I.. Berrien Oovuity -Record. Business. Directory. : T / , BUCHANAN, MICH
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s Berrien Goumy Eeeord- Berrien Oovuity -Record. TEHMS. OF ADVERTISING- A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER. (Ton Ujics or less, mato a s^naro.) SPAOS. Uv.|S wB3 W-S («|3 m.8 8 m.Jl j». I Square-.... ooyi m.Si rs;$a oo;ffo®a o#io to PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, C o u n t y 2 Squares.,..,....1 1 7®J 2 eoj 8 003 3 toj 8 00;i0 OOj M 00 AT H Square©,.*.. 2 23f 3 25J 8 753 4 25! 7 00.12 OOJ 20 00 4 Squares..;.,..'-a 2 <63 3 75J 4 25jj i. 60J 8 00.15 OOJ 28 00 BUOHANAK, BERRIEN CO., MICH.) : t / , 5 SflUftTwr....,,. j 8 503 4 001 4 DO! .6 00,10 0017 OOJ 25 00 ■3»Tf 34 Ootumii,...... 4 00 5 501 7 OOJ 8 00:14 00 25 00’ "5 GO % Column... ,..£ 5 00J S 0010 00 12 U02U 00 30 Oo. <W WAGNER & KINGSRY, ■f .■/■ 3fBnMst . * 14 Column...JS~6~OOUoAo;i2 00l5 00£5 0085 00' M'&i O. A ► iV ilQ?TllK, lp.i i .ATu ' Eternal. is the Price • of‘!.;iiibsrly!'' l i 2. 0'e>eVYeiiv la Advnncc W, 1».. KtSGERY,lE -Wors* 1 Colnasn... ..no 00.14 00 17 00J20 oof25 oo;oo 001115 00 Boslneds Cards of firo lines or less, $5 perairoam. T E R M S r J^UMBEft r^galttiircrtifiamonts at Etaiuto rates. VOLUME lYaasicniadvertising payablo in adranco* [in Altar, $2.50. BUCHANAN, MICH., THURSDAY, APRIL ; ,305- 1874, Hi Tearly advertising payable on demand* Matter in local columns, fifteen cents per Hne for first «9-T8SSX TSKlta STRICM.T ADHISIK TO.*©* insertion, and ton cents per line tor each subsequent in . ; J)r. Llringstone. • - ] sertion; but no local taken for Ipsa than $1.00* many of the people of our village were The Bridal: Tour. MisoeHaiLeonsT'f Obituary Notices—more than tho annonncement—Trii) «s#-Xop»t>erU dUcpDtinoad,. except j.t tUooplSoaot MOBTGAGE SALE. Bbetry. Tlie X.nst Days' or flie Aftlcaa E xplow ^ be cixarged for at therato of Jive cents for each line of 4o julfiAer.imttlaU.rreHragoaarepaiiJ.*©* . E FAULT baving been; mftdoin; tho payment ot the in the habit of going. This I avoided. poetry, nn&Jive cents for each eight words of prose D sum of two hundred and slxty*six dollars and ^Ixt j » Young Spriggles ■ and -his Aram-ah- TUE COB-HOUSE. The" following account is given of Advertisements not accompanied^wlth directions ©b eis cents, and luferesfoa sixteen, hundred dollars,, from THE TfHISICY KOOTIC, Another, chosen at hazard seemed'to tha Jane had just - been married and time, will bo inserted until forbidden, and charged fer ■JTSICE—ilnVJtecord Brick Building *• aorta aide Ot tho twenti>sl»th day of Augnst;A.B. 3S72, at; eight per be better. Thither 1 walked, determ EY KATE rCIXA.M OSOOOU. Dr. Livingstone’s .fatal ’ illness and accordingly. Fr3ntdire»t.four doors oust of Main. cent, per annum, which amount uo^ claimed to be due Is I will told you how it happened. were going ' upon : their bridal tour. Doable column advertisements, 25 per cent, above reg icur hundred 'And ten and forty-eight one hundredths ined to leave no trace of my destina death. He had- been ill of chronij; ular column rates, dollars, ($il0 4SL and which ainonntlis now clain^d to bo By me, Carl Zimmerman. They didn’t know whether upon their Wiilv amt Charlev, eight and ten, - dysentery for several months. He Special Notices, 50 percent abora forejeroinerates. JUttvrs of, Nowsq>»j>er>,. due and unpaid at Hie dtito- ojP this noilco.- bn (t certain I tos had a lcedlc bier shop, tion to those who knew me—no clue Ay-ere under the porch in the noonday heat, Yearly adrertisera aliowed four changes without extra Mortgage beartngirHie tho- twenrr-sixth day-.of-idugmit, return they would board with the “ old charge* 1. SubacrlOoraArho do not give express iiuttco to ilia Yey oar. in Madison, to my identity to those who should I. could see and hear the little men, was \t ell supplied- 'with stores and eontritrv are considered is wishing to coutlnua the suh* A. TX lti72, executed by John, Q, Butcher and Truman 0 . Doe ros in Indianta, folks” or take rooms in a private ho Unseen, myself, in the window eeat. Single copies of the Krcobd, ready for mailing, five dcrlptlo'n. Smith, of the Township of Chickaming; County of Ber medicines,'.but‘he bad a.presentiment cents* rien ivnd State of Michigan, to ltlcliaid M. Goodwin; of | B:n hundred mile auf here, find me dead. 2, I I subscribers wish their papers dlscoattnned.pnb- tel. hBein'g- only‘a clerk, ’Spriggles'; , " f. r • that theVattack would prove fatal. A t All kinds of Job Printing executed In the latest styles Uhees may oontinueto. send them until all arrearages said County and State, and recorded in tho offico of the t Yere Docker Dto Orlcavus of the art, end at reasonable prices. Hegiater of Hoods lh; the County of Berrien and State of ^ X had no mark on my clothing, no means were limited, and he could not Will on a cob-house ATas.hard at work; »ru paid. Got his flrst attaelj of bier, YTith a zeal that TYas-funny enough .to me. firstjfie.waa 'able to ride on a donkey, S. I t subscribers riveT® to otherplaces without inform Michigan, on the tgnth day at September, A. D.lS7£,uc. f card, paper, or letter with me : I had expect much at first, in the way of a l the publialior, and the paper Is seat to the former one and a half o’clock P.M ., In Liber bio. C of Mortgagor, ■ At eight one has hardly' learned to shirk : but.-soon had. to'Be carried; Arriving A Tennessee Romance. direction, -they are hold: responsible h'Qiice should on puge 474, which; Mortgage was given to secure the Ya, wshl! It vas won morning, torn the hatter’s mark from my beav firing. That comes later— as you will see ! payment;of sixteenhundred dollars, and no proceedings; at .Muilala^beyond Lake Bembe, he always bo given of tha removal. Yust I Opened me mein door, He was young, he was fair, and he 4. I f subscribers neglect or refuse to take their papers at law or otherwise having been instituted to foreclose t s er. As I ascended the hotel steps I “ Of course,” he said to Dodge, a said Mortgage or collected moneys or any part thereof.: Der O—veil, dhirty’ ladies, For Charley, by virtue of riper age, s a i d ‘.‘B.uild, me.‘a' ‘hut .to die in.” from the cofflce or place to which they are sent, they are <?ome shtand around dot vloor. felt, so to speak, like one going to his parted his hair, like the average beau, held, respnsibte until they settle bills and give notice to Now, therefore,,notice Is hereby given, that In pursuance wealthy member, of >the ifirm'; who had Did nothing but stand and,criticise. On’ £he'.l8fof^Mayhe"wasiconfined to of a power of sale contained in fluid Mortgage and of the Dey looked around, ein Augonblick, own funeral. in the middle; he wa3 proud, he was 5* XUttCourtsU&VodoclftadttmtftiftislDgtotAkea paper statute !n such case made and provided, the premises den* Und snheak dem not a vord ; kindly ;granted,-’ him ,a three weeks’ His'Sand's "in his pockets,.stage' by stage, h i s‘b ed, ‘.aft er war 3 s ‘ suffered' greatly; cribed in. and hovered by said Mortgage,, to-wit:, All Ho watched the'tottering castle rise. bold, hut the truth must be told, he (tout thpttffice%or I t uncaUedfor, Den every one pegin to sing A grinning waiter bowed before me: leave' of absence,' ftwe must be in t*prirrm/ari«svld6nceotinteaUoiiftlttauiU that certain piece or parcel, of land-lying and; being in gronning'night'and day.'‘ .The .third Any person who cecfciv©* a newspaper anil makes theCouuty ofSenieu and t^tute of Michigan, to-wit: The vorsr. I over heard, • A pert clerk lifted up bis head'and played like a fiend on the fiddle. Commencing at the south-west corner of thoxyesthalf of style, you-know, sir. --X: suppose you WAnd. now after all your fuss;” says he, . day he said he was cold, and request? sua ot tt,wh©tttwli©lias©rd9reaUor ttptwiVtbe hffidln. the north-east qu&rier of section twenty-eight (23) in stared, I was an ordinary traveler to Barring his voice, he was everything to btt a subscriber. Dey vos sing all sooch songs like dot:— took-a rusher whort you wcre 'married. “S’posin’ it tumbles down again ?” ;' ed thaftmore grass'." be -put over the T If aobscrlbera pa£ i& lUvoncCj they at* bound to gir* township seven (7) south: Of range twenty fiO) west j • T vish I yas a fly,” them, that was evident. ,l0h,” WiIl answers,-as cool as could bp, nice, and his heart was so loving and ncttc^tosiii© publisher* atth©enjl of tttelr time, if they thence north twenty*nioo (29) chmiur with the west lioo ■I mean yoin took'ame'xEensive one and hut.. fiKj&mboJ.’the; jehief of Bistf, of said xv^thalf o f north west quarter^ o f section twoni* Und “Its pette.r I vos an angel.” “ Of course I should build it -better then.” tender that he always turned pale doisot wish.tacoatiuuAtaklag it ; otberwiae tUopubliatt* ty-eighc (2Syro ;tha: center^oCuighway;.