel. hBein'g- only‘a clerk, ’Spriggles'; , " f. r • that theVattack would prove fatal. A t All kinds of Job Printing executed In the latest styles Uhees may oontinueto. send them until all arrearages said County and State, and recorded in tho offico of the t Yere Docker Dto Orlcavus of the art, end at reasonable prices. Hegiater of Hoods lh; the County of Berrien and State of ^ X had no mark on my clothing, no means were limited, and he could not Will on a cob-house ATas.hard at work; »ru paid. Got his flrst attaelj of bier, YTith a zeal that TYas-funny enough .to me. firstjfie.waa 'able to ride on a donkey, S. I t subscribers riveT® to otherplaces without inform­ Michigan, on the tgnth day at September, A. D.lS7£,uc. f card, paper, or letter with me : I had expect much at first, in the way of a l the publialior, and the paper Is seat to the former one and a half o’clock P.M ., In Liber bio. C of Mortgagor, ■ At eight one has hardly' learned to shirk : but.-soon had. to'Be carried; Arriving A Tennessee Romance. direction, -they are hold: responsible h'Qiice should on puge 474, which; Mortgage was given to secure the Ya, wshl! It vas won morning, torn the hatter’s mark from my beav­ firing. That comes later— as you will see ! payment;of sixteenhundred dollars, and no proceedings; at .Muilala^beyond Lake Bembe, he always bo given of tha removal. Yust I Opened me mein door, He was young, he was fair, and he 4. I f subscribers neglect or refuse to take their papers at law or otherwise having been instituted to foreclose t s er. As I ascended the hotel steps I “ Of course,” he said to Dodge, a said Mortgage or collected moneys or any part thereof.: Der O—veil, dhirty’ ladies, For Charley, by virtue of riper age, s a i d ‘.‘B.uild, me.‘a' ‘hut .to die in.” from the cofflce or place to which they are sent, they are the ifirm'; who had Did nothing but stand and,criticise. On’ £he'.l8fof^Mayhe"wasiconfined to of a power of sale contained in fluid Mortgage and of the Dey looked around, ein Augonblick, own funeral. in the middle; he wa3 proud, he was 5* XUttCourtsU&VodoclftadttmtftiftislDgtotAkea paper statute !n such case made and provided, the premises den* Und snheak dem not a vord ; kindly ;granted,-’ him ,a three weeks’ His'Sand's "in his pockets,.stage' by stage, h i s‘b ed, ‘.aft er war 3 s ‘ suffered' greatly; cribed in. and hovered by said Mortgage,, to-wit:, All Ho watched the'tottering castle rise. bold, hut the truth must be told, he (tout thpttffice%or I t uncaUedfor, Den every one pegin to sing A grinning waiter bowed before me: leave' of absence,' ftwe must be in t*prirrm/ari«svld6nceotinteaUoiiftlttauiU that certain piece or parcel, of land-lying and; being in gronning'night'and day.'‘ .The .third Any person who cecfciv©* a newspaper anil makes theCouuty ofSenieu and t^tute of Michigan, to-wit: The vorsr. I over heard, • A pert clerk lifted up bis head'and played like a fiend on the fiddle. Commencing at the south-west corner of thoxyesthalf of style, you-know, sir. --X: suppose you WAnd. now after all your fuss;” says he, . . day he said he was cold, and request? sua ot tt,wh©tttwli©lias©rd9reaUor ttptwiVtbe hffidln. the north-east qu&rier of section twenty-eight (23) in stared, I was an ordinary traveler to Barring his voice, he was everything to btt a subscriber. Dey vos sing all sooch songs like dot:— took-a rusher whort you wcre 'married. “S’posin’ it tumbles down again ?” ;' ed thaftmore grass'." be -put over the T If aobscrlbera pa£ i& lUvoncCj they at* bound to gir* township seven (7) south: Of range twenty fiO) west j • T vish I yas a fly,” them, that was evident. ,l0h,” WiIl answers,-as cool as could bp, nice, and his heart was so loving and ncttc^tosiii© publisher* atth©enjl of tttelr time, if they thence north twenty*nioo (29) chmiur with the west lioo ■I mean yoin took'ame'xEensive one and hut.. fiKj&mboJ.’the; jehief of Bistf, of said xv^thalf o f north west quarter^ o f section twoni* Und “Its pette.r I vos an angel.” “ Of course I should build it -better then.” tender that he always turned pale doisot wish.tacoatiuuAtaklag it ; otberwiae tUopubliatt* ty-eighc (2Syro ;tha: center^oCuighway;. thenco north Und; ‘"How dot vas auf high.” It wits late In the evening, the place showed youV wife the'sights'.” ' sent.fldurYn.dr -Feans,' -and behaved er is authorized to seed it ou, aud tbe (Subscriber© trill be eighty-six (So)degrees east, twenty-seven (27) chains and when he trod on the tail of the cat responsible until aa expressnotice, With payment;of all futty-oight (4S); links, along center of highway to War­ Den dose ladies come arount me, wore an air of repose. Laughing and “ Yes,” said -Dodge, with, a nod, “ I -Oharley .shook Bagely his .‘curly head, well towardthe-1 party.Jh The fourth arrears.,ia sent to the publisher* Say I am doin’ wrong; Opened his eyes of dancing brown, lying down by the fender. He clerk­ ren’s west line; thenco south, thirty-ono (SI) chains along. a faint clink of glasses in an inner Avill tell you about it. I made long Warren’s west line;, thence west twenty*Beven(27) chains Und ven I don’t trow out dot bier. And then,’ for-affinal poser,-said : day . 12r? Livingstone insensible, ed in a store and the way he tore off acul forty (40y links along the center of sold; section Den’ll sing anoder song. apartment told of some conviviality. preparations for my bridal tour,.and and died .about. midnighiY Makadho- twenty*eight(2S) to the place: o f boginningr contsluing- “ But; s’posin’ it always kept tumbling down’?" calico, jeans and brown sheeting, Business. Directory. clghty-two atultwenty one-hundredths S i *20-100)acres One old man read his newspaper be­ the girl that was to bo my wife helped da-,.a, servant,*w,as 'present. '.Dr. Liv­ of lands moro or leas,, will bo sold at public auction, to the Now, I had in mein eellar would have tickled a calf and made fore the fire. Nothing else was astir. me. We had it all fixed and every­ Will, however, was not"of the sluft’ highest Udder; at tlid hour ofone o’clock la* tho after- An old hafe keg of bier, At a-ioas'to-be taken so : ingstone made, -his last.-entry., inbis tho brute laugh in the face o f a quar­ nooa of tho etghth day of May, A. t>. 1374, in the village* It was all sour and mouldy, I asked for a room. The clerk nod­ thing-laid out beforehand.’ I worked diary," April ,2T.r, -He.spoke-much and iV W H ITE * Xsruggiat anil Apotli- of Berrien Springs, at tho Iront door of tho Berrien; “ Why, then,”' he answered, Teady enough, terly meeting. He cut quite a dash »e south aide of irout Street. Buchanan* County Court House,.by the Shcrltf of said County to It va3 been dere tree year. ded. hard for it, and she Avorked too. It <-I. ’should keep on building it better, you sadly ofiis* wife and -fimily... JYhen jLicttigan, satisfy the amount due and unpaid on said. Mortgage, I told; dem dat mine; frail and child -know.” with a darling moustache which he with Interest and costa and expenses allowed bylaw, Must got some tings to cat; “ Do you care what floor?” he asked. Avas"the.grand event’o f our livc3, and . he was-first seized by the fatal attack, aud the Attorney f«©of twenty-five* doUara mentioned In learned to adore and to cherish j for T. atORIsEY, star foundry. All But, if dey pay mo for dat bier, I shook my head. avo wanted thafit'should be a success. •And,'seeing 'tha wiso world’s hardest knot he told .M3’,.‘followers he intended to B • kladiOlcasitiiigfSUChasplowpoi&lB,sugar kettles, sultl Mortgage one girl had said while she drooped tloigh shoes* Ay. ifon turning and 4ob work. done to Bated Neiv Bnffiilo. Feb. 10th,1S74, I’ll trow it in de street. “ Number twenty-nine is empty,” he We felt that as the neAV life opened so Gut at a stroke.with such simple skill, exchange, everything for ivory to give ardec* Old metal taken tn exchange fur work. Por tage BICUa RD M. QOODWIN, Mortgagee. Older people than Oharley, I thought-, her proud head, that 'twOnld kill her itreet.near the depot. 3St! J, Y. PmixrrS, At Cyry for Mortgagee. 52vsl3 Ya 1 If dey pay s me for dot bier, should it continue. I .was earning said, and tossed a key to the waiter,. Might learn a losson of Master Will.- them, .and.then push on .to IJjiji and to see the thing perish. On Sundays I’ll trow it all around; whom I followed at once. We reach­ §500 a year. * That Avas good pay for ’ - — Christian-Union. Zanzibar .and to reaclxEngland. ‘Q IB D ’S *BUS —Gooxg© Bird will run MORTGAGE SALE” I’ll: mako example of mine blace, . he’d search the straight road to the mfi »Bu3 to and from the IUuroad trains and Hotels,, Uunshpill it on der ground. ed the room by two flights of stairs. a salesman.; five and thirty years ago— The same' day. on which ho died, church, unheeding the voice -of the abu to any part ot theyillngo, Fare only £5 cents, In* EFAULT having boen nuulo iu ihe payuient of a cer­ At its door tho waiter paused. better-than thrceFtimes, that fam.ount ... . Facts About Friday. his followers - consulted what to do. chiding- baggage* D tain sum. of money secured to be paid by u certain Does ladies are delighted, scorncr; and demurely he sat, like a lodeuturo of Mortgage, beHri«£drtt* tho 8rh day of Feb- Dey’fe got a convert here ; “ Thought he said twenty-nine,” ho now, as things go*: W'e Avero married The Nasseck boys' determined to C;, SMITH,M, 33^ PHysioiau and cu.u-y, A. IL eiglitoeh hundred; aud seventy-two, (1S72) Dey gife me a den-dollar bill, Eromtimo. immemorial Nriday -has young tabby cat, Avith the saints ia iiLtde aud executed by Gabrt-l F. Pen well and Harriet muttered, ‘ ‘The key is twenty-one.” in the morning aft tho house of mv, preserve -the .remaiuB; They were e Surgeons Office and Resilience, third door south FenwelLhiS wife,.of the County of Berrle& nhd Sinto of Und I pring up dat bier. been frowned upon a3 a day o fjll- the amen corner. He sang like a bird ox OalieH iiousetUaiicn, Mich. AUcbigaufto Edward Fowler and Bcnjnmin Gates, Trusr “ Then open twenty one with it,” I wife’s father. Then avc rode two miles • omen;,.. A.nd, though;,this prejudice is afraid co inform the chief of tho death and his voice was heard fairly tugging Ues ot iha Society of Shuktf r?i; Ot Columbia County, of tho I shpiiled it all arount so quick, to the substantial cottage I hud secur-. HAS. A. MOBGA>T> M*X>.* Physician' dtato of >'ew l ’ork,aod recorded in the office of thelieg:* Dcy’fe got to run or shvim, said;- I don’ t care for the number of less: prevalent now than,it.was.of yore, of t’ne Doctor.. .Tho secretary . had away at long metre; and we speak ^ aud Burgeon. Office and reriuenca east1, side Oak Istar o! Deeds of said County,; on tho 21st day ot March, Und so dose ladies all clear oud; the room.” ed as a’ home. My money had made- when‘.’superstition: general: sway, tlie'bp.dy .removed to another hut, and 2aictet>. four doors south of Advent Church, buebausn, D 1872, at 1J^ o’clock P. M.j and recorded in Liber No. had tko-truth Aviien we say that this youth Midi. 2 «»f Mortgages, on page 019; on which said Mortgage I vas ten dollars ir. “ No, sir— to bo sure, sir,” said tho the first" paym ent on-it, and M ary's built a high’ fence.aro.und it to insure’ there is clairawl to be due and unpaid, at the date of thi* Und ven I didn’t vas a fool, yet. tliere are many, even in this mat- could outsing a hungry mosquito- hollce, the sum of four hundred and.twemy-fonr dollr.rs waiter, and passed along a few steps money had furnished three rooms in it. privacy... 'Ho' tben, removed tho in­ S. X1. COXXINS lias permanently I’ll keep dot to mcinselfe, tdr .of'fact age, Avbo AVOuld hesitate on She was young, she was fair, and utjd sLxty-ono coutfl, ($424 Gl), and no suitat law or pro- f further. “ And avs ate our first meal thereaf­ located la tnctiunan Treats all clucmic diseases ceedihgsiinequity having becu.lustltnted to recover the i But I’ll told you rooster of it, a day so inauspicious to-begin an un- ternal organs, placing th.em ’in a tin she scrambled ber hair like the aATer- by eteciiicity and root und berb medicines'. Giro him; a same or any part thereof—Notice is thereloro hereby Und—veil—you Know lion1 it vas your­ “ Twenty-one,” he said, and unlock­ ter in our own house: aud I thence box, .and .buried, them inside, the fence call. Offlco we»tbido Main Street, third door north of >tiven. that by virtue of A jiowerof sale contained in said self; • der taking of momentous import. And; age belle- of the city ; she was proud, Front atrott. dCmS# Mortgage,and nowbccome operative, and in pur.-uancQof ing a door pushed it open. “ Shall I went to my work, and my < Avifo set under a tree. Jocob ‘WainAvvight cut the statute in,such enso uiade and provided, tliu land defl- ho ay many bra,ve" mariners, vrhose but not hold, yet the truth must be Tt|E TISIiB HOUSE* Berrien Springs* Cfib»*d^ to-wit; The northwest quarter of tho northeast’ It. vas better dot 1 coom avay, bring yon anything, sir ?” he said. about her ■work.. It was’ a. n&AY life- h»aiits uaquailed could meet, the wild- an inscription on the tree there thus : quarter and the north fruettuin\ half of the northeast told, the way she chewed wax was a This old aud farombly known Hotel is aUU auder Und dake a leedle rest. X answered “ No,” and he left me, and avo were determined to succeed if the management of Mrs. I)oPlold.& Son, who trillspare *lo;»ter of Soqtioii throQ in, township seven (7) south Yen dat cruel var vas over, est fury .of thoir ocean home, would pity. Barring this vice, she was Roeiforta to main tain a first class Hotel at; the County uf raut'o nineteen (19i west, beingono hundred tmd eleven having put the light on the bureau. possible- And in that effort- Avas our,, Beat t U l) acres. Alsowtbo north half of the southwest quar Again 1 go in Vest. blanche to even bond their sails on everything nice, and the world admir­ ter of section cweutv*oii«i3i) in tuwa=blp seven: (7) south I’ll took that leedle bier shop, Tho hour had come. As I shut the joy. And in'the‘success:that-follo'.vod , Friday;?« : - DR. LIVINGSTONE. ot ruuge ninoteen (19) west. SO acres, iu the County of And keep it yust the same, ed her * bustle ; and the Fayetteville S. B ODB, K . Be, physician & snsv Berrien and State of Michigan, will be sold at public door a heavy sigh escaped me. Alas ! was unalloyed’happiness. In lcss than >.• goon. Specialattentfon given to chronicftfse&wa; Und for Dockder Lew'vises brigade But to show Avith.hoAA’.much reason boys, being charmed by the noise, a nuclion or vendue, at th» front noor of the Court lions**, that life had become so woful a thing three yealfs niy house was paid foriand over Osborn’s Drug Store. Resldeuco on Day's In tl»e Village of Bei rien Springs, iiiaiia County of Ber I didn’t give a tame. this; feoling.is indulged;-let ns exam-, ■ Died May 4, 1873. walked miles to hear it rustle. She iTe&ne.east side, Unchauaxi, Micu. xion, on the JSih day of June, 1S74* atilt o’clockin tl»e to me that I should want to be rid ot my home was my own. Come stbrm firetioonof said day, to svtUty the aniomit obicir shall ine.the.following" important: facts in- cut quite a swell, did this wax chew­ th&ii he dno. ou sald Mortgugo, together ivlth tho COH3 it. In the dim light-! paced the floor or come sunshine, we had a roof, to Mt PIilMPTOK, attorney & conn* connection:.with ;our own settlement ing belle, and men flocked In crowds to B O seiior at Law.anddoHcicoriJl Chancery. O/Kc/um and chargee; of said; foreclosure and sale, al*o no attorney and thought bitterly of the girl I lov­ cover us— a roof from "which tho hand, lutrnh side Front strict* tttcr Heddvn A Ombam’.*- Sturts. fee thei fcin provided for and greatness :as a nation,: and'Aye Ayill and,su.bs.cribedit:wi,th the name of meet her; but she gave them the shirk Vuchttnan,, BerrleD Ce*.,Miclu Pateil thelSth day of March* 1*74 ed so dearly. of man could not turn us. .- ‘ KDWAlnr FOWLRltaud see how.great cause , we 'Americans, the liead";man, Dusa> ;; The body was for she loved the young clerk, who BENJAMIN GATKS* It was in the days of curtained, “ I dopbtj young man, if ever .a■ bri- " p B ALLENGBE; justice of tlx© peace j * Tniflteea, Mortgagees HIS LUCKY ID IB E K have; to dread the fatal day. . j preserved m-.sa.ltlandcdried iu the, .sun sang like a h nngry mosquito. So she ,C4e « mi Licensed Conveyancers Office south side ot | Jv. iUtLENOEi^AU’y for Mortgagers. beds. The bed in this room was hung c al tour was happier or more profita- - Fri*ut street, aver Baton k HimmonY OrQCerv SUt«*s ! \Qn Friday,vAugusf.3d, 1492, Chris- twelve.days;. .Ohisf'.Eitumbo,..on. b!e- hemmed aud she hawed, and she sigh­ Bachaoun.llich. ' ' : 1 with dark chintz: so were the win­ )lo than was mine ; and I know; .that “ Every one baa a lucky number,” top.hef 'O.olumb.us sailed on his great inglnformed .of OrvLivingstone’s deaiR ed and she “ chawed,” till her heart MORTGAGE SALE. dows. O ver the bureau was a looking- ’ the exercise of-housekeeping upon-her -pASTEKK STAHBEGKEE. Buolian- said the old gentleman, “ Mice is voyage of discovery".. had drums beat and;:IgunB- fired, ass a EFAULThavlnsbi’eri-madeiatUo paymont: of acet- glass, with a portrait of a lady in own account' was invigorating and and her jaws avsb broken; then she an. Lodge No 1% h dd rf^Wbir nuetlng^ in Mnsouu* D_ nu. am unui ot mouoy tseenred to bt* paid by a «rrtaiu twenty one. Twenty-nine might On Friday,-October 12th, 1492, he token of respect,-and allowed'the; fol­ walked by tbe store, while he stood Halt, nri.t >Vtroa'i;, 'ixrctarv w n C 't KliziliHih Oolvin. of »haCounty top by way of ornament. There were real earnest living and- -loving. Wo Yet I didn’t know i t : botk were on On Friday,„4tb of January, 1593, they placed,, in.a coffin of* bark and k en. She raised up her eyes in mock of Borrieu und Std»e oi Mi :higan, t*» F4 .v*»fd Fowler and four chairs, and a brass shovel and believed we should find'lift’s purest *^AGXiE KOTEL> Borvieii Springs^ Benj * t iit Gate^y Tniriteea: of ttu* Hnitnl Society of Shafc- a wRite oval—.painted. Twenty-one he sailed on jhig^ refurn to Spain, commenced?fHe^-gourney' to: ’ Unyam- surprise, and tried to enact the scorn- M{ ers i-f Muatic LrL'aooo, CtdumbiA i'<»m>ry. «nd Sriteof tongs stood guard beside the grate. I joys in the discharge o f life’s sacred (ntjurthu Court lb.iUSi»V having tlutu^il proprietors* York «ind records in office o f the — Twenty-nine. Yot much difference which, if be had not reached in safe­ j'ambe,.'-ri\NiclrTcbnsumed about ' six e r: but to tell the truth, she grinned hu becu RoWly nirhirUtfit turun^huut. ihe utmost cut» ot T)e»Ml-i of raid; *- unty, in the 14th day of fancied myself lying dead on the bed duties.. . s *-• - s. . yIU I-b t<»kfcu io pn>vlt!o for the coimtiitucc auiicuu- t> IaU*. at t oVLck A. M, itt L-!«fcQ.or you see, 2J, and 20; very like indeed; ty,.the happy result’would never have mohpliSj is,ending‘dii advance a partly at the youth who loved the amen fors of guQsts« A p>t*d Stable la conm*vtign with the M- iYiTHiH-r. on t ugoulu.ou wlirh tsiid M« rtca ouevhnndredtha tioU.irs ar.d nostUc HtUwcr ‘ pistols from my portmanteau, and "‘I should like those’ first blessed ;day«f r ..Jehu C. v, rich’s bnuduig. Revidt-nco on irr

K£aai85awe*sesei .. ----- v.:.1lhc , Jerriea County- Keeord., ...Buchanan.. Michigan, .:Thursday,.. April. -80,-- —1874- -

tufce the, greatness of his character— islature before T a a S e m e n County Record, the adjournment of uianenfc settlement on public lands of the who was passing on horseback, and -‘This agreement made at the city 'of his unobstrusive common-sense; his Congress, United States, and several amendments stripped him entirely naked. They London, January, Dd, T874, between patient hut silent investigation; 'his were offered and agreed to, when the Lou­ » . a . w A «iss8 ,rM lto, > then rolled him in the sand on th,e Messrs. John and George Danger, of W.B. KISGEUT.j Eultora. openness in listening to advice from isiana bill came up. A t '2:20, Gen. Bab­ Vor tbg Record. the city of London.,. England, and P. all quarters, but reticence in keeping cock; private Secretary of the President, river bank, and otherwise abused .and4 A Dakota le tt e r . T. Barnum of Hew York, United back his own.opinions ; .his- firmness appeared at the bar of the Senate and an­ illtreated him in a shameful and dis­ THFSSDAT HORSIN'G-, APRIL SO, 1S74. States of America., witnessetb. that and decision at the crisis ; his deter­ Ol iv e t , Hutchinson Co., \ nounced the message from the* President, gusting manner. The only object for -.A-T- for the sum of ^£83,000 sterling, tlie mination that the country and the Dakota, April 20. J -and a motion was offered that the message this diversion was a ‘little fun,' ns the bo printed and laid on the table with the said Messrs J- and G. Sanger agree TO THE READERS OF THE RECORD people shall suffer no harm ; his calm Mr T. W. B .,—Dear Sir.— I would perpetrators of the outrage termed it. bill till some time next week. T h o'b ills to complete, and to deliver to the said boldness in facing any opposition, have answered your note of inquiry — Q-ertiot Jourcil. — VALEDICTORY. passed : The Senate bill obviating the ne­ P. T. Barnum, duplicates of all the however formidable, which stands nearly a week sooner, but wo havo With this issue our connection -with cessity o f issuing patent for certain private chariots, costums, trappings, flags, across the path of his duty. Those been so busy planting our gardens, land claims in the State of Missouri: The — The mane and tail of the horse of Tim B erries CounttR ecord ceases, banners and other paraphernalia used AIY STORE IS NOW FILLED ’WITH who knew President Grant best have that time for letter writing was short. Senate bill to authorize the County pom- the Methodist Minister at Three Rivers having disposes! of our interest there­ by the said J. and G. Sanger in the never doubted him. He has never As far as I can learn in our county, missioners o f Thurston County, Washing­ wero shaved one night last week. It producton of the great pageant rep­ in to Messrs. TV. B. Kingery and John failed the country at a time, when the early gardens are all planted, ton Territory, to issue bonds for the pur­ is .an almighty mean cause that O. Marble. With Mr, Kingery the much was needed at his hands. Tho wheat was all sown two or three weeks pose o f constrrcting a railroad from Budd’s would not be injured by such conduct. resenting tho Gongress of 'Monarchs.” Mr. Barnum says : “ Thus, with readers of the R ecord are well ac­ honor o f tho Ration, so far as it is in ago. We have no notice of any law Xolet, Puget Sound, to intersect the — Constantine ‘Advertiser. considerable over half a million dol­ quainted, and wo need say no word, his keeping, has always been vindicat­ to prevent the filing of pre-emption Horthern Pacific Railroad at or near Tren­ ton. The House bill for the relief of; set­ lars outlay, and under a daily expense CAtiPfiTS ARID WALL PAPER* except that sinco his connection, with ed promptly arid entirely, when as­ claims. I learned by inquiry that — At Mitldlevillej on Saturday tlers on the Cherokee strip in Kansas ; which I hardly, caro to compute, I the R ecord, in Dec., 1S70, ha has la­ any one could still make use of the evening, the dwelling liouso of A. M. sailed or threatened. Ho does not the Senate bill for the benefit of the K en­ bored earnestly for the interests of the say much; but he is a man who can pre-emption right who ha3 not already Adams was discovered on fire, and the hope early in April, 1874, to launch paper, the Republican party and for tucky Agricultural and Much an i cal Asso­ the Leviathan ship upon the tide of bo depended upon to both act and done so. However, the law in ques­ attempt to put it* out being fruit­ ciation. • public favor, and once more proclaim the inter, sts of Berrien County gen­ speak when the right timo comes. It tion may be passed before this reach­ less, it burned to the ground. Loss erally, as well as for that of Buchanan HOUSE, April 22.— On motion of Mr. and prove my un waving faith in the is well that he has not said much. es you, Thero is difference of opin­ Conger (Rep. jfich .,) the bill to authorize about $800. Insured for $500. The in particular. Mr Marble is well public appreciations of an earnest 'de­ e t r i T m G r S * There, had been too much talk; and ion on the subject, here. As for the opening of W ight Street through .the fire caught from a defective pipe. sire to p l e a s e , well knowing, as I known to many of our citizens, hav­ he whose words were to ho a decision fencing, those who keep large herds grounds of the Marine Hospital at Detroit, ■—Hoistings Journal April 28d. s Cassimeres Never Were so Cheap Before. ing boon a resident of St. Joseph of cattle do not fence at all, but: hire Mich., was taken up and passed. The do that was wise in not speaking] as as advo ‘ Who lives to please, County, Indiana, for full thirty years appropriation bill came up and the item o f cate. When he does speak, ho speaks a herder. The best fences ave made H. B. Sergent, J. P. Smith and Must please to live.” ’ or more. Wo understand that he J L A i M I S S II ES O O O D S neither for interest nor for popularity; of posts and boards, the posts cost §200,000 for the purchase o f official stamps Mr. Dorwitb, have bought thirteen 1 1 8 hays the interest in the establishment lor the Treasury Department was reduced but he adheres to simple principles.” from-eight to ten dollars, per hundred, acres of land adjoining their Diamond Are beautifulin colors and cheaper than last year. for Ms nephew, Wilkml Marble, son to §50,000. The item appropriating $6,- The Chicago Inter-Ocean says o f and the boards from sixteen ‘Co twen­ Lake property, of E. B. Warner, of the lute Orson Marble, well known 400 for the assay office at Charlotte, H. Ladies Paisley Shawls at $10, $15, $18, $20, $25, $30, and $35. the veto: ty dollars per thousand, for cattle and paying therefor $125 per acre. A W H Y WOT t > many of our readers. Mr. Willard 0., was changed into an appropriation of Beautiful Stripe Shawls. New Corsets, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, “Ho President of the long succes­ Torses two boards so placed a3 to make $1,000-for taking care of the building good price for land in these panicky 2i::ivL', who will associate himself Skirtings, Embroideries, and sion- can. justly be said to have a fence five feet high, is sufficient. The committee rose, -after disposing of 14 times.— Cassopolis Democrat, <3-0 '37 G with. Me. Kingeryin the conduct of more clearly discerned the will of the Some build fences of willow poles pages o f the bill, and the House adjourn- the Record, is a young man of ex which grow very rapidly and in great TRIMMINGS PF ALL KINDS. ople, and generally to have more ed. . Saturday afternoon, as train Ho 7, ee-llent educationandability,a staunch numbers along the river. A very sub­ SENATE, April 23.—A bill was in­ scrupulously obeyed it, than U. S. of the Lake Shore road was entering AH Tabic Linens, Crashes, Brown and Bleached Muslins, Denims, Tickings, Shirtirgs1, are Repnhlicau, and will devote his oner stantial fence, and the cheapest in the troduced supplementary to the act to in­ much cheaper than last .year. Do not fail to Grant. Iiis assurance to the country, Elkhart, Inch, a freight bra,Iceman; gi-.s to the SE-eeefs of the paper. We in his first inauguv&l, that he should end, is made by planting white wil- corporate the Texas and Pacific Railroad Lccpoak for the new management that Company, and to aid in the construction named Gaige, attempted to get on the REDDEN ■<&ajbuj& a w h j E n r s r » . o 3k . where you want your have “ no policy to enforce against forward platform of the express car. M any aid cordial support which has fence, and in four or five years at of the road, The Senate resumed consid­ He can and is positively selling Dry Goods lower than vhe same goods can bs bought at the will of tho people,” his abandon­ I-Ie missed his step and fell between the l sen extended to the R ecord dur most they will be * largo enough to eration of.tho bill to enable the Mention- other places. Respectfully, ment of the project of the annexa­ ites of Russia to effect permanent settle­ wheels. The whole train, consisting of the past years. lang boards or poles on. Fuel ut m H . F O X . tion of San Domingo, notwithstand­ ment on public lands of the United.States, five cars, passed! over the body. His In taking our leave of the readers present is cheap, ranging in Yankton ing his judgment approved it, with a and discussed it briefly, when the .Louis­ idy was mingled so that it could of the R ecord, and severing our edit from two and a half to four dollars BRAHAN’S graceful allusion to his original pledge, iana bill Came up, and M r. Merrimon ad­ hardly be recognized, The nnfortu- orial and financial connection there­ and his course of uniform deference per cord, and in the country it sells for dressed the Senate as to the powers o f the with, it may not be amiss to hrif nato man lived at Jonesville.— Adrian AND EXAMINE THE to the popular voice, have combined ono dollar per load. Coal has been General Government over States. Befoie Journal. 17. notice its past history. In Dec. 1886, greatly to strengthen the public con­ discovered within two miles o f here, concluding his argument, Mr. Merrimon wo purchased the W eekly Union, of­ fidence in lus superior judgment and but has not yet been developed for yielded for a motion to adjourn, which was fice, having then a small list o f sub­ devoted loyalty to the principles o f want of capital. The Government agreed to, and the S a its adjourned, r, T. Barnum’s 'Autobiography. scribers usd being printed on a sheet losts and Indian agencies are an ex­ H OUSE, A pril 23.— A bill was intro i 02 our representative form, o f govern­ The lifo of the great showman, 22x82, a trifle over half the size of cellent market for beef ca ttle, Dako­ duc-cd and reported, providing that the tax ment, I t is in view of these facts written by himself five years ago, and tho present R ecord. We took hold ta has not as yet been able to supply on State Banks shall not bo other or great­ that the veto of the curroney- bill er than the taxon National banka. Also, which Mr. Greeley said “ was worth o f the paper with a will to make it a the demand. We have as yet no rail­ STOCK strikes the country with astonishment. a bill to reduce the tax on the circulation a hundred dollar greenback to a new success, if that was possible. In Feb­ road nearer than Yankton, (30 miles,) In Hew York yesterday distress per­ of State banks to the amount equal to that beginner has now swollen to nine hun­ ruary following we enlarged the"paper but the Dakota Central R. R ., through ------OP------vaded all the markets, stocks declined paid by National Banks. The House then ’ dred profuseley illustrated pages, from and changed its name to what it is at the Valley of the Dakota river, from heavily,-*" and there appeared the in­ took up the bill reported yesterday from the fact that every spring Mr. Barnum present, having introduced two power cipient signs of a panic. In this city Yankton to Jamestown on the Horth the Committee on Foreign Affairs, con­ presses. About a year thereafter we adds an “ Appendix,” compr3ing the there was a fall, in prices of grain and Pacific, is chartered and surveyed, cerning the citizenship and rights of Unit­ leading events of his lifo the year pre­ introduced steam, and kept hard at ed States citizens in foreign countries. The provisions of percentages showing an and the officers say it will he built vious. This book, original published work. Thus for about three years we within two years. I f you wish to committee rose after having disposed of aggregate shrinkage on the stock in by subscription at $3.50, Barnum labored incessantly, losing money all Come to Dakota you can get a through seven pages of the bill. The Post Office DRY BOODS store of $200,OoB. What reasons supplies to the patrons of his show for the time, having again enlarged the ticket from Chicago to Yankton, appropriation, bill was reported. The bill has the President given to Congress $1.50, mid presents each purchaser paper to its present size. Dui thence by stage as far np the Dako­ appropriated $35,653,391, of which $5,- for an act whose; depressing effects 634,842 is to,come out of the Treasury, with a ticket to his exhibition, thus sr. these three years of doubt and toil we ta river as the settlements reach. became visible to an alarming extent 'the rest being derived from postal revenue. ■ reducing the price of his book to often felt like yielding the contest, When in Yankton go to the Smith­ within twenty-four hours of tho trans­ The House then took'a recess till 7:30, $1.0 0 per copy. Ho doubt the shrewd and letting the R ecord follow its pre­ We have now on hand, for tlio Spring trade, the finest stock of goods ever brought to thi market, mission of the veto message to the sonian House on, Second St., and you. and the evening session was devoted * to showman does this as an advertising consisting of all ot the latest st\les in decessors into that borne whenco news Senate ? It is not claimed that the may find some one from our place the consideration of the Legislative A p ­ papers never return, thus leave Bu dodge, for the book must cost him B oots^ S h oesi, O lotlxixxgr, measure was an act of “ hasty legisla­ there who will be glad to bring yon propriation bill. more than he gets for in ; but few chanan without a local newspaper, an up to Olivet. The winters that I SE N A T E , April 25,— A bill passed And. Gents Furnishing Goods. tion,” which is good ground for persons after reading his aventful his­ Bm ton and l.aco Boots. ThO niccat and best Fine Kid, Pebble Goat and Pebble Grain B-.lmom.ls, and the nicest line item so necessary to the success, and amendatory of the act to provide an in­ veto. On the contrary, the bill has have seen here are not as severe as tory would fail to see him and his JPimiisliiRg' Goods, ol isiippcra at all prices. A good lino of Men’s K ip Boots very cheap How Khoea. Broeans and Gaiters, cheap ae. prosperity of a village of its popula­ ternal revenue to support the Government, the ,.belli est. Also the b e s t and cheapest stock of Clothing and FurnisHna Goods eT er brought to this county. been months under discussion. It is they were in Horthern Ohio and'Indi­ shows whenever occasion offers. The tion. As the end of the third year ana. We have no in winter and to pay interest on the public debt, and for A GOOD SU IT O F CX jOTH ES 3TOK TEN BO XX ABS- not pretended that the act is uncon­ other purposes. The morning hour hav­ . consequence ho waver,is, that Barnum’s >$G5'’Callnnd wcHTnino onr stock befora purchasing, L* P.&G.W.FOX. approached the losses began to grow stitutional, It is not objected that but little snow. less and less, till at the close o f that ing expired, the Senate resumed consider­ book agents who accompany his shows the measure: is radical. Indeed, the Respectfully, year we felt etfeouraged when we fig­ ation of the Louisiana billj and M t. Merri­ dispose of a hundred thousand copies President says: Miss M a t t ie O. J o n e s. irs ured up the RECORD as a self-sustain­ mon ,(Dem.,N. G.,) concluded his argu­ of his “ Life” each season, and his Practically it is a question whether the meas­ ment commenced yesterday. A bill .was Ever exhibited to the ing institution. Thus after a long and patrons, as they emerge from his B. T. M OBLEY’S ure under discussion would give an additional introduced to provide for a commission on great tents with huge Volumes under weary struggle of three years and the dollar to the irredeemable paper currency of CONGRESSIONAL. the subject of postal telegraph. Mr. 'Win- their arms, look as if they were- com­ net loss in round numbers of $3,000 the country or not, and whether by requirin three-fourths of the reserve to be retained by SEN ATE, April 20.—A bill Was re dom (Rep., Minn.,) presented the report ing out of a circulating library. to ourself,, without* a dollar’s aid from tho banks, and prohibiting interest; to be re­ ported, for the equalization of bounties o.' of the Committee on Transportation aud The following extracts made from PRICE LIST, f f l , any one, the R ecord became a fixed ceived on balances, it might not prove a con­ Routes, and made a lengthy epeeeh in ex­ Soldiers who served in the late war. A Barnuui’s Appendix for 1874, and fact, and Buchanan and B errien Coun­ traction. bill was introduced to repeal that portion planation: and advocacy’ thereof A bill ty the reapers o f the benefits of our * * * “ The more closely the making; appropriation to pay the public passed to render available certain balan­ writen in London np to the first of March, gives us an idea of what this sacrifices, veto message is scanned, especially in school teachers in the District o f Columbia, ces not: expended of the appropriation for and providing for the levy of a tax by the payment e f bounty and prize money to restless and energetic man lias been OUR MAHHI Nature’s teat Bemg&y From this time forward there was relation to former messages of the FOR AL L no further doubt, all acknowledged the President,, and particularly that of District authorities to reimburse the Trees colored Boldiers and sailors. Passed. The about for the last twelve months: success of the enterprise, and our la­ last December, tho more incompre­ nry of the United States. A bill passed Senate went into executive session and Being at present in London, Eng -OF- to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to soon after adjourned until Monday. AND bors began to be rewarded. From hensible does it appear. But one con land, on my way to Italy, allmost gather authentic information as to the con H OUSE, April 24.— The Speaker laid overwhelmed with business, I have that day up to the time we disposed of elusion can bo arrived at in passing .. SHS3EASESI! dition and importance of the fur trade in before the House a message from ., the time to write but a brief, and I fear i£ ls the vital principle o f the Pine Tree, obtained s one-half interest in the establish­ an impartial judgment upon it name­ President, transmitting copies of all ofderB oyii peculiar process m the dlstiUatton of the tar. by the Territory of Alaska, The Senate a disjointed account of my doings dur­ which its highest medicinal properties are retained. ment to Mr. W. D. Kingery the suc­ ly : that; tbo President’s mind has proceeded to the consideration of a bill to and correspondence in relation to th« J'ar cvcninim crude state has been recommended by ing the last twelvemonth. I was eminent physicians oi every school. It is conf’demiy cess of the office continued to increase, been unduly influenced, and his usua" authorize the issue o f a supply of arms to troubles iD Arkansas, in answer to the res- F © S T N B M Y . compelled to make most extraordina­ offered-O the aiilicted for therollowingsiniple reasons: and this has been the case from; that clear apprehonsion’of tho will of the the authorities of the State o f Nebraska. lution o f the House. The House then Has been selected with the view to meet the 1 if *■ sacrifice of time and money. Though recovery of bonds wrongfully witheld from tee of the whole, when the committee rose For the money than you can get in an}’- | |Tb« country demands of Congress and the House adjourned. could not sustain for six months such other store irt the County. Corn Plow Landsiiie, each____...... 15 others have and will reap the principal the Government by the Kansas Pacific No. 3 'Welling ______50 that something should bo done to ah unprecedentedly expensive exhi­ benefits of its success, we rejoice in Railroad Company ; increasing the; tax on PLOW POINTS. Plain. Cutter. meet the great demands, and needs o bition. U that success, and that Buchanan, the circulation- of the National Banks To Contractors • and Builders. No 3 W elling...... ,3U 70 through an accidental and unforeseen the South and West, and also for from one-twelfth: to one-quarter o f one per Compromise Measure. When my treasurer presented his EALED PROPOSALS will lie rec'-fved nuiif 'inesdaj’, N. 4 Gen!ei- D raft.. ______50 W thyLJth day of May* 1874, for building a School tfotiae . .( the whole country. There are a few cent., per mouth. A resolution; was offer­ To-day is fixed as the time for the final exhibit, demonstrating the fact No. 2:8 Indiana Stubble...... 0(1 70 circumstance,, has secured the leading in District No. 20 of Bertrand and Bucbanan Townships, ‘‘ “ . left hand.. .50 important matters which imperatively ed for the recognition of Cuban independ­ that in six months more than five mil­ SComity of Berrien, State of Michigan. Separate propo­ newspaper in south-western Michigan. consideration of the veto message of sals should be made For tbo mason- work und rarpontnr Nos. 3 end •! Cui tig, “ .. .00 Thanking our friends and patrons for demand action. Among them is the ence. A resolution was adopted instruct­ the President. The friends of the lion visitors had endorsed by their work, uud for the outircvbbildinir.furnishing all niatexials. No. 21 E agle...... SO 70 ing tho Committee on Banking and Cur­ Tbe School Hoard reserve the right to reject any and all No. 10 D odge...... 50 their kindness wo say to all, adieu. cheap transportation measure. Some vetoed measure desire to vote without presence my vastly expensive and ex­ propo?als. Proposals will he rccuived rc the residence of tMng is demanded whereby the pro rency to enquire into the expediency of perimental new departure. I confess -Edqs Holmes, whore specification* cun be scon. No. 20 Curtis (Niles)...... 50 D. A . W agner, establishing by law a. uniform rate o f in­ discuBsiou. The Compromise propo­ Witf. BUBRUd, j No. 10 Ball...... 50 ducts of tho West may be carried to the to no slight astonishment, commin­ ENOS TIOI.M KS. (-School Board. Jointer Points...... ______...... -10 terest throughout' the United States and sition seems to b e : 1 . Free Bank­ SIDNEY AXI/ENJ sea-board without the consumption of so gled with sentiments of gratification April 23, 2574, * 30tr2 Corn Plow points ...... 40 Territories. A bill passed: for the better ing. 2. Tho retirement of $1,000,- CJsU VJSLAm , OHIO. large a portion thereof for tanspor- and gratitude. Wheel & Shank Iron Beam. . . . _____ 1 50 THE VETO, protection o f the frontier settlement o f 000 in Greenbacks for every $4,000,- “ “ wood beam...... 1 75 The Best Paint in the World. tation. The unanimous interests; of Texas against Indians and Mexican dep­ 000 National bank notes issued. 3. The London E ra said of Mr. Bar­ ■«.«. TIM BER Coulter steel laid ...... '____ . . . . 3 00 The President after duly consider­ tho West as well a3 of the East demattc redations by the construction and main- Abolition of reserves on circulation. num while he was in Europe, “ Mr. Gripe-...... 50 Any Shade from Pure White to Jet Black. Clevis, two-hovae ...... 50 A combination o f tbe purost paint with India Itnbber, ing the Senate Currency Bill return­ action on this question. Something tainance o f a line of telegraph from Deni­ Barnum has not only sent agents to 4. Fixing maximum: limit of green­ WAHTEB. “ three-horse__ . . . . ______60 iorming a SMOOTH, glossy, f i r m , DURA DLL, xLASTic and ed it without; MU approval. The veto son, Texas, to Fort Sill, Indian Territory, Spain and Africa to secure attract­ b e a u t ie c l Paint* unaffected by change of temper^tnre, tangable, SometMng that will accom backs at §882,000,000. 5. , On and Responsible parties wanting ‘ Oak Bills;31 can l>e accom­ Shackle ring .and b o l t . , . , , ...... 50 is perfectly water-proof, and adapted to all clashes of ; i o f this bill has caused no little excite­ plish tho end In view ought to he con and thence along the Northern frontier after Jan. 1, 1878, providing for the ions, has himself visited the hippo­ modated by epplyingat onco to Grinding points and landsides, each.. . . 10 work, «nd is in evory way a better paint for eithtr iUBide Bolts, each...... 10 oroutsido painting than any other paint in the world. ment throughout the country, some sumated before Congress adjourns. line of settlements,and appropriating §100- conversion of greenbacks into 44 per drome in Prais, the Circus Renz at Heiug from one-third to one-fonrth cheaper and lasting 000 for that purpose- The rules were HATCH. & 0 0 ., Handles, rough, each...... 35 at least three limes as long as the best lead and onpainta. approving . and, others strongly con­ The financial question too, needs cent. 30-year bonds. In other-words, Vienna, Myers’ circus at Dresden, Handles in plow, per pair, painted ___ suspended and the bill providing $3,000,- ] 0vv4 25 WEST 12TII STItEET, CHICAGO. 3 00 B esnretliat onrTradc lffark,^a facsiniU e demning the action of the President. further action. How that the veto of it is proposed to convert the non-in­ Salamonski and Garre’s circus at Co­ Double shovel blades aud bolts, each .. 1 00 ofw hich is given enovo,) is on ( 000 for the centennial celebration made Boad Scrapers._____«...... e v e r y p a c k a g e . f That the veto surprises both the the President: has overturned the Sen­ terest bearing debt of the Government logne, the Zoological gardens at Ham- 10 00 the special order for the 5th of May next. Eating House . Field Boilers, S feet, iron ,...... 73 00 Prepared ready for nee and sold by the gflllofl oxriy* friends and opposers of the movement, ate bill, it is hoped that 'some new into 'an interest-bearing -debt. Our burge. Amsterdam and other con­ Plain Points, per dozen,. .. ______(.2m4j (- A bill passed to suspend the rifles and o 50 there is no doubt., It was thought measure, embodying free banking in tinental cities, selecting and puchasing Cutter Points, “ ...... , 7 75 L paBS a bill allowing certain fractional special dispatch states that it is be­ Cream Saloon. » that the Executive would not disap­ such’form as to give the needed relief townships lit Missouri to select their school lieved Senator Morton favors this tbe •choices animals procurable and KANSAS prove: o f any measure passing Con­ engaging the . most talented artists. will bo devised,. We earnestly trust lands anywhere m the State. A resolu­ plan.— Inter- Ocean, April 28. MISS MARY ARTHUR No Discount Except for Cash. PACIFIC RAILWAY. gress after such long; discussion as was that the moneyed interests of .the tion was adopted calling on the President Ho has secured what may fairly he called an endless variety of attract­ AS fitted, up rooms in .Dunbar’s Prick, second door The Kansas and Colorado all rail route between had on this Financil measure, he hav­ East and: the wisdom of the President for copies of the correspond ence,telegram s, tiudtof th*» Bank; where she intends to keep an Set A ll Plow work not marked “left hand” is right h^nd* ing long since proclaimed that he had will see the necessity of this action, military orders, etc., touching the; trouble State Items. ions, ranging from a racehorse to a lug (Totu>« »nd tin Ice Oroam Saloon. Whon Moldboards or Hearns aro wanted for Kalamazoo KANSAS CITY AND LEAVENWORTH H 'u n>*k1r .11 himn l i t or Niles Plows, the Plows bhonld bo brought to the shop AND no policy of his own, but the will of and not throw anything ill’the way of in Arkansas. .Roman’s chariot. With the Messrs. Zatorcnec, Wilson, Denier, SE N A T E , April 21.— A bill passed Taptka, J3 unker S ill, Erie., the people. ’ its consummation. It is needless to — The Hillsdale Business is respon­ Sanger alone he has done business to GUARDIAN SALE. Wamcgo, Jlusscll, Boulder, for the relief of persons suffering by th8 Manhattan, Walker, Zongmopt, While we deeply regret that Presi­ say that soon or late, the East and sible for the following: i‘the tune” of <£11,000. He has al­ N the matter of the estate of Frank U. Hu Ise, minor. overflowing of the Mississippi, with au Junction City* Victoria, Georgetown, dent Grant could not see his way clear the Executive will have to yield to “ On Thursday last, we were shown ready shipped to Hew York ele­ Notico ia hereby given that by virtue of an order of Milford, f Says, Oolden. amendment providing that the provisions the Jud*o of Probate of Berrien County, ia the State of Wahejidd, Ellis, Central City,. to the approval of the Increase of the these just demands of the West and by Dr. Mills a ourious freak of nature, phants, camels and horses, trained for IMichigan, made tbe 22nd day of December, A. D. 1S73. M orley & Talbot Clay Center, 'Parks Fort, Colorado Springs, o f the act shall expire on the first o f Sep­ ‘the undersigned, Alexander J2mery, Guardian of said Abilene, Wallace, Idaho Springs, Currency Bill, we would not for a It was a prematurely born ’child with •every species of Circus preformance. minor*'will soil at public auction to the highest bidder, lUm a.Macliino Shop in connection -with tho, Eonudry. South. 'It • is the great issue of the tember. Consideration o f the Louisiana Any Jiind of Casting or Macliiuo Work douo to ordor. Solomon, K it Carson, Gredty, at tho pr< raises to bo sold, ou Tnesduy, the 0th day of SaHna, Las Jms/uz;* Evans, moment call Ms sincerity in question. day, and the ultimate result is only bill was resumed, b u t’ no progress was human body and perfectly^ formed On the 25th a further “ batch” will he June, lS7-i,betwoen tbolmnrs of 11 o’clock A. M. and 2 All orders or iognirica will receive prompt attention. Address. Brodkvillt, Pueblo, Platievillt, W e fear, however, that a grave mis­ a question of time. How much better, made. lion’s head. The Dr.- informed us. .dispatched, including sixteen)ostriches o’clock 1\ MT., tho undivided one-half of tho following Ellsworth, Santa ft, Cheyenne, described tract orpercol of land, to-vvit: Commencing B. T. MORLEY, Salt Lake City, at tbo south-east comer of tho south-west quarter of bcwn at the lime and place io,ooo| A RARE CHANCE, f-ssoo.oe' O O Miles tho Shortest Lino between K&nsae Citj * is great feeling in the South and West so imperatively demanded. We urge the: passage of this act the time, for the — Both of the little' twins^born - to' tume makers of London are to be set of sale. ' ALEXANDER EMERY, r Pall Particnlsrs Free, o AO 0 and Denver. completing of entries o f Osage Indian Guardian of tho cstato of Frank II. Hoiso, minor. Samples for $1.00. Ad. a A f a 11V Milos tho Shortest Lino between Kadjms City especially, over this act, but it it still the opponents off the currency expan­ Mrs. McCr’um are how deafly the sec­ to work immediately, the pantomines April 21, 18<4. 10w7 Jj dressdross jj I and Pueblo* Trinidad. Santa Pe, and All, lands in Kansas. The Senate amendment IVlAnft hoped that an increase of the currency sion in Gongress; to seriously consider ond one" dying last'Tuesday -- evening. are of their minds and hands, and WaiiUKlS I’iiislmig Supply Co,, LlJonUl. points In New Mexico and Ariton.v to the bill for the relief of sufferers by in­ PITTSIMJUGTI, PA. J No Forties! No Omnibus Transfer si can be devised by Congress in such a Kalamazoo Telgraph,22d.’ ' some portion of the parapernalia these things in the spirit” of Justice undation by the Lower .Mississippi was MONEY TO LOAN t .* 4 » * * « T , Tbe only Direct LId? .0 tbo fertile valleys of the Kan which is to contribute to the gigantio sas, Hvpnblican, bok n.on, Saline, Smoky llill and Aikan- way as to meet the President’s approv­ and Conciliation. concurred in, and the House went to com­ S SBMS TO SUIT, on approved real cstato security, sas Rivers. Action on the part of the Senate — Mr. Isaac Shingledecker .khas whole will be shipped weekly. The from tbreo to flvo years. PARM POE, SALE. Only Line running cars through without change from al. mittee of the whole, on the Legislative,Ex- the Misflonri lUver to Denver. Xefc the friends of the poor man, the- remains to be had on the House bill ecutive and Judicial ApDropriation Bill. sold his farm in DaGrange}- township 'hippodrome will open in Api’il, 1874.” IALSO, REAL ESTATE AGENT. A PAKM of 125 acres, ooo mi’ o oust of this village Only line rim ing Pullman Pnlac*- Cars to Denver, IT.L 00 ucrefi in good cnltlvation4 balance timbered h ndj Don’t full to lake o trip over this line, and view the f riends of the mechanic, the friends o f restoring - the free transmission of A n amendment offered to substitute for an to a Mr. Lowe, late of Illinois.— Oass- " . The London Times says of Mr. MOSES LEGOKB. good fences* two good bouses living of water great Advantages offered for abomu. &V\ item of §209,000 for postage stamps for Barnum’s preperation for his sensa- OftC" *4'Ub L P Alexander, Front Btroot, Buobanam rurminj; through the place. Tbo farm is good both i s a Everj’body in search ol hoalth or pleasure should make l the business man and manufacturer, newspapers within the county where opolis-Vigilant. . tflob. 4Btf grafo or sthrk farm. Will bo void vll rog^tber for.S65 an excursion over the Kuncas Pacific Hull way. in Congress continue to-press the ne­ published, and their free exchange the Treasury Department an item o f $5,- ?tions: “ Mr. P. T. Barnum, who is per luiro, cb’se paymonls, o,r in lots of 40 60and «5 acts Close couziections made at Kanfa* City, Learenworth, 000 for the cost o f furnishing official post- U\ tmil pnrrh-Hur. Pnr proticnbirn Mionire llmprnub Olav ni»nt<»r, Deuver, Los Animus, Boulder and Cheyenne cessity of so increasing the currency through, the ma’ils. It is .hoped this- — The military companie^vat .: Bay' now in this country, has jnst entered Farm for Sale.- «r I f . 0 « for all points. age stamps, was ruled out of order by the Huchuiinn. l-rfrb. EDM’D S. BOWEN Gem.Sup^. ' that the interests of the great mass of measure will not be delayed by the City and East Saginaw, were muster­ .into a contract with Messrs. Sanger of BEVERLEY S . SEIM, chairman on the ground that the amend­ HE subscriber offers tor saio his tarm of 151 acres the people of the United States shall Senate, but * will Bpeedily become a ed into 'the State ’service for'suc-years'/ Astley’s amphitheatre for the purchase situated in . Green. Rush, Chlknming Township, on Gen. Pmb. Agent, Kansas City. ment conflicted with the law abolishing lakOBhore. The location ,is a very dosir&blo one, and is NEW MEAT MAEKET. be subserved., law in conformity to' the demand of ;last week.—Saginaw Republican.: of the whole of tho plant, wardrobe Tono of tho host fruit farms in tho County. There are Dissolution Notice. ■ the franking privilege, and. an appeal hav­ and paraphernalia connected with the over 1,000fruittrees uow ou tho place; about 80 acre# HB. undersigned has pnrcha'od the The Detroit Post says of tbo veto: every; citizen .within the American ing been taken the decision:was sustained, Improvod; good house and good other buildings on the Moat Market on tho north fido of VTOTtOE is hereby given that the copattntnhip here* promisos. -Will sell tho whole place, or a part,to suit Front Stroot, opporito t b o Dunbar Ti euso, Ai fore oxistiug. known by the firm name o f 0* U. San* *‘The veto by President Grant of borders. - V 110 to 3S. ' —One day the hands engaged’on ."pageant of tho “ Congress of Mon- purchaser's. Tho premises-arev.ohly 1% ‘miles from a fwhere will ho kept constantly on hands burn & Go, is this day dissolved by rautusl consult, J. arens” exhibited at (the Agricultural Depot on the O. Prices and terms F r e s h l ’ o r k , StcefV M u t t o n , V e « l. P o u l t r y , G. Sanburn going*ouirot:the-bnsinoiifl and the balance ef the inflation.bill has,been so conduct-.; These three, important measures- at ' SENATE, April. 23— Thp S^lljhhn-, Loomis and McLeod’s drivbi'on-.Pine reasonable. 'Yor fnllparticulars call at tho premises cr &c., &c.“, that will bo sold at tho lo«. ost Prior s. 4G*-Cafeh the firm assninlngtail^UabHllies and obligations of tho .hall -four or five years since. s The paid for Xivok’St6ok and Hidesi--*^ -The xutronago ot firm. ■ - . ■ • ed as to exhibit clearly-seyeral of the,' least should receive the serious atten- resumed consideration of thelbilTvitoSfeha- River,- forcibly seised a Man atDunn’s tddraiB the subscriber fttSswyerP.Q.,Berrien Qa, Kick the pubUo is respectfully loiicited. ... "ooftraet is as follows; * . 55 j . AlsohaVeforsaleSOsorts*—sgoodtlmbered lei, ♦w Tl-i . v " J. G. SANEDWf A CD. most striking’ qualities which congti- tioujand action of the National Leg- ble ifenoanitite from Russia • Jo: iffect psr b.ridgvin the piH of;S«vilfy -nil 'V.t.-CBQMi W KlTOHILXi t

geaatSBB tidiSieiMeSiiSSBisi^ 0<7 rTlie Berrien County Record, * Bucbanan}_^--Mio}ngaiiri,-„Thursda)7'? April 3 0 ,

FKOTt SBWTUOV. ______R ev. E. H. H opkins, of Jackson Cerf- nows We are indebted to Mr. E d it o r s B e r r ie n C o u n t y R e c o r d . .gros"so:ecoipts.at.the rSt...Joseph. Post New Advertisements. Hew Adyertisements. S .— ter, Shelby Co., Ohio, says, “ Af'y wile had The Berrien Gounty .Record E. M. Griffin for the -following record — I desire to announce through your E ditors R ecord .-—Oar town has Offiico for*tlie*quarfcr, ending March survived the panic times and to-day 31st, was $1,249.59. This shows a the consumption for ten years, had been of snow fall during tho past winter. columns the Fact that m y case in bank­ confined to her bed for some lime. I heard ■IFP K Ia I, PA i'll H OF THE GOVJiTT. her prospects seem as bright as they good increase in tho business of the n e w y o m m y -booi The amount of snow fell at' the vari­ ruptcy is being superceded by virtue of Dr. L-. Q. O. Wishart’s Pino Tree Tar have auy time during the last two A Dexocratio Weekly. Establishe d 1850. It support ous limes indicated: of Creditors Petition, directing the office. The not receipts exceed that Cordial, and after using io’ur bottles, ’she 7Flute S»2>remaey, political aud social. Terms, $2 p«r yeftr. To vlubs, nine copies r. r 58 Specimen copujBfrfe, Bankrupt Court to discontinue the years. It is true that- some of our of any other office on tho line of the was able to do tiie work lor her lamily. THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL SO, 1874, K o v . 1 1 —1 in c h e s . N o v . 1 2 - 8 iu c h M cKIE and Addro.ss DAY-BOOK, l*ew York City. » tf citizens lounge around the stores and C. & M. L. S. R. R— Mr. Charles 1 8 - 2 “ “ 1 8 - 2 “ cao3o by their unanimous consent. it with a shake of the head and a shrug Stewart, Postmaster, has been making Centaur Iiinimesit, To Advertisers. 1 9 - 2 “ « 2 4 - 1 “ Also, that tho property now in the TL1E rllORTLST Ru^fC O rOuTUM’ l St. hands of my Assignee by virtue ot said o f the shoulders, say “ Troy is dead. some fine improvemens ab ou t the Tliero ia no pain which tho Contour The “ Record” is the hest Advertising 2 5 - 8 “ “ 2 G- 8 “ AWkY l Lita?:3,Ivr«rf."7;i; close of the religious revival, at the from St. Louis to Texas, either over the iiira i siiii in i-. a»y, Blood, and allRlieumaiicdlu’^ises. Srrcrato. : ord was a goodly number present, Sind we services.— The continued Illness of Atiril, IS7I. * • F. A OSBGO’EJf, JVbiart/ PuLue, M. E, Church,, llev. Mr. Tarr, Pastor, office. pany eaqh other in several pieces, two Missouri, Kansas & Texas R . R ... via Se- Wo Clorgyaen were Ccredbyit, anawmsatisfvnnycac vxV - are informed by one who was’ there, the editor prevents his attending his iogt:s.R^v.Tho3.Marp^r,D.D.,PraiitfordJPHla.i;cr.C IJ- has baptized about eighty persons, or Cornets and the Plano together on dalia, or over the Atlantic & Pacific R . R . ATTAKDRD Ewtag.Afodifl, Pa. Rev. J» 8. Bnchanan, Clarence, lotra. ITov. that it was a most happy company. G. G. Smith, Pittsford, N. Y. Rev. Jos. Boggs, Palls Chare*:, ■witnessed their baptismal vows. Take E otvck.—Brown will seli the Operatic Duet of Hernia, the duties with any degree of diligence— via Vinita. F or maps, time tables, infor­ Phils.,Ac. AfflictedshouldwriteDr.Pit}c^Phnan.forespl&' Feelings of good will were manifested but he appears to be recovering, al­ furniture at cost for the ni xt twenty parts for the Cornets having been ex mation as’ to rates, routes, & a, address J. 0 <&&£.. No enrano char^f.'a reality. Sold by&ragsists. by all. The children brought expres­ though some little time may elapse D entistry—Dr. J. M. Wilson, of days. How is the time for those who pvessly written and arranged for this F. Thompson, Northern Passenger Agent The “Medal for Progress” sions o f their regard and fiiial affec­ before be wholly rocovershis strength. Buchanan, is now making fall upper need any furniture to purchase the Entertainment. Several of the Solos 157 Exchange street, Buffalo, N . Y ., or tion and presented them to their fath­ E. A. Ford, General Passenger Agent, AT VIENNA, 1ST3, and lower sets of teeth for the extreudy same at the lowest prices. ate comic, and worth alone the price o f the entertainment, as we know all er* Some of them were of a substan­ T h e S t . J o s e p h Traveler says: S t Louis, Mo. Questions will be cheer­ low price of thirty dollars.. All other tial form, such, for instance, as a suit fully and promptly answered. The HiGnesT Onnss of “ Medal” Awarded at tub who attend will testify after hearing Owing to the continued illness of Exposition. work done by him at corsponrfingly S h ip p in g T a g s , a now supply, cheap of clothes costing fifty dollars. The them. Hearly all of the music is new the editor daring the entire week,four /( j- : t • -;ret*ente injurv to thread. tne Chicago fire. These Companies cure, yet there would be some skeptics But Chriat saya, “Suffer them to come unto me, night:—one inch of snow on the side­ at Collins & Weaver’s Hall. The Hall 3 .—Constructiox most careful and finished. It i* offer reliable indemnity to all who de­ and fogies who wonld continue to shout Tor of buck ia the kingdom of Heaven.” manufactured by the most skillful and experienced me walks, Tuesday morning. will bo diagrammed, and those seeur T h e H il e s Republican says : sire to insure their property. Humbugs !” ‘U omeug ! ! ” “It cannot chanics. at the celebrated K e m in e * to ii'A r iu o r y . George Hoppin has purchased an I t is sad to know that yon can never iliou, N. Y , Chicago Office, 2 Sr» S ta te Gift Enterprise, ing tickets early can have their seats be because Dr. Homespun says Catarrh St* rim2 D. A., W a g n e r , Agt., Buchanan. interest inn tannery at Decatur. Hear her ewoet voice no more, To he Drawn ^Icnday, June Sth, 1874. C ontemptible .— We understand reserved for them. Tickets will bo cannot be cured,!’ . How, this Dr. Home­ Nor hear tho patter of her little feet George thinks of becoming President Two Grand Capitals of that some hotel keepers in Niles are sold by Mr. J. H. Roe at his jewelry spun is the identical, good natured man As she used to run acros3 the floor. P e r s o n a l .—-Hon. Wm. Chamber* some day.— Rev. 0. 0. Olds, Presid­ FOR SAXE. telling travelers that there is no hotel store, and by or pnder the directions Who honestly beiieres and persists in de­ Now, dent friends, dry up your tears, $5?GG0eacIi. 13-rcenIiacks, lih, one of the Superintendents of the ing Elder of this M. E District, was claring that this earth is not round or And bid your little Emma adieu. fpDE undersigned desires to *-go Wecfc/; aud he there- open in Buchanan. This is simply of the Sunday Schools, Any pur­ 1 fore offers all his property iu Boclmnan for sale at a Poor, was in town on Monday and: 1'or yon have a hope to meet lic-r false and they know it. Because one chaser of a ticket can secure a reserv­ taken Suddenly and seriously ill spherical, but as fiat as a “ slap-jack,” and great bargain—House and Lot, Omnibus, Horses, Sleigbs, Two Prizes $ 1.000 ? f . „ „ Tuesday, looking after the destitute about ten days ago, at Hartford, Yan does not turn over, otherwise the * water In; that happy land beyond tbo blue. Dray, Ac. [Ilia3] G K G K G E 12£141?. hotel proprietor chose to close his ho­ ed seat by applying to Mr. J. H. Roe, Eddie Suepardson. Five Prizes $500 | j children of Wellington Mills, whose Buren Co., of billious pneumonia, but would all be: spilled out of Deacon Bas-' tel because the sale of liquor was not whether the ticket is purchased of him Ten Prizes $100 wife died a short time since. Mills or from any other party, prior to 4 we are glad to learn is now fast recov­ corn's- mill-pond. Bnt astriqnimical science ENGINES & BOILERS. One Horse and Baggy, with S lvor-monutsa HamMs was absent no one knows where, and tolerated, it does not follow that Bu­ lias positively demonstrated and proven BUCHANAN PEICES GUREENT. VT Tjh chanan has no hotel. There is a ho­ o’clock, P. M., of Friday, May Sth. ering , and is expected home in a day 3aw Mills. Shingle Mills, Ac, all sizes in stock. Have, One Pine-ionedRos-wood Piano, worth $550! Mr. Chamberlin for the Superintend­ or two,— Mr. F, J. Had lock met with that Dr. Homespun is wrong in supposing- furnished complete some ot the largest and best mills in' Ten Family Sewing Mathicf'B, worth $1C*0 mCa. tel; here kept by the Messrs. Sabin, tbe earth to be flat ana stationary, and OorrtcUtUvcry Wednesday morning fo r the Record b f Michigan. Ask for roleronces and price?. Fire Gold Watches and rUalns- worth $125 r-avhl ents of the Poor, seized upon the goods, a painful -and serious accident‘ on RATON<£ RlCflARD.S, Dcalersin Grac&riesandiPro- 3T. X). CTO O D ER, Ten Ladles Gold Hunting Watches, worth $100 each. old hotel keepers, who arc keeping a S o ld Out.—D. A . Wagner has medical science is daily proving the fact, visions. Front Street, Buchanan. Mich, Vulcan Steam Engine Works, BUFFALO, N Y SOO Gold and Silver Lever Hunting Watches, (rn cH chatties, and real estate for the sup­ Monday last. He was putin g a 'pump These figure*-represent the irriocs paid by dealers, unless ^ “Lumber and Shingles taken in exchnuge for M»» worth from $20 to $300 each. sold bis interest in the R e c o r d office that he is no less mistaken and behind the. Gold Chains, Silver-waxo, Jewelry, Ac , Ac. port of the children, and on account good house that will, fully accommmo- Q&tifi'iotie specijtea. chinery wheu desired. Uw4 date the traveling public. They Say to W. D. Kingery and John C. Mar­ in a well at S. M. Beeson’s and. when times in regard to the curability of Ca­ Number o f Gifts G,5G0 ! Tickets limited fo G 1.000. of the: neglect of his family and chil­ twenty feet down, waiting to place tarrh. In shore it lias been positively Wlioat, white, per bushel...... 1 40@1 50 AGENTS WANTED TO SEEL TICKETS, to a hotel can be kept without selling ble. All persons indebted on account Wheat, red, per bushel...... 1 30@1 40 Liberal Presnxxims will bepaid. dren. one section of the pump in the .other, whtsky. Let the traveling public and or for Subscriptions are interested in proven that this world moves, and that Flour, white, per barrel, selling...... 10 00 O 3T S Oi- X O 1 Single Tickets ? !.' Sin Tichets So ; Tw. Tce Zizkcis ; the windless and rigging above gave medical science is progressive— the opin­ Flour, rod, per barroh selling...... 8 00 2!iBaily-Fivi- TYcScJjSCO. the Hiles hotel keepers make a note of the Dissolution Notice in another col- Clover Seed, per bushel...... 5 00 COKTENTS OF TIIE Circril8.rscontEiaInjr » fcIIIist of {'ri7.es, aiwrri-1 -'.. T h o s e $4 calf boots at Noble’?. way and the section of the pump fell ion o f Dr. Homespun to the contrary net- Timothy Seed, per bushel...... 3 00 of tbo manner of dratvins, ana other ir -t r r .'a iio n ;-f this. utnn. Read it. Buckwheat, per bushel...... 1 00 erenco to the Distribution, will be spat to aaj one urA'r Also, full line of Boots and Shoes upon him, breaking his leg and driv­ withstanding. That Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Corn, per bushel...... A5@6Q DUNBAR HOUSE, Ing them. All letters maet beddilrcase'Up cheap for cash. Remedy-, will dure Catarrh, thousands..,who Oats, per bushel...... 30 BUC1IAMA3V, SUCEI., aitn orrtcE, T,. f>. ing: him. several feet under the sur­ Bran, per ton, selling...... 20 00 toi w Fi/tb si -'liwEt cnvpizrXiTi. f. R e d d e n & G r a h a m have just re­ Consisting of Bods, Bedding, Purulttire Ac., &c. 3’be S o m e more of those; §6, § 8, and §10 have use it attest. Pork, live, per h u n d r e d ...... 4 50@4 75 House has lately been refitted, painted and papered in face of the water.— The windlass 'was ... 5 &0®0 00 suits at ceived a large and well selected stock Pork, dressed, per hundred...... firat-elasB stylo. Also, large Sample- Rooms: have been H a v i n g a Then buy it and use it, in doubt do Dot ■ Pork, moss, per pound...... _ 8 added on ground .floor It will be sold at. such low figures sold half interest in my caught just in time to prevent it‘ from 2 00 L. P. & G. W. Fox’s of DFcio Goods, consisting: in part of Stand, Cora Meal, boltedj per hundred, selliug..... thatjj’bu can’t help buying if you apply at once. Reason Grocery and Bakery business, I am falling on him, and but for this inter­ Piaster, per barrel, selling...... X 75 for wauting to soil is I am desirous of going Into another n 6 i.:8«0 H.11 0:1 II B iiJ U 1U H io . all styles of Dress Goods, fancy goods, Hay, tame, per ton...L.....*..,.8...... 12;00©14 00 business. Terms reasonable, rent low. and lease secured, THE CHA3SPI02T now obliged to settle up all old ac­ vention he would doubtless have been Y ou will-find -it itt <3rug-,stores a )i over the ... 00@S 00 Hay, marsh, per ton...... 6 C. G. HULSART. Manager. Notions, Domestic Carpets, Gil Cloths, land. Salt, fine, per barrel, selling...... 2 20 m X7QZ1.. counts at once. A ll those who have L a d ie s A t t e n t io n .—While you killed. Drs. Egbert and Bonine Bnchanan, April 59,3574. 'lltf LAWK JEQWEK TIZ3 Wall Paper, &c., &e, Cali and see Salt, coarse, per barrel, selling...... 3 00 Veen accommodated with time, will are; engaged in the; noble work of dressed the wound and Mr, Hadlock From the Cat-skill Recorder of Hot. 15,1ST2 J Beaus,, per ba3liei...... r...... I &0@2 25 them before you buy elsewhere. Wood, 18 inch, per cord...... 2 00 now accommodate me very much by crusading againsfcintemperance in its is doing as well as could,be expected. A GOOD REMEDY. Wood, 4 feet, per cord...... 4 00 MORTGAGE SALE. . Batteri per pound...... 30 calling and settling immediately. verious forms, don’t forget the fact W e invite attention to the advertisement Eggs, per dozen...... jasj KVAULT having.been made Yn the payment Of a cel- Lard, per pound...*...... *...... D tain sum of money secured to be paid by a certain In­ h e il e s o f Sage’s Catarrh Remedy, Our readers denture or .Mortgage bearing date the first day of March, Best discounts to those who come first. that the nicest line of new and fash­ A ll those who wish to purchase T H Democrat says :. ‘ Tallow, per pound...... wjll .bear us witness Uiat we never know ­ 13@20 A. D 1S70. madoanu ox-cuted: by David AL. Foster and H. H. K inton. ionable Dress Goods have just been untimely goods and ladies underwear On Friday of last week, a man by Hottey, per poaud...... M**ry O. Kostvr, hiawife, of tho Coim-y of Borrisn and Potatoes, per bushel...... 1 00 ingly commend humbugs of any name or State of MicLdgaii. to William Wilson, Trustee of tho £0- ’\ received at Binn3 & Rose’s. Go and cheap, will find it to their advantage the name of Herrick E. Martin', of Green Apples, per bushel...... 50© 00 nature, and a.large amount o f .patent med­ Dried Apples, pox poaud...... SfSi9 cietv of ShakVs of Kullelri, Grafton Couuty, Htaie of Crowded.—The Buchanan Enrni- see them at once. to call on Mrs. C. Egbert, at Hiles. Elkhart, formerly of this county, was Dried Beaches, pared, per pound...... 16 New Hampshire, and recorded iu the o^ce of -the Regis­ icines may safely be classed as imposi­ Dried Peaches, uupored, per pound....*.,,... 10 ter Of Deeds of mud. Comity of Ilerrivn, on the 9th day oi ture Factory is so driven with orders My stock is full and complete, bought found dead, in Landon’s woods, in'the S March, A. 1) 1870, at 9 o’clock. In Libor Z of Mortgages, tions upon public creduelity. But having Chickens; per putind.*..*...... uu page 3S7. on which said Mortgage there is claimed to that they have to work till 94 o’clock in Craubernes, per quart...... P o n d ’ s E x t r a c t , acknowledged by at panic prices, I have also engaged eastern part of this city.' _ When witnessed the benfieial effects of Sage’s 30 (£46 be due and unpaid, at the date of this noticf’, the sum of Oysters, per can, selling...... three hundred and four and fb ty-two ono-hundredths the evening. a.first-class cutter and fitter in* dress­ found he was sitting against % tree Remedy upon' the members o f our family Brick,- por thousand, soiling...... 8 00 medical authorities, holds the charac­ Hidos, green, por pound...... 5 ($10442) rioliara, and j»o suit at: law or proceedings f» erinity having been in^nmted to recover the name or any ter of “ The People’s Remedy.” making. -All Work executed with with a Derringer pistol" in his right and others, in Catarrhal cases, we unqual; Sides, dry, per pound.,...... * 0 20@1 25 part thereof:—Notice is therefore hereby given, that by S p r i n g a n d S u m m e r ...... Hats and neatness and dispatch. Please give hand, arid a bullet hole through hi3 ifiedlv pronounce it a valuable medicine, Mackerel, No^l, per pound. solliDg...... virtue or a power of sale contained in -said and 12H now become openttn e, and fn pursuance of the statute Caps, the latest styles ac the bottom me a call, first door east of the Citi­ right temple. The verdict of the entitled to public confidence. The propri­ Whlte.PiBh, per pound, solllog...... 10 F o r ready-made Clothing, it will in such case made and provided, the land described m figures, just received at Binns & Rose. zens’ Bank, Hiles, Mich. cornner’s jury was thftt.he’.lfad.' com­ etor could easily obtain in Catsklf many said Mcitcugc, .to-wlt: BJeven twollths fll-12) 0f the- pay you to give Estes a call. Men’s eaat half of the n^rth-c-rist quarter of section M r s . C o u r t l a n d E g b e r t . mitted suicide. Mr. Martin was well certificates of its merits. twenty-one t2i) and tho west halt 0 *C) of the north west suits for §7, §9 and §12. Sneclal Notices. quarter (Lf ) of Section twouty-two. that part of the M o v e d A w a y .— Our young friend known to many of our citizens as an soutli-oast^qunrterji^) of Section twenty-ono (2!) wlilch Taiuiiiee as'ii Preacher. Hos north ot tho road teadinglrom Pokagon to Berrittu. Mr. Gaylord Warner has removed to honest and honorable man. He was containing about tweQty (LO) Hcres.Hud coiih&inihgiual] L a d ie s ’ kid button and lace boots, “Horse Men,” and others who pretend Grand Rapids, where he goes into a forty-three years of age, and' ha’d^ by A San Francisco paper says of T. De MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. one hundred aud eighty (180) acre?; ail of the above des at L. P. & G. W. Fox’s. Latest to know, say that the following directions cribfed lauds are s:tutted in Township six (0) South of situation in a Chair Factory. his industry and economy, accumu­ W itt Talmage. “ W e believe that no such range seventeen (17) west, in the Goawty Borrien and sty lea and very cheap. had better be observed in using Sheridan’s Christian preacher bas been heard since State of Michigan, wiU bes-Idat public auction or venduo, lated considerable wealth. He leaves at the front door of the ^ Court ' HeHouse, iu’ the village ol Tliis beautiful Mower is how so well kno ws throvgh Cavalry Condition Powders: Give a the days when George Whitfield and the N audaftor Monday, Nov. 3,1873, all trains on the Berrien Springs, in the said Couuty 61 Botrien. oiv the out the "United States and Kuropo. that it l-uta M cK ie & W a r n e r ar offering, ex­ a wife to whom he had only been mar­ O MichiganCentraJ Kailro&dstopping at Buchanan, eighteenth ( IS) day of July, 1S74, -at 11 o’clock in the commcndiition (over 10,000 gold Jn thic coulItj nfoct-Y horse a teaspoonful every night for a week; two Wesleys.preached the gospel on the Thoonly balancedLawnMowerwith AN ADJT3STALLII H a r d to g et: T h r o u g h .— We mean ried a short timej and numerous rela­ will.leave as follows: forenoon of the Bitid day to,satisfy the nim unt which traordinary bargins in Hew Goods. the same every other night for 4 or 6 shores of America. Sublime in his pow- TBAINSWB8TWAKD. shall then bo due on said Mortgage, together with the HANDLE. Kinyon & Yin cent’s; store during nights ; the same for a milch cow, and as tives and friends to mourn his . unfor­ Kalamazoo Accom.,(daily)...... 7:20 A.M eosts and charges of said foreclosure uDdsato,and also an 10-inch cut, croquet mower, a bcarJUhl little mnrbirc j f ersrif'pathetic-and lurid ■ description, terri- Mail, (daily exceptSuudays,)...... 4:37 P.M. attorney fee therein provided for. for small lawns, croquet grounds, oomtery lots, eas iy business hours, there is such a rush much more for an ox. The addition of a tunate end. Hi3 remains were itakeri Express, (except Sunday and MondajO...... 2:5 LA M, Dated April 23d. 1874 operated by a lad or miss of 10 years, j>» v $20; 12-iLch, Thr Buchanan Cheese Factory ex' ble'iri earnestness, sparkling with graceful Way Freight (dally except Sunday)...... 2:25 P. M, of customers. Gbod goods and low little fine salt will be an advantage. WILLIAM WILSON, Trusteo. Mortgagee. $22; 141nch. standard si2e, $25; 2S*it.ch, f»Oiy. $1<0; to Elkhart for interment.—Mr* Blish, images and illustrative, anecdote, the: great TJRAINS EASTWARD. 32. Ballenger, Alt’y for Mortgagee. 30w»3 32-incb, horse, for public parks and lur^a laa ns*. $125; pests to start up on Monday of next prices will tell. MaUj( daily ,exceptSundays,) ...... 8:51 A.M Erflrj’ machine worruiited (o t;ivo satlstaclioii. Wo week. W e have heard recently of several se­ of this place, has recently 'constructed multitude becomes as one man beneath his Kalamazoo Accom. (daily)...... 7:20 P. M challenge the world to a trial, and to produce a maebiuo vere cases o f spinal disease cured by John­ a Transit instrument, which for sim­ Day Express, (exoflpt Sunday)...... A. M its equal. Try it nurl you nil) buy no other. touch, and a silence, broken only by an oc­ Night Express, (except Satnrday ahd Sunday)'.12:03 A. 31 Administrator’s Sale. 'Send for lllufffnitcd Circulars son’s Anodyne Liniment; one case o f a plicity, accuracy and cheapness can­ casional gasping lor breath from the whole; Michigan City freight...... 12.20 P. M. MANUFACTURED DX THR.*. “W h a t i s M a n ? I s i i e I m m o r ­ H a m b u r g and French Embroidery Way freight...... -...... 7:15 A. M I N the matter of the estate of John Judayj deceased.— man forty-five years old, who had not done not be excelled by any instrument of assembly, attenUs his utterances from the J. Notice is hereby glvon that by virtue of an order of at Fox’s, cheaper than_the muslin it H .B . 8 ARGENT.Gen’ lSupH. HILL'S' "ARCHIMID1AK" LAWS- MOWIR CO.. t a l ? ” A aeries of lectures began at; a day’s work for four years. The back first sentence to the last.” Mr. Talmage the Judge of Probate of Berrien Couuty, in the State ol is worked on. the kind now in use. This isV ' very Micbigau, made on the 30ih day of March, A.D.1874, in COLT’S AltSfOItY. nADTPQItD. COXN. the M . E. Church last,/Sabbath even- should first be washed, and then rubbed writes as well.aa-he preaches,,, and we are tho matter of the estate of John Juday^ deceased, the iog, and will continue for several weeks. important instrument s astronomers undersigned, J. T. Beckwith and Otis Storus, Administra­ with a coarse towel. A pply the Liniment and others ascertaining the movement glad to learn .that, he has taken the. edito­ CHICAGO & MICH. L. SHORE R. R. tors of said estate, will soli at public-auction to the high- AK0StH, - hundred and ninety-seven (197) acreB, all in Borrien One Largo Octavo Vol. of 1013 Pages. onr farmers, one of two things is .eery Couaty, Micbigan. Terms and conditions’of sale mado- T h i r t e e n were baptised at the M. tickets are already out. This has would die rather than pay 75 cents for a danger in using stimulants that injure the Mall...... ;...... J2:16 P.M known ou the premises on the day o f sale. ItTeco-da jnst what slvnCrt be remembered.mi l dlsceu 8 nothing to do with the F. M. D. En­ bottle of medicine, that tyould cure them. tain, either an extarodinary crop’ of Night ExproiB...... 1:40 A.M. J. T. BECKWITH, all eup-i nuilies, making it tbo boclt iur tbo ttiiilion, ana E. Church, at the general prayer organs of digestion’while.giving .tempora­ LKAVX8 . JOBSPH—• SOUTH. ’OTIS STKKNS, within their moans. Dr. A. Boschee’e Gerroau Svrup baa late­ potatoes or potato-bugs. To* give an meeting, last Thursday evening... tertainment, which comes off Friday ry relief.-. To1 obviate this, and present to Nigbt Express...... 1-40 P. M Admlnlatratora, estate ol John Juday, deceased. * We.recomraond this work to all those who want c<»i-- idea of the amount of potatoes being Aooommbdation...... 0:30 A. M April 22,1874. • 10w7 else. wcU-tibissifidd, useful knowledge.3’—Chicago Tribunr* evening of next week, but is wholly a ly been introduced, in this country from tire-public a tonics free from . a l c o h o l i c Germany, and its' wondrous cures astonish planted this season, we need-riot men­ Mail...... 3:60 P.M Oi o agent’s comoiceriou^ wi.ro over $*00 CO iu iuo different, thing. b o is o n , Dr. Greene prepared the._OxY- • A. H. MORRISON, Goneral Mnnagor.* week. Another n-porta V3 < rdors ip ouo wctlt. S p l e n d id stock of Boots & Shoes everyone that try it. Tfyou doubt what tion the fact that Mr.' Deury, living ROBATE ORDER.—State ol Michigan, County ot g e n a t e d .BiTTEns, a. Bure’cure’ for D y s - P Borrieu, sa»—At a session of tbo Probate Court ior Sena fox* Circulars to at McKie & Wan er’s 11 w2 we say in print, cut this out and take it to the Couuty of Berrien. Holden at Iho Probate office in tb*» on Yankee stre’et.' a few miles from PERSiA-'and- aU kindred ’.complaints* Sold vHlngo of Berrien Springe, on Eriday. tho 3d day of M. SI. RUlUYHAiU, PGSLISHERj L a r g e st umbrellas in the world at your Druggist, James Smith, and get a' this city,, intends pjanting a small every where. J ohn F. H enry, C drran The Confessions of an Invalid, April, in tbo year one thousand oight hundred and 10w4 SYUA- X-^y, N . Y . Pubu^bed as K warsIng and for Iho benefit of Y ouxg Boventy-fonr. M r s H il t o n L. P. & G. W. Fox’s: sample bottle free of charge,, or a regular ' Pre84iDtjDaniolChapmani Judge of Probate. M. E. would announce patch of. fifty-five acres, half of'.which •'feQcs&i BsPprwtojrs} ;fl ' ,and -9 College Men ASD"OTnr.R8 who suffer from NERVOUS DEBILITY, to the public of Three Oaks and vi­ size for 75 els.. ' ave all ready planted* If the..:potato- Place, New York. ’ 6 X03S.OP MANHOOD, etc.;-supplying tbo means of self- I d the matter of tbo estate' of Samuel Collins, enre. Written by ono who cured him«olf after undergo.', doceased. SELECT SCHOOL ea y l G. G. G uekn. Woodbury, N. J. • On reading aud filing the petition, dnly verified, of cinity, that she has opened Millinery , R has a few more Buffalo Rohes bugs attempt to eat this patch'of po. :v , U.UT. -. ■■ ■■ ^ .. 1 ing considerable quackery, and sent freo. on receiving a Julia 12. CoIUds, widow of 8ai A SELECT SCETOOLJs .bclog- tauKht in -MToi io tlo & Warner’s, and would, respectfuly The "Gentleman in Black,” who is the their claims for a seat.in. Congress. Cm6 • • - . Box 153, Brooklyn, N. Y. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, tho 4tli day of Xjl “old Democrat office ” All ina-v hw W'cps3*try*t« r solicit the patronage of those wishing tutelar demon of dram-shops,' assumes Ills offers 1,200,000 acres of' laud in Central May, .3874; at 11 o’clock in’ the forenoon^ bo assigned ijrafc grrtdf- te/fohorfl aro taught. £pi:ci<«riittentiou fciv n and: Southwest Missouri, at from 83 to $>12 for, tho hearing of sal'd petition,and thatthohelrsat law of toBtndeniu whd nro-priqfcuiuK for uwchi|.g* *Pcrpats n- goods in her line; ’ llw 4 F a r m e r s A t t e n t io n -— To secure sourest aspect when the rapid progress ot T h e 'S t * J oseph EerUtd'mys -..... salddo.ceasGd,andallotherpor80hsliitere6tediu8aide8tate^ lars apply to JA3. KONAYNE, P-tiley*8 per acre, on seven years time, with free are required to appear at asosslon of saidOonrfc, then to be Drngbtore, - ; ' ,. 4, " 10ff4 the higest price for country produce V in eg ar B itters is reported ‘‘down be­ ' The fishermen find;’ -aflittleun pleas holden at tho Probate Offico, isi the village of Berrion transportation from- St. Louis to all pur­ TO CONSUMPTIVES. Springs, aud show1 cause, if aiiy there.bo. wliy the prayer ■ » - M.1-^ i J.. V I '»L k1 * ■ T h e w om en low.". The People’s Vegetable Tonic is ant fishing in ‘the searching 7 *K.orth- of Buchanan are re­ is a thing worth looking after.’ To chasers. Climate, soil, timber, mineral The advertiser..having been permanently cured of that of tho oetltiouer should not bo granted: And it is futr playing the'mischief with his - bitters fired dread disease, Consumption,, by a simple romedy, is anx­ thor. ordered,* that said petitioner give notice to the por-. quested to meet at the house of L. P. do this bring your butter, eggs and west-wind*-—Mr. Henry: W.-^Jennings ious to mako known to hiB fellow sufiorors the means of with rum’* All diseases which those dem­ wealth, schools, churches and law-abiding, sons fn torqsteffin said o.BtatO'j of • tbo pendency of .said pe­ A GENTtfSAIAN^who /enfeufejifor from N^rrcus Fox, on Saturday evening, May 2nd, produce to Binns'&Rose, who will ex­ had two fingers cut offby ariectgeraf W. elite- To all. who desire i t .,be will send a copy of tbo tition,and tho hoaring.thereof; by causing a copy of tliis - x i. jDebflity tPrehiaturo*X3e’eay. and'iCl, llifi efTeefsr of: oniac nostrums aggravate, under prentense society invite emigrants from all points to prescription used, (free of oharge), with tho directions order to bo published in the Berrien County Record^ & v youthfulVOnthfnl imhfcretipuimhfcretiniiAvillf^Vri ‘'rillfrfVr} 31 Si? eekp i»nVfV ;of r>r suffenncT'lm *TTiTf'nmrIiu at 7 4 o'clock* for the purpose of com­ change goods; and groceries there­ R,-.Wilbex & Co., Basket and* Box this land of fruits and flowers. For par­ forjpreparing and uilng.the same, which they will find a vnewspaperpriatod aud olrcul&tod in. said County of-Ber­ ^ inanity; send froo.to all/wh^iofdjtolhayeripa »*nd direc- of relieving, such as indigestion, sick-head- 1 enmi Oum* roa CoHStupTiow.AgTHMA, Bronchitis. Ao. rien, for^three successive weeks previous to said day of - tloh for makingxtha cinlpl^f^? which, bo wna pleting a permanent organization of a for, allowing the highest market price ache, constipation, rheumatism, gout, and Factory, on Tuesday.—--This number, ticulars, address A. Tuck, Land Commis­ s .Partlee wtohlog the preecription will pleaee address hearing. ' .. .Curod:-- Suffererri. w{Hhfgg^f^Jby tbe.*dv«’rljfl+ir,3 -Herald.-Thi sioner, St. Louis, Mo, ifiyl _. . . * * S*t. & A* W1L0ON. ■ LtWLl ' ' - UAHIML'UH^PMAH. (experiouce tatfdo so by addrosiilDWtnTparfoct.oohfideucoi Woman’s Suffrage Organization. for your products, - intermittent fevers ate cuted by it. 21 w4 closes Volume 8 of the :.. jlfai l . , Penn ll.t WIWaiBSbnrgh« New xork, ' (AteMcoyf.)- »»»■* 40^.?. yj, QQPTOf iffOodiSr.it^Now Yor >. A St ... ■ * - ■■ -:.*.**•*" "" ; -Wp* • f? The .Berrien. Thursday, /-April-; 30, - 18,74.

m. .O-ff - J. V + =r x " H . H . K I N Y O N T O T H E Sunday Beading, Visited Niles , iast Great Bargains of the E m p o r i u m o f ‘F a s h i o n , P U B L I C . , NEW MILLINERY! HTriE Times. •‘‘F or Fiileen Y ears. Season ! D R . V ." OLARENOR PRICE, . ( -x It teas only a lit tie seed K in d F r ie n d s : , • NEW MILLMERT! 1 JOHN FENDER ...... tie dropped iuto the ground, I thank you one and all very much ECSLOSING OUT-SALE' ,'OTJliD .rospectfuily aanouncetb tli'e ciHzeiip‘o Bu w -' qhapaTj an.r.1 Vicinity that kas ojisned a B ur a ii auiiiul flower,with fragrauibells, ‘or your very liberal patronage during Only Physician of Ms kind Oi' EAI.r, AND WINTKJv sto c k op 1 the last seven years, and in the future SPRING STYLES1 \V hen next she passed, she found. / '' IN TIIE WEST. • . TA I shall, as in the past, try to give each —AT— SHOP I e was only a little thing— DRIp RIOS has.mot with unparalled success In the 0 / bis own, In th6 lniilding or Luther & SoB7aDd is ready and every one the worth of their mon­ eraatmont of all Chronic diseases of the BOOTS & SHOES; to execute, on tbo abortest notice, all ordern Id IiIbIIdo, Asi ace nsmooth and round; MES. DUNNINGS1. at tbeTorylowest prices. - _ J ey by keeping everything in the n"- Dtit in tune it grew to a stately tree, Hair Braids and Puffs. \;rj*A OLOTEElXsra, t; G ro cer an d B a k e r ’ s d in e , AMERICAN AND PARIS FASHIONS YV hose branches swept t ,e greuncl. selling Mud run IT oy’s CorsatsA-VAt.ri.^ i Gloves, Umhrmar and Gaits Furnishing Goods, i just as low- as goods bought for cash Regularly received, aud at all times faithfully observed. If was only a little word— Hoop Snirts.. Sloacliiii'g. F “ PhunYRTams.5: Stamping Douo to Order A word ot love and cheer; down, (not thirty days), cans he sold, Our largo fetock o f Fall and TYiuter Goods .must bo closed Garments Cut and Patterns' -. gr tvs , out iu llio next « But it soothed me heart it was spoken, and dealing justly by all. Iguarantee E S Ls SUITS . Furnished - . Jones always 'believed to, everything I sell., (rood goods are FURNISHED TOORDER. In any fltyle desired,andsatisfftctionguaTaiitecd* J her Frederick when he told her that To inako room for our Spring Goods, ns we never keep .Having lind large experience for years In the business, And rendered the speaker dear. warranted good, and poor ones are I warrant-all my work to be first class, A11.I ask lor Is a the “ club” was for social intercourse to Mrs;. Dunning's and soo goods and learn. goods out of season. To accomplish this wo will now warranted p o o r and everything sold, T j E i E olTer to iho citizens of Buchanan and viciuity. trial , feeling confldrtt>t that Xcnti please you and retain and discussion of professional topics, It was only a little Sower, prices. your custom ' - 8-fltf ^ either good or bad, will be taken back until the .other night,’when he came Laid on the sick one’s bed ; Main St., Buchanan, Mich*. SUCH BARGAINS and the money refunded if the pur­ In our lino of goods its they never had offered them be­ But it brought to mind a tender face, fore. Ouri'goods are nil ■ i. into the hall with a rush and evinced And some loving words that were chaser is not ' satisfied.. My Baker is a desire to sleep on the front ’ STRAICHT ipEiME’ said. one of tho*5es£ in the State. My FAIRY VOICES. —AND— f “ Mary,” Baid he, His voice * broken/ clerks will be always ready to wait FAIRY VOICES. with emotion, “ Mary; you have been Ye3, these are little things ; FAIRY VOICES. Warranted the give Entire But the lesson that I would teach upon you with alacrity, treat you FAIRY VOICES. partaking of the intoxicating pledge ; FAIRY VOICES. ■ .Satisfaction ? Is, that-.UHtle things are in all our paths, andly, and ask you to come again, FAIRY VOICES. Thoge in need Of goods in our lido will find it to thei you-have; broken the cup. - Itsh no ■ju my Lunch, Room; you can get hot FAIRY VOICES. advantage to give ns n call, and tboy will find pritifl ush d’nying it, M ary; I shee it in While the great ones but few can FAIRY YOIOKS. Power Press such that all will bo satisflod.. Seed,Nerves, Kidnoya,'Bladder, reach. tea and coffee, rusk andbutter, bologna, THK-NEW ■^uSputh .rido of Front Street3 Buchanan, Mich. your*hreathTand smell it in your eye. THE NEW Womb and Blood. of the cheese, dried beef, pickled tongue; DHnary Organs, Qrurol, Scrofula, 1 . P, Oh, Mary !” With some difficulty Let us do the little we can, Consumption, Rheumatism j Oatarrh, (fiuccessora to Cotton & F Nor b.lk ol the great that we. would ; cake, pies, oysters, &c,, &c., all served HtJSlG BOOK s 1 ■' * * BronchUls,DyBpop6ia,&6i ftuchauuiii Jnn. 22,1874. 49 tf he was.put.to bed, but since that with neatness and dispatch. The most: %*The reputation Dr, Prico has ncquirod by candid,Uon* BUCHANAN night he has-not visited tlie club. So the blessed Master sh^li say say one est dealing, and years of shccessfnl practice has iuductid day, of my goods are bought in large FORiSCHOOLS’. unprincipled persons to copy hod Imitate him as far as thoy’dare, JLnorder. to decolve. Lot it be remembered quaniities ’direct: of the manufacturers $0 PER DOZEN. m i l l “She hath done' what she. cotjld.” 5& PER DOZEN, tbatub person In thewost Is treating Ohronic Diseases C U S T O M ; jg^^Caution*—rHost— 44 J ust on e and importers, at much less figures j't) PER DOZEN, rV «rv*% \ similar to Dr. Price— that hia practice is not ono of expo- (it) CT3: EACH; 5ft ‘i a- .y- i rimenta.but founded ontbo laws of Nature with years BUCSAIfAMj MCH., - w A & c t a r more wee drap 'fore you go.” Guest Morning Prayer. than they can bo purchased after pass­ POST-PAID;. r\ft' a t TJO'ir • • of'experienbo and evidence to sustain it. That, it does not tear down to build up—make sick to make well—no — na, a'll tak’ nae mair! I'm So fit and useful is morning devo­ ing through the hands o f agents. My harsh treatment, do trifling, no flattering^ Wo know the . oauso and thovemody needed, no guoss work, buiknowl- FULTON & KINGERY, in a new lodgin’, .'and I ’m no vera tion, it ought not he omitted without teas come-direct from Yokohama, pass­ SOiyC-ECHO. ' edge gained by yenTa of experience in tho treatment of FOR SCHOOLS. ^tbesodiseAsos exclusively; no encouragement, without a !E3’x‘OL>x'iet;ox*s. weel-’acquainted wi’- the.stair !” necessity. I f our circumstances will ing through the hands of only one 80.000 SOLD. prospect^. Candid^ in our opinion, reasonable in our 80.000 SOLDe MANUFACTURING 00,; charges', claim not'to know everything, or to euro every­ allow the privilege, it is a, bad sign man, an importer in Hew York city, . 80,000 SOLD.* body,but do claim to reason and common sense. We '1 lie mill has recently undergone repairs j^|“ “ H i! where did yez git *thim when no part of the morning is spent; and are consequently from ten to PRICE. 75 OT3. Invito the sick,*no matter what their ailment, to call, in- and is better ablo than for years previous to POST-PAID. ,ye«Ugatebdforo they abandon bopo, makointorrogalicns trousers ?” asked an Irishman of a in prayer. I f God finds no place in twenty cents: a pound cheaper than at $7.60 PER DOZ. Vud aecfdd for'themsolTes. Xt will cost nothiugt ns con- do all kiods of work prompily and in the Biicliaiiaii, Mich, IF SENT PER man who happened' to be passing with our minds at that early and peaceful any other place in town. All I ask EXPRESS. i saltation Is free. • Vialta vrlll.bo madoropularlj% . very best condition.. ■ Dr. Y ; Olnronoo Prico oan bo consulted at Niles, Orders for flour, Meal, Feed* Ac.* for the a pair of remarkably short trousers hour, Ho will hardly recur to us in of any ono is to call and examine Address. X . X». P E T E R S , Reading Ilouso, Saturday and Sunday, the 30th and 3lst 609 Broad’iroji New. of &fay* At Lnporto, Morrill Houko, Saturday and Suzi- wholesale and retail trade promptly filled, : on. “ I. got them where They grew,” the turpnlts of life. I f tha benefits of goods and learn prices. Tho goods day, tho 9tli and 10th of Mnj-. £2|P"Specia] attention paid to custom Residence and Laboratorv—Waukegan IUluola. was the indignant reply. “ Then, be the morning do not soften us, we can will bo Bhown cheerfully oven if you grinding. hardly expect the heart to melt with do not buy a cents’ worth. _ Remem- LIVERY STABLE. me conscience,” said Paddy, “ you've SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. B. 1.4 i L pulled them, a year too seon !” gratitude through tho day. I f the jer the place, 53 Front street, Bu­ FRONT STREET. Mill on Portage Street. world rush in and tako possession of chanan, Mich. BUCHANAN, MICH. 19tf V. II. KINNEY Miller. SUPERIKTENDESTS. us, when we are at some distance and -O F M l - B ^.G ne of the recent converts at Baldwinsville was requested to con­ have had a respite from its cares, how BTJGHANAN A. O. D AY, Pres. B. E. BINMS, Treas. can wo hope to shake it off when we CROUP, fess Christ publicly and ask for pray­ shall he in the midst of :it, pressed Coughs, Golds, Consumption, in its first; stages, FLOIIRIi^G MILLS. JOS. L. RICHARDS, See. ers intending to express the thought and agitated by it on every side? Caked. Breasts, Inflammation of the Bowels and that prayer would be useless unless he lungs, Inflammation, or Swelling-of the: Liver, prayed for himself, he said, “ as to Let a part of tho morning, if it he Spleen, Ague Cake, Liver: Complaint, Kidney ROUGH & PESrPBOPBiEIORS, possible, he set apart to devotion, and Affections, Caked Breasts, Chilblains, Cold prayers, I think every man should Foot, Fever and; Ague, Spinal, Fovor, Scarlet Berrien County "Record Have on hand ft number o f ‘paddle his own canoe.’ ” to this end wo should fix the hour of Fever and. Lung Fever, Catarrh, Asthma,, and Cash Paid for W heat, Corn, &c rising, so that we may have an early ail Lung diseasesColic, Bilious Colic, Diarrhea, PROUD <& PEASE Keep as good rigs,and chargo as hour at our own disposal. Our piety and, all diseases o f the stomach and bowels, CUSTOM WORK (.lARHFfiLLV A T - “ Where are you stopping is suspicious if we can renounce, and have all boeu oured and. pre von tod by the use of REASONABLE RATES • Bill ?” inquired one seedy man of As any establishment In the County, 3-1 It TSNiiEl) TO. many do, rather than forgo the vain V'tlson’s Golden Ointment. another. “ Stopping at the Russell indulgence of unnecessary sleep. For the cure o f complaints and diseases, of Haa. aver^Ii^e'iSoftaieS ro'f3A'V liitMt-&nd House,” was . the reply. “ Russell children,, all should: get. it and euro their chil­ beat,' atyla^ofy'type.Tapd AgiaterUI^for ,;J OB W hat! we can rise early enough for dren’s Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, and prevent SWITCHES! CURLS! Ajrer’s Ague Cure, s, House ? Where is the Russell ?" “ 0, W^OSB:, andTa/u^y.preparad te^jxeout, in the Dr. J. W alkor’s Califovuia Vin­ business. What1 can even anticipate Croup, Dipthcria, (Putrid Sore Throat) and all beatstjlei lcnowtCtb the art* ' you' see, I sleep in a dry goods box eg a r B itte r s are a purely Vegetable For ITever and Ague, intermittent ITever, .MADE Uif THE the dawn, if a favorite pleasure, or an other dangerous effects o f sudden and severe, ELE subscriber would announce to the ladles of Bn- preparation, macle cliiefly from tlio native and rustle around like blazes to get colds.. And every mother in the land should T chananand vicinity that she is prepared to monufec* Chill Fever, Beruittant Fever, Dumb uucommon gain requires the effort; assert her rights,-demand, and insist on being Uiionaturalltairinto switches, natural curls. Ac., herbs found on ihelowerranges of the Sier- Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, &c., something to eat.” But we cannofrise that we may bless, liberally and. bountifully supplied with this r» Nevada mountains of California, the and indeed ail the affebtions which arise MOST REASONABLE PRICES. medicinal properties of which are extract­ fcom malarious, marsh, or minsmntio Best Beasoned M aterial, our great Benefactor, that we may remedy; It will save her many sleepless nights p oison s. o f weary and anxious watching. Mothers, Also, that bIig ed, therefrom without tho use of Alcohol, New York divorce lawyer’s arm ourselves for the severe conflicts keep this remedy on; hands* and save all this; The question 33 almost daily asked, “ What '-to*. JTo ono remedy is Jouder advertisement: “ Hymeneal incom­ trouble and anxiety, and your little; and pro Desires to Purchase Hair, is the-cause of the unparalleled success of i-S called for by the necessities of AUD to which our principles are exposed ! J i Y \ the American, people than a patibilities, as a specialty, delicately We are willing to rush into the world, clous ones from all their restless* fretful and for which from 25 cents to $2.00 pec ounce, and, for gray All EUnda of Vines ns Bittehs?” Our answer is, that ^ , sure aud safe cure for Fever cross spells, caused by Hives, Nervousness, hair1 from 50 cents to $2 50 per onneo will bo paid. ■ thev remove the causo of disease, and tlio ;HS' 1 aad Acne. Such w e are now adjusted. ’Tis slavery to detain the without thanks offered or a blessing Aches, Paius, Ac. It. regulates the stomach Residedce in Mrs. Foster^ residence, corner of Main and ■patient recovers liis health. They are the - S S — vSgk*' enabled to offer; with it perfect hand after the heart hath fled.” Second street, opposite Wagon Factory. j y . certainty that it Will eradicate FULLY WAS,RANTED, sought ! From a day thus begun, what and bowels, opens the pores* equalizes circula ^ki^Opon lmll door and walk up stairs.; great blood purifier aud a life-giving prin­ ^ tho disease; and with- assitr- ought we to expect but thoughtlessness cion, gives tono, strength and vigor to the whole 9lm3 Sirs. 51. J. 3IcUWEN. ciple, a perfect Eenovator and lnvigorator ancc, founded on proof, that no liarrn can arise system, and induces to a more perfect constitu­ of the system. >Tever before in the history item its use in any quantity. ;gSg“ A wag remarked that he liked and guilt. tajpsf Thatwltich protects from or prevents Ibis dis­ Which thev will tion in after years. The great advantage of tins' Tho following named pieces are recommended as being of the, world has a medicine been com­ order must be o f immense service iu the ’com­ to be a middle man, except when it over all other remedies is, that it is not neces­ .among our latest and best issues: n“| pounded possessing the remarkable qual­ munities where it: prevails, prevention is better sary to know the exact name or nature of the than cure, for the patient escapes the risk which came to sleeping three in a bed. Then The Acts-of the; Apostle. ities of Y inegab B itters in healingthesick disease; before it can bo used. It con be applied ho must i'unin violent attacks of this baleful dis­ n he should pray to be excused. This is the name of the fifth book MUSIC of every disease manis heir to. They, are a temper. This “ Cv b e ” expels the miasmatic as any and all times. It is: always the right u Julia, ’tis of theo I sing...... •Sou. . Hays. 05c. gentle:Purgative as ■■■well as a Tonic, reliev­ poison of Fe v e r and A gue from tho system, in the Hew Testament. Acts is a remedy. Sold by all Druggists; and Dealers. Why don’t you come home,...... Hays, 40c. and prevents the development of tho disease, if 80c. ing Congestion or Inflammation of the word derived from the Latin, and All orders should be addressed to, 'Neath the Wares her 'Spirit wanders. u Stewart. taken on the first approach of Its premonitory g@ = A little hoy in Dohbsville, No bttlo one to meet me...... " Pratt. 30c. ■Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Dis­ symptoms. It is not only tho. best remedy ever means just the same as “ doings.** EPHRAIM WILSON, Give my Love to uL at Homo...... Stewart. SOC.: y'ct discovered for this class o f complaiuts, but fell head first out of an apple-tree, 52yl Buchanan. Mich Think, of me sometimes, Mttggte...... 11 Stewart. 50C-. eases. • also the cheapest. The large quantity wc sup­ when picked up he. was unconscious. The Acts o f the Apostles, then, is an Softly shone the.Stars of .Hearcn...... ; “ Pratt. 80c. I f men w ill enjoy good Jicnltli, let ply for a dollar brings it within tlio reach of ev’orybody;©and in bilious districts, where All Kinds or Wagon Work When he recovered, his mother who account of what they did for about rkOM THE n e a t them use V inegar Bitters as a medicine, Fe v e r and A g ue prevails, everybody should Bone in ike Best thirty years after the Saviour left SENT nnd.ayoid the use of alcoholic stimulants have it, and use it freely, both for cure and pro­ was bending over him, asked him if X S X T S O ? Dinna forget your Hither, Sandies....Song. Hays, 40c. .in.every form. . tection. It is hoped this price will place it within Manner, by there was anything he wanted, should them. This hook contains twenty- I long to see tho dear old Homo..*.,.... M Stewart. SOc. the reach of all— tho poor as well as the rich. Little Sweetheart, come: listen to mes, ‘f French. SOc. r^o.B.crsdn can take these Bitters A great superiority o f this remedy ever any she get him a drink, or bathe his head eight chapters—-just as many as My every Thought:, wos ot thee...... *> Hays. Soo. Vccbrding to directions, and remain long other ever discovered for the speedy and certain Yes, Thousands "Will Testify, Men are such Deceivers; Alto Song, b eureoflntermittentsia, that it contains no Qui­ — was there anything she could get Matthew; and those two are the long­ &om **• Danfcs. SOc. imwell, provided their bones are not de­ nine or mineral; consequently it produces no EXPEPJEN0ED W0BEMEN. est: books in the Hew Testament, It THAT THE Stay not long away. Soprano Songv stroyed by mineral jioison or other means, quinism or other inlnrious efi'ccts whatever upon him ? from uPauline.” .,..« ...... u Dauks. SOc.. IED9UB H I and vital organs-wasted beyond repair'. the constitution. Those cured by it aro left a s, “ Yes,” he exclaimed, raising him­ was written by Lube, the Greek phy­ To please theGLrl3. Baritona Song, healthy as i f they had never had the disease. Best and Cheapest Place from “ Pauline.” ...... '* Donks. SOc. Grateful Thousands proclaim V i n e ­ Fever and Ague is not alone tho conseououce self on his elbow, “ I want a pair of sician or doctor, who; was a companion My Heart, for thee.. Soprano Song, of tlio miasmatic poison. A great variety of dis­ , y :o BUY g a r B it t e r s the most wonderful Invigor- orders ariso front its irritation, among which 3 from **PmUineJ>...... “ Danks. SOc. pants with a pocket behind.” of Paul in many of hi missionary My Queen of Stare, awake. Tenor ant that ever sustained the sinking system. are Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Headache, journeys, Song, from ‘‘Paulino ...... ** Dunks.. 30c. Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Asth- ■ He got them. Teas, Coffees, Sugars, ^Bilious;.Kemittent, aud Inter- ma, Palpitation, Painful Affection o f the Spleen, BUGGIES In this hoot we do not find a history lnitteut EererSj which ai-e so prevalent Hysterics, Pain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, Tobacco, Cigars, POST-PAID, —TO I t i — and derangement o f the Stomach, all o f which,. Kansas gentleman has of every one of the Apostles, or what in'the valleys o f ovu* great rivers through- when originating in ibis cause, pul on the .in- ■ Jenny, tho FlowerofKIIdarQ,;...... Song. Stewart. 40c. out the United States, especially those of tormittent type, or become periodical. This —AND— thoughtfully put his front gate in the was done in every part of the church; Whisper Softly, Mother’s dying...... 11 Stowart. SOc. 11 Cu r e ’1 cxpcl3 the poison from the blood, and SALT, CROCKERY, QUEENSWARE, Insplrer and. Hearer ot Prayer;...... llymn. Danks. SOc. the Mississippi,’ Ohio, - Missouri, Illinois, consequently cure3 them all alike. It is an in­ parlor, so that his daughter and her hut only what Luke, himself, saw or Myliovo sloepa,undorthoDaiaies—Song. Pereley. 30c. . Tennessee, Gtunberland,' Arkansas* Bed, valuable protection to immigrants and persons learned from Paul., Luke probably GMSSWARS,. Ohl how dryedo,Aunt Susief...... u Stewart. 30c. Colorado, Brazos, B io Grande, Pearl, Ala­ travelling or temporarily residing in die mala­ young man can swing on it without Dat makes lao; noddiogs out...M...M. ** Maywood. 30c. rious districts. I f taken occasionally or dally GABBIAGES lived in Jerusalem until. Paul was Amlin fact everything: in, tho Grocery line* iaat, , ’Xeaththewhiteandpnrpleblossoms;" Pereley. 30c. va rmf ■*:: bama, Mobile, Savannah, Boanoke,-James, while exposed to the infection, that will be ex­ taking cold during the cold weather. Xor^iis dreaming of you...... “ Pratt. 30c. .and. many others, with their vast tiibu- creted from the system, and cannot accumulate This is a- humane suggestion to alL converted, and began ht3 travels as The sweetest Bud is misaiog...... “ Danks. 80c. ' taries, throughout our entire country dur­ in SufiicieDt quantity to ripen into disease. Ilcncc it is even more valuable for protection Manufactured to Order a3 fathers. A front gate in the parlor an. apostle. Hence, in the first; twelve MAMMOTH POSTER ing the Summer and Autumn, and remark­ thim euro; and few will ever suffer from Iutor- chapters, we read of what was done SMITH & SONS, ON RECEIPT ably,so during seasons of unusual heat and mittcnls if they avail themselves of-the protec­ Low as at any may save a good many dollars that WiHhecomehoincto*nIght,Mother? Sons- Danks. 30c. tion this remedy affords. by the apostles and the church in WHY? Becauao they are satisfied.with God bless our ...... u Stewart. ;40c. drjTiess, are invariably accompanied by ex- For JOlxcr C om pla in ts, arising from torpid­ would otherwise he paid out for sooth­ Jerusalem, and what persecutions Get up and shut the Door,-.-..,...... “ Hays. 35c. . tensivederangements of the stomach and ity of tlio Xiiver, it is an excellent remedy, stim­ ing syrups and cough balsam. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS. Does he ever think o f mo...... 11 Hays.. 35c. liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their ulating the Diver into healthy activity, and pro­ First Glass EstaMishiaent Come, Holy Spirit...... ;...... Hymn. Danks. 30c. ducing many truly remarkable enros, where they suffered there. In these chapters •treatment,’a purgative, exerting apowerful Giro ux a call, and we; will Mv dear old Mother...... Song, Stewart.; 30c, other mcdicinos fail. Peter is prominent. About twelve I have no Homo...... “ Hays, 40c. influence- upon these various organs, is figy-Now they want- to know if one Dost and cost away...... “ Ilaje. 35c. fGEPAilED r.v In the Country. years after the crucifixion Paul began G u a ra n te e S a t i s f a c t i o > j, Poor little Tim ...... -...... —— . 44 Abbey. 80c. essentially necessary. There is no cathar-. of the Siamese twins had been “con­ tic for tho purpose equal to D r. J. W aiiKer’s U r. .T. C. AVf^lI & CO., XjOWOII, u la ss.* his journeys among the Gentiles, and Both in quality of goods and prices. victed of murder in the first degree, V esegar B itters, as they will speedily re­ P ra ctica l a n d Analytical Chemists, ■SSJ-Goods delivered froo, within any roasonabledis- OP THE -July '29„ ISIS. 2-iyl ’ the Greek doctor seam3 to have a move the dark-colored viscid matter with a w d s o l d a l l b o d e d t h e w o r l d . what would have been done about it. tasco. Oysters and. Wine at 2 a. ar...... Soog. Stewart. 30c. great interest in his labors. H e uses ^n^Komember the place—17elch’a now building,Front Ovor the Billows afar;...... Pratt. 35c. whiclr the bowels are loaded, at the same , pltTCP:. $1.00 PJSlt BOPTX.JS. the pronoun toe in anumber of places, street, foot orMala. Sav lour, Thou art ever near...... “ Danks. 30c. time stimulating the secretions of the STMAKWS’ • * . flgy*“ Are you guilty or not guilty?” The Toast. Brindisi for male voices, 44 Tonel. “JOc.;- liver, and generally restoring the healthy showing that he was in the missionary S&IIVH&SO^S. Pearl of America. Caprice....Tnatramental. Kinkol. 50c. GIVE US A CALL asked a judge of a prisoner the other Circling Waves...... ,,...... “ -Kinkel. 40c. functions of the digestive organs. COCO-OLEINE, party. In the sixteenth chapter and BclLe ot Saratoga...... ’....-TTaltr. Fltzhogh. SSc. .Dyspepsia ov Indigestion, Head- day. “ An’ -sure now,” said Pat. Morning Zephyrs...... -^...... Mazurka. Kinkel.. 35c. T A ’IM A Q ’B, A perfeefehair dressing—nob a aye -n o r a re- tenth verse, he says, “ We endeavored Fazmio’a Quickstep...___ ...... QuicksiGp. Kinkel. 35c. acke;Pain-in the Shoulders, Goughs,Tight­ storative, bufc a dressiDg, elegant "T utid eco­ “ what are you put there .for but to to go into Macedonia and this word Emporium of Easliioa. ness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructa­ | SPURGEON, I nomical. ^ 1 1 find that out.” we, or its adjective, us, comes about; a MARKED PRICE. W « hfiTa on e ® f t b . b * * t * f tions-of, the: Stomach, Bad Taste in the STEARNS’ COCO-OLEINE Moutli, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the ^ T*. Do YTitt Tulmitge id editor ol The Christian at p i is cooling to tho scalp, imparts a delightful sense of Autumn Leaves. Reverio;..XnstrumentaU RlnkeJ. 50c vitality _ -ruifl softness to I tlie bnir. dozen times in the following verses. W. ThoKeapers...... “ Kinkel. 35c- Work; O. U. Sjmrgfon. Sjiecial conUir utor. Tlic-y.yg - 1 ' EPLY Heart, Inflanimation of the Lungs, Pain write lor no other paper in Atncncii, Tnrce mag- C*g“ The newest’ paper in ICen- WouUlrespcctfully Inform fhe citizens; Merry ...... Gallop. Kinkel.- 80c*. H In the twentieth chapter and sixth AIoUieDarling...... lostrumental. Kinkel. Wc- in, tlie region of the Kidneys, and a bun nificfeut t-lnomos I’ny larger commission than of Bnchanan and viclhlty1 that he Is. ■dred othor painful symptoms, are the off­ any other pajior. A fil< sS STEARNS’ COCO-OLEINE, V tuefej'is not an organ. Its motto is, verse, we read again,. “ And we sailed now ready to execute oft: Bhort; ftotlce Lo ZlDgarellar..,.,*..,...... '* Kinkel, 30c. No Seciarmnlbin. No Seclioouliimi; BS sweetly perfumed nnd limpid, renders the .hair sup- all ordors in hie Uno with neathesBj lift* Uappy Thonghtn...... i..Schoitischo. Kinkel*. 60c. springs of Dyspepsia. One bottle will | y One agent re.cutly obtained 2S0 suuscnplions in | § pleand g~* "*Ydressesitmaii.vi"». im'-( desired “ Devoted to the interests of the pro­ away from Phillippi.*’ In the' twen­ rability and dispatch, and. for prlceaift .Dance Cubaine...... Instrumental. Kinkel.? 40c. eiginy lioure absolute woik. Sample c pits und gp form. May-role...... -...... — ...... March.. Mnollcr. 3oc. prove a better guarantee of its merits than prietor.” ty-first chapter this we oocnra again conformity to tho times; From: Hs long bj| circulars sent treo. ^ exporlonce, and his studious regard to Good Humor...*-*...,...-.-..—...... *' Allard. 85c,. . a lengthy advertisement. STEARNS' COCO-OUEINE, great many times, showing that Luke taste and. fashion, ho. flatters Uimaeli Fleur. deaOUamp3...... ~...... ValsG. Tone! 50c. GORDON JOBBER8! ’ *-Scrofula, or King’s Evil, White i AGENTS WANTED. entirelyA’egctablc o» 1, prevents tbafc drynoss o f scalp ■ that be can smooth, thorough edges of published and sent,post-pai ™ k career fiftndntff to accu­ went, with Paul to; Jerusalem. In. the Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas*' 'Swelled JI. TV A DAM3. Publisher, 302 Clianibere Slrecti mulate. - 1 i B^=.“ If a’naughty girl should hurt i nature,andprovidoforalmostany faultsofform result- J, Xi. PETERS, 599 YirouUwny, NOTv-York. Jfow "York.- -JOmb 8 “ twenty-seventh chapter we find the (ngfrom her freaks. Neck,,Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, STEARNS* COCO-OLE!HE you, like a good girl you would for­ Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affec- contains in onolnrgo lrottle moro oil and mom per­ give her, wouldn’t you ?"’ “Ye same prououn not only once more fume n . ™ than any other — j hair ’ lions,' Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin. di'essing .L— market, nndf“ 1 besides is mam,” she replied, “ if I couldu hut all through the chapter, by which Sore Eyes; etc., etc. In these, as in all sold tweuty-fiveiierceni-.less thanmostothti'B. *5. Done on Bhortnotioo.and warrautod to fifelf thegormeuts And and b.tlar catch her. ’ we know that Luke was with Paul in are properly made up* CATARRH .other.constitutional Diseases, W a h k b iv s A yer’s G atiiartic Pills, STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE «* his voyage to Romo. ^VnrEGARjBiiTEns, have shown their great brightens blonde hair,darkens aub um hair, j’curative powers in the most obstinate and For tlio relief and rcnderslwstro’.’.s brown and black > hair, lest AMSHIOAN AND PARIS FASHIONS. sens tholiairtacss o f coarse hair. vt@Hn -many parts of the State, Everybody ought to study this *intra'cta,bleoases. ... euro o f all derange­ Regularly received, and at all times faithfully observed ments in tho stom­ STEARNS’ COCO-OLEINE old topers are now singing theso lines: history o f the first thirty years of the BOOT. G. MORRIS 1 ‘Eor/Iiiilaiuinatovy aud Chronic ach, liver, and bow­ JS MADJt OSlfE RY Christian Church. It tells how worn d^Sh op on; Main Street, one. door north of Brown'a OULD-inform, the citizens.of Berrien County,, that t .■ -.-vV u -t els. They arc a'mild Rouse thee J 0 despendent brother, Furnitare Store. Buchanan, Mich. 23tl W ho is now treating 4Rheuhia’tismy Gout, Bilious, Bemittent aporient, and air ERSB5 HKK STSAES&v CHEMIST, derfully the Gospel spread from that I! Vend’Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the oxcelleiitpurgntive. i>KT.«t>3T.. ^trorr. - * Cheer with hope these days ot pain ; Being purely vcgc- CTARRH IN T H E H E A D S^»l “Tcrv'vlioro. Kc* surwundget 11>q G en u in e "SVhen this whisky war is^ over,.. upper room in Jerusalem; until, in t|a Blood,;Liver, Kidneys, and* Bladder, these ' table, they contain WUU good success. He would refyr to the following ..Bitters liave: no equal. Such Diseases lure 1 no mercury orminc- <*» - o J e. Let no on o palm oft on you a bottle POWER-PRESS! of some rhrnp anti vyrUihsit imilutiou oi* O oco- We’ll* 0 we’ll get drunk again. . the lifetime of the apostles, it hac persons os reference: V m . Uurdlng, KllasKaton, Mrs. ’caused.by Vitiated Blood: rnl whatever. Much M IT S I G I serious sickness arid, vin e. jV,orc:»reinoi*c.lha» twenty counterfeits Maria Cox, Mrs. AduliaHahn, Jacob Luther, Buchanan; ol U jsfiW ^fA(A, put lj-p as near like the genuine as the gone all oyer the Roman empire James IT. IUaillng, Niles.: ^'•Mechanical Diseases.—Persons en- suffering is proven t- inakersdure:sind.Cv;mIc theluw., and that empire embraced nearly the Noiri Ffesii and: SparliliDg-! Mr; Morris is also Agent for X>r, CiitiSQ’ s S e c o n d iiiePaints aud Minerals; such as . cd by their timely editor of the Danbury R eceipt Book, ami for A .S , Maun’s Polish* use; and every family should have them on hand whole of the then known world. I n g m i d . F lu t in ir I r o n . 22tf ,^Jtm^iersIi,.T^pe-setters, Gold-beaters, and for their protection and relief, when required. Hews asks: “ Can the watermelon ,]SIineirsiias..liiey,.advance in - life, are sub- Long, cxpcrienco has proved them to .be; the' saf­ est, surest,; and best o f all th o B /lfs with.which be successfully cultivated on Bandy Baccon Christians. THE* CLUSTER, the market abounds. B y their occasional - use, tho blood is-jnu'ificd, the;corruptions of the.sys- soil, in a rural town of 4,000 inhabi­ A now Music Book for tho use of trsim h ib rt' lujfe S I look out in the hay to-night and TO THE PUBLIC. I v E t e o a b B e tt er s occasionally. tom expelled, obstructions removed, and the tants, and a theological institute lo­ f 1 1 whole machinery o f life restored to its healthy there stands the beacon just where Conventions, fe.lFOE.Skiu;'DJseases} Eruptions. Tettei, activity. Internal organs which bccoaie clogged cated near by, containing 120 students and as it was, long ago as I can re­ Singing Classes, jS^t^_Blieum,- Blotches, 'Spots, Pimples, and sluggish are deaused b y fltUTUI.-ii tO • Mie’of freshness and^neaUiu AND.1J2B. ,‘Scal‘d*Eead! Sore Eyes, 'Erysipelas, Itch, when rockonod on the vast‘multltufles';who enjoy l of lh©: Sldix, PimpleSy 4 around it, violently tho winds bea * -Home Circle. 1 ScuHsfDis'colorationsof the Skin*, Humors 'it , can liai'dly boicomputed.., Theirsugar coating 5* u m iil<*s. isfoioh o s and E r n p tio n s are makes them pleasant to'take, and prescf.vcs their reinta iHt. tM'iioUiln, Scrofnlous Disease# .n Indianapolis beggar goes upon it, “ but it fell not, for it. w «JT * mncfiDisease’so£ the Skin of whatever nam e virtues unimpaired for- any length of. time, so oX r:hv Uuno SiTeSIiiifj, Dicer*** about selling his wile’s wedding-ring p r mature,, ar literally .dug up and caaTieci -that they aro ever fresh, and perfectly reliable,: *uis:ps iiny.lnn.fl of^H uinor rapidly . founded upon a rock.” Y e s , there it OULD respectfully call tho attention: of the citizens THE CLUSTER, .pul_pI^tlje^8ysfSn*in a short time by the Although searching, they' mb,mild, and operate" 'duMmiU* and «i^s»ppoartiinder Its- influence. to buy bread‘ for his children.-. . He has stood, Summer and Wnter, ^in BY W of Buchanan and surrounding country that he ll s-.,. y ;• .in Without disturhanceto the constitution, or diet, or In OkM it vv-,11 on. y o u ’jftb're* good, and’*cur® 8tillin tlio um oftthel’e^BitterS occupation. , - . . ■ynu- more $}»«*<•♦ tily than*anyj andi all other has already sold seventy-five of it. 8. TVE3LEY MARTIN, Full directions are -given on tho wrapper to pr*'X!5»r:iiion.s p.miroltied; Wha; It It? "I t lsna> deathlike calm and driven storm, anc J. M. STILLMAN, . each box, how to use them as-a Family -Physic, lure’s own ivf'tomtf - rt-soluble oxyd of Iron . ■■■■ .• ■ I done all, it stands. AND Enrnituro Business,; . 111 iEMlIl'.CSIlTT'KClID and for tliS following eonipilaints, which these combined wiUi:*Uie medlcins.1 propertiea of T; MARTIN TOWNE. And selling chcapor than aver. No uso ot. going to Niles rapidly cure:— ' : .iioke.-Uooi-.*Vi:viei».t»>cl oi -all disugreeable qnali- JEs£?“ A sophomore says he Gannot Thank God, there are beacon leffectpallv ,destroyed-iand -removed; - No Ues It \vilI oii>e any C h r o n ic or L o n ga ?$ Prfce, $13.5Q per Doz.; Single Copies sent,post-paid, $1,50. to get your Farmturo. Wo defy compotitlon, as wo have j-system-jOfjmedipine/.-no . vermifuges, no For ODysiiepsiss. or X u d ig c s tio n , l i s t l e s s - •understand how- any one possessing Christians in every church He has AnnazSS, J. Di.PETERS, 099 BR0AD17AY, N .T , steam power. Wo inako our own Furniture, *and can ness.X'aiiguoivand'XiOss-of Aiinotf te, they Jwliosot real vorJ diroct, • warrant all of our work; Wo manufacturofor tho whole­ ■antfielmmitics;.'will' ffee,’tlie svstem from should he taken moderately to stimulate llic stoin- cause i>- bmi .hltMMi,. Y lh euR iatisni^ P a l m what is generally known*asra,con­ planted; they are pillars in hia house; sale and retail trade. Como and get your Bureaus at ^worfis’IiKrihese'Bittersf a neff, ah'dtestotedts’ihealthyltenea'hdaction, : i.imUs oi ShMicK?€onstitntioiif)>bro* ■ -'4? wholesale prices. All kinds of Scroll Sawing neatly done For Xivev'C binsjlaiut amUts various symp- science^ can counterfeit a. fiye-cent l;-' j not only, always at their posts, hut toms, Jljlfous Ucadaelie, Sick Heail- ,’ I*OE, SCH OOLS. to ordor.. Pictures framed,, and Upliolstoring and all piece, and put on the back of it, “ In ready to be post3, supporters of every kinds of Repairing done on short notice Oalland be Is the^be»t'!lociil-»ew»p»pealm,T8e«tJiwei4«rB^ aclic, dTanntlico or dreeii Sickne»§, Illl- - trlul .mil prove ft./ ASK FOR DE. convinced of tho facts,, and spend-.your money at home. 'Michigan.' ;Th4re^i|rnp; >S*Uar^aiMipDivtoan’£ io n s C o lic and l l i l i o u * F e v e r s , they.should - good word: and. work. The heart of >W®uanhogd..orth^turniof life, these Tomo bo judiciously taken for each case, to cortect tlio , <*i^ ‘H i’DftiPOlI2SI> ftYKUP OF God we trust.” _ 30iC J. BR O W N , Buchanan, Mich, ,the.RiicoiD, t>ynwMck'tboH ll^ng aCa ^iMahcar "Bil^^t(hsplay7/sp7^ecided an influence . , diseased acHon. or remove the bbsttucHolis ivhicii. FOUE U O O L ,j ”■ ■ f a ir y V o ic e s , causo it. ‘ • . . - . I the pastor doth safely trust in them cah'knowtlM 3W^M{ur|ridTantagesJof' Ber-’' ‘tM f; impi-bvemenlr is’ soon perceptible. For B y s e n t e r y or Ifia r r lr o c a * but one . ?:U his arm securely leans upon: them: A NEW SINGING-CLASS BOOK. , 13@=In Massachusetts, when, the '.h COMPILED A3D ABRASGITD * ’ Only -I|l3 p*>'rembval. For this purpose use m erit1 DiarV a n y bimJlar ;are not carried about with every wind WAGNERIJlClliCEJRYd complaints disappear. evsnreparniinu everoflered to promptly dismissed., *. !'V inegar B itters* 7 - * For-Dropsy and U ropsical Swollings, . life, public. It 1h rlcb in of* doctrine; they are never too ‘hot* th esoin Tc e c h o . they should be taken in largo and frequent doses ; 51 lie teisliclnal ;qjipUHCSof - i ?* ,ri< t.KijXt Ki3.tr .'rt-jrhvst^vfi fj- Gleiuise-the tVitiated-Blood when- ' to produce the effect o f a drastic purge/ . t The Popular Singing-School ftook.' i ,>Ttt.r,- anil* uneqrintetl for or t o ‘cold’ to work in, ., the; Lord’s ■■iTeBierciM uiM ieveri-ybul find-uite :'impurities, bursting •> , F or- S u p p r e a s io n , a large close should bo ■ ■ toisOASea o f tile-tr . “ Think of it, Mr. Bobbs, tho B Y H . S . PERKINS. *rr' •jthrough^he skinjinf Pimples, .Eruptions, taken, as it produces Hie deswed effect' by sym­ tnperfofuiiTi^.tii.' ” vine-yard. Price, $7,fi0 perDoz; Single Copies, sent, post-paid, for 75c.. 0? pathy. . t ^-3j.v ^ —nSr'mhRiprcmarknblecui'es--£ , United States drinks'- $90,000,000 ’ or1 Sores;f cleanse ifc''when you find it ob- A s a Pinner Pill, take; one ov t wo P ills to a r-b}5 .^nivSSJweBecliiiiily.eUresall Onagbr 24m6i • Address, J.X.,PETERS,599 BROADWAY.NIY. worth of spirits every year !” . (Bobbs Thqy may not he very brilliant BtCTCtc'd.Md^sluggish.in the veins;, cleanse promote digestion and relieve tlie stomach, j . A, - - 1 ' ’h ^ ? ^ * 'Bw^i',a«;im'd»'-Itlj:ishim-iJ te A n occasfonal dos-u stimulates tho stomach and’ , . - e:l>es of_AM!nnn . excitedly) “How I wish I',was the light-houses, but it is glory enough ‘‘■if%hen^itrisJ’fdul:;iyour feelings will tell bowels,,re3toros tho appetite,and mvigoratestlio arvtteDi'bnebJff.'s Uiatill,, - for any mortal to be one of the Lord’s Metalic and Casket Coffins,1 ryoU'Wheh.fK Keep the blood.-pure* and the system'.-, Hence.it is often advantageous where -has ; Wvu » pii>iio'ini'vtt}« United. States.” - Beady-made,constantly on hand,or made to; rderoi no serious derangement oxists." One who feels .'tspat’.nspeol I) ) o _ fm“ . ilir'Soteora-:, health of the .system will follow. pillii'iIs.: PnS'ainsfn (hr, beacons’. ’ TKo'object of the beacon is ’ Bhortnotfoo. tolorably well; often finds- that a. dose. ,of, these McDonald & cq., P ills makes: him feel deoidedly better,'-from their Il't-iivl, W i'.S o f liiirUi *Yo show^the-passing, ships- where the J. H. ROE. ■ .:61bKnttnglSuffien6Viitihg: effect oh■ thdidigostiye^ ’8®“ A California - paper;. .Raving Driaigl»t«'Mid:GeiiOTiil‘Agehu, San Erandbrn^-CslUair- rock is ;a n d so you, will, ever hear H E A - R S J'.inI^jand^pK'WaslupBton'ah.aipliarltpu;Sfs:vpIew Xiprlc, nppatatus, - -K, obtained-a -new subscriber, records D ^ is is ts ’riiid.JDoaloriS. ■ ■ j ’ -J >.‘ 7? these, beacon* Christians saying— by ' Farniahodbo a ll ordering, and atrlota ttontionpaJdU /.•QLOOKS, digging sndlooatlngwliercdoBlred. ;■ " ; j) r . iT; <7. A X E S «£ CO., Practical Chemists, the startling :fact in, a,half-col_umn ar- their lives— to all who despise the B J.J.* HAHK‘ , rr fa uJr«.« snperlur. f#>nis\ . . , jicle, headedJ “ Still- .another;!,: "our Watches, Jewelry, : ■ - •■. '.,:,|V -. j LOWELL, MASS., V, S, A, , ... i ■ *iii tf*. Appetl’^, sure foundation-stone.'Godihas laid;jfor NEW SHOP ^ glri-nartlivn. (Itf* (jystem, i, «. course'indorsedi-by the-people;” • FOR SALE BY "AIL DRGGGISTS' EVERYWHERE. - IlMtorcrtbWi'i'nlraniilsft'ibiniatwi, Zion,.- “ Their-rock, is-not as our ro'clc, •; TWO DOOBB'WX&rOYTBE TREMOUT H O USE: ^ fli>,l*ooi} m D*. i-a. SCHOOLBOOKS, - 'i - i , us: i . ’ 3-.*v - !*• i ' , - , lull 11111 ir;• ■...■ J■ I -' our eneniie3 'themselves/herngjhages.” FINE SHIftTS.: , '•.its- fltationeryj Music; PeriodicalB,, , «;rr,v-:U?-.'«iiliirlquk Wx >. 1 :V8S^'The’lady-’whb) obtained $25,- Christian brother, ^bqsthousteadfast, A K A H P . P.ICUARDSON inanufrctnreS.' to ord*r a ' IsllteS S iiS iK ii.c?:. .■ 1 r.urNr*r«iiii: ’ ibiily and Weekly Papers, &c.* &c. S now atyls of Gontlomon's Vino Shirts. Orden folicit- Xt HRRKBY rOAUiTON any^^DrsonSiJurcb’asiD’g aVnote- ...... r . y -— 00()jfdrA'-bfeach''d^promise sayg Bho immovable. Watchman aitcl Re­ ed* anil work and prlcM narantaed si AKD QUICKLY DONE. A hearing my slaaature, made payable to Gideon Rouie;- o o r a h o j o b p b u t i i i s i w m i i . r is ready for another at the same price; flector. ■ A»h»r»of