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INDEX Page references followed by f denote fi gures. Page references followed by t denote tables. Aanes ’ method of repair of third-degree Analgesia Antiseptic agents, 94 perineal laceration, 169–174, infi ltration, 7–8 Arthrotomy, fetlock joint, 134–136, 171f–173f intravenous local, 14–16, 15f 135f Abdominal exploration regional, 7–16 Asepsis, principles of, 4 in cattle, 212–215, 213f–214f epidural analgesia, 10–11, 11f–12f, Aseptic surgery, 6 in horses, 196–202, 197f–200f 13t–14t Atropine, 19 Abomasopexy eye, 14 Autoclaving, 38 left-fl ank, 222, 225, 226f–227f horn, 14 Azaperone paramedian, 221–222, 228, inverted L block, 8, 8f for cesarean section in swine, 292 229f–230f limb, 14–16, 15f for tranquilization and sedation in right-fl ank, 222, 225, 228 paravertebral block, 9–10, 9f swine, 16, 18t Abomasum Anastomosis, 231–232 left-side displacement (LDA), Anesthesia. See also Regional analgesia; Babcock intestinal forceps, 43f 221–222, 224, 226f, 228, 230 specifi c surgical techniques Backhaus towel clamps, 42f right-side displacement (RDA), general, 16–23 Balfour retractor, 38, 48f 221–222, 224–225, 230–231 induction, 19–21, 19t–21t Balling behavior of boars, 316 right torsion (RTA), 221–222, 224, maintaining, 21–23, 22t Balling gun, 58f 228, 230 overview, 16, 18 Bandages, stent, 88, 88f Acepromazine (acetylpromazine) preanesthetic evaluation, 18 Bandage scissors, 36, 40f maleate, for tranquilization and premedication, 18–19 Bandaging skin grafts, 109 sedation local and regional, 7–16, 8f–9f, Barnes dehorner, 280 in horses, 16, 17t 11f–12f,
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